View Full Version : A Second Chance, The Woman In White

2018-04-26, 07:51 AM
This is half the party form the A Second Chance (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?542871-A-Second-Chance-3-5) adventure.

The Sun is still far up in the sky when Mlotek, Rancul and Zoran decide to look for the mysterious woman in white.
The journey you had so far was slow, and you can walk without the need of a break, so it doesn't take too long to reach your destination.
Huge pillars of smoke show you the direction and the appoximate distance during your whole jurney.
Just before sunset you can see Sürda from the top of a tiny hill. The whole area is full of smoke, and you are glad that you don't have lungs. The sky is almost black. What little you can see of the city is still burning, or already burnt down. The place seems deserted.

2018-04-26, 12:51 PM
Mlotek kicks some scree from the ravaged city and lets out a heavy sigh. "I suppose we should start looking for clues. I'm no tracker, but if she's with the invading force, then I imagine all we have to do is follow the army's trail."

He looks at the devastation with, admittedly, some admiration. "That shouldn't be too hard to do. They seem to have been victorious and would have no reason to hide their movements. There's a small chance that some of them may still be within the city walls."

2018-04-26, 05:16 PM
Rancul looks at the remains of the city, wondering whether he should feel saddened or jubilant at the destruction. What would he have felt in life? Was he a member of either side, winners or losers? Or was he an outsider as indifferent to the carnage as he is now?

He nods at Mlotek's words. "It's true. They came not for conquest but to plunder. To burn down the city and tear it asunder. Now, their goal fulfilled, they may be full of pride. Their foes lie dead and they've no need to hide."
Mindful of an ambush he adds: "Still, they seemed to me a disciplined lot. And more than soldiers, an army has got. Scouts, rangers and others may guard their rear. Premature detection by them we should fear."

He then points at the ruined town. "And if any in the city do remain...the dregs they are, a source of shame."

2018-04-27, 06:36 AM
"If they've abandoned the city, which way did they go? They came from the forest in the north right? Obviously they didn't go this way. Back into the forest or west?"

"Looked like their main army were feral, not much discipline on their own. Any scouting parties would have to have someone able to keep them in check. That's who we need to talk to if we can't find the woman you saw. Not everything burns easily on its own. If they have truly abandoned the area, then the city is ours to collect what hasn't burned. Let's start with where you saw the woman. Lead on."

2018-04-27, 10:18 AM
Mlotek tries to remember the scene of the woman in white who hid in the shadows.

"This way," he states flatly as he points in the direction of the shadows in which he saw her.

Halberd in hand like a walking stick, he marches toward the shadows.

2018-04-27, 01:29 PM
The place where you saw the woman last is easy to find because of the marks the cart left when it was stuck in the mud.

2018-05-02, 06:49 AM
Do we see anything relevant that could help us find the woman in white? I'm assuming that I'm taking 20 on spot and search. Or I choose to aid another with anyone who is better at those skill sets than I am, granting then a +2 bonus to each skill check.

Basically, I don't have anything more to add until we either find more information, or our characters are convinced there is no more information to find.

2018-05-02, 07:44 PM
Zoran wanders around the area looking for ideas. She was spying on us? He looks behind the trees in the area, helping the others look.

2018-05-03, 10:28 AM
It is very dark, but that is not much of a problem for you.
After a moment of searching you find footprints where the lady in white was standing, but no footpronts leading away.
It almost looks like she just disapeared.

2018-05-03, 12:08 PM
Mlotek growls in frustration. "This is getting us nowhere. Let's comb the city for survivors. Perhaps they can provide information."

With that, he stomps off towards the city, gripping the handle of his mighty halberd firmly to swing it around at the first sign of trouble.

Ready Action: Trip attack the first living human he sees. [roll0]

2018-05-03, 08:32 PM
"Agreed. If they have moved on, then the city is ours. Watch for signs of which way their army left. " Zoran follows Mlotek toward the gate, watching for signs of movement ahead, in the city, and atop the walls.

2018-05-04, 08:22 AM
"An army, I feel, should be easy to track. In its wake do many corpses tend to stack. Death and destruction is soldiers' calling card. By mere association, the woman is marred."
Though also wary for danger, Rancul turns to Zoran and Mlotek. "Information we need and my helping bony hand I will lend. But pray tell, when white we meet, what course of action do you intend?"

2018-05-04, 11:23 AM
Mlotek hadn't thought of that. All he wanta is answers about how and why he is in this state, but who says the woman in white even knows. And even if she does, what if that knowledge changes nothing?

He doesn't stop his determined march through the rubble, but he pauses momentarily to consider the poet.

"A fine question to ponder while we continue our search," is all he can offer before turning back to his search.

(Still taking 20 spot and search)

2018-05-04, 08:32 PM
Zoran continues to follow Mlotek toward the city gates.

"She didn't rat us out. She has something to say. Perhaps we would have been recruited? Nero thinks goodwill will counter what we have become. Reality is we are undead and most of the still-living will kill us on sight. We need to look out for ourselves. Embrace what we are to thrive. Do what is needed to avoid destruction. Excel and old age is no threat to us."

"Even if we don't meet up with the army, their trail of corpses can help keep us going. I can heal our skeletal bodies, but only so much per day. Using the book I have and the bones from another skeleton we can further repair ourselves."

2018-05-05, 02:14 AM
You enter the burnt corpse of the city.
You remember it being a chaotic place before, now it is calm. Calm and dead. Burnt wooden beams stick out from the still glowing rubble like the sekelton of a gigantic dead animal. Stones are molten to bizzare figures, and things have been fused together, so that it's hard to tell what they used to be. Here and there are fires that still burn.
The whole place is full of smoke, it's hard to see far.
After a while you come to the temple you saw before. It's copper roof has molten and run dowm the walls. The door is missing and flames have blackened the windows. But the rest looks intact. So far you didn't come across anything alive but from inside the temple you can hear something.

2018-05-06, 05:35 AM
Mlotek stiffens at the sound and raises a shushing hand.

Crouching, as if ready to spring in either direction, he listens quietly for any telling detail.

Listen: [roll0]

2018-05-07, 12:05 PM
Zoran stopped as Mlotek stopped. He had been thinking more about what could burn the city like that so thoroughly but once he stopped he noticed sound that Mlotek pointed out.

2018-05-08, 02:13 AM
It is a crashing and clanking sound. It is hard to tell what excactly it may be, because the dome shaped architecture of the temple warps the sound.

2018-05-08, 10:25 AM
Mlotek inches into the dome, letting the excitement alight him. He wrings his bony hands around the handle of his halberd.

Still readying the attack.... And now moving silently. I can't access my character sheet right now, so I don't remember my bonus to that.

2018-05-08, 03:21 PM
Move Silently: [roll0]
You move swiftly into the temple. Inside you can see a lone figure in white robes searching through the rubble. It is clearly one of the aggressors but not the Lady in White. It seems to be a male, with his high crested helmet underneath his arm.

Originally i thaught you wanted to make a spot check too, but you really don't need it, so I deleted it.

2018-05-08, 03:30 PM
Rancul stays behind Mlotek, using what skills he has to stay silent and trying to hear or see what is out there. He seems to remember not being very attentive to his surroundings in life. He searches his nigh-ungraspable memories for similar sounds he might have heard in life.

Move silently: 1d#20+2
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Bardic knowledge: [roll2]

2018-05-08, 03:32 PM
Move silently: [roll0]
Oops. Well, the bardic knowledge check may apply to the man in white. Rancul hadn't seen the woman, so this is the first ime he sees those white robes right? Any bells ringing?

2018-05-09, 08:41 AM
Zoran steps forward. His cloak still hides what he is. He calls out confidently to the figure digging through the debris.

"Hold up. We're here to talk."

2018-05-09, 12:11 PM
Split seconds before Mlotek could charge the person digging through the rubble, he staggers to a halt, and looks back at Zoran. If he had the face to make an expression, one would see a a face filled with shock, incredulity, aggravation, and confusion. But since he has no flesh, He only offers Zoran a blank, eyeless stare before looking back to the soldier sifting through the rubble.

The element of surprise lost, Mlotek simply waits to see what unfolds next, but keeping his halberd at the ready to trip, should the lone figure decide to charge at them.

Still holding the trip attack.

2018-05-11, 06:22 AM
The man suddenly halts tossing things around and looks first at Zoran, then at the others. Finally he looks at his spear that leans against the wall, but it is clealry out if reach.
"What do you want" he says, with a very melodic accent. While he speals you can see that he has fangs. Not vampire like fangs, but those of a wild animal.

your knowledge doesn't help you much, you don't know anything about this man or his kind. What you do realize, is that he must be very low in the hierarchy of the aggressors and doesn't seem to have much fighting experience.

2018-05-11, 06:47 AM
Rancul steps forward so he comes next to Mlotek and replies: "To speak, if we may. Or to fight, if we must. But we've no desire for bloodshed, in that you can trust."
Rancul wonders how clearly the strange figure can see them for what they are. And if he knows that they have no blood that can be shed.

2018-05-11, 02:59 PM
"Don't worry about your spear. If we wanted you dead my friend would have killed you before you knew we were here."

"We saw what your people did to this city. Who are you and why flatten the city?"

2018-05-11, 06:45 PM
Mlotek decides to leave the talking to the talkers. He utters a low growl when Zoran references him to punctuate the threat, then observes his target for weaknesses, signs of injury, and any advantages he may claim over his opponents, which he previously witnessed cut a swath through this town, while keeping an ear open for any other straggles who might attempt to move into a flank.

Basically... I'm getting into the ready position in case the feces hits the oscillator.
Spot? (For tactical advantage): [roll0]
Search, maybe? (signs of injury, telltale favored hand/foot/eye): [roll1]
- Some DMs call that a Heal check, so add +1 to that result just in case.
Listen (for signs of others nearby): [roll2]
Intimidate (from growl, to encourage our friend to parlay peacefully): [roll3]

2018-05-20, 04:42 AM
The man looks clearly unconfortable.
He seems to be unarmed, with no option to reach his spear. He looks uninjured, a sign that he was probabebly not in the first line of combat. You can see that the smoke gives him a hard time breathing.
Now that you look at him closer you can see that he has pointy ears under his long hair. His hair seems to lack any color, and his skin is very light so that you think you can almost see through it.

"The City of these greedy humans was a sickness, like cancer that grew too long already. So we cut it out. And I am sure others will follow.
We are the Nie and just becaus the humans forgot about us doesn't mean that we are not here anymore. I am Irenor from the house of War."

You don't find anything for tactical advantage, nor can you find out more about Irenor.
You don't hear anything, except for the others talking. Not even birds or vermin. This place is clearly dead.

2018-05-20, 05:05 PM
Rancul is unimpressed. He'd raise an eyebrow if he had any. "Sickness, greed,... no doubt other insults will follow. But to me, the accusations ring hollow. How foolish now to care about such things, in light of the equality that death brings. Let us talk and let us do so man to man. By that I mean we ask questions and you answer what you can. You may be one of the Nie, but they are not here. It is only us and us you may fear. So we greet you, Irenor of the house of War. Keep in mind we outnumber you by far."

2018-05-20, 07:42 PM
Mlotek moves deliberately towards the spear that Irenor keeps glancing at. He does his best to not close the distance between himself and the "Nie" unless that is the only way to get to the spear. Once he arrives at the spear, he picks it up, if he has time.

If Irenor makes no sudden moves, Mlotek retreats calmly and slowly back to the group. He never takes his eye... holes... off Irenor, but keeps his head low to hide his identity as much as possible.

2018-05-21, 05:58 AM
"Irenor from the house of War. They left you behind? What are you looking for?"

2018-05-21, 04:28 PM
Irenor looks at Rancul curious, and doesn't even seem to notice that Mlotek has taken his spear. He shakes his head when he hears Zorans question. "There are not many left behind, a few young ones like I am. We are looking for.." he looks around and lets out a sigh. He lowers his voice. "Gold. We search through the temples and other large buildings to find as much gold as we can bevore we return."

2018-05-21, 07:58 PM
"Looking for gold? HAH HAH! Is it religion they blind you with? You just killed thousands because of their greed, and now you succumb to the same greed? Pathetic."

"We were just outside of the city during the attack. One of your kind, a woman, made her presence known to our group apparently wanting to talk to us. Circumstances prevented that. Now we are back to see what she wanted. Do you know who that might have been, just outside of the east gate during the attack? If so, where would find her now?"

2018-05-22, 08:02 AM
"Well, we never cared much for gold, but our eldest want it. And we attacked anyway, so why not take what gold they have aswell?

There are many women in our army, and how shall I know who was where? Do you have any more details about her? What house did she belong to?"

2018-05-22, 02:10 PM
Mlotek sighs and pulls his hood back.

"Someone who would know why we awoke during your raid in this condition. The woman seemed to recognize us for what we were, in spite of our disguises."

2018-05-22, 04:24 PM
Rancul snorts, or tries to. "Oh, Eldest. Eldest! Eldest you say? And remember the first raindrop and acorn, do they?"
He shakes his head and chuckles.
"One thing I've learned about gold that I know to be true: No matter how much you own, you really can't take it with you."

When Mlotek removes his hood, Rancul starts to point at the man. "These houses you speak of. Of them we are unaware. Yet grateful we'd be for your knowledge to share. Doubtful these houses are all the same, pray tell us which one knows most of arcane?"

2018-05-23, 12:34 PM
Irenors eyes open wide and he moves backwards untill he reaches the wall. Mloteks bare skull grins at him and the two tiny green dots of light in the eye sockets glow hideous.
"U.. Undead! What do y.. you want from u.. us?"
Irenor is visibly horrified and has a hard time answering the questions. He talks fast and stutters.
"W.. Why would anyone o.. of us have to do anything with c.. creatures like you? I c.. can't really imagine anyone of u.. us wanted s.. something from you.
Our e.. eldest yes. They are indeed very old.
And.. and the houses, there is a house of m.. magic, it's not very creative I know, but it e.. exists for a long time."

2018-05-23, 01:11 PM
Mlotek turns his head to offer a blank, glowing stare to his comrades. He knew this would be the reaction to expect from the living, but was no less wounded by it.

Turning his shame to anger, something he knows better to use, he gestures to spit, but then realizes he can not make saliva anymore. "This whelp is a useless fool, and I've no desire to suffer fools with the day and night I've had. Perhaps he'll be useful as a hostage to trade to his leaders for safe passage into his lands. Maybe there, we can speak to someone from his 'House of Magic.'" He says the name of the house with an obvious tone of disapproval.

2018-05-24, 01:20 PM
"Irenor" Zoran says sharply to get his attention. "You claim to be from the House of War, stop acting like a fool. You have two choices. We can kill you right here and turn you into one of us, orrr, you can help us and eventually make a name for yourself among your people. Far better than picking through ruins. If you say yes and you later turn on us, beware that we will make your death slow and torturous. Which is it going to be?"

2018-05-24, 02:18 PM
Irenor looks very scared.
"Ple.. please don't kill me.
How cannn I help y.. you? What do you w.. want from me?"

2018-05-24, 02:32 PM
Mlotek literally cannot believe that this simpering child could be from a house of war. He studies Irenor's actions through the glowing eyes of his exposed skull.

Sense Motive DC 20: [roll0]
(to get a Hunch about whether or not Irenor is trustworthy)

2018-05-24, 03:02 PM
It is hard to tell if he is trustworthy, but he is definitively very scared of your undead face and it doesn't look like he is up to any trouble.

2018-05-24, 04:28 PM
Rancul feels his companions are being a bit hard on Irenor. He wonders how he would have reacted in life to talking skeletons. Or even better, skeletons offering him a job! "War doth lead to our state of decay. But so does time, come what may. I'd say he is not scared of death, but of the Unknown. Can you two claim your own trepidation of it has flown?"
Rancul shakes his head, then turns to Zoran. "Wit and use are of a relative kind. What use for him did you have in mind?"

2018-05-25, 08:04 AM
Zoran keeps his hood covering his face as he calmly approaches the man. "Let's start simple. You say the humans have forgotten the Nie. True apparently. So tell us, who are the Nie?"

2018-05-25, 09:16 AM
"The N.. Nie are what you probably call elves. We live very isolated in Rakka Tiam, the city of thorns, in the middle of the forest. W.. We have seven important houses, but not everyone belongs to a house. What else do you want to want to know?"

2018-05-25, 10:11 PM
"War, Magic... What are the other houses? Is there anyone left from the House of Magic nearby? How can we contact them? Did your army return home to Rakka Tiam?"

Slew of Q's cause I am away and unsure how often I'll get to post.

2018-05-26, 12:12 PM
Mlotek let's out a frustrated groan, more an unearthly rattle, than a growl. "What concern is it of ours about his people's politics? Make him bring us to their shaman at once! Clearly either the boy is lying or has gone mad, anyway. He speaks of elves as if they were more than childhood fairy tales! What nonsense must I endure next? That their cavalry rides unicorns and vanquish dragons in their spare time?" To punctuate his frustration, he thumps the butt of his halberd down onto the dirt. With a hollow huff, he pulls his cowl back over his head.

Just FYI: I'm cool with the line of questions, and lore is fascinating to me... but Mlotek is (as you may have guessed) a grumpy barbarian who couldn't give a rats rear about social studies and what he believes is fairy tale lore.

2018-05-26, 05:02 PM
"T.. The other houses are the house of the Hunt, the house of Charm, the House of Earth, the House of Craft and the house of Tears, the last one is b.. basically our temple to the weeping goddess.
The members of the house of Magic are mostly very introverted. I don't think they joined the battle for a long time and I am very sure they left already together with the bulk of the army. The best way to contact them is to follow them and find someome who knows one of them.
The army marches back to Rakka Tiam but it will take them a few days untill they reach it.
There are a few of us left here, together with watchmaster Areli and I guess they will be checking on me soon."
He seems to grow a more confident while he speaks. The last part he sais with a little grin.
"Make fun of us, but I am quite sure that we are no fairytale."

2018-05-27, 04:29 AM
"And neither are we, that much is clear. But that was not the important part I did hear."
Rancul looks about somewhat nervously. "These questions are at the end of the line. By Irenor's admission, we are out of time. This Areli may come soon, murder still on his mind. I rather doubt his regard of us will be kind."

2018-05-27, 08:36 AM
Mlotek can't shake his suspicions of Irenor, but can't help agreeing with the logic that it is time to move on.

"So what then? Rejoin the group, or head towards this 'Rock-a-Tom' place he speaks of?"

Leaning in to Zoran and Rancul consipiratorialy, he whispers, "Either way, I think we should either knock the lad out, or take him with us. A guide to their city could come in handy. If not that, he can serve as hostage and meat shield. But if we leave him here, he'll have the guards on us swifter than we can say 'no escape plan.'"

2018-05-29, 02:57 AM
Rancul sighs, deeply. "I knew this was coming, it's as old as any tale. So much so in fact, it makes me want to wail. Good or evil, mercy or wit? Do we let him live or does it end with his throat slit? It could go both ways, with convincing arguments from both sides. We could discuss for days, or until we are swallowed by the tides."

Rancul sighs again. "I foresee many possible problems if we bring him along. Suspicion, ethical qualms,... a betrayal worthy of song. I am minded of a story, about a boy and how truth is only what you perceive. If Irenor cries 'skeletons', who would him believe? Mayhaps we do things to add credence to the lie? A blow to his head, and maybe some bottles that are nigh?"

Spot check to see if there are (empty) bottles of alcoholic beverages lying around: [roll0]

2018-05-30, 04:39 AM
Rancul, after a quick search you find a bottle somewhere in the rubble, but as you pull it out you can see that it is very broken and black from the fire.

2018-05-30, 08:55 AM
Rancul, after a quick search you find a bottle somewhere in the rubble, but as you pull it out you can see that it is very broken and black from the fire.
Right, well, that's just Rancul's 2 cents of course. To leave Irenor spouting nonsense about talking skeletons no one will believe. Mlotek wants to take him along, also not a bad plan. Here's hoping Cavir checks in soon to give us Zoran's take on what to do...

2018-06-05, 01:13 PM
I'm back. Thanks for the patience!
Zoran is a bit on the bossy/intimidating side (maxed Intimidate with high CHA), but I'll weave things in with what the group wants after his input.

Mlotek: "He speaks of elves as if they were more than childhood fairy tales! What nonsense must I endure next? That their cavalry rides unicorns and vanquish dragons in their spare time?"

Zoran's patience is being tested again and it's obvious even in its already unearthly tone spoken low enough to exclude the boy. "Animated skeletons are in fairy tales too, but here we are. Could you flatten this city with your halberd? Look around. They did it. With magic I'd guess. We came here for answers. We're not going to find them in ashes. Maybe Areli has some. If not, this is a dead end for them with bones for us to collect."

Rancul sighs, deeply. "I knew this was coming, it's as old as any tale. So much so in fact, it makes me want to wail. Good or evil, mercy or wit? Do we let him live or does it end with his throat slit? It could go both ways, with convincing arguments from both sides. We could discuss for days, or until we are swallowed by the tides."

"I do not care about that kind of debate. If they can't help us and are a threat of exposing us, we kill them. This Areli was left behind to watch their scavengers. Can't be one of their better warriors. We cover ourselves, keep the boy separated from Areli with no way to run, and let him introduce us. OK?"

2018-06-05, 08:55 PM
Mlotek stares hard at Zoran for several uncomfortable seconds. Then, he just shrugs. At least it's a plan.

Mlotek covers his skull back up and approaches Irenor gruffly, but without showing any true menace, and grabs him by the shoulder, and situates Irenor between himself and Zoran.

"Behave yourself, and you'll be fine. Try to run, and I'll break your legs. Understand?"

2018-06-05, 11:53 PM
Rancul shrugs as well and watches Mlotek walk up to Irenor. He figures that whatever happens, at least it will be fun.

2018-06-07, 09:43 AM
Zoran relaxed. "Nonviolence would be best here. Have a seat Irenor. When your taskmaster comes stay there and tell him, her? we're here to talk. In the mean time tell us what you know about this Areli."

2018-06-11, 01:58 PM
A PbP rarely survives a break.
People move on, new stories to make.
I'm saddened and sorry we had to split.
But also relieved, for my rhymes were...

Good night everybody ! :smallwink: