View Full Version : How would you stat the Beholders' Great Mother?

2018-04-26, 03:38 PM
The Great Mother is a god/Elder Evil who gave birth to a number of aberrations. The fluff for her makea her a combination of Great Star Remina and a very beholder specific Ragnorra.

The question for me is how to fight a planet sized entity without pulling the Atropus "smaller avatar" effect. Maybe the party has to destroy enough of her mountain sized eyestalks that she has to leave to heal?

2018-04-26, 03:58 PM
As for the actual creature...I don't know. As for the combat however, I like a collective "dream sequence". Your party enters the twisted mind of the Elder god and fights a typical beholder's various beam types.

There you can scale its size down massively while allowing the group to have an epic encounter with an elder god, that even if they win it, they don't know what they did. Did they kill it? Seal it up? Wake it up? Did the dream end?

Well, I am just spit-balling here.

2018-04-26, 04:17 PM
Another way you could go is the battlefield is the monster. The party is on her skin, dodging attempts to scrape them off or shoot them (assuming she's immune to her own rays), stalks of different type and length spring from the ground to be destroyed, and she can be hurt by attacking weak points on her skin. They have to move from point to point, by running on rolling mapsheets or teleporting to get to and attack/ destroy enough weakpoints to kill her, or make her retreat, or what have you.

2018-04-26, 04:18 PM
As for the actual creature...I don't know. As for the combat however, I like a collective "dream sequence". Your party enters the twisted mind of the Elder god and fights a typical beholder's various beam types.

There you can scale its size down massively while allowing the group to have an epic encounter with an elder god, that even if they win it, they don't know what they did. Did they kill it? Seal it up? Wake it up? Did the dream end?

Well, I am just spit-balling here.

That works really well with the fluff, actually. Beholder dreams shape the world around them, having to enter her dreams to fight her would be perfect.

Each of the eyes being a seperate monster is also very cool, although sleep beam eye would be a little redundant. Maybe it wakes people up instead?

Edit: for her Elder Evil signs I was thinking of having people turn into Beholders, which I feel like has the right kind of horror. The eyes swell until they merge together, the hair begins to fallput revealing tiny tentacles, and the body shrinks and finally rots away.

2018-04-26, 04:25 PM
Collapse her into a gravitational singularity / push a sphere of annihilation into her.

Infest her home plane with flux slime.

Create a frozen-time demi-plane and get her into it somehow.

Hurl another planet and/or demi-god at her (at sufficient velocity).

Every single day, cast time stop, rotate all her pictures just a few degrees, and then escape undiscovered.

2018-04-26, 06:22 PM
Another way you could go is the battlefield is the monster. The party is on her skin, dodging attempts to scrape them off or shoot them (assuming she's immune to her own rays), stalks of different type and length spring from the ground to be destroyed, and she can be hurt by attacking weak points on her skin. They have to move from point to point, by running on rolling mapsheets or teleporting to get to and attack/ destroy enough weakpoints to kill her, or make her retreat, or what have you.

I wouls definently pull a Remina and have her covered in horrible lifeforms if I went that route.

2018-04-26, 07:17 PM
Every single day, cast time stop, rotate all her pictures just a few degrees, and then escape undiscovered.

Am I missing some sort of insider joke?

2018-04-26, 07:45 PM
Am I missing some sort of insider joke?

I think the idea is that you just continually annoy her instead of killing her. There is a Venture Bros plot about a group that plots to overthrow their tyrannical government by putting cat hairs in his drink and just slightly annoying him.

Bad Wolf
2018-04-26, 11:27 PM
I'm picturing a Colossal-sized beholder, with an Umbral Blot instead of a disintegration ray. Disjunction instead of antimagic, maybe Energy Drain x10 instead of inflict X wounds, something like that. Eye rays turned up to 11.

As how to defeat her... well, beholders are delusional xenophobic narcissists. It'd be kind of funny if they got beholders to help them because the party pointed out the GM didn't look a lot like them.

Uncle Pine
2018-04-27, 04:46 AM
For her Elder Evil signs I was thinking of having people turn into Beholders, which I feel like has the right kind of horror. The eyes swell until they merge together, the hair begins to fallput revealing tiny tentacles, and the body shrinks and finally rots away.

If eye gore is what you're going for, it might be worse (as in, better) to have people's eyes swell and segment as stalks protrude from the cavities, each bearing a fraction of the original eye at one end which is still growing into a functional monstrous eye. While eyestalks are still bursting and moving to relocate on a now bald, jagged cranium, jaw dislocates as the giant central eye burst from the victim's throat. At this point of the transformation, the rest of the body is painfully and unnaturally crouching in fetal position, as everything else turns into a giant mandible bursting layers of teeth.