View Full Version : Curse of Strahd with a 2 person party, is it possible?

2018-04-27, 11:53 AM
Title says it all.

Assuming two person party, what would you pick for the classes?

2018-04-27, 11:59 AM
I'd try to pair Matt Mercer's Blood Hunter (Ghostslayer) with a Light Cleric.

2018-04-27, 12:10 PM
Hm. Maybe with a Rogue and a Paladin? Inquisitive Rogue and Devotion Paladin I think. For reasons, see below:

Inquisitive Rogue allows for a very good use of the Sun Blade (it's a finesse weapon), and for sneak attack that doesn't rely on the Paladin. The Devotions Paladin gives you proof against the vampire charm effect.

Honestly though unless you changed some of the stats you're pretty screwed. The final fight is not easy.

2018-04-27, 12:39 PM
Sure. It won't be easy, and as DM I would be a bit more generous with certain things, but it's doable.

In fact, if you let them maximize hit dice when they level up and don't use the longer rest variant, it should be fine. The above party makeups work well, although I think Light, Life, Nature, and Tempest Clerics are all great choices. Maybe make sure they find a silver weapon early, and encourage exploration so they find the book, symbol, and sword.

Inquisitive with the Sun Blade is genius, btw.

2018-04-27, 02:27 PM
I’d do it with a Paladin and a Cleric, but I think it’s possible with any classes really.

2018-04-27, 02:56 PM
I’d do it with a Paladin and a Cleric, but I think it’s possible with any classes really.

This is what I was thinking.

Paladin, either Ancients or Devotion, with a Light Cleric.

Light’s CD is specifically stated to be Sunlight, and I find that totally amazing for CoS.

2018-04-27, 02:59 PM
Currently playing it now with a group of 4 and we seem to have more than enough people with all the NPC's that can join the group

2018-04-27, 03:16 PM
Could be rough if you start using the death house option but I think it would be doable otherwise. As long as you build around Sunblade and Symbol of Ravenkind you get a huge powerboost.

There would be a bit of an issue if you happened to get some difficult card draws on their locations though.

2018-04-28, 06:11 AM
Title says it all.

Assuming two person party, what would you pick for the classes?

yes but i would give them an npc or two or give them some magic items extra hit points and maybe an extra level but that all depends on how the player play D&d and how you what to run curse of strahd. i would personally give them a +1 weapon an extra level and then one other magic item with in reason from the DMG. probably also change how powerful the encounters were a bit as well till i find the sweet spot of there power. if you go the npc way give the npc that fill missing class role and don't give the players loot that is for the npc just give that loot directly to them when absolutely needed. if you players give the npc loot that is ok by the way.

2018-04-28, 10:01 AM
At which level, that's the question.

2018-04-28, 10:07 AM
At which level, that's the question.

Likely starting at level 2 or 3.

I've NEVER played CoS, but my DM has agreed to run it after the current campaign, with new characters.

He's never run it, either, and does look to me for a bit of guidance at times because I'm a bit more involved in talking with other players and DMs. I want it to be a challenge, but not 'We scrape by the skin of our teeth' every battle, and also not 'Steamroll the encounters', either.

So if you guys say 'Start at lv4', he'll trust me judgment and we'll start there.

2018-04-28, 11:51 AM
You could do it, though I would optimize as much as possible for it. As for the party, I would go with:

Soradin, likely a Devotion Paladin / Wild Magic Sorcerer. Devotion Paladin for the channel divinity that efrects undead, and Wild Magic cause I just like Wild Magic too much. Also, I'd have Chill Touch for one of my cantrips.

Second character is a Moon Druid or Shepard Druid. Shepard Druid all the way if the raptors from Volo's are allowed. 16 raptors with multiattack, pack tactics, extra hp, and magic damage? Yes please.

2018-04-28, 08:07 PM
Likely starting at level 2 or 3.

I've NEVER played CoS, but my DM has agreed to run it after the current campaign, with new characters.

He's never run it, either, and does look to me for a bit of guidance at times because I'm a bit more involved in talking with other players and DMs. I want it to be a challenge, but not 'We scrape by the skin of our teeth' every battle, and also not 'Steamroll the encounters', either.

So if you guys say 'Start at lv4', he'll trust me judgment and we'll start there.

If you plan on using the death house starting option, even a party of 4 has a rough time scraping through it at level 1-3. The initial phase of the campaign past that doesn't really get "difficult" until you venture outside of the first city (from my experience)

There are some encounters you run into pretty early on that are next to impossible even for a full party.
-Death house has 2(3) encounters than can outright kill your character -Spectre on second floor, you will most likely only be level 1 when you find it.
-Final boss Shambling Mound at level 2.
-If you don't find the secret exit to the basement, when you defeat the shambling mound the house becomes a literal death trap and can easily wipe you out after your fight with the mound
-The infamous windmill -3 night hags, level 4 PC's tops when you first have the option to wander here

I would probably not use Death House with a party of two, there's a lot that could go horribly wrong all at once. Starting at level 4 might curb it slightly in your favor but I'm hesitant to say for sure as the Tarokka reading goes a long way in deciding how difficult the campaign might be. Most encounters will leave you vastly outnumbered and some of the monsters you end up against are pretty hardcore.

In my opinion, starting without Death House at level 4 with improved starting gear (possibly just a common magic item or a few healing potions) would give you a fair chance but not too much of an advantage in the long run.

2018-05-01, 09:56 AM
This is going to be a very tricky question.

I’ve been interested in the module for a long time. I haven’t read it, as I really want to play it, and I’m trying to avoid having TOO MUCH knowledge.

I have read several stories of people that have played it or run it.

I do know that the locations of certain things can be randomly determined by the Deck, as I understand it.

Without saying too much, since this is only a 2 person party, are there certain things we should try to avoid?

Basically, I’m looking to find out at what points are we totally out of our league. I believe Strahd is designed to be fought around lv8-10. But there’s tons of other creatures in there, like an evil Treant or something? I shouldn’t be going near that until... When?

As I gather, Ravenloft is fairly open (I think), so... Like, if this were a MMO, I’m trying not to wander into a land I’m underleveled for. You don’t respawn in D&D. :P

2018-05-01, 10:04 AM
This is going to be a very tricky question.

I’ve been interested in the module for a long time. I haven’t read it, as I really want to play it, and I’m trying to avoid having TOO MUCH knowledge.

I have read several stories of people that have played it or run it.

I do know that the locations of certain things can be randomly determined by the Deck, as I understand it.

Without saying too much, since this is only a 2 person party, are there certain things we should try to avoid?

Basically, I’m looking to find out at what points are we totally out of our league. I believe Strahd is designed to be fought around lv8-10. But there’s tons of other creatures in there, like an evil Treant or something? I shouldn’t be going near that until... When?

As I gather, Ravenloft is fairly open (I think), so... Like, if this were a MMO, I’m trying not to wander into a land I’m underleveled for. You don’t respawn in D&D. :P
For your maximum enjoyment I would recommend finding friends honestly. You can play it with two people but it will not be as fun. Not trying to discourage you, but it is a really fun with friends kind of module. Its like, imagine watching a scary movie with only 2 actors. The whole point is to see how the horror plays into the groups emotions.

The DM will have to water down some encounters and probably run NPCs to help you. Recommendations would be spoilers and its up to the DM how he runs it to accomidate you.

2018-05-02, 02:52 AM
I think it would be manageable. We finished it with 3 PCs and 1 NPC, so I can't see how 2 PCs + 2 NPCs shouldn't be enough to clear it.

I do think a good cleric is almost invaluable, though.