View Full Version : Your League of Extraordinary Gentlemen!

Finn Solomon
2007-09-03, 07:49 PM
We all love Alan Moore, and we all love whatever he's written, even his grocery list. Therefore, we all love the LoEG. What would a modern league look like to you? Since the old league was made up of characters written in Victorian times, make your picks according to novel characters written in modern times. Time travellers and ageless folk like Orlando are allowed, of course, and if you really must, TV characters can be part of your list as well.

Jason Bourne - The spy goes anywhere and does everything, but he can't remember his name. Bond who?

Harry Potter - Now an adult, Mr. Potter has to be dragged from his comfortable English abode to save the world yet again from threats both magical and other.

Robert Langdon - Resident Harvard symbologist, our man Langdon's a dab hand with a work of art and knows all sorts of obscure esoteric ancient rituals and the like that will undoubtely come in handy. Attracts beautiful women like bees to honey.

Danny Torrance - Mysterious American teenager, doesn't speak much, has scary powers. Don't talk to him about his father.

Buffy Summers - In because she should be. Leader.

As for villains and worthy adversaries, our intrepid heroes will have to battle a conspiracy involving the crime families of Fowl in Ireland, and Corleone in New York, which may or may not be overseen by malicious, shrouded-in-shadow agents of evil...

2007-09-03, 10:25 PM
We all love Alan Moore, and we all love whatever he's written, even his grocery list. Therefore, we all love the LoEG. What would a modern league look like to you? Since the old league was made up of characters written in Victorian times, make your picks according to novel characters written in modern times. Time travellers and ageless folk like Orlando are allowed, of course, and if you really must, TV characters can be part of your list as well.

Jason Bourne - The spy goes anywhere and does everything, but he can't remember his name. Bond who?

Harry Potter - Now an adult, Mr. Potter has to be dragged from his comfortable English abode to save the world yet again from threats both magical and other.

Robert Langdon - Resident Harvard symbologist, our man Langdon's a dab hand with a work of art and knows all sorts of obscure esoteric ancient rituals and the like that will undoubtely come in handy. Attracts beautiful women like bees to honey.

Danny Torrance - Mysterious American teenager, doesn't speak much, has scary powers. Don't talk to him about his father.

Buffy Summers - In because she should be. Leader.

As for villains and worthy adversaries, our intrepid heroes will have to battle a conspiracy involving the crime families of Fowl in Ireland, and Corleone in New York, which may or may not be overseen by malicious, shrouded-in-shadow agents of evil...

Fun idea. I'd like to include Special Agent Fox Mulder for consideration. His knowledge of all things weird would be valuable.

2007-09-03, 10:41 PM
Link, from the Legend of Zelda. That would be AWESOME.

2007-09-04, 12:37 AM
I started putting up a full one using comic book characters, but it basically turned into Suicide Squad/Secret Six/Task Force X.

Mightily Oats - The Omnian Discworld vampire hunter who's in two minds about everything, except (it seems) killing vampires.

2007-09-04, 12:59 AM
Here's my list:

Gordon Freeman: Not only an accomplished theoretical physicist, but apparently a born warrior. You really can't go wrong with the amount of Badassery this man dishes out.

Jean-Luc Picard: He's Captain Picard, for Christ's sake. Probably leader.

Ash Williams: If there was ever any greater Zombie killer, I'd sell my right hand. Then replace said hand with a chainsaw.


2007-09-04, 01:05 AM
Interesting. But remember, the League was essentially a part of Her Majesty's government, at least in the Victorian era. I could see a modern equivalent following the trend of globalization and being international, but consider an American team, or a modern British one, perhaps menaced by teams from rival nations like the Russian Federation or China?

Team America:

Solid Snake. Being a Japanese-created character, he could perhaps be the "Nemo" of the team, representing someone who might not have the interests of this country at heart.
Faith Lehane. Because someone already suggested Buffy, and Buffy's got her own team already.
Jack Bauer. Or maybe Walker, Texas Ranger.

Modern Brits:

James Bond. Duh.
The Doctor. If he decides to stick around long enough. Also probably the most powerful character you're going to get off the British telly.

2007-09-04, 01:55 AM
I've always wanted to see the Phantom of the Opera in the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. I always felt he'd fit pretty well.

Others I could list off the top of my head:

Alice Carroll: Turns out the Adventures through the Looking Glass were based on a real story. Alice brings some of the insane abstracts and chaos from Wonderland to the real world.

Indiana Jones: Whip-cracking archaeologist is all too familiar with supernatural dangers, nazi villains, and evil cults.

Neo: Dumb his powers a bit so he doesn't just remake all the world as he sees fit.

Black Mamba: As much as I hated Kill Bill, I have to admit she would fit the bill.

Michael Western: Main character of Burn Notice. A little less classic and a little more recent, but I already think the guy's got what it takes as he's a combination of MacGuyver and James Bond with Bruce Campbell as a sidekick.

Alfred Borden: I knew I could think of at least one more classic type character. Magician from the Prestige whose tricks are speculated as being a little more than just sleight of hand.

Beowulf: Okay, definitely wouldn't fit into the modern setting, but he's cool enough that I'd allow some time-traveling cheese to get him in.

King Arthur: Same as above, but a little more plausible.

MacGuyver: In the event that Michael Western isn't available.

Sing: The most unlikely hero of Kung Fu Hustle, whose ridiculous martial arts manuevers border on zaniness with their over-the-top special effects.

2007-09-04, 04:00 AM
Dr House- Because no team should be without his sarcastic remarks and an incredibly sharp mind. Hell, I could see him as a leader.

2007-09-04, 09:47 AM
"Hello, my freaky darlings!"

First of all, you have to realize that all of the characters in the league were:
1) From close to the same time period
2) Freaks & Outcasts
3) All set within the real world once removed
4) They were all 'collectible'

As opposed to being strangers in a strange world, they were strangers in a normal world.

So, Freeman, Mightily, Link & Neo have kind of got to go; they come from completely different base reality.

Jason Bourne, James Bond, Angus Macguyver - all of these would be solid additions, but I don't feel that they are freaky or outcast enough, and probably aren't 'collectible' in any way.

I think the following could be good:
- Alice Carroll, now a woman, with the ability to travel through mirrors. Doing so, she moves through an alternate reality that is like a bad acid trip. Quite insane from repeated use of her abilities, takes the 'Harkness' role of a beautiful woman you just don't want to mess with. Gets her abilities from a potion she alone knows the ingredients of, that can be digested either form food or liquid (eat me/drink me) (Source: Through the Looking Glass)
- Indiana Jones, ostracized for his strong belief in god and his kooky beliefs, former archeology professor, aged as he is, would play the 'Quartermaine' role quite well. Supposedly immortal from drinking from the Holy Grail. Also knows final resting place of the item in question. (Source: Indiana Jones trilogy)
- Harry Potter, now an auror, gets tied up with the team - plays the 'Huck Finn' role of young ally. Has access to all sorts of magical formulae and magic-enhanced devices, in addition to the secrets of the wizarding world. Knows resting place of the deathstick. (Source: Harry Potter books)
- 'Charlie' McGee, now fully grown, pyrokinetic McGee has total control of her abilities, and is more dangerous than ever. But only if you make her angry enough to use abilities she's trying to swear off. Split into two personalities, one mild and unpowered, one with all the power and no brakes, takes the 'dangerous brute' role from Jekyll. Was a genetic experiment. (Source: Firestarter book)
- Carrie White, telekinetic, murderous, what's not to love? Finally found a boy that loves her, Carrie would play the role of 'Dorian Grey' on the team. The twist is, when she finds out that the boy was just using her, she switches sides! Random mutation. (Source: Carrie book/films).
- The 6 million dollar man. Steve Austin (NOT the wrestler) signs on to the team. A cyborg, the technology that goes into making him work could be worth billions in the right (wrong?) hands. (Source: TV show, Cyborg book)

Just some ideas....

2007-09-04, 09:56 AM
"Hello, my freaky darlings!"

First of all, you have to realize that all of the characters in the league were:
1) From close to the same time period
2) Freaks & Outcasts
3) All set within the real world once removed
4) They were all 'collectible'

As opposed to being strangers in a strange world, they were strangers in a normal world.

So, Freeman, Mightily, Link & Neo have kind of got to go; they come from completely different base reality.

Jason Bourne, James Bond, Angus Macguyver - all of these would be solid additions, but I don't feel that they are freaky or outcast enough, and probably aren't 'collectible' in any way.

I think the following could be good:
- Alice Carroll, now a woman, with the ability to travel through mirrors. Doing so, she moves through an alternate reality that is like a bad acid trip. Quite insane from repeated use of her abilities, takes the 'Harkness' role of a beautiful woman you just don't want to mess with. Gets her abilities from a potion she alone knows the ingredients of, that can be digested either form food or liquid (eat me/drink me) (Source: Through the Looking Glass)
- Indiana Jones, ostracized for his strong belief in god and his kooky beliefs, former archeology professor, aged as he is, would play the 'Quartermaine' role quite well. Supposedly immortal from drinking from the Holy Grail. Also knows final resting place of the item in question. (Source: Indiana Jones trilogy)
- Harry Potter, now an auror, gets tied up with the team - plays the 'Huck Finn' role of young ally. Has access to all sorts of magical formulae and magic-enhanced devices, in addition to the secrets of the wizarding world. Knows resting place of the deathstick. (Source: Harry Potter books)
- 'Charlie' McGee, now fully grown, pyrokinetic McGee has total control of her abilities, and is more dangerous than ever. But only if you make her angry enough to use abilities she's trying to swear off. Split into two personalities, one mild and unpowered, one with all the power and no brakes, takes the 'dangerous brute' role from Jekyll. Was a genetic experiment. (Source: Firestarter book)
- Carrie White, telekinetic, murderous, what's not to love? Finally found a boy that loves her, Carrie would play the role of 'Dorian Grey' on the team. The twist is, when she finds out that the boy was just using her, she switches sides! Random mutation. (Source: Carrie book/films).
- The 6 million dollar man. Steve Austin (NOT the wrestler) signs on to the team. A cyborg, the technology that goes into making him work could be worth billions in the right (wrong?) hands. (Source: TV show, Cyborg book)

Just some ideas....

This is my favorite lineup so far.

Just thought of another one. How about...

Willy Wonka: Wacky candy inventor, mad scientist, or somewhere in between? Since the deal with his candy shop made him insane enough to hire a bunch of chocolate-obsessed candy midgets, I'd think his various obsessions might make him the inventor of the group. He might even make a good villain.

Adding a good description for this guy.

Phantom of the Opera: A man previously condemned to live behind the scenes and behind the mask at an opera house, driven mad by his obsessions. Since he lets his one true love go at the end, there's some sort of redemption for him. A master of stealth and parlor tricks, might he also have some sort of supernatural curses on his side?

2007-09-04, 10:14 AM
This is my favorite lineup so far.

Thanks. It's not complete; there are a couple of spots open.

Willy Wonka: Wacky candy inventor, mad scientist, or somewhere in between? Since the deal with his candy shop made him insane enough to hire a bunch of chocolate-obsessed candy midgets, I'd think his various obsessions might make him the inventor of the group. He might even make a good villain.

If Wonka made candy that would make a good weapon, then yeah, you could get away with this. As things stand, he's kind of ....well...weak. Why would anyone want to collect anything of his, if they were planning on war profiteering?

If you have to have an inventor, the closest thing to it is going to be Macguyver - only problem is, he's not big on violence, so I can't exactly see him inventing a better machine gun.

Phantom of the Opera: A man previously condemned to live behind the scenes and behind the mask at an opera house, driven mad by his obsessions. Since he lets his one true love go at the end, there's some sort of redemption for him. A master of stealth and parlor tricks, might he also have some sort of supernatural curses on his side?

Well, 'the phantom', from a traditional standpoint, is the bad guy.

OTOH, if you made the guy an actual phantom, a poltergeist, it could work.
Once an actor who used an arcane ritual to sell his soul for fame, he's now cursed to an everlasting afterlife trapped on earth because of it, forcing him to always watch from the sidelines, instead of stepping into the leading role, an eternal torture for the man, the mask permanently melded to his face so that no-one can ever truly recognize him. With the ability to become intangible and invisible, like a real ghost, he could take the position of the invisible man, I suppose.

2007-09-04, 11:43 AM
Well, 'the phantom', from a traditional standpoint, is the bad guy.

OTOH, if you made the guy an actual phantom, a poltergeist, it could work.
Once an actor who used an arcane ritual to sell his soul for fame, he's now cursed to an everlasting afterlife trapped on earth because of it, forcing him to always watch from the sidelines, instead of stepping into the leading role, an eternal torture for the man, the mask permanently melded to his face so that no-one can ever truly recognize him. With the ability to become intangible and invisible, like a real ghost, he could take the position of the invisible man, I suppose.

This one is really creepy and I've got to say, quite a good backstory. You are really good writing stuff like this... Would you consider perhaps Eliot Ness and The Untouchables somewhere?

Emperor Demonking
2007-09-04, 12:00 PM
James Bond
Harry Potter
Ponder Stibbons
Austin powers
The doctor
The phantom

2007-09-04, 12:03 PM
Thanks. It's not complete; there are a couple of spots open.

If Wonka made candy that would make a good weapon, then yeah, you could get away with this. As things stand, he's kind of ....well...weak. Why would anyone want to collect anything of his, if they were planning on war profiteering?

If you have to have an inventor, the closest thing to it is going to be Macguyver - only problem is, he's not big on violence, so I can't exactly see him inventing a better machine gun.

Remember the main villain of the League? Michael Moriarty was anything but violent. He was just crafty and smart as hell. Wonka has all that plus his plain insanity. Also has his own army.

Well, 'the phantom', from a traditional standpoint, is the bad guy.

So are other members of the real League, and besides, at the end of the Phantom of the Opera, he did atone for his deeds.

OTOH, if you made the guy an actual phantom, a poltergeist, it could work.
Once an actor who used an arcane ritual to sell his soul for fame, he's now cursed to an everlasting afterlife trapped on earth because of it, forcing him to always watch from the sidelines, instead of stepping into the leading role, an eternal torture for the man, the mask permanently melded to his face so that no-one can ever truly recognize him. With the ability to become intangible and invisible, like a real ghost, he could take the position of the invisible man, I suppose.

That's one possible way of doing it. Personally, I think his stealth capabilities are good enough as they are that he could already fill the stealth role. His knowledge of theatrical special effects would make him a worthy enough adversary, and as for "collectible" stuff about him, you could take into account the knowledge he used to reign terror on the opera house, or you could even count the Phantom's personal compositions. Heck, the Phantom's original operas, plays, etc. could be cursed in themselves since people tend to suffer tragic ends in and out of the play. :smallwink:

2007-09-04, 12:05 PM
Dr. Gregory House as the leader of this new League. His sharp observations work on more than just diseases and he is able to play the other members of the team off one another to get things done. Although M will have a hard time controlling him.

John Constantine would be the teams expert on the occult and magic. In addition, his psychic powers and underworld connections would be of great use when the League had to travel to seedy areas. The fact that he sold his soul three times may be a complication, though.

Slevin Kelevra from Lucky Number Sleven would be the weapons man. Slevin an assassin trained by one of the greatest killers in the world and a master of disguise and acting. After his girlfriend was killed he'd be willing to work for the League if they could pay him enough.

Valerie 'Val' Russel from Valiant, aged a few years as a young woman. Trained in faerie swordsmanship and armed with faerie weapons, Val would be the melee combatant of the team. Her knowledge of the Faerie world and her 'connection' with the troll Ravus would be useful too.

Dr. William Magnus creator of the Metal Men, would serve as the League's science expert and go-to man for any sort of unusual gadget. Magnus' metal men wouldn't be allowed on the team, since they're not actually Gentlemen, but we can be sure that, in dire need, they could be called upon. Dr. Magnus' psyche is a bit delicate of late, and his fits of psychosis and reliance on pills could be a problem.

This League's first job would be to halt the progession of the Rage virus from 28 Days Later once it spread to France in 28 Weeks Later. Over the course of their fights against infected and research on the virus, they would discover that the virus had actually been created by The Father from Equilibrium and sent back in time in order to serve as a demonstration about the hazards of emotion (since rage is one of the most basic and primitive feelings).

Other foes could be Skynet, the Xenomorphs, demons from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or Treadstone's super-soldiers.

2007-09-04, 01:28 PM
Ok, I'm working under a couple of assumptions that others don't appear to be:

1: The characters must be based in a world similar to our own, but with something that sets them apart.

2: The basic plot of the story would need to be preserved - we're talking a retreat of the original storyline, with a group of people being gathered, duped into giving up their secrets, and those secrets being sold to the highest bidder even as the seller sets the stage for a massive world conflict.

This means that some characters, like Ponder Stibbons, who are clearly in a completely different universe, just wouldn't function.

In addition, each league member should have something about them that a) can be stolen and b) can be used for warfare/espionage.

This means that characters like Gregory House, who are essentially mundane and NOT in possession of anything stealable, are also out the window.

That said, John Constantine (the comic book, not the movie) is a MUCH better choice than Harry Potter, especially if he's taken to committing his exploits and spells to a series of journals.

Dr. William Magnus & his Metal Men (an updated version) would also be excellent.

My problem with using the Phantom as a mortal, is that was the alter ego of the first main villain, and I'd want to differentiate him quite clearly from the previous character. Technically you could use him as a red herring to misdirect the audience's ideas of where the inevitable betrayal will come from, but it's just too obvious a tactic for my taste.

Current team:
Indiana Jones - Archeology & History, Guns, Whips, Boxing, Immortal (Leader - Quartermaine analogue)
John Constantine - Magic & the Arcane... no analogue
Dr. William Magnus - Technology & Science (Inventor - Nemo analogue)
Alice Caroll - Rapid transit/enhanced combat/ summoning (Harkness analogue)
'Charlie' McGee - Pyrokinetic (Jekyll/Hyde analogue)
Carrie White - Telekinetic (Dorian Grey analogue)
Phantom - Intangible & Invisible by default. Can become solid & visible with extreme effort. Undead. (Invisible Man analogue)
Steve Austin - Technology, melee & ranged combatant, hard to kill ... no analogue

Now, all of the above have something that can be taken and used by someone else, that can be of great value under the right circumstances, and, ostensibly sold off to the highest bidder, enabling us to stick close to the original plot of the first LOEG book.

Willy Wonka just does NOT strike me as menacing enough to be a villain.

I mean, at it's heart, the character just wants to make candy and share it with good children so that everyone can be happy.

I'm sure I could pervert and twist that, but, I find myself unwilling.

I'd much prefer to employ my own 'M'...

2007-09-04, 05:33 PM
Well, let's see, going under ravenkith's very valid points of assumption...

Indiana Jones - I like most of what you've done with the character. The immortality thing I'm a bit iffy on, but it does fit. And he has plenty of worth as far as stealable secrets. He does know the wherabouts of the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail.

John Constantine and Harry Potter - Really I don't think we need to choose between the two. It's like having one arcane and one divine caster in the group. Potter would definitely be older, and an Auror, which would make him awesome, and Constantine would just need to be himself. They both have their own secrets which many would love to get their hands on.

Dr. William Magnus - I'm not so big a fan of this choice. I suppose it could work, but I guess I'd prefer other "classic" characters in the League. Not my taste.

Charlie McGee and Carrie White - I'm not going to argue for or against these two since I don't know that much about them.

Alice Carroll - Love what's been done with the Wonderland character. I keep picturing the League first meeting the blonde, semi-goth girl sitting at a parlor table drinking tea and petting the Cheshire Cat in her lap.

Phantom of the Opera - I guess we'll continue to disagree on this one. I personally think adding intangibility and invisibility is taking too many liberties on the myth. Making him undead though, I whole-heartedly agree with. Just a stealthy one, who utilizes rapier-combat, stage magic, the Bunjap Lasso, and maybe even cursed/haunted musical scores which cause people to inexplainably die. The latter would cover his "stealable secret." His stealth would still let him fill the Invisible Man role.

William Wonka - I picture a League-modified Wonka as the man who finally grew up, but then immediately turned senile. Charlie died or possibly forsook the factory, leaving him without an heir, which has turned him bitter with age. He has all the secrets to make the candy, but instead alters them to be effective weapons. I picture him teaming up with "M" (who I will agree would always be the superior villain) after "M" convinces him to use his secrets for weapon design. Instead of everlasting jawbreakers, he makes an unbreakable alloy for armor or vehicle plating, or instead of taffy he makes an explosive adhesive which suffocates enemy lines, plus a debilitating line of poisons and ingenious traps, maybe even modify the glass elevator for a spy vehicle. Maybe he has a change of heart after meeting the League and joins them, becoming the resident scientist (a better choice than Magnus in my opinion). The best part about using a character who, by himself, could not pull off any sort of menace, is that it's that much more surprising and unique when he does.

Steve Austin - Please tell me this isn't the guy with "Stone Cold" in front of it... Otherwise, I don't know who this is.

Another one I'll explain further...

Alfred Borden - Covering a side of magic unknown to Constantine or Potter, yet touched upon barely by the Phantom, Borden has mastered a combination of science and magic through the research of his now deceased colleague. Now he is able to teleport and clone himself with his machines, as well as able to research a variety of other "magic tricks" for use.

2007-09-04, 05:52 PM
Hmm... interesting limitations.... Lesse...

Marty McFly (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marty_McFly): Being the inheritor of Doc Brown's crazy tech after he left for a trip to the 31st century and never returned, Marty has the experience and knack for weird **** that the League needs. An expert shot with a revolver and more than capable in any vehicle you can find, McFly brings the team a unique viewpoint that can only be had from someone who's seen both the future and the past.

Egon Spengler (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egon_Spengler#Characters): The team's tech genius and supernatural expert, Egon's seen everything from any house of horrors you can imagine. Not the best shot with a proton pack, but he'll know how to fix it when it breaks. (You could also go with Ray in this position if you wanted someone less.... secluded).

Jason Nesmith (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galaxy_Quest): A washed up actor whose travels have taken him to the other end of the universe, Jason brings a certain charisma to the team. After his series reboot lasted just a few episodes longer than the origional, he's been as bored as ever and looking to go back to the adventuresome life. He also kept a few nicknacks from his alien friends that could come in handy in a pinch.

April O'Neil (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_O%27Neill): An ex-reporter with friends in the underground, April has seen more than her share of the bizzare. She also has a keen understanding of science and history, and has been trained by an expert in the ways of the ninja. April is an expert on nothing, but she's a well rounded character that can play second in every field.

Samantha Carter (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samantha_Carter): A brilliant scientist and accomplished soldier, Samantha brings alot to the team. An expert in firearms and not a pushover in hand to hand, Sam can do good in any fight. Col. Carter is also an expert in several alien technologies, and can improvise a solution to any problem.

Ryu Hoshi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryu_%28Street_Fighter%29): An expert at hand to hand combat and a veteran of several worldwide martial arts tournaments, Ryu brings the team some up-close and personal attitude. A master of chi, Ryu is one of only a handful of people capable of his bizzare martial arts style. (You could also use Ken here if you'd prefer an all American team).

2007-09-04, 06:01 PM
Steve Austin - Please tell me this isn't the guy with "Stone Cold" in front of it... Otherwise, I don't know who this is.

The Six Million Dollar Man (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six_Million_Dollar_Man)

2007-09-04, 06:33 PM
I don't know...personally I could see House working here. Yeah, in the series you could say he is a "normal" man with exceptional intelligence, but if transfered to a medium of comics that intelligence could be heightened. I mean, Indy doesn't really have any special powers as well(if I remember, though it was a long time ago, wasn't the effect of the grail only working in that temple which is why that old knight was confined within it for so long?). He could be the member who can heal any disease what so ever given the time.


Gil Grissom: The modern version of Sherlock Holmes for the league with amazing deductive skills that can track out even those crimes that no ordinary mind could fathom.

2007-09-04, 07:31 PM
The Six Million Dollar Man (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six_Million_Dollar_Man)

Ah... Thank you. That clears up quite a bit.

Hmm... interesting limitations.... Lesse...

Marty McFly (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marty_McFly): Being the inheritor of Doc Brown's crazy tech after he left for a trip to the 31st century and never returned, Marty has the experience and knack for weird **** that the League needs. An expert shot with a revolver and more than capable in any vehicle you can find, McFly brings the team a unique viewpoint that can only be had from someone who's seen both the future and the past.

Egon Spengler (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egon_Spengler#Characters): The team's tech genius and supernatural expert, Egon's seen everything from any house of horrors you can imagine. Not the best shot with a proton pack, but he'll know how to fix it when it breaks. (You could also go with Ray in this position if you wanted someone less.... secluded).

Jason Nesmith (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galaxy_Quest): A washed up actor whose travels have taken him to the other end of the universe, Jason brings a certain charisma to the team. After his series reboot lasted just a few episodes longer than the origional, he's been as bored as ever and looking to go back to the adventuresome life. He also kept a few nicknacks from his alien friends that could come in handy in a pinch.

April O'Neil (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_O%27Neill): An ex-reporter with friends in the underground, April has seen more than her share of the bizzare. She also has a keen understanding of science and history, and has been trained by an expert in the ways of the ninja. April is an expert on nothing, but she's a well rounded character that can play second in every field.

Samantha Carter (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samantha_Carter): A brilliant scientist and accomplished soldier, Samantha brings alot to the team. An expert in firearms and not a pushover in hand to hand, Sam can do good in any fight. Col. Carter is also an expert in several alien technologies, and can improvise a solution to any problem.

Ryu Hoshi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryu_%28Street_Fighter%29): An expert at hand to hand combat and a veteran of several worldwide martial arts tournaments, Ryu brings the team some up-close and personal attitude. A master of chi, Ryu is one of only a handful of people capable of his bizzare martial arts style. (You could also use Ken here if you'd prefer an all American team).

McFly I like, particularly because it adds the element of time-travel. You know "M" would love to get his hands on that.

Spengler gives us some more tech, and could function as part of the scientist team, plus some insight into the afterlife. Just don't cross the streams.

Nesmith is definitely a huge, HUGE reach. That's like recruiting Santa Claus, or worse, the Shaggy Dog into the League. He just doesn't have the credibility that the others do.

O'Neil is a possibility. I can see some elements from the Ninja Turtles fitting in with the general idea we're going here. Maybe if the background was tweaked a little or a slightly different character from Ninja Turtles was chosen.

Carter I think is a definite no. Not as bad as Nesmith, and the alien thing has some potential, but I don't think she fits the character archetype of the League.

Ryu is interesting, but lacks the "marketable secret" factor. Maybe a different martial artist, like Sing from Kung Fu Hustle, and his pamphlet on the legendary Buddhist Palm.

Looking through some more of the suggestions...

Ash Williams I can totally see as the Tom-Sawyer-addition who initially isn't recruited into the League since he has very little to offer, but joins anyway to kick some ass.

Arthur Dent recruited for his knowledge of the universe. Especially after having survived the destruction of the Earth and saw it being recreated. Armed with a trusty towel and the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, as well as the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything, he makes an unlikely yet invaluable member to the team.

2007-09-04, 08:18 PM
Well, let's see, going under ravenkith's very valid points of assumption...

Indiana Jones - I like most of what you've done with the character. The immortality thing I'm a bit iffy on, but it does fit. And he has plenty of worth as far as stealable secrets. He does know the wherabouts of the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail.

John Constantine and Harry Potter - Really I don't think we need to choose between the two. It's like having one arcane and one divine caster in the group. Potter would definitely be older, and an Auror, which would make him awesome, and Constantine would just need to be himself. They both have their own secrets which many would love to get their hands on.

Dr. William Magnus - I'm not so big a fan of this choice. I suppose it could work, but I guess I'd prefer other "classic" characters in the League. Not my taste.

Charlie McGee and Carrie White - I'm not going to argue for or against these two since I don't know that much about them.

Alice Carroll - Love what's been done with the Wonderland character. I keep picturing the League first meeting the blonde, semi-goth girl sitting at a parlor table drinking tea and petting the Cheshire Cat in her lap.

Phantom of the Opera - I guess we'll continue to disagree on this one. I personally think adding intangibility and invisibility is taking too many liberties on the myth. Making him undead though, I whole-heartedly agree with. Just a stealthy one, who utilizes rapier-combat, stage magic, the Bunjap Lasso, and maybe even cursed/haunted musical scores which cause people to inexplainably die. The latter would cover his "stealable secret." His stealth would still let him fill the Invisible Man role.

William Wonka - I picture a League-modified Wonka as the man who finally grew up, but then immediately turned senile. Charlie died or possibly forsook the factory, leaving him without an heir, which has turned him bitter with age. He has all the secrets to make the candy, but instead alters them to be effective weapons. I picture him teaming up with "M" (who I will agree would always be the superior villain) after "M" convinces him to use his secrets for weapon design. Instead of everlasting jawbreakers, he makes an unbreakable alloy for armor or vehicle plating, or instead of taffy he makes an explosive adhesive which suffocates enemy lines, plus a debilitating line of poisons and ingenious traps, maybe even modify the glass elevator for a spy vehicle. Maybe he has a change of heart after meeting the League and joins them, becoming the resident scientist (a better choice than Magnus in my opinion). The best part about using a character who, by himself, could not pull off any sort of menace, is that it's that much more surprising and unique when he does.

Steve Austin - Please tell me this isn't the guy with "Stone Cold" in front of it... Otherwise, I don't know who this is.

Another one I'll explain further...

Alfred Borden - Covering a side of magic unknown to Constantine or Potter, yet touched upon barely by the Phantom, Borden has mastered a combination of science and magic through the research of his now deceased colleague. Now he is able to teleport and clone himself with his machines, as well as able to research a variety of other "magic tricks" for use.

Hmm.. does anyone else want to play in an MnM game using these characters? I don't really know many characters that could work here, so I'll say these guys are good for the League.

Finn Solomon
2007-09-04, 09:06 PM
2: The basic plot of the story would need to be preserved - we're talking a retreat of the original storyline, with a group of people being gathered, duped into giving up their secrets, and those secrets being sold to the highest bidder even as the seller sets the stage for a massive world conflict.

In addition, each league member should have something about them that a) can be stolen and b) can be used for warfare/espionage.

This means that characters like Gregory House, who are essentially mundane and NOT in possession of anything stealable, are also out the window.

Nah, that's just the movie. The original graphic novel had no mention of special abilities being stolen for governmental use. Mina Harker/Murray wasn't even an actual vampire, yet she was team leader. A guy like House could very well be in charge of the new League. But I agree with your point about the in-universe thing, though. League members should come from Earth.

I'm loving these suggestions, all the same. Gil Grissom! Kung Fu Hustle! Doctor Who! Now why didn't I think of that? Main villains still have to be the Corleones, though, I absolutely insist on this point.

2007-09-04, 09:53 PM
Hmm.. does anyone else want to play in an MnM game using these characters? I don't really know many characters that could work here, so I'll say these guys are good for the League.
Very Yes.


2007-09-05, 12:47 AM
I remember seeing somewhere that the Phantom was actually a villain in the evil, French version of the League. Though I could be wrong.

2007-09-05, 02:11 AM
I did something like this a while ago... alot of my choices have been discussed already... I think that certain people lend themselves to this sort of thing...

The First member of my league was Dr Emmet Brown of the Back to the Future trilogy - His Family had been lost in a temporal accident, whilst searching for them he came across Dr Abraham Van Helsing of the Novel Dracua (and various spin offs and rip offs) after his legendary encounter with Count Dracula whilst the Dutch physician was searching for the three brides, The two barely managed to escape from a vampiric confederacy traveling to the 70's in a new model of the Delorean.
The two were greeted with a horrific sight. Throught their actions in not stopping the Vampiric army the whole world had been overtaken by the Brides who ruled from the Americas. Our two Heroes managed to find a last man by the name of Robert Neville (I am Legend, specifically the book, not the film versions). Robert had lived on his own for a number of years, waging a geurrila war against the vampires on his own.
The three travelled back to stop the confederacy being over run by the brides where they met The Man with No Name (Serge Leone's Dollars trillogy), after an intial scuffle, The cowboy joined up with the Heroes and the four of them succeded in driving away the Brides to an unknown location.
Our Heroes decided not to part ways until the Three had been defeated once and for all, Van Helsing recalled the Legend of the Slayer... A single female imbued with a stregnth to defeat Vampires and other denziens of the darkness. Doc Brown also realised that the Delorean needed more fuel. The group chose to return to the 20th century, where such a commodity was easily available.
When in the year 1998 the group went on a hunt for the Slayer, finding a young woman called Buffy Summers. Even after a long descusion with the Slayer she was unwilling to leave her post in Calafornia, a place she called the Hell Mouth, but she was able to point them in the Direction of another, extra Slayer... Faith Lehane (BtVS). Faith was an angry violent woman, seeking redemtion for past sins she quickley fell in with the group, making friends with Neville, who was arguabley a better Vampire fighter than her. By this time Neville (who had worked in a Nuclear Power station) had helped Doc Brown make a few modifications to the Delorean design and a larger Time machine based on a Helicopter was designed.
Just before the group of five was about to set off a little boy approached them. The boy told them his name was Cole Sear (The 6th sense), and that he had travelled a great distance on the behest of the Ghost of a woman who claimed to be called Clara Brown. Unfortunately Clara (the Doc's wife for those not in the know) had not said when she had died, but the group took the little boy with them at his request, thinking that surely his ability to see the deceased would be useful.
This group of six travelled across time trying to find the three Brides and eventuallly caught up with them again in the early 20th Century, there they had fromed a cult around themselves in Egypt at the bottom of an ancient pyramid about to be uncovered by an Eygyptologist called Alexander Griffin (An original character but hold on and you'll see why he's in). Our Six heroes followed Griffin's crew through the Pyramids, The Crew slowly died, when only Griffin remained the group stumbled upon the hiding place of the cult. In an ensuing battle Alexander was brutally slain whilst the Brides escaped. The Six made the decision to bury the Explorer but unkown to them instead of entering the afterlife he made a deal with Anubis... As long as Griffin would protect a crow that would travel with him, he would be unkillable until the Sisters had been defeated (This idea is from The Crow movies and Comic books)...
Fully asembled this group travels through time, fighting the influence of the three brides, trying to finally defeat them once and for all!

So the group is

Dr Abraham Van Helsing - Vampire fighter and all round leadersip type

Dr Emmet Brown - A scientist who discovered time travel, also serves as the second in command

Robert Neville - A man who lived alone among vampires for nearly a decade, he is an expert at fighting Vampires in every way possible. Also has a medium understanding of Nuclear devices

The Man with No Name (Called Blondie by Faith, Cowboy by everyone else) - The fastest gun in the west, tough as nails, stong and silent, rooten tootenist cowboy ever

Faith Lehane - A dark past broods over this woman, she tries to cover it up with a facade of enjoyment. She is super strong and fast, able to take on most threats with ease

Cole Sear - At only 8 years old the small boy seems very different from the others in the group, A child who has obviously seen pain, but now seems happier... he can talk to the Dead

Alexander Griffin, The Crow - Alexander and his crow now prefer to dress in dark colours, He also paints his face pale with dark eyes and lips in the image of Osiris, the Eygptian god of death. As long as the Crow, Anubis (Just named after the God), lives Alexander is immortal

2007-09-05, 07:52 AM
If Wonka made candy that would make a good weapon, then yeah, you could get away with this. As things stand, he's kind of ....well...weak. Why would anyone want to collect anything of his, if they were planning on war profiteering?

Willy Wonka has some things going for him.

1. The ability to take advantage of migrant labour.

2. Mad science inventions, a teleporter that makes things shrink after going through it, a flying elevator and more.

3. A quirky personality, you can't make an entire team out of super spies with emotional issues.

4. Sweets that can only be described as magic potions. If you could convince him to make the right potions he'd be very useful.

2007-09-05, 12:58 PM
Ok, I'm working under a couple of assumptions that others don't appear to be:

1: The characters must be based in a world similar to our own, but with something that sets them apart.

2: The basic plot of the story would need to be preserved - we're talking a retreat of the original storyline, with a group of people being gathered, duped into giving up their secrets, and those secrets being sold to the highest bidder even as the seller sets the stage for a massive world conflict.

This means that some characters, like Ponder Stibbons, who are clearly in a completely different universe, just wouldn't function.

In addition, each league member should have something about them that a) can be stolen and b) can be used for warfare/espionage.

This means that characters like Gregory House, who are essentially mundane and NOT in possession of anything stealable, are also out the window.

Quartermain had nothing to steal.

2007-09-05, 01:00 PM
Quartermain was reportedly immortal.

If repeatable, you don't think that would be valuable?

Also, his presence lent an air of authenticity to an otherwise very suspect venture.

2007-09-05, 01:04 PM
Quartermain was reportedly immortal.

If repeatable, you don't think that would be valuable?

Also, his presence lent an air of authenticity to an otherwise very suspect venture.


I'm guessing you're going off the movie, not the comic?

Because in the comic all M wanted was Cavorite. Mina was a normal human. And Quartermain was a drunk.

And in the movie Quartermain was pretty well prooven not to have any immortal powers. And Sawyer had nothing to steal, either.

2007-09-05, 01:10 PM
In the movie, Sawyer invited himself along for the ride, if you recall; he wasn't on the original 'list'.

Quartermain came back at the end of the film.

While he could die, he wasn't going to stay dead.

The comic book is a different proposition from the film, it's true.

Which is why I was very clear as to what assumptions I was laboring under (those behind the movie).

2007-09-05, 01:22 PM
Arthur Dent recruited for his knowledge of the universe. Especially after having survived the destruction of the Earth and saw it being recreated. Armed with a trusty towel and the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, as well as the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything, he makes an unlikely yet invaluable member to the team.

That wins the thread. 'Nuff said.

Myself, I'd add someone like Twich, from the Spawn comics, heckuva shooter, or perhaps someone like Danny Ocean (A master planner, cunning thief, leadership...)

Moral Wiz
2007-09-05, 01:27 PM
Hmm. It might be possible to introduce a "Normal" character to the supernatural in a way that gives them somthing to steal.

House, for instance. What's the most plausible way to introduce House to the supernatural? A mystic virus of some sort. Say, one that entirely overwrides the body's DNA and results in the immune system rejecting the entire body (a similar condition is posssible but treatable. This is not.) House gets sacked for refusing the (incorrect) treetment, but manages to get his hands on a sample of the virus that he plans to run tests on.

Bingo. The good Doc has somthing M would dearly want. As is, the Virus is untreatable, and thus would serve well in Bio-warfare. With modification, it could become a very viable and powerful methord of genetic manipulation.Tell me M wouldn't jump at the chance of that.

As for my own list, I'm going to copy varying people with the result of

House: Leader. He is very good at the role, and he should be able to adapt well.

Buffy: Combat and tactics. Argues constantly with House. (I can't see these two getting on. I think I might go into more depth on this just to flesh out how these two would tear each other to shreads)

Constantine ( I don't know much about him, but what I do know fits to a tee.)

(Either Alice, or Maya Fay. Or possibly both, though I'm not sold on either.)

Those are the only ones I can get. They all have somthing to steal. Though after reading this thread, I'm considering going into the idea at more length, and expanding the cast somewhat.

2007-09-05, 01:48 PM
I still think Indiana Jones has to be in it. After all his father was in the movie one (/joke)

2007-09-05, 01:49 PM
Harry Dresden from the Dresden Files would be perfect in my opinion.

2007-09-05, 01:51 PM
How about FBI Agent Aloysius X.L. Pendergast from the books (not the movie Relic) by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child (Relic, Reliquary, Cabinet of Curiosities, Brimstone, Dance of Death, etc.). He's used to dealing with weird/supernatural situations, has a Holmes-like aptitude with conjecture, keen eye for details and is quite good at manipulating folks into doing what he wants, usually without them realizing it's what he wants.

2007-09-05, 02:24 PM
Bloddyredcommie is a genius.

Harry Dresden
James Bond
Indiana Jones
Dr "Doc" Emmet Brown
Codename V
Liz Sherman

OR, if just books, not film, tv, comics etc

Harry Dresden
James Bond
Charlie Nancy
a new Six Million Dollar Man/Woman
Thursday Next
the Marquis de Carabas

2007-09-06, 12:14 AM
Perhaps the nameless protagonist from Ralph Ellison's novel Invisible Man? Imagine the exchange when he goes for his tryout:
"So...you're the Invisible Man?"
"That is correct."
"And your power is to turn yourself invisible? Let's see."
"Oh, no, no. I don't become invisible. I am simply invisible."
"But you're not. I can see you just fine."
"Let me explain. I am not a phantom or a cartoon character. I am simply a man who is so nondescript as to be utterly forgettable."
"So your power is...?"
"Blending in."
"And how is that useful?"
"Well, I can get into places virtually unnoticed, do what needs to be done, and get out unnaccosted...because I am, for all practical purposes, invisible."
"Welcome to the team, Mr. Man."

2007-09-06, 12:52 AM
Someone who hasn't been listed:

Roland the Gunslinger from the Dark Tower -

In an alternate universe, Roland goes into a door in the search for the Dark Tower and ends up on the team.
Powers: stoicism and general wilderness know how, quickest draw in the known world, crack shot with his guns, and he's deadly in close combat. Occassionally finds a door he feels the need to go into. Also has the special 'ka' plot armor.

(I'm in the middle of the series, don't lynch me if I'm wrong about something) (No, quite literally, I'm on page 350 of the 4th book--middle of the series)

2007-09-06, 01:21 AM
The problem with people like Harry Potter, Arthur Dent, or Roland the Gunslinger is that it would presuppose the existence of the world in which they inhabit.

Anyway, I present another member:

Merlin Demonspawn: The magician of Arthurian legend, Merlin was sealed away for centuries under a boulder by his traitorous lover Nimue. When the boulder was blown away for construction, Merlin emerged. Because of Merlin aging backwards (which is why he said to live backwards through time), he now appears as a toddler. Upon learning of the modern world and of Arthur's apparent death, Merlin realizes the need for new heroes to step up and assembles the League (made up of whatever characters you want). Because of he is physically a toddler, however, he is unable to participate directly in the League's missions and instead orchestrates their actions using his supernatural prophetic abilities.

2007-09-06, 07:51 AM
Perhaps the nameless protagonist from Ralph Ellison's novel Invisible Man? Imagine the exchange when he goes for his tryout:
"So...you're the Invisible Man?"
"That is correct."
"And your power is to turn yourself invisible? Let's see."
"Oh, no, no. I don't become invisible. I am simply invisible."
"But you're not. I can see you just fine."
"Let me explain. I am not a phantom or a cartoon character. I am simply a man who is so nondescript as to be utterly forgettable."
"So your power is...?"
"Blending in."
"And how is that useful?"
"Well, I can get into places virtually unnoticed, do what needs to be done, and get out unnaccosted...because I am, for all practical purposes, invisible."
"Welcome to the team, Mr. Man."
The invisible man was one of the originial members.

Chaos Perfected
2007-09-06, 09:29 AM
Ooo, Pendergast. Hooray for fans of the most awesome book series ever! I second.

2007-09-06, 09:37 AM
here is my Team:

1. V: master of stealth and awesome uses of words that start with the letter V and with his mastery of knife fighting he would be the would be the "avenger" of the group

2. bourne: assassin-no memory+untapped potential as in he can still do things he doesn't know he can= one bad ass guy.

3. Robert Smith(south park): comeon lead singer of the cure by day and partly by night ability to turn into giant moth monster definite tank.


2007-09-06, 09:39 AM
The invisible man was one of the originial members.

That was HG Wells' Invisible Man, who was actually invisible. Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man is more philosophically invisible.

2007-09-06, 11:19 AM
Ooo, Pendergast. Hooray for fans of the most awesome book series ever! I second.

Yay! At least one other person's read this greatness!

Emperor Demonking
2007-09-06, 11:21 AM
The doctor: Leader and techie.
Dirk Gently: Detective
Masklin: Stealth
The demon headmaster: Mind control
Harry potter: Magic
James bond: James bond stuff.

2007-09-06, 12:06 PM
Modern LoEG:

1. Hiro Nakamura ("Heroes") - for any time-travel requirements, and general awesomeness.
2. Piper Halliwell ("Charmed") - firepower and experience fighting supernatural enemies.
3. David Lightman ("WarGames") - technological expertise.
4. Danny Ocean ("Ocean's 11") - infiltration.

That's all I've got for now ... job intervenes. :smallyuk:

2007-09-06, 12:37 PM
I hereby change my League's use of Slevin as a gun-man to a wetworks man and replace the role of gunslinging badass with:

John McLane.

2007-09-07, 05:20 AM
EDIT: Re-done a few posts down.

2007-09-07, 06:18 AM
James Bond

Hell boy

John Constantine

Dark man

Johna Hex

Indiana Jones

2007-09-07, 01:19 PM
Another viable candidate for the League would be an older Shaggy or Velma, of Scooby-Doo fame.

2007-09-07, 06:16 PM

Name: Daniel Campion
Role: Team Leader & Mechanic
From: Danny, Champion of the World
Story: After ruining Mr. Hazell's pheasant hunt, Daniel's father was charged with poaching, trespassing, theft, and every other trumped-up charge the upper-class twit could think of. Losing miserably despite the ardent support of the community, Mr. Campion was jailed, and Daniel became a ward of the state, thrust into a government training program to make the most of his mechanical skills. Equipped with military training and a natural skill for the mechanical, Daniel is called upon to assemble the latest incarnation of Britain's heroic menagerie.

Name: Matilda Wormwood
Role: Team Intellectual & (on occasion) Muscle
From: Matilda
Story: Soon after being adopted by her beloved teacher, Matilda's psychokinetic abilities began to re-emerge, surging out of control. After a particularly catastrophic episode, Ms. Honey was forced to reveal her true status as a government scout, looking out for children with... special talents to better... nurture them. Horrified by this revelation, Matilda fled, only to be picked up several years later and inducted into the League in exchange for training to suppress (or at least control) her abilities.

Name: George Kranky
Role: Team Medic & Chemist
From: George's Marvellous Medicine
Story: After failing to replicate his original concoction (much to the chagrin of his father) George became a government biochemist. After a few dismal failures he was marked for early retirement, but managed to pull a rabbit out of the hat; his Marvellous Medicine, with which he transformed normal animals into giants, midgets, stilt-legs and giraffe-necks, and a whole host of bizarre mutations besides. The rabbit turned out to be a beast, however, as the new Marvellous Medicine had... unfortunate... side effects.
Transferred to the League to act as a medic, George seeks to redeem himself and get his old, just as lucrative and far safer, job back.

Name: Sophie Olelukoie
Role: Team Psychologist & Pop Trivia Expert
From: The BFG
Story: Slightly crazy little girl who can blow dreams or nightmares into peoples heads via her ear-trumpet. Works with the League to win the BFG's freedom from London Zoo.

Name: Gregor Hopkins
Role: Team Occultist & Sneak
From: The Witches
Story: Witch-hunter who can turn into a mouse, joins the League to fund his witch-hunting activities.


Name: Willy Wonka
Role: Informant+Arms Dealer
From: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Story: An eccentric reclusive billionaire genius obsessed with candy, Willy Wonka has been a source of concern for the British Government ever since he started importing his illegal-immigrant chocolate-addict "employees", and the sheer extent of his technological breakthroughs was revealed. Wonka is known to have engaged into talks with James Persica, head of a newly-emerging cult of the Old Ones, but the extent and nature of these talks is unknown. He is most easily reached through "The Grubber", a famous sweetshop with direct access to Wonka's factory.

Name: Unknown. Answers to "Finger" or "Eff".
Role: Mid-Boss
From: The Magic Finger
Story: Godlike power, contained in a young girl's index finger? The few who knew said it was too good to be true, and they were proven correct after an... unfortunate incident that left the un-named girl an orphan.
Saved from a lifetime of incarceration in a mental hospital by James Persica, who had decided to use it as a recruiting ground for his cult, she is utterly devoted to her master. Nevertheless, she utilises the strange power within her finger cautiously, much to the relief of British operatives.

Name: James Persica
Role: BBEG, Lovecraftian Villain
From: James and the Giant Peach
Story: Consuming an alien worm that secretes a powerful mutagen is rarely recommended by medical authorities, and shortly after publishing the story of his journey to America James began having strange visions. Eventually managing to contact the man who gave them to him, he found himself involved in a strange cult, who he discovered worshipped ancient and interstellar gods, the young of which were the "crocodile's tongues". With the help of his mutated insects, heralded as the children of these "Old Ones", he quickly became the leader of the cult, and vanished from the world view...
Whether he intends revenge on the country that allowed his abuse at his aunts' hands or actually intends to summon these extra-dimensional entities is unknown, but James has most certainly begun plotting against the British Government, and perhaps forms of order all over the world...

Ugh. This was finished, and then the computer utterly screwed me over. Thankfully I'd copied most of it, but I'll rewrite Sophie and Gregor's stories tomorrow. Bah. For now I've summarized it.

2007-09-08, 02:48 PM
My Current Idea for a League:

V: V For Vendetta, Leader. It's not about something they can take from him, it's about using him to get the others on the team. I don't need to tell you why the decision to get him to help was M's first mistake.

James Bond: 007, Sharp Shooter - originally Stealth. Purely to lend an air of authenticity to the team, though the gadgets Q makes for him are 'collectible'. Just don't let him near the wheel or women.

Harry Potter: Harry Potter and the-- line of books, Occult. Deathstick, a few spells, and his DNA (to genetically engineer some mages for M).

Indiana Jones: Indiana Jones movies, Archeology Expert. Holy Grail, Ark of the Covenant (and M doesn't know America has hid the Ark in Area 51). M would settle for Lara Croft if he can't get this legend.

The Doctor: Dr. Who, Tech Expert. M wanted his Time Machine, he got the only person more dangerous to him than V.:smallwink:

Faith: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Muscle. DNA.

And if I am allowed to squeeze him in:

Dr. Banner/ The Incredible Hulk: The Incredible Hulk, Medical Expert and REAL MUSCLE. M knows about the effect Banner's blood had on his cousin. Need I say more? Of course, he's lured in with the promise something could be done about his 'condition', and when you consider WHO is on the team...

2007-09-08, 03:38 PM
Why has no one nominated Lara Croft?

2007-09-08, 03:49 PM
If you had read mine fully, you'd know that she was mentioned as a replacement for Indiana Jones if Indy chose not to join the League.

2007-09-08, 06:53 PM
Why has no one nominated Lara Croft?

Because you can fight bad guys with T&A?

Ash Williams
2007-09-08, 08:12 PM
I saw a similar topic on another board some time back, so here was the team I came up with. The story takes place around 1990:

We start with a woman, Agent 99 from Get Smart. Speaking with a man known only as "Doctor von Wher" (Number 7, to be precise), she's been hired to recruit specific individuals on behalf of an individual known only as "E.B." Her transport will be made available to her shortly. Naturally, Agent 99 assumes this person to be Dr. Emmett Brown, the physicist who (supposedly) disappeared 5 years ago.

First stop, Los Angeles. The services of an ex-con and private investigator named Jim Rockford are hired. Though reluctant at first, Jim decides to join them after spotting their transport: a modified version of the Battle Shell, piloted by a short reptilian pilot named Hamato Donatello (essentially, the Captain Nemo of the team).

Up in Michigan, Rockford and "Susan Hilton" speak with the manager of a store known as S-Mart to secure the services of a Housewares employee for an undetermined amount of time. Ever since a camping trip 3 years ago, Ashly J. Williams has changed. For one thing, his right hand looks like something out of Star Wars.

Next stop, Vice City, Florida. A contact of theirs, Mitch Baker, has agreed to help them track down their next member. A rather short-tempered individual known as Tommy, he's got access to various "supplies", so to speak.

Finally, a journey to Metro City helps them find a man who has recently defeated a high-ranking lieutenant in the Mad Gears gang. Supposedly a student of ninjutsu, he's known only as Guy, and his stealth skills are a great asset (in other words, Guy's the team's Invisible Man).

After the crew is united, the Doctor introduces them to Dr. Raymond Stantz from New York. Certain technology he has developed has gone missing, and there are many individuals who have claimed the theft. Two of them include Tony Cipriani from Liberty City, and a Sikh known as Khan Noonien Singh (if you get a chance, read The Eugenics Wars by Greg Cox for further information). It turns out neither of them are responsible for the theft. It's actually the leader of a gang known as the Black Dragons; a man known only as Kano.

After a series of events, they gain the necessary devices back from Kano. That's when we discover that "E.B." isn't everybody's favorite white-haired mad scientist. "E.B." is actually the late 20th century Edmund Blackadder, a notorious international crime boss. Can the dangerous Black Adder be stopped in time? Stay tuned...

2007-09-08, 10:38 PM
Thought of another one:

Captain Jack Sparrow: One of the pirate lords of the world, and captain of the legendary Black Pearl. Jack Sparrow proves to be the hardest to recruit and the most reluctant to actually join the League, and even when he is in his motivations are dubious at best. Recruited for some of the many legendary items he possesses such as the compass and the Black Pearl itself, as well as his knowledge of much pirate lore to lead the way to uncharted corners of the world.

2007-09-08, 11:39 PM
My Current Idea for a League:

V: V For Vendetta, Leader. It's not about something they can take from him, it's about using him to get the others on the team. I don't need to tell you why the decision to get him to help was M's first mistake.

James Bond: 007, Sharp Shooter - originally Stealth. Purely to lend an air of authenticity to the team, though the gadgets Q makes for him are 'collectible'. Just don't let him near the wheel or women.

Harry Potter: Harry Potter and the-- line of books, Occult. Deathstick, a few spells, and his DNA (to genetically engineer some mages for M).

Indiana Jones: Indiana Jones movies, Archeology Expert. Holy Grail, Ark of the Covenant (and M doesn't know America has hid the Ark in Area 51). M would settle for Lara Croft if he can't get this legend.

The Doctor: Dr. Who, Tech Expert. M wanted his Time Machine, he got the only person more dangerous to him than V.:smallwink:

Faith: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Muscle. DNA.

And if I am allowed to squeeze him in:

Dr. Banner/ The Incredible Hulk: The Incredible Hulk, Medical Expert and REAL MUSCLE. M knows about the effect Banner's blood had on his cousin. Need I say more? Of course, he's lured in with the promise something could be done about his 'condition', and when you consider WHO is on the team...

Most of these I agree with, except V, Potter, and Bond. V and Potter are nigh impossible to implement without recreating the world that spawned them. You can have Banner without all of Marvel coming in, but you can't have V without having a facist dictatorship in England. Same goes for Potter and the Wizarding world. As for Bond, he's already in the League-verse.

2007-09-09, 12:36 AM
That leaves Indy, The Dr., Faith, and Banner. Hmm, who to get in to replace the lost three?

Feedback: Who wants to be a Superhero? 1, Any Role. Feedback's Powers, Bio-Computer (both the him-only suit and the version that's now shrapnel in his body).

Diffuser: ^ #2, Leader. Secret to his ability to function at 110%.

Maxwell Smart (Agent 86): Get Smart, Stealth. He's selected both to get the team together and to add an air of authenticity. The fact M under-estimates him can be played both for laughter and victory.

2007-09-09, 01:49 AM
Dr House- Because no team should be without his sarcastic remarks and an incredibly sharp mind. Hell, I could see him as a leader.

I second this motion.

2007-09-21, 07:25 AM
Some of these suggestions are quite good. I'd put forward a couple of other possible members though. However should we not have more characters from books seeing the original league was drawn from book characters?

John Vincent Omally and Jim Pooley(From Brentford trilogy) Ok, possibly not the most odd/skilled characters to put into the league, but they do in a way fit the flavour. Both have fought the same kind of threats the original league went up against: Aliens, Robots, Cthulhu (Or at least i think they did at some point), the Antipope, Supercomputers. They have experienced multiple oddities including time travel. (Other possible Robert Rankin characters could be Professor Slocombe, Normal Hartnell and Archroy)

Shadow(From American gods and the other short story he's in.) Again not the most obviously skilled character but he is a Norse God and has died and come back to life.

Dirk Gently(From Dirk Gently's holistic detective agency)I think someone already mentioned him. However i thought I’d mention him again. A unconventional thinker, used to solving complex and confusing situations. (Again experience with gods and time travel.)

Door (From Neverwhere) The ability to open any door and generally go unoticed by the general public makes her a useful addition to the team.

Inspector Gadget
... or maybe not.

There’s bound to be a few less obvious choices that haven't been brought up yet for this though.

Possible Badguy
-Herbert West
The classic mad scientist. Perhaps he perfected his reanimation formula... or perhaps he didn't creating instead mockeries of man... etc

If Willy Wonka isn't a believable enough villain, that is:smalltongue: .

2007-09-29, 10:28 PM
Perhaps the nameless protagonist from Ralph Ellison's novel Invisible Man?
The invisible man was one of the originial members.

That was HG Wells' Invisible Man, who was actually invisible.
Hence the joke, you see.
How about Dante Aligheri from The Divine Comedy? Here we have a man who has been to Hell and back, quite literally, and perhaps would have useful insights on ghosts and supernatural beings. Perhaps we could have one of Hell's millions of sinners, demons, or even Satan himself come up to the surface to menace the LoG?

W Herzog Zwei
2007-10-01, 02:45 PM
The Leader: John "Hannibal" Smith - in the end it's about a plan coming together, and then Hannibal is your man. "I love it when a plan comes together."

The Tank: Hulk Hogan - He can take whatever you do to him, waggle his finger, Hulk Up and proceed to end the fight. "What you gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild on you?"

Sneaky Untrustworthy Fella: Ron Silver - an actor, and also an assassin for the NASA. "You can't run from death, Jack. You can't run from... Ron Silver."

Denny Crane: Denny Crane - Pretty sure he is unable to lose, and the emerging abilities in breaking the fourth wall might become handy. "Denny Crane!"

2007-10-01, 05:27 PM
A team with Harry Potter AND Buffy Summers? *Faints*

Black Mamba: As much as I hated Kill Bill, I have to admit she would fit the kill bill.

Fixed for puns :smallbiggrin:

2007-10-02, 09:24 PM
Master Chief
His unparalleled combat skills would be extremely useful. All fighting would be solved by this super commando

Michael Scofield
This genius engineer from Prison Break would be the leader of the group. His amazing planning abilities would an great contribution

Solid Snake
All stealth would be handled by this badass fighter. Whenever some place needs to be broken into, this will be the guy relied on.

Han Solo
With a space ship the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen would be able to anywhere, and do it fast.

Michael Westin
This ex-spy seems to be able to pull of just anything, and will be able to bring his expertise from when he used to work for the government. An expert marksman, negotiator, fighter, and tactitian, he might vie for leadership with Scofield.

2007-10-13, 08:44 PM
How about a League set in the time of the French revolution?

The Scarlet Pimpernel
(For obvious reasons)

Manfred Von Bek
(From 'The Citadel in the Autumn Stars' by Michael Moorcock.) A feckless libertine and revolutionary who becomes embroiled in events far beyond his control, and eventually becomes a counterpart to the Antichrist. He could be a useful consultant on all matters mystical.

Uh... who else? Only two?

Little help here?

Carton or Darnay from a 'Tale of Two Cities', maybe?

2007-10-13, 10:32 PM
SciFi theme:

Leader: Master Chief: To explain why he's leader would be inefficient, just get him a weapon. He brings his rare Spartan enhancements are collectable.

Bomb Expert: Samus Aran: Unlimited Morphball Bombs has its uses, and Power Bombs for those annoyingly strong barricades. Also has one of the most powerful weapons available. And in a pinch she can cool heads, and feet, and hands, and whole bodies. Her Chozo Power Suit is her primary collectable, but her metroid/chozo blood may be easier to get.

Resident Scientist: Megaman X: Anyone noticing my true theme yet? Anyways, X brings some of Dr. Light's knowledge and understanding to the table. What he didn't learn from Dr. Light, he makes up for in Xtreme firepower. He *IS* the collectable.

Tough Man: Doom Marine: Like I need to say anything about him. In this case, the collectable would have to be his blood. He probably was altered by his many trips to H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks.

Survivalist [Certified Bad***]: Mathew Kane [Quake 4 Guy]: In truth, the manipulators brought him in so they could predict his movements until they can kill the team. Too bad he's a survivor that's been teamed up with other survivors and a robot that is still top of the line well over 2 centuries since being built.

Survivor: Marcus Fenix: Team finds this guy alone, scattered around are hoards of dead unknown creatures. Needless to say, they took him in. Manipulators couldn't stop them, but thought since their plan for killing the team didn't involve monsters that he wouldn't be a problem. Too bad they didn't realize that all members of the team could survive the unexpected plot twist. And that makes the monsters that the manipulators were saving for later be cannon fodder rather than Elite Soldiers.

If you realized my primary theme, please make recommendations to better it.

2007-10-13, 11:37 PM
How about a League set in the time of the French revolution?

The Scarlet Pimpernel
(For obvious reasons)

Manfred Von Bek
(From 'The Citadel in the Autumn Stars' by Michael Moorcock.) A feckless libertine and revolutionary who becomes embroiled in events far beyond his control, and eventually becomes a counterpart to the Antichrist. He could be a useful consultant on all matters mystical.

Uh... who else? Only two?

Little help here?

Carton or Darnay from a 'Tale of Two Cities', maybe?
A 2-4 decades later, and there's Javert, or possibly Valjean himself.

2007-10-13, 11:51 PM
Ooh, nice. Why didn't I think of them?

2007-10-13, 11:53 PM
Because they were in the wrong Revolution. But LXG's heroes spanned about fifty years in origin, so why not these? 1789-1839, say.

2007-10-14, 01:13 PM
PsyBlade, I'm suprised you didn't go Gordon Freeman for your scientist/survivalist. His 'collectable' ness could be either the suit or the Gravity Gun. Either way works :smallbiggrin:

EDIT: Fixed a spelling mistake.

2007-10-14, 04:08 PM
If that suit is some form of armor (haven't played the series), then yes he'd do.

And you may have given me a new character to create.

2007-10-14, 08:56 PM
I also haven't played Half-Life, but according to Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_Freeman#H.E.V._suit) among its many features is enhanced protection against enemy attacks. So, yeah, it's armor.

Finn Solomon
2007-10-15, 01:00 AM
I'd have to disagree with Chief being the leader. He's the ultimate warrior and always gets the job done, but he needs someone to tell him what to do. As a right-hand man though, he's invaluable.

2007-10-15, 02:11 AM
Actually as far as good old johnny 117 goes, I think he actually has fantastic leadership skills if you delve into the halo books, not that I've read them myself, but I read a quote somewhere saying that he actually has really good leadership. If you notice, everyone is inspired by him in the games too, they're all like look it's the master chief, we're saved not oh, we might die but at least he'll finish the mission. Obviously leadership skills are a little hard to put forth in a fps though. I guess somebody who has read the books could say more. More the silent tanis leadership type I'd guess. Everyone can rely on his good judgement, and look to him in the end. At least as far as the armor people go I think he probably has the best leadership skills.

2007-10-15, 06:36 AM
Hmm. Alright, just collecting a few ideas...

Gordan Freeman - After sacking Xen, saving Earth, and then finally taking the fight to the Universal Union's homeworld, this theoretical physicist dissociated the Combine's reality from the rest of the universe. In doing so, he quelled their intergalactic slave-taking war for the rest of the foreseeable future and payed to the Gman the last debt of his survival; unfortunately, the rip in reality caused a discrepancy in time, and in his escape, he was returned to prior to the Black Mesa incident... In a reality where it's occurrence would never be necessitated or possible. Besides his Physics doctorate, he also possesses the world's only Zero-Point energy Manipulator, a souped-up HEV suit, and advanced knowledge of the highest level of technology to be developed within the upcoming eleven years.

Jack the Plaid and Tomie the Tome - One day, this guy, his sister, and his sister's best friend found a book of eldrich power in their attic. He overloaded it's capacity for magic by slamming it; now, he's a wizard, she's a goth, and she's a demon. Whatever. In his various, private misadventures, he's witnessed the destruction of almost every other magi on Earth; now, he's probably the most powerful among the surviving users of the art, which is most of why he's here; his natural inclination for occult relations is something to speak of, and his book is kind of a badass, too.

Jack Ryan - In the 60's, this three-year-old adolescent pulled himself, a brilliant genetics scientist, and about dozen little girls out of the collapsing phantom of Rapture, along with some rather interesting retooled weapons, and, of course, enough genetic alterations to maim a lesser man. He's getting older, these days, but his aging was optimized prior to his birth, so he's probably got a good few decades left in him. He can catch people on fire by snapping his fingers and drinking coffee, turn translucent by standing still, and take twenty seven 9mm rounds to the chest before having to sleep off the wounds. He's probably the only guy you'll ever find topside like that today; rapture's final demise was ensured by the USSR, who found the ruins first but never thought they could secure the position.

I need more, though.

Well, more people that I can associate with this reality.

EDIT: Anathema Device, maybe? Can't elaborate on the idea now...

2007-10-15, 07:58 PM
Duncan MacCloud
Sonya Blade
Samantha Stevens(Immortal)
The Terminator(sent to watch over and assist them instead of killing the woman who births the child.)
Swamp Thing

2007-10-15, 08:28 PM
Manticorkscrew: You know, I re-read LXG volume one today, and noticed a mural of a previous League: the 1787 version, which features. Mr. and Mrs. Percival Blakeney, as well as Gulliver, Dr. Syn, Mistress Hill (whom I don't recognize), and Natty "Hawkeye" Bumpo of The Last of the Mohicans fame.

This raises two questions for me, which is just what the Scarlet Pimpernel was doing for His Majesty's government before the French Revolution, and why Hawkeye the quintessential American frontiersman was working for a British organization after the American one...

Archpaladin Zousha
2007-10-16, 02:15 AM
SciFi theme:

Leader: Master Chief: To explain why he's leader would be inefficient, just get him a weapon. He brings his rare Spartan enhancements are collectable.

Bomb Expert: Samus Aran: Unlimited Morphball Bombs has its uses, and Power Bombs for those annoyingly strong barricades. Also has one of the most powerful weapons available. And in a pinch she can cool heads, and feet, and hands, and whole bodies. Her Chozo Power Suit is her primary collectable, but her metroid/chozo blood may be easier to get.

Resident Scientist: Megaman X: Anyone noticing my true theme yet? Anyways, X brings some of Dr. Light's knowledge and understanding to the table. What he didn't learn from Dr. Light, he makes up for in Xtreme firepower. He *IS* the collectable.

Tough Man: Doom Marine: Like I need to say anything about him. In this case, the collectable would have to be his blood. He probably was altered by his many trips to H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks.

Survivalist [Certified Bad***]: Mathew Kane [Quake 4 Guy]: In truth, the manipulators brought him in so they could predict his movements until they can kill the team. Too bad he's a survivor that's been teamed up with other survivors and a robot that is still top of the line well over 2 centuries since being built.

Survivor: Marcus Fenix: Team finds this guy alone, scattered around are hoards of dead unknown creatures. Needless to say, they took him in. Manipulators couldn't stop them, but thought since their plan for killing the team didn't involve monsters that he wouldn't be a problem. Too bad they didn't realize that all members of the team could survive the unexpected plot twist. And that makes the monsters that the manipulators were saving for later be cannon fodder rather than Elite Soldiers.

If you realized my primary theme, please make recommendations to better it.

Might I suggest a character to add to this list? The Hacker, from System Shock would make an excellent tech specialist for the group. I mean, he virtually (no pun intended) created SHODAN, and then managed to fight his way through Citadel Station after she'd seized control of it and managed to destroy her, temporarily at least. The collectible would probably be the data about SHODAN which may be in his implant. Wouldn't be too difficult to recruit, since he's basically gone back to civilian life after his showdown with SHODAN (okay, that pun was intended).

2007-10-16, 04:22 AM
Nice Touch, despite the lack of armor. Someone has to maintain their stuff, besides Samus Aran.

2007-10-16, 06:24 PM
Okay, my current thoughts on an American League at the turn of the 21st century:

Buffy Summers: partly because she's a skilled martial artist and tactical commander, but mostly because of the Mina Murray parallels (scarf? Check).

First Sergeant Conrad "Duke" S. Hauser: I was born a little after G. I. Joe's prominence, but I'm fairly sure I have friends who would kill me for not including at least one member of the team in here. Duke is a field commander and pointman. This spot could conceivably go to Buffy (season 7 Buffy anyway), in which case, switch Duke for someone with a different specialty.

Daniel Jackson, Ph. D.: Hey, Sam got something to do after the end of the series, why not Daniel? If he dies in the movie, so what, that's never slowed him down before. Jackson brings a variety of academic skills to the team, mostly as a translator, and is a surprisingly capable combatant by now.

Angus McGyver: Why did you think I picked Daniel from SG-1, instead of Jack? But seriously, no team like this is complete without one or both of MacGyver or Batman, and I'm steering clear of big shared-universe comics.

Could use one or two more...

2007-10-18, 07:45 AM
Manticorkscrew: You know, I re-read LXG volume one today, and noticed a mural of a previous League: the 1787 version, which features. Mr. and Mrs. Percival Blakeney, as well as Gulliver, Dr. Syn, Mistress Hill (whom I don't recognize), and Natty "Hawkeye" Bumpo of The Last of the Mohicans fame.

This raises two questions for me, which is just what the Scarlet Pimpernel was doing for His Majesty's government before the French Revolution, and why Hawkeye the quintessential American frontiersman was working for a British organization after the American one...

Yes, that is odd. I doubt we'll ever find out the answer, though. Not from Moore at any rate.

I'll have to revise my list.

2007-10-18, 09:03 AM
Chuck Norris: No explaination necessary.

Bruce Lee: See above

Mr. T: See above.

That much bad-assery could probably take anything down.

2007-10-18, 09:07 AM
Inspector Gadget
... or maybe not.

Since there's plenty of room for time tweaking (Huck Finn was older, for instance, than he was in the Twain books), I'd say the Inspector's niece Penny would be a viable - and valuable - member of the team.

I guess she'd qualify as the group's computer/tech expert.

2007-10-19, 11:41 PM
ok the sci fi tangent aside I really like alot of the picks for the american team.

I should say I only saw the movie and hated it, but I loved the consept and only being distracted by other comics have I not gotten that one yet.
I also want to stick to the heart fo the thread. Picking characters from film, comics, and books that are set in or very close to the "real world". So alternat future are out, or as said befor character whare there home world would over right the real one, like harry potter. If you can fit the characters world nicely in the RW as a small nich like the MOVE Highlander thats fine. Also the character should be unique enough, as in very few like them existing if there supernatual. Vampire character is fine but there are to many Imortals from the highlander running around the world for McClaud. If the TV show is used for the sorce. One last exeption as mentioned with the Hulk, if you can take the character out of their univers if it can be a clean brake. As the Hulk would be.

Picks I support for just about all reasons mentioned befor.
Indiana Jones
of corse great pick and fits the feel of the comic.

Doc Brown and or Marty.

I do have a reservation because her show had her save the world way to many times for her world to bot over ride the RW.



I'll support because he seems liked by the majority, I'll have to read the comic.
Some I cant believe have not been mentioned

The Freakin SHADOW!!!!!!!!!! Hello! Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?? The Shadow knows!!!

Sargent Rock from DC comics.

Ghost Rider, AKA Johny Blaze.
Big into the weird and can be broken off from the Marvel univers.

Tarzan, the origional or Mogli.

The Brothers Grimm.

2007-10-24, 01:55 PM
My league comes from the late 20th/early 21st century. Like the originals, they're all somewhat marginalized. That's why I don't have James Bond or Jack Bauer, they are intimitally tied into the system.

David Webb/Cane/Jason Bourne: Taken from the books, he's nearly a perfect Quartermain analog. He's getting older, but still badass. He has a big problem (memory loss/split personality) that he's nearly put completely behind him, but can still cause trouble. He knows combat, espianage, and intrigue up and down. He's the cameleon. He can fit in anywhere. You'd have to take out Marie and the kids to get him into action again, but once you did he'd be A) an unstoppable juggernaut of revenge and B) fricking rich enough to bankroll the team if they go off wire for a bit.

John Constantine: From Hellblazer. John is a rebellious loner, foul mouthed jerk, and a chain smoking cynic. But, he's also a humanist and a hero at heart who can work with others when he's convinced he should (like training Tim Hunter). John can pull down real mystical mojo when he has too, but generally gets by on street smarts. Plus his blood can totally heal the rest of the team.

I'm going to have to add more later. Its almost like they expect me to do some work, at work.

2007-10-24, 02:06 PM
For an English League, I'd actually put James Bond in the role Sherlock Holmes had in the comics. Her Majesty's quintessential badass agent...who's apparently dead, and has been replaced with this motley crew.

Bonus original flavor points if you make Blofeld analagous to LXG's "M" (spoilers: it was Moriarty. One damn thing the film got right).

Also, a British or International League must include some incarnation of The Doctor. I hear he moonlighted with UNIT toward the end of the old series, so it's not without precedent. John Constantine would also go here, rather than on an American League.

EDIT: You know, it just occurred to me...Dirk Gently's basically the Doctor only less cheerful and without so many neat gadgets. Also not an alien (probably). He could be on the team instead.

2007-10-25, 01:17 PM
I would just like to say there was no film of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
There may have been a film that called itself LXG, but it was not a film of the comic.
In fact the world is a better place for imagining that the film was never made at all.

I can see Bond as the go between between the League and M, whoever that is.
Indiana Jones is a good call by various people.
I would say a definite no to Harry Potter because he is too much a part of a separate world from our own, and brings more baggage than a new story could take.
I would second the Harry Dresden because he is soooo cool, and good at messing things up as he tries desperately to solve the short term issues.
I would add in King Rat from the book of the same name by China Mieville.
Shadow from American Gods is also a good call by various people.
And seeing as the league only needs 5 members for quoracy, the last person I would nominate would be Xander Harris rather than Buffy. Buffy has too much baggage where Xander has the sort of experience fighting all kinds of bad stuff the League would need.

2007-10-25, 02:02 PM
Xander has experience getting his ass kicked by powerful stuff, anyway...

I mean, don't get me wrong. He's a good motivator and a better organizer/C&C guy (see the Buffy Season 8 comic). He's just about as useful in a fight as...well, Mina Murray, come to think of it. Maybe he would work...

Of course, if you think Buffy has too much baggage, Faith has the same abilities, but internalizes all her various baggage so she's just kinda crazy instead of depressive.

2007-10-25, 03:02 PM
Thought I'd make a list of all the suggestions so far, maybe a LXGU as it were:

Jason Bourne
Harry Potter
Robert Langdon
Danny Torrace
Buffy Summers
Special Agent Fox Mulder
Mightily Oats
Gordon Freeman
Jean-Luc Picard
Ash Williams
Solid Snake
Faith Lehane
Jack Bauer
Walker, Texas Ranger
James Bond
The Doctor
Phantom of the Opera
Alice Carroll
Indiana Jones
Black Mamba
Michael Western
Alfred Borden
King Arthur
Dr. Gregory House
Charlie McGee
Carrie White
6 Million Dollar Man Steve Austin
Ponder Stibbons
Austin Powers
John Constantine
Slevin Kelevra
Valerie 'Val' Russel
Dr. William Magnus
Marty McFly
Egon Splender
Jason Nesmith
April O'Neil
Samantha Carter
Ryu Hoshi
Gil Grossom
Arthur Dent
Dr. Emmet Brown
Dr. Abraham Van Helsing
Robert Neville
The Man With No Name
Cole Sear
Harry Dresden
FBI Agent Aloysius X.L. Pendergast
Codename V
Liz Sherman
Thursday Next
the Marquis de Carabas
Charlie Nancy
Ralph Ellison
Roland the Gunslinger
Merlin Demonspawn
Dirk Gently
The Demon Headmaster
Hiro Nakamura
Piper Halliwell
David Lightman
Daniel Ocean
John McLane
Dark Man
Johna Hex
Daniel Campion
Matilda Wormwood
George Kranky
Sophie Olelukoie
Gregor Hopkins
Dr. Bruce Banner
Lara Croft
Agent 99
Jim Rockford
Hamato Donatello
Tommy Vercetti
Dr. Raymond Stantz
Tony Cipriani
Khan Noonien Singh
Captain Jack Sparrow
Maxwell Smart
John Vincent Omally
Jim Pooley
Inspector Gadget
Dante Aligheri
John "Hannibal" Smith
Hulk Hogan
Ron Silver
Denny Crane
Master Chief
Michael Scofield
Han Solo
The Scarlet Pimpernel
Manfred Von Bek
Samus Aran
Megaman X
Doom Marine
Mathew Kane
Marcus Fenix
Jack the Plaid
Tomie the Tome
Jack Ryan
Duncan MacCloud
Sonya Blade
Samantha Stevens
The Terminator
Swamp Thing
The Hacker
First Sergeant Conrad "Duke" S. Hauser
Daniel Jackson, Ph. D.
Chuck Norris
Bruce Lee
Mr. T
Seargent Rock
Ghost Rider
Brothers Grimm
King Rat
Xander Harris

And here are the suggested villains:
Fowl Family
Corleone Family
Willy Wonka
Rage Virus
The Father
Demons (from Buffy series)
Unknown. Answers to "Finger" or "Eff"
James Persica
Edmund Blackadder
Herbert West

Finn Solomon
2007-10-26, 12:35 AM
Wow. A team like that could conquer the universe.

2007-10-26, 01:36 AM

The Bushranger
2007-10-26, 07:57 AM
Hmmmmm...surprisingly tricky...

Jack O'Neill -as- Angus MacGuyver in his former job :smallwink:
Sydney Bristow
Xander Harris
Captain Jack Harkness
Dr. Emmett Brown
Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom

2007-10-26, 08:36 AM
Alright this is fun:

My Inventor/ Mad Scientist
Mikhail Kalashnikov -- Inventor of.... The AK-47, we'll have to assume he has the ability to come up with something else though. He can also fill the role of deaf and crazy old man.

Slippery Con Artist: His methods are collectible, nothing physical. Frank Abagnale; one of the better con artists of our time.

hmmmm, I'll complete the team later... too early to think.

2007-10-27, 03:22 AM
Yes he "invented" the AK-47 right after ww2 and all of the captured weapons where picked through untill they found a gun that looked very very much like an ak-47. I wish I remembered what that gun was called.

I wanted to add some one to the list. particularly remembering that this is supposed to be a US team

if not ash from evil dead.

Brisco County Jr.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-10-27, 08:08 AM
Sturmgewehr-44. However, the internal design of the Avtomat Kalashnikova is VERY different and far better, even though the external appearance is similar.

2007-10-27, 08:51 AM
Yes he "invented" the AK-47 right after ww2 and all of the captured weapons where picked through untill they found a gun that looked very very much like an ak-47. I wish I remembered what that gun was called.

I wanted to add some one to the list. particularly remembering that this is supposed to be a US team

if not ash from evil dead.

Brisco County Jr.

Yes it was influenced by the Sturmgewehr 44 and the PPS-43. It's pretty different on the insides though and it's the one that's stood the test of time. I just wanted to toss a couple of real world names into the hat.

2007-10-29, 09:21 PM
Following the conditions, here are my suggestion for today's LoEG. I will exclude comics characters from DC and Marvel. Also the guys from Heroes since it's very similar.

Lara Croft (TOMB RAIDER) - Indy probably died already, so she's the go to girl when it comes to looking for something. Besides she's incredibly rich.
Sydney Bristow (ALIAS)
Buffy (BtVS) - Imagine the sparks flying when she meets Mina Harker. "Who is the real vampire expert?"
Melinda Gordon (The Ghost Whisperer)
Allison DuBois (Medium)
Veronica Mars
Nancy Drew
Jaime Sommers (Bionic Woman)

Michael Knight (Knight Rider)
Angus MacGyver (MacGyver)
Sam & Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Hardy Boys
Alex Rider (Stormbreaker)
Robert Langdon (Da Vinci Code)
Flash Gordon
Inspector Clouseau (Pink Panther)

Robert McCall (The Equalizer)
Sam Fisher (Splinter Cell)
Jack Bauer (24)
Gabriel Logan (Syphon Filter)
John McClane (Die Hard)
John Rambo (Rambo)
Jason Bourne (Bourne series)
Michael Westen (Burn Notice)
Remo Williams (from the movie Remo Williams and the series The Destroyer) - trained at all types of fighting styles.
Hannibal Smith, Faceman Peck, Howling Mad Murdock, B.A. Barracus (The A-TEAM)
Frank Martin (The Transporter)
John Clark (Tom Clancy series)
Sam (de Niro character in RONIN)

Horatio Caine and his Sunglasses of Justice (CSI: Miami)
Jessica Fletcher (Murder, She Wrote)
Fox Mulder & Dana Scully (X-Files)
Frank Black (Millenium)
Harry Bosch (Michael Connelly novels)
Arkady Renko (Gorky Park)
Harry Callahan (Dirty Harry)
Walker (Texas Ranger)
Hawk (Spenser for Hire)

Dexter Morgan (Dexter)
Tommy Vercetti (GTA: Vice City)
Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs)
Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
Leon (The Professional)
Vic Mackey (The Shield)
Louise (Vampire Lestat)
Agent 47 (Hitman)

Harry Dresden (The Dresden Files)
The Charmed Ones (Charmed)
Steve Rogers (Six Million Dollar Man)
Mark Harris (Man From Atlantis)

2007-10-30, 12:02 AM
Speaking of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, a new one's supposed to come out on November the 14th.

2007-10-30, 12:19 PM
boogernights, I don't think I'll ever forgive you for putting Sam Fisher and Gabe Logan on that list and not Solid Snake. Shame. SHAME!

Lecter would make a good "token sociopath" addition, though...

2007-10-30, 02:13 PM
If we're talking Token Psycopath, how about The Angel Islington.
No wait, him as a villain!
Or both!!

2007-10-30, 06:34 PM
Your avatar reminds me that Rorschach might work for that slot, although he's pretty much the opposite of Hyde's kind of insanity. He also doesn't count as DC/marvel as he's from a self-contained continuity. His resemblance to The Question is intentional, but irrelevant.

2007-11-03, 11:50 PM
Some one that I don't think anyone has mentioned

Jules Winnfield from Pulp Fiction

Great with guns
cool under fire
Spiritually Aware

last seen going to "Walk the World like Qui Chang Kane"

2007-11-04, 02:58 AM
I dunno if many knew about this character... but here she comes

Lady Vengeance

Lee Geum-ja, victim of a crime she was accused of committing is sent to prison for the crimes of a school teacher who threatens to kill her little daughter. In prison she earns the title of "Kind-Hearted Ms. Geum-ja" after slowly poisoning the prison bully and helping many women in there. She receives parole thanks to the help of a Christian band and once out shows her true colors. She's now a woman with Vengeance in her heart, traveling around the world and bringing hopes to those in despair and in need of vendetta.

2007-11-04, 07:58 PM
I don't know if any of these have been mentioned (and they're a little bit anachronistic, considering people seem to be looking for a modern team), but I've thought off and on about running a one-shot rpg session, based on a Western League containing individuals such as the following:

Bret, Bart, Bert, etc. Maverick (card player, scoundrel, and quick-draw expert)
The Lone Ranger (the original White Hat, but you do need a Good Guy once in a while)
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman (medic!)

2007-11-04, 08:15 PM
Suggestions Peeps:

Grand Admiral Thrawn(villian)- miltary mastermind and genius, the kind of person that owns all. With needing only Macgyver and a spoon to take over most planets, why wouldn't he be a phenominal enemy? He was the Smartest Grand Admiral, and an alien at that.

Riddick- only three words... With a cup

2007-11-05, 12:38 AM
Sorry about omitting Solid Snake! A thousand apologies!

Anyway, I think the league's greatest weapon is Horatio Caine speaking with his back turned and his sunglasses on his lip, it can turn any villain into jelly!

A close second would be Jack Bauer growling menacingly.

2007-11-06, 09:17 AM
I want Hiro Protagonist from Snow Crash.
I think that he qualifies as modern because A) Snow Crash could totally take place in about 2 or 3 years the way we're going now and B) He gets a passing mention in Xodiac, another Stephenson book that definintly takes place now.
Hiro is a programer and hacker par excellence, socially savy enough to deal with everbody from corporate big wigs to street punks, incredibly intelligent, and the world's great swordsman (it says so on his business cards!).
Hiro for the modern league!

2007-11-06, 03:46 PM
No modern league is complete without Homer Simpson.

Too dumb to be afraid of weird stuff, has survived things no man should be able to, has seen the face of God and he has the 'Homer Simpson Syndrome' rendering him from being able to be knocked down by anyone in unarmed combat less capable than a boxing champion.

2007-11-08, 03:31 PM
I want Hiro Protagonist from Snow Crash.
I think that he qualifies as modern because A) Snow Crash could totally take place in about 2 or 3 years the way we're going now and B) He gets a passing mention in Xodiac, another Stephenson book that definintly takes place now.
Hiro is a programer and hacker par excellence, socially savy enough to deal with everbody from corporate big wigs to street punks, incredibly intelligent, and the world's great swordsman (it says so on his business cards!).
Hiro for the modern league!

This wins. Period.

Throw in Y.T. or the javelin-throwing badass (forget his name).

2007-11-09, 08:08 PM
From the movie, as an addition to the surviving LXG of that time period and if I were making a sequel, I would add Madame Helena Blavatsky (possibly could be played by Fairuza Balk). She would bring powers of telepathy, psychometry, and the ability to sense and contact spirits.

(And yes, I know there was an actual Madame Blavatsky. This would be somewhat based on the real person)

2007-11-10, 03:12 AM
John Constantine(book version) from Swamp Thing/Hellblazer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Constantine). Not as expert mage though, but as the unwilling leader. Look at his work in Moore's version of swamp thing! He can take an impossibly disfunctional group of individuals and get them to do something semi-coherent.
Mary Beth Baker from SiP (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strangers_in_Paradise) as second in command.
pre-start-of-planetary-series-but-after-Snow-loses-his-memory Drummer from Planetary (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planetary_%28comics%29). Tech power, and a pile of crazy.
Alexander Rider and Maggie-Sue from Bad Magic (http://stephan-zielinski.com/?c=Bad%2BMagic). Raw, ungodly magical talent combined with dysfunction, trauma, and romantic-y love.
Stanley Ipkiss(Movie Version) Stanley Ipkiss (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanley_Ipkiss)- I think it's illegal to make a LeXG tribute without some style of Hyde.
Moral Guide/Shower of Perspective/Random guy with gun Hob Galding (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hob_Gadling).
Other anti-muscle Sam Logan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_and_Fuzzy). He walks with chaos every day, for chrissakes! Also, I'm choosing to believe that the Fuzzy/Mask interactions would be amazing, combined with the Stanley/Sam interactions.

2007-11-10, 04:49 AM
Okay, since he was nodded to but not mentioned...
Qui Chang Kang -- no one has kicked more butt -- and just to be current with the timeline, there was a sequal show where he played his own grandson and he still kicked a lot of butt

Dirk Pitt & Al Giordino -- tougher then a pro-wrestler, smarter then anyone else around, and luckier then a gambler on a hot streak who knows when to quit... And no one knows more about the water then these two.

Wilhemena Harker -- "It's possible I can't die" She was in both the comic and the movie, nuff said
And not to knock anyone's hats off, but people like Picard are a little tough, yeah the literature is current, but the timeframe of the literature is not. If you look at the original league (both in the movie and the comic) all of the characters were from settings around that time frame (except Mina, but she's an exception regardless)

2007-11-10, 07:51 AM
Modern Day League of Extraordinary Gentlemen:

James Bond, 007--the world's greatest secret agent and the leader of the team.

(Note: I also considered Horatio Crane from "CSI: Miami" and Col. Jack O'Neill from "Stargate: SG1" to head up this LXG, but in the end I felt Mr. Bond was the best choice)

Harry Dresden

Buffy Summers (just make sure no male vampires are around 'cause she'll be knocking boots with him in under five minutes)

Hiro Nakamura, arguably the coolest of the Heroes.

Peter Parker, the Amazing Spider-Man

Jamie Summers (the Michelle Ryan version, of course)

What LXG would be complete without an invisible man? In this case, Darien Fawkes from the Sci-Fi Channel series of the same name.

One of the coolest things about this LXG would be the butt-kicking women. :smallwink:

2007-11-12, 10:08 PM
lets try copyright free, shall we?

1. Young merlin, aged in reverse, he is now, centuries later, a much younger, weaker creature. Inexperienced, yet still with the greatest magic a human has ever weilded.

2. Alice Caroll. Known for unconventional thinking, posesses the ability to travel through relfective surfaces. Also serves as a contact point for Ms. Gale of the American equivialant of the league.

3. Professor T. The leagues expert on the outdoors and wildlife. A large man, extremely tall, with striking grey eyes. Extremely athletic. One of the few league members with attatchments, he seems conflicted between his interests, his time with the league, and the desire to spend time with his love.

4. Wiggins. Dark and strangely outward moving, seems to have an uncanny anylitical mind. Frequently seen flipping what he refers to as his "Last Shilling." Also seen reading the memoirs of an english doctor on occasion.

5. Diego de la Vega, A member of the Spanish Equivilant of the League, "Helping out" for fear of the organization revealing his actions as Zorro.

6. Quincey Harker. Medical doctor, with knowledge of blood diseases. Feircely dedicated, known for wearing heavy garments on sunny days. Sensitive to sunlight, due to a disease of the blood he "inherited, partially, through its brief presence in his mother.

Funny thing is, I used a few of these characters in a short story not long ago..

2007-11-15, 03:04 PM
I'd say the story shouldn't be a rehashing of the original book *or* movie - it's a sequal, of sorts, in my opinion. As such, the founder of the League need not be evil, nor need the members have something theftworthy - although they very well may.

I like Dresden better than Potter for this. He's closer to the atmosphere a League would need - dark adventure, I'd say.

I LOVE the Alice Carroll idea. Soft-spoken, helpful, and oh-so-creepy.

Indy Jones is also fun - even though he'd be ancient by now. 'Course, who knows what that little sip from the Grail did to him? Say, he's in his 80s, but looks 50s at most.

MacGyver would be an awesome addition to the team. I'd say he's the one member of the team without debilitating issues. :-P

Marty McFlywould be fun - the Doc's disappeared, and Marty's left with a burning question about where his mentor went, a time machine he's not 100% sure how to work, and a girlfriend who can NOT find out about all this.

I'm going to lean away from most comic book characters, 'cuz spandex and capes don't really work with this sort of deal. The Heroes series characters, while awesome in their own series, come with a bit too much of a universe of their own to use properly. Similarly, Buffy and her ilk. Too much of an established universe in my mind.

The Bushranger
2007-11-15, 04:28 PM
5. Diego de la Vega, A member of the Spanish Equivilant of the League, "Helping out" for fear of the organization revealing his actions as Zorro.
The winner. :smallcool:

Archpaladin Zousha
2007-11-15, 07:19 PM
Indy Jones is also fun - even though he'd be ancient by now. 'Course, who knows what that little sip from the Grail did to him? Say, he's in his 80s, but looks 50s at most.

Think again:

Here's what he looks like in his 80's! (http://www.theraider.net/showimage.php?ImageUrl=http://www.theraider.net/films/young_indy/gallery/makingof/mo_11.jpg)

2007-11-15, 07:38 PM
Everyone knows he wouldn't wear glasses and an eyepatch.
He would wear a MONOCLE and an eyepatch.

2007-11-15, 08:22 PM
T.E. Lawrence (character based mainly on the Peter O' Toole incarnation) as the charismatic and dedicated leader, to the point of near-madness. Doesn't matter if your problem is Turk-dominated Arabia or demon incursion, he'll see it through with insane fervour.

Dr. Strangelove as the crazy, half-Nazi, wheelchair-bound scientist and technical brains of the outfit.

River Tam for her crazy-flexible fighting and off-the-wall demeanour.

Ivan Dobsky, the 1970's-obsessed meat-safe murderer who never done it from Monkey Dust (What do you mean you've never seen it?).

DC's The Question for detective work and general facelessness.

And for sheer awesomeness, Mitchell and Webb's Angel Summoner and BMX-Bandit, for general angel-summoning and... bikes.

2007-11-15, 09:14 PM
The winner. :smallcool:

YAY! What do I win? :smalltongue:

Archpaladin Zousha
2007-11-17, 12:45 PM
Everyone knows he wouldn't wear glasses and an eyepatch.
He would wear a MONOCLE and an eyepatch.

Why? An monocle just seems to snobbish for a down-to-earth guy like Dr. Jones. I mean, in the episode that we see him at that age in, he's got a daughter and a grandson.

The Bushranger
2007-11-17, 02:52 PM
YAY! What do I win? :smalltongue:

A song from Sargeant Garcia? :smalleek: :smallwink:

2007-11-19, 07:50 PM
SciFi theme:

Leader: Master Chief:
Bomb Expert: Samus Aran:
Resident Scientist: Megaman X:
Tough Man: Doom Marine:
Survivalist [Certified Bad***]: Mathew Kane [Quake 4 Guy]:
Survivor: Marcus Fenix:

If you're going for a computer-game theme, can I suggest:

Hacker/Tech-guy/Badass: JC Denton - Nanotech-augmented former UNATCO agent, has contacts with various underground organizations, including the Illuminate and the Triads. Equally at home sneaking through ventilation ducts, charging into battle wielding an automatic shotgun, or hacking your email account.

Pilot: Edison Trent - freelance pilot, trader/smuggler. Will join your League either for payment, because an outrageously flirtatious security agent asked him to, or to find out what the strange artifact he found is and why everyone is trying to kill him for it.

2007-11-22, 09:43 PM
Leader: Julian Delphiki (ok, I know, that's too far into the future) but Bean would make an excellent leader. +100 points if he's the Bean from Ender's Game, not the giant from the later Shadow series.

Arcanist/Mystic: Alvin Maker (from Card's...um...Alvin Maker series). The guy was set up to be a messaiah, but he never fully realized his potential. The fact that he was born in the 1800's shouldn't matter, because he's got so much power.

Now that I think about it, Mr. Maker wouldn't fit, because he's from a different universe. I second Harry Dresden.

Hand to Hand Expert: Snake from Snake Eater (aka Big Boss.) I didn't want to use a videogame character, but I couldn't think of anyone who was supposed to be more bad ass, unless you can find a fictional prose character who has as much CQC ability AND isn't also Jason Borne.

Inteligence: I think it would be fun to have Q instead of Bond. He has gotten tired of researching the gadgets and would like the chance to use a few instead. Also could be brought on if Bond were incapacitated/mind controlled/assasinated.

Chronicaler: He never really had a name, but I would for sure include the narrator/interviewer from World War Z.

Also: Sorry for the thread Necromancy, but it's late and I'm at work. Nya.

2007-11-24, 10:45 AM
OK, I'll bite.

For an all-British, not too other-continuity past/future league:

Team leader: The Doctor. He's got smarts, charisma, scientific knowledge and gadgets par excellence, plus a fine form of transport, and low level psychic powers/arcane knowledge, plus regeneration. Not exactly British, but he definitely acts it, so he's in.

Arcanist: John Constantine. The Dr's nearest rival in terms of smarts, with a tad more ruthlessness.

Government liason: James Bond. Tasked to keep an eye on the potentially dangerous members of the team (particularly the Doctor and Constantine). Good at general secret agent stuff. Alternatively, perhaps the SAS bloke from The Authority, because he's funny.

Random archeologist/extra guns: Lara Croft.

Because you need someone genuinely nice other than the leader: Charlie Nancy His magic stuff should come in handy too.

I don't think anyone from the Potterverse would fit. I quite like the idea of an immortal in the team, although Hob Gadling sadly lacks any particularly pertinent abilities. Perhaps Alan Quartermaine might fit in; perhaps he would do better as adversary, or both. Also, it needs a big more muscle, and would be hideously prone to schisms since neither John, Lara, or Bond would easily follow orders, and they'd all have their own agenda... but what the heck. Anyhow, all of the above have shown the capacity to deal with people who massively out-muscle them.

The question follows - who would put this team together, and for what purpose? I'd reckon that the British Government might think they were doing it, whereas it would actually be the Dr's idea. They could then supposedly take orders from some senior minister/civil servant, and then subvert them as they choose.

Some good encounters for them might be:

Captain Britain. A version of him is meant to exist in every universe, so he'll fit in somehow.

Merlin. I've rather gone off Arthurian myth since I passed the age of 12, but he's got potential for a brief appearance, possibly together with Captain Britain.

The Master. Possibly controlling the minister that's meant to be in charge of them

Random demons/demigods etc.. So John can show his expertise.

The daleks. Just because!

The SAS/terrorists, possibly both stumbling across and misusing things which they have no clue about. Good for a laugh.

Any of the previously mentioned modern American teams.

2007-11-24, 04:29 PM
Maybe we should have pure fantasy or sci fi crossover team. Stick to one character per Universe:

Sci Fi:

From Doctor Who, The Doctor (Vast, almost omniscient General Knowledge, the technological skill to Macguyver his way out of anything, and he would make an excellent team leader.)

From Star Wars, Luke Skywalker (Late in the Expanded Universe, he has an unparalleled Mastery of the Force, incredible Lightsaber skills, and many other skills that would be useful to the team e.g. pilot, diplomat, teacher)

From Ender's Game, Ender Wiggins (A brilliant, if flawed, warrior)

From Firefly/Serenity, The Operative (The group needs a government stooge... I mean, somebody with the right amount of ruthlessness to do the dirty work that needs doing.)

From Star Trek, Q (We've already got incredibly knowledgeable and skilled people. Now, we need someone with real power. And Q is almost all-powerful.)

From Honor Harrington, Honor Harrington (Who else?)

From Babylon 5... [FILL IN HERE] I'm not sure.

From Warhammer 40K... [FILL IN HERE] Again, I'm not sure.

2007-11-26, 02:40 PM
From Babylon 5... [FILL IN HERE] I'm not sure.

Let me think...

Either Marcus (Ranger extraordinaire), a sarcastic wise-cracking melee fighter or Galen (Techno-mage extraordinaire), a sarcastic wise-cracking techno-mage.

That said, with Q, your team automatically wins.

2007-11-26, 04:53 PM
My newest suggestion: Adam Young of Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman's Good Omens. Now, he may be a young suburban boy but he can draw upon the power of the devil. This nice young man can bend reality and command the forces of hell for the good of the team.
And you must admit that it's very LXG to have the moral center of the team also be the anti-christ.

Because you need someone genuinely nice other than the leader: Charlie Nancy His magic stuff should come in handy too.

I quite like the idea of an immortal in the team, although Hob Gadling sadly lacks any particularly pertinent abilities.

Fat Charlie doesn't do magic.
He performs miracles!:smallsmile:

Hob sadly lacks any particularly pertinent abilities??? He spent two hundred freaking years as a soldier. He's risen to the top in practically every business there is. He's fallen as low as can fall and still picked himself back up to the top again. He must be practiced at every single skill under the sun. And through all of this, he's still a good man.

This wins. Period.

Throw in Y.T. or the javelin-throwing badass (forget his name).
Thanks, Disciple.
His name is Raven.

2007-11-26, 07:49 PM
Looks like a few people have beat me to the MacGyver idea. Here's another one: Gene Simmons of Kiss -- not as he is in real life, but rather with his experiences from the 70s and 80s Kiss comic books. It works out very similar to the Indiana Jones idea, only with one heck of a twist. :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-28, 12:38 AM
Why not Thursday Next, of Jasper Fforde's books? Not precisely the right universe, but close enough, and with all of her traveling it's entirely possible she's here. She's got smart, resources, dab hand with a gun, experience with a gamut of weird stuff, and can call the whole of non-copyrighted literature to her aid - and, of course, Bookjumping. Plus, she even brings villains - the Goliath Corporation and the Hades family.

2007-12-08, 01:55 AM
Hm... who would I use in my league?

Isaac der Grimnebulim: Inventor of the Crisis Engine, he actually created the equation of crisis that lowers the boundaries between worlds, allowing him to jump from New Crozubon to London. However, when he landed, his lover Lin was found as a monster, and so he has hidden her. He has also used the engine to try to get back, but has since realised that perhaps helping the League is a better idea.
(Perdido Street Station)

Tanner Sack: Another Bas-Lag native, he has had the gills of a cod grafted into his body by his own accord and tentacles as a punishment. He is a rather odd man, but grand with underwater combat. Or melee combat in general, as well as general skullduggery.
(The Scar)

Lobsang Ludd: The son of Time and now Time on the Disc, he is a very power man, even if he is just barely more than a boy. He can stop, rearrange and even alter time, since he is Time. He also has a knack for clock building.
(Thief of Time)

The Doctor: Just the Doctor, thank you. Not a constant member, but when he appears, the LEague is gaurenteed his assisstance. However, he never quite seems the same, and sometimes they run into previous versions of the Doctor...
(Doctor Who)

Jack Harkness: The Man Who Cannot Die. No matter what they try, he cannit die. A nice fellow, he has a tendancy to scare 20th century and 21st century natives with his... ambiguous nature.

Professor William Dyer: An American, he has seen things the other members of his team would fear seeing, even the Doctor. He was one of the first to go on an expidition to the Mountains of Madness.
(At The Mountains of Madness)

Drizzt Do'Urden: One that has an even harder time than Tanner Sack hiding his nature from the Earthers, Do'Urden was summoned up from the last attempt to get back home by Isaac. He is an expert with many sorts of military tactics.
(The Legend of Drizzt)

That's how I'd do it...

2008-01-02, 05:46 AM
Fat Charlie doesn't do magic.
He performs miracles!

Hob sadly lacks any particularly pertinent abilities??? He spent two hundred freaking years as a soldier. He's risen to the top in practically every business there is. He's fallen as low as can fall and still picked himself back up to the top again. He must be practiced at every single skill under the sun. And through all of this, he's still a good man.

OK, I take your point. Hob can make the team. And just to round it off, I might poach Mathilda from the Roald Dahl team previously suggested (except that, since I can't quite imagine an evil Miss Honey, perhaps she was brainwashed, and as part of the process had to kill Miss Honey - dark enough?).

Actually, I rather like the idea of the Roald Dahl team. Preferably done as an animated or animation-enhanced film with input from Neil Gaiman, Dave McKean, and Terry Gilliam, but maybe I'm just being nutty.