View Full Version : Fun homebrew idea for making a character

2018-04-27, 03:28 PM
I love homebrewing new fun ways to play. This idea starting with thinking about backgrounds believe it or not.

Ok here it is.

Step 1) choose your class.
Step 2) choose your race.
Step 3) Roll a 1d12 to select a class at random. In alphabetical order-
1 - Barbarian
2 - Bard
3 - Cleric
4 - Druid
5 - Fighter
6 - Monk
7 - Paladin
8 - Ranger
9 - Rogue
10 - Sorcerer
11 - Wizard
12 - Warlock
-You gain all of this class's level 1 features at level 1 for free except it's save proficiencies and it's hit die. This has no effect on the main class you chose. Just free stuff to incorporate into your character's background. If you roll your same class, just roll again. At levels 6, 11, 16, and 20 you gain an additional level in your random class for free. You are free to decide on whatever subclass you wish for your random class.
Step 4) Stat your character using point buy but you get a bonus +2 that can only be used on your free class's primary stat as long as it doesn't share your main class's primary stat, in which case you can take a free +1 to Con.
Step 5) Choose your background
Step 6) Finish fleshing out your character with backstory, items, etc

Note: No multiclassing allowed here.

So what do you guys think? I think it will make for some very interesting oddball characters that would probably never happen willingly along with some potential perfect pairings by coincidence.

I was going to make an example character but I've run out of time thanks to my wife sending me to the grocery store lol