View Full Version : Pathfinder Immortality Without Undeath?

2018-04-27, 07:34 PM
Is there any way in Pathfinder to achieve immortality without resorting to undeath?

I’m aware of Reincarnation, but for my purposes I need to retain the original body. I know there are ways to tinker with aging effects, e.g the druid’s Timeless Body feature, but this doesn’t actually stop the aging. Is there any way to prolong a lifespan indefinitely?

2018-04-27, 07:50 PM
Is there any way in Pathfinder to achieve immortality without resorting to undeath?

I’m aware of Reincarnation, but for my purposes I need to retain the original body. I know there are ways to tinker with aging effects, e.g the druid’s Timeless Body feature, but this doesn’t actually stop the aging. Is there any way to prolong a lifespan indefinitely?

Yes. Alchemist's Grand Discovery: Eternal Youth (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/alchemist/discoveries/paizo-alchemist-grand-discoveri/eternal-youth) will do the job. There was a way to get it as a Wizard, too... Here (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/wizard/arcane-discoveries/arcane-discoveries-paizo/immortality). Plus, of course, the Druid gets Cyclic Reincarnation (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/cyclic-reincarnation/), which works well if you can get Contingency at CL 18+ on the same build.

2018-04-27, 07:53 PM
Thanks, but that looks like an alchemical version of Timeless Body, which removes aging penalties, but doesn't explicitly prolong the lifespan beyond its normal course.

2018-04-27, 08:00 PM
Thanks, but that looks like an alchemical version of Timeless Body, which removes aging penalties, but doesn't explicitly prolong the lifespan beyond its normal course.

Compare them, then.
Per Timeless body (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/druid/#TOC-Timeless-Body-Ex-):
After attaining 15th level, a druid no longer takes ability score penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any penalties she may have already incurred, however, remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and the druid still dies of old age when her time is up.(emphasis added)

Vs. Eternal Youth (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/alchemist/discoveries/paizo-alchemist-grand-discoveri/eternal-youth):
The alchemist has discovered a cure for aging, and from this point forward he takes no penalty to his physical ability scores from advanced age. If the alchemist is already taking such penalties, they are removed at this time.(emphasis added)

And Immortality (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/wizard/arcane-discoveries/arcane-discoveries-paizo/immortality):
You discover a cure for aging, and from this point forward you take no penalty to your physical ability scores from advanced age. If you are already taking such penalties, they are removed at this time. This is an extraordinary ability. (emphasis added)

The Druid ability does NOT call itself a cure for aging. The other two do. The Druid ability explicitly says you still die of old age. The other two don't. They're very distinct.

Edit: Ah, there we go! The Oracle's Time Mystery (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/oracle/mysteries/paizo-oracle-mysteries/time/) capstone is quite explicit:

Upon reaching 20th level, you become a true master of time and stop aging. You cannot be magically aged and no longer take penalties to your ability scores for aging. Age bonuses still accrue, and any aging penalties that you have already accrued remain in place. You cannot die of old age, but you can be killed or die through accident, disease, poison, or other external effects. In addition, you can cast time stop once per day as a spell-like ability.(emphasis added)

Let's see... there's also the Parasitic Soul (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/p/parasitic-soul/) spell, but it leaves a person in a very vulnerable state vs. dispelling. And you don't keep your body, which you want for this (but if you use it on a planar bound outsider, you get to keep that body for a LONG time).

Edit: It can also be done with just spells. If you make Create Demiplane (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/create-demiplane/) (any of the three) Permanent, then use Create Greater Demiplane to make it Timless, you can leave your real body on that plane in stasis, using Astral Projection (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/a/astral-projection/) to get off plane and interact with the world.

You may also enjoy a read through This Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?430651-Ways-to-become-immortal-in-Pathfinder)

2018-04-28, 10:02 AM
Good find with the oracle’s Time Mystery, that’s just what I was looking for.

So, here’s my next question: is there a way to prolong life, without necessarily becoming immortal via the Time Mystery? Are there any spells, rituals, magic items, etc. that can extend a normal lifespan several times over, but not to the point of true immortality?

2018-04-28, 12:16 PM
Good find with the oracle’s Time Mystery, that’s just what I was looking for.

So, here’s my next question: is there a way to prolong life, without necessarily becoming immortal via the Time Mystery? Are there any spells, rituals, magic items, etc. that can extend a normal lifespan several times over, but not to the point of true immortality?

Repeated use of Astral Projection (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/a/astral-projection/) will do that. Your real body is left behind in stasis; but the copy presumably ages. So you Astral Project from your base (not a timeless one to arrange this specific thing), walk around for a while, and when the copy dies of old age, you wake up back at home base (assuming nothing messed with it...) in a young body again. However... while you cast Astral Projection to renew the project, it's your real body that's aging. So your real body ages about 30 minutes for each lifespan (more, if you have to rest and regain spells). This also means that your copy starts that much older each cycle. Eventually, you die of old age... but you may very well outlive some stars.

2018-04-28, 06:38 PM
You could also, technically, retrain the class feature away if it was an optional one, such as a Discovery.

2018-04-29, 02:06 AM
Good find with the oracle’s Time Mystery, that’s just what I was looking for.

So, here’s my next question: is there a way to prolong life, without necessarily becoming immortal via the Time Mystery? Are there any spells, rituals, magic items, etc. that can extend a normal lifespan several times over, but not to the point of true immortality?
I question why you would specifically want that. In every case I can think of, immortality and a noose can get you to exactly whatever age you want and not a day longer.

2018-04-29, 05:09 AM
If ordinary D&D content is allowed in Pathfinder games, the Extended Lifespan epic feat does that - extend lifespan a bit, but not infinitely:


2018-04-29, 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by Jack_Simth
Repeated use of Astral Projection will do that. Your real body is left behind in stasis; but the copy presumably ages.

Interesting, thanks. Not sure if it’s quite what I’m looking for, but I’ll keep it in mind.

Originally Posted by hamishspence
If ordinary D&D content is allowed in Pathfinder games, the Extended Lifespan epic feat does that - extend lifespan a bit, but not infinitely….

This is extremely interesting, thanks. Very close to what I had in mind.

2018-04-29, 10:46 AM
There's a spell in BOVD that allows you to extend your lifespan by sacrificing others (it reduces your effective age though, rather than changing the age at which you reach the next age category, or the age you die) - and the sacrifices need to be under a full moon).

Steal Life - it's 8th level. You drain stat points out of a target - and you are a week younger for each point you drain - there's other benefits as well, in all cases, but if the sacrifice is not under full moon, the week younger bit does not kick in.

Ioulaum's Longevity epic spell (Lost Empires of Faerun) is of the "extend lifespan" type rather than the "make you younger" type - but the basic principle is similar - kill using it- and you live longer.

2018-04-29, 01:34 PM
Good find with the oracle’s Time Mystery, that’s just what I was looking for.

So, here’s my next question: is there a way to prolong life, without necessarily becoming immortal via the Time Mystery? Are there any spells, rituals, magic items, etc. that can extend a normal lifespan several times over, but not to the point of true immortality?

Sun Orchid Elixir (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/MagicArtifactsDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Sun%20Orchid%2 0Elixir) will return you to young adulthood. Chug one every time you reach venerable.

2018-04-30, 01:24 PM
I'd argue that a Wish or a Miracle could physically de-age you by some amount of time, in games I run I allow a year per casting. Perhaps a bit expensive but if you're allowing 3.5 epic ignore materials will let you be as young as you want....