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2018-04-28, 07:16 PM
Earth. Third planet from a rather standard sun in the North Galaxy. Home world to the human race and current...backwater truck stop planet you wind up on during a stop on the Space Bus. Long looked down on for its natives' relatively-low power levels, Earth hides a secret. This secret is a power that even the Saiyans of the (still-intact) Planet Vegeta would covet if most of them even believed it to be true.

The Dragon Balls.

Seven magic orbs that, when reunited, will summon the Eternal Dragon to grant one wish. Many have quested for the Dragon Balls and their unparalleled magical power, but to this day the existence of the wish-granting dragons remains but a myth.

This particular story brings us to Papaya Island, a large landmass on the planet Earth and the location of...

"Welcome, one and all, to the opening ceremony of the World Martial Arts Tournament!"

The announcer stands at the center of a large fighting ring and shouts to a roaring crowd, gathered to celebrate the opening of the Tenkaichi Budokai (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELmXIFC_kUs). Already a famous event on Earth alone, word of this spectacle of fighting prowess has spread throughout the cosmos, and now fighters from planets of all kinds have also shown an interest in competing. After all, space news travels fast, and the idea of a tournament where one can prove themselves "Strongest Under The Heavens" is an appealing one in a universe seemingly filled with dangers.

"Signups for the tournament are now open! Those of who want to test your skills, please head over to the registration desk! The winner will be crowned champion and be awarded ten million Zeni in prize money, as well as this one-of-a-kind gemstone!"

The sunglasses-clad announcer holds a gleaming orb above his head, an orange ball emblazoned with four shining stars.

"This gem, of course, being a generous donation from one of our sponsors, Dr. Kochin! Give it up for the good doctor, folks!"

The crowd cheers again (though none of them really have any idea who this doctor guy even is) as the announcer hands the gem back to a staff member to return to its locked display case.

Outside the tournament arena...

Beings of all types gather among the mingling crowd. The announcer's words are clearly audible even outside the tournament's grounds - that sound system was very expensive, after all. Their reasons for being here differ, but there's no denying this simple fact - ten million Zeni and a unique gemstone are a hard opportunity to turn down.

2018-04-28, 07:25 PM
I have to make the roll first. Don't worry, I'll edit this with some roleplaying afterwards.
Currently, Chica is in line at the registration desk.
Lines... I hate lines.
Normally, she'd just cut ahead, but in this case that seemed like a bad idea.
As the loudspeaker blared, Chica tried to identify that strange orange gemstone. She completely blanked.
I feel like I should know what that is... but I don't. Oh well, even if it's not valuable, I'll get a lot of money from this tournament...
As much as I hate coming back here... That prize money is worth it.

Laird Olive
2018-04-28, 07:29 PM
Coolant was among the crowd.

Sporting a red and white Hawaiian shirt this day, and a pair of beige cargo pants.

If it wasn't for his straw hat, and the local attire, he'd easily be recognised as a part of the Frost Demon Race.

A blue one at that.

Although, his horns did stick through the straw hat.

It definitely wasn't a good disguise.

Still... he was lazily eating a nice bit of ice cream from a cone.

Looking extremely out of place, like a tourist.

He mused to himself, under his breath.

"A tournament... money... well, this should be two birds with one stone... I didn't actually think something like this would happen."

Coolant, in his laziness, had never really paid attention to the cosmic gossip around this tournament. He just went to Earth to have a lazy and laid-back holiday.

He looked for a place to sign-up to the tournament, he had nothing better to do after all.

2018-04-28, 07:37 PM
Alice Carrol, unprofessional fighting spirit. A small girl- not one you'd expect to see in such a violent, scary place. Heck, she didn't even look like a local- some sort of stowaway?

Regardless, this presumably scared child... bravely, if a little anxiously, skips over to the registration desk, humming a little ditty.

"Registration for one, please!"

2018-04-28, 07:38 PM
In the space between two stands, Only a large, gray, fluffy dog holding a tray of lemonade stands with a sack beside him. And behind, an alien. A very blue, gummy alien.

She stands behind her proud canine as she watches the people go by. Hopefully, she would get customers today. What she lacked in a big stand, she made up for in somehow being able to make a decent drink despite her lack of intelligence that would even make small children feel smart.

She honestly didn't think much about the tournament. She just saw stands nearby and wanted to sit there and sell her project after a while of traveling.

SHe felt today was going to be a good day.

2018-04-28, 08:38 PM
"Money could pay for an investigator... money could pay for a lot of things..."

The purple, cowboy-dressed android mused and reminded himself as he stood in line. The sooner he could get out of the smuggling business the better in his opinion. Although...

He looked down at his more obviously mechanical arm, flexing and stretching his hand. The skin on this arm had been damaged and blasted off ages ago. If the mild electronic echo in his voice didn't give away his lack of humanity the arm definitely would. He's heard of nonhumans participating in these tournaments before, but wouldn't a complete android be different? He figured he could deal with it if he wasn't allowed a legitimate entry... As much as he'd rather deny it, he does have the skillset necessary to pull a heist of the grand prize...

Well, try at least.

2018-05-02, 08:19 PM
Our other Saiyan hero, Leke, stands in line as well, currently downing an energy drink. The memory of hours & days of training to prepare for this tournament run through her mind as she waits for the line to move an inch. The slowness of it all makes her really, really want to start a fight just to get something going... Maybe that was the energy drink talking, she IS pretty twitchy over it.

Maybe it would have been a better idea to sign up earlier instead of training for 3 weeks straight.


Nah, this is fine.

2018-05-03, 08:52 PM
A diminutive Half-Saiyan girl with a head of white, fluffy hair that sticks up like candy floss and a big ol' pair of glasses walks up to the desk... But pauses. Is that a lemonade stand behind her...?

Frick... Getting a sweet beverage would be immature, especially before entering a fight tournament to pay for college expenses... This child has a PROFESSIONAL image to keep up with, and she cannot be seen stooping to such–

...heck, the lady at the stand looks friendly, why not.

"...Hi, uh... One lemonade, please?"

smooth as always, taffy. smooth.

2018-05-03, 09:52 PM
Those waiting in line find that they're reached the desk at roughly the same time, each met by a separate attendant but told the same thing.

"Welcome to the Tournament Registration Desk. Now, if you'll just give me your name and age I can sign you right up."

The lemonade sales lady is approached by another tournament employee, this one holding an envelope.

"Excuse me, Miss?"

Laird Olive
2018-05-03, 09:59 PM
Coolant was wasting time, as he got into line for registering for the tournament, still lazily going about his business.

Still with ice cream in his hands.

He wasn't particularly bothered about getting there late.

It was just an opportunity to lazily throw a measly bit of effort at, and see if he gets it.

2018-05-03, 10:22 PM
"I'm uh- the name's Lorenzo, pardner." He spoke with an obvious southern accent on top of that electronic echo in his voice, making it immediately obvious that he was essentially a cowboy-bot.

"Age eh..." He scratched his cheek in thought- an act he picked up entirely from mimicking humans, and retraced the years since his creation. He honestly hadn't thought about it recently...

"F... Four. Yeah. Uh- y'all don't disallow androids from joinin' these tournaments, do ya?"

2018-05-03, 11:08 PM
Hopping up to let her face be seen over the counter, Alice eagerly chirps.

"I'm- Alice Carrol! I'm ten!"

2018-05-04, 06:30 AM
...Finally. Chica thought.

"Name's Chica. 21." She said.

Should I try and intimidate them? She thought. Maybe we could get things done quicker that way...

Nah... too easy.

2018-05-05, 11:53 AM
"Hello mister! Do you want lemonade?"

Cho gives her brightest most genuine smile to the man. Then, seeing the other lady, she smiles and gets a cup and starts pouring.

"Okay! that will be 60 Zenny please!"

2018-05-05, 01:58 PM
A ways off from the line, far enough to be considered separate, but close enough to be within sight of everyone in it, a big, burly Namekian looked up at the sky, and breathed in deep, drinking in the fresh air....

Sorbeo could not have been more joyful for this tournament's existence. A massive, populated event solely dedicated to buffoons punching the lights out of each other? It was a medical professional's dream come true.

He had come rested and refreshed, and he had come ready. He would put his wound-mending and moneymaking abilities to the test in this event. In his own way, it too, was his ultimate trial...

He looked back down, grinned, and held up his weapon in this battle: a large, colorful sign. He was as confident in his sign-twirling talents as he was in his ability to heal.

"Need A Healer?" The sign read, "Hire Sorbeo! 100z per treatment."

2018-05-07, 05:17 PM
Leke steps up to the registration table with all the confidence in the world, acting as if she already won the tournament.

Slamming her hand on the table, she smirks nice and wide.

"Leke, 21.

2018-05-08, 10:00 PM
The man behind the sign-in desk just gives Lorenzo a rather sincere smile.

"Oh no, Androids are perfectly fine. We don't discriminate."

He then turns to everyone else who's come up to the desk.

"Now, if you'll all simply sign these waivers - the tournament can be dangerous, after all - and then go wait off to the side until we begin the strength test."

The what?

Coolant finds that the line is moving pretty quickly, and that before long he too is at the desk...next to another Frost Demon.

"...Hey. Weird seeing another one of my species on this planet."

The man who approached Cho hands her the envelope.

"No lemonade for me, ma'am. I'm simply here to offer you this. As part of the tournament's desire to be completely open and accommodating, this is a pass to get you backstage. Just in case our fighters might want to buy some in between matches."

Another similarly-dressed (in fact all these guys look exactly the same...) man approaches Sorbeo.

"Excuse me, sir, but are you a medical professional?"

2018-05-08, 10:09 PM
As she signed the waivers, Chica thought about the situation. This is exactly what I feared. The receptionist made me ****ing wait... Of course, not like there is much I can do about it.

In the crowd, Chica saw Namekians, Frost Demons, maybe a Majin... and even a Saiyan. With contestants that strong, security must be tight.

"Got it." She said.

Chica moved off to the side and began waiting. She wasn't particularly afraid of the strength test... She was more than strong enough.

2018-05-08, 10:10 PM
"Uhm... okay!"

And she gives the waiver one heck of a signing, even adding in a lil' smiley at the end, before running off to the side, waiting for this strength machine thing.

2018-05-08, 10:20 PM
"Hot dog! Ainnit my lucky day, huh?"

The android cracked a smile and signed off on the waivers, not actually bothering to really read them through. He did pause as he processed the next part of what the attendant said, however.

"...Strength test? How're we gon' be measurin' that?"

2018-05-08, 10:43 PM
Leke just groans, wanting to get to the action already. She already had to wait in line AND the past couple of weeks to even get here and now they want her to do a stupid strength test? Unbelievable.

She, like a smart person, signs the papers without reading a single part and steps right over to the side, tapping her foot impatiently already.

2018-05-08, 11:00 PM

Taffy hands the change over to Miss Lemonade Lady before turning to the Tournament Person, trying to look composed and professional.

"...Hi, yes, uh–! I'm here to register, just wanted to get some, uh... some refreshments. 'Cuz– 'cuz fighters need to stay hydrated and all."

She puts on her friendliest and most professional smile. This gal can't be older than 14...

2018-05-09, 10:13 PM
Cho gasps. PAPER!

Wait, the man said something... you can move uh... somewhere else! Backstage!

"Thank you Paper Man! Come on Jerry!"

The god barks as she and him starts walking away to the tournament, leaving behind cups of lemonde. THEY'RE OFF!

2018-05-11, 01:29 PM
Aha! Not a few minutes in and he already got an eager customer! Sorbeo, you marketing devil, you've done it again....

"That's exactly right, Sir!" he replied to the man, a big, friendly smile on his green face. "You can't get more 'professional' in this field than with a healer straight from Planet Namek itself, I'll tell you that for free! Are you interested? It wouldn't hurt to have my kind of support in your corner for this heated tournament...."

Laird Olive
2018-05-12, 03:43 AM
Coolant... ignored the other Frost Demon for the moment.

While he signed the waver, and wrote down his name and age on it.

Wow, a cold shoulder.

Or he just didn't notice the other Frost Demon, focused more on his ice cream than anything else.

"'S just something to do. Where's this strength test?"

2018-05-12, 09:40 AM
Cho is directed to wait off to the side, by the waiting fighters. Speaking of whom (consisting of Leke, Chica, Lorenzo and Alice), they find two fighters already waiting there, a pair of Saiyans (https://youtu.be/0ZagYBqpBHs) by the looks of them. The taller male looks over the newcomers with a smirk.

"Hey, sis. Looks like the competition's here."

"Ignore them, Vega. Not our problem yet."

An attendant turns to Lorenzo.

"Oh, with our state of the art punching machine! It measures the force behind your punch and sorts fighters accordingly."

Taffy finds herself led over to the registration desk...right next to the Frost Demons.

The one Frost Demon nods to Coolant.

"Yeah, is it like, one of those hammer carnival games or something?"

"Ah, the strength test machine is being brought out once all fighters have registered. Looks like you three are in the last group, so it shouldn't be too long! Now, just please sign this waiver and go ahead to the waiting area with the others.

The Frost Demons signs "Frigid" and heads over to wait.

"As a matter of fact, yes! Our usual medic came down with the Space Flu and had to call out sick! We need a replacement and it was my job to find one but I just kept putting it off until the last minute."

Laird Olive
2018-05-12, 09:48 AM
"I prefer the... what do they call it here. The Vehicular Collision Devices? Bouncy Carts? Manslaughter Machines? I never bothered to learn the names of these things."

Coolant, finished off the ice cream.

Before looking at Frigid.

"Either way, you'll probably do well. Good luck, and all that. I'm just here 'cause I have nothing else to do."

His tail sways lazily, as the sheer aura of slacker exudes from his body.

2018-05-12, 09:59 AM
"Should be easy enough." Chica cracks her knuckles. She did have a plan, but she figured she'd probably do fairly well anyways.

2018-05-12, 10:57 AM
Cho looks at the other waiting fighters and smiles. She thinks this great! More new friends for her and her doggy!

"Hi! I'm selling lemonade today! Are you guys selling things too?"

The dog, being smarter than Cho, whines a bit.

2018-05-12, 09:43 PM
"... Um, how long is that gonna be?"

Alice swaus back and forth on her heels, a bit impatient

2018-05-13, 10:16 PM
"A punchin' machine??" Lorenzo asked incredulously. He looked at his hand and flexed and gripped it, as if limbering it up.

"Well... sure hope we don't go accidentally breakin' it then!" He wasn't sure what their standard for power was around these parts, but as far as he understood he could easily break something if he tried punching it hard enough.

With his question answered, Lorenzo folds his arms and takes another look around the tournament grounds just to kill time.

2018-05-15, 07:15 PM
Leke eyes the machine up and down, checking out every little corner of the thing, INSPECTING it.

After a through look, she simply nods, closing her eyes and folding her arms.

"I'm gonna break it."

2018-06-02, 11:21 PM
With a satisfied grin, Sorbeo tossed his sign over his shoulder and clapped his hands together. Found a job in record time! He hoped, for his sake, that these gentlemen were extremely reckless.

"Excellent!" he declared. "Now, as advertised, my rates are 100 Zenny per treatment. But as a show of good faith, I'll lower the price of the first one to fifty-nine Zenny and ninety-nine zents!"

2018-06-05, 08:35 AM

Taffy raises her hand, adjusting her big ol' glasses with the other hand and looking oh-so serious.

"Are we doing this machine testing thing in order of our signing, or is it gonna be alphabetical, or, uh...? My last name's Flan, if it helps."

2018-06-15, 11:19 PM
"...That guy is a walking anesthetic."


Might need to persuade him on that, Sorbeo.

Two attendants carry out a machine resembling a large punching bag attached to a spring (https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonball/images/f/f8/TROP026.png/revision/latest?cb=20110201203803).

"The test will be done in signing order, so...will Vega please step up?"

The taller Saiyan male stands and approaches the punching machine.

He looks tall, imposing and generally surly.

2018-06-16, 09:58 PM
"... I signed up pretty fast..." Alice says, swaying on her heels a bit, growing more and more impatient.

2018-06-17, 03:19 PM

I'm bored. Maybe I should beat someone up. Chica thought.

...Nah. I'll save all that frustration for later.

Laird Olive
2018-06-17, 10:06 PM
Coolant had his arms folded as he waited his turn to use the strength machine.

He yawned slightly, and shrugged his arms in silent anticipation.

Part of him considered weighing up his fellow competitors.

But he figured he'd do that once he knew who he was or was not likely to fight.

2018-06-20, 07:14 PM
Cho watches as people walk by her little shop so many potential customers!

"Hello! Heyyyy!"

She is flailing her arms around and trying to get attention now.

2018-07-15, 08:38 PM
Fortunately for Cho, her shop is set up within earshot of the waiting competitors.

The tall Saiyan walks up to the punching machine and taps it, scoring a 17. His apparent older (but shorter) sister is then motioned towards the machine, whereupon she does the same...and scores a 19.

The attendant then motions for Chica and Lorenzo to step up next.

It's a D20 + your STR mod.

Laird Olive
2018-07-15, 08:42 PM
Coolant watched in anticipation of the results from the punching bags.

He wasn't too impressed yet, but then he wasn't really the type to be impressed by anything.

His cold, lazy exterior, half-halfheartedly watching the proceedings.

He looked towards the nearest attendant and asked,

"So how long does this tournament go on for?"

2018-07-16, 04:09 PM


THAT was an eye-opener

"{Are- are these guys just, like that??? Are they using vitamins??}"

2018-07-16, 11:22 PM
Worry shot down Lorenzo's metal spine. They clearly weren't trying that hard... should he try and hold back too? He didn't want to play his hand too early if they weren't... He really wished that he wasn't the next to go up, he didn't have a proper gauge for how sensitive this machine really was.

...The weight of humiliation that might come from trying to tap it like them outweighed the tactical sense in holding back in this moment. All in, he thought to himself. He walked up to the machine, took a good and balanced stance, and threw a hard and solid jab at it.


2018-07-18, 07:18 AM
...Why is everyone so worried? We don't even know what those numbers mean yet. I bet that they just got too cocky and that's actually a low score.

Satisfied, Chica walked up to the machine and wounded up her punch.

Making a haymaker. Chica is going to break this thing.


2018-07-18, 09:18 PM
The female Saiyans eyes widen just a bit in surprise as Lorenzo's score before she regains her calm facade.

"Wha...? Did he just...?"

...Unfortunately, while Chica does punch the machine with a huge amount of force...her aim is a bit off and instead of the padded center of the machine, her fist slams into the metal edge of it.


Chica takes 1 damage and her score is registered as a 1.

The attendant winces at this before looking back at his list.

"Can I now have...Alice and Leke, next on the punching machine?"

2018-07-18, 09:31 PM
Cho continues to watch until she sees the machine.

What is that thing? Why are they gonna punch it? The **** are the numbers for?


2018-07-18, 10:06 PM
Leke's been stretching while she's been waiting, trying to stay nice and limber for the upcoming punching. Can never be too ready to hit something, y'know.

Having completely ignored every other attempt due to flat out just not caring about whatever their score was, Leke staggered up to the machine like she already had the top score. After a quick (yet somehow horrifyingly dragging) windup, Leke lets loose a vicious strike to the machine!

14 + 5 = 19

2018-07-18, 10:26 PM

Alice whistles at the other demonstrations, before giggling.


alright... Up she goes



nat 1 the rest don't even matter, rip

2018-07-18, 11:39 PM
This time the female Saiyan looks obviously surprised at Leke's score, completely failing to hide her reaction.

"...This just got interesting."

Now there's absolutely no way that two people in a row could accidentally punch the edge of-CLANG.

Alice scores a 1 and also takes 1 damage.

"Next up is...Frigid and Coolant!"

Frigid walks on up to the punching machine and gives it his best shot...he scores an 8.


The Saiyans are laughing at him.

2018-07-18, 11:50 PM
Lorenzo steps away from the punching machine, honestly surprised at the score he got. He looked around, gauging reactions at his score to see if it really was that big and... well, the two that really mattered to him seemed a little shaken by the result. He'll consider that his victory.

Still not gonna stand next to them, though.

He stands off to the side to watch the remaining fighters go at it, making good note of who to watch out fo- those two didn't seriously miss their mark, did they? He's a little relieved to know they have poor aim, but still concerned that it probably didn't properly gauge their strength...

2018-07-19, 06:59 AM
...Chica curses to herself.

God damn it, how could I make such an elementary mistake...

...I'll show them. They almost certainly won't think I'm "weak" once I show them I'm a Super Saiyan.

That said, she moves off to the side.

Laird Olive
2018-07-19, 07:23 AM
Coolant stretches, and sighs before he casually throws a punch.

Coolant treating it like he's got all the time in the world, and he doesn't really need to punch this machine.

"Here we go..."

1d20+4 I keep borking this formatting, so I rolled on a different site. I got 14 + 4 = 18

2018-07-19, 09:35 PM
"Oh, come on."

"Relax, brother."

"Alright, and finally...will Miss Taffy please approach the machine?"

2018-07-19, 09:50 PM
"...Frick... 'Kay, uh..."

Taffy takes a deep breath, shuts her eyes... and envisions something to give her strength.

...classmates turning in homework late because they were out getting wasted at a party... grrr... RRRRR... RAAAAAGHHH!


she SLAMS on that frickhecking machine...!


2018-07-19, 11:49 PM
The attendant writes down the scores and starts writing on a large board near the machine.

Finally responding to Cho, another attendant speaks up.

"Oh, the machine reads punch strength to help us determine matchups for the first round. Granted, strength isn't everything but it's a good place to start and as good a system as any!"

The matchups for the first round are:

Alice vs Chica

Frigid vs Vega

Coolant vs Ruda

Leke vs Taffy

The announcer looks at the board, then yells into his microphone again.

"The matchups for the first round have been decided! Will the two competitors please join me up here in the ring? The other participants may wait behind the ring in the backstage waiting area and watch from there. Our first match will apparently be one of Youth Vs Expreience - Alice versus Chica!"

Attendants motion towards said backstage waiting area, also gesturing that Cho and Sorbeo are allowed back there as well, since they're technically employees for the moment.

2018-07-20, 12:22 AM
"... M-me already? But my hand still..."

... come on kiddo it's time to bust a move

Nervously, Alice steps up to the stage, her earlier impatience quickly turning to a dose of stage fright.

Laird Olive
2018-07-20, 03:38 AM
Coolant makes his way backstage to watch, though he does look around, casually rather than to try and pick anything in particular out.

He had no idea who his opponent was, but that didn't really concern him right now.

It couldn't be that bad after all, he thought.

2018-07-20, 12:59 PM
Chica cracks her knuckles before moving onstage.

Not like me to make an elementary mistake like that. I hope this match helps change everyone's mind...

2018-07-20, 05:01 PM
"Please, help me welcome our first competitors into the ring for their first fight!"

The crowd cheers as Frigid goes to join the other fighters in the waiting area.

The Saiyan siblings watch the ring, apparently not amused.

"Now, allow me to go over the rules for our first-time fighters and viewers! Each fight is a one-on-one match. Weapons and protective body armor are strictly prohibited, as is killing your opponent. Either of these means an instant disqualification."

The male Saiyan scowls at the mention of the "no killing" rule, whereas the girl frowns when she hears she can't wear her armor.

"If a competitor is knocked down, I'll begin counting - if I reach 10 before the competitor gets to their feet, they lose the match! You also instantly lose if you touch anything outside the ring - the walls, the floor, even high-fiving the audience! So...don't do that! Last but not least, no hitting below the belt!"

"You can't hit your opponent's legs?"

"Are these rules clear?"

Laird Olive
2018-07-20, 05:04 PM
Coolant raises an arm to ask a question.

"No dismemberment or breaking arms? Also- does attacking an opponents' tail count as below the belt, or at the belt?"

2018-07-20, 05:08 PM
"Yeahyeahyeah, let's just get to kicking each other's asses already." Chica muttered.

Did that guy seriously expect that he'd be allowed to kill people? "Proud Saiyan" or not, that didn't mean that Chica wouldn't judge others to herself for being stupid. Why did he think he'd be allowed to kill anyone on this backwater planet?

She did scowl when she heard that she wouldn't be allowed to hit below the belt, though.

2018-07-20, 05:12 PM
Lorenzo moves to the backstage waiting area, somewhat relieved he wasn't going to be fighting first. Let's him save his strength! ...Well, more accurately it'd let his nerves settle. He's done a number of crooked things by now, but a fair one-on-one wasn't particularly something he's had plenty of experience in.

...nor was he particularly designed for it, but that's neither here or there at the moment.

2018-07-20, 05:41 PM

shakeshakeshake she's shaking like a leaf...


2018-07-20, 08:45 PM
"Breaking your opponent's limbs is discouraged but not inherently against the rules. Now, without further ado, fighters please take your positions with a distance of 30 feet between you...and begin!"

Roll! For! Initiative!

2018-07-20, 09:01 PM

She leaps back-!

19 + 4 = 23

2018-07-21, 09:52 AM
Chica makes the 'come here" hand gesture before entering a fighting stance.


2018-07-21, 05:29 PM
"Aaaaaaaaaaand begin!"

The announcer steps back and throws his arm up, signaling the start of the fight.

2018-07-21, 06:20 PM
"... can't hold back, gotta hit hard-"

She's- pointing a finger?

... Her finger is shining-


And she fires a bright beam of ki, right at Chica!

(is dodon Ray)

ACCURACY ROLL: ... 20 + 5 = 25

DAMAGE ROLL: 3d6 + 3 = 5 + 4 + 3 + 3 = 15

2018-07-21, 06:40 PM
"And Alice opens with a beam of energy! Going serious right out of the gate, you can't deny this kid's enthusiasm!"

"Impressive for a human..."

2018-07-21, 08:56 PM

Chica stands. But only for a moment.

After that, she coughs up blood and passes out.

Alice dealt catastrophic damage. Had to pass a DC 15 Fortitude save or risk passing out. I rolled an 8. So I obviously failed the saving throw.

This has not been a very good day for Chica.

2018-07-21, 09:05 PM



"Uh...it...seems that Alice has knocked down her opponent with just a single shot! 1! 2! 3! 4!"

Yes I'm making this up. Roll a Fort Save to have Chica get up, but she'll be fatigued if she does. She can still continue the fight though. The save for this is easier since she's had a few seconds on the ground to catch her breath - 10.

2018-07-21, 09:13 PM

Alice takes a moment to stare at her own smoking index finger, as if that surprised even her.

2018-07-21, 09:16 PM
...At the count of 5, Chica immediately gets up. She looks pissed.

"...Now, there. I shouldn't let a little girl ruin my day, now should I?"

"I'm not going to waste all my energy on you. There's still quite a bit of tournament to go. But I do have my own tricks."

Chica moves 30 feet towards Alice. She starts firing off punches, faster then the average human's eyes can see!

I can fluff this however I want, right?

I passed the tournament save, so it's time to make a couple more rolls.

Chica unlocks her Hidden Potential! [roll0]

After that, I make two melee attacks.

Melee attack 1: [roll1] [roll2]

Melee attack 2: [roll3] [roll4]

2018-07-21, 09:48 PM

A swerve to dodge the first punch... And a leap to dodge the second!

Alice capitalizes on this airtime, with a forward-flipping axle kick to the head!

[spoiler]12 + 5 for acc = 17, 3 + 4 = 7 for Damage [\spoiler]

2018-07-21, 09:56 PM
...This time Chica just falls down.

Since Alice knocked me out twice... Well, it's over.

Even when you subtract Alice's Strength modifier from the attack roll, she still just barely hits me. It was over in almost no time at all.

2018-07-21, 10:41 PM
"Amazing! Chica is down again, Alice just doesn't know when to quit! 1! 2! 3!"

However, Chica isn't gonna be able to get up this time...

"4! 5! 6!"

"Jeez...a human did that...?"

"Against a Saiyan? Disgraceful."

"7! 8! 9! 10! Chica is down for the count! The winner is Alice!"

The crowd roars for Alice, which is definitely enough to wake Chica up from her knockout.

"Will the next contestants please join me up in the arena?"

Frigid swallows hard as he walks up onstage, Vega removing his Saiyan armor as he follows...okay this guy's physique is nothing to laugh at, jeez...

Meanwhile, the Frost Demon is clad in a trenchcoat and jeans...someone didn't think this through.

2018-07-21, 10:47 PM
"... I... Won?"


"I won! I woooon! Ahaha!"

Alice gleefully runs back away from the arena, with a notable pep in her step.

2018-07-21, 10:54 PM
...Chica, sensing that her honor as a Saiyan has been besmirched, considers ending it all right here and now.

...No, I'll earn it back. Even if the whole universe laughs at me, I'll show them. She thought.

She gets off the stage and lets Frigid and Vega on. She considers giving Alice and Vega the middle finger, but discards it as "too childish".

...She then realizes she's badly hurt as she starts to stumble on her way out. Seeing Sorbeo's stand on the way out, she looks at the sign and briefly considers whether or not she should spend all her Zeni on healing.

...Nah. I'll figure something out.

2018-07-22, 09:57 PM
...Either that girl was stronger than she looks, or the other lady was a lot softer than he expected. Seeing the look on her face as she stepped down, Lorenzo decided the former assessment was probably more correct. Who was up next again? The... Frost Demon and the other Saiyan? He wondered if that match would fly by just as quickly as this one.

He had a contemplative look on his face, but not one that was looking down on anyone by a long mark.

2018-07-23, 12:33 AM
"... Hi, mister!"

Lorenzo! The lil' victor is skipping to you!

"Did you see me! Did you? Did you??"

2018-07-24, 11:58 PM
"Ahnuh-" Lorenzo sputtered out, having paid way more attention to the loser exiting than the winner tromping up to him. Oh god, what if she advanced and blew a hole in him next!?


lorenzo you are scared of a little girl what on earth are you doing

"Uhhhh, yeah! Yeah I saw that, lil' lady! Ya got more punch in that finger there than anyone coulda expected! Where's it come from? You eat yer leafy greens like yer supposed to?" Scared of her, he might be, but despite how lawless he is he's never wanted to treat a child wrong. Oh god, that's gonna make punching her in the face even harder if it comes to that...

2018-07-25, 12:04 AM
"... Uhm... sir? Is something wrong...?"

Is his breathing okay? His heartbeat? Might wanna check...


2018-07-25, 12:36 AM
"Wrong? Me? Hahah, u-uh... prob'ly... prob'ly nerves really, missy I- jeez god-"

Lorenzo cut himself off, shooting straight up in response to her hand. He leaned forward to talk to her properly, but he was still pretty antsy about that trigger finger coming anywhere near him.

2018-07-25, 12:44 AM
"... Are you sure? You seem scared..."

is she that clueless

2018-07-26, 11:52 AM
"My, don't YOU look to be in bad shape?..."

The friendly, inviting voice of Sorbeo spoke up from behind Chica, as he stood behind her with his hands behind his back and a warm grin on his face...

Having been ushered backstage in the midst of his previous negotiations, Sorbeo saw fit to play things by ear, as events in the tournament played out. When he saw the grouchy young lady's fairly swift dismantling, he saw a gleam of opportunity, and lunged for it.

"You must be absolutely battered from that match you had! Could take you months to properly recover......OR, for the right price...."

2018-07-26, 01:04 PM
"Jus'- jus' a bit a nerves, don't you worry a thing!" He folded his arms in an attempt to look composed and continued, "I'm sure it'll settle down by the time my match rolls around."

He gave her a smile to try and sell it, better to hurry and get her off his back about this.

2018-07-26, 02:24 PM
"My, don't YOU look to be in bad shape?..."

The friendly, inviting voice of Sorbeo spoke up from behind Chica, as he stood behind her with his hands behind his back and a warm grin on his face...

Having been ushered backstage in the midst of his previous negotiations, Sorbeo saw fit to play things by ear, as events in the tournament played out. When he saw the grouchy young lady's fairly swift dismantling, he saw a gleam of opportunity, and lunged for it.

"You must be absolutely battered from that match you had! Could take you months to properly recover......OR, for the right price...."

"...I've seen your prices. That's all the money I have right now. As far as I know, this torunament isn't double elimination. So forget it. Maybe later."

As Chica begins to walk away, she grasps her hip and lets out a yelp. She's clearly in pain.

...Just keep walking. Pretend it didn't happen.

Chica could sense this man was not much more than a vulture. Best to ignore him as best she could...

2018-07-26, 09:23 PM
"Aaaaaaaand begin!"

Frigid starts, rushing his Saiyan opponent with an elbow to the face...which is easily dodged, Vega grabbing the Frost Demon's tail...

...and slamming him to the ground.

That...looked painful.

Laird Olive
2018-07-26, 09:26 PM
Coolant was a bit surprised with how quickly the first match went.

Though he watched his fellow Frost Demon with a small bit of interest.

"Fell for the tail-grab. How dreadful... should hit them with it."

2018-07-26, 09:55 PM

She TUUUURNS to the stadium.

"... Oof."

quick Lorenzo she's distracted

2018-08-14, 10:42 PM
Frigid tries to break out of the Saiyan's grasp...and rolls a 1, nope.

Vega knees the poor Frost Demon in the stomach and drops him to the ground, whereupon the announcer starts counting.


2018-08-16, 04:02 PM

Anticipation... she's rocking on her heels again

2018-08-22, 09:28 AM
Lorenzo takes the moment this small child is preoccupied to subtly move to a different seat. He's completely blown away at how fast Frigid's getting a countdown, however.

"What in the... ain't that a little too fast?? How much is that punk packing!?" Lorenzo wonders to himself, surprise evident in his expression.

2018-08-22, 11:07 PM
"4! 5! 6!"

Frigid starts getting to his feet (that was a good Fortitude save apparently!)...only for that to waste his turn, the male Saiyan punching the Frost Demon in the face...and knocking him out of the ring.

"Ring out! The winner is Vega!"

"Hmph. That was disappointing."

The large male Saiyan walks backstage again, the Frost Demon limping back as well once he gets up.

"The second match has concluded! Now, can I see Coolant and Ruda in the ring for our third bout?"

The shorter female Saiyan starts towards the ring, removing her armor and leaving her in just a black shirt underneath.

2018-08-23, 10:00 AM
Chica sees the (awfully short) match on a nearby screen.

"...Is every match going to be like this? What an awfully boring tournament..." Chica muttered.

In spite of having said this, Chica proceeded to walk out to the seats to watch as a spectator.

Laird Olive
2018-08-31, 10:10 PM
Coolant heard the voice of the announcer beckon him to the ring.

With a sigh, and a roll of his shoulders he took off his shades, with a lazy expression in his eyes.

"Well, lets get this over with..."

He sauntered out towards the stage, not even looking at the crowds.

It almost seemed like he was just a tourist, wandering out in the middle of a stage, like he isn't even supposed to be there.

But there was no denying that this was Coolant.

He looked at his opponent casually, not even raising his fists.

It was clear... that he wasn't taking this fight seriously at all.

2018-09-01, 09:28 PM
Rude stares her opponent down.

"Another one of Lord Frieza's people. Let's hope you're not as disappointing as the one my brother just crushed."


"On your marks, ready...begin!"

Ruda's Initiative roll is...


2018-09-01, 09:32 PM
"... Mmmmm..."

... she's impatient now

alice begins to wander, fidgeting her fingers, looking around the arena and surrounding areas

Laird Olive
2018-09-01, 09:37 PM
"I'm actually just freelance, by the way. Here on vacation, so I'm sorry if I disappoint, but I've got nothing better to do..."

He just takes his hands out of his pockets, as if that's all he does to get ready for a fight.

Still standing there like someone in a queue.

(Rolling for Initiative: [roll0] )

2018-09-01, 10:51 PM
"Your move first. I insist."

Not exactly how that works but okay.

Laird Olive
2018-09-02, 10:56 AM
"Well, if you insist I suppose I'll start this off, just for you."

He lazily raises a hand, looking at his palm.

Before suddenly pointing his finger, and firing a death beam and spending 20 ki on it.


2018-09-09, 01:27 PM

Ruda raises both arms to block the Death Beam, the shot impacting her and pushing her back a few feet.

That's a hit, Coolant! Roll for damage!

Laird Olive
2018-09-09, 01:31 PM
With a bored expression on his face, Coolant just sighs while his Death Beam hits for...


2018-09-09, 01:47 PM
The dust clears and...she's still standing! She's covered in dust and breathing heavily, but she's still up!

"Wow! Ruda stands her ground and is ready for more!"

"Was that...it...lizard?"

Ruda yells, a red and orange aura emanating from the female Saiyan.

"Incredible, Ruda's energy is amplifying to the point where it's even become visible! Is this the Saiyans' rumored 'Saiyan Soul' technique? I've never seen that on this stage, folks!"

She raises her hand into the air, charging a pink sphere of energy.

"Here's a present for you! Saturday Crush!"

Ruda hurls the blast at Coolant...and unfortunately for him, Saturday Crush is an instantaneous attack, the blast impacting the Frost Demon and enveloping him in an explosion of energy and debris.


Laird Olive
2018-09-09, 01:52 PM
Coolant was a bit surprised, as the attack from the energy dissipated around him.

His sunglasses were shattered, his Hawaiian shirt was torn to pieces by the explosion.

Scratches from the debris peppered the skin of this slacker.

Calmly he removed the sunglasses, revealing his closed eyes which opened with a fierce intensity in his eyes.

"Those were 500 Zeni sunglasses, *******."

Before suddenly leaping up, and turning in the air for a round-house tail attack!


(Note- i accidentally rolled a strength check and not my actual attack check, which is only +2 instead of my strength's +4)

(so i rolled a 14, not a 16)

2018-09-09, 02:00 PM
Ruda raises an arm to block Coolant's tail, chuckling at him.

"Your energy attack was fast, I'll give you that, but you're too slow for me in close quarters."

She then aims a hard punch at Coolant's side, but her fatigue from his Death Beam makes the attack slow enough for him to dodge it.

"Damn it!"

Laird Olive
2018-09-09, 02:06 PM
"Speak for yourself."

He moved with the punch, dodging out of the way, as he winds up a punch.

A small sonic boom sounds as he suddenly changes form slightly, his muscles bulging as he activates his Full Power

"But I'm not really into a long fight."

He lunges the punch forward!


2018-09-09, 02:10 PM
The punch hits Ruda square in the chest, knocking her off her feet.

The Saiyan rolls to land on one knee, clutching her chest and glaring at Coolant.

"You...you punched me in the boob..."

Before collapsing to the ground.

"And Ruda is down! 1! 2! 3!"

Laird Olive
2018-09-09, 02:15 PM
"Wasn't my intention, I was just aiming for the centre of the chest. But I might have been off a little bit."

He just folds his arms, watching her collapse.

2018-09-09, 02:34 PM
On "4," Ruda struggles to her feet.

"You think...I'm done yet...? You underestimate the strength of an elite Saiyan..."

"Is...is it racist to ask if all Saiyans like speeches like this?"

Ruda rushes in for an elbow to Coolant's stomach...and this time it connects!

(Private GM roll...13 damage!)

Laird Olive
2018-09-09, 02:45 PM
Coolant is knocked back, as he pants- his form dropping as he starts feeling fatigued from the use of his full powered form.


"Not bad, maybe you'll be interesting yet... However, I still don't really care about this fight."

He grits himself, before going for a flying knee attack, aiming straight for her face.


2018-09-09, 03:14 PM
Ruda dodges the strike, then steps in for a kick to his face...and completely whiffs that due to her own fatigue.

”Rrgh...damn it!”

“Neither fighter is giving an inch! This is going right down to the wire!”

Laird Olive
2018-09-09, 03:16 PM
Coolant responds with a back-hand attempt.

"Just go down, or give up already..."


2018-09-09, 03:24 PM
Ruda ducks that one and goes for a punch to the gut...which hits!

Coolant takes 7 damage.

Laird Olive
2018-09-09, 03:27 PM
"Guh... well, I wasn't really expecting to win."

He stumbles back slightly.

Panting heavily, as he considers his next move.

He makes a sigh, and then charges his ki.


2018-09-09, 03:31 PM
”Gather all the energy you want, but this ends right no-damn it!”

Yeah she missed that punch too.

Laird Olive
2018-09-09, 03:33 PM
"For once, I agree with you."

He walks past her, and suddenly turns to fire two shots of the Invisible Blast Barrage, merely pointing his two fingers at her back.


2018-09-09, 03:36 PM

Ruda falls to the ground as the blasts connect.

“I can’t...lose...to you...”

“Ruda is down again! 1! 2! 3! 4!”

Laird Olive
2018-09-09, 03:39 PM
"Because I don't care, or because you're a racist?"

Coolant just stands there, tired out still.

2018-09-09, 03:42 PM
“5! 6! 7!”

”Come on, get up...”

“8! 9! 10! The winner is Coolant!”

The crowd goes wild as Vega walks onstage to retrieve his sister, scowling as he takes her backstage.

“Let’s hear it for our winner, folks! Now, can I get our next two combatants up here in the ring? Everyone make some noise for Leke and Taffy!”

Laird Olive
2018-09-09, 03:44 PM
"Thank goodness for that."

He sighs in relief, before looking at his destroyed Hawaiian shirt, and sunglasses.

"... I can probably get new ones somewhere..."

He just saunters off the stage, looking more beat up than he was really expecting to be.

He returns backstage, and sits down on a bench.

2018-09-09, 04:15 PM
Chica feels a sudden burst of energy, like her whole body has been rejuvenated!

It's either that watching a good fight pumped me up or the laws of the universe changed somehow...

Either way, this was certainly entertaining...

Laird Olive
2018-09-09, 04:21 PM
Deep breaths for Coolant, as he calms himself down.

"... Do we have medical help between rounds?"

He looks around, not really addressing anyone, but just kind of sitting there on the bench.

2018-09-09, 08:51 PM
"Hah! 'Bout frickin' time..."

Smiling with youthful mischief and arrogance, Taffetta Flan cracks her knuckles and hops her little butt up into the ring. She moves her big ol' glasses to just the right position on her face and gazes at her older, doubtless more experienced opponent all steely-like. This little girl doesn't get it, does she...?

2018-09-09, 08:54 PM
"Ladies and gentlemen, please help me welcome

2018-09-09, 08:58 PM
"Ladies and gentlemen, please help me welcome Taffetta Flan into the ring!"

The crowd goes wild for Taffy as she walks up onstage...with a few wondering if a kid fighting a legal adult is even within the rules of the tournament. This kid probably barely clears Leke's stomach in height!

Meanwhile, backstage...

A Namekian in a tattered, stained...lab coat (what the hell?) walks into the backstage area.

"Alright, this is where Boss said to meet...I'm here on behalf of Sorbeo, he has some business elsewhere. My name's Harmon, who needs healing? For a fee, of course."

Laird Olive
2018-09-09, 09:04 PM
Coolant raises a hand.

"I need a heal, and can I open a tab to pay you later?"

2018-09-10, 07:42 AM
Meanwhile, backstage...

A Namekian in a tattered, stained...lab coat (what the hell?) walks into the backstage area.

"Alright, this is where Boss said to meet...I'm here on behalf of Sorbeo, he has some business elsewhere. My name's Harmon, who needs healing? For a fee, of course."

"I'm intrigued." This guy certainly seems less greedy... Chica thought. "How much does it cost?"

2018-09-10, 10:04 AM
After paying absolutely no attention to the last fight, Leke saunters her way out to the ring, showing off for the crowd. She looked like she was in her element and even if she was being... horrifyingly cocky, the last thing you'd wanna do in this situation is take her lightly.

2018-09-10, 06:57 PM
Harmon turns to both Chica and Coolant.

"Depends, how much do you ha-I mean how hurt are you?"

"And ladies and gentlemen, standing at 6 feet, 3 inches, weighing in at..."

The announcer squints at Leke's tournament application.

"...'None of your business,' welcome...Leke!"

Roll! For! Initiative!

Laird Olive
2018-09-10, 06:59 PM
"I mean I'm pretty hurt, but I'll be more hurt and pissed off if it costs too much."

Coolant said, while stretching his arms slightly, feeling the pain in his body.

2018-09-10, 07:01 PM
Chica shrugs. "I'll think about it."


The dice roller crapped out on me for some reason.

She then goes back to watching the fight.

2018-09-10, 11:44 PM
Rolling initiative

18 + 5 = 23

2018-09-11, 08:44 AM

(but since Chris lets me go first...)

"...Hey, no hard feelings about any of this."

Taffy says as she FRICKIN HOLY CRAP her hair's going all glowy...! the child... is going... Super Saiyan.



...and frickin' misses.

2018-09-11, 10:01 PM
There's just the briefest change in expression in Leke's face after Taffy goes Super Saiyan. She's caught a bit off guard and quickly changes into a defensive stance... only to relax almost immediately after Taffy whiffs the punch.

"No hard feelings at all, kiddo."

Leke, almost as if she was mocking Taffy, winds back for a punch and...


...delivers a painful haymaker right on Taffy's jaw!

DAMAGE ROLL: Roll(1d6)+5:

2018-09-11, 10:20 PM
Taff's AC is 16, so IT'S A HIT...!


Undone by her own hubris, Taff staggers back, her little bell thoroughly rung.

2018-09-12, 09:16 PM
”Gotta be kidding me...the kid’s a Super Saiyan?!”

”That little brat has a transformation like that already...?”

“And a strong opening blow from Leke to start the match! Even with Taffy’s transformation, can she bounce back from a first impression like that?”

2018-09-12, 09:31 PM
"...You have got to be ****ing kidding me." Chica said.

What are the odds? Two Super Saiyans in the same tournament. It's not like it's a legendary transformation that had not been performed in a thousand years or anything... Plus they're just a kid... Chica thought she grumbled to herself.

Given the opportunity, I will kill someone.

2018-09-13, 10:06 PM
"...Rrgh, that's a good one, but–... RRRIGHTBACKATCHA...!"



...and misses again. underwhelming little tyke...

2018-09-13, 10:23 PM
"I should feel bad about beatin' on a kid that can't even land a punch."

Leke throws a quick left hook at Taffy's chest...


...and lands right on mark!

"And I kinda do! I ain't heartless!"


2018-09-13, 10:27 PM

The announcer motions towards someone in a suit, then whispers...buuuuut loud enough that his mic slightly picks it up.

"You're sure this fight's legal, right? She signed the waiver? ...Okay, good, had me scared for a second."

Harmon turns to Chica, suddenly looking a bit nervous - seems he fell for her bluff.

"W-well I suppose I can give you my, er...tournament rate, yes. 30 Zenny. For each of you."

He says this looking around at Chica, Coolant, Ruda and Frigid.

2018-09-13, 10:38 PM
Harmon turns to Chica, suddenly looking a bit nervous - seems he fell for her bluff.

"W-well I suppose I can give you my, er...tournament rate, yes. 30 Zenny. For each of you."

He says this looking around at Chica, Coolant, Ruda and Frigid.

Hmm? Oh, wow, I didn't think that was actually going to work. Chica thought as she hands over 30 Zenny to Harmon.

Laird Olive
2018-09-14, 07:30 AM
"That seems reasonable. I do need a new shirt after all."

He flicks the 30 Zeni over at Harmon with his TELEKINESIS.

2018-09-18, 09:56 PM
"hrrrgh... Nrgh..."

Taff is bruised, bloodied and staggering on her feet. She is a mere thread's breadth away from unconsciousness, but still refuses to back down.

"...rrrrRRRRRRGHHH...! I'll fricking show you...!"

Taffy's potential UNLOCKS at this desperate stage of the battle, remaining unlocked for...


...9 turns! not that taffy knows or cares about the concept of turns

Shrieking in her shrill, rage-filled young voice, she charges with all her might at Leke, throwing a MIGHTY PUNCH...!


But missing...

IN HER BERSERKER RAGE, Taffy is able to squeeze in a second attack, this time trying to leg-sweep Leke.


She misses again. This is likely curtains for her.

2018-09-18, 10:12 PM
"Had a good run, kiddo. Sorry I gotta do this to you."

Leke decides to be a bit flashy, jumping and aiming to punt Taffy right in the head...



2018-09-20, 10:31 PM
Harmon happily accepts his new clients' money, then goes about healing them. Despite being more than a little shady (the quality of his lab coat is less "Grey's Anatomy" and more "Breaking Bad"), he clearly knows his stuff and the pair are healed right up.

"Can I interest any other injured parties in a pick-me-up?"

And on the stage...

"These two aren't giving each other an inch! Leke's definitely got the upper hand, but can youth beat experience in this bout?"

Leke the announcer just called you old.

2018-09-21, 10:43 AM
"RRRGH... Thank you for not goin' easy... 'CUZ I'M NOT GONNA DO THAT EITHER. RAAAAAAAAGH–!"

Enraged by missed attack after missed attack, Taffy LAUNCHES herself at Leke, a last ditch-effort at a headbutt to the chest.


...another miss, but she just about McFreakin' loses her crap and tries an ENRAGED BICYCLE KICK TO LEKE'S SIDE...!


alas... Leke is just too fast for her.

2018-10-02, 09:23 PM

Suddenly feeling an intense fit of rage, Leke stops all the flashiness and just straight up goes to clock Taffy in the head...


