View Full Version : Help, is this home brew balanced?

2018-04-29, 08:56 AM
Hello lurkers and posters alike, some friends and I are planning on bringing our home campaign of Horde of the Dragon Queen to a weekly stream. And I have been playing a home brew I found online, I am mildly concerned about playing a home brew on stream and wanted to see what everyone thought of this idea, and also if this class is as balanced as I think it is.

It's been reviewed on middle finger of vecna, which is why I thought it would be ok. But just want to see what others thought before we started tuesday!


2018-04-29, 06:35 PM
It seems pretty well thought out to me.

It has a nice flavor to it, and that should help with the RP side of things.

As for the mechanics side of it.. I think the guys at MFoV playtest these archetypes and classes quite thoroughly before they release them to the greater public.

Of course, if you're allowed to take full advantage of the vertical movement of the archetype, it could overshadow other characters.
On the flipside, if you are stuck in locales where the ceiling is rarely over 15 feet in height.. You're basically left with little more than a jumpy Fighter.
While that's still a rather formidable chassis to be working with, I reckon it'd neuter the archetype features quite harshly.

If the DM is okay with you using this archetype, I say give it a try. They can always reign the power in a bit if you are dominating everything. Or perhaps tweak things to help you keep up with the rest of the party.

2018-04-29, 08:10 PM
Most of the stuff from Middle Finger of Vecna is pretty solid.

The subclass looks fine to me, though obviously if you're inside a cave/dungeon/castle the main draw of the subclass is going to be markedly diminished. Apart from that, being able to jump super-high on a regular basis is still a pretty handy ability to have for the exploration pillar of the game.

2018-04-30, 08:10 AM
We are finishing up horde of the Dragon queen and heading into rise of Tiamat. My other character died due to us making some horrible choices and someone had to do the whole self sacrifice thing to hold the 20 some odd kobalds, dragon born and monster angry lady.

So I am coming into the stream as this character for the first time.

I am really glad that he approved the subclass. And Thank you all for your time looking over my post.

My idea is to have this be his first true adventure and have him be really green, and looking to be the hero all the time.

2018-04-30, 08:16 AM
My idea is to have this be his first true adventure and have him be really green, and looking to be the hero all the time.

De ja vu?:smallbiggrin:

My other character died due to us making some horrible choices and someone had to do the whole self sacrifice thing to hold the 20 some odd kobalds, dragon born and monster angry lady.

Keep those blank sheets handy.