View Full Version : Speculation Party-Wiped 3 times in the Tomb of Annihilation. My new character=Paladin. Build help

2018-04-29, 11:56 AM
Hi all. Our party has been wiped 3 times in the Tomb of Annihilation. The last wipe came at the hands (claws) of a black dragon. A Holy Avenger now resides in his horde, so I thought it would be fun to come back as a Paladin and quest for that blade.
I would like advice on a 5e build. Here is what I already know:
-My rolls (need not be in any particular order)-17, 15, 18, 14, 15, 10 (Yes, I rolled these taking the highest 3 from 4d6-unique opportunity to optimize some fantastic rolls).
-5 levels to apply
-pick 2 +1 items (or one +2 item)
-Access to all supplemental books (Volo's, Xan, etc.)
-Possible access to a Holy Avenger
-Other party members will include Cleric, Fighter, Sorcerer, Rogue, and Warlock

All other factors are open for the choosing-race, multi-classing (if applicable), feats, etc.
Thanks for any and all input!!!

2018-04-29, 12:39 PM
Do you know what kind of Holy Avenger sword it is since it could be any? So you can choose your fighting style accordingly?

I'd go Vengeance

Half-Elf 18 Str, 15 Dex, 16 Con, 10 Int, 14 Wis, 20 Cha
Inspiring Leader feat at level 4.
I'd probably take 2 out of 3 of these +1 Ring of Protection, +1 Plate, or a +1 weapon to start.

Or if you want to be more offensive

Goliath or Half-Orc 20 Str, 15 Dex, 16 Con, 10 Int, 14 Wis, 17 Cha
+1 Cha and Dex or Sentinel at level 4

Or if you want more flavor

Protector Aasimar 17 Str, 14 Dex, 15 Con, 10 Int, 16 Wis, 20 Cha
+1 Str and Con at level 4

2018-04-29, 01:08 PM
I also really like the idea of a Fallen Aasimar Oath of Conquest Paladin
You can start 18 Str, 15 Dex, 15 Con, 10 Int, 14 Wis, 20 Cha
Rule by fear
You'll want to bump Con at some point, but Shield Master would be a great feat

2018-04-29, 01:22 PM
Hi all. Our party has been wiped 3 times in the Tomb of Annihilation. The last wipe came at the hands (claws) of a black dragon. A Holy Avenger now resides in his horde, so I thought it would be fun to come back as a Paladin and quest for that blade.
I would like advice on a 5e build. Here is what I already know:
-My rolls (need not be in any particular order)-17, 15, 18, 14, 15, 10 (Yes, I rolled these taking the highest 3 from 4d6-unique opportunity to optimize some fantastic rolls).
-5 levels to apply
-pick 2 +1 items (or one +2 item)
-Access to all supplemental books (Volo's, Xan, etc.)
-Possible access to a Holy Avenger
-Other party members will include Cleric, Fighter, Sorcerer, Rogue, and Warlock

All other factors are open for the choosing-race, multi-classing (if applicable), feats, etc.
Thanks for any and all input!!!

Half Elf 18* 15 16* 10 14 20* at next level anyone including yourself gets +5 to all saving throws that is equivalent of proficiency in all saving throws at level 15\ putting 15 in Dexterity will allow you the choice to take res: dex at some point to get it to +3 and proficiency
Paladin 5 Oath of the Ancients Resistance to spell damage at level 7
Feat at 4: Sentinel keep things from getting to the squishy back line/preventing the dragon from flying away. You could grab inspiring leader instead to give the party 10 temp hp at the beginning of each rest.
Fighting style, I would grab either defense or protection, defense for 23 AC, Though your reaction will be better served with opportunity attacks probably.

Personally I would grab a +2 shield if the holy avenger is 1h or +2 plate if it is 2h. Best part is neither of these eat an attunement slot. Only grab the sheild if the DM will also let you start with plate, if he doesn't grab +2 plate and a normal shield for a solid 22 AC.

You can prepare 7 spells at each long rest +your oath spells so you have 11 spells available. and have four 1st level slots and two 2nd level slots, all of this competes smite or spell.
Oath spells: ensnaring strike, Speak with animals, Moonbeam, Misty step,
Spells I would grab: Bless, Command, Wrathful smite, Shield of faith, Find steed,

You are now a Tank, Buffer, and Emergency Medic with some battlefield control thrown in to help you tank.
22-23 AC+sentinel means that unless they have a way around your sphere of influence they have to fight you.
At next level bunching up becomes a lot less dangerous, and the level after that it drops even further. You will laugh at any puny mages who take the field against you.

2018-04-29, 02:13 PM
Black Dragon? Is your DM modifying the module?

2018-04-29, 03:25 PM
Black Dragon? Is your DM modifying the module?

3xTPK? I would think so.

2018-04-29, 03:42 PM
Do you know what kind of Holy Avenger sword it is since it could be any? So you can choose your fighting style accordingly?

I'd go Vengeance

Half-Elf 18 Str, 15 Dex, 16 Con, 10 Int, 14 Wis, 20 Cha
Inspiring Leader feat at level 4.
I'd probably take 2 out of 3 of these +1 Ring of Protection, +1 Plate, or a +1 weapon to start.

Or if you want to be more offensive

Goliath or Half-Orc 20 Str, 15 Dex, 16 Con, 10 Int, 14 Wis, 17 Cha
+1 Cha and Dex or Sentinel at level 4

Or if you want more flavor

Protector Aasimar 17 Str, 14 Dex, 15 Con, 10 Int, 16 Wis, 20 Cha
+1 Str and Con at level 4

It is the Holy Avenger that Dragonbait possessed (before he died).

2018-04-29, 03:45 PM
Considering your party has fallen three times, I really don't think your build is the problem.

2018-04-29, 04:03 PM
Considering your party has fallen three times, I really don't think your build is the problem.

Tomb of Annihilation is an intentional meatgrinder. It doesn't care about your level or build.

The PCs of the ToA campaign I run encountered a troll at lvl 1.

2018-04-30, 12:10 AM
Yeah, if a holy avenger is on the table it's probably worth going paladin and you're close enough to super-saves that it's not worth multiclassing. If you're not set on that, you've got the stats for some MAD experiments.

I would probably look at shield master as my first feat and Elven accuracy as my second. You'll already have ridiculous saves so getting pseudo-evasion will save you a lot of trouble on save for half damage effects. Paired with a magic shield it's as good as resilient dex for your saves too.

If your GM is flexible with it some utility items may be better options than just magic weapon/armor. Ring of spell storing is one of my favorite. You can share find steed with the whole party, which is probably worth the item alone. It also let's you cast buffs so they also get doubled by find steed. Haste is a favorite, but if you're expecting hoards of undead nothing beats spirit guardians. A 10-minute duration party friendly fireball that deals radiant damage. Never fear swarms again!

2018-04-30, 01:19 AM
I'd suggest Monk instead and maybe if he lives long enough multiclass into Paladin. Any race will do here but getting a feat might be worth. any monk will do too they all have some cool uses.

2018-05-02, 09:19 AM
I also really like the idea of a Fallen Aasimar Oath of Conquest Paladin
You can start 18 Str, 15 Dex, 15 Con, 10 Int, 14 Wis, 20 Cha
Rule by fear
You'll want to bump Con at some point, but Shield Master would be a great feat


Conquest is my favorite subclass in the game, it really blends theme and mechanics beautifully. Plus, if your party's dying so much, a defensive tank might be a helpful addition, and conquest is the tankiest paladin subclass. Starting with 20 cha and 18 str thanks to amazing rolls really frees up feat options. Sentinel, Shield Master, & Resilient Con are the big ones I'd grab.

As for your item, +2 plate armor. That's pretty much end game gear right there, and there's less call to grab a weapon if you're going to pick up a holy avenger sooner or later anyway.

A single level of hexblade might be worth it at some point for added versatility & the shield spell. In that case, warcaster instead of resilient con to shore up concentration.

2018-05-30, 09:05 AM
Half Elf 18* 15 16* 10 14 20* at next level anyone including yourself gets +5 to all saving throws that is equivalent of proficiency in all saving throws at level 15\ putting 15 in Dexterity will allow you the choice to take res: dex at some point to get it to +3 and proficiency
Paladin 5 Oath of the Ancients Resistance to spell damage at level 7
Feat at 4: Sentinel keep things from getting to the squishy back line/preventing the dragon from flying away. You could grab inspiring leader instead to give the party 10 temp hp at the beginning of each rest.
Fighting style, I would grab either defense or protection, defense for 23 AC, Though your reaction will be better served with opportunity attacks probably.

Personally I would grab a +2 shield if the holy avenger is 1h or +2 plate if it is 2h. Best part is neither of these eat an attunement slot. Only grab the sheild if the DM will also let you start with plate, if he doesn't grab +2 plate and a normal shield for a solid 22 AC.

You can prepare 7 spells at each long rest +your oath spells so you have 11 spells available. and have four 1st level slots and two 2nd level slots, all of this competes smite or spell.
Oath spells: ensnaring strike, Speak with animals, Moonbeam, Misty step,
Spells I would grab: Bless, Command, Wrathful smite, Shield of faith, Find steed,

You are now a Tank, Buffer, and Emergency Medic with some battlefield control thrown in to help you tank.
22-23 AC+sentinel means that unless they have a way around your sphere of influence they have to fight you.
At next level bunching up becomes a lot less dangerous, and the level after that it drops even further. You will laugh at any puny mages who take the field against you.

I think I dig this build the best. I will be writing it up tonight and playing it this weekend. Thanks!

2018-05-30, 12:39 PM
Paladin for sure. Aasimar is an excellent fit, though some of the new eladrin from Tome of foes could be swanky as well. I would not multiclass. In regards to the type of Holy Avenger, what he wanted to know is: is it a greatsword? longsword? rapier? This will help determine what build to go towards.

2018-05-30, 02:36 PM
Tomb of Annihilation is an intentional meatgrinder. It doesn't care about your level or build.

The PCs of the ToA campaign I run encountered a troll at lvl 1. Our group ran into a cyclops at level 2, and had a troll and more arrive after our barbarian had set off a trap and nearly died. The three of us were not going to take on multiple trolls with no magic user in the group ... a lack of flame was noted, so we withdrew.

2018-05-30, 05:28 PM
Half Elf 18* 15 16* 10 14 20* at next level anyone including yourself gets +5 to all saving throws that is equivalent of proficiency in all saving throws at level 15\ putting 15 in Dexterity will allow you the choice to take res: dex at some point to get it to +3 and proficiency
Paladin 5 Oath of the Ancients Resistance to spell damage at level 7
Feat at 4: Sentinel keep things from getting to the squishy back line/preventing the dragon from flying away. You could grab inspiring leader instead to give the party 10 temp hp at the beginning of each rest.
Fighting style, I would grab either defense or protection, defense for 23 AC, Though your reaction will be better served with opportunity attacks probably.

Personally I would grab a +2 shield if the holy avenger is 1h or +2 plate if it is 2h. Best part is neither of these eat an attunement slot. Only grab the sheild if the DM will also let you start with plate, if he doesn't grab +2 plate and a normal shield for a solid 22 AC.

You can prepare 7 spells at each long rest +your oath spells so you have 11 spells available. and have four 1st level slots and two 2nd level slots, all of this competes smite or spell.
Oath spells: ensnaring strike, Speak with animals, Moonbeam, Misty step,
Spells I would grab: Bless, Command, Wrathful smite, Shield of faith, Find steed,

You are now a Tank, Buffer, and Emergency Medic with some battlefield control thrown in to help you tank.
22-23 AC+sentinel means that unless they have a way around your sphere of influence they have to fight you.
At next level bunching up becomes a lot less dangerous, and the level after that it drops even further. You will laugh at any puny mages who take the field against you.
I'll support this proposition (because too tired to think by myself XD) except that I'd trade feat for Inspiring Leader.
Seems your party faces harsh challenge, so even if it may seem no much, having an extra 10 THP every short rest may count in the run.

2018-05-30, 09:55 PM
After reading the half-elf build, I have a new recommendation.

Go with that half elf build, but consider grabbing shield master and a +2 shield instead of sentinel. Then you've got a solid chance of completely ignoring the damage from that dragon's breath weapon (or any other save-for-half damage) because of your super-high saves past 6th level.

If you expect your character to survive past 7th level, oath of the ancients will be super strong against spellcasters. If you don't expect too many of those, or you're more worried about the lower levels, I'd still recommend Vengeance paladin.