View Full Version : GM's - Let me design a NPC/villian for you (3.5)

2018-04-29, 04:36 PM
Since I have no luck finding a game to play locally I am really bored and want to simply make some characters. If you feel too burdened by your campaign and want to outsource some of the work, I'd like to design some characters for you. Any level, and race/class, etc. I just wanna made fodder for you to throw at your PCs. :)

Just tell me what level and I'll hook you up with however many characters you need and they will follow the typical character creation rules, wealth, etc. I can even offer proposed personality/background ideas.

Blue Wizard
2018-04-29, 05:00 PM
I need an epic Maleficent, out of Disney's Sleeping Beauty.

Three faeries, each of them high-tier, high-level spellcasters refused to directly oppose her. "Maleficent's powers are far too great!"

The broad strokes of the character concept I have so far is that a red dragon with the Infernal template and a blue dragon with the Unseelie template got together and had a baby - one they named after malice.

Thus, Maleficent is a red dragon, with the half-blue-dragon, half-infernal, and half-fey templates. She has the alternate form feats out of Dragons of Eberron, that allow her to take on the form of a human with the half-dragon template.

On top of that, in my mind she has 20+ in the wizard class, and has been getting her powergamer game on like a devoted munchkin.

I also get the impression that she had a lot of siblings, none of which survived the rigorous training *she* went through - things their parents did to them when they were small in order to maximize their power were also quite dangerous, like Polymorphing them all into straight plain-vanilla humans until they knew enough about magic to transform themselves back, and so on.

So I have the broad strokes. The details? Shrug. Those haven't filled themselves in yet.

2018-04-29, 06:24 PM
Have you considered participating in the Villainous Competition contests? They can always use more judges.

2018-04-29, 06:58 PM
I need an epic Maleficent, out of Disney's Sleeping Beauty.

Three faeries, each of them high-tier, high-level spellcasters refused to directly oppose her. "Maleficent's powers are far too great!"

The broad strokes of the character concept I have so far is that a red dragon with the Infernal template and a blue dragon with the Unseelie template got together and had a baby - one they named after malice.

Thus, Maleficent is a red dragon, with the half-blue-dragon, half-infernal, and half-fey templates. She has the alternate form feats out of Dragons of Eberron, that allow her to take on the form of a human with the half-dragon template.

On top of that, in my mind she has 20+ in the wizard class, and has been getting her powergamer game on like a devoted munchkin.

I also get the impression that she had a lot of siblings, none of which survived the rigorous training *she* went through - things their parents did to them when they were small in order to maximize their power were also quite dangerous, like Polymorphing them all into straight plain-vanilla humans until they knew enough about magic to transform themselves back, and so on.

So I have the broad strokes. The details? Shrug. Those haven't filled themselves in yet.

That is far more complicated than anything I've done to date! Wow! I can certainly give it a try though.

2018-04-29, 06:59 PM
Have you considered participating in the Villainous Competition contests? They can always use more judges.

Nope. I'm not an expert or anything. I just like making characters. I should submit an entry sometime.

2018-04-29, 08:01 PM
I need

1 level 12 magewright
3 level 10 warriors
4 level 9 clerics
10 level 5 warriors
25 level 3 warriors
100 level 1 warriors
I accept carbon copies of all npc classed characters. All of them are warforged. Npc classed characters use the npc stat array, classed use champion array. I would prefer some deviation in them all.

They are a military camp that works closely with a Warforged Abjurant Champion Duskblade. Average alignment ranges from lawful neutral, lawful evil, and neutral evil. The warforged they work for is a face of the Lord of Blades

2018-04-30, 12:54 PM
I need:

Female - Human/Offspring of Abraxas (Demon Lord of Magic)

Minimum 20th level (higher if you want) - With psychic powers, gestalt as well. Go crazy!

The only other thing is she does use a greatsword that steals souls.

Stats/Saves: Make them as best you can.

2018-04-30, 03:36 PM
i would also invite you to either build or judge for VC, see handy link below.

the best way to become more proficient is simply to participate :)

2018-05-02, 03:26 PM
Since I have no luck finding a game to play locally I am really bored and want to simply make some characters. If you feel too burdened by your campaign and want to outsource some of the work, I'd like to design some characters for you. Any level, and race/class, etc. I just wanna made fodder for you to throw at your PCs. :)

Just tell me what level and I'll hook you up with however many characters you need and they will follow the typical character creation rules, wealth, etc. I can even offer proposed personality/background ideas.

On the off chance you are serious I would like to put in an order for a party of 7: a competing adventuring party of 7th to 9th level folks who are decidedly evil and don't mind taking away treasures while kicking the player character party in the face while they are down.

Terrain is arid hills.

And if not 7 then just one or two. I'd appreciate seeing what you produce.

2018-05-03, 12:14 AM
I need a synad wilder build for a reoccurring bad guy against a party of murderhobos that murdered one too many hobos. The kill count in that game at level 4 is higher then the game i played that ended at level 12. Im not the dm i just help him build thing because he works 55 hours a week and i would actually like to play the game not simply wait for him to finish plotting. Must have psy crystal and astral construct for plot reason. Blaster or melee it doesnt matter. Pcs have large health pool. Originally he just wanted to go back to his home. Now his only goal is to kill pcs.

Bonus points if you include the fact we lit his house on fire when the only group of synads left on the plan was chilling in it and he only lived because of the construct. construct looks like his buddies but burnt up. Wilder instead of psion because his super ticked off.