View Full Version : Effigy Master HD limit

2018-04-30, 02:15 AM
I been trying to make sure i was doing the HD for the effigy correctly.

Craft Effigy (Su): An effigy master can create constructs known as effigies (see page 151). Unlike other creators, he need not possess the Craft Construct feat to complete this task, nor does he need the feat or ranks in Knowledge (architecture and engineering) to repair an effigy he creates (see page 151 for details on repairing an effigy). An effigy master can add his class level to his caster level to determine the maximum Hit Dice of effigy that he can create. Crafting an effigy requires a body to be built from wood, leather, metal, and wire. This requires a DC 15 Craft (woodworking, leatherworking, or metalworking) check. The gp and XP required to create the effigy depends on its size, as described on page 155.

So does that mean my over all caster level? if i was a single Caster type.
does it mean the caster level im putting the +1 to caster level?
Does it mean my characters total worth of caster levels?

Since i know its Class level (5) + caster level. Trying to figure out if it means all or one if you got others.

2018-04-30, 02:26 AM
It means your highest caster level, I think. If you have two different caster levels from different classes, you don't get to combine them.

2018-04-30, 05:13 AM
Thats one of the reasons Im asking. it states Casterlevel. I have a caster level of 38. 24 In one and 14 in the other. Making my CL 38 or spilt respectivly. Im just trying to make sure so I know what I should be writing up for the chars HD limit.

2018-04-30, 06:43 AM
You would use the 38 caster level. I don't know what you mean exactly by 'split', but whatever it is, just use the higher value as it is, without modification.

2018-04-30, 08:34 AM
If you have a wizard caster level of 24, and a cleric caster level of 14 then it would be 24. However if you have a wizard level of 24 and prestige classes that up your caster level by 14 (or vis versa) then it would be caster level of 38.

2018-04-30, 05:38 PM
Im a dual caster Wizard (specialist) and Sorcerer using prestige classes(Archmage/Wizard specialist/Humanparagon/Ultimate magus etc). In total i have 44 Arcane caster levels. 31 is in wizard and 13 sorcerer. And wizard also has practed spell caster. But thats only for when casting the spell.

So i should just use the Arcane caster level in total?

Edit has to do a recount for the CLs i got and found out i was off some.

2018-04-30, 05:47 PM
Im a dual caster Wizard (specialist) and Sorcerer using prestige classes(Archmage/Wizard specialist/Humanparagon/Ultimate magus etc). In total i have 44 Arcane caster levels. 31 is in wizard and 13 sorcerer. And wizard also has practed spell caster. But thats only for when casting the spell.

So i should just use the Arcane caster level in total?

No, you use your highest caster level for a given class. A 5th level Wizard/2nd level Sorcerer doesn't get to combine those caster levels without some sort of shenanigans. In your example, you don't have "an arcane caster level", you have two separate arcane caster levels.

So unless there is some sort of specific language in Ultimate Magus that lets you combine those caster levels (I'm pretty sure there isn't), then you'd use one or the other.