View Full Version : Roleplaying Monk Backstory Help

2018-04-30, 10:17 AM
Hey there! I have an idea of playing a Way of Tranquility Aasimar Monk. Generally WoT Monks are diplomatic, nly using violence when nesessary, I'd like to subvert this somehow by maybe having him have a diplomatic facade during encounters but when they don't listen to him he gets really angry. Also, I don't know how the whole Aasimar thing ties in together.

Anything is appreciated!

2018-04-30, 10:23 AM
Maybe rather then a fascade, which kind of goes against the archtype, you have him be genuine but really bad at it. He honestly wishes for nothing more then peace, refuses to fight, etc. But he happens to be shamefully bad at following his own words, leading to many excuses to explain how his behavior was tranquil. And he gets very defensive if questioned about it. It gets worse when he criticises others for being savage and aggressive when he is no different.

I think far traveler fits this monk archtype well and there are many cool choices for where he hailed. I lean towards Harulaa myself. http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Halruaa

2018-04-30, 10:31 AM
Maybe rather then a fascade, which kind of goes against the archtype, you have him be genuine but really bad at it.

Interesting! Thanks!

2018-04-30, 10:35 AM
Introduce something in his past to explain the rage.
For example he learns he was exiled from his home because they feared the reaction to him being born among them.
It's not just Tieflings who have that problem he may have been used as a prize and little more than a plaything until finding his way to that monastery and it does still hurt and takes time to overcome in game.

How you deal with this remains your choice this is just one suggestion within thousands of possibilities, enjoy!

2018-04-30, 02:23 PM
He could have been born into a roaming barbarian clan in the wilderness, raised to tap into his rage just like his ancestors. While learning to harness his rage there was an accident leading him to hurt someone he loved or even a family/tribal pet. Horrified at his actions he leaves his tribe in shame (real shame or maybe just personal shame) and finds a convent of monks that begin to teach him their ways and how to better control the rage inherent in him.

Joe the Rat
2018-04-30, 02:32 PM
Or he just has a surprisingly low frustration point.

Inner peace...
Inner peace...

Given the capstone for the tradition is "flip the table," it's not that far of a concept break.