View Full Version : Pathfinder encounters suggestions: abandoned tunnels and goblin city

2018-05-01, 12:36 PM
In my red hand of Doom game, the party got stymied on the road to the Fane of Tiamat and has decided to try to get through the mountains by going under them.

They are at a friendly dwarf hold and the dwarves told them that they had run into goblins ith the northeastern passages a hundred fifty years ago or so and after some battles, had abandoned and closed off those mines. However they figure that the goblin mines there must lead to one of the goblin cities on the other side of the mountains and that the party could potentially go through the abandoned mines, reach the goblin city and then travel overland to the Fane.

The party's plan is to go to the closed off tunnels, open them up, and use a scroll of find the path to get through the tunnels and to the surface.

The party is basically 10th level. (9th level cleric, 9th level magus, 10th level Hunter, 10th level Inquisitor, and possibly a cohort--the magus and cleric are replacement characters after one character and a cohort were killed last session and another character was captured by the Red Hand).

I'm looking for ideas for a couple good CR/EL 11-12 encounters for the abandoned mines between the goblin and dwarf tunnels (after the conflict, both sides pulled back leaving a lot of abandoned tunnels between them). Ideas for the goblin city would be nice too. I'm not sure what the party has in mind there.