View Full Version : Good One-Time Off (That Could Become a Campaign)

2018-05-01, 02:08 PM
So I'm planning on hosting a D&D session for a few friends of mine and my wife. I will be the DM, and my wife and 3 other friends will be playing. My wife and I are relatively skilled/experienced, 1 friend is somewhat experienced, and the other two are completely new. I convinced them to give it a try, so they're going to check it out! Exciting!

As for me, I told them I'd create some characters for them and let them flesh it out if they want to take them further. I also usually make things really simple and easygoing rule-wise. Anyway, my question for fellow playgrounders is this:

I'd like to make a one-off session that would be really fun for them, but with the possibility of it being a campaign. I've done this exact thing before where a group had to save some kids from Goblins who had kidnapped them for some unknown reason. Turns out it was for a ritual (and the game is still going). I want to do something different.

Maybe a town in the middle of a desert for a setting? Something unique. Ideas? Opinions? Concerns?

2018-05-01, 02:21 PM
Something I was planning on doing in my next adventure for my local shop:

The group is called to the capitol of the realm, they arrive just as the annual draft (military) is starting. They enter as the Head Captain is giving a speech about the honor of protecting the realm, the glory of serving the lord, and the foul deeds of the enemy. All around are young men and women (16-20 yr olds) all in different states of elation or fear.

The group is brought before the Head Captain as specially chosen elite soldiers. They go through training and in doing so they learn about the enemy. The story of the enemy and the crown has a theme which sheds the group as doing a great service to the crown. During their first few missions, however, the reality of the situation is much more convoluted. After a few more missions a moral dilemma will occur where the players will have to choose to fight for the crown, or join the resistance.

Hopefully that kicks your creative juices in gear!

2018-05-01, 02:24 PM
Not sure if it would fit what I've got, but I was writing a monster campaign for a group that started out with a single one shot. You are welcome to take and steal whatever you like.


2018-05-01, 02:46 PM
I did a one-shot with my family in the desert (Mom and Dad had never played before). It involved rescuing a caravan that had been stranded a few days from town. The trick for this one wound up being an NPC that I hadn't thought much about. He was a minor faerie who followed them into the ruin where they found the lost caravan and offered to give them magic for the final fight if they'd retrieve an ice sword for him. Dad offered him a better deal: if he would join the fight himself, then the three PC's would accompany him to settle his score with the sword's owner.

And thus were spawned four more sessions.

I think the trick is leaving a few hooks lying around that could bring the party into a longer adventure. This one happened by accident - turns out Dad is a natural improviser, better even than I am in some ways. But you could set up something similar on purpose. The fallout from the initial adventure uncovers a larger plot or challenge for the party to face, or gets them a long-term offer from someone they helped out, or something like that. Or if you're confident in your improvising, just scatter a bunch of odd things for them to investigate and roll with it.

As far as specific ideas, that's a harder one. Mine have a habit of being kind of noir - murder mysteries, heists, tracking criminals. I think that a classic heist is actually a really nice way to let lots of different kinds of characters shine; my current party did one that I think was my best session yet a few weeks ago.

For settings, you may have gathered that I like the desert. I also had a lot of fun in the ensuing arctic adventure, and both of these would be considerably more interesting if you really went ham on the environmental effects (make them take shelter from sandstorms, or figure out how to be stealthy while slogging through foot-deep snow). Basically, if you pick an environment that would not fit in perfectly in Middle-Earth, you're already several steps into "unique." Try something like Earthsea/Wind Waker/etc. with lots of islands! Flip through the Monster Manual and pick out that monster you always wanted to use, then think where it might live! Make the party fight Slender Man! (Yes, I have done that.)

2018-05-01, 04:28 PM
I really appreciate the ideas. The lost caravan might work. I was also thinking of something like they're in the desert and they keep hearing monstrous screams in the dead of night.. I'm not sure. Also, love the monster campaign idea, so many obstacles to overcome and could be very fun if played right. I would probably do something like that for some more experienced players, though. Keep the ideas coming, they're great!