View Full Version : Opposed Identical Twins Help

2018-05-01, 08:50 PM
So for a game I'm planning I have a pair of identical twins as NPCs- the gimmick is that they have to have the same build, feats, etc. except for one difference: one worships Heironeous and the other worships Hextor.

Here's the problem - I've only been able to figure out one RAW-legal build that I like for them and I'm not that sold on it because it's more of a caster build than a battle build: Cleric 4/Ordained Champion 5/Divine Disciple 5/Contemplative 6. I know it's powerful and effective, but I am a bit miffed on them only having 14 BAB (I know Divine Power makes that issue a joke, but it's a personal thing).

The easy thing to do would be to create an inverted form of Sacred Exorcist and/or drop the LG church prerequisite from Church Inquisitor, but I'd like to see if the community has a few other RAW-legal ideas before I either just bite the bullet with the RAW-legal build or do a bit of house ruling.

2018-05-01, 08:59 PM
Prestigious Paladin of Honor and Prestigious Paladin of Tyranny?

2018-05-01, 09:01 PM
The easy thing to do would be DMM Persist Divine Power. If you feel like making them CoDzillas would be too much, only make them have enough turning for that one spell to be persisted.

2018-05-01, 09:10 PM
Standard Paladin and a Paladin of Tyranny. It's a lot weaker than what you have now, but still.

Crusaders also work right out of the box.

If you want a few more spells you can do Fighter 2/Pally 4/Crusader 1/Divine Crusader 7/Ordained Champion 5/whatever 1