View Full Version : End of Days IC

2018-05-02, 11:28 AM
All around you Malasur lies in pieces. Rubble and ruin. An uncharacteristic silence blankets the remains of a city that never sleeps, and leaves you to consider the true implications of the destruction. Friends, family, belongings, the life you had built for yourself… Gone. The mountainous Craggy Coast still stands, ancient and immovable, surrounding what was once Malasur on the south, east, and north sides. Angdon, the highest peak in the area, confers with the sky, untouched by the events of the past few weeks. Newcomers to Malasur always mentioned feeling constantly claustrophobic, but now the sky and the space between semi-standing buildings is wide open.

You can’t decide whether you hear crying, or if your ears are simply still ringing, or if it’s a combination of the two. Maybe you see bodies immediately nearby, maybe you don’t. Various pains spring to life, but nothing seems to be injured beyond repair, and you finally convince yourself to gather what items you have left. You move through the city almost in a trance. The trip from your location to the city gates highlights the death toll. Many chose to stay within Malasur’s walls when “the cleansing” began for any number of reasons - unwilling to leave family, unable to afford transport, poor health, laziness, disbelief… And here they all now lay.

Once intimidating and towering high at the entrance to the city, the gate now lies broken in large blocks, unable to prevent exit. No guards to demand an ever-increasing fee for coming and going. No altercations. You slow your pace. The ringing in your ears has subsided, and you now hear the sound of footsteps.

Feel free to describe the specifics of your surroundings/what injuries you sustained. Everyone took 4 damage during the earthquake... Could have been worse! This will likely be your first encounter with the others, or perhaps you've met in passing before. For @Awful and @Silent_p: there is only the one road out of Malasur. When responding keep in mind that you will be running into @MCerberus and @kulanah.

2018-05-02, 11:40 PM

It had been another boring day waiting out quarantine, which Toria had assumed was the dire warning she had received from, really best not to dwell on who. She had her books, put to new use, a just-in-case backpack, new card tricks, and it turned out that fake 5-copper glass ball was a real crystal capable of amplifying the weave. Everyone who would listen to her should be indoors as well, or maybe making tentative steps out once the worst was over. The new disaster would hit her like a brick...

To the temple.

Everything became blurry from then on. Her journey out of the gate in a haze. She was warm... her door had to use her breath, always makes her lungs feel on fire. Her left arm warm too, something else. Along the way... was it Nan? She was sorry for something, thought Toria could be better. No more... fortunes in the costume. There's no Nan at the gate. Toria couldn't see any kin-of-the-isle as well, but it hurt to look, the sun too bright.

The sorceress leans into some shade and looks down on her bandaged arm. Red. She absentmindedly used a spell to change it back to white. A little dot of red returns, growing. The effort of casting makes the buzzing start to fade.

2018-05-03, 11:33 PM
Jeth came awake with a start as the quakes started to rattle the walls of the city. Over the last few months as she prowled through the city she had refined the skill of waking up all at once to a level that resembled mastery. Which, as she would later reflect, wasn’t quite the best outcome in this particular instance. It was pure luck that allowed her to survive, and at least if she had been sleepy through the whole thing she could have avoided the cacophony of death and pain that surrounded her.

After waiting out the wave after wave of earthquakes in a dark hidey hole, which spared her only through the sheer blind luck, she picked her rattled self up and attempted to find the much maligned main gate. On a normal day she struggled to pick her way through the city with anything near deftness, and the rubble and death that filled the city now only made her attempt to leave that much more difficult.

As she finally sees the main gate that had so intimidated her from her first time attempting to set foot in the city, that had taken her a few attempts to muster the courage to go through, she stops at the sound of footsteps. She immediately begins to scan the incoming pathways, at this point just hoping to see someone who might have some sense of what’s going on.

2018-05-04, 09:05 AM
Tana woke in a significant amount of pain. She opened her eyes slowly, fearful of how badly she might be injured. Her head throbbed as she gingerly looked around. She was on her side, various bits of debris littering the floor of the shop in which she'd been sheltering. The remains of a small crate lay across her legs and she noticed some cuts on her hands. Carefully, she began testing her ability to move. Nothing seemed broken. Piercing the ringing in her ears, a crash sounded nearby as a large amount of... something fell down. She'd need to get out in the open.

Kicking off the pieces of the crate, she rolled over onto her front, getting her arms underneath her. Dust from the nearby collapse swirled in the air making her cough. Gritting her teeth through the pain that brought, she pushed herself to her feet. With a steadying hand on what remained of a nearby wall she looked about. Some fabric caught her eye and she quickly stumbled that direction. Fearfully, she checked the merchant for signs of life. A blow to his head, however, had ended his life.

Tana took a moment to compose herself. She hadn't known the man well but he had been a good customer. Some distant sounds, voices perhaps, drifted to her still ringing ears and spurred her back to action. She made her way cautiously through the store before emerging out into the open. The scale of the devastation hitting her almost instantly. Unable or unwilling to truly process what had happened, Tana trudged through the streets, stopping occasionally to help another to their feet. She eventually realised where she was heading and stopped, staring at the remains of the once mighty gates.

She'd stabled her mule outside the city and an urgency took hold of her seeing how much had been destroyed. Had the animal perished? She rushed onwards, hoping to find out.

2018-05-04, 06:39 PM
For the tiefling known as Maiden Amaryllis, the world had ended twice, in a manner of speaking.

First had been betrayal; a murder by a close friend, inexplicable, unexpected; a breaking of the ordered, trusted view she held of the world and her place in it.
Second was perhaps more literal; the earth roared, like the wrath of a giant beast, and shook the buildings apart on its back as a dog would shake off fleas. The world had crumbled into a storm of falling masonry and the bright flash of stars as stone met skull. Perhaps only her helmet can stopped her brains being splattered.

How had she lived? She wasn't sure. The grace of Sune, perhaps, but then, the others hadn't been so favoured. Her disfavour then, perhaps. Her hooves, ill suited for rubble, slipped and stumbled as she trudged through the ruins. No one was left. Body after body, crushed and battered and broken. After a while, she stopped checking on the least-damaged in hopes of finding another survivor.

Blood trickled down her face and beaded on her chin, dripping to stain the tapestry of her tabard. She could heal the pool of life within her - that which could heal - but she kept it tight within. If she found another... she would not wish to have already used it all on herself. Her ears rang, but otherwise the city was silent; a tomb-silence, so unnatural she wanted to scream just to break it.

The gate was ahead, and a stumble diverted her attention enough she almost literally ran into another woman.
She blinked, trying to make out details.
"Ah!" she exclaimed, the tiefling taking another step back. "Are you...?" She reached out a hand, her precise question unclear.

2018-05-04, 10:46 PM
At the familiar sounds of hooves against the ground, Jeth perked up. A loose animal in the city after all this would most certainly need aid. And would certainly be nice if I decide to leave before the remnants of the city decide between anarchy or a return to a civil society...

As the heavily armored tiefling came into sight Jeth startled. She still wasn’t used to seeing tieflings with the regularity that you did in Malasur. Or rather did. She was unsure if the city would return to its former cosmopolitan glory.

”Going to make it, I think.” Jeth offered an arm out, the creature looked needing of a steadying hand. ”You look like you need to find a place to rest a moment, should we find you a spot?”

2018-05-04, 11:09 PM

Toria slumps down in the shade, just feeling tired from the whole affair. Her eyes are drawn for moment to an overhang sign in the shade of a horseshoe, but she brushes it aside. About to drift off, the sudden noise of metal and speech rouse her. Toria's eyes take a moment to adjust back to reality, but the noise itself just... hurt for some reason.

Looking to see what broke the quiet, Toria takes a tentative look towards the source and then a moment to compose herself. She takes a few steps away from the shadowy spot and waves at the pair of Jeth and Amaryllis. "Is there... anyone else that made it?"

2018-05-05, 03:08 PM
Amaryllis took the offered arm, gripping it to make sure the woman she saw before her was real.
"I... think I will survive. Are you wounded? I can... I can heal your wounds some, if you- if you have any. If you want."
Even as she spoke, another stepped out from the shadows and talked - a scalekin, dragonborn. she released Jeth's arm, taking a step towards the dragonborn. She shook her head, and the blood dripping off her chin bloomed tiny red flowers in the dust.
"I haven't seen anyone - no one else survived. I checked those who might have lived, but everyone- everyone is..."

​She simply shook her head again.

2018-05-05, 07:01 PM
It took mere moments for Tana to first hear, then see a small group near the gate. Hurrying had not been kind to her injuries and she had been forced to resort to a much slower pace. Despite her desire to check on her mule, she felt drained from the walk.

She approached the group - one appeared to be a tiefling, another perhaps a dragonborn? "Greetings," she called, her voice clearly laboured. "Have you... any news of how things are... beyond the gate?"

As she neared the women, she gestured weakly behind her. "There appears to be little left..." Her voice trailed off as she drew to a stop.

2018-05-05, 07:04 PM
The paladin's words rang true for the others. Their reports from the separate paths that led them to The South Road all sounded the same: buildings tumbled down, fissures in the earth, dead bodies buried beneath the rubble. Their journeys certainly didn't cover the entirety of the city, but from what they had each seen, they would not be surprised if they truly were the sole survivors of the earthquake. The ones who left when they could were lucky.

If 5 or 6 rolled, the stables 500' from the walls are not damaged:


2018-05-05, 08:50 PM

The wheels start to turn a bit in Toria's mind about the empty streets. In a perverse way it made sense. If you were sick, you wouldn't make it out. If you were in quarantine, you're stuck inside while the world crumbles. A depressing coincidence that. The dragonborn didn't have any words about it to the young... just had the word for it but she can't remember it out of those books. In any case, not today with the 'everything will be alright the stars say so' stuff today. Among other things, Toria wouldn't bear to hear it let alone say it.

Luckily a gnome comes by to save her from having to say anything quite so awkward.

"The four of us are the only news from either side of the gate." Toria shrugs and motions with her head towards the exit. "Anyone who made it out's probably going away from the falling rocks and miasma."

2018-05-06, 12:30 PM
Jeth shook her head slightly at the offer of help, she wasn’t quite hurt enough to accept that sort of an offer from a stranger quite yet. Even if that stranger did seem to be one of the only people alive near.

As everyone in turn shared their accounts of everything since the calamity she zeroed in on the Dragonborn’s statement. While Jeth had seen the exodus recently it had never occured to leave herself. She didn’t think her brother would’ve left, but he definitely would have known this was coming…

”It seems like the best choice from here is to follow the crowds. Who knows if there will be more earthquakes...”

Beyond the utility of moving on from this city, Jeth found being surrounded by the dead in all directions vaguely unsetting.

Jeth Brenan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1524468)
Human Ranger
HP: 8/12
AC: 14
Passive Perception: 15

2018-05-06, 06:33 PM
"I don't think that- there's no point in staying. There's no way to bury everyone who needs it. Do the rites." Amaryllis said in agreement, looking out at the ruined city. "We shouldn't stay."
Can't was the unsaid word.

She took a moment to steady herself with her pollhammer, and when she opened her eyes again they looked more focused. She swiped the blood off her chin and flicked her arm to get it off, then focused; the wound healed partially, if not completely, as the flesh glowed then knitted itself together some.
"I need- I'm going to head to the Crossroads. I need to find someone there."
Hydrangea. Soul-sister, traitor, murderer. Were you safe? You'd left the city before it fell. Amaryllis felt a surge of guilt for being glad.
"You're all welcome to follow- to come with me. If you want. I don't think it's a good idea to go off on your own."

2018-05-07, 02:29 PM
Tana was quiet for a moment after the others spoke of leaving. She looked back into the city. The right thing to do seemed to stay and help any survivors find food, water and safety. There didn't seem to be much chance of rebuilding, though. With the world almost intent on coming to an end, what would that achieve? Would they even find anyone they could save?

With a heavy heart, she glanced at the others before nodding slowly. "I had a cart outside the city," she said, pointing in the general direction. "If my mule yet lives and the cart is... in working order, I would be happy to lend them to the journey."

She cast one last glance back. "As my grandfather was fond of saying, 'no journey starts til you've been kicked by a mule.'" She smiled weakly and looked at the others.

2018-05-07, 04:59 PM

And it seems just like that the prepared worst-case is definitely happening. Despite not knowing how long the road is to the Crossroads, it is a bit concerning that within the day they'd probably be farther from the city than Toria's ever been. With everything together though... there wasn't much that could be done for the docks district, and no docks no city.

Between the attempted joke, trailing off, and seeming nervous insistence, it seems all of her new companions are keeping up a facade in the face of this morning, so so shall she.

"I hope you find your cart, but in the mean time it seems we're all headed in the same direction at least."

A couple moments pass. Toria thinks on introductions and weighs the impoliteness of withholding a name with the inevitable corrections and adds, "My name's Toria."

2018-05-08, 12:18 PM
The warrior-priestess nodded in greeting, automatic formality taking over.
"I am Maiden Amaryllis, of the Sunite Shield-Sisters."

2018-05-08, 11:12 PM
Jeth looked around at the assembled group and grimaced. Sometimes it was safer to join a group instead of roaming off alone, even if she found that idea mildly distasteful. The world had physically changed, and Jeth expected there to be systemic changes to come in the years following this calamity.

As she was getting up to follow after Amaryllis she heard the gnome say a peculiar phrase. Is this the sort of phrase city types use? Strange but… I make an attempt to fit in as one of them if this journey is going to be at all successful. At which point she nodded gravely, attempting to smother the confused expression that had sprung up on her face.

”I’m Jeth, from Mossdon, a small village outside of the Mossypeak Woods. ”

Jeth Brenan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1524468)
Human Ranger
HP: 8/12
AC: 14
Passive Perception: 15

2018-05-09, 11:18 AM
With new companions at your side, you set out on the South Road. It is Amiel 3rd, Friad, and usually you would be preparing for the week’s end. Instead, you find yourself preparing for a journey to The Crossroads in the hopes of finding some answers. The mountains of The Craggy Coast lazily bask in the sun to your right. The Mossypeak Woods loom dark and mysterious in the west.

Birds fly overhead. The day is warm with a light breeze. Everything looks so beautiful and at odds with the trials and tribulations of the past weeks, you can’t help but wonder if your experiences were an illusion or a nightmare. Solen slips towards the west, marking the beginning of the afternoon.

To your surprise, the stables still stand just a short walk from the gates. All stalls are empty, save the farthest. You can just make out the nose of a donkey poking out from within. No carts or wagons are in sight. It's likely they were all stolen by the desperate and afraid folk fleeing Malasur.

2018-05-10, 04:20 PM
The stables were somehow immaculate despite the total devastation of the city. It wasn't fair at all.

"I doubt we'll find your cart," the Maiden says, perhaps somewhat unnecessarily, "But perhaps this is your beast? If not, there is still no reason to leave the poor creature; we should take him or free him."
Was there a difference between mules and donkeys? Well, no matter.
"It will be six days to the Crossroads. Do all of you have enough supplies? If not, I suppose you can- can hunt or forage, or something like that. I have some food I can share, but not much."

2018-05-10, 07:39 PM

So... that makes a week out in nowhere. Aren't there... other places in the intervening space? Well, there's at least a pack animal. Now they're just missing a cart for one companion it seems. Leaving the donkey be, Toria responds to the food question. "Nothing fresh aside from leftover bread."

She takes the opportunity to peek around the corner to see if they've missed anything. "Aren't there supposed to be Inns or other places along the way?"

2018-05-10, 10:41 PM
Jeth perked up at the mention of a concrete time table. She knew vaguely how to get towards the crossroads, but having someone who knew exactly where it was would be a boon.

”I can handle the food. Feeding four is more than I’m used to, but with everyone’s stores we should be fine,” she said with a shrug. She looked forward to seeing if any of the others could hold their own out away from all the things people used to make survival a trivial task.

At Toria’s comment asking after inns Jeth couldn’t help but feel a touch arrogrant ”I came across an inn on my way into the city, if you would feel more comfortable there. Assuming they avoided...“ She gesticulates wildly at the city ”all this.”

Jeth Brenan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1524468)
Human Ranger
HP: 8/12
AC: 14
Passive Perception: 15

2018-05-11, 04:45 PM
Introductions having been made - Tana supplying her clan- and favoured nickname in addition to her personal name - they proceeded through the gate. The stable was, impressively, still intact and Tana's spirits rose slightly, though quickly fell when there was little sight of her cart.

She nodded at the Maiden's words. "It seems you are correct. I imagine it was kept outside the building proper and failed to survive the disaster." Greater dismay was in store, however, when Tana's mule was nowhere to be found. She approached the donkey still stabled nonetheless. "Yes," she said quietly. "Bringing the animal along seems best..."

As the others discussed provisions for the journey, Tana took a few moments to try and coax the donkey into following her and accepting reins. Half listening to the conversation as she pulled a stool over, she glanced back. "The Beaten Path," she said, in response to Jeth. "Stonehaven is somewhat on the route from here to the Crossroads as well." The stool in position, she stepped up and reached out to the creature.

Animal Handling roll to see how well/badly Tana manages with the new animal: [roll0]
General Int roll to see what Tana knows about Stonehaven: [roll1]

2018-05-11, 10:25 PM
Restless and stubborn, the donkey eventually begins to tolerate Tana’s presence and allows reins to be placed on his head after much gentle coaxing. Once out from the shade of the stall, the donkey brazenly noses Tana’s pack in search of food, almost knocking the gnome over in the process.

As Jeth and Tana mentioned, there is indeed an inn about a day’s walk from Malasur. The Beaten Path Inn is one of two buildings located at a very small intersection of roads with signs pointing to the nearest settlements.

Once the donkey realizes there isn’t much food being offered up willingly he dips his head down to briefly graze at a small patch of grass. He chews, almost thoughtfully sniffs the air, then sets off north on The South Road.

Your route hasn’t often led you into the dwarven cities of The Craggy Coast, so what you know is mostly second-hand knowledge from others in your guild. Stonehaven is a four hour hike from The Beaten Path Inn. You know Megs “Pummelfist” MacGregor runs the town. You also know Ruby Rule Brewery is one of the town’s main sources of income and you have at least delivered shipments of their red ale divvied up by members of your guild to Malasur and Luapur. You have also heard of The Proving Grounds, infamous for being one of the only remaining legal fighting rings in Donalgur. Most people know of the fighting ring and the ale, few have experienced either for themselves.

2018-05-11, 11:15 PM

Toria gives up on finding anything else and heads back to the group about in time to observe the donkey-shenanigans. The town names being thrown around don't really mean much to her. If she's heard them mentioned before, it's less important than knowing where the boats come in from. Townies that made it into the city were generally less important than knowing when there's rice or ginger for sale. Animals acting weird, that's universal entertainment though.

She feels a little bad and hides any reaction. "Are we sure that we didn't find a donkey-sized cat?"

2018-05-12, 06:19 PM
"Keep an eye out as we travel," Amaryllis said as they began walking. "There may be others who- needing help, or aid. Or, perhaps... there could be those turned to banditry, or wild beasts."

2018-05-13, 05:00 PM
Though she'd been initially pleased with the donkey, Tana could only shake her head at his current behaviour. She barked a brief laugh at Toria's comment, looking over at the woman. "Perhaps. Though if he starts purring, I will not sleep well." She winced slightly, glancing at the gate. "Or less well, at least."

Gathering the animal by the reins, she joined the others as they set out on the road. She was not relishing this journey, suspecting that sleeping rough might be necessary. "Yes," she said in reply to Amaryllis. "Gold fills the purse but kindness fills the spirit." Bandits were nothing new to Tana but, given the way things had deteriorated in recent months, desperation could lead to greater danger.

2018-05-13, 05:06 PM
Whether or not these four women would normally make acquaintance with one another matters not - if The Right Hand's prophecies were indeed coming true, it would be nice to have some dependable adventuring companions in the end times... And who knows? By the end of their quest, they may come to know each other quite well. Strong bonds are often forged during hard times.

The unlikely group begins their journey north in earnest, with a new equine addition. The stubborn donkey stops periodically to graze, but always ends up catching back up with the women, and always walking nearest to Tana. You occasionally see herds of deer a ways back from the road, watching cautiously as you pass by, ready to leap away at a moment's notice.

Occasionally you pass peach and fig trees, the fruit just short of being ripe. Grass and wildflowers span the majority of the current landscape. The afternoon passes quickly and uneventfully, and soon enough Solen dips towards the horizon as Xenope and Iilunia take its' place in the sky. The sister moons are both in their last quarter and provide a fair amount of silver-blue light, but not enough so as to drown out the light of the stars. Scant cloud cover begins to roll across the evening sky.

does the group wish to push on through the night or set up camp? if you're waiting out the night and anyone is interested in taking turns keeping watch - please make perception rolls. same thing going forward - if there's a roll you want to make always feel free to make a cut at the bottom of your posts to hide your roll and describe what it is you're hoping to achieve.

2018-05-14, 11:23 PM

While it's getting late, the time hasn't gotten to Toria. It's just the endless walk after barely catching her breath from the morning. No sign of anyone still... odd. The fruit trees seemed tempting for a bit but if they were ripe, they'd probably disintegrate like the reports. She stretches her arms and asks, "You think we can make it to the inn? If not I think we've done enough walking."

Toria isn't a 'go to be early' type, so if they rest she explains that an early watch she'd be up for.


2018-05-15, 06:24 PM
The long hours had been slowly ground away under the clack-clack of hooves and muffled thuds of her new companions' boots. The miles slipped by slowly.

Aaah! She was used to long hours - but not so much of endless walking.
"I would not be amiss to camping and continuing in the morning," she agreed. "I will take second watch, then."

[roll0] perception

2018-05-17, 08:27 PM
Jeth found joy in the simple act of walking, watching the miles fall before her and feeling her body work across the plains, she enjoyed this simple work.

When her newfound companions suggestion to camp here she acquiesced. This was as good as any other place to rest.

As everyone else began setting up camp she wandered off looking to see what bounty this land would offer her. Upon returning she began wandering between the group members offering what she had found.

Jeth Brenan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1524468)
Human Ranger
HP: 8/12
AC: 14
Passive Perception: 15

Perception for watch

2018-05-17, 09:46 PM
DM PC Tana

Suspecting a night of tossing and turning due to the lack of any real bed or covered area to sleep, Tana gladly offers to take a watch. At least it will give me a purpose other than attempting to sleep when I’m sure I won’t...

[roll0] on last watch.

2018-05-17, 10:31 PM
After enjoying decent meals of arugula, wren eggs, and small mushrooms, the group prepares for a night of sleeping outdoors under the moonlight. It has been quiet on the road, strangely. Reaching The Beaten Path can’t happen soon enough, if not for a pillow and straw-filled mattress then at least for contact with other folk potentially unaffected by the recent chaos.

As the others make spots for themselves around the embers of their humble campfire, Toria begins to scan the landscape. No dangerous animals had been sighted yet, and to be honest the dragonborn didn’t often.. or ever.. do much of this scouting stuff. Regardless her watch passes uneventfully.

Amaryllis is awoken by an exceedingly bored Toria, and the paladin takes her turn. She surveys the area, seriously considering any threats to her or her companions. No problems arise, even when the embers peter out.

Jeth pushes herself up from the ground when nudged by the tiefling, ready for her watch. As much as the ranger is used to life in the lesser travelled areas and the potential threats associated with it, she quickly grows bored and tired once again. In her arrogance of being able to easily detect any approaching danger, she begins to absently prod the embers.

An hour or so passes before she hears snuffing from behind. She turns to find a large black bear about 30’ away. Though grand in size, the bear looks almost emaciated. Clearly it is considering the small group of adventurers as food.

2018-05-19, 11:49 AM
Jeth didn’t notice the bear before it came into her field of view, but upon seeing it she began to slowly moving towards the trove of food she found earlier. If she could avoid it she wouldn’t want to hurt this beautiful creature. There’s no way I can prepare that much meat, so much would go to waste… And after all the death this world has seen.

As she began tossing food near the bear she hissed at her companions ”Bear in the camp,” and hoped that would be enough to rouse them. As of yet she didn’t want to frighten the creature.

After the bear had a second to work through the food Jeth attempted to send it away.

Animal handling roll

Got a 7 in ooc here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23083537&postcount=25)

Jeth Brenan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1524468)
Human Ranger
HP: 8/12
AC: 14
Passive Perception: 15

2018-05-19, 12:19 PM
The bear's black fur is dull and greasy. Jeth doesn't have to look closely to see his ribs and pelvis jutting out, nor does she miss the misery in his eyes. The bear approaches slowly, lowering his head to eat the scraps without taking his eyes off of the woman. He sniffs the air once more after ingesting the last portion of food that had been tossed to him.

A few seconds of stillness and tension abruptly end as the bear's posture changes. Jeth knows what this means. Her attempts at sating the bear's hunger have failed. As she readies herself, the bear easily closes the distance between them and opens his jaws wide, pure hunger and wild desperation driving the attack. The bear knows that if he is successful in killing the food-giver there is more fresh meat to be had.

Movement: 15'
Action, attack: Bite [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (piercing)

2018-05-20, 09:09 PM
Jeth grunted in pain as the bear bit into her. She had successfully warded off bears back home, but maybe the bears out here were more aggressive.

She shook the musings out of her head and shot an arrow at the creature that had just finished trying to make her dinner.

Shot [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Jeth Brenan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1524468)
Human Ranger
HP: 9/12
AC: 14
Passive Perception: 15

2018-05-21, 08:43 PM
Grunting in annoyance as an arrow bounces off his shoulder, the bear keeps his focus on the ranger. He is aware of the others nearby but remains unconcerned.

Quicker than might be expected for a bear in such sorry condition, he continues to attack Jeth. The pale silver-blue light of the moons catches in his eyes and, for a moment, he looks almost like a creature possessed. Jeth has only ever seen a black bear fight like this once, cornered by hunters. It won.

A large clawed paw strikes towards Jeth and finds purhase in her arm, as the teeth follow close behind. The creature snuffs the air as fresh blood spills onto the ground.

Action: Multi-attack
~ Bite: [roll0] / damage: [roll1] (piercing)
~ Claw 1: [roll2] / damage: [roll3] (slashing)

2018-05-22, 02:18 PM
Tana woke to what sounded like fighting. She rolled over and saw Jeth engaged in close combat with what seemed to be an emaciated bear. Still slightly groggy from being awoken, she stumbled to her feet as the fighting continued. Her companion did not seem to be doing well as Tana watched the bear claw and bite the woman. Things had deteriorated fast and action was clearly required. "Amaryllis! Toria!"

Tana made several small hand motions as she recited the necessary words. A small streak of fire launched from her hand towards the bear.

Tana casts Fire Bolt at the bear.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2018-05-22, 10:38 PM
When yelled at, Toria kind of uneasily peeks out from her slumber. Then the bear roars and yelling happens and the adrenaline kicks in. Getting up, she positions for a clear shot at the bear, already making the subtle gestures to remove heat from the weave, focusing a nexus of crackling energy void in her palm.

With some draconic syllables, it focuses into ray that shoots at the bear, flash-freezing the dew in the air as it travels

Since there aren't any forced movements or breakable effects in play it seems safe to post the actions

Stand up (15' movement), move to A5, Ray of Frost
[roll1] + movement slowed 10'

2018-05-23, 05:38 PM
Amaryllis woke inj a confused haze to shouting. The sharp scents of blood and moonlight filled the air.

She struggled for a moment to kick off her blanket, the cloth wrapping around her hooves, before she snatched up her lucerne hammer.

A bear?! She'd never seen one in the flesh before.

Regardless, she could see it had already savaged Jeth, she took a few steps forward and swung her hammer, spinning it around to strike with the weighted head.
"Begone, beast!"

[roll0] to hit, [roll1] B damage if a hit

2018-05-23, 06:23 PM
Jeth cried out in pain as the bear tore into her, almost falling to her knees, This VERY quickly has gotten out of hand, I need some space to breath... her mind raced.

As her companions began to rouse and aid her against the poor starving creature she immediately began to sprint away, attempting to get the sturdiest looking companion, as well as the fire, between her and the bear.

Using the disengage action to move to A1

Jeth Brenan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1524468)
Human Ranger
HP: 2/12
AC: 14
Passive Perception: 15

2018-05-25, 05:43 AM
Suddenly the sleeping creatures are awake and upon him. The bear startles as fire clings briefly to his fur and fizzles out. His target slips out of the range of his claws and retreats, but in the same moment a new enemy presents itself.

A human approaches to engage him as the bear sees ice hurtling through the air in his peripheral vision. The freezing blast melts away before it can reach him, but the one with the large weapon draws nearer.

As the human swings, the bear pushes itself up onto his hind legs to avoid the impact. He comes back down with mighty claws raking towards his new foe.

Action: Attack -> Amaryllis
~ Claw: [roll0] / damage: [roll1] (slashing)

2018-05-25, 05:44 PM
With the others joining the fight, they had the bear outnumbered, at least. Jeth appeared to be badly injured, though, and Tana made way for the woman to pass by her. With the threat still very much active and engaged with Amaryllis, subduing or killing the creature seemed to be a priority.

Determined to do her best to end the fight, Tana began casting again. Three glowing darts formed in her hands before streaking off to strike at the bear.

Tana casts Magic Missile using a first level spell slot: [roll0]

2018-05-25, 09:09 PM

With the group seemingly assembled and in some sort of formation, a bit of self-defense instinct kicks in for Toria. The dragonborn steps to the side to make sure there isn't any unpleasantness towards friendly party members. Her scales start radiating heat and her lungs temporarily stop to protect themselves.

With nothing but a slight hiss, Toria unleashes her cold breath. Fog marks the vanguard of the cold wave, broken and frozen over vegetation its path as the sound of water flash freezing and cracking fills the air. With that over, Toria takes a deep breath in the uncomfortable moments before her body temperature returns to normal.

5' movement so our good Paladin doesn't get frosted by the cone
Con dc12 for half

2018-05-26, 07:54 AM
The bear had just been considering abandoning the fight, but suddenly the decision was made for him. The smell of burnt hair still hangs in the night air, acrid and bitter, as the bear is hit first by glowing arcane energy and freezing cold.

His form remains frozen for a moment before the layer of ice shatters and leaves gravity to bring the already skeletal corpse to the ground. You suspect you’ve done this creature a favor, granting a rather quick death instead of allowing him to suffer through starvation before his final breath.

With the immediate threat cleared, the women look to one another, slightly shaken.

2018-05-27, 10:41 AM

Always... always hate what happens after using her breath. Toria's lungs feel like they're on fire and tongue is numb and blood boiling and there's a frozen core in her gut. She takes a few heavy breaths before trying to calm herself back down to normal. Surveying what had happened she sees if everyone is, at least moderately alright...

and it would be ridiculous to ask if Jeth were alright. So after a minor muttered curse word Toria asks the group "Does anyone have any bandages?"

2018-05-27, 05:07 PM
Amaryllis had managed to step back just in time - the bear's claws had whisked past her face so close she felt the draft of its passing.

"Ah, Jeth- hold still, the worst of it, I'll deal with-"
She quickly stepped over and placed a hand against her chest. The tiefling's eyes flared with light a second before her hand did, and the wounds on the woman knitted together with admittedly disgusting sounds of wet meat moving and reforming. The glwo faded, leaving a wound still present but reduced in severity.

Lay on hands for a full 5hp on Jeth

2018-05-27, 05:53 PM
Tana kept her eyes on the bear for a moment longer than the others. Satisfied that it was, at least, incapacitated, she turned to the others as Amaryllis was tending to Jeth. The human was beginning to look better and relief flooded into Tana.

"A close call," she said, still looking at Jeth. "My uncle Tomlee was always an advocate of taking a jar of honey on his journeys. 'Honey for the bear that demands its share.'" She smiled a little before glancing back at the unmoving creature, mirth fading. "It seems less humourous now..."

Ambling over to Jeth's belongings, she fetched the woman's waterskin and brought it back to her.

2018-05-28, 11:25 PM
As the bear fell Jeth let out a breath she didn’t realize she had been holding in. This is MY environment and I was little more than a snack for the bear…. She continued to mentally admonish herself as the others caught their breath. She had sat down in a huff focusing on her wounds, losing all thoughts of self preservation as well as the survival instinct that she so prided herself on.

As the others offered aid she mostly just let them do their thing, ruminating in her failure was easier than admitting that she needed, and appreciated, their help. Though she did murmur a meek thanks to both Amaryllis and Tana.

Jeth Brenan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1524468)
Human Ranger
HP: 7/12
AC: 14
Passive Perception: 15

2018-05-29, 03:07 PM

Not being medically adept, Toria slinks off back to her blanket and sits down. After briefly pondering the question of what to do with bear, she sighs and picks off a wayward chunk of ice from her face. It's doubtful she'll get back to sleep in however long is left until the sun comes up. Normally this would be when the bread ovens are lit.

Nothing like being attacked by a bear to remind you that normalcy is never returning. Some tea would be great, but it dawns on Toria like a great horror that it's imported. No more... ever?

2018-05-29, 08:38 PM
As the women take the rest of their down time as they would please, the sun begins to light the horizon in beautiful pinks and oranges. Jeth knows there isn’t enough meat on the bear to be worth cleaning, and there is little of use to any of the others. They take their time gathering what they need before setting back out on the road. The morning is warm and stagnant with hardly a breeze for relief. A few sparse clouds creep past the nearby mountains, the peaks of The Shrouded Sisters a ways away veiled as ever in mists and fogs.

You carry on, and eventually The Beaten Path comes into view, the noon sun hanging overhead. From a distance you can tell there is a tall man standing just outside the building, doing not much else besides... standing. Dust from the road kicks up and hangs in the still air before settling again as your feet shuffle along the South Road.

As you draw closer to the inn, the man looks towards the group. His posture changes slightly, and you think he may have called out - at this distance none could make out what was said. At this point you are about 50' away.

2018-05-30, 03:09 PM
The walk had been humid and unpleasant, the heavy armour the tiefling wore jangling. She didn't mind the heat at all; the stickiness of the air, however, was another matter. She perked up as the inn came into sight.
"Perhaps we can get refreshments inside?"

As she approached, the Maiden raised a hand in greeting to the man. Feeling a little self-conscious, she nonetheless called out once close enough.
"Um... hello, good fellow. Are there seats inside out of the sun for a few weary travellers?"

2018-05-30, 06:15 PM

The humidity doesn't really effect Toria much. If anything, the break from the dust makes her feel like she's back in the docks. Much better than the road dust. Still, some occasional shade would be nice. When the inn is spotted, Toria takes a quick look over of the building.

It isn't... destroyed at least.

With Amaryllis taking the lead in breaking the ice, the sorceress follows, keeping an ear out for the signs of anyone else around.

2018-05-31, 02:49 AM
Tana was irritable for much of the morning, having slept poorly. The heat and humidity did not help. Despite this, she made sure to check on Jeth as they travelled, offering a ride on the donkey, should the woman need it. By noon, her mood had improved a little and she nodded at Amaryllis’ suggestion.

The trifling took the lead and Tana found herself stepping up behind, a smile on her face. ”Some shade would be very welcome and, should you have any iced beverages, my gratitude would be yours,” she added, expression turning hopeful.

2018-05-31, 05:11 AM
The man, a human of above average height, quirks an eyebrow at the question posed by the tiefling. His blonde shoulder length hair is pushed back out of his face, which bears an uncertain look after appraising the group. Ignoring the initial greeting, he pokes his head in and calls out again.

"Raek, ya bastard, I said get out here!"

The man allows the door to close again as the gnome pipes up, her requests seemingly unheard. Mere seconds later the large wooden door opens to allow an equally large man with greenish skin and jutting teeth to step out into the sunlight.

"What is it?" "Raek" asks, already bored and confused as to why they're entertaining patrons outside now. He nods his head in the direction of each of the group members. "'Mornin' to ya."

"They came up The South Road," the blonde states. Was that a hint of tension in his voice? Both men are heavily muscled and first impressions lead you to believe they don't seem like the type to spook easily, however Raek's demeanor instantly changes upon learning the direction from which you came.

"Do you bring illness to our doorstep?!" Raek has clearly edged backwards, uneasy with the new development. Both men look as though color has started to drain from their faces.

2018-05-31, 12:59 PM

Hmm, that would be the last thing anyone heard about the city. The proprietors of the inn seem more scared than hostile, so maybe a little bit of chatting can save the possibility of lunch indoors.

"We're hale enough to make it here, even considering the run-in with a bear. I'm sure you've heard what happens to the sick and why that would be impossible for them."

She takes a moment for that to set in before continuing. "We also have coin and news from the city, but it doesn't seem you're interested."

Let's try some diplomancy

2018-06-01, 12:07 AM
While normally the intense temperatures wouldn’t bother Jeth, something about the combination of the heat, the humidity, and the lingering embarrassment from her encounter with the bear. She mostly just sat in silence. She mumbled that she was fine to Tana when she offered help. Jeth still couldn’t bear the shame she felt.

The inn was immediately recognizable as it came into sight. What Jeth had experienced of inns they were generally very interested in getting people in and paying money as quickly as possible, so when the innkeeper didn’t immediately usher them in she was confused, though it shortly dawned on her that they might be afraid of what the group brought from Malasur.

As Toria made the comment about the group being healthy Jeth stepped up with her arms crossed, her face resting in a very comfortable scowl.

Jeth Brenan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1524468)
Human Ranger
HP: 12/12
AC: 14
Passive Perception: 15

2018-06-01, 12:09 PM
The sudden fear that came over the men was a mild surprise. As Toria quickly pointed out, none of the women were infirm and all had walked up to this point.

Tana supposed it wasn't unreasonable to be cautious but had nothing immediately to add as reassurance. It would depend on how the men reacted.

2018-06-01, 12:12 PM
Maiden Amaryllis shook her head.
"You have no- you don't need to fear disease. While my powers are, um, limited, I am capable of curing sickness through Sune's love."

2018-06-02, 12:25 AM
The men share a glance, trying to decide whether to believe the group of travellers or not. Neither the promise of coin or the stern expressions swayed the opinions of the two men. Just as it seems you might be turned away, the human relaxes his posture and sighs heavily, the tiefling’s words seeming to have broken through.

”The last folk we saw from Malasur came through a couple of days ago... They looked like they had risen from their graves. They had children with them and we had no choice but to deny them -”

”Didn’t want ‘em around ma and pa, they’re gettin’ old..” Raek broke in.

”Right, and anyways.. Well we let them sleep outside by the horse tie-up. We came out in the morning and they were all.. They just.. Died.”

As the group looks in the direction the man indicates, they see a site where a fire had been started and piece together how the bodies had been dealt with.

“I’m Ross, by the way. That there’s my brother Raek.”

”Well, if you’re sure.. Come in, then.”

You enter The Beaten Path to find a fair sized common area with several sleeping mats spaced evenly around the floor. Two large windows lie on either side of the door you walked through, letting in the light of Solen. The wooden walls host several sconces at varying heights, a few small tapestries, and a collection of parchments bearing text in different languages. You see another doorway on the wall to your right, which is currently shut and held that way with a padlock. A stairway begins in the back left of the room and ascends along the wall there to a second storey. An older man, unnoticed until now, slowly pushes himself up from behind a desk near the stairs and nods his head in your direction.

”Hello, ladies, hello. What can we do for ya today?”

2018-06-03, 06:21 AM
Tana was relieved when the men agreed to allow them into the tavern. While it seemed unlikely matters would have escalated to violence - though still getting to know them, she doubted her travelling companions would have gotten to that point - she knew nothing about the men and that momentary concern had crossed her mind. "Greetings gentlemen, Tana Raulnor Truthbe told," she said with a smile, joining the others heading inside.

Looking around the Beaten Path, it seemed a very functional establishment. It was not that she was expecting the height of luxury - indeed, her coin would hardly stretch that far - but rather the sight of bedrolls on the ground floor that gave her a slight pause. Fully occupied or something else on the next floor? Her gaze also took note of the locked door. Normal for night time but during the day, with several people around? Nonetheless, it was not her tavern and the owners were free to run it as they saw fit - adhering to the law, of course.

She smiled a brief acknowledgement of the older man who greeted them but decided to leave the talking to others for the moment. Some parchments caught her attention and she eyed them.

2018-06-03, 10:58 AM

Instead of focusing on the state of the inn, Toria makes note of the social situation they're in. Aside from the previous age-related worry, it seems they haven't seen anyone from the city since people were ABLE to leave sick. The owner family may need some updates. In the mean time, supreme politeness.

Oh, and one long-shot while they're here.

"You wouldn't happen to have an tea remaining would you?"

2018-06-03, 08:21 PM
"Tea? Well of course! But what kind?" The man subtly uses the desk as support as he walks around to hand out a menu. "We don't have the fancy teas that are said ta be commonplace where you're from.. The last time we had a dragonborn stay with us, it must'a been about 8 years ago now, but anyhow, he couldn't stop goin' on about how disappointin' our tea selection was... I do hope you'll find what we have here satisfactory. Well, the boys'll be able ta help yas out. Gotta go see ta the wife."

The man hobbles over to Toria and places a menu in her hand, then smiles at each of you before slowly making his way to the door you entered from. A short glance at the menu is all that is needed to take in the inn's offerings:

Yellow Feather Tea (pot)
1 sp

Coneflower Tea (pot)
1 sp

Sweet Mead (mug)
4 cp

Ruby Rule Rotating Selection (mug)
8 cp

Sweet Roll
4 cp

Mushroom Egg Tart
1 sp

Berries and Yogurt
1 sp

Boar Brisket
3 sp

Lemon Loaf
8 cp

Olive and Cheese Board
2 sp

As the door swings closed behind the old man Ross sighs again, "Well, let me know if there's anything that catches your eye. If you're plannin' on stayin' we've got private rooms up top. Three rooms with two beds apiece, that'll be one gold sun an evenin'. If you're stayin' down here it's five silver moons a night."

"Once you're all settled maybe we can talk about the happenins in Malasur.." Raek adds quietly, still somewhat suspicious but overall polite and business-like.

Both men have several tattoos on their left arms that appear similar in subject-matter: a square enclosing a fist, a crown atop a square, a square with several diagonal lines running through the center, and so on.

2018-06-03, 09:50 PM

Without thinking, Toria begins speaking from a script taught to her from... somewhere... a piece of cultural learning from a diaspora. "I must apologize for them then. There is no excuse for forgetting the responsibilities of a guest."

She thanks the old man before looking at the menu. It's still early, so no alcohol... especially mead. If food is going to get more scarce like the doomsayers say, over-indulging in sweets would not be a good strategy. The dragon ancestors gave her kind lots of pointy teeth as a recommendation. She settles for the mushroom egg tart with some tea in her mind before thinking over what to tell the younger hosts.

Toria attempts to place the symbology of the tattoo. Not really thinking religiously, she mostly goes by whether she's heard of anything like that via word of mouth or local history... or maybe if she's seen it one of her books

History/Arcana to attempt to place the tattoo image, if it applies

2018-06-05, 06:06 PM
The Paladin lent her hammer up against the wall before she took a seat.

It had been somewhat of an open secret back at the temple that Amaryllis had possessed a sweet tooth - she ordered the mead and the sweet roll, settling on her seat with the soft clinking of chainmail. She took a moment to enjoy the cessation of weight on her hooves before she opened her eyes again, making contact with Raek as she did so.

"Before we discuss the... events of Malasur, I must ask. Has another paladin - an initiate, much like myself - passed through here recently? A human of dark hair and sturdy build, with a scar upon one cheek. She may have- she may have been in a hurry, perhaps... her name is Holy Maiden Hydrangea, if she gave it."
She trailed off as she tried to think of any details that might help identify her.
"Please. It's important."

2018-06-05, 11:54 PM
Jeth followed everyone inside, while she attempted to keep an eye on all the employees of the establishment. Gareth had warned her about the kind of seedy tricks other innkeepers would pull on their guests, to part them from more money than they intended. As Jeth had little in the way of money, and a general distaste for the idea of eating food she didn’t put real work towards. She gave a disdainful glance at the menu and ended up picking through food she hadn't thrown to the bear the night before.

She followed after Amaryllis to a table, feeling an uncomfortable mix of appreciation for her help after the bear attack, and chagrin at needing it, and eventually settling on the acceptance of a debt to be repaid.

As the tiefling detailed her fellow paladin, Jeth wracked her own brain trying to think if she had seen such a person, though if she was being 100% honest with herself, she was generally too overwhelmed while inside Malasur. Not to mention her preocupation with keeping track of herself, her destination, as well as all the evils that surrounded her that she knew were lurking around every corner.

Jeth Brenan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1524468)
Human Ranger
HP: 12/12
AC: 14
Passive Perception: 15

2018-06-06, 03:05 AM
As three of the women find seats and a table to rest at, Tana examines the parchments posted up on the back wall of the inn.


[ STONEHAVEN GAMING ASSOCIATION - Calling all citizens of Donalgur looking to earn extra coin: do you find yourself winning games more often than not? Are you calculating and clever, planning several steps ahead where others seem to play games turn by turn? Avid players of hag's teeth, figs, empty flagon, and the rest of the classics should visit us in Stonehaven on the 12th day of Zereul for three days of competetion. Fill your coin purses for wagers and ale. ] - this appears both in dwarvish and common

[ 168 days since last orc incident ] - this one appears to be frequently updated, with tally marks and rubbed out numbers

[ One day only! Agwonde's Astounding Art Assortment to appear at The Crossroads, 11th of Amiel. Many fine pieces a collector could only dream of. Rare works by Mabeena, Doltovski, Anetti, and more! Auction to close the day. ]

[ Profeshenel Animel Trayner - Hello, my name is Oruck. My hut is on way to Mossdon. I am vary good with animels and can teech them to be vary good with you. ]

[ REWARD FOR SUCCESS: reports of large wolves stalking travellers on The West Road have begun to crop up, a day's travel from The Crossroads. Successful tracking and killing of these creatures will earn you a reward. Present the head of one beast for 10 gold suns. Additional sums will be awarded for each set of four canine teeth. ] - this posting appears to be months old, with no mention of who to go to for a reward

[ Come one, come all! Harry Dirnscliffe III of Masked Faces & Frilled Laces has done it again! Join us for a night of enchantment and story-telling as Harry's newest original play, Land Ho!, comes to life. Running every other Sunad beginning 5th of Amiel at sundown. ]

[ Experienced travellers and herbologists: I find myself in need of baby's bonnet. It's specific growing habits have made it difficult for me to obtain. Will reward skillfully harvested bundles with coin. I can be found on the boundary of the Brûngalas, north of The Crossroads. ] - this is in elvish

Ross takes the orders and disappears around a wall, presumably into the kitchen. Raek listens carefully to the description provided by Amaryllis and squints his eyes as she speaks, trying to recall such a woman. He shakes his head once Amaryllis finishes speaking.

"Can't say I ever saw the one you're lookin' for. Up until yesterday we'd been seein' all sorts of folk come through. I got a great memory, once I seen somethin' I ain't likely to forget it..." Raek trails off and adopts an apologetic half-smile, his large canines protruding from behind his lower lip. "I'm sure you'll find her. If she was in a hurry she just might notta been interested in waitin' out the night with us here."

Ross returns with a large pot of coneflower tea, 6 teacups carefully stacked and balanced in the crook of his arm, and a plate of sweet rolls. As he approaches the table Raek rises and assists his 'brother' with setting the items down. "Be right back with the mead for ya, miss." Sure enough, Ross comes back and places the mead on the table in front of Amaryllis, managing to spill only one miniscule drop from the filled-to-the-top mug.

"If anythin' else catches yer eyes be sure to let me know," he pauses to fill each of the teacups and take a bite of a sweet roll, "now where were we? Oh, you're lookin' for someone eh? Well can't say I ever saw the one you're describin'... Lotsa folk lookin' for lost kin these past weeks. Raek's the one with the memory, an' if he says he didn't see her I'd believe it.. Maybe now you can fill us in on how you managed to avoid the plagues in Malasur?"

His eyes catch on the food Jeth is picking through and he crinkles his nose, considers saying something, then decides that you have all been through a lot and that outside food isn't worth causing a fuss over right now. Raek and Ross both sip at the coneflower tea, the two large muscular men holding such dainty teacups a somewhat endearing sight. The warm glow of the sun just reaches to the edge of the table the group sits at. The sconces are all unlit. The two men wait patiently to hear about the terrible circumstances that befell Malasur, and how this seemingly random group of just a few women managed to survive it all.

2018-06-06, 03:30 PM
Having perused the notices, Tana made her way back to the others. She took a seat at the table, noting that she had missed the opportunity to order something. Suppressing a sigh, she quietly picked up a cup of tea. She took a sip, glancing around at the other woman briefly as Ross queried their travels.

She was unsure how much her companions would wish shared but figured that a brief outline of what had transpired couldn't hurt. Besides, it was not like there was much she could say about the women - she should really make an effort to get to know them better.

Turning to the two men, she took another sip of tea before setting the cup down. "It would be difficult to speculate on precisely how we managed to avoid falling ill." She shrugged. "Some people simply do not succomb. Whether that is happenstance, divine intervention or otherwise, I could not say. As my cousin Neri was fond of stating: 'The rose that doesn't prick you may or may not be a miracle but it sure smells bloomin' sweet.'" Tana paused for a moment, smiling sadly. "Nevertheless," she continued, "We have been fortunate in both that regard and one other." She proceeded to give a brief outline of the earthquake and associated destruction of Malasur.

2018-06-06, 03:49 PM

How they survived the plague fit enough to be the only ones out of the city... Toria decides to take proper discretion on how she was forewarned for now. She takes a polite sip of tea and wonders if any fruit being in season could lively it up. Still, boiled water is better than straight from the well and the warmth does wonders against the dust of the road.

"There would be more lucky ones like us I think if the disasters had time between them. Those without stocks had to go out on the streets and expose themselves to the foulness. I don't wish to burden such polite gentlemen with more sadness, though."

Toria takes another sip of tea.

"How does the Crossroads fair? We had figured those that left earlier would make their way along the road."

2018-06-06, 06:11 PM
As Tana shares the events of the past two days with the men, they listen intently. Raek's bottom is precariously situated on the edge of his chair, his teacup halfway to his mouth, seemingly frozen in time. Ross chews his nails and leans in closer and closer over the duration of the tale.

"Earthquake?" they ask in unison, eyes wide.

"Thought I felt somethin' rumblin' in the ground beneath my feet th'other night, I did. I said that, didn't I Raek?" Ross turns to the half-orc and seems absolutely flabbergasted.

"Ya did, yeah. I remember! Ya said -thought I felt somethin' rumblin' in the ground beneath my feet just now- then kept on makin' stew for supper." Raek slaps Ross on the arm and shakes his head, some of his forgotten tea splashing over the sides of the tiny cup.

The two fall quiet for a moment, wondering at the poor luck of those that had lived in Malasur. Speckles of dust float glowing through the rays of sun spilling in from the windows. The men close their eyes and lower their heads for a moment, then return to the conversation.

"Sorry for yer losses... Hopin' there weren't many close to you," Raek pauses and drums his greenish fingers on the wooden table, "Yer cousin Neri sure sounds smart."

Ross nods sagely. "Sure does, sure does. The Crossroads? Far as I'm aware there ain't been anythin' keepin' those folk from peddlin' their wares to empty their carts and fill their coin purses. Feel awful sayin' it but we've been turnin' away many as we can from headin' down to Malasur, what since their land began turnin' all their crops to ash and people started fallin' ill on top'a one another." He hangs his head for a moment and rubs his hands on the thighs of his pants, then turns his dark green eyes onto Raek.

"On th'other hand, we been sendin' as many folk as we can on ta The Crossroads. As y'can see we ain't got the fanciest place here, nor the space, really. Been a few like the ones we had ta take care of out by the horse tie-up, but mostly the rich and the cunning have come through, pushin' on ta get ta Luapur. Did see a fair few o'them ones in the robes, though. All sorts'a folk, really, and less of 'em over the past week. I think most people're just hopin' ta gain passage on a ship headin' out from Luapur, so we only got yerselves and one other here today."

2018-06-07, 04:14 PM
Jeth was fairly certain her brother had already left Malasur when the earthquake hit, and didn’t have the social grace to feign sympathy towards those who may have lost family and friends. She continued to keep a wary eye, watching the doors, and the employees as she continued to snack on her trove of berries and dried meats.

At the mention of sending people in robes along Jeth piped up ”Have you by chance seen anyone that seemed like a member of The Right Hand by chance?” she wasn't quite ready to divulge the why of her question and so she stopped, waiting expectantly staring at the groups two hosts.

Jeth Brenan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1524468)
Human Ranger
HP: 12/12
AC: 14
Passive Perception: 15

2018-06-07, 10:57 PM

Toria would have preferred to keep the conversation light, a good distraction from the gnawing realization she doesn't even really have anyone to look for at all, but Jeth's question seems pressing. Without anything to add, the sorceress' eyes wander to the posting board, thinking for a second if the animal handler with poor spelling could improve Tana's donkey's behavior.

2018-06-09, 05:11 PM
”The Right Hand? Oh, yeah. They been around. Ain’t seen too many o’them since the early days o’all this, a few here n’ there mostly... Thinkin’ they all moved on to Soladur. The ones in the robes we seen weren’t like ‘em. Never stayed in our place, they didn’t.”

”Ross is right. Always movin’ along up The South Road, never stoppin’ in or makin’ conversation as they passed. Them robes were dark... Darkest red I ever seen in a fabric. Almost black, they were. Could barely make out some sorta picture stitched in the backs o’them robes as they walked the road past the inn. Wish I could tell ya what the picture was, but my eyesight balances out th’amazing memory. I can tell yas that it was all the same thing stitched on the robes, at least. Might’a been a felled tree...? Hard ta say.”

Raek shakes his head and sighs as he refills the teacups, serving everyone before himself. The tea runs out halfway through filling his brother’s. The men haven’t requested payment and don’t appear as though they will.

”Any of yas wantin’ anythin’ more ta fill yer bellies? All our food’s still good, ain’t had no problems up this way yet... Touch wood now, all of yas.” Ross looks to the members of the party who haven’t ordered anything yet.

2018-06-09, 05:23 PM
Amaryllis tried to smile, but it came out more of a grimace.
"Well, it was a- a distant hope anyway. Thank thee anyway."

She was silent as the fate of the city was described, but something one of the men said gave her pause.
"There is only us and one other? So these matts are all unused? May I ask who the other is?"
Wasn't it strange to have them laid out, if there were no others?

2018-06-09, 06:49 PM
Tana sipped her tea quietly. It was interesting to note the information her companions deemed important. She made a mental note to keep an eye out for the individuals about which they asked. They had been through a great tragedy together and it seemed likely they might continue to travel as a group. Taking their concerns on board was the right thing to do.

"Some bread and cheese would be most welcome," she said to Ross with a pleasant smile before glancing at the others. Despite the welcome they were now receiving, she couldn't help but feel concern over the funds available to the group. She knew that her own coin was somewhat limited and suspected the same was true of her companions. Something best discussed between them alone, she felt.

When a lull in the conversation presented itself, she gestured toward the posters. "Have the troubles with orcs and wolves settled down or are those still matters of concern?"

2018-06-10, 02:53 PM
Ross turns to Amaryllis and nods his head. "Yeah, that's right..." the statement almost sounds like a question, and Ross looks as though he's trying to puzzle something out. "Do ya get out often, Maiden? Only askin' as our inn here runs much th'same as any other - we got private rooms for people with coin n' a spot on the floor under the roof for people wi'out coin. Hadn't bothered packin' up as we were thinkin' people'd start gettin' better... But now...."

"Now it looks like we'll be packin' up them mats soon as tomorrow mornin' comes 'round... Th'other is a wee man by the name o' Pekin. Spends the day in th'tavern n' then spends the night snorin' upstairs. Surely he's over drinkin'a few pints right now. Nice enough. Ain't been givin' ma or pa any trouble. Showed up before all o'this happened, but he did say he was from Malasur."

While Raek had been talking, Ross had excused himself to the kitchen again and was now returning with a board filled with hunks of cheese and bread. He returned the smile to Tana as he placed the board on the table. At the mention of orc troubles, Raek's cheeks darken into a ruddy-greenish-brown and he falls silent.

"Ah, naw, no incidents in... Almost half'a year! The clans usually keep to themselves in them mountains y'know..." Ross quickly pushes on, seemingly thankful that the wolves were also mentioned. "Ain't no wolves've been seen in a few months out that way, but I 'eard from a merchant that'd come down The North Road from Luapur about a month ago that he heard some right ghastly howls about a day out from The Crossroads. Never saw nothin', he said. But the sounds what he heard were enough ta push him ta travel the whole night through, lookin' over 'is shoulders."

2018-06-10, 07:29 PM

Not having any leads or ideas on such, Toria contends herself mostly with sustenance while most of the conversation goes on. Something just sounds a little off about the other, so far unseen patron. Leaving exactly before one problem or another happens, and then the timing with the wolves. Maybe the world is ending, all the timings seem to line up.

"If you don't mind me asking, which part of the troubles did he avoid? Was it the sickness or did he show up before the crops started to fail?"

2018-06-11, 06:36 PM
Amaryllis belatedly removed her helm, undoing the series of buckles that kept it on her head. She scratched behind one of her horns self-consciously and flicked her ears.
"Ah... no, I must admit I rarely- well, I only left the city a few times, and when I did, I stayed with other holy sorts- clerics and paladins. I didn't ever stay in a sleeping room like this. It's all, well, rather new."

2018-06-12, 11:21 AM
Raek shrugs his broad shoulders. "Arrived before the plagues, but must'a showed up here just after the business wi'the crops. Seems a'right by our measure."

Ross blushes slightly. "Didn't mean no offense by that, Maiden. Hopin' you'll forgive my manners. This here's been my life since I was a child... Like you, I guess we stick to wha' we know."

"Well," Raek pushes his chair back from the table and rises, stretching as he does so, "I'm off ta the tavern. Gotta move some barrels around for ma n' pa. They asked me ta do it 'cause I'm the strongest." The half-orc shoots a sly grin at Ross, nods his head to the women, and exits The Beaten Path. You can see him through the large front windows approaching the only other building nearby. A sign hangs above the door, hand painted, reading "Miller's".

"He reckons he's asked ta do the work 'cause he's the strongest, but I asked ma n' pa ta paint it tha'way so he'd be more inclined ta do it. Worked so well he fights me for tha chance ta do it." A loud, exuberant laugh bursts out of Ross. He smacks the table once before composing himself. "Keep in mind, that's been for tha past five years." Ross stands as well, still chuckling to himself and shaking his head slightly. He tidies the empty plates contentedly, a man happy to do his job, then wipes the table down with a rag. The man busies himself in the kitchen, washing down the used items.

2018-06-13, 12:43 AM
Jeth nodded slowly at the response from the two brothers. It was information, just nothing she could use at the moment. She would have to keep an eye for dark red robes going forward…

Her ears perked up at the revelation that there was an additional person in the inn, and her hackles raised when it came out that he had been at the inn for a while. Jeth’s natural distrust of people combined with the semi suspicious circumstance of this additional patron, leading her mind to start down accusatory paths. Her shallow understanding of how others lived their lives only added fuel to the suspicious fire in her head What business would keep a traveler at an inn for nearly a month? This can’t be good…

As the two men moved off to look after their business Jeth glanced at her companions, and noticed Toria’s uneasy demeanor. Jeth took this as a confirmation of all her worst fears, there was something untoward going on. At that point she attempted to sneak away towards where the Innkeepers had indicated the rooms were to find the other patrons’ room.

Stealth Roll: [roll0]

Jeth Brenan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1524468)
Human Ranger
HP: 12/12
AC: 14
Passive Perception: 15

2018-06-13, 07:11 AM
Tana nodded slowly on hearing about the orcs and wolves. It seemed that she had hit on a sensitive issue with the orcs and made a mental note - there was more to that tale.

She was unimpressed with Ross’ story about deceiving Raek and frowned as the man burst into laughter. Such a lengthy ruse was unbecoming and unfair to the half-orc.

When the men departed to their tasks, Tana leaned forward at the table and looked at Toria, speaking quietly. ”Do you suspect this Pekin is up to something?”

2018-06-13, 03:19 PM

Well this conversation could suddenly get delicate. Toria places her bandaged arm under the table to make sure it wouldn't attract any questions. "Suspicious could mean anything from being lucky to getting advanced warning of what happened to the city. That's something the high clerics and archmages didn't have."

She takes a moment considering the inn's other guest. "If we want to have a chat with him, remember that he's likely spook easily." Unfortunately, that would imply the more outwardly exotic party members may be dangerous to start the chat... and those are the ones with a way with people.

2018-06-13, 03:28 PM
Amaryllis the guileless frowned as she sipped at her mead.
"...Is there- do you have a reason to believe he is up to no good?"

2018-06-13, 04:06 PM

"No good, absolutely not. Knowing something, maybe," Toria replies. In the back of her mind she knows that all the random coincidence probably don't add up to anything... but this would be one hell of a time for any of this to have meaning.

2018-06-14, 09:08 AM
With Raek out of the building and Ross immersed in his kitchen duties, Jeth finds it easy to sneak upstairs. A creak in a board gives her pause, but when no one comes to investigate she continues on. Sconces line the wall to her left at an easily accessible height. A tapestry hangs in the center of the wall, depicting a long and winding road leading into a sunrise. "Rrr?" an inquisitive calico cat brushes up against the ranger's legs.

To the right stand three evenly spaced doorways. The doors themselves appear sturdy and lacking any sort of peep holes. The frames are in good condition. Doormats guard the thresholds of each door, and indeed seem to be a favorite resting place for the small but pudgey feline. A singular window allows light in at the end of the hallway, and Jeth can see the roof of Miller's Tavern from her position at the top of the stairs.

No shoes are seen on the doormats, and none of the doors are ajar.


The women downstairs speak quietly with one another with the sound of sloshing water and clinking plates for background noise.

2018-06-14, 05:22 PM
Taking a moment to think, Tana stared absently at Toria. "While it would be folly to rule out the possibility completely, it does seem like a slight stretch to think that this person had advance warning. Coincidence or plain luck could also explain matters. As my aunt Cothi says, 'Don't worry about the pepper while your nose is right on your face.'"

Tana glanced at Amaryllis, seemingly for some support with her argument.

2018-06-14, 08:10 PM
Jeth briefly knelt down to pet the cat, and she gave a small smile. It's no cougar, but she could still appreciate the grace and ability of its kind.

After she gave the cat it's due she moved onto the doors. She paused and listened at each in turn.

Perception Roll: [roll0]

2018-06-15, 05:16 AM
The cat seems to have accepted Jeth's presence. Moving with a singular purpose, she finds the most exquisite spot of wooden floor to lie on, stretching out in the slice of sunlight that pours through the window.

As Jeth listens closely at each door, she hears... Nothing. The sound of Ross in the kitchen floats upstairs, but she tunes him out. Possibly a scurrying mouse? Nothing indicative of a human-sized inhabitant in any of the rooms, at least.


Ross pokes his head out from around the corner to make sure the women still seem content and not in need of any beverages or snacks.


Not realizing Jeth has slipped away, as she hadn't interacted much with him anyways, Ross nods to himself with a small smile. Yep. Th'ladies look a'right for now. Don't go buggin' 'em, now, Ross. He returns to his duties while humming quietly.

2018-06-15, 10:24 AM
Jeth quickly poked her head in each room, attempting to determine which one housed the other guest. Upon finding it she takes a moment to quickly sort through it.

Investigation check [roll0]

2018-06-16, 04:05 PM
The tiefling nodded.
"It is as Tana said. I do not think- I doubt that this man could have had any advanced warning when- when-"
Her speaking lapsed for a moment before she opened her mouth again, her voice more subdued.
"...When even we faithful did not."

She thought of a traitorous fellow maiden, holding the head of the high priestess.
Look for me in the Crossroads. You'll find your answer.
Did she try to get Amaryllis to leave the temple, the night before the calamity? No. That, too, was surely coincidence.

She shook her self out her thoughts, and her cheeks pinkened slightly as she realised she'd just trailed off into silence. She coughed.
"A-anyway. Perhaps we could speak to this fellow if there are any doubts?"

2018-06-17, 01:32 PM
The door closest to the top of the stairs guards the room that seems most recently used. The quilt has been thrown back over the bed, but not with quite the same level of care and repetition as the quilts in the other room. The bed itself is just below the only window in the room, which shares a view with the window in the hallway.

A wooden nightstand’s sole drawer, ever so slightly ajar, is pulled open by Jeth. She finds a prayer book within, well used and written in a language she hasn’t seen before. No symbol adorns the cover of the book.

A shirt and trousers are carefully folded on top of the nightstand. As Jeth unfolds the garments to inspect them, she notes their size is fit for a child. She folds the garments back as she found them, then continues to look about.

Beneath the bed, Jeth sees nothing out of the ordinary. The small closet is unused by the tenant. A candle rests in a dish on a table to the left of the closet, just big enough to hold those items. The candle has dwindled away to the last inch or so of its’ life.


On the main floor of The Beaten Path, the women finish their tea and snacks. Ross exits the kitchen drying his hands off on his pants. He returns to the table and sits down in the chair Jeth had occupied, between Tana and Toria, across from Amaryllis.

2018-06-17, 02:31 PM

The others don't seem to want to entertain the theory, and Toria doesn't particularly want to press the issue right now. Besides everyone's amenable to having a conversation anyway. "We'll still need to make sure not to try and spook him."

Toria takes a moment to consider, "And if the hosts come back, are we staying the night here or continuing on the road?"

2018-06-17, 07:09 PM
Jeth attempted to commit a bit of the language to memory. She hoped to show one of the more religiously minded amongst her group the script. It’s possible one of them would recognize the language.

She gave the room a second run through, making sure everything was as she found it. She headed off back towards the common room, giving the cat a quick pat on the head as she passed it by the second time.

She hastily sat down at the table with the rest of the party, motioning the rest of them in conspiratorially. ”I glanced through his room, this mysterious patron of theirs, and I found a script that look ominous to me, do any of you have paper on you? I was hoping one of you would recognize it.”

Jeth Brenan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1524468)
Human Ranger
HP: 12/12
AC: 14
Passive Perception: 15

2018-06-18, 08:16 AM
Glad that Amaryllis was generally in agreement with her, Tana nodded at the suggested compromise. As long as no undeserved accusations were being made, a simple conversation seemed fine.

The tiefling did not appear to dwell on the implications of foreknowledge being dispensed only to some and Tana, though not especially pious, was doing her own best at not thinking about the disaster much at all. Whether that was healthy or not. Ultimately, there was nothing she, or they, could do but press forward.

Not eager to spend another night outside, Tana winced slightly at Toria’s question. ”I would favour a night indoors,” she said carefully. ”Though I can appreciate there may be cause for haste...” She left the statement hanging a little, not quite a question.

Tana was slightly surprised when Jeth returned all of a sudden, though this quickly turned to anger and a scowl as the woman outlined her activities. “What were you thinking!?” She hissed, leaning yet further forward. “You can’t simply break into rooms and rifle through people’s belongings!” Unaccustomed to such things, she glanced quickly around to see if there was anyone approaching. Spotting Ross, her eyes widened and she tried to motion briefly to the others.

2018-06-18, 05:41 PM
The Holy Maiden had some paper, but...
"I have a prayer book but- but I would really prefer that you do not draw on that, really. It's- well, it's important to me."

She hesitated at Toria's almost question, then tentatively spoke.
"I... would really prefer to get to the Crossroads as soon as possible- as fast as I can. The person I am looking for - I need to find them as soon as I can. I'd rather not stay the night, but... to walk the roads alone might be foolish these days."

2018-06-18, 08:55 PM

Toria takes a moment to think before producing a grease pen from her disguise kit and a tarot card. It may be a little hard to make out the black on the bright red back but it'll have to do. The card itself is reads "Death" on the face side with twin-crossed scythes. Toria has plenty of those, they're useful.

"A light touch with that, like a brush. It's not ink," she explains handing the items over. There's no naysaying or sanctimony. Jeth's expedition turned out harmless. "I'll go handle the other business while you're at it."

Toria heads over to the public drinking space of the inn to see if the... was it a gnome, halfling, or smallblood? was there.

2018-06-20, 12:34 AM
Jeth listened to the angry gnome with a blank expression. Her concern, fear, and stress blotted out anything resembling shame or regret for what she did. ”We need to know if we are safe near this person, given the circumstances and what we’ve heard I am concerned about him, and I believe I’m not alone in this fear,” she said as she glanced around at the other two sitting at the table with them.

She winced at the pain and reserve she could hear in Amaryllis’ voice as she offered up the prayer book, and was immediately relieved when Toria offered her tools. As she took the pen and the card, she remarked wryly ”Does this count as telling my fortune?” as she held the card facing the others.

She began recreating what she saw as best she could, while responding to the paladins desire to keep moving ”As much as I would love to be out in the wilderness and away from here, we wouldn’t gain that much time. Furthermore it didn’t work out too well for us last time,” as she said that she unconsciously put her hand where the bears claws had ripped into her body.

Jeth Brenan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1524468)
Human Ranger
HP: 12/12
AC: 14
Passive Perception: 15

2018-06-20, 10:12 AM
Ross sits as Jeth comments on the desire to leave. ”Hopin’ we haven’t made ya feel unwelcome, miss.” He draws his eyebrows together and upwards in disappointment at the possibility that he and Raek failed as hosts. ”Ya won’t need ta be payin’ us for the food and drink. I hafta ask that yas pay for lodgings if yas are stayin’, though.”

He eyes the tarot card, currently “death”-side up, and stands again. “Well, I’ll be off then. Gotta get back ta work.” He offers the last comment as he walks somewhat hurriedly back to the kitchen.


Toria exits The Beaten Path in search of Pekin. Seeing the sign for Miller’s Tavern, the dragonborn strides over and pushes the door open. As she enters the tavern, she is first met with the smell of buttery ale. As her eyes adjust from the bright daylight to the dim tavern, she scans the area.

Raek sets a barrel down on top of the bar before nodding in Toria’s direction. He turns his focus to his task once more, lining the spigots of the five barrels up. A stairway to the left seems to lead upstairs, but a sign next to it reads “PRIVATE - do not enter” in common. A few mismatched tables accompany booths and bar stools to provide ample seating choices. On first glance Pekin doesn’t seem to be here. As Toria begins to look from booth to booth, she hears a mug being set down from the far right corner of the room. A circular booth with a high-backed bench occupies the area from which the sound originated.

2018-06-20, 06:41 PM

Except for missing the vague smell of a nearby ocean that's... actually comforting. The tavern isn't bad, and kept well enough. Things seem business as usual, which bodes well for things being near normal as the group will eventually move towards the Crossroads. She can imagine with the light amount of traffic, this could be an establishment that makes money partially with fights, if that's really what those tattoos meant.

Getting right to business, Toria approaches the booth and with a concerned and slightly apprehensive demeanor to not seem threatening asks "Excuse me, sir?"

2018-06-21, 05:17 AM
Anger turned to dismay as Tana’s concerns were dismissed. Looking around at the others, she was disappointed to see the crime so readily justified by what she saw as flimsy paranoia. ”I see,” she said after a moment.

Tana sat back, absently reheating her cup of tea. She was lost in thought, sipping, when Ross approached and some further brief discussion was had about staying. Glancing only briefly at the card held up by Jeth, she did not respond. It didn’t really mean anything to her anyway.

Alone with Amaryllis and Jeth, Tana refocused and eyed them both, as if trying to read their intentions. “I’m afraid I cannot condone the violation - to me, it seems like there is too little rationale.” She paused for a moment, taking another sip of tea. “But there’s no putting the honey back into a broken pot. It is done.” She looked them both in the eye in turn. “If we are to travel further together, I would be grateful for more discussion before any similar actions in the future. Would that be agreeable?”

2018-06-21, 10:37 AM
As Toria peers around the booth's high back, her eyes fall on a... Child? No. That's a man. But he's not a gnome... Just under the table, not touching the floor, she sees his bare, hairy feet. Okay, she's definitely seen a fair few of these folk: he's a halfling!

The man turns his head towards Toria and squints his eyes, seemingly attempting to get a clear look at her. He picks up his mug, takes a swig of whatever alcoholic beverage he had been working on until that point, then motions for Toria to sit across from him. It would be a tight fit for the dragonborn, but after a little bit of shimmying she found herself sitting down in a booth with the halfling.

"The... The name's Pekinolivebranchlightstep -hic- Russet, miss." His flushed complexion, curly and slightly disheveled red-brown hair, hazel eyes that seem to have difficulty staying open, and slurred speech all suggest the halfling had spent most of the morning here. "But y'know, i's not allt'gether like th-hic-at. Pekin. Juscall me Pekin. Been waitin' foryou. There should -hic- there hastobe more of you... Right?"

2018-06-21, 11:01 PM

Well the halfling expecting someone takes a lot of the edge off of starting the conversation. Perhaps the alcohol will add some unpredictability, but if the hosts were accurate this halfling will be... practiced in behaving while completely out of it. Toria drops the cautious attitude she was planning to talk with and just speaks normally.

"Well I suppose you've heard the news about the city then. There's three others, talking over some questions over tea." She takes a sighing breath before continuing. "Starting to believe that's the entirety that made it out."

"Now, Pekin, you have our curiosity what you're doing here waiting for us."

2018-06-21, 11:59 PM
"Well. Well 'course I know -hic- wha'happened in Malasur. Only been talkin'about it the pastfewyears!" He trails off in something like a whisper-yell, half leaning across the table and searching Toria's eyes for any indication of understanding. A moment passes and he leans back in his seat, closes his eyes, and inhales deeply.

"I'dliketa 'pologize for -hic- my -hic- current... State. T'be honest with -hic- ya, I've been... -hic- Been worryin'. Not sure it'd allworkout like we said. Thought it wouldabeeno -hic- over sooner. Well... Well anyways, an' here y'are. Looks like I can stop myworryin' and drinkin'." The halfling polishes off the remainder of his pint and sets the mug down gently. He appears lost in his thoughts.

Toria can hear creaking wood and the shuffling of feet above her. When she brings her gaze back down to Pekin, it appears as though he has nodded off momentarily, head in hand.

2018-06-22, 04:33 PM

Yah. So he's completely past life with his drink isn't he. Toria thinks a moment on what the halfing's already said. It's already getting creepy since 'the past few years' is already longer than she remembers those doomsayers being around. What's more... is he admitting guilt?!

In wine truth, she guesses. Tana probably has a longer more complex family saying though. The others would probably like a chance to talk about all this, so Toria nudges the sleeping Pekin.

"So how about we go and have a talk with the others in the other room? You have been expecting us, after all."

Persuasion roll if necessary

2018-06-23, 12:33 PM
Amaryllis looked back, slightly confused why it seemed she was being equally blamed for Jeth's actions. She had suggesting talking to him, but that was all.
"I, too, feel that to violate his privacy such was not a just thing to do- it wasn't right. To talk to him, as I said, surely that was the most that should have- that you should have done without something more concrete for suspicions. But, as said, it has already been done."

2018-06-23, 02:07 PM
With her only ally away running reconnaissance on the person in question, Jeths resolve started to dwindle. As she glanced back and forth between the two women admonishing her she spoke softly ”I will be more careful going forward. Not all opportunities will wait for the council, ” here she paused slightly to give a overly dramatic gesture towards Amaryllis and Tana ” to convene, have their voices heard, and to vote. ”

At this she pushed the card across the desk to the others and sat waiting for the results of Toria’s excursion.

Jeth Brenan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1524468)
Human Ranger
HP: 12/12
AC: 14
Passive Perception: 15

2018-06-24, 05:46 AM
Tana was relieved and nodded at Amaryllis. "Yes, it is done. I'm glad we appear to be on the same page, as it were. I'm afraid I doubted earlier when you simply offered the use of some paper." She turned to look at Jeth and sighed, the anger completely absent now. "I don't wish to be overly prescriptive. I appreciate that there are circumstances that speed is vital and, while I can't say I enjoyed your description of a discussion, I do recognise that the suggestion can come across a little... bureaucratic." She smiled very slightly and inclined her head. "I take your point and hope that you can appreciate mine. 'Hands together, all can be weathered.'"

Nodding again, mostly to herself this time, Tana reached out and drew the card along the table towards her. She reached into her component pouch, sifting through to find the right materials. "Now, if you can both bear with me for a short while, I may be able to decipher this text."

Tana will spend the next 10 minutes cast Comprehend Languages as a ritual.

2018-06-25, 03:16 PM
Pekin startles awake at Toria's nudge. "Hmm?! Oh... Well, yes. Yeah. We'llgo across toth'other building, then. Is tha'where the rest of you are? At the inn?" The halfling clumsily pushes himself out of the booth, stumbles slightly, then catches himself. He sways slightly while waiting for Toria to lead the way back outside to The Beaten Path and the rest of the party.


As Tana focuses her magic on the card and the scribblings Jeth managed to replicate, words begin to reveal themselves to her.

Guide us through these times, Great Mother. Protect our crops. Show us...

2018-06-25, 09:47 PM

Toria can't help but roll her eyes at Pekin's state. A thought crosses her mind that even if he really knows something he may be to completely out of his mind to be useful. Trying not to attract attention, she assures the halfling, "Yes, they're just across the way finishing tea."

Then she makes sure that her hand is available to steady the drunk's travel, as one would with a week-old hatchling.

2018-06-26, 06:15 PM
Amaryllis craned her head curiously.
"Well? What does- what does it say?"

2018-06-27, 06:05 PM
Tana glanced briefly at Amaryllis and gave a brief nod to acknowledge the question. She turned back to study the words one more time, mouthing them quietly to herself. Satisfied, she looked up, frowning a little. "'Guide us through these times, Great Mother. Protect our crops. Show us...'", she read. "It trails off at that point."

Pensive, she eyed the card again. "Great Mother..." Tana's words faded as her thoughts began to take over. The title, innocuous on its face, nonetheless seemed familiar.

Religion check to see if Tana can recall anything about the Great Mother: [roll0]

2018-06-28, 05:09 PM
At The Beaten Path, Tana shares the words that were able to fit on the card with the rest of the table. She concentrates on the words and remembers that Chauntea, goddess of life and agriculture, is also known as Great Mother. As she recalls that information, Toria and Pekin enter the inn.

The halfling's eyes skim over the group assembled at the table and he nods to himself. "At last! Our st -hic- steadfast heroes! Moreofyou th-than I thought. Well." At this point he bows and stumbles forward ever so slightly. "Well, th'name's Pekin -hic- O-Olivebranch Lightsteprusset. Pleasure -hic- to meet all of you." This time Pekin bows more slowly and lower than he did the first time, a hand on the back of a chair just in case.

2018-06-28, 05:54 PM
Amaryllis had seen plenty of drunken people at the Temple of Hearts; after all, a tipple often helped encouraged love along.

Still, she had found the inebriated the most likely to give sharp comments about her horns and inhuman nature. Her naturally unsmiling features nodded politely.
"Greetings. I am Holy Maiden Amaryllis, faithful of Sune."
She frowned a tad.
"More of us than- than you expected? What do you mean?"

He was waiting for them?

2018-06-29, 08:27 PM

Now that the rest of the group can see what she's found, Toria takes her old seat. At this point she's not really interested in the investigation with the script. Seemingly there won't be anything written down more coherent than the author, if he's been there for a while.

2018-07-01, 10:59 PM
Jeths face falls as Tana reads the scrap she retrieved. It’s much easier to brush this sorts of disagreements under the rug when good has come of it.

She was immediately grateful for Toria’s return with her quarry, which then rapidly turned into delight as his drunkenness made itself evident. She hoped that his state would dampen any attempts at guile he made.

Jeth wasn’t one skilled at hiding her inner emotions, and never was this more clear then the moment the man finished his sentence. Confusion was plainly written on her face, though there was also an undercurrent of satisfaction. Even if he was mistaken or drunk beyond coherence, the ideas he had in his head made her that much more comfortable in her suspicion.

As Amaryllis spoke, Jeth moved to stand next to her, hoping to present a unified front in the face of this mysterious drunkard.

Jeth Brenan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1524468)
Human Ranger
HP: 12/12
AC: 14
Passive Perception: 15

2018-07-02, 05:21 PM
Tana quietly placed the card face down as Toria accompanied an inebriated halfling into the common room. Not that the words were themselves especially inflammatory but avoiding even the possibility of them being noted by their author seemed prudent.

Eyebrows raised, she glanced at Toria as the woman calmly took a seat. Discussion did not appear to be one of this group's strengths. Suppressing a sigh, she turned to look at Pekin as the halfling introduced himself. She was surprised at the mention of expecting them and was opening her mouth to query the assertion when Amaryllis got there before her.

2018-07-04, 02:26 PM
The halfling leans in, basically pushing himself up and out of his chair. With a small sigh-hiccup, he delves into the discussion he had been told to prepare for. "Well... The p-prophets of my group, they, ah, they knew th'cleansing would h-hic-appen. The Right Hand? M-m-maybe this one," indicating Jeth, "doesn't know about our work. She looks -hic- you look like you d-don'tgetout much with others. Well. Th-that's not thepointisit?"

Pekin takes a breath and pats his pocket, almost nervously. "Well. So we knew to -hic- e-expect it. Our prophets also told us, told us there wouldbesurvivors. B-but not many. Maybe two. But there are..." he pauses to count each of the group slowly, "Fourofyou? Well... We handn't predicted that. B-but another force moves in oppo-hic-sition to us. Or so we sssuspect. Many evils haverisenrecently, and, well, we th-hic-think it's all connected. We were severely mocked for these past years, many of us l-l-leaving our churches and temples to better serve our greater calling. Shunned by the people we hopedwouldm -hic- most eagerly aid us. But still, we knew wewouldhave ch-champions. You."

Seemingly out of breath for the time being, Pekin finishes his spiel by spreading his hands to gesture to the group. "You have i-i-important work to do. Donalgur and her p-hic-eople depend on it."

2018-07-06, 10:56 AM

Well the boot dropped rather quickly on that one. The halfling that's been waiting for them is part of the doom cult that on the surface looks awfully suspicious for having caused this mess to begin with. Between suppressing her own emotions since yesterday's... event, what she's seen, and everything else, the new information just makes her angry.

"What you're telling me is that you've, all this time I've heard your ranting in the streets known exactly what was going to happen and did nothing? I may never see any of my friends and family again, been in the middle of the worst outbreak that's happened since I've been alive, and you've, all of your little group done nothing but wait to see who crawls out of the rubble?!"

2018-07-07, 04:58 PM
Maiden Amaryllis' eyes had been wide, but as the sodden halfling spoke, they narrowed.
"Your prophets predicted all this... and they knew this would happen, when we, the servants of the gods, did not? You- you're-"
The tielfing's voice rose in agitation, an undercurrent of anger rising. This drunken little manling dared- she blinked in surprise as Toria suddenly broke in angrily.

She took another moment to gather herself, and when she spoke her voice was a snarl, a growling, rasping ugly thing.
"Your prophets were false, you- you stupid wretch! If they could predict this, then why didn't they predict how many of us would survive this- this cleansing?!" She spat the last word. "And you! All you did was get drunk here in a tavern? When you could have helped? When you could have saved people?!"
She raised a fist as if to strike something, but slowly lowered it again.

2018-07-08, 12:06 PM
Tana was startled by several things. Firstly, that she and the others were potentially part of some kind of prophecy. She could admit, to herself, at least, that she had more than a passing sense of her own self-worth and that there were times when a degree of arrogance might slip through. But she would not have foreseen herself as a figure of prophecy. The idea that Pekin had been here, waiting for them threw her. While she was keen to assist those in need, the idea of matters being somewhat pre-ordained troubled her. The mention of an opposing force also gave her pause - that would need to be queried.

The second thing that startled her was her colleagues' vitriol towards the halfling. They were, of course, devastated by the earthquake and various calamities that were befalling the land. Anger was an understandable reaction. She'd found herself becoming more determined than angry but could appreciate the different perspective. Nonetheless, it seemed odd to take it out on Pekin, whose group had been trying to warn people of the danger. She frowned, uncertain what to say. An argument did not seem like a productive use of time but letting their anger fester could be worse in the long run.

She decided to see what Pekin would say. "Have you any answers? Such a disaster must be prevented from ever occurring again."

2018-07-08, 05:17 PM
Pekin's face, already flushed from the drink, somehow turns an even deeper shade of scarlet. He looks from face to face, then down at his hands. He chews his lip a moment, seemingly trying to organize his thoughts, while drumming his fingers on the table. "A-a-as I said... Those of us in The R -hic- Right Hand havenotsurvived this unscathed... We have all suffered l-losses. Not just the churches we -hic- we originally came from, but family and friends, too." The energy the halfling originally displayed seems to be fading as Solen begins to dip lower in the sky.

His forehead creases as he knits his eyebrows together and shakes his head. "We t-tried... I know you've all been through great ordeals. We ha-have not done n-n-nothing. This grief is a-all still so -hic- fresh. It must be difficult for you to hear what I'm saying but... Well..." Pekin's mouth opens and closes, working to find words, and eventually he settles for a defeated shrug.

The halfling turns to Tana, drawn to her calmer demeanor and simpler question. "We think... We believe -hic- we have s-some of the answers... But certainly not all of them. We have been trying to c-compile all of the information -hic- wecouldgather o-over the past few years... If you're -hic- r-ready, I could... We can discuss what we believe must happen next."

2018-07-09, 05:53 PM

With Amaryllis' outburst seemingly matching her own, Toria takes a moment to collect herself before continuing. If they want answers, they're stuck at least playing nice with the halfling and any other cultists they find, for now. That said, the excuse is immensely unsatisfying. Reserved trust for the time being.

"I'm sorry, with the stress I was acting on-scale... but you can see why we'd need to see evidence you're actually trying to stop this madness."

2018-07-11, 04:18 PM
Amaryllis subsided a little, but her face was still set in a frown as she waited to hear what 'answers' the drunken little lout had.

2018-07-12, 12:44 AM
”You! You’re with THEM.” Jeth says, practically yelling at the diminutive drunkard. Her eyes blazed in pure rage.

”You. Took. My. Brother!” She bit off every word advancing on him with each. ”Your lot stole him from just outside Mossdon, and I want him back!”

Jeth is completely oblivious to the fact that not only does this man likely have no information about her brother, the scene that she has made is doing nothing but hurting her chances of getting anywhere.

Jeth Brenan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1524468)
Human Ranger
HP: 12/12
AC: 14
Passive Perception: 15

2018-07-12, 04:47 PM
While Amaryllis and Tori’s had cooled slightly, Tana was alarmed at the look on Jeth’s face. She hopped off her seat and started making her way towards the woman.

”Are you sure you want to do something drastic here?” She ventured, keeping her eyes on Jeth. “Any information that could be gained may better serve us than an expression of anger that is impossible to take back... ‘It might be more difficult to open your fist than use it but it’s more likely to get you what you want.’”

2018-07-14, 12:06 AM
Jeth wheeled towards Tana and for a brief moment it looked as if Jeth would take her misplaced ire and misplace it further onto Tana. But instead she stood there, glowering at no one in particular. After stewing just long enough to make everyone a touch uncomfortable she acquiesced to the gnome. Jeth inclined her head slightly to Tana and stalked away to stand behind the party, growling to herself all the while.

Jeth Brenan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1524468)
Human Ranger
HP: 12/12
AC: 14
Passive Perception: 15

2018-07-15, 03:08 PM
Pekin's eyes first widen, then narrow into slits. "The Right Hand neither t-t-takes nor steals anyone. Those willing to jo -hic- join us must dedicatetime i-in the temples of their own free will and sacri-hic-fice. One would -hic- think that siblings might c-communicate with one another. Far be it f-from me to say... But it seems your brother -hic- chose to aid us and for some reason with-hic-held that f-from you, or perhaps he was taken... But not by my lot, as you say."

The halfling pinches the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes. A few moments pass before he looks up again, gazing unsteadily into the eyes of each woman. "If you c-could spare me your accusations for -hic- a short time...?" He does his best to straighten his tunic after he detaches a waterskin from his belt and takes a deep swig (it is, in fact, water). "Ahhh. N-now... I suppose starting -hic- at the start is s-sensible... You have heard of The Scroll of End Days? Written -hic- written in blood in the time before our ken... It has popped up h-here and there through our histories, mentioned in t-t-times of strife and turmoil. Close calls and couldhavebeens, you know. Well. Nothing has ever come as c-close to the prophecy's fulfillment -hic- as what we have seen in recent weeks. Let me tell you again, The Right Hand does not wish to see the prophecy's words ring true. W-we are not agents of the darkness seeking to allow death and destruction to -hic- run rampant across the land. We had our best p-preachers in the streets of each of the ma-hic-jor cities for the past handful of years... Did our warnings change anything? Maybe. I would l-like to think so. Either way, Malasur fell. As -hic- I mentioned, we expected a p-pair of champions to rise from the rubble, and we wereinsteadgifted with four. Some s-say, not me, I d-don't, but some say that th-the greatest heroes have faced the greatest sorrows and challenges. Forged in fire, as -hic- as it were. Well. Anyways. So here you are."

At this point, Pekin sighs heavily and slumps in his seat. "We know there are more evils yet to be encountered. All portents and visions indicate this is t-truly the End of Days. Our presence in the -hic- other cities has not diminished - we still work to prevent the scroll's discovery by those that would use it for their own perceived g-gains. We need you to go forward as -hic- as torchbearers in these dark times. We can help you along the way, but few in our ranks have the skills necessary to venture forth. There has been w-word of a sect of dark cultists, gathering -hic- information is like clutching at wisps of fog in the chill night... They have been spotted here and there, n-never for long, no one has spoken knowingly to members of their group. I would ask... I-I know you find it difficult to listen to me and accept my suggestions... But it would be best to keep your ears keen to the mention of the scroll... Certainly n-now it is more public knowledge than -hic- it had been before... But I suspect they, too, l-look for the scroll - their -hic- intentions more sinister... As it stands, moving on to The Crossroads would be the best course of action. We h-have heard many conflicting accounts of these cultists, but their presence on the roads near the town of caravans is a claim most oft repeated. There will be more news for you there, as well, from Brothers Andin and Jer. I'm s-s-sorry if my actions remain insufficient in your eyes. May others j-judge you less harshly as you learn the complexities of your new mantle of responsibility."

2018-07-15, 08:05 PM

Going around and around for no solid information. Either these cultists are in the dark or it's the people above them keeping information quiet. For a moment, Toria lets the halfling's words drift a bit as she tries to remember hearing or reading any mention of apocalypse scrolls. If they're such an open secret, mention may have made its way to less-reputable tomes.

There's also the matter of the repeated expectation of less survivors. Toria's got something milling about in her head involving the good maiden's outburst, but that will be a private conversation. It would play into the factions vying against each other. That leaves the question of what to make of the hand.

"We were headed there anyway, looking for kin and friends. It sounds like though, we shouldn't be trusting anyone yet, including professed members of the Hand. I'm under impression your cohorts will provide a reason at some point?"

2018-07-16, 02:30 AM
"I sh-should think so. I will be honest with you... I was merely told t-t-to await your arrival. To make sure you followed the correct... Path..." Pekin blinks once, twice, slowly nodding off again. He shakes his head in an attempt to shrug off the sleep that wishes to claim him and takes another sip of water. "There is m-more to tell... I just wish we had more of a successful -hic- first impression. I'm perhaps a bit ner-nervous - you don't present yourselves as a unified group of... Champions. Well. I s-suppose what I'm trying to say is we need to be certain that you can be trusted, t-together. I -hic- understand you will have just met one another and have j-just suffered losses... Emotions are raw. Unfortunately from what I've seen I cannot in good conscience divulge anything further at th-this time -hic- as I fear it would only be d-d-detrimental to your party's growth."

2018-07-16, 01:31 PM
Tana took a half-step back at the look in Jeth's eyes. Her heart raced as it seemed that the woman might just attack. That moment passed and it took several more before Tana's breathing returned to normal. She worried about what such vehemence might mean for the future and decided that greater thought would need to be undertaken before broaching the subject further.

Pekin's tale certainly acknowledged some of the concerns the others had expressed but, in Tana's estimation, did little to actually address them. Toria apparently felt the same. The halfling's subsequent response seemed to bring the discussion to an unsatisfactory close.

Irritated with the things and still slightly intimidated by her colleague's menacing behaviour, Tana eyed Pekin and her tone reflected her mood. "Well. I suppose that concludes matters, then. As my companion indicated, we are travelling for the Crossroads and, as you are unwilling to enlighten us further, perhaps we shall bid you good day." She glanced at the other women to see if they had anything to add.

2018-07-16, 06:26 PM
It seemed her companions had equal cause for anger. The Holy Maiden was unable to tell the genuineness of the halfling's words, and the end result left her irritated and concerned.

To the Crossroads. How convenient.
Find me at the Crossroads.

If Pekin did know - or at least thought he knew - more, broken prophecy or not, Amaryllis wanted to know - especially at the vaguely patronising way the halfling's refused to tell them more.

"If you would ever wish our help with this 'prophecy,' " she growled, "You'll tell us know what you know now, and not waste our time with patronisations and platitudes!"

Trying to intimidate the answers of of him.
[roll0]+... 4 I think? Can't check right now.

2018-07-18, 10:02 PM
”Why would we believe, or even heed your suggestions? What’s stopping us from just going our own ways?” Jeth fixed the halfling with an angry glare as she spat the words at him.

Jeth Brenan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1524468)
Human Ranger
HP: 12/12
AC: 14
Passive Perception: 15

2018-07-18, 10:12 PM

Alright, things are going off the dock here. Everyone is between incredulous or... ready to attack the halfling. While there's no reason to actually trust him or actually work for the hand, this discussion is in danger of becoming unproductive.

Reaching into the weave, Toria's eyes glaze over silver for a moment and she says some words that, sounding draconic, seem nonsense to those fluent. After that, she touches Pekin in the shoulder.

"You aren't hiding anything from us?"

Low rolls in social challenges? Use magic to cheat.
Charm person DC 13

2018-07-21, 06:21 PM
Pekin shakes his head, and you think you catch the slight twinkle of tears beginning to prick at his eyes. "Indeed, good day, g-good day..." His tone has softened, the words coming out as a murmur. He pulls a small carved wooden symbol from his pocket depicting a rose over a sheaf of grain and begins to toy with it milliseconds before the Holy Maiden's outburst.

His fingers still and he slowly raises his eyes to look steadily into Amaryllis' own. "My own belief in the existence of our champions is beginning to falter. You s-simply cannot be... I had never dreamt the true heroes of t-the prophecy would be s-s-so difficult to... As a boy I thought heroes did what was ne-needed of them because it was what was right. And you would seek to intimidate me? It looks as though you might be wasting my time. I t-told you what I could." He turns his attention to Jeth, shakes his head slightly as he looks her up and down, and tries to hide his look of disappointment.

"Nothing is stopping you. Y-you are free to go where you wish and do as you will. I j-just hoped you had some semblance of responsibility to your higher calling!"

At the raised voices, Ross pokes his head out from the kitchen in time to catch Toria attempting to cast a spell. "Hey! What's goin' on in'ere?!"

Pekin nods at Ross and pushes his chair back from the table. "I think I w-was just heading back to my booth at the tavern, Ross." He looks disdainfully from face to face as he begins to stand.

2018-07-21, 08:44 PM

Ugh, that could have gone better. She had thought after the initial outbursts they could have all calmed down and talk things through, but it just ended awfully. She rubs one hand against her temple and tries to think things through. The red hand isn't getting any sympathy though. Either they're still candidate 1 for actually having caused this mess to begin with or they're like the platinums the old parables say lost the mandate of heaven by putting the ends before the means.

The magic charge dissipates back to the weave.

At least several factions vying for the end of the world, the wilds completely broken, and alone except for the only three other skeptics alive it seems. It may not help that Toria just decided to make a group decision without talking to the others.

"Ross, things got a little heated talking about the disaster. I think we'll need rooms to at least discuss things in private."

2018-07-21, 09:17 PM
Pekin ambles away, pushing open the front door and heading back towards the tavern. Ross wipes his hands on his apron and nods. ”O’course. All of yas must be tired beyond ken... If ya’d follow me?” Ross turns to head up the stairs Jeth had traversed not too long ago and leads the group to the room on the opposite end of the hallway from Pekin’s designated room.

The cat mews softly as the women walk past, watching intently as they enter the room that Ross has led them to. Inside, two beds take up the walls on either side of the door. A window looks out to the road below. Quilts of blue and white are thrown over each bed, well used but still in excellent condition. Ross offers a small smile as he closes the door behind the women. “Take all the time ye’ll be needin’. If yer stayin’ the night we’ll arrange payment on the ‘morrow.”

2018-07-22, 10:44 AM
Tana was dismayed that her companions seemed to want to continue their aggressive demands. Toria, at least, exhibited a degree of reason though Tana could have sworn that the woman had been about to cast something - her intonation and gestures suggested as much - but, with Ross' interruption, the incantation remained incomplete.

She watched Pekin leave, uncertain about what his group's prophecies meant for them. Tana preferred to think of herself as in charge of her own fate but there had been events in the past that suggested prophecy was not always to be dismissed. Either way, the encounter with the halfling had gone very poorly and little information of use had been gained. She glanced at Toria as the dragonborn requested some privacy and nodded in agreement. Yes, a necessity at this juncture.

She joined the group as they were led upstairs to a modest but seemingly comfortable room. "Thank you, Ross," she said to the man as he left. "I think we will be certain to advise you one way or the other." She gave him a brief smile as the door closed before turning to the other women. She eyed them, wondering who would be the first to speak.

2018-07-23, 06:06 PM
Amaryllis looked back. She may not have been the only one to lose her temper, but she still regretted it now. It seems she hadn't truly improved from the angry youth she'd once been.
"That..." she started hesitantly. "That could have gone- well, it could have gone better."
She pauses for a moment.
"Regardless of what he said or not, I still intend to--I have to go the Crossroads."

2018-07-24, 06:53 PM

Instead of beginning with the lack of decorum that ended the previous conversation, part of Amaryllis' outburst she feels needs addressing. Two of the party, according to the halfling, should be dead. Considering her past history, it means that some other beings or factions are already at play.

"I don't think there's really much else to go to at the point," Toria remarks.

"But we may want to talk about something. To make the story short, I was able to convince most of who I knew to leave the city due to... advice from another plane. Briefly involved possession. Intervention that helps explain why there were more than two survivors." She takes a moment to catch her thoughts and breath.

"Which would prove there's more than just the cult interested in this whole mess. But multiple times Pekin said '2'. Someone or something may be poking at the threads of consequence. Amaryllis, were you aware your voice changed when you raised it?"

2018-07-25, 05:26 PM
The tiefling flushed slightly, and sharp teeth glinted as she grimaced.
"I.. am aware, yes. My voice is- my voice is quite rough and... it is unpleasant to the ears." She toyed with a horn, averting her gaze from the others.
"You can see my heritage plain enough. I don't- I'm not putting on a voice. But I am normally quite careful how I talk, so that others- well, blessed Sune desires beauty, and my voice... isn't."

She realised what she was doing and brought her hand down.
"I don't know what he meant by 'two'. The only thing that comes to mind might be is if he meant myself and Hydrangea - the person I am hu- looking for. And even that is, well, I don't think- I don't think that he said much of worth, anyway."
Something Toria said got through to her.
"...What do you mean - advice from another plane?"

2018-07-27, 12:12 AM

Toria hadn't considered how such lineage could effect a person that way. She guesses that makes sense enough. Though that does make even more people that were tipped off to the disaster and headed out. That means at least the Hand are even more grossly misinformed than anyone here could guess. At this point it may be simpler to get tipsy, nap, and forget all the conspiracy stuff going on and simply walk to the crossroads.

Then Toria was asked about her own experience and... well that could get awkward. "When people were starting to get sick I had tried to have an augery to the Fey plane through a blood pact ritual. As a hobby I was into reading about fringe magics and the like."

2018-07-27, 02:04 PM
Finding her gaze drifting to Jeth, Tana had to make a conscious effort to focus on the others. She was still wary of the human and couldn't help but ensure that Jeth was at least in her peripheral vision during the discussion.

Listening quietly, Tana did not see any immediate need to press Amaryllis regarding her voice - it was clearly something personal and, should it be necessary, could likely be broached once they had come to know each other better. It struck her that she was quite definitely thinking of remaining with the group, despite some misgivings. Practical, she supposed. Plus, the prophecy, while frustrating, did present a certain fascination.

The conversation between Toria and Amaryllis raised several items of which Tana made a mental note but it was Toria's last assertion that made her speak. "A blood pact?" She asked with a slight frown. "I know little of such matters but I imagine 'desperate times' and so forth..."

"It does strike me, however," she continued carefully, "That you were in a similar, perhaps parallel, situation to the Right Hand: warning others of the impending danger. It seems to suggest some corroboration, if not vindication, of their position and actions..." She eyed the women intently for their reactions.

2018-07-28, 01:18 PM
Jeth walked into the room they were led to as if in a daze, completely ignoring the cat that she had made fast friends with on her first excursion into the rooms. The anger had drained out of her as the small man had walked away. As they all filed into the room she promptly flopped down on one of the beds half listening to the rest of them as she stared at the ceiling.

As the conversation touched on future plans she piped up ”I too still plan on going to the Crossroads, for reasons that were made clear down there,” she waved her hand in the direction of the door as she finished her sentence.

As Toria shared her brush with extraplanar forces Jeth sat up with a start, pulling herself into a cross legged position on the bed. While she wasn’t at all versed in what that meant, she had a sort of provincial and naive view towards that sort of thing. She fixed Toria with a quizzical look as she quizzed her ”This communication you had. Did you know about the disaster? Or was it just for fun?“

Jeth Brenan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1524468)
Human Ranger
HP: 12/12
AC: 14
Passive Perception: 15

2018-07-28, 11:11 PM

Toria slinks down a little with criticism towards the decision to make contact. The 'proper precautions' argument may not slip by another magic user like Tana who probably has been at it longer. Well, that and the dubious content of her chosen reading that lead to it and... you know... the near death. However, she becomes more animated when the comparisons to the red hand come up.

"I didn't try to drag people into a doom cult or just tell them they're going to die for being awful. I got people who would listen out of the city. So it wasn't for fun."

Toria takes a moment to compose herself.

"Point being we already know that there are events and factions already breaking what the hand is calling fate, and anyone trying to sell you destiny is taking you for a ride. If we're in a place to stop the madness we have to. I don't know your reasons, but stopping this is the only thing on this entire content I have left."

2018-07-30, 01:41 PM
Tana eyed Jeth for a moment. The woman seemed somewhat out of sorts but, given her earlier outburst, it wasn't impossible that she might become threatening once more. Tana remained wary.

Toria's reply was succinct and largely rejected the comparison with the Red Hand but, given prior events in the common room, that was hardly unexpected. Tana still had a lingering sense that the Red Hand were being viewed overly harshly, though she had to concede that nothing thus far had completed absolved them of the possibility of guilt. An open question, to be sure.

Once again, she found herself nodding to Toria's words. "I agree. I am of the belief that, should our modest group remain travelling together, the bulk of our efforts should be centred on stopping what we can of the devastation we find around us." She looked around the group. "It seems we are all set on heading to the Crossroads. Perhaps for differing reasons but, as the destination remains the same, it seems prudent to travel together. 'Fish, frog or otter, the river still flows the same.' I feel setting out tomorrow to be a reasonable course of action. Do you concur?"

2018-08-05, 09:44 AM
Amaryllis nodded.
"I suppose so. We've already been attacked in the night once."

Stay the night, let plot progress

2018-08-05, 03:28 PM
After Tana informs Ross of the party's decision to stay the night, he goes about fluffing the pillows and re-making the already made beds. The evening passes uneventfully, and Raek returns to cook his specialty, mushroom egg tarts. Ross pours everyone a cup of coneflower tea, the subtle floral aroma gently lingering in the air long after the drinks are done, and sets out a fresh lemon loaf to be shared. No one sees Pekin again that evening.

Each of you goes to bed in whatever arrangement you had decided on, and Ross lets you all know he will be at the desk for the first half of the evening if they should need anything.

In the morning you each wake feeling slightly more rested. Decent food and fairly comfortable beds somewhat helped to keep your minds from the disasters for brief periods of time.

Raek's voice can just be heard, apparently in conversation, just outside of The Beaten Path.

2018-08-06, 09:03 PM

Toria opts for a private room, claiming to want to think things over. She knows better than that however, with the stresses of the sudden journey and losses her head mostly runs in short, unproductive circles of worry. She fidgets around, looks around the room, spends hours mindlessly practicing the card tricks she used to use in her trade, unaware that she's unconsciously adding in magic components to the distracting parts. This lasts a while, Toria's been a night owl for a while.

That also means that she may not take to the morning as well as the rest of the group as they gather the next morning. It doesn't help that caffeine pretty well doesn't exist any more in the kingdom.

2018-08-11, 05:40 AM
With the others opting for individual rooms, Tana saw little option but to follow suit. She would have preferred to save some of her dwindling coin but could hardly force someone into an undesired sleeping arrangement simply because she was feeling frugal.

Though the events of the last few days were still fresh in her mind, spending a night in an actual bed did the gnome good. It did take her longer to fall asleep than usual as she replayed the conversations she'd had with her travelling companions. She was unsettled but could not see much that could be done in the immediate short-term. Building a rapport would be at least a medium-term project, she decided, and would likely require a little more... flexibility on her part. Compromise. Yes.

She woke feeling refreshed and, if not eager, then certainly willing to face the day and the journey ahead. After freshening up, she ventured out of her room and towards the stairs, idly wondering if any of the others were up and about. Only a couple of steps down, however, she heard Raek speaking to someone. Thinking it might be one of her companions, Tana descended and looked for the source of the conversation.

2018-08-11, 07:13 PM
Amaryllis slept poorly, tossing and turning, the sheets wrapping themselves like ropes around her. The bed was comfortable - certainly more so than last night - but her mind was unsteady and whirled in pointless circles of thought.

Others had been warned, but not the faithful. How could it be?

One of her erstwhile companions had said she'd made a blood pact.
The woman she was hunting had shown powers she hadn't had before, had maybe known it was coming. From one point of view she'd tried to lure Amaryllis out the city. Could she have made contact with some being, gained foreknowledge?

There was no answer. In the end, she was glad when the morning came, and once more afixed her armour. A careful examination of her features in her reflection, and she headed downstairs, helmet under one arm.