View Full Version : Alchemy Apocalypse

Darth Ultron
2018-05-03, 10:50 PM
You wake up on a stone slab, in a small stone room. Three small glass globes float around the room, each weakly flickering with a bit of light. The walls of the room are covered with faded tapestries, now just blank. The far left corner has a six foot tall hour glass, that is broken at the bottom, where most of the white sand has leaked out onto the floor.

A small stone table has two broken cay mugs, and a iron pot. Next to those is the burned remains of a book, now little more then two covers and some bits of paper.

To one side is a single stone door.

Just a bit to get started. ''Introduce'' yourself....

2018-05-04, 02:39 AM

Blastigar sits up and surveys the room Whiping
the sleep from his eyes and yawning. He walks around the room a bit searching for his stuff. He taps the glowing globes. He walks over to the hourglass and pinches a bit of sand and let's it drop back into a pile. He walks to the table picking up the book to see if it would be something that might interest him or maybe someone defiled his notes. Still groggy he gets to his pack and starts requesting things from his helping hands. (Assuming he has all his stuff

Perception [roll0] to knotice anything else unusual. If allowed then add 3 to notice traps.

He thinks to himself Don't remember coming here but this wouldn't be the first time. I wish I could remember. Was I drinking? I hope this isn't someone's home I destroyed. Maybe this is a dig site. I see no tools. Hmmm sleepwalking? No matter where's my stuff daylights burning and I'm sure there was something important I need to be doing. followed by a big yawn.

Darth Ultron
2018-05-04, 10:52 PM
You don't have any problems location all of your possessions: they are spread out around you on the stone slab.

There is not much left of the book except the burnt cover and back.

Nothing in the room really stands out as unusual, other then the whole room, of course. The room and everything in it, except for you and your possessions, looks very old. With no windows, the room does have the feeling of being underground.

There are no traps you can detect. The only thing of even a slight interest is the stone door.

2018-05-05, 12:11 AM
Not noticing anything else of interest and detecting the age of this place he decides that he wouldnt be stealing if he took some things from this room. He gathers up some sand in a vial and holds it's over his bag. A clockwork hand reaches out and grabs it and pulls it in. He does the same for the globes and book. He calls for his chair and faulks his mechanical bird. He requests his special suit and one of the three hands hands out a gear. He applies it to his chest and it seems from no where it builds itself around him making him a tad bulkier than normal. The armor whirs gently. Gears decorate the outer portion where there would be major joint in his body. From the backs of his arms and over a shoulder sit some expulsion ports for projectiles. The one over his shoulder seems to scan the area around him. On his other shoulder sits faulks a tiny falcon shaped construct. He prepares a few extracts of healing since it may be dangerous. He sits on his animate chair. He considers his predicament and He asks"Faulks do you know where we are or how we got here or how long we have been here?
Clockwork familiars can speak common. I imagine this might be useful to u. I also have a psicystal though right now it is consumed by my suit.

Darth Ultron
2018-05-06, 12:25 PM
Faulks "I know not. Last I know...know....know....I know not. I do not know anything? "

2018-05-06, 01:19 PM
trying to find a color that isn't hard to read

Faulks? You feeling ok? You probably have a glitch. I'll fix you up after we get out of here.

With that he takes some deep breaths and steels himself (psionically focusing 2 times 1 for him and one for his psicrystal. He aligns himself with electric and sonic energy). He tells his chair to begin moving through the opening. He keeps a careful watch as he goes.

Perception [roll0] (help action from Faulks)

Darth Ultron
2018-05-06, 01:40 PM
Through the opening is a short stone tunnel for about twenty feet, then another twenty feet of rough natural cave....and then outside.

The air is smoky and soot filled all around. The land around is mostly flat. Dozens of fires burn in any direction you look. The fires you can see cleanly must be unnatural as they burn from soot covered dirt ground or rocks or even just hang in the air. In between the areas of fire, some plants do grow: tall grasses, cacti, and some clumps of trees.

In the smoky and soot filled sky are the bodies of massive floating and burning gray whales. They float slowly, drifting at odd angles...turning and burning. Many of the whales have harnesses or shell armor.

About fifty or see feet to the left are two humans in scant clothing in a small patch ground away from the fires. As you watch they turn over rocks, and grab the small black bugs underneath them and stuff them into a brown sack.

2018-05-06, 02:16 PM
I direct the chair towards the 2 and say "Uh greeting could either of you tell me where I am? I've seem to forgotten. I have more questions if you'd care to indulge me. Where are my manners my name is Blastigar and who might you two be?

Darth Ultron
2018-05-06, 09:01 PM
The two humans put thier hands on the clubs they have on their backs.

Avvar "Well met, stranger. I'm Avvar, this is Edol. Your right in the middle of the Burning Plains."

Edol "Aye, you sure be a strange stranger. Ant never seen nothing like that...chair?

Avvar "Sure, we can answer questions. Guess your lost or something, right?"

2018-05-06, 09:12 PM
Well met to you as well. I have a great number of gizmos. Take a look at the metal falcon and the very suit I'm wearing. Made them all myself. The burning planes huh. That must mean I shifted planes while I slept. I have no recollection of how I made it here or to that cave over there. There are a few strange things In there as well. In fact every bit of this is strange. Ive never seen a whale fly for instance. What is it you all are doing?

is there anything important I might have remembered about what has transpired?

Darth Ultron
2018-05-06, 09:22 PM
Avvar "Ah, the whales? They are not exactly whales, they are elsewhales. They have been up their burning for years...for all our lives and longer.

What we are doing? Well....hunting? Grabbing food? Black beetles are good eating."

Nothing specific. You do remember yourself and your history...but nothing about the room or where you are...

2018-05-06, 09:36 PM
Elsewhales? What are those? So many questions I have. They seem to be wearing an armor of sorts, why? Am I to understand we are not on the plane of fire? How could they possibly burn that long? Why are there so many and dead at that? Why not find a rabbit or dear or maybe some sort of fruit to eat? Where can I find the nearest town so I may determine how to get home? Oh I'm sorry I'm just a naturally curious gnome and it seems far from home under mysterious circumstances. I don't mean to overwhelm you.

Darth Ultron
2018-05-06, 10:12 PM
Avvar "Elsewhales...ah, they are magic flying whales, and they talk with their minds. Or so the stories say. Like I said, they have been up their burning forever. And they fought way back in the Alchemy Abhorrence War, years ago, way before my time.

No, this is not the plane of fire, this is the Burning Plain. All the fire here never goes out, it's, you know magic fire.

Rabbits? That is an old word, but sure we hunt springhares too. And collecting fruits, like berries, is work for women and younglings. But beetles are good eating too.

Our town, Ullak, is a couple hours walk to the north from here.

I'm happy to help and talk, but you might be wanting to talk to someone who knows more. Like Aiko Cindersky, she is our druid naturekeeper, and I'd say she knows all about everything. "

2018-05-06, 10:22 PM
Very well I will head to the Ullak directly and allow you to be back to your business. Good hunting good day and thank you very much. Steed to the north please. Blastigar leaves contemplating the words of earlier.

Let me know of any potential rolls I might need. Blastigar is a curious fellow and may stop if he sees something interesting that he can get close enough to. He is also keeping a close watch for danger since he is in unfamiliar territory and Faulks is helping.

Darth Ultron
2018-05-06, 10:41 PM
The burned and soot covered land of rocks, grasses, cacti and patches of burning fire does not have anything you can see of interest. The patches of fire burn very hot, and you can feel the waves of heat from even several feet away, but pose no danger as long as you don't walk into one.

After a couple hours moving north you see what must be Ullak: a small town built around an oasis. The land right around the town is quite green with thick grasses and bushes. You notice several rows of bushes with huge thick thorns in rows around the town like walls. A couple dirt paths work their way through the greenery.

The center of town is dominated by a huge white barked tree that must be a good fifty feet high. The air around the town is cooler then the rest of the area, and is smoke and soot free.

The town is all white wood buildings set out in a nice circle around the tree. There is little difference in the buildings and they look more made for use, not beauty.

The town and area is full of people, you see humans and halflings, but also some bird like and reptile like humanoids.

2018-05-06, 11:06 PM
Thinks to himself Even in such an environment such as this life continues. Gives me hope for my own world.

Blastigar rides up on some townsfolk and speaks to them Hello there. I'm looking for an individual named Aiko Cindersky. I was told if I have questions about this land that she would be the one to talk to.

Darth Ultron
2018-05-06, 11:40 PM
Everyone, after looking over you for a couple moments, just points towards the tree in the middle of the town.

As you approach the tree a brown feathered bird-like humanoid in white clothing waits for you.

Aiko Cindersky "The One of Old that Walks on Four. You could be no one else. Not what I expected at all. I figured more for someone crawling into town. But that is the way feathers fall.

I'm Aiko Cindersky, natureguard of Ullak, Eyrie Warden of Syranita. Welcome to our town Old One. You have As Many Questions as the Desert Has Sand, yes?" "

2018-05-06, 11:52 PM
Puzzled I am confident that you are reffering to me but I'm only 80 which is still decently young for a gnome. It's a mystery to me as to how you have already heard of me seeing as how I just arrived. You have me at a disadvantage your grace but allow me to introduce myself. I am Blastigar Kaboom alchemists machinist explorer teacher well quite a few titles I could claim I suppose. I'm confused by a great number of things. First I have no idea how I got here or where here is. I woke up in a cave but a few hours ago. I've not seen such a landscape as this. Whales in the sky fire from the earth. It looks like this land has been through quite some trouble.

Darth Ultron
2018-05-07, 12:06 AM
Aiko Cindersky "I have the gift of the Third Eye, I see much.

Where you are is simple enough. This, is the town of Ullak, as I said. Our own little home and spot of green happiness on the Burning Plains.

Yes, the Astral Elsewhales. They came here to fight for our world, and they succeeded, mostly, but at great cost.

And yes, the land has been through some trouble....known to sages as the Alchemy Abhorrence War, but to us it is just The War. The only War that matters. It ravages and destroyed and razed much of the land. War is like that.

But you know nothing of what I speak? You are truly a One of Old? One from the time before the War? From the Old World? "

2018-05-07, 12:30 AM
Blastigar mouth ever so slightly hangs open in shock. For but a few moments he is speechless "Are you saying that.... I am in the same world... That I've always been? That Its just.... Much later.... Than.... Than.... I expected... When I lost conciousness? If this is true then I suppose I am an old one but I don't know if i aged. You say alchemy did this? Oh dear this changes everything. Even more questions too many. What was this war? How did I get to this current time? I have to fix this before it happens so I must get back. How long did i sleep? Is anyone alive from before the war? Blastigar brain may have overheated or maybe he forgot to eat and drink again regardless he topples from his chair unconscious.

Darth Ultron
2018-05-07, 09:12 PM
Aiko Cindersky"I can see your mind is a wild flock of birds. I can tell you what I know. Long ago, in the Age Before, when the land was green and the sky was blue. There lived a gnome, one of your kind, of wondrous skill. Known to us only as the Maker, he could make wonders out of metal and wood. Things to do chores, items of war, and even making of animals that come alive.

But this greatest creation was his Mitechines. Tiny, tiny machines, only the size of a flea. But full of great power. A single bottle of water could have thousands of them swimming in it. And the Mitechines could do anything. And so was created Wonder Water.

At first there was a time of peace and good life. People used the Wonder Water as the maker had intended, to help and heal and such. But it was not to last. It was only a matter of time before people use the Wonder Water for war.

And so started the Alchemy Abhorrence War. Those with the wonder water soon crushed those without it....and then they fought among themselves. Cities fell, countless died, and the world was ravaged.

But the worst was yet to come. All that Wonder Water flowed freely, and all the Mitechines got together..and grew and chanced and became the Achemorphuis. A massive mass of wonder water, live and insane, with the power to do anything. It threatened to eat the world. Everyone pulled together and in the end won, a victory of sorts. The cost was high, but it was stopped. It's still out there, a whole ocean in size now, sleeping.....hopefully forever more.

Of the Maker, we know nothing. He disappeared and was never seen or heard from again. "

2018-05-08, 02:28 AM
Blastigar is mystified and horrified all at once. He says My word that's fascinating and horrifying. It sounds like this maker was brilliant and only meant good. What year is this your grace? Does anyone besides me yet live from the time before? Do you suppose the maker yet lives? If time travel is possible and I am proof do you suppose someone could go the reverse way?What do you make of these? They were in the cavern I found myself in. Blastigar reaches behind him as 2 mechanical hands pop out and hand Blastigar the book and the vial with sand.

Darth Ultron
2018-05-08, 08:23 PM
Aiko Cindersky 611, the Year of the Awakening. Going by the Roll of years. But I have no way of knowing how long ago the Old Time was.

Old Ones? Well, no one in Ullak I know of, but yes. Cylanestriel Falconmoon, the ranger, is over a thousand years old. Xenotet the beholder. The archmage Azcavil. Xulranteomyzzyrth, the gold dragon.

No one knows what happened to the Maker...I guess it is possible he still lives. He did make the wonder water that could do anything.

I don't know much about time, except we must all go forward.

She looks over the items.

"Yes, this is what is left of a book. A thing quite common in the Old Times. People would write things in a book for others to read. Much like a note or a letter. This one looks all burned up though.

And this is known as sand. It's rocks that have been broken up. It's common enough around.

2018-05-08, 09:01 PM
Do you know where any of these beings are?

Darth Ultron
2018-05-09, 09:15 PM
Aiko Cindersky Of course. Cylanestriel Falconmoon wanders the western plains from here, but he is easy enough to find if you go there. Xenotet is the ruler of the city of Atras, north of here. The archmage Azcavil lives south of here in this tower. Xulranteomyzzyrth, the gold dragon lives in the Firefountain a large volcano also south of here."

2018-05-09, 09:54 PM
I thank you for your guidance. Is there anything I could do for you in return for all the help you've given me?

Darth Ultron
2018-05-10, 08:40 PM
Aiko Cindersky "I would not ask for payment for knowledge. Knowledge should be free. Our needs are simple. We fall on the edge of Xulranteomyzzyrth's domain, so he keeps things like other dragons away. So, nothing really comes to mind. "

2018-05-10, 08:58 PM
Very well I suppose the best place to start would be a wanderer. I suppose I'll seek the ranger out and learn what I might. I thank you.

If the plains are a good distance to travel and I couldnt make it by nightfall I'll ask is there anywhere here I could find refuge? and attempt to take refuge for the day.

the idea is that he could teach me the dangers of the world scavenging and survival tactics as well as many other leads that may find me a way home to stop all this

Darth Ultron
2018-05-10, 09:40 PM
Aiko Cindersky "Our town is the only refuge for miles. But if you want a place to rest for the night, the land is covered with lots of caves. I can send a fast bird to Cylanestriel Falconmoon and let him know you are coming. "

2018-05-11, 01:52 AM
That would be most appreciated.

Blastigar wanders the town til nightfall when he takes refuge. He takes in the sights and tries to piece things together to learn more about the time he is in so he doesn't seem like the biggest outsider of all time.

if anything interesting is going on Blastigar might interact.

Darth Ultron
2018-05-11, 09:26 PM
The most interesting thing happening in Ullak is the visit of the gnome Old One from the Time Before.

Otherwise the town is mostly quiet....just a couple thousand people huddled together, just trying to survive in a harsh burning land.

2018-05-11, 09:42 PM
In the morning Blastigar checks all his things before heading out. He tends to forget things so he sends Faulks to grab anything he misses and then catches up.

I'm treated as being able to craft even while adventuring and I have quite a bit of supplies as well as an assistant who has the same skill as me (faulks). If I take the appropriate amount of material out and make the check could I have been treated as already made the item or do I need to state what ive been making?

Darth Ultron
2018-05-11, 10:36 PM
The western Burning Plains are mostly flat and full of tall grasses. Patches of forevering buring fire litter the plains and burning elsewhales float in the skies.

After a couple hours of travel, up ahead, you see an older half elven male in leather armor and with a staff. He does give a friendly wave.

You cna just make an item,

2018-05-11, 10:50 PM
Well met sir. I certainly hope you are falconmoon. Blastigar comes strolling up on his chair

Darth Ultron
2018-05-12, 04:31 PM
Cylanestriel Falconmoon "Of course, who else would I be. Please pull up a chair and sit...Oh, I just slay me sometimes.

Aiko mentioned you in a bird message. So your her Old One from the Time Before?

Well, met, I'm Cylanestriel Falconmoon half elven ranger and wildwalker of Rillifane Rallathil. "

Cylanestriel wears simple brown, gold and green clothing with high boots. He does not carry any weapon that you can see, but does have a belt pouch and shoulder sack.

2018-05-13, 04:46 AM
Just because you are waiting on me and claim a name doesnt make automatically make anything true. I can't be too careful in this time not my own. If you are who you say you are I am surprised by your race since I heard you are 1000 years old meaning you lived 389 years before everything turned bad in the world. That is why I seeked you out to learn more about what has transpired. You are a wanderer so you can tell me the lay of the land and the dangers that lie there. My name is Blastigar Kaboom and I seek help. I'm sure we can come to some arrangement. Blastigar again presents the sand and the book. Maybe you can tell me about these.

Darth Ultron
2018-05-13, 10:57 PM
Cylanestriel Falconmoon "Ah, I hear you are an old one yourself. But no gnome lives a 1000 years right? Must be more to the story. The same is true for me.

I'm happy to help. A burned book and some sand? Well, I'm a bit more in tune with the natural world. Though this sure is not any local sand I know off."

2018-05-14, 02:34 AM
You are right and wrong about gnomes. The gnomes of the first world knew no death but I'm not among them and this isn't the first world in fact this seems like the last world as it sits now. However gnomes in this world won't die as long as they avoid the bleaching or untimely demise which becomes increasingly harder as the years go by much like aging but not. The bleaching accelerates every year but can be held at bay by finding new excitement. Its much like a dam holding back a river that's water never stops increasing so you must build the dam stronger always increasing in difficulty as the water rises and if a single drop reaches its destination is the end.

You are right though and wrong again of my age. I have only lived 80 years. I'm not old by my refining however it seems the world I awoke to and the world I remember are seperated by many years.

Is your story similar? Have you heard of other instances like mine? Maybe we discuss things at your dwelling?

Darth Ultron
2018-05-15, 07:16 PM
Cylanestriel Falconmoon "Of course, this way."

Cylanestriel leads you off to the right and down a dry ravine that is full of toadstools, and eventually over to a shady overhang where there is a ring of bright white toadstools. He steps over them to stand in the middle of the ring.

Cylanestriel Falconmoon "If you could come over here and stand in the ring."

2018-05-16, 02:24 AM
Blastigar goes and does that fairly curious

Darth Ultron
2018-05-16, 07:29 PM
There is a quick flicker of light...and your somewhere else. The ring of mushrooms is still there, but now it is surrounded by a grove of pine trees. In the middle of the grove is a log cabin.

Cylanestriel Falconmoon walks over to a fire pit next to the cabin and sits down on a tree stump, "Ah, home sweet home"

2018-05-17, 02:50 AM
That was impressive. Where is this located now I wonder?

Now that we are comfortable let's get back to my questioning. How are you so old? If you can remember the time before maybe you could help me find my way around? What are some of the dangers of this time that someone not raised with wouldn't understand? What sort of factions are around? Ruins of old still stand? full of excitement and wonder along with eagerness to find an answer on how to get home.

Darth Ultron
2018-05-17, 09:45 PM
Cylanestriel Falconmoon "We are much further east, beyond the Burning Plains. This area does not have a name yet.

Well, long ago I was just a simple member of the Company of the Pouch. Just a bunch of adventures trying to fill our pouches. Mostly far from most big civilized places. At least until a merchant hired us to guard a caravan...not that we knew it at the time, but of weapons, and barrels of wonder water. A day later, the hobgoblins attacked...and they were all killed. I was baddy wounded and left for dead. All by the warrior Kar-Gash.

That is when I met Emerenta. My love. She was a dyrad. She loved me and bound my soul to a tree just like hers. As long as the tree lives, I live. We were happy for years....but the war then found us. I left the grove to fight, and did. I joined the Army of Light and opposed the hobgoblins of Eska, and Kar-Gash. We fought and fought. Until the Battle of the Fading Sun...both armies fought each other to death. I lived, but with everything gone I went back to Emerenta. But Kar-Gash followed me, and got thier first.....and killed Emerenta. I killed him...and went mad for a bit. Soon enough there was no one left to fight...and I went back home. And I have been working to restore nature ever sense then. And here I am."

2018-05-20, 04:20 AM
so your kinda a dryad? Interesting. Where is your tree? Its a miracle it's survived. I'm sorry for your loss. I think I might have something to offer you though if u can help me. What if I told you that I could prevent this all from happening? I seek to travel back in time to my own time to prevent this all. I think it's possible since I seem to come from long ago. I just need your knowledge of the time now and how its changed since my time or since you were young since maybe my time is even before your time. Maybe you could tell me anyone who has met the maker or rumors of things of great power that might aid me in my quest.

Darth Ultron
2018-05-20, 09:43 PM
Cylanestriel Falconmoon "Half elf, half dryad, some human in there somewhere, yes. My tree is safe, of course, and it's nearby.

Travel in Time? Well, that is Mighty Magic. Beyond anything I can do.

Someone that knew The Maker? And is still alive today? Well, maybe someone or something immortal?

I only know of one person who knew The Maker and is still alive. Grungegar Doomwrench Nagheenanajar. The gnome ruler of Usliffeseon. He is immortal, after all. I kinda thought you might be from him at first.

And Items of Power? Well, sure, but I mostly know the more natural ones, like The The Last Tree. Or like an Orb of Dragonkind or the The Dark Lens. "