View Full Version : what third party stuff do you trust in you game

2018-05-04, 05:24 AM
so i am looking for some third party stuff for a game i am running in a few months i have a small list now just looking for any other things people think is well built that i can offer my player

middle finger of vecna
mat mercers stuff
downforgecast stuff

2018-05-04, 05:27 AM
Wayfinder Foundation of Khorvaire

I'm planning on trying out some of Dias Ex Machina's stuff too.

2018-05-04, 05:31 AM
I don't have too much experience with homebrew stuff yet, but one of my players really wanted to play an Alchemist. He gave me a version that was made by DawnforgedCast - Alchemist (https://dawnforgedcast.myshopify.com/products/5th-edition-alchemist-class). I gave it a read and found it quite balanced and interesting, so I allowed it. And I'm actually a bit impressed by it, too.

2018-05-04, 06:16 AM
I don't have too much experience with homebrew stuff yet, but one of my players really wanted to play an Alchemist. He gave me a version that was made by DawnforgedCast - Alchemist (https://dawnforgedcast.myshopify.com/products/5th-edition-alchemist-class). I gave it a read and found it quite balanced and interesting, so I allowed it. And I'm actually a bit impressed by it, too.

Gonna echo this hardcore. Dawnforged cast has got a good amount of material that is well balanced and very thematically focused. Hats off to them for it too! Both the Shaman and the Alchemist are fantastic, and I hear more are on the way!

2018-05-04, 05:30 PM
I use a few alternates:

Some of Zman
(http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?534238-Zman-s-5e-Tweaks-Tweaks-2-0-Weapons-and-Armor-E10-and-Monster-Manual-Expansion) especially the free feat and Intelligence rules.

UA Ranger

I consider the sanity of magic item pricing and racial equality using the 6 pt average race system without actually incorporation.

From the DMG I use a variant of slow natural healing. You get 1/2 HD rounded up back after a long rest and must use HD to recover hp during a long rest.

Disarm, overrun and climbing on top of creatures because why should grappling get all the fun.

2018-05-04, 05:33 PM
I use some variant rules published in the DMG and allow UA on a case-by-case basis. I do not allow any third-party content.

2018-05-04, 05:52 PM
I work with players to build custom subclasses if nothing fits. But using a custom subclasses precludes a PC from multiclassung.

2018-05-04, 06:12 PM
Kobold Press' Tome of Beasts gets more use than the Monster Manual at our table.

I also utilize some spells from Frog God/Necromancer Game's Book of Lost Spells.

I may try to argue my way into using Xanathar's Lost Notes of Everything Else for a campaign thematic Monk Path. (Way of Empathy - I can call him a martyrhobo.)

2018-05-04, 10:20 PM
so i am looking for some third party stuff for a game i am running in a few months i have a small list now just looking for any other things people think is well built that i can offer my player

middle finger of vecna
mat mercers stuff
mage hand press
downforgecast stuff

Just so you know, Mage Hand Press IS Middle Finger of Vecna. MFoV is our blog, MHP is our official "company" name.

2018-05-06, 04:17 AM
I don't trust 3rd party stuff.

If I want something out of the cannon, we'll either homebrew something, or not go for it at all.

I strictly stick to the 12 core classes, but don't mind subclasses from UA* once in a wile.

If I homebrew stuff, it's either magic items (single use ones usually, or lower power ones), or Monsters.

I also don't mind refluffed/reskined weapons and spells, and I allow crafting custom (non-magical or Lowest-tier magic items, think Xanathar's list of magical trinkets) items and spells during dawntime, as long as they are balanced.

*as a playtest, only in one shots.

2018-05-06, 11:03 AM
I use a lot of variant rules from angry GM, most notably the time pool rules, and I'm working on a social combat rules module based off of his guidance.

I use a Homebrewed centaur race from Reddit's curated Homebrew collection. Send better than the other options.

Basically I only go out and grab things from third parties if they fill a need in the setting. Whatever the best Homebrew is for that niche, I'll use. Currently I've found no artificer that I like, so I'll probably make my own.

2018-05-06, 10:35 PM
I recommend Kobold Press and Goodman Games materials.

2018-05-06, 11:12 PM
It's a case by case basis - I'll trust anything that I personally have verified, or that's been verified by other players with a solid sense of game balance and design. This policy includes first party material.

Christopher K.
2018-05-07, 01:12 AM
I'm a big fan of Kobold Press as a third-party publisher, but your mileage may vary. I use Tome of Beasts more than the Monster Manual as well (and am incredibly excited for Creature Codex this fall), but some of the character options presented in Midgard Heroes' Handbook are either lackluster or just.. don't get the class they expand upon (draconic magic wizard in particular rubbed me the wrong way and the elemental sorcerer just didn't feel like it warranted the book space)

2018-05-07, 01:18 AM
Pretty much anything. Variety is the spice of life and all that.

In my group I'm the one who comes to the table with the most 'brew, and I've made plenty of my own. I've got a good enough game sense to tell when something is unbalanced, and can correct accordingly.

Sariel Vailo
2018-05-07, 10:25 AM
Mfov and some of the giant in the playground stuffs.