View Full Version : What's the most odd thing your character carries around?

2018-05-04, 11:04 AM
Sure, we are all walking around with our weapons, a crowbar, a 15 foot pole (somehow), a lantern, and various other normal things. But what about the most off things your character carries around due to finding it and not wanting to part with it.

I've got a character that has a tiny pixie dagger that he uses as a toothpick and a plot item from a story of a charcoal drawing of another PC being killed in horrible ways (how can you get rid of something like that).

2018-05-04, 11:12 AM
I used to play a rouge called Bran who carried around a rusted two-pronged fork in his pack all the time. Inspired by the elder scrolls I called it the fork of horripilation and sometimes used it in lieu of a dagger. I passed a note to my dm once asking people to roll a perception check(for the fork). All the players were glaring at me suspiciously thinking it was something that would mark me off as evil or a thief only to be really confused when they saw it.

2018-05-04, 11:18 AM
Strahd's Journal...teenage angst, bad poetry, pages upon pages about how depressed he is.

Oddest thing I ever carried was a sword made of cheese I enchanted to become a magical weapon. Never play a wizard who has a terrible time holding his liquor, and has party members who are notorious pranksters.

2018-05-04, 11:20 AM
Trophies from various conquests are always popular. I can recall (from more than one character) a vial of dragon tears, the rudder of a warship, and a stuffed mind flayers head that was enchanted so the tentacles still moved around.

Small pets are fun too, especially things that shouldnt be. In the past I've kept a disembodied hand and a friendly ice mephit. My current character often travels with a kobold in his pack, though that is more because his player can't usually show up at the start of our game sessions.:smallsmile:

2018-05-04, 11:28 AM
My Cleric: Owlbear Cloak, made from a freshly slain Owlbear. Because a 7'4" Dragonborn isn't terrifying enough on it's own.

My Fighter: Dagger made out of a Fiend-corrupted Goatman. Haven't gotten to jab someone with it yet, but I'm sure he'll be able to find a proper test subject.

2018-05-04, 11:40 AM
I carry a Goblet of Sobriety that we found in the rubble from a keep that we accidentally burn down. My character is 5' 7" and light, so he uses it to stay on his feet at parties and win drinking contests.

2018-05-04, 11:52 AM
Hmm let me check... The Hell? What is “old pot from fish-people” and how did I get it?

2018-05-04, 11:57 AM
Hmm let me check... The Hell? What is “old pot from fish-people” and how did I get it?

Now I'm just imaging your character cleaning out your backpack and sniffing around. "Hey, what smells fishy in here?" and pulling it out then staring at it.

2018-05-04, 12:15 PM
Unfortunately I traded my totally unrelated to anything, extraneous frying pan to a goblin in our last session, but it was worth it.

2018-05-04, 12:16 PM
Unfortunately I traded my totally unrelated to anything, extraneous frying pan to a goblin in our last session, but it was worth it.

Well now you have to tell us what you got for the frying pan :)

2018-05-04, 01:07 PM
Not my character, however, one of the party members carries around a large stew pot. Unspeakable horrors lie within. Twigs, berries, meats (ranging from fish and poultry to parts of enemies we've defeated), and who knows what else.

The party also found a ring telepathic communication. When my character donned it, a dark and evil voice began questioning who was wearing the ring and all the ways I would be tortured. When asked what I was going to do (run, hide, etc.), my character simply replied, "I'm your worst nightmare" and threw the ring into the pot.

Every so often a character in the party will retrieve and wear the ring, say, "I'm your worst nightmare" and throw it back into the stew.

The party has essentially created cursed item: The Stew of Angry Whispers.

2018-05-04, 01:09 PM
Hey! This is a cool topic!!

My character is the team quartermaster, so I ended up carrying around an enchanted heart that when consumer enables a being to speak the language of snakes.

No one wants it, and no one is ever going to eat it.....

Until out Beastmaster decided to see if his pet panther would eat it.
Now “Cynthia” the panther is our official snake ambassador.

Next in line would be a Mace Head +1.
No handle, just the top part.

Mage had some fun using it with Catapult.

2018-05-04, 01:45 PM
My Tiefling Paladin of Vengeance swore her oath over the mangled body of her older sister, who was lynched by a mob for what she was and for being (wrongfully) accused of working with a Devil. My character swore to revenge her death, not by killing those directly responsible (the mob) but those who are indirectly responsible: the Devils. The despicable beings that corrupt decent people and makes them do horrible things.

Given the origin of her Oath, I gave her a very fitting holy symbol. It is a small delicate glass vial, ornate but subtle, containing a preservation fluid and an eye of her sister. To always keep watch over her, so to say.

2018-05-04, 02:09 PM
Well now you have to tell us what you got for the frying pan :)

Some spoilers for the introduction to Storm King's Thunder follow.
In Nightstone, the party encountered several goblins, one of which was raiding an inn's kitchen. We let that one go, but confiscated the things she was trying to steal, including a bunch of spoons. I ended up taking the frying pan off another goblin - I didn't have a melee weapon on my character and figured a frying pan was better than nothing.

In the goblin caves later on, we encountered the same goblin, stuck on guard duty and miserable over the loss of her spoons. She asked for help getting revenge on her mean boss, and I gave her the frying pan to seal the deal. Several combat rounds later, all the other gobbos and associated creatures were dead, and she was adopted as a helpful kitchen aid by the people of Nightstone.

2018-05-04, 02:36 PM
My PF oracle carried around a whole bag full of strange stuff. When he met a new person he'd pull out a random item, hand it to them, and say "Here, you'll need this. You'll know when the time comes."

2018-05-04, 02:41 PM
My PF oracle carried around a whole bag full of strange stuff. When he met a new person he'd pull out a random item, hand it to them, and say "Here, you'll need this. You'll know when the time comes."

I think I just found the newest NPC to mess with my players!

2018-05-04, 02:43 PM
I think I just found the newest NPC to mess with my players!

"It's dangerous to go alone. Take this."

<hands player a jar of mustard filled with sand>

2018-05-04, 02:43 PM
"It's dangerous to go alone. Take this."

<hands player a jar of mustard filled with sand>

Bonus XP and inspiration to the player who figures out how to use that item!

2018-05-04, 02:44 PM
Bonus XP and inspiration to the player who figures out how to use that item!

I'm imagining a bard who struts around chanting "I've got a jar of di-irt! I've got a jar of di-irt! And guess what's inside it!"

2018-05-04, 02:47 PM
"It's dangerous to go alone. Take this."

<hands player a jar of mustard filled with sand>

Bonus XP and inspiration to the player who figures out how to use that item!

My players know I can find/make a plot device out of anything, so this would go so far in making them over think things. They also know that I like to use subtle cues as well as foreshadowing to set things up or tie things together. The shenanigans will be amazing!

(The Jar of dirt song is now stuck in my head as well....grrr...)

2018-05-04, 02:54 PM
Some spoilers for the introduction to Storm King's Thunder follow.
In Nightstone, the party encountered several goblins, one of which was raiding an inn's kitchen. We let that one go, but confiscated the things she was trying to steal, including a bunch of spoons. I ended up taking the frying pan off another goblin - I didn't have a melee weapon on my character and figured a frying pan was better than nothing.

In the goblin caves later on, we encountered the same goblin, stuck on guard duty and miserable over the loss of her spoons. She asked for help getting revenge on her mean boss, and I gave her the frying pan to seal the deal. Several combat rounds later, all the other gobbos and associated creatures were dead, and she was adopted as a helpful kitchen aid by the people of Nightstone.

Mine also runs spoilers to the start of SKT
My character, being a bounty/monster hunter, was collecting the ears of goblins he killed in Nightstone hoping to collect payment from a thankful steward. When the party found the woman in charge of Nightstone dead I didn't really know what to do with his nearly overflowing jar of goblin ears.

I used the jar of ears to intimidate the Goblin's leader into giving up some hostages and then we circled back around and killed them all. I didn't keep the ears but I did keep the jar.

2018-05-04, 03:40 PM
Now I'm just imaging your character cleaning out your backpack and sniffing around. "Hey, what smells fishy in here?" and pulling it out then staring at it.

On my paladin, back around level 2 I for some reason decided to cut the head off of a bear we killed and then carry it around with me. I didn't remember I had it until many sessions later, when we were being searched by guards after our psychotic halfling decided to stab some merchant who had ripped us off. That's basically how I imagined the guards' reactions.

2018-05-04, 03:41 PM
A Zombie head on a stick. You know you want one.

2018-05-04, 04:36 PM
A powerful, mysterious magical orb we found early on. I just use it as a spacer for my pack so that my things don't jingle around loosely when we're walking.

2018-05-04, 04:45 PM
A Mouse. It's part of the Urchin background. I decided this one had was missing it's tail and most of it's ears so it looks a little like a miniature bear.

My Half-Orc Urchin Barbarian named it Bear and considers it his Totem.

Vorpal Crowbar
2018-05-04, 04:56 PM
Sure, we are all walking around with our weapons, a crowbar, a 15 foot pole (somehow), a lantern, and various other normal things. But what about the most off things your character carries around due to finding it and not wanting to part with it.

Cloned corpse of a God-Emperor - 4 months now
Jar of Memories from an evil god - 7 months, finally return them to him. The DM totally forgot I had them since our 2nd game session -Big laugh and got a Huge reward for too = 1 lucky roll per day & Advantage on Con saves.
a bar - like bottles, bar towel, plates, knives, etc. filled a entire bag of holding - like a robe of useful items, but a bar.


2018-05-04, 10:49 PM
I once played a feral barbarian who would cut off the heads of dead allies and carry them in a bag. If any PC died he would cut off their head and take it with him, both as a reminder and because of vague ideas on how resurrection magic worked.

2018-05-05, 12:28 AM
My tiefling paladin who has found himself transported to Earth carries around a copy of the Iliad, because he's a huge nerd (sage background) and wants to study the culture of this strange world he's found himself in.

2018-05-05, 08:47 AM
Our group once killed a guy then found out we needed his finger prints to open a door. We cut his have off to open the door and my wizard carried the hand with him going forward. My dm even let me use that hand when casting mage hand.

2018-05-05, 02:46 PM
My barbarian still carries around her spellbook from when she flunked out of wizard's school.

2018-05-05, 03:05 PM
Hmm, now that I am looking through my character's inventory I have found a couple of weird things I forgot I had. Here are some of the more interesting ones.

- A jar full of gorilla teeth (why was I collecting this? And when did I fight a gorilla?)

- witch's wind chime (I don't remember ever coming across a witch of any sort. And why would I take said witch's wind chime?)

- A pickled octopus tentacle (Why do I feel as if this is somehow important in some manner?)

- tiny chumbawamba mask (I don't even know what I am supposed to ask anymore.)

2018-05-05, 03:07 PM
My previous character had a collection of Kobold napes. They had tattoos on the back of their necks that we might've wanted to show people so he figured he should keep one...

or like twenty...

He turned into a bit of a random object kleptomaniac (the rogue or group as a whole normally took anything that could actually be useful!).

2018-05-07, 01:22 PM
For reasons lost to history all of the characters in my current group have earplugs, noseplugs and bar of soap in their inventory. Never once used any in my recollection buy I wouldn't dream of not buying them.