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2018-05-05, 08:49 PM

Each of you experiences the following separately, and as yet have no connection to one another aside from being captives in the same ship. Also, at this point please claim your colors!

Link to OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?557081-Waking-Nightmares-OOC)

You find yourself wandering a labyrinth of lightless corridors, yet are somehow able to see endless, grotesque frescoes adorning the walls. The further you walk, the more you develop a terrible sinking feeling. Finally you enter a large domed room with pale yellow torches around the perimeter. Censers burn a putrid smelling incense, clouding your vision and your mind. The light of the torches does not reach the top of the dome, which lies in pitch blackness. Ascending into this blackness is a set of stairs leading to a stone dais. Barely visible upon the dais, the bottom of a golden throne can just barely be made out; it is occupied, but you cannot see by whom. At the foot of the dais, in the center of the room, is a gaping circular hole that resembles a well. Surrounding the well are six bloodstained altars, also made of stone. You come to stand before the well and wait fearfully before what sounds like a flute begins to play a jarring discordant melody from the throne. You find yourself drawn inexorably up the stairs by this horrible tune, until you come to stand at the foot of the dark figure. The tune stops, and the torches flare, revealing a large lumpy figure clothed in yellow silken robes trimmed in scarlet. The face of the creature is likewise covered by a yellow mask, obscuring its identity. The figure leans down and softly touches your forehead with a greyish-white paw. There is a white-hot searing pain briefly as it touches you. A disturbing voice fills your psyche whispering words that should be unintelligible, but somehow you understand, “Go. Go, and find your way to me…” With that, the creature pushes your head and you find yourself falling into the well, falling, falling, falling…


Until you awaken in a cold sweat, the phantom pains of the thing’s alien touch still lingering. Your confusion is gradually replaced with the dawning remembrance of how you came to be here.

After months of fighting, the Chaos War had finally arrived in Illya. The final battle had been the stuff of legends, and a titanic, hundred-armed monster had been summoned by the Church of Rovagug. The destruction that ensued was almost unimaginable, but finally, mercifully, the foe had been vanquished. A strange twilight-like calmness in the city followed the battle, and nobody knew what to do. Eventually, the various forces withdrew from the city to consolidate, and plan their next moves, while the ordinary citizens were left to pick up the pieces of their broken lives. With no legitimate authority left operating in the city, lawlessness ensued and marauding groups roamed the streets. After a few days it became obvious that something else had changed in Illya. It was impossible to put your finger on it, but something just felt wrong. There was a supernatural energy that pervaded the atmosphere and caused people to become uneasy. People began disappearing. Nobody knew who they could trust. Lifelong friends openly murdered one another for no apparent reason. People screamed randomly in the streets at things others could not perceive. The one thing everyone had in common were the terrifying nightmares, and they often woke unsure of whether they were in the waking world, or simply in another nightmare. Reality seemed warped, and the sane and fearful started to abandon the city en masse. You had also been one of those to leave, fortunate enough to have escaped with your mind intact, you boarded an Illyan naval vessel which was taking on refugees. However, once the ship was out in open sea, the crew corralled all the civilians and imprisoned them below decks for unknown purposes. Those few who yet had the will to resist were killed without hesitation, the rest were simply too bewildered to fight back.

Now you sit in the rolling dimness of your prison, packed in with numerous others, pondering your fate. As the burning pain in your forehead fades, you realize you feel different upon waking. A subtle power sits dormant in your psyche, but you feel as if you could unleash it if you think about it hard enough...

2018-05-05, 09:57 PM
"I'd hoped as we left the city the bad dreams would have ceased. Instead they grow more vivid." Geraldine rubs her forehead and groans. "My head is killing me."

H. Von Studley
2018-05-05, 10:10 PM
Quinnovar Elrael gasps involuntarily as he wakes, staring around himself in pain and confusion. As the fog of his nightmare slowly lifts, the horror of his new reality sets in all over again. I told her to meet me! Why isn't she here?! Why in the seven hells did I make her go ahead without me?!

His heart pounds and he begins to hyperventilate as he feels panic setting in. His eyes dart about the room wildly. Where is she?! Where is she?! WHERE IS SHE?!

A fresh wave of pain courses through his forehead, shocking him out of the spiralling thoughts. Calm yourself. Breathe. Just how the monks taught you, remember? He forces himself to breathe in slowly through his nose, then out again through his mouth. After a minute, his pulse begins to return to normal.

You can't help her unless you stop, and think you idiot. You've read enough damn books. What would Kaecillius do? What was the point of hoarding all those stories about him if they won't do you any good now? Okay. Right. He would summon his bow and put an arrow through Corbin and his bastards before they knew what hit them. ...That's not helpful. Okay, no, he would call a storm to turn the boat, or summon an angel to free him. Well, I can't do either of those things, so that's out. Or he would cloak himself in shadows and slip past the lot of them, right under their very noses.

Quinn lets out a quiet groan, fear beginning to overtake him again. Except you can't do that either, because you're a damn shopkeep, not a legendary hero. You're not Kaecillius. You're a useless, snivelling child. No wonder your parents didn't want you. No wonder Deeanna-

The pain stabs at his forehead again, almost as though it was telling him to get a grip. NO. Pull it together Quinn. You have to be brave. For her. For Deeanna. You're not a legendary warrior, but you'll have to do.

He stares around the room again, taking in his surroundings with renewed determination. Kaecillius didn't do it alone, did he? He had allies. What about Grokar, the mighty warrior with a sword as tall as he was? What about Shanti, the sorceress who could set the very air on fire around her? They were no Kaecillius, sure, but they weren't useless either. Maybe some of these people can help me too.

He looks over the other captives, then clears his throat and speaks, doing his best to keep his voice from shaking.

"So, does anyone have any ideas for getting out of here?"

2018-05-05, 10:52 PM
Farmer Joe wakes up, bolting upright from where he lay asleep. He finds that he was yelling in his sleep. He looks drearily around the room without saying a word. His nightmares began after his family was murdered. When the chaos began and others started having nightmares his just changed. Now mixed with dreams recalling the mutilated bodies of his family he suffers dreams of a strange otherworldly nature.

Farmer Joe gave up the illusion of self preservation and real concern for the world around him weeks ago. His entire being has been one slowly consuming torrent of emotions, hatred, fear, and Despair which has culminated in a all consuming anger. The wild wanderings of a broken mind became mailable and receptive. Joe prayed to the unknown offering his eternal service in exchange for the power to seek vengence.

In Joe's darkest moment, in the lowest valley of misery something has answered his plea. Where the swelling tides of a dozen emotions constituting his misery once dwelled, one furnace of rage has taken its place. An anger so all consuming that Farmer Joe has learned he never truely felt emotion until now.

Joe is no longer alone, something or someone has taken residence in his mind...

Joe answers none of the questions. Nor replies to thier statements. His world, and the metrics by which he measures it have fundamentally changed.

I will claim The same colour as all my other charactersm

2018-05-06, 03:08 PM
Escape, she thinks, but to where?

"Friend, if we were anywhere else I would help you dig a tunnel to freedom, but here" (she taps her staff on the deck) "that would only get us drowned. I do not swim, you see."

She looks around in the dimness, her angular face and sharp eyes turning slowly over their surroundings.

"There may be nothing in our circumstances to give us any grounds for hope. But I admire your capacity to dream, nonetheless."

H. Von Studley
2018-05-06, 08:03 PM
Quinn turns away from the group in a huff. Big help that was. "I'm not suggesting we swim for it.This is a navy ship, right? So maybe they have smaller boats for getting to land without a dock, or for evacuating in an emergency. Maybe we could steal one."

He stares around at the hold, looking for anything that might prove helpful in escaping.

How are we restrained? Are we chained up or free to roam? How is the door secured? Do we have all our belongings?

2018-05-06, 10:40 PM
As you sit there talking about potential methods of escape the conversation is suddenly cut short as one of the other prisoners who was asleep begins convulsing and screaming on the floor. This goes on for several seconds, and as everyone looks on aghast, the colour begins to drain from the prisoner’s skin. His screaming begins to lose intensity, and he stops thrashing. Finally, his body goes rigid, and his skin becomes the colour of ash, with one remarkable exception; a strange rune glows brightly on his forehead, then dims, until ultimately it fades to the same colour as the rest of the skin. You recall this individual having been acting strangely the last day or two.

If anyone has knowledge local they can make a roll to figure out what is going on with the guy. Knowledge nature to figure out why he had been acting strangely before now.

You are free to walk around, though the space is cramped with other prisoners. There is a steel lattice that keeps you locked in from the rest of the hold, and there is a man sized door in it, but it is kept locked. There is a bucket in one corner for waste which gets emptied by the cabin boy once a day, but he is accompanied by an armed sailor. So far, all attempts at conversation with them have been met with silence. Moldy bread is brought in daily as well. It's not very good, but they supply enough to keep everyone from going hungry.
Most of your possessions were taken away once you were imprisoned, including bags/weapons. You might have gotten away with a small object or two hidden in your clothes if you were lucky.

2018-05-07, 09:59 AM
Farmer Joe watches the stranger convulsing on the deck with mild interest, and a shadow of sympathy. Another victim. And his anger burns hotter. He thinks over his natural knowledge, gained through a life of farming and depending on nature. To see if he can identify what afflicts the stranger.

[roll0] Knowledge Nature

Joe listens to the conversations of those around him and shakes his head. "Look at this place. They appear very practiced at kidnapping. I doubt they forgot the key in the lock." His voice is dripping in anger, he lays back down and closes his eyes.

2018-05-07, 12:54 PM
Farmer Joe isn't sure what is causing the affliction itself, but he's quite certain that the cause for his strange behavior before this point is some sort of a drug withdrawal. Obviously, being held captive on the ship has cut him off from his supply, though what link this could have to what just happened to the man now is a mystery to Joe.

However, one of the other captives volunteers, "I seen this happen in Illya just last week! Some beggar in th'alley down from me had that same mark show on his head, just like that! An' I heard it happened to a few people. They were having visions an' stuff. Said the 'shiver' was helping make it better."

The commotion has drawn the attention of some of the crew. Three men armed with swords come down from the deck. They see the man lying on the floor, jaw open in a silent scream, and pale as death. “The fok happened here?” says one of the sailors in dismay. When nobody answers, the sailor opens the cage and enters with his two compatriots brandishing their swords to keep everyone at bay. “Oi! Get up!” the sailor shouts, kicking the body, which only rocks stiffly in response. “We got another one, Val,” says one of the other sailors, “Poke ‘im, see if ‘e’s dead.” The sailor complies, tentatively at first, then stabbing right through the body. No blood exits the wound. “This is messed up,” says Val, “Once was bad 'nuff. Somethin' bad goin' on in Illya, an' I don't wanna get mixed up in whatever it is. The place is cursed, I tell ya. I’m done after this batch is sold… alright, get 'im outta here boys.”

H. Von Studley
2018-05-07, 06:02 PM
Quinn steps forward, palms out non-threateningly. "Wait! Has this happened to someone else aboard the ship? I've read a lot, I know the old stories. If this really is a curse then perhaps I could help."

Does Quinn recognise the rune, or has he ever heard of this happening before?

Knowledge (History): [roll0]
Knowledge (Planes): [roll1]

2018-05-07, 11:10 PM
"Great, not only are we going to be slaves but there is a bloody cures." Farmer Joe grumbles without opening his eyes or turning his head. He clenches his fists at his side in anger and grinding his teeth. "If I get out of here..."

2018-05-07, 11:32 PM
"A curse..."


Geraldine walks over to the body and looks at the rune. She gets rather close to one of the guards/sailors, and scopes him out as well, looking for any symbol that might indicate a faith.

2018-05-08, 01:23 PM
The sailors exchange uncertain glances, realizing they've probably already said too much, but the possibility that Quinn might know something piques their interest. Val speaks in a conspiratorial tone, "Well, you guys 're our second run. On the first run we had another prisoner had the same thing happen to 'im, and a few more were actin' pretty strange. We came in from the Shield as backup for Illya, but the fightin' was basically done when we showed up. The cap'n realized nobody was really takin' charge no more, so 'e made us a proper-sition that would make us some good money. Anyone 'oo wanted out was allowed ta leave, but no one wanted, cuz' everything was crazy everywhere an' we 'ad a tight crew. So, we kidnapped a bunch o' civilians tryin' to excape the city, an' we sold 'em in Zarga. Anyhow, I'm ramblin', but after we got the money, it dint sit well with a few folks, so they stayed in port. Almost stayed there m'self, but I needed the money, an' so I came for a secon' run. But then this here fella jus' did the same as the last, an' it's givin' me the heebie jeebies, y'know? Somethin' foul is goin' on in Illya, an' I want no part in it! So whaddaya know about that, eh?"


Quinn hasn't heard of anything like this before, with the exception of what has been happening in Illya in recent weeks. Whether or not it is a "curse", an illness, or something else, Quinn isn't sure, but the people in Illya have taken to calling it the "Nightmare Plague".

As for the rune, Quinn recognizes it from a book of research notes he read once.The book came in a box with a broken old astrologer's telescope (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/astrologer-s-telescope/) that he acquired at an auction. The writing was fairly technical and prosaic for the most part, Quinn recalls, up until the page with this rune. This particular entry referred to a distant planet called Aucturn, and the entire tone of all entries from this point on is wild and often unintelligible. It seems whoever wrote it became obsessed with the matter and began having visions. The book ends very abruptly, so there is no telling what happened to the author, who is never identified. Based on what you had been able to decipher at the time, the author claims that the planet is in constant flux, and is alive, but little else is clear about it. Quinn is not familiar with any other reference to Auturn, or why the rune would be appearing on people's heads.

Geri is not familiar with the rune, nor any curse that might have caused this. The closest thing she can think up is maybe some severe combination of Fevered Dreams (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/curses/fevered-dreams) and Dissolution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/curses/dissolution), but even that seems a bit of a stretch.

Geri identifies a small, faded tattoo on Val's neck as the leaf of Gozreh (http://pathfinder.wikia.com/wiki/Gozreh). He doesn't strike her as a religious type, but probably superstitious.

2018-05-08, 04:58 PM
The sailors exchange uncertain glances, realizing they've probably already said too much, but the possibility that Quinn might know something piques their interest. Val speaks in a conspiratorial tone, "So, we kidnapped a bunch o' civilians tryin' to excape the city, an' we sold 'em in Zarga. Anyhow, I'm ramblin', but after we got the money, it dint sit well with a few folks, so they stayed in port. Almost stayed there m'self, but I needed the money, an' so I came for a secon' run. But then this here fella jus' did the same as the last, an' it's givin' me the heebie jeebies, y'know? Somethin' foul is goin' on in Illya, an' I want no part in it! So whaddaya know about that, eh?"

Jeri is shocked to hear this. "Oh no! NO! I have heard of this curse just once before, from a sailor out of Kirioth - this is indeed a foul omen! Do not think it comes from Illya, though: no, it is a curse you have brought on your ship by trafficking in innocent people! I would not be surprised if someone on your crew is next! Woe to all of us who have seen this! We must get clean, and off this ship!" She cowers a few steps back, warding herself against such evil.

She waits to see if he buys it. Worst case, it's just something new for his Heebie-Jeebie file. Bluff, just in case: [roll0]

H. Von Studley
2018-05-08, 07:21 PM
Quinn glances over at Jeri, surprised. Okay, maybe these people could be some help after all. He turns back to the sailor and nods gravely. "She's right. I read about something like this a few years ago. Some spirits do not look kindly on slave ships. They seek to purge them from existence, and they save the most horrible deaths for the slavers themselves. Still, it may not be too late to appease whatever spirit has found us."

Rolling aid another for Archy's bluff check (DC 10):


2018-05-08, 08:19 PM
Val goes nearly as pale as the body lying on the floor, and his companions look just as scared as he. "Damnit!" he exclaims, "I knew this were a bad idea!" He walks backward out of the room warily, eyeing the body. The other two follow, deciding it might just be better to leave the dead man with the prisoners for now.

H. Von Studley
2018-05-08, 08:23 PM
Quinn holds out his hands. "Wait! The spirit can still be appeased. If you were to help free us, you might be spared."

2018-05-08, 08:36 PM
Sense motive to see if Farmer Joe believes this. He is not an educated man. [roll0]

2018-05-08, 08:48 PM
"Bloody Gozreh, a curse! As if I wasn't cursed enough! In all the hells, I swear the gods have it against me!" Farner Joe is clearly extremely agitated, and his anger is building. You bloody fools! At least my eternal soul will cost you your own damnation you bastards. What are you going to do to fix this?"

2018-05-08, 08:54 PM
Val looks at his companions, "I don' know man, I don' think the cap'n would be pleased about that, an' to be honest, I'm more feared to be on his bad side than some angry spirit." The other sailors nod their heads in agreement, "They don' call the ship The Noose fer nothin'! 'Sides, it's the cap'n's responsibility, so the spirit can be mad at him if anybody!"Val closes the door and locks it. "Mighty sorry lads, ye'll have ta take it up with the cap'n!". He might be superstitious, but he's also a coward.

H. Von Studley
2018-05-08, 09:28 PM
Quinn sighs and slumps back down against the bars. So much for that idea. Bloody pirates. You'd think you could rely on them to look after their own skin if nothing else.

He scratches his chin. Strange to see this rune again. Could it actually have some connection to a missing planet and the ravings of a madman? Surely just a coincidence.

He leans over and begins eyeing off the cargo beyond the bars, looking for anything with which they might pick the lock, or put to some other use.

2018-05-09, 08:56 AM
Farmer Joe watches the figures depart fuming with anger. For a few moments he stands up to pace back and forth, then he goes and sits in the corner staring at the shadows and talking quietly to himself under his breath. He voice is just low enough that only an occasional word can be heard. ".... -astards... killed ... Delilah ..... monsters...... Annabell. After a few moments Joe begins to sob quietly into the shadowy corner he has chosen.

2018-05-10, 10:33 AM
Quinn looks out the bars. The cargo is well beyond the reach of their prison, and the crew seems to have done a good job of ensuring that nothing was overlooked. The prisoners are left alone with the pale corpse for a few hours before someone else enters.

The sound of solid foot steps precedes the appearance of a tall, broad-shouldered man wearing a captain's bicorn. He approaches the metal lattice, remaining about arm's length away, and regards the corpse with some interest. Up close, you can see he has a long full beard, oiled and streaked with silver, hard facial features, and intelligent eyes. An ornate rapier is sheathed at his side, and his uniform is impeccable despite signs of wear from long use. The captain strokes his beard thoughtfully, then clasps his hands behind his back and addresses the prisoners in a pleasant tone.

"I'll make no bones about it. You're all in quite a pickle. I understand that you have all lost much in recent weeks, as has everyone in the Imperium. You fled Illya because your lives were falling apart. I am now conducting you safely across the sea to Zarga, where I intend to profit from your sale. I am not a cruel man, but I can be severe. I do not wish to see you suffer more than you ought, and for many of you, slavery will actually be an improvement on your miserable lives. Most of you will be safe, well-fed, and sheltered, which is more than can be said of staying in Illya. Zarga's laws on slavery are rather progressive, which is why I've brought you here.

Now, on my last run a couple of peculiar things occurred. First of all, one of my "guests" was struck down by an affliction identical to the one that beset the man on the floor in there. It was reported to me that a rune was seen briefly upon his head. Now I am not knowledgeable in the arcane arts, and once the body was thrown overboard, I thought nothing else of it. However, once we arrived in Zarga and the slave auction began, two of my charges received special attention by an individual with a covered face and wearing a turban, whom I had never seen before. He paid an uncommonly high price for them, in rubies no less. Surprised, I gave them closer scrutiny, but could not identify anything special about them, and so, once the rubies were properly appraised, I concluded the sale. This entire experience has been on my mind ever since, and now it seems to be happening again.

What I would like to do now is identify whether any similar such persons are among you, but I do not yet have the means to do so. Which now leaves myself as the one in a pickle. If any of you have been having "visions" or other unusual things happening to them, I would like to discuss them with you and learn why you are so valuable. Once we arrive in Zarga, I will hire someone gifted in spellcraft to verify your account. I give you my solemn oath that if you are found to be of special use to me, you will profit greatly. However, if you are found to be deceiving me, it shall be the noose for you. If you hide your knowledge from me and the mysterious slave merchant betrays your value, I shall refuse to sell you, and I will take your secret by other methods.

Now, if anyone has something to share, you will be invited to dine with me in my cabin. Do I have any takers?"

2018-05-10, 12:05 PM
Farmer Joe is still weeping in his corner. Lost in a sea of bitter anger and dispair. The Captain is two thirds done his monologue before Joe even realizes he is there and stops the lamentous noise.

"Unusual things happening to me you bastard! Would you like me to start by telling you how my family was eaten alive by unholy monsters? Or how I watched the entire world I know get torn up by some creature? The few friends I had left were killed in the city. Or I can tell you about how I am now to be sold as a slave? And you are asking me about visions! I can hardly sleep for the nightmares! Just hang me already!

Farmer Joe's sorrow has suddenly flipped to rage once more. He begins pacing back and forth through the cell, in what little space he has to pace. Throwing angry glances at the Captain while he does. His emotions are clearly unstable.

2018-05-10, 03:26 PM
"The few friends I had left were killed in the city. Or I can tell you about how I am now to be sold as a slave? And you are asking me about visions! I can hardly sleep for the nightmares! Just hang me already!

Farmer Joe's sorrow has suddenly flipped to rage once more.

Jeri approaches the bars of the cell and answers the captain herself. "No, I am the one with the visions! I see you clearly, and it is not the poor farmer who will hang but you: hanging from the yardarm for piracy and slavemongering! I can see the shadow of death over you even now!"

She points at/above the captain, and indeed, he appears as if draped in shadow.

Seeing if the "create a shadow to protect from bright light for 1 hour" feature can be used for effect, here. :smallbiggrin:

2018-05-11, 12:35 PM
"Just hang me already!"
The captain raises an eyebrow, but responds calmly, "That can easily be arranged. But I would learn about your nightmares first."

"No, I am the one with the visions! I see you clearly, and it is not the poor farmer who will hang but you: hanging from the yardarm for piracy and slavemongering! I can see the shadow of death over you even now!"

She points at/above the captain, and indeed, he appears as if draped in shadow.

He appears intrigued at the demonstration, and loses interest in Joe. "Well, well! What have we here? The little beastie still has some fight in her! Let me tell you something girl; there are far worse fates than slavery. You think appealing to justice is going to get you anywhere with the current state of affairs? I am the shadow of death, and I have delivered many souls to the Lady of Graves. I have no fear of her. Now do you wish to come talk with me willingly, or shall I take you by force?"

2018-05-11, 01:08 PM
The captain appears intrigued at the demonstration, and loses interest in Joe. "Well, well! What have we here? The little beastie still has some fight in her! Let me tell you something girl; there are far worse fates than slavery. You think appealing to justice is going to get you anywhere with the current state of affairs? I am the shadow of death, and I have delivered many souls to the Lady of Graves. I have no fear of her. Now do you wish to come talk with me willingly, or shall I take you by force?"

Jeri shakes her head. "What is there to talk about? Unlike you, I do not revel in the evil in the world, and your threats definitely don't make me feel like helping you in your little schemes or 'adding value'. Shove off."

2018-05-12, 12:30 AM
Joe's eyes open wide in shock. "There is a curse! We are all cursed!" he yells loudly in a panic. "How will the curse manifest itself next? What strange mishaps wait for us? I have heard of cursed flying objects, and evil phantoms of doom!"

Joe points at the only free object near him in his panic. He casts Telekinetic projectile on the poop bucket. The target of the spell is the Captain. If it works Joe will continue babbling at the top of his lungs. "It is starting! We are all doomed! Doomed I say! Pray for your eternal souls to whatever Gods will hear your plea!" From that point his babbling devolves into incoherent ramblings.

2018-05-14, 11:38 AM
Jeri shakes her head. "What is there to talk about? Unlike you, I do not revel in the evil in the world, and your threats definitely don't make me feel like helping you in your little schemes or 'adding value'. Shove off."

"You mistake me, girl. I do not revel in evil. Far from it in fact. I am simply an opportunist looking to make the best of a bad situation. I would suggest you do the same. If you cooperate with me, I can improve your situation. If you do not... well, you have information I want, and though I would rather not resort to cruder methods, I will if I must. Either way I get what I need. It's your call whether you benefit or suffer for it."

Joe can roll a ranged touch attack against AC 12 to see if the projectile hits its intended target. The bars will prevent the bucket from hitting him, but the contents might hit. A natural 1 will result in the contents actually splashing backwards and all over the other prisoners.

2018-05-14, 12:02 PM
Joe's ranged touch attack. [roll0]

2018-05-15, 11:20 AM
Jeri has a few more moments to think on the captain's proposal as Joe interrupts with the bucket. Fecal matter sprays all over the man, dirtying his entire uniform and his face. He maintains an air of forced calm, but you can see in his expression and a quiver to his motions that he is just barely containing his anger. He reaches into his pocket for a handkerchief and methodically cleans his face. "That was a mistake." He does an about turn and stalks back up the stairs.

Shortly thereafter, four sailors come down, swords drawn. The lead man speaks sharply, "Awright everyone, turn 'round, put yer hands up against the wall. You!" He points at Joe with his sword, "Lay down on yer belly in the middle o' the floor, hands out where I can see 'em!"

2018-05-15, 12:18 PM
Farmer Joe starts laughing when the sailors enter the prison. His laughter is angry and given how inappropriate to the situation Joe's behavior is it may be most succinctly described as insane. "That bucket never entered my hands. Hanging another cursed man wont save the Captain from his own curse. But do what you must you poor devils, I won't make your lives more difficult. I am sure the curse will do that enough"

Joe does not actually go to lay down on the ground. He just stands there passively.

Intimidate Check: [roll0] While manifested in his mind Farmer Joe gets skill focus intimidate from his phantom. Joe knows he did it, but does not understand what happened or what his powers are. As far as he can tell he is in fact cursed.

2018-05-15, 01:21 PM
Jeri looks at Joe with shock and fear. "What have you done!? How? The spirits haunting this ship make real our passions, to be sure!"

She turns to the guards and laughs along with Joe. "You think to strike fear into us with mere metal, now? I wonder..."

Jeri concentrates, on the business end of the first guard's sword - it ripples briefly, but stays intact when the effect passes. "Hmph," Jeri says.

Gravity Blast on the sword. I'll roll a ranged attack? [roll0] vs Touch AC+1. (Ranged vs object and the sword is Small (assuming the soldiers are Medium-sized). Energy attacks do half damage to objects, and a metal sword has hardness 10 vs the Blast's damage of 1d6+3... so I know I can't actually hurt it.

But Jeri doesn't didn't.

H. Von Studley
2018-05-15, 06:07 PM
Quinn watches with horror as the scene unfolds before him. Finally as the soldiers return and square off with Joe, he steps forward, hands outstretched, in between the slaves and the guards.

"Waitwaitwait. Just wait. Please just lower your weapons a moment. You're in charge. No one has to die here. Look, there's clearly something weird going on with these people, but maybe they're exactly the kind of people your captain is looking for. If you kill anyone you're just cutting into your own profits.

"I had a weird dream too, alright? Please, let us go talk to the captain again, nice and calmly. We can sort this out without bloodshed."

2018-05-15, 08:58 PM
The sailor is unfazed by Joe's display, though when the sword wavers in his hand, seemingly of its own accord, he seems a little surprised. "Fine then. We'll be takin' all three o' ya's. Just relax, I ain't here ta kill no one, but if ya put up a fight, I ain't afraid ta hurt ya! I'm sure ye'll have some fear o' my blade then, eh?" He eyes Jeri as he says the last bit, "Now get on the groun' you three, before we hafta get nasty. Nobody needs ta die today."

2018-05-15, 10:25 PM
Farmer Joe smirks for a moment, as if he is about to do something rash. Then he looks at the other two ordered to get on the ground and seems to think better of it.

"All right, I'll get on the ground then." And with that he flops back down where he had been sleeping before all this happened and closes his eyes. Farmer Joe starts mumbling to himself again, although now it is too quietly to understand any of the words.

H. Von Studley
2018-05-15, 10:52 PM
Quinn breathes out a sigh of relief as the tension begins to subside. He nods and slides down to the floor, closing his eyes and muttering to himself in relief.

You hear a faint whispering in your ears in Quinn's voice. He doesn't seem to realise you can hear him. "Thank the gods for that. I'm coming Deeanna."

Quinn just inadvertently cast Message. :smalltongue:

2018-05-16, 12:41 AM
Good point that the others can tell that we're the ones doing the stuff. I hope we haven't spooked the other prisoners too much. Perhaps I need to find a circumstance that lets me cast stealthily or somesuch in the future.

Jeri also sits gracefully. "We'll just have to get up again to come with you, you know. No need to fear, I worship Desna, not Zon-Kuthon."

2018-05-16, 12:23 PM
"Zon-Kuthon" Farmer Joe repeats the name loud enough for the room to hear. "Interesting." he adds. Joe does not look over toward the sailors. Or make any intention to move from where he is lounging on the floor.

2018-05-16, 09:51 PM
The sailors move in to the prison. Two keep a general watch on the prisoners on the wall, another keeps a sword point leveled at each Joe, Jeri, and Quinn in turn while the leader pins them down (assuming they don't resist), and binds their hands behind their backs with lengths of rope. They are then marched above decks and into the bright sunlight of midday, which is hard on eyes that have remained in darkness for days. Jeri and Quinn are taken to the captain's cabin and accompanied by guards, while Joe is taken to the side where a small cage awaits him. It is shaped like a bird cage, only man sized... except sized for someone of significantly shorter stature than Joe, and obviously designed to be cramped. The cage is connected to a block and tackle system which leads up to one of the crossbeams, and a team of men is standing by to hoist it up. The sailor motions to the open door of the small cage, while another prods him in the back by sword point. "The cap'n bids you think on yer transgressions while 'e decides whether yer of any value to 'im."

Jeri and Quinn enter the cabin and are made to sit at an ornate dining table which seems ridiculously out of place given the more rough style of the rest of the ship. They can hear the captain inside his private sleeping quarters behind another door, changing and cleaning himself up. The ropes are still on, and sitting in this position is rather uncomfortable.

2018-05-17, 12:22 PM
Farmer Joe grimaces at the sailors. "Will the Captain usually leave his prisoners in their till they die?" He does not fight with the sailors as they hoist him up in the cage. But once left to his devices Joe begins singing a grim song of the sea. About a crew who faced a cursed fate worse than death. Joe laughs on the slightly maniacal side while he sings.

"But one man of her crew alive,
what put to sea with seventy-five,
the devil did see to contrive,
that them slavers would not survive!"

The song can roughly follow the tune of "15 men on a dead-mans chest." Although I am frequently off by a few syllables you can make it work.

"If here the truth be told,
of slavers doomed by a curse of old,
their loyalties would never hold,
for their blood would soon run cold.""

H. Von Studley
2018-05-17, 10:09 PM
Quinn squirms uncomfortably in his chair, but uses the opportunity to eye his surroundings while he waits for the Captain.

Are there any weapons nearby? Or maybe some particularly sharp table cutlery?

2018-05-19, 11:09 PM
"Depends on the prisoner. Sometimes he likes to keep 'em just barely alive for a while." Joe is pulled up to the cross beam and left to sway in the gentle sea breeze. It's warm, but not unbearable... yet.

The captain comes into the cabin dressed in fresh clothes, and a red face, just scrubbed. He looks to his guests, sizing them up in the better lighting of the cabin. "Perhaps I ought to introduce myself to you properly. I am not the barbarian you seem to think I am, after all. Captain Caelus Corbin of the Illyan Navy. Well, formerly that is. Seems to me there is no navy left, and the Emperor has abandoned his office." He looks to Quinn, "So, three of you then? Interesting. You seem to be a bit more diplomatic than the other two. My previous offer stands to you as well. What say you?" He nods to the man standing guard, who leaves the room.

There are sets of fine cutlery set out on the table. Quinn can make a sleight of hand check opposed by the guard's perception to attempt to pocket it before the captain enters the room.

H. Von Studley
2018-05-20, 08:55 PM
Quinn can't make SoH checks unfortunately as it's not a class skill for him. I didn't realise we had a guard watching, so he'll leave the knife for now.

Quinn sits up a little straighter, swallowing his fear. Dreams and magic were for the heroes in stories, but negotiation? That he understood.

"I'm afraid you have us at something of a disadvantage, Captain, given that we're your prisoners. But you seem a reasonable man, so I'm sure you can understand how this whole situation might cause tempers to fray and misunderstandings to happen. I'd personally appreciate it if you could make sure that poor crazy fellow outside doesn't come to any harm.

"As for your offer? I'm open to it. But if I'm to be a slave either way then why should I help you? What exactly are you offering me?"

2018-05-22, 01:15 PM
"Ah, yes, well, I do prefer to make my bargains from the most advantageous point you see. Rum?" Caelus pours a draft from the keg on the table beside him and offers to fill the cups of Jeri and Quinn before he goes on. "As for the fellow outside, I'm not entirely certain he'll be of any use to me in his raving mad state. I don't think I'd get much for him at market either so his prospects aren't looking good at the moment. Anyhow, let's get down to business."

He takes a seat at the head of the table and gestures for his guests to follow suit. The guard comes back into the room followed by the cook and a couple of helpers loaded with dishes of food. The meal consists mainly of a black bean hash heavily seasoned, a side of bacon, carrots, and a hunk of bread. After days below deck with nothing but stale bread, this is simply opulent in comparison.

"Now, before I reveal my plan, I need to know what I'm working with. As such, I must know what is so valuable about you. Something was awakened in Illya, something powerful, and I think you're connected to it. Obviously you are worth a lot to someone, and I intend to find out why. If indeed you are more valuable to me than as a simple slave, then you would not be a slave to me or anyone. But if you will not share your secrets with me, then I am better off to simply sell you for as much as I can get.”

You can make SoH checks untrained if it's hiding something on your body, or if the DC is not greater than 10. It's just a dex check.

H. Von Studley
2018-05-22, 08:54 PM
Huh, there you go. I didn't know that. Makes sense though. Even so, I won't risk it for now, but if Quinn is left alone he'll grab it.

Quinn holds out his cup. His mouth waters at the sight of the rich food on the table. It had been a long time since he'd last had to survive on stale bread. What would the monks say? You've gone soft Quinn.

He listens intently to the Captain, then leans back, considering his options. Well then. If I'm to get out of here and find Deeanna, I'd better make myself valuable.

"Alright. I had a strange dream last night. It was strangely vivid and showed me a room I've never seen before. A strange figure, clad in yellow robes, gave me power and asked me to find him. Since I woke up I've felt ...different. Stronger, but not quite myself."

2018-05-23, 12:26 PM
The captain shifts on his seat, appearing very interested. "Power...hmm. Stronger you say? Stronger how?" He sees the hungry look on Quinn's face, "Ah, forgive me, where are my manners? You must be famished, please eat!" He takes a bite from his own plate, then asks Jeri, "And you, is it the same with you?"

2018-05-23, 01:21 PM
"It is," she says, also beginning to eat. "Hmm, not bad. The food, I mean, not the vision. The vision is bad. I'm not keen to find this guy who's invading our dream, much less so now I know he can mind-whammy more than one of us at once." She glances over at Quinn.

"Dreams are sacred, after all.

"And as far as power goes, that little dark cloud that's been following you around is about the extent of it. Does that makes me more 'valuable' to you?" Jeri shrugs, as she's still not sure it'd be a good thing to be 'valuable' to Caelus.

2018-05-23, 07:45 PM
Caelus rolls his eyes when Jeri mentions dreams being 'sacred', but otherwise remains interested. "Sacred, eh? Well, it isn't much to go on, but it just so happens that I'm familiar with a dream interpreter in Zarga. Or I should say, some of my men like to waste their coin there. I've always thought she was a bit of a quack, but this seems to be right up her alley. Wouldn't hurt to give it a shot and bring you all in there and see what we can learn. Once I can verify if you can be of value to me, then I'll let you all in on my little plan."

A tern floats down from the warm sea breeze and alights upon Joe's cage. Business on the ship seems to be carrying on as usual and Joe has a lot of time to ponder his fate.

H. Von Studley
2018-05-23, 09:12 PM
Quinn tucks into the food with gusto. "Hard to say how. Just ...different I suppose. I don't understand it myself."

His eyes widen with surprise upon learning that Jeri had the same dream. "You had the same dream? Fascinating."

He turns back to Caelus, his voice measured but not completely disguising his desperation. "I will go with you to this dream interpreter, and I will give him my full cooperation. But I have one condition. My wife Deeanna went ahead of me to the docks when we fled Illya. We were to meet on this ship, but she was not here. I need to find her. I need to make sure she's safe. If you can help me, I will do whatever you want."

2018-05-23, 09:36 PM
Farmer Joe looks are the bird suspiciously "You come to deficate on my life as well... bastard." Then Joe looks around the deck for a small unattended object to cast telekinetic projectile on.

"Can you believe what they have done to us? It is not entirely clear who 'we' is, or who he is talking to.

2018-05-25, 12:50 PM
Caelus' eyes glint dangerously when Quinn mentions 'condition', but once he hears out the request he inclines his head thoughtfully. "Very well. If you turn out to be useful to me, I will do you this favor. Quid pro quo, as they say."

The bird ***** its head and gives a shrill caw, but remains perched on the cage. Joe looks for something to mess with, with his newfound powers, and spies a lantern hanging on a hook to provide illumination on deck at night. Currently it is extinguished, as it is daytime.

2018-05-25, 04:44 PM
Farmer Joe looks at the lamp and concentrates for a second. Then stops suddenly, "Good Idea." he says although it is not clear who he is talking too. Instead Joe turns and looks at the Tern and concentrates, attempting to throw the bird into the deck.

I just think that throwing the bird would be more funny.
So the spell does not say what would happen if you tried to cast it on a animal. Maybe it would not work, but I think the bird just getting a will save to resist makes sense. Other spells that force action just have will saves and spell resistance.

H. Von Studley
2018-05-28, 08:47 PM
Quinn exhales slightly as a wave of relief washes over him. A deal with the devil maybe, but it's the best chance I've got.

"Alright then Captain. I can't speak for Jeri, but as far as I'm concerned we have a deal. What do you need from me now?"

2018-05-28, 09:27 PM
"Fine." Jeri's terseness speaks for itself.

2018-05-30, 12:01 PM
Joe attempts to throw the bird, but is disappointed to discover his little trick doesn’t work on animals. The bird caws at him, ruffles his feathers, drops a mushy white load on Joe, and takes off.

Objects only on that spell. Not going to open that particular can of worms ;)

“Very good!. First of all, once we make port, I intend to take you to this interpreter of dreams. I want to have you disguised as part of my plan, but I will reveal that to you afterwards. For now, in order to keep up appearances, I shall have to keep you locked up with the other prisoners, and you are not to discuss these dreams with anyone but myself, clear?”

Apologies on the slow response here gents. Been busy lately, and I always want to make sure my posts are crafted appropriately :)

2018-05-31, 12:45 PM
“Very good!. First of all, once we make port, I intend to take you to this interpreter of dreams. I want to have you disguised as part of my plan, but I will reveal that to you afterwards. For now, in order to keep up appearances, I shall have to keep you locked up with the other prisoners, and you are not to discuss these dreams with anyone but myself, clear?”

Jeri continues scarfing food and hesitates in responding while her mouth is so jam-packed. She pockets a roll or two quietly while he's talking, also, once he mentions they'll have to go back to the lock-up.

roll: [roll0]

Finally, when he's done, she just says, "Sounds simple enough. I really have no idea who you'd be trying to impress with your 'keeping up appearances' but you're the boss now, I suppose."

2018-06-01, 10:19 AM
"Don't you worry about that girl. Just be grateful I'm giving you a chance at freedom. Now, you'll both be escorted back to your cell until we make port." He doesn't seem to notice Jeri pocketing the extra rolls, as he seems preoccupied with other thoughts. He calls for some men to return Jeri and Quinn back to the cell.

Joe spends the hours until nighttime swaying in the breeze. A fog sets in and the temperature drops leaving him shivering in the cold. Eventually he is wakened from a restless sleep as someone begins to lower his cage. Two sailors man the ropes, and the captain comes into view, though it is dark and hard to make out his features.
"So, scoundrel," he begins in a low growl of a voice, "Have you had enough chance to reconsider your actions? Give me a reason why I shouldn't just throw your cage overboard and drown you like the rat you are."

H. Von Studley
2018-06-01, 05:57 PM
Quinn's head drops at the mention of going back to the cell, but he draws his face into a dignified expression and stands when the guards arrive.

2018-06-03, 06:45 PM
When the cage begins getting lowered and wakes him Joe begins muttering to himself. When the Captain speaks Farmer Joe is quietly talking to himself, as if there was some unseen partner silently contributing the other half of the conversation. When the Captain speaks Joe seems to have completely missed it at first. Enough time elapses to start to be aqward before Joe seems to notice the Captain. Oh I did not hear him, what did he say... did he indeed. Joe turns to the Captain and says, Kill us, than maybe Pharasma will take pitty on me send me to be with my family, and you can't profit from my missfortune. Seems like an acceptable outcome.. Joe pauses as if interrupted what, why not... I am sorry you are right. Never mind don't kill us."

2018-06-03, 09:21 PM
Caelus seems a little taken aback. He pauses for a moment, suddenly losing his bluster. He speaks again, this time in gentler tones. "You've really lost the will to live then? Tell me about your family. You said they were eaten by monsters? You know, I'm offering you a way out here, a chance to get your revenge. Clearly something powerful has awakened in you, and it must be for a purpose. I can help you figure out that purpose."

2018-06-03, 10:30 PM
Joe sits quietly for a couple seconds thinking about the Captains words. It is not exactly clear what he is thinking, though he appears to be listening to something. Then distress morphs into anger, again emphasizing the instability of his emotions "Don't pretend you care. The Gods seem intent to deliver us too Death and Suffering. If we ever get free we will find our revenge. But if I am fated to die without justice may it be now, and not on the doorstep of our retribution."

The transition between singular and plural first person seems to be more intentional and not just the ramblings of a mad-man, at least in this situation. Although any long observation of Joe indicates that he is certainly prone to insane rambling.

2018-06-03, 10:52 PM
The captain becomes very serious, looking Joe in the eye, "You're right. I don't care. But I'm not needlessly cruel either. Like I always say, I'm an opportunist, and if you want a chance at getting retribution, you had best get a grip on yourself and come to terms with your situation, or I'm selling you once we make port. In your state I'd wager it would be a long slow suffering enslavement before you eventually die, without an opportunity like I'm offering you now. Take your pick, your life means nothing to me at this point." He's about to turn away, then looks back at Joe again, "And what bloody devil are you talking to?"

2018-06-04, 08:11 AM
Joe listens to the Captain, and grimaces at the thought. While he may not care about death, no-one looks forward to greater suffering. When the Captain asks what Farmer Joe is talking to he just shrugs and refuses to answer.

Farmer Joe scans the deck for a water barrel from which the sailors can drink. Presumably there would be a ladel or cup or something unattended at it. If there is one Joe will attempt to move the ladel with mage hand, if he can figure it out he will try to bring himself a drink.

2018-06-04, 10:19 AM
Caelus watches the ladle move with curiosity, and doesn't try and stop it. "Well, suit yourself. You have until the morning to make up your mind." He makes a gesture at the other men, who have taken a few steps into the background, away from Joe. He can tell they are afraid of him, but they move in dutifully to hoist Joe back up the mast.

Nobody experiences any of the powerful nightmares that night, just the usual restless dreams they would normally have. The next morning, Jeri and Quinn are roused and brought to the captain's quarters again. The weather is grey and rainy. They notice the sailors are wearing issued naval uniforms now, where before they had been wearing more practical outfits to perform their duties. They are fed and given the chance to clean themselves up, then given worn out uniforms to match those of the sailors, as well as a water resistant cloak.

Joe is brought back down in the morning, cramped, shivering, wet, and hungry. The captain is again waiting for him, a spare cloak slung over his left arm. "Have you reconsidered my offer?"

Joe is fatigued.

2018-06-04, 10:44 AM
Joe wakes up groggy and heavy eyes, having spent the night uncomfortable and unable to actually sleep. He grumbles when the Captain makes the offer again, and looks at the cloak longingly "should we do it?... Fine you bastard, you don't leave us any choice. What exactly do you think we can do for you?"

2018-06-04, 12:31 PM
Caelus nods at one of the accompanying sailors who unlocks the cage. "Come with me, we can discuss it alone. As long as you play nice." Once Joe is out of the cage, Caelus offers him the cloak and leads him to his quarters where he sees Quinn and Jeri, and food set out on the table for them all. "Please, eat, and I'll fill you in."

The captain reiterates to Joe the same plan as he talked to the others about the day before, then tells him to clean up and dress in the uniform.

"Once we've talked with the dream interpreter, I'll let you all in on the rest of my plan. Questions?"

2018-06-04, 12:52 PM
"So you just want us to tell this woman what we told you? How can you have a plan before we even know what it all means?" Jeri has increased in curiosity about the dream, and the plan, after a night of dwelling on it.

(She'd shared the rolls with a couple of the more worse-off prisoners, last night.)

2018-06-04, 01:49 PM
"More or less. Apparently she has ways of determining the meaning of these things, and I want to make sure I know everything I can before I commit to anything. I should say I have the framework of a plan, and we can discuss it afterward. Unless you're having second thoughts? I can always throw you back in with the other dogs and still make good money off of you." He smiles dangerously.

2018-06-04, 01:56 PM
Farmer Joe spends the Captain's explanation eating food and nodding when it seems the man desires feedback. He does not reply to anything the captain is saying, although he can be heard muttering things very quitely like they killed them... and Annabelle, my sweet Annabelle.. However Joe never actually interupts the Captain.

When instructed to go get changed he asks, "I was wearing a heavy wool cloak when they took me. My wife gave me it. The cloak is black, and full length to the ground. Large hood. It is all I have left from my family. I can wear the Uniform. I just want the cloak.

When he does go to change Joe will grab some bread to eat while he goes to clean up.

2018-06-04, 02:26 PM
"Of course," Caelus replies, "I'll have all of your personal kit returned."

Indeed, he immediately tasks one of his men to find everything belonging to Joe, Quinn, and Jeri, which had been confiscated previously.

2018-06-04, 02:55 PM
"Of course," Caelus replies, "I'll have all of your personal kit returned."

Indeed, he immediately tasks one of his men to find everything belonging to Joe, Quinn, and Jeri, which had been confiscated previously.

"Oh, thank you. You have a strange way of being threatening and then nice. But niceness is a much better look on you."

H. Von Studley
2018-06-05, 01:02 AM
Quinn accepts his returned belongings, but politely declines the offer of the uniform. As he dresses himself, it is clear why he prefers his own clothes. Travel-worn as they are, the style and quality far outstrip that of the old naval gear.

Are they returning our weapons as well?

2018-06-05, 08:28 AM
"Oh, thank you. You have a strange way of being threatening and then nice. But niceness is a much better look on you."

Caelus answers gruffly, "It keeps people on their toes, then they never know what to expect."

Quinn accepts his returned belongings, but politely declines the offer of the uniform. As he dresses himself, it is clear why he prefers his own clothes. Travel-worn as they are, the style and quality far outstrip that of the old naval gear.

Are they returning our weapons as well?

"You'll have to be wearing the uniform for the visit to the dream interpreter. I want you all looking like my own men."

Yes, he's returning the weapons as well.

2018-06-05, 12:54 PM
Jeri checks out the uniform. "Hmm. Very surprised that you found one in my size. Well, where's a lady to change around here?"

She also checks that her brooch and lantern are intact, and fastens the cross-in-circle brooch onto the uniform. "You wouldn't begrudge one of your crew a symbol of their faith, would you?"

This may be a silly question to ask in hindsight, but since her usual outfits hide her tail pretty well... has it been obvious to the captain and everybody that Jeri's a tiefling?

And would the uniform hide it? Or will she have to cut a hole in the pants? :smalltongue:

Lastly, she'll tuck her dagger back in her sock, in its usual spot, too.

H. Von Studley
2018-06-05, 09:44 PM
Quinn shrugs and puts on the uniform. As he replaces his cloak though, a strange, cold feeling comes over him, as though he is diminished somewhat. He shivers. "You need to invest in some better cloaks for your men Captain. The wind cuts through it like it's not even there."

He tucks a dagger into his belt and throws an ancient, battered looking bow over his shoulder. From the difference in quality between his clothes and his weapons, it's fairly obvious where Quinn's priorities had been prior to the fall of Illya.

What Quinn doesn't realise is that as an Occultist he actually relies on fine clothes for access to his powers. I'm assuming he will still get to wear his boots, leather bracers and spectacles, but having swapped the cloak he has now temporarily lost access to the Conjuration school of magic for his spells, as well as his Conjuration implement power. And also one of his focus points that he inadvertently stored in the cloak this morning.

2018-06-06, 12:00 PM
Jeri checks out the uniform. "Hmm. Very surprised that you found one in my size. Well, where's a lady to change around here?"

She also checks that her brooch and lantern are intact, and fastens the cross-in-circle brooch onto the uniform. "You wouldn't begrudge one of your crew a symbol of their faith, would you?"

This may be a silly question to ask in hindsight, but since her usual outfits hide her tail pretty well... has it been obvious to the captain and everybody that Jeri's a tiefling?

And would the uniform hide it? Or will she have to cut a hole in the pants? :smalltongue:

Lastly, she'll tuck her dagger back in her sock, in its usual spot, too.

"Well, don't mind if they don't fit perfectly. You'll have to pull the cloak over those horns, and keep your tail hidden. And you'll probably have to cut a hole in it, but that's fine. And I don't mind if my crew sport a few small personal effects on them, so long as they aren't too ostentatious. You can change in here when everyone is finished, but I'll be staying to make sure you don't pull any funny business on me."

Yes, it would be obvious. Caelus did call her a beastie earlier, but I hadn't thought about it with regard to uniforms, so thanks for catching that ;)

Quinn shrugs and puts on the uniform. As he replaces his cloak though, a strange, cold feeling comes over him, as though he is diminished somewhat. He shivers. "You need to invest in some better cloaks for your men Captain. The wind cuts through it like it's not even there."

He tucks a dagger into his belt and throws an ancient, battered looking bow over his shoulder. From the difference in quality between his clothes and his weapons, it's fairly obvious where Quinn's priorities had been prior to the fall of Illya.

What Quinn doesn't realise is that as an Occultist he actually relies on fine clothes for access to his powers. I'm assuming he will still get to wear his boots, leather bracers and spectacles, but having swapped the cloak he has now temporarily lost access to the Conjuration school of magic for his spells, as well as his Conjuration implement power. And also one of his focus points that he inadvertently stored in the cloak this morning.

Caelus raises an eyebrow, "And you need to quit whining like a mule. They suit my men just fine."

That's neat. I haven't been able to read in depth all of the class abilities, so I had no idea. Although, I see that cloaks are actually associated to the abjuration school. Anyway, yes, he will be able to wear his other items.

While everyone is dressing one of the men calls out that Zarga is just ahead. As you draw nearer to port, Caelus arranges for each of you to be escorted by two of his men so that everyone is traveling in trios rather than one large group. Whatever he’s planning, he seems to want to play things close to the chest and not be too obvious. "If any of you tries to run or pull any tricks I will not waste any effort in hunting you down. Are we clear?"

2018-06-06, 12:09 PM
Farmer Joe does not respond to any of the conversation after this point. He just changes into his uniform and carries his cloak and scythe with him. The scythe is a long farming implement, as tall as he is with a handle halfway down to aide swinging while cutting the crop.

When is guards arrive to lead him he will bring his cloak if he is permitted, perhaps in a backpack if there is one available. He makes no attempt to escape although he does eye up his escort.

2018-06-06, 12:59 PM
As you draw nearer to port, Caelus arranges for each of you to be escorted by two of his men so that everyone is traveling in trios rather than one large group. Whatever he’s planning, he seems to want to play things close to the chest and not be too obvious. "If any of you tries to run or pull any tricks I will not waste any effort in hunting you down. Are we clear?"


2018-06-06, 01:14 PM
Farmer Joe does not respond to any of the conversation after this point. He just changes into his uniform and carries his cloak and scythe with him. The scythe is a long farming implement, as tall as he is with a handle halfway down to aide swinging while cutting the crop.

When is guards arrive to lead him he will bring his cloak if he is permitted, perhaps in a backpack if there is one available. He makes no attempt to escape although he does eye up his escort.

Once the men give Joe his stuff, Caelus approaches Joe, "You're going to have to leave the scythe. It's a little too conspicuous. I can give you one of the men's swords in the meantime, but I promise you'll get it back. And you're going to have to wear the cloak as well. I don't want people seeing your face too clearly right now."

H. Von Studley
2018-06-06, 06:24 PM
Quinn nods. "I've got no reason to run, Captain. If you hold up your end of our agreement then I'll hold up mine."

To further complicate things, Quinn is a Silksworn Occultist, which means he uses his clothes as implements rather than using ancient magical artefacts. I figured that would be more appropriate for a shopkeeper-turned-adventurer like Quinn.

A regular Occultist's cloak would be an abjuration implement like you said, but for the Silksworn archetype it's conjuration. Quinn gets access to the abjuration school through a pair of leather bracers.

2018-06-07, 09:26 AM
Once everyone is ready, Caelus gives the signal to depart, and each trio sets off a little ways behind the other, with the captain following in behind. Each of you is led by your escort through the chaotic twisting cobblestone streets of Zarga. The town is all hustle and bustle as everyone goes about their business in spite of the light rain, and it seems to be a lively place, relatively unaffected by the war. The buildings don’t seem to be organized in any particular pattern, and structures have been packed on top of structures, and squeezed in wherever room could be found. Eventually you are brought down a side street, which is a little less busy, and then another narrow street off that, where it’s fairly quiet. You walk until you come to a dead end, where waits a run-down little shop with a sign which reads “Madame Argoth’s Oneiromancy” with a crescent moon decal. You enter by the cracked glass front door into a waiting room furnished with outdated chairs and couches. They look to have been very fine pieces at one time, but have not been updated or replaced in decades. Across from the front door is a desk where there is seated a thin, middle-aged man with wispy hair and glasses. The man is reading a book or journal, and does not look up when the door opens. You can smell incense and candles burning from a room beyond. Caelus follows in shortly afterward, piling in with everyone else. He walks up to the desk and clears his throat to get the attention of the receptionist. Without diverting his attention from his reading, the man says in a monotone voice, “Take a number,” and motions to a little stand filled with small numbered wooden placards.

“I am Captain Caelus Corbin of the Illyan Navy. I have an urgent matter which requires immediate consultation with Madame Argoth.” The receptionist finally looks up from his book; he looks unimpressed. “Madame Argoth will see you when she’s ready. Due to the nature of her work, she cannot be disturbed. Now, if you could please take a number and have seat.” He returns to his reading without awaiting a response. Caelus stares at the man and you can see his face flushing with anger. His men glance uncertainly at him, but he manages to compose himself with a deep breath and grabs a number, then barks at everyone else to take a seat. “Please keep your voices down,” the receptionist points at a sign reminding patrons to keep quiet. Caelus stares daggers at the man, but he is still apparently engrossed in his book.

About 20 minutes passes before the receptionist finally closes his book, looks up, and calls for the next person. There is no audio or visual cue preceding the call that you can tell. The captain motions for everyone to stand up and follow him, but the receptionist stops him, “Only one client at a time please.” Caelus approaches the entrance to the back room and growls, “Stop me.” Faster than anyone would have expected, the man stands and blocks the way, a dagger flashing in his hand from some hidden place, and leveled at Caelus’ neck. There is a deadness in his eyes that suggests he wouldn’t think twice about killing the captain where he stands. Caelus stands his ground, his men draw their steel, and there is a silent moment of deadlock...

2018-06-07, 04:14 PM
Farmer Joe had been following along with apparent apathy. Not really heeding the actions of the group, his mumblings and vocal internal conversation had evolved into a strange occult chant.

When the prospect of violence emerges Joe is abruptly and visibly alert and aware of the situation. He is eyeing the guards who have escorted him like a starving hyena assessing an injured calf. But he takes no actual action.

2018-06-07, 04:42 PM
Jeri decides to run with her supposed role. She'd seen the traveling troupe stage that one pirate-themed musical, after all.

"AVAST YE!" she yells, brandishing her staff. "Keel to, keel over, or be keel-hauled!!"

Her eyes lack the deadliness of the man's whom she's threatening. But she's less opposed to him, and more opposed to awkward silences. She's okay with awkward over-the-top theatrics, of course. It's not every day you get to dress up like a sailor, after all.

H. Von Studley
2018-06-07, 05:43 PM
Slightly panicked at the prospect of a fight, Quinn pipes in from the back, trying to keep his voice from shaking. "Captain? However much he might deserve it, I expect Madame Argoth may be reluctant to help us if you kill her receptionist."

2018-06-08, 11:46 AM
A few more seconds pass, and finally the captain's face breaks into a jovial smile, "It's alright men, just testing the good man to see if this place is worth its salt!" He laughs heartily. The men exchange glances, and Caelus has to tell them to stand down, all the while the receptionist keeps his gaze locked on him, dagger ready. "Sheath your weapons gentlemen, there is no fight to be had here." Once they have complied, Caelus takes a few steps back, hands in the air, "Your house, your rules, eh? Take a seat men, I'll go in and pay the madame a visit." The receptionist stows his dagger back into the folds of his clothes with a quick flick of the wrist and says in his calm, monotone voice, "And you will please leave your weapons here." There is the briefest moment of hesitation from Caelus before he relinquishes his blade. Apparently satisfied with this, the receptionist returns to his reading, allowing the captain (who gives his crew a wink) to go ahead into the next room.

After a few more minutes of waiting you notice the receptionist whispering, apparently to himself, then he stands and points at each of you in turn. "You, you, and you. Please leave your weapons here, Madame Argoth requests your presence."

Assuming each of you disarms, you enter into the room beyond, and are immediately struck by the size of the place. From outside it seemed quite small, however it extends back quite a ways, and on either side are a series of rooms which look like they would extend into the other buildings. Most of the rooms have a decorative curtain blocking the doorway, but a few remain open. Inside you can see comfortable (though old) looking recliners and beds, like some sort of hostel or inn. At the back of this main room you see Caelus sitting across from a woman on a couch reclining on her side, presumably Madame Argoth. You approach and see on a low table a strange board with small wheels, a roll of paper, and a pencil attached to it, and to the side of the couch, a stand-up board with an array of numbers and letters, and a pointer mounted on it. The room is also filled with innumerable candles, providing a low, but soothing light by which you can see several potted vines sprouting flowers with patterns that look oddly like faces. What you had thought was incense from the other room as actually the pleasant aroma of the flowers.

Once you are standing before the madame, you can see that she obviously suffers from some kind of degenerative disease, or perhaps a stroke. The right side of her face is drooping, and she lays on her right side to keep her left arm free, which seems to function normally. She wears an old, black dress which, like the furniture, was once of very good quality but is now faded and worn with age. Although her body looks weak, you can see an intelligence and smoldering dignity in her eyes. She regards each of you in turn, then points at the lettered board. The pointer moves in sync with her hand motions, and although slower than speech, she is well practiced, pausing just long enough for you to read each letter and keeping the message short; "C-O-M-E T-O D-R-E-A-M-?"


Anyone trained in knowledge (planes) or (arcana), whichever is higher, can make two DC 15 checks to know what each of the items are.

Anyone trained in Knowledge (nature) can identify the plants at DC 11.

2018-06-08, 02:41 PM
Farmer Joe knowledge nature [roll0]

H. Von Studley
2018-06-08, 07:28 PM
Knowledge (Planes): [roll0]
Knowledge (Planes): [roll1]

Quinn offers her a low, graceful bow. "Come to share a dream we've all already had, my lady. But then, you're the expert."

2018-06-09, 11:17 AM
"T-E-L-L M-E", comes the reply. If the group relays the contents of their dream to her, she casts a spell and her eyes glow briefly. She looks at each of you curiously, then messages again, "L-E-T M-E I-N-?". She taps her index finger to her temple and looks questioningly at each of you in turn, apparently waiting for a volunteer. Caelus watches all this with a furrowed brow, one hand stroking his chin, the other crossed over his chest.

Joe is unable to identify the plants, however, Quinn's experience buying and selling unusual objects tells him what Argoth's items are.

"This finely crafted, heart-shaped wooden board has two delicate wheels and a small aperture to hold a pencil, which acts as the board’s third leg. Typically used on a tabletop covered in butcher’s paper, the device
scribbles out mysterious messages when employed by a creature using the automatic writing occult skill unlock, and provides a +2 circumstance bonus on the Linguistics check. When used to channel certain haunts capable of communication (see page 230), the planchette doubles the rate of communication with the haunt, and grants the user a +4 circumstance bonus on Linguistics checks to decipher the cryptic messages. These benefits do not stack with those of other items that confer similar benefits (such as a talking board)."

"This thin, rectangular wooden board is printed with an arching array of alphabetical letters, numbers, and short affirmative and negative messages. Paired with a small, heart-shaped pointer on short wooden legs, this device enables communication with spiritual entities or the user’s deep subconscious mind. A talking board can be used in place of a pencil and paper or a writing planchette when attempting a Linguistics check with the automatic writing occult skill unlock, and provides a +2 circumstance bonus on such checks. In addition, given the size of the board, the user can work in conjunction with another psychically sensitive creature who can bolster the attempt with a successful aid another check.
A user can also use the board alone to initiate the recall memory use of the hypnotism occult skill unlock. The user attempts the skill check as normal, with herself as the subject, and receives a +2 circumstance bonus on the check. When used to channel a haunt capable of communication (see page 230), a talking board doubles the rate of communication with the haunt, and grants the user a +4 circumstance bonus on Linguistics checks to decipher the cryptic messages.
Though a talking board can be used for some of the same functions as other gear (such as automatic writing planchettes and hypnotist’s lockets), these items can’t be used in unison to gain multiple bonuses or increase the rate of communication with a haunt to more than double."

If anyone has spellcraft, they can identify the spell Argoth cast at DC 15

H. Von Studley
2018-06-09, 06:31 PM
Quinn looks slightly nervous at the prospect, but after a glance to Caelus, he finally nods and steps forward.

2018-06-11, 10:13 AM
Argoth goes into a trance-like state for a minute before Quinn feels her presence in his mind. The sensation is jarring, and Quinn gets the feeling that she could access any corner of his mind if she wanted to, however she keeps focused on the memories of his dream. Quinn doesn't hear her voice in his head, but he senses her consciousness asking questions about the dream. As Quinn thinks about the dream, he realizes he can block Argoth learning the answers if he concentrates hard enough, or even lead her to believe false things about the memory. However, if he is willing to let her read the memory fully, there is no reason to fight it.

Argoth is telepathically 'viewing' the memory of the dream, but she can only see what Quinn allows based on what questions she is asking of him. What the questions are specifically doesn't really matter right now, she mostly just wants to see the dream first-hand rather than having you describe it verbally. You would normally get a will save to stop the effect initially, but even if you fail, you can bluff the answers. If her sense motive fails, she learns nothing, and if she fails by 5+ you can give her misleading information.

Once the spell ends, Argoth returns to her normal state. There is a long pause where she simply looks to be thinking. She messages on the board again, "W-E M-U-S-T S-L-E-E-P". Caelus looks at her and exclaims, "What? No! We don't have time for this. What did you learn? I need to know what they can do, why they are so valuable." Argoth looks at him with disdain, and messages "M-O-R-E T-I-M-E". Caelus shakes his head and says, "No. Let's go. What a waste of money. Stupid old cripple." He stands up, looking disgusted, and motions for the three of you to follow him out.

2018-06-11, 05:43 PM
Farmer Joe watches the exchange somewhere between sceptical and impressed. He has no idea about any type of magic, and wouldn't know the real thing from some showmanship. So instead of volunteering he just stands back and watches.

H. Von Studley
2018-06-11, 06:55 PM
Quinn might inadvertently show Argoth a few images of Deeanna, but he'll do his best to show her the truth of the dream.

Quinn winces, putting a hand across his eyes and gently massaging his temples. He had developed a nasty headache. He speaks in a pained voice. "Captain wait. She's the real deal. I felt her in my head. Surely we can give her a day. If you think about it this is good news - if we were dealing with something simple and easily explained it likely wouldn't be valuable."

He turns back to Argoth. "How long do you need? Will you tell us what this means?"

2018-06-13, 12:00 PM
Argoth gives Caelus a scathing look, then messages, "O-N-E N-I-G-H-T. I S-P-E-A-K I-N D-R-E-A-M-S." Caelus regards her skeptically, but finally sighs, "Fine. One night. It had better be worth it. And I'm leaving some men here to keep watch. These three are still beholden to me, and I want to make sure they don't take off on me while I'm busy." Argoth inclines her head to him slightly, though the look in her eye remains. She whispers something to herself and presently three of Caelus' men wander into the salon, marveling at the surroundings. Caelus raises an eyebrow at Argoth, but just rolls with it. "You three are to remain on guard and make sure our friends here don't get lost. I'll send a fresh rotation in around midnight. I will be returning in the morning to retrieve them." The men reply in unison with a sharp "Yes, sir!"
Caelus gives a final look at each of you before turning around and departing.

Shortly thereafter, the receptionist enters the room and addresses the three of you after sparing an annoyed look for the captain's men. As he talks, he moves around the back of the room where there is a small kitchenette. He seems to be preparing tea, of all things.
"You may address me as Mister Colville. Madame Argoth is intrigued by the nature of your dreams and wishes to investigate further. In order to do so properly, you must drink a very special tea. This tea will make your dreams feel much more real than normal, but Madame Argoth will be with you. I must also warn you that the tea is very expensive and moderately addictive. Your captain has agreed to the price, and you are all expected to imbibe. If you succumb to addiction and it does not resolve itself naturally, we do have the ability to cure it. However, that is even more expensive than the tea, so we only use it as a last resort." He moves methodically, but quickly as he goes about his work. "The tea will put you to sleep, so please get comfortable and lay back on the recliners." There is a few minutes yet before the tea will be ready, during which Argoth simply studies the three of you, and there is some time to ask any questions or raise concerns if there are any.

H. Von Studley
2018-06-14, 06:16 PM
Quinn swallows, but puts on a brave face in front of the others. He sits on the edge of one of the recliners and tries to force his body to relax, talking nervously. "Well that's a fine business practice. Selling addiction and then charging even more for the cure. Bit rough don't you think?"

He leans back a little. "Is there anything we can do to help mitigate the addictive properties?"

2018-06-14, 09:02 PM
Farmer Joe ignores the offer of tea and just eyes the guards angrily. "You think we can kill them eh?" Joe asks some unseen companion the question openly, not bothering to conceal the statement from the sailors. After a few seconds pause he seems to reply "I don't think that they deserve it, the but the bastards did help enslave us." He eyes the sailors hungrily. Then Farmer Joe looks puzzled and surprised for a second, "How do you mean you can help fight?" A moment later Joe goes silent, he no longer eyes the guards but stares into the shadows.

2018-06-15, 12:48 PM
"Business is business," Mister Colville replies, "It's considered a premium service, above and beyond our usual. And we're honest and upfront about it, so people know what they are paying for. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do for you pre-emptively."

When Joe starts talking to himself, everyone turns and looks at him. Mister Colville says sharply, "There will be no bloodshed here." Argoth looks at Joe intently, apparently concentrating.

Joe must roll a DC 17 Will save or have his thoughts read. Also, Joe does not have his scythe. Caelus said it would be too conspicuous, so he had you leave it on the ship, and he gave you a short sword instead so you would blend in with his men better. And then Mr. Colville had you leave all your weapons in the reception area before you came in to see the madame.

2018-06-15, 02:39 PM
Sorry forgot about the sythe being gone.

With the phantom in his mind Joe gets an extra +4 to will saves. I will include that in this roll. [roll0]

I honestly don't know if she could hear what the phantom is saying in his mind. You can decide, I think it makes sense that she could hear it as a separate being. The phantom is basically a being composed primarily of anger. So the Spiritualists needs to keep it in check. I have been intentionally making it not clear who is keeping which in check.

2018-06-16, 07:24 PM
Joe eyes the woman suspiciously when he feels a strange presence attempting to prob his mind. Thankfully with the help of his phantom he is able to repulse the prob. "Thanks." Joe comments to his unseen friend.

Colville may be able to tell that he resisted with the assistance of a second being? Would be cooler for role play. :-) Joe would not have been able to pass that save without the buff from the phantom in his mind.

2018-06-16, 09:06 PM
Jeri also sits, and drinks. "Sorry for all the drama earlier. A spot of tea does sound good. It's a bit early in the day for sleeping, though, isn't it?"

"Anyhow," she adds, tapping her temple, "There's not much up there, but you're welcome to take a look around. The captain would want you to disregard anything you might see about us being prisoners on his ship, though, so maybe don't let on if you notice that."

2018-06-18, 04:35 PM
Mister Colville finishes preparing the tea, keeping a suspicious eye on Joe, as do Madame Argoth and Caelus' men. "Nothing to worry about," Colville replies to Jeri, "I had it under control." The man walks around with a tray and serves a cup of tea to each of you. "Now, in order to discern the meaning of your dreams, it is imperative open your mind to Madame Argoth while you sleep." He looks sharply at Joe. "Please, drink, all of you. Hold back nothing." He waits for everyone to drink their tea.

H. Von Studley
2018-06-18, 06:27 PM
Quinn takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and downs the tea in a few quick gulps. He leans back in his chair and concentrates on opening his mind to the oneiromancer.

2018-06-18, 07:51 PM
Jeri also drinks the tea. "Hmm, could use a bit of honey, to be honest."

2018-06-20, 05:02 PM
Farmer Joe accepts the tea without a word. He waits until the others have taken drinks from their's then takes a sip of his own a few seconds after. "Have any biscuits? Pretty expensive if all we get is tea." his sudden shift from mumbling crazy to light joke is somewhat strange.

2018-06-21, 02:43 PM
The tea has an unusual smell to it. Kind of a citrus scent, but with undertones of manure. Once you get past the smell and begin sipping, you find the taste is actually quite pleasant, though there is a bitter after-bite to it, much akin to strong spirits. Mister Colville fetches some biscuits to help with drinking the tea in response to Jeri and Joe's comments. Soon, you begin to feel light headed and lose focus on the waking world, before blacking out entirely. There is a short transitional moment where you feel lost and unstable, bizarre patterns of color fill your mind's eye, and then the sensation of falling. This sensation ends abruptly, and you begin to see by a queer shifting light, unlike any light you've seen before. You feel the mental presence of Madame Argoth pushing on your consciousness, attempting to get into your mind and view your dreamscape. You vaguely recognize your surroundings as Zarga, but the colors and angles are all somehow wrong, and you are alone in the main street. Ahead, you see a large black ship docked at port. It looks more like a floating fortress than a boat. Behind, you spot a spider the size of a small child with bright blue and yellow stripes along its abdomen scuttling toward you.


You have entered the Dimension of Dreams in your lucid bodies for the first time. Each of you experiences this alone, so following posts will be in private spoiler tags. Eventually you will be able to enter the dream plane together. I will have you roll your saves against the addiction at the conclusion of the dream.

First of all, Madame Argoth is attempting to monitor your dreams, so you may willingly let her do so if you wish, or you will have to attempt a will save against her.

Secondly, you must roll a DC 15 Charisma check upon arrival in the Dimension of Dreams or else be lacking in some critical equipment or have something bad happen, which I will determine randomly if you fail. You each have the Lucid Dreamer feat as a bonus, granted to you during your last dream. This gives you a +4 to your charisma check for this purpose.

Finally, you may also attempt impossible feats and are subject to Wild Magic as per the rules for the Dimension of Dreams (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/occult-adventures/occult-rules/esoteric-planes/#Dimension_of_Dreams) (Also linked in the OOC thread). The Lucid Dreamer feat also grants you +2 on your checks with regard to Wild Magic.

2018-06-23, 07:48 PM
Farmer Joe looks around in confusion at his surroundings. Then he spots the spider and is astonished. He immediately looks about his person to see if he is in possession of any weapons. If he does not have one he will flee from the spider.

And he will not resist her looking into his dreams.

Char Chech [roll0]

2018-06-23, 07:50 PM
Grief-Filled: You gain a +2 trait bonus on all saving throws against emotion spells and effects.

Unhinged Mentality: This madness gives you a +2 trait bonus on saves against confusion, insanity, and fear effects.

Don't know if this is any of the effects listed.

H. Von Studley
2018-06-24, 09:22 PM
Quinn begins to carefully back away from the spider, but he can't help but feel the smallest bit of curiosity at the sight of such an unusual creature in such an unusual place.

CHA check: [roll0]

Not hiding anything from Argoth.

2018-06-24, 10:05 PM
Cha check: [roll0]

Jeri lets out a little "Eek!" when she sees the spider, and sets out at a brisk walk towards the docks.

2018-06-27, 04:37 PM
Joe finds himself without his scythe and no way to defend himself against the spider. He moves down toward the harbour and the black ship. As he does so, the spider follows, not chasing, but definitely following. A figure begins to materialize in the street ahead of him, like a mirage. The details become clearer and reveal a turban-headed person with tattered black robes obscuring their whole body and face. The person stands calmly still and looks to be expecting Joe.

As Quinn backs up, he finds himself barefoot, missing his leather boots. Luckily he is on a cobblestone street, but if he goes anywhere without a smooth surface it will be difficult going. He backs away from the spider and towards the harbour and the black ship. As he does so, the spider follows, not chasing, but definitely following. A figure begins to materialize in the street ahead of him, like a mirage. The details become clearer and reveal a turban-headed person with tattered black robes obscuring their whole body and face. The person stands calmly still and looks to be expecting Quinn.

Any terrain other than smooth ground will count as difficult terrain unless Quinn can find or fashion appropriate footwear

Jeri walks towards the docks and realizes that something is coming up between the cobblestones. As she moves down toward the harbour and the black ship, twisting brambles sprout up rapidly, grasping for her feet, and growing thicker and taller, hampering her movement and threatening to stop her altogether. She also notices a figure up ahead, materializing on the street like a mirage. The details become clearer and reveal a turban-headed person with tattered black robes obscuring their whole body and face. The strangely dressed person approaches Jeri and extends a clawed hand as though offering assistance. The spider moves toward Jeri as she struggles through the brambles.

Jeri can attempt a DC 12 Reflex save or else take 1 damage from the brambles and become entangled. Even on a success, continuing forward is difficult terrain.

2018-06-27, 04:51 PM
Jeri walks towards the docks and realizes that something is coming up between the cobblestones. As she moves down toward the harbour and the black ship, twisting brambles sprout up rapidly, grasping for her feet, and growing thicker and taller, hampering her movement and threatening to stop her altogether. She also notices a figure up ahead, materializing on the street like a mirage. The details become clearer and reveal a turban-headed person with tattered black robes obscuring their whole body and face. The strangely dressed person approaches Jeri and extends a clawed hand as though offering assistance. The spider moves toward Jeri as she struggles through the brambles.

Jeri can attempt a DC 12 Reflex save or else take 1 damage from the brambles and become entangled. Even on a success, continuing forward is difficult terrain.


Jeri stops her brisk walk as the plants become a hazard. She says warily to the figure, "Help! Uh, sir(?) - I'm not quite sure what I'm doing here and there's a huge spider coming this way." She points and dares a look back, then continues nervously: "Uh, well, is there somewhere we can go? Introductions later?"

As she talks, she lifts her feet in an alternating fashion to keep from getting grabbed by the weeds, looking a bit like she's doing the have-to-use-the-restroom dance.

2018-06-27, 09:55 PM
Joe walks around the stranger, and puts him between Joe and the spider. He then stops moving away from the spider and watches the two figures for a few moments.

"Hello." he says simply.

H. Von Studley
2018-06-27, 10:15 PM
A strange, unpleasant feeling washes over Quinn. His steps are plodding and slow, and he feels somehow clumsier. It's as though much of the strength he had gained in the few days since the dream had abandoned him. He looks down in surprise at his bare feet. It felt almost as though the dream world had taken more than just his boots.

He continues on, keeping an eye out for a spare bit of cloth with which he might wrap his feet and trying to ignore the spider. When he spots the person in the turban he stops. "Who are you? What is this place?"

So with Quinn's boots gone (in addition to his cloak from earlier) he has now lost his remaining three mental focus points and can no longer cast spells from the transmutation school. He will have also lost the resonant power from his boots, which means his DEX drops by 2 points to 14.

You've gotta stop taking all Quinn's clothes away Aeryk! He's nothing without his fancy threads! :smalltongue:

2018-06-28, 06:51 AM
As Joe walks around the robed person he notices that the spider stops following. The person pays no heed to the spider and replies to Joe, "Come with me Josephat Thompson." The voice is strange and follows an unusual cadence as though the shape of its mouth isn't made for speaking in the common tongue, and it is impossible to determine its sex based on voice. The person begins to walk away from Joe toward the black ship. The spider chitters, waiting for the the person to move away, then it begins to close the distance with Joe.

The person pays ignores Quinn's questions and replies, "Come with me Quinnovar Elrael." The voice is strange and follows an unusual cadence as though the shape of its mouth isn't made for speaking in the common tongue, and it is impossible to determine its sex based on voice. The person begins to walk away from Quinn toward the black ship. The spider chitters, waiting for the the person to move away, then it begins to close the distance with Quinn.

Agh! Sorry, not doing it on purpose, it was just random!!! Poor Quinn :smallsigh:

Jeri manages to avoid the grasping brambles as she flees the spider, but the person seems unconcerned by it. Indeed, the spider stops a good distance away, refusing to come too close to the person. The brambles suddenly stop growing and moving, and Jeri is free to move normally. The person replies to Jeri, "Come with me Geraldine LeTerre." The voice is strange and follows an unusual cadence as though the shape of its mouth isn't made for speaking in the common tongue, and it is impossible to determine its sex based on voice. The person begins to walk away from Jeri toward the black ship. The spider chitters, waiting for the the person to move away, then it begins to close the distance with Jeri.

2018-06-28, 11:35 AM
Jeri manages to avoid the grasping brambles as she flees the spider, but the person seems unconcerned by it. Indeed, the spider stops a good distance away, refusing to come too close to the person. The brambles suddenly stop growing and moving, and Jeri is free to move normally. The person replies to Jeri, "Come with me Geraldine LeTerre." The voice is strange and follows an unusual cadence as though the shape of its mouth isn't made for speaking in the common tongue, and it is impossible to determine its sex based on voice. The person begins to walk away from Jeri toward the black ship. The spider chitters, waiting for the the person to move away, then it begins to close the distance with Jeri.

Jeri hurries after the person. "Um, thanks, uh, where are we? I mean, this is a dream, right, but not like JUST a dream, right?" She steals a nervous glance back, but walks along beside the terse figure.

2018-06-28, 10:25 PM
Joe makes no reply. He adjusts the hood of his cloak so it better conseals his faces then follows behind the strange figure.

H. Von Studley
2018-07-01, 01:07 AM
Quinn follows along after the figure. "But who are you? How do you know my name?"

2018-07-04, 01:37 PM
"This is the Dimension of Dreams," the figure responds simply and continues walking. The spider maintains some distance, but continues to follow. It is not long before you arrive at the black ship. The ship appears to be made almost entirely of metal, and does not have sails or oars. The water around the ship looks black and oily as well. The figure boards the ship and stands waiting for you to follow, but you have a strange sense of foreboding.

Joe follows along behind the figure; the spider maintains some distance, but also continues to follow. It is not long before you arrive at the black ship. The ship appears to be made almost entirely of metal, and does not have sails or oars. The water around the ship looks black and oily as well. The figure boards the ship and stands waiting for you to follow, but you have a strange sense of foreboding.

[COLOR="#00FF00"]"Who I am is of no importance. My master told me your name," the figure responds simply and continues walking. The spider maintains some distance, but continues to follow. It is not long before you arrive at the black ship. The ship appears to be made almost entirely of metal, and does not have sails or oars. The water around the ship looks black and oily as well. The figure boards the ship and stands waiting for you to follow, but you have a strange sense of foreboding.

2018-07-04, 02:10 PM
"This is the Dimension of Dreams," the figure responds simply and continues walking. The spider maintains some distance, but continues to follow. It is not long before you arrive at the black ship. The ship appears to be made almost entirely of metal, and does not have sails or oars. The water around the ship looks black and oily as well. The figure boards the ship and stands waiting for you to follow, but you have a strange sense of foreboding.

Jeri reflects on her sense of foreboding. Sometimes a little fear tells one wise things, sometimes not. "Dreams, like, dream dreams? I've had some pretty strange ones, but never had one just plain announce it to me. This feels like a real place." She focuses on the ground beneath her feet, gives it a stomp for good measure.

"Will that dirt hurt if I trip and fall, or will I just wake? Or do I get to tell it what to do instead?" She moves her arms and swishes her tail, pantomiming stirring up some dust.

She's attempting a Gather Power (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/occult-adventures/occult-classes/kineticist/#TOC-Gather-Power-Su-), but I understand if this works a bit differently in the dream than it would in "real life."

H. Von Studley
2018-07-05, 07:22 PM
Quinn swallows, forcing himself to be brave. He lifts his chin and follow the figure. "And who is your master? Is he the one in the yellow robes? What did he do to me?"

2018-07-08, 08:16 PM
Joe looks questioningly at the stranger who stands expectantly on the deck. "Think so?" Joe responds to some comment that apparently no-one but him can hear. After a moments hesitation Joe just shakes his head and follows the figure on deck. He won't wait for the figure to lead, and just starts toward the Captain's cabin.

2018-08-20, 01:58 PM
"The minds of all dreaming creatures construct this place subconsciously. Most of them are unaware of it, trapped in their own demiplanes. Your mind has simply been opened to this reality by my master. This is a real place, and you will experience both pain and pleasure, but it exists solely in your mind. Your waking body will be unaffected. You may also exert mental power to cause things to happen here, but your mind must be strong to do so. Strong enough to overpower the collective consciousness of this place, which is difficult at first, but with practice it becomes easier." The figure stands by patiently waiting for Jeri to board the ship as she experiments with her abilities.

As far as I can tell, the Wild Magic trait does not affect Supernatural Abilities, but it does affect SLA's, so Gather Power should work as expected.

Joe enters the cabin which opens to stairs leading below decks. He finds himself standing before a large, grotesque creature which looks like a massive pale frog with tentacles where its mouth is, no eyes, and clawed hands.
He feels an extraordinary psychic push on his mind.

Joe must attempt a DC 22 Will save


The figure flinches briefly as Quinn mentions the master. "The High Priest is not to be described!" the thing shouts inexplicably. A tense moment passes before it continues, "The High Priest has awakened you for reasons only he can know. It is not for us to question." It stalks toward the cabin and holds the door open gesturing to Quinn to enter with a clawed hand

H. Von Studley
2018-08-22, 03:04 AM
Good to have you back Aeryk!

Quinn recoils from the creature's outburst. Eager to get away from it, he squeezes past and through the open door.

2018-08-28, 01:08 PM
Quinn recoils from the creature's outburst. Eager to get away from it, he squeezes past and through the open door.

Quinn enters the cabin which opens to stairs leading below decks. He finds himself standing before a large, grotesque creature which looks like a massive pale frog with tentacles where its mouth is, no eyes, and clawed hands.
He feels an extraordinary psychic push on his mind.

Quinn must attempt a DC 22 Will save


2018-08-28, 01:18 PM
Joe steps back in disgust and a certain measure of fear do to the unexpected creature he is surprised to encounter.

I forget if he has his weapons.

2018-08-28, 01:21 PM
Will save [roll0]

Get +4 because of his phantom

H. Von Studley
2018-08-28, 07:38 PM
Quinn recoils in horror from the creature. He feels its awful presence clawing at his mind, and he tries desperately to keep it at bay. Just think of Deeanna. Just think of Deeanna. JustthinkofDeeanna...

Wow, that picture is properly horrifying. I don't think Quinn is going to be resisting that.

Will save: [roll0] (+2 if this is an enchantment effect)

Also Aeryk, I forgot to mention it before but Quinn has a permanent Detect Magic effect going due to his Fey-sighted racial power. Has he detected anything so far? Would that trigger the wild magic rules?

2018-09-10, 10:38 PM
Jeri boards the ship, letting her power slowly relax again around her. "Show me what you wanted to show me, then."

2018-09-12, 02:44 PM
Jeri enters the cabin which opens to stairs leading below decks. She finds herself standing before a large, grotesque creature which looks like a massive pale frog with tentacles where its mouth is, no eyes, and clawed hands.
She feels an extraordinary psychic push on her mind.


Each of you has succumbed to a Dominate Person spell

You find yourself a prisoner in your own body, unable to do anything you want, and subject to the whim of this terrible creature. You sense that the extent of this control is not enough to cause you to do anything obviously harmful to yourself, but otherwise you seemingly have no self control. You remain in this state for an indeterminate length of time, perhaps an hour, perhaps a week. Under the influence of this spell within the dreamscape it is impossible to tell. You are forced to do menial tasks around the black vessel, never afforded an opportunity to rest, all the while the ship is quiet except for the disconcerting sounds of tentacles and the grating tones of the stranger’s indecipherable native language.

Eventually the vessel docks and you are ushered out by the turbaned stranger and into the dark halls you recognize from your previous dream, except this time everything is more real. Your feet force you down the hall to the domed room. The stranger stops at the doorway as you continue in, then closes the door behind you, but staying out of the room himself (herself?) As soon as the door closes, you feel the enchantment release you, and you are once again in control of yourself, free of the beast’s alien influence.

You see the same yellow robed figure at the top of the dais which you saw before. For a moment you feel bizarre and unsettling force in the room, but as quickly as you feel it, it disappears. Quinn however senses a simply overwhelming aura from the High Priest. This being possesses deity level power.

"And so you have come to the High Priest," a voice speaks into your mind. The voice has an unusual quality to it, as though gibberish is coalescing into sensible words. The Priest stays seated at the top of the dais, his upper features obscured in darkness, only the hem of his robes drape down into the low light of the room. The well in the center of the chamber yawns unfathomably deep, seemingly beckoning you to step into it. The same six altars of stone surrounding it that you remember from your previous dream are no longer covered in blood, but look clean and smooth. "A thing has happened to unbalance the boundaries between your world and mine," The Priest continues, "The ancient magic bindings have been unmade and the Dreamstone has been awakened by Rovagug's actions. The dreams are siphoning into the waking realm, and the minds of the simple cannot withstand it. Desna has fallen and all becomes chaos. Mog-Lathar seeks to breach the veil of dreams and destroy us as well. This must not be. You must retrieve the dreamstone and bring it here. None beside me have the power to safe-keep it. Without it, this world shall consume the other. There are two others of strong mind whom I have blessed with my mark. Even now my servants seek you out to bring you bodily to me, that I may empower you to this task."

2018-09-13, 11:43 AM
Jeri feels an extraordinary psychic push on her mind.

The Priest stays seated at the top of the dais, his upper features obscured in darkness, only the hem of his robes drape down into the low light of the room. The well in the center of the chamber yawns unfathomably deep, seemingly beckoning you to step into it. "The ancient magic bindings have been unmade and the Dreamstone has been awakened by Rovagug's actions. The dreams are siphoning into the waking realm, and the minds of the simple cannot withstand it. Desna has fallen and all becomes chaos. Mog-Lathar seeks to breach the veil of dreams and destroy us as well. This must not be. You must retrieve the dreamstone and bring it here. None beside me have the power to safe-keep it. Without it, this world shall consume the other. There are two others of strong mind whom I have blessed with my mark. Even now my servants seek you out to bring you bodily to me, that I may empower you to this task."

"Blasphemy! Mother Moon still soars in the sky, the Princess of Dreams, the Sandwoman Desna! And who are you to think you could do what a god could not?"

Jeri cackles. "I mean, honestly, I don't know who you are."

And slightly under her breath, "And why does every two-bit kidnapper think I might want to help them lately?" She shakes her head.

2018-09-14, 01:49 PM
"What are the gods to the likes of me?! I have roamed the Dark Tapestry even before the birth of their likes. As surely as I have granted you your powers, I can take them away! Harken unto my words! Without your aid Mog-Lathar and the Leng Spiders will surely strip away the boundaries between our worlds and bring suffering to us all. Alas, I am intrinsically bound to this plane and unable to stop them myself and must rely upon the aid of mere mortals. I cannot defeat them while restrained so, and Desna has already fallen. I alone can grant you the power to succeed where we have failed, but only if the dreamstone is recovered."

2018-09-15, 02:07 PM
Joe endures the slavery of his mind, submitting to what he takes as his final madness. Right at the instant of possession Joe sensed a new ability to shunt mind effects into his phantom. However at this point he has largely given up. He broods with anger, and would be quick to strike out if given the chance.

When the strange being presents it's case Joe listen's with disinterest, he seems to think this just another of his wandering dreams. However at the end of the beings speech Joe seems to be listening to another voice... "You think this is real?" Joe looks skeptically at the world around him, "I can not tell my waking nightmares from my sleeping any more. And all I loved has already been destroyed. Why should I believe, and why should I care? His voice is once again becoming tinted with anger.

2018-09-16, 02:55 PM
"Indeed, even now others experience the broken boundaries between the dream world and the waking world. Reality becomes more and more fluid each day, and even I am prone to the insanity this causes. I can give you the power to destroy those who have destroyed what you have loved. I alone can grant you your wishes if you would serve me. All I need is for you to come to me in body, and not just in mind. My servants search for you and two others, whom I have also marked and blessed with power."

H. Von Studley
2018-09-16, 06:58 PM
Do any of those names ring a bell for Quinn?
History: [roll0]
Planes: [roll1]

Quinn's mind races at the bizarre situation. Well, I've either gone completely mad, or I really am caught up in some storybook adventure. Be brave Quinn. Be brave...

He stares up at the podium, trying to keep his voice from wavering. "And who are you to bring me here against my will, then ask this of me? What is the dreamstone?"

2018-09-16, 11:15 PM
Joe considers these things, "The power to bring revenge against those who have wronged me. And the ability to grant what I wish. Can you reunite me with my family, either in the waking world or this one?" Joe pauses considering the creature then makes a decision before it has a chance to respond. "If you can do both these things I shall serve you without question. When I die for you bring me to your realm to be with my family. For this I will do whatever you ask."

FYI Joe has not had any teaching on the afterlife or the planes. So he has no idea if this is possible.

2018-09-19, 11:44 AM
The High Priest replies in a low, dangerous voice which rises into an unearthly crescendo. “Who am I? I? I am the King in Yellow, the true lord of the Dimension of Dreams! None shall dispute my rule here! MY NAME IS TOO POWERFUL FOR MERE MORTALS TO BEAR IT! TO LOOK UPON MY VISAGE WOULD DESTROY YOU, BODY AND SOUL! MY TRUE FORM IS INCOMPREHENSIBLE; INDESCRIBABLE TO YOUR MIND! I AM THE HIGH PRIEST NOT-TO-BE-DESCRIBED!" Think similar to Galadriel in this scene (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spHEw2n9LwE).
Indeed, just hearing him speak so, Quinn's mind strains to concentrate on the words and verges on breaking. He is certain that should the Priest will it, he would truly go mad simply by remaining in his presence.

An echoing whisper of the High Priest's last words reverberates for several moments before he speaks plainly again. "But I digress. Even I must rely on inferior beings to accomplish my goals. In exchange, I offer you power. Power unlike any you have tasted before. And I shall grant you a wish, should I find your service pleasing to me."

"Perhaps you have heard of the event known as Earthfall on your world? Even here the fragments of the Starstone had an effect. One landed here and absorbed the energies of the Dreamlands and began to change the planar properties of this realm. When people would dream, whatever they experienced here would take effect on them in the waking world also. Many died or lost their sanity. Entities from this realm would latch onto the dreamers' minds and follow them back into the waking world causing untold chaos. This went on for a time before the Dreamstone was clandestinely removed from the Dimension of Dreams and secretly sealed away in a location which was unknown until now. The recent events of Rovagug and his followers broke the strong magical barriers sealing the Dreamstone in your world in the city of Illya. Should the Dreamstone be left unchecked, its power will consume both our worlds."

Quinn recalls an obscure reference to the name Mog-Lathar, something to do with a supposed secret sect of Desna worshipers. It was a monstrous spider from an unknown plane called Leng, and led an assault against the Desnans, but was ultimately defeated. Wherever Quinn heard this from he most likely would have dismissed it as some distorted myth until now, as there was no other supporting evidence or legends about it.

As for Earthfall (https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Earthfall), I do sometimes make reference to aspects of the Golarion. Illya, the Imperial City is roughly the equivalent of Absalom, and this adventure is sort of a standalone sequel to a campaign I ran years ago that brandnewb was part of, hence the background story of the Chaos War and it’s factions, etc. Earthfall would be a commonly known historic event in this setting.

The High-Priest inclines his head,"These things I can grant you. When my servant finds you, go with him. He will bring you to me, and I will empower you."

2018-09-19, 12:14 PM
Jeri presses on, "But who ARE you?"

...And I'm assuming she gets a reply a bit like Quinn's? :smallbiggrin:

"Well... what is this dream-stone? What does it look like? And what's the point if we can't help Desna?"

2018-09-19, 01:49 PM
Yes, his reply is the same as his reply to Quinn, as well as the explanation of the Dreamstone.
In response, the High-Priest conjures the image of a stone about the size of a melon in the air in front of Jeri. The stone is rugged and dark, but sparkles in the violet-blue light engulfing it.


The King in Yellow continues, "Goddesses are not killed so easily. At the moment of her defeat to Mog-Lathar, she split her consciousness into several parts. She wanders the world yet, but significantly diminished. It is likely that she is recuperating and hiding herself, biding her time until she can return to her former glory. With the Dreamstone's energies running amok she shall remain powerless."

H. Von Studley
2018-09-20, 02:28 AM
Run! A primal part of Quinn's mind screams at him, desperate to escape the Priest's terrible display.

Still, something holds him in place though. Quinn is more surprised than anyone to find himself replying, his voice remarkably steady.

"If it will restore the world from the brink of chaos, and if you will return me and my wife to safety, I will help you. But how do I know I can trust what you say? How do I know this is anything more than a strange, drug-induced dream?"

2018-09-20, 09:13 AM
Josaphat’s eyes brighten. A small seed of hope has been planted in a life that is awash in a sea of despair and anger. The seed’s sprout is still small and frail, battered by the tides of madness. If tended and given the chance these roots may yet take hold. The seed has been sown in the soils of insanity, and hold the potential for a deep rooted foothold that only true madness can provide. He starts mumbling incoherently to himself, as if consulting with some other unknown being, then falls down to his knees. “We pledge our service to you Dream Lord.”

2018-09-20, 09:59 AM
Quinn hears the Priest draw in a long, rasping breath, then sigh out, "Aaahhhhhhh, yesssss. Sweet, sweet Deeanna. What wouldn't you give to see her once more, to hold her in your arms?"

Quinn watches the Priest's grey hand reach down, then rise slowly, palm up. As he does so, an image of Deeanna resolves before Quinn. She looks just as Quinn remembers her, but she peers desperately into his eyes, "Why? Why did you abandon me?"

"Reality is what we make it Quinnovar Elrael."

2018-09-20, 10:24 AM
The High Priest sounds pleased as he replies, "Good. Very good, my servant. Now come to me."

With that said, the dream begins to collapse in upon itself and Joe finds himself suddenly drawn back into the material plane. However, he finds his mind is a little foggy and confused. Argoth, Quinn, and Jeri and look to be asleep. Joe notes as well that the men Caelus left in the salon are also asleep, and have been hogtied by Mr. Colville, who is standing patiently nearby.

Joe takes [roll0] wisdom damage from the effects of the tea, and must attempt a DC 20 Fort save to resist becoming addicted.

2018-09-20, 10:44 AM
Joe comes groggily awake and looks around the room in confusion from his sudden wakefulness. He feels very strange, and is struggling with the after effects of the drug. He feels their imprisoning effect taking hold of him, and becomes angered by the hold it appears to be attempting on him.

With the emotional Conduit Feat Joe can cast Bust of Adrenaline as a spontaneous action. Giving him +8 to con for this roll to resist addiction.
Avoid addiction [roll0]

2018-09-21, 10:37 AM
The King in Yellow continues, "Goddesses are not killed so easily. At the moment of her defeat to Mog-Lathar, she split her consciousness into several parts. She wanders the world yet, but significantly diminished. It is likely that she is recuperating and hiding herself, biding her time until she can return to her former glory. With the Dreamstone's energies running amok she shall remain powerless."

Jeri nods slowly, and says, "Fine. I shall help you to restore Desna. Why do you care, though, if all this is as nothing to you?"

2018-09-21, 11:53 AM
"I care nothing for Desna. However, her magic was what kept the Dreamstone sealed in the first place, but without her, the Dreamstone will consume both your plane and mine, and Mog-Lathar grows more and more powerful with every passing day. Were I not bound here, I would retrieve the Dreamstone myself, but alas, it is not so."

"I accept your service, I need only for you to let my servants find you and bring you to me bodily that I might give you the power you require to accomplish your task. Go!"

The High Priest waves his hand in a gesture of dismissal without waiting to see if Jeri has anything else to say. The dream begins to collapse in upon itself and Jeri finds herself suddenly drawn back into the material plane. However, she finds her mind is a little foggy and confused. Argoth and Quinn look to be asleep, but Joe is sitting up looking around in a daze. Jeri notes as well that the men Caelus left in the salon are also asleep, and have been hogtied by Mr. Colville, who is standing patiently nearby.

Jeri takes [roll0] wisdom damage from the effects of the tea, and must attempt a DC 20 Fort save to resist becoming addicted.

H. Von Studley
2018-09-21, 06:51 PM
Quinn's vision blurs for a moment as his eyes fill with tears. "Deeanna! No, no I didn't! I couldn't. They left without me, and then I was captured and enslaved on another ship. But I'm coming. I will find you!"

He drags his gaze up and away from the conjuration and stares hard into the Priest's mysterious hood. It felt more real than anything he had ever experienced. Whether that was because the figure was telling the truth, or because his longing had outstripped his reason, he did not know. But he knew he had to take the risk.

"I will do as you ask."

What a cool scene for everyone. Good on you Aeryk.

2018-09-24, 12:40 PM
"You shall not be disappointed." The Priest replies, waving his hand dismissively. The dream begins to collapse in upon itself and Quinn finds himself suddenly drawn back into the material plane. However, he finds his mind is a little foggy and confused. Jeri and Joe look like they've only just awoken, but Quinn notes that the men Caelus left in the salon are also asleep, and have been hogtied by Mr. Colville, who is standing patiently nearby.

Quinn takes [roll0] wisdom damage from the effects of the tea, and must attempt a DC 20 Fort save to resist becoming addicted.

Also, thanks for the feedback, glad you guys are enjoying it. This format is a lot more storylike than the Roll20 campaign, which is cool. Roll20 I find handles the tabletop portion better, but gitp lends itself more to RP.

Madame Argoth opens her eyes, as if from meditation. Her expression is difficult to read due to her drooping face, but there is curiosity in her eyes. She speaks to the party through her message board, "M-U-S-T N-O-T G-O. T-R-A-P."

2018-09-24, 02:11 PM
Farmer Joe looks at the strange women for several moments paralyzed by indecision. He makes no attempt to move at first. Then finally he stands and walks his way over to one of the hog-tied men and searches him for a weapon to keep. He mumbles to himself all the while, finally he seems to regain focus and asks.
“Look, Who are you? Who was he? and Why do you think it is a trap? ” Joe begins mumbling questions to himself, “Was it real? Could we tell? Dreaming?”

H. Von Studley
2018-09-24, 06:18 PM
Quinn slowly wakes, almost reluctant to pull himself from the warm stupor of the tea. He stares foggily at Argoth, confused and waiting to hear her response to Joe.

2018-09-24, 06:38 PM
Jeri groggily takes in Joe's questions. She directs one of her own at Mr. Colville, though, when she finally speaks: "So, is this some kind of a coup, then?"

"Maybe I should just have a bit more of that tea..."

2018-09-25, 07:36 AM
Jeri groggily takes in Joe's questions. She directs one of her own at Mr. Colville, though, when she finally speaks: "So, is this some kind of a coup, then?"

"Maybe I should just have a bit more of that tea..."

Joe looks at Jeri, then at the tea. "No, no more tea. My head is swimming." Farmer Joe shakes his head and taps his temple with the palm of his hand.

2018-10-01, 10:35 PM
Mr. Colville answers Jeri, "Just a precautionary measure. And that's a 'no' for the tea. The more you take, the worse it will be for you, trust me."

Joe searches the hogtied men under the disdainful glare of Mr. Colville, but his search turns up nothing. It would seem that the men were stripped of their weapons before being allowed into the salon, just like everyone else. Joe almost misses Madame Argoth's silent reply while he is preoccupied, "J-U-S-T A-N-O-T-H-E-R D-R-E-A-M-E-R". She inclines her head and utters a strained noise, and an outlandish figure appears floating above her. The creature defies facile description, but has some mashed up resemblance to a number of earthly creatures.


The thing floats effortlessly, but gracefully around Argoth, watching the party with seemingly tired eyes. Once everyone gets over the shock of seeing yet another bizarre thing, it begins to speak in a slow, deep, bass voice, though pleasantly. "I am Dai'Lon, servant of Desna. When my connection to Mother Moon was recently severed I traversed the Dimension of Dreams aimlessly until I came upon one who could truly see. Madame Argoth possesses a vision only few mortals have ever had, and it was this which drew me to her. Long has she given true interpretations of dreams, and now since the events of the Chaos War, she stands out as a beacon of light in a realm which descends into darkness. What is happening in the dream realm is being unleashed in the waking world. The self-proclaimed 'King in Yellow' speaks true, the Dreamstone must be retrieved and stabilized. But his stain is dark and deep, and even now I sense it on you. I know not who or what he is, nor what his intentions be, but I do not trust him. Should you go to him, I believe you will be in grave peril."

2018-10-02, 08:18 AM
Joe turns from his searching and sees the strange creature. He watches it skeptically while it tells it’s tale. He mumbles a conversation with himself then says “You say that Desna has been defeated, and we don’t know who this ‘King in Yellow’ is. We’ll go to him and find answers, if we don’t return than you’ll know he is an enemy.” Farmer Joe then looks at his other companions, “You don’t need to come if you fear death. We’ll go alone.”

He turns to Madame Argoth, “Do you have a scythe? Or some simple weapon. If we are walking into a trap we would like to be armed. Will I ever get my scythe back now?”

H. Von Studley
2018-10-04, 08:32 PM
Quinn glances over at Joe. Oh good, I seem to agree with the crazy guy. That's a great sign.

He stares up at the bizarre creature, clearing his throat nervously. "That may be true Mr ...Dai'lon, but the yellow guy made promises I can't ignore. And if we really do need to find this Dreamstone, then it doesn't matter if we can trust him or not. I'm going with Joe."

2018-10-11, 07:51 PM
Jeri's relief is palpable when Dai'lon mentions Desna. "I knew it! Finally, a way to help that doesn't make me feel entirely creeped out. I mean, don't get me wrong, lion-giraffe-elephants are still pretty trippy, but at least you're just dreamy and not nightmare-y."

She starts frowning again as the others start talking, though. "The King in Yellow promised power, sure... but can't you already feel it? I can. I think he must've been lying."

H. Von Studley
2018-10-12, 05:04 PM
Quinn ponders Jeri's words for a moment. "I do feel different, yes, and I saw the two of you pull out some interesting parlour tricks, but I don't particularly feel like this is power enough to defy gods and shape the course of fate. Besides, the priest implied to me that he had given the three of us these powers to begin with. I think I believed him."

2018-10-15, 12:42 PM
Jeri asks Dai'Lon, "Well, if the problem is bigger than both you or the Guy In Yellow can handle... what do you suggest we do, if not go to him to find out where the dreamstone is?

"We're kinda all on the same side, like it or not. He'll probably turn on us, or have some ulterior motive, but getting the stone one way or another seems to be key, if I'm understanding this right."

2018-10-16, 07:48 PM
Joe listens to the conversation of the others than starts talking to himself. Finally he says, "You all stay here, we will go to him. If we do not return you will know it was not safe. We have nothing to lose

H. Von Studley
2018-10-16, 08:27 PM
Quinn shakes his head. "Hold on - whatever we do I don't think we should split up. For better or worse, it sounds like the three of us are tied up in this together."

2018-10-17, 09:13 PM
Dai’Lon floats lazily overhead, rolling onto his back so that he looks at them upside down, then speaks slowly and thoughtfully, “I have no doubt about his power, but beware the nature of his gifts. I fear they may take more than they give, though I confess I do not see a better alternative.” He gives a long sigh, or perhaps it is a yawn, “You should know that Caelus’ ill-conceived plan involves ambushing these servants of the Yellow King to find the source of their wealth.” Dai’Lon and Argoth share a brief look before he continues, “We shall remain neutral in these matters until such a time comes when we feel we must act, but we shall be monitoring them closely.” Argoth nods in agreement.

2018-10-17, 09:17 PM
"I'm still feeling a bit addled from all these dreams. If it's Caelus vs. the Yellow Guy, I dunno what we'll do - they deserve each other, I guess. Won't hurt to go together, at least."

H. Von Studley
2018-10-17, 09:37 PM
Quinn stands up a little straighter and puts on a brave face. "I for one am not particularly interested in siding with Caelus. We don't owe that bastard anything." Bastard? Easy there tough guy, I'm not sure anyone is buying it.

"If we can warn the Yellow servants, maybe they can take out Caelus for us. Ambush the ambushers. Once we're free of him, we can seek out the King and the Dreamstone uninhibited.

"Dai'lon, Madame Argoth, do you know of any way we could contact the servants? Could we speak to them through the dream world somehow?"

Quinn turns to Jeri and Joe. "What do you both think?"

2018-10-26, 04:54 PM
Quinn turns to Jeri and Joe. "What do you both think?"

Jeri nods. "I agree that we should stick together. I suppose we need to find Caelus, then, and try to dissuade him from this ambush."

H. Von Studley
2018-10-26, 05:14 PM
What do you think of helping the Yellow guys take out Caelus, Archy? Then we'd be free to do our own thing. I was thinking we could warn them that he was planning to attack and let them set up a counter-ambush.

Caelus seems to pretty much think he owns us at this point, and I don't know why Quinn would continue to trust/help him.

2018-10-28, 10:12 AM
"No, that bastard slaver deserves to die. Lets warn these servants, and we will help them kill him. Why do we care what happens to him? Joe is getting visibly angry again. "He took everything from us, and many others. The sooner he is stopped the better."

2018-11-05, 11:01 AM
"Dai'lon, Madame Argoth, do you know of any way we could contact the servants? Could we speak to them through the dream world somehow?

Argoth nods her head slowly in confirmation, and Dai'Lon speaks for her, "Madame Argoth does have a way to reach out to them, but it is dangerous to do so, and unreliable. She cannot target specific individuals, only send an open invitation to eldritch entities within the range of her ability. How many answer the call and what their disposition may be is anyone's guess, and there is no guarantee that any will answer at all. Additionally, there is a costly material component required to cast the spell. You would probably be better off to wait for them to contact you. As for myself, much of my power was stripped when I lost my connection to Mother Moon."

So Argoth does have an occult spell for contacting various planar entities, with particular material components depending on the type of entity. The material component for these guys costs 1000gp, which obviously you don't have yet, unless you want to try and acquire what is needed another way, ie theft.

Also, sorry for the tardiness of my response.

2018-11-05, 06:34 PM
"Did anyone tell the dream lord where we are? How will they find us? And what will you do if the Captain comes for revenge." Joe looks at the group, then at the tied up prisoners. "We can just kill them, then you claim we left after they were done here. These are slavers, the punishment for that is death. Or should be..." Joe looks off into space and replies to some unseen person in a mumbling voice. Finally he looks up and asks."Do you have some sort of simple weapon we can take?"

2018-11-06, 03:41 PM
Dai'Lon seems unconcerned as he continues to lounge in the air. "The Yellow Priest likely has already learned where you are. As for Caelus, we can take care of ourselves as far as he is concerned. How you personally would like to handle yourselves with regard to him is your prerogative. Zarga does not punish slavery, but they do punish murder and you would have to deal with the ramifications of those actions, should you choose to take them. Before you decide on what action you will take, you should keep in mind that Caelus has not yet made payment for your addiction treatment, which is fairly costly. And he has your scythe."

2018-11-07, 10:21 AM
Joe shrugs, "Spent life in a field and on the farm, never been here before. If they don't punish slavery but do punish murder lets just sell them to slavers. Let them learn first hand. How do they determine if someone is a valid person for the market? I mean they were just abducting us, so why can't we abduct them?"

H. Von Studley
2018-11-08, 06:29 PM
Oh man, I didn't think about the addiction treatment and getting our stuff back. Maybe we will have to go along with Caelus for the time being.
Quinn considers for a moment. "I don't know... while I certainly like the idea of selling the bastard into slavery, I don't think it's realistic. He's got a lot more connections and resources in this town than we do. And even if slavery is legal, I doubt that kidnapping is."

He turns back to Dai'lon. "Could you tell us more about the addiction treatment? Where would we get it, and what would it cost?"

2018-11-13, 01:10 PM
Mr. Colville steps forward at this point to answer Quinn's question. "We keep a stock of two different types of potions for addictions. Healing is not a service we are capable of providing ourselves, so the potions come at a premium. The first option is far cheaper, between 50 to 400 gold each depending on the length of time the dose lasts, but it is less effective. It will alleviate the negative symptoms and allow your body and mind to recover naturally while it is active. The second option costs 750 gold per dose, but will heal the addiction immediately. Alternatively, I would suggest trying the temple of Besmara, down on the docks. There is a cleric there who could do it significantly cheaper, or you might try offering some services in exchange for hers if you are short on cash."

H. Von Studley
2018-11-14, 11:09 PM
Quinn balks at the cost, but works to regain his composure. He pulls Jeri and Jo aside, speaking in hushed tones.

"So here's where I think we stand. We need to make nice with Caelus for now, until we can get our gear back. We can try to convince him to pay for our treatment right now, but if he refuses then we can get some help down at the temple of Basmara.

"As for Caelus' ambush of the Yellow Priests: we can't contact them ourselves, so if they contact us we can warn them about the ambush. If they don't, we'll just have to wing it and try to sabotage the ambush as it happens.

"Does that sound alright to everyone?"

2018-11-15, 10:52 AM
Joe shakes his head, in his unstable flipflop between anger and sorrow he is clearly angry at the moment. “We don’t like it. What’s saying he won’t withhold the cure just to keep you dependent on him? Or sell us without ever giving us the cure.” Farmer Joe stares off into the distance mumbling to himself and nodding his head for a moment. Then he strangely replies to the unheard contribution by a invisible third party. “That’s a good point. If we are so valuable to him that he is actually willing to pay for the cure, obviously he plans to make more than the value of the cure. Only question is who is paying, and why? We are the goods and he does not have us.”

He turns to their hosts “Do you have somewhere we can go?”

H. Von Studley
2018-11-15, 07:26 PM
Quinn steps closer to Joe, his voice quiet, trying to calm the angry farmer. "But don't you want your scythe back? It's all you've been talking about. And that cloak of yours? I know I want mine back. It was a gift from De- ...my wife."

2018-11-16, 09:58 AM
"My cloak? My Scythe? Wife?" Farmer Joe seems to experience a moment of confusion. Then his eyes begin to tear up. He rocks back on the heals of his feet, like he is attempting to control his emotions. "We do want them back." His attempt at control fails and in a few moments he is back in a corner sobbing once more, mumbling to himself.

2018-11-16, 12:26 PM
"You guys are getting nutso, both of you. Fine, let's play nice with the guy who kept us locked in the hold of his ship, at least until the folks we dreamed about have time to show up in real life. No different than what we were up to before, I suppose." Jeri shrugs. "I guess eventually we should get 'cured' of this 'addiction' thing but really, I don't have a problem. But yeah, we can help out the cleric if we need to, that sounds like a nice thing to do. Maybe while you guys are getting cured I'll spend my share on trying to have some nicer dreams." She laughs nervously.

2018-11-17, 04:36 PM
Madame Argoth, Dai'Lon, and Mr. Colville wait patiently while the group sorts through the possibilities. Once it seems that they have agreed to go back with Caelus, Dai’Lon says, “Caelus’ men will wake up soon. If you are going back with him, I will put you back to sleep until the morning when he comes to retrieve you. I will feed on your bad dreams so that you may sleep restfully. We wish you luck in your endeavours.” Without further ado, each of you in turn feels Dai’Lon lulling you into the first peaceful sleep you have had in weeks.

You wake in the morning feeling relatively rested, but still weak and in a fog from the Dreamtime Tea.
Currently I have Joe as the only one who passed the addiction save. He took -1 Wis from the tea, but recovers it over night. Jeri and Quinn do not naturally recover the -3 and -2 to Wis they took respectively, as an effect of failing the addiction save. They can temporarily negate this damage by taking more tea. Additionally, while they remain addicted, they also suffer -2 to Str and Con.

The group is awakened in the morning by Mr. Colville, who informs you that Caelus has returned. At some point in the night, Caelus' men were rotated for fresh ones, who remain in the room looking bored. Mr. Colville leaves and returns shortly, escorting Caelus. "Well, spit it out, what did we learn for all my expense?" He looks between Argoth and Colville expectantly. Mr. Colville answers for Madame Argoth, "First of all, you must know that knowledge learned in dreams is not usually what it seems. Interpreting the meanings is difficult, sometimes impossible, even for one of Madame Argoth's skill. You may not find whatever it is you're looking for.
That said, what we have determined is that a being of extra-planar origin and immense power has taken an interest in these three for reasons we cannot fathom. In the process, he has granted them some limited occult power. This kind of power is rare, and misunderstood by most. It can be a useful power if applied carefully, but an extremely dangerous one if misused. I would caution you," he pauses and looks at the three captives as well, "ALL of you, to be very careful with it. The sensation of newfound power is intoxicating, and is easy to become lost in. Speaking of which, these two," he points at Jeri and Quinn, "are going to need treatment. The tea was harsh on them." Mr. Colville looks at Joe with a curious glint in his eyes, "This one seems to be alright... in a manner of speaking. We have the remedy, but it will cost you, or you can see the cleric of Besmara at the docks. Now then, should you have further need of our services, you know where to find us."

Mr. Colville gestures in the direction of the exit. Caelus stands there for several moments, hands on hips, scrutinizing the man. Eventually he turns his gaze on Madame Argoth, but she appears to be sleeping. Caelus shrugs, then motions for everyone to follow him out of the parlour without saying another word. Once they are out in the alley and out of earshot of the shop, Caelus rounds on the three of them. His men fan out behind them, hands on their weapons. "Alright. Show me this power then. And don't try anything funny, or we'll skewer you where you stand."

2018-11-17, 05:01 PM
Once they are out in the alley and out of earshot of the shop, Caelus rounds on the three of them. His men fan out behind them, hands on their weapons. "Alright. Show me this power then. And don't try anything funny, or we'll skewer you where you stand."

"You sure about this, after that gent's warning in there? Fine." Jeri gathers her power and all the trash in the alley swirls around. Then she aims a blast near Caelus' feet. The cobblestones jiggle like jello and then one of them implodes in a shower of small shards. Jeri taps her staff on the ground and all the swirling stops. "There. Hire me for your kid's next birthday. I do love children."

2018-11-17, 05:06 PM
Caelus watches, and his eyes light up with excitement, "Amazing!" His men don't seem so keen on the idea, two of them look a little nervous, and one looks positively afraid and pale as a ghost. "Alright, let's see what you've got!" he exclaims, looking at Joe and Quinn.

H. Von Studley
2018-11-17, 06:12 PM
Quinn looks impressed at Jerri's display. "I don't think I can do anything quite as flashy as that, but here goes." He draws his battered old bow from his back and holds it out in front of the group. He concentrates a moment and the bow begins to shine with a magical light. He turns away, drawing an arrow and nocking it to to the glowing string.

He pulls the string taut and rests it for a moment against his cheek. How long has it been since I last fired this old thing? a distant corner of his mind wondered.

He looses the arrow against the wall of the alley, but instead of bouncing away in splinters the shining arrow embeds itself in the stone with a CRACK!, leaving a foot long scorch mark on either side of the impact point. The bow continues to glow for a minute before returning to it's regular old battered state.

Quinn breathes out heavily, trying to hide his own surprise. He had not been exactly sure what would happen, but it wasn't that. A wave of fatigue washes over him, and he sways in place, unsteady on his feet.

"There. But you need to get us that cure that Colville mentioned, Captain. I'm not going to be of any use to anyone like this."

2018-11-17, 09:28 PM
Farmer Joe has spent the duration of these demonstrations staring vacantly into the ground, mumbling to himself. It is not at all clear if he is unimpressed or simply unaware of what is going on around him. What is clear is that he is unhinged. Several moments pass and still Joe has done nothing.

Just when it is getting extremely aqward the shadows around Farmer Joe begin to darken. The pace and tone of his mumblings change significantly, and the darkness around him continue to deepen. The mumbling now is a clear and rhythmic occult chanting. As the volume of Joe's invocation raises it becomes clear that a second voice has joined his. This second voice is raspy and otherworldly. Whatever incantation Joe began the second voice now leads.

The darkness around Joe has continued to darken frighteningly around. Finally when the incantation reaches it's pinnacle a shadow appears to fully tear away.

Steping through from somewhere beyond the void is a dark shade, and it's raspy tone calls out, clearly the second voice. The being undisputedly leads the invocation. It is hooded and cloaked, and in it's hands is a scythe. Aside from the shape, there are no discernible features. No face, or mouth just darkness. The Shadow and Joe go silent in perfect unison.

After a moment's pause the shade turns to the Captain and speaks in a tone steeped in anger, "You tread thin ice, step softly. Return my servant's things."

Joe has become very alert now, however is expression is one of surprise. He looks in fear and awe at the creature which has just torn it's way free of his mind.

Joe summons his phantom in incorporeal form. It can speak, walk through walls and interact with the world. Can't attack people in incorporeal form.

Aeryk: I am fine with how you would like to handle it. You can control his speech and use him as a guiding light for Joe. That would be kinda fun, they leave it pretty open for the reasons a phantom comes to someone.

Or I can control him.

As it is Joe is bat **** crazy. His moments of anger and funtionable behavoir are due to the phantom. Without the phatom he would be a non-functional emotional wreck. The phantoms are avatars of the emotion they embody. This one is anger. The raw power of it's emotion serves to snap Joe out of his crazy, for brief periods.

2018-11-19, 02:59 PM
Caelus walks over to the wall and touches the arrow Quinn has fired into the wall, then replies almost absently, "Yes, of course. We'll have to have you in top fighting order." He snaps back into focus when he hears Joe's mumbling, and his wonder turns to horror as he watches the shadow emerge from Joe. He recovers himself and in almost a whisper says to Joe, "So this is the voice that you've been talking to... With all this anger, I will give you the opportunity to avenge your family's deaths, and yes, of course I will return your things. All I need is for you to work with me, and together we can realize your full potential!" He turns his attention to the phantom, "Come now shade, and return to your tormented vessel. We have work to do!" Caelus puts on his usual, confident air, but everyone can tell that this experience has shaken him a little. His men have taken several steps away, and drawn their weapons, and the most scared one looks just about ready to make a run for it. "Let us return to The Noose and discuss my plan," Caelus says, gesturing in the direction of the docks and waiting expectantly.

H. Von Studley
2018-11-20, 05:54 PM
Quinn looks over at Caelus, pale and drained. "Yes Captain, but can we buy the remedy from Colville first? He said they have some on site."

2018-11-20, 06:31 PM
"Careful whom you order, we are not part of your crew." the shades voice is blanketed in the same pure anger which so often colours Farmer Joe. But when it is all said and done the shadows begin to flicker around the farmer. Then the phantom moves slowly toward his host. In a disturbing blanket of darkness the creature completely obscures Joe for a moment, then is absorbed into the mans body. Joe's muttering had stopped while the shadow was outside of him, but as soon as it has returned Joe begins talking to himself again.

Then Joe follows the Captain.

2018-11-20, 09:56 PM
"Nah, no cure, just some tea for the road, maybe."

To the other dreamers, aside: "Let's just gonna go with him all nice-like, right?"

2018-11-21, 11:49 AM
Caelus watches silently as Joe's phantom returns to his body, then for several moments longer just to make sure it doesn't make a surprise reappearance. Then he replies to Quinn, "No. I'm not dealing with that insufferable prick any more than necessary, and it's overpriced to begin with." He looks irritated for a second, then says, "We'll go visit this Besmaran cleric. Keep your cloaks drawn and don't do anything to draw attention to yourselves. We will proceed as before."

H. Von Studley
2018-11-22, 12:28 AM
Does he mean to go and visit the cleric now, or does he still want to go back to the ship first?

2018-11-22, 12:35 PM
Joe follows along behind wherever they are going. He is mumbling to himself and keeps shooting suspicious glances at the Captain. But the only things he says are incoherent ramblings, and he is obedient enough.

H. Von Studley
2018-11-22, 05:02 PM
Quinn nods and falls into line behind the Captain.

2018-11-28, 11:54 AM
Jeri also obliges. "Lead on, oh brave captain."

2018-11-28, 02:28 PM
Each of Caelus' men pairs up with one of the dreamers, and Caelus leads the way to the docks, with the pairs following in intervals. The escorts noticeably give you more space than before, and although they've sheathed their weapons, they keep a hand ready to draw quickly. Caelus wends his way through the alleys and streets until arriving at the busy docks. Eventually a beached carrack comes into view. The ship looks to be quite weathered and in a state of general disrepair, certainly not sea-worthy. Caelus leads the group right to a short man-door that has been cut into the hull, with a shoddily painted jolly roger on it. Caelus knocks on the door, which easily squeaks open on the first tap. He shrugs, then ducks low to walk in.

The inside of the hull is dimly lit by a light shining from inside of a human skull, dangling by a chain in the center of the room. The floor slopes up slightly, as the ship is listing toward the door. There are several comfortable-looking cushions and low tables around the room, and on the side opposite the door there is a raised floor with another, larger cushion, and two unlit braziers. A network of seaweed, small tendrils, and barbs, hang from the ceiling, and Caelus is immediately apprehensive. He motions for his guards to take post at the door, and they seem relieved to do so, but he beckons the dreamers to follow him inside. The room is apparently unoccupied, but you hear what sounds like aggressive whispering from a door to the side of the raised floor. Caelus raises a finger to his lips to the dreamers for silence, then silently approaches the door.

See map link here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17SXIW1JWr4fEwFscQ4qz31AsiokjorYqqzBUV7-WaMo/edit?usp=sharing)

I've placed each of you, but if you want to be somewhere else, just tell me what coordinates (eg. Y,4 or AB,6).

Additionally, I will keep a permanent link to the current map in my signature block, under the "GM of..." spoiler. There is a "Current Map" link under the campaign picture. You should be able to refer to that at any time, just let me know if you have any trouble with it.

H. Von Studley
2018-11-28, 08:43 PM
Quinn fidgets nervously with his bow, feeling more than a little out of his element. He backs off a little at the sound of the whispering, waiting to see how Caelus responds.

Map is working for me. Quinn would probably aim to be a little further back, around Z,4.

2018-11-29, 01:59 PM
Jeri's fine where she is. She motions to the captain with a questioning shrug, and tries to pick out whether there are words in the whispering.

[roll0] (amazingly still a positive modifier even after the Wis damage)

2018-11-29, 03:26 PM
Joe has continued mumbling to himself, largely oblivious to what is happening around him. His own mumbling is only slightly quieter than the whispers from the other room. After a moments pause Joe seems to come awareness, seemingly in response to an unheard prompting. Joe steps away from the group, and stops mumbling. He backs away from the door and against a wall so he can observe what happens.

"If Joe has a weapon he will draw it. Otherwise he will look for a weapon, improvised or otherwise.

2018-11-30, 03:22 PM
Jeri can't make out the words, but it sounds as though someone is threatening someone else.

Caelus quietly draws his rapier, then attempts to open the door silently. Unfortunately, it is in about the same state of disrepair as the rest of the ship, and squeals loudly. Caelus grimaces and immediately stops pushing on the door, but readies his blade. Whoever is on the other side of the door is alerted, and you hear a voice say, "What was that!?" and the other, angrier voice trying to keep quiet, but too aggressive to succeed in doing so, "Well go look, you idiot!" There is a shuffling of feet before the door swings open and a thuggish looking man ducks through to investigate. His surprise at seeing you all barely registers before Caelus slashes at him. The man screams as a bloody gash is opened across his chest. The man manages to keep his feet under him, but only just, and doesn't have a chance to react before Caelus stabs him in the heart. The man falls down dead, gargling on his own blood, eyes frozen wide in shock.

Caelus steps through the door, and in the room beyond you can see several other thug-types, weapons drawn. Beyond them is what seems to be the ring leader who has an older, dark-skinned halfling woman in a chokehold, and a knife at her breast with the other hand, holding her hostage.

"What have we here?" Caelus says threateningly, but staying close to the door.

Caelus surprise attacks Thug 1 for 11 damage, then beats his initiative and stabs again, critting for 19 damage. Move action to move into the next room.

No need for initiative, party to act. The enemy is delaying, and not considered flat-footed.
Refer to map in my signature block.

H. Von Studley
2018-11-30, 04:50 PM
Surprising himself, Quinn finds himself drawing his bow and enhancing it before he has time to think about it. Deciding to go with it, he looks over at Caelus. "Is that our cleric?"

Drawing weapon and casting enhancement from his mental focus.

Quinnovar Elrael (Quinn) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1565968)
M LN Elf Occultist (Silksworn) 1, Level 1, Init 3, HP 8/8 (max 9)
AC 13, Touch 13, Flat-footed 10, CMD 11, Fort 2, Ref 3, Will 1, CMB -2, Base Attack Bonus 0
Longbow +3 (1d8, 20x3)
Mage armor (inactive) (+3 Dex)
Abilities Str 6, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 8, Cha 10
Condition: Addiction
Effect: Physical Enhancement (bow)

FOCUS POINTS: 2/4 -- Transmutation (boots) 1/3; Conjuration (cloak) 1/1; Divination (eyeglasses) 0/0; Abjuration (bracers) 0/0
Spell slots: First level (4/4)

2018-11-30, 06:39 PM
Surprising himself, Quinn finds himself drawing his bow and enhancing it before he has time to think about it. Deciding to go with it, he looks over at Caelus. "Is that our cleric?"

"Aye." Caelus replies, keeping his eyes on the threat.

2018-11-30, 08:17 PM
Joe pulls his longsword slowly from it's place on his belt. However he stays back against the wall where he is standing, making no move to go forward.

He hefts the longsword in his hand aqwardly, not used to fighting with such a weapon. Joe looks at the fallen thug to see what kind of weapon he was carrying, in the hopes it might be something simple.

2018-11-30, 10:33 PM
"Whew," Jeri says, looking relieved. "I was worried you might be another giant spider," she explains to the thug leader. "You're not, right?"

She pokes her head into the room, checking the corners. To the halfling woman, she adds, "Do... do you want us to go and get somebody who might care if they kill you? If these hooligans are going to demand money, we haven't got any."

She is being glib but taking in the scene - does she recognize what deity the cleric might serve? (Does she have any symbols around?)

Also, if the light source is a torch or other flame, Jeri will tip her staff to it and light the lantern part while she's talking.

I'd roll Bluff but really, with her currently low Wis, she actually is just kinda relieved and unconcerned what the thugs do. No difference between hanging out with Caelus and this ringleader, really, right? :smallwink:

2018-12-03, 03:19 PM
Joe sees that the dead thug had been carrying a sap, and had a longbow slung over his shoulder.

Also, I find your misspelling of the word "awkward" to be... well, "aqward" :smallbiggrin:

The halfling bears a shark-toothed necklace with a small, hand-carved skull with crossed bones on it. This is a common emblem of Besmara, whose followers do not normally have formal 'churches'. This ship seems to be functioning as a 'temple' of sorts.

Jeri lights her staff on the lamp as she checks inside the room. In answer to her questions a look of confusion comes over the ringleader's face, but quickly reverts to anger when she addresses the halfling, "You's can all screw right off. This matter don't concern you none. She's got somethin' that belongs ta me, and I'm goin' to get it one way or another. Take another step in here and I slit her throat and do you in next." The halfling stays stock-still, but there is a hard look in her eyes. The man's lackeys nock arrows and raise their bows on Caelus.

Caelus takes pause, then slowly sheathes his bloodied blade, "Very well. But listen to my proposal first." Caelus holds up his hands to show them he means no harm, "We need the halfling alive. You tell me what it is you need from her, and my friends and I will help you get it from her, I swear it." He turns his head back to look at each of you with a nod, then back to the ringleader.

The man scowls, looking past the door at the dreamers, then to the body on the floor. "You killed my man."

Caelus shrugs, "I did. A precaution for me. And a warning to you. If you let me work with you, I'll give you one of my own men, a seasoned sailor, and we'll be square."

The man considers this for a moment, then answers, "Fine. Tell them to come in and close the door. Hands up where we can see them, then we'll talk."

Caelus looks at each of you again, and motions for you to come in.

Behind the screen here, Caelus rolled a natural 20 on his diplomacy check against a hostile target. There was a pretty high chance of failure which would have resulted in the Captain being fired on. Is things stand, they all have actions readied to shoot should they feel the need.

H. Von Studley
2018-12-05, 04:34 AM
Quinn lowers his bow cautiously and slowly follows Caelus.

2018-12-05, 04:27 PM
Jeri lets Quinn and Joe sidle by her, though she doesn't really move much further into the room herself, opting for maintain proximity to the door.

2018-12-08, 12:21 AM
Joe does not follow directly into the room. He walks over to the corpse and bends over to pick up the sap. He then slides his sword back into it's place on his belt. Just holding the sap now Olivin waits to let the sailors enter the room first. Joe mumbles quietly under his breath, and when able he moves to a spot behind the sailors. He attempts to keep the sailors between himself and the men with bows.

2018-12-10, 11:17 AM
Everyone enters the room, staying clustered by the door in case things should go awry.
"Alright," Caelus says in a placating tone, "Let's all just take things easy. Now, tell me what she has of yours."

The man makes an exaggerated winking motion with his right eye, which you notice now is clouded over, "My eye patch. Weren't just any eye patch neither. Said she'd heal my eye in exchange for the patch. B*tch took it and din't heal my eye, so I come back with my men to ra'trieve it, with interest. If yer here for healin' I wouln't trust her fer nothin' I know she's got a stash in this hunk a' junk, and I mean ta find it! Help me find it, and I'll give her to ya."

The halfling blurts out quickly in a thick tropical accent, "Help me an' I'll do whateva you want, please!"

The ringleader squeezes harder for a moment, choking her. Caelus uses the moment to look around at the three of you to get your feel on what to do.

H. Von Studley
2018-12-10, 05:59 PM
Quinn leans in to try and whisper to the others, but feels a strange rush of power as a spell activates. It feels as though he can transmit his whispers directly to the others, and hear them in return.

Surprised, but pleased, he directs his message to the others. "We need the cleric to help us. Whatever we do, we can't get her off side by giving up her or her stash. Caelus, do you have any cash to bribe these idiots?"

Quinn is casting Message.

2018-12-12, 11:47 AM
Joe just stands behind the sailors but provides no answer to the question. He is eyeing up both these new thugs and the sailors in front of him. Almost as if he is assessing where to hit the closest sailor in a decisive blow, and at the same time judging the fastest way to close the to close the distance with these new criminals.
Farmer Joe takes no action however, he just gives the distinct impression that he has no friends in the room.

2018-12-12, 02:02 PM
Caelus seems a little surprised at Quinn's message, but he catches on and whispers back under his breath, "I don't think a bribe is going to do it. It's the patch he wants. Maybe we can convince her to give it up, with some restitution." He eyes Joe, "You look like you're spoiling for a fight. Hold that in for now, but we may need it."

He turns back to the ringleader and says, "Ok, how about we just tone things down a little and see if we can't persuade her to give up what you're looking for."

The thug considers this for a moment, then loosens his grip on the halfling's neck, "Best talk fast, little one," he threatens.

"I ain't got what 'dey lookin' for, I swea'! Sold it last week!" the cleric manages to say in a panic.

"I don't believe 'er. Sides, even if she speaks true, she owes me big. That patch was personal ta' me."

"Out of curiosity, how much is it worth to you?" Caelus asks.

"A thousand gold pieces, at least," the man replies, "And then some, fer my troubles."

Caelus looks back again at the dreamers dubiously, then responds, "Well, we don't have that kind of money, but we really need that cleric back, unharmed. Who did you sell it to?" he asks.

"Local curatah, man named Neebo. But e' was too interested in it. He wouldn't be sellin' it back ta me for what 'e paid. Maybe ya could steal it back for me?"

Caelus sighs and whispers back to his own group, "You all might be more trouble than it's worth. Up for a little snatch and grab to earn your keep?"

2018-12-12, 03:41 PM
"If this is the sort of 'errand' we need to do for the Cleric... then fine. You sure you can't just heal his eye, Sister?"

Jeri shrugs. "Shake your hands on it and let's all play nice, kiddos. Men. Amirite?"

2018-12-13, 11:15 AM
"Er... well, not so much. I tried castin' the spell from a scroll, see, an' it's a bit beyond my ken. I almost had it, the spell activated, but then sometin' went wrong, and the magic backfiyah'd on me! Knocked me flat on my ass! Told the man here I'd be keepin' the payment for the scroll, and the damage it done me. He's got some kinda devil guardin' him, he does. Told 'im not to come back around here!"

"Ah, codswallop! Ya just didn't know what you were doin', admit it!"

Caelus interjects, "Wait a sec, if you couldn't heal him, what good are you to me? How do I know you can heal my friends here?"

"What's dey condition?"

"There's a loaded question," Caelus replies with another sigh, "Still trying to figure that out myself. Anyway, drug addiction I guess. Have to get them back into sailing condition before we leave port."

The halfling looks at him, looking as sincere as possible, "I can fix it, truly. Much easiah than fixin' an eye, trus' me."

Caelus searches her face and answers seriously, "Fine. We'll find this curator and get the eye patch back. But I'll be holding on to it until you can heal my men. If you can't, your new friends and I will rip this place apart and split whatever we find, and you can pay with a pound of flesh."

If everyone is agreeable we can just cut to the next scene, staking out the curator's shop. We can discuss a plan and the building layout in the OOC chat, but if you want to leave some closing comments in the IC here too, feel free.

2018-12-19, 03:05 PM
Joe eyes the Captain suspiciously, "Setting sail again..." he trails off into mumbling. He will follow along with the Captain, talking to himself quietly. When they get away Joe will say to the Captain. "Why are we off to steal anything? Seems like we are less likely to get on the wrong side of the town guard if we just call a bunch of lads from your crew and come back here to kill some criminals and muggers."

"And whats this about sailing away again?" Farmer Joe does not look at all impressed.

Just assuming the scene moved on, so Joe will say this wherever the new area is.

2019-01-02, 03:05 PM
Joe eyes the Captain suspiciously, "Setting sail again..." he trails off into mumbling. He will follow along with the Captain, talking to himself quietly. When they get away Joe will say to the Captain. "Why are we off to steal anything? Seems like we are less likely to get on the wrong side of the town guard if we just call a bunch of lads from your crew and come back here to kill some criminals and muggers."

"And whats this about sailing away again?" Farmer Joe does not look at all impressed.

Caelus leads the group back out of the ‘temple’ and answers Joe as they leave, “True, but this way I might make a friend of him, and you never know when that might come in useful later. Just don’t get caught, and we won’t have to worry about the town guard. Anyway, the bit about setting sail won’t be for a while yet, don’t worry.”

As you all step outside, Caelus nods to his men, then speaks, “Alright, let’s go check this place out, see what we can glean. I say case it now, then go back after dark and get what we need.”

The group walks a few blocks to find the curator shop. It’s in another alley, similar to Madame Argoth’s shop, but with the way Zarga is so haphazardly disorganized, many places are situated similarly. Caelus tells his men to wait in the main street. As you approach the shop, you see that the weathered sign above the door reads "Neebo’s Nick-Nacks". A display window with bars features a mannequin in full naval regalia with assorted baubles and badges all over it. The mannequin wears an eye patch which may be the one you’ve come for. “I’ll wait outside. Shouldn’t be too many of us inside, it’s suspicious. I’ll be down at that alehouse there,” he points a couple doors down to a run-down looking establishment with no name visible, just a painting of a pint of beer. A couple of men are standing outside sharing drinks and having a lively conversation. “Don’t take too long,” Caelus warns before leaving the three of you standing outside Neebo’s.

2019-01-02, 05:24 PM
Jeri says softly to the others, "So, which of you wants to lose an eye so we can go in and ask for an eyepatch convincingly? No? No takers? Ah well.

"Let's go over our options real quick - I can make it dark in there right as we grab it, if you want. Or just hook it with my tail all sneaky-like. Or do you want to have a chat with 'Neebo' and try to just persuade him to part with it?"

H. Von Studley
2019-01-10, 09:19 PM
"Let's talk to him first, make sure it's the right eye patch. Who knows, maybe we can just buy it from him."

2019-01-21, 04:58 PM
Olivin nods"Yes, the Captain did not seem very worried about the guard. And that is clearly because he intends us to take the fall for this. If we are going to talk to him, we should just send a single person in. It would be better if he does not know what we all look like." Olivin trails off into mumbling to himself,... then adds "We can talk to him if you like."

Is it night time? Or is everything locked up right now?

2019-02-22, 07:47 PM
We finally burnt out I guess?

2019-04-01, 02:16 PM
Quinn walks into Neebo's shop. A door taps a chime hanging from above, sounding a deep, pleasant note which vibrates for several seconds throughout the store. The sound isn't all that loud, but you can feel the reverberations linger. A voice calls from a back room, "I'll be wit' ya in a minute. Feel free to look around!" Nearly every available surface of the place is filled, and care must be taken navigating the various oddities, shelves, and display cabinets. The arrangement of everything seems rather haphazard, and if there is an organization system to it at all, it is not apparent whatsoever.

Joe and Jeri remain outside for the moment (not having expressed a desire to enter yet, but they may follow if they wish). Captain Caelus meanwhile finds an outdoor seat so he can keep a view of the shop.

H. Von Studley
2019-04-01, 07:26 PM
Quinn strolls around the store, trying to hide his nerves. Nothing to be nervous about. You're just a customer having a look around. Calm down. He wanders over to the mannequin in the window, reaching up and removing the eyepatch. He scans it quickly with detect magic while he waits for the shop keeper to come back.

I Just remembered that Quinn has a constant Detect Magic spell active due to his fey senses racial ability. Any other interesting items lighting up?

2019-04-02, 12:18 PM
Quinn scans the eyepatch and finds that it does carry a faint magical aura to it. A quick look around the room reveals several other faint to moderate auras, though most of the objects in the shop are mundane.

Quinn can do a Spellcraft check to identify the properties of the eyepatch. As he peruses the rest of the shop, Quinn may also identify the following objects that have magical auras;
-a two spouted glass funnel
-an adamantine piton
-a vial of a greyish salt-like powder
-a doll with vital organs depicted on it
-an ornate looking brass key
-A dark, hooded robe with 3 long needles protruding from each sleeve

Edit: Looking at Quinn's sheet I see he does not have Spellcraft or Kn Arcana. I think we might've already been over that previously, so my apologies. For now, Quinn simply identifies that the objects listed above are magical in nature, but not overly powerful.

2019-04-04, 08:16 AM
Farmer Joe just stands outside rocking back and forth mumbling to himself angrily and scanning the horizon. He watches the alleyways around the building, and holds his sap with his hand up the sleeve of his cloak in an attempt to conceal the weapon.
Perception [roll0]
Slight of Hand [roll1]

H. Von Studley
2019-04-06, 08:20 PM
Yeah, no magical knowledge yet for Quinn. He'll pick up those skills as he starts levelling and getting more used to the world being weird, but I figured he wouldn't have had much exposure to magic in his previous life.

Quinn momentarily toys with the idea of just slipping the eyepatch into his pocket and walking out, but dismisses the thought. The idea of just casually shoplifting from a fellow merchant just felt wrong. Although that doesn't make much sense - we're here to take it. But I suppose I need confirmation of where it came from first... Shaking his head to clear out the momentary moral crisis, he brings it over to the counter and waits patiently for the shopkeep to return.

2019-04-09, 09:46 AM
The shopkeep enters carrying a precarious load of boxes filled with various trinkets, which he sets down on a bit of open floor space beside the counter. The man then approaches Quinn with a smile that might be pleasant were it not for two large canines protruding from the lower jaw. He is obviously half-orc, but has gone to some lengths to conceal his heritage; the canines have been filed down considerably, the points of his ears have been clipped, he wears makeup, and his skin is oiled and smooth. He wears a midnight blue, silken garment which looks valuable, but not magical by Quinn's senses. "What can I help you wit' today sir?" he asks, then sees the eyepatch on the counter, "Ah, interesting choice sir, I just got this in from a sunken ship expedition! This belonged to the fabled pirate 'Silver-Eye' Salem. It is said that he possessed a third eye, which he kept covered with this very patch, which gave him the ability to swim like a fish in the sea!" He gets very animated as he recounts the tale, using sweeping hand-gestures and a dramatic voice.

Joe sleeves his sap and watches the various approaches. He can see back the way they came that Caelus' men that had accompanied them are waiting down at the next intersection. Down a side alley perpendicular to the street they are on, Joe notices what may be some kind of altercation unfolding; two young men seem to be quietly threatening an older man, if Joe is reading the body language correctly. They are about 100ft away, and out of the line of sight of both Caelus and his men

H. Von Studley
2019-04-09, 07:06 PM
Quinn takes in the shopkeeper, trying to get a read on him. Interesting that he would disguise his heritage like that. And from the looks of it, those robes weren't cheap either. This one's probably a bit sensitive, maybe even vain. I'd better tread lightly.

Quinn plasters a grin on his face and leans in conspiratorially. "That is quite a story my friend. Too many shopkeepers these days forget that a little bit of theatrics goes a long way. I'm actually a merchant myself, from out of town. I always love to hear a great pitch like that."

2019-04-10, 11:38 AM
Joes looks at Jeri and gestures down the side alley and stops muttering to himself,"We just spotted a couple fellas are about to rob that old man. We would say we should ignor it but we don't want a scene happening around here at the moment. Follow us and we will take a stroll, make sure they don't draw any unwanted attention."

Joe will make to move in the direction of the alley and watch if he is accompanied.

2019-04-12, 11:53 AM
Quinn can roll a diplomacy check.

Joe moves into the alley, and out of sight of Caelus and his men. Jeri sees Caelus stand up from his seat outside the alehouse in concern. As Joe approaches the scene, one of the youths notices him coming and aggressively brandishes a knife which he had been pointing into the older man's abdomen, "Hey, back off man, this is Brotherhood business." The other youth continues to pin the old man against the brick wall of the alley.

2019-04-16, 07:37 AM
has Joe heard of the brotherhood? Knowledge local [roll0]

Joe walks over mumbling to himself eventually looks at the characters "Whatever you are doing, don't do it here. We don't want to kill you,... Oliving trails off in his statement and lets the sap slide down into his hand and visible. [roll1]

H. Von Studley
2019-04-16, 08:21 AM
Quinn flashes the man a winning smile.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2019-04-18, 12:18 PM
Joe doesn't recall having heard of the Brotherhood, and is not cowed by the young man's threat. The young man, on the other hand, seems visibly shaken by Joe's counter-threat, and the fact that he seems to be referencing himself in plural. "Alright, sure man. Relax!" he replies with a slight quiver in his voice. He backs up a couple of paces, holding his hands up, but maintaining eye contact with Joe. "Let's go Kip," he says under his breath to the other youth, "Something's off about this guy." Kip looks at his buddy, then shrugs and releases the old man, "It's your lucky day chump. We'll see you soon." The young men stalk off around the corner, and the old man glares after them, then turns to Joe and says a gruff, "Thanks," then turns to leave as well.

The shopkeep gives Quinn a blank look for a moment, then breaks into a bashful grin, "Alright, ya got me. It's true, a little embellishment goes a long way, but don't tell nobody! I'm Neebo, owner of this fine shop. And you are?" He extends a well manicured, but very strong looking hand to shake. "Down to brass tacks then; what can I do for you?"

H. Von Studley
2019-04-18, 07:28 PM
Quinn smiles and shakes the man's hand in return. "I'm Quinn. It's a pleasure to meet you." Don't tell him your name you idiot, you're planning to rob him! Ugh. Okay, it's fine. Shake it off.

"So what's the real story with this eyepatch? I've never seen anything like it. Where did you get it?"

2019-04-22, 03:26 PM
Joe does not even respond to the old man, and fails to acknowledge the old mans lack of thanks. He just backs up a pace, then when he is sure he is not going to be jumped from behind he turns to return to the group.

When he does get back to the others he won't comment on what he did. Just continue mumbling to himself under he breath. After a several moments of distracted conversation with himself he will remember to pull the sap back up into his sleeve.

2019-04-26, 10:30 AM
"Ah, ya have an eye for quality Quinn! Well, I never reveal my sources, and I don't ask too many questions meself, it can be bad for business. But I couldn't resist when I laid eyes on it; look here at the fine 'mbroidery," he points out a skull and crossbones worked in silver thread. The embroidery is of fine workmanship indeed. "And it has magic worked into it, but I haven't been able to get someone with the right skillset to identify what it is yet, beyond a bit o' babbling from the person I got it from. I'd part with it for a thousand gold pieces, if yer interested."

Joe returns from the alley to find himself face to face with Captain Caelus. "What the hells were you doing!?" he hisses, then looks down as Joe sleeves the sap, then at the now unoccupied alley beyond.

H. Von Studley
2019-04-29, 01:23 AM
Quinn eyes it closely. "You're not wrong about that. Beautiful quality. A recent acquisition of yours?"

2019-04-29, 09:50 AM
Josaphat stands there oblivious for several moments, mumbling to himself. Finally he looks up at Caelus and speaks to himself “He said something? What did he say?” There is another pause as Josaphat listens to the reply of some un-seen partner in conversation. Finally Joe actually looks into Caelus’ eyes and replies, “There were some guys robbing an old man. We did not want a scene…” An awkward pause. “Something about brotherhood business. They left.”
Rightly or wrongly Joe appears to believe this is an adequate explanation and stops talking.

2019-04-29, 11:20 AM
"Aye," replies Neebo. He clears his throat before continuing, "Why do y'ask?"

"It's not your job to play constable here!" Caelus replies, clearly irate. "Don't be going around messing in other people's business in this town, or you'll get yourself or me killed. You do anything, you ask me first, understand?"

2019-05-01, 12:49 PM
Farmer Joe stands there for several moments, clearly unsure of what to do and potentially confused. A few moments later his eyes begin to turn red and tears begin forming in the corners. "Where was the constable to protect my family?" The statement begins stable but quickly collapases into sobs and quiet babbling to himself.

Joe looks for an alley or corner close by to retreat into. He intends to sit down in fetal position and cry quietly into his hands.

H. Von Studley
2019-05-01, 10:50 PM
Quinn stops to consider a moment. Oh, just do it you wimp.

Quinn looks around himself, then leans in further. "I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but my employer is looking for a very particular item, and I'm wondering if this might be it. Could be some very big cash in it for you if it is. One of those happy cases where his wallet is fuller than his head."

Quinn gives him a knowing grin. "Are you sure you can't tell me where you got it?"

Bluff: [roll0]

2019-05-02, 08:42 AM
Caelus looks baffled for a moment, then mildly disgusted as Joe breaks down. Nonetheless, he dutifully kneels down beside Joe and awkwardly pats him on the shoulder, "Alright man, get a grip. I just need you to be more careful who you're dealing with in this town. You'll get your chance to avenge your family, I promise, but you have to pull yourself together and focus on what we're doing, okay?"

The prospect of a big payoff seems to make Neebo a little giddy. "Well, I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but I got a pretty good deal for it myself, from a... well, let's call her a business partner of mine. She's a local cleric, but that's all I can say about that. Anyway, all that to say, if you're ever looking for a deal on somethin' that's hard to get, I'm your man!" Neebo points a thumb at his chest proudly as he says this.

H. Von Studley
2019-05-06, 11:20 PM
Quinn exhales and grins, realising he had been holding his breath. "Excellent, that sounds like the one. Now listen, my buyer prefers discretion. It's very important that it appear that no is interested. Leave the eyepatch displayed in the window, and I should be back in the next few days to buy it, once I've spoken with him. Understand?"

2019-05-08, 07:33 AM
Joe is oblivious to Caelus’ reassurance and just sits in his corner silently sobbing into his hands without responding. A few minutes later and he is rocking back and forth holding his knees to his chest and looking around the street with bloodshot eyes, mumbling quietly to himself.

2019-05-08, 12:30 PM
Neebo strokes his chin and says, "Alright, well I'll need a down payment to reserve it then. I can't guarantee that I won't sell it if another in'erested customer comes along. A bird in the hand an' all that, y'know? I've held on ta things before and had people bail on me when I coulda sold it."

Caelus wrinkles his nose, as if at a disgusting smell, "Ugh... I oughtta just sell you. If you can't get it together you're useless to me, and moreover, useless to your own cause." He walks a few paces away from Joe, leaving him to sulk, but keeping an eye on him.

H. Von Studley
2019-05-10, 09:43 AM
Quinn shakes his head. "Like I said, my buyer prefers discretion. No down payments, no trail. You are free to do as you like, but I suggest you hold it for him anyway."

Quinn gives the man a nod. "It's been a pleasure Neebo. I hope we can do business in the future."

Quinn turns and heads back out onto the street, pausing a moment to enjoy the sun and then casually strolling towards the alley and Caelus.

2019-05-10, 11:05 AM
Neebo looks a little flummoxed, but stays gracious, "Very well, hope to be seeing you again soon."

Quinn exits the store to see Joe rocking himself at the end of the alley across the street, and Caelus looking rather sour near him. The latter perks up once he notices Quinn exit the shop, and motions for the group to follow him back to the alehouse up the street.

H. Von Studley
2019-05-10, 06:18 PM
Quinn can't help but grin to himself, despite everything, keeping his back to the shop so Neebo can't see his expression. He balls his hands into fists to stop them shaking with adrenaline. I did it! I can't believe I actually did it!

He follows Caelus to the alehouse, and joins the group at their table. "He has an eyepatch. He didn't want to, but I convinced him to tell me where he got it, and he mentioned that he fenced it for a halfling cleric. I think this is the one. We can buy it for 1000gp, or if we still want to...take it... I think he's going to hold off on selling it until I come back."

"We'll have to move fast though. He knows it's worth something now, and he won't wait forever."

2019-05-13, 10:38 AM
“Alright, good. Well, I’m certainly not paying for it, so let’s come back after dark and you lot can sneak in there with your little voodoo tricks.”

Caelus suddenly looks back, a puzzled expression on his face. As you turn to see what he is looking back at, you notice that Jeri hasn’t moved from where she had been standing upon arriving at Neebo’s shop. Her eyes look unfocused, and she seems confused, but most noticeably, a strange marking on her forehead begins to glow. She begins to babble incoherently.

H. Von Studley
2019-05-14, 05:46 AM
Quinn's face drops, his little thrill of victory gone in an instant. He moves toward her, concern plain on his face. He puts a hand on her shoulder and looks into her eyes. "...Jeri?"

He glances back at Caelus, voice right with worry. "What's wrong with her?"

2019-05-14, 09:48 AM
Caelus suddenly looks very concerned, "I don't know, but it can't be anything good. We should get her back to the ship as soon as possible."

Once Quinn puts his hand on Jeri, she stops babbling and seems to regain her senses. She meets Quinn's eyes briefly, and she looks terrified. However, her expression goes blank, her eyes cloud over again and she goes stock still, seemingly catatonic.

H. Von Studley
2019-05-14, 09:56 PM
"What about Madame Argoth? Would she know what this is?"

What does the glowing marking look like? Any particular knowledge checks that would help?

2019-05-16, 08:34 AM
"I suppose she might... Fine, let's take her there." Caelus doesn't seem to relish the thought of returning to Madame Argoth's place, but it does seem like the best option at the moment. "We're going to have to guide her or carry her though. You two, each take a side," he points at Quinn and Joe, "I'll take point, my men will take the rear, let's go." Jeri stands still through this, staring blankly in front of herself.


The following Knowledge checks may tell you more about the symbol;

H. Von Studley
2019-05-16, 09:17 PM
Quinn gently takes her arm and begins to lead her through the streets, following Caelus. The symbol seemed somehow familiar. As he walks he tries to remember where he had seen it before.

Knowledge Planes: [roll0]

And just in case...
Knowledge History: [roll1]

2019-05-20, 08:13 AM
Joe stands obediently and walks over to help guide the derelict body off the street. Joe continues to mumble to himself while doing so.

2019-05-21, 11:43 AM
Quinn recalls that this is the sign of the Yellow King, who inscribed it on each of you in your dreams. It is not normally visible, but tends to show when a creature is being affected by magic from the Dream Plane.

The group makes their way back toward Madame Argoth's place. As they turn the last corner to the alley where her shop is located, they are met by a tall strange looking man with a turban on his head and a scarf on his face. Joe and Quinn recognize it as the figure from their tea-induced dream the night before. Caelus seems to recognize him as well.

"I am here to claim them," the man says to Caelus, pointing a clawed finger towards Quinn, Jeri, and Joe. "If you surrender them willingly, I will pay you. If not, I will slay you."

The stranger is making a DC 15 Intimidate check against Caelus, which will determine his response. [roll0]