View Full Version : need help with semi cursed items

2018-05-06, 03:53 PM
Ive been trying to come up with ideas for magic items that are "somewhat helpful" but a risk to use. scribbling on a napkin i've come up with a few rough items but i know i missed something that a player may try to exploit:

Amulet of mixed blessing- attunement- the next time you roll a 1 on an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw you can instead automatically succeed on it but the ring it causes your next natural 20 roll to fail. This roll cannot be altered or prevented in any way.

Ring of perverse transverse-attunement- at the end of a long rest you can choose to increase any stat by 2 but it is subtracting 2 from a random stat. roll a d6 to determine the stat effected. 1-str, 2-dex, 3-con,4-int, 5-wis,6-cha.

Belt of nigh damage absorption -attunement -charges 4 - verbally you can activate the magi when in this belt. Roll a d4 on a 3 or higher you have resistance to all damage types intel the start of your next turn. On a 2 or lower you have vulnerability to all damage types intel the start of your next turn. This item resets at the end of a long rest.

Circlet of magic might- attunement - you can cast any lv one spell at its with the casting time of one action or reaction that you have prepared without expended a spell slot. Instead it uses 2 hit die per spell. if you activate this item without having any hit dice it instead causes 1d8 psychic damage. This damage cannot be prevented or reduced in anyway. spells can not be upcast with higher level slots using this item

2018-05-07, 07:24 AM
One of my favorite items I've created

Whip of Encouragement
Whenever you attack with the whip you may shout "try harder you lazy scum" and the whip will cast the guidance spell as a cantrip on the target. This lasts the normal duration of the guidance spell, but does not require concentration. Once per short rest, you may shout an insult as you hit with the whip. The next time the hit target makes a roll with a d20, it will have the total reduced by 1d6.

Note on this, it's when you attack not when you hit that it casts guidance. A whip is a finesse weapon, so you can choose to attack with Dex or Str when attacking. So, you can stack it to be more likely to miss.

Dagger of Returning
When thrown, this dagger acts as a +1 dagger. After it reaches the target, whether it hits or misses, it snaps back into your hand very quickly. Whenever the dagger returns, for a d20. On a 1, the dagger strikes you for 1d4+1 magical piercing damage due to you not catching it coming back.