View Full Version : 3.5 module help

2018-05-06, 10:54 PM
What is the shortest/longest module and what is the best modules to run for a complete campaign from level 1 to level 20

2018-05-06, 11:07 PM
What is the shortest/longest module and what is the best modules to run for a complete campaign from level 1 to level 20

Shortest? Something like A Dark and Stormy Night. Longest? A couple of Dungeon Magazine adventures like Age of Worms and the Savage Tide.

Recommendations? The Sunless Citadel from 1-3, Forge of Fury 3-5, The Sinister Spire 5-6, The Red Hand of Doom 6-12, Heart of Nightfang Spire 12-13 (with mods), Deep Horizon 13-15, Lord of the Iron Fortress 15-17, Bastion of Broken Souls 18-20.

Alternative: Age of Worms 1-20.

2018-05-06, 11:29 PM
world's largest dungeon also goes from 1-20

2018-05-07, 04:46 AM
Rappan Attuk (http://paizo.com/products/btpy8ual?The-Lost-Lands-Rappan-Athuk-The-Dungeon-of-Graves) is enormous (600+ pages); I think you can run it forever with some repopulating here and there. And its design is stronger than World's Largest Dungeon.

2018-05-07, 06:11 AM
If you are running sunless citadel, dont deviate from the path. Go sunless citadel 1 to 3. Forge of fury 3 to 5, speaker in dreams 5 to 7, standing stones 7 to 9, heart of nightfang spire 9 to 12, deep horizon 12 to 15, lord of the iron fortress 15 to 17, then finish with bastion of broken souls.

Nightfang will be when the path will start needing the most rework, a large gargoyle isn't exactly a cr appropriate threat, and gulthais is built horribly. Redbone is ok but fill her spell list with good assassin spells.

Don't remember the rest of the path well enough to comment.

Mike Miller
2018-05-07, 06:12 AM
The Shackled City is another 1-20 from Dungeon magazine.

Mike Miller
2018-05-07, 06:14 AM
If you are running sunless citadel, dont deviate from the path. Go sunless citadel 1 to 3. Forge of fury 3 to 5, speaker in dreams 5 to 7, standing stones 7 to 9, heart of nightfang spire 9 to 11, descent into darkness 11 to 13, lord of the iron fortress 13 to 15, then finish with bastion of broken souls.

Nightfang will when the path will start needing the most rework, a large gargoyle isn't exactly a cr appropriate threat, and gulthais is built horribly. Redbone is ok but fill her spell list with good assassin spells.

By Descent into Darkness, I guess you mean Deep Horizon? Deep Horizon is the title of the sixth chapter of the Sunless Citadel adventure path.

2018-05-07, 06:35 AM
Yeah I edited my mistake.

2018-05-07, 08:57 PM
I'm just finishing up the Sunless Citadel path. The party is level 19, and in the next session or two will head to the Bastion.

I ran:
Sunless Citadel (1-4*)
Forge of Fury (4-5)
A home-made side adventure (6)
The Standing Stone (7-8)
G1: The Steading of the Hill Giant Chief (8)**
Expedition to the Demonweb Pits (9-11)
The back half of Speaker in Dreams (~10)***
Beyond the Veil (12) (a third party module written by Monte Cook)
Heart of Nightfang Spire (13-14)****
Lord of the Iron Fortress (14-15)
Aftermath from LotIF (16)*****
Bastion of Broken Souls (17-20)

* Goblins and Kobolds have different CR's in 3.5 than in 3.0; use the 3.0 CR's or your PC's will hit 4th level by the end of the module.
** Conversion of the 1st edition module, but using Skullcrusher Ogres (which are a much better approximation of the challenge of 1e Hill Giants than 3e Hill Giants are)
*** My PC's got banished from the Abyss; I plopped them into Brindinford during the Baron's speech to the city. This worked out well, because Bone Devils were CR 5 in 3.0, and CR 9 in 3.5
**** I knew HoNfS was known for being a meat grinder at 10th level; I ran in concurrently with Beyond the Veil, with the BtV castle on the Ethereal, and Nightfang Spire on the Plane of Shadow in the same spot.
***** My PC's failed to stop the reforging of the Blade of Fiery Might. The BBEG escaped with it, and a few controlled Efreeti (granting him six daily wishes...), and started building up his army on the Material Plane to launch his "invasion." I built upon the lingering threads from G1 and EttDwP, and set his alliance-gathering efforts at G3: The Halls of the Fire Giant King.

It has worked out quite well, and I know I generally had fun running it. My players all liked different parts of it to a larger or lesser extent (some loved parts that others hated, etc). Overall it has been a successful campaign that built upon itself in two separate tracks (leavings of Ashardalon vs. Planar intrigue), and in the last two modules those have intersected quite nicely.

On another note, after we finish this campaign up, I'll be starting them on Paizo's early adventure path Curse of the Crimson Throne, which was actually fully 3.5 (published before Pathfinder was written). I've read through the first two and a half modules, and I have to say, it is GOOD. But, my players specifically wanted something along the lines of Political Intrigue for the next campaign. CotCT fit the bill nicely.

2018-05-07, 09:52 PM
Not exactly "modules", but in terms of the shortest, some of the Random Encounters Archive (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/arch/re) stuff is literally just one or two fights. Similar with the Vicious Venues Archive (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/arch/vv).

I incorporated All Adrift on the Dune Sea (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031208x) into part of my larger campaign recently, and it played out fairly well.

The Shackled City is another 1-20 from Dungeon magazine.

It was also available as a hard cover compendium at one point, but I'm not sure if Paizo still has any available or not. Second hand on Amazon is probably the best bet.

I bought a copy, and I'd highly recommend it.