View Full Version : Player Help Optional Magic Item - What would you choose?

2018-05-07, 08:18 AM
Our recent session had our characters go against a rival team to fetch a McGuffin to persuade a tribe and enlist their assistance. After our group had successfully retrieved the item, we were rewarded with an item of our choosing from the tribe's stores.

OOC - the DM essentially gave us permission to ask for any magic item from uncommon up to very rare. My character is a Monk / Warlock and I am having a difficult time in selecting an item. As such, I am querying the Playground.

Thoughts / Ideas?

2018-05-07, 08:20 AM
Give us more information please. What is your level, class level allocation, and play style for you character? What magic items do you have already? Where do you find your character lacking? What are your stats?

2018-05-07, 08:31 AM
Give us more information please. What is your level, class level allocation, and play style for you character? What magic items do you have already? Where do you find your character lacking? What are your stats?

Sure. Just hit 11th level, Winged Tiefling Monk (Shadow) 6 / Warlock (Tome / Raven Queen) 5. Character play style is very "Nightcrawler". That is, Darkness (via ki) and Devil's Sight, Agonizing Blast, Grasp of Hadar. Likes to shadow hop around, strike and and "pull" victims into the darkness (grapple and stunning).

As far as items already, a sunblade (shortsword, so it can be used with monk / warlock as well as making it look like a comet or falling star when attacking through the darkness - DM loved the fluff), gauntlets of ogre power and a rod of the pact keeper (+2).

Stats are now: 20 STR (allowed to increase from "set" 19 through ASI), 14 DEX, 10 CON, 10 INT, 14 WIS, 20 CHA.

Although HP and AC is relatively low (~75 HP and 14 AC), it really has not been a problem thus far, as he focuses on mobility and locking down one opponent at a time (that or ganging up on an already engaged foe then shadow jumping out).

2018-05-07, 08:36 AM
*EDIT because I don't know how to read hehe*
Monk/Warlock sounds like a sweet multiclass, here's a fellow Monk-player's recommendations!

As I see right now, a +2 Monk weapon could be interesting, preferably something that could double as an arcane weapon like a Quarterstaff.

The "ring of spell storing" is a rare item that could be put to incredible use by a fleet-footed character like a Monk. Pump a bunch of spells into it yourself, or have a fellow spellcaster so it for you, then dump 'em out when you're running low on slots / ki.

2018-05-07, 08:44 AM
*EDIT because I don't know how to read hehe*
Monk/Warlock sounds like a sweet multiclass, here's a fellow Monk-player's recommendations!

As I see right now, a +2 Monk weapon could be interesting, preferably something that could double as an arcane weapon like a Quarterstaff.

The "ring of spell storing" is a rare item that could be put to incredible use by a fleet-footed character like a Monk. Pump a bunch of spells into it yourself, or have a fellow spellcaster so it for you, then dump 'em out when you're running low on slots / ki.

Using a sunblade, which is already a +2. Rod helps with slot recovery. Ring of Spell Storing is a nice choice. Have a wizard and cleric in the group; could have some interesting applications.

2018-05-07, 08:46 AM
Although HP and AC is relatively low (~75 HP and 14 AC), it really has not been a problem thus far, as he focuses on mobility and locking down one opponent at a time (that or ganging up on an already engaged foe then shadow jumping out).

True enough, but as you level up it's likely that darkness will not be much of an impediment to your foes. HP is the currency of D&D. I'd consider an Amulet of Health to boost your HP up by 44 now and +4 per level from this point onward.

2018-05-07, 08:54 AM
Amulet of Health is a solid pick, though it would eat into my attunement, same with a Ring of Regeneration (which I was previously looking at).

2018-05-07, 09:00 AM
Amulet of Health is a solid pick, though it would eat into my attunement, same with a Ring of Regeneration (which I was previously looking at).

Monks are often a class that has 'availability' of attunement slots given their natural abilities. But, of course, given any particular game, that varies.

2018-05-07, 09:17 AM
That's very true. I would typically have one or two "slots" available, though that Rod of the Pact Keeper is just too handy.

2018-05-07, 09:30 AM
I have gotten amazing mileage out of Mantle of Spell Resistance. Advantage on most saving throws is ungodly when you have class abilities (or a feat) that turn save vs half damage into zero damage.

2018-05-07, 09:31 AM
Yep. Periapt of Health for sure. +4 hp per level, +4 to con saves, and +4 to concentration checks.

2018-05-07, 09:41 AM
If I'm reading this correctly you are out of attunment slots.

1) Rod of Pactkeeper
2) Sun blade
3) Gauntlet's of Ogre Power

So, you either need something that will replace an item that already exists or is none attunement.

-Boot of Elvenkind - Fits your MO, but is only uncommon and seems like kind of a waste
-Belt of Fire Giant Strength - Replaces your Gauntlet's and I would assume 26 str (based on your gauntlet's bonus being allowed)
-Bowl of Commanding X Elemental - You get a summon an elemental, although it eats into concentration
-Carpet of Flying - Always good to be able to fly
-Daren's Instant Fortress - Gives you a safe place to sleep, and you can throw a flipping tower at someone.
-Figuring of Wondrous Power - Lots of choices here. An obsidian Steed would amazing for this PC!
-The +2 Charisma Manual would be a good choice
-A Portable hole is useful all the time

However, I think you best bet would be a Staff of Power to replace your Rod of the Pactkeeper. More AC, lots of spells, and many other things while not losing your spell bonus.

2018-05-07, 10:03 AM
If I'm reading this correctly you are out of attunment slots.

1) Rod of Pactkeeper
2) Sun blade
3) Gauntlet's of Ogre Power

So, you either need something that will replace an item that already exists or is none attunement.

-Boot of Elvenkind - Fits your MO, but is only uncommon and seems like kind of a waste
-Belt of Fire Giant Strength - Replaces your Gauntlet's and I would assume 26 str (based on your gauntlet's bonus being allowed)
-Bowl of Commanding X Elemental - You get a summon an elemental, although it eats into concentration
-Carpet of Flying - Always good to be able to fly
-Daren's Instant Fortress - Gives you a safe place to sleep, and you can throw a flipping tower at someone.
-Figuring of Wondrous Power - Lots of choices here. An obsidian Steed would amazing for this PC!
-The +2 Charisma Manual would be a good choice
-A Portable hole is useful all the time

However, I think you best bet would be a Staff of Power to replace your Rod of the Pactkeeper. More AC, lots of spells, and many other things while not losing your spell bonus.

Yep, read accurately.

Boots - While normally an excellent choice, I agree, is almost a waste (especially adding in the ability to Pass Without Trace if needed)
Belt - Good suggestion, however, not really needed. Went with the gauntlets to have a reliable melee option not dependent on DEX and allows for consistent grappling.
Bowl - These are definitely interesting. Will look more into them.
Carpet - Winged Tieflling, not needed :)
Instant Fortress - Totally forgot about this. Will read up on it.
Figurines - I love these, and especially the Obsidian Steed.
Manuals - Like the thought, but would err on the side of a more functional item with interesting applications.
Portable Hole - Party has one already, though a second one could be fun.
Staff of Power - If I understand correctly, the only thing I would lose would be the ability to regain a warlock spell slot. My Eldritch Blast attack bonus and DCs would remain the same, I would gain 2 AC and have an additional suite of spells added.

2018-05-07, 10:07 AM
Yep, read accurately.

Staff of Power - If I understand correctly, the only thing I would lose would be the ability to regain a warlock spell slot. My Eldritch Blast attack bonus and DCs would remain the same, I would gain 2 AC and have an additional suite of spells added.

Correct, you lose the ability to regain a warlock spell, and it looks like +2 to spell DC. However, you gain +2 AC, +2 Saving throw, and massive bonus spells. So, your EB attack bonus would remain exactly the same.

2018-05-07, 10:33 AM
Looks like it's between the Staff, Instant Fortress, Bowls and Amulet of Health.

Thanks all!