View Full Version : [IC] EarthenRite's Starfinder "Dead Suns" Adventure Path

2018-05-07, 06:31 PM
Shuttle Okimoro
On Approach to Absalom Station, Docking Bay 94

The civilian shuttle Okimoro is relatively uncrowded for the hour, containing only an elderly Kasathan who is reading the latest news on his data pad and a pair of Shirren who are carefully examining one another's clothing and then playing a game of sorts where they held up a different number of digits on their appendages if they found a piece of clothing, however minor, that matched. The loser would be forced to take off the offending article, even if it were only a button, to make sure that their addiction to individualism was sated.

The flat voice of an android intoned over the cheap speakers from behind a protective wall. "Attention Passengers: There is a slight delay in the docking procedures, and we have now entered a temporary holding pattern. Expected time of ingress into Station space is 11 minutes and 43 seconds."

Please take a few moments to introduce your characters, whether by appearance or actually greeting one another. Your characters all know that you are supposed to be meeting a dwarf known as Duravor Kreel in the Docking Bay when you exit the shuttle.

2018-05-07, 07:10 PM
Troublemaker lounges back in his chair. At a short 3' 2" he easily fit in the entire thing, so it was rather comfortable. Anyone looking at him could easily tell he wasn't here for relaxation though. He was wearing second skin combat armor under his shipsuit, and for those that knew how to look he had small telltale bulges in his cheeks, sure sign of a ysoki packing something.

He had already slept twice on this flight and was getting antsy about finally docking. Turning to the person in the next seat over he moaned dramatically "Another delay? Can you believe this?"

Trouble routinely carries his survival knife and a grenade in his cheeck pouches, just in case. Especially when his primary weapon is in his luggage.

2018-05-07, 08:01 PM
Dro-la chuckled as the Ysoki next to him moaned out loud. It was good to see that he wasn't the only one getting a bit antsy. He shifted in his seat a bit and rubbed his forehead and brand instinctively, fighting off the headache. He quickly brought his hands down when his aeon stone bumped into his arm. Flying was still a new experience to him. Back home, he didn't have to go to many places, or even leave Quabarat if he needed to. He turned to the small rodent and nodded.

I know, right? Its like they want to bore us into plant food or something before we get there.

He gave the Ysoki a quick look over. He had several encounters with the race back home when he still had a store. They seemed especially eager to look through his wares.

"Where are you heading?"

2018-05-08, 12:04 AM

A rather large, silvery-skinned Android sits uncomfortably in a seat that it far too small for him and somewhat awkwardly close to the other passengers, despite there being plenty of space in the shuttle. His odd proximity is only made more noticeable by his tendency to stare unblinkingly at whoever happens to be speaking while fiddling with what looks like a trigger mechanism in his hands, yet contributing nothing to the conversation himself.

He is intrigued by the ability of the Ysoki and Lashunta sitting across from him to speak freely with each other despite seeming to be complete strangers.

2018-05-09, 09:22 AM
He gave the Ysoki a quick look over. He had several encounters with the race back home when he still had a store. They seemed especially eager to look through his wares.

"Where are you heading?"

"I've got an appointment with a Starfinder rep. Been looking for a chance to get out there, explore the galaxy, have some new adventures, maybe even ones that don't involve people shooting at me for a change."

Trouble regales his fellow passenger with a humorous tale from his mercenary training involving a vesk officer, a "accidentally" malfunctioning laser rifle, and a 2 headed snagglebeast.

2018-05-09, 10:13 AM
Another android turns to face the group. A delay? Are you kidding me? If I was piloting this thing, we’d be in already. The android exudes an air of annoyance, or at least something as close to annoyance as his AI can process.

2018-05-09, 10:34 AM
"I've got an appointment with a Starfinder rep. Been looking for a chance to get out there, explore the galaxy, have some new adventures, maybe even ones that don't involve people shooting at me for a change."

Trouble regales his fellow passenger with a humorous tale from his mercenary training involving a vesk officer, a "accidentally" malfunctioning laser rifle, and a 2 headed snagglebeast.

Dro-la belted out some laughter at the story, his belly shaking some. It had been a while since he had laughed. He also took note how the Ysoki was going to talk to a Starfinder representative, similar to himself. Maybe later on he would get a chance to sell him some weapons.

However, he began to notice the androids around him. He sobered his laughter a bit, never sure how to communicate with 'metal humans'. The one staring in particular made him a bit uneasy.

Another android turns to face the group. A delay? Are you kidding me? If I was piloting this thing, we’d be in already. The android exudes an air of annoyance, or at least something as close to annoyance as his AI can process

What, you some kind of professional flyer or something? Dro-la asked, slightly curious what kind of answer he would get.

2018-05-11, 09:35 AM
What, you some kind of professional flyer or something? Dro-la asked, slightly curious what kind of answer he would get.
The android smiles cheefully. I certainly am! Just popped out of the assembly line, got my license, and now I’m a pilot, along with my friend, First Mate. As the android finishes his sentence, a small, lightweight drone carrying a laser pistol flies out of a corner of the starship and lands in his lap. Here he is. Isn’t he a beaut? I made him myself.

2018-05-13, 05:51 PM
As your conversation draws to this point, the android voice again enters into the cabin of the shuttle.

“We are now entering Absalom Station proper. Please ensure all belongings are taken with you. Thank you for flying in the Okimoro.”

The shuttle settles softly into a landing berth. The brightly lit docks of Absalom Station are abuzz with activity as travelers bustle by, preparing to board or disembarking from starshops bound to or from any of dozens of worlds. Brash and swaggering starpilots, scurrying ysoki mechanics, and expectant colonistd mingle with enigmatic kasatha mystics, hard-faced asteroid miners, imposing vesk mercenaries, and more, creating a microcosm of the abundance and variety of life in the Pact Worlds. New arrivals meet friends, loved ones, or business contacts, and are whisked away into the humming activity of daily life on the vast space station. Beyond them, ground crews tend to the docked ships, and dockworkers in mechanized cargo lifters load and unload freight and baggage. One of these unloads anything you packed larger than you could carry. A sharp tang of ozone hangs in the air - a byproduct of electrical discharged from the docked ships - but underneath, the station’s atmosphere has a slightly used aroma. The docking bay’s deck plates thrum beneath your feet, though whether it’s from the passage of innumerable feet or the vibrations of the station’s power conduits and air recycling systems is impossible to say.

Before we continue setting this scene, could I get:
1. Perception Checks
2. A d6 roll
From everyone?

2018-05-13, 06:07 PM
Perception: [roll0]
d6: [roll1]

2018-05-13, 09:38 PM
Trouble picks up his carryon and departs the shuttle. Blinking as he exits the ramp, he takes a quick look around.


raw d6

Seems strange that a sniper soldier dosent get perception as a class skill

2018-05-14, 09:46 AM


Gray turns toward this newcoming Android, half comforted by the similarity and half confused by the casualness of his description of the drone. He stares for an awkward moment, then blinks mechanically.


Gray follows the eager little Ysoki off the shuttle, helping any other passengers with their luggage before finally grabbing his own: just a standard sized laser rifle and a backpack that looks too small in his large frame.

Then he remains standing near the Ysoki, his hands fidgeting uncomfortably while the rest of him stands awkwardly still, and finally speaks. His voice has an almost tinny undertone to it as he says, "You said you were meeting a Starfinder representative. I am meeting a Starefinder representative named Duravor Kreel. Perhaps this is the same person. I will stand next to you until he comes."

2018-05-14, 09:25 PM
Dro-la gave a huge smile at seeing the drone. Now that was a fine machine! He always admired beings who could build and program such things. All he could do was sell them. Ne gave a slight whistle. That is something. Just uh...make sure that gun isn't pointed towards me, eh?

With the landing, Dro-la got up and followed the others. On exiting the vehicle he stopped and took a deep breath....and instantly regretted it. He already missed the open, clean air of his home. Still, at least the view of the people was interesting. He never saw so many different races at once.


raw d6

2018-05-20, 12:38 PM
As you look around, everyone is able to see, at a distance, the friendly face of the dwarf that had previously appeared next to the contact information in your personal data devices. Duravor Kreel stands, raising a hand in a wave to you as you get out of the shuttle.

The rest, however, seems to happen in slow motion. There is a sound, something between a sizzle and a pop, and the smiling face slowly slackens and slides to the floor, along with the rest of Duravor Kreel. A faint hint of smoke seems to rise from his neck, where the blast had burned.

From both sides, younger residents of the station have weapons in hand. There is one who discharged a weapon who makes a gesture that is unmistakeably a gang sign before ducking out of the way. The assailant and those around him wear golden insignias somewhere on them with a downard facing spire, crowned at the bottom with a five pointed crown. The others, returning fire as best they can, have blue symbols, all emblazoned with the number “21.”

Unluckily, one of the gang members (it is impossible to tell which side), caught Gray in the crossfire. The scene is a mess, and it looks like it’s getting worse.

There are six gangmembers who have made themselves visible: three with the “spire” logo, three with the “21” logo. There is improvised cover abounding, and the gang members will be availing themselves of that as well. This is a surprise round and the only attack that will strike your party is coming towards Gray.

Ganger Attacks Gray: [roll0] vs EAC; [roll1]

Please roll initiative and post actions! Combat!

“Spire” Logo Gangers - [roll2]
“21” Logo Gangers - [roll3]

2018-05-20, 01:50 PM
Trouble smiles as he sees the person he came here to contact. He raises his had to wave and call out when he sees the laser blast cut the dwarf down. Training automatically kicks in.

Reciting to himself "Rule one of an ambush, secure cover!" Trouble dashes for some of the cargo scattered around the bay.

"Rule two of an ambush, secure your weapon!" As he dashes, Trouble pulls his rifle out of his carry-on bag, discarding the bag as he moves. Hopefully it will act as a distraction.

"Rule three of an ambush, SHOOT BACK!" Trouble sights down at the gangster that fired at his fellow passenger and fires.

Trouble will move into the best cover he can with his move action, drawing his weapon as he does. Then he shoots at the gangster that shot Gray.

Attack roll with Hunting Rifle:

Damage with Hunting Rifle:

Edit: Critical! double damage and triggers my fusion seal, so the hit target cannot move for 1d4 rounds. ill roll the extra stats in ooc

soldier sharpshooter ability allows me to ignore 2 ac worth of cover they may have

2018-05-20, 04:26 PM

Running off of pure circuitry memory, Gray calmly draws his laser rifle as he identifies and begins targeting the source of the initial blast, stepping directly between the gangmembers and the other passengers, speaking commandingly, "Stay behind me until you can safely reach cover!"

Then he closes one eye and fires back at the gunman who had shot Duravor.

Attack v. EAC [roll0]
Damage [roll1] fire

In case of crit [roll2]
and Burn for [roll3] next round

2018-05-21, 06:58 AM
As the firefight began to break out, Dro-la heard the once silent android speak. He reached out telepathicly to the android, his own attenae glowing slightly

"Making a run for cover now!"

And with that Dro-la rushed for the nearest cover, which happened to be Trouble. As he ran he pulled out his own pistol. When he made it to the rat, he quickly aimed at the nearest gang member, then mentally called out to him

"Watch out before I shoot your blasted head off"

This of course was a bluff. He just wanted the member to stand still long enough so he could shoot him.

Clever Feint Against nearest gang member: [roll0]
Expertise [roll1]
Edit Total: 31

2018-05-21, 08:06 AM
Seeing the dwarf fall to his knees, Andaren gasped. That wasn’t supposed to happen! However, despite his unusually high levels of emotion, he kept his head, diving between two tables and returning fire. His drone whirred, retracted the laser pistol, and with a whine of machinery, a small metal ball emerged, attached to the drone by a small metal rod. The ball started to glow with red energy, and Andaren felt the air warm around him. Then, the air cooled again, as his drone sent a laser blast towards the people he was aiming at.

Shoot at the guy who discharged his weapon. If he’s already down, shoot at someone near him.
Andaren’s attack: [roll0] vs. EAC
Andaren’s damage: [roll1] nonlethal electricity
Drone’s attack (using Limited AI): [roll2] vs. EAC
Drone’s damage: [roll3] fire

2018-05-24, 09:34 PM
The one who seems to have fired the killing shot spins around over the improvised cover he had taken, crying out, “Kings forever!” And taking a shot which catches Dro-la, though not to tremendous effect.

The other two fire as well, one missing and the other striking an opposing ganger, making contact.

The 21s make some very crude comments regarding the propensity for parents of Kings gang members to fornicate with various creatures while unleashing a salvo of laser fire across the docking bay. What they lack in discipline they make up for in anger as two shots hit the station suit armour of one of the Kings. Another goes wide of Troublemaker; enough to feel the heat but wide enough to not cause harm. They jump towards covered positions.

The combined fire of Gray and Andaren finally succeed in dropping the King who had murdered Kreel, while Trouble and Andaren’s drone cause another of the King’s to groan in pain.

That same King, however, also seems to freeze in position, as if listening to something you cannot hear in the middle of his dive to cover.

- Dro-la takes 2 damage
- One of the three “Kings” is dead
- “King B” is flat footed, having -2 AC
- Trouble is able to avail himself of improvised cover (+2 AC)
- All current gangmembers are in improvised cover (+2 AC)

Round 2!

2018-05-25, 09:49 AM
Seeing the magic fused into his rifle take effect, pinning one of the gangsters in place, Trouble yells to his allies "Try to take that one alive!"

Sighting down the gang member that fired at him, Trouble calmly exhaled, aimed, and fired. Quickly working the action of his rifle he managed a second shot so fast you would think he was firing on automatic.

Trouble takes a full attack action to shoot at the gangster that shot him.'
Once again ignoring the +2 ac to cover

First shot:
Second shot, if still up, if not, new target:

2018-05-28, 09:09 PM
Dro-la groaned in pain at the shot, but he tried to ignore it. He couldn't pass up this moment of the gang individual freezing up. The Lashunta took aim and fired once, then again, praying his aim was true. Courtesy of the Company he muttered as he fired.

1st shot: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Fire

2nd shot: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] Fire

2018-06-03, 04:25 PM

After making sure that there is no one behind him that he needs to protect still, Gray moves quickly toward the 21's side of the fight, hoping to eventually come around behind their fire. Until he can get there though, he ducks behind some light cover himself and fires back toward the third King, who is not dead or dazed.

Move to any available cover that is between myself and the 21s.

Attack on King 3 [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2018-06-03, 07:10 PM
Andaren yells at his fellow... partners? to not kill the frozen gang member. He takes aim with his stun shocker, and his drone fires at another hurt gang member.

Andaren’s: [roll0] vs EAC.
[roll1] nonlethal lightning damage.

Drone’s: [roll2] vs EAC.
[roll3] fire damage.

2018-06-07, 05:34 PM
There is a grunt of pain and cursing as one of the Spire’s guns spatters against some standard shipping containers, finding just the right gaps in the metal to make contact with an armoured suit, the charred smell of garment mixing with the ganger’s pain.

Another of the gang’s number makes contact with Troublemaker, hitting with some of the volley of shots fired.

The battle is not one sided and the 21s are giving as good as they get. Leaning over barrels, another Spire takes a blast of laser pistol.

Gray feels a sharp pain as he glances around seeing the hand only of a 21, followed shortly by a peeking eye. “Oh, sh**, man; my bad!”

There is little time to be angry, however, as another volley from the 21s drops a Spire. Between the combined fire of Andaren, Dro-la and the drone, the last Spire hits the ground with a thud.

In the background as the din clears, you catch a glimpse of 21s slipping off into the innards of the station, places few know the true paths to.

And that, of course, is when the station security arrives. They quickly lock down the scene, taking statements from all of you as a technician begins combing through footage. You are allowed to leave, since clearly you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

A detective wearing a dark jacket and a fedora is the last to speak to you, offering you in a dry, dispassionate manner any medical services. He supervises the removal of the one that seems to have been hit nonlethally.

Trouble takes 5 damage
Gray takes 9 damage
Initiative is over

2018-06-08, 12:50 PM
Trouble walks up to one of the investigating officers. "What was that all about? I'm used to unpleasant receptions but people usually wait for me to offend them before shooting. Plus, they killed the guy I was here to see!"

2018-06-09, 02:20 PM
The detective looks off a little bit before turning back to Troublemaker.

“Been some stuff going on between these two recently. Guy you managed to take alive, he’s one of the Downside Kings. Other group were called the Level 21 Crew. You showed up at the wrong time, friends, that’s all. As for the dwarf...he was a friend of yours? Morgue’ll pack him up. If you know next of kin or someone who’ll be missing him, let them know?”

He passes you a commlink.

“Forensics already downloaded the image. Can’t return it to him. Poor bastard. Hope the rest of your stay here on Absalom is better.”

2018-06-14, 10:10 AM
"Um, thanks?" Trouble takes the comlink the officer gives him somewhat warily. "No idea of any family, I guess we should find the pathfinder HQ and talk to them about this?" He turned to look at the others for confirmation.