View Full Version : DM Help NPC Compendium

2018-05-08, 04:21 AM
Hi everyone! I'm recently DM a nice adventure mixing Elemental Evil with/against the 4 Demonic Princes of Warhammer to spice up the adventures league modules ...who will prevail?? However i'm struggling to build a good (and optimized) number of NPC (that i had for 3.5) hence i beg for the community help once more.

I'll share to you the first batch of characters i built from my dropbox (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ev23vs005a1rjsh/AABmWeFmQjD1P-vjfECyuEala?dl=0) but feel free to build anything you want from the official book sources (Player Handbook, Sword Coast, Elemental Evil, Xanathar, Volo, Monster Manual And Dungeon Master)

If you want to contestualize your attempt here some insight on the adventure:
+ All races look similar and human, they inherit only the mechanical features of their races, so no funny looks into the city for a unusal race.
+ Magic "officially" has not existed for 500 years, Monks with the help of some Deviant druids epurated all magic users divine and not, replacing the old gods with a new monotheistic religion. In reality small pockets of wizard, sorcerers, clerics and paladin survived. Their survival, however, tooday is subject to strict rules to not unveil their presence (like Vampires the Masquerade or Mage the Ascension), so beware magic. To disguise the use of somatic components i use an opposed check between Sleight of Hand against Perception. Obvious magic is obvious (Fireballs LOL), while not-visual magic is percieved only by the targets as strange sensation (unless they have magical knowledge).
+ Inside the new monastic oder the faith of the masses created a new god and hence some old-fashon cleric and paladin are present within their ranks, but secreted in the same way.

You can post anything from 1st to 13th level, bonus points if you want to make a progression (like 1-3-5-7-9-11-13).

Within 2 weeks there will be an arena in the game where the PC will fight. it will be with an eliminatory duel (2 encounters for character) and then a Battle Royale with the survivors. Most of the city will be watching the event. If you want to make fly some heads mind that the partecipating characters are A. a Devotion Paladin, B an EK fighter C. an Exblade Lock (not good choices for the "masquerade")

Thank you for sharing, i'll try to update your builds into the sheet pdf for ease of use for everyone at the table.

2018-05-08, 04:31 AM
You can just take the NPC statblocks from the PHB and Volo's, applies the racial modifiers, change a couple of things if you want more variety, and be done with it.

5e is not like 3.X. NPCs are not built like PCs usually, and you don't have to "optimize" them, you can just create their stats to make them as powerful as you need them to be.