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View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Large Subclass Expansion

2018-05-08, 09:12 AM

Two weeks back, I had a thought. Only 3 races in the entire game actually get unique subclasses. The elves and half-elves get the Bladesinger wizard tradition, and the Dwarves get the Battlerager barbarian path (even though I think it’s pretty lackluster). I don’t see why, other than being the poster-children of fantasy, these were the only ones who got special treatment. So I wrote a massive expansion, giving every single race a unique subclass, from a human monk that gains wizard spells, to making the Eye of Gruumsh a unique Orcish Cleric subclass, to even recent expansions with Kenku forgers, crusading Triton, and Goliaths who might as well be giants. I tried my best to keep everything balanced, but with as many subclasses as I was writing, I’m sure some things slipped my mind. If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment, and I’ll try to address any concerns and make whatever changes need to be made. If you like this, feel free to check out some of my other homebrew material.

Fire Tarrasque
2018-05-09, 05:54 PM
Order Domain: It just... doesn't feel like a Halfling thing. Domination, Conquest, they just aren't a Halfling's STYLE. A Luck subclass might be more appropriate, coupling with the fact that it feels like a Conquest domain, not an Order one.
Mortal Arcana: Seems good.
Oath of Dragon Queen/Platinum Dragon: Seems good. One point: Dragonborn aren't influenced in alignment by heir colors. Maybe change it to Good aligned/Evil Aligned dragonborn?
Technomancy: Seems good.
Eye of Grummsh: Did you mean to include Undead as well in Blood of the Nonbelievers? I believe the SOP for this is excluding Undead when Constructs are excluded, as neither of them are really alive, but animated by magic. Invoke Wrath is REALLY powerful, perhaps make it so that it takes up all Channel Divinity uses, or maybe the Divine Intervention use?
Infernal Bloodline: Language of Fear is kind of useless. All the fear effect adds is they can't move towards you, the base cantrip already imposes disadvantage on a failed save. Otherwise, seems good, if it's lacking a consistent focus.
Inquisitor: Seems good.
Circle of Preservation: Preserver of Life might be a bit too powerful, as dedicating your turn to healing you've effectively got a teammate who can only be taken out by death by massive damage. It's also worded in a way it can easily be interpreted as "Whenever you cast spare the dying, the creature is instead restored to hit points equal to your level." Nature's envoy is... Questionable, but seeing as Druid doesn't get Dominate Person, I think it should be okay. Not a ton of use for Charm mid combat. Shared Preservation is just fine, and Deathless Warden might have the issue of being underpowered, as it's equivalent to a racial ability for Half-Orc.
Path of the Giant: Multiply weight by 4 instead. The ability isn't really useful though, you can get the same effect with Enlarge, which gives 0 exhaustion. On the upside, combine it with Enlarge, and you get to count as Gargantuan! A level 20 Barbarian who does that should be able to push... 2.88 tons! Yay! Otherwise good. Titan's regeneration may be a bit to powerful.
Forger: Good, up until Exploited Distraction. That's a bit too powerful. If you've built your character well, it amounts to 15d6 damage over 5 turns.
Reptilian Warrior: Cold Blooded Defense might be a bit too powerful, and Chameleon's ravenous hunger is a bit weaker than the others. Otherwise good.
College of Curiosity: Mantle of Curiosity might be a bit too strong, but it might be balanced out by Curious Soul.
Oath of the Sea: Aura of the Sea is too powerful. Compare it to Storm Herald's ability at a similar level. That's less damage, and no bonus resistance. Wrath of the Sea is a bit situational, but otherwise good.

On Infernal Bloodline, try making it something like paralysis instead?

2018-05-09, 10:09 PM
Old dragon born were aligned based around their skin colour. It's only 5e's stupid lets make dragon born suck rules that made then basically worse humans who can breath an element sometimes...

2018-05-09, 11:02 PM
Order Domain: It just... doesn't feel like a Halfling thing. Domination, Conquest, they just aren't a Halfling's STYLE. A Luck subclass might be more appropriate, coupling with the fact that it feels like a Conquest domain, not an Order one.
Mortal Arcana: Seems good.
Oath of Dragon Queen/Platinum Dragon: Seems good. One point: Dragonborn aren't influenced in alignment by heir colors. Maybe change it to Good aligned/Evil Aligned dragonborn?
Technomancy: Seems good.
Eye of Grummsh: Did you mean to include Undead as well in Blood of the Nonbelievers? I believe the SOP for this is excluding Undead when Constructs are excluded, as neither of them are really alive, but animated by magic. Invoke Wrath is REALLY powerful, perhaps make it so that it takes up all Channel Divinity uses, or maybe the Divine Intervention use?
Infernal Bloodline: Language of Fear is kind of useless. All the fear effect adds is they can't move towards you, the base cantrip already imposes disadvantage on a failed save. Otherwise, seems good, if it's lacking a consistent focus.
Inquisitor: Seems good.
Do the rest later. Got other stuff to do.

College of Order: A lot of the challenge to writing these subclasses was trying to be lore-inclusive while offering unique gameplay aspects. The College of Order for halflings was actually in part inspired by the Book of Vile Darkness from pathfinder, which had a section highlighting how fanatical and sometimes horrifying halfling’s hate for goblins was. The College of Order was effectively a heroic fanatical bard college that, bringing order by fear, could control goblins. Other ideas for the college actually included a College of Luck, but I felt like it was too functionally similar to the Wild Magic Sorcerer.

Mortal Arcana: Thank you. This one was fun to write.

Oath of the Platinum Dragon/Dragon Queen: I had a lot of trouble reasoning this one. I know 5e moved away from the alignment-restricted classes and archetypes, and I was a big fan of that decision. At the same time, dragonborns lack of inherited morality made this hard to determine. My ideas were that since the Dragonborn of Bahamut and Spawn of Tiamat were all metallic/chromatic dragonborn, I could keep that as the restriction. My other option is just opening both to all dragonborn.

Technomancy: I’m glad to hear it. I had a lot of trouble figuring out a way to write this effectively, and I’m glad to hear it payed off.

Eye of Gruumsh: The exclusion of undead was an oversight. Thanks for catching that. And now that I’m comparing Invoke Wrath to, say, Avatar of Battle, I see how that’s pretty overpowered in terms of relative benefit. The idea of spending a use of Divine Intervention to do it is great though.

Infernal Bloodline: Thematically, I love the Language of Fear feature. But put in perspective, I see how it’s pretty lackluster. What suggestions do you have to fix it? And while it seems unfocused, it’s built to act as a quasi-martial sorcerer, with a controlling cantrip, health on kills, flight (though that isn’t unique), and summons unique to them as sorcerers.

Inquisitor: As basically a less powerful paladin mixed with the battlemaster, the hardest part was coming up with names for the Angelic Techniques.

If/when you have time to check out the rest, I’d really appreciate it. Your feedback has been really helpful.

Fire Tarrasque
2018-05-10, 05:45 AM
The lore on Dragonborn right now, to my knowledge, is:
The Dragonborn are just a Draconic species of humanoids created by Io, the ORIGINAL dragon god, pre Bahamut and Tiamat. He's dead now of course, but the Dragonborn aren't. I think the 3.5e Dragonborn hatch from other races was never technically phased out entirely though.

2018-05-10, 09:00 AM
The lore on Dragonborn right now, to my knowledge, is:
The Dragonborn are just a Draconic species of humanoids created by Io, the ORIGINAL dragon god, pre Bahamut and Tiamat. He's dead now of course, but the Dragonborn aren't. I think the 3.5e Dragonborn hatch from other races was never technically phased out entirely though.

That’s a shame. I think lifting the metallic/chromatic dragonborn requirement might fix it though.

Also, I’ve noticed a small benefit to the Infernal Soul’s Language of Fear. It basically gives them disadvantage on potentially two targets: you through fear, and their first target through the cantrip. It’s still pretty marginal and needs a buff, but it’s a little better than I first thought.