View Full Version : Reason for an NPC to become a Warlock - Reincarnate

2018-05-08, 10:41 AM
Several sessions ago a party I DM paid to have an NPC they were sent to rescue but died Reincarnated. Great, the elf woman came back a half orc.

In the background I decided even though the npc could live with that, pressure from her mother (wealthy family) forced her to try again. Well after several tries the family was near ruined financially and the elf woman was desperate and not in a great state of mind after seeing the white lights several times over several days.

During the last two Reincarnate attempts I would like an evil patron to have offered her a way back into her own elf body but for a service of course. This would make the elf woman a Warlock.

Some of my group members are more knowledgeable on lore issues than me. Any ideas what patron would be best?

2018-05-08, 11:13 AM
I like the idea of putting a twist on this, the patron could be Sehanine Moonbow.

This is a Forgotten Realms diety, so it doesn't exactly fit the "Fey Pact" like a glove. She was, however, for a time a fey aspect before regaining status as an independent diety. She is the goddess of death and the moon, despises the undead and their ilk. She speaks through visions, dreams and other means that feel prophetic or mystical.

There's more info out there, but that sounds like a fun idea, hope it helps.

2018-05-08, 11:27 AM
Making someone a Warlock is already a huge boon, and it's not a power the Patron can take back.

So, you would need a Patron who would for some reason see a value in making TWO huge favors to a mortal who has no money and who is so devoided of backbone, self-esteem and wisdom that she LITERALY killed herself several and let her family ruin itself just because her mother told her so.

Honestly, even if they were curious to see how much this woman will **** up her own life, it'd be a really big waste to do it.

The only reason I could see any Patron be interested in her would be if a) they're utterly desperate and b) she's the only one that they can contact.

Maybe a Rakshasa who tried to mess up with the Cycle of Reincarnation but got trapped in the space between Life and Death instead?

2018-05-08, 11:31 AM
Make her more than a bit mad and caught in the dreams of a great old one.

2018-05-08, 11:40 AM
If you can't find any normal patrons I remember in 3.5 in the tome of magic there were entities called vestiges who were cast out of the multiverse into a space of nothingness beyond reality. Most are mere shells or remnant of power or thought cast drifting in the void. Their power was called upon by binders who would let such entities through a ritual be able to bind their spirits together temporarily so that these being would grant them power in turn for feeling life. The cost of such a thing would be that the entity would leave a mark on the personality, body and possibly actions of the host. You could say due to experiencing death so many times yet not being able to reach this afterlife she caught glimpses of the void and managed to pact with one of the entities within or had a vision of where to find the ritual to summon them. Her soul could possibly have been damaged due to the multiple reincarnation attempts causing the afterlife not to accept or notice her causing desperation to make this pact and become whole once more. Each Vestige has a certain symbol and summoning ritual unique to each of them. Also with the various backgrounds of vestiges, you could make just about any type of pact available. Another idea is to alter the pact magic spells and class abilities to better represent the powers of the specific vestige pact. Just be wary this type of "magic" is deemed heretical and unaccessible by even the gods so she would be hunted down if found out as something worse than a blasphemer by the church to cover up this forbidden craft.

Here is the list:

Orthos, leraje, Buer, Tenebrous

2018-05-08, 01:44 PM
Sigreid nailed this one:

Make her more than a bit mad and caught in the dreams of a great old one.
Go for it! Have fun with it. :smallcool: