View Full Version : How do I get the updated AMFES: Spring from Gumroad?

Fable Wright
2018-05-08, 11:08 AM
I'm not sure where to post this, but here seems like the best place I could find?

I finally have an in-person group to play with, so I was digging out my old AMFES set from the kickstarter, and was sad about the lack of models in Spring, as I'm playing a Summoner Druid. I need me some Quicklings and Sprites. Digging through the updates, I saw that the Spring version was updated, for sale, on Gumroad. The link still works after 5 years, but hitting the purchase button does nothing, and putting in a price and then hitting the purchase button... also does nothing.

It's not on sale on Ookoodook or anywhere else, and getting an account on Gumroad still does not let me purchase it.

... How am I supposed to give the Giant my moneys?

Rogar Demonblud
2018-05-08, 11:18 AM
What browser are you using? It sounds like what happens when Firefox's NoScript kicks in, so if that's the case you'd need to make the site temp.Trusted (or just Trusted).

2018-05-08, 11:45 AM
What browser are you using? It sounds like what happens when Firefox's NoScript kicks in, so if that's the case you'd need to make the site temp.Trusted (or just Trusted).

Agreed - it sounds like the problem is in the browser, not in Gumroad. Fable Wright: check that you allow pop-ups, scripts, cookies, etc from Gumroad, for the duration of the purchase. If none of that works, try a different browser, and worse comes to worst, you may want to contact Gumroad for technical assistance.


Grey Wolf

Fable Wright
2018-05-08, 11:48 AM
What browser are you using? It sounds like what happens when Firefox's NoScript kicks in, so if that's the case you'd need to make the site temp.Trusted (or just Trusted).

I'm using Firefox (can't add trusted certificate because network reasons), mobile Google Chrome (same redirect stream), my phone's built in browser (can't actually access Gumroad), and the Gumroad App (spits my password back as a failed login even after resetting it).

This vendor is infuriating. :smallfurious:

Edit: Internet Explorer also has the redirect loop.

Rogar Demonblud
2018-05-08, 11:56 AM
That sounds more like a security certificate issue. Which is beyond my competency level. Sorry :smallfrown: