View Full Version : Determining paternity in game options?

2018-05-08, 01:45 PM
One of the players in our group, a Bard of course (half elf), has an issue coming up where a former NPC military superior thinks the Bard impregnated his daughter (elf mix also). As DM I haven't worked out the fine details yet but daughter may be hoping the Bard IS the father, the odds are against it but it is a possibility and I think her best option for singling the Bard out would be if the other option was a bad one.

Besides making the baby a non-matching species of course, are there any paternity tests worked into the spell list or something? I'm thinking a spell of truth on the daughter would get a list of the Bard and another possible father.

If I can make the father one of the bad guys in any of the adventures in "Tales of the Yawning Portal" all the better. We're at "The Forge of Fury" so far.

I'm up for any creative ideas. The party is level 4. We're in a normal magical setting world.

2018-05-08, 01:51 PM
Sounds like something augury spells of various kinds could answer

2018-05-08, 01:54 PM
Silly answer: locate the three eyes Raven and have him mind walk you back to the moment of the child’s birth.

Other simpler options: find someone to cast Legend Lore. It literally does what you are asking by providing super detailed information on a person, place, or object.

2018-05-08, 02:01 PM
The problem with legend lore is what do you aim it at? Especially if the kid isn't born yet.

I think, and I'm going to regret this, it's time to dig out the BoEF. There's probably something about paternity spells in there...

Analyze Ancestry - level 3 divination, VSM (rare herbs 100gp) , Touch a creature. You learn a creature's ancestry going back up to 10 generations.

I suppose a version of that could be cast on an unborn baby to determine paternity, but honestly, just do what's better for the story. The daughter might bribe the doctor/diviner to say it's the bard anyway, just because she likes him better than the other father or wants to baby-trap the bard into staying with her.

2018-05-08, 05:07 PM
Cast familicide and see if it dies as well?

2018-05-08, 05:14 PM
Cast familicide and see if it dies as well?

There goes my suggestion.

2018-05-09, 12:08 AM
The problem with legend lore is what do you aim it at? Especially if the kid isn't born yet.

I think, and I'm going to regret this, it's time to dig out the BoEF. There's probably something about paternity spells in there...

Analyze Ancestry - level 3 divination, VSM (rare herbs 100gp) , Touch a creature. You learn a creature's ancestry going back up to 10 generations.

I suppose a version of that could be cast on an unborn baby to determine paternity, but honestly, just do what's better for the story. The daughter might bribe the doctor/diviner to say it's the bard anyway, just because she likes him better than the other father or wants to baby-trap the bard into staying with her.

Legend Lore requires something/someone to be at least locally legendary I believe darnit.

2018-05-09, 02:44 AM
Divination - Ask a question, get an answer, the answer may be cryptically phrased however

Locate Creature - with a kindly reading of the spell "nearest creature of a specific kind" can be "I try to locate the nearest offspring of 'Bards Name'."

Commune - Three questions Yes/No, useful if you have narrowed the suspects

2018-05-09, 07:16 AM
Legend Lore requires something/someone to be at least locally legendary I believe darnit.

I think “secret lore” about a person could be argued to include contested paternity.
And who is to say the child will not become a source of legend given the relationship to the PC and a prominent military commander. Local lore is still Lore I say.

Plus, he is asking a aingle specific question which usually provides the best results.

2018-05-09, 07:41 AM
Divination - Ask a question, get an answer, the answer may be cryptically phrased however

Locate Creature - with a kindly reading of the spell "nearest creature of a specific kind" can be "I try to locate the nearest offspring of 'Bards Name'."

Commune - Three questions Yes/No, useful if you have narrowed the suspects

Commune: "Is this bard the child's biological father?"

You could also have a Cleric uses Divine Intervention. Might require quite a few days of prayers, but eventually you would have a clear answer.

That being said, does the bard have any interest in the lady? Or is it more "there was an one-night-stand and now the dad is mad"?

Falcon X
2018-05-09, 08:36 AM
There is an old 3.5 3rd party splatbook called Book of Erotic Deeds (Warning: NSFW). I have used it any time a question of this nature comes up and as a DM I freely port things to 5e.

2018-05-09, 11:14 AM
There is an old 3.5 3rd party splatbook called Book of Erotic Deeds (Warning: NSFW). I have used it any time a question of this nature comes up and as a DM I freely port things to 5e.

Already did. Scrubbed my brain afterwards too.

2018-05-09, 11:16 AM
The same rules for detecting witches also apply to detecting paternity. The most common method was the float test.

2018-05-09, 11:20 AM
The same rules for detecting witches also apply to detecting paternity. The most common method was the float test.

How would that work, just out of curiosity? Do you toss the suspected father in, the baby, or both?

2018-05-09, 11:30 AM
How would that work, just out of curiosity? Do you toss the suspected father in, the baby, or both?
Both. If the baby sinks it was the fathers. If the father sinks it wasn't. If they both sink it means a rich harvest.

2018-05-09, 01:52 PM
Both. If the baby sinks it was the fathers. If the father sinks it wasn't. If they both sink it means a rich harvest.

I was going to suggest waiting until the baby is born and then water boarding it until it tells you who's its daddy.

2018-05-09, 04:00 PM
I am suddenly mildly inspired by all the possible in-game-world methods each respective race would have of determining a child's parentage.

Dwarvish Method: If this child be mine, may they strike my hand with the might of a hammer upon an anvil! *Phwack!* ...The babe's mine. CLERIC!!!
Elvish Method: If this child is mine, may they prove so with the talent granted by my blood. *Firebolt!* ...This one is mine. Oh druid!
Halfling Method: Probably mine, just look at the way they drink! Like me, they go straight for the milk!
Human Method: Yes, the child is mine... Because if I tried to lie about it, the mother is going to kill me.
Dragonborn Method: I am proud to proclaim this hatchling as my own! Behold the scales which shine with my blood's fire!
Gnomish Method: Let's see... Place the baby on the scale here, and we'll weigh the duck over here...
Half-elf Method: What, just because I am the only elf around means I am the father?!
Half-orc Method: What, just because I am the only human around means I am the father?!

Oh and so many other possible delightful methods of determining parentage await the imagination!

Falcon X
2018-05-09, 06:09 PM
Already did. Scrubbed my brain afterwards too.

Ah! Ninjad. Good work sir.

Falcon X
2018-05-09, 06:19 PM
Magic Mouth - arguably the most versatile spell in the game for its level.
It says you can create a condition for its trigger. Make the condition “When the father of X walks by, sound an alarm.”

Sicarius Victis
2018-05-09, 07:18 PM
Both. If the baby sinks it was the fathers. If the father sinks it wasn't. If they both sink it means a rich harvest.

I just felt this part deserved to be recognized. "So, was he the father?" "No ****ing idea, but hey, at least we'll have a good harvest!"

2018-05-09, 07:56 PM
I just felt this part deserved to be recognized. "So, was he the father?" "No ****ing idea, but hey, at least we'll have a good harvest!"
And you know what happens after a good harvest?
More babies of dubious origin!
Full circle.

2018-05-10, 09:25 AM
Commune: "Is this bard the child's biological father?"

You could also have a Cleric uses Divine Intervention. Might require quite a few days of prayers, but eventually you would have a clear answer.

That being said, does the bard have any interest in the lady? Or is it more "there was an one-night-stand and now the dad is mad"?

I'll have to see if the Bard has any interest in her. So far I treated it as an mutual one night stand some time before the party met.

Someone mentioned magic mouth earlier. Kinda cheezy but I like it! I'll make pregnant girl likeable at least. Then after finding someone to cast magic mouth, roll a D12 and above half make it his, below not and let the player go from there.

2018-05-10, 09:29 AM
I'll have to see if the Bard has any interest in her. So far I treated it as an mutual one night stand some time before the party met.

Someone mentioned magic mouth earlier. Kinda cheezy but I like it! I'll make pregnant girl likeable at least. Then after finding someone to cast magic mouth, roll a D12 and above half make it his, below not and let the player go from there.

Or, make her a succubus and the start of many an adventure.

2018-05-10, 09:29 AM
I'll have to see if the Bard has any interest in her. So far I treated it as an mutual one night stand some time before the party met.

Someone mentioned magic mouth earlier. Kinda cheezy but I like it! I'll make pregnant girl likeable at least. Then after finding someone to cast magic mouth, roll a D12 and above half make it his, below not and let the player go from there.
Make her like Mrs. Reynolds from Firefly. The whole thing is a rouse and your party is being played by a powerful rogue masquerading as an innocent damsel being taken advantage of by the bard.