View Full Version : Pathfinder Archetypes and Selections for a thought experiment.

The Shadowmind
2018-05-09, 11:10 AM
Way back when there was this reddit post:https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder_RPG/comments/7de8li/allstalt_character_vs_rise_of_the_runelords/

In it, it was all Pazio classes gestalted together(and ignore alignment conflicts) versus the entire Rise of The Runelords AP.

Instead we are doing a slight variation of it.

All Dreamscarred Presses classes versus the AP. Due to the smaller selection, we are allowing archetypes, for the idea.
So Rules.
15 PB, Only DSP material, Alignment conflicts are ignored.
Gestalt rule interpretation in effect: All power points and essence are pooled together.

Psychic Warrior

My initial idea is to take Ravenlord and Nightmare Constructor archetypes, because they held balance out the action economy deficit that you start with. Coming that with Titles from Distant Shores, to make the smart Bryd and monsterbot useful combatants from level 1, and avoid the doubledipping problem from having 3 veilweaver classes.

The idea was lots of moving parts to keep track of, so what stat or stats it should focus on?

How far do you think the abomination made of class features will get.

2018-05-09, 07:56 PM
Dear God that would be a nightmare to play. So many moving parts.

Let's see. Should probably be Evil. That lets the Vizier use his Dark Lords ring for more minions. I feel like Int is probably your go to stat. It drives Aegis, Cryptic, Psion, Tactician, Warder, Harbinger and Vizier, which is a solid roster of classes.

For Dread, maybe the Swarmlord archetype? It does lock you into pestilence cloak, but adds to your veils shaped, gives you a swarm, and eventually lets you turn into a swarm for shenanigans.

Obviously Riven Hourglass is going to be your best friend.

Probably Crystal Warrior for the Aegis. Why not get free ranged attacks?

I dunno. Too many parts for my brain.

2018-05-09, 08:32 PM
sorry, I know it should be obvious, but I need clarification on what you meant by the gestalt clarification:
i'm not sure whether "pooled" together means you get each classes summed together, or you get the highest one only at each level.

The Shadowmind
2018-05-09, 10:34 PM
sorry, I know it should be obvious, but I need clarification on what you meant by the gestalt clarification:
i'm not sure whether "pooled" together means you get each classes summed together, or you get the highest one only at each level.

Each class summed together, like they would if you multi-classed.

2018-05-10, 09:22 AM
Each class summed together, like they would if you multi-classed.

That is not normally how gestalt works. Instead it's best of. So you would get d12 HP from Warder and not 21 hd at 1st level. Likewise you get Psion PP and Vizier Essence because those are the highest totals, not Vizier + Guru + Deavic + Rajah essence (Which would get broken rapidly with the Essence of the Immortal feat.) +2 to all saves but not +30 at level 1.

Features that are not the same you do get, so while you would only have veils per day from Vizier (and anything that explicitly adds like the Swarmlord, you would get the blood bind from Deavic as well as the ring bind from Vizier. Likewise you can bind the entire list of veils from Vizier, Deavic, Guru and Rajah.

Incidentally, did you leave Medic off for a reason, or just miss it?

The Shadowmind
2018-05-10, 11:10 AM
That is not normally how gestalt works. Instead it's best of. So you would get d12 HP from Warder and not 21 hd at 1st level. Likewise you get Psion PP and Vizier Essence because those are the highest totals, not Vizier + Guru + Deavic + Rajah essence (Which would get broken rapidly with the Essence of the Immortal feat.) +2 to all saves but not +30 at level 1.

Features that are not the same you do get, so while you would only have veils per day from Vizier (and anything that explicitly adds like the Swarmlord, you would get the blood bind from Deavic as well as the ring bind from Vizier. Likewise you can bind the entire list of veils from Vizier, Deavic, Guru and Rajah.

Incidentally, did you leave Medic off for a reason, or just miss it?

If Psionics get PP from both sides is a long debates questions:

Veils and Maunvers are keep completely separate as spell-slots are.
So 1 Veil from the Guru List, 1 Passion Veil from the Daevic List, 2 Veils from the Vizier list.

PP and Essence pooled stacking, and Maneuver Progression, Powers Known, and Veils are keep separate.
The above are the the rulings the idea will use.

The Medic was just missed.

2018-05-10, 11:23 AM
grammatron for cryptic and Nightmare for dread. They get some awesome action econ boosters, and if you are chaining them together with initiators like zealot, psywar, and aegis you could probably pull off some truly absurd numbers of various boosts/buffs/powers used in a turn, all while making double-strikes, each attack getting both a ranged and melee attack, and basically adding every stat to everything.

The Shadowmind
2018-05-11, 01:39 PM
This is what I think might work:

Soulknife: Augmented Blade/ War Soul this gets a Psycrstial as a bonus beat, Psicrystal Power Source. We don't actually care about the actual enhancement bonuses. The psycrystal joins the collective.

Aegis: Host Heroes. At lvl 3 we get 1/2 Int to Armor, +2 Int, Or Channel energy at 3, to power Divine Essence. The always chosen customization is Shape Veil, Lesser, to get a chakra at level 1, and be ahead of normal veilweaver. Confirmed to work by the FAQ thread.

Harbinger: Ravenlord. For the Smart Animal companion. With Titles from Distance shores it gives us another body to hang our veils on, and can do kung-fu in a few levels.

PsyWar: With Meditant we get Wis to AC. We could also take Aurora Soul for the Mystic instead, but you don't get the AC bonus until your first action.

Dread: Nightmare Constructor. Another body to hang veils one, helps relieve action economy problems. Sadly Fearmonger doesn't stack with the archetype, otherwise we could be more Wis focused.

Slayer: Judge for the Liberation Domain. The Freedom of Movement is a necessary, even if the rounds of use is limited.

Marksman: Adaptive Gunner/Shroud. The Hand cannons are fine backup weapon, and Invisibility for Wis rounds 4 times a day as a swift action.

Wilder: Either any surge that doesn't have a Dazed or similar effect, or Contemplative for the ability to change out powers, and more Wis focus.

Tactitan: Battlefield Medic.

Vitalist Sadist/Life Leech.

Rajah. While crown of the Sky sovereign would be nice if we could do it with WIS or INT, but it is stuck to CHA. Which means Crown of the Moonqueen becomes the no brainer option. 1/round free counter.

Main Veils would be a Riven Darts bound to the Hands chakra, for the multi-targeting standard action attack. 3d4+rider effects on 3 targets, at level 1 with Enhanced Capacity if we can find a way to spare 15 con with the limited point-buy.

2018-05-11, 03:06 PM
For Vizier I imagine Path of Ruler? Between that and Harbinger, a lot of foes are going to have saving throws of "pray for 20". Might go Telepath for Psion and just Jedi Mind trick your way through every encounter....

Is Deavic taking Passion for another minion?

2018-05-11, 03:24 PM
You should make his race Dragon (DSP monster class) that +1 NA/level and stat boosts would stack nicely.

Anyway, I think this character would perform as well or better than the all PF gestalt. It doesn’t seem like it would be hard to get AC of “roll a 20”, Saves of “I fail if I roll a 1 and then I counter” and 200+ force damage per round. The T1 tricks like fast movement aren’t necessary in RotRL, and as it is he has some fairly nasty minionmancy powers.

2018-05-11, 09:57 PM
Sadist and Life Leech on the Vitalist will turn your collective ability into a powerful offensive tool for you to use and protect you from painful backlash if anyone in your collective gets hurt. Combined with the other abilities you get from collective using classes, you can sneak some nasty powers on to your opponents and get bonus PP when they die.

2018-05-16, 05:06 PM
I think I'm going to build one just to see what it looks like. At least with the classes on the PFSRD and the supplements I own.

2018-05-17, 06:09 AM
All DSP Gestalt:
Marksman (Sniper)
Psychic Warrior (Assassin Path)
Vitalist (soulthief)
Wilder (Warrior)
Voyager (Not included)
Daevic (Wrath)
Vizier (crafter)
Medic (Not included)
Dragon (Copper)
15 PB Empyreal Guardian Tradition
Str 12 +2 (enhance, suit)
Dex 12 +2 (racial), +2 (enhance, suit)
Con 12
Int 14
Wis 12
Cha 12
HP 17 +5 temporary (1d12+1+toughness +1 FCB)
AC 10 +3 (dex) +1 (Morale, Warder) +2 mage armor=18 or 10+3 dex+2 size+1NA+4mage armor=20
Initiative +7 (+3 dex, +2 psicrystal +2 reactionary)
Will +4 (+2 base, +1 wis, +1 aegis)
Fort +3 (+2 base, +1 con) +4 v poison or disease
Reflex +5 (+3 dex, +2 base)
Traits: Reactionary
Natural Attacks:
Bite (5’reach) Primary (+1 bab +2 size +1 int +2 str=+6) 1d4 +7 (+3 str, +2 insight, +2 discipline focus),
Claws (0 reach) Primary (+1 bab +2 size +1 int +2 str=+6) 1d3+6 (+2 str, +2 insight +2 Discipline focus),
Mind Blade (+1 bab +1 MW +1 int +2 str=+5) 1d8 +4 (+2 str, +2 insight), 19-20 x2, range 15
Disrupt Pattern (humanoid) (Cryptic)30 ray, (+1 bab +1 int +3 dex=+5) 1d6 +4 damage (half to nonhumanoids)
Devastating Touch (Dread) (+1 bab +1 int +2 str =+4) Touch attack vs. living for 1d6+3
Base Speed 20+20=40 (dragon), 30+20=50 (human)
Defenses: Immune to Paralysis, Sleep, Acid (Dragon), Aegis (+1 AC and Will to allies within 10 (warder),
Feats: Humanoid Form (human) (Level 1), Two Weapon Fighting (Soulknife), Psionic Talent (Soulknife), Scribe Tattoo (Cryptic), Point Blank Shot (Marksman), Psicrystal Affinity (Psion), Discipline Focus Broken Blade (Psi Warrior), Toughness(Warrior Surge Bond), Bonus Combat or Teamwork (Warlord), Combat Reflexes (Warder),
Other stuff: shape mind blade, throw mind blade, Astral repair, trapfinding (+1 perception v traps, disable device), trapmaker (+1 craft Traps), Fearsome insight (+ 1 (lvl) to intimidate), Wind Reader (Swift Action, +wis to ranged attacks for the round 3+lvl/day, competence bonus), coordinated strike +1 (+1 insight to attacks for the round against designated target, 3+int/day), Collective, Wild surge +1, psychic enervation, surge blast, Accursed will (1/2 int to attack rolls), dark claim, ill tidings (+10 competence to speed), Animus (2 at start), blade meditation, elemental attunement, royal mandate, vassalage, the crossroads, Ki Pool 1, Deadly Strike (+1d6 damage on crits or flatfooted, lasts 1 round), Stalker Art: Deadly Ambush, Unbreakable Gambit, Brave Gambit, Zeal (when he hits with a strike, all allies +1 to hit for a round),
Acrobatics 1 rank +3 class +2 insight +3 dex =+9
Stealth 1 rank +3 class +2 insight +3 dex =+9 +8 size =+17 (+1 heal from stance, +2 insight from essence to veil)=+20
Perform Dance
Spellcraft 1 rank +3 class +2 int =+6
Disable Device 1 rank +3 class +2 int +1 trapfinding =+7
Intimidate 1 rank +3 class +1 cha +1 fearsome insight =+6
Astral Skin: Speed x2, Nimble (+2 dex), Psionic Attacks (all melee attacks are magic, weapons are MW), Brawn (+2 str),
Altered Defense (6 rounds/day, free action, +1 dodge to AC)
Talents: Vim, Create Sound (Cryptic), Conceal Thoughts, Lesser Fortify (+1 to saves) (Dread), Detect Psionics, Energy Splash, Telepathic Lash (Psion), Unearthly Terror, Missive, Distract (Tactician), Siphon, Hinder, Sense Poison (Vitalist),
Powers (5+2 veil pp/day): Chameleon (+10 stealth, 10 min/lvl, Cryptic), Offensive Precognition (+1 insight to attack, 1 min/lvl, Dread), Force Screen (Shield), Inertial Armor (Mage Armor), Astral construct (Psion), Prevenom, Defensive Precognition (+1 insight to AC, 1 min/lvl, Psi Warrior), Call to mind (recheck knowledge at +4, Tactician), Collapse, Vigor, Natural Healing (Vitalist), Circumstance Shield (+1 insight to init, 1 hr/lvl, psion),
Harbinger: (CRazor, RHour, VMoon, SThrone, SMirror) Distorted Clock stance (Extend one power, RH 1), 3 ready
Clockwatcher (RH 1, act in surprise round), Minute Hand (RH 1, extra attack at -2), Inner Sense (VM 1, +2 insight to a save), Funhouse Waltz (SM 1, +10 move and turn during run or charge), Copycat Cut (SM 1, +1d6 damage)
Mystic: (EFlux, MCurrent, RHour, SMirror, SWind, VMoon)Elemental Nimbus (lots of attack bonuses, say +1d6 electric on attacks and +2 to hit foes in metal armor)
5(2): Eldrich Shield (Energy resist 10 all for the round, EF1), Flowing Creek (Perform Dance to evade attack MC1), Fluctuation Movement (EF1), Spark Strike (+2d4 damage EF1), Horizon Wind Lancet (B +1d6 to ranged attack SW1), Left Hand Strike (SM1), Tidal Blade (MC1)
Rajah: (GLion, RDawn, SThrone, SWind, One of choice: BSeraph) Caged Sun stance (RD 1, +50% to healing)
5(3): Staunching Strike (RD 1, strike heals 1 damage if hits), Decree of Mercy (RD counter, damage is nonlethal), Bolster (RD counter, ally gets DR (cha)/- for a round), Voracious Drive (BS1), Gutstrike (BS1)
Veils: Demiurge (Headband, copies a title veil), Resolute (Head, Target (the psicrystal) gets 2 power points)
Stalker: (BBlade, SWind, SSerpent, TDrag, VMoon, RHour) Body of the Night (SS 1, + heal ranks to stealth, +4 to hit +1d6 damage against flat footed)
6(4): Hunting Serpent Blow (ss1, Strike heal check to flat footed and +1d6), Dizzying Venom Prana (ss1, Boost, 2 wis damage and stagger), Sting of the Rattler (ss1, +1d4 damage), Dimensional Strike (VM1, attacks flat footed), Minute Hand (RH1), Clockwatcher (RH1, act in surprise round)
Warlord (Glion traded for SCrane, PFury, SThrone, SWind, TDragon, PThunder) Running Hunters Stance (PF1, Scent and +10 enhancement to speed)
6(4): Princes Attitude (ST1 Boost +2 will and reflex and +4 vs aoo for a round). Silver Strike (SC 1, advantage on an attack), Enduring Crane Strike (SC1, strike heals 1d6 +cha), Leaping Dragon (TD1, Boost, Jump as a swift at +10), Crane Step (SC1, Free 5’), Red Zephyr’s Strike (ST1, attack then 10’move)
Warder: (BBlade, GLion, STort, PFury, EGuard) Iron Hand Stance (BB1, +2 shield bonus if 1 hand free)
5(3) Flurry Strike (BB1, attack twice), Encouraging Roar (GL1, all allies +2 attack and damage), Panthera on the hunt (PF, charge ignores AOO and +2 hit damage), Brawlers Attitude (BB1, boost +4 on CMB), Primal Wrath (PF1, +4 damage strike)
Zealot: (EGuard, SGoddess, SWind, GLion, PThunder), Unbroken Stride (SG1,Water Walk)
5(3): Call the souls Blade (SG1, mindblade gets a +1 weapon enhance for level rounds), Guards Oath (EG1), Ego Wounding Strike (SG1), Terrifying Blow (EG1), Bronze Lancers Edge (PT1 boost, next charge +1d6),
Vizier: Stone Giant’s Girdle, Stare of the Ghaele
Guru: Stalkers Tabi
Daevic: Daevic Aspect
Gear: Average starting wealth 175 gp:
2 Psionic tattoos of inertial armor (crafted)
2 Psionic Tattoos of Natural healing (crafted)
Psionic tattoo of Chameleon (crafted)
Thieves Tools

His AC and saves arent as great as I expected at this level. (Although saves can benefit from counters or buffs and AC can be buffed). His unbuffed stealth of +20 (+30 if he manifests chameleon) should allow him to avoid unwanted encounters or begin them with a kill. He should be able to make 2-3 attacks per round, and any hit should drop most enemies at this level. In stealth mode he effectively has 2d6 sneak attack, or in general combat mode 1d6 electric to all attacks. He has very little to do with wealth besides make tattoos. His best defense is his 22 HP, so if fights begin to look bad he can disengage (moves faster than most enemies) hide, heal and return.

2018-05-17, 07:04 AM
Gnaeus: I haven't looked through everything yet, but I noticed that you have encouraging roar listed twice. You can only learn a maneuver once, even across classes.

2018-05-17, 08:16 AM
Gnaeus: I haven't looked through everything yet, but I noticed that you have encouraging roar listed twice. You can only learn a maneuver once, even across classes.

Rules that you don't learn when not making gestalts:smallsmile:. I was indeed doing that for several maneuvers. Can anyone clarify that that is in fact the rule? I see some concensus that it was in Tome of Battle, but I see some forum chatter that says that you can in PoW. Can anyone give a cite to a rule or dev that clarifies? Does that mean that having a maneuver in any class counts as a prereq for all classes?

Edit: OK. I'm convinced. Ill fix it as I update to a level 5 build. It will probably require some discipline swapping.

Edit 2: That should fix it. I just went back and picked a few disciplines for each class so no future overlap

2018-05-17, 10:15 AM
Essence of the Immortal and/or Psionic Body will give many more HP.

Also where are dragons as DSP classes from?

2018-05-17, 11:05 AM
Essence of the Immortal and/or Psionic Body will give many more HP.

Also where are dragons as DSP classes from?


I’d say it’s a decent T3. Weaker than some of the PoW/Akashic, but well rounded and FANTASTIC in gestalt.

And no doubt. But toughness was a bonus feat from wilder and humanoid form I felt was necessary to interact with peoples, not to mention needed for the brutal half dragon form.

2018-05-18, 08:26 AM
Essence of the Immortal and/or Psionic Body will give many more HP.

Also where are dragons as DSP classes from?

Aberrant aegis, psi body, and essence of the immortal is even better - especially when you consider all the akashic+psionic feats that grant essence.

2018-05-18, 10:17 AM
Aberrant aegis, psi body, and essence of the immortal is even better - especially when you consider all the akashic+psionic feats that grant essence.

Aberrant Aegis, Dragon, Daevic would be horrific. So many natural attacks. All boosted by storm gauntlets and maybe forcestrike knuckles. Maybe change Warlord to Steelfist commando, grab chimera soul for one of your many initiator classes, and start abusing broken blade boosts.

2018-05-18, 10:42 AM
I agree, you are completely right. But from what I remember of that AP, searching archetypes is just overkill. I’m already looking at a Mindblade/spear of light/bite/wing/wing/tail/gore attack routine at the level 5 build. I’m certain he can outdamage my RotRL party combined.

2018-05-18, 11:52 AM
All DSP Gestalt: King Copper
Marksman (Sniper)
Psychic Warrior (Assassin Path)
Vitalist (soulthief)
Wilder (Warrior)
Voyager (Not included)
Daevic (Dominion)
Vizier (crafter)
Medic (Not included)
Dragon (Copper)
15 PB
Str 12 +2 race +4 (enhance, suit)=18
Dex 12 +2 (racial), +2 (enhance, suit)=16
Con 12
Int 14 +2 race +1 level +2 enhance=19
Wis 12 +2 race +2 enhance=16
Cha 12 +2 race +2 enhance=16
HP 47 +5 temporary (1d12+1+toughness +1 FCB)
AC 10 +3 (dex) +2 (Morale, Warder) +5 ring of abjurer +7 Natural Armor +2 dodge +2 insight=31
or 10+3 dex+2 size+7NA+5 ring of abjurer +2 Morale +2 dodge +2 insight=33
Initiative +11 (+4 int, +2 psicrystal, +2 reactionary, +3 wis)
Will +14 (+4 base, +3 wis, +2 aegis, +3 cha (warlord), +1 insight +1 enhance): Stalwart, Withstand spell (can use will to save against spells or spell likes that target Fort or Ref), +17 vs Enchantments (Daevic+veil)
Fort +7 (+4 base, +1 con +1 insight +1 enhance): stalwart +8 disease, +11 vs poison
Reflex +13 (+4 int, +4 base, +3 wis +1 insight, +1 enhance): evasion
Traits: Reactionary
Natural Attacks:
Bite (5’reach) Primary (+5 bab +2 size +2 int +4 str=+13) 1d4 +11 (+6 str, +2 discipline focus, +1 psionic, +2 competence),
Claws (0 reach) Primary (+5 bab +2 size +2 int +4 str=+13) 1d3+9 (+4 str, +2 Discipline focus, +1 psionic +2 competence),
Mind Blade +2 (+5 bab +2 int +4 str +1 weapon focus +2 enhance=+14) 1d8 +9 (+4 str, +1 psionic +2 competence, +2 enhance), 19-20 x2, range 15
Spear of Light (10 reach) (+5 BAB, +1 MW, +2 int, +4 Str, +1 weapon focus=+13) 3d6 +7 (+4 str, +1 psionic +2 competence) Ignores DR. Range 20 or 30 line Ref 15 half
FULL Attack as medium Half Dragon: Sword +12/Spear +11/Bite +6/Wing +6/Wing +6/Tail +6/Gore +6
Mind Blade +2 TWF(+5 bab +2 int +4 str +1 weapon focus -2 TWF +2 enhance=+12) 1d8 +9 (+4 str, +1 psionic +2 competence +2 enhance), 19-20 x2, range 15
Spear of Light TWF(10 reach) (+5 BAB, +1 MW, +2 int, +4 Str, +1 weapon focus-2 TWF=+11) 3d6 +5 (+2 str, +1 psionic +2 competence) Ignores DR. Range 20 or 30 line Ref 15 half
Bite (10’reach) as secondary (+5 bab +2 int +4 str-5 secondary=+6) 1d8 +7 (+2 str, +2 discipline focus, +1 psionic, +2 competence),
2 Wings as secondary (+5 bab +2 int +4 str -5 secondary=+6) 1d4+7 (+2 str, +2 discipline focus, +1 psionic, +2 competence),
Gore as secondary (+5 bab +2 int +4 str -5 secondary=+6) 1d4+7 (+2 str, +2 discipline focus, +1 psionic, +2 competence),
Disrupt Pattern (humanoid) (Cryptic)30 ray, (+5 bab +2 int +3 dex=+10) 2d6 +3(int) (half to nonhumanoids)
Devastating Touch (Dread) (+5 bab +2 int +4 str =+11) Touch attack vs. living for 1d6+5
Steal Health (Vitalist) (+5 Bab, +2 int +4 str=+11) Does 8 damage, heals 8 to self, touch
Dread Terrors (10/day, swift action): Chase Terror (follow a 5’step as immediate), Invigorating Fear (if he drops an enemy, gain (cha) temp HP)
Base Speed 30+20=50 (dragon), 30+20=50 (human), Fly speed 50, Spider Climb at will
Defenses: Immune to Paralysis, Sleep, Acid (Dragon), Aegis (+1 AC and Will to allies within 10 (warder), DR3/-, Altered Defense (7 rounds/day, free action, +2 dodge to AC), evade arrows (+1 dodge vs ranged attacks), Elude Attack (+1 dodge, Wilder), Arcane Defense (+1 ac and saves vs. spells + spell likes), Dodge Bonus (+1 dodge, Stalker), uncanny dodge (stalker), force of personality (cha to will)
Feats: Humanoid Form (human) (Level 1), Weapon Focus Mindblade (Soulknife), Psionic Talent (Soulknife), Scribe Tattoo (Cryptic), Point Blank Shot (Marksman), Psicrystal Affinity (Mindblade skill), Discipline Focus Broken Blade (Psi Warrior), Toughness(Warrior Surge Bond), Escape Route (Warlord 1), Combat Reflexes (Warder), Half Dragon Form (Level 3), Flyby Attack (level 5), Master Craftsman (Aegis 5), Extra Terrors (Dread 5), Weapon Focus (shortspear) (Marksman 5), Hustle Power (Psion 5), Chakra Strike (Psywar 2) Focused Critical(Psywar5), Signature Skill: Intimidate (Rajah 5), Die Hard (indomitable presence, Warlord), Lookout (Warlord 3), Akashic Charge(Warder 3), Two Weapon Fighting (Daevic 3), Improved Shield Bash (Daevic 5), Stunning Fist (Guru 1), Craft Wondrous Item (Vizier 5), Boost Construct (Mindblade skill), Share Power (Psion 1)
Breath Weapon: 2d8 acid, reflex DC 13, 30 line
Grease (spell like) 1/day, DC 13
Other stuff: shape mind blade, throw mind blade, Astral repair, trapfinding (+2 perception v traps, disable device), trapmaker (+5 craft Traps), Fearsome insight (+ 1 (lvl) to intimidate), Wind Reader (Swift Action, +wis to ranged attacks for the round 3+lvl/day, competence bonus), coordinated strike +1 (+1 insight to attacks for the round against designated target, 3+int/day), Collective, Wild surge +1, psychic enervation, surge blast, Accursed will (1/2 int to attack rolls), dark claim, ill tidings (+10 competence to speed), Animus (4 at start), blade meditation, elemental attunement, royal mandate, vassalage, the crossroads, Ki Pool 1, Deadly Strike (+2d6 damage on crits or flatfooted, lasts 3 round), Stalker Art: Deadly Ambush, Rogue Talent: Trap Spotter, Unbreakable Gambit, Brave Gambit, Victory Gambit, Zeal (when he hits with a strike, all allies +1 to hit for a round), Darkvision 120, superior low light vision, invigorating suit, reconfigure 2/day, Cryptic Insights: Enhance Tattoo (int/day, Use a tattoo at CL 5), Fast Stealth, Aura of Fear (enemies within 10 lose fear immunity and -4 on saves v. fear), Favored Weapon (Thrown) +1 on ranged attacks with Thrown weapon group (Marksman), Covering Fire (Marksman), Summoners Call (Adds to construct duration), Style Technique (expend psi focus to add wis to ranged damage), Style Skill (+1 stealth/3 levels), Style Mantra (if has psi focus, +2 damage with thrown), Path Skill Psy Warrior (+2 stealth), Expanded Path +2 competence on Damage rolls (psywar), Telepathy, Strategy (cha+3/day, collective gets +1 insight to saves), Improved Share (2 powers at once) (Tactician), Vitalist’s touch, health sense (identify), spirit of many, Steal Health, Transfer Wounds 2d6, Request Aid (Healer), Dark Focus (+1 attack and damage on Riven Hourglass Maneuvers,) Grim News (Move as a swift, 1/encounter), Massacre (When you drop an enemy, use a readied strike on an adjacent enemy, 1/encounter), Elusive Shadow (+2 dodge and reflex any round he moves 10 feet, harbinger), Elemental Glyph (4 rounds, 1 animus), Mystic Artifice, Warrior of the court (+2 untyped Perception and Spellcraft), House of Servants (3 unseen servants), Heraldries: Valued Customer (summon shop), Combat insight (stalker, +wis to init and reflex as insight), Warleader (standard, share a tactical feat for cha rounds), Tactical Flanker, Battle Prowess (+1 to hit and damage when in Elemental Flux stance), Armigers Mark, Extended Defense, Tactical Acumen (Int replaces dex for reflex and Initiative), veilshifting 1/day, Blade Talents: Psicrystal Affinity, Psionic Training
Sense Motive (from Headband): 5 rank +3 class +3 wis =+11
Acrobatics 5 rank +3 class +6 insight +3 dex =+17
Perception 5 ranks +3 class +3 wis +2 rajah=13 (15 v traps)
Stealth 5 rank +3 class +6 insight +3 dex +4 Competence (cryptic) +1 sniper, +2 PsyWar path skill=+24 (may be +8 if small,+5 from heal ranks if stealth stance, +10 chameleon)
Heal 5 ranks +3 class +3 wis =+11
Perform Dance 5 ranks +3 class +3 dex =+11
Spellcraft 5 rank +3 class +4 int +2 rajah=+14
Disable Device 5 rank +3 class +3 int +1 trapfinding =+12
Intimidate 5 rank +3 class +2 cha +2 fearsome insight =+12
Craft Traps: 5 ranks +3 class +3 int +1 craftsman +5 trapmaker=+17
Astral Skin: Speed x2, Nimble (+2 dex), evasion, Psionic Attacks (all melee attacks are magic, weapons are MW) (1), Psionic Damage (+1 all melee attacks) (1), Brawn x2 (+4 str enhance) (4), stalwart (1), Underwater Breath (1)
Talents: Vim, Create Sound (Cryptic), Conceal Thoughts, Lesser Fortify (+1 to saves) (Dread), Detect Psionics, Energy Splash, Telepathic Lash (Psion), Unearthly Terror, Missive, Distract (Tactician), Siphon, Hinder, Sense Poison (Vitalist),
Powers (37+2 veil pp/day):
Cryptic: L1 Chameleon (+10 stealth, 10 min/lvl,), Metamorphosis, Minor, Offensive Prescience (adds to damage), L2: Breach (knock), Concealing Amorphia (Blur)
Dread L1:Offensive Precognition (+1 insight to attack, 1 min/lvl), Lingering Touch, Demoralize L2: Sidestep, Deflect
Marksman: L1: Bolt, Foxhole, L2 Knockdown
Psion: L1 Force Screen (Shield), Inertial Armor (Mage Armor), Astral construct, Skate, Synesthete L2: Psionic Lock, Everyman, Feat Leach, Converse, L3 Dispel Psionics, Eradicate Invisibility
Psi War: L1: Prevenom, Defensive Precognition (+1 insight to AC, 1 min/lvl), Expansion, Grip of Iron, L2: Hustle, Psionic Lions Charge
Tactician: L1: Skills as 1, Call to mind (recheck knowledge at +4), L2: Dimension Swap, Share Pain, L3 Solicit Psicrystal
Vitalist: L1: Collapse, Vigor, Natural Healing (Vitalist), L2: Body Adjustment, L3: Body Purification
Wilder: L1 Circumstance Shield (+1 insight to init, 1 hr/lvl), Broker, L2 Sustenance
Harbinger: (CRazor, RHour, VMoon, SThrone, SMirror) Distorted Clock stance (Extend one power, RH 1), Aura of Misfortune (Close opponents have -2 on saves) (CRazor 1), Riven Hourglass Stance (RH3, +4 dodge + init, immune to slow, 20%miss chance vs magic)
8(5) Clockwatcher *(RH 1, act in surprise round), Minute Hand *(RH 1, extra attack at -2), Word of Retribution *(CR 2 counter, Spellcraft check to mirror damage taken to an enemy), Time Skitter *(RH 3, haste for int rounds), Rapid Strike *(RH 2, Make 2 attacks), Luck Shifting (CR1), Spilled Salt (CR1), Strike of the Hourglass (RH1)
Mystic: (EFlux, MCurrent, RHour, SMirror, SWind, VMoon)Elemental Nimbus (EF1), Elemental Flux Stance (EF3), Embrace The Elements Stance (EF1)
6(3): Eldrich Shield **(Energy resist 10 all for the round, EF1), Flowing Creek *(Perform Dance to evade attack MC1), Following Wake (MC1 Boost Trip on charge), Fluctuation Movement (EF1), Spark Strike (+2d4 damage EF1), Left Hand Strike (SM1), Tidal Blade (MC1), Lance of Power**(EF 3), Mimics Gambit ** (SM 2), Calm The Storm *(MC 2 counter), Energy Spark *(EF2)
Rajah: (GLion, RDawn, SThrone, SWind, One of choice: BSeraph) Caged Sun stance (RD 1, +50% to healing)
5(3): Staunching Strike (RD 1, strike heals 1 damage if hits), Decree of Mercy * (RD counter, damage is nonlethal), Bolster (RD counter, ally gets DR (cha)/- for a round), Voracious Drive * (BS1), Gutstrike (BS1), Taunting Laugh * (BS3), Witness to Glory * (RD2, counter, adds init and temp hp), Healers Bane* (RD2, counter, steals healing and hurts recipients)
Veils: Demiurge (Headband, copies a title veil (Resolute)), Resolute (Head, Target (the psicrystal) gets 2 power points) The Ephemeral (Shoulder, Target Psycrystal can teleport up to its move)
Stalker: (BBlade, SWind, SSerpent, TDrag, VMoon, RHour) Body of the Night (SS 1, + heal ranks to stealth, +4 to hit +1d6 damage against flat footed), Formless Dance Stance (See invis and Blur (VM3), Stance of Piercing Rays (SW 1)
10(6): Hunting Serpent Blow* (ss1, Strike heal check to flat footed and +1d6), Dizzying Venom Prana (ss1, Boost, 2 wis damage and stagger), Steady Hand (sw1,+30 range), Dimensional Strike (VM1, attacks flat footed), Inner Sense *(VM 1, +2 insight to a save), Ghost Hunting Blow (VM1, ghost touch as boost), Ghostwalk *(VM3), Sting of the Asp *(SS2, +1d6 and str damage), Fading Strike *(VM2, Teleport and attack), Intercepting Shade * (SW2 counter)
Warlord (Glion traded for SCrane, PFury, SThrone, SWind, TDragon, PThunder) Running Hunters Stance (PF1, Scent and +10 enhancement to speed), Stance of the Silver crane (SC3, weapons are holy and protected from evil), Eyes of the Crane (SC 1, advantage on perception and concealment)
8(5): Princes Attitude (ST1 Boost +2 will and reflex and +4 vs aoo for a round). Silver Strike (SC 1, advantage on an attack), Enduring Crane Strike (SC1, strike heals 1d6 +cha), Leaping Dragon (TD1, Boost, Jump as a swift at +10), Crane Step (SC1, Free 5’), Red Zephyr’s Strike (ST1, attack then 10’move), Silver Knights Blade* (SC3 4d6 damage and heal), Scarlets Eye Perception* (STq Next attack is touch), Reflexive Twist* (TD2 roll acrobatics for reflex)
Warder: (BBlade, GLion, STort, PFury, EGuard) Iron Hand Stance (BB1, +2 shield bonus if 1 hand free), Broken Blade Stance (BB3 + lvl to Acrobatics and extra attack on full attack), Pride Leaders Stance (Allies within 20 get +4 vs fear)
8(5) Flurry Strike (BB1, attack twice), Encouraging Roar* (GL1, all allies +2 attack and damage), Panthera on the hunt (PF, charge ignores AOO and +2 hit damage), Brawlers Attitude* (BB1, boost +4 on CMB), Primal Wrath (PF1, +4 damage strike), Raging Hunter Pounce* (PF2), Steel Flurry Strike* (BB3, 3 attacks at-2,+3d6), Defending the Pride* (GL2, Allies +4 AC for 1 round)
Zealot: (EGuard, SGoddess, SWind, GLion, PThunder), Unbroken Stride (SG1,Water Walk), Internal Dominion of the Sleeping Goddess (SG3), Vigilant Keepers Stance (EG1, threatened area difficult terrain)
8(5): Call the souls Blade *(SG1, mindblade gets a +1 weapon enhance for level rounds), Guards Oath (EG1), Ego Wounding Strike (SG1), Terrifying Blow (EG1), Bronze Lancers Edge *(PT1 boost, next charge +1d6), Debilitating Fear *(EG2), Grasp of the Goddess *(SG3), Throwing Thunder *(PT1, +2d6+prone)
8 essence (5 vizier +3 feats)Binds: Hands, Feet.
Vizier (4): Stone Giant’s Girdle (Body), Horns of the Minotaur (head), Ring of the Abjurer (ring) 1 invested), Bangles of Jealous seductress (wrist)
Guru (3): Stalkers Tabi (feet) (2 invested, 20 teleport as a move), Loyal Paladins Spear of Light (hands)(2 invested), Courtesans Cloak (neck)
Daevic (1+2): Passion: (1 invested) Daevic Aspect (Blood) Cincture of the Dragon (Chest) Whirlpool Lash (Belt)
Akashic Feats: Chakra Strike, Focused Critical, Akashic Charge (2 invested)
Level 1 sorcerer: Long Arm, Ant Haul
Assume about 30kgp gear +10k consumables, mostly tattoos. Figure 4 PCs all wind up around WBL in that adventure, and the cost of selling will more or less cancel the discount from item crafting. So:
Headband of Mental Superiority +2 (16k)
Least Akashic Catalyst (8k)
Crystal Spaulders (5600)
Cloak of resist +1

Build notes: Made a couple of very minor changes from the L1 version (basically swapping out feats that he got for free later). I’m not going to make sure all those are 100% edited between builds. So, uhm, he used a little bit of retraining. Yeah. Also, I'm not saying he couldn't be improved. I'm mostly taking basic choices or choices from DSP characters I've played so I can see what it looks like. If you want to see a more optimized one go ahead and use whatever you want. As noted above, theres lots of archetypes that could improve it to varied amounts.

So this guy! In the city King Copper rolls around in human form with his posse of phantom retainers, fascinating anyone who gets too close with his sheer awesomeness, dancing the night away under the neon lights of sandpoint. Other than intimidate, his social skills aren’t amazing, but I figure intimidate, perception and sense motive should get him through the mystery parts (I don’t recall them being super hard). And of course nothing stops him from designing his veils to be a social guy on any given day.

In exploration mode he shifts to his Tiny dragon form. +37 stealth (or 47 if he spends a pp for chameleon). With Fast Stealth and Trap Spotter he should be able to navigate most dungeons at full speed. Against simple encounters he will often just stealth kill his targets (he has 5 reach with bite, or a bite/claw/claw/gore/tail natural attack. Functionally he has 3d6 sneak attack, or he can just sneak attack with a maneuver). He may just bypass traps or encounters with stealth, teleports and/or ghostwalk. He can always act in the surprise round, and has uncanny dodge/combat reflexes. If circumstances warrant, he may pulse his scent or see invisibility stances. He has flight, spider climb, water breathing constant, and water walk or swim speed are a swift action away. He has superior darkvision and 4x low light. Psionic Knock.

In combat mode he will shift up to half dragon form and TWF his mindblade and spear of light. He will enter elemental flux stance for +2 to all saves and +2d6 cold damage on his 7 attack routine. He has multiple ways to charge/pounce(and he gets extra to hit and damage when he charges) or move as a swift then full attack. (Looks like around 120 damage on an unbuffed full attack if all his attacks hit). He has reach and combat reflexes so he can play the AOO game if he wants. Or he can use flyby attack to enter a room (stealth +24, fast stealth), attack with a maneuver, then finish his movement behind cover and stealth. If circumstances allow, he can fly above enemies and destroy them with alternating energy lances and thrown attacks. He’s also a pretty decently optimized summoner, so if facing a boss he doesn’t want to solo he can expand his party with a couple of augmented astral constructs. He can also bypass fear immunity if he wants to use fear tricks. His Psycrystal lurks outside combat with a readied action to Request Aid (letting King heal himself for 15 points with no personal action expenditure). His 31 ac should be adequate for most CR 5 foes on an adventure path, but that’s unbuffed, so he can raise it quickly. Hustle power lets him buff as a move, so he can strike as a standard and buff in the same round if he doesn’t plan to full attack. Between his speed, teleports, and other movement tricks he should have little difficulty disengaging from any fight he doesn’t want to be in. His +11 init likely means that most combats will begin with a sneak attack in the surprise round then he goes first before enemies can respond and likely while they still flatfooted (And one easy trick in slightly tough fights is to share the Share Initiative feat with the psycrystal the round before the fight starts, so he has +11 and advantage on the init roll).
(In my brain, he’s one of the late stage dragon slayers from Fairy Tail guild. Light/Copper/Shadow dragon wing attack! Cold Dragon Roar!)

He has fast healing 1 at will. He can use sor/wiz items without checks, or use essence to get fake charges on cleric wands. He crafts psionic tattoos which he can then use at his full caster level. He has craft Wondrous, and a class ability that lets him summon an outsider with a magic shop! He can shift charges around in same level wands. And he can craft traps really well. Not sure how things would get so desperate that that would help, but I like to imagine a house in Sandpoint covered in snares.

ROTRL spoilers: I remember early fights with an imp that was pretty tough at the level. King will stomp him. There were some lamias as well. Not at all concerned. And some ogres with basic class levels. Not scared. Most of the hard fights for us were solo bosses, so those play to his strengths (he can easily counter one enemy every turn).

Weaknesses: Well, Knowledges are bad. Should probably take one rank from each skill and pip them all, but I don’t want to be bothered. His saves are good, but not yet quite where I want them. My other big fear would be mook swarms targeting a weakness. Like if all the ogres decided to grapple, or multiple monsters targeting fort saves. But I don’t think most things will live long enough to realize that they need to grapple the freezing dragon thing that just appeared out of nowhere in their room. And he does have counters, like ghostwalk, just not as many as I would like yet.

I was going to be done at 5. But the sick part of my brain REALLY wants to see him at level 10, so if im not too busy that will prob happen.

2018-05-20, 02:49 PM
All DSP Gestalt: King Copper
Marksman (Sniper)
Psychic Warrior (Assassin Path)
Vitalist (soulthief)
Wilder (Warrior)
Voyager (Not included)
Daevic (Dominion)
Vizier (crafter)
Dragon (Copper)
15 PB
Str 12 +6 race +6 (enhance, suit)=24
Dex 12 +2 (racial), +6 (enhance, suit)=20
Con 12 +2 race=14
Int 14 +4 race +2 level +2 enhance=22
Wis 12 +2 race +2 enhance=16
Cha 12 +2 race +2 enhance=16
HP 97 +15 temporary (1d12+1+toughness +1 FCB)
AC 10 +5 (dex) +3 (Morale, Warder) +5 ring of abjurer +12 Natural Armor +6 dodge +2 insight +6 shield=49
Initiative +13 (+6 int, +2 psicrystal, +2 reactionary, +3 wis)
Will +19 (+7 base, +3 wis, +3 aegis, +3 cha (warlord), +2 insight +1 enhance): Stalwart, Withstand spell (can use will to save against spells or spell likes that target Fort or Ref), +23 vs Enchantments (Daevic+veil), Advantage against Mind affecting, Immune to fear,
Fort +11 (+7 base, +2 con +1 insight +1 enhance): stalwart +12 disease,
Reflex +16 (+4 int, +7 base, +3 wis +1 insight, +1 enhance): evasion
Traits: Reactionary
Natural Attacks:
Bite (10’reach) Primary (+10 bab +3 int +7 str=+20) 1d8 +15 (+10 str, +2 discipline focus, +1 psionic, +2 competence, +6 ),
Claws (5 reach) Primary (+10 bab +3 int +7 str=+20) 1d6+12 (+7 str, +2 Discipline focus, +1 psionic +2 competence),
2 Wings as secondary (+10 bab +3 int +7 str -5 secondary=+15) 1d4+8 (+3 str, +2 discipline focus, +1 psionic, +2 competence),
Mind Blade +3 keen (+10 bab +3 int +7 str +1 weapon focus +3 enhance=+24) 1d8 +13 (+7 str, +1 psionic +2 competence +3 enhance), 17-20 x3, range 15
Spear of Light (10 reach) (+10 BAB, +1 MW, +3 int, +7 Str, +1 weapon focus=+22) 6d6 +10 (+7 str, +1 psionic +2 competence) 19-20 x2 Ignores DR. Range 20 or 30 line Ref 15 half
FULL Attack as medium Half Dragon: Gore +21/Sword +21/Sword +16/Spear +20/Bite +18/Wing +18/Wing +18/Tail +18/Rake +18/Tentacle +18
Mind Blade +3 keen TWF(+10 bab +3 int +7 str +1 weapon focus -2 TWF +3 enhance=+22) 1d8 +13 (+7 str, +1 psionic +2 competence +3 enhance), 16-20 x3, range 15
Spear of Light TWF(15 reach) (+10 BAB, +1 MW, +3 int, +7 Str, +1 weapon focus-2 TWF=+20) 6d6 +6 (+3 str, +1 psionic +2 competence) 18-20 x2 Ignores DR. Range 20 or 50 line Ref 20 half
Bite (10’reach) as secondary (+10 bab +3 int +7 str-2 secondary=+18) 1d8 +8 (+3 str, +2 discipline focus, +1 psionic, +2 competence),
2 Wings as secondary (+10 bab +3 int +7 str-2 secondary=+18) 1d4+8 (+3 str, +2 discipline focus, +1 psionic, +2 competence),
Gore (+10 bab +3 int +7 str +3 insight-2 twf=+21) 1d4+18 (+7 str, +2 discipline focus, +1 psionic, +2 competence+6 veil),
Rake as secondary (+10 bab +3 int +7 str-2 secondary=+18) 1d4+8 (+3 str, +2 discipline focus, +1 psionic, +2 competence),
Tentacle as secondary (+10 bab +3 int +7 str-2 secondary=+18) 1d4+8 (+3 str, +2 discipline focus, +1 psionic, +2 competence),

Disrupt Pattern (humanoid) (Cryptic)30 ray, (+10 bab +3 int +5 dex=+18) 4d6 +7(int) (half to nonhumanoids)
Devastating Touch (Dread) (+5 bab +2 int +4 str =+11) Touch attack vs. living for 1d6+5
Steal Health (Vitalist) (+5 Bab, +2 int +4 str=+11) Does 8 damage, heals 8 to self, touch or 30 touch
Dread Terrors (10/day, swift action): Chase Terror (follow a 5’step as immediate), Invigorating Fear (if he drops an enemy, gain (cha) temp HP)
Base Speed 50+20=70 (dragon), 30+20=50 (human), Fly speed 100, Spider Climb at will
Defenses: Immune to Paralysis, Sleep, Acid (Dragon), Aegis (+3 AC and Will to allies within 10 (warder), DR5/-, DR 6/bludgeoning, Altered Defense (10 rounds/day, free action, +3 dodge to AC), evade arrows (+3 dodge vs ranged attacks), Elude Attack (+3 dodge, Wilder), Arcane Defense (+1 ac and saves vs. spells + spell likes), Dodge Bonus (+3 dodge, Stalker), uncanny dodge (stalker) Improved uncanny dodge (dragon), force of personality (cha to will) Tempered body x2 (Zealot, 50% fortification)
Feats: Humanoid Form (human) (Level 1), Weapon Focus Mindblade (Soulknife), Psionic Talent (Soulknife), Scribe Tattoo (Cryptic), Point Blank Shot (Marksman), Psicrystal Affinity (Mindblade skill), Discipline Focus Broken Blade (Psi Warrior), Toughness(Warrior Surge Bond), Escape Route (Warlord 1), Combat Reflexes (Warder), Half Dragon Form (Level 3), Flyby Attack (level 5), Master Craftsman (Aegis 5), Extra Terrors (Dread 5), Weapon Focus (shortspear) (Marksman 5), Hustle Power (Psion 5), Chakra Strike (Psywar 2) Focused Critical(Psywar5), Signature Skill: Intimidate (Rajah 5), Die Hard (zealot), Lookout (Warlord 3), Akashic Charge(Warder 3), Two Weapon Fighting (Daevic 3), Improved Shield Bash (Daevic 5), Stunning Fist (Guru 1), Craft Wondrous Item (Vizier 5), Boost Construct (Mindblade skill), Share Power (Psion 1), Psionic Feat (Mindblade skill), Improved Critical (Shortspear)(Marksman 10) Psion feat: Body Bound Mind (Psion 10) Combat Feat: Wilful throw (Psywar 8), Coordinated Charge (Tactician), Echo Effect, Expanded knowledge metamorphosis, Combat Feat: power attack (Mystic 7), Dazzling Display, Cornugon Smash (stalker art), Combat Feat (warlord 6), Combat Feat (warlord 10), Teamwork feat (Warder 8), forge ring (vizier 9), Teamwork feat (Daevic6), Shield Master (Daevic 8), Lurker in Darkness (7), Multiattack (9)
Breath Weapon: 5d8 acid, reflex DC 17, 60 line Or slow 1d6+3 rounds, Fort DC 17, 30 cone
Grease (spell like) at will/day, DC 14
Stone Shape 1/day, Hideous Laughter 3/day
Other stuff: shape mind blade, throw mind blade, Astral repair, trapfinding (+2 perception v traps, disable device), trapmaker (+5 craft Traps), Fearsome insight (+ 1 (lvl) to intimidate), Wind Reader (Swift Action, +wis to ranged attacks for the round 3+lvl/day, competence bonus), coordinated strike +1 (+1 insight to attacks for the round against designated target, 3+int/day), Collective, Wild surge +1, psychic enervation, surge blast, Accursed will (1/2 int to attack rolls, Int to damage), dark claim, ill tidings (+10 competence to speed), Animus (4 at start), blade meditation, elemental attunement, royal mandate, vassalage, the crossroads, Ki Pool 1, Deadly Strike (+4d6 damage on crits or flatfooted, lasts 3 round), Stalker Art: Deadly Ambush, Rogue Talent: Trap Spotter, Critical Training, Critical Edge, Fear Monger, Dual Strike 1/day, Dual Boost 1/day, Unbreakable Gambit, Brave Gambit, Victory Gambit, Sweeping gambit, Zeal (when he hits with a strike, all allies +3 to hit for a round), Darkvision 120, superior low light vision, invigorating suit, reconfigure 2/day, Cryptic Insights: Enhance Tattoo (int/day, Use a tattoo at CL 10), Fast Stealth, Branding Pattern (Swift action, target takes +int damage on all attacks for a round), Extend Tattoo (int/day), Light Bending Pattern (10/day, Invisible for 10 rounds), Aura of Fear (enemies within 10 lose fear immunity and -4 on saves v. fear), Favored Weapon (Thrown) +3 on ranged attacks with Thrown weapon group (Marksman), Covering Fire (Marksman), Summoners Call (Adds to construct duration), Style Technique (expend psi focus to add wis to ranged damage), Style Skill (+1 stealth/3 levels), Style Mantra (if has psi focus, +2 damage with thrown), Path Skill Psy Warrior (+2 stealth), Expanded Path +2 competence on Damage rolls (psywar), Telepathy, Strategy (cha+3/day, collective gets +1 insight to saves), Improved Share (2 powers at once) (Tactician), Vitalist’s touch, health sense (identify), spirit of many, Steal Health, Transfer Wounds 2d6, Request Aid (Healer), Dark Focus (+1 attack and damage on Riven Hourglass Maneuvers,) Grim News (Move as a swift, 1/encounter), Massacre (When you drop an enemy, use a readied strike on an adjacent enemy, 1/encounter), Elusive Shadow (+2 dodge and reflex any round he moves 10 feet, harbinger), Elemental Glyph (4 rounds, 1 animus), Mystic Artifice, Warrior of the court (+2 untyped Perception and Spellcraft), House of Servants (3 unseen servants), Heraldries: Valued Customer (summon shop), Combat insight (stalker, +wis to init and reflex as insight), Warleader (standard, share a tactical feat for cha rounds), Tactical Flanker, Battle Prowess (+1 to hit and damage when in Elemental Flux stance), Armigers Mark, Extended Defense, Tactical Acumen (Int replaces dex for reflex and Initiative), veilshifting 2/day, Blade Talents: Psicrystal Affinity, Psionic Training x2, Combat Slide (free 5 step when mindblade hits), Deadly Blow, Trap Master (+3 craft traps and per checks to find traps), Hide in Plain Sight (Cryptic), Swift Trapper (halves trap time), Disengage, Augmented Shot (Marksman), Ectoplasmic Protection (Concealment 1/day 10 rounds), Martial Power, Weaponmaster path, Coordinate, Pulse, Health Sense, Ill Intention, Grim News: Omenwalk (teleport speed as move action), Quell Magic (Mystic), Invite Luck (Bless 3 buildings), Emperors New Clothes, Blending (+2 insight, stealth, perception, Sense motive), Victorious Presence (Whenever he drops a foe, all allies within 30 get 13 temp hp until end of encounter)

Sense Motive (from Headband): 10 rank +3 class +3 wis +2 insight=+18
Acrobatics 10 rank +3 class +2 insight +3 dex =+18
Perception 10 ranks +3 class +3 wis +2 rajah +5 Trapfinder, +3 trap master, +2 insight=20 (28 v traps) (change a dice to 11, 2/day)
Stealth 10 rank +3 class +3 dex +6 Competence (cryptic) +3 sniper, +6 PsyWar path skill, +2 insight=+33 (+10 chameleon)
Heal 10 ranks +3 class +3 wis =+16
Perform Dance 10 ranks +3 class +3 dex =+16
Spellcraft 10 rank +3 class +4 int +2 rajah=+19 (change dice to 11 2/day)
Disable Device 10 rank +3 class +3 int +5 trapfinding =+21
Intimidate 10 rank +3 class +3 cha +2 fearsome insight +2 circumstance=+20
Craft Traps: 10 ranks +3 class +3 int +3 craftsman +10 trapmaker, +3 trap master=+32
Fly 10 ranks +3 class +3 dex =+16
Autohypnosis 10 ranks +3 class +3 wis=+16
Astral Skin (15): Speed x2, Nimble (+2 dex), evasion, Psionic Attacks (all melee attacks are magic, weapons are MW) (1), Psionic Damage (+1 all melee attacks) (1), Brawn x6 (+6 str enhance) (6), stalwart (1), Nimble x2 (+4 dex enhance (4), Improved DR
Talents: Vim, Create Sound (Cryptic), Conceal Thoughts, Lesser Fortify (+1 to saves) (Dread), Detect Psionics, Energy Splash, Telepathic Lash (Psion), Unearthly Terror, Missive, Distract (Tactician), Siphon, Hinder, Sense Poison (Vitalist),
Powers (118+4 akashic feat pp/day):
Cryptic: L1 Chameleon (+10 stealth, 10 min/lvl,), Metamorphosis, Minor, Offensive Prescience (adds to damage), L2: Breach (knock), Concealing Amorphia (Blur), Cloud Mind, L3: Greater Concealing Amorphia (Displacement), Ectoplasmic Grapnel, Ubiquitous Vision, L4: Disrupting Strikes
Dread L1:Offensive Precognition (+1 insight to attack, 1 min/lvl), Lingering Touch, Demoralize L2: Sidestep, Deflect, True Terror, L3: Mindhunter, Guarded Sleep, Dispatch, L4: Deadly Fear
Marksman: L1: Bolt, Foxhole, L2 Knockdown, Disolving Weapon, Sonic Blast, L3: Control Air, Dimension Slide
Psion: L1 Force Screen (Shield), Inertial Armor (Mage Armor), Astral construct, Skate, Synesthete L2: Psionic Lock, Everyman, Feat Leach, Converse, L3 Dispel Psionics, Energy Burst, Psionic Blast, Time Hop L4: Detect Remote Viewing, Energy Adaptation, Mind Wipe, Wall of Ectoplasm, L5 Incarnate, Planar Travel, Pierce the Veils, Psychic Crush
Psi War: L1: Prevenom, Defensive Precognition (+1 insight to AC, 1 min/lvl), Expansion, Grip of Iron, Empty Mind, L2: Hustle, Psionic Lions Charge, Ephemeral Bolt L3: Physical Acceleration, Vampiric Blade, Mental Barrier L4 Claw of Energy
Tactician: L1: Skills as 1, Call to mind (recheck knowledge at +4), L2: Dimension Swap, Share Pain, L3 Solicit Psicrystal, Hostile Empathic Transfer, L4 Battle Transformation, Psychic Reformation, L5 Adapt Body, Upheval
Vitalist: L1: Collapse, Vigor, Natural Healing (Vitalist), L2: Body Adjustment, L3: Body Purification, Resist Death L4: Empathic Feedback, Wither, L5 Psionic Revivify, Restore Extremity
Wilder: L1 Circumstance Shield (+1 insight to init, 1 hr/lvl), Broker, L2 Sustenance, L3 Eradicate Invisibility, L4 Trace Psychoport, L5 Catapsi
Harbinger: (CRazor, RHour, VMoon, SThrone, SMirror) Distorted Clock stance (Extend one power, RH 1), Aura of Misfortune (Close opponents have -2 on saves) (CRazor 1), Riven Hourglass Stance (RH3, +4 dodge + init, immune to slow, 20%miss chance vs magic), Chronal Fission Stance (RH 5)
10(6) Clockwatcher *(RH 1, act in surprise round), Minute Hand (RH 1, extra attack at -2), Word of Retribution (CR 2 counter, Spellcraft check to mirror damage taken to an enemy), Time Skitter *(RH 3, haste for int rounds), Rapid Strike (RH 2, Make 2 attacks), Dogpile Strike (CR 3 2d6+prone), Witchfinders Brand *(CR 4), Temporal Body Adjustment *(RH4), Hour Hand *(RH5), Relativity Burst *(RH5)
Mystic: (EFlux, MCurrent, RHour, SMirror, SWind, VMoon)Elemental Nimbus (EF1), Elemental Flux Stance (EF3), Embrace The Elements Stance (EF1) Enter The Vortex Stance
7(4): Eldrich Shield *(Energy resist 10 all for the round, EF1), Flowing Creek *(Perform Dance to evade attack MC1), Following Wake (MC1 Boost Trip on charge), Tidal Blade (MC1), Lance of Power*(EF 3), Mimics Gambit (SM 2), Calm The Storm (MC 2 counter), Energy Spark (EF2), Reflected Blade Style *(SM3 boost, doubles a strike), Disruptive Wave *(MC 4, counter charge an enemy casting), Energy Jolt (EF 3), Empty Frame ** (SM 5), Eldrich Consumption *(EF 4), Energy Hammer *(EF 4), Elemental Drive **(EF 5)
Rajah: (GLion, RDawn, SThrone, SWind, One of choice: BSeraph) Caged Sun stance (RD 1, +50% to healing), Walk In the Dark Stance (BS 4), Black Seraph’s Glare (BS 1), Armaments of the Empire (RD 3)
10(6): Decree of Mercy (RD counter, damage is nonlethal), Voracious Drive (BS1), Taunting Laugh * (BS3), Witness to Glory * (RD2, counter, adds init and temp hp), Healers Bane* (RD2, counter, steals healing and hurts recipients), Unfettered Progression (BS3), Vengeful Reposte (BS4), Sensory Rip *(BS5), Sunstroke * (RD4), Decree Of Purity *(RD5)
Veils: Resolute (Target (the psicrystal) gets 2 power points, Regain focus if target drops) The Ephemeral (Target Psycrystal can teleport up to its move), Warlord (Target Psycrystal can designate targets), Stormbringer
Stalker: (BBlade, SWind, SSerpent, TDrag, VMoon, RHour) Body of the Night (SS 1), Formless Dance Stance (See invis and Blur (VM3), Stance of Piercing Rays (SW 1), Hooded Killers Stance (SS 5, +3d6 sneak and +5 comp intimidate + stealth)
15(6): Hunting Serpent Blow (ss1, Strike heal check to flat footed and +1d6), Steady Hand (sw1,+30 range), Inner Sense (VM 1, +2 insight to a save), Ghostwalk *(VM3), Sting of the Asp (SS2, +1d6 and str damage), Fading Strike (VM2, Teleport and attack), Intercepting Shade (SW2 counter), Double Solar Reflection *(SW5, ranged attack hits 3 targets), Steel Fang *(SS5 +8d6 and daze and ignore DR), Essence Shattering Strike (VM5 +6d6 and daze), Flicker Strike *(VM4), Fading Leap (teleport twice move as a move)*(VM4), Tearing Fang (SS4), Altered Penumbra *(VM3), Knights Knife (SS3),
Warlord (Glion traded for SCrane, PFury, SThrone, SWind, TDragon, PThunder) Running Hunters Stance (PF1, Scent and +10 enhancement to speed), Stance of the Silver crane (SC3, weapons are holy and protected from evil), Eyes of the Crane (SC 1, advantage on perception and concealment), Bend with the Wind (TD5)
11(7): Princes Attitude (ST1 Boost +2 will and reflex and +4 vs aoo for a round). Silver Strike (SC 1, advantage on an attack), Enduring Crane Strike (SC1, strike heals 1d6 +cha), Silver Knights Blade* (SC3 4d6 damage and heal), Scarlets Eye Perception* (ST2 Next attack is touch), Reflexive Twist* (TD2 roll acrobatics for reflex), Dragon Assault *(TD3), Sanguine Perseverence *(ST4, replace a save with sense motive), Ruby Zenith Strike *(ST 5, 3x damage strike), Silver Crane Spiral *(SC 5, attack every enemy within reach), Silver Crane Resurgence * (SC4),
Warder: (BBlade, GLion, STort, PFury, EGuard) Iron Hand Stance (BB1, +2 shield bonus if 1 hand free), Broken Blade Stance (BB3 + lvl to Acrobatics and extra attack on full attack), Pride Leaders Stance (Allies within 20 get +4 vs fear), primal warrior stance (PF3)
10(6) Encouraging Roar (GL1, all allies +2 attack and damage), Brawlers Attitude (BB1, boost +4 on CMB), Raging Hunter Pounce *(PF2), Steel Flurry Strike* (BB3, 3 attacks at-2,+3d6), Defending the Pride (GL2, Allies +4 AC for 1 round), Frenzy Strike *(PF3), Charge of the Battle Cat (GL4), Momentum Crush *(PF 4), Cornered Frenzy strike * (PF5, (attack every enemy within reach with every weapon), Throw the Blade Down *(BB5 acrobatics counter)
Zealot: (EGuard, SGoddess, SWind, GLion, PThunder), Unbroken Stride (SG1,Water Walk), Internal Dominion of the Sleeping Goddess (SG3), Vigilant Keepers Stance (EG1, threatened area difficult terrain)
10(6): Call the souls Blade *(SG1, mindblade gets a +1 weapon enhance for level rounds), Bronze Lancers Edge *(PT1 boost, next charge +1d6), Debilitating Fear *(EG2), Grasp of the Goddess *(SG3), Throwing Thunder *(PT1, +2d6+prone)
15 essence (10 vizier +5 feats, capacity 4)Binds: Hands, Feet, head, wrists, shoulders, ring
Vizier (6): Horns of the Minotaur (3 invested) (head, bound), Ring of the Abjurer (ring, bound) 1 invested), Thurstons Bladewards (4 invested)(wrist, bound), Frostbite Halo (Headband)
Guru (4): Sea Drakes Talons (feet, bound),Loyal Paladins Spear of Light (hands, bound)(4 invested+1 wraps), Courtesans Cloak (neck)
Daevic (2+3): Passion: (2 invested) Daevic Aspect (Blood) Cincture of the Dragon (Chest) Stone Giant’s Girdle (Body), Whirlpool Lash (Belt) Embrace of the Old Ones (Shoulders, Bind)
Akashic Feats: Chakra Strike, Focused Critical, Akashic Charge, willful throw, Body Bound Mind (1 invested)
Level 2 sorcerer: Long Arm, Ant Haul
Assume about 30kgp gear +10k consumables, mostly tattoos. Figure 4 PCs all wind up around WBL in that adventure, and the cost of selling will more or less cancel the discount from item crafting. So:
Headband of Mental Superiority +2 (16k)
Least Akashic Catalyst (8k)
Crystal Spaulders +1 (5600)
Cloak of resist +1

I didn't bother upgrading gear. Worst case at single WBL he has another 30k gear for con and resist items. If he had the WBL of an entire party clearing the AP he's got 150-210kgp, before using CWI and craft ring and scribe tattoo. Imagine A belt of con +6, Cloak of Resist +5, an upgrade to his headband of int/cha/wis and more akashic wraps.

At this point he's unkillable by most encounters not specifically designed to hurt him. 49 walking around AC. +53 stealth when invisible and he bypasses all special senses. He can go ethereal and use ghost touch to murder people. Or full attack them with his 11 hasted attacks. Or enlarge himself and stand in the middle of a room and attack everything within reach with 2 weapons and 7 natural attacks with a strike. Or murder people with his mind. Or surround himself with antimagic and kill casters with ex attacks.

Whats the toughest thing he might fight? Mokmurian will only hit him on a 20. I can outrun him and out fight him.