View Full Version : DM Help Radiant dragon lair

2018-05-09, 04:45 PM
I'm currently writing up a campaign starting in a settlement where one of its power centres is monstrous (an old Radiant Dragon).

I'm making it obvious that there is this dragon in residence. Trouble is is trying to describe its lair to the party.

Would an artistic building made out of gems be suitable? As it needs to be sunlighty etc, I'm working on the premise that an underground lair is out. I was thinking of having the building overlooking the river, which forms part of its defences.

Can anyone please help me writing a good description of what this rather large building is going to look like?

Many thanks in advance

2018-05-09, 05:43 PM
I'm thinking a mashup of Notre Dame Cathedral and Superman's Fortress of Solitude. So big high arches to create open spaces for maximum light, and lots of stained glass & colored crystals, which spreads light in every direction.

If you use the magazine, #321 has an article on radiance, with a planetouched race for radiance (glimmerfolk servitors?) a radiant creature template, and a swarm of flying insects that relate to radiance. Clouds of flying light bugs add that certain level of ambiance, as well as being a lair hazard for unwelcome guests.

2018-05-09, 05:45 PM
thank you for your reply

much appreciated

2018-05-09, 05:46 PM
How about a cathedral of ivory, inlaid with gold, silver and gems, on an island in a wide lake formed by a natural dam in the river?

I can imagine gardens around the cathedral, decorated with banners woven of silver and gold thread; pergolas thronging with rare flowers, accented with flowing silks; and glinting fountains festooned with conch shells and pearls. All of it tasteful, the grounds laid out in exquisite balance, majestic in themselves, but in perfect counterpoint to the cathedral's design.

And the cathedral itself—shimmering like a mirage, with a dome so airy and delicate it seems to float without needing support, the interior alive with sunlight, all of it open to the air and wafted with lake-fog in the mornings. Inlays of mother-of-pearl alternating with paper-thin sheets of marble, warmly translucent and sending subtle traceries of light across the mosaics in the floor, creating subtle patterns of color and depth that change with the sun's position, telling stories throughout the day.

All of it shimmering like the sunlight in a dream, softly gleaming in the daytime, and lit with a thousand lamps like stars at night.

2018-05-09, 07:07 PM
1/ Dragons are BIG. Think about having areas made for small creatures to interact with large creatures. There would be a lot of asymmetry in the design -- like, a large pedestal with no visible way for a human to ascend, since the dragon doesn't need person-sized steps.
A meeting room might be split between a pile of huge rocks (polished & comfortable for dragon-size & dragon-shape) on one side, and a table & chairs on the other.
There's no bath per se, but rather a river has been re-directed to produce a waterfall. There's a section with smaller human-sized waterfalls for guests. When the dragon bathes, there are rainbows everywhere.

2/ Dragons can FLY. Many "chambers" would lack ceilings, or would be only partially covered, maybe something like a Greek amphitheater. The hallways between buildings might be open at the sides -- just pillar colonnades, but with massive pillars that could support the weight of a dragon, in case the dragon feels like landing and talking to someone walking under.

3/ Dragons like GOLD. The room wherein the dragon holds court ought to reflect a lot of the dragon's brilliant radiance. This room is probably the most enclosed. Maybe it has huge stained-glass windows in the walls to let in the daylight (and let out the dragon's own radiance at night).

2018-05-09, 07:14 PM
Maybe a castle or palace constructed of crystal?


2018-05-09, 07:57 PM
...where exactly is the radiant dragon from? A quick google search only expands my puzzlement.


2018-05-09, 08:09 PM
...where exactly is the radiant dragon from?

Philadelphia -- the radiant dragons are why it's always sunny there.


2018-05-09, 10:08 PM
Radiant Dragons are (I believe) originally from AD&D 1E Spelljammer.

I'm not sure any "official" 3.X version exists, but here's a "fan made" version: http://lost.spelljammer.org/ShatteredFractine/critters/monsters/dragonradiant.html

2018-05-09, 10:21 PM
...where exactly is the radiant dragon from? A quick google search only expands my puzzlement.


Draconomicon 185

2018-05-09, 10:30 PM
Draconomicon 185

Not sure how I missed that! :smallredface:

2018-05-10, 02:17 AM
You guys are diamonds.

Hat off to you all.

Thank you.

Fouredged Sword
2018-05-10, 07:37 AM
And Mirrors. Mirrors are both silver, and thus valuable, and reflect sunlight inwards.