View Full Version : Lord Ruby's Red Hand of Doom (5E) IC Thread

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Lord Ruby34
2018-05-09, 11:33 PM
You've been traveling in the summer heat for more than a week. The sun has been a smothering, suffocating prescience throughout your journey. The small towns of the Dawn Way were only brief respites for the sweat-soaked annoyance that's been your treck across the Vale so far. You are only a few miles out from Drellin's Ferry, a small town on the banks of the turbulent Elsir River, and more importantly just outside the reaches of the Witchwood. There you hope to find a guide to take you to Vraath's keep.

The road in front of you crests a small rise and decends into a dusty grove in a large shallow trench. You see an abandoned farmhouse through the gaps in the trees on your right. This has not been an uncommon sight on your journey so far. Many farmhouses along the dawn way have been abandoned over the years, and not all of them found new owners. Still, you feel something isn't quite right.


Adv: [rol]1d20+2

Lord Ruby34
2018-05-09, 11:35 PM
Adv: [roll0]

Lord Ruby34
2018-05-09, 11:50 PM
Your suspicion is soon verified. You see an armed and armored figure through the broken brick of the abandoned house to the south.

The three of you catch a glimpse of light reflecting off the scaled armor of another armed figure hiding in the woods to the south and left of the road.

You further notice red furred forms moving through the small cracks in abandoned farmhouse, you don't see more than a quick flash buy you make out razor sharp teeth.

Vasily: [roll0]
Neesha: [roll1]
Nidwa: [roll2]
Gale: [roll3]
Veeta: [roll4]

Average: 14.2

A guy: [roll5]
Other Guy: [roll6]
Furry Things: [roll7]
Last guys: [roll8]

Lord Ruby34
2018-05-10, 12:02 AM
The armored figure in the house notices you reel back as you see him. He recovers from his shock before you do and runs from the house to into the woods and ducks behind a tree approximately fifty feet from where your group stands on the dirt road. He unsheathes a pair of gleaming steel swords, each three and a half feet in length, as he runs and yells "Raktorah, star! Shey zar merest!" His voice is deep and is muffled by the steel of his full face helm. Behind him run a pair of red furred creatures. They have a band of scales around their snouts and a lizard like tail that extends from the fur behind them in a patch of scorched skin. They dive into the road and sprint at you. They're approximately thirty feet away.

What do you do?

You recognize the language as goblin. He yelled "Warriors, fire! These look dangerous!

Barbarian MD
2018-05-10, 12:43 AM
Vasily, startled midsentence out of conversation with his companions, is slow on the uptake and requires a moment to assess the situation. Then with a cry he spurs his mount forward into a thunderous charge, leveling his lance at the poor creatures.

Warhorse 60 foot movement. Charges forwards within 10' reach of lance, then gallops out of reach again back to the party so doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.

Attack 1: . Damage: [d12+4
With advantage since mounted if they're medium size or smaller: .

Attack 2: [roll2]. Damage: [d12+4
Advantage: [roll3].

At work, hopefully that's all correct.

Edit: should have specified, but that's one attack per each creature.

Lord Ruby34
2018-05-10, 01:29 AM
Vasily's charge's into the beasts with a clash, his lance striking out in lighting quick succession at the two creatures. His attack leaves one leaking a deep purple fluid from a gash across its side, and the other is simply dissolved into a black mist as Vasily skewers it.

Barbarian MD
2018-05-10, 02:14 AM
The old paladin's eyebrows lift in surprise as his foe dissolves into black mist, and his horse nickers.

"Do any of you know what manner of beast these are?" he calls.

Lord Ruby34
2018-05-10, 12:21 PM
"It's an ambusssh! Arccccherrrsss, ssssomwherre, be warry," Nidwa hissed. He sprung into action, drawing his bow and beginning to move before the words left his broken jaw. The forest to the left provided the best angle on his target, so that's where Nidwa went. He could only see a sliver of the figure's splint mail, but that was more than enough for him. He let fly his arrows.

The first one slams into the figure like a bolt of lightning, smashing directly into the bands of steel that protect the figure's neck and denting it inwards, but the creature is fast enough to bring its sword up to deflect the second shot.




Vasily (Religion) [roll4]
Vasily Advantage [roll5]

Neesha: (Arcana) [roll6]

Gale: (Arcana) [roll7]

Veeta: (Religion) [roll8]

Lord Ruby34
2018-05-10, 12:29 PM
You recognize the creature as a devil of some kind. Likely a lesser form of hellhound. There are a few places in the nine hells that such a creature could come from. It does not bear the marks of any of the major devil lords, so you can surmise that it comes from a god of some kind.

You can guess that the creature will likely have some affinity for fire, and is likely resistant. You find it quite likely it's attacks will be infused with fire.


2018-05-10, 03:22 PM
"Oh, what in the world are those...?"

Despite his lack of knowledge on what those red-furred beasts might be, Gale is sure that they're looking to spill his and his companions' blood. It would seem that the trip towards the Witchwood would not be as quite as before.

Gale takes a deep breath and takes out his hand crossbow as soon as he hears both Vasily's battle-cry and the whistling of Nidwa's arrow being let loose. The crossbow is already loaded in case a situation like this one presented itself, and Gale takes careful aim at the bleeding, red-furred creature that was wounded by Vasily.

"Ready, aim, and..."

His finger caresses the crossbow's trigger for a moment before finally firing. Release.


No movement action taken, Gale will remain where he is.

Lord Ruby34
2018-05-10, 10:08 PM
When Gale's bolt strikes the beast in the shoulder it lets out a howl of agony and bars its fangs.

2018-05-11, 12:18 PM
Veeta grits her teeth and says nothing to her companions, instead taking her full movement to advance towards the armored figure in the woods. With a few words muttered under her breath and a twist of her wrist, she casts Guiding Bolt at first level.

[roll0] edit: +6 w/spell attack = 13

With a huff, she glances sidelong at Nidwa. "Let's try again?"

Lord Ruby34
2018-05-11, 12:24 PM
Veeta's blast splashes against the tree, leaving a large segment of bark glowing with a brilliant white light.

2018-05-11, 05:16 PM
"These are a type of Hellhound. Beasts of the Inferno with devil's fire in their veins. There are more in the ruined building ahead. Be wary of flame attacks." Neesha explains as she turns southward. "You will not flank us, interloper." she says sternly, attempting to cast Hold Person on the figure in the forest.

Attack roll: [roll0]

Lord Ruby34
2018-05-12, 10:46 AM
This is actually a save rather than an attack roll.

Wis Save: [roll0]

The hobgoblin swordsman is immediately paralyzed by Neesha's spell.

Without any further warning the air is filled with the sounds of snapping bowstrings. Six armored humanoids with dark orange skin step out from behind the trees and loose at the party. Hobgoblins. The three on the eastern side of the road all fire at Nidwa before drawing swords and charging the elven hunter and Veeta. The final three split up their arrows amongst the less heavily armored members of the group, perhaps hoping to drop them quickly and move onto the others later.

As the arrows soar Nidwa is only able to avoid part of the barrage. He's able to lean away from the first shot, but the second one catches him solidly in the calf, and the third grazes across his ribs. [Nidwa takes 16 damage]

Neesha is stuck as well, one of the arrows skittering across her scales and leaving a jagged wound. The other sticks quivering into a tree between herself and the archer. [Neesha takes 7 damage] Despite the pain Neesha is easily able to maintain concentration on her hold person spell.

Even Gale, normally extremely nimble, is only able to partially get out of the way of the attack. He takes a glancing cut across the shoulder as he twists himself away from the blow. [Gale takes 3 damage, or 2 if he uses his uncanny dodge.]

Hidden creatures have advantage on the first attack they make the turn they come out of hiding.

Attack 1-3 Nidwa
Attack 4-5 Neesha
Attack 6 Gale

1: [roll1]
Advantage [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

2: [roll4]
Advantage [roll5]
Damage [roll6]

3: [roll7]
Advantage [roll8]
Damage [roll9]

4: [roll10]
Advantage [roll11]
Damage [roll12]

5: [roll13]
Advantage [roll14]
Damage [roll15]

6: [roll16]
Advantage [roll17]
Damage [roll18]

Possible Critical damage
1st crit: [roll19]
2nd crit: [roll20]
3rd crit: [roll21]

Lord Ruby34
2018-05-12, 10:57 AM

Looking to beat ten here.

Lord Ruby34
2018-05-12, 11:08 AM
The other figure in the woods steps closer to the group, mouthing a prayer in goblinoid as he does. Veeta, Gale, Nidwa, and Neesha feel a wave of of magic wash over you, threatening to leech away your energy. Veeta, Gale, and Nidwa are able to overcome it through the force of their wills, but Neesha feels the effects of the spell in her bones. [Neesha, subtract 1d4 from attack rolls and saving throws for the next minute]

You recognize it as a plea to Tiamet to curse his foes.

Neesha: [roll0]
Gale: [roll1]
Veeta: [roll2]

The hobgoblin with two blades struggles against Neesha's enchantment, and with an effort of will manages to free himself from her magic. He roars in goblinoid, "Raktorah, zar ra averati shedi"


He yelled "Warriors, kill the sorcerer first!

In the gorge the wounded lesser hellhound roars out it's defiance with a torrent of fire that leaps towards Vasily and his steed. Neither are able to get entirely out of the way, but Vasily takes the brunt of the blast. [Vasily takes 10 fire damage, your horse takes five because of you mounted combatant feat.]

Then it stalks in, padding over to the knight on taloned feet.

[roll5] Fire damage
Vasily: [roll6]
Horse: [roll7]

The party is back up.

Barbarian MD
2018-05-12, 11:41 AM
Vasily holds one gauntleted hand in front of his eyes, a cry of pain and anger escaping his lips as the flames threaten to engulf him. He spurs his mount onward through the blast past the hellhound. Before the caster in the tree-line can react, Vasily's lance is upon him.

Horse: Dash if caster >70 feet away for 120' movement. If caster is 70 feet (60' move +10' lance, then Dodge action)

Attack [roll0]
Advantage [roll1]
Damage [roll2]


"For Bahamut!"

2018-05-12, 12:34 PM
Nidwe (HP 21/37, AC 16)

Nidwe shudders and grunts under the multiple hits. If these goblin scum wanted to play archery games, he would show them.

"Shhhr... they are callingsshhhhh to Tiamathhh... They target the shhhhhhorchhhherer!

I hhhhhhave the archhhhhers!"

As he is speaking, Nidwa's fingers dance over the quiver. In a series of very quick movements, he sends a hail of arrows at the goblinoid archers, aiming more at spots rather than enemies. As he does, he chants elvish runes. The first arrow to hit erupts in splinters.

He then moves to cover, if there is any to be found which would still keep him in line of sight of the enemies.

Horde breaker, extra attack, sharpshooter feat and Hail of thorns cast at 2nd level.

1st attack [roll0] dmg [roll1]
Attacks in 5ft radius from Horde breaker
[roll2] dmg [roll3] and [roll4] dmg [roll5]

Hail of thorn damage [roll6]

If any go down, reposition the shot that as many as the surviving ones are within range
Extra attack [roll7] dmg [roll8]
Attacks in5ft radius from Horde Breaker
[roll9] dmg [roll10]
[roll11] dmg [roll12]

There should be three or so hits. With the spell, perhaps they went down

Lord Ruby34
2018-05-12, 12:35 PM
The hellhound nips at Vasily as he rushes past, but is utterly unable to connect with anything.

Damage: [roll1] slashing +2 fire

Vasily thrusts twice, and the caster falls with a pair of holes gouged through his chest. [Neesha is no longer affected by the spell]

2018-05-14, 12:37 PM
Nidwa (second try)

Nidwa finds himself with three enemies up, close and personal, Silently, he curses himself for a fool.

Well, knifework it is. He curses again, for not having a sword.

As the enemies approach, he stows hastily the bow and takes his dagger out. As one enemy approaches, he tries to stab beneath the armor, and then in the same motion slash the second. He then reverses grip and slashes again the second target, but then changes hand and goes for the first. At the first attack, he chants in Elvish, as the druids taught him, and vines appear as he cuts, to hamper and damage his opponent.

Let me try and do this tight this time. Nidwa will target only two opponents and cast Ensnaring strike (DC 14, = [roll0] )to the first opponent he will strike .
Attack 1 in Opponent A: [roll1] dmg [roll2] due to favorite enemy
Horde breaker attack to the Opponent B [roll3] dmg [roll4]
Attack2 from extra attack to Opponent B [roll5] dmg [roll6]
Horde breaker attack to Opponent A [roll7] dmg [roll8]

2018-05-14, 08:01 PM
Electing not to use it this time, but will be using it in the future unless I use my reaction for another purpose.

HEALTH: 30/33

Gale clenches his teeth, grasping his shoulder and drawing a hand away to see his blood. I should have been expecting that... He reloads his crossbow quickly, then feels the effects of a spell upon his body. He shakes it off, and turns his attention to one of the hobgoblins that shot at him.

With a look of disgust, Gale takes aim with his hand crossbow at the hobgoblin that shot at him.

Gale will be making another ranged attack with my hand crossbow:

Lord Ruby34
2018-05-15, 12:43 AM
Nidwa's two of Nidwa's three thrusts skitter off the hobgoblin's chainmail, but the second of the three finds a gap in the steel links and bites deep, leaving the man clutching his side as he tries to staunch the flow of blood. Even as he regrips the hilt of his sword vines thrust out of undergrowth beneath his feet and wrap around his arms and legs.


Gale's bolt bites deep into an archer's leg.

2018-05-15, 07:18 PM
Neesha ignores the gash on her arm, turning and thrusting her hand towards the hobgoblin Nidwa failed to hit. "Your kind are in our way. You would do well to leave us."

Casting Maximilian's Earthen Grasp

ATK: [roll0]
Attack Roll Penalty: [roll1]

Wait, the spell doesn't use an attack roll. Instead it requires an opposed Strength check from the enemy in range that it is grabbing. You can ignore those rolls.

2018-05-16, 01:15 PM
Veeta shrugs off the magic singing against her skin and rushes forward towards the attacker wrapped in Nidwa's vines. She forgoes her own magic and instead grips her warhammer, intent on bringing the weapon down on her enemy's head.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage, if successful: [roll1]

Lord Ruby34
2018-05-16, 09:57 PM
Neesha's hand grasps on of the hobgoblins and begins to squeeze as Veeta brings her hammer down on the hobgoblin's helmet with crushing force, leaving him bleeding on the floor, being strangled by vines.



Lord Ruby34
2018-05-16, 10:20 PM

The hellhound follows Vasily, a gout of flame erupting from its mouth as the beast closes in on the knight. The blaze sets the trees on fire. Neither Vasily or his horse are entirely able to get out of the blast. [Vasily takes 8 damage, the horse takes 4.]

Vasily: [roll1]
Horse: [roll2]

Damage: [roll3] fire

The trees you are in are now difficult terrain. Remaining there too much longer might become dangerous.

The hobgoblin leader charges toward Vasily as well. "Knight, you're going to die for that."

The three archers in the forest advance toward Gale and Neshaa, all firing their bows at the dragonborn woman as they advance past the tree line. She throws up a magical shield, but is only fast enough to catch one of the arrows, the other two slam into her back, leaving the dragonborn woman momentarily distracted. Her earthen hand fades into dust as she momentarily loses her focus from the pain. [Neesha takes 18 damage. Unless she has a reaction to save herself I think Neesha is down exactly.]

Damage: [roll5]

Damage: [roll7]

Damage: [roll9]


Lord Ruby34
2018-05-16, 10:26 PM
Neesha takes an additional [roll0] damage.

The two hobgoblins in the forest swing their swords at Veeta, one coming in high and the other low. One of the attacks finds a chink in Veeta's armor, leaving a bleeding stab wound in her right shoulder, but the other hobgoblin is yanked back by Neesha's spell. [Veeta takes ten damage]

Damage: [roll2] + [roll3]

Disadvantage: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6] + [roll7]

Possible Crits:

[roll8] +[roll9]

The lesser hellhound and two sword guy are adjacent to Vasily in the south.

The hobgoblin that was in the hand and the one next to him are adjacent to Veeta and Nidwa.

The other three archers are about twenty feet behind Gale and Neesha

The party is up. Let me know if anyone had a reaction that would have changed things.

Barbarian MD
2018-05-16, 10:40 PM
Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1569237)

AC 20. HP 26/44. PP:11. Speed:30'. Initiative:+1.
Mount HP: 10/19.

Checks: S:+4. D:+1. Co:+2. Int:+3
1. W:+1. Ch:+4.
Saves: S:+4. D:+1. Co:+2. I:+1. W:+4. Ch:+7.

Advantage on: Attacks while mounted.
Immunities: Disease.
Impose Disadvantage:
Disadvantage: Stealth

Active Conditions or Buffs: none

Save DC 15. Atk bonus +7.
0/4 1st level
0/2 2nd level

Proficiencies: Athletics +7, Religion +4, Insight +4, Persuasion +7, Intimidation +7.
Acrobatics/Stealth/Sleight of Hand: +1
Arcana/History/Investigation/Nature: +1.
Animal Handling/Medicine/Perception/Survival: +1
Deception/Performance: +1

Attacks: x2

Longsword Atk: +7. Dmg: d8+4.
Lance (10' reach) Atk: +7. Dmg: d12+4.
Longbow (150/600') Atk: +4. Dmg: d8+1.
Quiver 20 Arrows

Divine Sense: 0/5 used
Lay on Hands: 0/25 hp used (expend 5 to cure poison or disease)
Divine smite: 2d8 + (n-1)d8, max 5d8 (+1d8 if undead or fiend)
Channel Divinity 0/1 (short rest)
- Sacred Weapon: action, 1 minute, add Cha to Atk rolls, weapon magical, light x 20' bright/20' dim
- Turn the Unholy: fiends/undead within 30 feet, Wis save, flees x 1 min


Arrows x80, Harmonica, Explorer's pack, extra 100' rope, Manacles x2, soap, grappling hook, potion of healing x2, waterskins, hooded Lantern, oil


Vasily suddenly finds himself surrounded by enemies and has to stay on his toes.

His shield comes between himself and the hell-hound's fire, protecting horse and rider, and he wheels the mount to safety, striking blows at the enemies below him as they dodge away. "The fires of Bahamut consume you, beast!"

The position spoiler helped immensely. Thanks!

Horse: Disengage action to avoid provoking. Moves 35' away from the warriors, sort of parallel to the party so that they stay within 60' (within reach of a charge if the warriors decide to attack the party members instead of chase after him).

Hell-hound first, then warrior if hell-hound dies.

Attack 1:

Attack 2:

2018-05-17, 06:44 AM

His breath escaping in a very silent hiss, Nidwa continues his daggerwork.

I must end this!

He attacks the goblin closest to him, and then pivots to the one next to it. He then targets the first again. As he does, he hisses elven chants, and his strikes become even more focused.

First attack with Fav. Enemy and Hunter's mark to the enemy closest.
[roll0] dmg [roll1] plus [roll2]
Horde breaker [roll3] dmg [roll4] to the second

Again at the first [roll5] dmg [roll6] plus [roll7]

Perhaps the first went down and Nidwa can disengage next round!

2018-05-19, 04:38 PM
Gale cries out in surprise as he spots the Dragonborn mage go down, and runs over to her while digging something out of his pack. His fingers are deft and quick and he manages to take out a Potion of Healing, one of two that he had in store. The liquid inside swirls, and the bottle itself seems to carry a faint odor of herbs. It has a tag, with the name of the apothecary he purchased it from on it.

He looks up towards the battlefield and yells out, "Neesha has been struck down! I shall administer a potion, but she might need some more help!"

Gale uncorks the bottle and tries to administer the Potion to his fallen comrade, holding it carefully so it flows into her mouth and doesn't spill.

Using my movement in order to move next to Neesha, and an action to administer the Potion of Healing to Neesha.

Medicine Roll:

2018-05-19, 07:01 PM
Let's do this again.

Gale curses under his breath, taking note of the attacks on his companions. Still on their feet though, that's good... But how many more arrows do these scoundrels have? He decides to shoot the same hobgoblin he's already got his eyes on, then makes his way over closer to the goblins, staying at least 15 feet away from them.

I'll be using my attack action once more in order to hit the same hobgob as last time.


Then move a bit in order to approach them, but keep a fair amount of distance.

He cries out, "If you've need of healing, inform me or someone else! I have a little something for wounds stored away!" He shouts to anyone in the vicinity.

Lord Ruby34
2018-05-19, 07:02 PM
Vasily's mount twirls through the flaming brush as the knight strikes down the hellhound and jabs the hobgoblin leader with his lance, leaving another massive dent in the man's armor. In the trees Nidwa unleashes a flurry of slashes that sends a hobgoblin warrior tumbling to the ground with his blood pulsing out of his opened throat. The bolt Gale fires back is harmlessly deflected off the hobgoblin's chaimail.


2018-05-19, 07:51 PM
Veeta begins to swear in Infernal. Without turning her head, she listens back to the wounded grunts of her companions and does her best to attend to them.

Cast on all party members. War Caster Feat negates need for proper vocalization.


Companions attended to, she turns to the remaining hobgoblin and swings with her warhammer, willing Kord to guide her through this fight.


2018-05-21, 08:16 PM
Feeling blood trickling down her back, Neesha's eyes narrow. "I have had enough of this. You have had ample time to disperse. Now we shall finish you," she says calmly. Twirling her staff in one hand she drives one end into the earth with a sharp thok, thrusting her other hand forward at the hobgoblin leader, fingers splayed. "Your life is forfeit," she scolds, clenching her hand shut as she projects a burst of psychic energy into his mind.

Casting Mind Spike which requires a Wisdom saving throw from target.

Lord Ruby34
2018-05-21, 10:42 PM
Mind Spike Save and Damage


Damage:[roll1] Psy

The Hobgoblin clutches his head and staggers forward. A trickle of blood escapes from his helmet and begins to run down his armor.

Lord Ruby34
2018-05-21, 10:54 PM
A wave of healing energy moves through the party as the hobgoblin steps away from Veeta's attack. [Everyone heal 5]

The hobgoblin leader, alone in his section of the woods, retreats deeper into them and pulls out a small vial as he moves between the trees. As he moves behind them you lose sight of him.


The one hobgoblin fighting Nidwa and Veesha turns to the elf and swings his sword, but Nidwa dodges out of the way with ease.

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

The other three hobgoblins draw swords and charge Gale and Neesha. They advance on the dragonborn woman, swords swinging. She dodges the first, and the second, but the third blow goes low and stabs into her stomach, leaving the woman bleeding on the ground. [Neesha takes 14, which I believe is enough to down her. I don't think shield can help.]

If an Attack drops Neesha the hobgoblins will attack Gale afterwords.

Attack 1: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] + [roll5]

Attack 2: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] + [roll8]

Attack 3: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] + [roll11]

There are two hobgoblins next to Gale, and one more right by them. All three of them are standing over an unconscious Neesha.

There is one next to Nidwa and Veeta.

The leader is in the trees.

The Party is up.

Barbarian MD
2018-05-22, 02:33 AM
Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1569237)

AC 20. HP 39/44. PP:11. Speed:30'. Initiative:+1.
Mount HP: 19/19.

Checks: S:+4. D:+1. Co:+2. Int:+3
1. W:+1. Ch:+4.
Saves: S:+4. D:+1. Co:+2. I:+1. W:+4. Ch:+7.

Advantage on: Attacks while mounted.
Immunities: Disease.
Impose Disadvantage:
Disadvantage: Stealth

Active Conditions or Buffs: none

Save DC 15. Atk bonus +7.
0/4 1st level
0/2 2nd level

Proficiencies: Athletics +7, Religion +4, Insight +4, Persuasion +7, Intimidation +7.
Acrobatics/Stealth/Sleight of Hand: +1
Arcana/History/Investigation/Nature: +1.
Animal Handling/Medicine/Perception/Survival: +1
Deception/Performance: +1

Attacks: x2

Longsword Atk: +7. Dmg: d8+4.
Lance (10' reach) Atk: +7. Dmg: d12+4.
Longbow (150/600') Atk: +4. Dmg: d8+1.
Quiver 20 Arrows

Divine Sense: 0/5 used
Lay on Hands: 0/25 hp used (expend 5 to cure poison or disease)
Divine smite: 2d8 + (n-1)d8, max 5d8 (+1d8 if undead or fiend)
Channel Divinity 0/1 (short rest)
- Sacred Weapon: action, 1 minute, add Cha to Atk rolls, weapon magical, light x 20' bright/20' dim
- Turn the Unholy: fiends/undead within 30 feet, Wis save, flees x 1 min


Arrows x80, Harmonica, Explorer's pack, extra 100' rope, Manacles x2, soap, grappling hook, potion of healing x2, waterskins, hooded Lantern, oil


Vasily sees Neesha's predicament and throws a ward over her as he charges towards the crowd of enemies on his steed, lance resting in its cradle momentarily. Shimmering gossamer threads of divine energy drift down onto her still form even as he's dashing his lance against the hobgoblins surrounding her.

I don't have war caster, so not sure if I can do this. I'd like to set his lance down for a second, cast with a bonus action, then pick it up again on the move. If I can't do that then ignore the sanctuary spell. If not allowed then I might look through my spell list and see if anything doesn't require somatic components.

Bonus action: Sanctuary. Wis Save DC 15 to attack her.
Steed: think it's within 60', so Dodge action.
Attack against hobgoblin: [roll0]
Advantage: [roll1]

Same hobgoblin unless down, then its friend
Attack: [roll3]
Advantage: [roll4]
[roll5] if that doesn't kill it, then I'm going to use a use of divine smite for an extra 2d8 damage. I'll roll in OOC but I won't mark it off unless you tell me to.

I'll decide what to do with rest of move once I know how the attacks go.

2018-05-22, 07:14 AM

Seeing the leader escape, and with only one opponent in front of him, Nidwa takes a hard decision. Whatever happens, he can take one hit. With no concern for safety, he leaves his opponent and moves so as to have the leader in his sight. He then starts sending arrows at him, even while chanting in Elvish.

Nidwa moves so as to have the escaping leader in sight, but far away that the leader -and preferably no other opponent- can reach him in one round. He then attacks him twice while casting Ensnaring Strike again.

Atk1 [roll0] dmg [roll1]
Atk2 [roll2] dmg [roll3]
Ensnaring strike dmg [roll4] and Str check vs DC14

2018-05-22, 03:57 PM
Veeta bears her teeth at the nearest hobgoblin. Before she swings, she hears Neesha's cry, and without looking backwards, she casts Healing Word.


Refocusing, she swings her warhammer forward again, willing the metal to connect with the creature's malleable skull.


2018-05-22, 05:31 PM
Gale draws his rapier, the metal against scabbard making a sound that grates his ears. He might as well switch to a sword now that they're all here. With a lunge, Gale strikes out at one of the hobgoblins surrounding him and Neesha, the one he had stuck with a crossbow bolt before. He's determined to try and take the fellow down.

Taking the attack action against the same hobgoblin I've been targeting with my rapier now that it's closer. If that hobgob is felled, then I'll be attacking one of the others next to it.


Lord Ruby34
2018-05-23, 11:55 PM



Vasily whirls around, striking down one hobgoblin with his lance and then another as the weapon shines with radiant light.

The hobgoblin strikes Nidwa as he slips past, leaving the elf with another bleeding cut. He is unfettered, however, and runs through the trees toward the hobgoblin leader, firing arrows at him as soon as he can get an angle. The first one goes wide, but the second connects, leaving a puncture wound in the hobgoblin's shoulder. Vines sprout from the ground around the man, but he shakes them off, readying his swords again.

Veeta's spell wakes Neesha from her unconscious stupor as the tiefling woman lands a resounding blow on the temple of the hobgoblin in front of her.

Gale's rapier skitter's uselessly off the armor of the hobgoblin warrior in front of him.

2018-05-25, 01:21 AM
Neesha picks herself up off the ground, dusting off her tunic. "I have not been stabbed like that in a while. I admit I'm not fond of the experience." she says dryly. Turning towards the enemy Gale was striking at she inhales deeply, exhaling a blast of roiling cold at them.

Dragon's Breath attack: Any enemies in a 15ft cone take [roll0] damage, DC 13 for half damage.

Lord Ruby34
2018-05-25, 12:07 PM
Neesha exhales and the hobgoblin in front of her falls, the cold and the crossbow bolt in his shoulder finally making him succumb to his wounds.

The hobgoblin leader charges at Nidwa, spitting curses in goblinoid as he moves. His blades move like lightning as he reaches the elf, scything through a complicated attack pattern that starts by slipping under the elf's defenses and scoring a deep cut to Nidwa's ankle into a shove that leaves him on his back as the swords come down again. [Nidwa takes 10 damage]

Attack 1:[roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]
Nidwa Save v. Prone: [roll3]

Lord Ruby34
2018-05-25, 12:12 PM
The next two strikes against the elf are a brutal beatdown, as the hobgoblin leader rains blows against Nidwa's prone form, leaving two more bleeding slashes. [Nidwa takes another 14 damage]

Attack 1: [roll0]
Advantage: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack 1: [roll3]
Advantage: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Damage in Case of Crit: [roll6]

In the forest the last remaining hobgoblin soldier throws down his sword and surrenders.


Party is up.

2018-05-25, 02:28 PM
Veeta grinds her teeth and offers up a brief prayer to Kord as she directs healing energy towards Nidwa.


"Would you just die?" she complains in the direction of her enemy before bringing her warhammer down on its head again.

If the attack succeeds and her enemy falls, Veeta intends to use her full movement to start in the direction of Nidwa/Nidwa's opponent; if it fails, or if the enemy does not fall, she circles her opponent so her back faces Nidwa/Nidwa's opponent, but she still faces her hobgoblin enemy.

Barbarian MD
2018-05-26, 04:59 AM
Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1569237)

AC 20. HP 39/44. PP:11. Speed:30'. Initiative:+1.
Mount HP: 19/19.

Checks: S:+4. D:+1. Co:+2. Int:+3
1. W:+1. Ch:+4.
Saves: S:+4. D:+1. Co:+2. I:+1. W:+4. Ch:+7.

Advantage on: Attacks while mounted.
Immunities: Disease.
Impose Disadvantage:
Disadvantage: Stealth

Active Conditions or Buffs: none

Save DC 15. Atk bonus +7.
1/4 1st level
0/2 2nd level

Proficiencies: Athletics +7, Religion +4, Insight +4, Persuasion +7, Intimidation +7.
Acrobatics/Stealth/Sleight of Hand: +1
Arcana/History/Investigation/Nature: +1.
Animal Handling/Medicine/Perception/Survival: +1
Deception/Performance: +1

Attacks: x2

Longsword Atk: +7. Dmg: d8+4.
Lance (10' reach) Atk: +7. Dmg: d12+4.
Longbow (150/600') Atk: +4. Dmg: d8+1.
Quiver 20 Arrows

Divine Sense: 0/5 used
Lay on Hands: 0/25 hp used (expend 5 to cure poison or disease)
Divine smite: 2d8 + (n-1)d8, max 5d8 (+1d8 if undead or fiend)
Channel Divinity 0/1 (short rest)
- Sacred Weapon: action, 1 minute, add Cha to Atk rolls, weapon magical, light x 20' bright/20' dim
- Turn the Unholy: fiends/undead within 30 feet, Wis save, flees x 1 min


Arrows x80, Harmonica, Explorer's pack, extra 100' rope, Manacles x2, soap, grappling hook, potion of healing x2, waterskins, hooded Lantern, oil


"That's it! We've got them on the run!"

Vasily sets himself for one last charge, tearing off in the direction of the captain and the sound of battle in the trees. As the pair cross into the treelinee, he catches sight of the hobgoblin captain and makes his attack.

Steed: Dodge if 60', or dash for 120' to get within 10' of hobgoblin



I have to say, I'm finding mounted combatant to be HIGHLY effective.

Lord Ruby34
2018-05-26, 03:08 PM
The hobgoblin leader sprints deeper into the forest, Vasily in hot pursuit as the swordsman tries to free. The knight strikes down at him, both leaving deep wounds through the few unarmored parts of his body. He turns to Vasily with a look of defiance.

"The Red Hand will wipe your kind from this Vale. We will reclaim what is ours!"

Near the road Veeta smashes the surrendering hobgoblin over the head with her warhammer, spending him tumbling to the dirt, dead or unconscious.

Barbarian MD
2018-05-26, 06:44 PM
"You have no hope of escape. I will strike you down. Surrender and live!"

2018-05-27, 01:42 AM

Seeing that his gambit worked, Nidwa carefully aims and shoots the retreating leader. Vasily is already there, but he might need the help. He flexes the bow too much, losing in accuracy, but gaining in damage.

Atk1 [roll0] dmg [roll1]
Atk2 [roll2] dmg [roll3]

Lord Ruby34
2018-05-27, 12:39 PM
The hobgoblin cuts one of Nidwa's arrows out of the air a split second before it would strike him, and the other bounces off his armor.

"I spit on your mercy, human. All your kind have ever done is lie and steal. If I die here so do you."

Barbarian MD
2018-05-27, 12:46 PM
Vasily's face is grim and his jaw is set.

"You have made your choice then." He readies for the captain's counter attack as the arrows fly harmlessly by.

2018-05-28, 11:27 PM
Gale rushes forward, pointing his crossbow at the wounded captain and looking at his other comrades. He moves to the right of the hobgoblin, not quite next to him but closing in just in case.

Gale sheathes his rapier and keeps his weapon pointed at the hobgoblin, aiming to shoot if there's any abrupt movements or signs of escape.

Using all of my movement to approach the captain from the right, and Object Interaction to sheathe rapier.

Lord Ruby34
2018-05-30, 12:56 PM
Neesha looks at the fight between the rest of the group but doesn't interfere, perhaps pondering something.

The way you described your actions sounds slightly different than what you said you did mechanically, because of how you described your actions I'm saying that that's pretty much running over, dashing as a bonus action and taking a readied action to shoot the leader if he tries something. If you disagree let me know.

The Hobgoblin curses and swings at Vasily, headless of the crossbow bolt that Gale fires. The bolt misses, but the hobgoblin strikes true. He darts under Vasily's shield and thrusts into the knight's stomach, finding a gap in the armor and leaving Vasily bleeding. The knight has to work to stay on his mount. [Vasily takes 14 damage]

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Hobogoblin v. Vasily
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] + [roll4]

STR save if hit: [roll5]

Lord Ruby34
2018-05-30, 01:01 PM

The leader strikes out at Vasily twice more, his sword's spinning in a complex pattern as he reaches up to try and cut the knight from his horse. Vasily is able to catch one on his shield, but the other just barely slips through, smashing into his armor and denting the rib underneath. [Vasily takes 10 damage]

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

The party is up.

Barbarian MD
2018-05-30, 01:16 PM
Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1569237)

AC 20. HP 15/44. PP:11. Speed:30'. Initiative:+1.
Mount HP: 19/19.

Checks: S:+4. D:+1. Co:+2. Int:+3
1. W:+1. Ch:+4.
Saves: S:+4. D:+1. Co:+2. I:+1. W:+4. Ch:+7.

Advantage on: Attacks while mounted.
Immunities: Disease.
Impose Disadvantage:
Disadvantage: Stealth

Active Conditions or Buffs: none

Save DC 15. Atk bonus +7.
1/4 1st level
0/2 2nd level

Proficiencies: Athletics +7, Religion +4, Insight +4, Persuasion +7, Intimidation +7.
Acrobatics/Stealth/Sleight of Hand: +1
Arcana/History/Investigation/Nature: +1.
Animal Handling/Medicine/Perception/Survival: +1
Deception/Performance: +1

Attacks: x2

Longsword Atk: +7. Dmg: d8+4.
Lance (10' reach) Atk: +7. Dmg: d12+4.
Longbow (150/600') Atk: +4. Dmg: d8+1.
Quiver 20 Arrows

Divine Sense: 0/5 used
Lay on Hands: 0/25 hp used (expend 5 to cure poison or disease)
Divine smite: 2d8 + (n-1)d8, max 5d8 (+1d8 if undead or fiend)
Channel Divinity 0/1 (short rest)
- Sacred Weapon: action, 1 minute, add Cha to Atk rolls, weapon magical, light x 20' bright/20' dim
- Turn the Unholy: fiends/undead within 30 feet, Wis save, flees x 1 min


Arrows x80, Harmonica, Explorer's pack, extra 100' rope, Manacles x2, soap, grappling hook, potion of healing x2, waterskins, hooded Lantern, oil


Vasily reels from the hobgoblin captain's swordplay. His lance is just as quick, as he spurs his horse into a gallop for another charge and blazes past his enemy. His lance wobbles though, and he can feel his strength ebbing away as the blood oozes from his side.

Horse: Disengage. 35' away from the captain on the opposite side of the party to keep him from escaping.

Attack: [roll0] or [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack: [roll3] or [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Note to self, don't start my turn next to him again...

"Have at thee!"

2018-05-30, 01:55 PM

Undeterred, but slightly impressed by the fact that the leader cut an arrow out of thin air, Nidwa fires again two arrows in quick succession, again using extra pull for maximum effect. This goblinoid must go down. Compensating for the wind and for Vasily''s movements, Nidwa releases his arrows.

Unfortunately, the bow string tangs at the last split second, fouling both shots.

Using sharpshooter feat and factoring favorite enemy bonus
Atk1 [roll0] dmg [roll1]
Atk2 [roll2] dmg [roll3]

Lord Ruby34
2018-05-30, 03:28 PM
Despite the strength fading from his limbs Vasily's lance strikes true, dipping under the hobgoblin leader's armor and skewering him through the armpit. The knight's charge dislodges the lance, and as Vasily whirls about he sees the hobgoblin still standing.

Nidwa's arrows fly past, and the hobgoblin leader seems to follow them with his eyes for a split second, before he falls to the ground, dead from the lance wounds.

The party stands amidst the dead and unconscious by the side of the road. What do you do?

This is probably a good time to mention I use milestone levels rather than EXP.

Barbarian MD
2018-05-30, 03:49 PM
Vasily jumps down from his faithful mount and rubs its neck in appreciation. "Another battle fought and won, old friend.

"Is everyone alright?" he calls out.

He quickly ensures the captain is dead, feeling for a pulse and then plunging a knife through his neck if there is none. He then searches it for anything of value, gear or information. That done, he moves quickly to each body in turn and repeats the process. If any still live, he whips out a pair of manacles and fastens them tight, then removes any weapons before laying his hands on them to bring them to consciousness. From there, he examines any wounds on his compatriots.

"We should search those houses before we move on. There might be survivors. And I think now would be a good time for a brief rest. Well done everyone."

mechanically, if any live, 1 hp lay on hands

Lord Ruby34
2018-05-30, 05:10 PM
Instead of rolling a lot of death saves.

Barbarian MD
2018-05-30, 07:06 PM
Vasily sets to work quickly. He places the mage and one of the hobgoblin warriors into manacles. The mage he gags. The surviving number of remaining hobgoblins he dispatches without hesitation--a quick clean death by the sword. Each soul he commends to Bahamut for mercy, though he doubts they will find any.

The two survivors he props up against a log side by side and leaves them unconscious while the rest of the party gets organized and takes a short rest. He pays special attention to Neesha, ensuring that she is healed.

To Nidwa: "Thanks for the distraction. I was afraid he might get me there at the end."

To Veeta: "Great job keeping everyone alive. That was well-timed."

So basically, stabilized but unconscious in manacles, with rope reaching down from the manacles to their feet. Everyone take a short rest, roll hit dice, etc. Does anyone need healing? When everyone is ready he'll heal each of the hobgoblins 1 hp and we can interrogate them.

Anyone have any objections or other things they want to do before hand? I don't want to railroad anybody. I'm going to go ahead and roll some hit dice if anyone wants to join me. I've got a couple of cure wounds and 25 hp of lay on hands I can distribute, but they're per long rest so I want to use sparingly.

Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1569237)

AC 20. HP 42/44. PP:11. Speed:30'. Initiative:+1.
Mount HP: 19/19.
Hit Die rolled today: 3/5

Checks: S:+4. D:+1. Co:+2. Int:+3
1. W:+1. Ch:+4.
Saves: S:+4. D:+1. Co:+2. I:+1. W:+4. Ch:+7.

Advantage on: Attacks while mounted.
Immunities: Disease.
Impose Disadvantage:
Disadvantage: Stealth

Active Conditions or Buffs: none

Save DC 15. Atk bonus +7.
1/4 1st level
0/2 2nd level

Proficiencies: Athletics +7, Religion +4, Insight +4, Persuasion +7, Intimidation +7.
Acrobatics/Stealth/Sleight of Hand: +1
Arcana/History/Investigation/Nature: +1.
Animal Handling/Medicine/Perception/Survival: +1
Deception/Performance: +1

Attacks: x2

Longsword Atk: +7. Dmg: d8+4.
Lance (10' reach) Atk: +7. Dmg: d12+4.
Longbow (150/600') Atk: +4. Dmg: d8+1.
Quiver 20 Arrows

Divine Sense: 0/5 used
Lay on Hands: 0/25 hp used (expend 5 to cure poison or disease)
Divine smite: 2d8 + (n-1)d8, max 5d8 (+1d8 if undead or fiend)
Channel Divinity 0/1 (short rest)
- Sacred Weapon: action, 1 minute, add Cha to Atk rolls, weapon magical, light x 20' bright/20' dim
- Turn the Unholy: fiends/undead within 30 feet, Wis save, flees x 1 min


Arrows x80, Harmonica, Explorer's pack, extra 100' rope, Manacles x2, soap, grappling hook, potion of healing x2, waterskins, hooded Lantern, oil


2018-05-31, 10:47 AM
Veeta offers Vasily an awkward nod before moving through the bodies of the hobgoblins, searching their pockets for anything of interest - gold, trinkets, or clues that may elaborate on the meaning of the captain's "Red Hand." All the while, she mutters a prayer to Kord, grasping at her holy symbol with one hand as she recounts the battle and the fate of the party's enemies.

She knows that, once she assesses the take away from the hobgoblin party, she'll have to pay attention to the farm houses down the road; though she has no desire to approach them, the party's quest for a guide demands she overcome some - some - of her distrust of the Vale's people.

HP: 31/36 - don't think Veeta will roll for hit dice/rest; let her loot and explore, instead. She has enough spell slots to assist with party healing, if folks need the boost.

Barbarian MD
2018-05-31, 10:54 AM
Alright, I'm going to go ahead since we've got a majority.

Edit: Just to be clear, the mage is still gagged.

Vasily lays his free hand on each of the hobgoblins in turn, providing just enough divine healing to wake them up. He takes a step back, squats on his heels with his sword across his knees, and watches them in silence as they wake up.

2018-05-31, 11:49 AM

Nidwa reeases the arrow he was holding and a takes a second to reflexively fix his scarf. He joins the others and, knowing he is not going to be of much help in questioning, points to the area around and and then to himself, saying


As he goes around searching the area of the houses for tracks and signs of where these creatures came, he takes a minute to let his awareness merge with the landscape. Humanoids stick out in such settings and the Land knows.

Perception [roll0] Survival for tracking [roll1] advantage for humanoids [roll2]

Lord Ruby34
2018-05-31, 04:29 PM

You feel humanoids at the very end of your five mile sense, and a lot of them. You're fairly certain that what you're sensing is Drellin's Ferry. You note a large number of tracks going into the farmhouse, as well as drag marks. You can also tell that some of the dirt on the path has been overturned. When you go to investigate further you uncover several large bloodstains. There are also more tracks leading back to the west. You figure about ten humanoids passed through the area within the last two days.


You loot the hobgoblin corpses. They don't have any money on them, but from each you're able to secure a suit of chainmail, a longsword, as well as a longbow with about a dozen arrows each. When you reach the corpse of the hobgoblin leader you have slightly more success. He carries two swords instead of one, as well a set of banded mail, and two potions. One is a pink liquid that looks very similar to the healing potions that you used to help brew when you were younger. The other is filled with a murky white fluid. When you loot the prisoners you are able to take a symbol from from the mage. You are able to recognize it as a holy symbol of Tiamet, goddess of evil dragons, greed, and envy. For it to be on a hobgoblin is unusual and unexpected. Her worshipers tend to be dragons, dragonkin, and kobolds.

Veeta: [roll0]


The hobgoblin caster glares at you once he wakes. His eyes are even more full of hate than the leader that you were forced to slay earlier. The other hobgoblin, once you get her armor off, looks more scared than hateful. She opens her mouth for a second, but a glare from the caster silences her before she can speak.

Barbarian MD
2018-05-31, 04:49 PM
Vasily very calmly looks into the eyes of the underling and speaks softly.

"I am going to execute one of you within the next two minutes. If you have something to say, now would be the time."

Barbarian MD
2018-05-31, 05:15 PM
Sorry for the double post. Wanted to add something and didn't want it to go unnoticed.

Zone of Truth, DC 15 Charisma save

Without taking his eyes off his captives, the old paladin begins to draw a divine sigil in the air, "By Bahamut, I charge you to speak only truth."

An aura of silver-tinged blue expands in a circle around him, fading from view after a second of two.

2018-05-31, 06:55 PM
Veeta frowns and nudges the bow and arrow as well as the health potion away from the loot pile - these, in particular, she knows, are tools that some of her companions might be able to make use of. The banded armor she considers with more care. "Can anyone identify this - white fluid?" she calls.

When she hears Vasily begin speaking to the captured hobgoblins, she tenses, ready to bring her warhammer back into play. She glances back, takes note of one of the hobgoblins' gagged mouth, but opts to listen to the interrogation instead of comment.

Barbarian MD
2018-05-31, 08:56 PM
What is banded armor? I'm aware of it from 3.5 but don't see it in the 5e PHB.

Also, I will specify when the mage is ungagged.

Vasily quietly works his way through a list of questions. If the underling answers them, he leaves the mage gagged.

0) Are we alone here or are there more members of the Hand close by?
1) Who or what is the Red Hand? Why are you a part of it?
2) Who leads it? What sorts of beings are over it?
3) What are its purposes? How far along is it towards success? Do we have a deadline? Where will the Hand attack next?
4) How big is it? What are its resources?
5) Where is it based?
6) Does the Hand have a presence at Vraath Keep?
6a) What are we likely to find at Vraath Keep?
7) What are the Hand's weaknesses?
8) Does the Hand have any way to communicate between its members? Are there any code words that signify "ally" in the dark for instance or signs we can watch for warning of the presence of other ambushes?
9) For the questions that you did not answer: Do you know the answers to the questions? Is there any way I can persuade you answer them?

"Do any of you have other questions to ask?"

2018-06-01, 07:44 PM
Neesha runs her hand over the spot on her belly where she was stabbed, frowning. "Such bothersome brutes..." she mutters. Vasily's ministrations are a welcome distraction. "My thanks," Neesha says curtly, favoring the paladin with a nod. With things more or less in-hand she steps over to Veeta and examines the bottle. "Let me have a look at it."

Rolling Arcana to see if I can identify the potion. Failing that, I'll cast Identify.


Barbarian MD
2018-06-01, 07:52 PM
Prior to the interrogation, Vasily placed a hand over the wound and offered to instill it with divine energy.

How much healing do you need?[

That goes for everyone, though I recommend rolling hit die for a short rest before we get into our healing spells/actions/potions.

Lord Ruby34
2018-06-03, 11:59 AM
"Uh, knight guy, how is Zarr supposed to answer questions with a gag in his mouth?" The hobgoblin says. Her face suddenly squinches up in an expression of terror. "Not that I want you to kill me or anything!"

As Vasily goes through his list of questions the hobgoblin woman does her best to answer.

"I think it's just us. Only Uth-Lar knew the other patrol routes." She gestures with her head towards the body of the hobgoblin leader.

"The Red Hand is an army? Kind of? And a cause too, for some people. I just signed up because it would have brought shame to my family if I stayed home."

"I've heard someone called Azzar Kull is in charge now, but the leader of the scouting party is Wyrmlord Coth." She hesitates a moment. I saw a shadow once, a massive shadow with black wings, and there are other things. Things that most people don't speak of, like the hell hounds." The bound mage shoots her a deadly glare at this one, one that forces Vasily to prompt her to continue speaking.

"I heard Zarr and Uth-Lar talking about preparing for the Day of Ruin and the sack of the river town. They want to take back the Vale. It used to be ours, you know? I don't know when they're attacking."

"It's really, really big. Like, I couldn't even count how big it was. It's the biggest army I've ever seen, even bigger than the one that I saw when I was little and General Kharn was uniting the tribes."

"I don't know where the army is, I'm part of a scouting party. We took over an old human castle in the forest."

"What's Vraath Keep? I haven't heard of it before."

"The Red Hand is really big! I don't think it has any weaknesses. It would probably be better for you humans if you ran. I don't think you have a chance of stopping the Red Hand."

"I don't think so? No one told me anything."

"I mean, I really don't want to die, I'll tell you whatever you want to know if you don't hurt me." Without further prompting she blurts out, "My name is Xahria. "


You identify the potion as a potion of invisibility.


You follow the tracks for a ways, but they continue on for a long time, with little sign of deviation. If you want to follow them further it will take a significant amount of time, and you have no idea how much.

You use your nature magics to commune with the animals in the area and they tell you much the same, that these hobgoblins are the only ones in the area, at least after the human merchants came through and were killed. A squirrel lets you know that the bodies are in the farmhouse.


Banded Armor functions as Splint Mail mechanically, but looks a little different.

Barbarian MD
2018-06-03, 12:16 PM
Vasily rocks back on his heels. This is grim news. Grim news indeed. He tries to maintain a poker face but fails.

He points at the gagged mage. "Is he going to be able to tell me anything that you haven't already told me?"

Well, this just got interesting... Holy cow.

2018-06-03, 12:27 PM
Veeta tilts her head, considering the information from Xahria as well as the potion that Neesha has identified. On the lighter side of things, the potion of invisibility will likely do the party's rogue well, though it could also come in handy should any town the party visits have...opinions about tieflings.

The Red Hand, though - an army, and with worshipers of Tiamet working through it, not to mention its shadowy, winged beast. Veeta fights off an oncoming stress headache and lashes her tail back and forth, then shifts ever so slightly to look towards Vasily. She holds the symbol she found out towards him and the hobgoblins, not bringing it close enough to take but enabling the three of them to make out the details.

"You and your kin associate with the goddess of dragons?" she asks, trying to read any signs of recognition in the mage's - or Xahria's - face.

Lord Ruby34
2018-06-03, 12:34 PM
Xahria shrugs. "Probably. He's one of the new priests. They've been rising pretty fast recently."

As Veeta asks her question the hobgoblin woman looks over at the priest. "Yeah, they've been preaching about the dragon goddess for a couple of years now." The mage's face turns an angry orange in response to the question. He's been trying to speak through his gag for the last few minutes. It's mostly muffled, but you can safely assume that he's swearing at you and Xahria.

Barbarian MD
2018-06-04, 05:52 AM
The name of Tiamat almost causes Vasily to lose it, but he manages to keep his emotions in check. Barely. The clock is ticking after all.

"Thank you for answering my questions, Xahria. Just a few more:

"What are they preaching about Tiamat?
"The force garrisoned at the old castle, how big is it?"

If it looks like no one else has questions, he calls out "I'm about to remove the gag on the mage. Everyone step back!"

When everyone signals readiness, he moves directly in front of the mage and makes eye contact.

"I am going to remove your gag now. If you cast a single spell, you die. Do you understand? One question, before you say anything else, just yes or no: do you have any spells you can currently cast using only verbal components?"

He places his sword point against the mage's neck and carefully undoes the gag, ready to plunge it into his windpipe to cut off speech at a moment's notice.

If the mage answers "yes," he continues to hold the sword against the mage's neck. "Speak only the names of the spells that you can currently cast in your present state... Is that all of them?

If the mage answers "no," he removes the sword. "Do you know anything about the questions I asked about the Red Hand or its plans that she hasn't already told me?"

How much time is left on my 10 minute zone of Truth?

2018-06-05, 11:56 AM

Nidwa comes back, with a frown apparent even through his scarf. When he gets near the others, he points at the path.


Then at the farmohouse.


Then at the captives.


Lord Ruby34
2018-06-06, 07:47 AM
I try not to pay attention to that stuff, but they keep saying that the mother of dragons is going to win us back our destiny. That with her help we'll take back what's ours and punish the humans? For forcing us into exile, I think. It never really mattered to me. My tribe lived in the lowest parts of the mountains. There's a cave where we grow mushrooms and we mine steel that we sell to the other tribes. It was worse further up in the mountains, colder, harder. She shrugs again. "Or so I heard from the traders that came down from there. Maybe they just liked complaining."

"As for the castle, it depends on whether there's a patrol moving through or not. Usually it's pretty well guarded, Wyrmlord Coth likes to keep most of the veterans around her. And Karkillan. I also heard something about a pet, but I never saw it. We were only there for a little bit before Uth-Lar had us set out."

Vasily wastes little time, knowing that his spell doesn't have an infinite duration. He steps forward and ungags the mage, sword point firmly on the hobgoblin's throat.

The mage simply stares at Vasily the whole time, his eyes drawn to the images of Bahamut that adorn the knight's chest. When the gag falls off the hobgoblin sneers and spits on Vasily. "The Red Hand will crush you. You humans and your gods are nothing compared to the might of Tiamet. Your civilization will burn, this land will feel the cleansing fire of her breath, that your bloated and corpulent empire might be used as ash for the revival of our people. Do you think I would help you? I would rather die." He turns toward Xahria for his next comment. "You are a traitor and a coward. If I was free I would kill you myself, but these humans will do it for me, you fool."

You've got about three minutes left.

Barbarian MD
2018-06-06, 10:06 AM
Vasily gags the mage again. He's heard enough.

"Does anyone else have any questions?"

To Veeta: "Take that unholy thing away. Destroy it. Or give it to me and I will see it done."

When the others are finished, he will tie the prisoners in a line at the wrists and tie them to the pommel of his horse, their legs bound tightly enough to prevent them from running but loosely enough to let them hobble along. He offers the soldier a drink from his water flask, but for the mage he offers nothing. That done, he turns to Nidwa.

"Bodies? Let us go and see, then," he says with a sad sigh. "Let us see what destruction and death you have wrought." he tries to briefly relay the information they have gained from their captives.

The old knight follows Nidwa, guiding his horse beside him so that he can keep on eye on their prisoners.his mind is abuzz with questions and doubts. Tiamat. Bahamut had clearly guided him to this valley, in this time, to this very battle, for a reason.

"Neesha, would you like to ride and rest?"

Barbarian MD
2018-06-06, 10:17 AM
After a few minutes of following Nidwa, Vasily speaks again:

"Xahria, I do not intend to kill you. We will take you to Drellin's Ferry, and I will hand you over to the authorities for your crimes. For you, I will advocate mercy. You can tell them what you have told me.

"Know that Tiamat is a false goddess. But there is a true Dragon Lord in Bahamut. He cares for strength, and honor, and justice. Justice for men and justice even for hobgoblins. If you wish to follow a dragon, look to him."

He recites from memory the Ptarian Code:
"Justice and Good above all.
Honor and Fealty to the King.
Honor and Respect to Righteous Innocence.
Honor and Duty to the Balancer (Lendys), to Her Mercy (Tamara), and to the Justicemaker (Bahamut).
Honor and Protection to the Lesser Races.
Honor and Correction to the Enemies of Justice and Good.
Honor and Forbearance for oneself.

"What does Tiamat stand for? Herself." he spits.

"She wants power, and all creatures, even her worshippers, are mere tools to be discarded."

They arrive at the houses, and he falls silent again.

2018-06-06, 11:05 AM
"The Red Hand will crush you. You humans and your gods are nothing compared to the might of Tiamet. Your civilization will burn, this land will feel the cleansing fire of her breath, that your bloated and corpulent empire might be used as ash for the revival of our people. Do you think I would help you? I would rather die."

Veeta rolls her eyes and pockets the symbol of Tiamet. "Such eloquence," she says, tone dry enough that it is difficult to determine whether or not she's being sarcastic. She then glances around to the party members still near her. "No one wants any of this? I lack a bag of holding, so if there is something you would like, I'm afraid you'll have to carry it." She does shoulder the banded armor, though, and pockets the potions of invisibility and health as Vasily re-gags the mage. Only when the knight begins to lead the hobgoblins away does she raise an eyebrow.

"Vasily," she calls - voice raspy, as she's unused to raising it. "You want to leave them alive? Truly? We have the information we need. Let's kill them and be done with it - it will save us the hassle of having to observe them as we travel." She pauses. "Unless, of course, you wish to drag them behind your horse. That, I could observe."

Barbarian MD
2018-06-06, 06:24 PM
"It certainly would be easier, yes, but I think unnecessary. And it will cause more of a stir to arms if this one at least is alive to tell his tale. I'll walk behind them. We can't be far from the town at this point."

He glances at the gear. "I have no way to carry it, but we can sling it over my mount for a short trip."

He helps her hoist the loot into the saddle bags and netting of his mount's tack before moving on.

Lord Ruby34
2018-06-08, 02:14 PM
The recitation of the Ptarian Code affects the two prisoners very differently. Xahria bows her head, and keeps it there. She's shaking, and seems lost in thought. The other, the mage, shakes too, but in anger rather than fear or sorrow. His eyes meet Vasily's, and they blaze with hate. He says nothing through his gag, but you can feel the heat of his eyes on you as you turn to the farmhouse. Before you go inside you hear something. "Can I ask something?" Xahria says. Her voice is trembling. "The other soldiers..." She looks over at one of the bodies splayed across the road, his head shattered earlier by Veeta's warhammer. "Rasher was my friend. Even if no one else, will you let me bury him?" She takes a deep breath. "And the ones inside too."

Nidwa and Veeta, you take a step inside as Vasily turns back to consider Xharia's request. Inside there are bedrolls laid out neatly, surrounding the hearth and a burnt mark on the stone floor. Bloodstains seep from under the closed door to the second room. An odor of death wafts out, the smell of blood and viscera. You open the door and see five bodies laid against the far wall. Three of them are dressed in studded leather armor, riddled with holes. The other two wear bloodstained clothes, a woman in a functional green dress and a man in breaches and a linen shirt that looked like it was stained even before he was killed. In the corner next to the bodies you see a pile of weapons, four daggers, three crossbows, two maces, and a greatsword. There's a pouch on a table next to the bodies. If you look inside you find 355 gold pieces.

Barbarian MD
2018-06-08, 10:35 PM
Vasily pauses and considers.

"Will you vow to me now to raise no weapon against my companions or myself, or any innocent? Will you vow to me to not run away, and to face whatever consequence the authorities see fit? I will do my best to work for leniency, but I make no guarantees."


If so, Vasily releases his bonds. "I have no shovel, so you'll have to make due as best you can."

Vasily makes sure the bonds and gag on the mage are tight, and then heaves him up over the saddle of his mount like a sack, tying his hands under the belly of the horse to his feet 5o keep him from sliding.

With that, he turns his back on Xahria and follows the others inside.

2018-06-09, 12:15 AM

Nidwa looks at the bodies. No expression can be gleaned from his expression, half-hidden as it is in his scarf. He turns at the others.

"Establishhhhhh identity. Bury. Then what?"

Barbarian MD
2018-06-09, 12:34 AM
Vasily comes up short when he sees the bodies and he bows his head in prayer for a moment before turning to answer Nidwa:

"On to the town and the keep as planned, I suppose. We can warn them of what we've learned. It sounds like our task and that of this army might be somehow connected."

2018-06-09, 11:24 AM
Veeta nods towards the gold and ensures that it enters the party's coffers before observing the rest of the stacked gear. Through one of the farmhouse windows, she sees Xahria pawing at the dirt next to the hobgoblin that she'd sent to the beyond with her warhammer. Veeta raises an eyebrow, shocked that Vasily would let the hobgoblin go. She recounts her available spells in her mind and notes the distance between herself and the hobgoblin, preparing to respond should Xahria betray the party's knight.

In the meanwhile, she acknowledges Nidwa's speech. Though she eyes the separated greatsword with curiosity, she begins to pick through the pockets of the fallen family, then to observe their home for signs of a name, worshiped gods, or indication of friends they may have had who would now mourn their deaths. "What would be more timely?" she asks Nidwa, without meeting her companion's gaze. "Burial or pyre? We should not remain here long, less some passing official believe us to have caused these deaths."

Lord Ruby34
2018-06-09, 02:40 PM
Xahria looks down at the ground. "...I swear on the souls that guide my sword, and the ancestors that watch over us all." She looks up at Vasily as she makes her oath. He sees her eyes look into his, and he sees tears beading at the corner of them.

Outside of the farmhouse, unseen by your eyes, Xahria stands still for a moment. She takes a long look at the mage hanging over Vasily's saddle, and another down the road and away. Then she sighs and reaches down, picks up a blood spattered helmet, and begins to dig.

Let me know when you want me to advance the scene in the OOC thread. I want to make sure you guys do everything you want here before we move on.

Barbarian MD
2018-06-09, 06:44 PM
"I doubt anyone would mistake it with all these hobgoblins about. A funeral pyre would be sufficient in my mind, though Xahria requested to bury his own."

Vasily leaves the others to collect the loot (though assists if they want to try to load it onto his mount). He walks silently to the mage, his jaw set, fire in his eyes. His hand clenches on his sword hilt once, twice, and then he punches the captive hard across the face. There is a crack of bone.

He joins Xahria in the work of burying the bodies. He doesn't say much, except to briefly say that no one is beyond redemption--not himself, not a hobgoblin.

Intending non-lethal to knock him out for the ride.

Remember that Vasily's brand is clear on his face, though not sure if a hobgoblin would recognize it. It's pretty clearly not something he would have intentionally had done--its really ugly.

I'm ready to move on. Assuming we collect everything we can carry. If no one else suggests taking and selling it IC, Vasily points out that the townsfolk will need to be armed for the coming fight and will suggest giving it away.

Lord Ruby34
2018-06-14, 10:31 AM
You spend the next hour cleaning up the site, burning bodies, and helping Xahria dig a grave for her friend. Finally, loaded down with everything you can carry you continue to make your way to Drellin's Ferry.

It's nearing sundown when you arrive at the gates of Drellin's Ferry. It's a small town, built with the mighty Elsir River cutting through the town. As you approach you see four men standing outside the gate, armed with longspears. They hail you when they see your sillutes, a man with a massive mustache yells, "Halt and state your business!" By the sound of their greeting you doubt they've seen Xahria yet, who's walking behind Vasily's horse. She seems to be shaking, although with what you cannot tell.

Barbarian MD
2018-06-14, 10:52 AM
For appearances' sake, Vasily has put the manacles back on Xahria just before they come into sight of the gates.

"Travelers from Brindol," Vasily answers. "We ran into some trouble on the road--bodies and a hobgoblin ambush, I'm afraid. We have prisoners and need to see the magistrate."

Barbarian MD
2018-06-16, 01:10 PM
As they had ambled up the road together, Vasily had let the others ponder the news of the Red Hand for a while before speaking up:

"Now, all of you did well today. It's been a hard day, and we took some hits. Some of you may be thinking this is more than you signed up for. Clearly this is bigger than one abandoned old keep, and I'll not hold it against you if any of you decide that maybe you don't want to continue on past Drellin's Ferry. I'll appreciate any help I can get, but I mean to see this thing through to the end one way or another."

He looks around at the others, waiting to see if any replies come.

2018-06-17, 12:30 PM

Nidwa did his share with cleaning up with the bodies. As they marched, he took it upon himself to guide the party, scout ahead and double back to see if they were followed, moving restlessly up and down.

Chance has it that he was close when Vasily spoke. Nidwa liked the human. He knew were he stood with him. So, with an effort, he adjusts the scarf on his face and replies.

"Thesshhhhe. A blight upon the woodssssh. It musssht be done".

Having spoken more than the whole day before, he stops.

I wonder how, and who, is going to convince the town that there will be an attack.

2018-06-17, 04:11 PM
Veeta had kept a hand on her holy symbol for the bulk of the walk towards Drellin's Ferry, running her fingers over the familiar forms as she'd regarded the party and their new additions. She'd heard Vasily's declaration as well as Nidwa's response, but, having been walking some several paces behind her companions, had taken her time in replying. She'd bit into her cheek, mulling over what to say, though she'd known that she had no interest of leaving the party.

In the end, when words failed her, she'd sped up her pace and fallen into step alongside Vasily, hoping that the show of solidarity would be enough to convey her intent to follow the party to the keep and beyond.

She had, before arriving at the gates of Drellin's Ferry, managed to ask the knight a question. "Your horse - is it named?"

Barbarian MD
2018-06-18, 03:32 AM
Vasily claps Nidwa on the shoulder in appreciation. "It must, indeed. I'm glad of your company."

"She is. That's a funny story, in fact. She's not a horse, not truly, but a creature of spirit that assumes the form of a horse at need. Her name, as best she can communicate it to me, is roughly 'wind,' Dooch or Duk, but she decided she liked 'Duke' as a more phonetic translation."

Vasily glances at her symbol, "Kord, right? I think we'll need his strength in the coming days. How did you come to follow him?"

I'm okay with sort of doing some minor role play in parallel with the main story, since this kind of stuff doesn't directly impact the campaign, but whatever works for everybody. I like fleshing characters out, but I don't want to hold everybody up either.

Lord Ruby34
2018-06-18, 04:40 PM
Go ahead and continue with the roleplay, it can be in flashback as we also move the story on a bit.

The guard's mustache bristles at the mention of hobgoblins. "Those blighters. We've been losing good men to them for a week now. Leave them with us and head inside. We'll make sure they get to the jail." He pauses a moment to consider. "Ayup, I bet Speaker Wiston will want to speak to the lot of you." Find yourselves rooms at one of the Inns and he'll find his way over." With that he motions to let you inside.

If you have more questions to ask him that's fine. If you want to go inside that's fine too. I'll describe the town more once someone does.

Barbarian MD
2018-06-19, 05:04 AM
On the Road

"Xahria, you said something earlier. About this Vale belonging to the hobgoblins in the past. What did you mean by that? Tell me more."

History check? [roll0]
Bwahahah! This is going to be a lot of fun when Vasily becomes a freedom fighter for the cause of the indigenous people that were driven from their ancestral homes. :smalltongue:

In Town

"If it please you, this hobgoblin has information of strategic and urgent importance to your Speaker. I have him secured in manacles. It would make it easier if we could take him in to tell his tale. This hobgoblin, on the other hand, is a mage. I have him bound and gagged for a reason. If you take responsibility for seeing him to the jail, I would charge you to under no circumstances remove his gag or unbind his hands, or he may kill you with a word."

If the guards see fit to let the group pass with Xahria in tow, Vasily will enter.

Lord Ruby34
2018-06-20, 12:38 PM
On the Road: Xahria bites her lip before answering. "All I know is what I was told. My parents told me that we used to live in a warmer place, in the Vale Between the Mountains, and that the humans drove us out a long time ago, way before they were born. Or anyone they know was born."

At the Gate: "Welp," the guard says, chewing on the end of his mustache, "if you want to talk to the speaker right away I guess I can fetch him and bring him here. It's late enough he's probably tucking his little ones into bed, but I can go get him if you really want." He pauses a moment. "Captain Soranna, too probably. You sure you want me to go fetch 'em?" He asks.

Barbarian MD
2018-06-20, 05:18 PM
"Would a peaceable solution be possible? One of co-existance? The residents of the Vale should not be made to answer for the crimes of their ancestors, but neither do we have to live at enmity."

"I am afraid that the information we have is most urgent. I charge you to tell no one else, lest we start a panic, but there is a hobgoblin army on the move."

Lord Ruby34
2018-06-26, 01:39 PM
On the Road: Xahria looked up at Vasily. "Would your people be willing to leave? To just let us have your land?"

At the Gate: The gate sergeant sucks in a deep breath. "Well, army is a mighty strong word. You best come on in, I'll bring you to the Old Toll House. It's the jail too. I'm Sergeant Hersh, fer the record." He mutters something under his breath, you think you can pick out, "...army..." "...nonsense...". With a few words and a couple of motions he sends one of the other guards, a younger woman apparently named Elsha, to go get the the town speaker.

You're lead through town by Sergeant Hersh at a brisk pace. The town isn't a total flyspeck, and you see signs of bustle, tinged with fear. Something has these people on edge. You pass by a couple of inns, a general store, and a short tower that the Sergeant explains is an armory for the town militia. Through the center of town is a massive open field. There are children playing under the watchful eyes of worried and wary parents. Your small procession is followed by gasps and pointed fingers, as the townspeople point towards Xahria and the captured mage. A few are even so bold as to throw insults. You hear a few scattered calls to "String up the goblin scum!", and more muttered whispers about what "...filthy creatures..." like that are doing in town, even in chains. Soon you come to the largest building you've seen so far. An imposing structure of stone three stories tall, that still manages to seem squat do to it's massive girth. Just past it is the rushing flow of the mighty Elsir River, diving the town of Drellin's Ferry in two. You can see a few scattered blocks of stone sticking up from the churning waters, obviously the last remnants of a long washed away bridge that once spanned the river.

The door is unlocked, and Hersh pushes it open without any real effort. It slides like it's on oiled hinges. Inside you see a hall that he quickly leads you past, explaining that this is where they hold town meetings, and that Captain Soranna will be in her office. Soon enough, you're taken through clean but weathered room filled with bunkbeds, the barracks, Hersh informs you. There are about forty beds all told, but they don't appear to be in use. With a quick knock on the door at the end of the room, Hersh summons that captain and then salutes, his hand over his heart.

Captain Soranna is not what you were expecting. She's a younger human woman, probably about twenty five or so, with long red hair, and very noticeable muscles, clearly defined against the tanktop she's wearing, probably to fight off the summer heat. She gets a quick version of your story from Hersh, and with a surety asks for your tale again, not waiting for the Speaker to arrive.

"As much detail as you can. What do you know?" Her voice is hard when she speaks, but you get the impression that it's from worry rather than anger.

In The Green Apple Inn: Initari and Torrin are sitting in the common room, having dinner over a thick potato stew when your meal is interrupted, first by a dull muffle of excitment from the town outside, and then, before you can go investigate, by another figure entering the tavern. It's a balding human man, about fifty, and dressed in a formal sleeveless red robe with a puffy white shirt worn underneath. He carries a walking stick with the head of an eagle, and makes his way unerringly to your table, a young woman in mail following behind him at a distance. He greets you with a friendly smile. "My name is Norro Wiston," he says, "Speaker of Drellin's Ferry. And I truly am sorry to trouble you." He turns away for just a second, "Tharrma!" He yells towards the barkeep, a dwarven woman who rolls her eyes at him, but still obeys when tells her, "A round for our new friends. Something good."

"I'll jump right to the point. The two of you seem a little more heavily armed than the usual travelers we get. Do you know how to use those weapons?"

Barbarian MD
2018-06-26, 03:26 PM
On the road:
Vasily shakes his head ruefully. "No... No, I'm afraid that won't do. If what you say is true, it has been centuries since the hobgoblins held claim to this valley. The people now are entrenched; they've built their lives here. You can't exile a people for the sins of their ancestors like that.

"But that's not to say the valley can't be shared. Why not establish settlements and towns, farms and mills for your people? There is plenty of space, and our peoples can co-exist peacefully with some work. Do you think there are those among your people who would be willing to give peace a chance? I swear to you, if a peaceable solution is found, I will be along the first to lay aside my weapons and take up the hammer and saw to help build."

In town:
Vasily takes in the hustle and fear with a keen eye. This isn't his first time passing through Drellin's Ferry, and the people are clearly on edge.

When they arrive to give their report to the captain, Vault offers a brief salute, hand to chest, out of respect.

"Vasily Gregorovich, of Brindol. That's Nidwa, and here is Veeta. A captive mage, and the hobgoblin Xahria, who has given her pledge to me.

"Our company was ambushed on the road by a company of hobgoblins, eight in number, about a mile down the road. We dispatched them and discovered several groups of bodies that they had previously attacked hidden in an abandoned house. Upon questioning the survivors, we have learned that they are members of a group calling themselves the Red Hand, an army with the intent of invading the Vale. They are sworn to Tiamat. Azaar Kull is their leader, with a Wyrmlord Coth beneath him. The attack appears to be imminent, what they call their Day of Ruin, but these captives are not of sufficient rank to know the precise details.

"If you will permit, Xahria is most cooperative, and will answer any questions you may have."

2018-06-26, 07:07 PM
Initari leaned in toward Norro.
”I’ve been in a few scrapes. What are you getting at? I mean, why do you ask?”
When the round of "something good" arrived, Initari ignored it.

2018-06-27, 10:11 AM
On the Road: Veeta sidesteps Vasily's query about Kord, though her grip on her holy symbol tightens, and the last of lightning burns on the back of her tongue. She listens with a keen ear to the conversation Xahria and Vasily hold, instead, and wonders at the scope of the peace Vasily suggests. Tiamet, she suspects, will not allow her followers to quest for any peace that is not inherently tied to destruction. Veeta says nothing, though, and distantly - if cynically - admires the conversation's openness.

In Town: The whispering that follows Xahria makes Veeta bristle, though she, too, distrusts the hobgoblin. She keeps a hand on her warhammer as the party proceeds further into town, eyes narrowed. She regards Sergeant Hersh with equal suspicion, her general proximity to law enforcement making her long to retreat to the edge of town - or at least, for something to disguise the girth of her horns.

She stops dead at the sight of Captain Soranna, lingering in the doorway to what appears to be her office. As Vasily describes the party's encounter with the hobgoblin scouts, she observes the chamber, trying to locate anything of interest that would reveal more about the captain's care for her people or general standing within Drellin's Ferry. She keeps an eye on Xahria, as well, though the walk to the town has made her reasonably certain that the hobgoblin will not try to flee the party.

"Xahria mentioned that a scouting roster had been developed, had she not?" Veeta adds, once Vasily has finished speaking. "It is possible that, when our party of attackers does not arrive, the Red Hand will send someone to look for their killers - or, at least, their bodies." She speaks quietly, not wanting to draw the captain's attention to herself but understanding the strangeness of the situation and the action it requires. She crosses her arms over her chest and does not allow herself to relax, still wary of the stench of law enforcement surrounding her on all sides.

2018-06-27, 05:37 PM
The barest hint of a smile passes over Torrin’s face as he inclines his head. ”Indeed. You have a keen eye.” The gnome runs a hand absent-mindedly over his facial hair as he subtly appraises the Speaker’s outfit, from footwear up.

”I’d hazard a guess and say you aren’t asking out of pure curiosity or for the sake of small talk.” He rests his hands lightly on the table, glances once at the young armored woman, then settles his focus back on Norro.

Lord Ruby34
2018-06-28, 05:34 PM
On the Road: Xahria shakes her head. "That's a wonderful dream, Vasily. Who would want us as neighbors? I'd love to live in that world, but it's not this one. Not yet at least." Her eyes are looking squarely at the dirt as she speaks.

In The Old Toll House: Captain Sorrana listens to your stories as you tell them, occasionally asking the three of you and Xahria for clarifications, although she seems suspect of everything that the hobgoblin woman has to say. Eventually, she sighs. "I can tell you that at least some of that is true. There's been bands of hobgoblins near the town for days now. We sent messages to Brindol. When you came here in that armor I was hoping that you were from the Lion Guard, but it doesn't look like our messages made it. We think a tribe or two moved down from the mountains, and is trying to cut off Drellin's Ferry and sack it, but worse than that they've been cutting off trade. We'll die if nothing comes through those roads. I lost the last two patrols I sent out, and I'm not sending out more. I know the town Speaker was already thinking about asking those two in the tavern, but I was wondering if you could help us out? See what you can do about clearing up the hobgoblins, and if what the captive said is true, proving it?"

At The Green Apple: "Ho, no need to be so worried. You might have been hearing the grumblings lately, that there's been bandits on the road, and worse, hobgoblin raiding parties. Now, we've fought those blighters off before, but there seem to be more of them this time. About eighty? That's at least what the guard captain thinks. They're cutting off trade, and it that happens the town'll die, along with all of us." At about that point the barkeep sets down two glasses of burgundy wine, the liquid smelling faintly of rose above the obvious smell of wine. "You two looked more capable than the usual rif-raf, and we were hoping maybe you could help us with our problem."

2018-06-28, 05:53 PM
”Not really my speed,” Initari notes, setting the drink aside.
”More prepared than others? Sure. Eighty hobgoblins prepared? Not at all. I’ve been in some street fights, not skirmishes.”

Barbarian MD
2018-06-28, 07:57 PM
On the Road:

"I know it might seem far-fetched, especially in light of current events. Those hobgoblins who are willing to lay down their arms will face suspicion and fear for a long time. But if some number of your kin were to renounce violence as a means of attaining your goals, and to forsake the teaching of Tiamat, then I would personally work to ensure they could live peacefully here.

"Those of you who have killed will have to face a judgment of some sort, perhaps pay restitution, to atone for your crimes. Those of you who have never done wrong stand innocent, regardless of their race. Still others of you may have defended yourselves innocently against violence done by the dwellers of this valley.

"Will some of the humans in the valley be racist? Of a certainty. There would undoubtedly be attacks and mischief done by those who do not want you here. But there are some few who would stand in the gap and rise up to defend those hobgoblins who show themselves to be good citizens of this valley. As I said, if it can be done, I myself would stand on your side and even slay those who would try to murder innocent hobgoblins who are only trying to build a better life for themselves.

"I think perhaps, unfortunately, the surest way to set themselves apart would be to set themselves against those who would follow Tiamat to the death and destruction of all in the valley. It would mean brother against brother, fighting with humans and others against their own kind. That might be enough to convince the populace of their intentions... It would not be strictly necessary, and the remnant who renounce violence could perhaps live peacefully as pacifists, but they would have to openly and loudly separate from the Red Hand, and quickly, before much more violence is done.

"It could work," he says with some fervor. "Can you imagine, hobgoblins and humans, living side-by-side peacefully working together to make this valley a home for all?"

"Do you think any of your kind could be convinced?"

In Town:

Vasily simply says, "Yes. I had decided to do as much myself when I learned of the threat. I will let the others speak for themselves. Did you have a plan in mind? What are your forces and defenses like? Do you have any intelligence on the threat?"

2018-06-29, 12:43 AM
Torrin lifts the glass that had been set down in front of him and gently swirls the contents. He closes his eyes for a moment, glass raised, and inhales. Placing the glass back on the table without having tasted the wine, he nods his head. "Quite so, Initari... Quite so." He appears lost in thought, and when almost too much time has passed he picks up the glass once again, this time to take a mouthful of the beverage.

"To be completely and entirely honest, we were simply passing through. Eighty hobgoblins... That is no walk through the meadow," he pauses to take another sip of the wine, "even if we work with your guard. I am sure we would be able to help, but we do have places to be and coin to earn..."

2018-06-30, 08:34 PM
In The Old Toll House: Veeta considers Captain Sorrana with care, mouth thinning. "Not like I have anything better to do," she admits, "but surely you don't expect the three of us to move against a tribe or two of hobgoblins on our own. Do you have reinforcements who would be willing to join us?"

Lord Ruby34
2018-06-30, 09:17 PM
On the Road: "I think you're a good human, Vasily." Xahria answers, a smile on her face and tears hanging unfallen from her eyes. "But I think there's too few people on either side who believe in your dream. I don't know. Maybe? Maybe you could convince more than just me." She pauses, just a moment. "It seems so hard. You don't know my people like I do. War and violence are built into our blood. We just stopped fighting each other, to stop fighting at all?" She shakes her head. "I never wanted to fight at all. But it made my grandfather so proud when I left." Xahria opens her mouth again, like she had something to say, but falls silent.

In The Old Toll House: "There are some others, they came to town a while back, Speaker Wiston was going to try to convince them to help too. We were hoping you could ambush a few of them, make this town more trouble than it's worth. In light of what this prisoner said, maybe some more investigating would be in order? Take the others and find out what you can. I'm afraid I can't lend any of my guard to your cause. They're needed here in case the town is actually attacked, and even with the milita levied there might not be enough of them worth anything to stand against a hobgoblin assault." She thinks for a moment. "Wiston said not to mention this, but you seem committed enough that it won't scare you off. The patrol we send out? When we found them they were riddled with spikes, Sertieren thinks that they're manticore spikes."

At the Green Apple: "Now, I'm not suggesting you take them all yourselves, but maybe convince them it's not worth their time to bother with our little town. Besides, you wouldn't be alone, there are some others that came through the gate tonight who seem like likely suspects." He seems jovial, but you can detect a hint of panic behind his voice, which lightens only a little when Torrin says the word "coin".

"If that's your objection, Sir Gnome, then you can count on us. The town is willing to compensate you quite handsomely for your troubles, if you can help us. How does five hundred gold pieces each sound by way of compensation?"

Barbarian MD
2018-06-30, 10:18 PM
Vasily nods gravely.

"We have to think not only of this one town, but of the entire vale. Can you send runners to start raising the alarms?

"Do you have any suggestions on where to start? We were planning to head to Vraath Keep.

"It's getting late. My companions and I will need to get some sleep tonight, perhaps stock up to leave tomorrow. Would you be able to provide any material assistance, perhaps potions of healing, armor, weapons, or the like?"

2018-07-01, 12:11 PM
On the Road: Still walking alongside Duke, Veeta grows curious at the mention of Xahria's grandfather. "What of your parents, Xahria?" she asks, aware of the tension that exists between her and the hobgoblin whose friend she killed.

In The Old Toll House: Veeta leans against the door frame of the room and pinches the bridge of her nose. "Yes, rest first," she grumbles, in echo of Vasily. "Maybe drinks, as well? And directions to the blacksmith, if one is available and seeking work; I'd like to drop in before we make our way into peril, come morning."

She glances to the side and looks to Xahria, still tucked behind Vasily. Turning her head to address her party member instead of the captain, she asks, "And what will become of her?"

2018-07-01, 12:23 PM
”Could we perhaps meet with these likely prospects before we make our decision? It’s a bit of a warning flag that we only MIGHT get help.”

Barbarian MD
2018-07-01, 12:25 PM
At Veeta's prompting, Vasily asks Xahria to step outside the office.

"A word, Captain, if you please. Xahria was among those captured in the ambush. I know not if--or how many--she has killed. I know not the breadth and depths of her crimes. When she surrendered to us, I promised her nothing but justice, and knowing that she made a vow to not flee or to take up arms against us, and even came willingly without chains.

As the lawful government of this town, I will abide whatever doom you set for her, but I ask this: I was shown mercy and a chance of redemption myself, long ago. If you see fit, after you have examined her, I would offer her the chance to come with us and serve as my squire as a means of atonement.

"And if she betrays that trust, I will execute her myself, if that be your will."

2018-07-01, 10:05 PM
At 'Sir Gnome', Torrin works to keep himself from quirking an eyebrow. Before he can say anything, Initari cuts in to request a meeting with the others that had come into town earlier. "Yes, perhaps a meeting with the group first. We can then determine what our best course of action might be."

This task will most assuredly not be accomplished by simply convincing hobgoblins that it isn't worth their time... Torrin thinks to himself. It will come down to violence. It is their nature.

"Torrin Folkor Nim, by the way," he bobs his head briefly in a belated introduction, "potentially at your service. Before any meetings are arranged I should like to finish this stew, however." He smiles at Norro as he picks the spoon back up.

Lord Ruby34
2018-07-02, 09:53 PM
On the Road: "My parents are farmers. They grow mushrooms in the caves behind our village, and they gather what they can from the land outside, when it isn't frozen over."

Old Toll House: "If Vraath Keep is your plan then you want to talk to Jorr Natherson. He lives in the forests a few miles out of town. Even Avarthel doesn't know this forest as well as Jorr does. As for supplies, I think we can come up with a few things to make your jobs easier. I'll come by with some things tomorrow, wherever you're staying. The Green Apple and The Old Bridge Inn are the two places to stay in town." She looks at Veeta and says, "As far as the armorer, you'll find him on the east side of town. He's an old dwarf by the name of Morlin Coalhewer, and you can usually find him there."

Soranna is silent for a long moment when Vasily asks about Xahria's fate. "I don't want her wandering the town, but if you're determined to trust her I won't stop you. She can stay the night in the jail, and you can pick her up when you leave town. Do you plan to offer the same deal to the mage?"

At the Green Apple: "Of course, of course. Please, finish your stew, finish your wine. I'll find out where they plan to stay tonight and we can all meet up again. But first, the food. If you don't mind eating with an old man, that is." He says, laughing. "The matter is not so deathly urgent that there's no time to eat Torrin, you don't mind Torrin do you? And you Madam...?" He trails off, smiling as he looks at Initari.

Barbarian MD
2018-07-03, 05:25 AM
Vasily nods along and takes mental notes.

"No, the mage is too dangerous. A true believer. I will leave him in your custody to do as you see fit, but I would under no circumstances release him. It would probably be more humane to simply execute him, but I leave that to you."

Vasily looks to Veeta and Nidwa. "I will see Xahria to the jail. Shall we sup together at one of the inns? Where is the Green Apple?"

Outside: "Xahria, I am to escort you to the jail for the night. I want you to consider two options and have an answer for me in the morning. The authorities here are willing to have you remain in my custody. I intend to head into the wilds and do what needs to be done to protect this valley from murderers, in whatever form we may find them.

I will give you the same choice that I had, many years ago: you may, if you choose, serve as my squire. I will not ask you to raise arms against your kinsmen, but I expect that I will have to do so myself. I would have you prepare my weapons, carry fire wood, and other menial tasks. I would also have you serve as translator, if needed, and a visible symbol of peace to both hobgoblins and humans. I cannot guarantee your safety.

"The alternative is to be left here in jail, to await whatever sentence the local authorities will mete out.

Think on it tonight; I would have your free choice. If you choose to come with me, I will demand and expect obedience, and would have you again swear oaths in the morning to me and my companions. Be forewarned: in joining us you would face ostracization by your own folk."

He escorts her to the jail and then makes his way to rejoin his companions at the inn.

2018-07-03, 10:41 AM
Initari shook her head.
Please, eat with us.”
Though in truth she was anxious to meet the others. If they were tough enough to be on this assignment... though in truth, this man seemed like he’d take just about anyone...

2018-07-07, 01:21 PM
Old Toll House: Veeta listens, then frowns as Xahria is escorted to jail. As Vasily goes to leave the hobgoblin for the evening, she turns and murmurs, "I fear some of the more frightened townsfolk may try and cause her harm over the course of the evening. The guards may do their duty, but I'd like to return here myself after a drink and spend the night. It's not that I like her, but it is far too easy for mob mentality to make a scapegoat of an 'other.'"

Not wanting to wait for Vasily's permission to act, Veeta looks to Captain Sorrana, ready to make the necessary arrangements. "I've slept in harder quarters than these," she says. "If your inn's any good, I could even bring you back some food?"

Lord Ruby34
2018-07-07, 03:04 PM
In the Old Toll House: Xahria looks between Vasily and Veeta, her eyes a mixture of fear, gratitude, and something that's harder to place. "Thank you", she says. There's a pause before she continues. "I want," she says, a hitch in her voice. "I think, I'll think. Thank you for not killing me."

Captain Soranna takes her by the shoulder. "I'll make sure she gets to a quiet cell, away from the other one. You can find the Green Apple back in the center of town." She gives you directions to the Inn, before turning back to Veeta. "If you want to come and keep an eye on her, I wouldn't say no. And if you want to bring something back," she shrugs and smirks, "I'm partial to the mutton pie."

The Green Apple: Vasily and Veeta make their way to the Inn. It isn't far away and in a couple of minutes you find yourself stepping through through the door of a warm and inviting building. While the whole town has had an edge to it, you find that edge blunted here. There's one table that catches your eyes. There's an older man there, talking with another tiefling woman and a gnome. A young guardswoman leans over his shoulder and points you out to him, and he gives a boisterous shout. "Ho there," he yells, "you're the ones from the gate, aren't you? I heard you were going to meet Captain Soranna, so I made a stop first. Has she asked you about lending a hand yet?" He waves you over as he speaks, and calls the barkeeper for another set of drinks.

2018-07-07, 05:50 PM
Initari looked up at the newcomers.
”Oh, these are them?” Initari waved at the other Tiefling with a welcoming smile.
”Hello there. And who might you be?”

2018-07-07, 07:59 PM
A wave of surprise hits Veeta as another tiefling calls out to them along with the older guardsman. She smiles, despite herself, and perhaps for the first time since the party's encounter with the hobgoblin party in the wood. She waves, awkward, and gladly accepts one of the drinks that the barkeep brings to the table.

"Travelers," she says, after draining a good half of the drink, "and fighters, apparently, if the pay is good. I didn't take someone's drink, did I?"

2018-07-07, 09:42 PM
Please,” Initari offered, sliding her drink over to Veeta.
”So you’ve been asked to kill hobby gobbies, too. Learn anything interesting about them?”

2018-07-07, 10:10 PM
Veeta frowns into the rest of her own drink but eyes the other tiefling's offered glass appreciatively. "More than I would have liked," she admits, rueful after another mouthful of buzzing booze. She leans in, wary of the others in the inn. "There seems to be a hobgoblin army approaching, among which is a subset that worships Tiamet. Apparently they wish to move against any non-hobgoblin living in the Vale.

"That said," she continues, pointing a thumb backs towards Vasily, "there was one in the party that attacked us who was spared. She's suggested that there's less of a mob mentality to this - army than anticipated. She could well be lying to keep herself alive, though." As she stares into her remaining dregs, Veeta grows a touch bitter. "All in all, it's racial politics and fighting and gold for everyone who manages to survive. Nothing new, not really."

Barbarian MD
2018-07-07, 11:58 PM
It's been a long day, and Vasily craves sleep and a bath, but he manages to be polite.

"Vasily Gregorovich." He offers a handshake to the strangers.

2018-07-08, 10:37 AM
”Initari Asherim,” Initari introduced herself, accepting Vasily’s hand.
”Any idea on how to beat that many?”

2018-07-08, 04:57 PM
Torrin, determined to finish his stew while it's still warm, continues to eat while the others talk. He looks at both of the newcomers and decides he will take part in this quest to stop the hobgoblins. Eventually the gnome spoons the last morsel into his mouth, dabs his face with a napkin, and smooths his facial hair.

After a lapse in the conversation, Torrin shakes his head slightly. "Ah. You'll have to excuse me. The name is Torrin. Torrin Folkor Nim." With that he places the napkin, refolded, back onto the table.

Barbarian MD
2018-07-08, 10:44 PM
Vasily sits wearily at the table, his heavy armor causing the chair to sag. The man downs a drink and waves over a waitress, asking for a jug of water and food, whatever is hot, and eagerly digs in when it arrives.

"So we'll be working together, eh? Are you good with a blade then? It'll be good to have help. Travelers? Where do you folks hail from?"

2018-07-09, 03:48 AM
"Blades aren't really how I work," Initari explained, shrugging off her violin.

Barbarian MD
2018-07-10, 08:19 PM
Between mouthfuls of food: "How do you work then?"

2018-07-10, 10:26 PM
Initari reached out toward Vasily and muttered a word of power in Infernal, infusing him with immunity to fear and a bolster to resolve, which, if one had to put a number on it, would be five.

5 temp hp, immunity to fear, one minute.

Barbarian MD
2018-07-11, 08:23 AM
As the power fills him and light comes into his eyes, Vasily pauses mid-bite, then nods in appreciation.

"And you?" He asks the gnome, digging back into his food.

2018-07-11, 02:05 PM
Torrin deftly fishes a toothpick out of one of his many pockets and twirls it between his fingers. "My mind and my daggers work skillfully as one." He holds a hand over his mouth as he makes quick use of the toothpick. "What of yourselves?"

Barbarian MD
2018-07-11, 02:14 PM
"You can judge this book by its cover: a sword, and a lance, and a faithful horse."

2018-07-12, 04:39 PM
Pressing her glass to her lips, Veeta slides her holy symbol towards the middle of the table. She does not let go of it, just lets her companions see it before slipping it back into her pocket.

Barbarian MD
2018-07-12, 09:28 PM
"So what do the two of you know about the threat we're facing?"

2018-07-13, 10:20 AM
"Eightyish hobgoblins. That's all."

2018-07-13, 06:20 PM
"As Initari says, we have been provided with that sole piece of information. As it stands..." his eyes run over the few sharing a table with him, "it would appear as though the odds would be stacked against us."

"We were simply passing through this town, on our way to accomplish other errands, when Speaker Norro approached us with this... Offer. I have to admit, one on one is almost always the way I have been able to successfully complete my tasks." Torrin pockets a piece of bread, oblivious to the crumbs it would surely leave behind in the folds of fabric. "I hope you know what you're doing. And what of the one that was captured? They must be a font of knowledge... Provided the font is not poisoned."

Barbarian MD
2018-07-13, 10:02 PM
"That's not all. There's also a manticore, whatever that is. And where there are hobgoblins, there will be bugbears. I fear 80 is an underestimation. I fear by a huge margin..."

He relays what he can of the interrogation of Xahria.

Lord Ruby34
2018-07-15, 09:18 PM
Vasily relates the tale as Xahria told him. As he talks about the army and the day of reckoning the four of you watch Norro Wiston's face go white, flashing between fear, disbelief, and anger. He is visably shaking in his seat by the time Vasily's tale is done. "I," He starts, stopping and catching himself again, "Drellin's Ferry will pay each of you 500 gold pieces to discern the truth of this story. If you can bring back proof that this army exists."

You think you hear him mutter something under his breath, it sounds like "Pelor save us."

2018-07-15, 09:44 PM
Initari considered.
Recon, not combat.
If all went well, these powerful people would be able to help her delve into the keep.
She nodded wordlessly.

Barbarian MD
2018-07-15, 09:45 PM
"Fear not. Bahamut has chosen us for a reason. He will certainly not let the plots of Tiamat go uncontested.

"I have family in Brindol; I would do this thing for free. However, it will not be easy. I think we will need every edge we can get...

"Do you know if your armorers have any full plate on hand? Do you think you could convince one of them to sell it on credit? Or for the town to loan me the means to purchase a set?"

Lord Ruby34
2018-07-15, 10:41 PM
Wiston considers for a moment. "The smith might have something, but I doubt it. It doesn't tend to sell well along these parts. The only person I know who has a set is Captain Soranna, and I doubt hers would fit you, or that she'd part with it. Maybe if you found a set it could be refitted into your size?"

2018-07-15, 10:47 PM
Veeta raises her empty mug in Norro's direction, wordlessly accepting his offer. At the mention of Captain Soranna, she twitches with memory, then turns to the nearest of the wait staff and quietly orders two mutton pies, one for herself and one to take back to the captain when she returns to the jail for the night.

Barbarian MD
2018-07-15, 11:55 PM
"I thought as much, but worth a shot.

"Ladies, gentleman, I am off to bed. Perhaps we can meet together in the morning for a late breakfast after everyone completes any preparation that needs attending to?"

2018-07-16, 09:34 PM
500 gold pieces each... That may be worth the detour. Torrin follows the rabbit down the hole and begins to list off uses for the extra funds in his mind when he realizes he hasn’t yet answered. He offers his hand to Norro and shakes firmly. ”We will get to the bottom of this.”

Lord Ruby34
2018-07-17, 05:49 PM
Norro Wiston looks at all of you and nods once before his face spreads into a massive smile. "Thank you my friends," he says, "you're doing Drellin's Ferry a massive service. If you weren't here, well, I don't know what we'd do. Thank you."

Over the course of the next few minutes the five of you go your own separate ways. Vasily, Initari, and Torrin each head to your rooms. Rooms that Norro Wiston insists on paying for. Veeta, you head back to the jail, a pair of mutton pies in hand, knocking at Captain Soranna's door. Somehow, you're still a little surprised when she opens it, greeting you with a tired smile.

The next morning the four of you meet back up after running your individual errands. Veeta and Vasily head to the armorer, whose a stout, peg legged dwarf named Morlin Coalhewer. Your dealings with him are business-like, but he does not seem unkind. You both notice a holy symbol of Moradin, the dwarffather hanging above his breast. He is able to get the hobgoblin's armor refitted to Veeta surprisingly quickly, and a task that would normally take hours or days in done in minutes. You bid him farewell, and regroup with the others, who have received a delivery from Captain Soranna and a middle aged halfling man who introduces and identifies himself as Seratin the Wise, the town's one and only wizard. Collectively you receive eight healing potions, and one scroll each of the spells Fog Cloud, Darkness, and Find Familiar. He warns you that while the scroll of find familiar will conjure one to you unless you gain the ability to cast the spell again you won't be able to recall it if the beast is slain or change its form.

Once your preparations are complete you prepare to leave. There are several paths ahead of you, although Vasily and Veeta were suggested that if they wanted to find Vraath's Keep a better start might be going to the home of Jorr Natherson, a few miles out of town. What would you like to do? Either way, you will need to talk to Xahria before you leave town.

Feel free to let me know any errands that you would like to take care of in town and we'll do them quickly as we continue. You should also figure out who's carrying the scrolls, but that can be done OOC.

I also intend to do Veeta's conversation with Captain Sorranna like we did the one on the road.

Barbarian MD
2018-07-18, 08:31 AM
Rising early before sunrise, Vasily spends the first thirty minutes in meditation and prayer, burning a small sacrifice of incense to Bahamut in his room before venturing outside. When he steps outside into the still misty and empty streets, his armor is freshly oiled and polished, and his sword gleams from its place at his side.

His first errand of the day takes him to the stables. Duke greets him with a cheerful neigh, and he has an apple for her. He gives her a good rubdown before mounting her and riding across town with the first glimmers of sun beginning to crest the horizon.

Do such steeds need food? If so I will buy two weeks worth of feed for her while I'm here.

Sunrise finds him entering the jail. The gaolers let him pass and he finds Xahria in her private cell. It's clear that she hasn't slept much, and has wrestled her decision from the night before.

"Good morning, Xahria. I trust you have been treated well? Have you reached a decision?"

we can roleplay this a bit before leaving the jail. If she agrees to come with him, he will take her to the armorer, which we can roleplay. He'll buy her some basic gear and equipment, waterskin, and even a weapon and armor if she'll have them.

2018-07-18, 09:54 AM
Initari woke up a bit earlier than she would have liked, gasping as she lifted herself from the bed.
What in the nine hells am I doing here, she thought.
Then she heard a few footsteps with heavy armor as Vasily walked by.
After briefly freshening up, she began following him, hoping to at least look at what was going on.

2018-07-18, 10:11 AM
Veeta, you head back to the jail, a pair of mutton pies in hand, knocking at Captain Soranna's door. Somehow, you're still a little surprised when she opens it, greeting you with a tired smile.

Night: Veeta putters awkwardly outside of Captain Soranna's door, shoulders sagging with relief when it opens. She's not precisely looking forward to spending the night in jail - again - but keeping an eye on Xahria remains an unusually poignant sticking point for her, and she's determined to make her presence known. The promise of mutton pie and intriguing company, though - along with the bolstering of her drink - does cheer her a little.

"Hi," she manages, trying to force herself to make eye contact. "I brought food?"

Morning: Veeta wakes to the sound of Vasily's armor and squints into the dawn light. She pushes herself off of the wall of the jail and straightens out her armor, longing for a bath and something to crack her back.

Most of Veeta's behavior here will be based on anything that occurs overnight with Xahria
- any conversations or encounters. As such, I'll try to keep this vague until more details arise.

Mid-morning: Upon haggling with and accepting a reasonable - maybe generous - price from the armorer, Veeta dons her banded armor, all the while debating whether or not she should leave her mail behind. As she tests its comfort, she keeps her eyes peeled for any shrines to Kord that may dot the town. Should she not find one, she'll take several minutes off to one side to convey a quiet greeting to her god, relaying any encounters from the night that's passed.

Lord Ruby34
2018-07-19, 04:31 PM
Old Toll House (night): "Thank the gods," Soranna almost moans, "I'm starving. Come in." She steps aside and gestures to a small desk, a mess of papers pushed to one side. "The place is a bit of a mess, sorry." Your eyes are drawn to a map of the town, heavily marked in Soranna's tight scrawl. There are notations about places to station the town guard in case of attacks from different angles. She slumps down in a chair. "I'm worried, Veeta." She pauses for a second. "It's my job to keep this place safe. I don't know if I can."

In the Old Toll House (morning): "I -- Veeta stayed with me all night. She didn't let anyone bother me." Xahria looks around at the cold stone of the cell wall, and says, "I don't want to stay here." Her eyes drift back up to Vasily's. "More than that, I want to help, I don't want more of my friends to die. If we can stop this fighting, maybe I can save them," she says. "You have my oath, Vasily. I'll serve as your squire until this war is over."

Veeta: You don't find a shrine to Kord in the town.

Vasily: Celestial beings don't need mortal sustenance. While on the mortal plane they feed on the connection to the divine present in the air, in the ground, and in the feelings of devotion that resonate between individuals. That doesn't mean they can't eat, or they can't enjoy the taste of food.

Barbarian MD
2018-07-20, 05:51 AM
Vasily nods and gently claps her on the shoulder with a gauntleted palm.

"I will have it then. Thank you. And I hope that together we can make a difference."

"We have preparations to make. Let us be off. I will aquaint you with your roles and expectations as we travel."

Veeta: " Thank you for watching out for her."

Together with Veeta they travel to the armorer. He opens the saddle bags and sacks they had carried off the field of battle the day before, first offering Xahria her choice of weapons and armor, and then to the blacksmith for trade.

"Xahria, I will have you carry a weapon. I will not require you to fight your own kin, but we may be set upon be wild beasts in the wilderness and I would have you able to defend yourself. I need you to outfit yourself with one ranged weapon and another
melee weapon of your choice, as well as any armor you are comfortable wearing. You may choose from these items or we can discuss a purchase from the armorer."

"Good day to you, sir. We come to trade. The Speaker and the Captain have engaged our services in putting an end to the hobgoblin threat and we are about to venture the wilderness."

"Do you have any full plate for sale? I would also like to purchase a spare lance.
"What can you give us in exchange for all of this?
"This is Xahria, my sworn squire. She requires... [If applicable]

Basically the whole inventory of equipment we scrounged, minus anything anybody else wants. I forgot to ask the captain if she would want any of it for arming the town but I certainly don't want to carry it into the wilderness.

2018-07-21, 12:40 PM
"I'm worried, Veeta." She pauses for a second. "It's my job to keep this place safe. I don't know if I can."

Old Toll House (night): Veeta stutters where she stands, managing to pass Captain Soranna her mutton pie, but only just. With a careful eye, she examines the map Soranna has laid out before her.

"You will do what you can," she says, at last. "The townspeople could retreat to one of the larger towns, could they not, should things grow overwhelming? Your guard could escort them, if they were willing to leave their homes. I understand that's not ideal, of course." She pauses and sniffs at her own mutton pie. "I know how difficult it is for someone to leave their home, no matter how unsafe it is."

In the Old Toll House (morning): Veeta continues to listen to the exchange between Vasily and Xahria. She finds relief in Vasily's acceptance of Xahria as his squire, though she still distrusts the hobgoblin, to a degree.

Lord Ruby34
2018-07-21, 03:26 PM
Old Toll House (night): "Doesn't matter. There are some who won't leave no matter what. I shouldn't be bothering you with this anyway, it's not your job to figure this out. " She sighs, and pats the table. "Have a seat." Sorranna gazes down at the map, and you're left holding the two pies, standing by the door.

In the Morning: Xahria asks only for her old gear back, carefully picking through the equipment until she has her old sword back. She seems far less interested in the armor, and grabs pieces almost at random until she has a full set that fits. She exhibts the same attitude towards the other weapons, picking up a longbow and a quiver of arrows.

Back in town the armorer doesn't have full plate, but he's able to fulfill your other requests. It seems like Norro Wiston has already been here, and Morlin Coalhewer provides you with your requests without charge.

The four of you, five now, are still left with the question of where you intend to go next. How are you going to start your journey?

Barbarian MD
2018-07-21, 03:37 PM
Vasily thanks the armorer for the spare lance, and finds hope in the fact that the man did not throw Xahria out when they walked in together or speak an unkind word.

When they all meet again at the appointed hour:

"Is everyone ready? Shall we follow the Captain's lead and go find Jorr? That would be my vote."

2018-07-22, 01:11 AM
"I'm good to go," Initari answered, nodding at the Paladin's suggestion.

2018-07-22, 09:41 AM
Torrin watched as his companions left the building they had been staying in, all seemingly with a purpose. The gnome had awoken not that much earlier, but before the others nonetheless. Jacques flitted down from a tree to find purchase on Torrin's left shoulder as the pair set off to follow the group.

He had chosen his traveling clothes for the day consisting of a simple leather jerkin over a light grey shirt, a dark grey cloak adorned with many pockets, and some short leather boots with their own secret storage capacities.

Torrin was content to walk separately from Initari and Vasily for the time being, using the semblance of solitude to take in the layout of the city and keep an eye out for shops peddling potions.

if he finds a such a shop, he will look for a potion of climbing and a potion of greater healing. after that he will make his way to the group...

He sees the others waiting at the designated meeting spot and walks towards them in no real hurry with Jacques now perched on his right shoulder. "I am ready to leave. The sooner we complete this task, the sooner we can be on our way to the keep."

2018-07-22, 12:20 PM
Old Toll House (night):"Perhaps it is not my job, but the party and I have been hired on to protect the same people you protect, have we not?" Veeta steps further into the room and sets one of the pies to the side of Soranna's map. She nudges it forward, one eyebrow raised in a silent request for the guard captain to eat, though she does sit at the captain's request.

In the morning: Veeta nods to Vasily. "Lead on."

Lord Ruby34
2018-07-23, 12:16 PM
Old Toll House (night): Sorranna looks up at you and nods. "I suppose," she says, and takes the pie gratefully. "Food before more worrying though. I can't really do anything else tonight anyway." She cuts out a bite sized portion and shoves it down her throat without any further ceremony. "Gods these are always good. So much better than the gruel my mother used to make."

At Morlin's: After a moment's consideration, Morlin comes back out, a visored metal helm in his hands. He nods at Xahria as he hands it to her. "This was my brother's once, but I think you could use it more than me right now." You see the hobgoblin woman's eyes start to water until she puts the helmet on and her face disappears behind a mask of steel.

On the road: The five of you begin following the directions that Captain Sorranna relayed to you. You take the ferry across the mighty river, the five of you and Duke barely fit on the raft that takes you across the water. You set out, following a small trail that winds precariously through the forest. It takes you about six hours before you find Jorr Natherson's cabin, or so you assume. The trail leads past a small cabin in a deep forest glade. A ramshackle front porch is littered with fishing baskets and skinning frames. The cabin overlooks a dark bayou of lake, with old gray cedar trees draped in moss rising out of the water. An old skiff is tied up on the shore nearby, and a little smoke curls from the field-stone chimney. You all note a trio of massive hounds laying under the front porch, just as they notice you.

The dogs lunge out, barking and baying wildly as they charge toward you, stopping about ten feet from you and growling. From inside the cabin you see a crossbow pointing out of an open window. A voice yells, "Get off my prop-er-tay! Yer tresspassin' on Jorr Natherson's land!"

What do you do?

2018-07-23, 12:25 PM
Initari muttered in Infernal, casting Thaumaturgy on herself to amplify her voice.
"Jorr Natherson? Captain Soranna and Norro Wiston sent us."

Barbarian MD
2018-07-23, 10:08 PM
Vasily brings Duke to a halt and motions Xahria behind him.

"We were told you were the man to speak with about Vraath Keep."

Lord Ruby34
2018-07-24, 12:48 PM
"Eh?" The old man says, raising up his crossbow. "What in the nine hells you wantin' to dig up an old ghost like that for?"

Before you can answer he whistles, a high pitched sound that sets the dogs running back to the porch. "Rowen, Thistle, Holly!" he yells, and they lay calmly on the front porch.

Barbarian MD
2018-07-24, 01:46 PM
Vasily trots up on his steed to the porch, but stops a respectful distance away and removes his helm.

"There is a hobgoblin army mustering. We have been sent to reconnoiter and do what we can to prepare the Vale. We have learned that they have fortified the keep as an Outpost. Can you lead us there?"

2018-07-25, 11:18 PM
Old Toll House (night): Without thinking, Veeta snorts with amusement. "I'd argue that anything is better than gruel," she says, leaning into take a bite of her own. "It was all I had, growing up - the flavor never got any better, no matter what I tried to do to it." Her gaze drifted for a moment, remembering the halls of the Temple of Kord and the back room that had been her home.

On the road: Veeta remains quiet, somewhere near the back of the party, and keeps a casual eye on the road behind them while Jorr Natherson calls off his dogs.

Lord Ruby34
2018-07-26, 12:17 PM
At the Old Toll House (night): "Then you've never had the slop they serve you on a campaign. Soldiers were trading each other a weeks pay for a half-starved squirrel that got run over by a wagon, just for a change of pace," Sorrana says. "Where did you grow up, anyway? I can't think of any place in the Vale where a kid couldn't get an egg or a peach every once in a while."

At Jorr's Cabin: The old man spits on the ground, and says, "Blasted Gobbo scum, that those savages are comin' down from the mountains again ain't no surprise, but that they found ol' Vraath is. Place is long forgotten by most folks. Not Jorr Natherson though." He pauses for a moment, a hand on his whiskered chin, and then continues, "If'n yer trying to put a few of them in the ground I suppose I can help you out, I could use a few things from town anyway. Big group of five of ya, and a horse, I'll take you there for fifteen gold."

In the back of the group Xahria has gone stiff. It appears like she's barely breathing underneath her bulky helmet and armor.

Barbarian MD
2018-07-26, 03:14 PM
Vasily is watching Xahria intently and notes her reaction.

"Pardon, Mr. Natherson, but there are six of us. And fifteen gold sounds reasonable. When can we go?"

2018-07-27, 02:11 PM
Old Toll House (night): Veeta stills, mid-bite, before forcing herself to swallow. "Dennovar," she answers, after several moments of staring at her pie. "I never did try adding squirrel to gruel - perhaps I'll have the opportunity soon enough." She attempts to make eye contact and smile, but sickness brews in her stomach, so she focuses on a spot just behind Soranna's head, instead, and tries to keep her head high.

At Jorr's Cabin: Veeta grimaces and positions herself in front of Xahria as subtly as possible, all the while waiting to see how Jorr will respond to Vasily's declaration.

2018-07-27, 03:02 PM
Torrin listens to the exchange, unconcerned with the requested fee of 15 gold pieces. If a man of his age is able to make the journey to the keep, it shouldn't be too demanding or treacherous...

Lord Ruby34
2018-07-28, 06:59 PM
The Old Toll House (night): "Pfft, you cooked it up by itself. It was't much but the taste was so much better. It would be a waste of a good squirrel to put it in the gruel, it would ruin the squirrel," Sorrana says, a smile spreading across her face as she keeps talking, "The food was garbage, but that was still the happiest year of my life."

"Huh, I only count the five a you." Jorr points to each of you in turn. "One, two, three, four, five, and a horse. You got some kinda invisible thingy with you?" He waves his hand, "Anyway, we can get on the road as soon as ya pay me. It's a day's walk though, and the path ain't easy. If you're wanting to stay here for the night you can sleep on the porch."

Barbarian MD
2018-07-28, 09:03 PM
Vasily steps forward and hands the man the gold. "The earlier we get started, the better I'll feel."

2018-07-28, 11:17 PM
"The path's not easy how?" Initari asked.
"As in dangerous, or bumpy?"
I bet it's bumpy!

Lord Ruby34
2018-07-30, 11:51 PM
"Well, I can take you lot there, but we won't arrive until it's almost night, and we gotta go through Bessy's territory either way," Jorr says before turning to Initari. "Ain't easy traveling that's for sure. All manner o' things in the witchwood, and they mostly ain't friendly. I figure with all that armor you got on we ain't really gonna be stealthy either. Lots a twists and turns too. If you ain't used to traveling in the woods you might twist an ankle or fall off a log or somethin', I guess."

2018-07-31, 12:36 AM
Initari nodded. She'd been a city girl for as long as she could remember, and had stuck to the roads when traveling. It would be best to listen to others in their territory.
"Okay. I'm ready."

2018-07-31, 01:57 PM
Torrin watched Jacques alight on Jorr's roof, half-listening to the country man's speech. Torrin had travelled through dense forest before, and figured the old man knew his way around. The gnome nodded when he heard Initari's voice. "I am ready to leave now, provided the rest of the group is prepared to continue on."

2018-08-03, 01:55 PM
Old Toll House (night): Despite the unease lingering in her stomach, Veeta can't help but smile softly at Soranna's enthusiasm. "What made the food worth it?"

At Jorr's Cabin: Veeta looks to Torrin and Initari, then back to Xahria. "Might as well."

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-03, 02:16 PM
At the Old Toll House (Night): "The people," Sorranna says, "the soldiers I was with, I was never closer with anyone, even the guards here. We would spend all night sitting around the campfire and talking, telling stories, and sometimes Sharina would sing, if we could get a few drinks in her. There was something about being out there, knowing that the people around you would fight with you, were willing to die for you, that made us ridiculously close." She shovels a big bite of the pie into her mouth. "Food really was **** though."

Xahria nods towards Jorr without looking at the old man, and he takes that as a final decision from the group. "Right then. I reckon we should head out now then, sun's gonna be pretty low by the time we get there." He looks down at the gold in his hand and smiles, just a bit, before saying, "Hope ya'll like walking. We got ourselves quite the trek."

You've been traveling for two hours longer when you find yourself deep in the woods. Jorr has been filling the silence with chatter about the different plants, animals, and the various paths of the witchwood, as well as talking about how he isn't suprised that their are, "gobbos being gobbos and comin' after the honest folk o' the Vale." His conversation peters off as you come to an area where a wide expanse of dark water has flooded the woodland in this low valley. Trees still protrude from the calm, dark waters here and there, but many large reaches see to be a little more than open pools of algae-choked water. The trill of frogs and the whine of insects fills the air. The forest road leads right down to the edge of of the flooded section, up to a rickety looking causeway made of thick plants of wood lashed together with mossy rope. The wooden causeway runs for several hundred feet through the boggy patch, only a foot or so above the water. Up ahead you can make out the wreckage of a wagon, lying on its side and half-sunk in the flooded forest, about thirty feet from the causeway.

What do you do?

Barbarian MD
2018-08-03, 04:06 PM
Vasily reins his horse to a halt and sits for a moment in silence, taking in the scene.

"Jorr, what have we got here?"

Perception general for enemies: [roll0]
Perception of wagon: [roll1]
Insight? Into sturdiness of the bridge and any associated traps/dangers: [roll2]

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-03, 04:15 PM
"Welp, roads flood sometimes. Looks like this wagon might've gotten stuck, and they either left it behind er got stuck with it. "

Response to Vasily's Rolls

You don't see any enemies.
You do see a glint of something silver by the wagon.
I'm going to call looking at the bridge an investigation check. Either way you think the bridge might be a little rickety, moving across it with too much force might cause some of the boards to break.

2018-08-03, 04:37 PM
Initari muttered a spell in Infernal, casting thaumaturgy to make her voice louder.
”Hello? Is everyone alright?” she asked.

Barbarian MD
2018-08-03, 04:41 PM
"What's that by the wagon?"

2018-08-05, 03:10 PM
Torrin speaks quietly with Jacques, suggesting that he take to the skies for a period of time. As the cerulean warbler lifts into the sky, Torrin plucks a rogue feather out of his beard and turns to the others. "I should be able to get closer..." He swiftly pulls the hood of his cloak over his head and bends his knees slightly, dropping even closer to the ground.

He glances briefly at each of the group members before carefully making his way closer to the wagon along the causeway.

stealth: [roll0]
investigation (what is the silver glinting by the wagon? can he see any more details from this new vantage point?): [roll1]

2018-08-05, 05:49 PM
Veeta moves a hand to her warhammer and keeps an eye on Torrin, observing the area he passes through for any signs of danger and doing her best to stay within thirty feet of him without interfering with his stealth.

Investigation + Intelligence modifier of 0
[roll0] - would like to be able to see whether or not Torrin's movement alters the landscape around him, catches the attention of any wildlife, etc.

Barbarian MD
2018-08-06, 02:23 PM
When it becomes clear that Torrin and Veeta are intent on moving forward, Vasily tries to make a decision about his next move quickly.

The water, does it look deep? Does it look like I'd be able to take my mount into the water? Does it look like a bad place to try to walk in 65 pound splint mail with a +7 athletics? Insight check on how best to fight enemies? Trying to decide whether to stay mounted with the lance, pull out a sword and wade into the water, or stay on the shore and draw my bow before something comes out and attacks them.

Insight: [roll0]

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-06, 06:24 PM
When Initarii shouts you all see a flurry of motion behind the wagon, and a splash in the water.

Torrin: You are able to tell that the flash of silver Vasily saw is actually a suit of armor, caught under the wagon and sparkling with the light despite the grime of the surroundings. Whatever it is, it's almost certainly both magical and made of mithril. You are able to approach the wagon while making barely a whisper of noise, but you can't tell for sure if you've been seen. There's definitely something stirring under the water.

Veeta: You see the stirring in the water. You think you saw something scaly, and large as the water was disturbed, it might have been your imagination, but you also think you caught a glimpse of a number of slithering appendages of some kind.

Vasily: The boggy marsh surrounding the wagon doesn't look very deep, but the water underneath the bridge does. You know that you're a strong swimmer, so you aren't too worried about yourself, but Duke might run into problems with the terrain. (You'll have to decide how you want to fight yourself, but feel free to ask more questions.)

Jorr lets the rest of you take the lead. "Ah, rats. I was tryin' to lead ya'll round Ol' Bessie, but it looks like she's out o' her usual haunt. I can lead ya'll around, but it'll probably take an extra day, and might mean a night of campin' in the woods."

Stealth: [roll0]

Perception: [roll2]

2018-08-06, 07:20 PM
”What’s Bessie?” Initari asked, shutting off Thaumaturgy.

2018-08-06, 08:22 PM
Torrin appraises the mithril armor from afar - not something he would use for himself, but he could most certainly sell for a good chunk of gold. As he considers drawing closer to salvage what he could from the wagon, he stops cold in his tracks. A ripple... Something is definitely moving beneath the surface of the waters.

He looks again at the armor and weighs his options. Knowing that Veeta followed, Torrin turns back to talk quietly.

"I don't trust these waters. Something dwells here. As much as I'd like to investigate the wagon..." he sighs, almost irritably, "It isn't safe."

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-06, 08:32 PM
Jorr whispers, "Bessie's a hydra, she's been hanging about these woods fer as long as I've been here, munching on whatever crosses her path."

2018-08-06, 10:06 PM
Initari considered this briefly before looking at the others.
"Do you think we could take a Hydra?"

2018-08-06, 10:11 PM
Veeta closes her eyes at Jorr's announcement and sighs through her nose. "I would much rather spend another night in the woods than fight with this...Bessie."

Barbarian MD
2018-08-07, 08:31 AM
Vasily ponders for a moment. "We might be able to take it. If we have fire. I have 10 flasks of oil. Does anyone have fire magic? We have to be able to burn it every time it takes damage, or it will only grow stronger."

2018-08-07, 10:49 AM
With a grimace, Veeta allows a few sparks to dance between her fingers. "Lightning and sleet only on my end, I'm afraid."

2018-08-07, 12:01 PM
"I have no consistent way to hit it with fire," Initari confessed.
In fact her only way was to get hit first.

Barbarian MD
2018-08-07, 02:33 PM
"*If* we fight it, someone would need to take these flasks, light them on fire one at a time, and throw them at the creature. That would be our only hope of success. Otherwise we should plan to go around the long way. Jorr, do you have any suggestions or counsel?"

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-07, 04:55 PM
Xahria steps up. "I, ah, could do that, sir." The metal helm she's wearing gives her voice a reverberating, metallic quality that seems entirely at odds with her demeanor.

Jorr nods at Vasily as well. "Well, I know I ain't wantin' to fight her, so I'll stay back here with my crossbow if ya'll decide to. Otherwise I can take ya around. It'll cost you another fifteen gold for my time though."

Barbarian MD
2018-08-07, 05:04 PM
Vasily looks to the others, seeking a consensus: "I'm of a mind to try the beast. It looks like it's done harm, judging by that wagon over there, and with Jorr providing cover with his crossbow and Xahria on oil duty, I'm beginning to like our odds. But I'll not try it if the rest of you want to circle around."

If the others are in favor, he starts a small brush fire to provide Xahria with a consistent flame to light the oil and hands her 10 flasks. "Every time you see us damage the creature, light a flask and throw it. It only has to take even a little damage from the fire to prevent it from healing itself. Don't waste the oil unless we've done our part."

2018-08-07, 05:11 PM
"I would be happy to put forth the extra fifteen gold to spend another night in the woods," calls Veeta. "Even with your willingness, Xahria, I do not like our odds, given how short of flame we are. What happens if we do not defeat the creature before running out of oil?"

"If we do move forward with this path: Vasily, can you use one of the vials of oil to set your sword or lance alight?"

Barbarian MD
2018-08-07, 05:14 PM
"When you damage a hydra, it grows another head. Fire prevents it from doing this. You can still kill it without fire, it just takes longer."

Could I put oil on my sword? How long would it burn for? Probably not long.

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-07, 05:16 PM
You could try it. It would certainly warp the sword in a way that would make it useless for combat afterwards, but it would probably burn for at least a few rounds. I'd say, 1d4+3. I'd also say that it would deal another 1d4 fire damage a hit.

2018-08-07, 05:54 PM
"Fighting a hydra isn't something I'm at all interested in doing. I came for gold and to fulfill a contract... If there's a less dangerous path we can take, that's the one I'd like to follow." Torrin reaches into a pocket of his cloak and extracts his coin purse, easily fishing 15 gold pieces from its' depths.

"I suppose I'm just used to dealing with creatures that possess a single head, and would like to keep it that way... At least for now. If this isn't the beast's usual living quarters, where is? Perhaps once we've accomplished what we set out to do we will cross her path on the return trip."

Barbarian MD
2018-08-07, 06:01 PM
"You heard them, Jorr, let's find a way around, though I rue the delay."

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-08, 12:13 PM
"Look's like we're all gonna get real comfortable with each other tonight. We're goin' ta need ta double back ta the next crossin'." He accepts half the money from Torrin and half from Veeta and says, "Now, follow me real close if you want ta avoid her, and watch out for suspicious clearings, there's owlbears in these woods."

You turn away from Bessie and begin to head west, catching a last glimpse of sunlight reflecting on silver as you leave. You travel another five hours, this time hacking through dense undergrowth the whole way, tripping and stumbling through the dense undergrowth. When you finally stop moving you're all exhausted from the long day's travel. Jorr has taken you to a cave nestled in a hillside. It looks strangely man made, and Jorr shrugs when you ask him what it is. "Just an old hole I found exploring a few years ago. Never seen anything move in, which I figure is strange, but it ain't never harmed me none."

2018-08-08, 12:35 PM
Initari laid out some firewood and lit the campfire with Prestidigitation, then made the flames bright and purple with Thaumaturgy.
She stared into the blaze for a few seconds before muttering to herself.
"How did I get here?"

2018-08-08, 12:49 PM
In the purple firelight, Veeta removes her armor and readies for sleep or first watch, all the while keeping herself between Jorr and Xahria. She hums when Initari speaks, either in invitation or sympathy - it's unclear, even to her.

Edited for a one sentence add on.

2018-08-09, 02:34 PM
Torrin carefully folds his cloak and all the belongings it holds before tucking it away into his pack. He casually watches the other members of the group as they prepare for the night, making mental notes of their behaviours and habits. So far none of them had given him reason to distrust them, but he felt he should remain vigilant that nothing come between him and his obligations.

Torrin whistles a quirky melody, and a moment later Jacques flits into the cave. He runs a finger along the head and neck of the bird, and concentrates on touching his mind.

Use "speak with small beasts" to tell Jacques to return to him if the bird detects anything approaching the cave in the night. Not sure if that is a simple enough request, I'll leave that to your discretion!

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-09, 08:37 PM
Your dreams are disturbing. A fire burns. You can see it, twisting and warped. It casts five sinuous shadows that move on their own, each arching around and around, surrounding you. They lash and snap, biting at your heels as you beat them back. It feels like an impossible task, fighting the shadows. They force you to your knees, and just as they all move in, coiled like cobras about to deliver the death blow, you wake. Sleep doesn't come easy after that.

In the morning you notice that Xahria slept in her helmet last night, curled up as far away from Jorr as she could. The old man hasn't seemed to have noticed anything odd, and seems oddly chipper in the light of dawn. "We should be able to reach the ol' keep today. Should only be a few hours more." As soon as Veeta and Vasily finish their prayers the group heads off, following the remnants of a path, mostly overgrown and tattered. In some places the forest has overtaken the path completely, and you're at the mercy of Jorr's guidance to find it again. But every time he finds it without fail, proving that he knows these woods like the back of his hands, perhaps better even. This, more than the cabin where you met him, is his home.

After hours of travel you stop at a place where the path has become thick and easy to follow. The sun is beginning to set when you first see the haunting sight of a ruined keep looming out of the shadow-shrouded wood. The old castle sits on a small rocky hillock,and you can catch glimpses of a broken tower between the trees. A moss-covered stone at the side of the road you're following marks a footpath that looks like it leads up to the keep.

"This is the place, Vraath's Folly. The fort no one wanted, an' the place he met his end."

What do you do?

2018-08-12, 09:12 PM
In the midst of her morning prayers, Veeta laments her distinct lack of any light or fire spells, her mind on the disturbing dreams of the night just passed.

After several moments of puttering down the road from the keep, she clears her throat. "Torrin," she says, "you're light of foot. The party could provide you with cover if you chose to scout ahead. I know that I'm less than keen on entering the keep without some idea of what might be lingering inside."

Though she is loathed to redirect her attention towards Jorr, she does. "Will you be remaining with us, or is this an encounter you'd rather avoid?" All the while, she does her best not to look at Xahria, better to keep the older man's attention off of the hobgoblin squire.

Barbarian MD
2018-08-12, 09:18 PM
Shoot, I forgot you updated. Who wants what scroll? I have no preference; I generally want to maintain action economy for attacks.

What's the terrain look like around the keep? Can a horse be maneuvered amid the rubble? Is it mostly collapsed or standing?

Vasily watches the keep for several minutes from the cover of brush and insists that everyone keep their voices down.

"I'm not one for sneaking around, to be honest. I've always preferred a straight fight, and this armor doesn't lend itself to moving silently. If someone wanted to try to scout ahead, it might make sense, but I don't want any of you getting too far ahead in case there's trouble. And there's the manticore to worry about, whether it's here or somewhere else.

"My battle plans generally consist of the "charge into battle" variety, but we might want a different tactic here.

"Does anyone have a way to use magic to see what we might be facing? A familiar perhaps?

"Xahria, do you have any ideas?"

2018-08-14, 12:22 PM
I still don't know what scrolls, but any on the Bard list would be nice.

"I think it's most important that we stay together and stay alert. If we come across a manticore I want us all to be here for it." Initari nodded to Vasily.
"Charging forward might be what's best."

After being told about the scrolls, she nods.
"Yeah, that's a great idea. I'll see if I can get a familiar and then I'll have it scout ahead. I'm thinking a bird."
Initari unfurled the scroll.
"Anyone else have a preference?"
The scroll then burned up in her hands and nothing happened.
"Never mind."

"And that's how it would have happened," Initari relayed.
"Which is why I need to spend the next five minutes studying this scroll."
After studying the scroll, she spoke the spell upon it and conjured from the aether...
An adorable lesser short-nosed fruit bat popped into existence in her hands as she smiled at the cute little bat.

"Wiggles, I need you to check out that tower, then come back and tell me about everything you see and hear. Can you do that for me, Wiggles?" as Initari spoke, she rubbed the bat's belly with her thumb.

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-14, 12:31 PM
You're still standing at the edge of the path outside of the keep as the sun continues to set. The area around you is littered with leaves and pine needles, and you're far enough out that all you can see clearly is the broken tower.

Jorr nods to Veeta. "Well, if there're really a bunch o' gobbos campin' in that keep I'll help feather a few fer ya. Those savages need to get out of my woods."

"I, uh, I'm not really sure what to do. I don't know how many are there, a patrol might have come back, and then there could be a lot of them," she says. A moment later she continues. "It would probably be really loud if there was a patrol there right now, so probably not?"

After Vasily asks his question, Initari begins studying the scroll by the fading light of the sun. Five minutes later, she's ready to begin, and starts reciting the arcane text from the scroll, her brief studies allowing her to let the syllables fall correctly from her lips. As she finishes a sweet breeze blows through the glade, carrying the scent of blooming flowers and fresh rain despite the late summer heat. The air brings with it a bat, there once second where before there was nothing. It lands in front of Initari, a ball of brown fuzz and folded wings, and stares at her with eyes that seem to hold a hint of green.

The sun has set a little further. You'd estimate you have about fifteen minutes of light left.

Barbarian MD
2018-08-14, 06:51 PM
Vasily looks at the waning light. "We need to go. I don't know about you, but I can't see in the dark. You've got one minute to talk to your bat, but after that we're going to have to make our attack."

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-14, 11:15 PM
Initari, you send Wiggles flying over the keep as night begins to fall, and use your newfound connection to look through his eyes. You can tell that the old keep is in very poor repair. The gatehouse is partially collapsed, as is a section of wall to the south. A small wooden building sits next to the remains of a long abandoned garden in front of the structure. The walls surrounding the keep are about fifteen feet high, with a two story tower looming in the southwest corner of the courtyard within. Large boulders lay strewn amidst the ruins of the two watch towers, and a massive humanoid skeleton slumps amid the ruins of the northern one. The skeleton still wears tattered fragments of hide armor, and a large club lies next to one of its bony arms. As Wiggles soars past you notice the window of the second tower begins to glow with a greenish light, and you start to hear some kind of moaning coming from within.

Furthermore, from the aerial view you have you are able to look down into one of the buildings from a hole in the corner of the roof. You see spikes of some kind littered over the rubble strewn ground, and some kind of slow movement in the shadows. You also note that the courtyard is strewn with boulders, and littered with another pair of giant skeletons. Other than that you see no movement.

You can investigate further if you'd like, but it's been one minute, and the light is dying fast.

2018-08-14, 11:19 PM
"Nothing immediately threatening. Let's go."

((I assume the skeletons weren't moving or standing upright.))

Barbarian MD
2018-08-14, 11:46 PM
Vasily mounts back up on Duke. He flips the visor of his helm down and readies his lance.

I'll go first in marching order unless objections. If the broken section of wall looks like he can walk Duke over it I'll lead that way, otherwise straight through the gate. Vasily will move forward at a steady pace, attempting "stealth," until an enemy spotted or he hears something.
Disadvantage [roll0] [roll1]

2018-08-15, 12:07 PM
"Initari, would you be so inclined as to send your winged friend into the garden house? I'd investigate it myself, but I've got a bad feeling about this." While saying so, Veeta falls in beside Vasily and Duke, behind by just a few steps.

2018-08-15, 12:24 PM
"His name is Wiggles," Initari informed her fellow tiefling before tickling Wiggles's belly.
"Could you check out the garden house, then come back, Wiggles? We're going to keep moving forward while you do that so keep that in mind when returning to me."
She then began following behind Vasily and Duke, trying to stay in the third spot in line.

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-17, 06:44 PM
Wiggles flies into the garden shack, a wooden hut that sits to the east of the keep itself, near an overgrown patch of weeds that might have once been a fine garden. He enters through a hole in the wall. When you look through his eyes you see tools hanging on the walls, pitted with rust, and an old set of overalls sitting in the corner, the fabric rotted through.

The three of you being to sneak up the path, joined by Jorr, Torrin, and Xahria.

You think you hear the sounds of excited movement from the keep! What do you do?

Stealth: Veeta:


Torrin: [roll3]

Xahria: [roll4]


Barbarian MD
2018-08-17, 07:06 PM
Vasily holds one hand aloft, and a little flare of blue-hued magic goes off. Simultaneously, there is a matching flare surrounding his foreward-most companions, as they feel renewed energy enter their hearts.

Bless, on Vasily, Initari, and Veeta. Normally would give it to allies, but a little metagaming with secretandsafe missing.

LordRuby, how do you rule Bless? The internet seems divided whether it's an ongoing effect or a one-time bonus as long as I maintain concentration.

Edit: Duke takes Dodge action.
Can I ready a move action for Duke and an attack action for myself, triggered upon seeing an enemy?

2018-08-17, 08:22 PM
Initari reached out toward Vasily's leg and put a hand on Veeta's shoulder.
"Heroism," she muttered in Infernal, and expended a second-level spell slot to imbue each of them with Heroism.
((5 temporary hit points that refresh on each of my turns.))
She then instructed Wiggles:
"Find a place to hide."

2018-08-18, 08:57 PM
Veeta growls a few swears beneath her breath and clutches at her holy symbol. After a moment, several sprites appear within a fifteen foot radius around her, though in the falling night, they appear more like sparks of electricity than fey creatures.

Spiritual Guardians, 3rd Level

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-19, 01:41 PM
http://i1349.photobucket.com/albums/p745/lordruby34/Vraath%20Keep%20players%20map._zpsfxtg3uz8.png (http://s1349.photobucket.com/user/lordruby34/media/Vraath%20Keep%20players%20map._zpsfxtg3uz8.png.htm l)

Vasily and Duke: J22 and J23

Veeta: K22

Initari: K24

Torrin: J24


Jorr: I24


Vasily: [roll0]
Veeta: [roll1]
Initari: [roll2]

Average: 12.3
That's when the three of you will go, in whatever order you choose.

Allied NPCs

Torrin: [roll3]
Xahria: [roll4]
Jorr: [roll5]

Vets: [roll6]
Worgs: [roll7]
Riders: [roll8]
Priest: [roll9]
Coth: [roll10]
Korkulan: [roll11]
Maticore: [roll12]

Hold for the next post.
Also, if anyone has any better ideas for how to use that map, please let me know. I'm not very good with this sort of thing.

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-19, 01:53 PM
You hear the sounds of cursing from the building in the southwest and noises that sound like growls or snarls from the stables in the north.

Torrin steps forward, drawing a pair of daggers and gets ready to throw one at the first sign of enemy movement that he sees. [K17]

Xahria nods to the rest of the party and stands next to Vasily, looking in every direction for the first sign of enemy movement. "I-I promised that I'd try to help." [I22]

Wiggles flies back into the empty shack and waits, ready for his mistress's call if he's needed. [P23]

What do you do?

2018-08-19, 02:09 PM
Initari readies Vicious Mockery on the first hostile creature that comes into view/range.

2018-08-19, 02:22 PM
Veeta uses her movement to step towards the broken down doors of the keep, staying out of the way of Vasily and his mount (K18). She brings forth her warhammer and readies a melee attack for when an enemy comes into view/range.

Edit 01: swapped out holding an action for readying an action.

Barbarian MD
2018-08-19, 04:36 PM
Vasily eases Duke forward, eyes constantly roving for enemies.

Do I see anything at that point (J16) in the square? If not I'll keep using my movement to enter the stable, draw my continual flame sword, and hopefully have enough movement left over to attack whatever (Manticore?) is in there. Don't want him coming at our backs while we're fighting whoever is in the keep...

Duke continues to use the Dodge action if we enter the stables. Otherwise she'll have to use a Dash action to cross the square.

Will complete my post once I learn what Vasily sees after that initial movement.

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-19, 07:04 PM
Vasily sees nothing as he moves through the courtyard, until he and Duke swing open the door of the stables and you see two goblins who've just swung atop their Worg mounts. They let out a screech and point towards the knight with their spears. The worgs growl at Duke, low and deep, and they begin to foam at the mouth.

Barbarian, are you done with your turn or did you still have actions left?

Map is excellent by the way, thank you.

Barbarian MD
2018-08-19, 09:04 PM
Seeing the worgs and their riders, Vasily gives a hearty "hyah" and charges forward, flaming longsword in hand.

Move to E8-9. I think that's 70 feet, so no Dodge action for Duke unfortunately but redirect all attacks per usual to Vasily.

No advantage due to being mounted/large.

Attack 1 on Goblin: [roll0] +[roll1] bless
Damage [roll2]

Attack 2 on Goblin or Worg: [roll3]+[roll4] bless
Damage [roll5]

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-20, 12:16 AM
Vasily charges forth and swings. He brings his sword down in an arc and the goblin raises his shield to meet the blow, but it's shattered under the strength of the divine aura surrounding Vasily. The flaming sword cleaves through shield, goblin, and Worg alike, cutting a deep gouge in the goblin and a shallower one in the mount below. The rider slips from his saddle, one foot dangling in the stirrup as he lays limp on the ground.

The beast jumps back and lunges at Vasily, attempting to bite at him with savage fangs, but they don't even come close to scratching his armor.


Vasily Str save v prone: [roll2]
Dex save vs falling off Duke if Str save fails: [roll]1d20+1[roll]

In the courtyard the door at the northern end of the main building bursts open as a hobgoblin with a greatsword kicks it down. Before he can move another inch both Torrin and Initari let loose. Torrin throws a dagger, and Initatri lets fly a savage insult. The dagger glances off the rock harmlessly, but Inatiri's spell strikes true, and he reels as he moves for cover.

Torrin Dagger: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

Wis Save: [roll5]

Mockery Damage: [roll6]

The hobgoblin lets out a battle cry and moves behind the farther of the two rocks outside the door and yells back at the doorway as another hobgoblin, this one armed with a longbow, rushes in and fires over the rock just outside the door, sending two arrows flying at Torrin. The gnome dodges the first, but the second catches him against the outer thigh, drawing a thin line of blood.

Attack 1[roll7] + [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

Attack 2: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]

Jorr fires back at the same one immediately, letting loose a bolt from his heavy crossbow at he runs for cover and then loads another shot into the weapon. He whoops as his shot crashes into it's mark and catches the hobgoblin the the thigh before passing out the back.

Damage: [roll13]

Torrin draws another dagger and mimes throwing it at the hobgoblin with the longbow, but just as he makes to release it he winks, and watches carefully as the hobgoblin flinches.

Insight: [roll14]
vs. Deception: [roll]1d20-1[roll]

Then, just at the hobgoblin recovers he tosses the dagger in his other hand. It catches it just underneath the shoulder, in the spot exposed by his raised arm. Then he dashes forward and takes cover behind one of the rocks as the hobgoblin reels. The hobgoblin looks to be seriously injured.

Damage: [roll16]
If contest won: [roll17]

Xahria dashes up to the two rocks in front, using them as cover as she interposes herself between the two hobgoblin warriors and Veeta. Veeta and Initari can both see that she's shaking, from adrenaline or fear you don't know, but she seems to be standing firm for now.

2018-08-20, 12:23 AM
Upon seeing the hobgoblin, Initari called out:
"Excuse me, we're looking for some dangerous hobgoblins." She looked from the left to the right before once more addressing her subject.
"Have you seen one?"

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-20, 12:25 AM
Back in the stable the second Warg lunges at Vasily. The fangs find a weak point in his armor and bite deep. The beast pulls back, and Vasily is barely able to stop himself from being dragged off of Duke. [Take 21 Damage]

Damage: [roll1]

Str Save: [roll2]
Dex: [roll3]

And the goblin rider attempts to spear Vasily with the light spear he carries, but the old knight gets his shield up in time to send the attack glancing away.

Advantage if Vasily is prone: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-20, 12:28 AM

Initari, Vasily, and Veeta, you're up.

2018-08-20, 12:51 AM
Hearing the fighting from the stables, Initari moved 30 feet toward them, passing an insult to the hobgoblin archer that had shot Torrin on the way in.
"Good job bailing out your failure friend earlier. It's nice to know that his incompetence is more worth saving than you."

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-20, 12:54 AM
Save: [roll0]


You can see the insult got to him, blood is dripping from his nose in a steady stream and he's wincing heavily. He seems to be barely able to stand.

Barbarian MD
2018-08-20, 02:52 AM
Clearly the worgs are the more dangerous enemies, and Vasily screams in pain as he tries to shield himself from several foes at one.

He brings his sword down again, striking at the already wounded worg. Holy fire intermingles with the continual flame, and the Worg gets more than he bargained for. As he tries to catch his breath, guiding Duke to back up towards help.

Attack 1: [roll0] +[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack 2: [roll3] +[roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Smite damage: [roll6] unnecessary with the critical hit

Duke: Disengage action to E-F13.

Drinking a potion: action or bonus?

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-20, 03:45 PM
Vasily's blows send the Worg spiraling down to the ground. It tries to rise, but only lets out a pained whimper before it drifts unconscious.

2018-08-20, 04:02 PM
Hearing the cries of both the worgs and her ally, Veeta runs towards the stables (H14) and casts a second level Healing Word on Vasily.


Turning, she eyes the severely injured hobgoblin and snarls, casting Toll the Dead.

Buddy is seriously injured, so rolling d12 for if they fail their Wisdom saving throw.

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-20, 04:32 PM
Save against Toll the Bell: [roll0]

Veeta's spell sends the hobgoblin archer writhing to the ground in pain, holding her hands against her head and seizing as the necrotic energy wracks through her body. Suddenly, she goes limp.

Inside the stables the Worg and it's rider lunge at Vasily with fangs and spear. He manages to fend off the beast's fangs, but as he puts his shield in front of the bite the goblin manages the nick him with a thrust to the inside of his elbow. [Take 7 damage]

Worg Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Vasily Str Save: [roll3]
Dex: [roll4]

Attack: [roll5]
Advatage if Vasily is Prone: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

The Hobgoblin with the greatsword yells out towards the broken building in the southeast corner of the map before obviously gritting his teeth and charging towards Veeta through the aura of radiant power that surrounds her. He runs through it, taking the full force of the spell, but ends in position to menace Veeta with his greatsword.

Wis: [roll8]

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-20, 05:07 PM
Three more hobgoblins join the fray. The first two step out of the same door as the first two, but these are unarmored and carry shields and longswords. They dash around Veeta's spell and move to menace Torrin with their blades.

The other appears in robes, holding aloft a symbol of Tiamet. He appears from the mess of rubble that makes up the side of the same building and points a finger towards Veeta, sending a ray of cackling energy streaking towards her. It connects despite her attempts to turn away, leaving her feeling a deep chill in her soul. [Take 7 Damage, you cannot be healed until the beginning of his next turn.]

Attack: [roll]1d20+4[/roll
Damage: [roll0]

Before turning to the fallen archer and yelling a single word of power that closes a few of her wounds and gets her back in the fight. With a shudder she yells out a word of encouragement to her companion with the greatsword and takes aim at Initari. One arrow manages to strike the bard, but she manages to hang onto her spell and drop the archer woman again, this time with a gout of hellish fire. [Take 4 Damage]

Healed: [roll1]

Damage: [roll4]

Attack 2: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

That hobgoblin swings at Veeta with heavy blows that aim to overpower her, but she's quick enough to get her armor between the blows, deflecting them away from her without injury.

[roll7] + [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

Attack 2: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]

Jorr takes careful aim and fires at the hobgoblin mage, his heavy crossbow thrumming as he opens the door of the ruined gatehouse and peaks out from behind cover. He curses as his shot goes wide.

Damage: [roll13]

Torrin responds by slipping away and moving to aid Veeta, stabbing one of his dagger's at the kidneys of the one who swung at her. His aim is true, and the hobgoblin doubles over in pain. He seems to be barely able to stand, like a stiff breeze would send him to the ground.

Damage[roll15] + [roll16]

You hear the sounds of wings flapping, and up from the roof of the building in the southeast you see a shadow against the light of the dying sun. A beast lands on the roof. It's large and rippling with muscle, and winged like some kind of giant bat. But most notably, from it's brutish almost human face, to it's four massive paws, and the swinging tail, it's covered in razor sharp spikes. It looks down at the fight below with interest, but seems to be making no move to interfere, at least not yet.

Finally, Xahria charges the two hobgoblins armed with shields and takes a swing at one, letting out a battle cry in goblinoid as she does so, but they parry away her attack. She seems to be over-matched in both skill and numbers, and it's apparent that she desperately needs aid.

Damage: [roll18]

Hold before posting.

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-20, 05:09 PM

Against Veeta, the spell.

Vasily Con Save: [roll1] + [roll2]

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-20, 05:11 PM
Veeta Con Save: [roll0] + [roll1]

Initari Con Save: [roll2] + [roll3]

Alright, the party is up.

Barbarian MD
2018-08-20, 09:09 PM
Frustrated at the snapping jaws trying to pull him from the saddle, Vasily meets the worg with unmitigated violence.

He brings his sword down, hard, and sacred flames leap up from the hilt to intermingle with the magical flames.

He holds his ground and backs Duke up slowly, still trying to block the exit of the stable but wanting to see what the commotion he's hearing in the yard is all about (disengage F-G 15). He is quite alarmed to see Xahria engaged in melee combat.

Attack 1: [roll0] + [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

First attack to hit, smite with a second level spell slot. [roll3]

Attack 2: [roll4] + [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-20, 09:19 PM
Vasily brings his sword down on the Worg, and the divine flames stun the creature long enough for Vasily to drive his sword into it's neck and leave it gurgling on the ground.

2018-08-20, 09:19 PM
As Initari moved forward to help Vasily, she watched the hobgoblin she’d insulted shoot at her - miss. Shoot again - Initari felt the arrow pierce her flesh and cried out before looking up with blazing eyes. Hellfire bled out of her wound before streaking out toward the person who’s hit her.
”I hope you’ve enjoyed your final failure,” she said as her flame wiped out the hobgoblin. She then resumed her jog toward the stables and reeled back, surprised as Duke and Vasily came into view. Vasily looked like one of the hells, despite Initari’s spell earlier. She reached out to his ankle on the saddle and spoke an Infernal spell.

Barbarian MD
2018-08-20, 10:30 PM
Vasily looks down as he feels the touch.

"Thanks... Duck!" he shouts, as more arrows fly.

43/44 hp. Time to go mow down a caster.

2018-08-20, 10:32 PM
In the wake of the manticore's arrival, Veeta has to force herself to focus on the weakened, greatsword-wielding hobgoblin before her. She strikes out with her warhammer in an attempt to send him to his knees.


If the attack proves successful enough to fell her enemy, Veeta will turn and make her way in Xahria's direction (K16). Regardless of whether or not the attack proves successful, she takes note of Xahria's plight and summons her spiritual weapon, placing it between Xahria and her foes (L15-ish) and making an attack against the one to Xahria's left.


Lord Ruby34
2018-08-20, 10:51 PM
Veeta smashes her hammer against the skull of the hobgoblin she's fighting and sprints to Xahria's side as he falls to the ground, summoning another hammer and letting the spiritual weapon smash against one of their heads.

The two warriors who now find themselves in the midst of her guardians try to shield themselves from the radiance, one of them is able to somewhat steel himself, but the spell takes a terrible toll on them. Their motions seem less fluid than before, and their expressions are ones of pain.

Damaged One: [roll0]
Undamaged: [roll1]

Spirit Guardians Damage:

The priest runs around the aura and swings his mace at Torrin, just before it hits it glows with a black light. Torrin is able to flinch away from some of the damage, but the mace connects with him anyway, smashing into the gnome with terrible force. [Torrin has taken fifteen damage this fight.]

Damage: [roll4]

Then he turns and gestures to the same hobgoblin as before, and again brings her up with another holy word.

Healed: [roll5]

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-20, 11:09 PM
The two hobgoblin soldiers fighting Veeta and Xahria move over, facing off directly against each one of them as the archer again stands, grimacing and knocking an arrow before gesturing towards Veeta and yelling something at one of her comrades.

She fires her bow at Torrin, sending another pair of arrows flying at the gnome. But the arrows are poorly aimed, and fly wide.

Damage: [roll1]

Attack 2:[roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

The first attack that hits does an additional [roll4]

The other two duel Xahria and Veeta. The one fighting Xahria yells out something encouraging to his partner, and the one fighting Veeta nods and yells back. Xahria takes a step back as the two make a coordinated series of attacks, coming in high and low against Veeta and Xahria. The attacks are well coordinated, and they both slip under Veeta and Xahria's guards and find weak points in the women's armor. Veeta is stabbed deep in the calf, and Xahria is caught by an upward slash that sends her helmet spinning into the air and a streak of red deep across her face. She falls to the ground with hardly a sound, and her sword drops limply from her hand. Veeta can see that she still breathes, if only barely, right before she has to fend off two more strikes. One leaves a glancing blow across her arm, and the other she manages to parry away with her warhammer.
[Veeta take 29 damage total]
[Xahria is hit once for 31]

Attack 1 against Veeta:[roll5] + [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

Attack 2 against Veeta: [roll8] + [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]

Add [roll11] damage to the first successful attack.

Attack 1 against Xahria:[roll12] + [roll13]
Damage: [roll14]

Attack 2 against Xahria: [roll15]
Damage: [roll16]

Add [roll17] to the first successful attack.

Jorr fires his crossbow into melee, taking careful aim at the enemy that Veeta attacked with her spiritual weapon. He lets out a bark of laughter as his bolt strikes deep into the hobgoblin's stomach, but the warrior keeps his feet.

Jorr's attention is then drawn to Xahria's unhelmed face as she lays on the ground. "Whatin the Nine Hells..."

Damage: [roll19]

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-20, 11:15 PM
Veeta takes [roll0] + [roll1] extra

Xahria takes [roll2]+[roll3] extra damage

Veeta Concentration saves:
1: [roll4]
Adv (warcaster): [roll5]
+ [roll6]

2: [roll7]
Adv (warcaster): [roll8]
+ [roll9]

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-20, 11:27 PM
Torrin ducks out of the way of the priest and dodges his way over to the archer, swinging his dagger upwards at the hobgoblin, but his attack catches on her armor.

Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

The goblin that used to be mounted leaps to it's feet and rushes Vasily from behind with it's spear, but the knight leans out of the way.

Damage: [roll3]

The manticore seems to be watching still, although it's looking mostly bored.

The party is up.

Barbarian MD
2018-08-21, 12:33 AM
"Can anyone get to Xahria? Veeta! Disengage!"

A look of worry pains the old knight's face.

"Goblin behind me!" he sits to no one in particular. And, "Stand down, members of the Hand, and we will show you mercy!"

He urges Duke on and they move cautiously forward, away from the goblin, to rush past the priest and onward to threaten to two hobgoblins facing his companions (L14-M15). He looks up at the Manticore, dreading it entering the fray and wondering why it just sits atop the tower.

Attack on Priest, with 2nd level Smite, with advantage against unmounted:
[roll0] + [roll1]
[roll2] + [roll3]
Damage [roll4]
Smite [roll5]

If that gets lucky and drops the priest, then move on to attack the hobgoblin In L15. If priest still standing then hit him again before continuing by.
[roll6] + [roll7]
[roll8] + [roll9]
Damage [roll10]

Either way, end turn at L14-15.

Lord Ruby34
2018-08-21, 11:32 AM
Vasily charges past the priest, and with a single swipe of his sword sends the hobgoblin's head flying into the air as it spins away from his decapitated body. He continues his charge, and his sword licks out at the hobgoblin that defeated Xahria, catching it with a furious swipe to the ribs that smashes into his armor with enough force to break bones. The hobgoblin is barely standing, and is coughing up blood as he glares at Vasily.