View Full Version : Pathfinder Pathfinder rules. Custom World/Campaign. Fleshing out Godly Statblocks

2018-05-10, 07:36 AM
For some reason the page reloaded when I was writing this... It deleted all I had written so I will get straight to the point this time...
I need help creating the stats for some gods. Yes they need to be killable! The campaign climaxes in a war between gods. And the PCs will have the option to join ether side or no side, or the side of the demons that will also join the war. Try to save or kill some of the gods or become gods themshelves. I mean a war would be pointless if they were ukillable on undefeatable at least. It has to be veeeeery, very hard to do this, but still doable.
There are other divine beings above the gods of the cosmos that matter more and are unkillable but anyway...

So I would like some help fleshing otu their stats and abilities.

The most prevelant pantheons in the world reigning over different ares are pantheons that did existed in the mythology of our world ( But not all), Like Ancient Greek one. Nordic one, Japanese one and Ancient Egyptian.

For Starters we could start with Hercules and Hades ( And no they are not enemies, this is not disney :p )

So Any help would be appreciated :D

2018-05-10, 07:50 AM
do you have access to the old deities and demigods book from 3.x? cause updating those stat blocks into pathfinder might be an easy way of handling it. though you could make them more fight-able be ditching the divine rank rules in favor of mythic rules.

2018-05-10, 08:09 AM
I think a friend does have that book, yes. I will check it out. Thanks for the suggestion!

Epic Legand
2018-05-11, 12:14 AM
I think preplanning it at the beginning will fail. If your hoping they face this challenge 10 levels from now, then as you get closer, tailor your gods to reflect the challenge your players present. In the beguining, just focus on areas they control, and have the gods act through minions. Some groups will optimize well, others will be like "Look I have a 20th level monk !". Focus on a good story, and ajust as they go.

2018-05-11, 01:43 AM
I suggest you use the Idol rules (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/variant-magic-rules/idols/) to create "gods"; thanks to the "difficult to destroy" feature, they are essentially indestructible unless the plot demands it, by designing them as Collossal Statues who can animate themselves, you can have boss-fights, and they can grant spells.

This puts their threat level at CR 11(Colossal Animated object) + SLAs + "difficult to destroy".