View Full Version : DM Help The Creed Resolute

Kurt Kurageous
2018-05-10, 12:21 PM
From SCAG:"...devised the Creed Resolute. This series of oaths and maxims outlines, among other things, that those who swear by it will not ascribe the Companion to any one god, nor allow religious differences to come between themselves and others. Those who swear the Creed Resolute also promise to serve the High Observer and uphold the laws of Elturgard, and always be in service to the greater good. While originally the Creed Resolute was intended to forge the fractious paladins of Elturgard into the Companions, the oath has since been taken by all among the Hell riders as well. If a Hellrider or Companion oversteps the bounds of the law or good conduct, often a fellow will say “recall the Creed,” and soon things are set right.

Though some of the Creed’s agents seem unnecessarily stern, the people of Elturgard hold the Hellriders and Companions in the highest esteem. The Companions are without a doubt the champions of the people first and foremost, and the folk of Elturgard love them for it. Though it might be hard to get the Companions to crack a smile, I’ve found even the lowliest of the guards here willing, without a second thought, to lay down their lives in defense of their people, and the folk of Elturgard know it. Disrespect the Creed, and it isn’t the Creed’s wrath you face, but that of the local citizenry."

Is anyone willing to share anything they have developed to flesh out the oaths of this CR? Gonna be running with this next.