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View Full Version : Player Help Multi-classing Barb/Pal/Lock

2018-05-10, 09:56 PM
I think I have a fun idea for Tri-Classing seeing as how it isn't done very often from what I've seen. I think I should mention my heavy background in 3.5 and how I'm am fairly new to 5e so my understanding of power levels in 5e might be fairly off to say the least.

The Tri-Class I'm going to be proposing today is Barb 5+/Paladin 3/Warlock x. This is obviously quite MAD so I was thinking of 15, 13, 14, 8, 10, 12 for point buy, or rolling my lucky dice. Thinking of going Half-Elf to round my str, dex and chr out and I feel like half elf could be stretched into a decent spot for role playing

initially this build started as an idea for a Zealot Barbarian to dip into OOV Paladin for some juicy smites and crit fishing which sounds fun until you realize you don't have very many spell slots to smite with, that's where Warlock comes in with spell slots on a short rest and pact of the blade for improved pact weapon and eldritch smite I might have some fun with some small novas.

I haven't gotten much farther than this in my theory craft and would love to hear some opinions like what patron I should select, what fighting style do you see this character using (I was thinking Great weapon fighting.) and any other ideas to make this semi-viable

2018-05-11, 04:12 AM
Too MAD IMO for point buy. Maybe a fun concept when you roll stats and get some silly results.

The biggest problem is it would take forever to come online good.

Either way, I'd rather take Oath of Devotion Pally so you could add Cha mod to hit to help mitigate that -5 from GWM.

I don't think Hexblade synergizes with Barbs very well so Fiend would be the next logical choice for the temp hp on every kill. Blade pact is kind of obvious but with Barb 5, and Pally 3, you would get Lifedrinker until level 20.

Like I said, this just takes way too long to work like you're wanting. Skip barb levels and just go Devotion or Vengeance Pally 6, Hexblade 14. You'll be the smitiest character that ever smote.

2018-05-11, 01:08 PM
Go all str, put 13 into cha and more into con than dex, 2-4 barb, 2 pally, rest warlock.
Med armor, the heaviest weapon you find, invocation-wise go tomb of levistus, maybe eldritch smite, and whatever else you want except the eldritch blast ones (spoiler: don’t use that spell).
First round of combat cast armor of agathys, rage, run up to the opponent. If they hit you in melee, they take 5x spell level used in cold damage while your armor gets damaged by half of it - rage. If you take bear as your subclass and totem, your armor will outlast plenty of damage.
From then on you swing your big bad maul/greatsword/greataxe with rage damage and up to two smites (divine+eldritch) on a hit. You’re not gonna hit hard often, but you may end boss battles as soon as you hit them once.