View Full Version : Help me build a Fighter/Hexblade/Rogue OOOR Fighter/Hexblade ;)

2018-05-11, 09:21 AM
Good day guys
Me and my group, are going to give a try to the new Campaign Setting of Scarred Lands for 5th Edition.

I'm looking to create one of the 2 options in the title.
why the complexity you ask?

Reading the Scarred Lands new book I found about a new (for me at least) Race the Hallow Legionnaire. Practically its a ghost bound in armor. Instantly it came to my mind the Full Metal Alchemist manga/anime and I fell in love with the idea.

So the next step is to put that idea into a 5th edition Character.

I started with 1 lvl Fighter just to get the Heavy Armor Prof.
The next 7 lvl are 3 Rogue Swashbuckler and 4 Hexblade with pact of the Blade.

My stats are 8/15/13/10/12/17

For my lvl up Feat i Choose the Spire Legionnaire and the Mithril Spire. What it does is that armors stops to impose Dis on Stealth Checks

And since our DM allows us to start with one magical item I took the Azurium Armor (from the same book) this item removes the STR requirements for this armor. So i can use it with 8 STR!

My Invocations are Devil's Sight, Thirsting Blade & Improved Pact Weapon.

So lets go to the good stuff...

My attack capability is:
Option 1: a) Cast Booming Blade
b) attack with a Scimitar with a +7 to hit. Average DMG is 21. Since im a Swashbuckler i will end my move 5ft away from him. If in his turn moves he/she will take another 2d8 from the Booming Blade that will make the Average Dmg to 29.

Option 2: a) Make 2 Attacks with Thirsting Blade Invocation
b) Attacks are with the same weapon and the Average DMG is 26.

To that Senarios I can add as a BA the first round the Hexblade Curse to add Prof to my DMG and Crit with 19-20 and in the second round to Cast as a BA again the Hex Spell to add 1d6 Necrotic DMG.

What do you thing of this build, is it good, is it Broken? Can be improved somehow?

if I take only Fighter/Hexblade will my fighting capabilities be better?

2018-05-11, 09:44 AM
Multiclassing this much before level 5 is inadvisable. All the best features come online at level five. You can't get thirsting blade until Hexblade level 5, for example. Depending on your starting level, this is either a serviceable build (but not overpowered) or its going to be very hard to play. If you're starting at level 8, you'll be fine.


Is the disengage ability of the swashbuckler important to you thematically, or are you just trying to use it with Booming Blade? If you just want the disengage, the Mobile feat is a much cheaper use of build resources.
What does the Hollow Legionnaire race grant you?
Do you want to be melee-focused in the long run?

2018-05-11, 09:55 AM
We are starting lvl 8 or 9. That's why i really don't care about the progression till that point.

I cannot take another Feat. If I do i must forgo the Other that it let's me Stealth.
yes i want melee action with old good Eldritch Blast as an alternative.

The new Class provides this:
Armor Bound - During a SR or LR, I can take 1h to bond with any armor with which I'm proficient. Magic armor Attunes as part of bonding.
Construct Body - I don't need to breathe, eat, drink, or sleep unless I wish to do so.
Construct Mind - Creatures have Dis on Insight to determine my emotions or intentions.
Legion’s Price - If I die my spirit leaves the armor after 1 minute. Only Resurrection can bring me back to life.
Past-Life Knowledge - I know 1 skill from my previous life.

2018-05-11, 10:11 AM
I haven't really delved into your post and don't really know the Scarred Land.

But what i can see is that your investing one level, one feat and your free magic item just to get to do all you stuff in heavy armor, plus a FS.

Maybe you should just medium armor plus Medium Armor Master or a mithril medium armor. Less opportunity cost.

I also find the Improved Pact Weapon unimpressive. You don't really care for a ranged weapon at this level thanks to Eldritch Blast; there are other ways to alleviate the problem of somatic components, like Warcaster (that you may want for its other uses anyway) or a common magic item from the Xanathar or using a staff (not for your build); and at level 7, you can have or at least have some possibility to get a magic weapon quite soon.

If you decide to do more GFB than 2 attacks, then you could also ponder the possibility not to take Pact of the Blade but Tome or Chain.

So, i think your first option should rather be Rogue 3 / Hexblade 5.
In this case, you'd probably want you ASI to even your Charisma and Dex, or to get Resiliant (Constitution), if you don't go for Warcaster or Medium Armor Master.

2018-05-11, 10:44 AM
We are starting lvl 8 or 9. That's why i really don't care about the progression till that point.

I cannot take another Feat. If I do i must forgo the Other that it let's me Stealth.
yes i want melee action with old good Eldritch Blast as an alternative.

What feat that lets you be good at stealth? Skulker? If you're in heavy armor, you'll have disadvantage on stealth checks unless your armor is mithril, so I wouldn't advise that tactic.

OK, here's my thoughts:

Sneaky Tank

swashbuckler 3->hex 5 -> swashbuckler X

Mithril Half-plate, shield, longsword (refluffed as an oversized sabre.)

+1 CHA, +1 CON

Devil's sight, Thirsting Blade, Agonizing Blast

Notable Spells:
Armor of Agathys, Darkness,

Attack Options:
+7 Booming Blade: 1d8 (longsword) + 1d8 (BB) + 2d6 (sneak attack) + 1d6 (Hex) + 4 (CHA) + 3 (Curse) = 26.5 + 9 if they move.
+7 Attack: (1d8 (longsword) + 1d6 (Hex) + 4 (CHA) + 3 (Curse))*2 +2d6 (sneak attack) = 37
+7 Eldritch Blast: (1d10 + 1d6 (Hex) + 4 (CHA) + 3 (Curse)) * 2 = 32

Summary: you lose heavy armor, but that's only 1 AC anyway and it makes stealth hard. You can still skirmish very effectively, and your ranged DPR is very respectable. In order to keep yourself in melee, you're going to be focusing on your swashbuckler levels in the long run, since your Eldritch blast is going to keep getting strong no matter which class levels you take. You're very sneaky, very tough, and you hit like a truck. You probably want to use booming blade most rounds, unless you're up against high AC opponents or if you have hex/curse up.

Stalking Spectre:

Eldritch Knight 3, Hexblade 5, Eldritch Knight X

Switch DEX and STR scores

Full Plate, shield, longsword (refluffed as an oversized sabre.)

+1 CHA, +1 CON
Heavy Armor Master

Invocations: One with the Shadows, Agonizing Blast, Devil's Sight

Notable Spells: Armor of Agathys, Darkness, Silence

Attack Options:
+7 Booming Blade: 1d8 (longsword) + 1d8 (BB) + 1d6 (Hex) + 4 (CHA) + 3 (Curse) + 2 (Dueling) = 21.5 + 9 if they move.
+7 Attack: (1d8 (longsword) + 1d6 (Hex) + 4 (CHA) + 3 (Curse)+ 2 (Dueling))*2 = 34 (Won't be accessible until Fighter 5)
+7 Eldritch Blast: (1d10 + 1d6 (Hex) + 4 (CHA) + 3 (Curse)) * 2 = 32

Summary: You are a wall. You have 20 AC, can boost that to 25 with a reaction, and you have Armor of Agathys dealing damage to everyone who hits you. If you go with Heavy Armor Master, you'll even have damage reduction. You aren't good at stealth, but you can become invisible at will and you can cast silence centered on yourself, such that you cannot be seen, heard or (since you're a suit of armor) even smelt. You're basically a ghost. You can skirmish using darkness+Devil's sight. If they can't see you, they can't use an opportunity attack against them. In the long run you probably want more fighter levels, since you want to be melee-focused.

2018-05-11, 11:09 AM
the Feat im talking about is from the new book and you can see it my post.
in short I do not get Disadvantage in Stealth while im wearing any armor.

Spire Legionnaire
Prerequisite: Hollow legionnaire
The Gleaming Valley and its spires are fundamental to the life of a hollow legionnaire. The lost souls that comprise the Hollow Legion draw power from their affiliation from the various spires in order to gain strength as adventurers.

You gain proficiency with medium armor, plus the following benefits, depending on your character’s spire affiliation:
Adamantine Spire. Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20. Your hit point maximum increases by 1 per level you have, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.
Golden Spire. Increase your Wisdom or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20. You can’t be blinded by bright light or similar effects. You learn the light cantrip.
Iron Spire. Increase your Strength or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20. You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill. When a creature you can see hits another creature within 5 feet of you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage by half. You take the remainder of the damage.
Mithril Spire. Increase your Intelligence or Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20. Your base walking speed increases by 5 feet. Wearing armor doesn’t reduce your speed or impose disadvantage on your Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
Silver Spire. Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.

And this is the Magical Armor i'm talking about.

Azurium Armor
Armor (chain mail, splint, banded, plate), uncommon
Lore. The substance known as azurium is a light, but strong alchemical alloy including silver, iron, mithril, and a few other ingredients discovered during the days of the Ledean Empire. Today, azurium is still forged, primarily at the Hammerdale College of Darakeene. Armor of this material is known for its distinct silvery-blue appearance, like a bright wintery sky seen through a fine haze of cloud.

Powers. Azurium armor doesn’t have a Strength requirement and thus doesn’t slow its wearer’s speed, regardless of Strength score.

2018-05-11, 11:23 AM
Attack Options:
+7 Booming Blade: 1d8 (longsword) + 1d8 (BB) + 2d6 (sneak attack) + 1d6 (Hex) + 4 (CHA) + 3 (Curse) = 26.5 + 9 if they move.
+7 Attack: (1d8 (longsword) + 1d6 (Hex) + 4 (CHA) + 3 (Curse))*2 +2d6 (sneak attack) = 37
+7 Eldritch Blast: (1d10 + 1d6 (Hex) + 4 (CHA) + 3 (Curse)) * 2 = 32

For a Sneak Attack I need finesse weapon, unless I missed something?!

2018-05-11, 12:01 PM
For a Sneak Attack I need finesse weapon, unless I missed something?!

Sorry, Rapier. Either way, better than a scimitar, typically.

And if you want to take the spire feat for flavor, go ahead, but it isn't great. Can't say I recommend from an optimization perspective..

2018-05-11, 12:33 PM
For your other option, the Fighter/ Hexblade without Rogue,i would suggest not to take just one level of Fighter. Eldritch Knight 3 would give you weapon bond + 2 cantrips (keyed on Int) + 3 Spells (You can chose spells like Shield and Expeditious Retreat which don't care for Int) + 2 Spells slots.

I would suggest:
- Eldritch Knight 5 / Hexblade 3
Extra Attack and Fighter HP.

- Eldritch Knight 4 / Hexblade 4
Two ASI.

- Eldritch Knight 3 / Hexblade 5
Level 3 spells + 1 Invocation

This also open the possibility to go PAM/GWM.

Spire Legionnaire
Mithril Spire. Increase your Intelligence or Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20. Your base walking speed increases by 5 feet. Wearing armor doesn’t reduce your speed or impose disadvantage on your Dexterity (Stealth) checks.

Oh, those feats are good. Very good.

If i read this correctly, you don't need Azurium Armor to alleviate the Str requirement, the feat already do this.
If you go the medium armor route as i suggested, then the Iron or Adamantine Spire would be very good.

2018-05-11, 12:57 PM
Sorry, Rapier. Either way, better than a scimitar, typically.

And if you want to take the spire feat for flavor, go ahead, but it isn't great. Can't say I recommend from an optimization perspective..

There is no way that any of my character ever choose Rapier as a weapon of choice!!
That's why I suggested Falchion which is actually a choice in the Scarred Lands PHB.
It works just like a Scimitar with the difference that is Versatile (2d4).

I Created a Fighter 5/Warlock 3 to play with those options a little. But I choose Battle Master instead of EK. the Reasons? the Extra d8 with some Maneuvers. the feelings are all over the place with this build...

I don't know i feel I have something good with (Fighter)/Warlock/Rogue, but have the feeling that I have not nail it yet.

2018-05-11, 01:12 PM
There is no way that any of my character ever choose Rapier as a weapon of choice!!
That's why I suggested Falchion which is actually a choice in the Scarred Lands PHB.
It works just like a Scimitar with the difference that is Versatile (2d4).
Oh, well, yeah go with the falchion then. It's better than rapier.

I Created a Fighter 5/Warlock 3 to play with those options a little. But I choose Battle Master instead of EK. the Reasons? the Extra d8 with some Maneuvers. the feelings are all over the place with this build...

I don't know i feel I have something good with (Fighter)/Warlock/Rogue, but have the feeling that I have not nail it yet.

Next time, before you post, have a clear idea of what things you want in your build. We can't give you advice based off of generalities like "have the feeling that I have not nail it yet."

2018-05-11, 01:13 PM
Oh, those feats are good. Very good.

If i read this correctly, you don't need Azurium Armor to alleviate the Str requirement, the feat already do this.
If you go the medium armor route as i suggested, then the Iron or Adamantine Spire would be very good.

Missed that.

Good catch.

2018-05-11, 01:18 PM
Oh, well, yeah go with the falchion then. It's better than rapier.

Next time, before you post, have a clear idea of what things you want in your build. We can't give you advice based off of generalities like "have the feeling that I have not nail it yet."

Its Very Clear. I want Hexblade/Rogue with Full Plate and the Race i said above.
the end result is that im uncertain. Im not looking for something OP, I want something that can do dissent damage.

In any case I thank you both for your input, Its been very helpful.

2018-05-11, 01:38 PM
Its Very Clear. I want Hexblade/Rogue with Full Plate and the Race i said above.
the end result is that im uncertain. Im not looking for something OP, I want something that can do dissent damage.

In any case I thank you both for your input, Its been very helpful.

I'm sorry, i still don't understand why you're so decided on full plate? Is it for the AC?
Because you need both a dip and a feat, or two feats, or your free magic item, to make your idea work in full plate. I find this very costful

2018-05-11, 01:42 PM
I'm sorry, i still don't understand why you're so decided on full plate? Is it for the AC?
Because you need both a dip and a feat, or two feats to make your idea work in full plate. I find this very costful

Purely for the Concept. In my first post I say I want to create something like the anime Full Metal Alchemist. If you are not familiar with the concept is that 2 brothers screw things up trying to resurrect their mother and one brother lost his hand and leg and the other his entire body, but the first brother manage to attach his brother soul into a full plate armor.

2018-05-11, 02:04 PM
Purely for the Concept. In my first post I say I want to create something like the anime Full Metal Alchemist. If you are not familiar with the concept is that 2 brothers screw things up trying to resurrect their mother and one brother lost his hand and leg and the other his entire body, but the first brother manage to attach his brother soul into a full plate armor.

Oh OK. Never watched it, it's on my to-watch list.

In this case, you probably need a Fighter dip, indeed. But i would not use a feat. ASI are very limited, and you already may want:

- To even your main stat and one or two of your secondary stat.
- To take Warcaster.
- To take Spire Legionnaire (Iron or Adamantine), the feat is very good with many possibilities.

So, i would just take the dip and use my free magic item on a mithral armor. If you had 2 ASI, you could take Mithril Spire and +1 in Con and in Cha. But you cannot have 2 ASI if you take the 3 classes, you will have to go Fighter 1 / Rogue 3 / Hexblade 4 as you said in the first post and whether delay your second ASI or your 3rd level spells and second attack.