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2018-05-13, 05:46 PM
From a puckering sphincter of a mouth never meant to shape human speech came a voice. It was throaty and liquid, but somehow, its pronunciation was eloquent, each syllable sliding into place on a trail of good-natured grease.

“Good Evening Blitzfiends – Or good Antipeak, to those of you watching in Sigil. I’m Urglethrax, your mind-flayer on the mic. The draft is over, the teams are settled, and it’s time to get things started. With me tonight is an all-star cast of commentators. First, we have Remi “Iron Lady” Dechambeax, Champion of the 3033rd season. AKA, “The Lady of Infinite Blades.” Said the lean, mauve-colored illithid, gesturing with a tentacle to a statuesque woman. Although she wasn’t so much “statuesque” as “an actual statue,” animate, and made of something that looked like, but was definitely not iron.

“Not to be confused with Her Bladed Majesty, mind you. Great to be here, Urg. The competition this year looks especially fierce!” She said, before being interrupted by an androgynous person all in green

“ Lots of vicious contendeI’m betting on at least one total team-wipe in the first contest.” Said the figure with an elegant smile. Every detail of his appearance was at once inhumanly perfect and apparently effortless.

“Thank you, Greenjack.” Replied Urglethrax, giving the fey a withering look with his huge, milky-white eyes. There was an edge in his smooth tones. “But do let me introduce our final panelist, Marquess Pale” He said, gesturing to a curvaceous woman who was, it had to be said, only a little transparent. She was dressed in an old-fashioned frock coat, riding leathers, and knee-high leather boots, with a tricorn hat perched on her head.

“A pleasure as always.” She said, her voice carrying a faint edge of well-worn melancholy.

“We’re in the preparatory stages for the first contest.” The mind flayer said, directing his attention straight at the audience now. As he explained the contest to the jaded viewers watching all across the city of Tantalus.“Each team is in their garage. They’ve got one hour to plan a strategy, then they’ll work on building their vehicles for a race around this specially-prepared track that will take them through some of the more dangerous and exotic parts of the elemental and demi-elemental planes

Urglethrax gestured, and a very solid-seeming illusion appeared, depicting a set of planar bubbles linked by a road seemingly made out of a solid, scintillating rainbow. The bubbles themselves were opaque balls of grey mist, indicating that the particular environments would be a secret until the first contestants reached them - another measure meant to equalize the contest. Or, at least, make it more dramatic, since contestants in the lead would run face-first into any lurking trouble, of which there was sure to be pl “First team to cross the finish line with their vehicle wins. Any thoughts on strategy?”

Remi spoke up first, her metallic voice strangely mellifluous “The real key here is going to be the race for parts. Nobody knows exactly what parts they’ll get out of the junk piles, but each one is garunteed to contain something better than the basic rolling stock in their garages. Finding and securing important parts is going to be the key. The question is, who’s going to go straight for the parts, who’s going to try ambushing, and who’s going for a mix of the two”

“Don’t forget about the no-teleport zones.” Said Marquess Pale. “No one can teleport in or out within a thousand feet of the junk piles. That’s going to make it significantly harder to get safely in and out with the parts. And there’s always the old “Murder them now and get the bits when you have a chance” strategy.”

“I’m not sure that’s going to be viable.” Said the Greenjack in an airy tone. “Some of these contenders are pretty tough, and focusing on the kills too much in this game could very well lead to having nothing but the base parts

“A valid point.” Said Urglethrax, stepping back in. “Who would you say are the contenders to watch.”

“Slippery Pete the Fleshclown, I’d say. He was number 13 in the draft, but he seems like a particularly nasty one. And that trick of his with the eyes – Marvelous!” Said the Greenjack. Or possibly just Greenjack. No one had ever been able to figure out if it was a name or a title.

“He’s all show.” Growled Remi, in a voice that iron would make, if it could purr. "Now Three-Club Dan, there's a being to watch..."


The volume on the wall-mounted display falls as your handler and liaison, an unusually corpulent illithid named Xargax, touches a part of the screen and slides his finger downward. “As Urglethrax said, you have one hour. I suggest you get to know each other and begin discussing strategy. Also, you’ll need to decide on a team name. I’m here to answer your questions.” He pauses, and you get the distinct sense that, despite a lack of proper lips, he is smiling slyly “although not every question has an answer – or an answer you’ll like.”

You were all ushered into a cavernous room that smells of smoke and grease and hot steel. A pit crew of goblins, gnomes, Minotaurs, and a long-fingered, blue-skinned humanoid species you don’t recognize are clustered by a pile of parts – the standard-issue, basic pieces from which a number of different combinations can be formed. You don’t have a good sense, yet, of what’s in the pile, and your crew is apparently sorting them by function.

You are strangers, but now teammates. Some of you might have met in the Winnowing. Most of you know nothing of one another. But now you have a task to accomplish: Build a vehicle capable of beating your opponents – or beat your opponents into a pulp so they can’t do the same.

2018-05-13, 06:19 PM
Pardon me, but I know nothing of vehicles. I outpace most of them. Can you describe what the items we will be looking for look like?

2018-05-13, 06:34 PM
Banderiel “The Werewolf” Harhona

A beautiful woman in an well tailored dress with blue hair and gorgeous magenta eyes crosses her hands in front of herself. “I can’t say I know much mechanics or driving,” she says sheepishly. “I could make an effort to retrieve items quickly, if I know what to look for. For example, if given the opportunity I could fly and grab items.”

2018-05-13, 07:57 PM
The simply-clad ascetic looks around with increasing trepidation. She's a monk, not a gadgeteer! She wouldn't know an axel from a....spoke, much les building a whole wagon, much less whatever these people are expecting to be made!

She takes a moment to breathe deep, calm and center herself. "What even qualifies, exactly, as a 'vehicle'? It may just be easiest to have something we carry that technically qualifies, and march through the course."
Her initial thought would be merely bridling herself to a crude chariot, or some kind of backpack-like device, but she realizes this would fail in the face of gravityless planes like Air and Water.

2018-05-13, 08:17 PM
Thats a good point. I am quite fast circa 50 ft/sec, that I could maintain over a longer haul, with burst speeds exceeding that; how fast can the rest of you go?

2018-05-13, 09:32 PM
Zonda Shieru (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1577116)

A vaguely female looking being with purple-black skinned arms and legs, glowing red eye and black hair stood there in tattered orange clothes, on their head a large hat. They giggled.

"Aw, we have a whole crew here to build it. We just need to bully the other teams for parts, or be faster~"

They grinned, revealing multiple rows of sharp teeth as they talked. "So let's just get as much as we can. I can even improve it a bit myself~"

2018-05-13, 10:13 PM
Alright, if your a technition, what are we looking for partwise?

2018-05-13, 10:38 PM
Thats a good point. I am quite fast circa 50 ft/sec, that I could maintain over a longer haul, with burst speeds exceeding that; how fast can the rest of you go?
With a slight grin that showed even her discipline allowed her a little bit of bragging. "Depends on what skin I'm wearing. In my fastest... a little over 160 if I have to turn, and little over 330 if I have a straight line to fly in."

2018-05-13, 11:37 PM
Zonda Shieru (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1577116)

Zonda just shook her head, the grin never leaving her face at this. "Never said I'm a technician, honey. I just said I can improve it..." the eyes seemed to move towards Cecilla, the iris sliding out of the eyeball and onto skin, before the head turned towards her. "Oooh, these are good speeds, I'd be hard pressed to reach these. About hundred feet per second would be my fastest or so~"

2018-05-13, 11:42 PM

With a slight grin that showed even her discipline allowed her a little bit of bragging. "Depends on what skin I'm wearing. In my fastest... a little over 160 if I have to turn, and little over 330 if I have a straight line to fly in."

Well, now I am a bit envious, my top speed is around 120/s.

2018-05-14, 11:27 AM
All the mouths on Vora's body speak as one and say,
"I go 70/s,"

2018-05-14, 12:54 PM
An oddly-proportioned humanoid creature seemingly entirely wrapped in seaweed speaks up. "Kekai am I," they say softly, their vocal tone indicating a female speaker. "Machinery is not my wheelhouse, but I've enough experience with skyships to assist in building. Additionally..." she adds, a few tendrils of kelp lifting just off her body, "I can plant my strands, encourage them to grow a certain way...make useful items out of them. They won't last forever, but if we need parts for a land-ship..."

2018-05-14, 03:14 PM
Xargax clears his throat, a sound not for the faint of heart. "To add some further clarification..." He gestures, and an illusory image appears in the air. It shows a wide, flat plain, forested in parts, with four identical bunkers of stone and steel at points equidistant from the center. There are five large piles of parts, disposed in a rough pentagram around a central crater, with another of those grey domes in the middle. The distance between you and the piles ranges from a mile and a half to almost three miles "There are five communal junkyards, each with a randomly-selected assortment of parts that you can draw from. Teleportation is prevented within a thousand feet of them. There's also the mystery crater in the center, although we make no guarantee as to what you can find there."

The illithid makes an expansive gesture, one that takes in the entire team. "The parts that you will be looking for are all magical in nature. They are buried in piles of mundane junk, but they are labeled clearly with their function, so you can evaluate them as you find them. As to what constitutes a vehicle - it has to be able to make it across the finish line under its own power, and carry all of you."

2018-05-14, 03:19 PM
Banderiel "The Werewolf" Harhona

"Well, there's an idea. We can make a smaller vehicle by having me and possibly any other shape shifter on the team reduce themselves to a smaller size." Harhona says, stroking her chin. "I think I should check out the crater. I can possible ambush enemies there using my own shapeshifting..."

2018-05-14, 08:10 PM
Our best bet might be to have you carry the vehicle most of the way, and have you switch forms into some more managable, and have it travel the last few feet to cross the finish line.

2018-05-14, 10:26 PM
"I'll stick to checking the piles. If the parts we're looking for are magic surrounded by nonmagic scrap, looking through them should be simple enough. Auras should stick out like a sore thumb, then the only difficulty might be in unburying them. "

2018-05-16, 04:12 PM
Zonda Shieru (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1577116)

Hopping from one member of team another, leaning on their shoulders in a manner violating personal space, Zonda spoke.

"This will be sooo easy, do you guys want to split up and each of us goes to a different pile or we stay together and have fun together~?"

2018-05-16, 04:47 PM
"Probably best to stick together. Splitting up is practically asking for us to get picked off."

2018-05-16, 06:19 PM
Zonda Shieru (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1577116)

"But the danger would make it exciting~! Besides, if we're fast enough we can just go, get the best parts and rush back to garage, and we will have the best vehicle" They pouted

2018-05-16, 08:03 PM
Staying together reduces our ability to search, and the opportunity for screen time for each of us.

2018-05-17, 03:40 PM
"How's it reduce our ability to search? Several sets of eyes going over the same material sees more, and more hands makes digging things out of the piles much easier."
She looks around for the support of the hopefully more levelheaded members for support on this one.

But, lacking any apparent support, and outnumbered two to one, she's force to relent. Splitting up to be slaughtered on their lonesome it is, then. Let's hope they know what they're doing-wait, there's compromise to be had!

"How about this: since I'm going to be our transport, and I can't be everywhere, how about we initially form as one group, then split up after. The crater in the middle it probably the most hotly contested. We can all search that together and watch each other's backs. Then, once we're done with that, we can each head for a different pile to ransack. If anyone has some way to keep us all in contact while separated, then we could efficiently come save each other's hides if need be and get out once we have parts."

For her role, she was probably going to just be stuck as a large, overglorified transport, having to run between piles and members to grab whatever was needed, but pride was never an area of particular weakness for a servant such as her.

With the lull in the discussion while others mull it over, the simple woman takes a moment to focus on her blessing and steel herself for what's to come.
Force Armor (1)(+7 armor bonus to AC, gain Gleaming property)
Deflection (1)(+5 Deflection to AC)
Resistance (1)(+5 Resistance to AC)
Empowered Strikes (1)(+3 enhancement to attack and damage, attacks gain Wrathful Healing enhancement and bypass DR/ chaotic and dr/good
Sustenance (1)(No need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe)
Olympian Body (1)(+11 to Balance, Climb, Jump, Swim and Tumble, immune to fatigue and exhaustion)
Shadow Steps (1)(+11 Move Silently, can use Greater Invisibility at-will)
Inner Power (2)(+7 WIS, +5 CON, +3 INT)
Total Control (2)(immune to fear and attempts to stun, fear, daze, or grapple)
Mind's Peace (2)(immune to detect thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to discern your alignment, effects of Protection from Evil and Nondetection)
True Sight (2)(at-will, detect magic, detect evil, and true seeing)

2018-05-19, 06:18 PM
Zonda Shieru (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1577116)

Zonda cracked their neck a bit and smiled at this.

"I like that plan, it will be so simple... If only you guys let me work on you a bit I could make the part gathering easier, so it will be instantly with another of us if you find it and no need to carry." They pouted. "But some of you didn't want me changing you..."

2018-05-22, 09:22 PM
Vora tilts her head toward Zonda,
What kind of alterations do you speak of?
Vora had no problem with most alterations to her body. She was already an aberrant monstrosity. What more could a few grafts or extra arms do?
I believe that we should not Split up. Or at the least if we do, we do It in two groups. Too little people means easy take down. Like the wolves chasing a lone sheep.

2018-05-22, 09:28 PM
Banderiel "The Werewolf" Harhona

"If we're sticking together, I could conjure a thick snowfall, and give us a spell to see through it," Banderiel offers meekly. "I can help us communicate despite it as well, with my Telepathy."

2018-05-22, 09:36 PM
Zonda Shieru (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1577116)

"The audience might have a problem with the snow... Nah, I'm sure they'd account for a bit of snow so everyone sees something. Our enemies, they will definitely hate it~" Zonda said, considering everything.

"So you do your snowy thing, we run together to crater, get what we can, and then we carry it back or we split up into two groups and go check other piles? I might have a way to make sure the parts are safe and we don't have to go back."

Can give you guys spawn of mine to have, with their stomach's connected to my own. So if you find the part, feed it to the spawn and it will be in my own extradimensional stomach.

If there are other strong opinion on plan or changes you guys want, speak up

2018-05-22, 09:36 PM
Fine. In that case I will lend you what speed I can.
I will prepare myself for the cold.

He begins a dance of steel and Ki Putting up dragonskin spell (White) persisted

2018-05-23, 04:34 AM
Banderiel "The Werewolf" Harhona

"If we're sticking together, I could conjure a thick snowfall, and give us a spell to see through it," Banderiel offers meekly. "I can help us communicate despite it as well, with my Telepathy."

"While the idea of concealment is a good one, won't having the scrap pile getting covered in snow make it harder to search, even if we can see through the snow? Can't physically moves things out of the way easily if it's buried, after all."

Zonda Shieru (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1577116)

Zonda cracked their neck a bit and smiled at this.

"I like that plan, it will be so simple... If only you guys let me work on you a bit I could make the part gathering easier, so it will be instantly with another of us if you find it and no need to carry." They pouted. "But some of you didn't want me changing you..."
The ascetic lets out a slightly disgruntled sigh as the had to hear this...woman?'s whining on the subject again. Cecilia had explained it before, she was a holy women. She got by on her own power and her god's and that was it.

But thinking about it, if it was this insistent on the subject, it was probably gonna eventually do something eventually. At least accepting it herself to appease a teammate and ultimately help out the team was a selfless act, an act of self-sacrifice to help the others. Especially if she got her to reverse whatever was done later

So, the schronic shapeshifter sticks out an arm towards it stoically.
"If you can make it quick,and think it can help, and undo it once we're finished, do it."

2018-05-25, 12:10 AM
Zonda Shieru (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1577116)

Thinking it through, Zonda shook their head.

"It'd be amusing but we don't have enough time and making it so I can do it fast would be more costly and make it worse. Should've agreed after winnowing."

They took a deep breath before working on the body. Zonda could manipulate their 'guise' body along with their true form, so it was just a simple matter to create two more parts. The eyes on Zonda's hands seemed to distend, elongate from the palm they were attached to before separating. These bits of flesh started changing shape, on one of them legs were forming, mouths beginning to appear with teeth visible before they shrunk, appearing blunted as if to not deal damage.

A four legged creatures, of same bluish-black color as Zonda's discolored flesh stood there on one side, while on other the blob of flesh shaped itself into a 6 foot diameter ring with blunted teeth, to let a person easily walk through. The space past the mouth didn't seem to lead to regular flesh but as if to a bigger room.

"These should work for now, but they do weaken me some... so let's hope it works."

Turning towards the crew in this room, Zonda just spoke as the ring crawled a bit and stood upright. "Anything we collect should be accessible to you through this. It won't bite."

They looked towards the other team members then, as the four legged creature yawned, revealing that its mouth could stretch out for a 3 foot diameter mouth and also similar space.

"Keep it with you and feed it the parts you find."

Wordly Guise:
Door Spawn: 12 FP(2 FP Mouth, 4 FP Spawn, 6 FP Engorged Flesh), -20 max HP
4 leg Spawn: 6 FP(2 FP Mouth, 4 FP Spawn), -20 max HP

True Form:
Door Spawn: 12 FP(2 FP Mouth, 4 FP Spawn, 6 FP Engorged Flesh), -20 max HP
4 leg Spawn: 6 FP(2 FP Mouth, 4 FP Spawn), -20 max HP

Wordly Guise: 18/76 FP spent
True Form: 18/76 FP spent

2018-05-31, 12:02 AM
The hour moves quickly past, as the pit crew finishes sorting and labeling the parts into neat piles. Xargax spends some time trying to get the team to fight, asks leading questions about what you think your chances for survival are, or otherwise generate drama for the viewers at home, but his efforts are desultory at best. The group’s apparent cohesiveness seems to unnerve him, or perhaps he’s just doing the Illithid version of pouting.

Whatever the case, the gates of your citadel-garage open after precisely one hour. There is a bank of monitors along one wall that suddenly flickers to life, showing the efforts of your enemies – many of them already teleporting to one pit or another, and on one screen you see a couple of individuals from different teams squaring off, with Urglethrax’s voice emanating indistinctly from the screens. A sixth screen shows a view of you, standing at the entrance to your garage.

Let me know which pit(s) you’re going for and how you plan on getting there. Since you don’t know what’s in the pits right now, choose between numbers 1-5, or center (1 being the closest to your garage, 5 being the furthest. And center being the mystery spot at the center, obviously.

2018-05-31, 08:24 AM
Bolting from the garage so she has more room to fully change, Cecilia’s form changed to that most closely resembling a massive, scintillating winged lizard. Practically lying down so she her companions can more easily climb onto, she turns her head for the simple instructions “All aboard, and hold on!”
Free: Fast Wild Shape into a Force Dragon Wyrnling.

As for getting there: wait till the rest of the team is riding Cecilia. Then, head towards the center. Each round of travel, use Difference-Amplifying Tactics, and then using the Run action twice. This covers 2000 feet per round.
EDIT: Although the Haste Nova said they'd use brings it up to 2240.

2018-06-02, 10:05 AM
Vora mounts the dragon. The little mouths on her skin try to bite her but Vora keeps them under control. The big mouths don't stop snapping so she pulls out a bit of food and puts them inside all the mouths. She indicates that she is ready to go and all the mouths begin humming an eldritch tune.