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2018-05-14, 10:01 AM
Still Life in Amber

2018-05-14, 10:04 AM
Reserved for Future Use

2018-05-14, 10:35 AM
Chapter One

What Rough Beast

The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

- William Butler Yeats, The Second Coming

Kolvir is alight with fires. Each stair on the long staircase from the water to the mountain bears a torch. Each window in Castle Amber shows a defiant light to the darkness. Bonfires burn in the public squares, and the commoners (such as anyone is common who lives in Amber) shout praises to the King who, on the night of the first anniversary of his reign, has provided fine food and drink to all.

The family gathers in the great dining hall, where roaring fires burn away the chill. The word has gone out throughout Shadow, by Trump, by questing creatures of blood, inviting any who share the royal blood of Amber to return to Kolvir for this night, protection guaranteed, no questions asked. It has been far too long since the entire family - or that which survived the war with Brand and the Courts of Chaos - have sat in peace in the same room. And with the promise of peace and protection, for the first time many of the newest generation have been brought to Amber.

Benedict is here, his single arm resting lighting on the pommel of a sword, as it always has and probably always will, and with him a young man, announced as his son, Gavan.

Eric is dead, either by a soldier of the Courts of Chaos, as some contend, or by the hand of Corwin himself, as others will say. But a young woman is here, announced as his daughter, Wynne, who is under the protection of Florimel.

Corwin is not here, and may be dead, but his son, Merlin has attended. He wears purple and gray, and looks quite at home here on Amber.

Dierdre is believed dead.

Fiona is here, and brings with her a young lady, announced as Morgana, daughter of Brand, a statement that reduces the room to silence.

Bleys is reportedly dead, but a young woman, resplendent in Bleys' colors of red and orange is here. She has been announced as Kai, and she looks terrified out of her mind to be among family. Her hair is the fiery red of Bleys, her skin pale with a dotting of freckles across the face, and her green eyes dart to and fro looking for threats.

Brand is believed dead.

Llewella with a beautiful young woman wearing green and light pink, introduced as her daughter Pearl. Pearl seems to be enjoying herself, chatting with Merlin. Her skin is a dark green, as is her hair, tied back with a pink ribbon.

Caine is here, looking sourly at several people in the room. He is accompanied by two young men, identical twins, introduced as Forbes and Doran, though in the crowd it is very easy to forget which is which. Forbes wears green and gray, and Doran is dressed in gray and green. As peeved as father looks, the twins seem to be anticipating something, ready for anything. They have dark hair and handsome features.

An attractive woman stands next to Julian. She wears white and gold, and her hair is tied with gold thread. She moves with a cat's grace, and has been introduced as Talia. She shoots a smile across the room to Gavan. Her hair is dark, her skin well-tanned.

Next to Gerard is a massive young man, taller than his father, broader at the shoulder, and laughing even louder. He is Averyll, and he looks around the room with an easy smile as he tosses back a beer. His skin is weathered from time outside, his eyes bright and merry, his hair dark and cut short. He wears blue and black.

Florimel is here, with Eric's daughter Wynne, but no other child.

And finally, just entering, the King of Amber, Random the First, his wife, the blind Queen Vialle, arm in arm, followed by their son, Martin, dressed in red and yellow. Random surveys the room and smiles as the low hum of conversation ceases. "Hey, welcome back to Amber, everyone," he says. "Dinner will be served soon, but take a couple of minutes to talk to each other. I see a lot of new faces in the family, and I can't wait to meet you all. After dinner, the kids who haven't walked the Pattern yet will be given their shot at it. Don't mess up a nice evening by getting disintegrated, OK?"

OOC: Please start by describing what the others see when they look at you. If there's someone in particular you want to talk to, just walk up to them. The first few posts will be 'meet the family' RP.

2018-05-14, 01:07 PM
Wynne is a woman with bronze skin, wearing green and purple. She has exceptionally long black hair, reaching to the small of her back in a cascade of small, ornate braids, and a cheerful smile. She wears a dagger at her side and a charm bracelet on her left wrist. She watches the room for a bit, seeing everyone pointedly not looking at Morgana, and winces. She'd had to transfer schools often enough to be painfully aware of what that felt like as a child. So naturally, she went up to her first after saying her farewells to Aunt Flora. "Hello."

2018-05-16, 01:21 AM
Even without her heritage exposed, Morgana was a 'black sheep", before even opening her mouth. She had an attractive shaped figure, filled out where it complinented her, thin where it would compliment her as well.
But men from most shadows wouldn't have found her, any more attractive than an ancient statue of love goddess- her skin was white as bone, and had marple texture with a weak grey and pink. Her eyes were dark, and instead if the white there were pink in her eyes. and she was cold blooded. And when she spoke, she exposed sharp and long fangs.
Her was raven black, straight and gotten beloew her shoulders. She wore black dress, with corset and silk gloves. On her shoulder sat a raven.

Morgana turned to Fiona and said quitly. "I don't feel... very welcomed. Should I go away?"
Morgana was excited to meet more real people- her family.
But she also feared them.

Dakkan Sall
2018-05-17, 08:38 PM
Gavan is a bit shorter than Benedict, but also not quite as thin as the older man and fairer-skinned, giving him a less stern appearance. His hair is a burgundy color, with slight waves in it's current short length. Green eyes spend a few moments examining each of the other family members, only to roll with some exasperation at Talia. He does, however, smile back and raise a hand in greeting to her, revealing a wide silver bracelet under the sleeves of his brown and dark orange clothing. He is actually wearing numerous items of silver; bracelets, rings, and a woven pattern torc around his throat. A sword and dagger set are in leather sheathes, strapped securely to his belt.

He quirks an eyebrown at the newly-crowned king's... level of politesse. "A bit brief, but..." Gavan ends the soft aside to his father with a shrug. He settles on continuing to examine the others, particularly those cousins of his that he is seeing for the first time.

2018-05-18, 10:09 AM
"Not at all, dear," Fiona says to Morgana. "If you're off in shadow, you're far more likely to be hunted and killed." Wynne walks over to the two. "And you're Eric's daughter," Fiona says. Her eyes are deep and cold and green like the sea after a storm. "Your father was a good man, and he died well. Sometimes that's what matters." She glances between Morgana and Wynne. "Well, I'll leave you two to talk."


"That is his way," Benedict says to Gavan. "What he lacks in gravitas he makes up for with something, I suppose. He's grounded, at least." Your father spots Talia making her way across the room and moves aside gracefully. When she reaches you, she smiles and laughs. "Been a long time, cousin," she says brightly. "You've grown up. Have you been back to Arden since that last time?"

Dakkan Sall
2018-05-19, 04:36 AM
"I have not, for better or worse," Gavan replies, shrugging offhandedly. "Have you managed to train your hounds, or do they still get confused at cliffs?

"But reminiscing aside, what you think of the gathering today? I hadn't quite been aware that the family had expanded as much as it seems to have, and this is just those of us who did attend." He shakes his head. "I imagine, even with King Random's promise of safety for his coronation, there's likely a few still holding out."

2018-05-21, 09:29 AM
"I have not, for better or worse," Gavan replies, shrugging offhandedly. "Have you managed to train your hounds, or do they still get confused at cliffs?

"But reminiscing aside, what you think of the gathering today? I hadn't quite been aware that the family had expanded as much as it seems to have, and this is just those of us who did attend." He shakes his head. "I imagine, even with King Random's promise of safety for his coronation, there's likely a few still holding out."

"The hounds have grown along with me," she says smiling. "I like to think we're both better at hunting. What about you? Have you gotten better at running?" She looks around at the family. "I'm a bit surprised at all those who turned out. That little creature of Brand's wouldn't be likely to survive the week, I'd think, without our Aunt Fiona protecting her. Or Corwin's boy. Or Eric's daughter, for that matter. Or even you. All these children really throw the succession into disarray. Everyone accepts Random because he holds the Jewel of Judgement. But does that make Martin the crown prince? Or is, what's her name, Wynne, the crown princess, since Eric was crowed before Random. Or does Merlin have a claim? Or even Benedict's son, as the eldest son of the eldest son." She sips her wine. "It's going to be an interesting night."

Dakkan Sall
2018-05-24, 12:39 AM
Gavan frowns, thinking on the matter briefly. He glances over at Wynne and Morgana, and then to Merlin, and Martin, before shrugging again.

"I... honestly don't know who would be the primary heir at this point. Ideally... although I don't doubt that people will be thinking of such... it at least won't become more than idle speculation for a good while. It would set a bad precedent otherwise, probably. Short of Grandfather somehow reappearing, or the Unicorn taking action again, things should hopefully settle into some degree of stability after... everything."

He shakes his head. "Well, as for it being an interesting night, it does look like it will turn out to be something. Have you actually met any of our other cousins before this gathering?"

2018-05-24, 07:33 PM
Not at all, dear," Fiona says to Morgana. "If you're off in shadow, you're far more likely to be hunted and killed." Wynne walks over to the two. "And you're Eric's daughter," Fiona says. Her eyes are deep and cold and green like the sea after a storm. "Your father was a good man, and he died well. Sometimes that's what matters." She glances between Morgana and Wynne. "Well, I'll leave you two to talk."

'Thank you, Auntie Fiona.' Morgana said with a graceful bow.
'Good evening, Lady Wynne.' She smiled, as warmly as she could- which wasn't much- but she tried. 'I am quite excited to finally meet people like me... I just hope our parents's relationships won't anchor our's'

2018-05-24, 09:41 PM
'Thank you, Auntie Fiona.' Morgana said with a graceful bow.
'Good evening, Lady Wynne.' She smiled, as warmly as she could- which wasn't much- but she tried. 'I am quite excited to finally meet people like me... I just hope our parents's relationships won't anchor our's'

She nods. "I'm hoping it won't. I've got the feeling my dad wasn't popular with a few people." She shrugs. "But a new generation, a chance for a new set of relationships, right? So what was it like where you grew up?"

2018-05-25, 12:45 AM
Morgana has lowered her eyes. "Well, I guess to people of other Shadows, my home shadow might have seemed... harsh. But as little girl I was content and happy... sometimes, I wonder if knowledge is a bless or a curse." She smiled a little sad smile- which at least looked honest.

"My father was... quite far from being popular. And I understand, he did... questionable things at best. But I won't lie- I met him very few times over the years, and still I loved him." She said quitly. "I couldn't help it." She has half apologized.

"How about you? You look in place more than I am."

2018-05-28, 04:58 PM
He shakes his head. "Well, as for it being an interesting night, it does look like it will turn out to be something. Have you actually met any of our other cousins before this gathering?"

"A few of them. Father is close with Caine and Gerard, so I've spent some time with Forbes, Averyll, and Doran. Averyll's a good guy. We've sailed together. Forbes and Doran are like their father. Dark. Hidden. And they like playing pranks about which is which a little too much. You? Have you met any of them apart from me?"

2018-05-28, 05:29 PM
"I mean. Dad told me when I was 8 or so about this place, and showed me it when I was 16 or so. It was... magical. I only wish he was still here..." She smiles sadly. "So I don't blame you for loving your father as I love mine. I only ask that you please not make the decisions that he did."

2018-05-28, 05:59 PM
"I mean. Dad told me when I was 8 or so about this place, and showed me it when I was 16 or so. It was... magical. I only wish he was still here..." She smiles sadly. "So I don't blame you for loving your father as I love mine. I only ask that you please not make the decisions that he did."

'I honestly thankful for your fair approach. I feel need to be with my family, with... the only real people that exist.' She said with her own bitter sweet smile.
'I just.. hope we can all live peacefully.'

2018-05-30, 12:03 PM
A large man wends his way through the room toward Morgana and Wynne. He's carrying several glasses of win. "Now, what sort of party is it if two ladies are standing without cups," he says loudly. He must be nearly seven feet tall, and broad like a tree. "Avyrell, my ladies. Please, take a glass. Wynne, if I'm not mistaken? My father had the utmost respect for your father. A damn shame what happened." He lifts his glass. "To Eric!" he says, and drains half of it. Then he turns to Morgana. "Sadly, he had not the same respect for your father. But you are not him, so, to you!" He drains the rest of the glass. "Ah. Good stuff."

2018-05-30, 01:53 PM
A large man wends his way through the room toward Morgana and Wynne. He's carrying several glasses of win. "Now, what sort of party is it if two ladies are standing without cups," he says loudly. He must be nearly seven feet tall, and broad like a tree. "Avyrell, my ladies. Please, take a glass. Wynne, if I'm not mistaken? My father had the utmost respect for your father. A damn shame what happened." He lifts his glass. "To Eric!" he says, and drains half of it. Then he turns to Morgana. "Sadly, he had not the same respect for your father. But you are not him, so, to you!" He drains the rest of the glass. "Ah. Good stuff."

Wynne raises her glass and toasts to her father, but only drinks lightly. "We were discussing upbringings. I would assume that you were raised someplace coastal, from what my father had said about yours?" She smiles at the newcomer.

2018-05-30, 07:02 PM
Morgana has bowed her head slightly, and drank from the cup, as someone who is quite used to drinking.
She tried not to cringe too much- she knew that wine of other shadows, were made from unriped fruits- how could fruits ripe without blood?

But.. it was real wine. It was.. something.

'Thank you. You are quite the gentelman.. but please.. excuse me... I think I have forgotten your name..?'

2018-05-31, 09:06 AM
"Avyrell, son of Gerard," he says. "And yes, I was born and raised at sea. Grew up before the mast, as they say. And you both? Were you raised on Aunt Florimel's shadows, Wynne? And from what strangeling place do you come from, Morganna?"

2018-05-31, 05:59 PM
'Strange? Well, it quite relative. But I guess, that I am different from all of you.... it's place that feed.. on blood.' she has answered sweetly

2018-06-01, 10:08 AM
"Blood," he says laughing. "Everything feeds on blood in the end. Animals drink it, plants grow well on a bloodied field, and kingdoms rise and fall on it. You'll do just fine here."

2018-06-03, 06:09 PM
'I truly hope so.' Morgana said without any sarcasm

Dakkan Sall
2018-06-03, 10:29 PM
"Not as such, no," Gavan replied. "An encounter or two with the previous generation, but none of our peers. At least none that I was aware of at the time. I've been spending some time out in Shadow, so I likely ended up out of the way of anyone's paths." He glanced around. "None of those here look that familiar, yourself excluded of course, so I have unknowingly come across any they aren't in attendance for whatever their reasons."

2018-06-04, 04:35 PM
"It is an interesting group," Talia says. "I think I'll go chat with Llewella's daughter before Random calls us all to the table. Good to see you again, cousin." She smiles and whirls away. You turn and see Forbes and Dorian, or is it Dorian and Forbes? The sons of Caine. "Cousin," they both say at once. "We hadn't heard that Benedict had a child," the one on the left says. "It's a bit of a surprise, given his reputation," says the one on the right."


Merlin, son of Corwin, makes his way over to the small knot forming around Gavan, Morgana, and Avyrell. He looks comparatively at ease in this crowd. "Well met, cousins. Sad to say my father had fights with each of your fathers. He was never very good at picking enemies."

2018-06-04, 04:49 PM
Wynne smiles. "Ah, yes, but the fights of our fathers certainly don't have to be our fights. I hope that one day I might meet your father, and try to talk to him of mine."

2018-06-06, 03:04 PM
Corwin looks grave. "If you can find him, let me know. After the war with the Courts, he went his own way. He told me once that he drew a second Pattern to protect Amber against the storms that raged with the war, and that he wanted to explore what lay beyond it. He told good stories. Perhaps that one is even true."

2018-06-06, 06:17 PM
Morgana bowed. 'It's pleasure and honor to meet you.' she said, a bit more official to Merlin.
'We have never met each other, we don't really have a reason to hold grudges.. indeed.'

2018-06-11, 12:53 PM
A single bell rings out, clear over the conversation. "That means it's time to eat," Random says. "We're set up on the balcony." There's a wide balcony overlooking the city of Amber, the slopes of Kolvir, and the water down below. You can see the torches marching up the stairs that Bleys and Corwin took on their attack on the castle, just over a year ago. Both men made their claim on the crown, and Bleys is believed dead, Corwin has exiled himself. Whether by design or accident, the King sends a reminder of what happens to usurpers. There is a variety of meats, fish, and fowl, vegetables and casseroles, soups and salads, a dessert table groaning with possibilities, and freely flowing red wine. Random stands as the first course hits the table. "A toast!" Glasses are raised. "To peace, may we keep it, and may our children keep it even better." Most of the glasses rise - you notice that Caine does not drink, nor his sons - and Random sits.

"Just to be clear," Caine says. "Are we waiting until the soup course to slit Brand's whelp's throat? Is that a matter of courtesy?"

Fiona looks across the table at him, her face a mask. "She is under my protection, Caine. If she dies, your sons die."

"Enough!" Random shouts, slamming the table. "Caine, apologize to the girl, now." Despite his slender frame, the King does carry some authority. Perhaps it is that the Jewel of Judgement flashes as he raises his voice.

"Of course," Caine says, standing and bowing slightly in the direction of Morgana. "Most likely she'll die on the Pattern tomorrow, anyway."

Benedict, sitting next to Gavan, watches the exchange stoically, but Gavan can sense the tension in his arms. Florimel, next to Wynne, just rolls her eyes as she stands. "A toast," she says, "to those that will brave the Pattern tomorrow. To their success." Again, everyone drinks and, with all eyes on him, Caine reluctantly downs his glass.

2018-06-15, 03:27 PM
Wynne shoots a not-so-subtle glare at Caine. Sins of the father are not sins of the son, and holding one person accountable for another's actions is generally a poor way to do your accounting. She toasts both times, watching the rest of her family but not saying anything.

2018-06-16, 06:40 PM
Morgana has clenched her fists, in silence, as Caine stupidly openly declared his enmity. Her father was right about him.

Morgana made a toast as well. "A toast... for the peace in our family. At any cost.' she said and sipped the wine.

2018-06-18, 11:33 AM
Caine's threat throws a pall over the dinner that even Florimel can't disperse with her chipper chatter. The musicians pick up the slack, playing a bit louder, as people pick at their meals. Finally, it's over as the dessert table is moved to the center. The King stands. "I think we should leave the kids with the sweets," he says. "I'd like to talk to my siblings now." The older generation files out, leaving just the new kids in the castle. In response, the band starts playing at a faster tempo, and those of you that have spent time on shadow Earth recognize a few repurposed rock songs.

2018-06-18, 12:18 PM
Wynne grins, and she starts singing along under her breath as she goes looking for a slice of cheesecake. She'd been raised in a rather... well off enviroment, sure, but she loved her rock and punk music. "I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known..."

2018-06-18, 06:45 PM
'What an exotic music...' Morgana said with a raised eyebrow.
'Wynne.. you seem quite familiar with it.' she notice

2018-06-21, 09:12 PM
"Oh yeah, this is from where I grew up!" Wynne smiles. "It's cool that Random likes the place enough to take music from it."

2018-06-21, 11:08 PM
"How curiouse." Morgana said thoughtfully.
"It must be a very close shadow. Maybe even a powerful version of the pattern is there.."

2018-06-23, 12:07 PM
"It's actually a really nice place, if you want I can show you it after, y'know, the pattern and all?"

2018-06-23, 06:58 PM
'I see no reason to decline such a generous offer.' Morgana nodded

2018-06-25, 12:09 PM
Watching the room, it seems that Merlin and Martin have entered into a deep discussion near the fireplace, while Caine's sons, Forbes and Doran, have cornered Bleys' daughter, Kai, on the balcony. The discussion seems civil, but Kai's discomfort is evident. Pearl is talking to Averyll about ships, while Talia appears to be eavesdropping on the balcony conversation.

2018-06-25, 02:31 PM
Wynne grins, suddenly all tooth, and cracks her knuckles (a habit that her Aunt has tried to break her of, failing to her dismay). She nods to Morgana, "one second please", and leaves, sweeping across the room as she picks up a second wine glass and a bottle. Wynne arrives at the balcony, handing Kai a glass and saying "Dear, I need a second opinion: I think this wine is a bit too dry for me, but our cousin declared it perfectly fruity." Then she looks down, puzzled and frustrated. "However, I seem to have left the bottle opener back with Morgana, and she's still got the first bottle. Would you two be a dear and find one for me?" She smiles brightly at Forbes, then Doran.

I don't know wines halp.

2018-06-27, 11:12 AM
"Ah, the Crown Princess," one of the twins says with a deep bow. "Doran," he continues. "A pleasure to meet you."

"Indeed," says the other twin, presumably Forbes. "A pity about your father. You know, of course, that our father backed him to the hilt. But you aren't here for the politics, you're here to rescue Kai with tales of wine. Bring the bottle over, along with Brand's daughter, and we can taste the fruit of the vine on the balcony here. Doran, you have a pocket-knife?"

"Of course." Doran whips out a classic Swiss Army knife of Shadow Earth provenance. He pops out the corkscrew. "We are all new to the castle, and unlike our parents, we hopefully don't carry old baggage."

Kai smiles thinly throughout the banter.

2018-06-28, 05:19 AM
Morgana has nodded to Wynne, and while waiting has observed her.. family?
Yes. Family.
Real, beyond any parody which was nicknamed "Shadow".
Her whole biology.. was produce of such shadow, with core of reality which came from here.
Her cold blood, her need to drink blood...
All of this was a parody to something from here. An idea, that you had to hurt others in order to flourish. How far were this parody from reality? She hoped.. very far.

She looked over Caine, and who ever intreracted with him- would it he the king, or merely nameless maid.
Everything here was important. She had mentally prepared herself for this moment for years- but still. The idea, that even a commoner- heck, even a fly on the wall, were more valued than anyone she knew in her home "shadow"... was unsettling and overwhelming.

2018-06-28, 08:51 AM
"Hello, cousin," says a soft voice from behind Morgana. It's Pearl, daughter of Llewella, her dark green skin allowing her to blend in a bit with the shadows from the torches. "Welcome to the 'we don't look like the others' club. I thought it was just going to be my mother and me."

2018-06-28, 09:07 AM
Wynne smiles thinly. "If you wish to test it as well, you'll need fresh glasses. I only brought the two." She does, however, offer the bottle to be opened.

2018-06-28, 10:15 AM
"We are being momentarily disinvited, brother," Forbes says to Dorne. "A pity," Dorne replies. "I feel we're being judged for the actions of our father. But no matter. We shall be back in a trice with glasses!" Forbes bows to Kai while Dorne bows to you, and they head off to find clean glasses.

Kai relaxes momentarily, then tenses up again. "I didn't need rescue," she says, looking at you warily. "I've handled creeps before."

2018-06-28, 10:32 AM
Wynne rolls her eyes and snorts at their comments, before turning to Kai. "I'm sure you have, but I personally would have appreciated the help in your shoes and clearly now I will lord this over you forever." She says the last dripping with sarcasm: she obviously doesn't think that it was anything important. "In the meantime, wine?" She offers the spare glass with a flourish.

2018-06-28, 10:43 AM
"Hello, cousin," says a soft voice from behind Morgana. It's Pearl, daughter of Llewella, her dark green skin allowing her to blend in a bit with the shadows from the torches. "Welcome to the 'we don't look like the others' club. I thought it was just going to be my mother and me."

Morgan smiled feeling almost an automat sympathy.
"Well, I actually have heard of your mother. But... yes. It does.. make you wonder... about some lines of thought. Doesn't it?"

2018-06-28, 01:08 PM
"I don't wonder at all," Pearl says. "So many of them - of our parents' generation, at least - believe that they are better then anyone, at all, despite the fact that most of them are half-shadow bastards at best. They think Oberon went slumming with my grandmother, mock it as some weird perversion. Rebma is a reflection of Amber, not some distant shadow, and we're still second-class creatures at best. You and I, we remind them that they are gods with feet of clay. I can't wait for this stupid dinner to be over so I can go home." She drinks her wine. "You still need to walk the Pattern, don't you? Are you ready?"


"Thanks," Kai says, taking the wine. "This is all just . . . too much. Three days ago I was tending my garden when a bird made of blood landed on my wrist, said I had 'the blood of Amber,' and that I could 'come home.' It dropped a playing card at my feet. When I picked it up, suddenly King Random is in my head telling me things about a father I never knew, and claiming I was something special. I thought I was going mad. But he held out his hand and I took it and I ended up here and I still am not certain I'm not dying of a stroke in my garden." She tosses the glass down. "I'm talking too much. I'm not supposed to trust any of you."

2018-06-28, 01:56 PM
Morgana used to cherish those sentiments toward her shadow.
Sometimes, she still do. Sometimes, she almost believe it.

We all enjoy make believe. Card games.
But Pearl might be potential ally, and maybe even friend here. No reason to point out some painful facts. Her Ameriete parents, didn't seemed to be the kind to hammer the truth painfully but clear.

"Yes. I do need.' she said quitly. Her father were supposed to that... but then, none of the people here would be alive. How.. unsettling it to think about it.
Would he even let her live after all that? Questions and questions.

'This is the thing, I have wanted more than anything for decades. If I fail, death would be a bless.'

2018-06-28, 03:06 PM
"Thanks," Kai says, taking the wine. "This is all just . . . too much. Three days ago I was tending my garden when a bird made of blood landed on my wrist, said I had 'the blood of Amber,' and that I could 'come home.' It dropped a playing card at my feet. When I picked it up, suddenly King Random is in my head telling me things about a father I never knew, and claiming I was something special. I thought I was going mad. But he held out his hand and I took it and I ended up here and I still am not certain I'm not dying of a stroke in my garden." She tosses the glass down. "I'm talking too much. I'm not supposed to trust any of you."

Wynne nods. "I don't ask that you trust me. I'm a cousin, and from what my father told of of this family, you don't trust family. But I understand what you mean, and I, for one, don't think this is a mass hallucination." She grins cheekily. "But then again, that's what I would say if I was a hallucination!"

2018-06-29, 10:26 AM
Kai smiles weakly. "Sorry, I just can't find any of this funny. Just a few minutes ago, that man Caine was saying that what's-her-name, the vampire-looking one, should have her throat slit! If this is family, I wish I didn't know anything about it."

Out of the corner of her eye, Wynne sees that Averyll has intercepted Doran and Forbes, and appears to have broken out a deck of cards.


"Death is just death," Pearl says. "But I've walked the pattern of Rebma and Amber, and seen the glittering fragments of Tír na hÓige. It will hurt. It will hurt like nothing you've experienced before. It will try to kill you. Put one foot in front of the other. Do it again. Don't stop doing it. In the end, you'll feel reborn."

2018-06-29, 12:09 PM
"Morgana. And yes, from what my dad has told me, this family is a bag of *****. Unfortunately, they also have power beyond your wildest dreams. If you really, truely want to go home, you can from the Pattern, what what I was told."

2018-06-30, 02:11 PM
Morgana smiled. 'I guess, then my father has trained me for this moment. Pain... is just part of the cycle, in my shadow. Our plants won't grow if we won't feed them with our blood. But I appreciate your advice. I'll need any piece of wisdom to beat this.'
She paused.
'though, I have question. Why were you required to walk twice? What are the diffrences between the patterns of Rebma and Amber?"

2018-07-02, 11:05 AM
"Oh, that would be telling, cousin," Pearl says with a small smile. "Though I have heard rumors that our Uncle Corwin's madness was repaired by walking the Pattern of Rebma. Perhaps I just wanted the challenge, to be able to say I was strong enough to do it. Or perhaps I have been enhanced by the power of two Patterns. If we get to know each other better, you can come to Rebma and challenge our Pattern."


"I'll walk their pattern," Kai says with some defiance. "And then I'll walk right home again and leave this collection of mixed nuts behind."

2018-07-02, 11:26 AM
Morgana smiled. "I would really like that. Sadly, I am not sure what can I offer- you probably will find my shadow upstart and disgusting. How ever..." she has offered a cold porcelian skin like hand.
"I can offer my friendship. If this means anything, to you."

2018-07-06, 09:24 AM
"I won't knock friendship," she replies, "but it's not as easy as saying 'we're friends.' Not around here." She takes Morgana's hand and shakes it. Behind her, Morgana sees Benedict's son, Gavan, shuffle a card out of deck, stare at it, and vanish.

2018-07-07, 07:59 PM
Moragana sign Gavan's action in her memory.
But alliances, were more important.

'Of course it is not. But I hope you will find me useful and trust worthy.'

2018-07-07, 08:35 PM
"I'll walk their pattern," Kai says with some defiance. "And then I'll walk right home again and leave this collection of mixed nuts behind."

She throws back her head and laughs, a hearty honest laugh. "By all means, cousin, and if you wish I will leave you be, or visit and bring you good wine again."

2018-07-09, 09:54 AM
"We'll see, cousin," Pearl says coolly. "Have you meet any of the others? Martin's all right, but his mother, the Queen, is from Rebma. He understands the place a little. Averyll's not bad. Doran and Forbes are either the worst players of the family game or the best, I haven't decided yet. I haven't spent much time with Talia or Merlin, or that shrinking fern over there," she says, motioning at Kai with her glass.


"Thanks. You don't seem so bad," Kai says, "but you might be acting that way to get my trust. What the hell." She pours herself another glass. "I guess no one is going to slit my throat tonight. So your Dad was King?"

2018-07-09, 01:21 PM
"I guess. I was still on Earth, the shadow I'm from, during his rule, and then one day I got told he was dead." She shrugs, taking a deep breath in and letting it out, obviously still grieving. "And now I'm here, and all these other people are here, and apparently somebody thinks I'm the heir, and, just. There's a lot."

2018-07-09, 04:12 PM
"Well, I have interacted with Wynne. She seems quite clingy of her shadow, though." Morgana said and sighed.
"Honestly, I am a bit wary, beside my looks my heritage put me in conflict with most of our family by default.... Doran and Forbes sound.. curiose at least"

2018-07-11, 10:15 AM
Martin stands up. "Hey, everyone," he calls across the room. "It's gonna be a big day for a lot of you tomorrow, walking the Pattern, so you might want to get some sleep. There are rooms ready in the East Wing, second floor - any of the servants can get you to your room. The King will be waking us all up early so that those that haven't walked the Pattern can get ready. We'll have a nice brunch afterwards, if everyone makes it . . . uh, after everyone's made it. And if anyone of you want to go down to the Pattern now, take a look at it, let me know. I can pop a group down there." He shuffles through his Trumps.

2018-07-13, 04:23 AM
Morgana stared at Merlin.
Really? To rest instead if investagting the pattern?
Wordlessly, as if enchanted she walked toward Merlin.
"Take me there." She has wishpered.

2018-07-13, 12:12 PM
Wynne, also, doesn't feel like going to bed. She heads out the door, taking strange turns, looking around to see what she can see.

2018-07-13, 01:09 PM
Wynne sets off through the darkening halls of Castle Amber. Parts of it were familiar, like the hallway to the Throne Room where she, disguised as a lady-in-waiting, watched Eric be crowned, watched Corwin have his eyes burnt out. Parts are unfamiliar, but Eric told her never to trust the Castle, that sometimes it seemed almost alive, throwing corridors around, adding doors, leading people to where the Castle wanted them to go. Down a staircase, a breath of fresh wind, carrying with it familiar notes of Shadow Earth, Dylan's Desolation Row played on an acoustic guitar:

When you asked me how I was doing, was that some kind of joke
All these people that you mention, yes, I know them, they're quite lame
I had to rearrange their faces and give them all another name

She peeks around the corner into a salon. A fire roars in the corner, and the wind blows in off the balcony, and sitting on a chair between them both is Random, King of Amber, playing what appears to be a 1930 Gibson Marshall Special adorned with the image of an erupting volcano. There's a bottle of a single-malt, 25-year old Bowman, half empty.


Morgana, Kai, Talia, and Doran gather around Martin (not Merlin). "By tomorrow," Martin says, "you'll all be able to do this." He whips out a card, focuses on it, and holds out his other hand. "Take my hand," he says. The four each touch his palm. The world ripples for a moment, there's a coolness as if you'd just slipped into a pool of water, and suddenly you're there. Without even looking around, you know that this is it. The center. The locus. This is reality, and everything else is shadow. The room is vast, and there is a palpable weight of stone bearing down on you. There are no torches here, for the Pattern burns with it's own light. Morgana turns to look at it, lines and arcs and angles of fire carved into the stone. It seems so easy to get lost in it.

"Don't get too close," Doran says. "The damn thing has a mind of it's own."

"He's right," Martin adds. "You have to follow it's rules to survive."

"Step by step," Talia mutters, "one foot in front of the other until you're about to die, and then you do, and then you are reborn."

2018-07-17, 12:37 AM
Morgana waz hypnotized by it's beauty. It was perfect. It was everytbing that mattered.
Her raven croaked sympathyizing with her excitment.
"If I get to choose where to die... it will be here. Where things matter."

2018-07-30, 03:58 PM
Wynne timidly goes around to the corner, making sure to make enough noise that it's clear she's hear. She then leans against a wall, not wanting to interrupt the music, but offering the king (silently) the chance to send her away again.

2018-07-30, 04:44 PM
Random breaks off singing when he sees Wynne. "Hey, kid," he says. "Come on in. I was hoping to see you." He places the guitar up against the wall and pours two glasses of Bowman. The wind off the sea blows steadily, but the fire keeps the room somewhat cozy. "I wanted to talk to you about Eric. To apologize. Set things right. Great sin of my generation, I guess, Corwin and Eric, Eric and Corwin. Poisoned this place. Guess some of that's my fault." He motions you to the chair across from him.


"Yeah, well, don't die," Martin says. "This damn castle has enough ghosts to deal with. I wonder how many people it's eaten. There were kids older than Benedict, you know, and I'm pretty sure there were other kids after my dad. Where the hell are they now?" He points toward the Pattern. "They're in there. The Pattern just ate them."

"It's true," Doran says, kneeling next to the lines of fire. "You can hear them, if you try, when you walk the Pattern. Echoes, calling out. You sit down here long enough and you can see them, outlines of fire, still trying to walk the Pattern."

Talia laughs. "Stop hazing the new girl. I've walked it. There's nothing in there but the Pattern. It won't kill you. It just . . . unmakes you."

2018-07-30, 05:00 PM
Morgana smiled. 'Somehow, I prefer the thought of ghosts being eaten. But... my plan of course is to succeed.'

2018-08-03, 01:43 PM
"Then get a good night's sleep and face it well rested," Doran says. Martin nods.

Talia laughs, a short bark. "This could be her last night and you tell her to get some sleep? Drink, dance, and find a willing person to pull into bed, that's what you should do. 'Swhat I did, and I survived."

2018-08-04, 06:34 PM
'Sleep it is a waste of time.. but if anything, I want to learn. To train. I need every possible advantage before I start.'

2018-08-05, 02:14 AM
Random breaks off singing when he sees Wynne. "Hey, kid," he says. "Come on in. I was hoping to see you." He places the guitar up against the wall and pours two glasses of Bowman. The wind off the sea blows steadily, but the fire keeps the room somewhat cozy. "I wanted to talk to you about Eric. To apologize. Set things right. Great sin of my generation, I guess, Corwin and Eric, Eric and Corwin. Poisoned this place. Guess some of that's my fault." He motions you to the chair across from him.

She sits, nodding, and leans in. "I guess I'm going to hear it from everyone. But I figure since you got along with Corwin so well at the end, my dad said at least, that I'd appreciate your view on it."

2018-08-20, 10:00 AM
"I don't know how to train for something like this," Martin says. "But you can learn the Pattern from the outside. Walk around it, look for the dangerous places. The Grand Arc, which takes forever to cross. The Staircase, with all the turns. The Vortex. Spend some time with it."

"Or we could head into town," Talia says, "and get completely wasted at a tavern. Score up a few lads and wenches, whatever turns your crank, and act like it's your last night alive, just in case it is."


"Your father put out Corwin's eyes. You saw it. Julian told me you were there, pretending to be someone's servant, the day Eric was crowned. I guess he wanted to you see the good and the bad." Random swirls the booze around in his glass thoughtfully. "Pissed me off. I had a plan to walk the Pattern in Rebma, pop into your Pop's room, and waste him. Not because I liked Corwin that much, but because that's not how you treat family. Then I found out about Eric's plan. That he was sure Corwin's eyes would grow back. That he had to keep Corwin out of the picture during the war with Chaos. Almost worked, too. But Corwin got his eyes back so fast, and he met . . . well, he met someone that helped him escape. And then Lorraine, and Avalon, and Corwin came home with guns. You may have heard the story. Corwin and his forces show up just when the Courts are attacking. Big battle, Corwin joins Amber's side, Chaos is defeated. He's a ****in' hero, and your Dad's dead." He leans forward. "Ground truth, kid. I think Corwin was with Chaos the whole time, and I know he drew a bead on your Dad in the middle of battle and put a bullet in him. And to his credit, Eric spent his dying curse on Chaos, not Corwin. Better man then me." He drains his drink. "They're all better men then me. That's why Dad put me on the throne."

2018-08-22, 06:23 PM
Morganna looked at the Pattern hypnotized. 'Your offer it tempting Talia.. especially, since people here, are real. but I don't think I'll attract hot blooded people to me... but I apreciate the offer. I can try it later.' she started to walk around the pattern studying it

2018-08-23, 05:48 PM
Wynne slumps into a chair, thinking heavily. "So... yeah. I was never happy with my dad doing that to Corwin. So, I guess, on one hand that doesn't make it right, but it explains why. On the other... Corwin killed him. Eric. You saw that?" She watches him, wounded.

2018-08-24, 08:58 AM
"Yeah," Random says quietly. "I saw it. I let him do it, too. He had the whole army with him, and I had nothing. Afterwards, I talked with Gerard, Caine, a couple of the others, and we changed the story. We'd deal with him later, that was the plan, but whether the family could lose Eric and Corwin at the same time . . . ." He pours yet another drink. "I dunno. Not a lot of good options. Anyway, that's the truth. I owed you that much. You can hate us all, I wouldn't blame you. But last time the hate nearly destroyed us all."


"There's someone for everyone, even if it takes some coin," Talia says with a shrug. "Well, good luck!" She and Doran pull out trumps and fade away, leaving you down by the Pattern with Martin. He retreats a bit to let you study the center of reality in silence.

2018-08-25, 06:16 PM
Morgana watching it, devouring every sight, trying to figure this out, hypnotized.

2018-08-29, 12:22 AM
Wynne stays silent for several minutes, mulling it over. "I don't think..." she starts, then takes a deep breath. "I don't think that I can hate you, any of you, for your decision. Corwin, on the other hand... I'll have to think about it. But. I apreciate the truth. Thank you." She goes over and gives him a quick hug. "If you wouldn't mind... could you tell a story about my dad? A happy one?"

2018-08-31, 02:48 PM
"A happy story? I guess this where I'm supposed to tell you there aren't any, we all hate each other. But yeah." Random pours almost the last of the bottle into Wynne's cup, and then takes a sip from the bottle. "There was this time Eric brought his daughter to Amber, pretended she was maid or something like that, but he couldn't keep from smiling. Couldn't keep the pride off of his face. Flora was trying to keep from laughing, and so was I, because we both knew about the kid, but the others are all giving Eric these weird looks like, 'why is he so happy?' So Julian thinks he's figured it out, asks Eric if he's in love with the maid, and we all lose it. Everyone in the know is laughing, the rest of the family gets caught up in it. The whole damn castle's laughing. Because he really did love you, ya know? Spent a lot of time protecting you. After he was crowned, I think he was going to name you crown princess after the Chaos war was over. And then he couldn't. And now it's not so happy."

2018-09-04, 12:34 AM
Morgana's raven croaked here and there, as if to turn Morgana's attention to a certain detail. She knelt and looked at it, researching it.
The secrets... the heart of the card house which was the realities.

She could be real.
Morgana has bitten her thumb, and with the cold blood which poured, she tried to draw the pattern on the floor. Examining and researching the meaning behind every turn.

2018-09-06, 01:02 AM
Wynne stares into her cup for a long time, before setting it aside. "That's the only time you saw him happy? That... look, you probably know this, but damn this family is ****ing dysfunctional." She shakes her head, scowling. "And I'm part of it. And according to a few of my cousins I'm next in line for running the damn thing, not that I think that'd be a wise choice, you can keep that job. But... I appreciate you telling me that, all of it. Thank you, Uncle Random." She goes over and gives him a quick hug, before saying her farewells and heading for bed, assuming he had nothing else to talk about.