View Full Version : Challenges for players

2018-05-14, 10:43 PM
I'm writing a campaign for a D&D-like system of my design. I want the adventure to be high-leveled but don't want to start everyone at level 5, so I'm pushing them through a bunch of challenges to power level them. They find them selves in the service of count Edwin (dropping hints that he's a vampire) ((he's actually a lich-to-be)) and are recovering things to (unknowingly) help him build his true phylactery. the challenges I have so far are to claim the eye of the Troll-king, Kurt the Unkillable, the Pearl of Absolute Prismatism (currently in the posession of the headless horseman) and the Scythe of Death (not currently possessed by death). any Ideas?

note-- the Scythe of Death is at the bottom of a massive sprawling dungeon, and Edwin wants it to barter with Death