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Irish Musician
2018-05-15, 08:38 AM
Times had been good in Faerun for the past several decades. There had been a war or two here and there, some of the more monstrous races banding together to try and carve out a place of their own. A dragon here or there trying to make a name for themselves branching out and trying to take over some already inhabited land. A particularly bad Lich that had risen up, rising his zombie hordes along with him, and tried to wash over the land. There had even been a pirate that was a plague on the Sword Coast, sinking many ships, plundering them, and being a general terror to the inhabitants.

But, in general, the times were good. People could travel in relative safety, trade was good in between the cities, and even those with ambitions of power had seemed to fall out of general chat. Faerun had finally settled down and was running like a well oiled machine. No recent wars in past years, no big dramas, no king about to kill another king.

It didn't feel right.....

So, when each of you got a summons to meeting with the Lady Alustriel Silverhand....you knew it could not be a good thing. The leader of Silverymoon didn't go around summoning adventurers all willy-nilly. She always had a very distinct reason to do so. You may have been together when you got your summons, or apart from each other given the peaceful times. But you have now arrived at the great city of Silverymoon. Even though you have been here before, it never ceases to amaze you. You walk over the amazing Moonbridge, the bridge connecting the parts of the city, and it is just as awesome as always. The bridge, created by magic, seems to pulse and sparkle in the sunlight....almost as if it is moving.

You move through the bustling city, that houses creatures and peoples of all types, until you arrive at the center of the city. The High Palace soon came into view and you all walked up to it. The guards looked over your letters and let you pass through into the building. There was a large room at the center of the building the Lady tended to use for meetings. The doors to the room were closed at the moment and an attendant outside them asked if you would please sit for a moment while he went to announce you. Soon after, he entered the doors and you were left waiting.

2018-05-15, 08:54 AM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1305765)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 3/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 2/2 - 8th 1/1 - 9th 1/1

Raistlin was enjoying some much needed rest after a recent expedition when he had received his summons. It had been a substantial passing of years since he had last met with The Lady, he had even made some friends in that time.
Arriving in the city was once again such a treat. The magical nature of the place could keep Raistlin distracted for weeks. Alas he had no time for sightseeing and made his way swiftly to the waiting area outside the central chambers.
He was happy to see a few familiar faces and spent the time catching up with the others, regaling tales of deep crypts and magical items he had found. He sat and listened intently to any bit of wisdom or knowledge the others may have come aross or possess. Always distracted with new info and if necessary taking notes.

2018-05-15, 11:43 AM
Athelras was intrigued by the summons from Elué Dualen and responded immediately. Whatever it was it was certainly not a simple errand that much was certain.

Upon arriving in Silverymoon he was beset with feelings of peace and trepidation at being inside a city again, the conflict always raged within him. He made his way swiftly to the High Palace and to the chamber he now found himself in, nodding in greeting and hugs to old friends and new companions alike.

He stood quietly listening to the others as always, answering direct questions when asked, and pondering what quest they were about to be given.

Barbarian MD
2018-05-15, 02:50 PM
It had been a hard week's ride to arrive in Silverymoon on the appointed date.

Leayonadas Dawnsong had been out on the frontier when the Lady's summons had impossibly found him. There wasn't much fighting to be found in civilized parts these days, but there was still knife-work to be found, if you knew where to look. He had hated to part with the companions, even if only for a few months, and was glad to see them all again as he barged through the doors. It was impossible not to notice the hulking elf, especially as he bellowed out a warm greetings to one and all.

The elf took a cloth from his bag and wiped a week's dust and grime off his face.

"Have I missed anything?"

2018-05-15, 03:09 PM
Athelras greets his friend with the traditional elven handshake, touching foreheads, "Kaerol thol, o cali toraer byrol."

Greetings friend, you have missed nothing.

Then switches to Common "We have been summoned to wait, as is typical of most rulers."

Barbarian MD
2018-05-15, 03:40 PM
Leayonadas humors his old friend--as always--with the greeting, then follows it with "Quo fas et gloria ducun't" and a firm handshake and a slap on the back.

Old unit motto. "Where duty and glory lead."

Also, seriously, I had to add an apostrophe to make it not mark it as an expletive....

2018-05-15, 05:16 PM

A small halfling wearing a leotard, asymmetrically long boots, a tiny top hat for tricks, and a magnificent cloak decorated with stars hustles behind the party, doing her best to keep up with the taller men. Her hair is silver and magnificently long, and as flowing as her cloak. Her eyes are purple and large, and her face is cherubic, but she always seem a little too shifty to convey the innocence such features would convey. "The Patient and Magnanimous Mooncloak," she begins, using her pentasyllabic (at a minimum) earned name that she gave herself, "is flattered by the regents recognition of her incredible talent, but she is concerned that her time is not being respected." Thearoyl also can't read or speak elvish without magical assistance. She would have prepared the Tongues spell, but she liked the idea of the others having to translate for her. After all, they were all impressive (but not as impressive as her), so surrounding herself with them made it look like she had a cool entourage.

"So, is anyone capable of enlightening the Erudite and Beautiful Mooncloak on the purpose of this meeting? She's speculating, and would appreciate your thoughts in the interest of fairness," she continues, as she begins juggling a penknife she did not have the last time you saw her.

Barbarian MD
2018-05-15, 10:26 PM
The big elf sits heavily in the reception area, dust settling from his travel-stained cape. The others can see that--curiously--he is wearing what appear to be quite expensive nobleman's clothes beneath the cloak. There appear to be at least three different sets of bloodstains on them. When Athelras notices he gives the ranger a sh!t-eating grin.

You know from prior experience that Leayonadas likes to bait robbers on the road when he's looking for a fight. It feels more ethical than starting a bar-room brawl.

Leayonadas unceremoniously strips off the bloodstained shirt, perhaps drawing a muffled gasp of alarm and delight from any bystanders, then pulls his favorite cape and bear-helm from his bag and fastens them into place. His xiphos is already strapped to his leg. The Lady had called for adventurers, and this old campaigner was going to give her just that.

"Haven't a clue," he says to Thea.

2018-05-16, 08:06 AM
Athelras takes a slight step away from Thea as he addresses her question. "Thea, that was no regent that summoned us it was Elué Dualen herself." He pauses for a moment then realizes what he said and uses the Lady's other name, "The Lady Alustriel Silverhand."

2018-05-16, 09:55 AM

"The Stately and Important Mooncloak prefers to be referred to be using her earned name and at least 5 syllables, if you would be so kind," Thea says. Sometimes she has more patience for people not addressing her using her admittedly ridiculous standards, but she is waiting around and has nothing better to do. "You just refer to them by two different names. One wonders what that is about."

2018-05-16, 10:04 AM
Nodding, Athelras responds, "Forgive me, Thearoyl, the name the elves call her is the first one that seems to roll off my tongue. I forget that most of the other races call her the latter."

Orsik Vondal
2018-05-16, 06:17 PM
Uriel ben Asher - Aasimar Celestial Warlock

A tall, brown-skinned, white-haired man with golden eyes enters the antechamber with a magnificent ram in tow. He turns to the horned sheep, "Now remember to speak only when spoken to, and for the gods' sake, don't eat the ferns this time. They're decorative!" The ram waggles its curved horns back and forth and lets out a dejected bleat. "Good boy."

As Uriel nears the massive doors he catches the end of Athelras' exchange with Thea. "Kaerol, Athelras-thol, Leayonadas-thol, Raistlin-thol, Thearoyl-thol. Ai eiresti shi eisi sharol jhoji jhar sosti? I would say it's good to see you all again, but it never bodes well when Elué Dualen summons us." He takes a seat on one of the benches nearby and absently strokes Gideon's coat, who lovingly lays his head on Uriel's lap.

Greetings, *name*-friend. I assume we are waiting like last time?

2018-05-16, 07:29 PM
Athelras catches Uriel's hand in a friendly clasp and nods at the remarks, "Aelaes eisi shi pystaer eir ei vaedi sai shar ol saes." He says in common, "Well met old friend, it is good to see you again."

'Ever are we doomed as a people to wait on them.' Uriel knows that by saying them Athelras generally means humans though he liberally applies to any race that has a shorter life span than elves.

Orsik Vondal
2018-05-17, 01:26 PM
Uriel ben Asher - Aasimar Celestial Warlock

"Baaaaaaah?", bleats Gideon imploringly. "Right you are, Gideon. Has our fiery, young tiefling friend shown her face, yet?"

2018-05-17, 01:44 PM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, the Attentive and Generous

"Hmm, she sees," Thea says in response to Athelros, slightly annoyed. "Now, the Kind and Patient Mooncloak thinks you should add another syllable to your greeting, Asher." She plucks a fern leaf from the decorations and kneels in front of Gideon, patting the fluffy animal on the cheek while offering the fern with her other hand. "Now don't you worry about mean ol' Uriel. The Helpful and Permissive Mooncloak is gonna take good care of you," she says, using a silly tone one might take with a baby or dog. She continues in her normal voice. "One hasn't seen Safaris. It's a little presumptuous for her to be so late."

2018-05-17, 06:50 PM
Almost like she was called by the mention of her name, the young tiefling strode into the room. It seemed calm and in control, the clink-clink of her trusty dwarven plate a steady even tone. But those who knew her may notice how her legs moves a little faster then necessary, how her breath was forcibly controlled as if suppressing the desire to take deep gasps from heavy physical exertion, and how there was just the faintest hint of sweat on her brow. Likely she had been sprinting in full plate after disembarking her pegasus, but had slowed to a confident stride as soon as enough people were watching her.

"Ah, you're all here. I take it Lady Silverhand has not called us in yet?" She inquired with casualness. Again, to most people she seemed calm and collected, which she mostly was...but you've known her long enough to know she has a tiny little panicked voice in the back of her head that goes on and on about everything that can or no doubt already has gone wrong in any given situation, a voice that is not doubt on high volume now.

2018-05-17, 07:14 PM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, the Attentive and Generous

"The Spurned and Wrathful Mooncloak has been left out to dry, but little does our host know, she is infinitely patient when wet," Thea says, losing track of her analogy. "Anyway, speak of the Devil, Safaris. Gideon is here, too." Thea goes back to petting the ram. She always felt like a kind of kindred with Safaris, and she's always been useful to hide under. However, the difference between Safaris' posturing and Thea's overwhelming is that Thea's is genuine. Hahaha! AAHAHAHA!

"AHAHAHAHAH!" Thea laughs randomly and insecurely.

2018-05-17, 07:18 PM
Athelras casts a comforting gaze on Safaris, one that tells her it is okay to relax. "We are summoned to wait, as seems to be noble custom. Though I do believe in this case there is likely dire reason and would not think too harshly on our host."

Irish Musician
2018-05-17, 07:39 PM
As if the attendant was listening to your conversation, he walks through the doors. "The Lady will see you now." He moves immediately to walk back into the room, but the doors stay open of their own volition this time, as if waiting for you to pass through. Once all of you do make it through into the room, it is quite a sight to behold.

The room opens up into a very tall, fairly wide, circular room, with a large, wooden table in the center of the room. The walls seem to twinkle and are made up of some type of marble, at least you think. There are braziers on the walls all around the room, and while they are lit, don't seem to be putting out the light that you see. There are great tapestries hanging from the walls that depict all manner of wars and great victories. when you look away from them, you could swear they move when you look out of the corner of your eyes. The table has about 20 chairs around it, and it seems to be made of a gorgeous, deep maroon wood. Its natural grain swirls around almost creating what you might picture wind to look like. It has a high shine on it, and the chairs are built to match it, each with a golden cushion in it for comfort. In the middle of the table, there are plates of food and a few different kinds of drinks.

As you enter, you notice about 10 to 12 people leaving the room through another door. Most of you recognize these people as very influential people within Faerun. You see representatives from the Harpers, the odd wizarding family the Harpells, Waterdeep, Baulder's Gate, a couple of dwarven emissaries, Calimport, and even the Host Tower of the Arcane. Definitely not the normal type of group you are used to seeing all in one place.

Lady Alustriel Silverhand sat at a chair at the farthest part of the table away from you. As you entered she stood, nodded her head, and greeted you. "Shaelysti eil Shaerol sai o," she said in Elven, "Greetings to you all, thank you for coming quickly, and my apologies for the wait. My first meeting went....long. Please sit. Would you like anything to eat or drink?", and she sits down again. As you sit, you notice that the plates of food and drink are a good ways away from you. However, the minute you utter your wishes, the food and/or drink slides from the center of the table to in front of you.

"Greetings, and Blessing on you."

2018-05-17, 07:49 PM
"Shaer taer tia jhadia, bai eidylyndror baedaer." Athelras says as he takes a seat closer to her. "Meetings with that many influential people will inevitably go long, Elué Dualen. How may we be of service?" He waves off any food or drink for now.

Well met my lady, no apologies needed.

Orsik Vondal
2018-05-17, 08:25 PM
Uriel ben Asher - Aasimar Celestial Warlock

Uriel glances down and catches the halfling. He swats at the fern frond currently being devoured by Gideon trying to dislodge it from the ram's mouth. Too little too late. He groans in exasperation. "You're teaching him bad manners, Thea.

Uriel tsks and waves it off. "Saf! We were wondering when you would turn up. He lays a hand on her shoulder briefly before enveloping her in a big grandfather hug. As he does a barely noticable glow surrounds the tiefling, easing her labored breath and infusing her with life energy. The embrace ends, and Uriel turns to the rest of the group in the antechamber. He raises his finger and looks up with just his eyes. "Now that we're all here, I feel like the Lady Silverhand will soon admit us.

...and then the servant comes out...

"Shaerol iadyl o, eir shaer, tia Jhadia." Before he can get another word out, Gideon trots ahead to nuzzle the Lady's leg bleating all the while. Uriel buries his face in his hand and shakes his head. "A little decorum, please. We're not out in the pasture. Sometimes I don't know why I bring you places!"

Once Gideon has had his fun, they take their place at the table, and Uriel requests a plate of fruit and vegetables. Blaaahah! Gideon blurts out, causing a plate of lettuce to slide in front of him. For a moment, Uriel's face contorts in a grimace, which is quickly replaced by a hearty belly laugh. "What am I ever going to do with you, you woolhead? I can't take you anywhere!"

Barbarian MD
2018-05-17, 08:29 PM
Leayonadas lets escape a rueful shake of the head at the innumerable neuroses demonstrated by their party.

He follows the rest of the group into the chamber. He's been here twice before, and the big elf knows from prior examination that he was present at one of the battles depicted in the tapestries. It's a ****-history; the reality wasn't nearly as sparkly or one-sided.

While he has no especial love for elf-dom in general, having left that world behind long ago, the Lady and this people have always been respectful and even kind to him. The old barbarian had learned a long time ago to show the most respect by keeping his big mouth shut. He nods to her across the room and seats himself, ordering a plate of hummus and a mug of ale.

2018-05-17, 09:01 PM
Thearoyl, the Spurned and Wrathful

"You wot?" Thea protests as Uriel removes her gift from Gideon's mouth and continues to refer to her inappropriately. "Can't you see he's starving? How many meals do you have 'im on in a day? Three? The Helpful and Concerned Mooncloak is certain that is a form of animal cruelty. Besides, he's a hero and should act like one." When Uriel hugs Safaris, one of Thea's hands twitches, tempted to reach out to them. Subconsciously, Thea was jealous, both of the familial connection the gesture implied and the familiarity that came with it. She didn't have any friends her age, or really any friends at all. None of these people respect her. They all thinks she's a joke.

Thea frowns as her eye twitches. She gets up and walks into the chamber. "The Magnificent and Pluripotent Mooncloak has granted your wish!" She moves to a chair near the Lady, eying the tapestries greedily. However, when she sits down, she finds she is too short for the furniture. Of course, it would be humiliating to ask for a cushion to help, so she grins and bears it. She begins requesting food, speaking between bites. "One is interested in why you would be meeting with so many auspicious guests. Another point of curiosity is why you would need such powerful magicians to aid you. The Inquisitive and Wise Mooncloaks is contemplating if the correlation implies causation." Halflings are accustomed to many meals in a day, and due to her background, Thea can be particularly voracious. Of course, she's doubly concerned with her appearance, leading to fasting followed by binging that may exacerbate her mood swings.

"Now this is what the Correct and Insightful Mooncloak has been saying, Asher," Thearoyl says. "That is the appetite of a true hero."

2018-05-21, 01:35 PM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1305765)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 3/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 2/2 - 8th 1/1 - 9th 1/1

Raistlin takes a few moment to rise from the comfortable chair in the waiting area, letting the others rush in. Stepping into the wondrous room was a beautiful sight. He always enjoyed seeing these lavish locations as they were essentially a glimpse into what once was the ruins that he delves into so often. It truly is a wonder to compare the two, giving a humbling insight and understanding that nothing lasts forever.

Upon taking his seat the old wizard polity declines the food and sits patiently, waiting for The Lady to speak. "When you are ready Lady Silverhand. I am very curious as to the nature of this urgent call for meeting. It is unlike you to be so hasty, so consider my interest piqued."

Irish Musician
2018-05-22, 10:59 AM
The Lady pets the ram's head and scratches his chin, and does muster a sort of a chuckle at the little one's antics. Though that moment of levity is once again replaced with a face that shows a dire situation behind it. "There is no time to be lengthy or to draw this out, so I will get right to the point." The Lady lets out a great sigh, take a sip of her wine, and continues, "I met with so many leaders because there is something that is coming that will wash over these lands and will touch every corner of Faerun. Nothing will escape its grasp, and there is not much we can do to stop it, currently." She appears confident and keeps talking, "There is a great evil brewing. It will soon enter this plane and consume it. Asmodeus himself has found a way to come into our plane. The Great Devil plans to come into our plan with his hordes of devils, and create a new hell. One he is in complete control of, and one in which no one can stand against him."

She makes eye contact with each of you. "This is like no evil you have ever faced, even in your many years, Leayonadas. This is pure, black evil that will stop at nothing to make its dream happen, and will kill everything in its path. Asmodeus will rain Hellfire onto this plane, and everything we have worked so hard to achieve, this Peace, will be for naught."

The Lady lets her words hang in the air as she gets up from the table. She moves over to a small table against the wall and picks up a scroll. The scroll is yellowed and brittle with age. It looks as though it is an ancient piece of text. She doesn't even touch it herself, put uses her magics to gently move it over to the table and open it. When it gets close enough, it unrolls and unveils text that seems to be on the verge of fading forever. What once was black ink is now a faded grey, and very hard to read.

"However, there is some hope. The Godkiller." As the name exits her mouth, you all get a shiver up your spines, and your battle instincts kick in on their own. Something about that name is powerful, so much it is on the verge of scary. "You may have heard the name in your wanderings, but not much information is left on this weapon. This scroll is the only thing that my mages and scribes could find, officially, on it. The stories of it change from story to story. Sometimes it is a giant hammer, sometimes a glorious Longsword, and even still sometimes it is a might bow. All the stories change, and there is not one tale of it, of which there are few, that lands on a consistent form of it. This has led us to believe that it may change its shape to fit who it chooses as its wielder." The Lady looks at all of you again, "Any one of your could use it. And to that point, it gets its name because of what it is used for. Killing divine creatures. It does not matter whether good or evil, but it was made to end the lives of deities. As you may or may not know, deities do not die like you or me. When their bodies are destroyed, they return to their home and reform. However, the Godkiller stops this, and when the Godkiller lands its killing blow, that god is dead for all time."

The Lady's magics roll the scroll back up and it is softly placed back on the table, and she joins you back at the table. "However, using the Godkiller is not without price. There are things that happen to its wielder.....things that may or may not be able to be reversed. What happens aren't completely clear, but not all its wielders survive the use of this weapon. Some of the others weren't keen on me telling you this....but I cannot send you out to do battle with a god, give you the weapon to end his miserable life, and not tell you that you may very well not come back."

She scans the room once again, "The price I am asking of you is the ultimate price to pay. I cannot, and will not, make this decision for you. If you'd like to go back to your lives, and not undertake this mission, I understand and will not hold any ill will towards you. You will rejoin your normal life with the Blessings of Silverymoon. However, if you do go on this mission.....know that you may not make it back." She pauses for a moment, and gets back up from the table. "I will let you discuss it and think on it. I will be back in a moment for your answer, and to answer any questions you may have. Just know every moment used, is a moment Asmodeus gets closer to this plane." With that she starts to leave the room.

2018-05-22, 12:00 PM
Athelras clears his throat as if he is about to make a big speech, however, "I, for one, m'Lady would be honored to take on this mission."

2018-05-22, 12:39 PM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, the Consuming and Ponderous

The halfling ponders what was said, glancing at the scroll. It was a difficult choice. Killing a god would being her endless praise and adulation. On the other than, the weapon sounded like it had a serious drawback. She sadly examined her life. She seldom had left to give, and its possible the weapon wouldn't be light enough or suitable for her to use, so much so that selling her soul to a literal devil sounded more tempting and beneficial in many ways. Still, maybe piggy backing on this quest would be worth something at least. Either way...

"I call dibs!" Thearoyl says between croissants, after the Lady leaves. "The Magnificent and Capable Mooncloak calls dibs." Any time is a good time for posturing.

Orsik Vondal
2018-05-22, 02:23 PM
Uriel the Shepherd - Aasimar Celestial Warlock

As the Lady Silverhand mentions the name Asmodeus, a place within Uriel seethes with rage. This place was not wholly a part of Uriel, and he recognized it as the same anger that flooded him that night so long ago. He Who Was beat against the inside of Uriel's soul, and Uriel had to clutch his chest as he struggled for breath. The only times Uriel had felt his god physically, was when he was about to uncover more information about He Who Was and how to bring him back.

Why do you rage inside me so? What does Asmodeus have to do with your return?

There was no answer. Just that same palpable intensity and urge to move forward. He knew what he must do. There was no doubt. Even without his god's prompting, Uriel could not allow such a calamity to befall the people of Faerun. His flock needed him. And so he would fend off the wolves that came to devour.

Uriel nods to Athelras and Thearoyl. He pushes up from the table and stands shepherd's crook in hand. "Though the Nine Hells may consume me, my Lady, I shall stand against the flames. God or not, Asmodeus will fall!" A sharp rap of his staff punctuates his words.

Barbarian MD
2018-05-22, 11:16 PM
Leayonadas sits silently in shock, trying to comprehend. A god? Walking the earth with it's legions? The Lady was right; this would be his biggest challenge yet. Probably the culmination--and end--of his life's adventure.

There was no question of course. To die in glorious battle, a cause so just, would be a privilege. But the logistics! How?!? How could the mortals in this room have any hope to fell a god? Godkiller or no, striking a god with a sword would be no easy feat. Nay, impossible.

By Corellon!

2018-05-23, 12:14 AM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, the Smug and Gluttonous.

Leayonadas notices one of his potions is missing. Shucks, those things are expensive! They're practically liquid gold, but worth more!

Thearoyl pops the cork off a Potion of Supreme Healing, waving her hand at an Unseen Hand to dismiss it. The cantrip disappears into mist. Healing potions taste like piss to most people, but Thea really does enjoy the sheer expense they incur. On top of that, stealing one, on top of not requiring her to spend a single copper, also means she gets to test her skill. The potions help deal with the pain of binging anyway, so it's not like there going entirely to waste, but she only does it in the first place because she gets off on it.

"The Full and Satisfied Mooncloak would be careful, Asher. You never know what might rub off on you when you kill a god," she says, taking a sip of the potion, which will take the halfing quite a while to get through due to her small size. "There are stories where killing a god grants your their domain. How would being the ruler of Hell suit you?" More posturing. Still, Thea would be an expert. Despite being an 'arcanist of the highest level,' she is a powerful cleric.

Barbarian MD
2018-05-23, 05:13 AM
Before she can take a sip, a meaty hand wraps around Thea's wrist, vice-like. While it does not hurt, it is just on the very edge of tolerability.

Leayonadas leans close in, his voice barely above a whisper.

"The Most Foolhardy and Extremely-Squishy Mooncloak would do well to heed her own advice and 'be careful.'

Without releasing the hand, he deftly takes the potion bottle with his other hand, closes the stopper, and slides it back onto a belt loop. Only then does he relax his grip. There is a fire in his eyes that she's not used to seeing.

"Child, this potion may one day save the life of someone in this very room. Perhaps even your own. Take more care. I have been lenient with you in the past over trinkets and baubles, but if you compromise our combat readiness again, I will be forced to teach you a lesson. Be glad I am not your commander. I have whipped men for far less, and I have executed men for similar deeds.

"Are we clear?" he asks.

With that, he stands and steps back from the table. The time for pleasantries and eating is over. He stomps over to the door and knocks loudly before yanking the door open. He sends word for the Lady.

"I think it fair to say that there is little to decide, at least as far as the initial decision comes. Let us talk logistics."

2018-05-23, 06:34 AM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 3/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 2/2 - 8th 1/1 - 9th 1/1

Raistlin listens intently at the dire news presented by The Lady. Just when he had been nearing closer to the answers he sought this whole land conquering threat had to screw everything up. Although.....
His eyes watch careful as The Lady handles the scroll and describes it to those sitting. Once finished she heads towards the door, Raistlin does not immediately respond to the call for help as the others have but instead asks a question. "Lady Silverhand, may I please take a look at this scroll and investigate it a bit closer."

2018-05-23, 07:47 AM
Thearoyl Moocloak, Thankful and Jovial

Thearoyl looks annoyed when Leayonadas grabs the potion, but gives out an exaggerated gasp when he speaks to her. "OOOOOOOOOH! You did it! Finally somebody gives the Incredible and Flexible Mooncloak the respect she deserves," the halfing magician says. She waves the hand that the very strong elf had grabbed, which is now free. The only thing that matches his strength is her years of experience as a street escape artist, that and removing town guard shackles. "The Powerful and Meaty Leayonadas even gave her and opportunity to show off one of her skills. Ohohoh!" She gives a conceited laugh while daintily cover her mouth with a hand, and the grabs the barbarian by the cheeks. "Besides, to the The Willful and Magical Thearoyl, those potions are like playthings, as she can heal. If she can't heal, that means someone didn't do his job and keep her safe." It seems the only thing that really got to her was the syllable count. Still, if Leayonadas suspects he may of only heartened her efforts, he may want to keep an eye on the contents of his bag in the future.

2018-05-23, 08:00 AM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 3/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 2/2 - 8th 1/1 - 9th 1/1

Raistlin finally rises from his seat and smacks his hands down on the table, leaning over it and staring at Thea. Angerly he beings to lecture her, "You speak of respect given but have yet to show any for our gracious host. ALL you have done is insatiably fill your gullet and screamed let and right like a petulant child. This is a matter of life and death for all the realms and it would be appreciated if you would sit down and start acting like you actually belong here instead of playing silly games. If you want respect than maybe you should learn to GIVE it first before you can receive it." Raistlin stares at her for another moment before finally returning to his seat with a scowl on his face.

Irish Musician
2018-05-23, 09:57 AM
Lady Silverhand comes back in to the room, and listens to your answers. She waves a hand at Raistlin's question, the scroll floating over to him, "I can allow you to look at the scroll, but you can not handle it with your hands. Use your eyes and non-invasive magics to inspect it if you wish.

She then turns to Leayonadas, "Logistics, yes. Well, to begin the weapon needs to be found. It appears many times in history and disappears many times as well. The most troubling news is where we think it might have ended up....." Lady Silverhand lets out a long sigh, "But of course it ended up in this location, and we desperately need it now...." She looks at you all. "After much research from many different libraries, we believe the Godkiller has ended up in the lair of Old Snarl......Klauth, the Dragon of the North."

You all have at least heard of Old Snarl, a very, very ancient red dragon who is as evil as they come, but has help the world a few times (that not being his intent, just the result.)

Make a history check to learn more!

2018-05-23, 10:16 AM
Athelras sighs at that news, "Well of course that's where it's supposed to be. Where else would it be?" He rolls his eyes for a moment thinking over all the possibilities then perks up a bit, "At least Thea can sneak in and get it! She did call dibs after all." He flashes a rare sideways grin at Thea but it's gone just as quickly.

Barbarian MD
2018-05-24, 12:48 AM
Leayonadas follows with a torrent of questions, pulling out parchment and ink to take notes.

"Evil ancient dragon's lair. So that's step one.

"How do we get there? What do we need to know about this dragon? What are its weaknesses, its vulnerabilities? What should we know about its methods of attacks, its resources, the allies it might call upon? Could we gain its alliance against the greater threat of Asmodeus? Is there a way to communicate with it without entering its lair?

"And then from there, how do we find Asmodeus? How do we draw him into combat? What do we know about him?

"What resources can you provide? Warriors? Healers? Spellcasters? Potions? Magic items? Spellbooks and materials to copy them? Siege weaponry? An army? I would assume that this city and its allies are ready to go all-in in order to protect itself? Are you ready to empty your armories and your potion stocks in order to outfit us for battle? Nothing less than total war makes sense against such a threat."

2018-05-24, 06:49 AM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 3/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 2/2 - 8th 1/1 - 9th 1/1

The text floats over to Raistlin and he grabs it with his own magical translucent hand. He begins to inspect it very closely for any and all information that it might hold. He literally lives for these types of ancient scrolls and artifacts and is immediately distracted by it's hidden wonders. Nothing is able to distract him or take him away cept for one word, Klauth. Ahh he has not heard that name in a while. He's certainly read up on the ancient in the north, never thought he would have to face it though.

Not my fanciest of posts but just wanted to add some flavor to my rolling haha.

To note
Raistlin has a keen mind so he can recall anything he has seen/read or heard in the past month.
Raistlin also will cast comprehend languages as a ritual if he can not read any or all languages part of the scroll.
If Raistlin rolls poorly on his Investigation of the scroll and feels as though he should have been getting more out of it or found more then he will really take his time to poor over it, resulting in a 21


Arcana - [roll0] for any lore regarding the arcane aspects of the scroll and the weapon that it pertains to. Arcane origins of the scroll, connections, etc. (What other gods has the weapon killed, if any)
History - [roll1] for any all all history regarding the scroll and weapon. Where it came from, if there are any recorded texts regarding it, where those texts are. Who knows about it. Anything I've read about it but haven't realized what I was reading and am now putting two and two together. What other gods has the weapon killed, if any.
Investigation - [roll2] for any sort of hidden clue or knowledge that may have been missed in the scroll or something he can ascertain from it.

Arcana - [roll3] for what arcanic attachments does he have. What ancient sects or cults follow him. Any recorded weaknesses or immunity, etc.
History - [roll4] for his historical significance. Has this every happened before. Why now? etc.

Arcana - [roll5] for what has Raistlin read or heard from his colleagues and in his passing. Any weaknesses or immunity, etc.
History - [roll6] for how long has this dragon been around. How evil is he? What does he do? What kind of dragon, etc.

Orsik Vondal
2018-05-24, 08:57 AM
Uriel the Shepherd - Aasimar Celestial Warlock

As Uriel comes back to himself he blinks his eyes and shakes his head. The aftermath of his visions always felt like he had been runover by a bulette. Breathing heavily he gasps out, "Friends...I've just had...a vision. He Who Was and Asmodeus. Asmodeus killed him. Didn't look like a devil. He was...beautiful...an angel. He Who Was cursed him...and his followers. Changed them to devils. Trapped them in Nine...Hells."

Uriel regains his composure and his breath taking a seat to steady his mind. "And Old Snarl. We may be able to persuade him to relinquish the Godkiller. As long as we don't pose a threat to him. He might be inclined to "assist" us in the wanton destruction of fiendish legions attempting to usurp his demesne." A wry smile quirks the edges of his mouth. "It would be difficult, but not impossible. Especially for the likes of us. Perhaps an exchange? We give him collateral and assurances that we won't let anyone bother him, he gives us the Godkiller and some timely roasting of Asmodeus' army if and when they arrive. Or something like that.

"We may need more information before we head out. No sense walking blindly into a dragon's lair or the Nine Hells. Raistlin, though I'm able to contact otherworldly beings, in the past I found that to not be so conducive to my mental health. They tend to be literally mind-blowing. I could assist you in working the spell. I feel your mind has been stretched sufficiently to withstand the mental barrage."

Uriel turns to Lady Silverhand resolve on his face. "As we are about to head into the dragon's lair and then into the very pits of Hell, I wonder if Silverymoon might be able to grant us some type of boon to aid us in our quest to save Faerun."

2018-05-24, 11:06 AM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, the Miffed and Bored

Thearoyl, feeling both bored and ignored by Leayonadas, climbs onto his shoulders and slumps, resting her chest on his head. "Hey, it was the Lady's food to give. If she had a problem with the Gracious and Thankful Mooncloak eating it, she would make a rude host of herself." She glances at the scroll, but isn't particularly interested. All she would manage to do is retread whatever Raistlin came up with and look like a fool. "We should just head up to the Spine of the World and talk to Klauth before anything else. No point in planning further than that before we get on the road. It could take weeks to get up there, so good ol' Assy could easily have changed location by then. If he doesn't want to give up the sword, the Stealthy and Quiet Mooncloak will just take it like the ol' halfing hero of old. Do keep in mind that she is not a 'burglar', however." She ponders contacting Wee Jas with Commune and Augary, but she didn't prepare those spells today and Uriel can already divine help. "I elect that Uriel is the one who keeps casting Contact Other Plane."

Irish Musician
2018-05-24, 04:29 PM
The Lady smiles as the string of questions come from the old elf, "All of these are good questions, most should be able to be answered by your old wizard." She turns to Raistlin and give him a small smile. "However, aside from getting you to Old Snarl and back, and sending you to Hell....we cannot afford to give you any more resources. The nations are starting to get together their armies, casters, clerics, anyone who might be able to fight the vast legions of Asmodeus should you all fail. If you cannot defeat him in Hell, then we need to be ready to fight Hell on this Plane." The Lady's eyes seem a bit sad, "I am sorry I cannot spare any more resources than that."

A small moment passes and she moves on to the other questions, "As far as Klauth, we can transport you close to his home, however his wards stop us from teleporting you directly into it, or directly near it. If I may make a suggestion..." She pauses for a moment to look at all of you, "Klauth is as old as these lands....older in fact. He is smart, wise, and powerful. He is about as close to a god as you will find on this plane. He has worshipers, I wouldn't call them allies, that are scattered around his lair. Mostly kobolds and dragonborn, some human cults dedicated to him. And if you communicate with him from outside his lair, it will be because he wishes it." Her face is stern and serious, "Just remember why you are there. We don't need another god to battle."

She pauses again, and looks to Raistlin and Uriel, "If you do choose to contact another plane, I have a room that will aid you in your spell, if you would like to use it."

Barbarian MD
2018-05-24, 05:29 PM
As Thea clambers up his back and onto his shoulders, the elf pointedly ignores her. Or tries to, anyway, until she lays forward onto his head, her hair in his face. Should he do something? Will that just make it worse?

His experience with attention-seeking toddlers wins out. He rolls his eyes and blows a strand of her hair out of his face, shifting positions slightly to steady her and get her bony elbow out of his shoulder.

"Have you made any attempts to contact him? Do you have a means to do so?"

2018-05-25, 08:39 AM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 3/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 2/2 - 8th 1/1 - 9th 1/1

After more than 15 minutes pass Raistlin lets out an annoyed groan. "Confound it! Even with my magic and skills I can not decipher this mixture of languages." He waves the scroll away with his magic hand and pinches the bridge of his nose. "I can not begin to describe how frustrating it is to have an artifact such as this and not be able to read it." He shakes his head in annoyance but begins to look lighter. "Alas it's unimportant. I was able to put a lot together from the little I gleaned from it. A few old questions I pondered now have answers...."

From atop Leayonadas' shoulders Thea reminds everyone of her skills and an alternative option, "If he doesn't want to give up the sword, the Stealthy and Quiet Mooncloak will just take it like the ol' halfing hero of old. Do keep in mind that she is not a 'burglar', however."
Raistlin looks up towards her and shakes his head. "Unfortunately Lady Mooncloak you won't even know what to look for. The weapon changes it's shape as it sees fit. It could be a lyre for all we know." He pauses and thinks back for a moment. A strange look crosses his face, almost like he remembered something and just now realized its importance, but that looks is quickly replaced with his normal demeanor.
"No we'll certainly have to work with Klauth if we want the weapon. Not to mention that while we may not know what shape it currently holds, Klauth will. He knows every single item in his horde and it's that very knowledge that'll provide for us what we seek."

It was then that Lady Silverhand returned. She addresses the concerns at the table, regretting that she can not offer more. "Just remember why you are there. We don't need another god to battle."
Raistlin nods his head at the words, "Yes she certainly isn't overselling his strength and power... I've read countless stories on his prowess, one in particular stands out in my mind. At one point he was waylaid by two adult white dragons, and an adult blue dragon. They were trying to ambush and kill Klauth together. Faced against the odds and away from his lair, He still managed to slay them all and then proceeded to take their hordes..." He pauses to let the image sink it. "Now that's not to say he wasn't injured. The battle cost him a wing and resulted in half his body frozen. But he recovered, and they are naught but bones now."

Raistlin looks around the table at the rest of the group, "You've all certainly knew each other longer than I have known the group. That being said, lives would certainly be lost if we fought this ancient dragon. So instead, lets play to what we know." Raistlin finally starts to smile, "He's a red dragon and even though he is an older red dragon he's still a red, and what do red's like? Stuff. Oh they love items. If we bring a gift as others have suggested it would certainly put us ahead and serve well in our quest. Question is, what do we bring? Any suggestions?" He leaves the question resting at the table, open to anyone.

Barbarian MD
2018-05-25, 08:56 AM
"I doubt we have anything equal in value to such an artifact of legend, but perhaps services rendered?" Leayonadas muses.

Barbarian MD
2018-05-25, 08:58 AM
"Alright, Thea, enough of this. Your elbow is too bony. Time to get down." He reaches back and hoists her up over his head, flipping her forward so that her head is facing toward the floor, legs kicking above her head ineffectually for purchase. He then rotates her 180 degrees before setting her on her feet, atop the table in front of him.

Barbarian MD
2018-05-25, 09:20 AM
"My Lady, does this city perchance have any gift worthy of this Klauth in it's treasury? A gem perhaps, or something that might grant us an audience?"

Barbarian MD
2018-05-25, 03:36 PM
"My Lady, please send runners to all the magical apothecary's and storehouses. We shall need potions of fire resistance. I should say at least a dozen."

2018-05-25, 04:02 PM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, the Placed and Placid

Thea stands on the table like she's supposed to be there, but is personally a little upset she doesn't have an excuse to lie down anymore. "Uh, you could have moved the Resting and Sleepy Mooncloak a little less brusquely." She turns to Raistlin, with a devious grin on her face. "So dragons are super rich, right? I always figured I could try marrying into money. Who knows, if the dragon kicks the bucket I could get a hoard and maybe even a cult." She strokes her chin while giggling to herself.

Irish Musician
2018-05-25, 05:24 PM
Lady Silverhand has been quiet, but at another request from the warrior elf, she reels around on him with fire in her eyes, her voice booms and the room itself seems to shake a little bit as it grows a little darker, "Do I look like a servant that you can bark orders at? I am Lady Alustriel Silverhand, do not assume you can order me around, elf. I thought you were great warriors of the ages, not mindless children that need everything handed to them. Am I to be your mother?!" The rooms keeps growing darker and her voice gets louder as she speaks.

After a moment she calms down, the room returns to its brightness, the Lady sighs and rubs her temples. "I am sorry for that, I am under a great deal of stress. The truth of it is, all of the cities resources are tied up in preparation for a great fight, if you fail. We cannot afford to lose even a moment. I gather what supplies I can for your decent into the Nine Hells, butfor now focus on getting the Godkiller. If we do not have that, then everything else is moot."

Barbarian MD
2018-05-25, 05:27 PM
"Dear Lady, forgive me. I had assumed you would have runners available for such things. I was not suggesting that you go yourself. We can pay, if your stocks are so low that you cannot provide even such paltry assistance to those whom you have called upon to save the whole world. But we cannot hope to even obtain the Godkiller if we all die by fire trying to talk it over with an ancient red dragon." His voice, too, is beginning to rise, though he is doing his best to keep himself in check.

"What's more, neither am I your subject, that you can demand obedience of me.

"You have called us to this task. If you think it so important that we cannot waste even a moment, then why in the world do you expect us to go to buy these potions ourselves? Runners can handle this while we make our preparations, and save everyone time. We can send coin with them."

2018-05-25, 05:35 PM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, the Penitent and Hopeful

"Oh **** I forgot she was still here," Thea says to herself quietly, still standing on the table. She clears her throat, tapping Leo on the shoulder to get him to stop, and faces the Lady. "Ahem. Lady Silverhand, The Penitent and Graceful Mooncloaks apologizes for the inelegant mewling of her bumbling companions. She is confident in her abilities to perform the required task. We will not need your aid, but if you want to be my mother, if this Klauth plan doesn't pan out I think we could make an arrangement, official or otherwise." She grasps the edge of her cloak and curtsies to Lady Silverhand, gives her a wink. Thea, unlike most of the team, hadn't been asking for favors for the last ten minutes. SHe was thinking that earned her some leniency.

Satisfied with her contingency plan, and the opportunity to take advantage of someone's poor choice of words, she says "C'mon team, let's get going." She prepares to leave.

In 3.5 seduction was a bluff check [roll0] decept
[roll1] persuade.

Barbarian MD
2018-05-25, 05:54 PM
Leayonadas stands to his full height.

"No, Thea. Be quiet."

He looks down on the Lady, his voice quiet but tense.

"You have had days, weeks, even perhaps months to think about this. You have called together councils. You have lore masters. You have an entire economy at your disposal. We have had about five minutes and the resources that we carried here with us today. And now you rush us, and presume to tell us to hurry.

"You called us. We are your best and only hope. You and I both know that you will not stop Asmodeus with foot soldiers. All you can hope to attain is a holding action, an organized retreat. But to where? Celestia? The elemental plane of water? If we don't stop Asmodeus, no one will, and everyone will die.

"So with all of your great planning, the best you and your councils could up with was to call us. You knew we would have to treat with an ancient red dragon, and yet you have done nothing. You knew we would need an audience, but expect us to provide a gift to him ourselves, to find a gift with only minutes to spare that will satisfy a creature nearly as old as the gods. You knew we would have to enter his lair, and then hell itself, and you have not even stockpiled a single potion of fire resistance for our use.

"Your entire plan was: call together a band of heroes and let them figure it out.

"I see no forethought or planning on your part so far.

So do not dare lecture me on the need for speed. Do not dare insult us for making simple requests, not "orders." And DO NOT DARE try to cow me with a display of Thaumaturgy when you are asking us to fight Asmodeus himself! Because we have to make up for your lack of planning and preparation, and the only currency we have is time."

He sits back down.

"Now, if you will, please send runners to find potions of fire resistance. We have coin. We can reimburse the city."

Orsik Vondal
2018-05-25, 06:41 PM
Uriel the Shepherd - Aasimar Celestial Warlock

Uriel feels the escalation mounting as voices raise and tones darken. He steps in front of Leayonadas eyes wide with cautionary pleading. He whispers to the large elf, "Though I agree that a bit more help from Silverymoon is probably warranted, I think Lady Silverhand is doing the best she can to stop the threat and save her people if the worst is not averted. Just calm down for now. We are the best she could come up with on short notice. I doubt the Lady would allow things to progress to this stage willingly. Plus, everything happens for a reason, Dawn. We just need to figure out what that reason is. Have some faith, friend."

Uriel turns his gaze on the rest of the group. "I have always found that well-crafted honesty is usually the best policy. If we can convince the dragon our cause is in his best interest, he will be more apt to give up the Godkiller. We may want to look into binding items to a specific place, so that if we should die, it will return to be wielded by another. Raistlin, do you know of any such magic?"

Barbarian MD
2018-05-26, 05:13 AM
"I hear you, friend Uriel.

"I know little of these matters, but before we make more definite plans, is this room secure? As in, could anything be scrying us right now?

"And I ask again, do we, or does this city, have anything that is truly of value to offer Klauth in order to gain entry? Do we have any way to contact him before we show up at his doorstep? Or are we going to just have to show up at his doorstep unannounced? For my part I have neither. If no one here does, then let us accept it for what it is and take our leave. And hope, as Uriel does, that it shall all work out.

2018-05-26, 06:40 AM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, the Attentive and Generous

"The Spurned and Wrathful Mooncloak has been left out to dry, but little does our host know, she is infinitely patient when wet," Thea says, losing track of her analogy. "Anyway, speak of the Devil, Safaris. Gideon is here, too." Thea goes back to petting the ram. She always felt like a kind of kindred with Safaris, and she's always been useful to hide under. However, the difference between Safaris' posturing and Thea's overwhelming is that Thea's is genuine. Hahaha! AAHAHAHA!

"AHAHAHAHAH!" Thea laughs randomly and insecurely.
There was a time where Thea's antics would have made Safaris simply glare, or even shout if pushed. Currently, though, she just found it irritable but amusing. Thus a deadpan glance with a rased eyebrow...and a slowly growing smirk was her only response.

Athelras casts a comforting gaze on Safaris, one that tells her it is okay to relax. "We are summoned to wait, as seems to be noble custom. Though I do believe in this case there is likely dire reason and would not think too harshly on our host."
Safaris nods at this. "Worry not, I know that those of status and rank are often quite busy...or at least the best ones are. If anything the delay is a good sign for me, so long as it does not stretch on too long."

Uriel tsks and waves it off. "Saf! We were wondering when you would turn up. He lays a hand on her shoulder briefly before enveloping her in a big grandfather hug. As he does a barely noticable glow surrounds the tiefling, easing her labored breath and infusing her with life energy. The embrace ends, and Uriel turns to the rest of the group in the antechamber. He raises his finger and looks up with just his eyes. "Now that we're all here, I feel like the Lady Silverhand will soon admit us.
Safaris dosn't say anything about the healing, but sends a clear look of gratitude to Uriel. "Good to be here. Though I have a hunch the news we will be receiving will not be so pleasant."

As if the attendant was listening to your conversation, he walks through the doors. "The Lady will see you now." He moves immediately to walk back into the room, but the doors stay open of their own volition this time, as if waiting for you to pass through. Once all of you do make it through into the room, it is quite a sight to behold.

The room opens up into a very tall, fairly wide, circular room, with a large, wooden table in the center of the room. The walls seem to twinkle and are made up of some type of marble, at least you think. There are braziers on the walls all around the room, and while they are lit, don't seem to be putting out the light that you see. There are great tapestries hanging from the walls that depict all manner of wars and great victories. when you look away from them, you could swear they move when you look out of the corner of your eyes. The table has about 20 chairs around it, and it seems to be made of a gorgeous, deep maroon wood. Its natural grain swirls around almost creating what you might picture wind to look like. It has a high shine on it, and the chairs are built to match it, each with a golden cushion in it for comfort. In the middle of the table, there are plates of food and a few different kinds of drinks.

As you enter, you notice about 10 to 12 people leaving the room through another door. Most of you recognize these people as very influential people within Faerun. You see representatives from the Harpers, the odd wizarding family the Harpells, Waterdeep, Baulder's Gate, a couple of dwarven emissaries, Calimport, and even the Host Tower of the Arcane. Definitely not the normal type of group you are used to seeing all in one place.

Lady Alustriel Silverhand sat at a chair at the farthest part of the table away from you. As you entered she stood, nodded her head, and greeted you. "Shaelysti eil Shaerol sai o," she said in Elven, "Greetings to you all, thank you for coming quickly, and my apologies for the wait. My first meeting went....long. Please sit. Would you like anything to eat or drink?", and she sits down again. As you sit, you notice that the plates of food and drink are a good ways away from you. However, the minute you utter your wishes, the food and/or drink slides from the center of the table to in front of you.

"Greetings, and Blessing on you."
Safaris did not want to start in on a meal with big news, though she did call a single glass of wine to her hand to wet her dry throat, ridding her of the last remnants of her long journey there. Otherwise she kept respectfully quiet and observant.

(More catch-up posts to follow.)

2018-05-26, 05:16 PM
As Leayonadas sits he feels Athelras’s hand on his shoulder, a calming gesture they had shared before, often. “Pardon us m’Lady, this news has hit us all hard as well.” He walks around the table shooting Thea a disapproving glance but says nothing to her. “We have to a person accepted the task set before us to save the realm and the world. It is one we intend to complete.” He nods to her in a show of respect.

Turning his back to her he addresses the rest of the group, “I believe it would be extremely unwise to show up on Klauths doorstep unannounced. Let us eat this elephant one bite at a time and deal with obtaining the Godkiller first. Depending on what from it is in or takes will likely shape our plans to come. It would be my guess that Kauth will likely have some task in mind to complete to trade for it rather than be interested in some bauble. Though grabbing a bauble may actually BE the task.” He pauses and then seems to come to a decision.

“We thank you M’Lady and will keep you aware of our progress.” Turning to leave with Thea he asks the group, “Shall we?”

Barbarian MD
2018-05-26, 05:28 PM
When Athelras speaks, Leayonadas finally gives up. He nods silently and stands, ready to follow the group out. His knuckles are white and his jaw tense. He says nothing.

Irish Musician
2018-05-27, 03:58 PM
Lady Silverhand sits for a moment, thinking about all that has been said. She stares at Leayonadas for a long moment as he speaks to her, maintaining eye contact. She does not flinch, nor does she seem scared or intimidated by the elf. She just sits and listens to his tirade with an oddly calm demeanor. When he sits back down and ends his monologue, she continues, "That was not Thaumaturgy, Warrior. I would not try and cow you with magic an initiate could do, or at all." She pauses, calm and with even emotion in her voice, "I do not need to explain my actions to you, elf. If you feel I've done things wrong...frankly...I do not care. If you feel like you do not want to take on this task for the good of Faerun, then by all means leave. I will hold no ill will against you. I call you all here because I needed people who could take care of themselves, and lead themselves. They would know how to prepare, what to prepare, and do it all on their own. Do you understand I have tens of thousands of lives I have to look out for here in Silverymoon? I have enough worry about all of their lives, every single one of them, which is why I called upon you all. The Legendary few of this world that have great power, and have worked with each other multiple times in the past. You have stopped dragons, killed necromancers, and helped Faerun come into an age of prosperity. I may actually be the one asking you to do this task, but it is all the leaders of Faerun who decided to call upon you."

"How long do you think it takes for leaders to get here themselves? And how long do you think it takes for them to go back, assemble their councils, deliberate, and then come back to this council, deliberate, and then make a decision? It may be true we have known about this for some time, but do not think I've had much longer than you to try and prepare for it. We just now have decided which path to do down, and we have yet to pack any of our things into our satchel. We are now scrambling, just two days hence, to prepare out troops from all over, get together clerics, sorcerers, and sages, get as many supplies to the common folk as we can possible afford to give up so they do not starve in case of a siege. Every single person in the city has an assignment....all of them...to prepare this city for war. Even the shop keepers have been hired to make more of their wares, sell their wares to us, or go out an acquire more supplies for the city. We are preparing spells, potions, and even weapons for every single person in this city to give the best chance to survive. Do you not understand that this is the greatest threat my city has ever had to face.....and I have to live with the fact that there may not be anything I can do to stop them all from dying. All my decisions, I make for them, because they are my subjects. They trust me with their lives...just like we are trusting you with ours, Leayonadas."

"I am very sorry for yelling at you. You were merely trying to get the best preparation for your fight. I should not have done that, and it was wrong of me. That is not something I do, but the worry is eating me from the inside out, and I am not myself lately. But, do you see? If I cannot put my faith into six individuals who have proved themselves time and time again to be this entire world's Hope, then who can I?" She pauses again, still looking at the elf, "I will do what I can for you all and gather what I am able to. Please, stay the night and rest. I have prepared rooms for each of you. Prepare your selves, spells and otherwise, for tomorrow. I will then Transport you to Klauth and back. And if things go well, to the Nine Hells. And if you have other questions, I will stay here until they are answered, if I can answer them."

You have worked with Lady Silverhand before. She is the epitomy of grace, poise, patience, and most of all the ability to not seem as though she is worried. She would never yell at anyone. For the first time since you've met her, she seems worried.....even scared. She acts like a mother who knows something bad is going to happen to her children.

Orsik Vondal
2018-05-27, 04:01 PM
Uriel the Shepherd - Aasimar Celestial Warlock

Uriel turns to Raistlin. "I think it would be prudent to avail ourselves of the divining room Lady Silverhand mentioned. Any information we can gather could be vital to our quest. I will need to prepare myself before we attempt our ritual. I will see you in an hour, my friend." Addressing one of the servants he asks, "Might you be able to show me to a quiet room where I could commune with my deity? Thank you so much."

He strides out of the hall. A few seconds later he pokes his head back in. "Gideon! Come on! We have things to do!"

* * *

In the darkened room the only sound to be heard was Uriel's steady breathing. Eyes closed, head bowed, he felt more than thought about the ritual he was about to perform with Raistlin and about Asmodeus escaping the Nine Hells to wreak havoc on the Material Plane.

What are we supposed to do? I know we were brought here for a reason. Perhaps we are the only ones that can stop Asmodeus. I just don't know how we're supposed to get the Godkiller from Klauth. And even if we do obtain it, how are we to get close enough to Asmodeus to kill him? But it's not my place to know your plans. I am but your servant. Maybe slaying the Lord of Nessus will bring you back. Lead me through the green pastures of your will. Show me where to bring your light. Protect my companions and all the sheep of your flock. Until you return.

Uriel is wracking his brain for any info on the social/political interplay between the Lords of the Nine, especially concerning Asmodeus.


Irish Musician
2018-05-27, 04:34 PM
Uriel, you notice that the servant that lead you into the room is no longer in the room, nor is any other servant. The Lady stands from her seat, "I will show you to a quiet room next to the room I spoke of for Raistlin before." She walks you to the room, opens it, and gives you a slight bow...leaving you to your meditations.

When Raistlin is ready, the Lady show him to the special room as well. When he walks in, there is a large circle in the center of it, carved with runes and has many shapes in the middle of it. It almost looks like a summoning circle, but the runes and shapes are all wrong for summoning. "This room with help you with your divination. The circle is a protective circle and will help you keep your mind on this plane. I've seen a few diviners get lost in the cosmos because the delve too far....or with too big a foe. Good luck, Wizard." Uriel Joins you when he is ready.

When you finally go to cast your spell, you notice the circle glows to protect you. You gain advantage on your Intelligence saves while within the circle.

There are not images, really, that come through the pathway from your dead god, but more emotions. Jealousy, ambition, want to take control. He also feels, fear, weakness, not wanting to fail again

He gets the feeling that the other Lords of Hell have tried to overthrow the Arch Devil before.....and things did not end well for them. Even with 2 or more of their strengths combined, he is still a force to be reckoned with. And he's still Arch-Devil.

Barbarian MD
2018-05-27, 07:21 PM
Leayonadas bows to the lady and takes his leave. He keeps further thoughts to himself.

Orsik Vondal
2018-05-27, 08:12 PM
Uriel and Raistlin - Aasimar Warlock and Human Wizard

As Uriel emerges from his meditation, he finds Raistlin waiting for him outside the divination room. "Are you ready, Shepherd? This may test you in ways you cannot imagine."

"I believe so. I have confidence in you, Raistlin. You will find the information we need. I know it."

They enter the room and both can feel the atmosphere shift. All ambient noise from the hallway outside is negated once they cross the threshold. An elaborate fifteen foot circle of runes and sigils is inlaid in the stone of the floor. Similar runes cover the walls and ceiling. Uriel and Raistlin enter the circle and sit cross-legged facing each other.

And then the ritual begins...

2018-05-27, 09:32 PM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 3/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 2/2 - 8th 1/1 - 9th 1/1

Raistlin rises from the table and follows Lady Silverhand to the room. She explains how it's purpose to him, "This room with help you with your divination. The circle is a protective circle and will help you keep your mind on this plane. I've seen a few diviners get lost in the cosmos because the delve too far....or with too big a foe. Good luck, Wizard." Raistlin nods his hand and gives his thanks. Before the Lady could leave he puts his hand on her arm, gently. "Lady Silverhand I know this is a lot, and I'm sorry if we have caused any more unnecessary stress. We are all still.... processing the news." He looks down trying to find the right words to put her at ease, "Just. Know you made the right decision. We'll get it done, I promise." with that he nods at her and enters in to the room, letting it shut behind him.

Raistlin examines the runes, smiling at himself. It's such an ingenious circle. "Clever."

Setting up his books and scrolls for the ritual Raistlin heads outside the door to wait for Uriel. As Uriel emerges from his meditation, he finds Raistlin waiting for him outside the divination room. "Are you ready, Shepherd? This may test you in ways you cannot imagine."

"I believe so. I have confidence in you, Raistlin. You will find the information we need. I know it."

They both enter the room and set up inside the circle. Before they begin Raistlin brings up one last concern, making sure his friend is ready. "Listen, I've gotten a lot better at this but on more than one occasion it has brought upon an insanity upon me. We never know what will happen but should I fail please be ready. I do not believe I would harm you were my mind to give but I trust you to bring me back to reality..." He nods at Uriel before rolling his eyes back into his head. "Let's begin!"

The room grows very dark, only lit by the candles set up but even they have diminished to just a flicker. With a booming voice, Raistlin calls out to the universe "Incolam ab multiplanes ego invocabo te quaestiones. Responde mihi, et responsa petam!"

The lights extinguish, only to be replaced by black flames which cast a red glow (not the normal orange) on the walls and on both Raistlin and Uriel.

Raistlin calls out loud:

"Til hver er það sem ég tala?"

"Duat Kftaiash, Sha Anthuans D'agun, ha'a sha gameun knughn at Tha Gugkuftfta '?"

"Það er allt í lagi með þig?"

"Hvað ertu að gera með þér í Tha Gugkuftfta 'athsiaaftftx hattl iat tsul Atnugaiat?"

"Ó múslimar eru ekki hrifnir af því að hafa það í huga. Það er gaman að hitta Tha Gugkuftfta ': E'uft?"

Intelligence Saving Throw: [roll0]
With Advantage: [roll1]

Irish Musician
2018-05-27, 10:16 PM
As Raistlin asks his first question, the black fires flare up and pop out of existence. As Uriel looks around the room, there is just the glow of the circle they sit on, and nothing back a pitch blackness around them. Almost as if they were in a void of some nature that no light or sound passed through.

Raistlin's first question rings through his mind, and through his mind he hears, "An Anthans". The words echo through his mind, and the voice attached to it is a raspy, old, crackly voice.

The answers come slowly, almost methodically, after each question.

"Va'x P'uftaftftx"


As he asks his fourth question, something different happens. There is a presence that tries to push into their void. Uriel can feel physical pressure as he sits there, and Raistlin feels the pressure in his mind. It is a powerful pressure that he feels, and both of the heroes seem to feel something almost reach out and touch them. Then, at the last moment, it is gone and the void is as it was. The fourth answer came through, then. And the last answer went without

"Er ghuftft g'unk hut attantha hjá okkur gug nuna"

"Er það nótt"

Then, in a flash of light and a slight Boom, the room returns to its normal light, the candles glow with their normal flames, and you feel as though you are back in the world again.

2018-05-27, 11:29 PM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, Bored and Unmotivated

Thea is laying on the table, one arm propping up her head, the other petting Gideon.
"So, while we're waiting for that to happen, you need anything? Magic show? Massage? Magical healing?" Thea says to the Lady. Since her party was being so demanding, it would be fruitful to separate herself in the Lady's consciousness. Of course, any level of goal would be benefited by this behavior, and Thea literally has nothing to be doing except contemplating how her next minute could be as fruitless as the last 50 have been. Of course, the seduction plan was still on the table, but if this group gets horrible killed for being as obstinate with Klauth as they were here, she's going to need new connections. She's not going back to working on the streets again. That came out wrong. She means as a street magician. Wow, maybe she will really have to take up burglary.

Irish Musician
2018-05-28, 12:05 AM
After sitting down from showing the boys to their rooms, the Lady Silverhand looks over to and studies the halfling for a moment, after Thea's proposition. She shakes her head and a slight chuckle comes from her mouth. A glass of whiskey slides from the center of the table and enters the waiting hand of the lady, "If you magic trick includes banishing Asmodeus from this plane of existence, by all means, I would love to see that." She cracks a half smile as she takes a long drink from her whiskey, "Other than that, I can't think of anything. But thank you for your concern, Thearoyl Mooncloak. It is truly touching."

Barbarian MD
2018-05-28, 12:30 AM
When the pair exit the divination chamber, they find Leayonadas sitting there on the floor, eager for news. He's been keeping a silent watch the whole time. He looks up from his card game as they exit.

If Thea had come this way he invited her to play, mostly to keep her out of trouble.


2018-05-28, 12:52 AM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, Devious and Mischievous

"Alright," she says to the Lady, winking. She hops her way to Leayonadas, dragging Gideon along. "I'm game, deal me." Of course, she's free to lose a couple of hands, planning for the long game. Losing early instills the opponent with an inflated sense of confidence, and it also lets her obtain additional guards via double draws for later use. This lets her both count cards more easily, and also swap them with a quick sleight of hand to improve her odds of winning. Naturally, the Lucky and Patient Mooncloak need not resort to such tactics to win a simple game, but it wouldn't be sportsmanlike to go easy on her teammate. Also, cheating people made her feel good.

[roll0] + [roll1]Guidance -> sleight of hand

Barbarian MD
2018-05-28, 01:08 AM
Leayonadas looks up, then grimaces. This is not going to go well.

"I'll deal," he emphasizes.

He deals it the cards, five to her, five to him. Ever he keeps an eye toward the divination chamber.

"How many do you want?"

2018-05-28, 01:18 AM
Thearoyl Moonlcloak, Smug and Crafty

"One is fine, assuming a good amount of amenities," Thea says absentmindedly. It occurs to her that the elf isn't talking about spouses. "Oh, you mean cards." She makes a hand gesture to signify a draw. It's really just for show. At this point she's slipped in enough cards that the hands are basically unwinnable for poor Leo. She feels a pang of guilt. She hates that. She feels, and now probably looks, ill at this point. "What about you?" she asks vaguely, allowing him to fill in a topic. She wants him to say anything that'll help her keep her mind off of the game.

Barbarian MD
2018-05-28, 01:22 AM
"What about me?" he asks.

As he deals hand after hand, he has to smile. Once Thea joined him, the outcome was settled. The game was never really about winning a hand, but instead seeing if he could catch her in the act. She bested him again. One day.

Orsik Vondal
2018-05-28, 07:31 AM
Uriel the Shepherd - Aasimar Warlock

As the world reorients itself around Uriel he instinctively reaches out to Raistlin just in case the wizard was adversely affected by the otherworldly contact. Uriel allows himself a shiver as he recalls the feel of that "other place". He wasn't sure exactly what happened, but Raistlin would. It seemed like the wizard was coming out of his trance none the worse for wear.

"What happened? I heard nothing, but saw and felt the change in atmosphere like we were briefly pulled into another Plane. Were our questions answered to satisfaction?"

2018-05-28, 11:01 AM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, Guilty and Sorry

"I dunno, what about family or retirement," she asks Leo. She's working on sneaking the cards back into the deck by stacking them onto the hands she's handing back. She hasn't shown interest in Leayonadas' life before. She's really only asking as yet another distraction. Still, should give them an opportunity to bond before he dies in a horrible fire. "You should be thinking about that too, Gideon," she says, patting the ram on the head.

Barbarian MD
2018-05-28, 12:47 PM
"I've already done both," he says unironically, a wistful smile passing over his face.

"Didn't you know? I'm a great-great-great grandfather. I retired about 150 years ago from a mercenary company and ran an inn for about a hundred years. This is my post-retirement retirement; I only left my inn because Athelras came looking for help, though if I'm honest with myself it was time for a change."

A thought occurs to him. He stands and turns his back on Thea for a moment, stretching his legs. Uriel and Raistlin have been gone a long time and his knees have started to ache. He walks by the scroll, taking a glance at it, before then turning quickly to see if he can catch Thea reshuffling the deck.

perception [roll0]

2018-05-28, 01:45 PM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 2/2 - 8th 1/1 - 9th 1/1

Raistlin eyes return to normal as the room begins its own return. He looks around taking in his surroundings almost as forgot where he was. Uriel reaches out towards Raistlin, with a slight hesitation. "What happened? I heard nothing, but saw and felt the change in atmosphere like we were briefly pulled into another Plane. Were our questions answered to satisfaction?" Raistlin looks up towards his old friend with weary eyes. "I'm afraid not...Give me a moment to collect my thoughts and we can discuss at the table if the others are around." With that he rises and begins to collect his things. Stopping from time to time as he stares out, lost in thought. Shaking his head he continues on until finally the room is cleared up. Typically he would just have an unseen servant perform this cleanup but he was so distracted that he didn't even think to cast the spell.

When they are finally finished the two make their way to the table and set everything down. Heavily Raistlin sits, twirling some beard hair in his finger. He looks out at those around the table, whoever decided to join, and begins to explain, "I contacted an ancient from another plane. It was one that had been destroyed by the Godkiller. I spoke to it in a language I had never heard or seen before. It was a taxing experience." He pauses to collect his thoughts and drive out the shivers of where he was, as Uriel had prior. "I've learned a few things from my conversation. Klauth almost certainly has it. That being said Klauth is Klauth and he exists for himself. What I mean by that is, he is not for or against Asmodeus. He just wants to serve himself, so we could use that to our advantage in convincing him to give us the weapon." He lets the others mull that over for a minute before speaking his final notes, "That being said, I asked a question on the weapon, on whether it was actually worth it to seek out. I was told that the weapon can indeed destroy Asmodeus. That alone should be enough to urge us to seek it from Klauth... whether he hands it over willingly or not."

Finishing speaking Raistlin leans back in his chair and lets the others discuss. He is exhausted from the whole day and still processing everything he has learned. He has devoted his whole life to seeking out information. Learning the lore of the universe and what makes it work. As the years have passed he has overturned countless stones and learned shocking secrets. Still, regardless of what mystery he has unraveled nothing has compared to today. To what he has learned at these moments. It was a lot to take in.

Once discussions are over regarding this new information Raistlin decides to retire to his room to get some much needed rest.

2018-05-28, 03:20 PM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, the Curious and Skeptical

"You have a family, huh? What're they like?" Thea asks meekly. She gets up, and takes off her tiny top hat. From it, she pulls the deck of cards, with the cards she pilfered shuffled back in, and hands it back to Leayonadas. She misses her family. It's been a while since she's seen her mother and father. They're probably getting old as well. "How old are you, anyway?"

"The Curious and Skeptical Mooncloak wonders if we can trust a creature slain by said weapon. It doesn't sound like to her that the creature would be interested in working on our behalf," Thea declares to Raistlin. "Also, did you get anything more on Klauth? Like what kind of flowers he likes or how I should do my hair?" Thea strokes her long hair, pondering her next move.

Barbarian MD
2018-05-28, 05:19 PM
"343? 342? Damn... I never can remember... Definitely 343. My wife always teased me for not being able to remember.

"Mostly dead, to answer your other question. Dear Lily has been gone for nigh on one hundred years, bless her soul. She was human, you see. Our children our all dead, too. I think we're on great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandchildren now. I've lost track at this point. They're like rabbits; it's hard to keep track of them all. Around the third or fourth generation they stopped coming to visit so much, except those that wanted to be adventurers. There was one, Elizabeth, quite handy with the sword. I think she retired a few years back."

2018-05-28, 05:44 PM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, Wistful and Insulted

"Well, I hope you don't think of the Wistful and Wonderful Mooncloak as a rabbit," Thea says, a little taken a back. "Unless she is supposed to take it as adorable and fruitful." She strikes a cute pose at the older elf. "Still you're pretty old. I'd be dead by then," she finishes, frowning and sighing. Her parents would be dead too. And Gideon. Oh no! NOT GIDEON!

"GIDEON!" Thea says tearfully, hugging the ram around the necks. "The Sorrowful and Friendly Mooncloak knows you don't have long in this world. To her kind, you are but a mayfly, but to her you are a true hero, like the halfling heroes of old! Your appetite and bravery will always be written in the annals of history. She will never forget you! Bahahah!" She sobs.

Orsik Vondal
2018-05-28, 09:35 PM
Uriel the Shepherd - Aasimar Warlock

As Uriel listens to Raistlin recount his experience, he breathes a sigh of relief that nothing untoward happened. They had received some vital information and now had a better understanding of what they needed to and could do.

"Seems like we've made some great strides toward thwarting Asmodeus. I think I'll also hit the hay for today. Let's go, Gideon." The warlock and his familiar head to his sleeping quarters. For good measure Uriel sends a prayer to He Who Was to renew Raistlin's mind and places a hand on the wizard's shoulder as they exit. "Should you wish some spiritual protection as you sleep, I can bestow you with a limited form of future sight. Be well, my friend. If you ever wish to speak of what you encountered, I am here."

Uriel will cast greater restoration on Raistlin as they leave. If Raistlin agrees, he will also take a minute to cast foresight to help protect him from an attack from beyond while he sleeps.

2018-05-29, 08:40 AM
Having taken his usual meditation while the spell was being performed, Athelras found himself awake and wandering the castle quietly (quite literally making no sound at all) in the wee hours of the morning. So many thoughts weighed on him, dealing with Klauth, dealing with Asmodeus, saving the world, were they up to the tasks set before them? But these were questions that could only be answered with actions and events, not the musings of a single elf walking alone in a castle...

2018-05-29, 12:49 PM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 2/2 - 8th 1/1 - 9th 1/1

Raistlin ignores Thea's idiotic questions. No need to give the respect of a response if she is unwilling to offer an ounce of respect for what he went through.

Once the slight conversation is over he makes is way to his room. Stopping him Uriel places his hand on Raistlin's shoulder, "Should you wish some spiritual protection as you sleep, I can bestow you with a limited form of future sight. Be well, my friend. If you ever wish to speak of what you encountered, I am here." Raistlin smiles back at Uriel, "I appreciate it the gesture. The experience was more daunting than others in the past. I fear we may have a lot of misery in our future days." Raistlin looks past Uriel, thinking for a moment before finally meeting Uriels gaze again, "At lease, one of the most positive aspects is that you will be there my friend. That I can appreciate." With that Raistlin pats Uriel on his shoulder in return and heads off into his room.

Spending some moments in trance Raistlin focuses on all of the information he has learned so far today. He doesn't even know where to begin...

Orsik Vondal
2018-05-29, 01:06 PM
Uriel the Shepherd - Aasimar Warlock

Gazing after Raistlin as he retreats, Uriel catches sight of Athelras pacing the halls looking rather consumed by his own thoughts. "Hey, Gideon, why don't you go give our good friend Dusk other there some company. Looks like today's events have rattled him, as well."


"Oh, I don't know. Just listen. He may want to talk things out for himself."

Gideon trots down the hall and disappears around the corner, presumably to be with Athelras in what Uriel thinks is a time of need. With that Uriel heads to his own quarters to try and sleep, though the vision about He Who Was and Asmodeus he was shown earlier would not be laid down so lightly. Things were coming to a head. He felt like he was on the right path. But a path that appeared in small increments. A little at a time. Uriel took a steadying breath and clenched his fists. He just had to have faith. Tomorrow the next steps would become clear.

For now it was time for rest.

"I will bring you back."

2018-05-29, 01:22 PM
Athelras grins to himself as Gideon walks up and nudges his hand and he absently starts scratching the ram between his horns. "The Shepherd is sending his flock to check on his flock now it would seem."

Gideon half looks up at Athelras his eyes almost closed and remains quiet. The ram tended to take on more of the personality of whom he was around when they were alone. Athelras reached into his quiver and snapped off a piece of sugar cane he kept in there just for the ram. The space inside it was for spears or some other useless weapon (at least in his eyes) but had the strange property of keeping the plants fresh, he had never questioned it further.

Accepting the cane the ram crunched loudly as it chewed and Athelras chuckled out loud this time. "You can tell 'our' shepherd that all is well, this will be a grand adventure. We will bring him back."

Barbarian MD
2018-05-29, 01:25 PM
Leayonadas asks a few polite questions of Thea after the report from their magicians. Did she have family somewhere? How were they?

He calls it a night shortly after. In his quarters he ritualistically lays out his weapons and equipment, cleaning and oiling his weapons and inspecting his gear before trancing.

2018-05-30, 08:19 PM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, the Tired and Nostalgic

"Ah! You want to know where the Great and Powerful Mooncloak is from?! Well, she does have parents back in the 'Shire, but she doesn't see them often. They have a great amount of confidence in their daughter, and gave her everything she wanted! They treated her like the princess she was!" Thea laughs boastfully on her way to her room.

Irish Musician
2018-06-01, 12:28 PM
The night passes and the morning breaks, and the day starts anew, whether or not you are ready for it. You go through your morning rituals, whatever they may be, and eventually make you way back to the room that you met with Lady Silverhand in yesterday. You walk in and there is sunshine shining from....somewhere....and in the middle of the table again there are all manner of breakfast type items for you to partake in. The Lady Silverhand sits in her chair, sipping from some form of mug, and there lies a wooden box in front of her.

Once you are all settled and partaking in breakfast, she starts, "Greetings,all. I hope your accommodations were satisfactory?" She takes another sip from her drink and continues, "There was much that I did last night to try and prepare you all for your encounter with the Red. I gathered what treasure I could from the coffers to give to Klauth to gift to him. Both in hopes that he may relinquish the Godkiller, but also to help ease your way into his presence. He will more than likely know you are there before you arrive, but as Raistlin said.....Reds love treasure." She motions behind her where a very large chest sits, closed. She then places her hand on the small, wooden box in front of her. "I also managed to acquire an item, using my personal funds, to aid you in helping convince Klauth to trade the Godkiller." She opens up the box, and within it is a mask with the visage of a Red Dragon. This mask of glossy crimson has swept-back horns and spiked cheek ridges, and the eyes even seem to burn like embers. "This is the Red Dragon Mask. There is only one of its kind, but each color of the chromatic dragons has one. Some are lost, some are known such as this one. Klauth will definitely know about them, and for him to own the Red mask would definitely put him in a good mood." The Lady takes another sip of her drink, and closes the box and slides over to Uriel. She then pulls out a scroll and hands it over to Raistlin. "Read this scroll, with all of you in a close circle, before you part from here to see Klauth. The spell will grant you all resistance to fire, should things turn south with the dragon, for a twenty-four hour period." She sighs a moment and stretches her neck out, "I would have made it last longer, but I only had a night to work on it and much of my power was devoted to making that scroll for you all. I hope that it helps." She looks around the room, "And remember, you are not there to look for a fight. If Klauth pressures you into one, so be it. But I doubt he wants to fight you any more than you want to fight him at this moment. It is his world as well that is being put in jeopardy. A being as powerful as Asmoedus on the same plane as him would definitely make his life much harder. Now, is there anything else you all need to do before I send you to meet with the dragon?

You have been given:
A big ol' treasure chest full of....well.....treasure
A box containing the Red Dragon Mask
And a scroll with a powerful Resist Fire spell on it

2018-06-01, 12:49 PM
Athelras shakes his head as he sits down to eat a light breakfast. "I require nothing else m'Lady. My thanks for all your hard work in preparing us for this. I know you are very busy." Once he finishes, and it doesn't take him long, he rises and retreats away from the table a ways patiently waiting for the others.

Barbarian MD
2018-06-01, 02:22 PM
Leayonadas offers a deep bow, his mood changed immensely. "We thank you, Lady. This will go a long way.

"May I ask, what does the mask do?"

He eats nothing, preferring an empty stomach and the sustenance from his ioun stone before a possible battle.

2018-06-01, 03:00 PM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, the Hungry and Flirty

"The great and powerful Mooncloak felt the bed was a little cold without you by myself, milady," Thea says between pastries. "How about a kiss for good luck?" Despite their natural propensity for luck, halflings are naturally very superstitious. "The mask is shiny. Hopefully we won't have to turn it over."

Orsik Vondal
2018-06-02, 07:25 AM
Uriel the Shepherd - Aasimar Warlock

Uriel graciously accepts the box. Once Lady Silverhand is finished, he nods as Dawnsong utters his question. "Yes. I'm also curious, now that I know Klauth would want this mask, as to what makes it so valuable to him." He opens the box and peers at the mask. The maw seems to open ever so slightly as Uriel gazes upon it, drawing him into it's void.

* * *

After Lady Silverhand gives her description of the mask. Uriel sets his mind to a plan. "Thank you, my Lady. This will definitely assist us in our negotiations. And since Klauth probably had us under surveillance from the moment anyone began searching up information about him, I hope all of us are now operating under the assumption that whatever we do Klauth is watching, specifically, relieving that chest of any treasure." He looks at Athelras and pointedly not at Thea. Uriel's mouth quirks in a slight smirk.

"Out of all of us, Safaris and I are the most eloquent when speaking to our superiors. And since I am unfortunately unable to speak in the Dragon Tongue, the Mask would benefit us the most should I wear it. I would never disrespect The Great and Powerful Klauth by subjecting his magnificence to the lowly Common tongue as we make our petition. Give me a about an hour to attune to the mask and prepare myself for our meeting. It's not everyday you get the privilege of standing in the presence of such a peerless being! Though I'll be aligning my mind with the Red Dragon Mask, I have no intention of keeping it. I merely wish to be as respectful of Klauth as I can."

With that said he takes the mask from its box and sits down off to the side of the hall cross-legged on floor. He closes his eyes and begins to softly hum a familiar tune.

"Yan, tan, and a tether
Wrap her food in sheafs of heather
Mether, pip, and an azer
Feed her well that's how you raise her
Sezar, akker, conter, dix
Watch for wolves, they're up to tricks"

Uriel is going to attune to the Mask now, before he leaves. No sense trying to don the mask when we're in Klauth's domain.

Irish Musician
2018-06-02, 09:42 AM
The Lady smiles, "It isn't so much what he can do with the mask. The Dragon masks each have a bit of power in them of the dragon the Represent. True, giving it to him would give him a bit more power than he already has, but what is a little bit of power to a near god?" Silverhand takes another sip of her coffee, "The powers the mask posses are fairly numerous, and tend to have to be figured out after putting it on, after some research and time with it. But the main reason the Red may want it, is that it tends to give you an edge when dealing with the dragon it represents. For example, if you put on the mask and interact with a Red, you are more likely to get what you want out of said dragon, than not. It is no guarantee, but it does help. That being said...." The Lady looks at Thea specifically, and then to the rest of you, "I leave the choice up to you, but please heed my advice. Klauth also knows what this mask can do, there is no doubt. If he thinks you are using the mask as anything but a gift, the negotiations for the Godkiller may very well go south for you all." She pauses for a moment, thinking, then continues, "Klauth is no fool, so do not treat him as you would a child, do not act innocent or dumb. He, nor we, have time for either."

You have heard of the Dragon Masks, and know there is one for each chromatic color, Red, White, Blue, Green, and Black. Each mask has powers that mirror the powers of the color of dragon that it represents. Some of the powers are the same between masks, some are different.

The Powers you know of when someone wears and attunes to the mask:
A Breath weapon of the color of dragon it represents
Resistance to the damage type of that color of dragon
Speaking and Understanding Draconic

In your readings, you remember that the white, red, and green dragon masks have cropped up from time to time in the recent century. Sometimes an adventurer uses one to defeat a dragon, sometimes a cult finds one to appease a dragon, and sometimes a private collector just has one on display. The Blue and Black masks have popped up here and there in history as well, but they haven't made an appearance in books or stories for quite some time, now. The last mention of them, about, was 3-4 centuries ago. To know more specifics as to what those mentions were, you'd need to go back and research a bit more.

2018-06-02, 05:05 PM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 3/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 2/2 - 8th 1/1 - 9th 1/1

Through the night Raistlin pores over his spellbook, taking great care with his spell selection. Numerous scenarios flash through his mind but ultimately he settles on a few that would come in handy should discussions go south. Getting his belongings together he finally settles in with the others in the meeting hall. Taking a seat he listens to the final instructions by Lady Silverhand.

"Thank you for getting all of this arranged. I understand it must have been difficult. We won't fail you." Raistlin accepts the scroll and offers his words of encouragement to The Lady.

Once everyone else is ready and Uriel has finished attuning to the mask Raistlin will have the group enter into a circle together. Upon doing so he will open up the scroll and begin to read it's arcane words. The words vanish from the scroll as he speaks them aloud. Within moments the circle fills with a heatless fire, consuming each individual within the circle. Just as quickly as it appeared the fire dissipates leaving just a faint orange glow emanating from everyone. A few seconds longer and that too goes away, the effects imbued on one's person.

Confident in the spells abilities Raistlin nods to Lady Silverhand. "We are ready now."

Barbarian MD
2018-06-02, 09:15 PM
Leayonadas hoists the chest up onto one shoulder like it weighs nothing and stands ready. A fell mood has come upon him, face grim and jaw tense. The others know that he is unlikely to say anything jovial or unnecessary for the rest of the day when he gets like this.

Unlike yesterday, he is wearing his full kit. The bear helmet is on full display, eye sockets flaming with blue fire. As always, he is bare-chested and clad only in a simple belt and loose-fitting trousers. He openly wears his sword on one hip, and his shield is held lightly in his off hand. A long bow is slung over his back along with quiver. His ioun stones are tucked safely away for now. A very plain appearing bag hangs diagonally down one leg, strapped around the thigh.

The party notices a new addition. A beautiful cloak, woven with scarlet and yellow thread is secured at the shoulders. Adorning the back of the cape is an image of a bear, open jawed and wild-eyed, deep black on the field. It is fine work, obviously of elven craft. The others might guess it to be the source of a disconcerting phenomenon: out of the corner of the eye there seems to be constant movement coming from his direction, and yet on looking at him directly to his statuesque form seems to be in a slightly different place each time.

He simply nods to the Lady and the others and flexes his sword grip in anticipation.

Orsik Vondal
2018-06-03, 07:36 AM
Uriel the Shepherd - Aasimar Warlock

After about an hour of meditating on the mask and aligning his spirit to its inner workings Uriel slowly raises to a crouch mask in hand.

"Gideon, to me." The ram trots over to Uriel. "Hey there. We're about to head into some real danger. A red dragon."

Gideon drops his horns looking for all the world like a ram resigned to his fate. "Baah bah..."

"No! Nothing like that, buddy. I promised you--never again. But things with Klauth may not go the way we want them to. That's why I'm asking if you really want to be there or back on the Astral Plane. You don't have to come along if you don't want to. I would understand."

The ram's head shoots up defiance in its eyes. "Baah bah baaah!" Gideon touches his forehead to Uriel's in a sign of solidarity.

"Okay, Gideon. Thank you. I don't know if I'd be able to face such a terrifying creature as Klauth without you by side to give me courage."

"Bah baah beh beeeh."

Uriel chuckles and scratches Gideon behind the ears. "Yes, my friend. You are also a terrifying creature. Let's get this show on the road." He stands fully and walks to the others.

"Since I'll be standing...or cowering, most likely...in front of a deadly powerful red dragon soon, one that could kill me in a swift snap of his jaws, might the Ever-resourceful Mooncloak have a spell prepared to guard against such an unfortunate end? I would hate for a verbal slip to conclude our audience with Klauth prematurely." Uriel gives a wan smile.

"My plan is to put all of our cards on the table to show Klauth we do not wish or intend to deceive him. Not that we could. I'll tell him of Asmodeus and what we know of his plan-that Asmodeus threatens all of Faerun. That Klauth could meet him head on, but that would be a waste of Klauth's time, if we could take of the problem for him. That we would need the Godkiller to do that. That we brought treasure and the Red Dragon Mask in exchange. That I'm only wearing it to be able to speak his language, and would gladly give it up in order to gain the Godkiller. I'd suggest the rest of you only inputting when I cannot find the right words. We do not want to seem like we deserve to stand before him. Speaking more than is necessary tends to do that. Also hands off our weapons. Nothing threatening. Protect yourselves, yes, but we need to be as meek and unimposing as possible. Follow my lead, and pray to all the gods that Klauth is generous today."

"I guess that's it. If I fall, I would ask that someone take up my quest to resurrect my god. Micah has all the information we have gathered so far. If any of us don't make it out today, it has been a pleasure knowing you all."

With that Uriel and Gideon step into Raistlin's circle. He blew out a long breath he didn't realize he had been holding in and sent a mental prayer to He Who Was to watch over them and protect them from harm. Uriel reverently slips the mask onto his face. This might be the end.

2018-06-03, 08:58 AM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, the Pensive and Thoughtful

Thea crosses her arms, closes her arms, and closes her eyes in thought. "Hm... you're asking for The Wise and Contemplative Mooncloak's Deathward spell?" she says aloud, rhetorically. "Do you want her honest answer or her long answer? She can promise the latter is more constructive."

Orsik Vondal
2018-06-03, 09:40 AM
Uriel the Shepherd - Aasimar Warlock

"Honest. Please. Do you have it prepared or not? If so, cast it on me once we know we are close to Klauth's lair." Uriel snaps. A moment later his eyes grow wide, and he drops his head in shame.

Uriel sighs, and his tone softens. "I'm sorry, Thea. I'm just a bit on edge with the prospect of possibly getting eaten by an ancient red dragon."

He envelopes Thea in a hug like she was one of his sheep back home. "I don't want to fail you-any of you. I'm just trying to keep us all safe."

2018-06-03, 10:08 AM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, the Pious and Annoyed

"For the record, Clerics of Wee Jas always have that spell prepared. It helps them fight undead that spawn by eating the lifeforce of their victims, which is sacrilege," Thea says in a matter of fact tone. "Frankly, the Trustworthy and Honorable Mooncloak shares the mutual level of distrust with you. She'll need those spell slots to keep you off her back, thanks, and would rather you stay dead the first time after Klauth kills you for wearing another religion's artifact on your head." It's obvious she's annoyed about the joke he made earlier about the treasure.

Thea crouches down and pats Gideon on the head. "It's okay. The spell would have saved him from the first bite, but the claws would have killed him a split second later," Thea says with a tone one might use with a child.

"Regardless," Thea says, pulling out a broad-bladed ruby dagger, grasping it in both hands as if in prayer, "The Pious and Wise Mooncloak will pray for your success. If Klauth attacks, it is true we might not ever figure out what in Klauth's hoard is the real theological razor, meaning if we defeat the dragon we fail. But trust must be first be given, after all, so don't **** up." Thea gives a smarmy smirk. She doesn't like Uriel very much. The holier-than-thou religious types always annoyed her at the church and other parties, and she found his jokes malicious at best, so she's playing the moral high ground game out of spite. She's been burned too many times. Still, the Guidance spell she gave him will certainly help the party in the end.

Irish Musician
2018-06-07, 11:05 AM
Once Uriel has attuned to the mask, and the rest of the preparation are made, Lady Silverhand escorts you all to a room. Rasistlin and Uriel notice it is very much like the other room they were both inside of earlier. However, this time the circle in the room is a teleportation circle.....albeit a much fancier version than y'all have ever seen before. "Please stand in the circle, and I will teleport you. When you are finished, dispatch a sending spell to me and I will bring you back. I wish you luck, and hope that your endeavors are successful. Tae si shaerol os Tysaelyl kedi o."

May the blessings of Corellon guide you.

With a few words and a wave of her hands, a bright blue light illuminates the room and you are sucked through a vortex. When the light dissipates, you are standing at the bottom of the Spine of the World, looking up at the Mountains. The coast stands farther west from you now, and Mirabar you know is east of you at the moment. You spy up the mountain range what you know to be Klauthen Vale, the home of Old Snarl. There being no time like the present, you start off towards the mountain range, and hiking up the mountain.

The farther up into the mountain range you go, the more you notice signs of a dragon. Claw marks here, tail trails there, and scorch marks in quite a few places....definite signs of a red. Two or so hours pass by and you get to the mouth of the vale. The smell of fire and sulfur is strong, and in the distance there is what kind of sounds like a great crowd of beings. There is loud talking, what sounds like weapons clanging together, and other various signs that a large group is up ahead.

2018-06-07, 12:20 PM
Athelras doesn't break stride as he tops the ridge, taking in the scene below him. Unslinging his bow but carrying it casually as he does.

Irish Musician
2018-06-07, 12:30 PM
You walk up to the ridge and look down into a large valley. Straight across from you is an opening to the mountain, bigger than you've ever seen in your life. In the valley area, there are all manner of creatures. There are mostly kobolds, hundreds of them, scurrying around, fighting, sleeping, eating. There are quite a few clans of dragonborns, looks to be, reds mostly. They definitely have their own areas with guards....probably in case any of the kobolds bother them too much. You also see a few encampments of humans...most likely some cults dedicated to Klauth, or great dragons in general. There are all manner of banners everywhere. There are a scattering of other types of monstrous races, but the main population seems to be Dragonborn or Kobolds.

The most curious part is what you see at the entrance of the cave. There seem to be quite a few giants at the entrance. They are clad in huge pieces of plate mail, and in each hand of theirs are giant tower shields with spikes coming off of them. They don't make a solid line across the save mouth, but there are quite a few scattered across of it. Your guess would be about 12 of them standing there.

You haven't noticed anyone noticing you.....yet.

2018-06-07, 12:34 PM
Athelras steps back quickly and reports what he saw to everyone else.

2018-06-07, 12:53 PM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 3/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 2/2 - 8th 1/1 - 9th 1/1

Raistlin listens to Aths description. "Hmmm that is interesting. Tell me, did you see any banners or markings? More specifically one of the Cult of the Dragon?" He calls forth his mage hand and begins to sketch the marking in the ground. "It looks very similar to this. Athelras this is very important. Did you see this?" Raistlin points down with his staff and has a sound of excitement in his voice.


Orsik Vondal
2018-06-07, 12:56 PM
Uriel the Shepherd - Aasimar Celestial Warlock

After the teleportation spell completes Uriel feels a tug on his attention toward the large chest of treasure Leayonadas carries. As they trek up the mountain the tug grows stronger. Uriel stops the group momentarily. "Friends, I feel I made a foolish choice in donning this mask. I have come to realized that it not only grants powers and speech of a red dragon, but their appetite for treasure, as well. I fear I will not be able to wear it much longer without endangering our mission."

With some effort Uriel removes the mask breathing deeply as a red glow fades from his eyes. "I guess I will have to revise my plan."

* * *

When Athelras gives his report of what lays beyond the ridge, a different plan forms in Uriel's mind.

"Everyone, I think I have a way for us to bypass these minions. We have the mask. And undoubtedly Klauth knows we are here anyway. Let's not sneak around like thieves or assassins. Let us announce ourselves to Klauth and that we have the red dragon mask, and he may allow us to pass unscathed. Emissaries of Silverymoon and all of Faerún, are you with me?"

2018-06-07, 12:58 PM
Athelras shakes his head, "No, that is not one of the banners I saw."

He also nods to Uriel in agreement, "I believe that is a wise course of action."

2018-06-07, 01:03 PM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 3/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 2/2 - 8th 1/1 - 9th 1/1

The fire in Raistlin's eyes die down a little at Ath's reply. "Hmm that is most disappointing..." He turns to Orsik to respond, "That plan seems fine by me, but still before we do I need to confirm that the banner is not down there. Thea, could you sneak forward slightly and just check for me that none are flying the banner. If my memory serves me correctly The Cult of the Dragon being here would certainly change our plans."

2018-06-07, 01:04 PM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, The Annoyed and Exasperated

Riding atop her magic broom, Thea rolls her eyes at Uriel. "Really? That was the problem with your plan." She says flatly. Not only were her warnings falling on deaf ears but apparently the warlock had fallen for a curse of some kind.

"The Quick and Ready Moonclaok proposes that Athelras does it. If he dies, the other elves will surely pay for his revival, which she will render at cost." Thea scratches her chin. "Of course, he might be too clumsy if you want him to check for banners first, and retreating his corpse would be difficult. The Cautious and Valuable Mooncloak is sure as hell not going down there herself. She could provide an Arcane Eye for the endevour, but either way a thorough search would take some time." She doesn't want the team running off while she's scouting.

2018-06-07, 01:40 PM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 3/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 2/2 - 8th 1/1 - 9th 1/1

Raistlin nods his head at Thea, "If we could spare the bit of time that would be helpful." He looks at the others, "My apologies about the weird interruption on my part. I just didn't expect to see this type of amassing. But before we continue... Raistlin holds onto his staff pouring his energy into it. He then proceeds to trace a rune into the air over each individual in the group. Finally he speaks a magical incantation after a few minutes of performing the ritual. Raistlin's voice appears in your head now as he speaks to each of you in your mind. "Now we can speak telepathically, so even if Klauth is spying on us he won't be able to know what is it that we speak of. Now, the reason for my interest in the cult has to do with Klauth's personality and what the cult stands for. You see Klauth hates the cult with a passion. The way those giant guards were described led me to think that they weren't there to protect him but instead keep these "followers" at bay. The second point, that being why the cult's presence would be important to our mission, is the reasons why the cult typically gather around an old ancient dragon such as Klauth. They only tend to gather in such a manner, when the dragon is dying.... Knowing this would significantly change how we approach this and what leverage we can have over Klauth."

Casting Rary's Telepathic Bond as a ritual on the group.

2018-06-07, 01:50 PM
Shrugging as he listens to Raistlin, Athelras chimes in mentally "It can do no harm to be certain although I do not think we could be lucky enough for Klauth to be dying. In fact I believe it may be impossible for him to die. At least from old age."

2018-06-07, 04:47 PM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, the Adjective and Adjective

Thearoyl beings casting Arcane Eye. "Alright, the Resourceful and Clever Mooncloak will look ahead for any banners."
The finishes the spell and ends out the Eye. "This telepathy is neat. She has never gotten to use it herself."
Arcane Eye, scouting the grounds for the cult

Barbarian MD
2018-06-07, 08:26 PM
Leayonadas growls, "What are we waiting for? There's no way to sneak in. Cult or no cult, it doesn't change what we have to do. We're going to have to make our presence known, and the sooner the better to avoid suspicion. Let's just go."

2018-06-07, 08:44 PM
Athelras takes up a spot where he can watch the horde below without being seen. ”Lets let the spell slingers see what they can find. I too feel the results will be the same but we can allow them this time.”

Barbarian MD
2018-06-07, 10:36 PM
"Until they notice us lurking and take offense..." Leayonadas mutters to Athelras.

More loudly: "We've got Thaumaturgy, right? We should probably announce our presence before we walk down there."

2018-06-07, 11:40 PM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, The Loud and Magical

"Yes, I have Thaumaturgy," Thea says. "Also if Klauth really is dying, that could put an obstacle in our path. Right now we're betting on him being in the same boat as us, but if he's taking a long walk off a short plank, he won't be for long." That is to say, if he knows he's gonna kick the bucket, then he knows it doesn't matter to him if Asmodeus succeeds or not.

Barbarian MD
2018-06-08, 06:09 AM
"if he dies, maybe Klauth can rule over hell after we kill Asmodeus for him," Leayonadas chuckles. "Though I highly doubt that's what's happening here."

The warrior doesn't like the thought of walking into that army with his hands full of precious cargo. He quietly sets down the chest and stores it in his bag. He then rummages around for a moment and draws out the white sheet tired to a blunt lance he had spoken of obtaining earlier, ready to start waving it once they start advancing.

2018-06-08, 11:55 AM

"Looks like there is no sign of the banner you mentioned. However,there are followers going in and out of the cave mouth. As if the giants aren't there to keep the followers out, but just as sentries."

Orsik Vondal
2018-06-08, 12:27 PM
Uriel the Shepherd - Aasimar Celestial Warlock

"Excellent! Dawnsong is right, we can't sneak around this horde, and we'll have to deal with them one way or another. Coming in as emissaries may afford us protection we might not get otherwise." Uriel looks to the halfling. "As you have the spell, would the Patient and Eloquent Mooncloak want to announce us to Klauth? Or would you prefer to create a large and loud spectacle and let me announce us? Then, if everyone is ready to do this, let's begin. Be ready to fend off the cultists if the need arises."

Uriel glances at the box with the dragon mask inside. If this all goes to Hell, having the power the mask afforded might be worth the temptation of treasure I felt before. But only as a last resort. He never wanted to feel greed like that ever again if he could avoid it.

Barbarian MD
2018-06-08, 09:33 PM
Leayonadas hoists the white "flag" up, ready to march into the horde below.

2018-06-08, 10:29 PM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, The Loud and Imminent

"There was enough syllables so the Gracious and Valuable Mooncloak will have to accept it." Thea readies some magic.

She starts with some Minor Illusion of fireworks, accompanied with booms from Thaumaturgy. She then continues in a booming voice:
"Men, Women, Dragons, and other genders or species of indeterminate category.
A Particular Master of the Arcane Arts is proud to present
For the last time in public view
Veterans of many adventures, on a diplomatic mission
Arriving by teleport this evening from Silverymoon
This group of elves plus others
Will mark this momentous occasion and seek audience with Klauth
They eagerly await the reply of the handsome dragon
Whose impressive mass and power fascinate the world
And so, they humbly beseech the ear of the Old Snarl
And his aid in the common crisis to come."

Irish Musician
2018-06-09, 10:32 AM
You all crest over the ridge and Thea steps just ever so slightly in front of you all. Her voice booms through the little valley and every single being in that valley looks at you, most of whom have quite a surprised look on their faces. Her announcement is mighty, especially for one so small, and when she is done her voices echos through the valley for a moment before disappearing. There is then silence for a moment before the loud chorus of screams, yells, weapons being grabbed, and the sound of a stampede ring out from the valley into your faces.

The gathered horde start to run at you, and you tense and wait for the coming wave of things to wash over you.....when a loud, ear deafening, earthquake inducing roar explodes from the cave. Some of the closer "followers" are knocked down, but every single one of them stop in their tracks and look back at the cave. You ears ring, and A low, almost inaudible to your ears, rumble emanates from the cave mouth and the weapons of all the horde lower and they walk back to their respective encampments. As they do, you all notice an open path from where you stand to the mouth of the cave has been made by all the creatures there.

As you make your way to the mouth of the cave you see almost every creature looking at you with narrow eyes, some seeming to be chomping at the bit to attack.....but they do not. You make it up to the line of giants and approach the one that is directly in front of you. Her helm is off and she stands very high above you all. She looks down at you, both shields with spikes blocking most of her body, and tilts her head to one side a little bit. She stands for a moment and nods, and in giant says, "Du får ange. Klauth ser dig nu," and two large steps later, moves our of your way and leaves a hole for you to pass through. Though you may not know the words, the actions are at least somewhat clear.

You mass through the massive mouth of the cave and start to walk into the mountain. There are torches on the walls of the tunnel that seem to guide you down to where you are going. They aren't really needed, though, as there doesn't seem to be any tunnel that breaks off from the larger tunnel. As you start to descend, the air starts to get thicker and your breaths start to be a little more labored. Not so much as to hinder you, but you are definitely feeling it. It also starts to get very, very warm the lower you get. Your ears pop as the pressure starts to get a little more intense, and you start to see little veins of magma here and there. Eventually you make it to the other end of the tunnel and it opens up into the largest caven you've ever set your eyes upon, and a large curtain of heat hits you as you walk into it. It almost looks as though you traveled to a different planet through the tunnel. The cavern is massive, and there are many pockets, streams, and pools of magma flowing everywhere. In front of you there is what you might describe as a stair case of ledges going up into the cavern quite far up. Smack dab in the middle of this ladder of ledges, there is a huge magma waterfall that falls into a very large, well....lake of magma.

As you stand there, taking in this enormous spectacle, the ground starts to shake a bit....almost as if there is a small earthquake happening below you. Rock shift and shudder, peddles skip and dance all over the place, and the magma starts to splash a bit in its pools and streams. High up, a giant puff of smoke shoots out from atop the ledges and a gargantuan dragon head peeks from behind the rock high above. Just looking at it makes you wonder how you didn't see it before....and then you start to notice. You see a spike here, some dragon hide there, and then you realize....most of the walls and rock that you see extending right from the top of the waterfall is actually dragon-body. You've fought and seen dragons before, multiple times. There is not one that you have seen this close that come close to the size of Old Snarl. Were you to put him in the middle of Silverymoon, his body may very well take up the entirety of the city.

One of his great eyes opens as he spies all of you. As he speaks, his voice echoes in the cavern and is so intense it puts a strain on your ear drums. "Greetings. I've heard you are looking for something, mighty adventurers. Why come see Old Snarl?" He pauses and though it is hard to tell, you think you see him smirking.

You may enter. Klauth will see you now.

Orsik Vondal
2018-06-09, 11:41 AM
Uriel the Shepherd - Aasimar Celestial Warlock

Uriel takes an involuntary step backward as Old Snarl reveals himself. Steeling his nerves for what was to come Uriel steps forward and drops to a knee, fist to the ground, out of respect for the great power before him. Without lifting his head he speaks in a loud yet humble voice.

"Great and Powerful Klauth, Master of Reds, Sunderer, Old Snarl. How could we even presume the appellation of mighty when in your presence? We humble adventurers have been tasked by Silverymoon and all of Faerûn to treat with you, Old Snarl, for the salvation of Toril. Your foresight and knowledge have undoubtedly informed you as to the plans of the Lord of Nessus and his designs on the Material Plane. Scholars and mages uncovered lore of an ancient item that may be able to slay him and end his threat to this world. They named it the Godkiller. Further research suggested that you, Great One, could help us obtain this artifact. And so are we here, imploring you to be the champion of Faerûn in this, her most dire need. Please help us, Old Snarl. You're our only hope."

When he finishes, Uriel cringes slightly waiting for the possible flames to consume him and his friends or the sharp teeth to rend his top half from his lower half or the thump of a dragon tail whisking him into the boiling magma. Pull yourself together, man. He Who Was would not lead you here without purpose. And if it is your time to die, then accept it like a true child of providence.

2018-06-09, 11:55 AM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, the Inspirational and Wise

Thea casts Guidance on Uriel before they enter. Her little speech probably helped as well.
Also she's not scared. All Halflings are Brave.

Irish Musician
2018-06-09, 12:20 PM
Klauth's large head starts to snake down the ladder of ledges and eventually a couple of his arms follow him. He "climbs" down towards you all and his giant head stops about fifteen feet in front of you. A hand appears in front of Uriel. It's palm faces up and one finger touches Uriel's chin and lifts his head up. As Uriel's head rises, he is now face to face with a dragon's head that is as big as a house. He, as well as the fest of you, can feel the heat coming from the great dragon's breath. It is just on the verge of being too hot to handle, but the resistance given to you by the Lady Silverhand helps keep it at bay. One of Klauth's "eyebrows" lifts up as he scrutinizes the warlock. A rumble, again, happens somewhere in the distance and the ground shakes. A tremor.

"And how, exactly, were you told I could help you obtain," his voice rises a bit on the word 'obtain', almost as if rage gets the better of his voice for a moment," this artifact. This.....Godkiller....." The dragon's hot breath showers you all in a smell that his unique to anything you've smelled before. There is a mix of sulfur, ash, burning, and rotted flesh. The moment it hits you, your stomachs act as if they will rebel, but you are able to keep them in check. For now.

That is the spell Mage Hand

Orsik Vondal
2018-06-09, 01:24 PM
Uriel the Shepherd - Aasimar Celestial Warlock

Uriel's mother didn't raise a fool. As the hand lifts Uriel's face he doesn't fight the pressure. Lower jaw. Teeth. More teeth. Nostrils. E-e-eyes...more like pits of molten rock... Uriel's leg felt a little warm all of a sudden. Was that...? Did I just...? He pushes the thought out of his mind for now and schools his expression. Klauth might be able to smell his well-justified fear, but he wouldn't see it on Uriel's face.

The blast of fumes threatens to keel the kneeling aasimar over, but the ephemeral hand keeps Uriel upright. "Please forgive the poor choice of words, my lord. We would never presume to ask such a request without recompense. Lady Silverhand and her scholars led us to believe the Godkiller, O Dragon of the North, may have come to be in your possession." Uriel waves Leayonadas forward. "We have brought with us a chest of treasure to add to your vast wealth. And else that might sweeten the pot. Though you, Old Snarl, could destroy Asmodeus with your might, fighting the Lord of the Nine Hells yourself would be unnecessary if you had a cat's paw to do the deed in your name. We saw the mass of creatures outside. Whether they wish your glory or downfall matters not. You did not allow them audience. We wish to thwart Asmodeus, but to do so we need the Godkiller. Let us defeat him for you. In exchange for the Godkiller we offer you", Uriel opens the box and reveals the Red Dragon Mask, "this. The Red Dragon Mask. Who else should possess it, but the Master of Reds?"

After a few moments Uriel lowers the lid of the box, all the while examining Klauth's expression for any sign of threat or desire. This was his gambit, and he hoped it would pay off.

Irish Musician
2018-06-09, 02:21 PM
Klauth narrows his eyes, breathing his hot breath over the group. It is then that suddenly his whole head erupts in flame, which circles around his entire body. It continues to quickly circle, getting brighter and brighter. The light peeks and you are forced to close your eyes are look away, and when you return you see a humanoid form wreathed in flame standing in front of you.


The flame swirling around the human finishes and the he lets out a great roar as the transformation seems to be finishing, the flames getting sucked into his body.


When you look again you see a large figure standing in front of you. Looking a little bit human, there are also scales covering his body, and wings sprouting out from his back. However, unlike a normal human, this one stands about eighteen feet tall, give or take. He looks down upon all of you and smiles, "So.....the god of Devils has found a way out of his prison. I am surprised it took him this long....." He walks over to Uriel, bends down, and grabs the Red Dragon Mask, inspecting it in his large hands. He then looks Leayonadas in the eyes and says in elven, "Ai medyraer o eisi caesi ail tari Ai mae bai, shasos?" He then chuckles to himself.

He turns from you all, and starts talking, "As it stands, I am aware of the world's.....predicament. Lady Silverhand was wise to send you with gifts. It is not in a red's nature to turn down treasure, as you well felt, Uriel Ben Asher....child of He Who Was." The great dragon takes a few steps, seeming to think over a few things. "And I suppose that these mere trinkets and this insult to dragons are meant to try and ply the Godkiller away from me, were I to posses it." He turns back to you all, his eyes completely in flames. "You may be correct. I may very well be able to deafeat Asmodeus, even a he comes into the world. But why would I?" The flames in his eyes die down little bit. "Were you in my shoes....why not let the end of the world happen and ally with Asmodeus?"

"I supposed you are here in case I say no, warrior"

2018-06-09, 08:19 PM
"Ais o mae bai sael si shasos shyl shi baedaer eir eir."

"If you say no then the warrior wont be needed at all."

Athelras had remained quiet up until this point, words were not his thing, not in the slightest. "You know as well as we do that Asmodeus will not share power, nor will he suffer even the idea of a threat to it should he succeed on this plane."

Short, succinct, it was all he knew. This was indeed as they had been told, Klauth was no mere dragon, and Athelras had accepted they would either die here or be successful, there was no in between. That suited him just fine.

Barbarian MD
2018-06-10, 12:11 AM
Leayonadas barks with laughter and replies in Elvish:

"I seek a good death, and I do believe you could provide that. But I doubt we could take the sword from you by force, and I have no desire to try.

"But someone must wield it against Asmodeus. He is not one to share."

2018-06-10, 12:34 AM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, Shrewd and Single

Thea scratches her head. No, that's not right at all. "Perplexing," Thea says, riding the broom past the chest, using Mage Hand to hide the mask real quick. She's a showman, after all. "Now, the Single and Shrewd Mooncloak, the particular master of arcane arts spoken of earlier, does admit that this is a little strange," she says, taking off her tiny top hat and pulling the mask from it, as she floats in front of Klauth. "She means, one would come to expect that this is very valuable. Tell me, is it a fake religious relic? Because if it is, she would no longer have qualms about it being added to her personal collection," she continues with a saucy wink. "If it is real, she apologizes for the gauche behavior in using it as a bargaining chip, as well as the specist use of coin to sway you. The Pious and Humble Mooncloak is something of woman of faith herself, and would not have made the same choices the Lady Silverymoon has."

She flies back and forth on her broom, pacing magically. "Now, as for the theological razor we desire, there is a certain line of reasoning leading us to believe you have it. After all, your Sexy Snarliness, you are a dragon of incredible means. It stands to reason that such a powerful person, perhaps the most powerful, would have obtained it, if not to use it, but to demonstrate his prowess and influence. After all, who but the great and magnanimous Klauth, practically a god himself, would be worthy enough to own such a thing? Of course, you also sustain an admirable level of humility as well. After all, who needs to flaunt their wealth when people only need to know you have it. A classy move, and one respects that."

"The next part is an interesting conundrum. The elf makes a point, but he serves but one master. Asmodeus may accept your offer, but the Polite and Groveling Mooncloak would repeat what you surely already know. He will never respect you for who you are, the Magnificent and Brilliant Klauth, treating you as beneath him, despite you needing no master of your own. 'Tis sad but true, even though among us you rank above Asmodeus, he will never understand. A relationship not built on solid foundations is doomed to crumble." Thea sighs on Klauth's behalf, turning the broom away.

She then looks over her shoulder mischievously, he large eyes reflecting the light of the fire. "Of course, there's nothing to lose for you. You are Klauth, and surely you foresaw this. Let's presume that such an arrangement were on the table, the Handsome and Cunning Klauth does not need to play second fiddle to some devilish despot if he can avoid it. In his infinite wisdom he hedges his bets. After all, the Godkiller was lost time, and Asmodeus wouldn't understand the tenacity of the Old Snarl." She turns to face the dragon again. "Perhaps a group of adventurers were to, say, find it and combat Asmodeus. Either the devil prince lies dead, harboring the Victorious and Heroic Klauth from a rude and ungrateful relationship," she says, taking off her hat again, dropping the dragon mask out of it and into her hand, "or the adventurers fail, Asmodeus is none the wiser, and the Satisfied and Honored Klauth allies himself as if nothing happens." She puts the mask back inside the tiny hat, tipping it again. She frowns when no mask comes out.

I'll aid another using this shrewd deduction, towards Uriels Next Roll.
If permitted Thea will pray on her ruby dagger once more for a guidance

Now that her trick is done, she flies back to the Klauth to deposit the mask into his hand again. "The Magical and Skillful Mooncloak, who is a simple and humble street magician, believes this is yours, and reminds you that she can be here all week with tricks to amaze and astonish in earnest attempts to impress a particularly gracious dragon."

Barbarian MD
2018-06-10, 12:50 AM
Leayonadas' jaw drops at Thea's actions. She's beat him off the starting block, though, and has her hands on the mask before it even registers that she has done it.

He looks at Klauth and very slowly and pointedly moves his sword hand as far from the hilt as possible, taking a step sideways in the opposite direction of Thea.

Irish Musician
2018-06-11, 12:00 PM
As everyone stares at Thea with their mouth, presumably, open very wide....Klauth stares at her for a moment. He doesn't move, react, or even seem to be breathing. His pupils, which seem to be dragon pupils and not human pupils, widen and narrow as he stares at Thea. A few earthquakes rumble, but other than that there isn't much sound coming from anyone. Klauth then quickly turns around without a word, his magical hand grabbing the chest of treasure and the mask in his other hand, and he flies off into the distance, over the top of the highest ledge and disappears from view with the treasure and the mask.

The caverns is relatively silent as you sit there, not sure what is happening and waiting for Klauth to either eat you or come back....or not. It gets to the point that you almost think about leaving when the sound of large wings flapping is heard just over the top ledge by the waterfall. Klauth comes back and lands near you all and folds his arms in front of his chest. "Were I to have this weapon, and give it up to you, I would need something from you in return. Not just paltry trinkets.....but something infinitely more valuable." He looks between you all, his dragon eyes staring into your souls. "Were I to give this weapon to you, I would need a favor from each of you. Something for you to do for me that I will specify at a later time. Each of your would be in my debt for one favor." Klauth smiles a wicked smile, very sharp teeth showing even in his humanoid form. "The decision is yours, but do not take long. Asmodeus will not wait forever to conquer your civilization."

Klauth stands, waiting for an answer from each of you.

2018-06-11, 12:02 PM
Athelras doesn't take long to answer, "Done." is all he says.

Barbarian MD
2018-06-11, 12:17 PM
Leayonadas is displeased, but stands his ground.

"With one stipulation. I get final say over what the favor is. I'm not murdering an innocent or violating my conscience, but I will honor such a bargain otherwise."

2018-06-11, 12:47 PM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, Successful and Prosperous

"Oh, how daring!" Thearoyl smiles. "Of course, the alternative would be losing to Asmodeus, so The Grateful and Joyous Thearoyl will accept your offer. Of course, she's also willing to marry to settle the favor." She gives Klauth a wink. Klauth smells like money. Thea likes money. "Also, I'll do you another favor, free of charge," she says quietly to Klauth as to not let the others hear her speak in the first person, miming locking up her lips and throwing away the key.

2018-06-11, 12:50 PM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 3/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 2/2 - 8th 1/1 - 9th 1/1

Raistlin had been quiet once the conversations began. He let Uriel take the lead and negotiations had been flowing well. That was until Thea threw one of her tricks into the mix. He shook his head at he antics and prepared to cast a spell on her to both remove her from the conversation and to also save her life but Klauth had returned, surprisingly calm and with a proposition.

Raistlin looks at Klauth with an arched eyebrow, mulling over the words that the dragon spoke. He begins to stroke his beard pondering how best to respond, that is until a memory once again entered his mind. It was one that he had recalled back at Silverymoon, something he had read on the weapon. A memory that caused a smile to creep across the old wizards face.

"You can't use it can you?" Looking up from the ground, Raistlin meets Klauth's eyes. "The Godkiller chooses it's wielder. Why give it up so freely if you could actually wield it yourself." Raistlin stops leaning on his staff stands up straight, turning to the others, "The great Klauth is giving you an empty promise. You will swear a favor for him and he will give you a weapon that none of us may even be able to use. He cashes in with a favor from some of Faerun's greatest warriors and we are left with a useless trinket."

Gaining some confidence Raistlin steps forward towards the imposing figure, "We will see the weapon first and only then will we agree to one favor should we return alive." He holds the smile on his face, as if he had just played a successful hand in a game of gambling.

Orsik Vondal
2018-06-11, 01:09 PM
Uriel the Shepherd - Aasimar Celestial Warlock

As Thea unleashes her theatrics on Klauth, Uriel looks nonplussed. Oh well. I guess I saw that coming.

When Klauth returns with his offer of the Godkiller for a favor, Uriel stands to his feet and brushes of his robes. As he does he intones in his heart, My Lord, He Who Was, would this exchange anger you? If not, I vow to not knowingly commit any act that would countermand your will. Give me strength to walk in the light. Uriel hears nothing, but a feeling pervades his soul. There is regret, but a sense of needing to do what needs to be done for the Greater Good.

Then Raistlin interjects, and Uriel mentally hits his forehead. My god! How did I forget that?

He addresses the ancient dragon "An interesting piece of information, my friend. In accordance with said information, any favor that you would request of me in opposition to the will of my god would be refused outright, but failing that, I will also agree to a favor in exchange for the Godkiller...after we see the weapon."

Irish Musician
2018-06-11, 01:30 PM
Klauth keeps his toothy smile and responds, "Do not fret, adventurers, I will not ask you to do anything that would soil your honor, or put you out of favor with your god. You will not have final say on the favor, but it won't upset you overly." He then turns his attention to the cocky wizard. "My will is so great I would not need it to choose me, human. Weaker beings may need its choice for them to wield it, but I do not." He let his words go for a moment, letting the wizard soak them up. Then, in a flash, Klauth has Raistlin by the neck, holding him up in the air, his eyes aflame as flames start to seem to wrap around Klauth, giving off powerful heat waves. So powerful that even the resistance spell is having trouble keeping the heat at bay. "I am no ones slave, and will continue to not bow down to any creature, or god. Do not presume to know my reasoning for anything, human, for that will be the last thought that passes through your feeble mind."

Klauth drops the wizard to the ground, not nicely and returns to his position in front of the group, still wrapped in flames and seeming to grow more annoyed, "I tire of your presence, and you are in no position to be making any demands of me. Pledge yourselves now, or get out of my home. I have only tolerated you here because it was a break to the monotony, but my humor for this interaction is growing thin. Now make your choice." He waves his hand, and between the adventurers and Klauth a pedestal appears. A scroll with writing rests on it and a quill next to it, but no ink. There are 5 places to sign, one for each of you.

2018-06-11, 01:32 PM
Athelras steps up first and signs his name on the scroll.

Irish Musician
2018-06-11, 02:17 PM
Athelras picks up the quill and goes to sign the paper. He isn't sure how it will be signed without ink, but as the quill comes closer to the paper, he gets his answer. Two small parts of the feather stiffen and shoot into his hand, and as he signs his name, blood appears to make up his name, instead of ink.

Barbarian MD
2018-06-11, 02:33 PM
Leayonadas spends a minute deciphering the contract. He reads it out loud for the others, then signs and steps back.

2018-06-11, 02:38 PM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, The Suspicious and Agitated

"Well, ya got me there. I worship a lawful deity, so I can't sign a contract I can't read, and certainly not without the second party," Thea mutters, stroking her chin. Speaking more loudly, she continues. "The Cautious and Skeptical Mooncloak understands the desire to prevent any confusion about your obviously not having the thing we desire, but she reminds you that a paper trail would only lead to more suspicious. Plausible deniability should be the operating principle here. This is compounded by the fact she worships a lawful deity, and that it would need to be signed in triplicate as customary to those of her religion. Hence, since this group would be taking you at your word, she would prefer and think it the most prudent course of action that the informal, verbal contract she established with the Patient and Intelligent Klauth will operate in the contract's stead."

Irish Musician
2018-06-11, 02:56 PM
Klauth's eyes flare up and the flames around him grow larger and hotter, "Sign it or don't, halfling, it makes no difference to me. But the time of words is over, and you all will not get the weapon without doing so."

2018-06-11, 03:05 PM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, Annoyed and Impatient

"Yeah, well the Great and Powerful Mooncloak wanted to do this sooner rather than later. This is precisely why she avoids written contracts. It takes so much time to satisfy the correct stipulations," Thea says, rolling her eyes. She pulls out a scroll and quill, copying down the contract exactly as written, in the original draconic. "Once everyone else signs this, then she can sign and be on her way."

"The Great and Powerful Mooncloak will be making you pay dividends on her investment here," she tells Raistlin over telepathy.

She'll sign it once everyone else signs in triplicate.

Irish Musician
2018-06-11, 03:18 PM
Klauth's eyes narrow and he waves a hand, and before Thea can copy anything down from the original contract, the pedestal and contract disappear. A fissure opens up behind Klauth and his wings span out and his voice booms, "You dare to try and copy my own words with your pitiful hands? Remember who you are dealing with, Halfling, and I grow tired of your antics. Sign it or leave my presence. Either way, I grown hungry and tired of you filth."

2018-06-11, 05:12 PM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, Great and Powerful

"Well, in your infinite wisdom, you made it impossible to sign the contract both literally and legal," Thea says. "The Pious and Orderly Mooncloak serves other masters, Klauth, and if you want her favor, she would remind you it's not worth much if one of them isn't particularly satisfied. Now if you'll excuse her, she has to seek consul with a higher power for an exception."

Thea walks off to find an isolated spot in the dirt. She draws the holy symbol of Wee Jas, a skull-like face with fire radiating from it, into the dirt with her dagger, before cleaning the dagger and sitting in front of it. She grasps her holy symbol and dagger in her hands in silent prayer.

"Praise be to the Stern Lady
The ultimate justice of the land
And the one I seek the consul from

This one admits her folly
And her lack of diligence
However, she requires an exception
A dragon requires a poorly made contract
With no duplicates, review,
Proper lawyers, actual ink
Nor an arbitrator, or justicar of any kind,
and probably all of the necessary articles of a contract in hindsight

So I'll request an exception to these rules
and in the event of bad faith of the other party
legal assistance for nullifying this contract"

Now that's covered, Thea will sign the thingy when its up

Orsik Vondal
2018-06-11, 05:33 PM
Uriel the Shepherd - Aasimar Celestial Warlock

After Klauth roughly deposits Raistlin on the cavern floor, Uriel sends a touch of healing to the wizard. He then examines the contract and feels the wording would be fine with He Who Was. "Signing in blood, eh? I guess as magical contracts go, there is no surer way to enforce compliance."

When Thea makes her entreaties, Uriel cringes a bit. It's unwise to upset a dragon, especially one as old as Klauth. Uriel steps between Thea and the dragon as its temper flares hands raised in a defensive gesture. "Old Snarl, Dragon of the North, I'm sure my small friend here was merely wanting to have proof that we lowly creatures had a direct audience with the Great Red Dragon Himself to show her adoring fans back home." He turns sharply, gives Thea a pointed look, and spits in a whisper "Set this stubbornness aside and sign the contract! Faerûn needs the Godkiller to defeat Asmodeus!" He watches her walk off and consult her god.

Uriel turns back to Klauth and bows deeply. "I, for one, would be honored to append my name to your contract, and hope that those in our party do likewise, so-that-we-may-conclude-this-audience-without-further-delay." The last he states with deliberate cadence, hoping to impress upon the remaining members yet to sign the dire importance of obtaining the Godkiller and getting out of this cave...alive.

2018-06-11, 06:43 PM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 3/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 2/2 - 8th 1/1 - 9th 1/1

Leaning against his staff, this time for support rather than show, Raistlin looks at the floor and rubs his neck where he was choked. A closer eye would notice he was smiling though under his hair and beard. He thinks to himself, choosing not to share the thoughts, "Hm, in a game of wits one always resorts to tempers and physicality then they are losing." he smile soon fades though as he reflects back on Klauths words. "Slave.... So the ancient was right..."

Raistlin bends down and swoops up his hat, that had fallen off in the heat of the moment, and dusts it off before returning it to his head. Afterward, he watches as Thea expresses her frustrations over the contract. With a prayer to her God, Thea begrudgingly signs it. Seeing the frustration on her face causes Raistlin to send his thoughts over to her, "Thank you signing it and for attempting to protect us. I did not want to leave my name either but the situation at hand is past ourselves. We must do what we have to do for the fate of the multiverse...."

Finally, he steps over to the contract and looks over the names. He lets quill work it's magic and signs away his name in blood. Looking up at The Great Dragon, "One favor from each of us. A fair and generous deal Mighty Klauth." with a slight bow Raistlin walks away, wanting to smile but instead reflecting on what he has learned from this interaction, or rather... what he had confirmed...

Irish Musician
2018-06-12, 09:53 AM
Through the channel with your goddess, you feel acceptance and the need for the greater good. And not just the greater good of the material plane, but all the planes.

The pedestal and contract come back, and you all sign it. As soon as the last person signs, Klauth cuts open his arm, slightly, with his own claw and sings the contract with a nail. The pedestal and the contract both disappear, and in their place a chest appears. "Here is the weapon, now begone from my presence and sight. Though I will see you again....in this life or the next....." Klauth's wings starts again, lifting him up, and taking him back up over the ridge where the magma-fall starts.

You are left there alone, staring at a chest.

Barbarian MD
2018-06-12, 09:54 AM
Leayonadas picks up the chest without ceremony.

"Let's get out of here. We'll talk later."

2018-06-12, 09:56 AM
Athelras nods as Leayonadas picks up the chest, "Agreed we need to go, that horde outside may not afford the same courtesy as when we came in."

2018-06-12, 09:57 AM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, Upset and Agitated

Thea rubs her hand. She's sicken by any damage coming to it. She works with her hands. "Enough of that Raistlin. I'm not here for you," she says bitterly. "Let's get back to where we started. This cave should be warded against teleportation. I'll check the weapon there and ward it.'

Orsik Vondal
2018-06-12, 10:55 AM
Uriel the Shepherd - Aasimar Celestial Warlock

"My magical senses are telling me that Old Snarl may have lifted the teleportation restriction for the time being. Let's jump back to Silverymoon and see what this Godkiller is. We would all be grateful if the Distorted and Extraplanar Mooncloak could draw us a teleportation circle to exit this place?"

2018-06-12, 11:07 AM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, the Arcane and Transportational

Thea sniffs the air. "Yeah, sounds about right. I can't give Klauth the coordinates to where we're going. If we have some ropes and rocks, we can set up a contraption to destroy the sigil when we leave."

Barbarian MD
2018-06-12, 11:29 AM
"Just have Gideon do it."

2018-06-12, 11:53 AM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, Concerned and Upset

"GIDEEEEOOOON!" Thea yells, grabbing the hapless animal. "That is unacceptable. Gideon is a true hero!"

Barbarian MD
2018-06-12, 12:08 PM
"He's a spirit. Summon him to the pocket dimension. Resummon him entirely. He'll be fine."

2018-06-12, 04:52 PM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 3/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 2/2 - 8th 1/1 - 9th 1/1

Staring at the chest Raistlin fights the urge to open it on the spot. He's spent most of his life seeking out the unknown and now before him stands the most mystical item. Before he could give into his desires Leo hoists up the chest and puts it away for safe keeping. "Yes, better safe than sorry." he thinks to himself.

The group turns back down the tunnel from where they emerged. Thinking back to Thea's reaction to his attempt at comfort Raistlin, in turn, severs the telepathy connection. Partly due to spite.

Finding a suitable spot Thea sets out to begin drawing the circle on the floor, asking if anyone would be able to destroy as they went through. "Well, unless you are using invisible chalk Klauth is more than likely watching what you are writing into the ground." He shrugs at the thought, "Regadless I can animate a few rocks and set them to destroy the sigils once we pass through."

He begins searching for the proper rocks and prepares to cast the spell. "Ready when you are Miss Thea."

Orsik Vondal
2018-06-13, 06:37 AM
Uriel the Shepherd - Aasimar Celestial Warlock

As they make their way back up the tunnel Gideon becomes vocal once more. "Baah baaa bah ba?"

"I'm not sure, Gideon. We'll find out once we get out of this place. It could be anything."

"Baah ah meh?"

"No. I don't think we need to fight our way past the horde outside. Klauth lifted the teleportation wards, so we can leave directly from his cave."

Once the group arrives at their departure point, Gideon bleats, "Meh bah baah. Baa bah ba."

"Me too, Gideon. Me too. If not one of us, however, we'll need to search for its master. But whoever it chooses will have the weight of the world on their shoulders...literally. That I do not envy."

2018-06-13, 10:13 AM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, Transportation and Expedient

"What he means to say is that we have full confidence that you are the true hero," Thea says, pulling out a granola bar and feeding it to Gideon.

"Alright, you squish the runes with your arcane might, while the similarly Endowed and Mighty Mooncloak prepares the circle. Now, no one look!" Thea finds some rock and pulls out some fancy, silk-wrapped chalk, and begins writing runes and a circle on the ground. She keeps her back turned to hide the sigil combination from the team and any onlookers. "Alright, experius incantor!" She hops through with her broom in hand.

2018-06-13, 10:15 AM
Athelras steps through.

Barbarian MD
2018-06-13, 10:52 AM
Leayonadas quickly steps through as well.

Irish Musician
2018-06-13, 10:54 AM
You walk a bit from the cave, unsure if you are being spied on or not by a very, very large and annoyed dragon. Thea does her best to draw out the symbols on the rough stone, but she manages to do a good job. Meanwhile Raistlin gets his stones and casts his spell, hovering the stones ocer the sigil and setting them to drop the moment he walks through. A portal appears and she passes through it, as do the others. Raistlin and Athelras step to the portal at the same time and kind of bump into each other. They take a moment, wait for the other to step forward, and when neither does they both go again and bump into each other again. Athelras gets a neutral-annoyed face, as does the old man, and the ranger quickly pops through before anymore awkwardness ensues. Raistlin is quick to follow and the portal closes behind him.

The group is in a room, and Thea talks with a couple of, what you can assume, are acolytes of the temple. They appear worried, but Thea seems to be calming them down.

You now are back in Silverymoon, with what you can assume is the Godkiller.

Barbarian MD
2018-06-13, 11:45 AM
"Thea, is there a room with a little privacy here?"

2018-06-13, 12:22 PM
Athelreas makes the assumption as to what the barbarian is about to do and suggests, "Let us take it to Silverhand and open it in her presence. Having even more magic on hand when we do seems a good idea."

2018-06-13, 12:30 PM
“The flattered and lovely Mooncloak catches your drift, Leo,” Thea says to Leayondas with a wink. She draws her hand across her throat, gesturing to Uriel to be quiet. She turns to the clerics. “We’re on a sensitive mission for the government. Speak of this to no one, and please provide us with a vindicator’s room,” she says in a quiet but stern voice.

2018-06-13, 12:32 PM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 2/2 - 8th 1/1 - 9th 1/1

Seeing the direction the conversation was heading Raistlin quickly interjects. "Miss Thea, as much as I appreciate your faith and sending us here I find it would be best to open this with Silverhand. She would provide much better protection than this temple."

2018-06-13, 12:35 PM
“Hahahaha hahahaha,” Thea collapses on the floor, laughing at Raistlin’s suggestion. “Do you know where you are, mate? Because if you don’t, I think that proves my point.”

2018-06-13, 12:39 PM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 3/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 2/2 - 8th 1/1 - 9th 1/1

Raistlin ignores the child writhing around on the floor, "Let us not waste anymore time and head to the great hall." He begins walking towards the exit.

2018-06-13, 12:47 PM
Athelras follows Raistlin out and to the Great Hall once more.

Barbarian MD
2018-06-13, 12:55 PM
"It would appear we have been vetoed, my dear."

Leayonadas shrugs and follows the rest, keeping a hand tightly in the bag of holding. Unless there is a new development, he urges the party on with haste to the front gate of the Lady's palace. Any eye that lingers on the party gets a full-force glare from the hefty barbarian.

Irish Musician
2018-06-13, 02:52 PM
The group thanks the acolytes and leave the temple. They head to Silverhand's keep, and they see a faint glow between them and tower. They then hear a loud explosion, screams, and general chaos coming from that direction. Smoke billows up into the air and more screams happen as two more explosion type sounds echo through the city.

2018-06-13, 02:54 PM
Cursing under his breath Athelras looks sidelong at Leayonadas and takes off at a sprint towards the chaos.

2018-06-13, 02:59 PM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, Intelligent and Wise

Thea gets up off the floor, wiping tears from her eyes. "Sorry, brothers, guess the wizard's feelings were hurt," she says to the acolytes before leaving.

Hearing the explosions, she hops on her broom to check it out, praying to Wee Jas for Guidance.

[roll0] and [roll1]

Orsik Vondal
2018-06-13, 03:04 PM
Uriel the Shepherd - Aasimar Celestial Warlock

"Of course it couldn't have been that easy. Let's go, Gideon! I think you'll get your fight soon enough!"

Gideon lets out an enthusiastic "BAAAAAAH!" and sprints off after the elves.

"I swear that ram's wool is twisted too tight." Uriel gives chase as the city erupts with light and sound.

Irish Musician
2018-06-13, 03:14 PM
Athelras takes off, but Thea beats him to the action by a good bit of time and distance on her broom. She surveys the area and is quite surprised as to what she sees.

There are 4 fiends in the middle of the market place making a general mess of things, and killing everything they see. There is a fissure on the ground in the middle of the street, that definitely wasn't there before. One of the fiends seems to be looking at the others a lot, and the others are looking at it. Then, all at once, all three of them look in the air at Thea. The big one points at her, and a very small ball speeds towards her.

Fireball! Please make Dex Save, DC 21

Damage [roll0] fire damage, half on Save

You all see Thea fly off on her broom and a few moments later you hear another explosion, and this time you see the fiery ball burst in the sky, about where Thea might have been.


2018-06-13, 03:33 PM
[roll0] With Evasion
[roll1] Religion

2018-06-13, 03:35 PM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 2/2 - 8th 1/1 - 9th 1/1 | Concentration: N

Raistlin is startled by the sudden change of pace as explosions begin setting off around the city! He is frozen in place as he takes a moment to figure out the situation, as he normally would, but upon seeing Ath and Thea take off he finally realizes he must rush forward. Before he could take a step a huge fireball burst into the air right where Raistlin last saw the flying halfing on her broom!!

"Crap this isn't good!" he shouts out loud and begins pouring his energy into his staff, ready for a fight!


2018-06-13, 03:35 PM
using uncanny dodge, taking 6 damage

Barbarian MD
2018-06-13, 06:42 PM
Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1552188)

AC 23. HP 266/266. PP:22. Speed:40'. Initiative:+3(Adv). Darkvision 60'.

Checks: S:+5 (Adv if Raging) or take 20. D:+5. Co:+5. Int:+3. W:+3. Ch:+2.
Saves: S:+12 (Adv if Raging). D:+6 (+2 shield bonus if targets only me) AND (Adv if Visible) AND (Can use reaction to take no damage if 1/2 damage on save). Co:+12. I:+4. W:+4. Ch:+3.

Advantage on: saves against charmed, all saving throws spells/magical effects (Shield), saving throws harmful gases/vapors (ring)
Immunities: sleep, surprise (by entering rage)
Impose Disadvantage: Spell attacks against me (Shield). Enemy attacks until one hits, resets each turn (Cloak)

Active Conditions or Buffs: none

Cantrip: Message
Rituals: Beast sense, speak with animals, commune with nature

Proficiencies: Athletics +11, Nature +9, Perception +9, Survival +9, Intimidation +8
Acrobatics/Stealth/Sleight of Hand: +5
Arcana/History/Investigation/Religion: +3
Animal Handling/Insight/Medicine: +3
Deception/Performance/Persuasion: +2


Scimitar of Speed Atk: +13. Dmg: d6+7. Critical: 5d6+7.
Raging: Dmg: d6+11.
Two attacks + bonus attack or as bonus action can shove a creature with shield.
+1 Longbow Atk: +12. Dmg: d8+6.

Rages Used: 0/6. Round: 0/10.

If brought to 0 HP, DC10+(n-1)5 Con check, 1 hp instead of 0.
Resistance all damage except psychic
Enemies within 5' have disadvantage on attacks against allies unless immune to being frightened

Reckless: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.
Gem of Seeing: 0/3 charges used. 10 minutes of Truesight 120'. Regain 1d3 daily.
Winged Boots: 0/240 minutes used. Regains 120 minutes every 12 hours not in use.
Periapt of Wound Closure (1): Double HP when rolling Hit Dice.

Carrying capacity doubled.
(Dread) Helm of Comprehend Languages.
Ioun Stone of Sustenance
Ioun Stone of Regeneration: 15 hit points per hour.
(Note that if battle looks imminent, I ALWAYS grab both stones and store in pocket beforehand.)
Ring of Adaptation: Breathe in any environment. Advantage on saving throws harmful gases/vapors.
Periapt of Wound Closure (2): Automatically stabilize if dying.
Already noted above: Cloak of Displacement--Enemy attacks have disadvantage until an attack hits, resets each turn; Ring of Protection; Spellguard Shield--Advantage on all saving throws against spells/magical effects. Spell attacks have disadvantage against me.

Potion Superior Healing x 4, Potion of Greater Healing x 3, Vicious Warhammer, Brewer's supplies, Cook's utensils, 80 arrows (20 more on a worn quiver), 2 blankets, Bedroll, Block and tackle, 5 flask, 500 feet silk rope, 5 chests, 2 signal whistle, 5 soap, Tent, Shovel, Manacles, 184 gp

Leayonadas runs in lockstep with Athelras towards the explosions. His face is split into a grin. Sorrow for the people suffering around him is there, at the back of his mind, but it's stuffed down deep for now as the fighting spirit rises within him. His sword is out, his shield is up, and with each step he starts to rise in the air a few feet.

Wings of flying, just staying about 5' off the ground for now. Will activate rage as soon as an enemy is within sight.

Irish Musician
2018-06-14, 11:00 AM
Round 1 Order
Fiend 1
Rest of Fiends

Round 2 and Beyond

Alright, So Thea is there in the mix, and she's about 120ft away from the fiends at the moment.

The rest of you are some rounds away at the moment. The rounds away are as such:
Leo - 3 rounds
Ath - 2 rounds
Uriel - 3 rounds
Raistlin - 3 rounds
Trix - 1 round

Any questions please ask! I'll take the first Fiend's turn after this post, and then we can go from there.

Ath's Acrobatics Attempt
Athelras sees some boxes nest to a building and knows this is his chance to jump up to his high advantage. He jump and his foot lands on the top of the box. Unfortunately the box caves in and his foot falls into it. He falls forward, but puts his hand on the ground and bounces himself up into a flip, lands, and keeps running without losing momentum. Maybe next time he will pick a better object to jump onto.

Irish Musician
2018-06-14, 11:12 AM
Round 1
The same fiend, that shot at Thea, uses its great wings and flies slightly up and over to her. He then points at her again, but a small ball of flame does not fly from his fingers. Instead a magical presence starts to grip at her body, threatening to paralyze her.

The fiend flies up in the air to 15ft, and over to get into range, so he is 80ft from Thea.

Thea make a Wis save, DC 21, be paralyzed for one minute.

Ath and Thea's turn

2018-06-14, 11:20 AM
Continuing his run and cursing the inferior, obviously human, construction of boxes in the trash Athelras looks for another spot to try and gain some height.


2018-06-14, 11:40 AM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, The haughty and mischievous

Thea is immune to the effects of futile Hold spells! She is wearing a ring of pure moneytanium!*

She moves onto a roof and ducks behind a chimney.

Ring of Free Action

Rolling Hide roll1d20+18

If she succeeds, she'll cast Banish on as many fiends she can hit who she hid from, DC 19 Cha (Disadvantage) , or be sent from whence they came

Irish Musician
2018-06-14, 12:09 PM
Athelras finds better footing this time finding a, must be dwarven built, box, leaps from that to a window, then to the top of the building, grabs onto the ledge of the top of the building, and hoists himself up. He hits the roof, and shoots along the roof forward.

Just as soon as the paralyzation hits your finger, the power of the ring kicks in and the spell is thwarted. The broom carries you to a nearby rooftop and you scurry behind a chimney. Using your skill at hiding, you hide and use your magics to Banish the very large fiend out of this realm! The magic hits it, and it seems to convulse and screams out a bit.....but then nothing happens. It starts to look around for the one that is trying to Banish it.

Rest of the Fiend's turn!

Irish Musician
2018-06-14, 12:49 PM
The two smaller fiends look at each other and say something, and with a small fiery burst, two Nightmare horses appear, and they mount them. Thea, hiding behind her chimney, sees a large fiery blast hit the top of the building next to the building she's hiding on top of. Good thing for her they don't know where she is, they are just randomly trying to find her, it would seem.

Rest of the Round's turn!

Barbarian MD
2018-06-14, 01:44 PM
Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1552188)

AC 23. HP 266/266. PP:22. Speed:40'. Initiative:+3(Adv). Darkvision 60'.

Checks: S:+5 (Adv if Raging) or take 20. D:+5. Co:+5. Int:+3. W:+3. Ch:+2.
Saves: S:+12 (Adv if Raging). D:+6 (+2 shield bonus if targets only me) AND (Adv if Visible) AND (Can use reaction to take no damage if 1/2 damage on save). Co:+12. I:+4. W:+4. Ch:+3.

Advantage on: saves against charmed, all saving throws spells/magical effects (Shield), saving throws harmful gases/vapors (ring)
Immunities: sleep, surprise (by entering rage)
Impose Disadvantage: Spell attacks against me (Shield). Enemy attacks until one hits, resets each turn (Cloak)

Active Conditions or Buffs: none

Cantrip: Message
Rituals: Beast sense, speak with animals, commune with nature

Proficiencies: Athletics +11, Nature +9, Perception +9, Survival +9, Intimidation +8
Acrobatics/Stealth/Sleight of Hand: +5
Arcana/History/Investigation/Religion: +3
Animal Handling/Insight/Medicine: +3
Deception/Performance/Persuasion: +2


Scimitar of Speed Atk: +13. Dmg: d6+7. Critical: 5d6+7.
Raging: Dmg: d6+11.
Two attacks + bonus attack or as bonus action can shove a creature with shield.
+1 Longbow Atk: +12. Dmg: d8+6.

Rages Used: 0/6. Round: 0/10.

If brought to 0 HP, DC10+(n-1)5 Con check, 1 hp instead of 0.
Resistance all damage except psychic
Enemies within 5' have disadvantage on attacks against allies unless immune to being frightened

Reckless: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.
Gem of Seeing: 0/3 charges used. 10 minutes of Truesight 120'. Regain 1d3 daily.
Winged Boots: 0/240 minutes used. Regains 120 minutes every 12 hours not in use.
Periapt of Wound Closure (1): Double HP when rolling Hit Dice.

Carrying capacity doubled.
(Dread) Helm of Comprehend Languages.
Ioun Stone of Sustenance
Ioun Stone of Regeneration: 15 hit points per hour.
(Note that if battle looks imminent, I ALWAYS grab both stones and store in pocket beforehand.)
Ring of Adaptation: Breathe in any environment. Advantage on saving throws harmful gases/vapors.
Periapt of Wound Closure (2): Automatically stabilize if dying.
Already noted above: Cloak of Displacement--Enemy attacks have disadvantage until an attack hits, resets each turn; Ring of Protection; Spellguard Shield--Advantage on all saving throws against spells/magical effects. Spell attacks have disadvantage against me.

Potion Superior Healing x 4, Potion of Greater Healing x 3, Vicious Warhammer, Brewer's supplies, Cook's utensils, 80 arrows (20 more on a worn quiver), 2 blankets, Bedroll, Block and tackle, 5 flask, 500 feet silk rope, 5 chests, 2 signal whistle, 5 soap, Tent, Shovel, Manacles, 184 gp

Leayonadas curses the distance and uncertainty as further explosions rock the city. He charges forward, sprinting along from rooftop to rooftop, watching for signs of the source of the disturbance.

I'll delay making a decision yet, especially since distance is all meta knowledge anyway at this poont. Dash 80', shield and sword still out. At rooftop level. Do I see anything from here?

2018-06-14, 03:29 PM
Trix do’Vilchkov had arrived in the city of Silverymoon only earlier that morning, seeking to inquire with an old friend about Barress and Colby’s visions, to see if the city’s own clergy and mages had discovered similar warnings. Unfortunately, as the tribal leader was making her way to speak to Silverhand, the explosions sounded in the distance.

Hearing the blast, Trix bursts into a sprint, only pausing to cast a defensive buff.
Circle of Power
You radiate a sphere of energy with a 30-foot radius. The sphere moves with you, centered on you. For the duration, each friendly creature in the area, yourself included, has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects. Additionally, when a creature succeeds on a saving throw that causes half damage, it instead takes no damage.

She continues, arriving nearly out of breath to the fray.

Orsik Vondal
2018-06-14, 09:36 PM
Uriel the Shepherd - Aasimar Celestial Warlock

Uriel hoists Gideon onto his shoulders like he used to when one of his sheep would fall lame out in the pasture. Gideon lets out an excited, "Blaaahaaaah!", as Uriel dashes after the swifter members of his party. He clicks his boot heels together and feels a surge of energy flow through his legs. Racing past side shops and merchants, he calls out to the denizens peering out of doors and windows, "Someone alert the city guard! There's trouble in the market! The rest of you, get back inside and stay safe!" Citizens of Silverymoon at first curious about the fire and glow, double-take as a white-haired blur with a bleating ram sprints down the thoroughfare.

Approaching the outskirts of the market he mutters a prayer to He Who Was to protect him from whatever was ahead.

Uriel activates his boots of speed and casts mage armor on himself.

2018-06-15, 06:34 AM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 2/2 - 8th 1/1 - 9th 1/1 | Concentration: N

Seeing the destruction continue Raistlin rushes forward with his companions. He curses to himself at not being better prepared, a mistake he will not make again!

Irish Musician
2018-06-15, 10:58 AM
The Heroes
Leayonadas keeps pace with Athelras as they both take to the rooftops, speeding their way to the chaos. Raistlin, still on the ground, makes his way through the streets, pushing past people as they flee from exactly the direction he is going. Uriel and Gideon, too, speed through the street, avoiding the people, trying to get to where the action is.


The large fiend that Thea tried to Banish turns around at just the right time to see her duck behind the chimney. His eyes narrow and his large wings start to beat as he sails towards her and hovers just above the roof she is on. The large hulking body over her, the fiend roars at her and it makes a few attacks on her, them seeming to come from every angle.

As Leayonadas and Athelras and running on the rooftops, they all of a sudden see a very large devil swoop up and hover just above a rooftop. It is then they see poor Thea standing just below it, being bombarded with attacks from this might fiend.

One of the other, smaller, fiends and its Nightmare mount takes off in the direction of Trix, running up to her and attacking, screaming something in Infernal as it does....its words laced with magics! The other one looks up at the other fiend. That fiend looks over at Trix, and a fiery ball flies towards her. The two fiends and the fiend's mount then turn and it is as if they turn into ghosts, however their outlines are more detailed. More precise, more detailed. It is as if every line and curve of their bodies are still there, just more intangible. They, then, disappear.

Fiend 1
Bite - [roll0], [roll1] magic dmg. Make a DC 21 Con Save, Fail: poisoned, you can't regain hit points, and you take [roll2] poison dmg at the start of each turn. You can repeat this Save at the end of each turn. Saving gets rid of the poison.

Claw - [roll3], [roll4] magic

Mace - [roll5], [roll6] magic + [roll7] fire dmg

Tail - [roll8], Dmg - [roll9] magic dmg

At the start of your turn: make a DC 21 WIS save for be frightened until the start of Fiend 1's next turn. If you save, you are immune to this for 24 hours.

Move - Charge over to Trix


Make a Cha save, DC 17. If failed: you are frightened of the fiend for 1 minute, and can repeat that save at the end of each turn. If you save, you are immune to this for 24 hours.

Lance Attacks
1 [roll10], [roll11] piercing + [roll12] fire dmg
2 [roll13], [roll14] piercing + [roll15] fire dmg
3 [roll16], [roll17] piercing + [roll18] fire dmg

Fiend 2
Attack - [roll19], [roll20] fire dmg

Heroes' Turns!

2018-06-15, 11:40 AM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, Brave and Industrious

Thea grimaces as she gets bit in the arm. She deflects the other attack with a Shield spell. She gives the bite wound a tap before declaring "Cya!" She does a running slide under the fiends and off of the building, chafing her thighs for 3 damage. However, instead of falling she hops on her broom again, hovering directly behind him as he tries to catch her leap off of the building. She then lands silently behind the chimney the demon is standing over.

Super juke stealth [roll0]

Lesser resto to cleanse the poison.

[roll2] in case of halfling luck

2018-06-15, 12:09 PM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 2/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 2/2 - 8th 1/1 - 9th 1/1 | Concentration: N

Seeing the others rushing on ahead Raistlin decides to pick up the pace! He begins to run faster, dodging around the fleeing civilians and the buildings, then spotting a safe spot he takes one step forward and within the blink of an eye he places his foot down 30 feet ahead.

Movement: Move 30 ft forward
Dash: Move 30 ft forward
Bonus Action: Cast Misty Step to move another 30 ft forward, stopping at a spot close to behind a building and catching his breath.

2018-06-15, 12:54 PM
Athelras's face takes on a grim expression as he spots the fiend attacking Thea. He slows his run a bit making sure he is in range of the big fella and grips his bow. The bow whispers "Mos paeraer sai tia aelaestor" and Athelras whispers back "Mos paer sai o shai cali shylaer ti" marking the fiend as his sworn enemy. He intones a spell quietly just before he lets loose. Wisps of supernatural shadow surround him making him hard to see.

[roll0] to figure out what it is.

Casting Lightning Arrow the next time you make a ranged weapon attack during the spell's duration, the weapon's ammunition, or the weapon itself if it's a thrown weapon, transforms into a bolt of lightning. Make the attack roll as normal. The target takes [roll1] lightning damage on a hit, or half as much damage on a miss, instead of the weapon's normal damage. Duration 1 minute/10 rounds

Whether you hit or miss, each creature within 10 feet of the target must make a Dexterity saving throw DC17. Each of these creatures takes [roll2] lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.





Athelras has his Cloak of Elvenkind hood up Disadvantage on Perception to see him.
He also has Shadowy Dodge from Gloomstalker; you can dodge in unforeseen ways, with wisps of supernatural shadow around you. Whenever a creature makes an attack roll against you and doesn't have advantage on the roll, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on it. You must use this feature before you know the outcome of the attack roll. Can't really see a reason I wouldn't use this...

Extra attack from Stalkers Flurry in case he misses.


2018-06-15, 02:10 PM
Trix weaves out of the way of the bead of flame, laughing as the flames only lick her. These devils were not so terrifying! She was a proud warrior, a leader of other warriors! Adeptly, she allows one of the Lance strikes to harmlessly hit an illusory her before parrying the next strike with her shield. As confidence begins to overtake her, though, she becomes lax in her defense and leaves herself open, gritting her teeth in pain as the flames wear the wound made by the lance. Still, she keeps her focus, not one to let pain dictate her actions for her. With a grunt, she shoves the lance out of her side.

”Itsutasun.” The devil begins to feel its vision become cloudy, as Trix goes in for a swing at the creature, before ducking around it.
Concentration maintained
Move: Approach devil
Action: Cast Blindness/Deafness, choose blindness. DC 19 CON save
Bonus: Attack once, at advantage if the devil fails its save
Attack: [roll0] [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
If Crit: +[roll3]
Move: Move to opposite side of devil

Sylvan translation: Blindness

Orsik Vondal
2018-06-15, 02:27 PM
Myth-Weavers Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1553057)

AC: 17/20 w/ mage armor
HP: 192/192
Resistance: necrotic, radiant
PP: 21
Speed: 30'/60' w/ boots of speed
Initiative: +3
Spell Attack Bonus: +14
Spell Save DC: 22
Darkvision 60'

Checks: Str:+4 Dex:+3 Con:+4 Int:+5. Wis:+5. Cha:+5
Saves: Str:+5 Dex:+4 Con:+5 Int:+6 Wis:+12 Cha:+12

Immunities: thought reading, lie detection, creature type detection spells; creatures con only communicate with Uriel if he allows it (ring of mind shielding)
Impose Disadvantage: on enemy attacks until one hits, resets each turn (cloak of displacement)

Proficiencies: Arcana +11, Deception +11, History +11, Insight +11, Investigation +11, Perception +11, Persuasion +11, Religion +11
Athletics: +4
Acrobatics/Stealth/Sleight of Hand: +3
Nature: +5
Animal Handling/Medicine/Survival: +5
Intimidation/Performance: +5

Cantrip Spell Attacks:

Eldritch Blast Range: 120ft. Atk: +14 (x4, can be diff targets)
Dmg: 1d10+5, can push 10 ft. Critical: 2d10+5.
Sacred Flame Save DC: 22 Dex. Dmg: 4d8+5

eldritch blast (4 beams), sacred flame, true strike, lightning lure, minor illusion, light
Rituals: contact other plane

All spells of 1st-5th level are cast at 5th level; 4 slots available; regain expended slots after short/long rest
Known Spells: counterspell, cure wounds, daylight, flame strike, flaming sphere, greater restoration, guardian of faith, guiding bolt, heavenly rebuke, revivify, sickening radiance, wall of fire, wall of light

Mystic Arcanum spells do not use spell slots; cast at the given level; regain all uses of MA after long rest
Mystic Arcanum Spells:
6th: scatter
7th: crown of stars
8th: feeble mind
9th: foresight

Invocation Spells do not use spell slots; can cast at-will without components
Invocation Spells: hold monster (if cast on celestial, fiend, elemental), invisibility, mage armor

If made to roll death saving throw, can regain 1/2 max HP, deal 2d8+5 radiant damage and blind chosen creatures w/in 30 ft.
Once per long rest, can use an action to gain fly 30 and deal 18 extra radiant damage for 1 minute
When regaining HP with dice rolls, regain the max when Gideon is w/in 100 ft.

Shepherd's crook, leather armor, 3 daggers, 2 4th-level spell scrolls (find greater steed), diamond dust worth 300gp, backpack, crowbar, hammer, 10 pitons, 10 torches, tinderbox, 10 days of rations, waterskin, 50 ft. hempen rope, 1850gp

As Uriel races through the streets with Gideon hefted on his shoulders, he continues to warn the townsfolk of danger and implore them to contact the city guard and get indoors. "There's no telling what malice is afoot! Protect yourselves, Silverymoon!" He digs in and swings to the east through back alleys trying to flank whatever has attacked the market square. He slows to a jog when he approaches the southeast corner of the square and lightly sets Gideon down. Uriel catches his breath for a moment. "Silence for now, Gideon. Let's see what we're up against."

Dash 120' to (AE,45)

Barbarian MD
2018-06-15, 03:59 PM
Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1552188)

AC 23. HP 266/266. PP:22. Speed:40'. Initiative:+3(Adv). Darkvision 60'.

Checks: S:+5 (Adv if Raging) or take 20. D:+5. Co:+5. Int:+3. W:+3. Ch:+2.
Saves: S:+12 (Adv if Raging). D:+6 (+2 shield bonus if targets only me) AND (Adv if Visible) AND (Can use reaction to take no damage if 1/2 damage on save). Co:+12. I:+4. W:+4. Ch:+3.

Advantage on: saves against charmed, all saving throws spells/magical effects (Shield), saving throws harmful gases/vapors (ring)
Immunities: sleep, surprise (by entering rage)
Impose Disadvantage: Spell attacks against me (Shield). Enemy attacks until one hits, resets each turn (Cloak)

Active Conditions or Buffs: none

Cantrip: Message
Rituals: Beast sense, speak with animals, commune with nature

Proficiencies: Athletics +11, Nature +9, Perception +9, Survival +9, Intimidation +8
Acrobatics/Stealth/Sleight of Hand: +5
Arcana/History/Investigation/Religion: +3
Animal Handling/Insight/Medicine: +3
Deception/Performance/Persuasion: +2


Scimitar of Speed Atk: +13. Dmg: d6+7. Critical: 5d6+7.
Raging: Dmg: d6+11.
Two attacks + bonus attack or as bonus action can shove a creature with shield.
+1 Longbow Atk: +12. Dmg: d8+6.

Rages Used: 1/6. Round: 1/10.

If brought to 0 HP, DC10+(n-1)5 Con check, 1 hp instead of 0.
Resistance all damage except psychic
Enemies within 5' have disadvantage on attacks against allies unless immune to being frightened

Reckless: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.
Gem of Seeing: 0/3 charges used. 10 minutes of Truesight 120'. Regain 1d3 daily.
Winged Boots: 1/240 minutes used. Regains 120 minutes every 12 hours not in use.
Periapt of Wound Closure (1): Double HP when rolling Hit Dice.

Carrying capacity doubled.
(Dread) Helm of Comprehend Languages.
Ioun Stone of Sustenance
Ioun Stone of Regeneration: 15 hit points per hour.
(Note that if battle looks imminent, I ALWAYS grab both stones and store in pocket beforehand.)
Ring of Adaptation: Breathe in any environment. Advantage on saving throws harmful gases/vapors.
Periapt of Wound Closure (2): Automatically stabilize if dying.
Already noted above: Cloak of Displacement--Enemy attacks have disadvantage until an attack hits, resets each turn; Ring of Protection; Spellguard Shield--Advantage on all saving throws against spells/magical effects. Spell attacks have disadvantage against me.

Potion Superior Healing x 4, Potion of Greater Healing x 3, Vicious Warhammer, Brewer's supplies, Cook's utensils, 80 arrows (20 more on a worn quiver), 2 blankets, Bedroll, Block and tackle, 5 flask, 500 feet silk rope, 5 chests, 2 signal whistle, 5 soap, Tent, Shovel, Manacles, 184 gp

Leayonadas continues his mad sprint across the rooftops, taking one last bounding leap directly into the face of the fiend. His scimitar flashes with supernatural quickness at the last moment, lashing at the face of the creature.

"Welcome to Silverymoon, [expletive deleted]!

Round 2:

Move directly in front of the big guy. Winged boots bring him level with it (not sure the altitude).
Action: Dash for double movement.
Bonus: attack.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] magical/slashing

Irish Musician
2018-06-15, 11:18 PM
Round 3

Ath and Leo finally get into attacking distance. Athelras lets loose two arrows, one laces with lightning, and both hit home, the lightning arrow exploding all around the fiend. Leo flies up to the fiend's level, taunting it and slashing at it. The fiend doesn't seem too bothered by either hit, but still seems to focus on Thea's whereabouts. It looks all around and can't seem to find her. Roaring in frustration, it points down at the top of the roof and a giant explosion of fire erupts from underneath it, enveloping both the hidden Thea and Leo in its wake....as well as the fiend. Through the flames of the fire, Leo sees the fiend's massive mouth coming in to bite him. Unfortunately for Thea, the chimney she is hiding in gets obliterated by the Fireball and she sits on her broom, exposed.

Trix ducks around the lance of the fiend she is fighting and casts a spell in its face. It hits the devil, but it then looks down at her and narrows its eyes....and she knows. Her magics didn't work. The devil turns around to her stabs at her again, three times, and just like the other two fiends that disappeared, this one and its mount both turn into ghosts, and disappear.

Uriel finally catches up to the action and as soon as he does, sees an explosion on top of a building and parts of a fiend hovering over it...before passing to the other side of a building. Raistlin is able to pass by more of the crowd bu teleporting to the other side of them, and continues to run to the action.

Leo and Thea, please make Dexterity saves, DC 21, or take [roll0] fire dmg, half on a save.
Leo, Bite [roll1], dmg [roll2] magical dmg, Make a DC 21 Con Save, Fail: poisoned, you can't regain hit points, and you take [roll3] poison dmg at the start of each turn. You can repeat this Save at the end of each turn. Saving gets rid of the poison.

Attacks on Trix:
1 [roll4], [roll5] piercing + [roll6] fire
2 [roll7], [roll8] piercing + [roll9] fire
3 [roll10], [roll11] piercing + [roll12] fire

Player's turn!

2018-06-15, 11:49 PM
Trix grunts again as the spear hits her, but shakes off the attack. Hm, no longer surrounded... "Bikoiztuak." Several illusory duplicates flicker around Trix, walking in step with her toward the much larger devil, as she sees the pit fiend destroy part of the house, revealing... a child? No, a halfling. "Hey! You! Either get out of the way of that thing or stab it where it hurts!"
Action: Mirror Image
Bonus: Bardic Inspiration, Thea gains 1d12 inspiration, to be used on either a skill check, a save, an attack roll, a damage roll, or as a bonus to her AC. Lasts 10 minutes.

Sylvan translation: Duplicates

Barbarian MD
2018-06-16, 12:14 AM
Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1552188)

AC 23. HP 248/266. PP:22. Speed:40'. Initiative:+3(Adv). Darkvision 60'.

Checks: S:+5 (Adv if Raging) or take 20. D:+5. Co:+5. Int:+3. W:+3. Ch:+2.
Saves: S:+12 (Adv if Raging). D:+6 (+2 shield bonus if targets only me) AND (Adv if Visible) AND (Can use reaction to take no damage if 1/2 damage on save). Co:+12. I:+4. W:+4. Ch:+3.

Advantage on: saves against charmed, all saving throws spells/magical effects (Shield), saving throws harmful gases/vapors (ring)
Immunities: sleep, surprise (by entering rage)
Impose Disadvantage: Spell attacks against me (Shield). Enemy attacks until one hits, resets each turn (Cloak)

Active Conditions or Buffs: none

Cantrip: Message
Rituals: Beast sense, speak with animals, commune with nature

Proficiencies: Athletics +11, Nature +9, Perception +9, Survival +9, Intimidation +8
Acrobatics/Stealth/Sleight of Hand: +5
Arcana/History/Investigation/Religion: +3
Animal Handling/Insight/Medicine: +3
Deception/Performance/Persuasion: +2


Scimitar of Speed Atk: +13. Dmg: d6+7. Critical: 5d6+7.
Raging: Dmg: d6+11.
Two attacks + bonus attack or as bonus action can shove a creature with shield.
+1 Longbow Atk: +12. Dmg: d8+6.

Rages Used: 1/6. Round: 2/10.

If brought to 0 HP, DC10+(n-1)5 Con check, 1 hp instead of 0.
Resistance all damage except psychic
Enemies within 5' have disadvantage on attacks against allies unless immune to being frightened

Reckless: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.
Gem of Seeing: 0/3 charges used. 10 minutes of Truesight 120'. Regain 1d3 daily.
Winged Boots: 1/240 minutes used. Regains 120 minutes every 12 hours not in use.
Periapt of Wound Closure (1): Double HP when rolling Hit Dice.

Carrying capacity doubled.
(Dread) Helm of Comprehend Languages.
Ioun Stone of Sustenance
Ioun Stone of Regeneration: 15 hit points per hour.
(Note that if battle looks imminent, I ALWAYS grab both stones and store in pocket beforehand.)
Ring of Adaptation: Breathe in any environment. Advantage on saving throws harmful gases/vapors.
Periapt of Wound Closure (2): Automatically stabilize if dying.
Already noted above: Cloak of Displacement--Enemy attacks have disadvantage until an attack hits, resets each turn; Ring of Protection; Spellguard Shield--Advantage on all saving throws against spells/magical effects. Spell attacks have disadvantage against me.

Potion Superior Healing x 4, Potion of Greater Healing x 3, Vicious Warhammer, Brewer's supplies, Cook's utensils, 80 arrows (20 more on a worn quiver), 2 blankets, Bedroll, Block and tackle, 5 flask, 500 feet silk rope, 5 chests, 2 signal whistle, 5 soap, Tent, Shovel, Manacles, 184 gp

Leayonadas looks directly in the face of the fiend for a moment as time stands still. The warrior elf smiles a toothy grin, blood dripping from the bite marks, before launching into motion.

He completely spins about, rolling in midair with his shield leading the way, cape fluttering behind him. The shield crashes down towards the fiend's head, and two sword strokes follow just behind, hopefully as he meteors down behind a falling fiend.

Round 3
Bonus: Shove
Strength (Athletics) [roll0] or [roll1] or take 20 if both less than 20 (barbarian class feature).

Move to stay within 5 feet.

Attack 1: [roll2]
Advantage 1: [roll3]
Damage 1: [roll4]

Attack 2: [roll5]
Advantage 2: [roll6]
Damage 2: [roll7]

Irish Musician
2018-06-16, 12:26 AM
Leayonadas uses his shield to smash into the fiend. His momentum stops, unfortunately, as the fiends turns on him. Unfortunately for the fiend, it is met with Leayonadas' blade, causing more slashes to appear all over it.

2018-06-16, 01:06 AM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, Pious and Dangerous

She then flies away to find a new spot to hide by landing on a building further north, tiptoeing around another chimney for cover. She uses her gem of seeing to see any more

Thea sneaks away before jumping of the building, tossing a handful of crucifixes at the back of the fiend while its back is turned, and up to 2 more. "Take that!" she yells.

Banish DC 19 Cha save on the fiend guy, with Disadvantage if the hide works whatever

Hiding on the building at H35
[roll1] if adv applies
put like the average of thje inspiration whatever

Getting a read on this fissure and this Trix person
[roll2] perception

2018-06-16, 06:49 AM
Grimacing at this thing and it's refusal to drop quickly, Athelras sighs and takes aim with his bow once again. {For a salad this thing is pretty tough.} He thinks to himself just before he fires.



[roll4] Piercing
[roll5] Piercing

[roll6] Piercing
[roll7] Piercing

Reroll for Elven Accuracy in case of a miss

Reroll for Stalker's Flurry in case of a miss

*Chip, chip, chippin away...

Orsik Vondal
2018-06-16, 01:02 PM
Myth-Weavers Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1553057)

AC: 17/20 w/ mage armor
HP: 192/192
Resistance: necrotic, radiant
PP: 21
Speed: 30'/60' w/ boots of speed
Initiative: +3
Spell Attack Bonus: +14
Spell Save DC: 22
Darkvision 60'

Checks: Str:+4 Dex:+3 Con:+4 Int:+5. Wis:+5. Cha:+5
Saves: Str:+5 Dex:+4 Con:+5 Int:+6 Wis:+12 Cha:+12

Immunities: thought reading, lie detection, creature type detection spells; creatures con only communicate with Uriel if he allows it (ring of mind shielding)
Impose Disadvantage: on enemy attacks until one hits, resets each turn (cloak of displacement)

Proficiencies: Arcana +11, Deception +11, History +11, Insight +11, Investigation +11, Perception +11, Persuasion +11, Religion +11
Athletics: +4
Acrobatics/Stealth/Sleight of Hand: +3
Nature: +5
Animal Handling/Medicine/Survival: +5
Intimidation/Performance: +5

Cantrip Spell Attacks:

Eldritch Blast Range: 120ft. Atk: +14 (x4, can be diff targets)
Dmg: 1d10+5, can push 10 ft. Critical: 2d10+5.
Sacred Flame Save DC: 22 Dex. Dmg: 4d8+5

eldritch blast (4 beams), sacred flame, true strike, lightning lure, minor illusion, light
Rituals: contact other plane

All spells of 1st-5th level are cast at 5th level; 4 slots available; regain expended slots after short/long rest
Known Spells: counterspell, cure wounds, daylight, flame strike, flaming sphere, greater restoration, guardian of faith, guiding bolt, heavenly rebuke, revivify, sickening radiance, wall of fire, wall of light

Mystic Arcanum spells do not use spell slots; cast at the given level; regain all uses of MA after long rest
Mystic Arcanum Spells:
6th: scatter
7th: crown of stars
8th: feeble mind
9th: foresight

Invocation Spells do not use spell slots; can cast at-will without components
Invocation Spells: hold monster (if cast on celestial, fiend, elemental), invisibility, mage armor

If made to roll death saving throw, can regain 1/2 max HP, deal 2d8+5 radiant damage and blind chosen creatures w/in 30 ft.
Once per long rest, can use an action to gain fly 30 and deal 18 extra radiant damage for 1 minute
When regaining HP with dice rolls, regain the max when Gideon is w/in 100 ft.

Shepherd's crook, leather armor, 3 daggers, 2 4th-level spell scrolls (find greater steed), diamond dust worth 300gp, backpack, crowbar, hammer, 10 pitons, 10 torches, tinderbox, 10 days of rations, waterskin, 50 ft. hempen rope, 1850gp

Uriel puts his back to the building and peers around the corner. "Blast!", he whispers. "I can't see anything from here!" Uriel and Gideon move with purpose under the cover of the roaring flames and explosions in the area up to the the first set of buildings ringing the square. He sees a lone figure in the center of the square. It didn't appear to be the one responsible for all the fire and destruction.

She was familiar, but now wasn't the time to sort through his memories to place a face. She looked a bit scathed, so he send a prayer to He Who Was to lessen her wounds. A soft light surrounds her for a moment and a few of the cuts she had shrink in size. He scans the rest of the square and notices a fissure in the ground. What is tha-

Just then another loud explosion cracks to the south of Uriel and a familiar battle cry rings out drawing his attention to a rooftop not far away. A grotesque abomination of twisted evil contends with Dawnsong, his Bear Helm roaring with the delight of battle. So...Hell has come to Silverymoon. Uriel takes up a balanced stance and aims his fist at the brute. He had to make his attack count, so he steadies his breathing and waits for the opportune moment to let his god-given magics loose.

There! Dawnsong and the fiend briefly break apart after a flurry of attacks from the creature. In Celestial Uriel booms, "נעלם השטן המרושע" and releases the spell held in his mind. Four beams of blue-white light fly at the fiend. Perhaps that would give his friends some room to breathe.

Just before the beams would have struck the fiend, it disappears with a shriek.

Uriel moves to (X,35)
Uses his Healing Light class feature to restore [roll0] HP to Trix
Then attacks the fiend atop the roof with:
Eldritch Blast:
[roll2] force damage
[roll4] force damage
[roll6] force damage
[roll8] force damage
Celestial Translation: "Be gone, vile devil!"

Irish Musician
2018-06-16, 04:04 PM
The chimney crumbles around Thea and she stares up at a giant fiend looking down at her. She starts to run and its mace flies towards her. She reaches in her pouch and holy symbols fly everywhere, speeding towards the fiend. One of them lodges itself in the fiend's nose and it roars, loudly. The fiend pulls it out just as it stars to disappear, fading from this plane and back to its own.

Thea then scurries across the alley to another building, finding shelter behind its chimney, leaving the other looking at a large, open space where the fiend used to be.

2018-06-18, 06:59 AM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 1/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 2/2 - 8th 1/1 - 9th 1/1 | Concentration: N

Coming around a building Raistlin sees Uriel branch off to the right. "Good thinking," he thinks to himself before heading off towards the left. Seeing Leo in the float in the sky Raistlin blinks up on top of a building a few feet away from him. "Leayonadas, what is going on out here!?" He calls out to the Half-Elf Barbarian, attempting to get a read on the situation. Seeing Thea hurting and a familiar face in the streets with a few tattered clothes Raistlin decides to be better safe than sorry. The copies of himself walk out from behind him, they then take a position with him on the rooftop.

Peering out Raistlin looks at the glowing fissure in the center of the buildings. Not seeing any enemies her decides to focus his attention on it, attempting to discern as much as he can.

Movement: Move to L49

Bonus Action: Misty Step to L45 (Using 2nd level slot, I have 1/3 left now)

Action: Cast Mirror Image (Does not use slot due to Spell Mastery)

Arcana: Rolling to figure out what the fissure is - Is it magical, is it permanent, can it be closed, is it a gate, etc? [roll0]

Free Action: Yell at my friends to tell me whats going on cause Raistlin just walked into literally a bunch of huffing and puffing teammates but no enemies :smalltongue:

Barbarian MD
2018-06-18, 07:29 AM
Leayonadas, winding up for another attack, adrenaline pumping through his arteries... blinks. The fiend is gone, faded from existence. He immediately starts a mental countdown 60... 59... 58... 57.... Head on a swivel, he starts to look for more but doesn't turn his back on the fiend's former location.

He yells to Raistlin, "No idea. Hole to hell. Lots of bodies. Big fiend. I think Thea banished it. There might be more, but I haven't seen any. You see anything?"

Irish Musician
2018-06-18, 02:51 PM
Spells shoot through nothing and arrows whiz through air, hitting the buildings on the other side of the now departed fiend. Thea flees from where she was, doing her best to hide out of sight in case the other devils show up as well. The "team" starts to finally gather together, looking at a bare playing field. Leo paces, waiting to be able to put his sword through something, and Ath knocks another bow, using his elven eyes to try and spot another fiend to shoot.

It is then that, out of nothingness, what looks like a hell-knight on a burning horse appears behind Thea. Unfortunately the halfling can't seem to catch a break on hiding from these fiends. The horse and rider both attack her, the horse letting out a twisted whinny and the rider yelling at her in a language she cannot understand, Duy wpidd, ulwuqluoutilz tryizfry! lyz qa ao afr piwzyr!

In the distance, you hear another loud boom, and everyone that can see Silverhand's Tower, sees a large chunk of the side of it burst out form the inside.


1 , Dmg: + [roll] 3d10 fire
2 , Dmg: [roll3] + [roll] 3d10 fire
3 , Dmg: [roll5] + [roll] 3d10 fire

Everyone within 60ft of F4 (not Trix), make a DC 17 Cha save. Failed: be frightened for 1 min, save, immune to it for 24 hours.

Nightmare attack
, dmg [roll7] + 2d6 fire

Die small, insignificant creature! Let go of our master!

2018-06-18, 10:48 PM
As one of the fiends reappears, Trix calls over to it: "Hey ugly! Over here! Your friend was scared of me, are you too?" The woman then moves a little closer to some of the others, shouting over to Leo. "Come on, are you guys really going to leave these guys to just us? Get over here and help!"
Standard: Vicious Mockery
DC 19 WIS save or take [roll0] and have disadvantage on its next attack roll


Bonus: Inspiration to Leo, same choices as listed before

Barbarian MD
2018-06-19, 05:24 AM
Leayonadas Dawnsong has faced raging hordes, dragons, Giants, fell beasts and terrors untold. Never in his life has he felt the crushing weight of despair that seems to emanate from the fiend assailing Thea at this moment. He tries to push past it, to charge forward with sword and shield, but hope fails him.

He takes three deep breaths and assesses his options. Sheathing his sword momentarily, he draws forth a beautiful gem, as black as obsidian, and holds it to his eye. With another deep breath, he speaks the command word and suddenly his vision is doubled, overlaid with visions of another realm. He dashes forward quickly and then stows the gem back in his pocket.

Round 4. Rage round 3/10.

Action: activate gem of true seeing for truesight 120'
Move T39 (or towards any invisible fiends as they become visible to truesight. I'm trying to bait fear auras on any of the fiends that I haven't seen yet, if they're still around, in order to get the clock ticking on the fear effect).

New save against fear old fiend: [roll0]
Save #1 against new fiend #1? [roll1]
Save #2 against new fiend #2? [roll2]
Save #3 against new fiend #3? [roll3]

Might add inspiration, will see what the rolls are.

I'm so happy I could cry. No use of inspiration.

2018-06-19, 06:56 AM
Athelras felt the bow release its enemy. Upon seeing the new threat riding the horse he goes through the same ritual again swearing this enemy as he takes aim and fires at it.

Staying put on the map.


[roll2] piercing
[roll3] piercing


[roll6] piercing
[roll7] piercing

[roll8] Elven Accuracy
[roll9] Stalkers Flurry

Shadowy Dodge
Starting at 15th level, you can dodge in unforeseen ways, with wisps of supernatural shadow around you. Whenever a creature makes an attack roll against you and doesn't have advantage on the roll, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on it. You must use this feature before you know the outcome of the attack roll.

Feral Senses
At 18th level, you gain preternatural senses that help you fight creatures you can't see. When you attack a creature you can't see, your inability to see it doesn't impose disadvantage on your attack rolls against it. You are also aware of the location of any invisible creature within 30 feet of you, provided that the creature isn't hidden from you and you aren't blinded or deafened.

2018-06-19, 08:50 AM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, Smug and Swift

Thearoyl grimaces. "The great and powerful Mooncloak does not heed your speech, fiend! Feel her wrath!" She swings her trusty scimitar at the devil. "Lame tonnante!"

Booming Blade!!!
Damage[roll1] Magical Slashing [roll2] thunder
If he leaves the square he take [roll3] Thunder

Bonus action disengage, run to under Trix.

"You are mistaken," Thearoyl tells Trix, as she hides behind her. "The great powerful Mooncloak has got this."

2018-06-19, 09:57 AM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 1/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 1/2 - 8th 1/1 - 9th 1/1 | Concentration: N

Out of thin air emerges a rider clothed in dark plate armor. He sits atop a steed with flames engulfing it. The very sight of it strikes fear into Raistlins heart. This all had been happening so fast and he could barely get a grip of the situation. The creature shoots it's lance out towards Thea multiple times, creating blood filled punctures. Raistlins eyes fill with fear as if he was getting hit himself. He points his staff out towards Thea to help but she slashes the foe and flies back towards the group in the center of the square.

Seeing her safe with Leo Raistlin turns his eyes towards the hellish knight, before he could come up with a decision he sees an explosion of stone come from within Silverhand's Tower.

"NO!" he spits through his teeth in anger. Turning to the others Raistlin shouts out to them, "Take care of things here, I have to help Silverhand!" His eyes then roll back into his head as he recalls the lost lore of a spell he had seen once in the past. With a blink Raistlin disappears from view.

Bonus Action:Use Master of Magic feature to learn how to cast the 7th level spell teleport.

Action: Cast Teleport. He will aim for the room they were in yesterday.

Movement: will use after Raistlin teleports and gets his bearings.

As a bonus action, you can call to mind the ability to cast one spell of your choice from any class's spell list. The spell must be of a level for which you have spell slots, you mustn't have it prepared, and you follow the normal rules for casting it, including expending a spell slot. If the spell isn't a wizard spell, it counts as a wizard spell when you cast it. The ability to cast the spell vanishes from your mind when you cast it or when the current turn ends.

You can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest.

2018-06-19, 10:02 AM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, Brave and Adventurous

"What? Are you kidding me?! Raistlin, get back here you coward," Thea yells at the air from behind Trix. She sighs. "He could have at least taken a fighter with him. There is no way that's going to end well," she grumbles.

Irish Musician
2018-06-19, 10:24 AM
Raistlin sees the explosions in the tower and fears for Silverhand's safety. With a word to his comrades, he teleports to the tower, popping into the room in which they met yesterday.

Luckily, or unluckily depending on how you look at it, Raistlin is teleported into the room with Silverhand in it.....as well as two fiends. She is slinging spells at them as they corner her in the room. With the pop Rasitlin makes teleporting into the room, they both turn their heads and look at him. One look just like the fiend that was attacking Thea, also mounted on a flaming horse. The other is a very large, horned thing with a long tail and a pitchfork. The table is broken in two, chairs and other various objects are strewn around the room. And there is a very, very large hole in the side of the tower.

Feel free to make a Religion check to figure out what the things are.

2018-06-19, 11:02 AM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 1/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 1/2 - 8th 1/1 - 9th 1/1 | Concentration: N

With a popping noise four different copies of Raistlin appear in the room close to the large hole in the wall. They all look towards Silverhand and the two fiends staring back at them. Raistlin's stomach churns a bit as he remembers the fiend that just frightened him earlier, the one across the room looking very similar. Looking at the other he takes a moment to examine it and attempts to discern what it is as well as what the other is.

Despite the predicament Raistlin steels his stomach and with his copies takes a step forward towards the fiends, nodding at Silverhand and hoping to encourage her.

Movement: Move to K11

Arcana: [roll0] to figure out what the two fiends are and anything in particular Raistlin knows about them. Strengths, weaknesses, abilities, etc.

Save: Charisma save vs frightened from other fiend. [roll1] vs DC 17

Orsik Vondal
2018-06-19, 02:19 PM
Myth-Weavers Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1553057)

AC: 17/20 w/ mage armor
HP: 192/192
Resistance: necrotic, radiant
PP: 21
Speed: 30'/60' w/ boots of speed
Initiative: +3
Spell Attack Bonus: +14
Spell Save DC: 22
Darkvision 60'

Checks: Str:+4 Dex:+3 Con:+4 Int:+5. Wis:+5. Cha:+5
Saves: Str:+5 Dex:+4 Con:+5 Int:+6 Wis:+12 Cha:+12

Immunities: thought reading, lie detection, creature type detection spells; creatures con only communicate with Uriel if he allows it (ring of mind shielding)
Impose Disadvantage: on enemy attacks until one hits, resets each turn (cloak of displacement)

Proficiencies: Arcana +11, Deception +11, History +11, Insight +11, Investigation +11, Perception +11, Persuasion +11, Religion +11
Athletics: +4
Acrobatics/Stealth/Sleight of Hand: +3
Nature: +5
Animal Handling/Medicine/Survival: +5
Intimidation/Performance: +5

Cantrip Spell Attacks:

Eldritch Blast Range: 120ft. Atk: +14 (x4, can be diff targets)
Dmg: 1d10+5, can push 10 ft. Critical: 2d10+5.
Sacred Flame Save DC: 22 Dex. Dmg: 4d8+5

eldritch blast (4 beams), sacred flame, true strike, lightning lure, minor illusion, light
Rituals: contact other plane

All spells of 1st-5th level are cast at 5th level; 4 slots available; regain expended slots after short/long rest
Known Spells: counterspell, cure wounds, daylight, flame strike, flaming sphere, greater restoration, guardian of faith, guiding bolt, heavenly rebuke, revivify, sickening radiance, wall of fire, wall of light

Mystic Arcanum spells do not use spell slots; cast at the given level; regain all uses of MA after long rest
Mystic Arcanum Spells:
6th: scatter
7th: crown of stars
8th: feeble mind
9th: foresight

Invocation Spells do not use spell slots; can cast at-will without components
Invocation Spells: hold monster (if cast on celestial, fiend, elemental), invisibility, mage armor

If made to roll death saving throw, can regain 1/2 max HP, deal 2d8+5 radiant damage and blind chosen creatures w/in 30 ft.
Once per long rest, can use an action to gain fly 30 and deal 18 extra radiant damage for 1 minute
When regaining HP with dice rolls, regain the max when Gideon is w/in 100 ft.

Shepherd's crook, leather armor, 3 daggers, 2 4th-level spell scrolls (find greater steed), diamond dust worth 300gp, backpack, crowbar, hammer, 10 pitons, 10 torches, tinderbox, 10 days of rations, waterskin, 50 ft. hempen rope, 1850gp

Uriel had thought the fight was over until the mounted devil appeared spouting curses in gibberish as devils are wont to do. Just then an explosion in the direction of Silverhand's tower pulls his attention. Stones and fire blast from the wall. There must be more of these creatures attacking other parts of the city!

As Raistlin disappeared with a shouted word, presumably to help out at Tower Silverhand, Uriel looks back to the square and the rest of his party. Wizards. Always jumping into situations they know nothing about. He sends a prayer for Raistlin's safety, then turns his attention to protecting Thea. She had obviously banished the pit fiend, but needed more time to complete the spell's permanence. He would do what he could to give her the time she needed.

Uriel pulls a small mirror from his side pouch. He begins to mutter another prayer as he slowly separates his hands. In the square a beam of horizontal light appears and begins to thicken into a ten foot high wall of gleaming light. It wraps around the woman Uriel now recognizes as Trix and Thea giving them a bit of shelter from the fiend and a more defensible position.

He rushes to Leayonadas' side and yells loud enough for the whole square to hear. " Thea, you keep that spell up. Dawnsong, if that thing comes around the wall crush it! Trix, keep Thea covered from a frontal attack. Dusk, wherever you are, make that thing a pin cushion! I'll do likewise and reposition us if necessary."

Casting Wall of Light - Squares outlined in yellow
Move to U40
Yell out craziness!

Irish Musician
2018-06-21, 10:11 AM
Round 5


The Streets
The group on the streets do their best to protect Thea from the attacks of the fiend on the horse. Thea herself does a good job of laying a trap for it with her attack. Seeing that the others seem to have everything under control here, Raistlin teleports to see if he can help Silverhand in the tower. The fiend on the flaming horse says something inaudible, and as your ears strain to hear it, both figures dissolve into nothing, and you can no longer see them. A large boom goes off, and then.......nothing.

The Tower
As Raistlin teleports in, he sees a large devil and the same type of devil he just saw going after Thea squaring off with Silverhand. She looks disheveled, but not seriously injured, save for one slash in her side. The devils both turn their heads to look at the new player, and the Horned one immediately charges over to Raistlin, letting out a roar as it does. It pokes at the wizard with it's forked weapon, and Raistlin sees its tail whip over to hit him.

Move to Raistlin

Fork 1 [roll0], dmg [roll1]
Fork 2 [roll2], dmg [roll3]

Tail [roll4], dmg [roll5], make a DC 17 Con save. Fail: lose [roll6] Hp at the start of each turn, you now have an infernal wound. Each time you are hit by a tail, the damage will increase. Any creature can take an action to stanch the wound with a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine) check. The wound also closes if the target receives magical healing.

Players' Turns!

2018-06-21, 01:41 PM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 1/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 1/2 - 8th 0/1 - 9th 1/1 | Concentration: Y

Raistlin watches as the Horned Devil rushes forward with his forked weapon. He grips his staff tighter preparing for the attacks. Two images of himself shatter, as if a ball flew through a pane of glass, the shards dropping to the floor before fading away. Then comes the Devil's tail going straight for the side of Raistlin's stomach, but what should have been a hit somehow was not...It went through where Raistlin seemed to be yet connected with nothing.

Staring back at the Devil with a smile on his face Raistlin speaks to the fiend, "You look lost." He points his staff out at the Horned Devil and within the blink of an eye the fiend disappears. Finding itself lost in a series of corridors, unable to find it's way out.

Now looking at the Nazugon, Raistlin takes another step forward with his final remaining mirrored image.

Action: Cast the spell Maze on the Horned Devil

You banish a creature that you can see within range into a labyrinthine demiplane. The target remains there for the duration or until it escapes the maze.

The target can use its action to attempt to escape. When it does so, it makes a DC 20 Intelligence check. If it succeeds, it escapes, and the spell ends (a minotaur or goristro demon automatically succeeds).

When the spell ends, the target reappears in the space it left or, if that space is occupied, in the nearest unoccupied space.

Movement: Move to K10 from K11

2018-06-21, 04:56 PM
With his elf senses tingling Athelras attempts to make a dash down to street level and ends ...


2018-06-22, 09:56 AM
Thearoyl Mooncloak, Expeditious and Hasty

"Well, the Great and Powerful Mooncloak will head to the tower, posthaste," she says smugly. She hops on her broom and flies towards the tower to help Raistlin.

Action Dash
Bonus Action Dash
Also move

150ft move in total

2018-06-22, 10:18 AM
Trix looks at the remaining heros as Thea seems to join the Wizard in leaving, presumably for the tower. She moves over to Leo and Uriel. ”We can stay here and hope the devils find us as appealing targets as the populace, or we can go to the tower, where things are worsening. Touch blades with me if you want to go.” Trix holds out her axe towards the others, casting Teleport on herself and those who do as she says.
Action: Teleport self, and those in range who are willing, to the tower
Further movement and bonus action: Waiting on teleport result

Barbarian MD
2018-06-22, 10:20 AM
Interrupted by Trix, Leayonadas shrugs his shoulders and touches blades with her.

"Do you know where we're going?"

Orsik Vondal
2018-06-22, 10:31 AM
Myth-Weavers Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1553057)

AC: 17/20 w/ mage armor
HP: 192/192
Resistance: necrotic, radiant
PP: 21
Speed: 30'/60' w/ boots of speed
Initiative: +3
Spell Attack Bonus: +14
Spell Save DC: 22
Darkvision 60'

Checks: Str:+4 Dex:+3 Con:+4 Int:+5. Wis:+5. Cha:+5
Saves: Str:+5 Dex:+4 Con:+5 Int:+6 Wis:+12 Cha:+12

Immunities: thought reading, lie detection, creature type detection spells; creatures con only communicate with Uriel if he allows it (ring of mind shielding)
Impose Disadvantage: on enemy attacks until one hits, resets each turn (cloak of displacement)

Proficiencies: Arcana +11, Deception +11, History +11, Insight +11, Investigation +11, Perception +11, Persuasion +11, Religion +11
Athletics: +4
Acrobatics/Stealth/Sleight of Hand: +3
Nature: +5
Animal Handling/Medicine/Survival: +5
Intimidation/Performance: +5

Cantrip Spell Attacks:

Eldritch Blast Range: 120ft. Atk: +14 (x4, can be diff targets)
Dmg: 1d10+5, can push 10 ft. Critical: 2d10+5.
Sacred Flame Save DC: 22 Dex. Dmg: 4d8+5

eldritch blast (4 beams), sacred flame, true strike, lightning lure, minor illusion, light
Rituals: contact other plane

All spells of 1st-5th level are cast at 5th level; 4 slots available; regain expended slots after short/long rest
Known Spells: counterspell, cure wounds, daylight, flame strike, flaming sphere, greater restoration, guardian of faith, guiding bolt, heavenly rebuke, revivify, sickening radiance, wall of fire, wall of light

Mystic Arcanum spells do not use spell slots; cast at the given level; regain all uses of MA after long rest
Mystic Arcanum Spells:
6th: scatter
7th: crown of stars
8th: feeble mind
9th: foresight

Invocation Spells do not use spell slots; can cast at-will without components
Invocation Spells: hold monster (if cast on celestial, fiend, elemental), invisibility, mage armor

If made to roll death saving throw, can regain 1/2 max HP, deal 2d8+5 radiant damage and blind chosen creatures w/in 30 ft.
Once per long rest, can use an action to gain fly 30 and deal 18 extra radiant damage for 1 minute
When regaining HP with dice rolls, regain the max when Gideon is w/in 100 ft.

Shepherd's crook, leather armor, 3 daggers, 2 4th-level spell scrolls (find greater steed), diamond dust worth 300gp, backpack, crowbar, hammer, 10 pitons, 10 torches, tinderbox, 10 days of rations, waterskin, 50 ft. hempen rope, 1850gp

Uriel turns to the others. "I fear our friend Raistlin may have bitten off more grass than he can chew. And that horseman probably went to help its comrades at the tower, but I cannot leave this square until I know that rift", he indicates the crack in the stone to the north, "is not going to spew forth more foul beasts. I will stay behind to insure it is nothing more than a pothole, and if it is a portal to Hell, attempt to close it. The rest of you can head to the tower, and I'll be right behind you."

Uriel runs over to inspect the fissure, hoping to find nothing more than a hole. What he saw was a pool of magma. That's not supposed to be here!

Move/dash to Q21
Inspect the fissure.

2018-06-22, 02:35 PM
”I think so.” And with that, the two vanish.

With a small pop, the two land... actually, where she wanted to go! “Hey magic man, looks like you need a hand with things!”
Bonus Action: Bardic Inspiration to Raistin, same uses as previously described.

Barbarian MD
2018-06-22, 07:03 PM
Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1552188)

AC 23. HP 248/266. PP:22. Speed:40'. Initiative:+3(Adv). Darkvision 60'.

Checks: S:+5 (Adv if Raging) or take 20. D:+5. Co:+5. Int:+3. W:+3. Ch:+2.
Saves: S:+12 (Adv if Raging). D:+6 (+2 shield bonus if targets only me) AND (Adv if Visible) AND (Can use reaction to take no damage if 1/2 damage on save). Co:+12. I:+4. W:+4. Ch:+3.

Advantage on: saves against charmed, all saving throws spells/magical effects (Shield), saving throws harmful gases/vapors (ring)
Immunities: sleep, surprise (by entering rage)
Impose Disadvantage: Spell attacks against me (Shield). Enemy attacks until one hits, resets each turn (Cloak)

Active Conditions or Buffs: none

Cantrip: Message
Rituals: Beast sense, speak with animals, commune with nature

Proficiencies: Athletics +11, Nature +9, Perception +9, Survival +9, Intimidation +8
Acrobatics/Stealth/Sleight of Hand: +5
Arcana/History/Investigation/Religion: +3
Animal Handling/Insight/Medicine: +3
Deception/Performance/Persuasion: +2


Scimitar of Speed Atk: +13. Dmg: d6+7. Critical: 5d6+7.
Raging: Dmg: d6+11.
Two attacks + bonus attack or as bonus action can shove a creature with shield.
+1 Longbow Atk: +12. Dmg: d8+6.

Rages Used: 1/6. Round: 4/10.

If brought to 0 HP, DC10+(n-1)5 Con check, 1 hp instead of 0.
Resistance all damage except psychic
Enemies within 5' have disadvantage on attacks against allies unless immune to being frightened

Reckless: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.
Gem of Seeing: 1/3 charges used. 10 minutes of Truesight 120'. Regain 1d3 daily.
Winged Boots: 1/240 minutes used. Regains 120 minutes every 12 hours not in use.
Periapt of Wound Closure (1): Double HP when rolling Hit Dice.

Carrying capacity doubled.
(Dread) Helm of Comprehend Languages.
Ioun Stone of Sustenance
Ioun Stone of Regeneration: 15 hit points per hour.
(Note that if battle looks imminent, I ALWAYS grab both stones and store in pocket beforehand.)
Ring of Adaptation: Breathe in any environment. Advantage on saving throws harmful gases/vapors.
Periapt of Wound Closure (2): Automatically stabilize if dying.
Already noted above: Cloak of Displacement--Enemy attacks have disadvantage until an attack hits, resets each turn; Ring of Protection; Spellguard Shield--Advantage on all saving throws against spells/magical effects. Spell attacks have disadvantage against me.

Potion Superior Healing x 4, Potion of Greater Healing x 3, Vicious Warhammer, Brewer's supplies, Cook's utensils, 80 arrows (20 more on a worn quiver), 2 blankets, Bedroll, Block and tackle, 5 flask, 500 feet silk rope, 5 chests, 2 signal whistle, 5 soap, Tent, Shovel, Manacles, 184 gp

Having an enemy in sight again, Leayonadas lets out an enormous shout and charges forward into the fray. In one smooth motion, he slides his shield onto a securing mount on his back as he sprints forward. Bullrushing the fiend atop its mount, the elf grabs it and hurls it towards the ground, ripping it off the back of the nightmare. Still screaming, he drops his knee onto its torso to pin it to the ground and moves to stab it.

Move to fiend on mount. 20 feet.
Grapple check, with advantage, to wrap secure him with off hand and take him to the ground off his mount, using remaining 20 feet move (halved) to "drag" him and the keep him grappled.

If that fails, use second attack to repeat process:

If that first grapple succeeds, attack with sword:
Attack: [roll4]

Irish Musician
2018-06-28, 01:29 PM
Round 6

Trix and Leo wait for Athelras to come to teleport away with them, they see him run from rooftop to rooftop and then start his decent down to the ground. Unfortunately for him, as his foot hits the end of the rooftop his form completely disappears, and you hear a very loud crash. Unfortunately, Trix's teleport does not wait for him and the pair teleport into the room with the other devil, as by the time they get there there is only one and his flaming horse. Leo charges right up to him, pulls the thing off the horse, and attempts to stab it in the face. Unfortunately its armor deflects the sword and it it moved to the side and hits the ground. Thea starts to fly away, and Uriel runs over to the fissure to check it out. As the action continues, Athelras gets up, pulls the arrow out of his....leg, and keep running towards the open area.

Just as Thea is flying towards the tower, a figure appears in front of her in the air, and attacks her. The very same fiend on a flaming horse as before! And just as Leo gets his hands on the fiend, his mount and the fiend himself disappear and fade away. However, luckily for Leo, the fiend that Raistlin just banished into his maze reappears, and it does NOT look happy. However, given his magics, it is not able to attack the wizard this round. Silverhand looks around the room, says some words in elvish, and you all feel a magical influence strengthen you.

1 - [roll0], dmg [roll1] + [roll2] fire
2 - [roll3], dmg [roll4] + [roll5] fire
3 - [roll6], dmg [roll7] + [roll8] fire

Everyone in Silverhand's room gain advantage on your next attack roll, or grant disadvantage on your enemy's next DC check against one of your spells.

Players' Turn! (Finally)

Barbarian MD
2018-06-28, 01:41 PM
Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1552188)

AC 23. HP 248/266. PP:22. Speed:40'. Initiative:+3(Adv). Darkvision 60'.

Checks: S:+5 (Adv if Raging) or take 20. D:+5. Co:+5. Int:+3. W:+3. Ch:+2.
Saves: S:+12 (Adv if Raging). D:+6 (+2 shield bonus if targets only me) AND (Adv if Visible) AND (Can use reaction to take no damage if 1/2 damage on save). Co:+12. I:+4. W:+4. Ch:+3.

Advantage on: saves against charmed, all saving throws spells/magical effects (Shield), saving throws harmful gases/vapors (ring)
Immunities: sleep, surprise (by entering rage)
Impose Disadvantage: Spell attacks against me (Shield). Enemy attacks until one hits, resets each turn (Cloak)

Active Conditions or Buffs: none

Cantrip: Message
Rituals: Beast sense, speak with animals, commune with nature

Proficiencies: Athletics +11, Nature +9, Perception +9, Survival +9, Intimidation +8
Acrobatics/Stealth/Sleight of Hand: +5
Arcana/History/Investigation/Religion: +3
Animal Handling/Insight/Medicine: +3
Deception/Performance/Persuasion: +2


Scimitar of Speed Atk: +13. Dmg: d6+7. Critical: +4d6
Raging: Dmg: d6+11.
Two attacks + bonus attack or as bonus action can shove a creature with shield.
+1 Longbow Atk: +12. Dmg: d8+6.

Rages Used: 1/6. Round: 5/10.

If brought to 0 HP, DC10+(n-1)5 Con check, 1 hp instead of 0.
Resistance all damage except psychic
Enemies within 5' have disadvantage on attacks against allies unless immune to being frightened

Reckless: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.
Gem of Seeing: 1/3 charges used. 10 minutes of Truesight 120'. Regain 1d3 daily.
Winged Boots: 1/240 minutes used. Regains 120 minutes every 12 hours not in use.
Periapt of Wound Closure (1): Double HP when rolling Hit Dice.

Carrying capacity doubled.
(Dread) Helm of Comprehend Languages.
Ioun Stone of Sustenance
Ioun Stone of Regeneration: 15 hit points per hour.
(Note that if battle looks imminent, I ALWAYS grab both stones and store in pocket beforehand.)
Ring of Adaptation: Breathe in any environment. Advantage on saving throws harmful gases/vapors.
Periapt of Wound Closure (2): Automatically stabilize if dying.
Already noted above: Cloak of Displacement--Enemy attacks have disadvantage until an attack hits, resets each turn; Ring of Protection; Spellguard Shield--Advantage on all saving throws against spells/magical effects. Spell attacks have disadvantage against me.

Potion Superior Healing x 4, Potion of Greater Healing x 3, Vicious Warhammer, Brewer's supplies, Cook's utensils, 80 arrows (20 more on a worn quiver), 2 blankets, Bedroll, Block and tackle, 5 flask, 500 feet silk rope, 5 chests, 2 signal whistle, 5 soap, Tent, Shovel, Manacles, 184 gp

Leayonadas is outraged to feel the fiend slip out of his grapple into nothingness. A howl of frustration escapes his lips and he grinds his teeth.

So it is with great excitement that he turns to see yet another fiend appear just behind him. He wastes no time. He grabs his shield with his free hand and spins to face the new fiend, sword snick-snacking with all his body weight behind the slashes. The last strike appears to cut deeply and yet another layer of blood decorates the bear-helm.

Round 6

Attack1: [roll0]
Attack (advantage): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack2: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

AttackB: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

2018-06-28, 01:45 PM
The Quick and Agile Mooncloak!

Thea conjures another shield spell, deflecting the attacks! "Foul villain! Do you presume to match the great and powerful Mooncloak?!" Thea flies under the nightmare, obscuring herself from view. She then whips out her scimitar, conjuring another furious, cracking storm with it to strike her foe! "SNEAK ATTACK!" She yells, attacking the fiendish rider.

Using Halfling Nimbleness and Naturally Stealthy to hide under the nightmare
[roll0] Stealth

Sneak Attack Booming Blade
[roll2] if hidden

[roll3]Magical Slashing
[roll4] Thunder damage, [roll5] if he leaves that square
[roll6] Sneak Attack if hidden

2018-06-28, 02:03 PM
Grimacing through the pain Athelras looks to the sky and launches a couple arrows at the fiend harassing Thea.

Move to M38



[roll4] in case of a miss

2018-06-28, 09:20 PM
”Hey big guy! How about you stay right there, eh? Eutsi oraindik.” As the words leave her lips, the chieftain charges forward, swinging her axe toward the great devil.
Standard Action: Hold Monster
Choose a creature that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC 19) or be Paralyzed for the Duration. This spell has no effect on Undead. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make another Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the spell ends on the target.

Bonus Action: Battle Magic
Attack: [roll0]
Advantage (Flanking, or Paralysis if the save fails): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
If Crit: +[roll3]

Orsik Vondal
2018-06-29, 08:25 AM
Myth-Weavers Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1553057)

AC: 17/20 w/ mage armor
HP: 192/192
Resistance: necrotic, radiant
PP: 21
Speed: 30'/60' w/ boots of speed
Initiative: +3
Spell Attack Bonus: +14
Spell Save DC: 22
Darkvision 60'

Checks: Str:+4 Dex:+3 Con:+4 Int:+5. Wis:+5. Cha:+5
Saves: Str:+5 Dex:+4 Con:+5 Int:+6 Wis:+12 Cha:+12

Immunities: thought reading, lie detection, creature type detection spells; creatures con only communicate with Uriel if he allows it (ring of mind shielding)
Impose Disadvantage: on enemy attacks until one hits, resets each turn (cloak of displacement)

Proficiencies: Arcana +11, Deception +11, History +11, Insight +11, Investigation +11, Perception +11, Persuasion +11, Religion +11
Athletics: +4
Acrobatics/Stealth/Sleight of Hand: +3
Nature: +5
Animal Handling/Medicine/Survival: +5
Intimidation/Performance: +5

Cantrip Spell Attacks:

Eldritch Blast Range: 120ft. Atk: +14 (x4, can be diff targets)
Dmg: 1d10+5, can push 10 ft. Critical: 2d10+5.
Sacred Flame Save DC: 22 Dex. Dmg: 4d8+5

eldritch blast (4 beams), sacred flame, true strike, lightning lure, minor illusion, light
Rituals: contact other plane

All spells of 1st-5th level are cast at 5th level; 4 slots available; regain expended slots after short/long rest
Known Spells: counterspell, cure wounds, daylight, flame strike, flaming sphere, greater restoration, guardian of faith, guiding bolt, heavenly rebuke, revivify, sickening radiance, wall of fire, wall of light

Mystic Arcanum spells do not use spell slots; cast at the given level; regain all uses of MA after long rest
Mystic Arcanum Spells:
6th: scatter
7th: crown of stars
8th: feeble mind
9th: foresight

Invocation Spells do not use spell slots; can cast at-will without components
Invocation Spells: hold monster (if cast on celestial, fiend, elemental), invisibility, mage armor

If made to roll death saving throw, can regain 1/2 max HP, deal 2d8+5 radiant damage and blind chosen creatures w/in 30 ft.
Once per long rest, can use an action to gain fly 30 and deal 18 extra radiant damage for 1 minute
When regaining HP with dice rolls, regain the max when Gideon is w/in 100 ft.

Shepherd's crook, leather armor, 3 daggers, 2 4th-level spell scrolls (find greater steed), diamond dust worth 300gp, backpack, crowbar, hammer, 10 pitons, 10 torches, tinderbox, 10 days of rations, waterskin, 50 ft. hempen rope, 1850gp

As Uriel approaches the fissure he opens his mind to his extraplanar and arcane senses. Hoping that the fissure is just that, but suspecting it is something more Uriel closes his eyes briefly and concentrates. The wall of light at his back grows brighter for a moment as seven motes of light wink into existence and begin to orbit his head.

"Dusk! If you're still here, watch my back!"

Uriel checks the fissure more closely. [roll0]
Maintains concentration on the Wall of Light
Casts Crown of Stars
Waits for bad things to appear, so he can blast them.

2018-07-02, 09:27 AM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 1/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 1/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 1/2 - 8th 0/1 - 9th 1/1 | Concentration: Y

Raistlin is relieved to see the others arrive to assist. Though he could take on both of the fiends it would be a taxing fight that would leave him with little left to offer. Leo's attempts at bringing down the rider only forces it to retreat once again and in that moment the Horned Devil returns. Raistlin has a look of surprise on his face. A creature of this intelligence should not have returned, at least not within seconds.

Swiftly grabbing the pouch from his belt Raistlin opens it and turns it over to dump it out. As the iron spikes drop down they turn about and fly up into the air hovering around Raistlin and his image. Raistlin points forward with each of his fingers and stabs like a mime he stabs towards the horned devil, the iron spikes follow his motions and stab down towards the devil, hoping to land some blows.

Use an Object: Pull from belt and open pouch containing iron spikes.

Action: Cast a Spell - Animate Objects = Animate 10 Iron Spikes from pouch.
Iron Spikes Stats: See Important Stuff in discord.

Bonus Action: Order Iron Spikes to attack Horned Devil.

Iron Spikes

Iron Spike #
Attack Roll
Damage Roll

IS - 1
[roll1] - Piercing Damage

IS - 2
[roll3] - Piercing Damage

IS - 3
[roll5] - Piercing Damage

IS - 4
[roll7] - Piercing Damage

IS - 5
[roll9] - Piercing Damage

IS - 6
[roll11] - Piercing Damage

IS - 7
[roll13] - Piercing Damage

IS - 8
[roll15] - Piercing + Extra 4 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23193055&postcount=162)

IS - 9
[roll17] - Piercing Damage

IS - 10
[roll19] - Piercing Damage

Irish Musician
2018-07-02, 04:12 PM
Round 7

Thea nimbly slips below the rider and his horse, stabbing up at him and scoring a hit on him. He does not fall, unfortunately, and even worse he seems to track her movement the whole time. As soon as she strikes, the horse kicks at her and then moves away from her. Her spell goes off, a loud boom echoing through the air. The fiend moves behind her, and looks right at her, placing a hand on his chest and casts a spell.
The few wounds you can see through his armor, seem to close up and seal themselves.
The folks in the tower seem to fair better, for as Trix's spell hits the horned fiend, his forked weapon comes up but he then freezes in place, helpless as both Trix's axe slams home and the wizard's spikes fly towards him, impaling him. The fiend Leo had his hands on, however, reappears and goes to business. The flamed horse kicks at the wizard, and the fiend atop the horse places a hand on the horned fiend. You look on as the horned devil's wounds all close up, and the rider cracks a wicked smile.

Kick to Thea
[roll0], dmg: [roll1] + [roll2] fire

Kick to Raistlin
[roll3], dmg: [roll4] + [roll5] fire

Player's Turn!

2018-07-02, 04:41 PM
The resilient and Patient Mooncloak

Somehow, Thea dodges out of the attack, taking only minimal damage.
"Healing?! The Great and Powerful Mooncloak recognizes a coward when she sees one!" She sticks out her tongue at the night, followed pulling a little mirror out and uttering another incantation.

Fire Resistance and Uncanny dodge drops the damage to 15.
[roll0] Concentration

Action: Dodge. All attacks have disadvantage versus Thea and she gains advantage versus Dex saving throws.

Bonus Action: Cast Sanctuary. All attackers using a spell or attack on Thea must make a Wis DC 19 save per attack or must choose a new target for their attack, probably hitting their buddy in the process.

[roll1] Halfing Luck

She'll then fly 50 feet towards the tower.

Orsik Vondal
2018-07-03, 06:41 PM
Myth-Weavers Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1553057)

AC: 17/20 w/ mage armor
HP: 192/192
Resistance: necrotic, radiant
PP: 21
Speed: 30'/60' w/ boots of speed
Initiative: +3
Spell Attack Bonus: +14
Spell Save DC: 22
Darkvision 60'

Checks: Str:+4 Dex:+3 Con:+4 Int:+5. Wis:+5. Cha:+5
Saves: Str:+5 Dex:+4 Con:+5 Int:+6 Wis:+12 Cha:+12

Immunities: thought reading, lie detection, creature type detection spells; creatures con only communicate with Uriel if he allows it (ring of mind shielding)
Impose Disadvantage: on enemy attacks until one hits, resets each turn (cloak of displacement)

Proficiencies: Arcana +11, Deception +11, History +11, Insight +11, Investigation +11, Perception +11, Persuasion +11, Religion +11
Athletics: +4
Acrobatics/Stealth/Sleight of Hand: +3
Nature: +5
Animal Handling/Medicine/Survival: +5
Intimidation/Performance: +5

Cantrip Spell Attacks:

Eldritch Blast Range: 120ft. Atk: +14 (x4, can be diff targets)
Dmg: 1d10+5, can push 10 ft. Critical: 2d10+5.
Sacred Flame Save DC: 22 Dex. Dmg: 4d8+5

eldritch blast (4 beams), sacred flame, true strike, lightning lure, minor illusion, light
Rituals: contact other plane

All spells of 1st-5th level are cast at 5th level; 4 slots available; regain expended slots after short/long rest
Known Spells: counterspell, cure wounds, daylight, flame strike, flaming sphere, greater restoration, guardian of faith, guiding bolt, heavenly rebuke, revivify, sickening radiance, wall of fire, wall of light

Mystic Arcanum spells do not use spell slots; cast at the given level; regain all uses of MA after long rest
Mystic Arcanum Spells:
6th: scatter
7th: crown of stars
8th: feeble mind
9th: foresight

Invocation Spells do not use spell slots; can cast at-will without components
Invocation Spells: hold monster (if cast on celestial, fiend, elemental), invisibility, mage armor

If made to roll death saving throw, can regain 1/2 max HP, deal 2d8+5 radiant damage and blind chosen creatures w/in 30 ft.
Once per long rest, can use an action to gain fly 30 and deal 18 extra radiant damage for 1 minute
When regaining HP with dice rolls, regain the max when Gideon is w/in 100 ft.

Shepherd's crook, leather armor, 3 daggers, 2 4th-level spell scrolls (find greater steed), diamond dust worth 300gp, backpack, crowbar, hammer, 10 pitons, 10 torches, tinderbox, 10 days of rations, waterskin, 50 ft. hempen rope, 1850gp

Uriel peers into the fissure, but doesn't find anything unusual about it save for the fact that it shouldn't be there. "Blast! Waste of time!"

He looks to where Thea zoomed off and runs after her hoping Athelras was bringing up the rear. Snaking through the buildings Uriel hears a loud boom and moves toward the sound. As he rounds a corner he comes in sight of the devil horseman and Thea battling each other. She looked a bit beat up, but she was as defiant as ever. Uriel shakes his head with a smile Classic and Incorrigible Mooncloak.

Uriel reaches out his hand toward Mooncloak and sends up a prayer to He Who Was. Soft light surrounds her for a moment. He then turns his attention to the vile devil harassing his friend and compatriot. He yells out in Celestial, "חור התחת לממון אתה בטח. אני אנקה אותך מזה מישור!" One of the motes of light orbiting Uriel's head shoots toward the devil. Gideon who has been trotting around beside Uriel bleats in anger at the abomination. Baaaaaaaaah!

Celestial translation- You must be Mammon's butthole! I'll clean you from this plane!
Move 60' to H10
Bonus action use Healing Light on Thea healing her for [roll0] or 15, whichever is higher.
Shoot a Crown of Stars star at the devil
[roll2] radiant damage

Barbarian MD
2018-07-03, 06:53 PM
Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1552188)

AC 23. HP 248/266. PP:22. Speed:40'. Initiative:+3(Adv). Darkvision 60'.

Checks: S:+5 (Adv if Raging) or take 20. D:+5. Co:+5. Int:+3. W:+3. Ch:+2.
Saves: S:+12 (Adv if Raging). D:+6 (+2 shield bonus if targets only me) AND (Adv if Visible) AND (Can use reaction to take no damage if 1/2 damage on save). Co:+12. I:+4. W:+4. Ch:+3.

Advantage on: saves against charmed, all saving throws spells/magical effects (Shield), saving throws harmful gases/vapors (ring)
Immunities: sleep, surprise (by entering rage)
Impose Disadvantage: Spell attacks against me (Shield). Enemy attacks until one hits, resets each turn (Cloak)

Active Conditions or Buffs: none

Cantrip: Message
Rituals: Beast sense, speak with animals, commune with nature

Proficiencies: Athletics +11, Nature +9, Perception +9, Survival +9, Intimidation +8
Acrobatics/Stealth/Sleight of Hand: +5
Arcana/History/Investigation/Religion: +3
Animal Handling/Insight/Medicine: +3
Deception/Performance/Persuasion: +2


Scimitar of Speed Atk: +13. Dmg: d6+7. Critical: +4d6
Raging: Dmg: d6+11.
Two attacks + bonus attack or as bonus action can shove a creature with shield.
+1 Longbow Atk: +12. Dmg: d8+6.

Rages Used: 1/6. Round: 6/10.

If brought to 0 HP, DC10+(n-1)5 Con check, 1 hp instead of 0.
Resistance all damage except psychic
Enemies within 5' have disadvantage on attacks against allies unless immune to being frightened

Reckless: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.
Gem of Seeing: 1/3 charges used. 10 minutes of Truesight 120'. Regain 1d3 daily.
Winged Boots: 1/240 minutes used. Regains 120 minutes every 12 hours not in use.
Periapt of Wound Closure (1): Double HP when rolling Hit Dice.

Carrying capacity doubled.
(Dread) Helm of Comprehend Languages.
Ioun Stone of Sustenance
Ioun Stone of Regeneration: 15 hit points per hour.
(Note that if battle looks imminent, I ALWAYS grab both stones and store in pocket beforehand.)
Ring of Adaptation: Breathe in any environment. Advantage on saving throws harmful gases/vapors.
Periapt of Wound Closure (2): Automatically stabilize if dying.
Already noted above: Cloak of Displacement--Enemy attacks have disadvantage until an attack hits, resets each turn; Ring of Protection; Spellguard Shield--Advantage on all saving throws against spells/magical effects. Spell attacks have disadvantage against me.

Potion Superior Healing x 4, Potion of Greater Healing x 3, Vicious Warhammer, Brewer's supplies, Cook's utensils, 80 arrows (20 more on a worn quiver), 2 blankets, Bedroll, Block and tackle, 5 flask, 500 feet silk rope, 5 chests, 2 signal whistle, 5 soap, Tent, Shovel, Manacles, 184 gp

As the barbarian sees the fiend literally freeze in mid-motion, a wicked grin spreads across his face. He swings his sword with all his might and let's out a whoop in thanks to whomever had done it.

Attack +Bonus attack. Magical scimitar damage. No movement.




2018-07-03, 09:17 PM
”Enjoy it while you can. I’m guessing talk, red, and ugly is going to pull through really soon.” With a rapid flourish, the woman swings her axe at the tall devil, propelling herself over it next to the nightmare and its rider, taking a swing with inhuman speed at them as well, before hopping back to her old space, taking one final, less magical swing at the large devil.
Action: Cast Steel Wind Strike
Large devil
Attack [roll0]
Advantage: [roll1]
Damage (Force): [roll2]
If Crit: +[roll3]

Smaller devil
Attack: [roll4]
Damage (Force): [roll5]
If Crit: +[roll6]

Attack: [roll7]
Damage (Force): [roll8]
If Crit: +[roll9]

Move: None

Bonus: Battle Magic
Attack: [roll10]
Advantage: [roll11]
Damage (Magic, Slashing): [roll12]
If Crit: +[roll13]

2018-07-05, 09:02 AM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 1/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 0/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 1/2 - 8th 0/1 - 9th 1/1 | Concentration: Y

Seeing the nightmare and rider come back Raistlin barely has enough time to dodge a hoof aimed straight at his face. Annoyed at the constant nuisance that is the back and forth he takes some inspiration from Trix and brandishes a dagger from his belt. In a FLASH Rasitlin slashes at all three foes and then reappears behind the Narzugon, putting it between him and the Horned Devil.

At the same time the Iron Spikes continue their assault against the frozen devil, hoping to whittle away his defenses.

Spell Attack Action: Steel Wind Strike against Horned Devil, Narzugon, & Nightmare -
Against Horned Devil: [roll0] OR [roll1] (from Advantage) to hit for [roll2] force damage (If Crit - extra [roll3] force damage)

Against Narzugon: [roll4] to hit for [roll5] force damage (If Crit - extra [roll6] force damage)

Against Nightmare: [roll7] to hit for [roll8] force damage (If Crit - extra [roll9] force damage)

Land in spot J8 from spell ability. (Moved from K10)

Bonus Action: Order Iron Spikes to attack Horned Devil.

Iron Spikes

Iron Spike #
Attack Roll
Damage Roll

IS - 1
[roll10] OR [roll11] - Advantage
[roll12] - Piercing Damage

IS - 2
[roll13] OR [roll14] - Advantage
[roll15] - Piercing Damage

IS - 3
[roll16] OR [roll17] - Advantage
[roll18] - Piercing Damage + 2 extra from Crit (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23199760&postcount=169)

IS - 4
[roll19] OR [roll20] - Advantage
[roll21] - Piercing Damage

IS - 5
[roll22] OR [roll23] - Advantage
[roll24] - Piercing Damage

IS - 6
[roll25] OR [roll26] - Advantage
[roll27] - Piercing Damage

IS - 7
[roll28] OR [roll29] - Advantage
[roll30] - Piercing Damage

IS - 8
[roll31] OR [roll32] - Advantage
[roll33] - Piercing Damage

IS - 9
[roll34] OR [roll35] - Advantage
[roll36] - Piercing Damage

IS - 10
[roll37] OR [roll38] - Advantage
[roll39] - Piercing Damage

2018-07-06, 09:48 AM
Athelras will keep doing his thing

Move to M31 and shoot at the fiend again



[roll4] In case of a miss

[roll6] In case of a crit

Irish Musician
2018-07-10, 10:48 AM
Round 8

Uriel sends some healing Thea's way, and shoot one of his stars towards her would-be attacker. The star just barely misses the target, as his mount slightly moves to one side as Uriel shoots it off. Though a couple of arrows sail through the air and hit the rider, courtesy of the moving elf ranger. Thea takes evasive maneuvers and tries to get away from the thing attacking her, going so far as warding off attacks from her person. The rider on the mount continues to pursue her. He isn't able to attack her at first, but when he catches up to her, just outside of the tower, he is able to get a couple of attacks in at her.

The group in the tower do well, and their strikes ring out in the tower. The horned devil takes the brunt of the abuse, and when Raistlin's spikes engulf the devil, he bursts into flames and is only a pile of ash, and at the wizard's last strike, the devil's Nightmare explodes into flames and out of existence as well. Soon, all that is left is the mountless rider. The rider looks around at everyone, knowing its fate is now sealed. It drops is weapons immediately and kneels down. At first you think it is surrendering...but then it does something even more sinister. It pulls out a scroll from its armor, opens it, and reads it. It does speak in a language that only devils speak in, but Raistlin knows the power that is being summoned...... a Meteor Swarm.

Everyone sees meteors come crashing through the tower into the room, laying waste to much of what is in the tower, and trapping the group in a blazing inferno of flaming rock bits.....and the devil.

vs Thea
#1 [roll0] or [roll1] disad, dmg [roll2] + [roll3] fire
#2 [roll4] or [roll5] disad, dmg [roll6] + [roll7] fire

Those in the Tower
Make a DC 22 Dex check or take 64 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23210843&postcount=174) fire and [roll8] bludg damage

When the group is able to look in the room, you no longer see the fiend standing, but squished under a meteor itself. Unfortunately you also see Lady Silverhand underneath a meteor herself.

Players' Turn!

2018-07-10, 11:07 AM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 1/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 0/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 1/2 - 8th 0/1 - 9th 0/1 | Concentration: Y

Raistlin lets a momentary smile creep across his face as he destroys, with the help of the others, the horned devil and the nightmare. He turns now to face the Narzugon but the sight before him snatches the brief smile that he had. He watches as the fiend begins reading from a scroll, instantly realizing the tremendous power beginning to swirl and form. In that moment Raistlin glances around the room at his companions, knowing this could mean certain death. He screams out in anger, "NO!" while swirling his hand in a circular motion in front of him, as if he was drawing a bubble around the emerging magic trying to contain it! Pouring every ounce of magical strength he has Raistlin prevents anything from being released from the scroll, causing it to just crumble to dust with no meteors raining down.

Reaction: Cast Counterspell using my 9th level spell slot. Cancelling out the Meteor Swarm without needing to roll.

Irish Musician
2018-07-10, 11:11 AM

You cast the spell, attempting to prevent the damage from happening.....but something counters your counterspell! It pushes back your magics and cancels your spell!

2018-07-10, 11:30 AM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 1/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 0/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 1/2 - 8th 0/1 - 9th 0/1 | Concentration: Y

With another momentary brief respite Raistlin thinks he had won, but listening to the air he suddenly realizes that he was unable to stop the inevitable. Raistlin braces for impact and does his best to dodge whatever comes his way.

*Dexterity Save against Meteor Swarm* with Advantage
DC 22
Roll 1: [roll0]
Roll 2: [roll1]

2018-07-10, 12:01 PM
Raistlin, Keeper of Lore (https://tinyurl.com/y7hgxazb)
Level 18 Wizard | HP: 156/156 | AC: 22 | PP: 20 | SS: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 1/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 0/3 - 6th 2/2 - 7th 1/2 - 8th 0/1 - 9th 0/1 | Concentration: Y

Luckily able to dodge the boulders and fire thanks to Trix's inspiring aura. Seeing Silverhand on the ground he quickly rushes over to her and inspect her wounds. Before her can step over he realized the room is now in flames. The fires begin to lick at his legs, burning his legs. Still he won't give up on a friend and he continues forward.

As Raistlin steps away from the fiend he brings his spikes down onto it, just for good measure. Upon getting closer to Silverhand he sees through the smoke that there is a large boulder on her, so he points his staff at the boulder and magically lifts it off of her.

Crouching next to her and covering his mouth Raistlin calls out to the woman, "Lady Silverhand! Are you ok?" seeing some faint movement from her chest but no response Raistlin calls out to the others, "She's alive but just barely holding on! Leo come pick her up and get her out of these flames and use that healing potion Thea tried stealing!" Raistlin isn't one to typically order the group around but he felt the urgent moment warranted this behavior.

Seeing the fire worsen he calls out to the rest of the group in the room, "In a moment I'll have the strength to teleport us out of here and down to the ground below!"

Take 11 fire damage from the area being on fire.

Concentration Check: Fire damage causes con save, see OOC post for results = 26

Bonus Action: Order Iron Spikes to attack squished Narzugon.

Iron Spikes

Iron Spike #
Attack Roll
Damage Roll

IS - 1
[roll0] OR [roll1]
[roll2] - Piercing Damage

IS - 2
[roll3] OR [roll4]
[roll5] - Piercing Damage

IS - 3
[roll6] OR [roll7]
[roll8] - Piercing Damage

IS - 4
[roll9] OR [roll10]
[roll11] - Piercing Damage

IS - 5
[roll12] OR [roll13]
[roll14] - Piercing Damage

IS - 6
[roll15] OR [roll16]
[roll17] - Piercing Damage

IS - 7
[roll18] OR [roll19]
[roll20] - Piercing Damage

IS - 8
[roll21] OR [roll22]
[roll23] - Piercing Damage

IS - 9
[roll24] OR [roll25]
[roll26] - Piercing Damage

IS - 10
[roll27] OR [roll28]
[roll29] - Piercing Damage

Action: Cast Levitate from Staff of Power on boulder and pulling it off of her.

Movement: Move to L5

2018-07-10, 12:46 PM
Thearoyl the Smug and Helpful

Thea giggles as she dodges the demons attacks. "And yet, the Great and Powerful Mooncloak does not know what you attack her. She didn't do anything to anyone. She is innocent." Nothing makes her feel better than messing with them.

She gasps when she hears that Lady Silvermoon was attacked. That was her meal ticket! She gave her food! AND ALSO SHE CAN MAKE A LOT OF MONEY BY PUTTING HER IN A LIFE DEBT! She dodges away from the demons, devils, whatever. Thea did not care.

She flies over Raistlin. "SPEAK OF THE DEVIL AND HE SHALL APPEAR! BEHOLD, THE GREAT AND POWERFUL MOONCLOAK IS HERE!" She yells into his ear. She's on her broom, singed and battered, but energetic at the prospect of saving someone who smells like money. "Hm... I've seen worse," Thea says more normally. "Let's get her out of the fire first." She tries to pull up the much larger elf onto her broom, struggling to manage her weight. "Uh... you all seem mostly ok but I'll heal everyone," She says. "May the Stern Lady Shelter you," she mutters at everyone. "Can you guys get her onto my broom. I can carry her out. Also there is a demon chasing me."

Dodge Action

Move 50 feet north
Pickup Lady Silvermoon
[roll1] Dis
[roll2] if I roll a 1.

Bonus action mass healing Word VI [roll3] 11 healing

2018-07-10, 11:35 PM
"Don't you die on me, damnit!" Trix roars, running toward Silverhand as she weaves magic into her shout. Scooping up the woman over her shoulder, she cqlls over to the magw. "I don't think we have much more than that, Raistlin!"

Shift toward Lady Silverhand, then another 5 feet after picking her up
Standard Action: Pick up Lady Silverhand
Bonus Action: Healing Word - [roll0]

2018-07-11, 09:42 AM
Athelras continues running towards the noise and the tower.

Double moved up 70'

Barbarian MD
2018-07-11, 09:53 AM
Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1552188)

AC 23. HP 248/266. PP:22. Speed:40'. Initiative:+3(Adv). Darkvision 60'.

Checks: S:+5 (Adv if Raging) or take 20. D:+5. Co:+5. Int:+3. W:+3. Ch:+2.
Saves: S:+12 (Adv if Raging). D:+6 (+2 shield bonus if targets only me) AND (Adv if Visible) AND (Can use reaction to take no damage if 1/2 damage on save). Co:+12. I:+4. W:+4. Ch:+3.

Advantage on: saves against charmed, all saving throws spells/magical effects (Shield), saving throws harmful gases/vapors (ring)
Immunities: sleep, surprise (by entering rage)
Impose Disadvantage: Spell attacks against me (Shield). Enemy attacks until one hits, resets each turn (Cloak)

Active Conditions or Buffs: none

Cantrip: Message
Rituals: Beast sense, speak with animals, commune with nature

Proficiencies: Athletics +11, Nature +9, Perception +9, Survival +9, Intimidation +8
Acrobatics/Stealth/Sleight of Hand: +5
Arcana/History/Investigation/Religion: +3
Animal Handling/Insight/Medicine: +3
Deception/Performance/Persuasion: +2


Scimitar of Speed Atk: +13. Dmg: d6+7. Critical: +4d6
Raging: Dmg: d6+11.
Two attacks + bonus attack or as bonus action can shove a creature with shield.
+1 Longbow Atk: +12. Dmg: d8+6.

Rages Used: 1/6. Round: 7/10.

If brought to 0 HP, DC10+(n-1)5 Con check, 1 hp instead of 0.
Resistance all damage except psychic
Enemies within 5' have disadvantage on attacks against allies unless immune to being frightened

Reckless: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.
Gem of Seeing: 1/3 charges used. 10 minutes of Truesight 120'. Regain 1d3 daily.
Winged Boots: 1/240 minutes used. Regains 120 minutes every 12 hours not in use.
Periapt of Wound Closure (1): Double HP when rolling Hit Dice.

Carrying capacity doubled.
(Dread) Helm of Comprehend Languages.
Ioun Stone of Sustenance
Ioun Stone of Regeneration: 15 hit points per hour.
(Note that if battle looks imminent, I ALWAYS grab both stones and store in pocket beforehand.)
Ring of Adaptation: Breathe in any environment. Advantage on saving throws harmful gases/vapors.
Periapt of Wound Closure (2): Automatically stabilize if dying.
Already noted above: Cloak of Displacement--Enemy attacks have disadvantage until an attack hits, resets each turn; Ring of Protection; Spellguard Shield--Advantage on all saving throws against spells/magical effects. Spell attacks have disadvantage against me.

Potion Superior Healing x 4, Potion of Greater Healing x 3, Vicious Warhammer, Brewer's supplies, Cook's utensils, 80 arrows (20 more on a worn quiver), 2 blankets, Bedroll, Block and tackle, 5 flask, 500 feet silk rope, 5 chests, 2 signal whistle, 5 soap, Tent, Shovel, Manacles, 184 gp

As the meteors fly in, the barbarian squats down behind his shield and braces himself.

Seeing Lady Silverhand in Trix's care, dead or otherwise, Leayonadas sees there is nothing left for him in the tower.

He turns, charging straight out the hole, and flies sword-first to strike the nightmare from behind.

Double move: M18
Bonus action attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Orsik Vondal
2018-07-11, 02:14 PM
Myth-Weavers Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1553057)

AC: 17/20 w/ mage armor
HP: 192/192
Resistance: necrotic, radiant
PP: 21
Speed: 30'/60' w/ boots of speed
Initiative: +3
Spell Attack Bonus: +14
Spell Save DC: 22
Darkvision 60'

Checks: Str:+4 Dex:+3 Con:+4 Int:+5. Wis:+5. Cha:+5
Saves: Str:+5 Dex:+4 Con:+5 Int:+6 Wis:+12 Cha:+12

Immunities: thought reading, lie detection, creature type detection spells; creatures con only communicate with Uriel if he allows it (ring of mind shielding)
Impose Disadvantage: on enemy attacks until one hits, resets each turn (cloak of displacement)

Proficiencies: Arcana +11, Deception +11, History +11, Insight +11, Investigation +11, Perception +11, Persuasion +11, Religion +11
Athletics: +4
Acrobatics/Stealth/Sleight of Hand: +3
Nature: +5
Animal Handling/Medicine/Survival: +5
Intimidation/Performance: +5

Cantrip Spell Attacks:

Eldritch Blast Range: 120ft. Atk: +14 (x4, can be diff targets)
Dmg: 1d10+5, can push 10 ft. Critical: 2d10+5.
Sacred Flame Save DC: 22 Dex. Dmg: 4d8+5

eldritch blast (4 beams), sacred flame, true strike, lightning lure, minor illusion, light
Rituals: contact other plane

All spells of 1st-5th level are cast at 5th level; 4 slots available; regain expended slots after short/long rest
Known Spells: counterspell, cure wounds, daylight, flame strike, flaming sphere, greater restoration, guardian of faith, guiding bolt, heavenly rebuke, revivify, sickening radiance, wall of fire, wall of light

Mystic Arcanum spells do not use spell slots; cast at the given level; regain all uses of MA after long rest
Mystic Arcanum Spells:
6th: scatter
7th: crown of stars
8th: feeble mind
9th: foresight

Invocation Spells do not use spell slots; can cast at-will without components
Invocation Spells: hold monster (if cast on celestial, fiend, elemental), invisibility, mage armor

If made to roll death saving throw, can regain 1/2 max HP, deal 2d8+5 radiant damage and blind chosen creatures w/in 30 ft.
Once per long rest, can use an action to gain fly 30 and deal 18 extra radiant damage for 1 minute
When regaining HP with dice rolls, regain the max when Gideon is w/in 100 ft.

Shepherd's crook, leather armor, 3 daggers, 2 4th-level spell scrolls (find greater steed), diamond dust worth 300gp, backpack, crowbar, hammer, 10 pitons, 10 torches, tinderbox, 10 days of rations, waterskin, 50 ft. hempen rope, 1850gp

Looking back to the wall of solidified light he conjured before Uriel reaches out his hand and siphons the energy from the wall leaving it to dissipate into millions of tiny motes. He gathers the energy into a bright swirling mass between his hands. Uriel once again bends the light around himself and Gideon, and they vanish from sight. Man and ram run after Ath and Thea, and presumably, the rest of the group tower the tower. He would need to tell Lady Silverhand of the fissure and request a thorough investigation of it and any others that may have appeared. Once he had a free moment, that is.

As they approach the tower Uriel sees a gaping hole in the side of the building. That's not good. He hears faint sounds of battle emanating from the wound in the façade and then a cacophonous BOOM!! as fire rains down from above. Positioning to move at a moment's notice Uriel readies himself to leap to the hole and aid his friends.

Dismiss Wall of light.
Action: cast invisibility on Uriel and Gideon
Move: 60 ft. toward the tower

Irish Musician
2018-07-11, 03:09 PM
Round 9

Leayonadas attacks the Nightmare, slicing it on the haunches, and both the mount and rider turn on him. He gets three attacks by the rider, but then both mount and rider disappear from his sight.

Athleras and Uriel do their best to get going to the tower.

Meanwhile, those in the tower start to get a little sweaty as the fire rages from the giant Meteor Swarm the dying fiend called upon you all. Luckily, Silverhand wasn't so near death that the healing didn't help her. Her eyes spring open and she coughs up some blood as she lies over Trix's shoulder. Seeing that their space was limited, she didn't move, "Well, Lady Trix, good to see you again," she says in a weak voice, "though I didn't think it would be such a familiar visit. I thank you for the help. Now it is my turn." She turns her head behind her and looks, points her staff, and a giant ball of water blinks into existence in the middle of the room, and starts to move in the room. It first passes right over and through Raistlin, drenching him from head to foot, but puts out the fires all around him. She then hops off Trix's shoulder and into the room.

Attacks on Leo:
#1 [roll0] or [roll1], [roll2] + [roll3] fire
If the 1st hits, ignore 2nd roll
#2 [roll4] or [roll5], [roll6] + [roll7] fire
If the 2nd hits, ignore 2nd roll
#3 [roll8] or [roll9], [roll10] + [roll11] fire

Players' Turn!

2018-07-11, 03:16 PM
Athelras runs to where Uriel was.

Double move to get G8

Barbarian MD
2018-07-12, 09:41 PM
Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1552188)

AC 23. HP 230/266. PP:22. Speed:40'. Initiative:+3(Adv). Darkvision 60'.

Checks: S:+5 (Adv if Raging) or take 20. D:+5. Co:+5. Int:+3. W:+3. Ch:+2.
Saves: S:+12 (Adv if Raging). D:+6 (+2 shield bonus if targets only me) AND (Adv if Visible) AND (Can use reaction to take no damage if 1/2 damage on save). Co:+12. I:+4. W:+4. Ch:+3.

Advantage on: saves against charmed, all saving throws spells/magical effects (Shield), saving throws harmful gases/vapors (ring)
Immunities: sleep, surprise (by entering rage)
Impose Disadvantage: Spell attacks against me (Shield). Enemy attacks until one hits, resets each turn (Cloak)

Active Conditions or Buffs: none

Cantrip: Message
Rituals: Beast sense, speak with animals, commune with nature

Proficiencies: Athletics +11, Nature +9, Perception +9, Survival +9, Intimidation +8
Acrobatics/Stealth/Sleight of Hand: +5
Arcana/History/Investigation/Religion: +3
Animal Handling/Insight/Medicine: +3
Deception/Performance/Persuasion: +2


Scimitar of Speed Atk: +13. Dmg: d6+7. Critical: +4d6
Raging: Dmg: d6+11.
Two attacks + bonus attack or as bonus action can shove a creature with shield.
+1 Longbow Atk: +12. Dmg: d8+6.

Rages Used: 1/6. Round: 7/10.

If brought to 0 HP, DC10+(n-1)5 Con check, 1 hp instead of 0.
Resistance all damage except psychic
Enemies within 5' have disadvantage on attacks against allies unless immune to being frightened

Reckless: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.
Gem of Seeing: 1/3 charges used. 10 minutes of Truesight 120'. Regain 1d3 daily.
Winged Boots: 1/240 minutes used. Regains 120 minutes every 12 hours not in use.
Periapt of Wound Closure (1): Double HP when rolling Hit Dice.

Carrying capacity doubled.
(Dread) Helm of Comprehend Languages.
Ioun Stone of Sustenance
Ioun Stone of Regeneration: 15 hit points per hour.
(Note that if battle looks imminent, I ALWAYS grab both stones and store in pocket beforehand.)
Ring of Adaptation: Breathe in any environment. Advantage on saving throws harmful gases/vapors.
Periapt of Wound Closure (2): Automatically stabilize if dying.
Already noted above: Cloak of Displacement--Enemy attacks have disadvantage until an attack hits, resets each turn; Ring of Protection; Spellguard Shield--Advantage on all saving throws against spells/magical effects. Spell attacks have disadvantage against me.

Potion Superior Healing x 4, Potion of Greater Healing x 3, Vicious Warhammer, Brewer's supplies, Cook's utensils, 80 arrows (20 more on a worn quiver), 2 blankets, Bedroll, Block and tackle, 5 flask, 500 feet silk rope, 5 chests, 2 signal whistle, 5 soap, Tent, Shovel, Manacles, 184 gp

Floating in midair, once again finding himself without enemies, Leayonadas fishes out the gem of seeing again and spins in a circle, looking for signs of the fiend.

Bonus: look with gem
Move and double move as far into tower as I can, through the door, down the stairs.

In frustration, the elf keeps the gem to his eye and turns back to the tower. He flashes across the sky, past the party, ignoring the flames as they singe his skin, and barging through the far door into rest of the tower beyond.

He shouts as he goes by: "The one outside just disappeared again! He's not out there that I could see.

"Silverhand, do you have a room shielded from the ethereal?"

He prepares to pull the chest out of his bag of holding once he finds a quiet, private, fiend-free spot.