View Full Version : Let’s break what my DM agreed to!

2018-05-15, 05:19 PM
So, I play in a very small party, as some of you know.

Two people. Myself, with one character. We also have an Artificer and a Paladin, both played by the other player.

Now, I don’t want to play two characters. Never have. Having conversations with myself isn’t my thing.

So we’re missing certain aspects of traditional party composition. Obviously.

Now, I spoke with my DM. He’s quite liberal with allowing us some extras, since it’s just us.

I asked about being a Wizard, with the ability to also add a number of Cleric spells, up to my Intelligence modifier. Nothing beyond 3rd Level Cleric spells.

This was approved.

Also, I get to start with one Very Rare, one Rare, and one Uncommon item.

Start at level 10.

Thinking Bladesinger, Scimitar Of Speed, Bracers Of Defense, and Headband Of Intellect. Spirit Guardians as one of my spells.


2018-05-15, 05:43 PM
Don't try to break it. Just pick strong, cool stuff and have a good time.

I'd definitely pick Healing Word and Revivify, just for emergency heals. Maybe Bless too.

2018-05-15, 05:53 PM
Don't try to break it. Just pick strong, cool stuff and have a good time.

This. DM acted in good faith, why want to break that?

2018-05-15, 05:58 PM
If you want two characters and don't want to talk to your self try:
Twin ghostwise halflings with telepathy. (Or any race but one is a mystic) They talk as one and complete each other's sentences. That way no talking to yourself.

One of the characters is either a druid raised by wolves or kenku or a mute and their interpreter. That way just translate and they communicate in sign or animal speech that you don't need to verbalise if you don't want to.

2018-05-15, 06:52 PM
Let me clarify.

I WANT to break it so I know what's over the line. I want to break it so I know the limits. Its no secret this is an unorthodox thing to grant, so I'm looking to the community to help me know what lines to not cross.

Using a Scimitar of Speed, I have three attacks, so that coupled with Spirit Guardians... Is that too much, for example?

I love my group. I'm not looking to step on toes and totally invalidate the other player and his characters, NOBODY wants their character to feel useless. I've been in those shoes, its a terrible feeling.

2018-05-15, 06:54 PM
Let me clarify.

I WANT to break it so I know what's over the line. I want to break it so I know the limits. Its no secret this is an unorthodox thing to grant, so I'm looking to the community to help me know what lines to not cross.

Using a Scimitar of Speed, I have three attacks, so that coupled with Spirit Guardians... Is that too much, for example?

I love my group. I'm not looking to step on toes and totally invalidate the other player and his characters, NOBODY wants their character to feel useless. I've been in those shoes, its a terrible feeling.

Talk to your DM and fellow player about that.

If in doubt, focus on support over damage and similar. Bless is a big boon for you, sure, but it helps the other guy just as much.

2018-05-15, 07:18 PM
I would certainly go for Healing Word, Spiritual Weapon, Spirit Guardians.

Does this include cantrips? Anyone who can take Guidance probably should.

Hobbo Jim
2018-05-15, 07:25 PM
I find it pretty rare that I'm able to select which magical items that I want so I'm not really sure where to go with that bit. Obviously as a wizard, DCs are good, which means that an Ioun stone - intellect or the Tome of Clear thought (both very rare) would be pretty darn strong. Especially if you think you'll get other magic items as time goes on, though I'm not sure I'd call that game breaking. If you want to just break it then take the portable hole and bag of holding :smallcool:

You could try to gish something if you want to go the route of dumping a stat but using an item like a belt of giant strength to bring it up, which again you might be able to make something strong, but idk about broken (i.e. more broken than a wizard typically is). If you take the route of buff wizard, you could also take sanctuary to give yourself more time to prepare.

Well now I don't know if I'd call it broken, but take the belt of giant str, whatever magic weapon, take some wizard buff spells, abjuration subclass, take sanctuary, warding bond, beacon of hope, and War Caster. You've got yourself a gish!

Overall TBH I think the idea of being able to choose the three items is stronger than any 3rd level and below cleric spells. I'm sure the optimizer can find a cheese somewhere in there that no DM should agree to in their right mind, but realistically I've seen you around the playground enough to be confident that you'll know a cheese when you see one.