View Full Version : Most power by birthright human

2018-05-15, 05:55 PM
The composite vampire was fun, but admittedly there are some settings where they get near unlimited power and I followed the suggestion to make it by the time they are just starting out instead. So let's instead go with power that a human could inherit just by being born into it? We'll call this example inheritor of power Eliphas (though you don't have to).

A few rules:
+Only count the powers they don't have to train their way into getting, just what they get when they are born. Although if they have it and would eventually unlock it even without training it still counts.
+No deific stuff. It's somewhat hard to pin it down, but basically don't make them offspring of deities.
+Feel free to list abilities that they could get later on, but just listing a race with a short description works (even a sentence with links).
+We'll assume that "blood purity" isn't a problem.
+Ignore drawbacks of having a power (force sensitives being corruptible).

I'll start with a few:

Force Sensitive (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Force-sensitive): Access to the force (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/The_Force) from birth.
Potterverse Wizard (http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Wizardkind): Access to magic (http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Magic) from birth.
Narutoverse Ninja (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Shinobi): Access to chakra (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Chakra) from birth.

2018-05-15, 07:13 PM
Marvel Universe mutant... Up to Franklyn Richard levels of power (i.e.: Reality manipulation powerful enough to make Galactus his herald and witness the end of time).

Mutants are born from humans, can reproduce with humans and even give birth to non-mutant human children, so I count them as humans.

Lord Raziere
2018-05-15, 07:46 PM
The X-Gene from X-Men. a gene that can potentially give one the powers of reality warpers and gods like Jean Grey or Scarlet Witch.

Being a Perpetual from Wh40k. Its basically "your immortal and can't die to anything, ever."

and if no drawbacks, then being the highest level of Psyker in Wh40k as well, because you won't attract any Daemons, or cause any warp anomalies while having all the psychic powers.

as well as Mage powers from Dragon Age, without drawbacks you don't have the strongest mage in the world but you do have one that by birth can heal, blast, take over minds with blood magic and all sorts of things.

2018-05-15, 07:52 PM
From the Mistborn setting: Feruchemy (https://coppermind.net/wiki/Feruchemy) and Allomancy (https://coppermind.net/wiki/Allomancy). On their own they are pretty strong ability sets, but together you get all sorts of interactions, like immortality and the ability to use an (effectively) infinite amount of each power set.

2018-05-15, 08:15 PM
The Inhumans from Marvel are kind of like mutants and are technically human(Do you consider Homo sapiens neanderthalus human? Becuase they're basically hyper evolved cavemen) and even if you don't have that technicallity there are humans with taces of Inhuman DNA who were recently empowered en-mass.

The problem is that the power doesn't activate naturally(and isn't compatible with the X-Gene in the main universe, so you'd have to pick one or the other unless AUs are fair game*) and needs an outside source--usually Terrigen, but basically anything that can give a normy Super Powers can activate the Inhuman Gene and every pure blooded Inhuman naturally posseses low levels of Superhuman Strength, toughness, and speed.

*Natural Mutant/Inhuman hybrids cancel out, resulting in a normal human, while artificial hybrids with both genes active results in the Inhuman Gene somehow eating the X-gene, resulting in a fatal Super-Power meltdown.

2018-05-15, 10:53 PM
Reality Marbles from the Nasuverse (This may not meet your rules of birthright human but if you want to argue it I can argue it point by point, but feel free to dismiss it for it was not what you meant to allow.)

Reality Marbles are things such as this one (links to Fate Zero's where a character has a reality marble) http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2yvqjd (note this is only 1 of 3 times it is used in that Anime.

Reality Marbles are innate bounded fields. Pocket Universes that exists in one's mind but you do not have full control of with your cognition aspect of your mind (more on this later). Reality Marbles are your own mental world which has its own rules of reality on how things should operate. Now reality marbles follow their own rules and they have to remain internally consistent with said rules, but they do change over time in response to how one mind develops in response to interacting with the physical / material world over time and space.

Aka this is like how your body has genes that code part of how big your muscles get but there are environmental genetic interactions and you can develop your muscles or let them atrophy but there is a maximum size of most humans muscles based off your genetics. (Then again some of this body stuff can be hijacked with things like steroids and so on depending on how you define steroids and whether they are natural or unnatural parts of the environment aka language problems with how you use language.)

But Reality Marbles (Innate Bounded Fields) are not like trainable as how techniques are, like you can create mental algorithims such as logic, or techniques like how to apply kung fu, throw a spear, traditional magecrafts, including non-innate bounded fields so on. No Reality Marbles are part of your mind / mental world and the closest words I can think of are personality, or perhaps psyche, animating principle, ego narrative.

Now Reality Marbles are part of who you are but they have to be unlocked much like how most Mutant Powers operate in Marvel during your teenage years where the potential was always there but those mutant powers are unlocked by trauma (though mutant powers unlock sometimes at physical birth). But the potential was always there. But when the Reality Marble is unlocked you can now switch your inner world with the outer world within a selected range. Note other people in this range do not go inside of you (since they have their own inner worlds). What I am describing can be summed up by this picture from a Nasuverse databook CM3 which explains much of how magic and magecraft works in the nasuverse.



Now there are over 2 dozen reality marbles in the Nasuverse that we know about plus another 10 or so things very similar to the reality marble concept but they do not follow all the rules of the Reality Marble.

So many different reality marbles and each one with their own "reality warping rules" in a way, so I am going to pick one that is most detailed and easy to talk about.


But let me describe the Power of Rider and his Reality Marble Ionioi Hetairoi: Army of the King (a literal translation of Ionioi Hetairoi is Companions as in Companions Calvary and Ionioi which is words related to Ion in mythology a Son of Apollo and seen as an ancestor for some of the tribes of Greece, but also The Ionian Sea is the water area of the Mediterian between Greece and Italy)

Ionioi Hetairoi unites the souls (which is different than the mind / ego / psyche in the Nasuverse, there is the Body, the Mind, and the Soul as the 3 main components in Nasuverse metaphysics) with Rider's soul if that person pledges loyalty / service to the Great Macedonian King. This is because the great Macedonian King, the King of Conquerors has a mental model that he is the amalgamation of the wills of anyone who will serve them into a unified will. He seeks to conquer everything, but conquering is not the same as domination but

"To win, but not destroy; to conquer, but not humiliate: That is what true conquest is!"

Each boundary, each horizon can be surpassed for he and his loyal companions Rider believes are the thresholds of power, of magnitude that can cross any boundary. And if Rider can not cross the threshold he has the charisma but also the love of doing, the love of people to help them grow but also to try to recruit them into his army but also the self respect of other people when they do not want to be part of his army he will not dominate or humiliate them but he may defeat them in pursuit of his and his armies goals.

In other words Rider's noble phantasm has no theoretical real limits for it incorporates the power of everyone who will pledge loyalty to the king and thus tie their souls to him, and in the reality marble he can recreate their bodies, their powers, all their strengths at their greatest moment during life. There are practical limits to this noble phantasm but no real theoretical limits. If a mutant pledges to Rider than when Rider activates his Reality Marble that person shows up with their mutant powers. If another heroic spirit pledges to Rider they show up with their Noble Phantasm (Legendary Tool that is incorporated into their Legend that it is now tied to their soul), and so on.

2018-05-15, 11:11 PM
Reality Marbles aren't an innate human ability. They naturally belong to beings called Imaginary Demons. Humans can only get them if they stop being Human(by becoming a Heroic Spirit or Dead Apostle) or else by being batcrap insane(Shirou Emiya, for example, who considers himself completly and utterly expendable--he would literally slit his own throat with a smile if it'd make the right people happy and who can only feel happiness vicariously through the happiness of others) Most beings who have one are both.

Even then, you've also got to have something mystically unique about yourself(Shirou's Origin changing to Sword, meaning that there's something) or be riddiculously powerful(Sachin, ms. "I'mm skip the decades or centuries long process of becoming a Dead Apostle and go straight to being a borderline Ancestor")

Also, Iskander's Noble Phantasm isn't a real Reality Marble, it's an ability that functions identically but he doesn't meet the prerequisits for a True Reality Marbel.

2018-05-15, 11:20 PM
Some good stuff, but I sort of assumed something that I should definitely have specified: Average members of a species inputting their genes.

Though with stuff like mutations from X Men and psykers from 40k... I'm not sure how you could really define average. I don't know if psykers could produce A+ level from a C level psyker or whatever the average is. Same with mutations from X Men.

2018-05-16, 03:55 AM
9 lifed enchanter from Diana Wynne Jones' Chrestomanci books is a good start - better than 90% of other fictional magician levels of power and will come back from death 8 times if you do manage to kill them. (Powerful enough to hold the local gods to account when visiting another world.)

Additionally, this one is available to normal humans - it happens when all the other versions of you in parallel worlds don't survive birth for some reason.

2018-05-16, 04:35 AM
Oh.. i remember those books from when i were a kid.
Yes i would say its really hard to beat just being born with 8 additional lives.
As well as an immense natural modifier to your magic power.

Lvl 2 Expert
2018-05-16, 04:57 AM
A crown prince.

Whose parents also run a multinational family enterprise.

2018-05-16, 10:52 AM
Hm.. Inheriting a huge fortune?
Having a high IQ? Having a strong immune system? Etc...

More fantastic..
Being given a D as your middle initial? :smalltongue: whatever that exactly does for you..
Being a Newtype by Gundam standards.
Being born with huge magical reserves in Fairy Tail universe.
Being another kind of mutant than the Marvel one, like by Heroes standards or having a Quirk.
Being born the 8th son of an 8th son of an 8th son?

Lvl 2 Expert
2018-05-16, 10:58 AM
Being drift compatible with someone, given that the skill is extremely rare like in the first few minutes of Pacific Rim, rather than something everyone is with almost everyone else, like near the end of Pacific Rim.

2018-05-16, 01:21 PM
Trained in fighting by Stick? - I'm not that knowledgeable on comics but isn't he supposed to be one of the best trainers there is? (Capabale of training humans to be able to stand against supers, depending on their powers.)

2018-05-16, 01:29 PM
In the failed MMO Dragon Ball Online(under Toriyama's creative control and originally considered canon, Super contains allusions implying that it's heading that way) by the Age 1000, somehow, most if not all humans have trace amounts of Saiyan Blood, granting them the potential to become Super Saiyans, a transformed state that multiplies one's speed, strength, toughness, reserves of Ki, and all other combat attributes fifty times over. (Goku's power level was 3 million in base and 150 million in SSJ when he first unlocked the transformation) and possesses several advanced states that are even stronger.

2018-05-16, 01:32 PM
Being from the Culture, a political unit in a science fiction universe written by Ian M Banks.

"Biologically, the Culture's citizens have been genetically enhanced to live for centuries, and have modified mental control over their physiology, including the ability to introduce a variety of psychoactive drugs into their systems, change biological sex, or switch off pain at will."

Lord Raziere
2018-05-16, 01:33 PM
Technically you don't need training or any particular genes to harness the power of Determination in Undertale verse, and look what its capable of doing in the hands of a child. Basically be godlike, or near close to it.

2018-05-16, 05:04 PM
Humans produce the most powerful metapsychics in Julian May's Galactic Milieu/ Saga of the Exiles novels, to the point where a handful of human metaphyscics nearly overthrow the entire Galactic Milieu. A civilization of multiple races, encompassing dozens of planets and billions of being.

Reddish Mage
2018-05-16, 09:08 PM
Goku's power level was 3 million in base and 150 million in SSJ when he first unlocked the transformation) and possesses several advanced states that are even stronger.

What good is examples of Goku's strength help when talking about humans with Saiyan blood? His kids and grand kids appear to be born stronger than he as at that age and its implied they have greater potential...but training is everything in Dragon Ball. I think the strongest being that hasn't got any training is baby-Pan. Baby Pan is awesome, can fly and beat the heck out of bad-guys and their tech but doesn't do anything serious.

Speaking of which, if we count quasi-humans with any-type of alien, monster, whatever blood (but not deity heritage by word of OP), we get arbitrarily strong beings. This includes children of Superman and other Kryptonians in DC Universe, just to get started.

As far as full blooded humans go I present to you Marty Stu himself: Wesley Crusher supposedly had a power that the traveler merely guides. The traveler implied Wesley's neigh omnipotent power would have manifested on its own eventually.

2018-05-16, 09:16 PM
I was giving an example of how powerful the transformation itself was.

2018-05-16, 09:45 PM
I was giving an example of how powerful the transformation itself was.

Power levels aren't a reliable means of measureing strength for really anything. They don't help in determining the answer to our question.

2018-05-16, 09:47 PM
The ability is stated to multiply someone's power 50 times over.

I gave a confirmed example of that happening.

2018-05-16, 09:55 PM
The ability is stated to multiply someone's power 50 times over.

I gave a confirmed example of that happening.

What is power? What is it multiplying. Physical strength? ok give me a correlation. for someone capable of listing 30lbs how much of a change in power level would be needed for this person to be able to lift 300lbs?

That's what we need and without things like that Power levels can't be used.

2018-05-16, 10:11 PM
It seems to work the same way the Kaioken does, and the Kaioken is stated by Goku to double his strength, power, speed, reflexes, and all of his other combat abillities.

But do the details matter? If the Saiyan descended humans of Dragon Ball Online are in, it simply means that the resulting hypoetical "most powerful human by birthright" has the potential to be at least 50 stronger than they would be otherwise.

I mean, nobody's asking for numbers or details on anything anybody else suggested.

Fable Wright
2018-05-16, 10:55 PM
Nasuverse: Being born a complete Holy Grail.

Sakura Matou and Illyasviel von Einzbern both have the power of incomplete lesser holy grails. This gives them near-infinite magical potential. Case in point: F/Z Berserker at maximum mana consumption burned through over a year's worth of mana from a high-potential mage in one minute. It would take around half a million high quality mages to keep that familiar around indefinitely at max capacity.

Illyasviel is capable of manifesting that throughput. Sakura Matou can also maintain a servant indefinitely. Actually, probably 7 indefinitely.

However, that's for an incomplete lesser grail, in both cases.

Miyu Edelfelt, in Prisma Illya, is born as a complete and functional Greater Grail, without any trace of a Divinity stat or similar. Mortal human with mortal parents born with the capacity to perform any miracle. Not a world-limited miracle, a miracle that can reach the swirl of the root (ie reach the command console of all realities).

The entire plot of season 3 of the anime, plus the movie, is the antagonists trying to basically get ahold of her and use a complex ritual to reactivate the greater grail within her.

And this power is explicitly inheritable, though usually goes dormant after one's 10th birthday. Hence the need for the convoluted ritual.

I'm fairly certain that takes the crown for inheritable power that is not inherited from a god.

2018-05-16, 11:04 PM
Uh... Miyu, in the Manga at least, is explicitly referred to as a "God Child" or "Child of God"(Child of God is official, but a friend of mine in Tokyo says that God Child is a more accurate reading of the characters) and a "Wish Granting Deity in Human form" and she had the same red eyes that Demigods and beings with Divine Power in the Nasuverse have, so while Miyu isn't explcitly the descendant of a God, I think she might be against the spirit of the rules becuase she's technically a God.

Hell, part of her emotional conflict is that several people, herself included, don't believe that she's a real person with the rights of a human being on the grounds that, metaphysically speaking, she's more accurately "a Holy Grail that's almost a human" rather than a "human being with the power of a Holy Grail."

2018-05-19, 08:10 PM
Having a Sacred Gear (http://highschooldxd.wikia.com/wiki/Sacred_Gear) (magic items that randomly appear inside the souls of humans and only humans), then using strong emotions to fuse it with your other powers and/or evolve it into a Balance Breaker (http://highschooldxd.wikia.com/wiki/Balance_Breaker) (which removes the limit on human potential). The series actually has a whole faction of "normal" humans with Balance Breakers, who run around killing powerful supernatural beings just because they want to know the answer to OP's question.

Similarly, becoming a Mystes (http://shakugan.wikia.com/wiki/Mystes) - a Torch (someone who is fading from reality due to losing most of their "Power of Existence") who has a Treasure Tool (http://shakugan.wikia.com/wiki/Treasure_Tool) (the same term Fate/stay night translates as "Noble Phantasm") randomly appear inside them.

Being born a Fullbringer (http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Fullbringer) - the child of someone who survived a Hollow attack and was left with traces of Hollow power in their body.

Being a Gemstone (http://toarumajutsunoindex.wikia.com/wiki/Gemstone) - someone who unlocks esper (http://toarumajutsunoindex.wikia.com/wiki/Esper) powers by themselves, without going through the programme of mental conditioning normally required. Most espers have powers that rely on manipulating a single scientific principle, but Gemstone abilities tend to be more abstract and harder to define. Esper powers rely on developing a "personal reality" (something like a small Reality Marble) and they take damage if they use magic (since this relies on aligning yourself with other entities' points of view), but there are ways to negate this effect.

Nasuverse: Being born a complete Holy Grail.

Sakura Matou and Illyasviel von Einzbern both have the power of incomplete lesser holy grails. This gives them near-infinite magical potential.
Sakura wasn't born that way, though. She was magically altered.

Illya is a homunculus, an artificial human. She was born from another homunculus rather than being created directly, but IIRC the Einzberns still had control over how she developed (despite one of her parents being human, her body is actually less human than any previous Einzbern homunculus, being specialized entirely for magical capacity at the cost of normal body functions).

Also from the Nasuverse, though: having the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception (http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Mystic_Eyes_of_Death_Perception).

2018-05-19, 10:05 PM
Prime32's avatar reminds me of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Every human is born with the ability to manipulate Spiral Power. In TTGL, differences in power potential seem to be linked to the attitude and mental state of individuals more than anything else.

2018-05-20, 08:21 AM
Being born a Fullbringer (http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Fullbringer) - the child of someone who survived a Hollow attack and was left with traces of Hollow power in their body.

Depending on how Bleach's strange universe works, mixed-blood quincies may count, as they're implied to be a race of quincy-human hybrids. You could also make a case for whatever Ichigo's son from the epilogue is, a he's at least 5/8 human, but has fullbringer-like powers.

The Kalachakra or Ouruboreans from _The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August_ are people who repeatedly relive their lives. When they die, they start again from their birth with their memories intact. Obviously, this gives them a working knowledge of the timeline ahead of them until they deviate from it, and intel on upcoming problems.
The only ways to 'kill' them are to wipe their memory, then kill them so they're reborn without their old personality, or to change the timeline to prevent them from being born.