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2018-05-15, 08:20 PM
The Prince's palace is a massive structure, in the center of town. Though the inner walls of the palace are guarded, the palace grounds extend far beyond this barrier. When you first met the Prince a week ago, he instructed you to meet him in the eastern yard - it seems to be set up for battle practice, with dummies and archery targets set up. Others are walking around the grounds, both guards and civilians, but no one pays particular mind when you arrive at the yard. The Prince himself would be noticed, you can only assume that he will be disguised.

You are expected to arrive any time before noon - until then, you have the morning to yourselves.

2018-05-16, 02:45 AM
Sela's nights had been filled with dark dreams, dreams of power she could claim if she gave into the darkness within, she'd spent the last week using her savings to ensure she could defend herself a little better next time something like this happened, a sturdy crossbow and a spare dagger. Her magic, small as it was had improved and she practiced it alone at night while trying to avoid sleep for fear of more nightmares.

Still the day is here, a meeting with the prince, she hurried through her chores at the temple, a due restitution for their efforts in raising her, and proceeded to the eastern yard, nervous of what is to come...

2018-05-16, 05:49 AM
Over the days following the sewer raid Robert retreats to the blackhall manor, more and more of his time is spent attempting to discover the nature of this voice that seems to pass in and out of his mind, with many hours spent pouring over the tomes in the blackhall library, or indeed other texts ordered in from further away.

2018-05-17, 10:25 AM
Dugan went straight to his church , and looked for the high priestess . Once he found her,he fell to his knees . "I have seen the sign ,the Mother of Safety Berronar has blessed me and I pledge my life to her. The prince has need of my services and I hope to spread the word . "

2018-05-19, 09:49 PM

Sela's nights had been filled with dark dreams, dreams of power she could claim if she gave into the darkness within...

Despite Sela's worrying dreams, she finds that her magic does not necessarily lend itself toward harm. Aside from damaging spells, some are useful for her chores at the temple and Sela has even found power within her to heal.

Father Shortcloak has been worried about you since the adventure in the sewers but is outwardly proud of the magic you have developed. Though you have been able to keep it private from the parishioners (many of whom would assume you were using it for evil), Father Shortcloak approves of the magic you have gained.

OOC: How much did you tell Father Shortcloak about the night in the sewers?


Over the days following the sewer raid Robert retreats to the blackhall manor, more and more of his time is spent attempting to discover the nature of this voice that seems to pass in and out of his mind, with many hours spent pouring over the tomes in the blackhall library, or indeed other texts ordered in from further away.

At the start, you don't find anything in particular from your library regarding strange voices inside people's heads (barring some fiction novels, none of which seem particularly relevant). As you delve deeper and deeper into what this might be, your research leads you toward warlocks and their patrons. Similar to clerics, they gain their power from a higher being. For warlocks, the power is different: it comes specifically from a pact made between the mortal and the higher being (often at a steep price).

When you have time alone, you find that you have developed some powers of your own - as far as you can tell you have gained pact magic, despite never making a pact yourself.

The voice has not spoken to you since the sewers.

OOC: Do you keep this research hidden from your family? What do your Eldritch Blasts look like?


Dugan went straight to his church , and looked for the high priestess . Once he found her,he fell to his knees . "I have seen the sign ,the Mother of Safety Berronar has blessed me and I pledge my life to her. The prince has need of my services and I hope to spread the word . "

While many churches has devoted priests, few of these are gifted with magic from their deity. As you show this new power, you become a much more prominent figure within your church. Those who know of your magic begin coming to you for blessings (whether through magic or words).

OOC: Do you do anything in particular in service of your church in regard to the public? How have you spread the word?


When you arrive at the field, you notice the mysterious woman from the sewers already there. The three of you have some time before the Prince is set to arrive.

2018-05-21, 01:38 PM
Ah my dear good to see you, I’m so delighted that you’ve rejoined us once more. Say Robert extending a hand to the adventuress, Have you any idea when his highness is due to arrive?

OOC: Robert’s blasts look like pale purple threads reaching out to Grasp a target, then pulsing with energy and breaking. He’s ensured his research was in secret.

2018-05-21, 09:34 PM
Ah my dear good to see you, I’m so delighted that you’ve rejoined us once more. Say Robert extending a hand to the adventuress, Have you any idea when his highness is due to arrive?

The woman shakes her head but doesn't look directly at you. Her eyes are always scanning the grounds, focusing on any strangers passing by. "He'll be here soon. At least that's what he said."

After a pause, she continues. "I see not everyone took the prince up on his offer. What made you decide to join us?"

2018-05-22, 02:00 AM

Sela tried to keep quiet, but Father Shortcloak had a way of getting her to talk, even when he wasn't aware there was anything to talk about. She ends up telling him everything...

Sela smiles and waves at the others, suppressing her nerves behind mask of cheer.

2018-05-27, 11:36 AM
The woman shakes her head but doesn't look directly at you. Her eyes are always scanning the grounds, focusing on any strangers passing by. "He'll be here soon. At least that's what he said."

After a pause, she continues. "I see not everyone took the prince up on his offer. What made you decide to join us?"

Robert smiles widely, Why for your lovely company of course. He says showing a flirty smile. Of course there were other motives, this city has long been the home of my family and doing it good can only do them good. Having the prince a little in my debt can only do good for my family of course.

2018-05-27, 03:43 PM

Sela's gaze flicks across Robert, he seems so at ease, charming. Is it just for show or is he really calm about at all this?
"I have talents, I would rather they be used to protect the people here, if there is a dark prophecy we should rally against it."

2018-05-28, 07:57 PM
The woman nods, hearing everyone's response. Before she can say more, the group is approached by two figures: a tabaxi and someone who can barely be seen under their cloak, despite the sun high overhead.

The cloaked man, the prince, speaks in barely a whisper as you all move in closer to him. "I must say, I thought more would have been willing to join." He hakes his head and continues. "Anyway, I have brought another ally who will be working with you. He likes to be called Lost and Found." The prince gestures toward the Tabaxi. (I'll let q785921 introduce themselves).

"The prophecy singles out two people, and the witnesses who see this happen. If we can prove that those two people were there, then we know the prophecy is true. To start..." The prince pauses. "With the avatrol son part. For anyone who doesn't know, that is an illegitimate child.

This prophecy is passed down in my family, so everyone in my family line knows the consequences of this. But still, my mother and father... are not close. I worry that... I need you all to investigate who my father is, if not the king."

OOC: At this point, the prince pauses to allow you to ask any questions.

"While you work for me, you can act as part of the Arcane Wardens. Each of you will have a badge that allows you to walk through parts of this palace without question. But please. Do not bring too much attention to yourselves."

OOC: Everyone would know of the Arcane Wardens as a more specialized city guard organization. Where the city guard focuses on regular criminals and the city, the Arcane Wardens deal with threats that are larger and/or magical.

2018-05-29, 07:42 AM
Sela's eyes widen, "You place a lot of trust in us, if doubt is cast upon your lineage you stand to lose everything." she looks at the prince with newfound respect, he was obviously taking this danger seriously, if only she felt she could live up to the faith he placed in them.

"I fear I am not familiar with the workings of the royal family. If your mother and father have grown apart, does she still reside within the palace?"

2018-05-29, 08:14 AM
Sir Found plucks on his small pocket harp as he lounges on the parapet of one of the castle towers. He let the last note fade, then he slips the harp back into his pouch and leans back considering. The notes were technically perfect, but he knew he still lacked that ineffable quality to turn the notes into music. It didn’t bother him exactly, but he couldn’t wrap his head around just what it was that separated the proficiency of his playing from the true art of the minstrels and bards.

And that, he muses, I suppose is the whole point.

“Sir Found?” A squire says as he steps out onto the tower. “The prince has requested your presence in the eastern yard.”

Found follows the squire through the castle. Along the way, they meet the prince himself. Found falls into step with him as the squire quickly brings him up to speed.

The prince speaks as they approach the foursome. “I must say, I thought more would have been willing to join.” He shakes his head and continued. “Anyway, I have brought another ally who will be working with you. He likes to be called Lost and Found.”

At the prince’s gesture, Found bows. “My honor to meet you. I have only just heard the tale, but you have my eternal gratitude for your role in returning our prince to safety.” Straightening from his bow, he adds, “And please, you may call me Found.”

“The prophecy singles out two people, and the witnesses who see this happen,” the prince continues. “If we can prove that those two people were there, then we know the prophecy is true. To start..with the avatrol son part. For anyone who doesn’t know, that is an illegitimate child. This prophecy is passed down in my family, so everyone in my family line knows the consequences of this. But still, my mother and father…are not close. I worry that…I need you all to investigate who my father is, if not the king.”

Found blinks in surprise at the prince’s words. “My prince…I understand the need, but to investigate the crown itself...We will need the upmost discretion.” He turns an eye back to the strangers, then adds in low voice to the prince “I am grateful for their assistance so far, but my first duty is to protect the crown. My prince, are you absolutely certain that we can trust them?”

2018-05-29, 02:32 PM
I am also curious as to the exact plane touched one in question, says Robert, Though tha May be secondary to the line of an avatrol son. Yet there is more I must ask, do you know when this prophecy was first defined? Whether it was Matrilineal of Patriarchal? And did it specify a the primary heir or just the descendant of a certain figure?

2018-05-30, 07:28 PM
“I am grateful for their assistance so far, but my first duty is to protect the crown. My prince, are you absolutely certain that we can trust them?”

"No, I am not sure we can trust them. But what choice do I have? Those who are close to my family may very well hide the truth from me. That leaves strangers, and I'm more willing to trust those who saved me while expecting little in return. If the city is at stake, I have to take this risk."

Yet there is more I must ask, do you know when this prophecy was first defined? Whether it was Matrilineal of Patriarchal? And did it specify a the primary heir or just the descendant of a certain figure?

"As far as I am aware, the prophecy was made shortly after the city fully established itself and my family was put in as the rulers.

There have been any number of breaks in the family line, it does not follow the men or women specifically. But those who have studied the prophecy take it to mean if either the King or Queen is unfaithful. Given there are numerous witnesses that I am the Queen's son, it is my father who is in question."

The prince pauses before continuing. "My two brothers before me would stand to inherit the throne long before me. But even so, if it was only my situation that applied it may be enough for the prophecy. All the more reason to debunk the theory if possible."

"I fear I am not familiar with the workings of the royal family. If your mother and father have grown apart, does she still reside within the palace?"

"She does still reside in the palace and for public appearances they can act as a perfectly happy couple. But any time not in the public eye they spend apart. Those they invite to the palace often come to see one or the other, usually not both of my... of the King and Queen."

2018-05-31, 05:06 AM
Sela's ears burn as Robert mentions planetouched one, she still hopes it doesn't refer to her, looking him in the eye she asks, "You seem most comfortable among the nobility, do you have an recommendations on how to proceed?"

2018-05-31, 08:07 AM
"You seem most comfortable among the nobility, do you have an recommendations on how to proceed?"

"I agree," Found says. "Perhaps we should also question the midwife or the Queen's attendants from when the prince was born, if any remain alive and in service."

I should also report in to the Wardens, he thinks, they may have uncovered more information about the prophecy....assuming they can be trusted. He tried to push that last errant thought from his mind. He understood the prince's need for secrecy and his misgivings, but Found hated this kind of internal strife. It was why he tried to stay away from the political intrigue of the court and spent most of his time abroad.

2018-05-31, 08:19 AM
It’ll be tricky. Says Robert as he turns to reply, not speaking to loud lest he be overheard. The Queen will have wanted this buried if it did indeed happen, and she has plenty of resources. Additionally with great respect to each and everyone of you the nobility tends to close ranks and protect each other unless we approach them with pretty compelling evidence. I can probably try and see if the queen acquired a favourite gentleman around this time but nothing is garunteed.

If they’re smart then they’ll have a way to stop themselves being caught in the moment and so our best bet is finding an witness, proving it through magic or potentially notes might have been written? Of course this only works if it’s a dedicated affair rather than a single short fling.

2018-05-31, 10:08 AM
"We need to track down any maids and cleaning staff who would have been working around the time of conception." Sela blushes, the reddish-pink odd against her purple skin "Such acts often leave... evidence behind and the cleaning staff may have noticed something and may remember - particularly if they knew the King was not with the queen at the time." Sela avoids looking at the others as she speaks, clearly uncomfortable.

2018-05-31, 10:45 AM
Dugan looked at the others , he knew nothing about royalty or how one went about inquiring about such matters . "I am here to support the prince , I know Berronar will bless this endeavor , you have my help as long as you need it."

2018-05-31, 09:12 PM
The prince nods. "I can get you a list of who my mother employed and trusted back then. Until then, here are your badges..." He hands you all discreet pins, though he assures you its not necessary to wear them, just present them if asked. "We'll meet again this evening, same place."

OOC: We can skip until your next meeting if you have nothing else to discuss, let me know here or OOC.

2018-06-01, 10:19 PM
Later that evening the prince meets with you, once again covered in robes. He barely stops to pass you the list of subjects before walking away from your group.

Kristhana Droverson - half-elf - midwife
--- Now assists with general duties around the castle. She is likely to have much private information but she would be reluctant to risk her position.

Leohorn Lorearthen - dwarf - Queen's personal adviser
--- Trusted friend of the queen before she married into the family. Would be the person she could most openly confide in, but least likely to betray the trust of his longtime friend.

Eildiana Hollysword - elf - Queen's personal bodyguard.
--- Bodyguard that has worked in the royal family for generations. Would certainly know of the Queen's coming and going (and who she was likely meeting). However, loyalty to the crown means she would not do anything to threaten the royal family.

2018-06-08, 02:24 AM
"So, we divide up yes, see where our questions lead? I will see if I can track down Kristhana."

2018-06-08, 05:13 AM
Non of them are likely to spill the details willingly but there are some option to look at, some churches have rituals of truth being told, empowered sometimes by tradition and sometimes by magic. If any of them have a weakness for drink or other such fancies that may allow us entry. Otherwise I am unsure.

2018-06-08, 08:44 AM
"I will talk to Leohorn , maybe he is a member of the church . I will try to get him to talk as it is a matter of Safety and Berronar will bless him in some way . " Dugan says looking at the others .

2018-06-08, 12:51 PM
Found takes the the list from Dugan

"I will speak with Eildiana," he says. "We may be able to find common ground."

2018-06-10, 01:15 AM
I too will help the search for and conversation with Kristina.

2018-06-11, 04:44 AM
"Well a little more information would have been nice, but if she helps with general duties around the castle, we should go inquire for her among the servants. Unless you have any better ideas? I've never had servants, or been one."

2018-06-18, 07:55 PM
Found is able to find Eildiana as she is done with her shift for the day. The Elven woman looks young for her age - the centuries of working for the Queen's family did not seem to take unnecessary toll on her. Found notices the woman drop her professional demeanor as she believes she is alone.

When Found walks up to her, she puts on a friendly smile - professional again but certainly more relaxed than she would be on the job. "Found, it is good to see you. What brings you to the palace today?"

2018-06-19, 09:22 AM
Sela seeks out Kristhana, surely the servants could direct her to such a longstanding member of the household.

2018-06-19, 07:51 PM
Found gives Eildiana a knights salute. He suddenly feels very aware of the vast gulf of age between them.

"Though I am ever pleased to be in your company, duty has guided my steps this night," Found says. He looks around the corridor. "My lady, I have a matter of some delicacy to discuss," he lowers his voice as he continues. "Regarding the prophecy and the prince's paternity. Perhaps we could adjourn to somewhere private."


2018-06-20, 05:04 AM
Truth be told, I never really talked much with many of the servants. Really they were just sort of there, I knew many by name and role but little more.

2018-06-20, 08:17 PM

Her eyes flicker in recognition but soon she gains composure, acting as if you has simply asked the weather. "Of course, if you don't mind we can go to my house and discuss it further."

When you arrive at her modest house, she immediately locks the door and makes sure the blinds are shut. Though she does her best to hide it, she is obviously concerned. "What's happened? Did you learn something of the prophecy or the event that is supposed to take place?"

Sela and Robert

The servants are cordial as you ask for Kristhana and you get directed toward the northern wing. When you find her she is scrubbing the floors in a ballroom. Her face is wrinkled and her hair clearly grey, she looks like she should be a few years away from retirement. Her clothes are plain and though she seems accustomed to the work, she does not seem to enjoy it.

There are two younger maids in the room when you enter, helping to dust and prepare the room for the next event.

2018-06-20, 10:13 PM

Her eyes flicker in recognition but soon she gains composure, acting as if you has simply asked the weather. "Of course, if you don't mind we can go to my house and discuss it further."

When you arrive at her modest house, she immediately locks the door and makes sure the blinds are shut. Though she does her best to hide it, she is obviously concerned. "What's happened? Did you learn something of the prophecy or the event that is supposed to take place?"

Briefly, Sir Found outlines what he has been told of the events with the blue clones. "The prince fears that he is the avatrol son," he concludes. "Under normal circumstances, I would never think such treason; however...." He toys nervously with the hem of his blue cloak. "The prince has ordered me to uncover any...indiscretions...on the part of the queen."

2018-06-21, 04:38 AM

Sela peers down at the aging woman, a momentary pang of indignation strikes her, one who has spent her life helping bring life into the world should not be reduced to scrubbing on her knees in her old age.

After a moments hesitation she hikes up her own robes and gets down to help, "Let me lighten your load in exchange for a few moments of your time? I have a few questions for you"

2018-06-25, 09:57 PM


Sela peers down at the aging woman, a momentary pang of indignation strikes her, one who has spent her life helping bring life into the world should not be reduced to scrubbing on her knees in her old age.

After a moments hesitation she hikes up her own robes and gets down to help, "Let me lighten your load in exchange for a few moments of your time? I have a few questions for you"

Kristhana smiles at the voice as she comes to help. "No need to make a fuss and help, dear." When the woman turns to see Sela she gasps and drops the brush she was using. "By the heavens... I..." She is startled by your appearance but doesn't seem hostile. Her hand clutches a pendant around her neck, the symbol of Eldath.


Briefly, Sir Found outlines what he has been told of the events with the blue clones. "The prince fears that he is the avatrol son," he concludes. "Under normal circumstances, I would never think such treason; however...." He toys nervously with the hem of his blue cloak. "The prince has ordered me to uncover any...indiscretions...on the part of the queen."

Eildiana seems nervous as you bring this up. "We always suspected that a prince would be part of the prophecy. In the past, many of the rulers elected to have only one child, as a show of good faith." She pauses. "Our Queen was different. She wanted more than a son to continue the family line. She truly wanted a family."

Eildiana puts her head in her hands, breathing out. "The King obliged to a second child. He reasoned that in case something were to happen to the first, there should be an heir. But Genevieve, the Queen, she pleaded to have a family instead of a royal lineage. They kept this fight hidden from the public, but she confided her anger in me."

The knight looks you in the eyes. "I am only telling you this because I trust you. If word were to get out..." She gives off an involuntary shudder. "Well, unseating the royal family would cause problems."

Regardless, she continues. "I know not how they reconciled before their third child was born. But I know Genevieve began spending much of her time with the Nardovino family." You know the Nardovino family is one of the oldest houses in Totalpolis and recently formed a union with another family in good standing. Both families hold the rank of Marquess.

2018-06-26, 04:44 AM
Sela smiles while mentally cursing herself, spending most of her time with those who were used to her appearance, she had almost forgotten the fear and revulsion she could invoke in others. Still, nothing to do now, but make the best of it...

"Peace be with you, I know my heritage can give people pause, but I am faithful to the Lady and the City, and humble servant of both." she gently takes up a brush and begins to scrub the floors.

2018-06-26, 05:14 AM
At this point Robert stands up straighter and takes but a few strides forward.

Believe you me, Sela here has done a great amount and risked a great amount in service to her temple and to the people of this city. These questions are only asked to ensure that we can keep this city as safe and as prosperous as ever before.

2018-06-26, 02:48 PM
Found considers Eilidana's words. The news of the King and Queen's marital issues doesn't surprise him. He knew that the previous monarch's kept themselves to one child. Their decision to have more than one had been a topic of much private discussion among the Warden's and the third prince's birth had set them on edge.

He reaches out to take her hands. "Eilidana. Believe me. My loyalty to the crown is absolute. I will do what is best for the throne, and that means discovering the truth.". His green cat's eyes stare into hers. "I need to know everything you do. Specific names. Places. Anyone else that might have suspected, including the King."

2018-06-30, 09:35 PM

"I will talk to Leohorn , maybe he is a member of the church . I will try to get him to talk as it is a matter of Safety and Berronar will bless him in some way . " Dugan says looking at the others .

Dugan finds Leohorn walking the castle grounds, about to enter one of the gardens. The man is alone and relaxed, no one gives the dwarf a second look as he passes by but many greet him with a friendly wave.


He reaches out to take her hands. "Eilidana. Believe me. My loyalty to the crown is absolute. I will do what is best for the throne, and that means discovering the truth.". His green cat's eyes stare into hers. "I need to know everything you do. Specific names. Places. Anyone else that might have suspected, including the King."

The woman looks back at you, eyes weary with understanding. "That is the extent of my knowledge. I am tasked to guard the Queen in this castle and on official business. I don't know where she would have gone, but I did not see anyone suspicious at the castle itself."

At the mention of the King, she shakes her head. "I don't believe that he suspects anything. He was always more focused on ruling and when he gave his decision, that was that. At least, for him."

Sela and Robert

Kristhana takes a moment to breathe and take in the information. Between Robert's word's and Sela helping to clean, the old woman calms down but still seems to be on edge. "What questions do you have for me?"

2018-07-04, 08:25 AM
"Thank you, Elidana," Found said as he rose to leave. "I'm sure this information will be helpful." He saluted her and bowed deeply, then he left her apartment and wondered out into the city.

He mulled over her information as he walked. The Narvadino family. He knew a little about them. They were old and had recently created an alliance with another family. If one of them was the true father of the prince would they be ambitious enough to try and blackmail the Queen? That seemed a likely outcome. At the very least, the certainty that they would take advantage of any questionable paternity loomed large.

Perhaps Robert would know more.

2018-07-04, 08:58 AM
"So, I hear tell that you were a midwife, for the royal family? Did you deliver the princes?", Sela starts cautiously.

2018-07-09, 08:41 PM

OOC: It will take you some time to reach Sela and Robert if you would like to meet up with them before the group's planned meeting.

Sela and Robert

Kristhana looks Sela over as the Tiefling helps and Kristhana goes back to her work. "Why, of course I delivered the whippersnappers. Cared for them until after they were scampering around the palace halls. What's your interest?"

2018-07-10, 05:19 AM
Sela tries to think of someway of broaching the subject without directly asking - Lady above, I am not the best person for this.

"Did anything seem off about the Prince's birth or the queen's pregnancy with him? There were rumours about the state of the marriage..."

2018-07-11, 10:19 AM
Dugan approaches Leohorn , "Greetings , I am need of some help,can you please help me ? "

2018-07-12, 08:40 PM
Sela and Robert

"Did anything seem off about the Prince's birth or the queen's pregnancy with him? There were rumours about the state of the marriage..."

Kristhana looks at the Tiefling, incredulous. "There was nothing wrong with the pregnancy, barring the boy wanting to join us feet first.

I was in no position to know about the King and Queen, rumors or no. Even if I did know I would not be spilling my words to a stranger, even if she has an influential friend." She nods toward Robert.


Dugan approaches Leohorn , "Greetings , I am need of some help,can you please help me ? "

Leohorn nods at Dugan and with a motion of his hand indicates they should walk through the garden. He leads the way, giving the priest a look. "It appears you may be a man of the cloth. Am I correct in this assumption? To whom do you pledge yourself?"

2018-07-13, 08:44 AM

Leohorn nods at Dugan and with a motion of his hand indicates they should walk through the garden. He leads the way, giving the priest a look. "It appears you may be a man of the cloth. Am I correct in this assumption? To whom do you pledge yourself?"[/QUOTE]

"I follow Berronar , Mother of Safety . I have recently come into favor having rescued the prince . I was able to receive the Mother's touch . It was because of my faith , that I ask about what you know of the prince being an avatrol son?"

2018-07-14, 07:49 PM

"I follow Berronar , Mother of Safety . I have recently come into favor having rescued the prince . I was able to receive the Mother's touch . It was because of my faith , that I ask about what you know of the prince being an avatrol son?"

Leohorn raises his eyebrows at the direct question and looks around to see if there is anyone else nearby. "While I am glad that you have received this blessing, we may elect to discuss these manners in a location safe from prying ears."

He leads you through the gardens and does not speak on the subject further until you are sufficiently far from any others. "Your suspicion of the Queen's infidelity is concerning, given all of the implications it would mean. I take it you have no proof of this threat, what would you plan to do with these words?"

OOC: You'll need a persuasion roll and convince him that you aren't threatening to expose the queen.

2018-07-21, 10:13 AM
Ooc Persuasion roll
[roll0] +5=

2018-07-21, 10:15 AM
Dugan rolls 21 for Persuasion .

2018-07-23, 08:22 PM

Leohorn seems interested in you - from what you've said so far he seems to believe you mean well, but you can see reservations on his face of betraying the trust of a close friend.

OOC: This means that you rolled well but he still isn't ready to tell you. Dugan would have to give a good reason why this information is important.

2018-07-24, 03:21 AM
"Fair enough," Sela smiles, "I respect your loyalty, should you think of anything - even something small I can be found at the temple of the Lady - or a message left with Father Shortcloak and I will come find you." Sela makes no move to leave, and continues helping the old mother clean.

2018-07-25, 07:28 PM
Sela and Robert

Kristhana makes a sound to indicate she heard you and continues her work. Although she does not bring up the conversation again she does accept your help and eventually seems comfortable working with you.

When it is time for her to move onto a different duty she bows her head in thanks before leaving the room.

2018-07-26, 03:12 PM
"Leohorn, I was one of the rescuers of the Prince. It was he who asked for my help, he believes in the prophey, that is why I am asking for your help. I have no need to harm the Queen, it is the kingdom and the Mother, I serve. Any information given to me will be used only for good." Duggan states with all sincerity.

2018-07-26, 07:16 PM

The man studies you in silence, before turning and continuing to walk. "I can tell you that she became friends with Duke Vissente over a decade ago, but their friendship did not last long. I have not talked to the man in years, though I wonder how he is doing these days..." Leohorn pointedly looks away from you as he says this, only turning back to you once you arrive at the entrance to the garden.

"But I will speak to the Queen and let her know of the danger that may come to pass. If I find anything that you can help with, I will let you know."

2018-08-01, 09:20 PM
Having talked to those who could give you information, everyone makes their way to the designated meeting place to decide on your next move.

2018-08-08, 05:54 AM
As the day broke, Found made his way back to the palace courtyard and into one of the stone gazebos that marked stood along the path. What he had learned troubled him, but, he admitted it wasn't a lot to go on either: a question answered with more questions.

He hoped the others had found more useful clues.

2018-08-08, 10:12 AM
Sela arrives, her hood raised for all the good it does. "Well, aside from giving an old woman some aid, we achieved little in our investigations. I hope someone found better?"

2018-08-08, 10:20 AM
Dugan looked at the others , "I might have a name for us to look into , Duke Vissente. He was briefly a close friend to the Queen . "

2018-08-10, 06:24 AM
"I also was able to uncover some more information," Found said when they all had assembled. "Firstly, rift between the King and Queen results from the Queen's desire to have a family beyond an heir. Eilidana was certain that the eldest Princes are legitimate. Around the time of the youngest's birth, the Queen had been spending time with the Nardovino family; however, she also believes that the King is unaware of anything untoward." He paused and shifted uncomfortably. "They must have still been having relations, therefore the possibility remains that the prince is not the avatrol son. I admit I am unsure how to provide proof in either direction. Perhaps magic?"

He breathed heavily, twitching his nose in frustration. "Nonetheless, we have more than we started with. Robert, do you know anything more about the Duke or the Nardovino family?"

2018-08-12, 08:57 PM
Robert does know of the family - Duke Vissente Nardovino is an important member of society. In addition to his title he takes on the role of a chief lawyer, helping to draft and interpret the law of the land. However, what may hit Robert the hardest is that Duke Vissente was not born into the surname he currently holds. When he married, he took the name of his wife, as the Nardovinos held more prestige. Still, he holds ties to his own family and is still, additionally, seen as a member of house De la Rouche.

While there is no biological way that you know of to track this, Dugan has heard rumors that clerics of Vecna can ask their deity to reveal a secret to them. If Vecna is willing, he will give this secret to the cleric - the cleric would then tell the asker what they want to know, for a price.

2018-08-21, 06:14 AM
Found listened to what the others had discovered.

"I'm quite intrigued by what 'secret' this cleric could give us, though I'm sure the price will be high, and perhaps should only be used as a last resort." He met the eyes of each of his compatriots. "What say the rest of you?"

2018-08-22, 03:51 AM
"I would rather not deal with Priests of Vecna if it can be helped. And I'm not sure this is a secret I would trust them with." Sela sighs "We do not need proof beyond doubt for a court of law, just enough to make the prince sure in his need to act."

2018-08-22, 06:29 AM
While I concur on the desire to keep this as a secular matter, the simple fact is few other options remain open to us. The Nardovino’s benefit just as much from closing ranks, sought of them being foolish enough enough to leave letters of love and admission lying about they could easily claim to merely be a royal talking with one of the higher nobles. An act that is in no way useful to us.

2018-08-22, 08:33 AM
"Assuming all else being natural," Sela runs her hand over one of her horns, "familial traits do pass down the generations, we can make a comparison with how our prince looks compared to Nardovino and his other offspring. While not exact, it is at least worth exploring before consorting with such unsavory elements."

OOC: Pinked out, as having the same colour as Robert is bugging me. Don't know why I've left it so long - it looks fine to me but if it's too pale let me know.

2018-08-22, 09:37 AM
"Robert makes a good point," Found agreed, his nose twitching. "I doubt there will be anything so obvious as a note or letter lying about; however, there still may be value in paying the Duke a visit." He wasn't sure that comparing the prince and the Duke's features would gain them much. Having been raised among humans, he saw the patterns of the their features, but he felt that many looked the same, related however far their blood relations.

"At any rate, I too am wary of indebting myself to the gods." He would do so if it meant protecting the kingdom, but he preferred to explore mortal options first.

OOC: The pink looks fine to me so far

2018-09-11, 05:08 AM
Then perhaps I should make efforts to arrange an excuse to visit the Nardovinos, if we are all agreed that is.

2018-09-11, 06:28 AM
Sela breathes a sigh of relief, "Agreed, we..." a slight frown crosses her face "or you at least, pay a visit to the Nardovinos. If we don't find anything strong enough to show the prince we'll speak with the Vecnarites."

2018-09-17, 03:38 PM
Ah yes, while it would perhaps make sense to bring found, as both an expert on noble affairs and apparently a man of some respectability I’m afraid I could not make excuses for all of you, unless we had a particular occasion.

2018-09-20, 06:17 AM
Unsure if Robert was making fun or serious, Found chose to take his comments at face value. "What excuse would you make for visiting?"

2018-09-20, 08:58 AM
Unsure if Robert was making fun or serious, Found chose to take his comments at face value. "What excuse would you make for visiting?"

It will take some time to set up, but nobles frequently have reason to visit. Or indeed there are many social events where both our families are expected. We will have a chance to talk there if little else.

2018-09-26, 02:30 PM
"Indeed," Found agreed. "Then make your excuse for a visit." He turned to Sela. "If you'd like, you could play the role of an apprentice Warden. The Duke is a lawyer and the Wardens do occasionally call upon his service."

2018-09-26, 03:56 PM
"If you feel it to be appropriate, I would like to be to hand but not at risk of jeopardizing the mission." Sela nods meekly.