View Full Version : Presents for my party recommendations

Slayer Lord
2018-05-16, 07:32 PM
Things are starting to get serious in this campaign, and my party is behind on Wealth by Level, and I figured they could use some more magic items. Problem is my players haven't been terribly helpful in giving me suggestions, so I was looking for some ideas off the Playground. My players consist of an Elf Witch specializing in healing and battlefield control, a goblin Pistolero Gunslinger, and a Ghoran Shifter, and they've just hit level 7. I know the gunslinger is happy with the weapon he has, and I'm planning to help them get the appropriate stat-boosting belts and headbands, but any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Jay R
2018-05-16, 08:50 PM
Things are starting to get serious in this campaign, and my party is behind on Wealth by Level, and I figured they could use some more magic items. Problem is my players haven't been terribly helpful in giving me suggestions, so I was looking for some ideas off the Playground. My players consist of an Elf Witch specializing in healing and battlefield control, a goblin Pistolero Gunslinger, and a Ghoran Shifter, and they've just hit level 7. I know the gunslinger is happy with the weapon he has, and I'm planning to help them get the appropriate stat-boosting belts and headbands, but any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

You'll have to choose these, because you know what these PCs actually do, and we don't. But here are some suggestions.

If the witch runs out of spells occasionally, then either a wand or two of the most common spells, a staff with some useful ones she doesn't have yet, or a particularly useful metamagic rod.

A gunslinger happy with his weapon should get improved armor.

I have no clue about the Ghoran, since I have no idea how the player plays the character.

But in general, I'd suggest going down the list of magic items focusing on the ones that cost about what you want to give, thinking about what these characters regularly do. The ideal item has two characteristics:
1. It improves the kinds of things they do (or allow new options that work well with what they do), and
2. It can be used in most situations they are likely to encounter.

A Giant's Banesword is only useful when you provide giants, for instance. A Ring of Freedom of Movement only helps if you provide encounters of ropes, webs, or other restraints.

Go through the list of items, thinking about what that specific player, with that specific character, in your specific encounters, would do with it.

2018-05-17, 01:09 AM
More of a general suggestion than anything, but I'd recommend taking a look at wondrous items--fun and/or utility items that the characters would never be able to justify spending money on themselves.

A few good examples from a quick glance at the list:

Bag of Tricks
Necklace of Fireballs
Hat of Disguise
Rope of Climbing
Boots of Striding and Springing
Bottle of Air
Boots of Levitation
Decanter of Endless Water
Folding Boat

From what I've seen, when people stumble across items like these, they make a point of finding creative situations to use them in down the road. If nothing else, it can make for a lot of good stories.

Of course, you know your party best, so feel free to cater your choices accordingly.

2018-05-17, 01:26 AM
I always find good items in bunkos bargain basement, list of necessary magic items and shax's indispensable haversack to cover the basics quite well when dispensing loot. Just Google them and you'll have plenty of options

2018-05-17, 05:06 PM
Maybe not as great for your witch as the average debuffer but this blouse (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/blouse-cackling-hag-s/) is still amazing and criminally underpriced.

If you're looking for something much bigger and better for your witch this corset (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/c-d/corset-of-dire-witchcraft) is also amazing.