View Full Version : DM Help Mounted Combat

2018-05-17, 10:26 AM
I'm running a 5e game, and in it, my brother is playing a Paladin who is very much a Mounted Knight style character.

Been reading through a few other threads on here, and I've been reading that the Mount can't attack the same turn that the rider does, can someone give me the page and book that it states that, as up until now I have allowed it (and it's not been terribly unbalancing so far, as I've had enough enemies to make it not much of a problem) but if that rule is somewhere stated I would prefer to play correct to RAW and RAI as possible.

Thanks in advance!


2018-05-17, 10:35 AM
Mounted Combat Rules are on page 198 of the PHB

2018-05-17, 11:18 AM
An uncontrolled mount can make attacks and generally do whatever it would normally, but is controlled by you, the DM, and has its own initiative. Feel free to roleplay it as appropriate.

A controlled mount moves on the players initiative and direction and can only move and take the dash, disengage, and dodge actions. On most turns, for obvious reasons, you want your controlled mount taking the dodge option.