View Full Version : Pathfinder Additional Samsaran Lore?

2018-05-17, 12:44 PM
Is there any lore on the samsarans beyond what little is mentioned in the Advanced Race Guide? This is a fascinating race, but they seem to be much less-supported than they could be, and I can’t find much else about them.

Is there anything else, or is the entry in the ARG pretty much it?


2018-05-18, 08:58 AM
They're a Tian Xia race; as with your earlier Wayang question, you can usually find more about Tian Xia races in Dragon Empires Primer/Gazetteer and possibly eastern themed adventure paths.

It looks like they hail predominantly from Zi Ha, so some cultural information on that place might help also.

2018-05-18, 09:23 AM
Okay, thanks. There's one paragraph in Dragon Empires Gazetteer which gives a hint of their society, but otherwise it's pretty much the same as in the ARG. A couple more hints in the page on Zi Ha, mainly repeating what was mentioned earlier, and there doesn't seem to be much else.

Do you know if there's anything in Jade Regent about them? They're a race with a lot of intriguing potential, but apparently without much support.

2018-05-18, 01:42 PM
I haven't played Jade Regent, but somebody on the Paizo boards can likely help (both with the AP and the race in general.)

2018-05-18, 01:50 PM
I suppose Paizo is a good place to ask about a Paizo race. :smallsmile:

But for the most part, I find the Playground to be much more responsive and helpful than the community on the Paizo boards. The only exception is when one of the devs chimes in, because that's usually pretty interesting. I do like the fact that they're actually interacting with the online community, rather than residing as hidden demigods in their astral cubicles.

Maybe I'll get lucky and whoever wrote up the samsarans will comment.