View Full Version : Favorite uses for shadow conjuration or evocation (3.5)

2018-05-17, 05:40 PM
I'm going to be playing a level 15 shadowmage, playing around with shadow conjuration and evocation. Thus I must ask; what are your favorite Conjuration (summoning), Conjuration (creation), and evocation spells, respectively. Assume any level btw, cuz shenanigans.

The Viscount
2018-05-17, 05:48 PM
Using it on contingency is fun, since it isn't subject to any of the downsides of greater shadow evocation.

2018-05-17, 05:50 PM
I hear Howling Chain is really good. You need Greater Shadow Evocation for that one, though.

EDIT: You can also use Greater Shadow Conjuration to emulate Major Creation to make Black Lotus poison; instant death to anyone who fails the save and isn't immune to poison.

2018-05-17, 06:29 PM
Magic tattoo is nice. No material components. Although, to use it on yourself you have to be a gnome wizard and take that race's illusionist ACF so you still get a save that you can voluntarily fail despite having proof that it's an illusion.

2018-05-17, 06:29 PM
So this would have been more relevant to you at lower levels and right now at 15h level / 8th level spells it may not be useful info...

But Earthen Shield (Dragonlance 3rd level spell) is a weaker version of Wall of Stone and is 2 levels lower than Wall of Stone on the Wizard List. Since it is only a 3rd level Wizard Spell then Shadow Conjuration (4th level) can emulate without Shadowcraft Mage.

Earthen Shield gives you a shapable earth wall which thus gives you the ability to stall with a wall spell that blocks line of sight and line of effect. Shadow Earthen Shield does have the downside of where it is very easy to break with only 20% hitpoints due to shadow conjuration (so only 20 hitpoints per foot of thickness for Shadow Earthen Shield instead of 100 hitpoint per foot of thickness for normal Earthen Shield, while Wall of Stone has 180 hitpoints per foot of thickness and also hardness of 8.)