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2018-05-18, 08:44 PM

Eons ago, there was a vast, thriving universe filled with planets, stars, mortals, and immensely powerful creative beings which may as well be called gods. One day, however, the gods went to all went to sleep for some reason, and one by one, the stars burnt out, exploded, or became black holes. Eventually, these black holes consumed everything in the universe. A trillion years later, even the black holes ceased to exist. Within a few hundred trillion years of the gods falling asleep, everything they had made was gone. There was only an infinite void. Also, during the gods’ hibernation, gods most unlike each other drifted together and merged even as the lack of mortal prayers made the duo shrink to nearly the size of an atom. Due to entropy, however, once in an eternity, impossible things happen. The old dead universe with the gods in it collided with another old dead universe out in the multiverse. This collision was so violent it woke up a number of the merged dualistic dieties. The merger wiped their memories, but they all feel a need to maintain some sort of balance between their two halves, whatever those halves are.

OOC: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?558933-Lords-of-creation-Opposites-Attract-(out-of-character)&p=23082514#post23082514


Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff awoke in the void. There appeared to be no other life at the moment, and he was lonely. Appearing as a grotesquely ugly naked man with ashen skin and wild eyes, perhaps that was for the better. Nonetheless, Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff was so lonely, that within 48 hours of awakening, he decided to do something about it. Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff has symptoms similar to schizophrenia, and there were 4 voices in his head which were particularly loud to him. Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff chose to give these 4 intelligence and their own physical form so he had companionship, and he gave them gorgeous female bodies. His four daughters he named Dutiful, Ascendant, Reformed, and Liberated. This spent all his power, so he decided he needed to rest just a little while after he conversed a while with his new children.

Starting AP: 20

Create Avatar (4 AP): Dutiful

Create Avatar (4 AP): Ascendant

Create Avatar (4 AP): Reformed

Create Avatar (4 AP): Liberated

Bless Dutiful (1 AP): Dutiful can communicate telepathically with Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff, as well as her 3 sisters regardless of where they are.

Bless Ascendant (1 AP): Ascendant can communicate telepathically with Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff, as well as her 3 sisters regardless of where they are.

Bless Reformed (1 AP): Reformed can communicate telepathically with Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff, as well as her 3 sisters regardless of where they are.

Bless Liberated (1 AP): Liberated can communicate telepathically with Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff, as well as her 3 sisters regardless of where they are.

AP remaining: 0 AP

Domain Progress

Avatar (Dutiful), 5/10

Avatar (Ascendant), 5/10

Avatar (Reformed), 5/10

Avatar (Liberated), 5/10

2018-05-18, 08:47 PM
Vindacaas - Judgement Incarnate

Two forces collided together they might have been enemies once battling in an age long since passed. Forged into a suit of armour glorious in all forms and Resembling the Paragon of justice. Together they saw the truth. Evil, good, Law or Chaos, it all needed to be reigned in. "What is this.... feeling? It's hatred... yes I remember it well... All things should BURN. Consumed in my wrath and swallowed by their sins..." The hollow armour looked out so consumed in thought he hadnt stopped to notice. The void was empty he had vague and blurry memories of a world swollen with life bustling with magic and ideas. the memory faded and his anger swelled.

"I feel it now... I am this worlds Judge... I am its jury... I am its executioner." Vindacaas drew on this idea this growing force raging within him. Dust from the void gathered swirling at his hand holding out calling to his side a weapon that had not yet been made. He gripped has hand tightly around wrappings and inspected the weapon. "There is no mortal, no beast nor mythical being that will not fall before my blade and beg for my mercy. And I shall deliver it, alongside strict and objective judgement. For my new name is Vindacaas, and I am Judgement incarnate"

Vindacaas turned his attention on the empty world that should be abundant with life. He forced himself toward it and fell like a meteor toward its surface.

Starting AP = 20

The Glaive of Merciful judgement. (Create Major Artifact -5) This Combat artifact forged from the dust of the void is Vindacaas' weapon of choice. It invokes fear in mortals all non divine creatures who look upon it know judgement is coming. When used to run a mortal through Vindacaas sees their deeds good and evil alike and in those small moments he judges them. Vindacaas has no reason to memorize these events as he views them ultimately insignificant. - Death (Mercy) 5/10

Ending AP = 20 -5 = 15

2018-05-19, 12:48 AM
Arkanox, Lord of the Final Temptation

The two beings that would become Arkanox fell. They really had no idea why they were falling, even as they became one, they seemed to have conflicting ideas. There were common themes: lesser beings jealous of them and casting him down....but was it for power or an act of jealousy? However, even these memories soon faded as the two beings slowly faded from existence and became one new being. It was at that moment which the new being struck the Sphere.

Arkanox stepped out of the gigantic crater his arrival made into this world. Coming into existence with a fall to Earth was strange. He had no memory of coming into existence, but he felt there should be more to it. More of a celebration, or a moment of terror. Both would be amazing.

The skeletal figure slipped an assortment of expensive rings onto his bony fingers as he surveyed the world around him. He took in the endless void, the great vastness of the Sphere, even the beings that were sparking into existence elsewhere in this plane. Arkanox took this all in and came to an important conclusion:

"Well, this is extremely boring."

The skeletal being turned back to the large scar in the earth his arrival made. If he was going to occupy this plane, things were going to have to liven up around here. Arkanox looked down at the enormous crater, marking the otherwise unmarred and empty sphere. "This seems as good a place as any to call home." And with a wave of his hand, the earth opened up, an extravagent palace rising from the opening. Great ivory skeletons were shaped into the building, holding up bridges and arches throughout Arkanox's vast palace as if all the extravagence was held up by the souls of the dead. Soon, more and more beautiful buildings rose up around the palace, each one with enough splendor to make a king blush. The aesthetic of gaunt corpselike figures holding up the extravagent buildings continued as the buildings became a town, which became a city.

Arkanox strides through his palace, the floors the color of bleached bone and the high ceiling of his throne room held aloft by enormous silver skeletons with gems encrusted into their very bones. "Much better...." he said, lounging back in the throne that seemed to appear beneath him. Arkanox now had a new home, more beautiful and extravagent than anything else in the entire Sphere. Now all the skeletal god had to do was wait. With a home like this, the other beings in this realm would come to him.

"But until then.....a drink!!!" Arkanox laughs, a cup appearing in his hands as vines suddenly snake across and through his throne, shaped like dozens of skeletons twisted into a throne shape. The skeletal figures seemed to shift slightly as wine suddenly poured out of a skull and right into Arkanox's cup.

Starting with 20 AP

2AP to Create Land- Gildscar, the Final Temptation: The first and most extravagent city in the Void or Sphere, Gildscar was built as a home to Arkanox and any who might join in his revelries.
Soon every vice of this Plane or any other will occupy the Final Temptation.

1 AP to use a Blessing on Guildscar-You Can Check Out Anytime You Like....: The elegance and vices of the Final Temptaion pull on the very souls both mortal and immortal alike. Upon death, their souls are drawn towards Gildscar where they will revel in their every vice until their spirits are hollow husks to be shaped as Akranox sees fit. While it is possible to resist the Final Temptation, but why would you ever want to?

1 AP to Create Mundane Concept (Winemaking)

Using a grand total of 7 AP, this leaves me with....16 AP

Domain Progression:

1/10 towards Nature (Alcohol)

3/10 towards Earth (Cities)

2018-05-19, 03:14 AM

It was with a great deal of pain that Temafini raised herself from the hole in the earth she had crashed into. As she pushed up her skin ran away from her, and so so even as it solidified and dried beneath her she still cried, dropping tears of solid crystal into the land below. Far out of sight from any other deity she whipped her head left and right in a search for relief, finding none she merely howled yet more into the sky until her wails became a torrent whipping the air from one side of the sky to the other. Memories still remained of being forced to wander alone, and while she also had memories of being a beloved figure these only further soured the taste of her current situation, eventually she lay down to rest on the land that had formed, even as her cloak of sea mist continued to give of an endless supply of steam.

Create Land (2AP): The Black Isles: A land of islands popping out and reaching up like mountains emerging out of the Ocean, studded with huge and valuable crystals and with rich and fertile soils and seas, they seem perfect for inhabitation, but those who live there must beware the constant threat of volcanoes.

Alter Land (1AP): Over both the Black isles and the surrounding ocean, the air shifts in violent gusts and endless powerful gales occasionally even forming tropical cyclones.

Curse (1AP): The rain pours: As water boils off of Temafini’s form it fills the sky with water vapour which is then distributed by the winds. This leads to the entire world almost always being covered by a constant rainstorm, while it may be welcome at first eventually it leads to floods and mudslides.

Air (Storms) (2/10)
Earth (Rock) (2/10)


2018-05-19, 12:48 PM
Othula, the gloaming rook.

Othula came into existence, as a ripple of darkness amidst a resplendent aurora. It wasn’t abrupt, or sharp- it was, rather, trivial, as if she did it every day. Perhaps she did, in different places and different times.

Her newfound existence wasn’t, really, terribly important. What was important was the story, and right now that story consisted of a bunch of barren isles, a ridiculous storm, and a casino without any players. It was sad, really. Sad, and boring.

It was high time to fix that.

A divine manifestation of light and shadow, prism and umbra, flashed in the sky- and flared, and kept flaring, until all of creation was blindingly bright. It didn’t last, but when it had faded, a bright, burning seed remained; enlightenment personified, to linger for half the day and then disappear, only to return anew. And it wasn’t some plain, golden orb, either- it shone with the light and color of a thousand rainbows, as befit its creator.

For the time the sun was gone, the rook who was darker than nothing and brighter than everything scattered embers across existence, laughing merrily as she did so- and gave a weight to those embers, so that they might do her bidding, and shape the world below as she pleased. She could arrange them as she pleased, and their strange alignments would harmonize, and cascade, and do as she pleased.

Shortly after the creation of the stars, she aligned them just so, and- there. In a cosmic click, the world now had seasons, from winter to spring to summer to fall, and the temper tantrum of that little volcanic harlot would subside.

Darkness, and light. Day, and night. Symmetry. The bird goddess preened, self satisfied… and rippled, changing from a hole in space to a shimmer amongst a cloud of void, frowning all the while. She’d set the stage- with just the right amount of flair, if she did say so- but there still weren’t any people. It was a chess board without pieces, a stream without water, and it simply wouldn’t do.

Her rainbow-colored feathers shivered, and shook, and a golden eruption ensued- a wave of glitter cascading through the sky, and solidified into beautiful, tall and terrible men and women and those between.

They varied heavily between themselves- the winter elves were tea-tinted and monochrome of hair, while the spring elves had hair in pinks and purples and skin as fair as ivory; they were accompanied by the summer elves, tan and green and azure haired, and the autumn elves, dark of skin and with hair in shades of gold and orange and scarlet. The winter elves were shortest, averaging but five feet, while the summer elves were grand of height, tending more towards seven, and all had ears in the shape of leaves- some like maples, branched and fractal, and others like magnolias, solid and sharp, and others like pines, forged from delicate cartilage needles. Their eyes were solid, eerie, and haunting; they were like globes of the night sky, filled with galaxies of their own.

Othula, singing merrily, wove the strongest blessing she could muster blessing into their existence, and smiled gleefully as they began to caper merrily upon the clouds that the stars had tamed. The sun shone upon them, and they knew of language, of beauty, of their place as the first people of the world- and of song, in particular, they knew the most of all. They would be idle, for now, simple merry cloud-hunters- but they would come to know hardship, soon enough, and their goddess would be ready.

Wary of overextending herself, a bird that was shadow and rainbow settled into the the void. She watched. She waited. And she plotted, knowing that her actions could not come without a price.

Starting AP: 24

4 points to Create Mythical Life (elves), 3 points to infuse mythical life, 3 points to create minor artifact (the sun, allowing one free mundane concept a week), 3 points to create minor artifact (the stars, allowing one free bless/curse a week), 2 points to create land (the solid clouds).

Bless charge spent on reducing the rainstorm and creating seasons, mundane concept spent on song, alter land/create monstrous life as of yet unspent.

9 points remaining.

2018-05-19, 12:57 PM
A swirl of green-grey mist descended upon the firmament, just barely coherent enough not to disperse in the new world's thin atmosphere. As it made contact with the hard earth, it finally coalesced into the form of a ratlike hominid.

Branda Zek had a soft landing, relatively speaking. She blinked and smacked her lips as though just waking up from a long nap. The barren landscape was familiar and alien at the same time.

She turned her ears, listening for something to latch onto. Speech, in one direction. That was ideal! She couldn't have chosen a better thing to bring to this dreary desert island than someone to talk to. In the other direction, the pings and rattles of a gambling hall. As she squinted into the distance, she could make out the gleaming city that must have been the source. Something deep inside told her that that was home.

As though in response to her wish to travel, a walking stick appeared in her hand for the journey. She hardly needed it; the intervening space had nothing to cross. When she appeared in Gildscar, it felt as though the trip took no time at all.

Gildscar itself wasn't quite like she'd imagined. The entrance gates were already a little off-putting, having been decorated with the skulls of a race that didn't exist yet. The glittering lights were attractive enough, and the smells were nice, if mostly artificial. But something was missing. A lot of things were missing, if we're being honest with ourselves. The city's only residents were rats and roaches, scrounging the enchanted grease from the kitchen and nesting in hidden corners where skeletal automatons couldn't shoo them away.

For whatever reason, these creatures were what most held Zek's attention. She knelt down next to one of the rats and stroked its hair; it was ivory and gray, camouflaged against the shadowy, bone-white landscape. Their yellow eyes shone back at her, frightened and pleading. Perhaps they reminded her of herself, or maybe they were just too cute and pathetic to ignore.

"You're right, little one. You deserve better than this. You all do."

The rat's eyes turned green and widened in recognition. Then, suddenly, the earth beneath them rumbled. The ivory rat started and swiveled its ears.

"Hm? An earthquake?" Branda stood up and readied her walking stick to go investigate. The rat jumped on her foot and looked up, begging her not to go. "Don't worry, I'll be back for you."

The rat continued to worry anyway. Branda sighed. "Okay. Here." With a quick feat of legerdemain, she produced the jade coin that would soon come to be her symbol. "Take this, and take for your own as much as this place has to offer."

The rat nibbled on the coin a bit and then just stared at it, barely on the verge of comprehension. Branda sighed and produced another coin. "...and this, to understand the true value of things. Just be sure to share them."

When the rat tried to bite on the second coin, its eyes lit up. It grabbed both of the jade idols and squeaked a tiny prayer of thanks. In an instant, the coins vanished and the symbols printed on them appeared on the rats' hair. Branda Zek nodded appreciatively. "Good. Now go."

The goddess left the city to find the source of the quakes. The rat returned home to its family, full of ambition and purpose. In a few days, their eyes took on the same bright green hue as their lucky mate and father.

With each generation, the rats grew in size and in cleverness. Protected by magic from the city's janitorial subroutines, they raided the wineries for the sweet grapes and corralled small farms of roaches to support a growing population. The living took residence in the lower districts and the armpits of giant skeletons. They tore gems out from skulls' eye sockets and hoarded them in their burrows. At some point, the refuse of the ratfolk started attracting ravens and sparrows to help fill their ancestors' niche.

And so it came to be that Arkanox looked outside to find that the city of the dead had accidentally become full of life. That's not to say it was all bad, of course. Generations of earlier ratfolk had passed in the transition, and the living happily filled the roles of cooks and dealers, allowing the dead to occupy the city's swankiest penthouses. Having no basis for comparison besides the desert gave the living a more practical view of this place's charms, it would seem.

Create Sapient Race (Rat folk): 2pp
Create Society (Gildscar-descended Rat folk): 2ap

The Rat folk, known simply as Rats after the animals they've seemingly replaced, are itinerant scavengers with a gift for stealth and innovation granted to them by Branda Zek. They vary significantly in appearance, ranging from thin to fat, from hairy to mostly pink, and from just barely 4 feet in height to a fair bit over 5. From a practical standpoint, they're more human than rodent, but they retain their ancestors' strong hearing and climbing skills. Rats are invariably born with striking green eyes and with with long, hairless tails, the latter often being cut off shortly after birth in a ritual not unlike a bris. They live longer than their ancestors, but weren't designed for immortality as the elves were and are considered elders by the time they're 40.

Create Lesser Artifact (Coin of Guile)(Blessing(Evade Detection)): 3ap
Create Lesser Artifact (Coin of Wisdom)(Create Mundane Concept(not used yet)): 3ap

Branda's two magical gifts to the Rats' patriarch have been past down through multiple generations as they grew into the longer-lived race they are today. Traditionally, a new coin-holder is given the first and invited to steal the second. This challenge requires creative solutions, since the coins are easily absorbed into the holder's body with a command word. Being the intended holders, only the Rat folk can retain either coin in this manner.

- -

AP: 20 -10(stuff) +4(Weekly regen with 1-day grace period) = 14

Luck(Thieves) 3/10
Science(Evolution) 7/10

The trip to the other side of the world is taking a lot longer than it took to get to Gildscar. There's a lot more stuff in the way, now. An ocean separates Branda from the cool-looking isles in the distance. An ocean, and another demigod. Finally. The jade rat-lady waves enthusiastically to get the mountain-maker's attention. "Hello! What's all of that you're making? It looks nice!"

...Branda isn't necessarily the god of poetic word choice.

2018-05-19, 02:32 PM
Vindacaas - Judgement Day

Hurtling toward the first world Vindacaas observed as things began appearing upon its surface it flooded with water filled with rain and land had been sprouting up. even in.... the sky... Vindacaas crashed into the clouds as they became solid masses of land. The elves who inhabited clouds gathered to see what was happening and the god arose from his crashsite. There was an elf beneath him... the poor thing had met his demise... Or so Vindacaas thought until the pitiful creature stood up and dusted itself off as nothing had happened. He was enraged immortality was not for lesser beings. Vindacaas took his glaive and ran the elf through raising him high above the gods 8ft form, his blood spilled out leaking into the clouds below.

Vindacaas' eyes burned as he stared into the creatures form. "I judge you unfit of immortality and I sentence you and all living things to death. Kneel before me pitiful creatures and be thankful. Eternity is pain and Death, is a mercy." Vindacaas lowered the elf he had skewered on his glaive brought him in close and crushed his head in his mighty gauntlet. He then swung the glaive to throw the elf loose his body landing somewhere in the distance.

The god then raised his glaive and stabbed it into the ground creating a hole at his feet to continue his decent. Judgement day had come for the first world, and he was far from finished. Where he landed next might be considered the south pole of the first world. There he created an arid dessert a place that would itself lend to his judgement of living things on first glance it would appear to be made of dark orange sand but one should look closer as it is actually rust miles and miles of rust. Drawing more power he tore a whole in reality and stepped out momentarily.

Vindacaas - Vindicium

In his new sphere away from the lesser creatures that had sullied his weapon Vindacaas began carving out a realm all of his own. His rage burned across this realm of expansive fire reaching eternally into the distance was bloodstained earth and purifying flames. Great mountains reached into the sky and formed shapes in their ranges that if one could fly here they could see they formed symbols that had no meaning yet to anything. From their peaks dust made from rusted iron was carried on the wind. Then out of the fire and earth arose an iron palace parts of it tarnished with rust covered in steel bramble that encroached like vines on a long abandoned ruin. Vindacaas Stabbed his Glaive into the ground knowing only he could wield it and walked toward his Palace striding through it as it formed around him. he climbed the small steps turned and sat as the seat of judgement formed around him. If he had one Vindacaas would be smiling now swollen with pride.

from here he could see out to where he placed his glaive. He tightened his hand into a grip pouring energy into his glaive as it acted as a temporary conduit for his power. A second tear in reality opened up and bled into the first world. But not where one would expect no, The god placed the bridge above the first world like he himself is above all things so is the entry to Vindicium

Starting AP = 15 +4 = 19

Merciful Blessing of Mortality. (Bless -1) All living things may now die either by aging or by accidental death. or by sheer murder. A mercy bestowed upon mortals by Vindacaas praise him in all his glory - (Death (Mercy) 6/10)

The Rusted wasteland, Ios. (Create Land -2) The rusted wasteland sits at the south pole of the first world and is unbearably hot. The desert itself is not sand but rather rusted metal and at its center the source of its heat and metal. The land itself designed to test all living things a form of judgement in Vindacaas' inevitable absence - (Creation (Hubris) 2/10)

Vindicium, the seat of Judgemnet. (Weave plane -4) Vindicium is an endless plain of bloodstained earth and tall mountains engulfed in purifying fires it is the seat of rule for Vindacaas and sculpted in his ideals no magic present or future may exist here for it is all purified in fire. (Creation (Hubris) 6/10)

The Corroded Citadel. (Alter Land -1) Risen from the stained earth and surrounded by the purifying fire is the citadel of Vindacaas it looms near the entry to the realm and serves as a seat for Vindacaas to pass judgement on all things. - (Creation (Hubris) 7/10)

The rusted moon (Bridge Plane -2) The rusted moon sits above the first world always present in the southern sky, the spherical object appears as though it is slowly rusting over depending on where you are standing, at the south pole it is as though it has completely rusted. from the moon comes the heat of the purifying flames of Vindicium as well as dust from atop the mountains. - (Creation (hubris) 9/10)

Ending AP = 19 -1 -2 -4 -1 -2 = 9

2018-05-19, 02:51 PM
A snarl of pain hs fully present on Temafini’s lips as she turns to address this rat-lady.

I don’t know what you’re talking about. I have no made anything here, only shed this hateful ash over these once great lands and burntto a cinder. I would not stay here long kind-one my presence is never a plesent place. I had not yet known their majesty yet already I have destroyed them.

As she looked down at this creature she put a hand to her brow and swept across, filling the air with ash and magma carried by the winds.

2018-05-19, 07:12 PM
The jade rat blinks and shakes the soot from her hair. "*cough* Destroyed? If that's what you meant to do, then you've already messed up. Look behind you."

The light from a chromatic sun glimmers off of clouds of steam as the weather gradually finds a more steady pattern. On Temafini's isle and the ones beyond, ferns and crabs have already retaken the rocky ground left by earlier lava flows, and a few sturdy, swaying palms managed to cling to the beaches despite the howling winds. That's to say nothing of what life might have taken off under the water.

"...or were you talking about something else? I think I heard another racket a moment ago, from the clouds... but that wasn't you, was it?"

She looks in the distance, where she thought the sound came from. A cloud is raining debris, and a rust-colored aurora streaks from there across the southern sky.

"...huh. We should probably look into that at some point."

2018-05-19, 07:33 PM
Arkanox, Lord of the Final Temptation

Arkanox was growing bored again. All around him the world was changing, lesser creatures were coming into existence and even other gods were appearing, yet no one was coming to his city. And on top of that, gemstones kept on going missing in the buildings and statues of Gildscar. The skeletal god sighed, taking another gulp from his goblet. There was only so much you can drink before you-


Something fell from the sky and crashed into the ivory streets of the Final Temptation. Arkanox nonchalantly turned to observe the crumpled body that now lay in his city streets. A ghostly mist suddenly rose from the corpse, taking the form of a pointed eared shade. "That's it??? I just die and am tossed aside because I am in the way of a god???" the shade screeched up at the sky in fury, "This is NOT justice!!!"

"You.....had a rough day?" Arkanox asks, forming another goblet of wine in his hands and handing it to the shade. The shade then explained how he had been among his bretheren when a god fell from the sky and murdered him for just being in his way. While the shade lamented over his plight, the Lord of the Final Temptation got stuck on something.

"You mentioned your bretheren? There are others like you?" A grin slowly spread across his skeletal face. "What if I gave you a new form, something more substantial than this? Could you bring them to my city and we can finally get this party started?" The elf shade floated there for a moment, then grinned, "You have my service."

"Wonderful, let's drink to it!" Arkanox said, clinking goblets with the shade. As the two drank, shadows started to wrap around the shade. When they dispersed, the elven shade had a new physical form. Ghostly pale, the shade now had jet black eyes. His clothes replaced with a black velvet cloak and violet colored pants, his pale chest exposed and marred with tattoos that shone with the sparkle of gold, slung across his back was a fiddle seemingly made from bone. The former shade looked over his body with approval as Arkanox took another drink. "Now....go and gather me some guests."

16 AP plus rollover makes 20 AP

4 AP to Create Avatar: The Gilded Fiddler: The first among the Dead, Arkanox gave this former elf the responsability of wandering the world, drawing mortals souls to the Final Temptation with his haunting music. His presence is said to bring death wherever he walks, which is more to the Fiddler's liking: departed souls are easier to tempt.

20 AP-4 AP= 16 AP

2018-05-20, 09:40 PM
New life - Somewhere on Ios

Somewhere on Ios a tarlike substance had made its way to the surface and had formed a pool of putrid bubbling liquid. From the outside Ios appeard completely void of life it's trials too tough for most living things in this world. And yet, residual divine energy from the bridge to Vindicium and the creation of the land itself was about to breath life into something. Slowly from the pool came a hungry dissatisfied creature. It's soft oily carapace no good for protection and its razor sharp teeth worthless in an environment where there appeared to be no living thing. It moved it's way through the rust thinking itself alone only to be swallowed up by the strange fauna that had made the rust desert their home.

The new life was extinct, or so anyone who was only mildly paying attention would think. In truth the newlife was a parasite with a desire to be more, to have what other life had. A better chance at living. From within, the parasite began the process of assimilating itself into the things form with with the new qualities of this local fauna twisting it to fit a more desired look. In it's new form the creature scoured the desert for more life to subsume and assimilate becoming bigger and stronger. But the creature was mortal and all mortal things have to die eventually. It made its way back to the pool from where it spawned and sunk into the tar. Some time passed and many many more of the parasites crawled from the pool seeking life to enviously claim as theirs.

Vindacaas - The watcher at the bridge.

Vindacaas made his strides down from his throne and headed to retrieve his glaive. As he pulled it from the earth a great statue followed in the image of himself. the massive statue stands watch at the bridging path to the first world. With his weapon back Vindacaas returned to the first world. He had judgments to pass

Starting AP = 9

The Movellia (Create Monstrous life -1) The parasitic creature that lacks any form intelligence its drive is to consume adapt and eventually die near a spawning pool so its offspring can continue the cycle. Movellia look like Larvel creatures with twelve legs eight at the front two of which are used to navigate and four at the back. It moves much like a centipede. It's drive comes from a feeling of inadequacy and unfairness somewhere in their primal instincts they view themselves as having received a hard lot in life. (Nature (Envy) 1/10)

The Watcher at the Bridge (Alter land -1) Vindacaas raised a statue to keep watch over Vindicium.

Claim Domain Creation (Pride)
Create land: Ios
Weave plane: Vindicium
Alter land: The corroded Citadel
bridge plane: The rusted moon
Alter land: The Watcher at the Bridge

Ending AP = 9 -1 -1 = 7

2018-05-21, 01:31 AM
R-Really? Ask Temafini as she turns to one such field of growth, only for her hand to brush to close to a bed of ferns, and for embers to set a few outer leaves alight. No no no no! Cries Temafini, she blows on the fern which does put the fire out but also but also sends half of the beach back into the sea as the sand is blasted by this stream of force.

Umm... perhaps you’re right, we really should visit that place, I don’t think me being here any longer will do much good. Lead on please.

2018-05-21, 03:37 AM
So the goddesses made their way to the toroid city in the clouds, seeking out the crowd of souls that remained there. On the way, Branda Zek continued her conversation with the lonely goddess of Earth, Wind and Sea, exchanging names and deciding what would be done with the verdant isles in Temafini's realm.

"I was thinking - there exists a population of creatures like myself, trapped in a prison in the desert. They're meeker than we are, but they're hardy. I think they could lead a good life on your islands. We can go in together as matron goddesses, if you're interested!"

Alas, Tem wasn't as interested in that negotiation as Zek was. She didn't mind letting the Rats take up residence on the Black Isles, but as far as their worship or well-being was concerned, she was surprisingly apathetic. She didn't even want to charge rent. Branda Zek considered this an insult, but then attitudes of non-interference always tend to rub Zek the wrong way. Besides, it wasn't worth starting a fight over, not when she already had permission to make good on her promise. This was a grand opportunity.

Branda Zek drifted to the cloud city as though flying were no big deal, the titan Temafini close behind. The place had certainly seen better days, not scoured clean as the black isles had been but left in ruins that were slow to repair. On impulse, Branda tended to the injured as she asked what had happened. The locals - "Elves" - spoke of an iron meteor in the crude shape of a man. He struck the cloud, declared the race mortal and blew a hole in the sky as he took his leave. They pointed the way to the red desert and the metal moon visible in the South, which was presumably the Meteor God's doing. This sounded like bad news. She made a note to avoid it on the path back to the isles.

Branda's ears perked up. She could hear something, other than the winds of convection around Temafini or the bustling of the still-living. The fallen elves' souls... were they still here? Some of them were, wandering lost and confused at this new predicament they'd found themselves in. Others were leaving, following another sound. The tune of a fiddler, laced with promises of immortality restored and vices indulged. 'Come,' she could hear, 'To the Dream City of Gildscar!'

"...oh dear."

I'm going to wait a bit before Branda takes her leave, partly because it's bedtime and partly because I want to give Othula a chance to intercept before moving on.

2018-05-21, 06:07 PM
Arkanox, Lord of the Final Temptation

Gildscar was finally starting to liven up. The dead (and even some living) elves coming to the city had immediately taken to the excessive revelry that Arkanox had offered to all in his city. The streets were filled with shades, enjoying every vice the city had to offer. The shades had even brought knowledge from their lives to Gildscar, allowing them to find new vices and revelries to enjoy.

Arkanox was currently working on a new vice, striking his staff onto the center of a large plaza in front of his palace. More statues of skeletal figures rose up from the ground, forming a massive elaborate fountain. The onyx skeletons, frozen in poses of ecstatic joy, suddenly had wine flowing from their eye sockets, running down the bones and forming a pool of bloodlike wine. The shades of Gildscar did not bother to restrain themselvse, leaping forward to fill their cups, some even falling into the wine fountain in an attempt to get a taste. Arkanox took his own goblet, filled it in the fountain and raised it to the shades that surrounded him.

"To Gildscar!!"he shouts, "May it's celebrations last until the end of time!!!"

16 AP to start

2 AP to create sentient creature- Shade- the souls of the dead manifested into an incorporeal form. Most aren't entirely the same person they were in life, acting upon the powerful emotions and desires they had in life. This often brings them to seeking their vices sated in Gildscar.

2 AP to Create Society- The Eternal Revelry- The society of (mostly) dead who occupy the city of Gildscar. With no need to sustain their own lives, The Eternal Revelry revolves around achieving their greatest desires and vices, be they food, drink or otherwise.

5 AP to create the Major Artifact (-1 AP to cost of Create Blessing/Curse) The Fountain of the Black Vinyard- The wine that flows from the Fountain is considered the finest that mortal or god can drink. Any living mortal who drinks from the Fountain will have their lifespan extended greatly. However, this comes at a terrible price: the mortal's soul belongs to Arkanox from the moment the wine touches their lips.

16-2-2-5= 7 Remaining AP

Domain Progression:

Earth (Cities): 5/10- 2AP for Create Society (Eternal Revelry), 2 AP for Create Land (Gildscar) and 1 AP for Blessing (You Can Check Out Any Time You Like....)

Nature (Alcohol): 6/10- 1 AP for Create Mundane Concept (Winemaking) and 5 AP for Create Major Artifact (The Fountain of the Black Vinyard)

2018-05-22, 02:07 PM
Branda those islands are not mine to give or to rent, I found them as they were once I made free of the earth and settled from my rage, there is every chance they were all the more full of life before I arrived, and while the mortals you speak of do sound wonderful I would not be much able to help or understand them. It’s much better Instick to the basic forces, things I understand.

As Temafini moves alongside it’s a strange sight to see, her half molten legs create something halfway between a walk and a glide.

2018-05-22, 07:23 PM
Vindacaas - descent

Vindacaas strode through the bridge and took one small step off the edge of the moon falling back toward the world. He had few pleasures in existence but the fall from far above the world into the first world brought amusement to the god. He had no specific destination in mind he was merely looking to see that balance was being maintained in the world. And part of him had a driving need to find and bring judgement on more things.

The god crashed somewhere on the edge of a great scar in the world. Slowly the god raised up from his crash site and scanned around searching for sentience

2018-05-22, 08:26 PM
The hideously ugly Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff and his 4 beautiful daughters, Dutiful, Ascendant, Reformed, and Liberated descended upon Gildscar. Each gorgeous daughter was an oddly sexually appealing anthropomorphized animal based on their personality.

The 5 divinities spoke in turn.

The homely naked man with ashen gray skin said ”I am Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff, father of all great people.”

The beautiful Owl-Woman said “I am Dutiful, and inspire others to do their duty also.”

The gorgeous Fox-Woman said “I am Reformed, and inspire others to reform themselves, society, and others also.”

The appealing Draconic-Woman said “I am Ascendant, and inspire others to ascend in power, prestige, and other ways also”

The tempting Bat-Woman said “I am liberated, and inspire others liberate themselves and others also.”

They then spoke as one, saying “We rarely act together, but we all take interest in your work.”

2018-05-22, 08:26 PM
"Huh. Well, they weren't there before you did that, so I kind of assumed... well, anyway, thank you. I'll bring them over next time I-"

"Uwah! What... what are you doing?"


A spring elf has stopped and realized that the magic rat was doing something that none of the other elves had considered. While Temafini was keeping her distance for fear of harming the mortals further, Branda Zek was looking over the injured and subjecting them to all manner of treatments - setting broken bones, mixing local flora into usable salves and painkillers. What she was doing at this point, while conversing with Temafini over her shoulder, was massaging the exposed heart of a particularly hopeless elf while his ghost watched on curiously.

Branda regards the pink-haired interrogator for a moment. "This? His heart stopped. Sometimes you can restart it this way."

"His heart? But, that's impossible! Even the most moving songs don't rouse the dead..."

Even as she says this, the pink-haired elf leans in for a closer look. The man's heart is beating again. His shade vanishes, and he suddenly gasps for breath in his sleep.

"Wh... you truly are a goddess! What magic is this?"

"It's not even magic, really. You could do it, with some practice. Now stand back while I close him up."

The elf watches intently while she processes this strange information. Branda's nimble pink fingers sew him back together like torn linen, wipe up the blood and seal the suture with an ointment and bandage. It's... bizarre? Even knowing it isn't quite miraculous, there thus far exist no better words to describe it. If this is truly teachable to mortals...

The elf drops to her knees and clasps her hands together plaintively. "Oh, goddess of healing! Please, teach me these ways, to reclaim friends from the brink of death!"

"Hmm." Branda glances down to the surface. She assumes that the bodies down there are beyond help at this point. Many spirits are in the procession towards Gildscar, and oddly, a group of living elves have chosen to glide down and join them. Apparently the elves have some kind of special slow-falling powers. "...wait. What usually happens when someone falls off the cloud?"

"What? It's, um, kind of difficult to get back up?"

"So, not exactly a death sentence..."

Branda doesn't think she has time to really deal with this. This story has gone on too long as it is, and she needs to figure out what's going on and check on the rats.

"What's your name, elf?"



"It's, um, easy to remember... I can change it!"

"No, it's fine. Pink, if I'm to teach you to heal like this, you'll need to do something for me."

"I'll do anything!"

"Lesson one: never say, 'I'll do anything,' when someone makes an offer like that. You'll get screwed over every time."

"Sorry! Or, um, thank you?"

"Yes. Lesson two: You like songs, right? I could hear the chorus from the surface."

"Oh, yes! It's much easier to learn something if it's presented in song!"

"Great! Here."


Pink stares into the middle distance as an opera of scholastic memes and mnemonics crosses her mind. She can feel every part of her body playing a different note and knows how each functions based on its tempo... but the parts still don't have names.

"I... I think I understand... but I don't... how would I..."

Branda leads Pink down to the surface and conjures enough medical supplies to tend to the remaining survivors. "You can practice by examining the bodies of the dead if that helps. As you go, you can compose the songs you need to teach others."

"I... okay... okay!" Pink tries to psyche herself up for the daunting task she's brought on herself. "I'll get right to work, miss... lady... um..."

"Branda Zek. Let's say Branda is a new title reserved for high healers." She gives the elf one more item - a jade coin. "Branda Pink, you will develop these skills and teachings until you develop an empire of hospitals and academies. Take the resources and influence you need and don't let anyone stand in the way of your progress. Understand?"

"I think..." Upon touching the coin, Pink's self-doubt and hesitation melt away, and her curiosity and ambition gain new clarity. This mission isn't just a favor in return for knowledge; it's her calling. Branda Pink calmly nods in reply. "I do. Thank you, Zek; I'll use your gifts well. The Rook herself will be impressed."

Create Advanced Concept (Bio Science): 2
Raise Hero(Branda Pink): 2
Ba. Pink is a pink-haired Spring Elf. She's the first high healer among her people, beginning what she hopes to be a far-reaching empire of physicians and educators. Her first facility will be built in the shadow of Toris, nicknamed the Donut Cloud, where the elves first faced their mortality. Anyone looking through the hole at the center of Toris can see Ba. Pink's workplace on the ground below.

14-4 = 10 AP

+3 toward Science(Evolution)
LEVEL UP! Obtained the newly-invented Science domain, with purview over the study of biological change.
+1 towards Community(Education)

Branda Zek floats back up to meet Temafini. "Okay, I did what I needed to do here. We should follow-"

Her ears twitch. She turns them to face the general direction of Gildscar, and a look of worry crosses her face. "Was that... another meteor? Come on!"

She floats down to rush ahead of the procession of elves and shades, ignoring the incorporeal violinist leading their way. The crash and the city's original location sound like they matched up, but Zek hopes she's wrong.

2018-05-23, 10:42 PM
Arkanox, Lord of the Final Temptation

Arkanox suddenly joins Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff and his four daughters at the gates to the city, offering an elaborate bow.

"Welcome to Gildscar, my friends!!" the extravagently dressed skeleton says with a smile, "I've never had divinity visit before....this calls for something special." He thinks a moment, then smiles and snaps his fingers, "Of course!!! Gifts for your lovely daughters!!" With a clap of Arkanox's hands, the bare earth within the city starts to change. All over the place flowers are sprouting, flowers ranging from dark orange to red in color, soon they are seen all over the city, springing from anywhere plants can grow.

He quickly grabs a handful of them and gives them to the Four, "For these beautiful goddesses. With many more gifts to come, of course!!"

7 AP to start with

1 AP to Alter Land(Gildscar the Final Temptation): Poppies- Poppies are a flower that now grows within the city of Gildscar and will soon spread throughout the sphere. On top of being a beautiful plant, the plant can be ground up to be made into narcotics.

7 AP-1 AP= 6 AP

Domain Progression:

Earth (Cities): 5/10

Nature (Alcohol): 6/10

Nature (Narcotics): 1/10 (for creating Poppies)

2018-05-24, 10:39 PM

Branda Zek has been uttering that fascinated grunt a lot lately. She approaches the gate to the now much more populous Gildscar with one eyebrow raised, easily hearing the excited cheers of the reveling guests in the background. She can also make out other things. Flushing toilets, grilling meats of no nutritional value, children telling ghost stories. Tales of shades that party themselves to exhaustion, only to continue on, shallow and affected, existing only to recruit more revelers.

...but that can be addressed later. A group of beings like herself and Tem are right here in front of her. To ignore them would just be rude.

"Hey there!" The Jade Rat, whose appearance already parallels the animal-headed newcomers, conjures an appropriate dress and joins the convened group. "We noticed the violinist announcing this party. What's the occasion?"

2018-05-26, 01:05 AM

Branda Zek has been uttering that fascinated grunt a lot lately. She approaches the gate to the now much more populous Gildscar with one eyebrow raised, easily hearing the excited cheers of the reveling guests in the background. She can also make out other things. Flushing toilets, grilling meats of no nutritional value, children telling ghost stories. Tales of shades that party themselves to exhaustion, only to continue on, shallow and affected, existing only to recruit more revelers.

...but that can be addressed later. A group of beings like herself and Tem are right here in front of her. To ignore them would just be rude.

"Hey there!" The Jade Rat, whose appearance already parallels the animal-headed newcomers, conjures an appropriate dress and joins the convened group. "We noticed the violinist announcing this party. What's the occasion?"

"....Occasion?" Arkanox tilts his head at the rat goddess, "Why would we need an occasion to enjoy ourselves?

With that, Arkanox turns and saunters back to his palace. "Come my friends!
Only the finest drink and food for my divine guests!!"

2018-05-26, 12:40 PM
Following the others, the quintet joined in the banquet.

2018-05-26, 03:40 PM
Temafini strides forward, the street bubbling and cracking beneath her legs as she strides through the city. Sloppy she shrinks down, compacting her form but as she does her form heats up even more and begins glowing brightly as stone runs like a river at her feet and steam shoots into the sky.

I am so sorry for this, perhaps it’s better I return home. She says to Arkanox with a simply woeful look on her face.

2018-05-26, 04:33 PM
"Hm. Fair enough." Noticing the fountain to be a new addition, Branda Zek accepts a glass of ink-black wine and sips at it as she walks the new gardens.

She would like to say that this place has changed a lot since she last saw it, but other than the sounds of its occupants, it kind of hasn't. It remains a treasure trove of jewels and spices and sensuous toys, baiting a machine designed to keep people coming in and to prevent them from leaving. Arkanox is simply trading a commodity he has in abundance for something he considers more valuable. And there's certainly nothing wrong with that.

Of course, she also doesn't see anything wrong with turning around and finding a better deal.

In Gildscar's undercity, rain and spit flow from the streets, down and away from the reveling spirits above, out of sight, out of mind. The occasional spent spirit also falls down here, briefly and sadly contacting the living before being drawn upstairs to resume its hedonist afterlife. The rats really have changed since Branda's been gone - they've gotten taller, sneakier, and much more diverse. But Branda still knows them. She knows how to find them, and how to speak to them.

She convenes the coin holders near the edge of Gildscar, where the spent water flows, and she sets in motion her plan to finally set the meek ones free.

Create Organization: Undercity Soul Smugglers
A group of living rats who remain in the city of the dead. Led by the holder of the Coin of Guile, they can remove willing souls from Gildscar's grip in return for riches from the gilded city above their heads. A shade that leaves this way does so with their free will intact, but by the time one has earned enough to pay this fee, they have usually forgotten much of their mortal existence. Theoretically, the essence of certain things from one's previous life can be traded to the rats directly without risking memory loss, but the process to do so has yet to be invented.

Create Subrace: Skaven (Rat)
The Skaven revere their tiny, beady-eyed ancestors and resemble them more closely than other rats. They're likewise smaller than their more humanlike cousins - about halfling-sized. Most Soul Smugglers count among the Skaven, having volunteered to stay nearer to the spirits of their ancestors.

Retcon: Since no gilded city of vice is complete without a casino, the rats helped fill this striking void by inventing the mundane concept of currency. (Last week's Coin of Wisdom use)

10 AP +4 (Saturday!) -1 (smugglers) -1(Skaven) = 12 AP

XP: +2 toward Luck(Thieves)

2018-05-26, 04:58 PM
Branda Zek readies the first caravan for their long trek to the ocean. Almost every living rat in Gildscar has convened, excited to see the results of an ancient prophecy. Now all they need is an exit.

Another spirit has joined them, as well - a being trapped in Gildscar, but seemingly not by its revels. The ghost could not speak, and could barely move. Was she brought here with the elves? Or was she dug up at some other point? The spirit had long since forgotten, and was in no shape to answer in any case. She yearned for release but lacked even the will to ask for help.

Branda Zek kneels down and rests her hand on the spirit's shoulder. "This caravan needs a leader. I see a spark within you, a reflection of a better existence than this. I want to see you find it again."

A green and white pyre erupts around them as Branda starts a process that she doesn't quite understand, but that still comes as naturally as breathing. And so a new goddess comes into being.

"Wake up, Linil!"

Create Land: The Great River
Branda Zek's will accelerated a process that should have occurred naturally, if not for Gildscar's magical durability. A mountain range rises to the west, and high rainfall carries a river through the undercity, out through the eastern plains and all the way to Temafini's ocean.

Create Deity: Linil, goddess of travel and memories

2018-05-26, 06:46 PM
Linil, Leader of the first Caravan, Explorer of a World not Explored (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23099596&postcount=13)

Inmidst a group of ratfolk did stands a particular being. Once a simple spirit that lost their way, now Linil, the godness of travel and memories. She makes a small bow towards Branda Zek, but turns then directly away and towards the crowd that readyed itself for the long way laying before them.

"Travelers!" She let her gaze go over the uncountable ammount of rats, skaven and even the odd shade. In an instand, she did know their pasts, how their lives where up to this point. And to say the truth, most had lived a decent, though unremarkable live, but nearly everyone of them knew things that would help them in the future.

"You are leaving behind this place, a city that saw you as its lowlyest citicens, and trade it in for a uncertain future. It is fairly certain to assume that non of you will ever return to this place, so hold onto your memorys of this place, so you can form a new one on what you have learned from here."

Shortly after, the 'Caravan of the First' did set itself in motion. Most of the Rats carried little, having not much ownership to speak of, and walked allongside the small carts that where usually used to transport the barrels of wine the shades consumed. Only the youngest childs and the oldest wise were allowed to travel on the carts, sharing them with all the small things the Ratfolk tougth of as usefull and the crates of food they managed to scavange before starting to move.

So they follow the nameless River towards the south, while the clouds over their heads move to the north to pour down and keep the water allways streaming. Some of the Rats tryed to us makeshift rafts to make it easyer on them, but once they reached the mountains, the rafts could no longer holdstand the waters irregular flow and small falls.

In the Mountains, the caraven slowed down and came to its first full stop. The short legs did grow weak and a rest was needed. Rats were fast to react, but not build to keep walking for long ways. Linil decided that the place their were at would make a good stop for further travelers, so she waved her hand to create a network of small caves where the Caravan would stay for a short time and be protected from the cold of the nights.

In the dusk of fourth day of the rest, while the mountaintops where covered in a golden light, a pack of wolves appeared, half starved to death from luckless hunts. They did not try to attack the crowds, but just tryed to find food in the wastes that got places outside the caves. Linil saw a oppertunety like her creator would propably hav seen it. This wolves would not need to hunger anymore, and the rats would no longer need to draw the carts themself, it was a solution where everybody won.

The Caravan would stay at this mountains for a few more days before continuing to travel on, while the rats get comfortable with their newly tame companions. But in the meantime, Linil chose some of the bravest of the Caravaneers, a handselected group of skilled man and woman with sharp eyes and good memory, willing to saddle onto the Wolves and head out before the rest, to scout out the area and find new ways to continue the road. For this purpose, Linil gave their leader, a young Rat named Kav, a small compass, which needle would allways point towards the unseen, so they may go there and explore it the first.

And so they did, and they did ride southwards, to find what was behind the mountains and further beyond.

A few of them did come back very early, informing the caraven that behind the mountains, the river lead to the spread of a lush forrest rich on live, a place where unknown plants grow and trees, stand one directly to the next, while animals no rat has seen before move from place to place.

Kav, and most of the other Rats of the Scoutingparty, would continue to move forwards and hold their eyes open for all new that may comes, so they can head back and share the memorys of the new found world.

AP math
20 AP to start with
(1) Alter Land: The Caves of the Gilden Mountains

The newly named Mountains that lie south of Gildscar (but face it, if one leaves Gildscar, it goes allways south) are now home to a system of caves and tunnels, where a travler can easyly find a dry and save place to rest.
(1) Create Mundane Concept: Animal Husbandry

While it is likely that most races got a basic understanding of keeping animals, the Ratfolk are the first to bring it to a professional level. While it may starts with tamed wolfs to pull the carts or ride towards the horizon, it is unknown how far it will go and when others wil start to do the same, be it out of imitation or by simply having the same idea.
(1) Create Organisation: The Explorers of the new World

Or short, the Explorers, are a group of likeminded individuals lead by the acting Kav to gain the knowlege of the land, to find save ways to travel and map out the dangerous places that surround them.
(2) Raise Hero: Kav

Kav, once a name, now a title, is the leader of the Explorers. While hardly a imortal legend one would expect from a hero, each Kav significantly contributes to the world as it is known with their discoveries
(3) Create Minor Artifact (Divine Favour): The wayless Compass (Alter Land) (not used)

This small Object, A present from Linil to the first Kav, getts passed down towards the generation in the Ranks of the Explorers. It point towards places yet undiscovered, be it in existing lands or uncharted territory. If lost, it fands its way back into the hands of the Kav.
(2) Create Land: The Winding Forests

A green area just south of the Gilden Mountains allong the nameless river. Near unexplored.
10 AP left

6/10 Emotion (Curiosity)

Create Organisation: The Explorers of the new WorldRaise Hero: Kav
Create Minor Artifact (Divine Favour): The wayless Compass (Alter Land)

1/10 Civilisation (Settling)

Create Mundane Concept: Animal Husbandry

Unsure right now, I will look if I can press it into something specific another time

Alter Land: The Caves of the Gilden Mountains
Create Land: The Winding Forests

2018-05-27, 04:57 AM
Arkanox, Lord of the Final Temptation

Arkanox had celebrated with Wolfie (or whatever his name was) and his daughters for days now. After their feast they had sampled more wine, followed by a strange concoction created from the flowers the skeletal god made for the Four Daughters, followed by more wine, followed by dancing to the music performed by his very own Gilded Fiddler, followed by more wine, and still more wine and then.....Arkanox forgot what they did after that.

Arkanox woke one morning, rolling out of the massive bed he had within his chambers and threw on an elegant robe over his emaciated body. He looked out upon his kingdom, taking a drink from his goblet as he watched the unending party. Even at sunrise, all who occupied Gildscar indulged in the finest drink, the tastiest food and any other vice they could imagine. He had truly created a place no one would want to.....What was that?

Arkanox looked at the path of water, which ran from a mountain range (that was new) and....under Gildscar? Arkanox sent the Gilded Fiddler out into the world again, this time to follow the path of water and learn where it came from. The Fiddler danced across the river for days, continuing along the same path the First Caravan took just days before. A week after that, the Gilded Fiddler returned to Gildscar, and told his master of what he learned: A race of living beings, rat men, that had dwelled beneath the Final Temptation ahd just.....packed up and left.

"They.....left my city?" For a brief moment, sitting there on his throne of bone alone in his palace's entry hall, the skeletal god sounded heartbroken. Only for a brief moment though.

"They left MY CITY??!?!" He screamed loud enough to silence the Eternal Revelry for one chilling moment. Arkanox stormed from his throne room and into the courtyard of his palace. All he wanted to do was give mortals what they desired. He had built the most glorious place in all the Sphere, filled with every extravagence mortal souls hungered for constantly and allowed any who came to indulge until the end of time. And these ratlings.....these elevated vermin.....they had lived in this city almost since he laid the foundation. And after all Arkanox provided for them, they spat upon his generosity!!

In his fury, Arkanox flung his goblet in to the Fountain of the Black Vinyard. His rage caused the wine to curn and froth as something began to emerge from them. There were Nine, nine tall humanoid beings, pale as the ivory in the very masonry of Gildscar. They almost looked like elves save for their golden catlike eyes, their great feathered wings that shown with the brilliance of silver and their claws, tainted forever with the reddish black wine that flowed from the Fountain where they were born. They looked to the Lord of Gildscar, blinking and bearing their fanged mouths in a smile before all bowing before their god.

"Bring them back. All of them!!" Arkanox growled, and suddenly the new creatuers took to the skies with a screech, flying out across the Sphere to seek their quarry.

6 AP to start.
10 AP thanks to Point Rollover.
7 AP to create Fabled Life: The Nine Princes of Sin: Nine immortal beings that would become the progenitors of the vampiric race. They were created to hunt mortals, those who had escaped from the Final Temptation, and make sure their souls returned to Gildscar. To help them with this, they were blessed with heightened senses, the ability to fly and a hunger for the very blood that sustains living things.

Use the Fountain of the Black Vinyard's AP discount to Bless the Princes of Sin: Gift of the Princes- Non ratling races bitten by the Princes of Sin will be gifted with immortality as well. They will also be gifted with the Prince's heightened senses and their hunger for blood. Otherwise, they will look similar to how they appeared before recieving this gift.

3 AP left over

Domain Progression

Earth (Cities): 5/10

Nature (Alcohol): 6/10

Nature (Narcotics): 1/10 (for creating Poppies)

Creatures (Vampires: 7/10

2018-05-27, 11:00 AM
Temafini quickly tired of Gildscar, and so she slipped out of that cursed and rancid City. To artificial for her tastes, to incensing and overactive. Still as she left she looked to the sky, considering where to go next when the lack of options struck her. The only places she felt herself where those whirling maelstroms that proved so deadly to the fragile children of this place. To satisfy this issue she came across a new desire, to create a new kind of place entirely.

Stepping into a place on the ocean floor she built walls of black rock all around her, willed the nearby creatures of the sea to leave this place and began to channel her energy. A crack, not only in the earth but in the world broke open revealing a new place beyond. This place was filled with jagged spires of the same black rock, reaching about in a chaotic web, between these layers there flowed glowing molten slag. Brighter and hotter than even the lift of the sun but mixed with and endless swirling mass of water, constantly boiling from the heat and reforming due to the pressure. Occasionally there were breaks in the liquid, as pockets of air swept through and around yet here the air was so dense and the winds so fast it felt more like a liquid than a gas.

As this happened beyond the crack, the crack in the world widened, allowing more and more to flow through. Even at the surface the sea boiled and superheated magma and rock formed a tight cone around this central chamber, while one might expect it to slow this cone only grew higher and higher breaching the surface of the water and growing yet more. Easily it achieved triple the height of the black isles that now way to its west. Reaching up past all but the highest clouds until it finally stopped growing. The structure marked by secondary cones only ejecting a fountain of boiling seawater as it finally rested.

Inside Temafini smiled and slowly laid back, while she may be alone for now, with this plane and the mountain it fed into there was finally a true place for her.

Weave Plane (4AP): The Worldheart: A plane infused with elemental energy as Rock, Sea, Magma and Sky flow over each other.
Bridge Plane (2AP): The Great World Seam: A crack in the seabed which all allows the primal energies of the Worldheart to flow through.
Create Land (2AP): The Elemental Spire: A huge cone of rock that extends from the seabed o the upper atmosphere, containing a portal to Temafini's plane, the top almost always spits down some material onto the clouds below whether that's rock, steam, lava or gets of air.
Earth (Rock) (10/10)

2018-05-28, 12:40 AM
Branda Zek
Domains: Trickery(Greed), Healing(Charity), Science(Evolution)
Luck(Thieves) 3/10
Community(Education) 1/10

Stuff that's happened since then:

10 AP +4 (Saturday!) -1 (smugglers) -1(Skaven) = 12 AP

XP: +2 toward Luck(Thieves)

Create Land: The Great River (-2)
(The river runs under Gildscar from a geographically logical point to its west, and has flood plains throughout the region between there and the ocean.)
Create Deity: Linil, goddess of travel and memories (not an action)
Coin of Guile: The Skaven smugglers use it to undermine the curse binding souls to Gildscar. After today, they might not do it terribly often, but they'll do it enough. (-1AP, using the artifact to supply the other AP)
XP: +3 more toward luck(thieves) as this was all to support the jailbreak

Coin of Wisdom: To take advantage of the Great River for transport and as a food source, the rats developed rafts, boats and fishing rods. (Mundane Concept: Fishing)

New Totals
AP: 9
Luck(Thieves) 8/10
Community(Education) 1/10

"Interesting. You didn't do what I thought you were going to do."

Content that the rats are in capable hands, Branda Zek returned to face Arkanox just in time to watch his new minions depart. Her resemblance to the fleeing prisoners is probably enough for the city god to suspect her involvement.

"If it were me, I'd have just laid a pipe from that black fountain into the river. That's what it's for, isn't it?" She takes a sip from a glass containing some clear, fizzing concoction. "In any case, most of them will be back one way or another. All I did was cut down on your sanitation costs."

2018-05-28, 04:45 PM
Wolfschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff sensed the rage of his lover, and offered to help. For your kindness, I can have my daughters help you. They don’t always get along, but kids will be kids. I don’t have the strength to give all 4 of my children the power boost necessary, but I can easily let you pick which of my 4 children you liked the most, and once I equip her, she can follow your 9 vampires. Choose wisely, because they are very different women, as you saw!”

2018-05-30, 02:24 AM
Branda Zek
Domains: Trickery(Greed), Healing(Charity), Science(Evolution)
Luck(Thieves) 3/10
Community(Education) 1/10

Stuff that's happened since then:

10 AP +4 (Saturday!) -1 (smugglers) -1(Skaven) = 12 AP

XP: +2 toward Luck(Thieves)

Create Land: The Great River (-2)
(The river runs under Gildscar from a geographically logical point to its west, and has flood plains throughout the region between there and the ocean.)
Create Deity: Linil, goddess of travel and memories (not an action)
Coin of Guile: The Skaven smugglers use it to undermine the curse binding souls to Gildscar. After today, they might not do it terribly often, but they'll do it enough. (-1AP, using the artifact to supply the other AP)
XP: +3 more toward luck(thieves) as this was all to support the jailbreak

Coin of Wisdom: To take advantage of the Great River for transport and as a food source, the rats developed rafts, boats and fishing rods. (Mundane Concept: Fishing)

New Totals
AP: 9
Luck(Thieves) 8/10
Community(Education) 1/10

"Interesting. You didn't do what I thought you were going to do."

Content that the rats are in capable hands, Branda Zek returned to face Arkanox just in time to watch his new minions depart. Her resemblance to the fleeing prisoners is probably enough for the city god to suspect her involvement.

"If it were me, I'd have just laid a pipe from that black fountain into the river. That's what it's for, isn't it?" She takes a sip from a glass containing some clear, fizzing concoction. "In any case, most of them will be back one way or another. All I did was cut down on your sanitation costs."

"You....DARE!?!?" Arkanox stalks toward the rat goddess, more than a little drunk already, "I invite you into my city, I offer to fulfill your people's EVERY desire and only ask that they enjoy themselves. And in return, you send them away....And you have the GALL to think that they will be welcome back with open arms???" Arkanox growls, his eye sockets seeming to glow red.

"Your Vermin children will return to Gildscar, but not as my guests.
When my Princes of Sin bring them back here, they will be the slaves of those who did not spurn my gifts!!!"

3 AP to start
1 AP for the Blessing Wrath of the Gilded Lich: Arkanox's wrath does not ebb easily, especially towards those who spurn his generosity. The fear of what awaits the ratfolk and the Skaven in the Final Temptation chill them to their very souls. While most dead souls are prone to wander to seek the revelry of Gildscar, the ratfolk and skaven souls are prone to 'stay put', lest they wander closer to the city of the dead.

2 AP for the Create Society The Chained Shades If a shade of a ratfolk or skaven is brought back to Gildscar, they are shackled with spectral chains. These spectral chains bind them to the serving class of the Final Temptation. They are forced through Arkanox's magic to serve the every whim of his guests.

Final AP to 0 (3-1-2=0)

Path to Domains:

Earth (Cities): 8/10 2AP for Create Society (Eternal Revelry), 2 AP for Create Land (Gildscar) 1 AP for Blessing (You Can Check Out Any Time You Like....), 2 AP for For Create Society (the Chained Shades) and 1 AP for Blessing (Wrath of the Guilded Lich)

Nature (Alcohol): 6/10 (1 AP for Create Mundane Concept (Winemaking), 5 AP for Create Major Artifact (The Fountain of the Black Vinyard))

Nature (Narcotics): 1/10 (1 AP for Alter Land (Poppies)

Creatures (Vampires: 7/10 (7 AP for creating the Nine Princes of Sin)

2018-05-30, 06:07 PM
Branda has to lean back as Arkanox shouts his proclamations. She can't completely understand what's going on in his bony head, but his pride was clearly wounded. She sighs and chuckles at the same time. If she were to be completely honest, this all would have been worth it just to see that look on his face.

"Hah, that's the thing about parties, isn't it? They're nice for a while, but eventually you have to go home and catch up on work."

Arkanox might not get the joke. That's fine.

"Alright, that sounds fair enough! I think we have a deal!" With unexpected deftness, she puts her arm around him and hands him another bottle of her fizzy stuff. "...and now that we have an occasion, we can really celebrate. Check this out."

The beverage is a tongue-tickling cocktail of sugar water, opium, and caffeine. Despite knowing she's immune to mortal side-effects, she left the opium out of the version she's drinking herself. After all, what kind of idiot dealer gets hooked on her own stuff?

"Wonderful, isn't it? I installed a fountain of it at the edge of the palace, and we can build more without having to use more of your magic. I've even made a variant mix to keep the workers alert and aware, so that they don't forget their place in your domain." Another inside joke. She keeps a straight face for that one.

The Occasion

New Pantheon: The Gods of Rats (-1 from Branda Zek, Arkanox and Linil)

Mundane Concept: Coffee! A basic brew tastes mediocre, but promotes alertness and self-awareness. More interesting variants populate Gildscar's extravagant menus, and its dependency-forming nature makes it especially insidious. It grows alongside the grapes in hydroponic vineyards, but is as easily smuggled as the poppies. (-1)

Mythical Concept: Totally Anachronistic Chemistry (-4)

XP: 1 towards Thieves' Luck, 5 toward Education

Luck(Thieves) 9/10
Community(Education) 6/10

Branda Zek soon excuses herself from the now-justified celebration to contact those she considers to be in her care. It took her a moment to think of how she was going to do this. She can only hope it was quickly enough.

"Linil, children, are you alright? You probably heard the bony devil's announcement from there. He's sent nine winged reapers to hunt and bind you again to Gildscar's service. They're... powerful. You will need all your gifts and skills to avoid them. Only Linil or a truly formidable hero should confront them directly."

"Branda Pink, Arkanox has some scheme to recruit your people as well. Don't make it easy for him. His gifts come at the price of one's life and identity, as Linil can attest."

"Branda Zek? Can you hear me??"


"Cool! Um, how?"

"It's the coin I gave you. You can use it to communicate with the other coin-holders, too. It's good to know that you're relatively back to normal, I was worried it broke your brain somehow."

"The... oh! Here it is. Um, it sounds like you're all in a hurry, but could you explain everything else too? This is all kind of confusing. Like, who's Linil? Who's Arkanox??"

Over the course of the next hours and weeks, Branda Zek's associates would coordinate with each other and trade enough to supply Pink's expanding college with poppies and other items to experiment with. Her and Linil's proteges could also update the goddesses with their progress and seek divine advice. For a while, this is all Branda Zek will have time for, which is just as well because she is pretty much tapped out in terms of actual godly effort. Luckily, so is Arkanox. After checking in with her fellow god of rats one more time, she retires to a hidden office in the undercity.

Blessing: Branda Zek's heroes and artifact-holders can communicate with each other and with her and Linil, even across planes. (-1)

Society: The College of Life (-2)
Branda Pink expands her efforts to consolidate Elven society into something cohesive, collecting songs into a standard repertoire and teaching musical theory to better understand their physical, mental and magical gifts.

Mundane Concept: Trade (-1, using Pantheon XP since this is also in Linil's wheelhouse and it supports Ax's Poppy industry)

XP: 1 toward Thieves' Luck, 2 toward Education

LEVEL UP! Gained Luck(Thieves)
Community(Education) 6/10

Branda Zek

Domains: Luck(Thieves), Trickery(Greed), Healing(Charity), Science(Evolution)

Community(Education) 8/10

AP: 0

2018-05-30, 07:50 PM
Vindacaas - Hatred for my own kind.

Vindacaas had been scouting the area of his landing when he felt surges of divine power nearby. The god of judgement had been idle too long he moved toward the forces. A river had sprung up and strange rat things were drifting along they looked to be escaping. His gaze was temporarily torn away from the scene as he felt something new be created, and something powerful. He watched these creatures fan out they were hunting the rats.

Without breaking his glance on the flying humanoids Vindacaas reached out and grabbed a rat by the throat as it tried to skirt past him. "You.... vermin... you will lead me to your creator.... I am to have words with them." Vindacaas was demanding as was his right he was this creatures superior. The rat clearly went to protest but Vindacaas' eyes burned with a fury that suggested arguing would see the creature tossed back where it came from. The god dropped the rat and followed as it scampered off.

They reached the rat god soon enough, and thats when vindacaas felt it, it was the most overwhelming inferno of a feeling he hated everything this creature was and he didnt know why. he expended his rage for the rat god upon the creature that somewhat resembled it. His glaive ran the rat through giving it a merciful and clean death. Then Vindacaas stopped to temper his fury he felt a tinge of guilt judgement was passed unfairly on the creature. In a moment of remorse Vindacaas grabbed the soul of the rat and reworked it into what looked like a scythe. He then gripped it like a Javilin and tossed it far far away from where they stood. His gaze returned to the rat god.

"Name yourself Vermin, I sense great divine power within you."

Starting AP = 7 + 4

The Avatar of mercy: (Create Avatar - 4) Secretly spirited into a scythe the first and only mortal that Vindacaas viewed as wrongly judged he worked it into an avatar one that could work in secret. The scythe knows only mercy and delivers the will of Vindacaas mercifully upon the world. It needs to be wielded by someone or something but when it is picked up it can communicate with the being holding it. - 10/10 Death (mercy)

Claim domain: Death (Mercy)
Glaive of judgement 5
blessing of death 1
Avatar of Mercy 4

Ending AP = 7

OOC If Branda Zek doesnt want to be judged still get a chance to meet another god

2018-05-30, 10:46 PM
"Branda Zek."

The browbeaten rat led to the smugglers, and in turn to the goddess' impromptu office, hidden between stacks of laundry and cartons of grapes. The negative connotation of the word, 'vermin,' doesn't seem to have much impact on her.

Regardless of his intended meaning, the metal man is pretty hard to read. He's clearly angry, but there's no telling what it might be about. It makes Zek really appreciate Arkanox's expressiveness as a skeleton. However, she does remember hearing something about a metal man.

"And you?" She pauses to let him give his own name, but simply moves on to question two if he continues staring in silence. "Are you the one who struck the cloud city a while ago?"

2018-06-01, 12:44 AM
Vindacaas - Judgement of the Rat God.

Vindacaas looked down at the rat, his hatred burned strong but he needed to temper that burning wrath. The god of judgement needed to be fair to the creature and had to know why he hated it blind fury would get him nowhere. Vindacaas brandished his glaive and eyed his potential opponent. It had named itself Branda Zek and then asked of him his name so he answered. "I am judgement incarnate and I have named myself Vindacaas." and in announcing himself Vindacaas had the answer to his dilemma, it was not blind hatred if the creature was to be fairly judged. He inched forward preparing to strike. Vindacaas took the blade in hand and struck out at the rat god.

Whether it dodged or he missed Vindacaas became more persistent with his glaive. "Im not here to kill you vermin death is a mercy not permitted to the divinity. I only wish to judge you fall upon my glaive so I may see your deeds!" Vindacaas swooped low taking out the creatures footing as it tried fruitlessly to escape the angry god. Looming over the Rat Vindacaas plunged the glaive deep into the rat. He crouched low and stared into its green eyes. his burned with fervor and he saw small glimpses of the gods actions. It wasnt like looking into the soul of a mortal he couldnt see clearly what Branda Zek had done but he could sense intent.

Finally the god of judgement had a reason to hate the rat god. Vindacaas plunged his fist into the rat god and tore out part of its very divine being. "UNWORTHY!" his voice boomed across the first world. "You are unworthy Branda Zek, you hold in your power a divine pension for greed but have shown only kindness and charity to the creatures you have met. I deem you unworthy of this power and take it from you. I will carry the burden of a tricksters heart, and temper the hunger to consume all things. You are welcome... you have been freed." Vindacaas crushed the power in his hand and felt it fill him. and then a tug. the world was tearing him away he had gathered too much and was no longer able to remain upon this plane. "Warn the others... if there are others.... Judgement hath come... and it is far from finished with this world."

The rusted light from the moon began to tug at Vindacaas and he let it take him. the dust swirled up around him and he left the first world.

Starting AP = 7

Steal domain -6 Vindacaas has judged the rat god unworthy of the trickery domain of greed and stripped it from them. He is keeping it as Trickery and greed.

Vindacaas has 5 domains and ascends to lesser deity.

AP = 7 - 6 = 1

2018-06-01, 01:51 AM
Arkanox- The Gilded Fiddler Forgives

The ratfolk and skaven all saw their goddess, their liberator, cast down and essence torn from her body, and it shook them to their core. Most of the First Caravan had strong souls, tempered by their recent liberation, and the defeat of the Branda Zek only spurred them to go further and stay free. But others were broken by the sight, turning in the forest to run back to Gildscar.

The broken ratfolk ran back through the forest, and when the Princes of Sin eventually found them, the ratfolk threw themselves to the ground. They wailed and cried and begged Arkanox to forgive their transgression and allow them to return to the Eternal Revelry. The Princes cruelly laughed at the pathetic creatures, stalking from the shadows and descending upon the ratfolk.


This Gilded Fiddler spoke with ease, knowing he would be obeyed without question. The Princes backed away as the ratlings started to weep and beg at the Fiddler instead. The Fiddler looked down at the pathetic creatures and felt a twinge of sadness for them. Rise. Arkanox will allow you to dance in the afterlife again. Suddenly, the Gilded Fiddler was playing again, dancing around the Princes and ratfolk wildly. The hauntingly catching tune gripped the ratfolk, and the collective started to dance. They danced with the melody the Fiddler played, moving faster and faster, their dancing getting more wild. Soon the Fiddler's song was too fast, their hearts giving out even as they began to spin wildly. The rat's bodies deomposing rapidly, a green light shining from within the rotted cavities of their bodies. The Fiddler stopped playing, but still these creatures spun and flipped and madly sang to the silent melody. The Princes of Sin laughed wickedly as the pitiful undead things continued to dance, driven by an unnatural energy. The Gilded Fiddler slung his instrument on his shoulder, You can dance and sing across the afterlife. Now go and enjoy yourselves. With that, the things that had once been ratfolk disappeared into the night, singing and laughing in a horrifying manner.

The Fabled Race (Nine Princes of Sin) will use their free Create Monstrous Life (Forgiven Dancers).

Forgiven Dancers: Forgiven Dancers look like emaciated ratfolk, an unnatural green light seeming to shine forth from various cracks and holes in it's skin. Because Arkanox 'forgave' them, they are constantly moving and dancing, their bodies often contorting into impossible positions as the creature constantly moves. They always are heard coming from their laughter and mad humming of a silent song. Despite looking like ratfolk, there is only an animalistic intelligence to the monsters, any conciousness or sanity the creature has was long ago shattered by the Fiddler's eternal song.

2018-06-04, 12:23 AM
Vindacaas - From the seat of Judgement.

Vindacaas had been pulled from the first world but did not have to spend long in the empty void. He moved himself to Vindicium where he returned to the corroded palace and found perch upon his throne. His glaive still dripped blood of the rat god but that only fueled an amusement that Vindacaas had for the situation. Then a thought struck him a desire to protect what he had striven for. News would spread Vidacaas had stripped another god of their power so he had to ensure reaching him was not easy. By his will a large metal tablet arose in the center of the throne room. Slowly runes rusted into its surface. Laws for the realm of Vindicium.

"Only when a being divine or mortal seeks judgement by the hand of Vindacaas may it set foot upon the rusted realm of judgement."

And then he sat bored waiting for something to happen. But what creature would willingly seek judgement? So Vindacaas strode forth, as he walked he gathered up the rusted dust that littered the ground. With a great force of energy he cast the rust into the first world through the bridge. He watched as it sprinkled down upon the world and spread over all life. Vindacaas silently returned to his throne as souls began pouring in around him. Upon his tablet a new law had appeared.

"In death all mortals shall come to the seat of judgement so their eternal fate may be decided."

Starting AP = 1 +5 = 6

The first law of Vindicium (Lock plane 2ap) Vindacaas has locked Vindicium so that only those who are seeking judgement at his hands may enter. Vindacaas will meet any who try to break this law with great fury. - 2/10 Law (Judgement)

The second law a curse upon souls. (Curse 2ap (counter curse)) Upon death all souls are brought to Vindicium to be judged by the lord of judgement. A role in the divine order of things that Vindacaas takes seriously. 4/10 Law (Judgement)

Ending AP = 6 - 2 - 2 = 2

2018-06-04, 12:56 PM
Children of the Storm

As Temafini rested in her chambers she slumbered and dreamt of a time before. An older god in an older busier world pact with mortals, she was a spirit of pure burning fire but to young to understand the ways of mortals. She remembered their forms left crumpled around as she wept, steam rising from her burning face. Adsorbed entirely within her nightmare she repeated the same action over and over again, reaching into the sky towards an imaginary crowd.

Please, I can give you back life. Please don’t die, don’t die, I just want you to live....

Even as she slept she released a wisp of divine energy, bleeding into the storm cell that had been churning overhead, unbeknownst to her, the life energy given off had been enough to create something new entirely, a race of surging spirits formed of naught but the winds. As Temafini returned to the peace of her earlier slumber they began searching outward amongst the crowds, exploring the world above.

AP Start: 8+4=12
Create Mythical Life (4AP): Storm Elementals: Formed of the winds of the storm combined with steam and a little of Temafini’s divine essence. Their presence can be felt as strong twisting winds bound into a partially humanoid pattern and they can be seen as amorphous forms of cloud ranging from white to dark grey dependent on mood. While very hard to kill with traditional weapons they are mortal and can be killed by magic, by old age after several centuries of life or by cutting them off totally from the rest of the sky. They are intelligent but do not build, preferring instead to roam the sky.

Air (Storm 6/10)
End AP: 8

2018-06-05, 12:49 AM
...so you dumped her in the river.

What was I supposed to do? The scarabs wouldn't even touch her!

Scarabs? But... they would just tear her apart!

That's what I thought!

Don't judge too hard. Quick disposal of bodies is critical to maintaining our operation's secrecy. She was merely curtailing the damage from an already tragic situation.

Uh, okay, well, I'll try not to think about that.

At any rate, she seems to be pulling through. There's a scar on her chest from the, uh... incident, but otherwise she's just like a healthy rat.

Hm. It's still strange to see exactly how little separates us from her.

...and you're sure her ghost isn't chilling in Gildscar right now laughing at us?

I'm positive! She's warm, she responds to stimuli, and I'm pretty sure she can even hear us right now. I just wish I knew what was keeping her unconscious.

4 AP +1 Pantheon AP

Coin of Guile: Not used yet
Coin of Wisdom: Not used yet

I might be double-posting later?

2018-06-05, 02:33 AM
The Princes of Sin

A small group of ratfolk ran through the forests, brandishing simple iron weapons as they ran for their life. They had been separated from the Caravan and were now being hunted. Before they could even attempt to hide, something broke through the trees and landed in front of them. A pale creature with yellow eyes, silver wings and claws forever stained dark red. The Princes were upon them.

One of the older rats rushed forward, brandishing a knife and plunging it into the creature's chest. The Prince looked at the blade sticking out of his chest, then casually pulled it out. The ratfolk watched in horror as the wound began to close up, the Prince grinning at the small furry humanoids. "Our Lord will call us when he desires us," the Prince whispered before descending upon the ratfolk.

0 AP+4 AP rollover= 4 AP

1 AP to Join Pantheon (The Gods of Rats)

3 AP to Counter Blessing/Curse(Vindicaas-The Final Mercy): The Princes of Sin are the perfect creations of the Gilded Lich.
These nine beings are completely immortal, unable to be killed by time, disease or weapon.
They are beyond the judgement of even the gods (or so they believe).

4-1-3= 0

Domain Progression:

3 AP for Counter Blessing/Curse towards Creatures (Vampires) 10/10

Domain Claimed!!

2018-06-05, 03:11 AM
When it rains it pours

Temafini slowly woke, still dripping with divine energy. Weary from her thrashing she descended once more into the plane she had forged displacing countless tonnes of water even as she swam through the magma of the Worldheart she would not know what was going on above.

Up above at the peak of the elemental spire the divinely charged water hung in the air, fusing with the everpresent clouds. A tribe of elementals whirled into the cloud bank like dolphins, slowly pushing it towards the land they saw off in the distance. After a long journeys they reached mountains on this new continent and there the clouds opened, releasing their divine contents onto the world below.

The skies turned grey, occupied by armies of cloud and below the world changed. The waters carved paths through solid rock and filled every dip in the ground. They covered hills, forests and plains. Yet somewhere down in those waters, a new force was stirring.

Venetian Mask
2018-06-05, 05:38 PM
After the Flood

As the water receded the true devastation of Temafini's flood became obvious. While the elves were mostly unharmed in their cloud cities, many a ratling settlement ended up washed away from the map. Those ratlings who made it to high ground were left homeless, those who weren't lucky or fast enough drowned in the flood.

A small voice went up in the darkness, a young ratling, sobbing over the lifeless remains of her parent. "Why, gods? Why did you take my father from me?" she demanded to deaf ears. Or did she?

*GASP* a young man, washed up on the banks of one of the receding rivers, takes in a deep breath. *Hack... Cough... Cough...* he vomits some water up from his mouth. Where- who was he? He remembered the void. A distant call of a name. Theris? Wyllspring? He didn't quite remember.

He remembered void. Ageless blackness. Blissful emptiness. Not this burning feeling in his lungs, the burning was new. He remembered voices calling his name. The voices had been silent for ages now. He didn't even remember the sound of his own voice, much less theirs. But there it was, a soft voice, almost imperceptible, accusing, demanding. What had happened?

He lifted himself to his feet and looked across the land. He sighed. Great devastation had hit this world mere moments ago. Why did he always have to arrive to destruction? He set his first step, plants sprouting on the barren ground behind him. The voice became louder with every step he set. Until he was standing behind the ratling girl. He put his hand on her shoulder. "Hello, little one." he spoke, sorrow in his voice. She twisted around, frightened. "Do not be scared, child." he smiles a warming mournful smile. "Who- what are you? You're one of them, aren't you? A god?" she asked, sounding accusatory as much as she sounded hopeful. He nodded, his hair falling and raining droplets over the ground. "Then you can do it? Bring my father back." it was phrased more as a demand than a question. The ratling girl wasn't afraid. She wanted her father back.

The god looked at the child and shook his head, sorrowfully. "Once, I could have. One day, I might. But I sense my limits, and I am bound by the laws of this World. But I can give you another gift. A gift to all the mortals. No longer will your prayers fall on deaf ears. No longer will the gods walk this world unable to hear you. This is my gift to you all." He knelt down and touched the earth. A pulse of divine light ripples across the surface of the world and soon the gods begin to hear voices, almost imperceptible, but they know they are there. And if the gods focus they can hear the pleas of their followers.

The girl looked at him, dejected but with a small light burning in her eyes, a sense of hope. "I will not tell you not to be sad, because it is normal to grieve. But look," he gestures across the landscape "as the water flows over the land it destroys, true. But it also brings new life." True enough, as his hand moves through the air, young seedlings are already beginning to take root in the fertile dirt. "This land was founded on desolation, true, but where the river flows it will be blessed with fertility."

He steps in the pool that the girl was standing next to and begins to become one with the water. The air around the pool begins to shimmer with divine energy as Theris calls on his power to bridge the First World with his plane, the Wyllspring. A beautiful grove forms around the mountain pool and water begins to pour forth from the mountain, rushing down the mountainside and into the fields. Life blooms around the river and ratling tribes begin to settle on its banks, realizing they are beginning to understand how to till the fertile soil of its banks.

Finally, the river reaches the ocean, touching Theris' domain to that of Temafini, allowing him to feel a connection with the goddess of the ocean. He speaks, not in word but in thought and he knows that she hears him, Hello... Mother?

Bless (1): Prayers of mortal creatures can reach the gods. An intrinsic connection between the mortal races and the divines is formed allowing gods to know when a mortal is praying to them or about something that touches on their domains. The prayers do not distract them, but they can choose to hear them if they wish it.

Create Mundane Concept - Agriculture (1): The Ratling tribes understand how to use the lands that were fertilized during Theris' cataclysmic birth to grow crops and feed themselves.

Weave Plane (4): The Wyllspring is an endless plane of water, teeming with life. It serves as the source for the river Wyllspring, for now, but will likely be the source of many rivers.

Bridge Plane (2): The tributary of the river Wyllspring lies in a bridge between the Wyllspring and the First World. The bridge manifests as a large grove in the mountains, with a waterfall bristling with divine power serving as the bridge between the mortal world and Theris' home plane.

Alter Land (1): From the bridge flows a river for miles and miles eventually reaching down to the ocean.

Bless (1): The land around the Wyllspring river is unusually fertile and yields abnormally large harvests.

16-10=6AP remaining.

2018-06-05, 07:08 PM
"Worthy... Worthy... Worthy... UNWORTHY!" Vindacaas sat upon his throne as the souls poured into Vindicium all lining up for the chain of judgement. Vindacaas had begun slouching and was resting on his hand bored. He was yet to work out what to do with the unworthy souls but was fortunate in that there was a place for the worthy to go where they could enjoy an afterlife. They needed some degree of punishment. some way to know eternity was not going to be kind to them. For now aimlessly wandering through the vast plane that is Vindicium would do. Then the god heard something that tugged at his awareness in the world. A small voice, an insignificant voice cried out for justice.

Vindacaas felt pleasure in this It was a symphony to his ears, as the days passed more and more voices cried out for justice. The god of judgement waited. He was waiting to deem it necessary to intervene he was waiting for the mortals to be worthy of his intervention

2018-06-06, 09:33 AM
As she slipped into the Ocean, intent on exploring the vastness of her domain, yet mere moments after she heard a call from a distant shore Hello... Mother? At first she thought it was some other being, a new race of mortals thriving amongst the waves. Yet as she considered the message she became more and more convinced that it was meant for her, not only that but it carried a spark of divine energy and not like the others in the party at that awful city did, but energy that was uniquely hers.

Her curiosity fully enraptured by this point, she let her form go and grabbed the threads of nature that made up the ocean, reforming below the surface of this rivermouth. Before reforming she looked up to see a figure standing there with that indifinable element that screams of divinity. Knowing that there were mysteries here and possibly danger to she reformed as glowing rock and magma as she strode out onto the landscape in front of her, looking down at this figure. Then she began speaking, her voice guarded and nervous, showing her to be unsure with each syllable.

Who are you young one? And what cause have you to claim kinship with me?

Venetian Mask
2018-06-06, 06:15 PM
Where River and Ocean Meet

Theris sees Temafini arrive in the ocean and moves to meet her. Alongside him, other forms begin to coalesce, his attendants, spirits of the river dance around him in a merry dance as the water rushes down to the mouth of the river.

Mother and Son, River and Ocean. There they stood, opposite one another. Water rushed down the Wyllspring onto the magma of Temafini. Steam rises from the goddess covering the mouth of the river in a deep fog. His attendants, the Wyllean, raise up spears formed of water to protect their river from the threat of the magma. Theris looks upon his mother, face unreadable like a still pond. For a moment it seems as if there might be a fight between the two gods, before the face of the river god breaks into a smile. He gestures to the Wyllean and they lower their spears. He begins to speak: "It was your waters that formed the first river. Your waters that solidified me in this world. I may not be born of you, but I was born because of you. Our power is similar yet different, but here, at the mouth of the river, our powers touch and intermingle."

He goes to one knee and his attendants swiftly follow. "To you, my progenitor, I would pledge my fealty."

Create Mythical Life (4AP) - The Wyllean are river spirits that attend to Theris.

Claiming Domain: Water (Rivers) with the following expenditures:

Weave Plane (The Wyllspring)

Bridge Plane (The Wyllspring)

Alter Land (The river Wyllspring)

Create Mythical Life (The Wyllean)


2018-06-06, 09:59 PM
Vindacaas - The rise of Justice

Vindacaas was still perched upon his throne ignoring the pleas for justice from the mortals beyond his realm. Then a belligerent elven soul had the audacity to speak up and back at the god. Vindacaas had called it unworthy.

"You call yourself judgement and pledge yourself to justice but you are not fair you are not objective in your beliefs. You are a lie. You are more destruction than you are Judgement and Justice..."

Vindacaas leaned forward in his throne he found the Elf amusing more than irritating his soul was crying out for justice just as the mortals below were. Perhaps the soul was not unworthy, in fact Vindacaas was in the midst of working out a brand new form of reward for the creature. The god arose from his seat and slowly walked down the steps. rust and stone gathered around his feet swirling as he gathered up his divine energy.

"Your sense of justice is strong and I will reincarnate you as such. You will act on my behalf among mortals... a hero in the name of justice." The dust and stone gathered up and began swirling around the Elven soul. Her body began to return though parts of it remained burnt away by rusted decay. Where those parts remained damaged armor formed around them and appeared melded to her flesh. The rust formed a red hood and shrouded her face though her eyes glowed golden. She then dropped to her hands and knees in pain, blood spurted out of her back and formed into stained rusted wings. A second set formed pristine and gleaming. Finally she stood up her elven features only barely noticeble clad in metal in the places where her recreation formed them.

"What have you done to me? and why do I feel so... Is this what it is like to be you? By the gods... this is torment..."

Vindacaas chuckled. he then took the elf under his arm and lead her to the bridge. Souls rushed past them like snow in a blizzard. Soon they stood upon the bridge into the first world. Vindacaas scanned the world and pointed down toward the desert he created. "Now Justice, descend upon the world there. And search for a scythe, with it you will be able to work my will upon the first world... show me how easy it is to be unbiased in your judgement, and deliver yourself upon the mortals below."

Justice sneered at the god, she was less than amused by his actions but she felt driven to serve him, for now at least. She spread her wings and descended on the world below.

Starting AP = 2

The Wings of Justice (Raise Hero -2) Justice is the the reincarnated soul of a winter elf. She is the first servant of Vindacaas designed to serve on his behalf as judgement and justice upon the first world. Justice has a single pauldron on her right shoulder with a red cloth that spreads down to wrap her breasts and forms a hood that shrouds her head. Her legs were completely destroyed in death and so are covered by metal greaves with a single piece of red cloth that sort of skirts her at the side. Her right arm is very much the same and is covered in a full metal gauntlet. She constantly feels Vindacaas' need to pass judgement on everything a feeling that may eventually drive her mad. - 6/10 Law (Judgement)

Ending AP = 2 - 2 = 0

2018-06-07, 09:56 AM
Where River and Ocean Meet

Temafini looks down at the spirits before her, she takes a deep breath pulling in the mists then releases it.

You owe me no loyalty, no fealty. I know not the manner of your creation but I never wished for a servant.... Nonetheless continues Temafini starring up at the beautiful valley in front of her. I would like to work with you, in balancing the world as it is. If you ever are in need of aid, call on the winds and the ocean and I will be there.

2018-06-08, 02:33 AM
The Princes of Sin-The House of the Night Hunter

As the horrifying demigods soared across the world and hunted the fleeing ratfolk and skaven, one of the Princes of Sin looked towards more ambitious goals. He saw the other creatures of the world and how they eventually grew old and died. He saw how they lived in fear of the Great Judge, drawing their souls to be cast down as he saw fit. Such fragile, pitiful creatures, so easy to kill....so easy to rule.

This Prince broke off from his bretheren, moving North again to the mountains that boardered Gildscar. Touching down in a valley, he kneeled down in the dirt and looked to the sky. "Master," he whispered, "You have given us life eternal, now give us the means to rule eternal. Give us the means to conquer...."

Somewhere in the din of Gildscar, through the haze of drunkeness, poppy smoke and other delights, Arkanox heard his servant's voice.

"Huh??? Oh.....yeah, that sounds good...."

Suddenly, beneath the Prince's feet rose hundreds of Shades, which began to swirl around each other, helping to reshape the very stone of the mountain itself, shaping it into a home for this Prince, a home and a seat of power. The shades had finished their work and took off into the night, returning to their revelry and leaving the Prince with a massive onyx palace. It stuck out into the night sky like a massive black claw, giving those who looked upon it chills. The Prince looked up at the home and smiled, "Perfect...."

I will be using the Nine Princes of Sin's free Alter Land to Alter the Gilden Mountains to add a feature to them.

Noctvenari:A massive imposing palace gifted to a Prince of Sin when he asked the Gilded Lich for the means to rule, Noctvenari is larger than most towns. Carved from the stone of the mountain itself, it bears many of the same architectural 'flavor' as the buildings of Gildscar (pillars shaped like skeletons, seeing anguished faces in the polished floor, etc.). However, it is all carved from jet black onyx instead of from gold, ivory, gems or other valuables.

2018-06-08, 07:37 AM
Far away from this, in a mountain range reaching high into the storm clouds something else was happening. Magma, the fire of Temafini that raged endlessly contained within the earth was being forced upwards by the force of it’s own heat, wave after wave of the liquid rock smashed into the inside of the mountain, hollowing it out and softening it with heat.

Yet that was not enough to stop the pressure rising endlessly, attempting to tear the mountain apart from within. For weeks now the mountain had been growing, shifting and swelling as this pressure inside fought to get free. Then, with a sound like the sky breaking the top of the mountain exploded, sending chunks of rock the size of trees into the air alongside plumes of ash and smoke.

Yet that was not all that was freed, as the mountain burned and lightning struck a figure began crawling out, made by forces of fire and stone as they crashed violently together. That figure was Jorgemund, god of Mght.

2018-06-08, 09:23 AM
The air recoiled as the creature breathed in
And exploded with a roar that shook the skies once again
Its skin seared so hot it could not keep solid shape
And chunks of liquid magma dripped off it from its limbs

Something in the world infuriated it so,
and outraged the very fabric of its being
With Prayer, it knew it was needed elsewhere,
And that smoldering thing dripped back into the earth…

* * *


The ratfolk watched in horror as the wound began to close up, the Prince grinning at the small furry humanoids. "Our Lord will call us when he desires us," the Prince whispered before descending upon the ratfolk.

The predators of myth and urban legend closed in upon the Skaven. One broke off to do some dark bidding elsewhere, but the rats’ odds remained futile and hopeless. For these were night hunters, favorites of their god, and any one of them spelled certain death for them all.

(Which the Princes delighted in reminding them.)

Fathers held their families and mothers their infants, for there was nothing else to do as all hope had been lost. One rat child clenched its parents tightly, and the first tears of these refugees seeped gently between the grass...




Jorgemund- The drumming heard ‘round the world

The ground trembled between the Princes and the Ratfolk, and in an instant a titanic fist erupted through the earth which once separated the two. The land cracked and crumbled as it reached skyward still, and after the initial shock the two groups felt the very forest floor quake and rumble beneath their feet. The rats quickly scurried away from the fist, only to find themselves no closer to the ground for the very hill they stood upon was in fact the back of the rising beast itself! Down and down they ran down the back of the thing, until they disappeared into the trees, never to look back.

The vampires staggered back and might have fled themselves, but soon the thing's hoary head broke through as well, and its scream came down with such oppressive force that the foremost Prince was pinned prone in place. Smoke billowed from its mouth at the sides like an enormous malevolent djinni, and in its eyes blazed a passionate rage unlike any previous mortal account. Head, then chest, then four monstrous arms pulled themselves from the ground, until the demigod was revealed in all its terrible glory.

Jorgemund has amassed many war forms (of which he has perfected thirty two,) though his favorite is that of an enormous red ogre- which one cannot overstate how gargantuan it is. He appears as an oni of unspeakable might, with four arms that shake the air with every quiver and twitch. In each hand he holds an iron kanabo (though one would be enough to end 'most any fight), and he remains unarmored save for his bracers and a distinctive obsidian helm. He is round-bellied, HUGE, and bellows at his foes from behind a forked tongue and long teeth.

He also has blazing red hair, and smokes constantly from a long-stemmed pipe.

Jorgemund reached into the air and in all four hands summoned instruments that might channel his power and fury. They came in the form of iron kanabo- impossibly heavy, indestructible sticks, and into them he poured the very aspects of his being...

Create Major Artifact (5AP);
Infuse Artifact (3AP);
Belligerence [Front right hand]

Fight!! Fight, damn you! Fight, for your life depends on it!

First and foremost, Jorgemund's belligerence teaches the weak to fight back. It is the most primitive of his aspects, and is fueled by his ferocity and unbridled aggression. With its influence in the universe, the feeble are inspired to fend for themselves, and strike back at their tormentors. It is a hideous weapon in Jorgemund's hand, and one of his most harsh and unforgiving.

Create Major Artifact (5AP);
Infuse Artifact (3AP);
Desperation [Front left hand]

"A man or animal driven through terror to desperation, is endowed with wonderful strength, and is notoriously dangerous in the highest degree."

When the odds are looking grim and death is closing in, desperation is next weapon unsheathed. Interestingly enough, it is a weapon born of love (for someone or some cause one believes in), and is especially formidable when used to defend this. It is the strength one finds when all else is lost, and with its influence in the world, soldiers can make their last stands, mothers can lift cars off children, prey can make dramatic escapes, etc.

Vengeance [Back left hand]

For those who fought and lost, or have been wronged unforgivably.

Jorgemund [Back right hand]

The true aspect.

Armed, colossal, and thoroughly outraged, he regarded the forward Prince of Sin.

He SMASHED IT with Belligerence, and the vampire lord was reduced to paste, fused directly into the earth and made one with the dirt from the blow.

He SMASHED IT AGAIN with Desperation, and the spot's very atoms were split from one another, broken irreversibly into their smallest of parts.

He SMASHED IT AGAIN with Vengeance, and the atoms themselves were obliterated from existence, and truly nothing remained of--

He SMASHED IT AGAIN, with Jorgemund, the True Aspect...

...and those motes of nonexistence were sent hurtling through the world back towards Gildscar. The Prince of Sin popped back into existence within The Final Temptation's throne room, where after a moment it looked to its master uncertainly, unsure of what to make of what the hell just happened.

"And with all his might Jordemung learned that even he could not annihilate some things, for the Princes had been blessed true, and by the will of his elder god, no weapon forged could kill them.

But this did not mean they could not be banished- if only for a little while."

True banishment is a powerful concept, not yet brought into the world; and as not to spite Arganox directly and outright, Jorgemund will not be the one to bring it. Out of The Way allows Belligerence to temporarily smash an otherwise indestructible enemy through the fabric of reality, back to where it came from. Even so, the Princes had been favored so much that it took his Desperation, his Vengeance, and his own aspect to truly get one “out of the way.” They will rematerialize as they were before Belligerence struck them, and are free to return to the First World as they please.

But it will be a long walk back.

And Jorgemund will be ready.

I like the blessing you have in place for the Lords of Sin, and I’d rather not be a jerk by countering/cursing them just to get rid of it. I tried to think of a limited, nonlethal step-down from that, and this just relocates the Princes when struck by the godly weapon, Belligerence, specifically. Think of it as a “respawn in 3… 2… 1…”

2018-06-08, 09:38 AM
~*~ ~* ~ ~* ~

The land still trembled from the weight of his blows, but the Obliterating God saw that the ratfolk had escaped, and this was good in his eyes. Beholding the ground, he brushed away the dirt and scooped out the child’s tear that summoned him here. He held it upon his fingertip for a long moment… and lumbered off wordlessly in the direction the skaven.

He walked until the forest gave way to gray, desolate wastes, with little but a flowing river running through it. He beheld the tear once more and cast it to the barren flats, and willed it a home for all who seek sanctuary...

All about him as far as his influence could spread, the ground smoothed and became a carpet of tall golden grass. The sky shone with hues of orange and purple, and all around were pools of clear waters and streams. There lay terraces and rock spires scattered amidst the plains, giving resting places for birds and refuge for scurrying things. The vegetation grew bountifully here, and in some places solitary trees gave canopies tall and thick.

Jorgemund mused at this Haven Land of his, and saw that it had plenty. In a moment of caution against the things outside, he raised great mountains around its edges- a colossal wall of earth and stone. He examined these further, and mused over them for a time… and scoffed at them, and smashed them away in an instant.

This would be an accessible place
And a safe haven to all weary and in need.

Create Land: Havenlund (2AP)

Havenlund was beautiful and resourceful indeed, but it was too open to defend alone. It needed its sentries, Jordemung thought, and so he plucked out his smallest tooth and pressed it into dust, and cast to be spread on the wind.

Dire elephants have four tusks and stand nearly thirty feet tall at the shoulder. These massive creatures have especially thick hides, and bear black markings 'round their heads which resemble Jordemung's helm. They are social creatures which form herds easily, and are usually organized around a matriarch or patriarch that exhibits great attentiveness to guide the herd through Havenlund’s plains.

Of note: dire elephants are vigilant creatures, and extremely wary of danger. When a threat is perceived, the herd will rally together with a great trumpeted warcry, and stampede most savagely to pulverize, gore, and stomp that threat out. The sound of their charge is harrowing, and their aggressiveness is the thing of nightmares.

Because of this, dire elephants have become a regulating force in Havenlund, but like most animals will leave you alone if you generally appear nonthreatening. Dire elephants have exceptional hearing, but their less than average eyesight might enable certain races to sneak by.

These behemoths are known as creatures of Jorgemund, and accursed is he who turns one into a warbeast.

Jorgemund ceased the endless smoke from his mouth, for the god’s anger had been tempered, and his skin had cooled. He fashioned for himself a long-stemmed pipe, and coughed up a coal to place in its bowl. He wedged it betwixt his teeth and took a long drag, watching his creations in the sunset.

*WHEW*, big post! I decided to split it into two to make it more palatable, promise not to bury you all in this much text again.

To clarify again, I am not attempting to destroy one of the nine Princes of Sin, but I do mean to place a firm end to their attack. As a fabled race, I am uncertain if I need an RCR roll to do so, but I am creating two combat relics and will make my stand if necessary.

If I am overextending myself with Havenlund or the Dire Elephants, let me know! I’ll save them for next turn

Starting AP: 20
Current AP: 0

Relic: Belligerence (8/10 towards War: Ferocity)
Bless Belligerence- Out of the Way: (9/10 towards War: Ferocity)
Relic: Desperation (8/10 towards ????)
Create land: Havenlund (2/10 towards Protection: Sanctuary)
Create monstrous life: Dire elephants (1 towards Creatures: Behemoths)

2018-06-10, 01:50 PM
Having settled the matter with Theris, Temafini now steps away, pacing along the shore and she feels into the stone beneath her feet. that's when a tremor emerges, somewhere distant there is a breach in the world itself and magma flows free. Feeling something else there, another sliver of energy so similar to hers she reaches out and with a flash of heat emerges at the breach. Sighting tracks, both in the earth and in the fabric of the world she follows them swiftly, chasing behind them with the winds speed. Past the craters in the ground, and a clearing specked with the dust of that disgraceful host she hurried on, eventually arising at a great open plain. There was a figure there smoking of a stone pipe and looking to the sunset.

Excuse me, are you the one who smashed open the crust till it bled? She says, looking frankly cross at this being before her.

2018-06-10, 02:25 PM
Princes of Sin- The Emperor of Blood

The Prince of Sin sat in his throne at Noctvenari, the throne room littered with drained corpses of those he had recently fed upon. Now dressed in blood red robes with extravagent black armor underneath it, he stalked the halls of his palace. Eventually, he made his way to the highest tower, looking upon the world, the world that would one day be his. "Let this be the day that marks the start of Araton's eternal reign!"

With Rollover I have 4 AP+1 PAP

2 AP to Create Hero: Araton, the Emperor of Blood- The first of the Princes of Sin to show ambition, Araton explored the world in his hunt for the ratfolk and found that what he truly desired was to rule it all. With the blessing of the Gilded Lich (who is all about his followers achieving their base desires), he established a palace and will soon begin to add to his empire.

Leaving behind 2 AP and 1 PAP

Progress Towards Domains:

Magic (Blood Magic): 2/10 AP (Create Hero: Araton the Emperor of Blood)

Earth (Cities): 8/10 2AP for Create Society (Eternal Revelry), 2 AP for Create Land (Gildscar) 1 AP for Blessing (You Can Check Out Any Time You Like....), 2 AP for For Create Society (the Chained Shades) and 1 AP for Blessing (Wrath of the Guilded Lich)

Nature (Alcohol): 6/10 (1 AP for Create Mundane Concept (Winemaking), 5 AP for Create Major Artifact (The Fountain of the Black Vinyard))

Nature (Narcotics): 1/10 (1 AP for Alter Land (Poppies)

Music (Festival Music): 4/10 (4 AP for Create Avatar: The Gilded Fiddler)

2018-06-10, 03:11 PM
Jorgemund puffed his pipe sharply, sending soot and rubble towards the sky.

"I have smashed nothing," he spoke with the weight of a rumbling volcano,

"but a single marauding spirit. I beheld it a contemptuous thing, and knew it would think to return if I let it be.

"So I smashed it again. And again. And again. And AGAIN. And so I have smashed into it the knowledge never to return here, to this land where I protect my charge."

Jordemung turned to his scorned visitor now, hefting his massive Belligerence onto his shoulder (which rested on him with such a quake that it startled a nearby elephant). He saw her a rock spire more majestic than anything he had created, and a fire in her more scorching than he was when he was birthed.


...But he was created in isolation and outcry, and he did not recognize her.

"The ground may have cracked a little..." he admits, gently reaching down to pet the startled dire beast.

2018-06-10, 04:18 PM
The form of magma stared down at the four armed warrior before her. An unimpressed look on her face she listened to his story, a small look of approval crept into her expression as she heard of him defeating the marauding spirit. Well, I suppose it may be repaired in time, yet who knows what may escape in the meantime. Remarks Temafini, a wearied look crossing her brow. And yet tell me of this spirit now, for I have little patience for those who maraud without thought, and tell me of yourself for you have power to crack earth and survive the fiery tempests, that is... interesting if nothing else.

The Break in the Core

At the site of Jorgemund's emergence and Temafini's visits the ground itself was humming with divine energy, a single crystal of perfect shimmering white stone emerged from the air itself and settled on top of the steaming magma, inch by inch it would sink and slowly begin to melt mixing life energy into the molten rock. The effects of this would swiftly become evident as the magma began to rise once more. Slowly eight figures arose from the magma, and dragged other forms upward with them. They stood but four feet tall, but they glowed from within, the orange-red light of their core piercing through their gloopy skin. Slowly the gor the their feet and wandered. Seeing a town carved from jet black rock the leader pointed up and in silence the others began to follow him on this journey throught the mountains.

Start: 12Ap
Create Mythical Sub-Race (3 AP): Magma Elementals, about four foot tall and the most consistently humanoid. They are formed of molten rock, their skin is a thick viscous liquid but is safe to touch for short periods, being around 50 degrees Celsius, However if one were to try and reach deeper inside, towards the veins of the creature they would find that this rock is at the temperature one would expect from magma.
Life (Elementals) 3/10
End; 9Ap

2018-06-10, 09:25 PM
Tell me of yourself for you have power to crack earth and survive the fiery tempests, that is... interesting if nothing else.

Jordemung stopped scruffing the elephant.

The red god rose to his full height, which in his present form was such that the dire beast came but to his mid-thigh like a house pet. His hands rested patiently on the pommels of his iron sticks, those terrible instruments which he used to beat the world open; and in his eyes one could see his inner machinations, evaluating the deity opposed him whom in her questioning was sounding more and more like an intruder by the minute.

A long breeze blew between the two.

"Hm!" the god contorted his huge ugly face into a smirk, and turned from Temafini, hefting his weapons off the ground and blowing thick black clouds all the way. "Come along, then! And try not to burn anything down along the way!"

And so Jordemung led his mother through the Havenlunds, showing her his creations and all he had done. He showed her the land, and all of its bounty, and he showed her the dire elephants whom he charged to keep the peace.

As they went, they passed elongated figures, hidden at the eye's periphery...
The Tall Ones, or Stiltwalkers, are a race of slender quadrupeds whose bodies appear like a man’s, if one were unnaturally hunched over, and whose long, thin, arachnoid legs stretch slightly longer than a giraffe’s. They walk 8-10 feet lofted off the ground (as if though on “stilts”), and one on its hind legs may stretch 12-13 feet in height. The Tall Ones have fur on their human-like heads and torsos, and every one of them has a mask in place of a face. These masks are different for every individual, but usually have a circular motif around the mouth and eyes, and may be adorned at the edges in antlers or spikes.

Tall Ones twist their head unnervingly when they communicate, and make sounds like giant cicadas.

These Stiltwalkers live in Havenlund’s wooded border, and camouflage themselves by standing against trees. Others let their hair grow shaggy, to blend in with the golden highgrass. You might walk by one observing you without ever giving notice.

But to be watched and not greeted is not a bad sign.
To be greeted and given a gift (a flower, a grass circlet,) is not a bad sign.
To be greeted and not given a gift is a very bad sign.
You are unwelcome in the Havenlunds.

-Know how to walk among dire elephants without disturbing them
-Have a natural friendliness towards the Skaven, and will usually let them enter freely

To which he had given strength from within...
The obliterating god has gifted the Tall Ones with fighting prowess and tenacity. They are better able to fend off invaders from Havenlund, and are especially impassioned when driving a threat away. Though no more aggressive than they normally would be, they have learned their deity's purpose, and do not fear a fight.

He showed her all his works until the two of them came to a waterfall, and beneath it a crystalline pool. Though ever drop of its waters seemed the same, Temafini, mother of oceans, knew one to be different- and so Jordemung reached down and withdrew the Rat Child's Tear.

"This is my most prized possession," he explained, "and my reminder of how I came to be. I was born of a trillion outcries, just as this one, which pleaded against the firmament, and forged me as their answer."

Jordemung felt the sizzle of his skin, and the black billows rising from his mouth, and settled himself as best he could.

He presented his Belligerence and Desperation to Temafini, with which he infused his terrible power... and his Vengeance and his True Aspect, which had yet to ascend.

"It doesn't matter what manner of marauding spirit it was, stranger. So long as there are meager souls, there will be more of them.
And by my name, Jorgemund, I will be there to beat down every one."

Relic: Belligerence (8/10 towards War: Ferocity)
Bless Belligerence- Out of the Way: (9/10 towards War: Ferocity)
Relic: Desperation (8/10 towards ????*)
Create land: Havenlund (2/10 towards Protection: Sanctuary)
Create monstrous life: Dire elephants (1 towards Creatures: Behemoths)
The Tall Ones: 2 towards Creatures: Behamoths (3/10)
Bless the Tall Ones- Belligerence's Zeal: 1 towards War: Ferocity (10/10)
Domain claimed: War (Ferocity)

4/20 AP - 3AP = 1AP remaining

2018-06-11, 02:14 AM
Justice meets Mercy

Justice descended rapidly upon the first world. Bound to where her patron had sent her. she spread her four wings and used them to slow her fall from the moon. She landed somewhere in the wastes and could sense the divine energy that was radiating nearby. Everything here had been created by Vindacaas, that much she knew. Justice scoured further through the wastes until she came upon the divine energy she was hunting for. the moment she placed her hand on it a voice flooded her mind.

"Finally! how long have I been here?" Justice looked around then back at the scythe "Yes me... Im the voice you hear, the voice of mercy, come on... we have work to do."

Justice looked at the scythe and as she sensed it shared power with Vindacaas she didnt argue, merely nodded, spread her wings and took flight

2018-06-12, 09:57 AM
Temafini breathed deep after this being she had a hand in creating spoke of such noble tenants. Very good, it speaks well of you that you are so devoted to a noble cause. However as must warn you to be careful, whether damage is done with cruel purpose or unknown accident, it has little effect on those who suffer. Turning slowly to the horizon Temafini looks out, back towards the Ocean and her home. You know, once another of our kind asked for refuge for their mortals in lands around mine, I know not what happened there since but I hope this land around you will provide all the refuge you hope for.

2018-06-12, 04:01 PM
Araton, the Emperor of Blood- The Emperor's Cattle

Araton spent a long time stalking the forests near his castle. He had a palace, now he needed a kingdom to rule. However, his bretheren were hardly subservient, and the other creatures of this world didn't dwell within the Great Forest. Araton continued to search the forests, knowing that Arkanox would provide him with the followers he would need to take this world for his own.

It was unknown whether or not Arkanox heard the Emperor of Blood's silent pleas or if it was just coincidence, but he stumbled upon a small tribe within the forest. Barely sentient, these hairless apes wore the rags of the creatures they hunted, lived in simple huts and hunted with tools made from wood, stone, bone and iron. They were nowhere near as elegant as the elves, nor as sturdy as the magma elementals, nor weided the power of the Storm Elementals. They were, by all means, rather plain. Which was perfect for Araton: a soft, easily breakable race to mold into his servants.

With a predatory grin, Araton descended into the village he was currently eying. Soon that village gave fealty to him, and soon another and another.

2 AP to start

2 AP to Create Sentient Life: The Thrall: An almost hairless apelike race, currently living in primitive tribes within the Winding Forest. They are hardly remarkable, this makes them easily adaptable to almost any area of the First World. They are also known as "The Emperor's Cattle", as they were first discovered (and brought to heel) by Araton, the Emperor of Blood.

2 AP-2 AP= 0 AP

Progress towards Domain:

Magic (Blood Magic): 2/10 AP (Create Hero: Araton the Emperor of Blood)

Earth (Cities): 8/10 2AP for Create Society (Eternal Revelry), 2 AP for Create Land (Gildscar) 1 AP for Blessing (You Can Check Out Any Time You Like....), 2 AP for For Create Society (the Chained Shades) and 1 AP for Blessing (Wrath of the Guilded Lich)

Nature (Alcohol): 6/10 (1 AP for Create Mundane Concept (Winemaking), 5 AP for Create Major Artifact (The Fountain of the Black Vinyard))

Nature (Narcotics): 1/10 (1 AP for Alter Land (Poppies)

Music (Festival Music): 4/10 (4 AP for Create Avatar: The Gilded Fiddler)

Corruption (Enslavement): 2/10 (2 AP to Create Sentient Life: The Thrall)

2018-06-12, 07:08 PM
Jorgemund considered the goddess, and offered her words a nod respectfully.
(Though in truth his hands did not loosen from their weapons but a bit.)
Temafini made several strides when the warrior thundered from behind her again
"Stranger!" he asked,
"What do you Mean, 'another of our kind?'"

(And it was in then that Jorgemund realized he knew very little about our realm)

~* * *~
Jorgemund sees the world

The very next day, the four armed god summoned all the beasts and things that dwelt in Havenlund. The dire elephants migrated in droves, stomping great footpaths as they strode towards his call. The Tall Ones, ever elusive, came forth from their stalking places amongst the tall grass and the trees. All came from every direction, and congregated around him like rays from their sun.

And it was there that he counted every one of them,
(Of which there were elephants, 200,862)
(And of which there were Tall Ones, twenty five million-
(And he lost count at this point, for there were quite a bit,)
To account for the loss of but a single one
And punish whatever took one of his children in his leave.

Their god was the god of Ferocity
And entrusting them with his blessing, he went about his way.


Jorgemund followed the river out of Havenlund's borders, and came to an enormous tower of stone- black as the obsidian helm atop his head. Its architecture was wrought with images of macabre figures and agony, and Jorgemund was very curious who dwelt in the forests across his home.

"Hail!" he boomed a greeting, which shook the sky and almost demanded an answer. But this was a place of the dead; and there was nothing alive inside to answer.

(Or, more likely, no one were home)

Jorgemund thought to wait for the host of the black tower, when a more curious sound crept to him on the wind. He followed it through the forests, its noise getting louder and louder, when he broke forth from the trees and saw a pale man, strangely tattooed and playing a fiddle most feverishly.

The music was so intoxicating that the towering god could not help but move his feet.

Soon he was shifting his colossal weight from side to side, crashing at the ground with every step. The trees threatened to give as the earth shook, but the fiddler only played faster and faster for the dancing deity. Jorgemund was bellowing in his merrymaking so! And the fiddler, launched to the air from each shockwave, was soon flipping and clicking his heels mid-air in tune. Higher he flew and faster he played! and Jorgemund had soon trampled everything within a hundred meters.

At last the giant god roared in laughter, slapping his knee and bending down towards the man.

"What is your name?" he asked, still wiping away his tears. "You must take me to the one who made you! I much desire to meet them."

2018-06-13, 03:05 PM
Arkanox, Lord of the Final Temptation- The Fiddler and the Giant

The Gilded Fiddler looked up at the giant, hardly blinking despite his massive size, "Come, follow the sound of my music." With that, the Fiddler began to play, dancing off into the distance. He danced through the forests, over the mountains and across the desert.

Jorgemund found himself at a large extravagent city, made from the most precious materials of the First World. All over the city was a cacophony of music, drinking, revelry and every vice the giant god had ever known. Walking up the main street from an extravagent palace, Arkanox looked up at Jorgemund, "My friend! Welcome to Gildscar, greatest city in the First World.
Come! We can find a goblet large enough for you somewhere!"

2018-06-13, 06:05 PM
A Surge from beyond the void

A power stirred from an age long since passed, an energy that slumbered beyond the void. Ancient forces poured into the new worlds tendrils of light energy reaching out to any who could receive their power. It was force that could be seen across the sky and would last some time. Like an aurora staining the sky the tendrils reached into any and all gods available filling them with a surge of the ancient power

All gods have a boost of 20ap. This Ap is above your capstone and can remain above your cap for a total of 3 rollovers. Please use it to create a more full world.

2018-06-13, 06:16 PM
Wolfschlegelhausenbergerdorff mentioned to Arkanox ”Myself and my 4 daughters have enjoyed partying with you all these eons, but my daughters must be going. My daughters have really become different people over the years, and I think its time for each of them to have followers of their own. That’s why I’m giving each of them wands so they can bestow greatness upon mortals each in their special way. I’m probably going to travel the multiverse a while, but if you need to speak to me, I can hear and see what my daughters hear and see. Seek one of them out.”

After gifting his daughters wands, Wolschlegelhausenbergerdorff faded away, no longer able to exist on the first world.

Starting AP: 20

Create Major Artifact, Form Society (5 AP): Dutiful’s Wand — This wand allows Dutiful to create societies who follow her philosophy at a discount, seeing how her father is the god of heroes and villains.

Create Major Artifact, Raise Hero (5 AP): Ascendant’s Wand — This wand allows Ascendant to create heroes/villains who follow her philosophy at a discount, seeing how her father is the god of heroes and villains.

Create Major Artifact, Create Organization (5 AP): Reformed’s Wand — This wand allows Reformed to create Organizations who follow her philosophy at a discount, seeing how her father is the god of heroes and villains.

Create Major Artifact, Create Sapient Life (5 AP): Liberated’s Wand — This wand allows Liberated to create Sapient races who follow her philosophy at a discount, seeing how her father is the god of heroes and villains.

Domain Progress:

Avatar (Dutiful) 10/10

Avatar (Ascendant) 10/10

Avatar (Reformed) 10/10

Avatar (Liberated) 10/10

I just gained all 4 domains at once!

Ending AP: 0

2018-06-13, 07:19 PM
Vindacaas - A surge to the moon.

Power drifted into the moon and filled Vindacaas very suddenly. The power was overwhelming and he found it too much. He let out a mighty roar that would have been heard across the first world and a wave of power was loosed from him and into the first world. The god of judgement took in a few short breaths to steady himself then looked out across the world. First to see where that loosed power went when he saw it arrive in Ios he was rather content that it wasnt going to go somewhere unwanted. His gaze then fixated on a large red beast. It was wielding not one but four weapons, Vindacaas was pleased, a worthy opponent.

Vindacaas turned his back on the first world and returned through the bridge to Vindicium. He approached his statue and smiled up at it or at least , the figure with his mighty glaive, and a shield to defend himself with. Vindacaas raised his hand up toward the shield and ripped it off the statue with divine will alone. Part of the shield faded into rust while the top half gleamed and shone like a mirror. He tapped his Glaive against the shield proud. Then the god sent out a call

"All who are worthy, all who think themselves strong. I call on you to come to Vindicium and face my judgement."

With the challenge issued Vindacaas infused his Glaive with more power and began work on his palace to be a more defensible position.

Ios - Volnasects

The divine power hit Ios crashing right into the spawning pool of the Movellia. The pool bubbled and frothed and out crawled something slightly different. This creature had a hardened carapace and longer legs so it could walk faster and a tail that contained a paralytic stinger. Finally it had something the Movellia did not. Sentience. Its mind called out to others like it but the creature found for now that it was alone. It crawled into the rust and found a vulture like bird perched on a the skeleton of a long dead beast. Unaware of the Volnasect the bird idly pecked at the bones trying desperately to fish out any remaining sinew. The creature whipped its tail out and stung the bird to stop it from flying away. Helpless and paralyzed the bird twitched and spasmed while the Volnasect burrowed into the body of the bird. Suddenly the bird sprung upright. now controlled by the volnasect within The vulture flew to the spawning pool where the volnasect had spawned and scooped up some of the Movellia, A few of the Volnasects that had spawned also hitched a ride on the beast. The Volnasect was going to move them somewhere with vast life. And build a society with its new found intelligence. it soon came to call itself the overmind of the Volnasects chosen by divine right

Starting AP 25

Symbol (Create Major Artifact combat -5) The divine shield of Vindacaas taken from his own statue and imbued with divine power the shield is not only the symbol of Vindacaas but a symbol of his own power when rivaled by other gods. - War 5/10 (Divine Right and Challenge)

Merciful Glaive infused (Divine Infusion -3) Infused with Vindacaas' essence to sure up his strength and help him guarantee victory over any god that may accept his challenge. It also now fits his legend the Glaive need only touch a mortal (with the creators permission in the case of heroes) to pass judgement on them. - War 8/10 (Divine right and challenge)

Volnasects (Create Mythical race/divine infusion -7) Volnasects are an advanced version of the Movellia a fabled race of strange origin. They communicate telepathically and like the Movellia are parasites. Unlike the Movellia the Volnasects dont change their host bodies, just alter them slightly to be faster or stronger, They also control the host body through use of Telepathy. Volnasects possess a hive mind and will often work together to take possession of another creature. If the creature is big enough Volnasects are known to share the body. They reproduce on death three Volnasects are born on death and often join the hive of their parent. - 8/10 Nature (Envy)

The Overmind. (Create Society/raise hero -2/-2) The Society of the first Volnasect link into the first hive mind a creature they perceive as having much wisdom it calls itself the overmind or Hive Prime. The society work closely together to use their hosts to build their future cities and guard the new spawning pool they will likely create. - 10/10 Nature (Envy) 10/10 War (Divine Right and Challenge)

Claim domains
Nature (Envy)
War (Divine Right and Challenge.)

Divine Ascension.

Ending AP = 6

OOC: Planning to finsih up judgement in a later post

2018-06-14, 12:25 AM
Araton, Emperor of Blood- A Foundation in Dusk

Araton hardly noticed the power surge that rocked the universe itself, for he had begun an Empire. It started with the fealty of small Thrall villages in the Winding Forest. Those tiny villages banded together in awe and fear of the EMperor of Blood, and appeased him with regular sacrifices to his eternal hunger. Those Thrall who showed extreme loyalty to Araton were allowed to 'ascend', to become vampires and live as nobility in this new Empire.

One day, Araton was in his throne room, studying the still figure of a Thrall 'Tribute' that had taken his own life. The Emperor of Blood watched as his blood pooled in the floor, and he felt a supernatural 'tug' on his soul. Araton pulled an energy from the spilled blood, feeling it collect in his hand. And with a sudden jerk outward, Araton sent a bolt of red energy flying across the room, turning a decorative statue into rubble. Araton looked at his hand, the corpse and what remained of the statue, smiling as excess red energy crackled across his fingertips. This would change the stakes indeed.

20 AP to start thanks to the Power Surge

4 AP to Create Mythical Race: Vampires- The first and most 'familiar' of the Princes of Sin's offspring, the first Vampires were 'ascended' from the Thrall, the sentient livestock of the Emperor of Blood. Upon recieving the Prince's Gift, a potential vampire's appearance changes. Their skin turns an unearthly pale (common practice among some vampires is to decorate their pale skin with tattoos of melted gold and silver), their ears elongate and develop points, their canines develop into pointed fangs and their eyes take on a yellow catlike appearance. They also gain supernatural abilities, such as heightened senses and the ability to travel through long distances as though flying. It is also rumored that as a vampire's eternal life goes on, they will develop other abilities...

2 AP to Create Society: The Empire of Dusk: A theocratic monarchy that (currently) takes up a great chunk of the Winding Forest. The lowest members of the Empire are the Emperor's Cattle, the Thrall who make up the working class of the Empire. Each village or town within the Empire consists of numerous Thrall who work as serfs for their local nobles, and occasionally as sustainance. Still the Thrall work themselves nearly to death, out of fear of their lords and in hope of being blessed with 'ascension'. If a Thrall is deemed worthy, they are blessed with eternal life and become Vampires themselves. The Vampires of the Empire are well above the Thrall and serve as the aristocracy of their Empire. Above all of them is Araton himself, who is seen as both a god and monster to the Thralls in the shadow of his throne.

4 AP to Create Mythical Concept: Blood Magic: In his bloodlust, Araton discovered a way to manipulate the fabric of the First World to his dark will. Practitioners of blood magic have the ability to cause great and terrible feats of magic at the cost of a simple blood sacrifice. A mere cut to the palm can do the works of a common sorcerer, but greater feats would require the bloody sacrifice of mortal lives. Vampires have a natural affinity towards blood magic, as their hunger for mortal blood makes them a 'conduit' for these sinister powers.

20 AP- 4-2-4=10 AP

Domain Distribution:

Magic (Blood Magic): 10/10 AP (2 AP for Create Hero: Araton the Emperor of Blood, 4 AP for Create Mythical Race: Vampires, 4 AP for Create Mythical Concept: Blood Magic)

Earth (Cities): 8/10 2AP for Create Society (Eternal Revelry), 2 AP for Create Land (Gildscar) 1 AP for Blessing (You Can Check Out Any Time You Like....), 2 AP for For Create Society (the Chained Shades) and 1 AP for Blessing (Wrath of the Guilded Lich)

Nature (Alcohol): 6/10 (1 AP for Create Mundane Concept (Winemaking), 5 AP for Create Major Artifact (The Fountain of the Black Vinyard))

Nature (Narcotics): 1/10 (1 AP for Alter Land (Poppies)

Music (Festival Music): 4/10 (4 AP for Create Avatar: The Gilded Fiddler)

Corruption (Enslavement): 4/10 (2 AP to Create Sentient Life: The Thrall, 2 AP to Create Society: Empire of Dusk)

Domain Claimed: Magic (Blood Magic)

2018-06-15, 12:52 PM
The Tall Ones and the Sky

A Watcher on the Rocks descended from his spire most hastily one day. Sky people, he declared! Tan-skinned and bipedal, with hair all the hues of Havenlund’s multi-colored sky! They stood atop the clouds as though they were solid ground… and a great curiosity was inspired amongst his people.

For the Tall Ones had never ventured outside the safety of Havenlund
And their god had shown them value in seeking knowledge of the outside world.
The matter was hotly contested, and for six nights, the elders of the tribes had met
Some speaking of adventure and new grounds, others rebuking great skepticism and caution
Eventually the matter was settled, to stay within the land which the Might-God guarded safely,
For all of the tribes except- the Watchers on the Rocks.

Their thinkers looked to the winged things that ascended the air easily. They meditated on the matter and reasoned amidst themselves, and eventually thought a way to make their long limbs work for them. Weaves and webbings were fashioned in prototypes, until they finally made a gliding-garment between one’s forelimbs and his hinds. It was fixed to the Watcher who first found the Sky Men, and he ascended his spire once again.

His people watched with great anticipation. The glider would not reach the clouds on their own, but with enough momentum from a fall at great heights, they may have been able to pull up and reach a low-hanging cloud.

With the utmost bravery, he looked out amidst the sky
And up to its strange inhabitants that he would so desperately reach
He felt the breeze for one more time about his hair…
And took the plunge.
Faster and faster, the wind blew fast his face
Speeding towards the ground at a breakneck speed
He blazed towards the ground as though a meteor
And with all his might, he pulled up…!!
The Tall One woke up amidst the bloodstains of Vindicum.

This would be a difficult endeavor.

~ * * * ~

Jorgemund- To Tempt Temptation

The sights of Gildscar and all its elaborateness flooded in from every direction. Every mundanity had been made intricate, every inch and speck of the place curated since the first age to specifically pander to the grandest of moral tastes. Jorgemund looked down at the city, watching its inhabitants revel and celebrate and dance amidst the vices endlessly… though from his height, they looked like scurrying, writhing things. He took a deep, deep heave from his pipe, evaluating what he thought of this…

Until a skeleton in a bespoke tuxedo climbed all the way atop his shoulder, and graciously offered him a light; behind him, a crane was loading a sizable black opal (http://www.blackopalworld.com/images/stories/virtuemart/product/black-opal-17a.jpg) into Jorgemund’s pipe, which blew deep black clouds that then glittered with color across the sky.

Jorgemund thusly decided to lighten up for a little while.

Disguising himself, the giant red god shrunk down to the humble size of a seven foot skeleton- obsidian helm still about his head, and his four iron kanabo hanging from his belt loops. (It was important to never let these away from him, for their weight would collapse whatever building they rested upon were he not holding them!) He gambled away in the Final Temptation’s great betting houses, smoking and drinking all manners of delights. Finally, Jorgemund bid the casino’s hostess and Maitre D’ farewell (they are scheduled for an evening cruise with him next Tuesday), and made his way back to Arkanox.

“You know,” he rumbled, “I have thought much about the dead things here, and the mortals they used to be. How their ambitions have gone… and in their pursuits for amusement, they scramble about like…”

He lifted a finger to take a deep inhale
As his eyes lazily glanced about the familiar imagery in this room

“I N S E C T S”

The smoke cloud he exhaled filled the entire throne chamber; but the gemstone within it was a creation of Arkanox’s, who could easily will away its smoke in an instant.

“You must grow bored, watching them mill about,” he leaned in intently. “What do you say about a gamble with me to liven things up a bit?

~ * * * ~

Four dozen Tall Ones congregated in secret, when the moon was black in the dead of night. They waited a long while, before their elder finally reached them. A long silence was exchanged between them all, when the elder finally spoke.

Why are you doing this? he asked. The land which Jorgemung promised them was safe, and no thing alive dared challenge his protection. The Elder had heard of the things beyond the woods. Things which could hunt you like cattle and suck your soul away with but their bite. Things which could tear them to bits and swallow their very being; things which were made of earth and fire, things that were living tempests, and deadly and nigh unkillable- every single one of them.

His chittering went on pleadingly, before the leader of the band stepped out. The first footsteps he had ever taken outside the tall grass of Havenlund.

<”Sometimes fate must take you where the world is not so safe.”>

He turned to the others around him, assuring them none of them had to come with him.
(But of course their minds were made, and no one turned back home.)

<”You can’t save him from that place!”> the elder shouted after him one last time.

But the leader pretended not to hear it.
As he led his band south, towards Ios.

Don’t have the energy to write it up at the moment, but I will be forming a society for the Tall Ones (2AP), and may or may not be raising a hero.

More big spending awaits

2018-06-16, 11:55 PM
Arkanox, Lord of the Final Temptation

Arkanox was curious. He could hardly imagine being bored by every vice in the First World. After all, why would he put it in Guildscar if someone could possibly find it boring. On the other hand, Jorgemund had brought up gambling, and Arkanox loved to gamble.

"I'm listening. What did you have in mind?"

2018-06-17, 01:12 PM
"Hrrrrn..." Jorgemund thought aloud, with a voice like the grinding of gravel. "The Arena was one of my favorite stops on my visit of your city. Perhaps if we announced a competition in your honor, and each bet on an unknown champion..."

Just then, a voice was heard across the entirety of the First World. It did not boom with force, or shake the foundation of the world like Jorgemund's did- but it was powerful indisputably. The gods felt it, every one of them; and though it carried no weight or volume to it, it bared an impact that superseded physical means.

Vindacaas - A surge to the moon."All who are worthy, all who think themselves strong. I call on you to come to Vindicium and face my judgement."

Jorgemund's brow furrowed forward like a landslide... and one could see the seven foot skeleton's marrow grow heated, glowing gently from the inside with smoke beginning to sizzle out the thorax and jaw.

"Who is that?" The god asked, hiding his contempt quite poorly in his voice.

"You know, I was approached by a strange Being before I met your fiddler. Fifty paces high, cloaked in seafoam and magma. The mortals asked her for refuge, but she did not heed them with her answer.

"Nobody seems to to care for them. The mortals," Jorgemund sunk back into his seat.
"Except you," he motioned to the city of revel around them.
"Except me," he glowed, holding forward an open hand.

Out sprung the gold grass of Havenlund- and above it a vision of all his creations within it.

"My ambitions are much like yours, I suspect; only I mean to create a land for the living, before they join your celebrants."

The Red God's heat finally overcame him, and the skeleton erupted in a wreath of flames. Jorgemund swelled inside and smiled for a moment, quite proud of his works and all his intents. It was the first time to date that he had done so.

It did not last long.

"But before I can do that, back to our bet," he leaned in, snuffing the fire out and leaving his bones black as obsidian,

"I wager I can make a mortal terrify a god."

2018-06-17, 11:26 PM
Justice and the thralls.

Justice flew across the skies searching to silence the voice in her head calling out for judgement and justice. The sense got stronger when she neared a forest somewhere on the gilded scar. Under sheer compulsion she swept down below and wandered through the woodlands. The call landed her in a tribal village where she found herself watching strange and bizarre critters that were sort of like the elves but more mundane.

one walked past justice and a driving need flooded her she grabbed the thrall and her eyes blazed the words "Unworthy" slipped from her mouth but a voice crept into her mind.

"Show mercy to this poor creature... just because you are cursed with his wrath does not mean you have to follow through, temper yourself... and guide this poor creature to a new life.

Justice let go of the human and backed away shocked at her own actions. In fear the human retreated and was talking to several others of it's kind and pointing in her direction. There was then a sudden shuffle and the thralls began gathering themselves together. Justice looked up where they were staring and spotted creatures flying through the sky. One swooped in grabbed a thrall and bled him dry drinking its fill and then leaving again. The survivors were oddly placid and Justice refused to let this stand.

"Mercy, lend me your power... Im going to save these people"

Mercy filled Justice with the divine power of a god so that she may act and Justice began conjuring up metals and magics. She raised the scythe and and a bolt of lightning shot up into the skies and clouds were pulled down in a cyclone like vortex. She slowly and meticulously crafted a great sky vessel an Ark. It spanned several miles and was about the size of a large city. if anyone was looking at sky above the scar they would see it, the Ark was hard to miss. Once she had the basic shape of the massive ship she began detailing. She conjured soil with which those who lived upon this vessel could grow food and placed them on decks that would see the sun. she designed internally a great city that could house over a million lives. She left great and large rooms that could be filled with future ideas perhaps concert halls or an arena. She then cut out her left eye and felt the fire that coursed through her fill the hole. With that eye she created the core of the ship a power supply like no other a divinely charged device that burned bright like the sun and would allow the civilization of the ark create and forge their own destiny. By the time she was finished Justice had created an artifact for the ages a skyship with vast decks that were miles long and miles wide that would soar the slave stock away from this wretched place.

Justice then walked to the core and activated it, Ark was now functional. She landed it and stepped off. "If you do not want this land to be your fate then come with me. Let this Ark be your salvation."

Those who followed her would find comfortable lives aboard the Ark and under the guidance of Justice and Mercy a new civilization flourished. They came to be known as the Sovereignty of the Ark. Using the power of the core they developed smithing and with divine aid it quickly developed into Engineering. With the ability to craft and work metals they moved on to more scholarly pursuits. The people of Ark went to Justice and asked her to teach them and she was more than happy to oblige. First the hero showed them how to write and read and as time passed a great library filled one of those empty spaces she had left scattered about the vessel.

One day while she was in the library with one of the first houses of the Sovereignty she noticed something strange within them in a bid to quell her desire to pass judgement on the human she once again asked mercy for her power and mercy happily lent it to her. Using that divine strength she awakened something within the boy and he found he was now able to lift things with his mind and graze the thoughts of others for their emotions. Justice was pleased and the desire fell quiet again, she was at peace aboard this ship helping mortals.

Many secrets lay in wait for those aboard Ark as it developed into a shining metropolis

Starting AP = 12

Ark (Create Minor Artifact -3)(Mundace Concepts) Ark is a great vessel forged by Justice to save many thralls who did not get to enjoy city life underneath the vampires. The sky vessel is approximately 6000 square miles (ooc For reference New York, the largest city in the world is estimated at about 4500) and contains multiple levels and domiciles. The ship itself is powered by a great core that was once the eye of justice now it has expanded in size and burns eternally keeping the vessel powered. The city of Ark is mobile but slow. - 3/10 Civilization (The Ark)

The Sovereignty of the Ark (Create Society -2) The sovereignty is the leading houses of Ark it is made up of six members, one member from each of the first houses elected by those houses and then the reigning sovereign elected by the house elects. The sovereignty as a culture are curious folk interested in pushing the laws of nature to the extreme as they have developed over time their society became accustomed to Ark and no longer see themselves as they once were. Many of the people in Ark possess untapped psionic capabilities another center piece of their culture as they believe those with Psionics are fit to higher society. - 8/10 Law (Judgement)
The houses of the Sovereingty:
House Farradin: The house of Farradin currently rules as the Sovereign house the elected rulers are cunning but also violent some have even suggested they are vampric and use their evil magic to trick people into believing they are a new generation when in fact they are not.

House Terra: All the good graces and charisma of a true leader and ruler were poured into this house. The house is consistently curbed back by house Farradin leaving usually on one heir to elect themselves and giving them almost little to no political power. House Terra is also the first house to have their psionics awoken.

House Merathandial: The elves of Science. A bit of an oxymoron but the Merathandial elves left their cloud homes to learn more the ways of steel and iron. they united under the house name and became outcasts to their own people but geniuses among the people of Ark

House Gaa'Nomra: Wise and crafty this house doesnt really concern itself with political affairs except for when they have to. most of their time is spent with engineering inventions and ideas.

House Lazarus: This house is perhaps among the worst. They were a first house and at one point the first Sovereigns little is known about a brief stint the house did below Ark while it hovered over Ios but no good could come from entering those wastelands. In truth the house has long been possessed by Volnasects they have been used as vessels since their stint there and the Great Hive prime forseees great things from them.

Smithing (Mundane concept Charge used) the ability to work metals.

Engineering (Advanced Concept -2) the branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures (OOC wanted to go broad on this so I could later smooth it out with subconcepts) 5/10 Civilization (The Ark)

Writing (Mundane concept -1) The ability to read and write 6/10 Civ (The Ark)

Psionics (Mythical Concept -4) There now exists psychic abilities beyond the low grade possessed by the Volnasects the people of Ark are capable of doing great things with their minds. They can move objects, send messages psychically short distance, and manifest great and terrorfying mental prowess. (OOC I dont think I need to explain beyond that. I think its covered. If im missing something let me know) 10/10 Civ (The Ark)

Ending AP = 12 -3 -2 -2 -1 -4 = 0

2018-06-19, 10:28 PM
Arkanox, Lord of the Final Temptation

The Gilded Lich stares for a moment at Jorgemund and begins to laugh. "That is an easy win for me, friend! I'll take it!!" He sits back in his throne, raising his goblet as wine flows out of the mouth of a skeleton that makes up the throne. "Let's see....If I win this bet...." He takes a look around the courtyard, then up at the sky, noticing the sun in the sky. So bright and beautiful....such a perfect prize it would make, perhaps as something to adorn atop his palace. "If I win....you must go and bring me the sun!!"

2018-06-20, 09:26 AM
The 4 avatars of Wolfschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff each parted and went their separate ways. Reformed, with her ability to form organizations of mortals across the normal bounds of society, formed the first league of heroes—The Reformers. The Reformers operated across civilizations, trying to promote freedom and weal throughout the world. Obviously, this lead to rebellion and terrorism in some places, as while the ideals of the reformers were good, many were overzealous in their beliefs and resorted to extreme methods. That said, the Reformers sometimes do good as well, like ending slavery or getting children out of forced labor so they can go to school. Depending on your point of view, the Reformers are either a society of antivillains or antiheroes. The Reformers have a number of secret signs and rituals for identifying each other and they regularly hold secret meetings to highlight what they should be fighting next. The leader of the group, who is elected every year, has a right glove and a left glove, each of which inspire that elected leader to see ways in which the world could be improved. Expect many new changes in the world from the reformers!

Starting AP 10/25

Free Action from Reformer’s Wand: Create Organization (The Reformers)

-5 AP Create Major Artifact (Right Glove of The Reformers) — -1 weekly discount on creating mundane concepts.

-5 AP Create Major Artifact (Left Glove of the Reformers) -1 weekly discount on creating advanced concepts.

Free Action from Right Glove of the Reformers— Create Mundane Concept (Terrorism)

Domain Progress

Organizations (The Reformers) 10/10

Wolfschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff is now an intermediate diety.

Remaining AP: 5/30

2018-06-20, 04:27 PM
~ * * * ~
The Tall Ones- Risen

For a long while, the Tall Ones had been spooks in the woods. Unnerving, elongated, huge-eyed vanguards which haunted Havenlund's outer borders. They had the capacity for preparation and comprehension, but most of their intelligence went towards one simple mantra.

Confound the intruder. Keep this land safe.

They cooperated with eachother in groups to guard their own sanctums; until the group conglomerated together, to protect Havenlund as a whole.

The Tall Ones' society is tribal, with many tribes specialized in their own regard. In general, they regard the outside world with curiosity and caution- and are united by this stern protectiveness of their land. The tribes each have their own customs and opinions, but there are some common themes among them:

*Strengthen the Weakened One: A loose interperataion which each takes unto their own, but one of the most pervasive values among them. Tall Ones look out for the feeblest in their group, empowering them and bettering them to the best of their capacities. A "weakened" one might lack food, and be given charity. A "weakened" one might be sick, and be given medicine. In each tribe, the strongest individual is valued- for in time he will impart this strength to all his kinsmen.
*One's Own Might: Most commonly, the "weakened" one refers to an aspect of oneself, and self-growth and ambition are valued especially high amongst the tall ones.
*Superstition: As spooks in the woods, the Tall Ones are extremely superstitious, and are mindful not to disturb wandering gods or spirits. The Tall Ones dabble in the esoteric rather than the scientific, and are prone to witchcraft and shamanism. Ritual and ceremony are common among them... and with it, the strong are made stronger through unnatural means. Accursed is he who uses the esoteric against another Tall One. Trying to hex a god is (impossible) and forbidden.
*Refuge: The Tall Ones understand that Havenlund is a land of plenty, and any who seek to live peacefully here are generally allowed to pass. This value may vary from clan to clan... with some being more exclusionary than others.
These axioms guide their sense of morality... and aside from them they may not think like you and I. They are a society, in their own rites... but one of Behemoths, and are not too far out of the monster manual.

25 start
Putting the 8 point of Desperation towards Protection (Empowerment)
Create Society: the Vigilant Coven- 2 towards Protection: (Empowerment)

Domain Claimed: Protection (Empowerment)

~ * * * ~


"The sun?" Jorgemund stroked his chin curiously. The red god grinned widely, letting the smoke rise between his pointed teeth, and a glint flashed in one of his eyes. "I was born in fire- and there is nothing too heavy for me to snatch."

"Done!" he threw forward his hand delightedly (and in his confidence in his own might, was completely unfocused on the repercussions of the deal). "And if I win, make truce with me over Havenlund. Let none of your creations or your dealings or your acts bring harm to it, or the things within that call my home Safe Haven."

"I like these games with you!" Jordemung laughed heartily, clapping Arkanox on the shoulder. "You'll have to excuse me. I'm off to be terrifying."

~ * * * ~


They were running.

The Tall Ones were blessed with long limbs with which to stride on, and each one of them was pushing these blessings to their limits. Their numbers were down to two dozen now, for Ios was a wasteland that did not support life; and if exposure and starvation did not do you in, then the monsters that prowled here surely would. They beat at the rust flats with their feet, pulling one another forward if one of them slowed- for Belligerence's zeal coursed through them, and the horrors behind promised an agonizing death by rows and rows of sword-like teeth. The wind pulled the moisture from their eyes as they raced forward...

But they were fleeing aimlessly. All around them was nothing but rust.
They tired hopelessly... And they called out in desperation.

And Desperation answered back.

A great pair of gnashing teeth broke through the earth
Erupting with it an enormous face like the enraged moon of Terminia
The skies grew black by the fumes of its mouth
And swirled around the giant god, looking down on the scene in anger.
Thunder cracked as it extended its four arms...
And used one to reach down to gently scoop up the Tall Ones.
Jorgemund looked towards the moon.
And vanished with the fumeclouds in an instant.

~ * * * ~

The bridge to Vindicum:

A thunderbolt struck in the distance, and a long shadow rose. So far away one could see the god's colossal outline; and with it a burning gaze that shone within its helm. It stepped closer, and its footsteps unsettled the ground, and as the thing stomped forward it held out its weapons brandished. Already one could sense the terrible godly destructiveness infused into two of them- but such was not enough for the god whose name was Obliterating One.

Jorgemund raised his back left hand, and poured his divine wrath into another,
And dragged it across the sky, leaving a Vast Nothing in its wake...

Create Major Artifact (5AP): Vengeance

For those who fought and lost, or have been wronged unforgivably.

Each of Jordemung's kanabo grow more terrible and terrible with each one.

Vengenace's teaching is of an unbridled truth- that some things must be outright destroyed. With its influence, there is both the threat and the reassurance in the world that no foul deed goes unpunished- for Vengeance now empowers the victims of the universe most devastatingly, to take revenge on those who wronged them.

Like all of Jordemung's weapons, it dabbles in a gray area of morality... though Vengeance is shades darker than Belligerence, for its power does not screw around.

Create mythical concept (4AP): True Obliteration

Anything which has been intentionally obliterated by Vengeance is destroyed and undone utterly. Its soul does not go on to the afterlife. It is completely irreparable and unrecoverable in any way. Obliteration reduces its targets to nonexistance, and removes it from our reality.

It is among the harshest domains of destruction. It cannot be undone.

Currently, Vengeance is the only object/entity to call upon True Obliteration. May it never be used.

Alter Land (1AP): The Scar in the World

This scar is hardly Guilded.

As a small demonstration of Vengeance's power, Jorgemund obliterated a small hole in the universe. It is approximately 200 feet long and 20 feet wide, and hangs roughly 150 over the air. This spot cannot be correlated to any other realms or planes. Consider it a black hole, if one did not expand or pull. Anything inside it risks True Obliteration, for nothing inside it can exist.

((OOC: Left this in for the flavor, but I am holding off on this as not to ascend from Demi-godhood just yet)

Divine energy hums and swirls around "Jorgemund"- the fourth kanabo and True Aspect of its god's namesake. (OOC: I am "readying an action" for 8AP to be used, in the event that Vindicaas attacks.)

* * *

Domain progress: Destruction (True Obliteration)(9/10)
AP: 25 - 2 - 9, -8 "readied" AP = 6 AP remaining

Jorgemund came to a stop. Unbeknownst to him, the Law of Vindicum compelled him from coming any closer... but even at his distance, he had made his might known enough. One! Two! Three! Four! he rested his weapons on the ground, which cracked the great areas beneath them. The great red god relaxed his stance, and took out his pipe to give a light puff.


2018-06-20, 07:03 PM
The world’s first terror attack was in Gildscar. The use of drugs by children caught the ire of a segment of The Reformers, and a few of the poppy farms were attacked with guns and are being held hostage. In the grand scheme of things, this does nothing, but it does grab the attention of some powerful entities.

Starting AP: 5/30

Not using artifact this time....

2 AP — Advanced Concept: Guns


Terrorism (Killing) 2/10

3 AP remaining

2018-06-20, 08:42 PM
Vindacaas - A worthy opponent

Vindacaas observed the giant red god arrive, he smiled or at least he would have if he could. From his throne Vindacaas met eyes with the god of had just created itself a new weapon. Judgement incarnate wondered if this god felt as he did about mortals in search of an answer he gathered up some power and shed his armour. The armour turned to rust and spread across the hoards of souls rusted plates imprisoned the souls that vindacaas knew was unworthy and he left them to roam.

The god then climbed down the stairs maintaining eye contact a rare moment for Vindacaas he was naked a being of pure energy without armour. He attempted to reach out with his divine senses to see what this other was. Was it stronger than him? No that was impossible. Was it a threat? Perhaps it wielded many weapons but lacked defense possibly lacked tactical strategy. Vindacaas could relate in a way he too believed a strong offense was a good defense. There was of course no substitute for well crafted armour.

So Vindacaas expended his divine will and forged a new suit of armour. The plates connected to his form as he strides toward the bridge. The helmet like a crown his eyes burned behind it's full mask. Rust encroached and burned away and intricate sigils glowed as they marked the armour for its divine prowess. He then called his shield to him it flew from the throne to his side and with shield in hand he filled with divine power. His glaive was next to be called already filled with power the god of judgement stood on the edge between his realm and the bridge to the first world

Pleasure coated his voice as he spoke. "I hoped YOU would come you who has created many blades. I would test my metal against yours. Do you accept my challenge?"

Starting Ap = 10

The rusted prisoners (monstrous life) souls judged unworthy by vindacaas are cursed to a life as rusted suits of armour forced to wander aimlessly through vindicium - 7/10 law (judgement)

Infused shield (divine infusion) the shield of vindacaas is infused with his power to sure up his strength. It can be used by Vindacaas to show a mortal their failings in life. 10/10 law judgement

Vindacaas ascends to greater deity.

perfected armour of judgement (create major artifact combat -5) redesigned and reformed Vindacaas has created armour worthy of combat much like his old armour it still reflects a rusted and under pristine side but this armour mixes the two as rust both consumes him and is burned away - 5/10 war (strategy)

Ending ap = 6

2018-06-22, 02:07 AM
Gildscar- The Night of Sanguine Petals

The Reformers occupied the poppy fields for a few days. Aside from the fleeing ghosts, no one in the city seemed to notice their actions. The spirits, ghosts, even the Gilded Lich himself hardly even broke from their revelry.

Or so they thought.

On the third night, the Reformers were sitting around their campfires, some keeping watch, others destroying the flowers Arkanox had created all that time ago. Suddenly shadow passed over them, and they noticed one of their guards were gone. They heard the cry of the guard suddenly silenced as scarlet blood rained down from the night sky. Suddenly panicked, the Reformers take off in all directions, their screams silenced one by one as the Prince of Sin known as Kordula descends on them.

The immortal creature dived from the shadows and vanished again and again, picking apart these terrorists like a child might pick apart the legs of a bug. Screams of terror and pain echoed throughout the night, almost drowning out the sounds of celebration in Gildscar. Soon there was one Reformer left, wounded and crawling away from Kordula through the bloodstained flowers. Wearing a colorful silk robe and an opium pipe tied at his belt, he picked up the remaining Reformer.

"Pardon, but you were limiting my supply," the Prince said before sinking his fangs into his neck.

10 AP+ 4 AP rollover = 14 AP

2 AP to Create Hero: Kordula, Lord of the Venomous Pleasures- After Kordula was smashed back to Gildscar by Jorgemund, he sunk deep into the countless taverns, opium dens and wretched hives the city had. He quickly took over the drug business in the Land of the Dead, and became an opium lord of the many many narcotics that move through the city. His corrupting tendrils may soon reach the societies of the First World.

Kordula is a bit leaner than his Princely brothers and sisters. He wears his black hair long and desheveled, his claws grown to a sickly length. He is most often wearing a colorful silk robe of the finest make.

As the blood of the Reformers sank into the earth, it was soaked up by the roots of the poppy plants throughout where the massacre took place. The magic within the blood transformed the plants, Changing their bright orange color to a deep rich red color, more petals sprouting to create a type of rose. The rose had blood magic coursing through it's petals, and as the Princes know...blood is power.

4 AP to Create Mythical Concept: Sanguis Surrexerunt (The Blood Rose): A very rare plant, only growing on one field near the City of Gildscar. The plant's petals course with a blood magic blessing that greatly heightens the senses and focus of those who injest or smoke them. It is often used by hedonistic warriors, able to achieve a 'battle focus' after using the drug.

Nature (Narcotics) 7/10 : 1 AP to Create Land: Poppy Fields, 2 AP to Create Hero: Kordula, the Lord of the Venomous Pleasures, 4 AP to Create Mytical Concept: Blood Roses

14 AP- 2-4= 8 AP

2018-06-22, 04:58 AM
Ark - The Sovereigns of the sky.

The young Pavillion Terra sat alone in the grand library filled with annals of history that dates all the way back to the Ark's creation he read book after book looking for a way to solve the problem that was the culling of his family line. He had a few years worth of practice with his newfound psionic abilities and was progressing rapidly beyond expectation. He was gifted and he imagined his whole family would likely be gifted as well. That was when a thought struck him, there had to be a way to amplify his abilities to far surpass the power of House Farradin and seize control of the sovereignty that would be the only way to ensure the safety of the future line.

Pavillion withdrew a number of tomes from the grand library some empty, he was going to need a lot of blank paper for what he was about to do. Then the young highborn set to work. It was his life's work that culminated in a small spherical device that collected Psionic energies. By this time a great deal of many people had begun showing signs of Psionic powers and as the greatest Psion upon Ark Pavillion was more than happy to teach them what he knew. With that device he created an inferior version one that could be placed into other devices powering them up and running them, Psicrafting became quickly popular and soon others were inventing new things.

On his 45th year upon Ark, Pavillion Terra, a popular man among the highborn was the oldest living Terra since the third Sovereign of House Farradin declared them a threat to the throne of Salvation. Too afraid of repercussions for killing High Lord Pavillion, the Sovereign Bartos Farradin attempted to negotiate peace with the house of Terra believing that such an alliance would allow Ark to continue to flourish under their joint guidance. With a dark smirk and a hatred for Bartos burning in his eyes Pavillion agreed knowing that such an agreement would cause the Sovereign to lower his guard. Three months of further planning and the stage was set. Pavillion entered the council chambers along side his fellow lords and knelt before the sovereign as was tradition. Pavillion had positioned himself at the center and was flanked by his greatest allies Arch Duchess Kaliira Lazarus and Count Molvar Merathandial. He arose Psionisphere in hand and smiled at the sovereign

"Sovereign Bartos Farradin, the time of house Farradin is over, the age of oppression is coming to an end. Your family or at least those who are guilty will pay for their crimes." Pavillion opened up his Psionisphere as the others brought up their barriers it unleashed a torrent of saved up psionic power leaving Bartos bleeding from his eyes nose and ears. His mind had been completely crippled to the point that his body shut down. Sovereign guards rushed in to see the commotion they were too late. The royal warriors who acted as the direct body guards of the sovereign lay dead as did Bartos. There was a brief moment of confusion before a voice piped up from the Arch Duchess.

"Hail to Pavillion Terra Sovereign of Ark. Long may he reign." Her voice was careful not jovial or demanding or even empirical. She was matter of fact in her statement and waited for any to disagree.

"Hail!" Called the high lord of house Gaa'Nomra.

"Hail!" Echoed Count Molvar.

finally a reluctant. "Hail," came from the council representative for house Farradin.

Pavillion smiled then snapped his fingers at the guards. "Clear away this mess... We have an ushering of a new age to get started." The guards obeyed and Pavillion walked out of the council chamber. Confused the other highborn followed. He lead them back to his home on one of the main decks where he revealed something that they remained unsure about. All but "No longer are we House Terra, but as we move into this Psi mechanical age I take on the name Terramech, and with this act we shall carve our way as the sovereigns of the sky. Let the land be dominated by tall insects and thirst driven vampires. Let them war amongst themselves as colossal deities misguide them into grand wars. But let the sky be our dominion. Let Ark be our weapon against the nations that would harm us. Let us work on a brighter tomorrow under the Terramech Sovereignty."

His speech must have been inspiring, very quickly were people siding with him he had the first unanimous vote the sovereignty ever had. He took the sphere and placed it into a device that he had been working on. It powered up and the purpose of such a device was revealed a show of true power as a mighty cannon went on light and annihilated one of the great elven clouds.

Starting AP = 6

Psicraft (Subconcept Psionics -2) Psi craft is the process of creating mechanical devices capable of great psionic feats Notable crafts include
Psionispheres: devices that store psionic energy and are used to power other Psionic devices. Though not recommended they can be opened to unleash stored power as a weapon.
The Psi Cannon of Ark: The Psi cannon is a device that is powered by the first sphere and was used to destroy one of the clouds of the elves as a show of power on behalf of the Sovereignty. (OOC: dont worry folks this will be reflected in an alter land use see below)

The Hollow Cloud (Alter Land -1) The cannon powered by Psionic energy was used to utterly destroy one of the elven clouds many lives were likely lost and anyone who was looking up at the sky as the shadow of ark moved into position definitely saw.

Remaining AP = 6 -2 -1 = 3

2018-06-22, 09:17 AM
Jorgemund narrowed his eyes, and inhaled deeply upon his pipe. He knew this land and everything in the gate behind it was the work of this crowned challenger, and even in his naievety the red god sensed the sovereignty of the many domains the armored one held. He watched as the elder god plotted tactics against him. Baited him with his challenge. Developed strategum and weaponry and stripped his very self away to form an armor anew. Specifically for him. Specifically for this fight.

He even did Jorgemund the courtesty to show cruelty to the mortals, and exponentiate his ire.

In another place, at another time, they might have exchanged names... but this was battle. Armor and Glaive met by Hammer and Bludgeons; this was all they needed to know of one another. A long moment passed between the two warrior gods.

The Lord of the Afterlife was powerful indeed.
But what is powerful to the God of Power itself?

"HRRRRR...!" Jorgemund thundered, and the air around him grew thick with divinity
His hair lashed wildly by the force of it, and creations sprung from him like meteors towards the First World.
Enormous beams of the Red God's escense surged and descended,

1AP Create monstrous Life: Spirit Beasts
Spirit beasts (or Auroras,) are specters of moonlight that dance brillantly across the night sky. They are incorporeal, spectral things, and vaguely resemble recognizable "animal" shapes. They are curious creatures that follow the physical world inquisitively, and nearly every visitor of Havenlund is followed by one. Spirit beasts are made of light, which they can either color fantastically or blend in with the starlit sky.

Spirit beasts are said not to exist during the day; or if they do, simply no one can find them.

1AP Create monstrous Life: Murmillons
Murmillons are bipedal, four armed, lean and muscular beasts that stand over fiteen feet tall. Their heads are largely proportioned compared to the rest of their bodies, and their huge mouths hang open to reveal a "smile" with rows and rows of plate-like teeth. Their large, bulging eyes are at the sides of their heads, which they shake from side to side if they attempt to charge forward in a straight line.

Murmillons can hold their breath for unprecedented lengths of time. On land, they crouch down to hide in patches of high grass, but just as often live in the water and sprint from the banks to snatch something up. They love shiny objects, and will often steal them to take downstream or to the deeps.

Murmillons are herbavors, but are testy and territorial creatures. If one observes you destroying the environement (eliminating their food source,) they will run up, catch you, and shove you into their gaping mouths to gobble you to bits.

1AP Create monstrous Life: Placeholder
(As soon as I can think of one more)

* * *

* * *

Once every hundred years, something monstrous comes from the earth.
It is enormous, godlike, and could lay waste to an entire city.
These are the true namesakes of the Behemoths
And each one is legendary within the realm.

* * *

* * *

4AP Create mythical life: Behemoths (KAIJU)

HEIGHT: 85 meters
DESCRIPTION: "Odin" resembles the peak of a mountain that had sprouted limbs like an enormous rock tortoise. The rocky back of it which makes up its "shell" is infused with copper, gold, and other conductive precious metals. Odin eats at the earth in great heavings you see, and grinds up its ores to metabolize into its back. The purpose of this is to draw out its true source of energy,

By acting as a giant lightning rod and absorbing the electricity that strikes it.

Stormclouds constantly follow Odin around, and flicker and peck at him from overhead- all the while keeping him nourished, as he eats the world's mountains away.

There are massive ports on the sides of Odin's shell, and from them he can blow out thousands of "spores", resembling giant dandelion seeds made of conductive metal threads. These float in the air and fill the surrounding area...

Allowing him to release an electrical discharge, which can electrify everything for over a mile radius.

(He can also use thunderbolts as a breath weapon, but this are far less impressive)

-Murmillons hate Odin, but are far too terrified of him to attack
-Odin can absorb most kinds of energy, but lightning is the most common to occur naturally

Domain claimed: Creatures (Behemoths)

5 domains claimed: Jorgemund ascends to a lesser Diety

Jorgemund inflicts the Scar of the World as previously described in my last post for 1AP: 10/10 towards Destruction (True Obliteration), 6 domains claimed

Creations continued to spring from him and the torrents of his energy kept spewing. It oppressed the moon and all its occupants, and even gravity had warped around the giant red god, lifting boulders and rubble from the ground. Jorgemund raised his back right hand, and all his power swirled into the last of his weapons. His True Aspect
4AP: Create Avatar
3AP: Infuse Herald

jorgemund (lowercase) is a kanabo that appears just like any other. You might find it in a flea market, or propped against a fence, or left in some forgotten baracks of an age long-passed. It hides itself very well you see, and it has a will of its own. It is a truly mundane metal stick... until someone grasps it.

-The wielder of jorgemund springs additional spectral arms, and with them, he summons Belligerance, Desperation, and Vengeance themselves
-The wielder fights with the full strength of the Obliterating God, and can change their size up to 100 feet tall.
-3AP Bless: The wielder of jorgemund is invulnerable in battle.
-jorgemund can only be wielded by a moral. And this mortal knows power.

This is the true aspect of Jorgemund:
“My might is for the mortals!”

Domain claimed: War (Indomitability)
Jorgemund ascends to an intermediate deity.

"I hoped YOU would come you who has created many blades. I would test my metal against yours. Do you accept my challenge?"

“Not me.”

“HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!!”the red god roared, as he leapt back from the bridge, and transcended the first world to the void, never to be seen again.

All that was left of him was a single metal stick.

<”GIVE ME BACK MY BROTHER, VINDICAAS!!”>, the Tall One charged forward, a divine purpose behind him.

(1AP: Fight Vindicaas)
14 AP start
-1 (Spirit Beasts)
-1 (Murmillons)
-1 (TBD Monstrous life)
-4 (Kaiju)
(+5: Lesser deity)
-1 (Scar of the World)
-4: Avatar
-3: Infusion
-3: Bless: Indomitability
(+5: Intermediate deity)
-1: Initiate the throw-down
5 AP Remain.

For my final act, I'd like to create a final weapon for Jordemung in the form of 5 orbs of pure force, which hover and encircle behind him. In place of armor, these are representations of ones perfected self, and in combat can strike, block, or empower their charge. This would put 5AP towards my voodoo/shamanism/witchcraft domain.

This post was largely rushed after the creation bit (much to my dismay,) and I apologize for not having the energy to write it into the story; I am growing short on time IRL, I'm afraid.


2018-06-23, 01:24 PM
Kordula, Lord of the Venomous Pleasures

As the other gods met outside of the First World, Kordula's work began to spread. His servants brought the wonders of Gildscar's opium dens across the world, offering pleasure and relief from their worries for a price. Soon more and more dens of debauchery started to sprout up across all civilizations, even among the strange denezins of the Ark. And all of these dens were controlled from Gildscar by Kordula, who quickly grew even more rich peddling his wondrous poisons.

8 AP +4 AP for rollover= 12 AP

1 AP for Create Organization: Church of the Venomous Pleasures:One part religion, three parts thieves guild, the Church of the Venomous Pleasures stretches across the underworld of the civilized First World like some sort of corrupting root system. They are all loosely connected, able to trade strange new plants and drugs from all corners of the world, making sure that truly everything is available to sate one's mortal desires (For a price, of course). All of this comes to head at Gildscar, where Kordula runs all of these businesses with an iron fist.

12 AP- 1 AP= 11 AP

Domain points:

Nature (Narcotics) 8/10 : 1 AP to Create Land: Poppy Fields, 2 AP to Create Hero: Kordula, the Lord of the Venomous Pleasures, 4 AP to Create Mytical Concept: Blood Roses, 1 AP to Create Organization: The Church of the Venomous Pleasures

2018-06-23, 01:55 PM
The spread of opium dens across the lands further angered the cells of reformers which dwelt in cities. The staunchly anti-drug warriors made bombs with long fuses to put under and alongside the dens to greatly damage or even destroy them.

Starting 9/30

Make advanced concept: Bombs

Ending AP 7/30


Terrorism (Killing) 4/10

2018-06-26, 05:13 PM
Arkanox, Lord of the Final Temptation

Gildscar had grown. It had been growing constantly over the centuries, but Arkanox was starting to feel it. Once wide spacious plazas were becoming tightly packed by the dead and living alike. It's not that Arkanox really wanted to change too much, but when he looked out from his palace and saw a literal ocean of shades flooding the streets, it got him thinking. "Maybe I should do something about this...."

Reaching out with all his divine might, Arkanox grabbed hold of the threads of reality around Gildscar and he pulled. He pulled the city further and further from the desert in the First World, seemingly staying in the same spot, yet unthreading itself from the material plane. The spirits seemed to see their Lord's plight, swirling around the desert just outside the gates of Gildscar. They managed to form a stretch of road, stretching for miles and miles and miles across the fabric of reality and bridging the First World to where Gildscar was now.

Arkanox sat back on his throne with a grin, looking as dozens of new buildings began to spread out across Gildscar and the rest of this new plane. "Finally, some elbow room."

11 AP to start with.

4 to Weave Plane: The Final Temptation- Most say that Gildscar resides far far West, at the canyon at the very edge of reality itself. This is only half true, for the Gilded Lich had stretched a path to his city of hedonistic delights across the Void and into the desert of the First World.
Some might say they see the lights of Gildscar at night in the desert, on the very tip of the Western horizon. And they very well might, but few a mortal can now reach it.

2 to Bridge Plane: The Road of Vices- Now in the desert of the First World is a long stretch of road, stretching west as far as the eye can see. It is said that if you travel this road for long enough, you will one day reach the gates of Gildscar. However, this is easier said than done, for the road is long and the mortal form can only take so much. The road is dotted with dens of vice and sin, populated by undead travelers too exausted to walk any further, some having forgotten why they started walking in the first place.

11-4-2= 5 AP left

Domain Spending:

Earth (Cities): 10/10 2AP for Create Society (Eternal Revelry), 2 AP for Create Land (Gildscar) 1 AP for Blessing (You Can Check Out Any Time You Like....), 2 AP for For Create Society (the Chained Shades) and 1 AP for Blessing (Wrath of the Guilded Lich), 2 AP for Bridge Plane (The Road of Vices)

Domain claimed: Earth (Cities)

2018-06-26, 07:20 PM
Vindacaas - Judgement and the Giant

Vindacaas flooded his armour with divine energy and leapt into the bridging path. He fought with ferocity and a great deal of joy, the only other god he had met on the battlefield he had dispatched with ease but this red giant was presenting a significant counter attack. Vindacaas moved and struck but was consistently blocked and every blow cost an exchange of a blow to himself. No one could know how long they had fought for it could have been many ages but soon it was coming to a close. As their battle raged their power colliding had begun to weaken the bridge and Vindacaas noticed it was near to collapse. A strike was landed on his abdomen and the armour cracked and chipped.

"ENOUGH!" Vindacaas stepped back into Vindicium beyond the bridge where he knew the giant could not pass. "You have fought well red one our battle will be spoken in legends as the first great battle of the gods. Know this, I foresee a day when we would battle once more, Neither god would have an advantage as the battlefield would be even, when the world falls dark and the mortals have long faded from world our war would be to decide which is supreme and Victor would declare it so. The loser will kneel and acknowledge them so.... On this day however, I, Vindacaas, Judgement incarnate declare you WORTHY. I declare you a worthy opponent, worthy of your divine artifice and power, worthy of your mortals and whatever other vices you may hold as a deity. I declare you worthy of my allegiance as well worthy of my opposition. So it shall be declared if anyone is to fell the red giant in battle it shall be me. And so red one... as the first of our kind to earn my respect I offer you a boon, you may request anything of me and should it be in my power I shall grant it.

AP = 3 (+7 but not being applicable yet)

Infused armour (Divine infusion -3) Not much to be said here just made stronger and almost completely impenetrable.

Ending AP = 0

OOC= Vindacaas possesses no actual divination or ability for prophecy so his quip about the future battle between the two is just talk not an actual like this will happen (but of course should this game end and I am the last player I know exactly what the final post will be)

2018-06-26, 07:54 PM
The Will of the World:

In the deepest of woods under the darkest of nights, the Elders of the Vigilant Tribes met regularly to discuss the strange and unnatural. There were always elements at play that danced throughout the Havenlunds, great aspects of the universe beyond mortal comprehension; unexplainable, mystifying, that they nonetheless acknowledged and respected. The Tall Ones do not think like you or I. They often perceive the world in sentiments, rather than absolute concepts; truths, rather than facts. It is this abstraction with reality that perhaps allowed a select few of them to mingle with the weird and otherworldly... and grasp the meaning of the unknown unknowns.

With these endeavors, the very fabric of Havenlund began to change.

The land shifted and altered itself as it pleased. Rivers would move as easily as strings, rock spires would be there one day and gone overnight. It was if the land was acting by some strangeness of its own- as if willfully giving bounty to its inhabitants, and changing evermore. These changes were usually gradual; crops springing into the hands of those who reached for it, or the terrain shifting into shelter around those in need.

But there was one place whose change was not gradual. It fluxed and expanded and converged into such kaleidoscopes of shapes, and its instability was marked as an unnaturalness upon the land. In time, this area sank deep beneath the earth… and a solitary monument- the first solid structure of its kind in Havelund, had suddenly sprung up to mark its place.

Starting AP: 7

Create mythical concept:(4AP) The Otherworldly Arts

The Otherworldly Arts are akin to voodoo, shamanism, and witchcraft. “Black magic” is an inaccurate label to give it, but it is often misunderstood as such. Each domain within the Arts can be used in benevolence, or maleficence. Some of these domains are:

*Sands: The act of tossing up colored sands and seeing where they lay. The sands are not interpreted based on chance, but because they are tied to the arts which influence their orientation. Sands might tell you where groups of creatures are in the Havenlunds. They might fall into an abstract symbol, or portray a flash of an image by a trick of the eye. Benevolent examples include divination, and warding. Malevolent examples include conjuring sandstorms, which may turn to pestilence, ignite, or cause blindness.
*Change: Gathering particular material focuses (usually vegetation, or… other organics,) to be used during rituals. Change evokes a difference in the world similar to other magics, although this generally regards people rather than things. Benevolent examples include healing diseases, reshaping warriors into more powerful bodies, or replacing cowardice with determination. Malevolent examples include baleful polymorphing, the withering of bodies, or compulsion.
*Spirits: Knowing how to interact with the dead and the unseen. Spirits are a huge element of Superstition and the supernatural, and are well-respected by the Coven. Benevolent calls upon the spirits include interaction (or influence) with the creatures and Kaiju that live in the world, as well as prayers to Jordemung himself. Malevolent calls may pester and harrow a man… and maybe, not yet but one day, drag an enemy into Oblivion.

(But such an art is grossly frowned upon, forbidden, and highly unlikely)

Create Organization(1A): The Coven. The secretive group of Tall Ones who explore the Otherwordly Arts

Panopoly Claimed: Otherworldliness (for lack of a better word)

Effect: Static 1 discount towards Alter Land.
Use: The Will of the World- our universe’s first dungeon! It is a terrarium of ever-shifting lands and terrains and structures and halls, which is accessed by a spire that leads deep into the earth. The actual depth of it is irrelevant, as once it is reached, one might easily find themselves walking upon land with a sun and an atmosphere of its own, or along the surface of an ocean that they can’t sink into, or space with a pocket of air around those who occupy it, or buildings from the mind of M.C. Escher.

The purpose of this interdimensional labyrinth is for one explicit purpose: to hide and house jorgemund, and use its will as the Herald of the Red God to safekeep Havenlund.

(I am also using this panopoly to empower the wielder of jordemung to smash open the land in great lengths with each terrifying strike)

Ending AP: 2

2018-07-05, 08:14 PM
Arkanox, Lord of the Final Temptation- The Start of the Long Night

The day had begun like most others, the sun rose and everyone got up and went about their normal day. However, the day did not end like any other day. A great shadow fell across the First World, darkening all things as a massive hand suddenly rose up and eclipsed the sun. There was a brief moment where all the world saw the sun one last time, before the hand clasped around it. And all was like night.

In the Final Temptation, Arkanox clapped gleefully as his prize arrived. The Chained Shades suddenly swirled around the sun, carrying it into Akranox's palace. They placed it atop the tallest tower in the palace, and suddenly the palace lit up with multiple beautiful colors. Suddenly all of Gildscar was lit with a strange artificial neon colored light, seeming to change colors at random. All of this Akranox watched with a smile on his face. The sun now illuminated the very masonry of Gildscar itself, just another reason to come and join the party.

5 AP +2 Rollovers= 15 AP

3 AP to Take Artifact (The Sun)

1 AP to Alter Land- The masonry of Gildscar now shines with an unnatural but beautiful neon light, allowing it to be seen for leagues around.

1 AP for Bless/Curse- The Joy of the Gilded Lich- The lack of sunlight in the First World pleases Arkanox, and that passes on to his favored children. The Eternal Night caused by Arkanox's taking of the Sun gives great strength to the Princes of Sin and their descendants. Vampiric beings will have their supernatural abliities enhanced as long as the Sun remains in Gildscar.

15 AP-5= 10 AP

Progress to Domains- To come later