View Full Version : Iron Chef Optimization Challenge: E6 Appetizer Edition (Round IX)

2018-05-18, 09:11 PM
Welcome back to the Iron Chef Optimization Challenge E6 Appetizer Edition! Apparently a full caster wasn't the best choice of ingredient, so let's get back to basics.

The form of this challenge is to take a particular D&D 3.5 base class (our "secret ingredient," or SI) and turn it into a functional E6 (https://esix.pbworks.com/f/E6v041.pdf) build, which must feature the SI as heavily as possible. (The only hard rule about this is that you must take at least one level in the SI, though judges are encouraged to look favorably on builds that take all or almost all of their levels in said SI.) Your final build submission should consist of your 6 regular levels and your first 10 epic bonus feats, though providing a snapshot at earlier points through the progression is heartily encouraged. Entries are to be PM'd to the Chair (that would be me!), and they will be posted anonymously; our volunteer judges will then grade each build on a 1-5 point scale in four categories: Originality, Power, Elegance, and Use of the Secret Ingredient. The builds with the highest three scores will be awarded medals, with the Honorable Mention award going to the non-medaling build that the Chair likes best and/or that receives the most votes for HM in this thread. (HM may not always be awarded, particularly if the number of builds is very small.) And then we all have cake!*

*Note: You must provide your own cake.

This is basically like the regular Iron Chef, and let's be brutally honest with ourselves here: this isn't a gargantuan community, and we basically all know what we're talking about at this point. Make the builds, send 'em in, post some scores, and have fun. If you've got questions, lemme know. Still, let's lay out a few rules!

Cooking Time: Builds must be submitted via PM to the Chair by 4:59 PM GMT - 8 on Monday, June 04, 2018 (12:59 AM GMT on Tuesday, June 05). The reveal shall be on the first evening the Chair has free following the cooking deadline, which is hoped to be that evening or the immediately subsequent one. Judging is then expected (*cough*) to take no more than two weeks, so we'll put the judging deadline at approximately two weeks after that, with adjustments as necessary. (You can do the math yourselves; I don't want to put two dates here and confuse people.) Notice that this is slightly earlier in the day than previous deadlines; the goal is to have the deadline be around the time the Chair gets off of work on that particular day, thereby allowing him to post the builds without having to stay up super late or wait until the next day.

Kitchen: Let's break this one down a bit.

ALLOWED: Almost all D&D 3.5 material published by WotC: Core, Completes, monster books, Races Of books, alternate power source books (Expanded Psionics Handbook, Magic of Incarnum, Tome of Battle, Tome of Magic, etc.), Spell Compendium, Book of Exalted Deeds, Book of Vile Darkness, Eberron material, Forgotten Realms material, and other WotC-published 3.5 material. (This list is NOT exhaustive and there are many other legal books that I did not mention by name!)

ALLOWED: Material from the 3.5 archives of the Wizards of the Coast website (including, but not limited to, the Mind's Eye articles). If you use it, link it.

ALLOWED: Official errata from WotC. If you're relying on this in a material fashion, it's a good idea to link it and to discuss it.

NOT ALLOWED: Unofficial errata, including "class fixes" (regardless of the source, including from the original author if not published in a WotC book) or fan-created content.

ALLOWED: Unupdated WotC-published 3.0 material (e.g., Sword and Fist, Masters of the Wild, etc.) except for 3.0 psionics. No 3.0 psionics allowed. If you are using 3.0 material, use the general-purpose skill updates (Wilderness Lore becomes Survival, Innuendo becomes Bluff, etc.) and the general-purpose rules updates (spells with a casting time of "1 action" become "1 standard action," etc.) when appropriate.

NOT ALLOWED: 3.0 material for which a direct 3.5 update exists. Use the updated material instead.

ALLOWED: Dragon Compendium and its errata (http://paizo.com/download/dragon/compendium/DragonCompendiumVolumeIErrata.pdf).

NOT ALLOWED: Content from Dragon Magazine and/or Dungeon Magazine unless said content appears in an otherwise allowed source.

ALLOWED: Oriental Adventures, including the 3.5 update to Oriental Adventures from Dragon Magazine #318. This is a specific exception to the "no Dragon" rule!

NOT ALLOWED: Pathfinder content, regardless of whether it is "D&D 3.5 OGL" or not. If it didn't come from WotC, we don't want it.

ALLOWED: From Unearthed Arcana: racial paragon classes, alternate class features/variant classes, spelltouched feats, and variant races. (Traits and flaws are technically legal, but traits warrant a -0.5 point penalty in Elegance, and flaws warrant a -1 penalty in Elegance.)

NOT ALLOWED: Other Unearthed Arcana content, including (but not limited to) bloodlines, LA buyoff, fractional BAB/saves, alternate casting systems, alternate skill systems, item familiars, prestigious character classes, generic classes, gestalt, etc.

NOT ALLOWED: Leadership, regardless of source. Game elements functionally equivalent to Leadership (including, but not limited to, Dragon Cohort, Undead Leadership, and Thrallherd) are similarly banned. (Familiars, Improved Familiar, animal companions, Wild Cohort, psicrystals, elemental envoys, and similar game elements are allowed, and they are not considered to be "Leadership." If the difference isn't obvious, feel free to contact the Chair with specific questions.)

NOT ALLOWED: Third-party content, homebrew, or other non-WotC content.

NOT ALLOWED: Epic feats from the Epic Level Handbook. Just because you're "epic" in E6 after 6th level doesn't mean that you're that kind of epic.

NOT ALLOWED: Any race or template with a level adjustment other than +0. (Or any other source of LA other than a race or template, if any such things exist.)

NOT ALLOWED: For our judges: penalizing solely based on legal sources used, regardless of whether those sources are plentiful, sparse, common, obscure, or something in between. If the material is legal, then it doesn't matter how many or how few books it came out of.

ALLOWED: Also for our judges: penalizing for using a source (other than material in Core; don't be vindictive about genuinely obvious stuff) that isn't listed in the build writeup. The chef may choose to present the sources in-line with the text, in a consolidated source list, or somewhere else, but if the source is listed (and is otherwise legal), it counts. If the source is not listed, you may choose to penalize for that.

If you have questions about anything in this section (or hell, in this ruleset), feel free to ask the Chair.

Character Creation: 32 point buy is assumed. For the purposes of this contest, Level Adjustment greater than +0 is banned. (This may be revised at a later point, but I don't feel that the E6 LA rules are conducive to fun in the context of this contest.) No more than two entries per chef per contest, please; if you submit two builds and somehow are so overcome with inspiration for a third that you can't help yourself, PM me and tell me which two you care about the most.

Speculation: Please do not post any form of speculation before the reveal. Just don't do it, guys. It's not cool. This means NOT posting any of the following or anything substantially similar: what you think is going to be common, significant elements of your planned build or of other potential builds, or anything else that could directly influence someone else's build choices for good or for ill. (It's acceptable to ask for rules clarifications as appropriate, but try to avoid tipping your hand too much.) Speculation is bad because it can discourage people from posting builds and can also "taint the judging pool" when it comes to Originality, so please just try to be aware of how other people might react to your speculation.

E6: Here's how E6 works for the purposes of this contest. Build your character normally for the first six levels. After you reach level 6, you stop gaining levels and start gaining bonus feats every time you would gain 5,000 XP. Since we aren't actually tracking XP, you'll basically list your first ten epic bonus feats in the order that you take them, and we think of them as being kind of like levels. We will not use the LA-equals-reduced-point-buy rules, instead preferring to just ban races with LA, at least for now. We will not use the "capstone feats"; all feats that you take must be normal legal 3.5 feats, not homebrew E6 ones. You may not use the Epic feats from the Epic Level Handbook, though if for some reason there are non-Epic feats from the ELH that you qualify for, you may take those. (I don't think there are any, but I'm sure someone will prove me wrong.) It is up to the discretion of each judge whether this is a "hard E6" (magic above 3rd level spells is simply beyond mortal reach, items that have a listed CL above 6th are just plain not available, etc.) or a "soft E6" (if you can somehow get the magic on your character, it's yours, regardless of level), though I honestly don't expect it to come up. Don't go crazy with making assumptions about items and we probably won't have to find out.

Presentation: Please use the table found below in the spoiler. List your epic bonus feats (in clear order) after the table. If you find a clever way of formatting that that isn't annoying and that doesn't break anything, have fun; if it's portable, I may steal it for the next round. When sending your build or any disputes to the Chair, clearly include your build's name in the subject of the PM, and please present your build exactly as you want the Chair to copy and paste it into the thread.
If you're using a picture, cite the source and follow any relevant citation rules. Because we have had issues with this in the past, when listing your skills, please make it very clear how many ranks you have at each level. There are multiple ways to do this and we do not wish to cramp anyone's individual style by dictating exactly how this must look, but make sure that somewhere in your entry there's an explanation of how many actual skill ranks you have. It's still fine to list total skill bonuses, if that's your style, but don't only list bonuses; make sure that there is a clear listing somewhere of your ranks alone.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

Code for the table:

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

Contest houserules: Nearly the same as the main contest's rules here: all creatures are proficient with natural weapons they have or may acquire, bonus feats that are explicitly granted without meeting prereqs are usable even without those prereqs, and feats that affect which skills are class skills for you and/or how you spend your skill points (Able Learner, Martial Study, Truename Training, Apprentice, etc.) apply immediately at the level at which you take them (even though you normally spend skill points before taking a feat).

Judging guidelines: The minimum score in a category is 1, and the maximum is 5. Judges are expected to be fair, consistent, and open-minded, and they are expected to make a good-faith effort to engage with any reasonable disputes that arise, especially when RAW is in question. That said, contestants are asked to not dispute more than necessary; let's do everything in good faith and really only dispute when a judge is being inconsistent, being unfair, or is otherwise grossly misinterpreting a build.
Judges may not penalize Originality solely because a build is a tribute or homage to an existing creative work (in or out of D&D canon; note that this is not the same thing as penalizing Originality for using well-known optimization tactics), nor may judges penalize based solely on sources used (whether those sources are plentiful, sparse, common, obscure, or something in between, you should judge the build elements and how they work together rather than what book or what books they came out of, as long as those books are legal for this contest and are cited in the entry).
As with the main contest, we will follow the "One Mistake, One Penalty" guideline, and it is very important that the judges adhere to it. I'm going to directly copy and paste this from the main thread, and hopefully the original author won't mind too much:
Judges are only allowed to penalise once for a given mistake. If someone messes up their skills and doesn't qualify for a PrC, ding them as hard as you like. Once. In one category. You don't then get to declare that because they didn't qualify for that PrC, they don't get those levels, and thus don't qualify for anything else. If Ranger is a common ingredient, ding them for Originality. Once. Don't also take off points for Two-Weapon-Fighting being a common ingredient.

Non-exhaustive list of examples:


Giving a penalty for miscalculating the number of skill points gained
Giving a penalty for not having enough ranks to meet a prerequisite
Increasing the harshness of a skill miscalculation penalty if it affects critical skills including prereqs

Not allowed:

Giving separate penalties for miscalculating skill points and for non-qualification where the non-qualification is solely caused by the miscalculation


Giving a penalty for not meeting prereqs
Scaling the penalty depending on how important the item that the build failed to qualify for is
Giving minimum score in UotSI for not qualifying for the SI
Not giving credit for (note: not the same as penalising for) tactics using feats or classes other than the SI that were not qualified for (but see below)

Not Allowed:

"Cascading" failures to qualify - declaring that because a build doesn't qualify for a feat, for example, it also doesn't qualify for anything using that feat as a prereq
Treating a build as having fewer levels than it does because of FtQ for classes

Other general things that are no longer allowed:

Penalising because someone has chosen to build a tribute to an existing creative work
Deciding that a backstory has not met a fluff prerequisite well enough, or because its method of meeting it is "unrealistic". You may penalise if a fluff prereq is not addressed at all, but not for how well it is addressed.

Note that these are protections, not licenses. Deliberately taking a feat that you know you don't qualify for hoping to just suck up the judging penalty for a feat that you couldn't normally take is not okay, and may lead to your build being disqualified.

Other bits and bobs: If there's something major and relevant I haven't mentioned, assume that the way I handle it will probably be the same as the main contest unless stated otherwise or unless doing so would be an obviously absurd result. If you've got questions, I'll give you answers.

This round's secret ingredient: the SWASHBUCKLER, from Complete Warrior! Allez Optimizer!

The Builds:

Judgment from PrismCat21

Emilio Scoundrel (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23126086&postcount=55) ?? Human Swash3/Truenamer3

9th, Honorable Mention

Zandrek (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23126089&postcount=56) CN Shifter Swash5/Barb1

3rd, Bronze

Vanessa Potshot (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23126095&postcount=57) ?? Lightfoot Halfling Rogue2/SA Fighter1/Swash3


Swash Shielder (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23126100&postcount=58) N Badger Hengeyokai Arcane Stunt Shield of Blades Swash5/H&R Fighter1


Swash Kneebuckler (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23126102&postcount=59) ?? Human Swash5/Crusader1

2nd, Silver

Dante Otaile (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23126108&postcount=60) ?? Half-Elf Swash6


Cassandra Nova Feroxx (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23126112&postcount=61) CG Changeling Rogue1/Swash4/Shaper1

1st, Gold

Ahmer Hemsea (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23126115&postcount=62) NG Kalashtar Swash3/Fighter2/Dervish1

4th, Honorable Mention

Badmar the Bold (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23126123&postcount=63) NG Human Swash3/Psy War1/Fighter2


Round 4: Knight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?542333-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(IV))
Round 5: Ninja (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?548763-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-V))
Round 6: Racial Paragon Classes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?551174-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-VI))
Round 7: Hexblade (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?553767-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-VII))
Round 8: Shugenja (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?555626-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-VIII))

Round 1: Divine Mind (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?197000-Iron-Chef-Appetizer-Edition!-(e6))
Round 2: Monk (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?201548-Iron-Chef-Appetizer-Edition!-(e6)-II)
Round 3: Marshal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?235221-Iron-Chef-Appetizer-Edition-(E6)-III)

2018-05-18, 09:15 PM
I had hoped to wait a little longer before dipping into Complete Warrior again, but after that hard stumble with Shugenja, I feel like we need to go back to where this contest is perhaps strongest: classes that have a very clear intended flavor and yet that have something holding them back from being quite as awesome as the devs seemed to think. Ninja was one of our best rounds, after all, and I see Swashbuckler as being very similar to Ninja in a lot of ways. (Insert "pirates vs. ninjas" joke here, because it's still 2003, right? All your base are belong to—you know what, I'll show myself out.)

2018-05-18, 09:17 PM
Thank you Zaq for continuing to host with such panache! I'm definitely going to try to get a build in!

2018-05-18, 09:18 PM
I like this, I will enter, and I will like it.

PS to Zaq; sorry for posting before your second post! I deleted it so you have your second post slot. I didn't realize until I refreshed.

2018-05-18, 09:58 PM
Woo, finals are over so I should be able to get something in for this one! Sorry I couldn't fit it in with my schedule on the last round, I actually liked the ingredient...

2018-05-18, 10:25 PM
I've always liked the Swashbuckler, so I'm definitely going to have a go.

2018-05-18, 10:28 PM
Oh hell yeah.
Btw Zaq, really, don't feel bad about the Shugenja debacle. It was a difficult problem to foresee with the class being so janky and the contestants having time issues.

I had hoped to wait a little longer before dipping into Complete Warrior again, but after that hard stumble with Shugenja, I feel like we need to go back to where this contest is perhaps strongest: classes that have a very clear intended flavor and yet that have something holding them back from being quite as awesome as the devs seemed to think. Ninja was one of our best rounds, after all, and I see Swashbuckler as being very similar to Ninja in a lot of ways. (Insert "pirates vs. ninjas" joke here, because it's still 2003, right? All your base are belong to—you know what, I'll show myself out.)

Whoa I actually completely forgot about that.

2018-05-18, 10:37 PM
in to build :)

2018-05-19, 03:33 AM
I have a thought, but it's a little sketchy. I'll sleep on it and see how it looks in the morning. Definitely interested though, broadly speaking.

2018-05-19, 05:22 AM
I'm in to cook. And by that I mean that I've already put all the ingredients in the pot, and am now just letting it simmer a bit before adding some final seasoning.

2018-05-20, 12:54 PM
Four class features in six levels, and two of them are almost completely useless. This is going to be fun.

2018-05-20, 01:11 PM
Four class features in six levels, and two of them are almost completely useless. This is going to be fun.

It did always bug me that they thought "A slightly better than poor Reflex save" and "One specific bonus feat" were class features.

2018-05-20, 01:14 PM
It did always bug me that they thought "A slightly better than poor Reflex save" and "One specific bonus feat" were class features.
And I'm counting that bonus feat as one of the slightly better than completely useless features.

2018-05-20, 03:03 PM
I'm expecting some creative solutions to these problems, though I do agree that the Swashbuckler is very, very firmly guilty of giving class features of, shall we say, questionable utility. Still, I have faith that there's going to be some good dishes here, if for no other reason than that the flavor is strong enough to inspire us.

Also, don't you just love the weird gaps in the skill list? It's the best list in CW, but that isn't saying much. It has a couple useful skills, and yet, it's almost more noteworthy for what it doesn't contain than for what it does.

2018-05-20, 04:35 PM
It did always bug me that they thought "A slightly better than poor Reflex save" and "One specific bonus feat" were class features.

On that subject, I'm assuming for this contest the Dodge class feature does NOT count as the Dodge feat for prereq purposes?

2018-05-20, 04:38 PM
It doesn't say that it counts as the feat for prereqs, so my feeling is that it's not the feat for prereqs, as obnoxious as that is.

If you believe you have a strong argument to the contrary, feel free to explicitly spell it out for the judges, but you're pretty much going to be on the hook if that argument isn't accepted.

2018-05-20, 04:52 PM
There is actually some language to that effect. It's tucked away in an old 3.0 sourcebook, but has never been contradicted as far as I know.

If you effectively have a feat as a class feature or special
ability, then you can use that virtual feat as a
prerequisite for other feats. What does this mean? If
you have, for example, some class feature or ability that
says, “This is the same as Mobility,” then you are
considered to have the Mobility feat for the purposes
of acquiring the Spring Attack feat. If you ever lose
that virtual prerequisite, you also lose access to any
feats you acquired through its existence.

2018-05-28, 03:34 PM
Got one entry in so far. How's everyone doing? I know many people in the States have today off as part of a long weekend, so I won't say that there's no weekend left between now and the deadline, but we're definitely on the downhill side of things.

2018-05-28, 04:33 PM
i completely forgot.

2018-05-28, 04:34 PM
i completely forgot.
You aren't the only one...

2018-05-28, 04:35 PM
You aren't the only one...

Lets build and submit today!

2018-05-28, 04:46 PM
Lets build and submit today!
If I can focus.

2018-05-28, 04:52 PM
I actually remembered, but I'm struggling to come up with anything.

2018-05-28, 05:01 PM
I have 4 (!) ideas cooking. I'm evaluating what are the best ones and should have the time to write one in, maybe a second, but let's say one for now.

2018-05-28, 10:20 PM
I have an idea in progress. Should have it submitted by the date.

2018-05-28, 11:18 PM
All that needs doing is formatting :)

2018-05-29, 01:20 AM
I've got one idea that's almost done. I might need a 4 hour extension to get it in though, because I'll be able to work on it either tomorrow evening or friday evening depending on external circumstances. I'll report on that tomorrow.

2018-05-29, 11:01 AM
I don't see the rules regarding magic items or WBL (or just equipment in general)? Do I just look up an Iron Chef competition for those?

2018-05-29, 11:11 AM
I don't see the rules regarding magic items or WBL (or just equipment in general)? Do I just look up an Iron Chef competition for those?

There aren't any, really. Most people present their builds without items, or present some examples of items that would work nicely. It's better not to make a build that absolutely needs a certain item to function.

2018-05-29, 11:12 AM
I don't see the rules regarding magic items or WBL (or just equipment in general)? Do I just look up an Iron Chef competition for those?

Whenever I include items judges dock me. It's up to the individual judges.

2018-05-29, 11:33 AM
It seems strange to me that one of Swashbuckler's most prominent and unique features is about being good with finessable weapons (not that that's all there is to the class) but the competition dings you on using any?

Is it supposed to be, "builds that are good with any weapon they'd be proficient with"?

EDIT: I guess I had some expectation that Martial characters tend to have special relationships with particular items like a weapon they are almost married to. I'm having trouble thinking of martial characters I care deeply about that don't have equipment that is special to the character beyond optimizing their efficiency

2018-05-29, 11:44 AM
It seems strange to me that one of Swashbuckler's most prominent and unique features is about being good with finessable weapons (not that that's all there is to the class) but the competition dings you on using any?

Is it supposed to be, "builds that are good with any weapon they'd be proficient with"?

EDIT: I guess I had some expectation that Martial characters tend to have special relationships with particular items like a weapon they are almost married to. I'm having trouble thinking of martial characters I care deeply about that don't have equipment that is special to the character beyond optimizing their efficiency

Okay, let me change that answer slightly. No one will ding you for stating your character will use a spiked chain and a chain shirt.

However; if your build flat-out doesn't function without a cloak of flying and a +2 charging valorous lance, that might just cost you some points.

2018-05-29, 12:02 PM
Okay, let me change that answer slightly. No one will ding you for stating your character will use a spiked chain and a chain shirt.

However; if your build flat-out doesn't function without a cloak of flying and a +2 charging valorous lance, that might just cost you some points.

Well, maybe they'd ding that on originality, but point taken. The contest is about character ability, not character ability to wield a powerful magic item.

As I was looking at options, I didn't know how far into equipment was kosher. Sounds like, "minimize it as much as you can."

2018-05-30, 02:16 AM
I'd just like to announce I'd really like a couple of hours extension so I can finish my build on friday.

2018-05-30, 08:56 AM
I think we can handle an extension. How’s Monday work, just to give everyone an extra weekend?

2018-05-30, 10:11 AM
Sounds fine to me.

2018-05-30, 01:08 PM
Sounds good. Same Bat-time otherwise?

2018-05-30, 02:43 PM
Yeah, same time, just with a three-day extension. I’ve updated the OP.

Just to throw something out there and take the temperature of the room, I haven’t decided for sure if this would be fun yet, but how would you folks feel if I were to present a “Chair’s exhibition build” in this competition or a future one? Basically, this would be the build that I would have submitted if I weren’t running this thing. The restrictions I’m thinking of are that I’d present it as being clearly separate (it wouldn’t be anonymous), it wouldn’t factor in the final rankings or be eligible to place, judging it would be optional, and I’d try only to submit it if none of the proper dishes used the same fundamental trick as their foundation.

Would that leave a bad taste in anyone’s mouth? Keeping the competition harmonious is far more important to me than submitting unjudgeable builds, but I figure it’s worth asking. I doubt I’d do it too often.

2018-05-30, 02:44 PM
I'd be totally fine with that.

2018-05-30, 02:52 PM
Aww man, I just discovered a trick but I still haven't finished my first build which is way cooler.

2018-05-30, 04:02 PM
Yeah, same time, just with a three-day extension. I’ve updated the OP.

Just to throw something out there and take the temperature of the room, I haven’t decided for sure if this would be fun yet, but how would you folks feel if I were to present a “Chair’s exhibition build” in this competition or a future one? Basically, this would be the build that I would have submitted if I weren’t running this thing. The restrictions I’m thinking of are that I’d present it as being clearly separate (it wouldn’t be anonymous), it wouldn’t factor in the final rankings or be eligible to place, judging it would be optional, and I’d try only to submit it if none of the proper dishes used the same fundamental trick as their foundation.

Would that leave a bad taste in anyone’s mouth? Keeping the competition harmonious is far more important to me than submitting unjudgeable builds, but I figure it’s worth asking. I doubt I’d do it too often.

Go for it man. You should also get a taste of the fun.

2018-05-30, 04:45 PM
don't see any issues w/ that. maybe just post it either at the end of the round or after the first judging, or in w/ the speculation/never realized builds to keep it separate so it doesn't get mixed up :p

2018-05-31, 04:03 AM
As long as its seperate, it's fine, and thanks for the extension.

2018-06-01, 05:55 PM
Aha!! I had thought that the birth of my Nephew would have caused me to miss out but with an extension I might be able to get my build in! Everything is wonderful!!!

2018-06-01, 06:53 PM
Friendly reminder: approximately 72 hours remain!

2018-06-04, 11:09 AM
Dear chairman, is there a chance of an additional two hour extension for me to finish up a build?

2018-06-04, 11:48 AM
I think we might be able to accommodate that. Depending on exactly how my night unfolds, this may result in the reveal being pretty late, but this is all in fun anyway.

2018-06-04, 01:36 PM
I think we might be able to accommodate that. Depending on exactly how my night unfolds, this may result in the reveal being pretty late, but this is all in fun anyway.
Sent! Thank you

2018-06-04, 04:43 PM
Well crud. I mis-remembered the submission deadline and missed it. :(

I may post my build after the reveal anyways, or at least a stub

2018-06-04, 04:46 PM
Well crud. I mis-remembered the submission deadline and missed it. :(

I may post my build after the reveal anyways, or at least a stub

until he starts posting builds, it isn't to late... send it in!

2018-06-04, 05:02 PM
Did I do my math wrong? The intended deadline is in about 2 hours. Dare requested an extension, though he seems to have submitted his build already. But even without an extension, the posted deadline is in about 2 hours.

2018-06-04, 05:09 PM
No, you're good, I just have significantly more than 2 hours of work. I thought it was tomorrow because I apparently can't read :p

2018-06-04, 06:30 PM
That's my bad. I didn't see the -8 in gmt -8. No extension was necessary.

I thought I had to use my boy's naptime to finish up, under gmt, but then he learned how to climb out of his bedcage yesterday, so his sleep shifted by three hours wherein we had to keep wrangling him back to his designated sleeping area.

It's been a hectic week. I found out that I got elected on a write in ballot last Thursday from the primary 3 weeks before, (1 vote!) so sorry for the badbrain.

2018-06-04, 08:09 PM
I think that the conversation has convinced me that the time has come.

Pencils down, folks. I'll be posting the builds presently.

This may take me a minute. First, quite a few chefs sent me builds without including the names in the titles, so if you're one of them and you're waiting anxiously for me to do this, I want you to sit there and think about what you did. Please do better next time.

Anyway, I also, um, let's say that I metaphorically didn't get my coffee* this morning, so you're not getting any meaningful commentary with the reveal this time. Sorry folks. But let's get to it.

*Not literal coffee, but I feel like I've been sleepwalking all day, so we'll move on.

2018-06-04, 08:19 PM
Build the first!

So, what do we do with the Swashbuckler? It's barely different from a Fighter except that it gets 4+int to skills and it picks your first bonus feat for you. Grace is honestly insulting as an idea for a class feature. Insightful Strike is interesting, there aren't many other ways to add Intelligence to damage, especially this early in the game. Not really anything to guide a character concept, but it can give us a direction I guess.
So, in an overview of the class, what can we divine that it is supposed to do? Well, not much really. There isn't much guidance from the designers in this way. I guess you're a Fighter with Weapon Finesse and good intelligence? But that's not a character. So let's look at what draws someone to the class when they see it in Complete Warrior. The part that makes you go "Oh wow maybe I wanna play this class." What part is that? That's right! It's the name. Swashbuckler. It just sounds so darn cool. Now, what does Swashbuckler actually mean? Let's ask google.

a swashbuckling person.

:smallsigh: Okay.

gerund or present participle: swashbuckling
engage in daring and romantic adventures with ostentatious bravado or flamboyance.

Aha! Well now that's something to work with. We're making a stylish and bombastic hero. A guy who knows that the most important thing required for the success of an adventure is high drama, good storytelling, and a whole lot of luck. What better way to ensure that that happens to you than to be your own narrator?


Emilio Scoundrél
Stub: Human Swashbuckler 1/Truenamer 1/Swashbuckler 3/Truenamer 2
Alignment: Any

“The universe loves a drama, and it helps when you have a script.”

Ability Scores:
15 (+1 at 4)

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Swashbuckler 1
Balance 4, Bluff 4, Climb 4, Escape Artist 4, Jump 4, Swim 4, Tumble 4, Use Rope 4
Weapon Finesse, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Whip), Two Weapon Fighting
What’s a class feature?

Truenamer 1
Truespeak 3, Knowledge (Arcana) 5

Known Personal Truename, First UotEM Level 1(Knight’s Puissance)

Swashbuckler 2
Knowledge (Local) 5,Use Rope 5, Climb 3, Jump 5
Knowledge Devotion (Local)
Arcane Stunt (Expeditious Retreat)

Swashbuckler 3
Knowledge (Local) 7, Climb 5, Balance 5, Tumble 4, Jump 6
Skill Trick (Whip Climber)
Insightful Strike

Truenamer 2
Truespeak 8, Knowledge (Nature) 1

Knowledge Focus (Nature), Second UotEM Level 1(Universal Aptitude)

Truenamer 3
Truespeak 9, Knowledge (Nature) 4, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 1, Knowledge (Religion) 2, Knowledge (The Planes) 1
Skill Focus (Truespeak)
Third UotEM Level 2(Hidden Truth)

Epic Feats:
These feats are taken as groups generally to enforce certain parts of the character that are needed at different points in the story, though they all add up together in the end to make up a swashbuckling hero.

Martial Study (Wolf Fang Strike)
Martial Study (Sudden Leap)
Leap of the Heavens

Lucky Catch
Make Your Own Luck
Unbelievable Luck
Tempting Fate
Utterance of the Evolving Mind (Speed of the Zephyr)
Minor Utterance of the Evolving Mind (Inertia Surge)

2018-06-04, 08:20 PM
Build the second! I appear to have messed up my own alphabetization scheme, but we're just going to roll with it!


“Well then, how about this one?” The older coroner asked his apprentice.

“same as the previous 2. Multiple stab wounds in the torso, apparently made within seconds of each other. Gang tattoo still visible on the upper arm. Lots of old scars.” The apprentice responded quickly and precisely.

“That’s all?”

“ye…no, sir. There’s also these wounds on the right lower arm. Looks like… bite-marks. A sizeable beast. Maybe a wolf or very large dog. Looks like this is the cause of death actually. Bled out from the arteries here.”

The coroner nodded approvingly. “Alright, that seems to be all. What can we conclude from these three bodies?”

“Gang-war sir. Given that there was no blood on their weapons, I’d say they were ambushed by a rival group. About 5-6 of them, given the amount of stab wounds, as well as an attack dog.”

“That sounds about right. Very well, let’s write the report and have these bodies disposed of.”

“Ehm doctor?” A guardsman had entered the morgue. “There’s a … man upstairs to claim these bodies. ”

“Not very surprising. Some gangs do care for their own.” The coroner shrugged. "Send him down, we're done." The coroner turned to his apprentice. Please handle this.. I'll write the report.

"So, uhm.. where these friends of yours?" The apprentice had helped the man load all three bodies on the back of a reproachfully looking mule. Something about him made the young man incredibly uncomfortable, and his silence didn't help.

"what, these idiots?"The man laughed, showing off a set of sharp canines. "No, these fools ambushed me in an alley yesterday. Probably thought a lone traveler would be an easy target. If I'd known there was a bounty on their heads, I'd have saved you guys the trouble and cleaned them up myself."

CN Shifter Swasbuckler 5/Barbarian 1
Ability scores (includes racial adjustment)
STR: 10
DEX: 20
CON: 14
INT: 12
WIS: 8
CHA: 8

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Swashbuckler 1
balance 4, tumble 4, Profession: Bounty hunter 4, use rope 4, sense motive 4
two-weapon fighting
Weapon finesse

Swashbuckler 2
balance 5, tumble 5, Profession: Bounty hunter 5, use rope 5, sense motive 5
Grace +1

Swashbuckler 3
balance 6, tumble 6, Profession: Bounty hunter 6, use rope 6, sense motive 6
longtooth elite
Insightful strike

Swashbuckler 4
balance 7, tumble 7, Profession: Bounty hunter 7, use rope 7, sense motive 7

Swashbuckler 5
balance 8, tumble 8, Profession: Bounty hunter 8, use rope 8, sense motive 8
Shield of Blades(ACF)

Barbarian 1
balance 8, tumble 8, Profession: Bounty hunter 8, use rope 8, sense motive 8, listen 3, skill trick: twisted charge
improved two-weapon fighting
Spirit Lion totem(ACF), whirling Frenzy (ACF)

Epic feats
martial study (shadow Jaunt)
martial stance(island of blades)
shadow blade
shifter savagery
Shifter defense
extra shifter trait(beasthide)
beasthide elite
extra rage
greater shifter defense

HP: 22+4d10+1d12 (average 50)
AC: 18(with normal studded leather)/ 26(while raging, shifting and with island of blades up)
Basic full-round Attack (with shortsword): 9/9/4/4 to hit, 1d6+5 damage each
Charge while shifting and raging: shortsword: 9/9/9/4/4 to hit, 1d6+8, bite: 9 to hit, 2d6+2 damage, 1 con damage
Rage: 3 uses per day
Shifting: 4 uses per day

Zandrek plays fairly simple in combat. You rush at an enemy, you stab him a whole bunch of times, maybe bite him as well. Rinse and repeat untill they die. You're no charger, but pounce does allow you to close with foes without losing most of your attacks. The Island of blades stance allows for very easy flanking for extra bonuses. You should have enough uses of shifting and rage to sue at least one of the two each fight.

Out of combat shadow jaunt gives you pretty nice maneuverability, while your ranks in profession: Bounty hunter should be fairly flexible, likely letting you at the very least track your quarry and work through payment negotiations, with everything past that being up to the DM. Do talk about your DM in advance to determine how far you can stretch these ranks.

You know how to use the tools of your trade, how to perform the profession’s daily tasks, how to supervise helpers, and how to handle common problems. For example, a sailor knows how to tie several basic knots, how to tend and repair sails, and how to stand a deck watch at sea. The DM sets DCs for specialized tasks.

races of eberron: Shifter, extra shifter trait, longtooth elite, shifter savagery
eberron campaing setting: beasthide elite, shifter defense, greater shifeter defense
Tome of battle: Martial study, amrtial stance, shadow blade, island of blades
unearthed arcana: Whilring frenzy
complete champion: Lion totem
complete scoundrel: twisted charge
complete warrior: swashbuckler, extra rage
PHB: barbarian, two weapon fighting, improved two weapon fighting
PHB2: shield of blades

2018-06-04, 08:22 PM
Build the third!

Vanessa Potshot

Vanessa Potshot

Lightfoot Halfling

12 STR
-2 racial


14 DEX
+2 Racial


14 CON


17 INT

+1 level up



10 CHA


10 Str
16 Dex
14 Con
17 Int +1 at level 4
9 Wis
10 Cha




Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features

Climb +4, Jump +4, Tumble +4, Sleight of Hand +4, Balance +4, Hide +4, Move Silently +4, Disguise +4, Escape Artist +4, Use Rope +4, Bluff +4
Point Blank Shot
Sneak Attack +1d6

Climb +5, Jump +5, Tumble +5, Sleight of Hand +4, Balance +4, Hide +4, Move Silently +4, Disguise +4, Escape Artist +5, Use Rope +4, Bluff +5, Leaping Climber

Weapon Finesse

Climb +6, Jump +6, Tumble +6, Sleight of Hand +4, Balance +5, Hide +4, Move Silently +4, Disguise +4, Escape Artist +6, Use Rope +5, Bluff +6, Leaping Climber
Rapid Shot

Climb +7, Jump +7, Tumble +7, Sleight of Hand +4, Balance +5, Hide +4, Move Silently +4, Disguise +4, Escape Artist +7, Use Rope +6, Bluff +7, Leaping Climber, Speedy Ascent

Insightful Strike

Sneak Attack Fighter
Climb +8, Jump +8, Tumble +8, Sleight of Hand +4, Balance +5, Hide +4, Move Silently +4, Disguise +4, Escape Artist +8, Use Rope +6, Bluff +7, Leaping Climber, Speedy Ascent

Sneak Attack +1d6, Hit and Run Tactics

Climb +9, Jump +9, Tumble +9, Sleight of Hand +4, Balance +5, Hide +5, Move Silently +5, Disguise +4, Escape Artist +9, Use Rope +5.5, Bluff +9, Leaping Climber, Speedy Ascent, Corner Perch
Daring Outlaw



Epic Feat

Two Weapon Fighting

Weapon Focus: Hand Crossbow

Crossbow Sniper

Precise Shot

Leap of the Heavens

Plunging Shot

Freerunner (Extreme Leap, Wall Jumper)

Gnome Tunnel Acrobatics

Versatile Combatant

Quick Draw

Vanessa checked her hand crossbows again. They were fine, as they had been the last ten times. Still, you could never be too careful. Unlike those simple weapons most fools used crossbows, especially the smaller varieties, could be tempermental if not treated with the proper care. And nothing was worse than facing down a horde of angry guards with nothing but a broken crossbow and a quiver of bolts.

With a sigh Vanessa slumped against the wall. She had been sitting at her perch for the past few hours, still no sign of action. A sniper must be prepared to wait hours on end, hidden, waiting for the moment to strike. She knew this. That didn’t mean she had to like it. Why did she have to be the one waiting here? Couldn’t one of the others do it? Sure, she was the most qualified for the job, but she had other talents too. She fidgeted again, trying to keep her legs from falling asleep.

It wasn’t supposed to be taking them this long. Had she missed them? Crawling to the edge of the roof she peered over the edge, down at the dark streets below. No, there’s no way she could have missed it. Even if everything had gone off without a hitch they would have given the signal to let her know it was time to go. And if the more likely had happened and the guards were alerted she would have seen—and heard—them coming clear down the road. Had they been caught then? Surely not, they were too good for that. Still, it was a possibility.

Well, either way, only two hours remained on her watch. Two hours until she was to give up on them, assume they had been captured or worse. Still, that was two hours she could have been fighting, putting her crossbows to use. On that note she checked them again. Just to be sure. You never knew when you could have missed something.

A loud bang snapped her from her revery. Was that them? Leaning further over the edge she peered down the street, straining to see if her comrades were coming. She heard them before she saw them, Gaidrik shouting at Thorn to hurry up, stop gawking at every little thing, the usual. Further behind them she heard the calls of guards, rallying the others around the city to form up, block them up. Vanessa stood up. Gaidrik and Thorn would lead the guards past her. This was the optimal root, the local lord, the fool he was, having taking half his guard on a hunting expedition. So long as she could hold them off here long enough for the others to escape with the goods, they’d be in the clear.

They’d be to her position in less than a minute. Finally, something to do. For the first time that night a smile crossed Vanessa’s lips. As she moved to the optimal volley point she checked her crossbows once more. After all, you can never be too careful.

2018-06-04, 08:23 PM
Build the fourth!

Swash Shielder - The Swashbuckler

https://c-6rtwjumjzx7877x24i6z0u8q9bufd8px2ehqtzikwtsyx2esjy .g00.gamepedia.com/g00/3_c-6inhjhfrjwffhynts.lfrjujinf.htr_/c-6RTWJUMJZX77x24myyux78x3ax2fx2fi6z0u8q9bufd8p.hqtz ikwtsy.sjyx2finhjhfrjwffhynts_lfrjujinf_jsx2f9x2f9 7x2fKnwjLnfsy.uslx3fajwx78ntsx3djhi479g307jj4gkiij j85f2j5g27k1h0x26n65h.rfwpx3dnrflj_$/$/$/$/$

Alignment: Neutral
Race: Badger Hengeyokai (OA p.10, OA p.168, Dragon #318 OA 3.5 update)
Class: Arcane Stunt (complete mage p.32) Shield of blades (PHB2 p.68) Swash buckler 5 / Hit and Run (Drow of the Underdark p.25) Fighter 1

Humanoid (shapechanger)

STR 14, DEX 16, CON 14, (16 in hybrid form) INT 16, WIS 6, CHA 8
Level 4: +1 to DEX

As per OA update, the shapechanger type becomes a subtype. The LA is removed. Due to having the shapechanger subtype, if the creature has armor listed in its monster entry, it is also proficient in shields. OA p.168, the hengeyokai have ashigrau armor proficiency on their stat block. So they are proficient in shields for free. In hybrid form, Swash

Arcane stunt

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Skills (Crossclass)
Class Features

Knowledge Arcana 1, Tumble 4, craft (shields) 4, Balance 4, climb 4, Jump 4, Climb 4, Listen 1
Weapon Finesse, combat expertise
Weapon Finesse, Arcane Stunt: expeditious retreat duration 1 round 4/day (CM p.32)

Tumble 5, Jump 5, Balance 5, Listen 2, Craft 5, climb 5

Tumble 6, Jump 6, Balance 6, Craft 6, Climb 6, Listen 3
Inlindl School (Drow of the Underdark, p. 56)
Insightful Strike

Tumble 7, Jump 7, Balance 7, Craft 7, Climb 7, Ride 1

Tumble 8, Jump 8, Balance 8, Craft 8, Climb 8, Listen 4

Shield of Blades (PHB2 p.68)

Tumble 9, Ride 5
Two weapon Fighting, Shield Wall (Heroes of Battle p.99)
Hit and Run Tactics, Bonus Feat

Indidl School: At the start of your turn, you can choose to sacrifice your shield bonus to AC in exchange for a bonus on melee attack rolls equal to one-half that bonus. This bonus applies only on attacks made with light weapons (or other weapons to which Weapon Finesse applies). This effect lasts until the start of your next turn.

Shield of Blades: You gain a +2 shield bonus to your AC whenever you attack with at least two light weapons during your turn. (Despite the name of this class feature, you can use any light weapon to gain the benefit, even unarmed strikes or natural weapons.) This AC bonus lasts until the start of your next turn. This is an extraordinary ability.

Shield Wall: When you and an adjacent ally are each using a shield, your shield bonus to Armor Class increases by 2.


1. Shieldmate (Miniatures Handbook p. 28): When using a shield friendly creatures adjacent to you get a +1 shield bonus to their Armor Class.
2. Two-Weapon Defense: Prerequisite Two-Weapon Fighting (PH), DEX 15, When wielding two weapons (not including natural weapons or unarmed strikes), you gain a +1 shield bonus to your AC. When you are fighting defensively or using the total defense action, this shield bonus increases to +2.
3. Improved Two-Weapon Defense (Complete Warrior p. 101) Prerequisite Two-Weapon Fighting (PH) , Two-Weapon Defense (PH) , DEX 17, base attack bonus +6: When wielding two weapons (not including natural weapons or unarmed strikes), you gain a +2 shield bonus to your Armor Class. When you are fighting defensively or using the total defense action, this shield bonus increases to +4.
4. Power Attack
5. Martial study: (Tome of Battle p.31) MOUNTAIN HAMMER (ToB p.84) Stone Dragon (Strike) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature or unattended object: As part of this maneuver, you make a single melee attack. This attack deals an extra 2d6 points of damage and automatically overcomes damage reduction and hardness.
6. Stone Power (Tome of Battle p. 32): Prerequisite STR 13, one Stone Dragon maneuver: When you use an attack action or a full attack action, or you initiate a Stone Dragon strike in melee combat, you can take a penalty of as much as -5 on your attack rolls. This number cannot exceed your base attack bonus. You gain temporary hit points equal to twice the number that you subtract from your attack rolls (to a maximum of+10). These temporary hitpoints last until the beginning of your next turn. Special Stone Power can be used in place of Power Attack to qualify for a feat, prestige class, or other special ability. You can take both this feat and Power Attack.
7. Improved Bull Rush
8. Shock Trooper (Complete Warrior p. 112):Prerequisite Improved Bull Rush (PH) , Power Attack (PH) , base attack bonus +6:Directed Bull Rush: To use this maneuver, you must make a successful bull rush attempt as part of a charge. For every square you push your foe back, you may also push that foe one square to the left or right.
Domino Rush: To use this maneuver, you must make a successful bull rush attempt that forces a foe into the same square as another foe. You may make a free trip attempt against both foes at the same time, and neither foe gets a chance to trip you if your attempt fails.
Heedless Charge: To use this maneuver, you must charge and make the attack at the end of the charge using your Power Attack feat. The penalty you take on your attack roll must be -5 or worse. In addition to normal charge modifiers (which give you a -2 penalty to AC and a +2 bonus on the attack roll), you can assign any portion of the attack roll penalty from Power Attack to your Armor Class instead, up to a maximum equal to your base attack bonus. Special A fighter may select Shock Trooper as one of his fighter bonus feats.
9. Throw anything: (Complete Warrior p. 105) Prerequisite DEX 15, Base attack bonus +2, Proficiency with weapon: You can throw a melee weapon you are proficient with as if it were a ranged weapon. The range increment of weapons used in conjunction with this feat is 10 feet. Normal You can't throw a melee weapon without taking a -4 penalty unless it has a range increment (such as a hand axe or a dagger).
10. Travel Devotion: (Complete Champion, p. 62) 1/day as a swift action, move up to your speed as a swift action each round. Thus, you can move your speed and then take a full-round action, or move and take two other actions (two move actions or one move action and one standard action). This effect lasts for 1 minute. You cannot take a 5-foot step in the same round that you use this feat to move as a swift action.

Mundane equipment that you can buy with money in most vaguely oriental themed fantasy settings
Dastana OA p.75: These large metal bracers can be worn in addition to some other types of armor to provide an additional armor bonus that stacks with both the foundation armor and any shield worn. A character can wear dastana with padded, leather, or chain shirt armor. A character needs Armor Proficiency (light) to wear dastana without penalty.
Kappa Shell: (OA p.76) Nezumi soldiers occasionally use kappa shells for protection, strapping the hard shell to their backs and crawling on all fours to advance their position. Used this way, a kappa shell functions much like a tower shield, providing nine-tenths cover (+10 to AC, +4 on Reflex saves, with half damage on a failed save and none on a successful save) as long as the covered nezumi remains on all fours, moving at half his speed. Once engaged in melee, a sensible ratling sheds the shell entirely. Humans can use kappa shells as well, but generally find the concept demeaning. A character needs Shield Proficiency to use a kappa shell without penalty.
Shield Sheath (races of Stone p.158)This small sheath fits on the inside of a shield (but not a buckler) and holds one light weapon (of your size category or smaller). As long as you have the shield ready, drawing the weapon in the shield sheath is a free action. No shield can have more than one shield sheath attached to it.
Light Shield with shield spikes
Grasping shield (races of Faerun p.158)These spiked small metal shields have a powerful spring inside them. By releasing the spring, the wielder causes the spikes to collapse inward toward the center of the shield. When this is done in melee combat, it allows the user to attempt to grasp and wrest away a weapon wielded by an opponent. Like all shields, a grasping shield is considered a light weapon when attacking. The grasping attack, when used, allows one disarm attempt. This disarm attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity, nor does it allow the defender a chance to disarm the attacker. All normal penalties for attacking with an off hand or with two weapons apply to the disarm attempt. Once sprung, the grasping shield functions as a normal small metal shield until reset. Resetting the shield is a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

phb2 p.165 Multiple Affiliations: You can be associated with multiple affiliations at one time. However, each subsequent affiliation is harder to maintain. The first affiliation that you have (your primary affiliation) imposes a –10 penalty on all other affiliation scores. Subsequent affiliations oppose an additional –5 penalty to each affiliation that you gain afterward. In other words, you can have one affiliation score with no penalty, a second at –10, a third at –15, a fourth at –20, and so on.

Swash Belongs to the Protection Domain Church first. Then joins the war domain affiliation.
Protection domain affiliation: p.40 Knight-Defender: You can ready a shield as a free action (normally a move action).

War Domain Affiliation p.42: Commander: Once per day, gain double the normal bonus when using Combat Expertise or Power Attack. If using a two-handed weapon with Power Attack, you gain three times the damage for each –1 you take on the attack roll.

Swash is devoted to using shields. He likes combining burrowing with the tumble skill to get out of the way of damage. He's a badger hengeyokai with all of what that involves.

Description of what is going on here.

First off, let's talk about shield sheathes. You can fit any light weapon into one. Do you know what counts as a light weapon? A spiked shield! So you can stack as many shields inside each other as you care to and you can draw them as a free action!

Just because you drew a shield doesn't mean that you get to don it. That takes a move action. Unless of course, you belong to an affiliation with a churchlike devotion to protection. These can be found in Complete champion. At rank 3, after doing a year or two of guarding stuff, Swash can ready a shield as a free action. Sweet now we can use our mundane stack of endless spiked shields and get to use them.

When you use a light shield or a grasping shield to attack, it is considered a light weapon. Therefor, you can use weapon finesse.

Moving on. Shield bonuses don't stack.

You know what does stack? Untyped bonuses to attack rolls from Indidl school. Swashbuckler grants a +2 when you dual wield light weapons. So if you are using two shields with your TWF, you can sacrifice one shield bonus and keep the other. But the wordage of Indididle school says that you have to sacrifice your entire shield bonus at the start of your turn. So if you are using two shields, you can sacrifice both shield bonuses which don't stack to receive a bonus to hit.


Let's do more.

With shieldmate, If you are next to a friendly creature, you grant them a +1 shield bonus to their AC with your shield. With Shield Wall, if you and your adjacent ally are using a shield, (your shield) you get a +2 bonus to your shield bonus to AC. So long as you are standing near someone considered an ally, you get +2 to all of your shield bonuses.

Two weapon defense grants you a shield bonus when you use two weapons.

So at the beginning of your turn, just start sacrificing your shield bonuses. If you round up, that's a +8 to attack on top of your 6 BAB and your 3 from dex. You add your intelligence and strength to damage. If your opponent is flat footed, say from you burrowing up to them, you add your dex to that damage. With all of that bonus, you can dual wield, subtract 2 for expertise, subtract 2 for power attack and subtract 2 for stone power and be doing fine.

You can drop a shield as a move action. But if you throw your shield during your attack you get rid of it as part of that iterative. You can shield sheath out another spiked shield as a free action, and don it as a free action and get more shield bonus back, which will stack on top of your dodge bonus from combat expertise.

With all of that extra shield bonus turned into attack bonus, expertise allows you to fight super defensively. Power attack allows you to boost damage. Stone power allows you to boost your HP. Affiliating yourself with a church of war allows you to 1/day double those power attack and stone power bonuses.

Expeditious retreat as an arcane stunt allows you to burrow quickly. You can withdraw by tumbling into a burrow, thus avoiding AOOs. The listen skill paired with a second level lens companion spirit DMG2 p.199 will help you with your listen checks to surface and attack.

2018-06-04, 08:24 PM
Build the fifth!

Swash Kneebuckler
Human Swashbuckler 5/Crusader 1

Str 10
Dex 16
Con 13
Int 16
Wis 13
Cha 08

4th level boost to Con.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Swashbuckler 1

Balance 4
Climb 4
Escape Artist 4
Jump 4
Sense Motive 4
Swim 4
Tumble 4
Use Rope 4

1st: Dodge (Player's Handbook p.93); H: Shape Soulmeld (Impulse Boots) (Magic of Incarnum p.40/71); B: Weapon Finesse (Player's Handbook p.102)

Swashbuckler 2

Balance 5
Climb 5
Escape Artist 5
Jump 5
Sense Motive 5
Swim 5
Tumble 5
Use Rope 5

Grace +1

Swashbuckler 3

Balance 6
Climb 6
Escape Artist 6
Jump 6
Sense Motive 6
Swim 6
Tumble 6
Use Rope 6

3rd: Mobility (Player's Handbook p.98)
Insightful Strike

Swashbuckler 4

Balance 7
Climb 7
Escape Artist 7
Jump 7
Sense Motive 7
Swim 7
Tumble 7
Use Rope 7


Swashbuckler 5

Balance 8
Climb 8
Escape Artist 8
Jump 8
Sense Motive 8
Swim 8
Tumble 8
Use Rope 8

Dodge Bonus +1

Crusader 1 (Tome of Battle p.8)

Balance 9
Climb 8
Escape Artist 9
Jump 9
K: history 1
Sense Motive 9
Swim 8
Tumble 9
Use Rope 8

6th: Elusive Target (Complete Warrior p.110)
Furious Counterstrike; Steely Resolve 5

1.Crusader's Strike
2.Vanguard's Strike
3.Douse the Flames
4.Mountain Hammer
5.Tacticle Strike
Stance: Iron Guard's Glare

1.Combat Expertise (Player's Handbook p.92)
2.Deceptive Dodge (Dragon Compendium)
3.Midnight Dodge (Magic of Incarnum p.39)
4.Ancestral Relic (Book of Exalted Deeds p.39)
5.Combat Focus (Player's Handbook II p.87)
6.Combat Defense (Player's Handbook II p.87)
7.Improved Trip (Player's Handbook p.96)
8.Curling Wave Strike (Stormwrack p.92)
9.EWP: Spiked Chain (Player's Handbook p.94)
10.Cobalt Expertise (Magic of Incarnum p.35)

Time to buckle your swash!!
Early on, you're a swashbuckler. Watch you enemies and play accordingly. Fight defensively where and when appropriate. Use your Dodge feat on, well, whomever, really. It's mostly a pre-req. As is Mobility at 3rd.
Impulse Boots will be shaped from the moment you're born and will remain until you die. It'll be useful. Trust me.
Weapon of choice: anything finessable. I'm told that rapiers are fun.

Later on (round about level 6), things get interesting.
Elusive Target is the crux of this build. You want to tumble your way into a position where you're flanked by your enemies. Iron Guard's Glare keeps them attacking you, and Elusive Target keeps them missing.
The Diverting Defense ability of Elusive Target requires you designate opponents as targets of your Dodge feat. You should very much talk to your DM about using the Dodge Bonus you get as a 5th level swashbuckler as a virtual feat in that regard. (Ya know, 'cause it's the Dodge feat. And five levels of Swashbuckler. We're not DMM Persisting 9ths here.)

As more feats roll in, they just keep adding to the fun:

Combat Expertise is useful for the bump to AC, of course, but mostly leads to Deceptive Dodge which works like Diverting Defense without requiring the flank (though, only once per round.) Question for you DM: Can Deceptive Dodge cause your foe to hit him/herself?

Midnight Dodge adds another dodge target. (Note: you get a dodge target whether you invest essentia in the feat or not. A dodge bonus of +0 still triggers Elusive Target and/or Deceptive Dodge.)

The Ancestral Relic feat is going to be used to get a "Swashbuckler's Vest". It's a continuous use item of the spell "Phantom Threat" (Spell Compendium p.157). (The DMG p.285 says it should cost [1 (spell level) x 1 (caster level) x 2000] x 4 (continuous use based on a round/level spell) = 8000 gp. There is a 30% reduction in price since it requires being a Swashbuckler to use (p.282). Thus, the final price of 5,600 gp, which is in the budget of a 6th level Ancestral Relic-er. Obviously, consult your DM. The feat may not even be neccessary.)

Combat Focus leads to Combat Defense which lets you change your Dodge target as an immediate action. Soooo, there's another guy affected by Elusive Target or Deceptive Dodge.

Elusive Target's Cause Overreach will offer trip attempts. Improved Trip helps make that useful. (You'll either need a tripping weapon, or you'll offer an AOO. But if you're responding to a missed AOO in the first place, your foe would need Combat Reflexes for that to matter.) Improved Trip leads to Curling Wave Strike which gives you the chance to put more enemies on the ground. In E6, most enemies won't have more than one attack per round, so making them miss with the first attack (via Elusive Target) is often enough. There are those, however, who will have multiple attacks (other characters with a +6 BAB, TWFers, natural weapon users, etc). Those are the foes to target with your trip attempts, forcing them to use a move action to stand and reducing their attacks to just one with a standard action.

EWP: Spiked Chain gives you the use of a finessable weapon that can be used to trip. The increased reach is, of course, gravy.

Cobalt Expertise is a place to dump your essentia. The two points here gives a bump to AC (when using Combat Expertise) and keeps you from suffering so much on your trip attempts.

So, by the end, the tactics are:
1. Start with Impulse Boots and Iron Guard's Glare active.
2. Designate a target for your Dodge feat, Midnight Dodge feat, and Dodge Bonus (5th level Swash).
3. Move into position. (Possibly causing AOOs and tripping foes who attempt them [through Cause Overreach] and those who don't [via Curling Wave Strike].) Fight defensively and use Combat Expertise -- use maneuvers as available and appropriate.
4. Make opponents miss you via Elusive Target (since they always flank you) and, hopefully, hit each other (or themselves?) with Diverting Defense or Deceptive Dodge.
5. Change your Dodge target via Combat Defense.
6. Make that guy miss, too. (Or hit someone else.)
7. Goto #2.

2018-06-04, 08:27 PM
Build the sixth!

Dante Otaile

Dante Otaile


STR 10


DEX 14
+1 level up

CON 12


INT 16




CHA 16


Dante Otaile










Swash 1
Bluff 2, Diplomacy 3, Knowledge Arcana 1
Favored thieves’ guild +2 bluff
Weapon Finesse, Arcane Stunt: expeditious retreat

Swash 2
Bluff 5, Climb 2, Diplomacy 5, Knowledge Arcana 1

Swash 3
Balance 3, Bluff 7, Climb 4, Diplomacy 6, Knowledge Arcana 1
Primary Contact +1 Bluff
Insightful Strike

Swash 4
Balance 5, Bluff 7, Climb 5, Diplomacy 7, Jump 3, Knowledge Arcana 1

Seduction, +1 dex

Swash 5
Balance 7, Bluff 8, Climb 5, Diplomacy 8, Jump 7, Knowledge Arcana 1, Tumble 1

Dodge Bonus +1

Swash 6
Balance 7, Bluff 9, Climb 7, Diplomacy 9, Jump 7, Knowledge Arcana 1, Tumble 7
Urban Tracking

Epic Feats
1 Mobility
2 Dodge
3 Roofwalker
4 Roof-Jumper
5 Extra Contacts
6 Swift Tumbler
7 Combat Expertise
8 Deceptive Dodge
9 Deadly Defense
10 Extra Contacts

Arcane stunt ACF - complete mage
Seduction - http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cwc/20070227x

Dante strutted confidently down the street, enjoying the furtive glances of the ladyfolk as he passed by. He gave a few appreciative nods to the more attractive of his admirers, making a mental note to return after he finished his errands.

As he turned onto the main streets the crowds started to thicken, causing his attention to slip more towards navigation than to scouting out attractive women. A pity, to be sure, but he did have responsibilities to attend to. He was rather looking forward to them, though.

After making a few detours through abandoned alleys, Dante finally arrived at his destination — the small mansion of a minor lord. Or, more importantly, that lord’s wife. The lord of the manor was on a hunting expedition, scheduled to last the rest of the week, making this the perfect time to strike.

Rather than approaching the front door, Dante skirted around the outer wall, listening for the sign. There it was. Wasting no time he vaulted up the wall, quickly reaching the top. And there it was, the sight he had hoped to see — sitting in the middle of the breathtaking garden, singing the song they had agreed upon at the party the week before, was Elenore, the lord's wife, her beauty making the otherwise vibrant flowers seem grey in comparison.

Leaping gracefully down from the wall Dante hurried over to her waiting arms, happily accepting her excited kiss.

“Are you sure he won't be back?” Dante asked, easily mimicking the urgency Elenore was sure to expect.

“Of course not, you know how Arden is when it comes to his hunts. Won't give me the time of day.”

“Of course, of course, and what a fool he is, too, ignoring such a lovely lady for such a gruesome sport. He took his huntsmen with him?”

“All of them, and a good portion of his guards to boot. Would have taken more if I hadn't been able to convince him to leave some for me.”

“He would have left his beautiful wife completely undefended? Shame on him. You really deserve better.” It was better than he had hoped. With half the guards gone the manor would have none to spare if something were to happen, say a heist at the bank just down the street. And now that he had the information he needed… “Speaking of which, I'd be more than happy to help you catch up with what you've been missing.” Dante pulled Elenore in for another kiss, before reaching down and [the rest of this scene is censored so as to keep in line with forum rules]

“What’s going on here?” Dante looked up, and, seeing one of the few guards still on the premises heading towards him, knew his time was up.

“I regret it was cut short, but I enjoyed our time together.” Dante jumped up, pulled on his pants, and gathered his clothes as best he could, before rushing to the wall and scaling it again. “Farewell, sweet Elenore!” he called, and, with a bow, stepped backwards off the wall.

The guards, apparently, were very well trained, as they were already circling around the wall at this point. “Figures.” With a quick wiggle of his fingers and some muttering, he cast a small spell, just a little trick he had picked up over the years. Then he ran, a sudden burst of speed that carried him around the corner and out of sight of the guards. As he ran he checked the clothes he had picked up, quickly realizing he had forgotten his shirt. He had liked that shirt. Well, it gave him a reason to go back...

2018-06-04, 08:28 PM
Build the seventh!

Cassandra Nova Feroxx- The Flirtatrix

Exalted Chaotic Good Changeling Rogue 1/Swashbuckler 4/Shaper 1
An example of when Good fights DIRTY ;)

"Look, High Chancellor Archon, you can indict me for whatever drummed up charge you want. Yes, I was traveling with Mercenaries known to be wanted by the state. If you pay attention, our captors will attest that I did not even lift a finger in violence against the state's authority. Yes, I'm aware that breaking your stupid rules is punishable by death at your decree. I think you forgot that you, yourself, sometimes break your stupid little rules when it comes to satisfying your carnal appetite"

I made sure that my psi-crystal, DonHwan was slightly assymetrically peaking from betwixt my chest, revealing a surprising curvature of humanoid gnome mammary meat. It's not my fault self-appointed Merchant kings turned chancellor are boob men.

"Your treasonous speech has earned you a turn at the gallows, after a turn by the entire town guard!" the 'chancellor' bellowed.

"Ooooh, powerful man, have mercy on me. I'm a lady afterall. I'll let you have a turn, but leave your guards out of this, you can handle a single gnome without help from what, 10-15 men?"

"Well actually, the town guard consists of 20 men, the wizards Grimwald, and my own personal Lich viseer. So you're in for a world of pain and humiliation."

The chancellor actually looks smug after revealing the entirety of his defense force, he admitted to working with a lich, and he forgot the six guards that Thack killed earlier today.

"Pffft, like a lich would help you with your power fetish. It's probably 200 miles away and playing you like a puppet."

Here is the opportunity! C'mon dummy...

"The lich controlls me?!" He flusters in offense. "I control the LICH. His phylactery is right here, in my scepter, you dumb little wench."

Booyah! Time to shimmy this packet of flash powder out of my skimpy outfit and hurry up. Stomp it. That should distract him while I manifest. I hope I can make this sound like him....

"Archon, you petty Weasel, have made one too many mistakes. I am going to destroy you"

The waft of flash powder sulfur and the illusory booming lich voice frightened the chancellor. In a hurry, he smashed the phylactery against the floor. But he was too weak to smash it in a single go. He is actually smashing it against the floor over and over again. Oh my goodness, what luck.

Matter of Fact Backstory
Changelings, when captured young by unscrupulous entrepreneurs in societies with huge disparities of power and privilege, have a high chance of winding up being trafficked as high value slaves. They typically have painful terrible lives that end in suicide.

Feroxx had that life. All the way up to her third failed attempted suicide. That time, she wasn't "rescued" by her handlers. Cassandra Nova just happened to hang herself from a dryad's tree. A dryad that took the young changeling to Arborea through the feywild. There, amongst the fey, the young shapeshifter found exactly what she needed to continue: Freedom and healing from the psychic trauma of her entire known life.

One day, she waved farewell, and returned home, she had some oppression to fight. She had been restored above everything that she was possible for herself to be.

Having a sense of self and propriety over one’s body is something that is difficult for changelings to deal with. Compounded with an entire known life of forced slavery, any sense of self and propriety over one’s body is completely eroded through long term exposure to the debauchery of the wicked.

The thing Feroxx hates the most is what she calls, "legalism." Laws are designed for social lubrication and safety. Laws designed to constrain and consolidate power from others, or rules bent to such ridiculous extremes that nothing makes any sense any more are Ferox's most hated things. She sees this legalism as a means by which all genuine cooperation between the sentient races is corrupted into what she calls “A system of broken systems.”

These features of Cassandra’s psychology paired with years of healing in fairie heaven have lead her to a unique type of adventuring methodology. Like a traumatized child that seeks to recreate their trauma in adulthood with the power dynamic reversed, Feroxx now uses the skills gained from her existence to extract truth from those around her. And she seeks to expand her skill set in every way that she can. She tinkers in truespeech to find the core of universal attraction. She beseaches the spirits of incarnation to wield the sensuality of the lamia. She hardens and resolves her mental aptitude to effect reality through psychic will. Cassandra Nova Feroxx is developing Flirtamancy, a blend of mystical arts that is being underwritten by a gnomish church.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Changeling Rogue
53:Bluff 4, True speak 2cc, Gather information 4, Sense motive 4, Hide 4, Disguise 4, Diplomacy 4, Knowledge (religion) 4, perform (acting) 4, Disable Device 4, UMD 4, Concentration 2cc, Move silently 4, speak language: kobold
Nymph's Kiss
Social Intuition, sneak attack +1d6, bonus knowledge as a class skill

8: Bluff 5, Truespeak 2.5, diplomacy 5, sense motive 5, knowledge religion 5cc, Hide 5cc
Weapon Finesse (bonus)
Weapon finesse

8:Bluff 6, Truespeak 3, diplomacy 6, sense motive 6, disguise 5cc, Hide 6cc
Racial Emulation
Grace +1

8:Bluff 7, Truespeak 3.5, diplomacy 7, sense motive 7, Hide 7cc, Perform 5cc

Insightful Strike

8: Bluff 8, Truespeak 4, Diplomacy 8, Sense motive 8, Hide 8cc, Concentration 3cc


Psion (shaper)
6: Bluff 9, Truespeak 4.5, psicraft 4
Psicrystal affinity: Liar (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/classes/psion.htm#psicrystals) (+3 bluff), Urban Tracking
Bonus Feat, Discipline: shaper, 2 power points + int mod, 3 powers:

Epic Feats

Wanderer's Diplomacy
Truename Training
Minor Utterance of the Evolving Mind: Universal Aptitude
Shape Soulmeld: Lamia's Belt
Azure Talent
Minor Utterance of the Evolving Mind: Inertia Surge
Utterance of the Evolving Mind: Hidden Truth
Psycarnum Infusion
Fade into Violence
Practiced Manifester

Str: 8
Con: 13
Dex: 12
Int: 16
Wis: 8
Cha: 17
At 4th level, add +1 to charisma

Hey there you dynamic and charitable Judges of keen mental aptitude, here's some Build Stuff that will help the judges and readers, Maybe we can meet up sometime and discuss

+2 racial bonus on saving throws against sleep and charm effects.
+2 racial bonus on Bluff, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks.
Natural Linguist: Changelings add Speak Language to their list of class skills for any class they adopt.
Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Auran, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnome, Halfling, and Terran.
Minor Change Shape (Su): Changelings have the supernatural ability to alter their appearance as though using a disguise self spell that affects their bodies but not their possessions. This is not an illusory effect but a minor physical alteration of a changeling’s facial features, skin color and texture, and size, within the limits described for the spell. A changeling can use this ability at will, and the alteration lasts until she changes shape again. A changeling reverts to her natural form when killed. A true seeing spell reveals her.

Changeling Rogue
Skill Points at Each Level: 10 + Int modifier (or four times this number as a beginning character). Changeling rogue substitution levels have the class skills of the standard rogue class, plus one Knowledge skill chosen when the first racial substitution level is taken.
Making a Gather Information check to gain knowledge takes a changeling rogue only 1d4+1×10 minutes, instead of the normal 1d4+1 hours.
A gut assessment of a social situation with a Sense Motive check can be made as a full-round action instead of taking a full minute.
A changeling rogue can take 10 on Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks, even if stress or distraction would normally prevent him from doing so.

Nymph's kiss
Benefit: Fey creatures regard you as though you were fey. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all Charisma-related checks, and a +1 bonus on all saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities. Starting with the level when you take this feat, you gain 1 extra skill point per level.

According to the players handbook p.58 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21318243&postcount=3), you get this skill point after you get the feat...so no multiplication for it being first level.

Racial emulation
Benefit: When you use your minor change shape ability to assume the form of a humanoid creature, you can also emulate any of that humanoid's subtypes. Though you do not gain any of the humanoid's traits, you are considered to be a member of that race for all other purposes (allowing you to use magic items or spells keyed to race, for example). You can also ignore the normal penalty on Disguise checks when disguising yourself as a different race (see the Disguise skill description, page 72 of the Player's Handbook). You can only emulate one race at a time, and you always retain the shapechanger subtype.

This will be used to access the Temple of the Twinkling Eye as a gnome.

Attraction: (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/attraction.htm) hour/level: +4 untyped bonus to bluff and interaction checks against 1 target. Each 2 additional points add 1 to the bonus.
Create Sound: (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/createSound.htm) round/level: You create a volume of sound that rises, recedes, approaches, or remains at a fixed place. You choose what type of sound the power creates when manifesting it and cannot thereafter change its basic character.If you attempt to exactly duplicate the voice of a specific individual or an inherently terrifying sound (such as a dragon’s roar), you must succeed on a Bluff check with a +2 circumstance bonus opposed by the listener’s Sense Motive check to avoid arousing suspicion.
Telempathic Projection: (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/telempathicProjection.htm) min/level: Change Subjects attitude about you by one step towards the positive. You can grant a +4 bonus on your own (or others’) Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Perform, or Sense Motive checks involving the affected creature.

Level 1:
Universal Aptitude: Subject gains +5 on skill checks for 5 rounds, or enemy gains –5 on skill checks for 5 rounds.

Inertia Surge: Saving Throw: None: You grant the target to act normally regardless of magical effects that impede movement as if he were affected by a freedom of movement spell (PH 233). This effect occurs automatically as soon as the utterance is spoken and lasts for 1 round. Reverse: A black tangle of wriggling force tendrils roots your target in place, rendering it unable to move. It can take actions normally; it just can’t move from the space it currently occupies.

Level 2:
Hidden Truth: Instantaneously grant creature +10 bonus on a Knowledge check, or a +10 bonus on a Bluff check for 1 round.

Lamia Belt: While you wear your lamia belt, you gain a +4 competence bonus on Bluff and Hide checks. Essentia: For every point of essentia you invest in your lamia belt, your competence bonus on Bluff and Hide checks increases by 2.

Temple of the Twinkling Eye

Join this Affiliation as soon as possible, where you immediately gain an affiliation score of at least 9 (13 if backstory counts!) by level six. All you have to do is expose deceptions by the enemies of the church a few times and you'll be rank 3 in no time. You'll be able to seduce to learn secret as a move action!!!


Complete Warrior, pg. 11
The swashbuckler has six dead levels, the first of which occurs at 4th level. Their grace and dodge bonus both follow a logical progression (one every nine and five levels) with no spell-like or supernatural abilities to shore up their martial skills. In keeping with their grandiose approach to combat, the following dead level ability is intended to reflect their larger-than-life celebrity as adventurers.
Seduction (Ex): At 4th level, a swashbuckler has a lascivious way of acquiring knowledge through less than diplomatic channels. A swashbuckler gains an additional use of the Bluff skill called seduce to learn secret. The swashbuckler can use charm, flirtation, or seduction to learn a coveted secret that is known by a nonplayer character. In order for this iteration of the Bluff skill to work, the nonplayer character must find the swashbuckler physically attractive and be in a position to actually know the secret in question. There are five kinds of secrets that can be learned with a seduce to learn secret check . The fewer people that know a secret, the greater their loyalty to keep that secret.


Password told to the city guard, known by 16 or more people

Identity of thieves' guild leader, known by 9 to 16 people

A merchant ship hauling exotic goods, known by 5 to 8 people

Plans to invade a foreign land, known by 3 to 4 people

The mental disability of a king, known by 3 or less people

*The DC assumes that the nonplayer character is indifferent. The Bluff check is modified by -20 if the NPC is hostile, -10 if the NPC is unfriendly, +5 if the NPC is friendly, and +10 if the NPC is helpful.

A typical seduce to learn secret check takes 1d4+1 hours and requires seduction. If the check succeeded by 10 or more, the attempt takes 1d4+1x10 minutes and only requires flirtation. If the check succeeded by 20 or more, the attempt takes 1d4+1 minutes and merely requires charm. Retries are not possible as the target becomes too suspicious.

Bluff Modifier
Running Total

skill rainks

ability modifier
ability score

nymphs kiss


Masterwork tool of bluff

skill ranks

skill ranks

skill ranks

ability modifier
ability score increase

skill ranks

skill ranks

Liar psycrystal

Attraction manifested on Target

Telempathic Projection manifested on Target

Aid Another
Psicrystal helps you lie

Feycraft template on armor

Feycraft template on shield



Universal aptitude

Lamia Belt

Competence bonus increase
Lamia Belt Essencia


Reversed Hidden Truth

Competence bonus increase
Psycarnum infusion applied to lamia belt


Augment Attraction

Aid Another from Expert Help
Psicrystal helps you lie while you share spells and skill ranks with them, using its own masterwork tool of bluff

Remember, you can take 10. So you can reach 69 in your bluff score so long as you pass your two truespeak checks, and your target fails the two saves against attraction and telempathic projection, and your psycrystal is helping. If you buy some magic gear that bumps your charisma, or find an item that straight up increases your bluff (can't be a competence boost), you can seduce to learn an unutterable secret known by three people which just a bit of charm. If you make it to rank 3 in the temple of the twinkling eye, you can do that in a move action. You can learn a valuable secret from a hostile enemy as a move action. You just need to hide for four rounds. Or use a combination of fade into violence and hiding to stay alive long enough to set up.

[spoiler=psycrystal]Your psycrystal, at the final level, has all of your ranks in truespeak. Your psycrystal gets a feat that it can choose when you take practiced manifester. Maybe it should take Minor utterance of the evolving mind: Universal aptitude. What is the CR (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/monsters/psicrystal.htm)of a psycrystal? Cuz it wants to truespeak, which it can use to make Cassandra better at truespeaking.

Just the tips: Hide from the baddies. Run from the fight. Handle all that background recon with a few die rolls and take 10s and make the DM just hand you the plot print out. Help your buddies get what they need for the fight. Repeat. Cassandra is support staff par excellence, but don't put her on the front lines.

Level 1-5: Straight out of Fairie Heaven, Feroxx is ready to begin adventuring. Basically a face role. Avoid Combat if you can. Reread all the uses for bluff compiled here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?504559-Stop-Flubbing-Your-Bluffs-The-reference-guide-to-successful-truthtelling). Create diversions to hide, Heckle the bard, taunt the person you can't reach from safety. Use sense motive to find out who is more powerful than you.
Level 6: A level of Psion! You have 5 power points, and 3 powers that all Utilize the bluff skill. Urban Tracking pairs nicely with the gather information skill. This will help identify targets for seduction in a matter of minutes using the Changeling rogue sub level. Who can then be tracked. The psion's bonus feat is used to obtain a psycrystal, who is a liar, and helps with the bluff optimization. The psycrstal has all of Feroxx's skill ranks and can use the aid another option on it's relatively useless standard action. Remember to use this for AC. The telempathic projection power moves the attitude of the target, making diplomacy easier, and making seduction easier. The Attraction Power Keeps them close. Create sound allows you to use your bluff to convince people what they hear is real. Be really creative with footsteps in other rooms etc.

Wanderer's diplomacy offers two great uses. If you can stay hidden for an entire minute while observing some creature converse, you can use your seduction ability on them with merely charm in a matter of minutes. You can speed this up by making them friendly towards you, which you can do by bluffing them as a standard action so long as they are not hostile using the other power of wanderer's diplomacy. The telempathic projection power will help you keep your hostile enemies merely unfriendly. If you have reached rank 3 in the temple of the twinkling eye, you can, with a creature not of your type, hide for a minute while the subject talks; Project at him telempathically on the first round you've been spotted as a threat; Then, after initiative, standard action bluff as diplomacy, followed by bluff as a seduction roll for the move action. And you just get better at this trick.

Truename training retroactively un-crossclass skills your ranks in truespeak. We have 9 ranks instead of 4.5 now. Minor Utterance of universal aptitude allows Ferrox to tap into the truespeech to a +5 bonus to anything. With a total mod of +12, Feroxx needs to obtain an amulet of the silvertongue if she doesn't want to have to beat a 15 on a d20 to use her utterances. At level 6, the Wealth by Level chart says 13,000gp. You can afford a +10, but you may have trouble locating one....gather information + urban tracking + wanderer's diplomacy's first ability will totally help. Also, you can totally seduce someone into researching your personal truename by now. That will grant another +2.

You can shape a soulmeld, and it's lamia's belt. This nets a +4 competence bonus to hide and bluff. Plus, the fuzzy belt looks good and accentuates your frame. Azure talent grants an essentia point for you to decide whether you want +2 power points or an additional +2 on hide and bluff. Lastly, intertia surge is about utility on top of being a pre-req. Root your opponent in place while you runaway or hide or use disable device to mess with his carriage or the door hinge.

Hidden truth. Sure, It took 4 feats to get +15 to bluff, but you also can have +10 to a knowledge check. Psycarnum infusion offers you an opportunity to break the system. Usually you can't move essencia around in a feat. With psycarnum infusion, you can expend your focus and fill up azure talent for free temporary PP. In return you can keep your one essencia in your lamia belt. Practiced manifester upgrades your psycrystal into being able to communicate telepathically. It also, allows you to use up to 5 PP per power. So long as you have pp left, you can recharge your psionic focus by rolling a concentration check (+5) against DC 20 as a full round action and use psycarnum infusion all day for power points. Fade into violence keeps the biggest badguy from hurting you. This will give you time to set up to bluff some seductions out of him.

There is more, but I'm done. I need to make a chart for all of this character's random skill boosting abilities for all of their skills.


Monster Manual 3: Changeling p.25
SRD: (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/typesSubtypes.htm#shapechangerSubtype) Shapechanger Subtype

Complete warrior: Swashbuckler p.11
Races of Eberron: Changeling Rogue p.122
Seduction Class Feature: Dead Levels: Online (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cwc/20070227x)
Expanded Psionics handbook: (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/classes/psion.htm) Shaper Psion

SRD: Weapon Finesse, Skill focus bluff
Book of Exalted Deeds: Nymph's kiss p.44
Races of Eberron: Racial Emulation p.110
Expanded Psionics Handbook: (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#psicrystalAffinity) Psicrystal affinity
Player's Handbook 2: Wanderer's Diplomacy p.85
Tome of Magic: Truename Training p.229, Minor Utterance of the Evolving Mind p.229, Utterance of the Evolving Mind p.230
Races of Destiny: Urban Tracking p.154
Magic of Incarnum: Shape Soulmeld p.40, Azure Talent p.34, Psycarnum Infusion p.40
Complete Adventurer: Fade into Violence p.79
Complete Psionic: Practiced Manifester p. 86

Powers and Utterances:
Tome of Magic: Universal Aptitude p.244, Inertia Surge p.240, Hidden Truth p.239
Expanded Psionics Handbook: Attraction p.78, Create Sound p.89, Telempathic projection p.136

Skills & Brick a Brack:
Complete Champion: Temple of the Twinkling Eye p.26
Magic of Incarnum: Lamia Belt p.74
Dungeon Master's Guide 2: Feycraft Armor Template p.272
Rules Compendium: Aid Another Expert Help p.10
Tome of Magic: Amulet of the Silver Tongue p.262
Complete Adventurer: Sense Motive to assess an opponent p.102
Expanded Psionics handbook: Concentration:psionic focus p.37

2018-06-04, 08:29 PM
Entry the eighth!

Ahmer Hemsea

Credit to Sheppard56 on deviantart (https://www.deviantart.com/art/Tarot-The-Dancer-506028412)

NG Kalashtar Swashbuckler 3/ Fighter 2/ Dervish 1

Str 14 (6 pts)
Dex 17 (13 pts, +1 at level 4)
Con 13 (5 pts)
Int 14 (6 pts)
Wis 10 (2 pts)
Cha 8 (0 pt)

Ahmer was born to dance. His feet were moving so fast, nobody could keep up with him. Some said it was a gift from the gods; he wholeheartedly agreed and gave grace to the entities that blessed him. He came from a poor family, but his talents allowed him to master even the most esoteric teachings of his race.
Soon, that wasn’t enough and he went to discover the world. Brash and confident, he made his own way, dancing with friends and enemies alike. Still, he was too fast for everyone, nobody could dance with him. In his eyes, you could see he knew: no one could keep touch with him.
Still, he straps on new boots and parachute pants, and still keeps dancing, not caring if it rubs anyone the wrong way. He lives to dance and dances to kill.
He can never stop, he will never stop.
It’s Ahmer time.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Swashbuckler 1
Perform dance (cc) 2, Tumble 4, Diplo 4, Bluff 4, Jump 2, Balance 4, Climb 2
Weapon Finesse

Swashbuckler 2
Tumble 5, Diplo 5, Bluff 5, Jump 3, Balance 5, Climb 3
Grace +1

Swashbuckler 3
Perform dance (cc) 3, Tumble 6, Bluff 6, Jump 6, Balance 6
Weapon focus (sickle)
Insightful strike

Fighter 1
Climb 4, Jump 4, Tumble 7 (cc)
Combat expertise

Fighter 2
Climb 5, Jump 5, Tumble 8 (cc)

Dervish 1
Perform dance 9
Elusive target
AC bonus +1, Dervish dance 1/day, Movement mastery, Slashing blades

Epic feats:
1 Improved trip
2 Path of Shadows
3 Dancing with Shadows
4 Cobalt expertise
5 Bonus essentia
6 Midnight dodge
7 Riposte
8 Deadly defense
9 Combat reflexes
10 Deft opportunist

I remembered the 3.5 swashbuckler fondly. Reading the class anew after a few years of playing Pathfinder, I now realize that this impression was probably born of the awesome Path swashbuckler. Man, are the first 6 levels of this class awful… Man, are the FULL 20 levels of the class awful.
So, what can be done with it? Full BAB, Weapon finesse and Insightful strike = dex and int fighter. So let’s do an awesome dex/int fighter!

1st level – Not a lot to see here. We are a Kalashtar (odd, but we’ll come back to it later). It gives a +2 to some skills (Bluff, diplo, intimidate and disguise to appear human), +2 vs mind affecting spells and abilities, and possession, and we get 6 power points to fuel Mindlink as a psi-like ability. Not too shaby. We also get Weapon finesse (which only means +1 to attack for now and +2 at level 4) and we start loading on prereqs with dodge.
2nd level – Did I say the first 6 swashbuckler levels were awful? Here we get +1 to reflex saves… and that’s it. Let’s move on.
3rd level – Alright, a solid class feature. Insightful strike means we can put that intelligence to good use (hurting baddies) and we get another prereq in Weapon focus (sickle). The sickle is the only non-exotic finessable trip weapon in the game that I could find. This is going to be important later.
4th and 5th levels – We got all we came for with swashbuckler. Problem is… we need a lot of other prerequisites and still need full bab. Fighter it is! In two levels, we get the two prereqs we were missing: Combat expertise and Mobility.
6th level – All those prereqs finally put to good use. We enter the Dervish prestige class. It’s an awesome E6 capstone: +1 AC, +2 to both our weak saves, the ability to take 10 on jump, tumble and perform (dance) checks and of course Dervish dance 1/day, which is just great. And with our feat we grab Elusive target and it’s 3 tactical maneuvers. First, we no longer need to be afraid of Power attack; it now only means a penalty to attack without gains to damage. Second, when flanked and designating an enemy with the dodge feat (more on that later), this enemy’s first attack misses automatically and can strike the other flanker (who is flatfooted). Third, when you provoke an AoO by moving out of a threatened square, we get a free trip attack if the attack misses (which is going to happen quite often due to our high AC and Mobility.

Improved trip: Taken to utilize the third option from elusive target. That is also why we invested a bit in strength. We can now trip with a weapon. That’s why we grabbed weapon focus (sickle): a slashing (for dervish dance) finessable (for our high dex) tripping (for Elusive target) weapon!

Path of shadows and Dancing with shadows: That’s why we went Kalashtar (racial feats are such a pain to qualify to… you have to be the right race… So annoying). Path of shadows is only a prereq; the important one is Dancing with shadows, our second 3 maneuver feat. And what a doozy. First, if we take a penalty of at least -2 with combat expertise (which from now on we will always be doing), we can get a +2 to will saves on the next round. Second, if we take a penalty of at least -2 with combat expertise, the first attack we do on the next round gets a bonus equal to the bonus to AC we got the previous round (we will come back to this one soon). And third, after two rounds of Combat expertise penalties of at least -2, we can get the same bonus to Ac without taking the penalty to attack, which can be great if we plan to make multiple AoOs in a round. Sadly, we can only get the benefit of one of those maneuvers each round, but still it greatly empowers our use of Combat expertise.

Cobalt expertise and Bonus essentia: And now we augment the effectiveness of Combat expertise. With Cobalt expertise and bonus essential, we can invest 2 points in Cobalt expertise (at level 6 the max capacity is 2, just perfect) to put our bonus to AC two higher than our penalty. So, say for a -2 penalty, we now get a +4 dodge bonus to AC (with a max possible of -5 attack/+7 AC). This also mean that our first attack per round after the first round gets a +2 bonus (+7 bonus to AC, -5 combat expertise) thanks to the second maneuver from Dancing with shadows!

Midnight dodge: We will only be investing one point of essential in this feat. However, it allows us to designate a second dodge target (different than the first). The idea is to go and get flanked in melee, designating the two flanking foes, and watch them beat the crap out of each other thanks to the second maneuver from Elusive target. Midnight dodge is the only other feat that allows this, since it is the only one than specifically mentions that you designate an opponent and that it can be used in place of the dodge feat to qualify for a feat. I know, some DMs might disallow this, but I just can’t see why it wouldn’t work. (Plus, I’m optimizing Dodge for God’s sake… give me a break!) I looked at Expeditious dodge and Desert wind dodge, but the way those are worded (no designated opponent) means they don’t work. In the end, we have three points of essential, 1 in Midnight dodge and 2 in Cobalt expertise.

Riposte and Deadly defense: Now that we always fight using Combat expertise, let’s utilize this. Riposte allows us a free AoO against the first attack that misses us every round. It’s unclear how it works with the auto-miss Elusive target attacks (since we are not officially targeted), but it would work with any other attack that is probably an iterative that has almost no chance to hit anyway. Deadly defense is juste a tasty +1d6 precision damage to every attack we get since we are always using Combat expertise.

Combat reflexes and Deft opportunist: We will be having a few AoO, so let’s be able to use them, with a +4 bonus to attack, almost negating all our Combat expertise penalty of -5.

TL;DR: The idea is to always use a max penalty from Combat expertise, having no penalty to our first attack after the first round. We want to move around the battlefield, provoking AoOs, tripping people and using only one attack per round that has a +2 bonus thanks to Graceful Lunge from Dancing with Shadows. We also want to finish our round flanked by two enemies, designate both with our Dodges and watch them hilariously hit each other!

HP: 44 (6d10)

Saves: Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +3 (+5 with Dancing with Shadows, +2 vs mind affecting and possession)

Without Combat expertise: +11/+6 1d6+4.
Combat expertise -5, first round: +6/+1 1d6+4+1d6.
Second round and following (with Dancing with Shadows): +13/+1 1d6+4+1d6.

AC: 10 + 4 (dex) + 4 (chain shirt) + 2 (light shield) + 7 (combat expertise -5) + 1 (Dervish AC bonus) = 28, + 2 different dodges and Mobility

Tumble: +16 (+26 with take 10)

Eberron Campaing Setting: Kalashtar (p.16)
Races of Eberron: Path of Shadows (p.110), Dancing with Shadows (p.117)
Magic of Incarnum: Cobalt expertise (p.37), Midnight dodge (p.39)
Dragon Compendium: Riposte (sorry, I don’t have a page)
Complete Warrior: Dervish (p.25), Elusive target (p.110)
Complete Adventurer: Deft opportunist (p.106)
Complete Scoundrel: Deadly defense (p.76)
The rest comes from the PHB

2018-06-04, 08:35 PM
Entry the ninth, which I missed for a little while! That was 100% my fault and I do not wish to imply in any way that the build is to be discounted!

Badmar the Bold

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSfcpHmdh0zMdFQFyqijGy7QhIjaAC15 11ijm4hAXiQ7HbJ684r
NG Human Swash3/Psy War 1/Fighter 2
HP: 5d10+1d8+12
STR 10, DEX 15, CON 14, INT 14, WIS 15, CHA 10
Level up into DEX

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Balance 4, Bluff 4, Escape Artist 4, Sense Motive 4, Spot 2 (cc), Tumble 4, UMD 2 (cc)
Weapon Finesse (B), Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Spiked Chain) (B), Jotunbrud

Balance 5, Bluff 5, Escape 5, Sense 5, Spot 3, Tumble 5
Grace +1

Balance 6, Bluff 6, Escape 6, Sense 6, Tumble 6, UMD 3
Combat Expertise
Insightful Strike

Psychic Warrior
Autohypnosis 4, Spot 4
Psionic Talent (B)
Power Points, Power Known (Expansion)

Auto 5, Spot 5, Tumble 6
Improved Trip (B)

Auto 6, Spot 6, UMD 4
Combat Reflexes (B), Stand Still

1- (B) Exotic Weapon Proficiency (spiked Chain)
1- (B) Weapon Finesse
3-Combat Expertise
4- (B) Psionic Talent
5- (B) Improved Trip
6- (B) Combat Reflexes
6-Stand Still

1 Hold the Line
2. Shape Soulmeld (Soulspark Familiar)
2. (B) Alertness
3 Open Least Chakra (crown)
4. Martial Study Shadow Hand (Shadow Blade Technique)
5. Martial Stance (Island of Blades)
6. Vexing Flanker
7. Curling Wave Strike
8. Close Quarter’s Fighting
9. Deft Opportunist
10. Improved Disarm

Jotunbrud grants you the benefits of being Large sized whenever that would be beneficial to you during an opposed roll (as well as being treated as Large for the purposes of special attacks against you). First off this confers a +4 bonus to attacks (trips, disarms, etc) vs MED, or +8 vs Small Opponents. We’ll lose a little AC, but not much. Spiked chain proficiency and weapon finesse round out level 1. Spiked chain can explicitly be used with weapon finesse.

Combat Expterise is our pre-req for Improved Trip, still to come. Psionic Talent gives us 2 PP (total 3) to use for our Expansion power. If we’re considered large already for attack purposes, does Expansion then make us Huge? I think yes due to the wording of Jotunbrud (plus, we get to apply effects in the order most advantageous to us). So thrice a day we can be huge for the purposes of opposed rolls. Even if you rule that doesn’t fly, well, we can be large for defensive purposes when it suits us, or when we need to be stronger to beat doors down, or whatever.

Now we’re really picking up steam, Improved Trip, Combat Reflexes, and Stand Still. Now we have 4 attacks of opportunity, meaning 4 trip attempts possibly, and can lock down our area of threat by stopping all movement around us.

Going epic, Hold the Line allows an attack of opportunity (trip) on a charging opponent entering our threat area. Soulspark Familiar gives us a tiny companion to aid in flanking and pew pew out a ranged attack every round for a little bonus damage. It can aid us on actions as well, and grants Alertness as a bonus feat. Then we bind it to our crown chakra, which allows u much beefier version of the familiar, and gives a +1 bonus to our piddly Will save (more 100% optimization!). Martial Study and stance further help in giving us and our allies attack bonus’s, and gives us another source of damage possibly.

Vexing Flanker now doubles our flanking bonus to +4, and Curling Wave Strike is basically cleave for trips 1/round. Close-Quarter’s Fighting gives us an AoO in the event something gets close enough to try and grapple. Deft Opportunist grants a further +4 on AoO, and Improved Disarm grants a further +4 to that check and prevents a return AoO on yourself while doing so.

Swashbuckler is so underwhelming as a e6 ingredient largely because after level 3, there is no point in continuing it. In those 3 levels, we pick up Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat, Grace +1 which grants a massive +1 to REF saves (that's a 100% increase, now THAT'S optimization!), and Insightful Strike, which allows INT to melee damage and states it works with weapon finesse’able weapons. So that gives us another +2 damage all the time. Levels 4 and 6 would be dead levels, and essentially the dodge feat at 5th is not enough worth to stay in, so we jump out at 3rd and go into Psychic Warrior. Staying in til 5th, to double the dodge bonus to +2, assuming you take Dodge as the feat as well, is hardly worth a dead level on a 6 level build.
P. Warr gets us a total of 3 PP to use with Expansion, which equals either 3/day for 1 round/lvl, or 1/day for 10 min/lvl. Expansion doubles your size and changes your size category to the next largest.
Last 2 levels go into Fighter, providing more bonus feats to continue the chain pain some more.

The total Triptastic© bonus works out to +19-23 (depending on how you read expansion), and our disarm check is the same, switching out Imp Trip/Disarm. Trip attacks are ranged touch, so ignore AC bonus’s from armor.

Weapon Finesse +3/Jotunbrud +4/Expansion +4/Imp Trip +4/Flanking +4/Deft Opportunist +4

4 AoO per round, 1 of which can cleave for the trip, we threaten an AoO on entering as well as leaving our zone, and can shut down all movement within the zone. At Large, it’s space/reach of 10 ft each, at Huge it’d be 15 each. Spiked chain has a 10 ft reach on top of that, and can be used in the square directly adjacent to you as well. So our threatened zone is 20-25 feet out from us.

Expansion also causes our weapon size to grow, so at MED a spiked chain does 2d4, at large it does 2d6, and Huge if we're going there is 3d6. Add a possible 1d6 cold from shadow blade technique, and 1d6+2 from the familiar, and +2 damage to everything (other then familiar) from Insightful Strike.

Crown bound = Lesser Soulspark, +1 to WILL saves
4d8+8 HP INIT +6 Speed 20/30 fly perfect
AC 16 (+2 dex, +2 size, +2 nat) 14 flat
BAB +4 Soul Blast +8 ranged (1d6+2)
Amorphous, DR 3/evil, evasion, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes
F6, R8, W5 STR 10, DEX 15, CON 15, INT 6, WIS 13, CHA 15
Diplomacy 4, Hide 17, Know (History) 5, Listen 8, Move Silently 9, Sense Motive 8, Spot 8

Badmar’s Band they were called. Anointed Knights all. Peacekeepers, bounty hunters when needed, the law in a lawless land.

Stories of their exploits preceded them wherever they went. A glimpse of their Standard was all it took to set tongues flapping incessantly in the nearest ears. More often than not, the tales were taller than the men, but not by much. It was said that Badmar himself was a man of such uncommon means that he could stand in a square and touch the walls of buildings on either side!

Surely such a thing has never come to be! PAH!

As was often the case, there was a gang of misfits in town who thought themselves above the Law. None could tell them what to do, or enforce a will not their own upon them. This was their domain, and they strode through it like Kings among lesser beings. That is until the day that Badmar’s Band came for them.

In a tale as old as time, they met in the town common at high noon. With the sun blazing a burning hole into the sky, Badmar strode out to meet these so called men. With naught but a well-used chain dangling from his neck did he block their way. His men hung back, to far away to be of any real help in time. The ruffians saw he could be overrun before any could come to his rescue.

And so they charged. They charged in a headlong rush, screaming and yelling. Bolstering their own insecurities about this supposed hero of legend, a myth made real before them. Badmar stood before them, a stalwart stone in a raging river. He stood, and did nothing, while the enemy approached.

In an instant, he seemed to grow threefold, the chain became a blur in his hands, and the foe were all brought down around him, skidding to a stop in all manner of positions. Moments later weapons, spellbooks, even a holy symbol were ripped from their hands and all landed in a neat row on the other side of the square.

The leader leaped to his feet, and just as fast was brought down again. And again.
“Stay down” murmured Badmar.

The man wouldn’t listen however, and lept to his feet again, intent on bashing Badmar with his bare hands if need be. A blast of light came from Badmar’s shoulder, striking him full in the chest just as the chain hit him and brought him back down to the ground again.

“I said, stay down.”

With a wiggle of his finger to his men behind him, the ruffians were manacled and led off to their fates.

Complete Adventurer: 106
Complete Warrior: 13, 97, 100
Magic of Incarnum: 39, 40, 77, 86, 197
PHB: 38, Feats
PHB2: 85
Races of Faerun: 162, 166
Shining South: 20
Stormwrack: 92
Tome of Battle: 31, 78

2018-06-04, 08:54 PM
That wraps up our entries!

I didn't finalize my exhibition build on time (I needed to do important stuff yesterday. Like play many hours of Fire Emblem Warriors), but I was trying to put together a spin on the old Hood build using Arcane Stunt's ability to get the Jump spell as a swift action several times per day. (Expeditious Retreat gives a bigger bonus to Jump before level 5, but Jump gives a bigger one after level 5). The basic idea is that Battle Jump lets you perform a charge attack anytime you jump down on someone at least 5 feet, and with enough optimization juice, you can do that from a standing start on-level with them. So, you know, Battle Jump, Leap Attack, Leap of the Heavens, that sort of thing. Spiked chain because it's the least stupid finessable two-handed weapon. Race would probably have been dragonborn gray elf with the Wings aspect and also the Dragon Wings feat, because racial bonuses stack (PHB pg. 171), as hilariously dumb as that is.

Judges, you know what to do!

Would anyone be so kind as to help me put together a quick-reference table for the builds, please?

2018-06-05, 08:05 AM
What an amazing array of making a scrappy class stink less!

2018-06-05, 08:38 AM
Judge 1
Judge 2

Emilio Scoundrel (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23126086&postcount=55) ?? Human Swash3/Truenamer3

Zandrek (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23126089&postcount=56) CN Shifter Swash5/Barb1

Vanessa Potshot (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23126095&postcount=57) ?? Lightfoot Halfling Rogue2/SA Fighter1/Swash3

Swash Shielder (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23126100&postcount=58) N Badger Hengeyokai Arcane Stunt Shield of Blades Swash5/H&R Fighter1

Swash Kneebuckler (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23126102&postcount=59) ?? Human Swash5/Crusader1

Dante Otaile (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23126108&postcount=60) ?? Half-Elf Swash6

Cassandra Nova Feroxx (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23126112&postcount=61) CG Changeling Rogue1/Swash4/Shaper1

Ahmer Hemsea (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23126115&postcount=62) NG Kalashtar Swash3/Fighter2/Dervish1

Badmar the Bold (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23126123&postcount=63) NG Human Swash3/Psy War1/Fighter2

2018-06-05, 11:00 AM
I don't care what the final scores are, the guy that decided that the best way to improve Swashbuckler would be to add 3 levels in truenamer deserves the Honorable mention!

2018-06-05, 12:18 PM
Some vizzini this round. Two entries using true speech. At least two curling wave strikes, three shapechangers, a number of elusive targets, two seducers, two dudes named swash...

The judges have some work cut out for them

2018-06-05, 02:16 PM
Some vizzini this round. Two entries using true speech. At least two curling wave strikes, three shapechangers, a number of elusive targets, two seducers, two dudes named swash...

The judges have some work cut out for them

I keep seeing this come up in these competitions. who/what is Vizzini?

2018-06-05, 02:20 PM
I keep seeing this come up in these competitions. who/what is Vizzini?

It's the guy that says inconceivable a bunch before the dude from the saw movies poisons him and runs off.

2018-06-05, 02:22 PM
I keep seeing this come up in these competitions. who/what is Vizzini?

From the classic cult film: The Princess Bride

Vizzini is a character in there that plays the evil mastermind. the most famous quote is "Inconceivable!"


2018-06-05, 02:36 PM
From the classic cult film: The Princess Bride

Vizzini is a character in there that plays the evil mastermind. the most famous quote is "Inconceivable!"


Okay, and how does that relate to similar build ideas popping up in a competition (or the other way around, a really obvious build not popping up)?

2018-06-05, 03:03 PM
There’s a scene where another character challenges Vizzini to guess or figure out which of two drinks is poisoned. The terms of the agreement state that Vizzini picks one and drinks it, while the character issuing the challenge drinks the other.

The humor of the scene comes from Vizzini comically spinning out a web of logic about how he obviously can’t pick one drink because it has to be the toxic one for some semi-logical reason, but then Vizzini knows that the challenger knows that he would figure that out, so this is obviously a double-bluff and the other drink must be the poisoned one, and this goes many layers deep. Vizzini presents this as being entirely obvious and logical the whole way down. Text doesn’t do it justice; the clip should be easy enough to find online.

This is relevant because we often feel like that when cooking. “Ooh, basketweaver is the perfect class to use with the SI! But everyone knows that. There’s going to be half a dozen dishes that use basketweaver. I can’t do that; I’ve gotta stand out. But my fellow chefs are smart, too. They’ll also know that everyone’s going to use basketweaver. But if they all stop where I did, they’ll talk themselves out of using basketweaver, and so I’ll stand out by using it! But they’ll have thought of that too . . .”

2018-06-05, 03:05 PM
Okay, and how does that relate to similar build ideas popping up in a competition (or the other way around, a really obvious build not popping up)?

it's a play on the duality of the word either meaning or not meaning what you think it does, in the context of this movie.

basically, if it should be so obvious that someone does it, the vizzini effect is that no one will, because everyone should've thought of it. and of course, if everyone thinks of it, and no one does it because they expect someone else to do it, that is also vizzini. and of course if everyone does it, because they think no one else will do it because everyone expects no one to do it because of the above, that is also vizzini.

it's a catch 22 that you can't win :)

2018-06-05, 03:13 PM
There’s a scene where another character challenges Vizzini to guess or figure out which of two drinks is poisoned. The terms of the agreement state that Vizzini picks one and drinks it, while the character issuing the challenge drinks the other.

The humor of the scene comes from Vizzini comically spinning out a web of logic about how he obviously can’t pick one drink because it has to be the toxic one for some semi-logical reason, but then Vizzini knows that the challenger knows that he would figure that out, so this is obviously a double-bluff and the other drink must be the poisoned one, and this goes many layers deep. Vizzini presents this as being entirely obvious and logical the whole way down. Text doesn’t do it justice; the clip should be easy enough to find online.

This is relevant because we often feel like that when cooking. “Ooh, basketweaver is the perfect class to use with the SI! But everyone knows that. There’s going to be half a dozen dishes that use basketweaver. I can’t do that; I’ve gotta stand out. But my fellow chefs are smart, too. They’ll also know that everyone’s going to use basketweaver. But if they all stop where I did, they’ll talk themselves out of using basketweaver, and so I’ll stand out by using it! But they’ll have thought of that too . . .”

it's a play on the duality of the word either meaning or not meaning what you think it does, in the context of this movie.

basically, if it should be so obvious that someone does it, the vizzini effect is that no one will, because everyone should've thought of it. and of course, if everyone thinks of it, and no one does it because they expect someone else to do it, that is also vizzini. and of course if everyone does it, because they think no one else will do it because everyone expects no one to do it because of the above, that is also vizzini.

it's a catch 22 that you can't win :)

Oh, it's IKYK/WIFOM. Thanks for the explanation!

2018-06-05, 06:11 PM
These are really excellent, and make me wish I could read correctly so I hadn't missed the build deadline!

Had I finished it, my build (titled: Blackwhiskers, Scourge of the Cobbled Sea) would have been:

Race: Tibbet
Urban Druid 1/Urban Ranger 2/Swashbuckler 3
1: Mounted Combat
3: Prehensile Tail
B3: Weapon Finesse
6: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Spinning Sword)
E1: Combat Reflexes
E2: Ride-By Attack
E3: Spirited Charge
E4-10: Probably Feline feats, or intimidate feats, never got that far

The idea was to ride an Animated Object shaped like a ship (add wheels if you want) and terrorize a town. Ranks in Craft (Shipwright) let's you avoid DM fiat for this if you need to justify the form of the Object. It turns out that the Urban Druid's Urban Companion is not an Animal Companion, and so can't benefit from Natural Bond or Beastmaster, so you're stuck with a small Animated Object, which requires a Tiny character to ride, which basically leaves Tibbet and Hengeyokai. However, Tiny characters have 0' reach, which makes riding and doing damage somewhat hard, so you need a reach weapon. Cat's don't have hands so you need to use your tail, which is where Prehensile Tail comes in. The feat requires a tail attack, which I was planning to argue by taking enough Craft (Weaponsmithing) ranks to eventually make a Tail Blade (SoS) which is an attack with a tail, so you have a tail attack....admittedly weak, but worth a shot I thought. The only 1 handed reach weapon I could find was the Spinning Sword, which luckily enough is also Finesse-able. That's about as far as I got, but I liked the idea and thought I would share it anyways.

2018-06-05, 06:59 PM
Nifty build, RaiKirah! If I may be so bold, have you considered judging instead? We're definitely going to need some help on that front!

2018-06-05, 07:42 PM
Judging you say? What an interesting idea...

I'm a little hesitant to do so, as my practical experience of the game is somewhat limited, which makes Power judgements in particular a tad subjective. Similarly i keep finding that my system mastery has some holes. If people are willing to potentially put up with some mistakes I could be persuaded. I would like to maybe take a stab and see how it goes, so I guess that's a soft commit? Definitely a fun bunch to peruse in detail!

Oh, I'm also definitely going to need some expert consultation for the Truenaming :)

2018-06-06, 09:09 AM
Judging you say? What an interesting idea...

I'm a little hesitant to do so, as my practical experience of the game is somewhat limited, which makes Power judgements in particular a tad subjective. Similarly i keep finding that my system mastery has some holes. If people are willing to potentially put up with some mistakes I could be persuaded. I would like to maybe take a stab and see how it goes, so I guess that's a soft commit? Definitely a fun bunch to peruse in detail!

Oh, I'm also definitely going to need some expert consultation for the Truenaming :)

Attached to our Chairman's signature is his guide to True naming. It's fantastic

2018-06-06, 11:04 AM
I should be able to start Judging when I get home on Saturday.

2018-06-06, 02:23 PM
I'm looking forward to the results of this. I'm sorry I didn't submit. I admit to surprise nobody when the sword and board route, nor the elven weapons from Races of the Wild route.

2018-06-06, 09:46 PM
I'm looking forward to the results of this. I'm sorry I didn't submit. I admit to surprise nobody when the sword and board route, nor the elven weapons from Races of the Wild route.

Would you be up for judging then?

2018-06-07, 11:17 AM
Would you be up for judging then?
Can't. The time crunch that prevented submission is preventing anything else right now.

2018-06-12, 09:22 AM
Do we have any judges?

2018-06-12, 09:58 AM
PrismCat21 has offered to judge. RaiKirah has mentioned it, but I don’t know if we’ve got a commitment yet.

I do heartily recommend judging for anyone who hasn’t tried it! It gives you some very helpful perspective that’s useful when making your own builds. (Anyone who’s experienced with judging is also firmly welcome to help out as well, of course!)

2018-06-12, 12:20 PM
Just realized that Fukimi bari, the mouth darts from OA, would pair well with the int to damage insightful strike ability. You can't add str to damage, but you sure as heck can add int. With the dead eye feat you can add your dex. And seeing as how it is a spit attack, you could pair that with some of the serpent kingdoms feats that give your spit attack a 15' cone of damage. That's like 9 unavoidable damage per round if you put 18s in dex and int. Hit and run fighter can add dex again on the first round of combat. Throw in a level of factotum and spend an inspiration point for another +4 to damage. Add point blank shot for another +1. Add rapid shot so you can do it twice a turn.

That all adds up to 1 damage +4 int (insightful strike) +4 int (factotum inspiration) +4 dex (dead eye) +4 (if flat footed) +1. 18 damage in a 15 foot cone.

Be a fire elf, or lesser air genasi, or lesser tiefling, or lesser wispling, or tinker gnome for +2 dex and +2 int for another +4 damage. Be a beguiler for even more damage.

2018-06-12, 01:15 PM
Just realized that Fukimi bari, the mouth darts from OA, would pair well with the int to damage insightful strike ability. You can't add str to damage, but you sure as heck can add int. With the dead eye feat you can add your dex. And seeing as how it is a spit attack, you could pair that with some of the serpent kingdoms feats that give your spit attack a 15' cone of damage. That's like 9 unavoidable damage per round if you put 18s in dex and int. Hit and run fighter can add dex again on the first round of combat. Throw in a level of factotum and spend an inspiration point for another +4 to damage. Add point blank shot for another +1. Add rapid shot so you can do it twice a turn.

That all adds up to 1 damage +4 int (insightful strike) +4 int (factotum inspiration) +4 dex (dead eye) +4 (if flat footed) +1. 18 damage in a 15 foot cone.

Be a fire elf, or lesser air genasi, or lesser tiefling, or lesser wispling, or tinker gnome for +2 dex and +2 int for another +4 damage. Be a beguiler for even more damage.

Don't think fukimi bari actually qualify you for the feat deadly spittle, but other than that it all works. And remember they attack 3 times, so that's 3 18+ damage bursts. Then, since it's still an attack roll, you can add sneak attack on top of that. So another 1-2d6 depending on level and feat investment. To everything in a 15 foot cone. Not bad.

2018-06-12, 02:55 PM
Just realized that Fukimi bari, the mouth darts from OA, would pair well with the int to damage insightful strike ability. You can't add str to damage, but you sure as heck can add int. With the dead eye feat you can add your dex. And seeing as how it is a spit attack, you could pair that with some of the serpent kingdoms feats that give your spit attack a 15' cone of damage. That's like 9 unavoidable damage per round if you put 18s in dex and int. Hit and run fighter can add dex again on the first round of combat. Throw in a level of factotum and spend an inspiration point for another +4 to damage. Add point blank shot for another +1. Add rapid shot so you can do it twice a turn.

That all adds up to 1 damage +4 int (insightful strike) +4 int (factotum inspiration) +4 dex (dead eye) +4 (if flat footed) +1. 18 damage in a 15 foot cone.

Be a fire elf, or lesser air genasi, or lesser tiefling, or lesser wispling, or tinker gnome for +2 dex and +2 int for another +4 damage. Be a beguiler for even more damage.

Are fukimi-bari “light” weapons or weapons that can be used with Weapon Finesse? I recall there being some RAW arguments centered around whether ranged weapons can be considered light weapons. Especially ones that aren’t just thrown melee weapons.

2018-06-12, 03:24 PM
Iirc that is handled under two weapon fighting rules usually. Specifically with crossbows, which one of the contestants seem to be using so talk of it may interfere with judging.

2018-06-14, 06:52 PM
Any judges feel like offering a status update?

I basically just want confirmation that we do have at least one person who’s actually judging. And if anyone wants to step up to the plate, that’s fantastic even if you haven’t announced already.

2018-06-15, 01:51 PM
Any judges feel like offering a status update?

I ended up picking up a bunch of work this last week.
I'll see if I can get the Judgements posted by tomorrow night.

2018-06-15, 05:33 PM
I ended up picking up a bunch of work this last week.
I'll see if I can get the Judgements posted by tomorrow night.

How exciting! Well... not the part where you work a bunch

2018-06-17, 03:10 PM
So my mind was completely thrown off this last week.
I thought when I posted on Friday, that it was already Saturday, and that I was free the rest of the weekend.
I was not.
I'll be working on them the rest of today and into the night. They'll be posted as soon as I get to decent WiFi earlier tomorrow morning, if not late tonight.

Sorry for the wait.

2018-06-17, 10:30 PM
All Judgements finished.
It's late where I'm at so I'll be going to McDonald's early in the morning to post.

2018-06-17, 10:33 PM
Thank you for your efforts, PrismCat!

2018-06-17, 10:37 PM
I'm with Zaq, even those of us who only watch for inspiration normally appreciate the time/effort put in by judges/contestants/hosts.

2018-06-17, 10:55 PM
I don;t have time to commit to judging, but I would like to put in an honorable mention: Emilio Scoundrel http://www.giantitp.com/forums/images/sand/icons/icon_thumbsup.png

2018-06-18, 09:28 AM
*For some reason I don't seem to be able to preview this post. I'm going to edit as best I can, then post it, fixing things after the fact.

*EditThat should be everything.

A quick look at how I Judged the entries.

Originality – This score starts at 3.0. I don’t care what sources are used or where they’re from as long as they’re legal. What I’m looking for here is outside the box thinking. This could be an extremely weird/off the wall build, or an obvious build used in unexpected ways. The fluff surrounding the character will help you score higher points.

Power – This score starts at 3.0.I don’t care how powerful the build is compared to the other entries. I only care about how well it works with your chosen concept, and if it can do everything it’s supposed to be able to. Are you the best at what you do? Can what you do be done easier by other characters or more simple builds?

Elegance – This score starts at 4.0. There are two parts to this score for me. The first is hard numbers. Is everything where it’s supposed to be and do all of the numbers add up. This contest doesn’t seem to have as many ‘must haves’ as the others, so if you’re missing a ‘must have’, it’ll cost you. Small things will be a cost of 0.1 or 0.2 points, larger will be 0.5. If something essential is completely missing, like Ability Scores, that’ll be an entire point (1.0).
The second part is how well the build messes together with your concept of the character and how well I understand what you want to do with it. This part I’ll basically eyeball.

Use of Secret Ingredient – This score starts at 1.0. Since there’s only 6 levels, I expect at least 4 of them to be the Secret Ingredient. The other two will be bonus if you took them. Each level of the SI will be worth 0.5 points. The rest of the score will be for how much of the SI’s abilities are used throughout the entire build, and how they are shown off. (How well or powerfully you use the abilities will earn you points in Power.)
(The Max score will still be 5.0)

I really don’t see anything too special about Emilio. My first impression of him is that he wants to be a melee Bard. The most you said about this character is about what a Swashbuckler is, and how he should be more than basically a Fighter with Weapon Finesse and a good Intelligence. But you failed to explain why Emilio is any better than a stylish, flamboyant Fighter. All I see is a build, not a character.

The use of Truenamer is nice and fits well enough with what I believe you want from him.
His epic feats separated into their different heroic aspects is a nice touch.
Nothing special enough to increase the score, but nothing too damning to reduce it.

You’re a competent combatant. Arcane Stunt and Truenamer Utterances give you some extra abilities to rely on.
The epic feats chosen allow some versatility and survivability.
There’s nothing really that makes me think he’s much greater than average though.

You have a section for your Ability Scores and where the increase at lvl 4 is, which is good. However, you don’t list which Ability stat each Score goes to, and I had to figure out for myself how you allocated the points and whether the lvl 4 increase was included or not in the listed Scores. I’ll be assuming the scores are list in the standard order. Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha. - (-0.5)

What’s a Class Feature? That would be the specific bonus feat you get at first level. You put it under the column for feats, which is fine, but it would have been better if it was specified as a bonus feat so no one is confused about it.
Your second class feature for Swashbuckler I couldn’t find listed at all, Grace +1.
I now see why I couldn’t find Grace. I was wondering where Arcane stunt came from and I discovered the Arcane Stunt alternate class feature, taken at lvl 1, not lvl 2. I don’t have a problem with Variants, Alternative Class Features, or Racial Substitution Levels being used. I do have a big problem with them not being listed that you are taking one. - (-1.0)

Skills become messy starting at lvl 3 with Climb, it somehow went down a point. At lvl 4 it seems fixed and increased by 1 and Tumble is listed, supposedly because it got an increase, but stays the same. At lvl 5 you are granted 8 skill points but only use 6.
Bab gets an increase at lvl 5 that it shouldn’t have, and is then carried over to lvl 6. Total Bab at lvl 6 should be +4. - (-0.3)

You only list 9 of your 10 epic feats. - (-0.1)

I didn’t see a listed Source for anything in your entire build. - (-1.0)
You’re abilities don’t really get into each others way. While your two classes don’t really mechanically compliment each other, they’re used for different purposes and fit fine for what you want to do. - (+0.5)

Three lvls = (+1.5)

Nothing is really showcased throughout the build. The SI’s abilities aren’t used in any special way. The alternate class feature in nice but not really worth it to me. If you had provided some backstory or explained how certain parts of the build were used, I’d have more of an idea how to play him.
Average/competent of the abilities will get you (+0.5)

Fluffy Stuff story was fun :)
Shifter Barbarians are too common for my liking. Using Swashbuckler as the primary element of this combination and focusing on Dexterity instead of Strength is much more to my liking.
The backstory and playstyle section help paint a complete picture of what kind of character Zandrek is. He’s not at all what you’d expect when you meet him in-game or when you first glance at his build.

Shield of Blades and Whirling Frenzy fit Zandrek nicely. Spirit Lion Totem is a general power grab move for chargers and I’d be tempted to count for it in Elegance. You seem to use it in support of you regular fighting style rather then as the primary attack method itself. Thank you for mentioning it in your stub, I may have counted off for it otherwise.
Full Bab is a plus. You’re ferocious in combat while still keeping the spirit and style of the Swashbuckler. It’s a good balance. - (+1.0)

The build is so clean and neat. Everything is calculated correctly. Everything seems to be in the correct place. You provide good explanations for everything chosen. You provided a build stub, playstyle suggestions, and how to use Profession: Bounty Hunter. You list your Sources. It’s great! - (+1.0)

Three things, Shifter Trait, dipping, and Ability Scores. What kind of Shifter are you? You have 10 Traits to choose from when making a Shifter. When you look t the build table it seems obvious that you choose Longtooth when you made him, but I didn’t see it mentioned. By the end of the build it seems like you have two traits, which is great, but that first one really needs to be listed. - (-0.1)

I don’t much of a problem with dipping but I still need to take off a little for it. A 1 lvl dip into Barbarian to pick up 2 ACF’s is cheesy. They make sense for your character and you get an increase in power, but it costs you here. It’s a good trade-off. - (-0.5)

Concerning Ability Scores, I dislike having to figure out where all the points are spent, especially with racial adjustments I have to look up.. I also did not see where you put the 4th lvl ability score increase.
I’m tempted to ignore it because it’s not that big of a deal, but I have to be consistent with every build, so it’ll cost you (-0.1)

Five lvls = (+2.5)

Every choice you’ve made for Zandrek compliments what Swashbuckler provides. You focus on melee which Swashbuckler is made for. The ACF chosen suits your fighting style and you make good use of your skills. The epic feats chosen improve Shifter and Barbarian more than Swashbuckler, but Swashbuckler seems to be supporting those two anyways, so I’m good with it.
The only thing lacking is use of Insightful Strike. You chose a race with a penalty to Intelligence, but still made sure you had a positive modifier, so it still is useful for you. It’s hard to feature Swashbuckler since it’s abilities are all passive. You’ve done a decent job showing how you use them.

Vanessa does not seem to be your typical Swashbuckler at all. She has a gimmick outside the norm and will be noticed for it. She has a fairly typical Swashbuckler build and without more fluff there’s not much more to make her stand out. - (+0.5)

She’s a Sniper and a skill monkey and is perfectly competent at it. (Assuming she can make use of her Hand Crossbows)
She has options to evade her enemies through skill tricks and feats. When she can trigger sneak attack she’ll do good damage. She has a niche and is comfortable in it, take her out of her element and she’ll start to struggle, but that’s what other party members are for, right? - (+0.5)

A Table for Ability Scores is what I like to see. What’s missing is where you allocated the points, but since you list your original scores, racial adjustments, and level increase separately, it’s easy enough to figure out. What I don’t get is why you have the Scores list again right after the table. - (-0.1)

At lvl 6, Use Rope went from a +6 to +5.5. All other skills and skill tricks seem good though. - (-0.1)

You take the feat Weapon Focus:(Hand Crossbow), but I fail to see where you got Exotic Weapon Proficiency: (Hand Crossbow), which is a prerequisite. That also means that you do not qualify for the feat Crossbow Sniper. Since dual-wielding Hand Crossbows seems to be such a big part of your build, it’s a big problem. - (-0.6)

I thought at first that you didn’t qualify for Gnome Tunnel Acrobatics as well, but I was wrong. It has alternative prerequisites. :)

A third lvl of Rogue or fourth of Swashbuckler wouldn’t have done anything for you concerning Daring Outlaw, so the Sneak Attack Fighter was a good choice for Power. It’ll cost you here though. It’s a good trade-off. (Adding the Thug variant as well wouldn’t have cost you anything mechanically and you would’ve gained 2 extra skill points and class skills. Sneak Attack Fighter specifically calls it out as being allowed.) - (-0.5)

I did not see any Sources listed for anything in the entire build. - (-1.0)

All the choices made seem to fit the concept well enough. Vanessa’s abilities complement each other for the most part. The main issue is Insightful Strike. You have a great Intelligence bonus, but it can’t be used with your primary attack method, Hand Crossbows. When you get into melee sure, but that’s not what you’re built for. - (+0.5)

You nearly got away with not having an alignment listed, I caught this shortly before posting. - (-0.1)

Three lvls = (+1.5)

Swashbuckler doesn’t do much in this build that couldn’t have been done by other classes. The main thing it brings to the table is Daring Outlaw, which is great. Vanessa has certain things she does really well and Swashbuckler helps her do that just fine. It does what it is asked of it. All in all - (+1.0)

You take the theme for Swashbuckler and apply it to shields. Neat.
I’ve had a player try and make his entire character based around using shields, with some allowances he did a decent job with it. He would’ve been excited to see Swash Shielder.
You do a good job explaining how he can be used, what he can do, and justifying his Affiliations. You give us a good idea of the character, not just the build. - (+1.5)

Assuming Swash Shielder can get away with everything he’s trying to do, he’ll be a tough combatant. He has a theme that makes him more powerful instead of sacrificing power to fit the theme. That’s always a plus. I’m already taking off for some of your hyjinks in Elegance, so here I have to judge as if they work. - (+1.5)


As per OA update, the shapechanger type becomes a subtype. The LA is removed. Due to having the shapechanger subtype, if the creature has armor listed in its monster entry, it is also proficient in shields. OA p.168, the hengeyokai have ashigrau armor proficiency on their stat block. So they are proficient in shields for free.

you give up proficiency with...shields… even if you already have those proficiencies from another [b]class. You can’t gain either of those proficiencies by multiclassing later,...
I’ll allow it. I believe it goes against the intent but I’ll overlook it.

It seems that part of your explanation got cut off before the build table. I hope it wasn’t anything important.

You don’t list which Ability Scores you put your points in, or what your racial modifiers are. - (-0.1)

At lvl 6, as far as I can tell, you only have 5 skill points to spend, but you’re spent 6. - (-0.1)

Fort, Ref, and Will saves were never filled in. - (-1.0)

Affiliations I’ve always considered to be a bit cheesy. I’m generally hesitant to rule against them, partly because you generally don’t get much out of them. With your choice of concept and build you’re getting more out of them than usual, and you’re taking multiple ones. I have to count off for it. It’ll boost Power though. - (-0.5)

I don’t for even one moment believe all those shield bonuses will stacked together after you’ve transferred them to your attack bonus. And even if it’s technically RAW, it’s fondue levels of cheese. I’m still willing to accept most of it though. The Shield Sheath certainly will not work that way though. All in all - (-0.5)

You have a theme and you’re sticking to it. For the most part everything fits together and there’s no obvious power grabs. Much of this build will only work with a permission DM, but that’s not my problem.
What you have listed seems legal. I really appreciate the explanations for all the feats and features you choose. It makes my job much easier. - (+1.0)

Five lvls = (+2.5)

You took 2 ACF’s to better fit your concept, that works just fine. Swashbuckler doesn’t give you a lot to work with, but you use what you do have well enough. You keep the idea for Swashbuckler and simply incorporate it into shields rather than blades. - (+1.0)

Swash Kneebuckler is exactly what a Swashbuckler should be, but took a roundabout way of getting there. I approve. :)
The concept is straightforward and there’s a few typical choices made that anyone would expect a standard Swashbuckler to have. That’s okay. There’s a reason they’re supposed to have it.
You didn’t shy to far away from the idea of a standard Swashbuckler, you just took your own path to make him. That makes all the difference. - (+1.0)

I Judge each entry’s Power based on how I understand their concept, not their overall combat efffectiveness.
You do what you want to do really well. You thrive when you face down opponents, turning attacks on you into an attack on someone else, and dodging and weaving your way though everyone without harm.
You’re able to pull at least double duty out of some of your features, like Elusive Target, because you can have multiple targets of your Dodge abilities.
Crusader is a standard powerful choice for melee combatants, but not for characters like you. The maneuvers chosen as well as Crusader’s base features all build upon your concept, and help improve your survivability. Which seems to me is your main schtick. - (+1.5)

So very close to full marks. :,(
You didn’t list where you put all your points for your Ability Scores, but since you’re a Human, it’s easy enough to figure out. No extra calculations need to be made.
I did not find your Alignment anywhere. I’m afraid that’s gonna cost you a bit. - (-0.1)

This build is simple, clean, and to the ‘point’. Everything seems to be where it should be. Everything is listed out nicely and organized. It’s straightforward. You list all your sources. You offer explanations for your abilities and how everything works together. - (+1.0)

Five lvls = (+2.5)

There will be no doubt in anyone’s mind that you are a Swashbuckler. Everything about you screams it, and the more anyone tries to stop you, the louder it screams.
You make full use of your abilities and every option you’ve chosen only enhances the Swashbuckler feel. - (+1.5)

Definitely a different concept than I expected.
Dante seems to be all about gathering information, bluffing the ladies, and meeting with his contacts in the Thieves Guild. Really, the focus is on the Bluff skill. I’m not really sure how to judge him. He meets the requirements and the fluff provided matches the build. - (+1.0)

Dante is able to do exactly what is expected of him, but not much else. He has some decent defenses for when he is forced into confrontation, but he’s a talker, not a fighter. His abilities revolve around information in one form or another, yet he doesn’t even have the Gather Information skill, though he doesn’t seem to really need it.
He meets the requirements I had for him, but I expected him to be able to do more.
He is definitely made for a primarily social game, and I have no experience with those. - (+1.0)

You didn’t list where you put all your points for your Ability Scores, but since you’re a Half-Elf, it’s easy enough to figure out. No extra calculations need to be made.

I did not find your Alignment anywhere. I’m afraid that’s gonna cost you a bit. - (-0.1)

You are missing 21 skill points at 1st lvl. You have 7 skill points from both Swashbuckler and Intelligence modifier. At 1st lvl you multiply your total skill points by 4, with gives you 28 points to assign to various skills.
At lvl 5 you’re assigning 9 points when it should still only be 7.
At lvl 6 you’re assigning 10 points when it should still only be 7. - (-0.5)

You gave a source for your ACF and Seduction, but nothing else. The build primarily seems to come from Cityscape, but I’m not too familiar with it myself. - (-0.5)

The build is clean and simple. Most of what you have is in the right place. The backstory was a fun read. You’re abilities complement your chosen concept well. All in all it seems pretty bare, kind of like you entered the contest as an afterthought. - (+0.5)

Six lvls = (+3.0)

The only abilities you seem to make use of is Seduction which you got for the dead level, and Bluff.
This build doesn’t do much else. You have an Arcane Stunt that helps you run away, which is good since you don’t want to ever get into a fight.
More of Swashbuckler’s abilities seem to ignored compared to what is used. - (-/+0)

We’ve seen plenty of melee Swashbucklers now, Cassandra is far on the other end of the spectrum and kicks butt in her own way.
You took an ability not many ever picked up and pimped it out into the stratosphere. (But that’ll go into power.)
Utterances and Soulmelds both on a build without either class. I like it. :)
Definitely outside the box thinking with her. Even using Rogue and Psion many would expect to focus more on damage or utility. You knew exactly what you wanted and went for it. - (+1.5)

You made it very clear that Cassandra does not belong in a fight. That is perfectly acceptable. She is Judged by her chosen concept, not her combat ability. You’ve proven in multiple ways how she’ll get what she wants, no matter who or what is in her way.
You’ve even explain clearly how she can be useful during combat even when she’s not directly in the fight. I can think of no objections with what the Flirtatrix can do. - Full points.

You didn’t list where you put all your points for your Ability Scores, but since you’re a Half-Elf, it’s easy enough to figure out. No extra calculations need to be made.

jaw drops
I absolutely love everything. The formatting is fantastic. It’s all well organized. The tables are phenomenal. Any question I possibly had was answered somewhere in your build. - Full Points.

Four lvls = (+2.0)

Swashbuckler is not the star of this build, but it fully supports the build and offers well used abilities.
You’ve done well describing how and when Cassandra is to be used, and when forced into melee how Swashbuckler helps her to survive and escape so she can do what she’s really good at.
Other classes would have been better of course, but you used what you were given well enough. - (+1.0)

The parachute pants got to me. I Lol’d

I cannot remember reading about Path of Shadows or Dancing with Shadows, Good Find.

Ahmer seems pretty close to what you’d expect a typical Swashbuckler to be like. But he’s got flair and makes the theme his own. You still feel like a Swashbuckler despite dipping out early and going your own way. That’s a good thing to me. - (+1.0)

You’re a capable combatant when you want to be, but you thrive amongst multiple opponents. Your strategy is to avoid getting hit while making everyone else hit each other, and attacking while moving round the whole battlefield. You do exactly what you want and more. You may not be the absolute best, but you’d be hard pressed to find someone comparable. - (+1.5)

As the only contestant that bothered to give credit for their picture, as the Chair asked everyone to do, I’m giving you an extra 0.5 to your Final Score.

Also, the only one that bothered to show how they assigned points to their Ability Scores. Thank you!

You did a fantastic job organizing your build. It’s clean, everything’s in the right place, you offer breakdowns and explanations for everything, and you list your Sources.
The only issue is your designation for 3rd Level. You’re missing ‘3rd’. It doesn't affect the build at all and is an easy mistake to overlook, but I'm nit picky about formatting errors like that.- (-0.1)

Three lvls = (+1.5)

You get decent use out of Swashbuckler’s abilities and dip out when you no longer need it. I can respect that.
Swashbuckler is used to help you do other things, but it’s still being used, that’s what’s important.
You still make it feel like a Swashbuckler. - (+1.0)

That was a fun story.

You have a standard Tripping build with a bit of a spin on it, using Swashbuckler to help qualify.
The story helped me see him more as a character instead of just a build.

There’s nothing too unusual or unique about him, but you stuck with your theme and gave him some fun gimmicks. - (+1.0)

Badmar does what he’s supposed to do. He has an advantage against similar characters due to Jotunbrud and Expansion. The Crunch fits the Fluff and makes him seem more powerful for it. That’s good :)

It’s a fairly average build with above average capabilities for what he wants to be able to do. - (+1.0)

You didn’t list where you put all your points for your Ability Scores, but since you’re a Human, it’s easy enough to figure out. No extra calculations need to be made.

You seem to be missing 2 skill points at 5th lvl. Tumble is listed, but not increased. I assume it was supposed to go up to +7. - (-0.1)

Jotunbrud specifically says ‘you are considered Large’ multiple times. It never even implies that you are considered one size category larger. Expansion wouldn’t make you be considered Huge. That’ll be an argument for another DM though when the time comes, that you ‘should’ lose.
The part I’ll be nit picky about though is “If we’re considered large already for attack purposes, “. You’re not considered Large already for attack purposes, just opposed rolls.

Everything else seems to fit nicely with what you want to be able to do. The formatting is clean and well organized. You’ve provided clear instructions of how to use Badmar and his abilities, and explantions of many of his abilities. - (+1.0)

Three lvls = (+1.5)

You get decent use out of Swashbuckler’s abilities and dip out when you no longer need it. I can respect that.
You use Swashbuckler to help qualify for things and still benefit passively from many of its abilities.
It’s a basic tripping build but still feels Swashbuckley enough. - (+1.0)


A quick note for future competitors.
When altering the table from the OP, do not alter the name. That tends to screw it up, removing or changing lines throughout.
Please list your Sources somewhere. It makes it much easier on Judges if the know where to look.

For the Chair – Would Variant classes of the SI still qualify? Alternative Features and Racial Substitution Levels sure, but Variants?

Edit: Score Change

2018-06-18, 09:48 AM
whewThis was ridonkulous!
I woke up late, so that part's on me.
For some reason I was unable to post anything to this thread using my laptop, one I had access to WiFi. I was able to preview once, but never again. I restarted a couple times and it allowed posting one time and then went away again.
I tried sending myself an email so I could post from my phone, didn't work.
I tried using Facebook messenger, but it claimed I somehow blocked messages from myself... :-/ ???
I was so very aggravated.

I was finally able to message myself on Facebook in small messages, and then reconstruct it in the post using my phone.
I believe I fixed all the mistakes that caused. Feel free to go through it and point anything out to me.
I'm off to play Red Alert to wind down some.

2018-06-18, 10:31 AM
Aweome. Thank you for judging prism cat

2018-06-18, 12:00 PM
Thank you for judging, PrismCat!

I’m not sure I understand your question about variants. What do you mean “count”? For that matter, what exactly do you mean by variants if not sub levels and ACFs? Something like using Erudite if the SI is Psion or something? Relatively few variants like that are found outside Dragon, so I doubt it’ll come up if I’m understanding you correctly, but I’m not sure I understand. Can you clarify a bit, please?

2018-06-20, 07:37 PM
A few things from my inbox:

I now see why I couldn’t find Grace. I was wondering where Arcane stunt came from and I discovered the Arcane Stunt alternate class feature, taken at lvl 1, not lvl 2. I don’t have a problem with Variants, Alternative Class Features, or Racial Substitution Levels being used. I do have a big problem with them not being listed that you are taking one. - (-1.0)

Skills become messy starting at lvl 3 with Climb, it somehow went down a point. At lvl 4 it seems fixed and increased by 1 and Tumble is listed, supposedly because it got an increase, but stays the same. At lvl 5 you are granted 8 skill points but only use 6.
Bab gets an increase at lvl 5 that it shouldn’t have, and is then carried over to lvl 6. Total Bab at lvl 6 should be +4. - (-0.5)

You only list 9 of your 10 epic feats. - (-0.1)

Very small dispute here, I don't expect it to change my score much.
You're wrong about the BAB. Truenamer is a 3/4 BAB class and Swashbuckler is full. The BAB is 5.

On the skills, ah well. That's what I get for last minute adjustments.
I wonder if I had meant to take Whip Climber at 5... those 6 skill points are a mystery.

I was going to dispute the feats but you're right. I forgot Lucky Start. Dang luck feats all sounds the same they start to blend together.

And a non-dispute here:

I quickly wanted to mention that I have no disputes for my entry. The judging was fair in all regards as far as I'm concerned. My thanks to Zaq for running this competition, and to Prismcat for judging.

I'll leave a bit of time for the response, but I'm hoping we can maybe get this wrapped up by the end of the week. By which I mean, I hope that there are few if any other disputes, but if you've got any, please get 'em in ASAP!

Let's talk a bit about the next round, if no one minds . . .

I'm choosing between a few options for the next round's ingredient. Since it's round X (even if not the tenth round under my watch, but after Shugenja, I also want to be aware of the calendar, and summer seems like a relatively innocuous time in general, all else being equal), I kind of feel like doing something special. What I have in mind is to present an ingredient that's actually good on its face (not just like how Shugenja got full casting, but actually good) and declare that Power, Elegance, and UoSI are worth 5 points each but that Originality is worth 10 points, since the biggest challenge will be standing out from everyone around you. Yes, this is a nontrivial skew of the way things are done, but that's kind of the point, since this is supposed to be a special round. We'd go back to normal the following round.

Or, you know, I can always just throw something else awful at you. I have some ingredients that are genuinely terrible, and I have a few more that I think are going to be deceptively difficult to cook with despite not having the reputation that, like, Hexblade does. And of course we'll get to everything in time. I have confidence in the ability of this group to rise to the challenge. Yes, even after Shugenja.

What does everyone think about my proposed "cook with something good but really focus on being original and standing out" round? I repeat, we'll go back to normal after that. I don't want to incite a riot or anything, but I think it might be fun!

2018-06-20, 07:46 PM
I would like a special round for the U.A. generic classes eventually. ;)

But a good class? Sure.

Also, No disputes at all here.

2018-06-21, 04:51 AM
The originality round starts interesting, but I hope that the 'good' ingredient is not a full spellcaster. that's probably just me, but it's easier for me to come up with ideas for something that's not completely focused on spells (half-casters with other stuff, or 'full casters' of one of the unusual subsystems like Incarnum are fine).

2018-06-21, 04:28 PM
Very small dispute here, I don't expect it to change my score much.
You're wrong about the BAB. Truenamer is a 3/4 BAB class and Swashbuckler is full. The BAB is 5.

Well shoot. I must have switched over to the wrong table when I was looking at that. (+ 0.2)

2018-06-21, 06:41 PM
Any other disputes, anyone? I'd like to wrap things up.

2018-06-21, 08:12 PM
Also, if you want to vote for HM, now’s the time. I’m going to aim to wrap up very shortly. Tonight if possible, or else tomorrow if I get home too late to do a proper job here.

EDIT: a last-second dispute popped up literally as I was posting this!

I dont want to dispue for points as I doubt I will place even if I do, however Hand Crossbows specifically count as a light weapon, so Grace should in fact work on them. However I would like just as much as the next person to move on to the next one, so if it is time to move on please move on before settling this dispute.

2018-06-22, 01:06 AM
My HM goes to Emilio, for trying to fix Swashbuckler with levels in Truenamer.

2018-06-22, 01:59 AM
I say to go ahead and start the next round.

Hand Crossbows specifically count as a light weapon, so Grace should in fact work on them.

(I assume you mean Insightful Strike.)
Please, if you can provide a source, I would very much like to see it.

The weapon qualifications for Insightful Strike is, "with any light weapon, as well as any other weapon that can be used with Weapon Finesse,". I don't believe Weapon Finesse can be used by Hand Crossbows, and I do not know where they are designated as Light weapons.

Not even Light Crossbows say they are Light weapons.

The description for Hand Crossbows in the Player's Handbook even says, "You can shoot a hand crossbow with each hand, but you take a penalty on attack rolls as if attacking with two light weapons."
Seems clear to me that they are not considered Light Weapons.

2018-06-22, 02:50 AM
The section in the player's handbook that talks about light weapons actually introduces them as light melee weapons. The only exceptions to that I could find was in the combat section where it starts darts and shuriken can be used as light weapon — if it's they're off hand weapon. So, as much as I'd like to claim hand crossbows to be light weapons, the rules don't seem to support it.

2018-06-22, 09:03 AM
My HM goes to Emilio, for trying to fix Swashbuckler with levels in Truenamer.

I'm with Randuir.

2018-06-22, 10:20 AM
Granted, it is the end of the contest and their won't be any more Judges and probably no more disputes, but it would be better to wait until the reveal to post personal Judgements on builds.

Thank you for the support though :)

It looks like there's 3 votes for Emilio Scoundrel for HM.

2018-06-22, 01:45 PM
Not sure if this was addressed or not... I'm not a chef or judge this round, but I was reading through the entries, and I noticed something. Vanessa doesn't need EWP for hand crossbow. Rogues are actually proficient with hand crossbows (I forget this myself sometimes!).

Crossbow Sniper doesn't explicitly require EWP, but even if it did, in most cases where a race or class feature gives you proficiency with an exotic weapon, it generally counts for the purposes of qualifying for PrCs or feats that explicitly require EWP.

(If you want to get *really* pedantic, technically Vanessa has proficiency in other crossbows from her Fighter/Swashbuckler levels, which is all Crossbow Sniper cares about. Weapon Focus is the other prereq, but she qualifies for that based on her Rogue levels.)

2018-06-23, 09:01 AM
As a heads-up, it’ll likely be Sunday before I can wrap up properly. My apologies.

2018-06-23, 09:39 AM
As a heads-up, it’ll likely be Sunday before I can wrap up properly. My apologies.

That's like only a day away...

2018-06-24, 04:17 PM
That's like only a day away...

Yeah, but I had talked about finishing on Thursday or Friday, so I still feel bad about it. I knew that doing a concert would be draining, but I hadn't banked on just how draining. All in the past now, though! Let's get this show on the road.

Judgment from PrismCat21

Emilio Scoundrel (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23126086&postcount=55) ?? Human Swash3/Truenamer3

9th, Honorable Mention

Zandrek (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23126089&postcount=56) CN Shifter Swash5/Barb1

3rd, Bronze

Vanessa Potshot (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23126095&postcount=57) ?? Lightfoot Halfling Rogue2/SA Fighter1/Swash3


Swash Shielder (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23126100&postcount=58) N Badger Hengeyokai Arcane Stunt Shield of Blades Swash5/H&R Fighter1


Swash Kneebuckler (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23126102&postcount=59) ?? Human Swash5/Crusader1

2nd, Silver

Dante Otaile (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23126108&postcount=60) ?? Half-Elf Swash6


Cassandra Nova Feroxx (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23126112&postcount=61) CG Changeling Rogue1/Swash4/Shaper1

1st, Gold

Ahmer Hemsea (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23126115&postcount=62) NG Kalashtar Swash3/Fighter2/Dervish1

4th, Honorable Mention

Badmar the Bold (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23126123&postcount=63) NG Human Swash3/Psy War1/Fighter2


Kudos to every chef who got a build in, and many thanks to PrismCat21 for judging! Congrats to daremetoidareyo for gold, to Macabaret for silver, and to Randuir for bronze! Also congrats to Zombulian for HM by popular vote!

I'm also awarding a second HM to Long_shanks for having the integrity to step up and deny a medal that they hadn't earned, as the unedited version of this post originally incorrectly listed Ahmer Hemsea as having 18.4 points, enough to tie for silver. This may just be a silly forum game on the web, but hey, we're still honorable and honest about it. Thank you for being that kind of person, Long_shanks!

New thread here! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?562183-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-X)) We'll do something special for round 10. Let's have some fun!

2018-06-24, 05:16 PM
As thrilled as I was to earn a silver medal, I fear there has been a clerical mistake in my judging... I just realized I have a total of 16.9, not 18.4, which drops me to 4th place behind Randuir's Zandrek.

2018-06-24, 05:35 PM
As thrilled as I was to earn a silver medal, I fear there has been a clerical mistake in my judging... I just realized I have a total of 16.9, not 18.4, which drops me to 4th place behind Randuir's Zandrek.

Updated accordingly. Thank you for your honesty!

2018-06-24, 11:22 PM
Updated accordingly. Thank you for your honesty!
Yes, thank you. I miscalculated and didn't notice. :)

Yep. I got this wrong. However, since the contest was not officially over, there was a chance for more disputes.
It is the contestants job to make disputes and defend their build, no one else's.

Nobody should be pointing out errors in builds or judgements, except the Chair.
If a Judge makes an obvious error like this, message the Chair.

2018-06-24, 11:46 PM
It didn't really matter if Vanessa got more points, so I wasn't disputing for points, and I don't think anyone else was disputing for Vanessa to gain points, just so that those in the future that come to read for inspiration dont see the judge's point and believe that to be a hard and fast RAW. (whether it is or not at this point I don't know, however I know I believed that the TWF counting it as a light weapon was RAW enough)

Regardless of whether it is RAW or not, I want to thank PrismCat once again for stepping up to judge. If we can't settle if it RAW or not in a post or two I would suggest moving the dispute to a different thread.

2018-06-25, 08:47 PM
I missed that Rogue gave Vanessa proficiency with the Hand Crossbow. That's the issue.