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2018-05-19, 02:08 PM
Madness is rare in individuals, but in groups, parties, nations and ages it is the rule."- Friedrich Nietzsche

Madness is coming to Hanrui once more, nations are rising with powerful individuals at their head. The boundaries between nations are growing and the old rules are being thrown to the wind as this new age comes upon us... this age of war.

The Balance Tips

Deep beneath the main fortress of the Legion of Balance the women who has been known as Lady Lightcleaver slowly walks forwards into a massive cavern with only one thing in front it, shedding everything she has been for the last year including her very identity.

A massive intricate statue of a women holding scales what seems to be a glowing free form ball of light on one side and a deep terrifying ball of darkness on the other. The statue seems almost life like in it's appearance as she approaches.

The women who has been been known as Lady Lightcleaver is acompannied by a stout Dwarven priest who has never before witnesses this ritual and is watching silently from outside the cavern.

She approaches the statue and as she reaches it she goes down on her knees with her head down and arms held out in front of her as if reaching for something. The statue creaks and shatters to show an ethereal women beneath who holds up the scales and says only one word. A word that echoed with power. A word that echoed throughout the realm. A word that could change everyrhing for the women prostrate in front of her.


The scales begin to tip one way and then the other. Images flash deep within the ball of light; an angel clutches a sword above it's head as it addresses the thousands before it, an ancient elf teaching a small class of students under a glowing ball of arcane energy, a Dwarven King arbitrating justice among two quarlling families, adventurers sharing the wealth of a dragons hoard, Avian Templars sailing to a new land, and many more. The ball of darkness revealsneven more images though and flashes you so fast it's hard to keep track; a Balor leading dozens of devil's among a helpless caravan, a great Dragon burning down* thousands within a great city as it's armies cut down the rest, trolls emerging from their hidden places among the world, goblins delving deep within the earth, an empire of goblinoids bowing to their monstrous leader, and so many more.

The women roses once more as Lightcleaver and glows with light as the statue settles back into its stone form. She turns to the dwarf and and says a terse sentence.
"Rally the troops we have evil to fight."

The Heart Endures

The stench of troll is strong as Da Shank stands before a fence of crudely held together bone fence that designated the trolls territory. He reaches down and scratches his crotch with his second sharpest dagger, each of his 7 knives had a different use and number two was crotch itching.

He casually walked up to the fence, some parts were still dripping with gore from recent victims but Da Shank didn't care. He gave the fence a hefty kick and turned back the motley assortment of goblins and dwarves he had with him. They were the best he could have hoped for. A scruffy assortment of murderers, thieves, and looters who had replaced their capability of mercy with a desire for more loot.* "These stinking trolls think they can longer in our lands! They think they have a right to their treasures while we are here! They think they have the right to live and die on top of a remnant of the heart! Those regenerating ****s need to be shown what happens when you mess with the Delvers!"

The scruffy group bellows out with long practice "SHANK THEM AND ROB THE CORPSES!"

The group swarms over the knocked down fence towards a little group of troll younglings in the distance. He swaggers over to a wounded younglings and boots off the dwarf who was about to finish the little troll off and hisses at him. The dwarf backs off so Da Shank can move in and finish off the troll and more importantly grab the gold chain wrapped around the forearm.

He grins as he sees his vicious pack of killers finish off the younglings and looks deeper within the caverns to where troll war cries have started. He raises his shanking knife, his sharpest knife, and Binkkins Da Shank calls out "Come on boys the Hearts waiting!"

Sin to Win

Izoran tosses his skull chalice at one of the undead servants in the grand hall how was holding his meeting in. Zezzuzen rolls her eyes and levitates the skull back to the massive Pit Fiend "You aren't going to be able replace that you know. There aren't a lot of Arch Necromancers laying around and any other skull would lose that be necromantic spice."

Izoran rumbles and glares at the succubus bit doesn't throw it again "Well what would you propose then Zezzuzzen. We can't open a gate while we're being invaded on several fronts"

It had been a poor month for the Pit Fiend, an entire battalion of skeletons had been ambushed by Legion forces and annihilated them. Then in the middle of the desert these clockwork people had emerged from hiding which meant another border needed to be watched. Then the Jade Wizard had been starting to probe them and test their defenses.

The lithe succubus gets up and struts over to the Pit Fiend, draping herself over his shoulders to whisper in his ear. "The answer is simple my dear, you've millennia of experience and clawed your way to the top of heap in more dangerous lands then this Hanrui."

She flashes illusionary images in front of the Fiend; Legion fortresses full of dead, Jade Wizard spitted on a pike, clockwork soldiers broken and burning. "We do what we've always done my dear... destroy all who stand in our way with sword and hellfire until we can take what we need from the ashes."

The Pit Fiend looks up from the images and slowly a brutal slash of a grin opens up on his face "This is why I keep you around Zezz. Now call the troops together I've got things to do."

Money Talks

With the rise of so many nations foreign merchants and businesses are rushing to compete for trading rights with these new possible trading partners. In their fit to get the best deals they are offering reduced rates to try and get the edge out on their opposition

It's easier to raise Econ through various investment this turn. Price of raising permanent Econ is lowered this turn.

The Rising Dark... Elves

Reports have been coming in all over the lands of Hanrui of dark elves showing their faces and disappearing just as soon. They have taken little to no actions against those who have seen them and while they have not harmed anyone overtly it's still left some on the tips if their toes.

ESP 3+*
(If you don’t have ESP stat equal or higher than 3, don’t open spoiler below)
A small group of Dark Elves have been banished from the Underdark and they are now looking for new lands to call their own. Their networks are feeling out the others, led by the Drow noble Xantha'ril Baenrae.

If you can read this you can also message the leader and interact with them.

2018-05-19, 03:23 PM
Morale 7

Chemosh sighs looking down at the pile of papers he had to fill out. This was so boring. We wanted adventure. Even killing slimes in the sewers was more interesting than this. Arryn assured him that he would get to go on an adventure soon but when? The magic items from all this better be worth it. Hadn't gotten a really interesting one in ages. He sighs again before taking a paper and getting back to work.

With the Adventurers Guild setting up so close to your territory we figure it would be for the best if we set up some boundaries. Alleviate possible tension before it happens you know. So the idea is simple, you don't touch our adventuring areas or loot and we don't touch yours unless we negotiate to do so. We also have to figure out what to do in the inevitable case one of us gets invaded. We both do seem to have quite the talent for angering others and these mountains are absolutely infested with monsters so someone is going to get invaded at some point.

Hello, as your Empire has a large number adventurers, we felt we must introduce ourselves. We are the Adventurers Guild, we are quite the distance from you we know but trade could benefit both us greatly. During adventure it is inevitable that you will find something you don't want. If that happens please keep us in mind, we are quite willing to pay or trade for magic items if they are interesting.

Hello, we noticed you have a fair few adventurers among your ranks and so felt we must introduce ourselves. We are the Adventurers Guild. If you happen to find magic items that you don't want while exploring please keep us in mind. We are more than willing to buy or trade for magic items that could be useful. We are also open to an alliance of sorts if you are though we are still quite a distance away from you.

We noticed you seem to have a large number of potential adventure locations. If you happen to need help clearing them out, please contact us. We are currently a bit busy but we could attempt to make room to help.

We noticed you seem to have a fair number of potential adventure locations. If you happen to need help clearing them out, please contact us. We are currently a bit busy but we could attempt to make room to help.

2018-05-19, 05:10 PM
The Windblown Leaf (MOR: 3)

Irontwig, for fortitude. Khereb, for mental acuity. Or perhaps ambris, for sheer deliciousness?

Otto always took his time in selecting the third cup of the day. It was, after all, one of the most important. The day's first brew could hardly be adequately appreciated, with the mind still foggy from sleep. The second had to be consumed with breakfast, and thus its flavour was one but one strand in the full experience of the meal. But the third, ah, the third could be savoured and sipped, appreciated alone. It was the first true tasting of tea in the day, and thus would set the tone for the hours -- and cups -- to come.

Otto would not rush his decision as he opened up tins to sniff the blends within. Certainly there were pressing issues facing the Wind-blown Leaf; bandit activity in the Southern Deserts was making the harvest of Oasis herbs even more difficult than usual, the Pillar of Wisdom must have been practicing some new spells -- perhaps war-magic? -- which led to similarly odd weather in the hills around Baracha, and Dado only knew how many priceless herbs and leaves the Delvers of the Deep would trample upon in their next rush through hidden caves and abandoned grottoes.

But Otto would step down from the guild's mastery the day he found any decision to be more important than that of his choice of tea. So he took his time, each new brew conjuring up a different set of emotions and of memories. Ah, maybe the troll-brew Ur'ok? He certainly could use the familiarity with the exotic. No, wait, perhaps just a pinch -- a pinch -- of those odd-looking pebbles from the Altered State? They were said to grant an altered view on the world, and perhaps a change of perspective was just what he needed. And if he didn't steep the brew too long, the change wouldn't be permanent. Probably.

Ah. No. That enjoyable experimentation would have to wait for another time. Of course. It must be this brew, at this time.

Paz. Peace. A blend that appeared simple but held intricate depths for a refined palate. A blend to grant the serenity necessary for wise decisions. A blend to grant him the calmness necessary to bring the same to his fellow guild-members.
And perhaps most of all, as a prayer for what the future held in store for Hanrui.

The Altered State
This letter is brought to you by the apprentice of a Wind-blown Leaf merchant who has stopped in your city for a fortnight. The apprentice is awkward and clearly out of his depth, but someone had to make sure the delivery went through when his master was currently occupied doing feeling being enjoying the Altered State's delights. The letter is sealed with a waxen stamp of an ornate leaf, carries an enclosed teabag that smells of cinnamon, and bares a splotch of tea stain in its upper righthand corner.

My Friends,

It has been much too long since I last visited your city of wonders. I fear that if I were to return I might not recognize the map any longer -- but having set those words on the page, I realize that was probably true a week, perhaps even a day, after I departed. I must admit, while many prize tea for its constantness and reliability, I do find something enchanting about a brew where each cup is different -- and a city where each visit is different, too.

Forgive me the pun, I must find amusement where I can in amidst this gloomy news.

And, alas, it is for those dreary reasons, and not to plan a night carousing in your wonderful city, that I find myself writing to you today.

I admit to fear, my friends. Deep fear. Even my guild's best brews do not give me complete respite from them -- which I hope helps you understand the extent of my worries.

It is hard to point to any single event that drives these. Much like a blend of tea is more than each individual leaf and berry, Hanrui's ills seem more than each individual piece of bad news. Undead and demons. Dragons and dragonslayers. Whispers of war on the wind. The list goes on.

Forgive me. I have brought line upon line of my fears to dampen your joyous halls, with seemingly no reason. You grant many miracles, but I do not think even your majestic selves could bring the miracle of peace to Hanrui. Please, do let me know if I think wrong!

In lieu of that, what can we seek, what can we strive for?

The next few lines are taken up by the beginnings of new sentences, each scribbled out.

Ah, I'm hopeless. If you're willing, I'll send Nate your way to perhaps puzzle these things out in person. Taste in hot drinks aside, he has a mind unique within the guild. And he's straight-laced enough the various temptations of your city should not distract him (too much).

You and yours have done a wonderful service for Hanrui. I pray to Dado for your continued good fortune, and for their blessing on all of this land.

Your friend and humble servant,


Ottoch IV
Brewmaster, The Windblown Leaf

Assumed that Otto's wanderings would have taken him to the Altered State more than once, and he's the type to very readily call people friends. If the former is assuming too much, let me know.

The Adventurer's Guild
This letter is handed to one of the guild's members as they sip tea and eat a hearty breakfast following a successful dungeon raid, and it carried back to the guild along with the adventure's loot. It is sealed with with a waxen stamp of an ornate leaf and carries an enclosed teabag that smells of lavender.

From the tongue of Sherya of the Kettlefire,
As transcribed by her assistant, Claris

Guildmaster Chemosh,

I deeply respect your dungeon-delving. You and yours have braved caverns I would never dare to explore. Even if my flame were hotter I would never dare to explore them.

I less respect your ignorance of tea. I do not hold it against you. Not many outside the Windblown Leaf know its secrets. Not many inside the Windblown Leaf do either.

But there are rare leaves and herbs and vines and berries and minerals that can only be found in abandoned tombs and catacombs and crevasses. That require an adventure and adventurers to retrieve. Adventurers with a repository of knowledge yours lack.


I propose a partnership.

I imagine you plan another large venture soon. I would accompany you. You can have the gems and treasures and magic items and relics. I will collect those leaves and herbs and vines and berries and minerals.

You gain additional explorers and a pyrodrake's flame to light the way. We gain more for our blends. All profit.


At the bottom of the page, a 4-tined claw has indented the paper, a signature of the letter's authorship.

The Temple of our Burning Saviour
The letter accompanies the second merchant ship that reaches Saviour's Eyrie from the Windblown Leaf. It is sealed with a waxen stamp of an ornate leaf and carries an enclosed tea bag that smells of cardamom.

To Knight-Captain Ardent,

I hope you and yours enjoyed the tea delivered some weeks ago, and we are glad to see the work you are putting in to make your Eyrie a busy and hopefully thriving island.

I admit to uncertainty as to whether you are the appropriate recipient for this message, so please do forgive me if I give offense. It is certainly not meant. Your determined deeds have simply already spread your name and skill far through Hanrui, and thus you seemed an appropriate point of contact.

We will of course keep up the trade with your island, and please let us know if there are any blends or flavours we should seek out in particular. We would be greatly ashamed to sell tea that would go unenjoyed.

But I also reach out on a more inquisitive nature. We have heard mention that your religion and worship involves burns, which caught my attention for some foolish reasons entirely personal and admittedly odd. Forgive my a tea-merchant's eccentricities, I suppose.

I apologize. I am wasting your time dancing around the point. I would not want this letter to steep overlong, so I will cut to the chase.

There are a few blends we in the Windblown Leaf create that only reveal the full depths of their flavour if consumed at temperatures well above boiling. My human tastebuds scald at the touch of such a liquid, thus I cannot taste these blends completely. My firedrake colleauge Sherya quite enjoys them, but the unique features of her chemistry mean her taste would much differ from mine. I have consulted various wizards, but the interference of magic always alters the flavour as well.

It is thus that I reach out to you. Your familiarity with the burning and the scalding means that while a burn may dissuade my tastebuds, the same is unlikely to be true of yours. You can strive in and through the burn in a way I could not imagine. Thus, unlike few others in Hanrui, you could fully experience the taste of these blends.

If you are willing, I would include a few in the guild's next shipment. No recompense would be asked, beyond a description -- in as much detail as possible -- of the blends' particular flavours.

Thank you for considering the musings of a foolish man, obsessed with his tea and plagued by curiosity on this matter.

Your humble servant,

Ottoch IV,
Brewmaster, the Windblown Leaf

2018-05-19, 08:08 PM
Elandra Barathiel, Dragonslayer, She Who Slew a Tyrant, Vanquisher of Anthyryx, and Champion of the Vales was undoubtedly a hero.

Apparently, she was too much of one to be bothered doing her own bloody paperwork.

Tzyras Whisperwind, who had significantly less honorifics to his name, sat in front of an overly ostentatious writing desk, debating how to address his first communication. "Dear Flaming Bastard" wasn't right. "Good day, Dragon Whose Third Cousin We Killed" didn't quite work either.

He settled on "Greetings, Zytharos Pyresoul, he whose flame burns unmatched on Hanrui". You couldn't be too careful with dragons. The last one had been an absolute ***** to kill, after all.

After another hour of careful, considered writing, the first official missive of Dragonfall had been completed. Satisfied, Tzyras poured wax onto the letter and wisely chose not to stamp it with his nascent nation's seal - a halberd impaling a dragon's skull. He used his own, a pair of daggers embedded in a finely-decorated throne, instead.

Proud of his achievement, he turned his attention to the next letter. "Greeting, O Most Short One". No, that didn't work. Maybe...

Someone had to write the official communications, after all. May as well be the most competent member of their little band.

Morale 7

Greetings, Zytharos Pyresoul, he whose flame burns unmatched on Hanrui.

We are aware that the nation of Dragonfall, as our name does indicate, has cultivated a certain reputation towards our treatment of your noble kind. We wish to assure you, O Great One, that we have no designs on you or the territories you rule. The death of Anthyryx, your third cousin twice removed, was regrettable but necessary. He was less wise and less benevolent than yourself, of course, and so his demise was inevitable.

However, we hope that his passing does not incur your wrath. Know that we offer sincere apologies for the loss of your distant relative, and know that as long as you do not march too far to the East, we of Dragonfall have no plans to interfere with your magnificence. We would rather not enter battle with one of your magnificent power and splendor, especially since none can stand before you.

In the utmost humble reverence,
Tzyras Whisperwind, First Herald of Dragonfall
Greetings, King Minebreaker of Bonerock,

We wish you all the best as our neighbors, and hope you and your people are blessed with great happiness and prosperity.

Forgive my directness, but we believe that Hanrui is in great danger. Dragons, angels, devils, and clockwork monstrosities plague this land. To the north, an army of hobgoblins has amassed and a the flame of the greatest crusade this continent has ever seen has begun to burn. We believe that the lives of good, ordinary folk - like the men of Dragonfall and the dwarves of Bonerock - are threatened like never before. We believe that unity is the only path forward.

To this end, we seek to lay the foundation for great friendship between our two nations - one that would let us both survive those that would seek to slay or subjugate us. What say you, Noble Minebreaker? Would you be willing to treat with us as friends and discuss the possibility of ties between our nations? I would happily come to you myself as a gesture of goodwill, if it would be well received.

I look forward to your response.

Tzyras Whisperwind, First Herald of Dragonfall.
Greetings to the Triumvirate of the Altered State,

Tales of your benevolence have spread far and wide. The wonders you have created within your walls are legendary. As your neighbors, we wish only the best relations between us. We have the utmost respect for your sovereignty, as your reputation as beings of honour is beyond repute.

If you have any designs on the territories around you, please let us know. If not, we promise you that the armies of Dragonfall will never march on your kingdom as long as your magics do not seek to harm our people.

We wish you peace and prosperity and hope to hear from you soon.
Tzyras Whisperwind, First Herald of Dragonfall
Greetings, neighbors.

We would know your designs on this continent. We do not wish conflict with you, but our people whisper dark tales of your kingdom, and we will defend ourselves if necessary.

As a gesture of goodwill, know that we plan to expand to the west {OOC: North on the Map}. We have no plans to conquer the desert save for {6, 7, and the second 7}. Any expansion into those territories will be treated as an act of war. Otherwise, we would be more than content to leave you to your machinations.

Let us know if this arrangement is acceptable to you.
Tzyras Whisperwind, First Herald of Dragonfall
My letter is hostile because you have rep 0, but I genuinely would like to avoid war if possible.

2018-05-19, 09:14 PM
Round and Round

"Trust a troll. Trust a dragon. Trust an angel. Trust a goblin. Trust an adventurer. But only if they have served you at least three cups of tea and you have done the same in turn. ”
-An often-cited parable heard amongst those that frequent the House of Satchels & Ur-Nonsense

Torquie Blankerton loved being in the sky. Her board cut an easy crease through the daytime airspace, hunting for the warmer patches to keep her aloft. Being uprooted in such a manner was most pleasing to her fibers. Below, her fronds could make out all the little nodules and clusters that dotted themselves across the landscape. It was not dissimilar to an amoeba: little feelers of shanty towns running and twisting away from the city’s more less nebulous borders. Mitochondric dynamos hummed with lazy power, collecting their own little clots of Statesiders about the perimeters. Occasionally one would toss up a corona of multihued emanations into the sky, drawing cheers from the clots. Torquie looked farther ahead still and noted a cache of Thaughmatergists rising up into the sky, joined in a square of arms. She swerved down to avoid a collision and let out an encouraging little groan from her bark as the configuration of monks soared higher still. She turned from them, smiled again, then focused. The race would be starting soon. Her skyboard picked up the pace, slinging her in a staggered line through the air.

Torquie’s roots shivered as a particularly hale frost elemental fell past her, all the while adjusting the nozzles and beepers on his axis belt. It was a bulky garment, even on their glacial frame. Little dyads arced jolts to nodes in-between metallic whines. The elemental smiled as they passed by, giving her a friendly wave that splashed a few droplets of moisture onto Torquie’s bark. She hovered a few feet off her board, not of her own doing. No wind currents tugged at her leaves or sent her roots kicking about. She was suspended in the air, momentarily completely weightless. Her skyboard, hovering underneath, sensed there was no danger of falling. It puttered about in a cheerful rotation around her roots. Torquie exhaled some pollen from her core and closed her peepers, savoring the sensation of momentary weightlessness. It passed just as suddenly as the ice elemental had. She was leftmomentarily saddened that she hadn’t been able to pay the iceman back. She landed back down on the skyboard with a nice squelch. Then her means of locamotion wheeled Blankerton about so that she was facing the high noon sun.

She spread out a branch and splayed some twigs & fingers over the sun, miming at snatching it. “Hehehehe.” Blankerton looked up into her canopy and noticed that a Brownie had lodged itself amongst the spindliest of her branches. Torquie rustled out a “Heh.” The skyboard responded to her levity, flipping Blankerton and with flipping her it flipped the Brownie and itself upside down. It’s cilia held Torquie, then wound through her foliage, giving the Brownie a few turquoise handholds. As her vision adjusted to really looking down, Torquie caught a waft of ginger & bacons from a merchant paragliding below her. Torquie considered dipping down to haggle with them. She always got hungry before a big event and it felt wrong to not give her stowaway at least something to eat. But then her chrono bleated out a shrill note and she was reminded once again that the race was drawing near. Naturally, even she showed up late Torquie knew she could still participate. Just not come first. She shook a few leaves around the Brownie, arranging them so that, with the light behind them, the shadows spelled out words: “Hanging in there?”

He gave a small squeal that resonated behind Torquie’s bark, right in her sap and celluloids. The skyboard’s graspers tapped at the little fey in a reassuring gesture.

“Hold on!”

All three of them, Torquie, the Brownie and the board crooned and howled together as they circled into an ever-accelerating downward spiral. By the time the racing ellipsoid was in view, the little mite’s surprised babbling had turned into rapturous laughter. Torquie felt the vibrations in her bark and was happy to have brightened at least one person’s day before the race. Torquie brought the board up sharp, just before settling down. She scattered a filament of rainbow dust about with her landing, drawing a few “oohs” and “ahhhs” from people who were going to the race. She smacked her roots down onto the sky-prism’s surface, somewhat disappointed with the textures of the racegrounds. The board hovered under the crook of her sixth branch. As she harrumphed her way towards the starting line, the Brownie scooted out from under her verdure.

Torquie kept forward, but made sure to listen and look at her passenger. They had six wings, all of them little tapestries detailing the Three’s descent upon Holy Haruni. First the vessel’s sojourn through the limpid flame of stars. Then the fall. Then the impact. That was the left wings. The right was a re-telling of each of the The Three’s arrival. Apollonia Gnashwell’s maelstrom of viscera. Red-Deliker Fives’ stumbling first trundles. Tara Nofears’ birth. At least, that was what Torquie believed. Every Statesider had their own version. That and the Brownie’s third limb holding up a small glass marble that the other two hands were polishing. Smoke wafted around in the glass. First it was grey, then a loud pink, then it settled on a soothing turtle-shell calico. The little fey offered the orb to Torquie with all three hands. For a moment Torquie considered turning it down. Then a feeler from her board surged up into a small pincher. The brownie deposited the glass ball into the board’s appendage, then made a face with all three of its hands before ‘porting away with a loud bang. Torquie rolled her eyes, then smiled at the smell of the cloud left in the sprites wake. Ginger.

All protests from her chrono to the contrary, Torquie had made good time. There were still a few more racers fumbling in behind her. She took a number and took her place in the lineup. The Altered State achieved much. Organization was, understandably, never going to be one of those things. The line was temporary, Torquie told herself. It would pass. Torquie amused herself by making shadow puppets with the skyboard, then admiring her other racers. There was an undine in silent conversation with some sort of vast fountain-like clanker that heaved carbons and viscous gelatins into the air. For a moment Torquie thought she smelled ginger. Her skyboard writhed around some of the smog turned it calico-turtleshell, then snuffed it up with a wriggling of protuberance. The clanker ground out a chuckle that the undine joined in on as they both noticed. The undine bowed, the lanker saluted and the last few racers finished ambling themselves to the chalk starting line.

All the racers waited. As a congregation of watchers began to clot about the racer, Torquie wondered who would step forward. The line was a series of jagged angles that started a few meters before the end of the ellipsoid. A citizen bobbed his way down from the crowd that had taken to the sky. They had a large top hat, waistcoat and monocle on. Their lower limbs were speckled with green jaguar spots that only shone brighter in the afternoon glow. Upon making contact with solid ground, little fungi bloomed form the spectator-officiator’s monocle. They removed the monocle, tapped at it twice, then raised it to a pair of shark lips. Everyone went quiet, affording the brave soul the right to speak. “Awright, awright awright! Bergers, Dignitariats and assorted varieties of Haberdashers!” A mad whoop went up at the mention of this last category that was carried forward by everyone, including the announcer. Torquie added her own rustlings to the ecastasy.

The announcer motioned for a brief peace. “We want a nice clean race, no Skunkwands and no stingersacks! Don’t want any our fair citizenry awash in scents without their notesomes, eh? Eh?!” A cheer went up from the crowd. They’re good. “Please deposit any of the aforementioned here.” The undine made a fake sour face and withdrew a skunkwand that size of a broom from her satchel. Torquie hoped she wasn’t planning on using it as her means of motion. She really wanted to race the undine. After everyone had deposited their assorted offronteries in a pile, the announcer gave a great wave of their hands, scattering the skunkwands and stinger sacks about The Altered State’s airspace. Some went so far Torquie couldn’t see them. But she could see the closest ones. The collection of tools had filed and trailed on one after another until there was a racetrack sketched out in the sky of the Altered State. Skunkwands and stingersacks made up the borders of the racetrack.

The announcer began again “Awright, awright! Casteyes!” The crowd cheered. “Bonerockers!” Another cheer went up, this time accompanied by a shower of warm ale. “Protected All of the Altered State!” Everyone, from the carbon-clanker to Torquie to the Goddling falling towards the racegrounds cheered. “I am Mortlane Cankerswell, we will witness your means of motion once around our fair city!” Another chorus of cheers went up, this one loud enough to eclipse all that came before it.

Everyone, even the racers, chanted the countdown. “Ready. Set-“

A pulpy meteorite smashed and splattered their way into the space between the Mortlane Cankerswell and the racers. They recombinated themselves, drawing solids and moisture from air and spilled dwarven ale alike. Torquie blinked and suddenly the flesh was half steel half flesh, still writing with a vitalic energy that saw Apollonia Gnashwells yawn into a quivering stance. They folded inwards, then coruscated about in a series of joyus salutes before erupting upwards, emanating a pleasant haze of grass blades, gumdrops and nails, all whorled up with cushions of yarn. All of the orbiting oddities froze still for a moment, then rotated, then began convulsing in time with yet more flux wringing its way through the Godling’s flesh. Everyone heard the announcers voiced magnified and amplified and altered a hundredfolds over.

<You areloved.RacewithusintheskyforadayPlythenode’softe pidairwithribbonsandflightsoffancyRideonandonwards foreverandeveandeverandevera-Go!>

It was all any of the racers needed. Torquie couldn’t hear anything but the sap circulating under her bark. Feel the skyboard under her feet. The gale winds in her twigs. The undine and clanker had combined into a spouting beast of a race-carriage. The undine’s hands whipped in and out of fountain spigots, dragging and grasping at the sky with a floundering speed. Everyone fell forward into a great cavalcade of motion and Apollonia Gnashwells was no exception. They ricocheted from cumulonimbus to clear sky to a few low hanging cirrus glots, scything them into pairs with a long trailing of their limbs. The clouds morphed and gestated into new geometries that shone with pale red alien light. Then they dispersed into little giraffes and lobsters, all of them various shades of rusted clockwork. The animals gallivanted about, mouthing out Apollonia Gnashwells’ emanations to the racers or any spectators that had elected to try and keep up.

<YouarelovedanddoingohsowellhereintheskyItisblueuph eresoveryblueIwanttogohomeagainItismorebluethereAl ittlballblottledupwithtinylittlegemsThatiswherewea renowHomeAndwherewecouldbeifyouletustakeyouthereLe tmeseeyourmeansofslitheringcrawlingjauntingupright ytightyupwardswithmeOhyouareallsobeautiful->

Torquie felt giddy with the presence of Apollonia Gnashwells rattling through her synapses. There was a sun’s warmth to the their presence. Like the light of a good sunny day, just as this one was. It was approachable to the sensation of submerging her roots in some loamswell. Of digging her roots deep into soil. It was like flying without her skyboard. Some of the sounds tooted, some hollered or purred. Some even rustled like Torquie did. She took good tidings in all of them, spurring her skyboard ever onward in pursuit of the First Godling.

The skunkwand and stingersacks track was abandoned immediately for the pale blue of the horizon. The track was pulled into the racer’s wake as they tried to play keepsups with the epicenter of their joy. The objects hummed with opuses the entire time.

PMs [Morale 9]

A stampede of centaurs gallop past the youth before coming to an abrupt halt. Some of them have metal limbs that hiss and spit steam of a pleasant temperature. Others have torsos that terminate above decidedly non-equine lower halves. After each bows to the Apprentice in turn, one takes the envelope. Then they are off, gallivanting and hollering, and partaking of the bubbles in the air. Their leader, bearing a nautili-like lower half, loudly reads the letter’s content to anyone and everyone. Eventually a return parcel, edible like cake, returns with the following message written in icing.

Salutations to Master Brewer Otto, Forever Steeped in Knowledge,

You are loved.

A new conjuring of tastes casts itself across Holy Hanruni. The multudious palates of The Altered State wait with lolling tongues to taste the latest and most ample of your arts.

We Three have heard of conflicts ringing out their cacophonies. It’s discordia troubles us to no ends. Vexes the Cogmen and Calculatirxes. Makes the Flowerchildren cry out with their pollens. We will strive to end this unpeace nonetheless. Everyone of us Statesiders shall open our doors to Mother Hanrui, just as it once did so long ago for we Three. All who suffer the ills and dirges of conflict will find succor here. We encourage you to do the same, yet understand if you are hesitant to include new ingredients in your melting pot. Never fear for those you cannot house. They will always have a home in The Altered State.

Enclosed is a receptacle for your most treasured liquids, grasp the handle and the vessel will heat what’s it contains to your satisfaction.

We look forward to sampling your latest hibiscus, cactus & plum flavors.

Journey well and sell many a cup,
Apollonia Gnashwells
Translator’s Credit: Dr. Magnus FiveFates, Barrister & Haruspex

Name on the Wind who Artfully Skirts Destiny’s Edge,

You are loved.

We bid you a fine morning in this year of freely rolling coins. Our designs are concentrated inwards mostsome. Seed your spendings where you wish, be it east or west to aid the noble Clockworks of the desert. Go forward and know that we look forward to seeing your buried treasure bloom afresh in new environs.

May your interests compound themselves,
Apollonia Gnashwells
Translator Credit: Merek the Condor, Scribe & Brewer

2018-05-19, 09:29 PM
The Kynshog/Armani Trolls (MOR 4)

He stood, watching the heart of the city. At the dawn of the world, the trolls had inhabited this land, and raised one of the first cities by mortal hands. Generations had lived and died here, coming from and returning to the land, even as each hoped that their work and accomplishments would leave a brighter future for their descendants, a great lantern and foundation which would both show the way and enable the great works they could but dream of while they where alive, but in times to come, may be celebrated as it was completed.

And for a long age, all was well. Yet, like many things, all things really, it did not last. As he shifted, he would feel the stones beneath his boots, a hand reaching out to trace the carvings. While some of the buildings here came from the first founding, Zul'Aman had been sacked and destroyed a hundred times over the millennia, as the tides of time sought to break them. He wondered, what it was that kept them from the edge, and kept calling them back to the old city. Most trolls could feel it in their bones, a sort of longing and melancholy, a need to return home.

That, and the hope, because that was all it was, of trying to slow or prevent the fall into being feral, to remain... he could feel it, on his brow. He could bear the weight, and he would do so gladly, even as frankly, he would wager that the damn dragon to the north would only weight a quarter of what the damn crown did. Still, to give them a tomorrow? He would give a deep breath, and roll his shoulders.

He would have to seek a successor soon. After all, what was a mere kings life worth, compared to the future of the nation? He was just the latest in the chain, though hopefully, far from the last.

2018-05-19, 09:38 PM
The Holy Imirin Empire

The vast temple complexes at the heart of Imir were, generally speaking, the closest to peaceful civilization the city offered. The only looting was exceptionally careful, both because no one wanted to get cursed by an offended god, and because Zytharos had made quite
a dramatic example of the first brave soul to run off with some treasure so close to the Dragon's lair.

Which meant that Lady Seeker Adriana Visconti had hoped for a bit of peace to carefully compose some letters, having learned she was apparently the nascent empire's chief diplomat by default. Instead she could barely see out her window from all the ash and smoke. Some desperate fisherman had actually approached the Pyresoul, and amazingly hadn't ended up char or an early supper. Instead, the great wyrm was flying far above the harbor, a firestorm below them all that remained of what had been a massive graveyard of scuttled ships ruining the city's vital harbor.

Sighing, picking a trinket out off her desk and laying it on the window to cleanse the air coming through, the human woman sat down and tried to write quickly. With any luck, in the space between her finishing them and her patron starting a war, she'd actually get to do a bit of exploration.

Morale 2

The message is short, written on the back of the original letter in hurried but exact script, handed back to the courier who brought it within the hour.
"An intriguing and appreciated offer. We'll reciprocate, of course. Details can be worked out when required, and we're more than open to any other embassies. We both have enough enemies, I'm sure.

The letter is carefully folded, set within Lady Adriana's regular order of mind-sharpening and sleep-delaying brews and handed to one of the few merchants remaining within Imir

"Good morrow to the esteemed Grandmaster Otto.

Ideally I'd just be writing to give my regards on the latest shipment of Khereb and see if you have anything stronger. Necessity disagree, sadly. My patron has taken wing from the city, which means we're certainly going to war. No quarrel with you, but I'd advise keeping any especially armed caravans out of their territory between us for a time.

As well, we'd be quite interested in a discussion on contracts and trade. Or, well, call it a tributary delegation and give one free sample-I believe I've got the credit to pay you back for it.

The message is brought by a kobold who doesn't quite realize that the 'honor' is mostly a function of how expendable everyone agrees he is. Wandering boldly into the Iron Bones dressed in bright colors, he has quite an elaborately sealed scroll to present.

"Good morrow to you, Trollking.

Somewhat difficult to believe, I'm sure, but I think peace between yourself and my patron is both possibly and prudent. At present, I expect we'll be pushing along the coast in search of the Pyresoul's goal, aim your reconquest East and there shouldn't be an issue.

As well, I doubt the Legion holds War Trolls in much higher regard than a Dragon. I'm sure you can see the advantage in cooperation?

(The records are a bit murky, but keep the messenger as a gift/sacrifice/snack, if you still do that sort of thing)

The message seems to have been taken directly to the Pyresoul. The reply is written in high quality vellum, and seems almost comical-the Dragon's actual words are extremely clear, written in beautiful draconic calligraphy that must have taken hours per word. Above, under, and around them, in the degraded vernacular dialect favored by kobolds, there's almost...exegesis. At least three different scribes provide helpful (conflicting) commentary on Zyhtharos' actual meaning with each phrase.

My blood is as magma to his thin water. It is nearly an insult to think us so closely alike.

If you intended no insult, and no general war on my kind, then a token restitution will suffice. Do not stand before my Ascending Glory, and I will leave you content in your carcass-home.

A few thoroughly disposable kobolds wander likely areas, each bearing short messages asking for an ambassador, or at least direct parlay, with these new neighbors.

2018-05-19, 10:19 PM
The Kynshog/Armani Trolls


The kobold would be greeted politely, and offered refreshments, simple fair, water along with goat cheese and bread, even as he would be watched, judged. For the most part, as he would be waiting in a stone antechamber, a single guard watching him, there would be a sort of silence, watchful and waiting. He had already proven his courage though, though given it was a kobold on a misson from a dragon? Perhaps not so much.

Have a different reply based on the impression the kobold makes... also, hey, interaction!

Making their way to where some of the sightings have been, the trolls are searching... while carrying a banner with the Drow words of 'Discussion' on it. The trolls would like to talk. It was not as if the two races, or Gurg himself, had not done business together in the past after all.

2018-05-19, 10:41 PM
Emperor Ryu-Kokusho walked around the shores of the Lake of the Fallen Star, his birthplace, basking in the full moonlight that always seemed to reinvigorate him. Trailing behind him was his guards, a dozen of the most fearsome bugbears in the Empire and 3 score skeleton horsemen, the remnants of the enemies knights. Now they served him as his Moon Knights.

He rubbed his chin as he thought on the things he had learned recently, all of the strange new visitors to his land, and some not so new. He motioned for a scribe to come closer, he had letters to write.

Mor: 4

A goblin riding a short, muscular goat rides up to the capital with a message for Guild Master Chemosh. He requests to deliver it himself, but if that is not acceptable he will hand it to whatever assisstant is acceptable and leave. Otherwise he is very polite, if not very talkative. He will wait to see if you would like to compose a response.

The letter is written on simple, but well made, parchment and sealed with wax and imprinted with the symbol of Emperor Ryu-Kokusho, a serpentine dragon entwined around a falling star.

Greetings Guild Master

I know you may find it strange receiving a letter from me, but do not believe the things you may have heard about me and my Empire. I wish to open negotiations for the establishment of trade routes, as i can imagine that keeping all of those adventurers well fed must be a bit difficult. I am also amenable to negotiating further terms if its agreeable to you.

Know that i am a being of honor and will abide by any deal that is struck between us. I await your response.

Emperor Ryu-Kokusho, the Evening Star

A goblin riding a short, muscular goat rides up to the capital with a message for Binkkins Da Shank, Grand Looter. He requests to deliver it himself, but if that is not acceptable he will hand it to whatever assistant is acceptable and leave. Otherwise he is very polite, if not very talkative. He will wait to see if you would like to compose a response.

The letter is written on simple, but well made, parchment and sealed with wax and imprinted with the symbol of Emperor Ryu-Kokusho, a serpentine dragon entwined around a falling star.

Greetings Binkkins Da Shank, Grand Looter

I have a deal for you. A deal that could make the both of us rather wealthy. I hope to hear from you.

Emperor Ryu-Kokusho, the Evening Star

A goblin riding a short, muscular goat rides up to the capital with a message for King Oskar Minebreaker. He requests to deliver it himself, but if that is not acceptable he will hand it to whatever assistant is acceptable and leave. Otherwise he is very polite, if not very talkative. He will wait to see if you would like to compose a response.

The letter is written on simple, but well made, parchment and sealed with wax and imprinted with the symbol of Emperor Ryu-Kokusho, a serpentine dragon entwined around a falling star.

Greetings King Oskar Minebreaker

I know that the history between our two peoples has been less than peaceful in the past. Be that as it may, the times have changed and there are many new powers growing in Hanrui. I believe that it would be expedient for our two powers to set aside our differences and at the very least agree that continued non aggression between us is preferable. If you would be amenable, i would be open to discussing opening trade between our peoples.

Know that i am a being of honor and shall abide by any agreement struck between our people. I await your response.

Emperor Ryu-Kokusho, the Evening Star

A goblin riding a short, muscular goat rides up to the last place the Drow where seen with a message for Xantha'ril Baenrae.. He requests to deliver it himself, but if that is not acceptable he will hand it to whatever assistant is acceptable and leave. Otherwise he is very polite, if not very talkative. He will wait to see if you would like to compose a response.

The letter is written on simple, but well made, parchment and sealed with wax and imprinted with the symbol of Emperor Ryu-Kokusho, a serpentine dragon entwined around a falling star.

Greetings Xantha'ril Baenrae.

I know you may find it strange receiving a letter from me, but do not believe the things you may have heard about me and my Empire. I wish to open negotiations with your people, as i understand you are in need of a place to call your own. I may be able, and willing to assist you in that.

Know that i am a being of honor and will abide by any deal that is struck between us. I await your response.

Emperor Ryu-Kokusho, the Evening Star

2018-05-19, 10:44 PM
The Holy Imirin Empire

Morale 2

Eeto was a Seeker, if a not especially accomplished one. Given that, and the shared institutions of the kobold species, his response to being trapped in a small stone room for an extended period was to assume it was a death trap. Not yet having delivered the message he'd been entrusted with-bearing a wax seal of the dragon's flame!-he couldn't exactly run.

So, increasingly nervous as seconds ticked by, he began to pace and fidget, tapping likely-looking areas in the wall to try and discern the nature of the trap, looking carefully for arrow slits and hidden openings as well as anything waiting to fall from the ceiling. And, of course, any alternative exits.

Of course, a kobold's patience is a very limited thing-especially when they're not set to some higher task. Walking up to the guard, shaking with a suppressed flight-response, he held out the scroll. "Take-hold the scroll? Might be hurt-broken in the trap."

And, of course, with that done he could start figuring out how to run.

2018-05-19, 10:55 PM
The Kynshog

Morale 4

As he watched the kobold approach, the guard would snort, and shake his head. "Ya lasted bit longer then thought ya would." Still, there was something approaching a smile on the guards face, as he would turn, and open the door. "Boss is down the corridor, third door on the left." He was gruff, but was trying to make an effort to not appear as if he was attempting to loom over the kobold, trying, in a basic sense, to give the kobold some courtesy... even if he was not entirely sure what that courtesy would be.

Still, if the kobold made it's way along the corridor, the vaulted stone ceilings made for creatures of a trolls stature, it would soon come across the troll king, sitting on a large chair, a little table with a pitcher and two mugs, one sized for a troll and the other for something closer to a kobolds size, long with a platter of cold cut deer. There was a stool in front of Gurgs chair, even as he would wave a hand, some papers close by. "So, ya got a message fer me?" His tone is a deep rumbling growl, like boulders crashing together as they make their way downhill. While only close to nine feet tall, there is something about him that seems larger.

2018-05-19, 11:30 PM

Morale 7

Our apologies for the slight, Oh Magnanimous One. It will take us some time to think up a gift suitable for one as majestic as you, but we assure that tribute will be provided.

With the greatest degree of respect possible,
Tzyras Whisperwind, First Herald of Dragonfall

The handwriting gets slightly sloppier as the letter goes on, as if the author was drinking themselves into a stupor at the prospect of repeatedly sucking up to a dragon.

I have plans for my Econ this turn, but I'll send you a point next turn in appeasement. Hope that's sufficient.
Honored friends,

This pleases us greatly. If you ever need assistance, write to us. Dragonfall will answer.

Tzyras Whisperwind, First Herald of Dragonfall
Greetings, esteemed merchants.

We have a great degree of respect for your nation; the plight of the common people resonates deeply with us. In Dragonfall, we have taken back control from tyrants and forged prosperity in the southern vales.

But we believe that Hanrui is in great danger. Dragons, angels, devils, and clockwork monstrosities plague this land. To the north, an army of hobgoblins has amassed and the flame of the greatest crusade this continent has ever seen has begun to burn. We believe that the lives of good, ordinary folk - like the men and women of our nations - are threatened like never before. We believe that unity is the only path forward.

To this end, we seek to lay the foundation for cooperation between our two nations - one that would let us both survive those that would seek to slay or subjugate us. We ask no action of you at this time, but we invite you to remember that you have much in common with Dragonfall - and that in the face of powerful beings seeking to impose their wills, the only chance we have is to stand together.

We look forward to hearing your response.

Tzyras Whisperwind, First Herald of Dragonfall
P.S. There is no better place to put this, but your Vanellian blend is absolutely marvelous. I would like to place an order, personally. I have enclosed payment.

2018-05-19, 11:37 PM
The Holy Imirin Empire

Morale 2

Eeto darted along the tunnel, keeping in the shadows of the wall, nature and nurture speaking with one voice, ensuring the trapsmith-come-diplomat caused as little commotion and attracted as little attention as possible. Troll attention being something a kobold sought out was a novel enough idea he still wasn't quite processing it.

Clambering up the stool to sit at the same table as the Trollking, he looked hungrily at the deer. When he was most of the way to deciding it didn't seem poisoned, the troll spoke-nearly three times Eeot's size, and with a voice that seemed far grander than that. He did a very good job of disappearing into the stool.

But brandishing the scroll of vellum-intended for the reproduction of some holy manuscript-he channeled that nervous energy into nodding furiously.

"Yyyes! A message in the name of Rising Fire! Pyresoul and Lady Hedge and Architect Varrul believes-say we shouldn't-don't fight. Plenty of land-people-gold east for you, and north for us, and the shining knight want us all on pikes anyways.

Clearing his throat nervously, eyes darting every which way, he leaned forward and continued

"Besides-and, Lady Hedge says Pyresoul 'cares as much about politics as trolls care about religion', so really no need to fight at all!

The response is hastily scrawled on the back of the letter in hurried but precise script, unsigned but for a stamp of office likely, ah, 'salvaged' from one monastic order or another.

"That's more than sufficient, and we will ensure your respect is conveyed in as positive a light as possible. In future, feel no need to address mail directly to our patron-unless you're looking for a dragon's personal touch, the Seekers will conduct general diplomacy.

All the best, etc

2018-05-19, 11:56 PM
The Kynshog

Morale 4

There is something like amusement in the trolls face, as Eeot vanished into his stool. "Relax. Yer an ambassador, foreign dignitary an all that. Bad manners on our part if you die on our watch." He would pause for a moment, before chuckling. "Less you really worked to piss someone off, and even then, they'd leta know. After all, might have ta bellow bout yer boss sendin a poor ambassador." Still, he shook his head, as he took the scrolls, and would wave one hand over the meat, as he placed the scroll on the arm of his chair.

"That said, eat, drink and be welcome in my hall." The tone he gave, it was a formality, a practiced, route statement, as he poured the liquid in the pitchers into the mugs. "Found a garden with Sos'ka growin wild. Bit stronger then most teas, but..." He looked, well, not entirely concerned. "Saw one kobold breathe fire after drinkin, but not sure he wasn't able to do that before hand." He would give a shrug, as if to say life was strange.

Still, one claw would be cutting open the seal, eyes moving over the parchment, even as he drank, sipped really, from his own mug. Yet, he did not reply, seeming to be holding off on the business side of things, or at least, gathering his thoughts.

2018-05-20, 12:12 AM
Holy Imirin Empire

Morale 2

The diminutive humanoid didn't seem to entirely believe the assurances, but it was enough to at least give it a try. And the deer was fresh enough that a little nibble rapidly became a dozen mouthfulls, the cool meat lightly braised by kobold physiology as he ate it.

Looking at the tea a bit more doubtfully, he gave a little shrug "Sometimes happens. Wyrmpriests-Dragonshields. Blessed, like wings. Purer essence. Like..troll-wings? Bigger?, grow back more?

That explanation done, Eeto did take a long mouthful of the tea-no fire, though there was the treat of seeig smoke pour out of his snout as he tried to stay composed.

2018-05-20, 12:33 AM
The Immaculate Choir of Harmony

Morale 7

Father Kendall's legs weren't what they used to be. The climb to the summit of the rocky promontory took him the better part of the hour, ascending from the land of red-smoke-meat and the hearty meals of the holy to the path of lonely rocks and far silence. Up here, there were no voices. Not that the remainder of the Choir's war camps were much louder. Harmony had unsurprisingly little need for conversation; when the faithful were of a mind, such points of clarification were rarely needed.

Of course, not all of their number had met the Mirror. They hadn't yet seen the truth.

Here, the stubborn plants and grasses of the Hanrui plains met the unforgiving harsh winds. Below, the hills split open into a multifaceted canyon, surrounded on nearly all sides with steep cliffs. Above, the sky was a cloudless, impossible blue. The Father Kendall of old would have stopped to appreciate the sight, but today's priest knew that in twenty-one minutes, Captain Kalasar from the regiment of White Lances would report a shortage of bridles and saddle straps. He knew this because of the fact that the southern woman had never been graced by Harmony, and that the quartermaster for the angel's forces had. One would be unable to ever conceive of the forces that held sway over the other.

With a muted sigh, Father Kendall completed his climb. At the very top of the winding path upon which he stood floated the Mirror itself. To describe It, even to himself, would defy his powers of explanation. But before his eyes, a nine foot tall figure of pure, baleful light floated in the storm-licked air. Over a score of pure feathered wings spread out on the breeze, unmoving. The Exemplar did not need them to fly, not really. Father Kendall had seen It move on the air without exerting a single muscle. And yet, when he met It's eyes, he found truth in the slightest movement of that expressionless face. Looking further, Father Kendall saw his own face, reflected in Its eyes. He saw himself as a young man, stealing food from his fellow townsfolk and knifing a soldier to escape a goblinoid attack.

His sins, called back to show him. It was no different from any other day he had come to visit the angel. This would make the eighty-first day now. A part of him - the part below the skin, the part that Sung - recognized the purpose even if he did not, and that was enough.

"I have seen it, Exemplar," Father Kendall said. The voice did not always count for much, but displays of self-control were Harmonious. Therefore, the angel permitted it in certain situations. "The path we are walking, it is dangerous. It will bring more death and war to Hanrui before we are finished. At the end of it, we will either be dead or the country will truly know peace."

As usual, the entity with twenty-three sets of shadowed eyes simply stared back of him. It already knew the answer to the question in his mind, and before he could finish his train of thought, it was completed for him. In his mind's eye, Father Kendall knew what it was to know infinity. It was not anything he could put a name on, nor even anything more meaningful than blinking and finding the world suddenly vanished, and yet it was still worth remembering. In that place, Father Kendall watched as the next set of orders emerged from apparent nothingness, fully formed and ready to execute. The most critical parts of his plan, he immediately doled out to those other members of the Choir in charge. On the front, captains and clerks alike would already be moving. They in turn would relay the basic truncated versions of those telepathic commandments to their inferiors, and so on. Kendall found that the Choir functioned most effectively as a sort of pyramid, albeit one whose sides were uneven and always changing.

Finding that analogy to be too chaotic and therefore dismissing it as though it had never been, Father Kendall shook his head and stared out at the horizon of the Choir's army once more. He had expressed a thought, somewhere deep within him beyond the salons where his mind held court. It had come and gone without note or consequence, and yet the priest found that some remnant of it lingered on.

It was ultimately unimportant. Such things were the death of Harmony, after all.

Greetings and glad tidings upon you!

This missive hopefully finds you in good health. Emperors and generals, dragons, gearmen, or eldritch things, men and women all, you represent the hearts and minds of Hanrui. Know that even within the short span of our existence, we recognize the power - both potential and actual - that you wield. We are joyous to see that this world does not lack for forward thinking. Know too, that in our observation, we have passed judgment.

Thirteen other letters accompany this one, each being delivered to the seat of power for a respective authority. Each of them has been reproduced exactly, for the sake of precision. Our vision has taken the gauge of Hanrui's leadership, and separated them into two groups as represented on the list below. The first group is comprised of those who threaten the long term stability and order of Hanrui. The second is made up of those who protect this country from such forces. To those of you who find yourselves in the former category, know that you have earned our unending scorn. There will be no quarter when we meet on the field, no measures given for peace or surrender. Your place is non-existence. As of the delivering this letter, consider our two states of being to be in opposition. We will wage such war on you to make those Above quaver in fear.

List the First
The Altered State
The Kynshog
The Holy Imirin Empire
The Adventurer's Guild
The Delvers
The Cursed Kingdom of Clockwork
List the Second

Bonerock Kingdom
The Legion of Balance
The Brotherhood of Sin
The Wind-Blown Leaf
The Empire of the Fallen Star
The Templars of Our Burning Savior
The Pillar of Wisdom

Those who find themselves in the second list, know that you can be saved! Join us in our Gentle Crusade, our mission of restoring the principles of balance and law to Hanrui. If you accept the Harmony that lives in your hearts, take up your swords and spells in defense of its existence on this otherwise destitute and disorderly landmass. We only hope that you will cleave true to our plans, should your path stray into chaos. Regardless of your judgment, expect subsequent messengers from us.

Yours in Song and Prayer,

Empyreal Speaker Corvayne, the Immaculate Choir of Harmony

Effective immediately, the Immaculate Choir of Harmony is declaring war on all factions on the first list. We are also making formal declarations of alliance to all factions on the second list.

2018-05-20, 04:39 AM
The Windblown Leaf (MOR: 3)

The Holy Imirin Empire
The letter accompanies the next shipment of Lady Adriana's tea. It is sealed with a waxen stamp of an ornate leaf, and enclosed within is a teabag smelling of rooibos.

Ah. Well. First, to the part of your letter I truly would enjoy responding to.

Your question about Khereb is a good one. There are certain brews we provide to wizards that might qualify as "stronger," but the same wizards have warned me they are not fit for any mind not adept with navigating mystical realms. I could still provide them -- far be it from me to decide not to sell someone tea! -- but perhaps a safer substitute, I would suggest the following. Leave the Khereb to steep 3 minutes longer than usual, then add a thimbleful of Cryodrake milk. The latter can be a touch expensive, but it really does bring out the brew's flavour -- and other effects.

Now, to less happy news.

I and the Guild do greatly appreciate your warning. We of course would not want to get in the way of your esteemed patron. Could you specify, sorry -- when you say "their territory" whose do you refer to?

We are of course never opposed to setting up new trade routes. Given the circumstances, we would appreciate some guarantee of their safety, but even just the threat of a dragon's wrath on any nation that harassed them might be sufficient. And we will, of course, bow to your wisdom when it comes to phrasing and the like.

Oh, Lady Adriana, your wisdom and bravery will sorely be needed in the months and years to come. I personally wish you the best of fortune, and if you would ever like to take a break and come to Barracha, know my tent and brews will be open to you.

Your friend, and humble servant,

Ottoch IV
Brewmaster, the Windblown Leaf

The letter accompanies the next shipment of tea to Dragonfall. It is sealed with a waxen stamp of an ornate leaf, and enclosed within is a teabag smelling of star anise.

My Lord (or is it Lady currently?),

I cannot disagree that the current events seem to brew an ill blend for the fate of Hanrui. I do appreciate your comments as well on unity -- what a few leaves could not achieve, the well-portioned brew evokes with ease.

But I must correct you on one point. The Windblown Leaf would never consider itself a nation -- or if it does, then the nation we represent would be the whole of Hanrui. We are a guild, nothing more, and nothing less. That of course does not make us free from fears of subjugation, but it is a distinction that may be of more and more importance in the coming months.

We would not opposed to somewhat tighter ties. Dado knows we two have much the economic wealth between us, and I do wonder what if anything could be done to simultaneously increase the prosperity and safety of the realm's people.

Forgive us our directness, but Nate would have my head if I did not bring it up. The rise of the Holy Imirin Empire does give us some worry when it comes to the security of any long-term contracts with you. Is the concern a reasonable one, or have you managed to work out your differences?

I look forward to further conversation soon.

Your friend and humble servant,

Ottoch IV
Brewmaster, the Windblown Leaf

P.S. Ah, you seem to know the way straight to my heart. Some Vanellian has been included in the shipment, and I've included a few sachets of Ambris as well -- I know of few blends more delicious than it.

2018-05-20, 08:09 AM
To All, 0 Morale

Letters fall upon every territory, each envelope a different colour. When opened, each sings a pleasing song.

To All who call Hanruni Home,

You are loved.

War has come to our fair home. Perhaps a better nation might be able to explain to us why one that values Harmony concerns itself with the presence of only one voice. Such an existence seems incredibly lonely. It has always been of our views that in order to harmonize, one must sing more than a single note. Thus through many voices working together, the peace of unity is realized. To divide and separate and annihilate places the Immaculate Choir on the path to self-destruction that we would not have. We do not understand why such a voice cries out for unity yet finds need in our deaths, but never fear. We will put our most able minds towards solving the problem of war.

To the Immaculate Choir of Harmony: we reject your offer of war and fire. We shall make no battles on you and take nothing of yours. If you still wish to reap and salt that which means you no ills, we will repel you in self-defense only. This imagined conflict would be one that only you participate in.

The Altered State & those Who call it Home
Apollonia Gnashwells
Tara Nofears
Red-Deliker Fives

2018-05-20, 09:24 AM
The Immaculate Choir of Harmony

Morale 7

Rejoice, for we have Heard your words and deemed them wise!

At the very least, to a different sort of wisdom. In your desert of delights, you have forgotten the true meaning of peace. Harmony is more than one voice, this is true. A Choir is more than one Singer. We are many, all of our voices and talents bound together to a single cause. I write you this letter as Speaker Corvayne, putting my own ink and to paper, even as my mind is exalted with order’s promise. Our Exemplar has showed us the way, but we are still people beneath all of that. Harmony cannot exist as a singularity.

Your existence is everything that our project ought to condemn. And yet, we find ourselves unwilling to follow through on our promise. To wage war on such a distant power who has proven themselves wise is a mistake. Therefore, we formally retract our declaration of war for the time being. Time will tell if there is something worth salvaging from your efforts.

Yours in Song and Prayer,

Empyreal Speaker Corvayne, the Immaculate Choir of Harmony

2018-05-20, 11:29 AM
Morale 7

Sherya of the Kettlefire,
That sounds fair to us. After all you are much better equipped to process those into something useful. The only exception we would like, is if one of those things that you wish to have is required to continue the adventure with no other known solution that we be allowed to use the minimal amount to continue. Extremely unlikely, but you never know, some sites have weird puzzle things. Would you rather we choose a more out doorsy location or a location in the mountains? You would be much more likely to find minerals and fungus (which we would include seeing I imagine some of them are useful somewhere) in the mountains but almost all of the other things you listed would be much more common outdoors. If you do outdoors we will try our best to choose a location with a fair bit of vegetation.


A simply written message on plain paper. It is sealed with normal wax and there appears to be nothing distinguishable about the wax at all.

We are more than willing to establish trade routes. After all, gold is only so useful if you don't have anyone to trade with. We are interested in any other negotiations that you may wish to do.

We also heard you have a notable adventurer of sorts. We are going on an extremely big expedition as usual but if they want to, they can come. Could be some good experience particulary seeing you don't currently have any viable adventure sites for them to explore I believe.

2018-05-20, 11:43 AM
Mor 4

The response is delivered much the same as the initial letter.

We are happy to hear that you agree to trade with us, hopefully it will be profitable for us both. As to further negotiations, you have partially touched upon what we desired to speak of. There is much to be gained through the exploration of ancient ruins and other sites and it is something that we have little experience with. Our Empire will be most happy to send along Lee Fen and his band of privateers as well as a small military detachment for security. Send us the details and we shall meet you at some agreed upon location.

2018-05-20, 12:43 PM
The Windblown Leaf (MOR: 3)

The Adventurer's Guild
This letter is sealed with a waxen stamp of an ornate leaf, and carries an enclosed teabag that smells like blueberries.

From the tongue of Sherya of the Kettlefire,
As transcribed by her assistant, Claris

Guildmaster Chemosh,


Of course. Damned puzzles. Never designed for claw or flame.

We accept what leaves must be sacrificed for the good of the blend.

We will follow your judgement in location. We have many flavours. Thus require many materials. Cave or woodland, it does not matter. Preferably not ancient tomb.

You are wiser than I here, Guildmaster.

I look forward to our partnership.

At the bottom of the page, a 4-tined claw has indented the paper, a signature of the letter's authorship.

The Immaculate Choir of Harmony
This letter is sealed with a waxen stamp of an ornate leaf, and carries an enclosed teabag that smells like strawberries.

To the esteemed Empyreal Speaker Corvayne,

We greet your song and prayer with our own, though admittedly the Windblown Leaf's grasp of melody and rhythm pales before our grasp of leaf and flavour.

Admittedly, we greet your missive with a brew more steeped in confusion. We of course do not wish war, but nor are we a nation-state to pursue a formal alliance of our own. Nor would we be so bold as to characterize ourselves as protecting Hanrui from any great chaos -- we do not come close to rivalling your great crusade, as it were. We seek to trade, and to ensure no man or woman or creature must go to bed without a cup of tea by their side.

It is in that same spirit I think we could ally ourselves to your mission, if not as a state of our own. Our caravans crisscross the continent, largely to carry our brews. But given your plans -- and the plans of so many in Hanrui -- it seems that war and violence may be unavoidable in the months and years to come.

But while you may assign some nations the role of nonexistence, certainly you do not assign the same to any of Hanrui's humble farmers or tailors? Craftsmen or silversmiths? We, perhaps, could ensure their harmony and prosperity, maintain an order to their lives, no matter the chaos that surrounds them.

I see our caravans not just carrying tea, but the medicines to tend a farmer's son who caught a stray arrow, the rations to feed a village whose crops were carried off by marauding undead. Would you smile upon these plans? And, hopefully, ensure your forces do not harm any caravans bearing our ornate leaf?

Your humble servant,

Ottoch IV
Brewmaster, the Windblown Leaf

2018-05-20, 01:26 PM

Morale 7

Greetings, Esteemed Brewmaster.

I appreciate your consideration for my current gender, but I am technically male; however, members of my race (myself included) are rarely offended. You may refer to me however you wish.

First, we have matters of the utmost importance to discuss: the Ambris was truly spectacular. I cannot speak for Dragonfall, but know that I myself am indebted to you. How I lived this many years without discovering this marvelous blend will be the greatest mystery of my life.

My apologies for the mistake, but despite your modest words we are aware that an area on the western coast belongs to you and the common people of your guild. The Wind-Blown Leaf is well-liked in Hanrui, and you have many resources we do not. Please do not sell yourself short; we still desire ties with you and those you represent.

Honeyed words and token payment have dissuaded a dragon - having fought one previously, we have no desire to draw its ire. As far as our limited intelligence capabilities are aware, the Imiran Empire will not be turning its attention to the East. An alliance or friendship between us would not provoke Zytharos.

Besides, we have received the most interesting letter from an angel. I would wager that the foul beast's attention will be diverted for quite some time, and I've always been a betting man.

We welcome all further missives - and samples - from the Wind-Blown Leaf.

Tzyras Whisperwind, First Herald of Dragonfall

To Empyreal Speaker Corvayne of the Immaculate Choir,

Normally, Tzyras handles this sort of work. The scope of your message requires my personal involvement.

I appreciate your ambition, truly. Harmony is a noble goal, and I wish you success in the battle against disorder.

However. Dragonfall is too young and too fragile to war against half of Hanrui. In the future, perhaps. But for now, we cannot ally with you. We cannot afford to fight our neighbors, even with your help.

Perhaps Dragonfall can lend you aid in the future. For now, we must decline.

Elendra Barathiel
Protector of Dragonfall

2018-05-20, 03:46 PM
The Windblown Leaf (MOR: 3)

Internal (GM-Only)
This letter is sealed with a waxen stamp of an ornate leaf, and carries an enclosed teabag that smells like nightshade.

Dear Lord Xantha'ril,

To address the most important concerns first, I hope you enjoy the enclosed sachet of tea. While we do not trade much with the Underdark, it is a blend that has been in our stores since our last major exchange. As we do not know much about its flavour, please let us know if it is not to your tastes and we can find something more appropriate.

I would also like to extend the guild's welcome to Hanrui's surface. If you need a place to pitch your tents, the tent-city of Baracha welcomes all. If you would like our assistance in establishing trade routes, to support the flow of tea -- and perhaps of grain, and of cloth, and of wood -- please let us know.

Your humble servant,
Ottoch IV

Brewmaster, the Windblown Leaf

A few questions, not urgent enough for PM...

Vaguely connected to my plans with the Adventurer's Guild... is it possible to theme all (or almost all) my adventuring rewards off of things at least vaguely related to tea or the brewing thereof? Would get it if not, but I'm also willing to do a lot of the fluff-making myself if you give me themes you want them to go off of.
What exactly can I... do, with all my reputation? I've realized that there really aren't very many NPCs around, though I do plan to reach out to a few. Is it feasible to use it to broadly appeal to the populace?
Just to check, there's no Red Cross-esque organization already active in Hanrui, right? ...And, similarly, I'm guessing no Geneva Convention to grant immunity to aid-workers and the like. Damn. :smallsigh:

This letter is sealed with a waxen stamp of an ornate leaf, and carries an enclosed teabag that smells like apple.

Dear Lord Whisperwind,

Ah, I appreciate the clarification. Ever since an embarrassing incident many decades ago with Hielo -- they did not appreciate being called by any gender, and made that known by freezing an entire caravan -- we endeavour to be careful in matters of uncertainty.

I suppose we will have to agree to disagree. After all, whatever Baracha's stature it is a tent city; we collect no taxes, build no walls, and strive for no permanence.

I am very, very, glad to hear that there will be no dragonfire splashing the walls of Dragonfall -- or no more than already has. It seems there will be plenty of places where fires may burn in the coming months, but no one would be pleased to see that list grow.

The Guild agrees that the angelic missive was interesting. I had always thought "may you live in interesting times" to be a blessing, but looking into the future of Hanrui, I can see its flip side as well.

Forgive me, I am oh-so-prone to ramble. With draconic fears out of the way, I would be delighted for the guild to build tighter ties with Dragonfall. Given the bustle of merchants -- including those of stone and of wood and of horses and of wagons, all those elements necessary for better trade routes, perhaps we will even have enough left over to splurge on the ornate tea sets which so well accompany ambris.

Unfortunately, we lie on opposite sides of the continent. But a route between us would pass by the Legion of Balance, and I wonder if there may not be an opportunity there. They seem to be growing in activity, and thus may have need of a well-crafted road from North to South, which can serve as both highway and perhaps supply route. If we provide the funds for this cross-continent way, perhaps they can provide the guards? If this idea sounds appealing to you, I could reach out on our behalf.

Your friend and humble servant,

Ottoch IV
Brewmaster, the Windblown Leaf

2018-05-20, 04:00 PM
The Holy Imirin Empire

Morale 2

Apologies, haste left me unclear. In the next months, my patron's banner will be raised over every remaining of the fishing towns and pirate havens of the Emerald Coast [Territory 39], and of the plains and farmland of Khemvul [Territory 36]. If there are any interests in the area you'd like to see preserved, make a list and I'll endeavor to make it so.

Providing security could certainly be part of any deal, and consider it guaranteed anywhere my patron's writ runs as a courtesy. Though if you think me a jurist I've vastly oversold myself. Regardless, it's a rare time for investment, and ensuring stable trade up and down the coast suits all our interests, if for different ends.

P.S. Wonderfully effective tip for the Khereb, my thanks. Though at this point I'm going to need a pet cryodrake to ensure a regular supply of the stuff.
P.P.S. Your offer is appreciated and quite tempting. If not this season, I hope to avail myself of it the next.

The stone tablet is almost a work of art, draconic calligraphy etched with sacred acids and inks, illuminated and illustrated as a work of devotion. When a Dragon speaks, lessers listen. Especially when the kobolds carrying it make a show of displaying it everywhere they stop journeying halfway across the kingdom.

Silence is death, and your music is little better. A chorus is a haven for mediocrity, empty but as a backdrop for those with true greatness to leave their mark.

Come to Imir and sing in fire, your last moments will be in the presence of true Glory. Or send the Fallen Star hiding behind your voice. Its essence would be a suitable tribute.

2018-05-20, 06:05 PM

Morale 7

The letter is sealed with both the official seal of Dragonfall and that of Tzyras Whisperwind.
Another signature lies below the first. It seems like Elendra, who holds great weight on the Council, has personally approved this message.

Dear Brewmaster Ottoch,

Your consideration does you great credit, and I am grateful both for your delicious blends and your thoughtfulness.

If you truly have no designs on territory - and no permanent cities - come to the East. Settle in the Willowmorns {45, 46, & 44}. You will need to come to terms with the trolls to the West, but you would make for resourceful and valuable neighbors; I am sure they will not object. Perhaps you can aid them from time to time. It will certainly be safer than your current accommodations, and we swear that the armies of Dragonfall shall never march in your lands save to come to your aid.

Failing that, we are amenable to a great road, assuming that the clockwork monstrosities of the desert do not threaten our nation.

I urge you to take my offer seriously. It would be a great pilgrimage, but your people are resourceful. I would not want to be trapped between an angel and a dragon, were I in your place.

Tzyras Whisperwind, First Herald of Dragonfall
Elendra Barathiel, Protector of Dragonfall

Greetings, Gurg Da Great.

To be blunt, I admire your work. My friends and founders of Dragonfall do not see the need for intelligence gathering. They say it is a waste of time. But I have heard whispers of your agents, whose capacity for subterfuge vastly exceed my own. That, coupled with your ancient wisdom, gives me great respect for you.

To be direct, Elendra and Eir are wary of you. They worry that you have designs on the vales to the east, and to the Willow-Morns that divide us {Territories 44, 45, and 46}. Barrin thinks the best of all, and Samuel is too busy counting coin to be concerned with external affairs.

But I think that you are an ancient and powerful people, to be respected. I do not wish for conflict between out nations. I fear that we would not emerge victorious, but that the vanquisher would be weakened - left at the mercy of dragons, angels, devils, or clockwork beings.

I would gladly hear your thoughts on the matter, Great King. If your goals are not antithetical to ours, then I would not desire conflict between us.

With the utmost respect,
Tzyras Whisperwind, First Herald of Dragonfall

2018-05-20, 06:41 PM
The Immaculate Choir of Harmony

Morale 7

Greetings and salutations to you, tea-party!

Rest assured, we have tasted of many of your leaves and found them to be conducive to draughts that soothe the self and balance the mind. Such a substance cannot be of anything but Harmony, and we Sing of its praises even in the distant hills of our becoming. In much the same vein, our aims are not to condemn the common people of Hanrui. You are not, as a whole, opposed to the projects of order and carry no malice in your hearts. Therefore, the merchants and traders among you

We are delighted to hear that there may be a place for you in Harmony's project, even if it is not a starring role. Our Choir smiles on any plans to protect the downtrodden from chaotic forces. In our letter, we identified a few such entities, such as the ill-fated Pyresoul to the south or the dread Kynshog who no doubt read our very words. The Adventurer's Guild is another group of the same. We will endeavor to protect you and others like you from their influence at all costs.

In the spirit of cooperation, we would be more than happy to open trade lanes with you, with an eye towards long-term prosperity and mutual gain. Earning money is hardly the aim of the Choir, but it is required to fund the war efforts. Your beverage has a positive effect on order, and therefore we would be interested in perhaps buying some stock for our soldiers. Should we help you, we would require assurances that your aims would not run opposed to our own. For the moment, these promises can remain words, or we can find an arena to deal face-to-face.

Yours in Song and Prayer,

Empyreal Speaker Corvayne, the Immaculate Choir of Harmony
To the Protector of Dragonfall,

We of the Choir of Harmony understand well the political necessities of war. Many of our number are captains and knights formerly burdened by frivolous purposes, and we have put their talents and minds to a better use. Therefore, the Exemplar understands and forgives your refusal to join in our crusade. May you find victory in your efforts against the clockwork menace and the insidious troll creatures that live in the hills to the south-west.

A day will come wherein our hosts join forces on the field of battle, but it seems that it will not be this day. It is disappointing, but our patience is an endless one. We look forward to the moment when you open your hearts to our wisdom.

Yours in Song and Prayer,

Empyreal Speaker Corvayne, the Immaculate Choir of Harmony
The ensuing response is not written in ink or stone. Such materials are temporal and prone to misinterpretation. Instead, it is carried through the skies and across the lands on the wings of voices. Man and woman, young and old alike; it is a polyphony of perfect sound that exists boundlessly, without time to keep it.

There is no messenger here, no intermediary between Imir and the organizing principle. The Exemplar speaks between the notes, a message deep within and yet apart from the song that is Itself.



The sound fades as quickly as it begins, instantaneous and endless. There may not be another for some time. The Exemplar has spoken.

2018-05-20, 10:38 PM
The Kynshog

Morale 4

He would smile, showing no teeth, as the small one gave his explanation. "Ah, good ta know. Usually have to watch what we serve ter the less... robust races. Drawback of the culinary field when ya body can take a heap more punishment then most can survive." Still, as he would shrug, he would take a bit of stone, shaped like a tablet.

And then, he begin to press his claw into the stone, cutting letters in the draconic script. After all, it was a language that was used by a lot of mages looking to appear more fancy and mystical, so the lower variants were not too uncommon among the letters and books of those Gurg had looted and fought against in the past... or fought beside. After all, learn what you can from todays ally, for the tides of chance may have them as tomorrows enemy.... and your ally the day after.

And then, he would reach, after making the cuts on the tablet, for a armband, sized for a kobold, of polished bronze. "So, seems to me that I forgot ta ask yer name."

The Immaculate Choir of Harmony [OPEN LETTER]

Our stories of creation are thus. In the time before the beginning, there was a soundless void, empty of all things. Then, a voice came, and then another, until the void was filled with an endless chaos of competing voices, each trying to outdo and drown the others out. One of them, more cunning then the rest, began to subjugate the others, weaving their voices into it's song and subordinate to it's own, and growing in a harmony of sorts, though always there were faint tones, hidden in the song, of resentment and free will from the crushing press of order.

However, such things as time, limits or definitions, nor matter or energy, had not been created and existence consisted of the Great Song and The Harmony The Tyrant Voice. And then, as the many voices of the Great Song began to take heed, they began to fight back. The first thing to be imposed was Definition and Identity, as they gave Names to that which Existed. The Harmony did not see yet the trap being woven for it, even as Time was imposed. It was not Linear Time, as that came later in the prior instant, a retroactive creation that always was after it was created.

Creation, such as it was, consisted of the battle between these forces, of The Great Song and The Harmony seeking to contain or subjugate the other respectively. It was not however, until the end of the Age of Creation, that The Great Song Formulated it's great trap and design. Working as one, they roused the Grand Rebellion, as they fashioned retroactively Linear Time and Death, with the simple statement that All Things Die. In this, they bound themselves to this, even as the Harmony added clauses and partial exceptions, but alone, it did not hold enough power to undo this one simple truth.

For while Death is not The End, it is the Great Change Of Being. And thus, it was woven that in time, even gods may die. It may not be a simple matter, but in the end, nothing is constantly eternal.

We acknowledge that you may be from the chords of the Harmony of the Tyrant Voice. Indeed, as you are angels, and thus the servants of a higher spiritual power, alongside spirits and other outsiders. However, we would ask this, as you have already declared that you would wage war on those trying to reclaim their ancestral homes. Why are you so sure we are to bring chaos to this land, when we seek to bring restore our borders with a minimum of disruption? We have no interest in slaughtering those that live here, as we acknowledge that they too are part of the land, and thus, if we are to avoid rampant hypocrisy, a trait we leave in more suited angelic hands, we shall avoid undue damage to the people living on what were our ancient lands.

We should note, that for some reason, those who have conquest and forced conversion seem to be on your second list, no matter the chaos they are apt to spawn in their wake.

We must, as we read these words, agree that these fears have some merit. Those territories formed the southern edge of our ancient realm, and the oath we swore when we took up the mantle of Kynshog will draw us to them. However, we do not seek to spill blood without need. Both of our own, as while each of us are mighty, there are far too few of the Armani left in the world. If we whittle our numbers down, soon all that will be left in the world will be scattered bands of mercenaries, seeking to earn glory and fame, to let a name live on through the ages, and feral creatures that have long since forgotten where they came from, or how far they have fallen.

Thus, while some of my people grumble, I am the Kynshog. It is my remit to bend some of the traditions of the past, so that the nation can endure, so long as said traditions are not discarded in their entirety, though there is much to rediscover... and much more that may in truth be proven to be something of a myth.

The tradition that we award the talents of treasure to one who humiliates a ranking officer of the largest group of adventurers for one, though that may have come from the awkward habit of said adventurers sometimes going 'look, a troll, lets rob them blind and use the crowbar on everything nailed down!'

Still, we are mainly looking towards... our name for it is Hual'glim. It is something of a mixture of protectorate, confederation and 'let us for the moment pretend that this is a nominal feudal relationship', which is somewhat complicated by the fact that trollish titles of nobility and royalty are earned, not inherited.

Still, speak your thoughts, and I shall give them all due attention.

Gurg, King of the Armani, Kynshog.

I, King Gurg of the Armani, Kynshog, do hereby challenge whoever so wishes to partake, in a Flyting (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flyting), in response to the many injuries and injustices that adventurers have inflicted on the Trollish race, even those so gone to be feral, over the ages. As you claim to represent them, you inherit the traditional Armani challenge.

If there is one that accepts, then as the ones challenged, you may choose the time and place.

2018-05-20, 11:32 PM
The Holy Imirin Empire

Morale 2

Stasis and bones and silence and death. A song that stills the world, and a divinity that cripples the souls of any who might aspire to it.

I might favor a more forthright song. There's a grandeur to some Empyrean burning the world for Justice or Redemption. But to seek a world devoid of glory, every great talent chained to the same dead song?

I am no wizened scrivener, but even I know that in confrontations such as this, the Dragon is not supposed to play the part of Hero.

You shall have no paradise, for you shall have nothing but broken wings and blinded eyes. I will tear the light from you, and leave your song without a tongue to sing it.

The kobold seems slightly more at ease by now-at least judging by the ferocity with which he devours the deer-being rather more cautious with the tea after the first unfortunate and incendiary gulp.

Watching the Trollking write intently, trying very hard not to seem like he was reading over the far larger creature's shoulder, he answered curiously "Seeker-Eeto, why-for-what do you ask? What is the treasure?"

2018-05-21, 08:26 AM
The Windblown Leaf (MOR: 3)

Oh my, oh my, oh my.

Otto had thought war might be coming to Hanrui. He just hadn't thought it would be coming so soon. But with any new brew, one never quite knew how long it should steep. And it seems this was one fast approaching readiness.

What to do. What on earth to do.

"Bookson, get over here!" Otto called out. When the needs of the guild left him at a loss, Nate was the one he shared his misery with.

"Yes?" Nate appeared in the tent opening, his fingers stained with ink and a cup of that ever-present bean-liquid in his hand.

"You've been paying attention to all those letters flitting about?"

"Of course. I quite admire their craftsmanship! My talent with numbers and figures they seem to bring to words and metaphors."

"I," Otto paused, taking a sip of his white tea, "appreciate that, Nate. I admit to being more alarmed by their content than impressed by their craftsmanship, however."

Otto took another sip, forcing a smile at the familiar taste, before his face dimmed once again.

"Nate, what are we going to do? Are our trade routes safe, at the very least? And by Dado's damned dice, how many of our clients -- especially the least noble among them -- are going to perish in the months to come?"

Nate stared past Otto as he thought. A minute passed, then two.

"I'd need my ledgers to be sure --"

"Estimates, please! And a measure of seriousness, if you would Nate."

"Ah. Apologies. The answer is... it depends. Baracha seems to be awfully close to what may become battlefields, which is alarming but perhaps an opportunity as well. We've always carried a few other things in our caravans beyond tea leaves, correct? A letter between distant family members, the medicine needed a town over, all those odds and ends a merchant picks up.

"What if we did that a bit more intentionally? Carried bandages and basic medicines for the unintentional casualties a war will bring. New seed and basic rations, for farmers whose crops get burnt. Some of Barracha's tents, to house refugees. And complementing it all, some reduced-price tea, to provide a sense of comfort and familiarity no matter what the world seems to have become."

Otto blinked once, twice.

"And how many caravans would we lose to sword or flame in the process? And leave out the 'It depends,' if you please, I've learned to insert that at the beginning of every answer you give. It's important to remember, but time is ever in short supply in our dialogues."

Nate gave Otto a faint smile and replied.

"Dado knows, our emblem and our caravans are recognizable by every denizen of Hanrui. If I recall one of our older surveys correctly, it's a more familiar signature for many than the coat of arms of their liege lord. While war brings bandits and bandits follow no laws, perhaps we could attain a formal neutrality to bring these balms to those citizens of Hanrui inadvertently brought low by conflict?"

"It's a good idea, I admit. But I forget you have never seen Hanrui deeply, truly, at war. It will be akin to using a teacup to put out an inferno. Dado willing, we wont have to end up having to do just that!"

Nate sighed. "With all due respect, Sir, what other options are there? People will die. People will starve. None of Dado's gambles could prevent that. But as always, we do our best. And who knows, perhaps our efforts will bring others as well."

Otto finished his tea, let out a groan, and flicked his hand in dismissal.

"Thanks, as always, Nate. Draw up those more formal estimates, if you would."

Otto pushed his cup to the side, bringing closer parchment and ink.

"And I, as always, will handle the politics."

This letter is sealed with a waxen stamp of an ornate leaf, and carries an enclosed teabag that smells of Oak.

Lord Whisperwind, and Lady Barathiel,

Dado, what has it come to that I am actively considering your offer? I don't think I could sway the Guild to a full-scale migration -- some of the nearby land contains tea-fields we have taken decades to cultivate, and we know every single spot the rarest herbs grow.

But that doesn't mean your idea is not a bad one. Certainly the South and Southeast seems a lovely place to be this time of year. The Altered State is a lovely place, and while I'd be worried about my merchants taking too much of their time to enjoy its delights, you and them both would make good neighbours. An outpost, perhaps, or some sort of major trading post might be appropriate. I'll think further on this.

The war may disrupt plans for a highway, but I do wonder if it is still feasible. Routing through the Legion of Balance, if the Kynshog has no issues with that, and then along Hanrui's relatively empty southern edge. It could split to the Altered State, if they desired, and carry on to Dragonfall. I certainly would be more comfortable making any migration if I knew there was a solid road to take it along.

But whatever happens and your thoughts on this matter -- thank you, truly, for your kind words in these past few letters. The Guild had little formal contact with the city now called Dragonfall before you first reached out, but your kind and generous words have been a bright spot among the many letters passing my desk over recent days.

Your friend, and humble servant,

Ottoch IV
Brewmaster, the Windblown Leaf

The Holy Imirin Empire
This letter is sealed with a waxen stamp of an ornate leaf, and carries enclosed a small cloth bag filled with odd brown beans.

1) Hello,

2) This is Nate Bookson writing on behalf of Ottoch IV.
3) He says he has enjoyed your conversations, but his hand aches with a flurry of letter-writing.
4) I am not a talented conversationalist.
5) But I will follow-up as best as possible.

6) Thank you for your note about your plans on the Northern coast.
7) I have been paying close attention to the recent flurry of letters coming from your nations and others.
8) Extend my praise to your lord, he has a very skilled tongue.

9) Have these developments changed your plans at all?
10) Otto hopes to hear "no."
11) I am unsure, the answer is a bet only Dado would take.

12) Either way, we will be cautious about our endeavours.
13) One interest of note -- we may be undertaking to build a road through [36].
14) This road would be used to further trade across the continent.
15) And the order you would bring to [36] would be much appreciated.

16) Similarly appreciated would be you leaving unmolested any Windblown Leaf-affiliated merchants or builders.
17) Our emblem will be prominently displayed
18) And should be quite recognizable to any member of your forces.

19) Thank you.

20) Nate Bookson
21) The Windblown Leaf

2018-05-21, 10:13 AM
The Holy Imirin Empire

Morale 2

Our planea remain unchanged, if rather more urgent. At an mimimum, we'll be able to make sure your worlers are untroubled by brigands. We'll be conscripting all of them, if nothing else.

The road we're more than amenable to-we'd be willing to invest in it, even. And the offer of security stands, though a few nominal tolls may be nescesary.

All that said, if there is to be war I must prevail upon you for a favor. War is mostly positioning after all, and your guildsmen know more about the kingdoms roads and passes than any living. A few guides to speed out march would be greaty apreciated.

P.S. My Patron will be gratified by the kind words, I'm sure.

The letter is delivered by a minor charm-folded into an origama dove the assumes the likeness of the real thing until it lands in its recipient's hand

Good Morrow to all three of you. Admittedly wasn't sure whom to direct a correspondence to!

So! We're apperently co-belligerents. Your response to the angel's threat was beautiful, though I doubt anyone will heed it.

You don't wish to figgr directly, and that's admirable. But could you spare some aid to those who are? Collectively you're the grandest willworkers in the Kingdom, and beloved besides. A small shred of that preparing the battlefield or bolstering our side may mean the difference.

If nothing else, I'm sure there ate some there with experiments they've been eaching to try.

When the crsis is dealt with, my patron will happily reciprocate however you like, of course.

2018-05-21, 10:57 AM
Mor 3

Ya 'Adventurers guild can go suck eggs! Da Delvers go wherever the Delvers want and shank those in their path! We don't need no help from you long legs!

We will decide what is da vest for da Delvers. You is not knowing what we want. Tell us your deal or some loot and we will let your messengers leave with their eyes.
So da angels think they can scrap just cause they got big ol prissy britches leading them. Well come to our mountains and you'll find no paradise here only cold steel in your gut.

Bonerock Kingdom
Mor 5

Greetings Tyzras Whisperwind

We agree that the land of Hanrui is coming to ruin one step at a time. Terrible foes wrack the land but our fortresses will hold firm and our soldiers stalwart, we need no allies for this.

However one should never go looking for enemies. We will discuss the idea of neutrality between our two nations and possibly some other deals that would benefit us but we neither look nor desire allies of you Dragon slayers.

You call us to war but offer us nothing but blood and promises of Paradise. These promises screamed across the land are as meaningless as wind howling through our tunnels.

Legion of Balance
Mor 4

We have heard your calls for war against the chaotic and the evil of this land and we approve! Alas we are already caught up in war against the vile Brotherhood of Sin who is spreading evil across our land. It only they were ground into the dust. Then our legions would be able to march to the aid of your crusade until more pressing evil or our God called upon us. Until then known that our hearts are with you.

Brotherhood of Sin
Mor 3

The valiant angel crusade wishes us to join it. That's a new joke if I ever heard one. Our kind has been at war for eons bit I suppose could put that aside if you do us the dubious favor of bringing your 'crusade' to bear against the Legion bitches hell bent on destroying our innocent little selves. Do that and you will have an army of ferocity and brutality the likes your crusade could never muster... for a time.

Pillar of Wisdom
Mor 3

The Jade Wizard is interested by your proposal but wishes to study it in action before committing any of our arcane might to your cause. After all we are the wards of arcane might in Hanrui and that cannot be spent on frivolous things such as crusades. Bring more to peak our interest and maybe a few of our mages may join you.

The Rising Dark

Esp 3+ Required to Intercept

Several if these kobolds are tranqed without even knowing it had happened and brought back to the Dark Elf camp where they are allowed to relay their messages.

A small party of Drow approach the trolls and silently cross their arms as the leader of the scouting party raises his eyebrow in question.

We are interested to hear from you mighty Emperor. Please let us open negotiations. You say that you would be interested in providing us lands to live in but why should we pick your lands over the many in this kingdom? What do you have for the Dark Elves of Hanrui that makes you the better choice then finding our own?

Greetings Brewmasters of the Windblown Leaf.

We appreciate the tea, it is a rare extravagance in our lives at this moment. You make an intriguing offer but given the plethora of lands there seems to be little reason to impose upon you though we will be happy to stay in contact wherever we go. Unless there is a pressing reason to join you we will look to the more unsettled lands of the region.

Lord Athos
2018-05-21, 05:41 PM
The Templars of our Burning Saviour (morale 4)

At first, it had only been outposts, simple wooden forts built by indentured dark elf hands on the coast of Hanrui, from which the banners of the crusade waved. The Grand Master had resolved to be cautious in the untertaking of the invasion of the mainland at first; however, it had been found that this stretch of land was only dotted by fishing villages, farming communities, some nomad tribes living off cattle, and small towns, with no overarching ruler to be found.

Thus, the blood-red tents of the Oracai crusaders were now found deep into the inland of the Holy Land, after the towns and villages had fallen without serious resistance under the Templar's curved swords and burning zeal.

All throughout that stretch of land, armies clad in gold marched as one through once independent towns, Templars dragged people of various species out into the open from within their homes, distributing them into labour teams. Pyres of celebration were built on every village square - the Templars of Our Burning Saviour had easily and quickly gained a foothold in the Holy Land.

It was time, now, that the High Council's eyes were cast upon the bigger picture.

To the esteemed Guild of Adventurers,

your proposal was considered and is deemed to be prudent.
During our expeditions into the low depths of Hanrui, we are indeed bound to come across artifacts that might be valuable to you, while not aiding us in our crusade. Likewise, you might come into posession of holy relics of Our Burning Saviour, which would be of great interest to us.
We foresee many dealings to our mutual benefit in the future.
If there is to be a fruitful partnership, we are of course willing to join forces against common enemies.

His Eminence High Master Verdeq vel Ionlar, the Fervent, humble Servant and Templar of Our Burning Saviour

To the most esteemed Brewmaster Ottoch IV,

I appreciate your curiosity concerning the worship of Our Burning Saviour, while it might have better been adressed to his Eminence, High Master vel Ionlar; then again, maybe it was wise for a layman not to lay their questions at the majestic mountain's feet, but at the humble rock's. It is true that ritual burning is part of the Worship of Our Burning Saviour. To suffer burns, is to gain understanding; to suffer burns, is to gain insight in the Saviour's Sacrifice for the Oracai people, and into his teachings of Suffering and Discipline, the joy of self-sacrifice.

The blend you describe sounds intriguing, and I gladly accept your present.

Matters of trade are best discussed with the High Council as a whole, although I can say they are interested in keeping up and intensify trade with the Windblown leaf - indeed, they would take the place of those that cultivated Qui Erlan in our lands up until a few weeks ago. If your Scalding Blend proves to provide insight, there might be a regular need for the blend on the Eyrie, and in its holdings.

In vigilance, Knight-Captain Aio Cenkari, the Ardent, humble Servant and Templar of Our Burning Saviour

There is no response. There are rumours that whoever carried the Altered States' letter to the Oracai Templars was executed on the spot by hanging for suspicion of affiliation with 'the place furthest from the flame'.

2018-05-21, 11:20 PM
The Kynshog

The Tablet itself, simple stone, holds the following message.

Yth tepoha siofmea dout lexri, vur siofmea astahi mrith wer gliiwr di hesi siofmea.
(We have considered your words, and considered them with the full of our thought.)

Lae wux yenta, mobi re throdenilt pressing wioti, tangis sjek wer yth claxon geou require udoka ekess vorq ekess wer myvillion persvek wer gliiwrra di tairais.
(As you say, there are more pressing foes, even if the oath we took will require us to look to the north in the fullness of time.)

Riluoh, sva nomeno tairais, yth re maka di wer harkajup exelovich di aryte, svadrav tawurair ulnaus nomag gain kiarf di wer diieson rasvim.
(However, at this time, we are wary of the angry speech of war, when working together may gain much of the same.)

Yth tir ti, riluoh, ocuir gliiwr joining di tuarnoic. wer inglatai vur pride shafaer trian di hesi luh, lae ssissth vur realm, xurwk coi ti vi jennu krehl yth ornla confn ekess wer ferlarw lae gliiwr ilthyeoic. yth nomag qe xuut riluoh, riluoh yth nishka itheik vur ocuir persvek wer gliiwrra di tairais.
(We do not, however, see full joining of aims. The promises and pride on both of our part, as ruler and realm, make it not a great chance we would come to the table as full equals. We may be wrong however, however we shall wait and see in the fullness of time.)

Halkvri yth tepoha lyrik drinlekih, yth fekiik wux mrith tekilek, vur huven wux unef persvek dout diwedotei ekess confn. nomag dout irlymi qe lae vignar persvek wer sjach di dout altiuiri, vur taste petranasir shafaer dout ooble.
(Until we have other business, we greet you with respect, and wish you fortune in your efforts to come. May your enemies be as ash in the shadow of your wings, and taste pleasing on your tongue.)

Gurg, King of the Armani, Kynshog.

Still, having his name, the troll-king would inscribe it on the band, in trollish and draconic sigils. "Well then, ya been a polite enough messenger. Take this here, ta mark yer status as Irglin." There is something like amusement in the great trolls eyes, even as it would take a somewhat dedicated scholar to kind the meaning to that sort of title. It was indeed one of the minor marks of troll nobility, insomuch as it marked one as an ambassador to a court of dragons.

Still, he would wave a hand. "Take as much of the deer as ya want, as ya take the tablet back to yer boss." He was hardly going to be particularly stingy there, there was plenty of deer and he had already eaten his fill earlier. Still, the little kobold marked the first ambassador sent to the trollish realm, and as he was a rather... well, he got something special to mark the occasion.

Win-win and all that. Still, with that dismissal, Seeker-Eeto was free to go.

Meeting the leader, which, somewhat surprised that it was male (while they knew that dark elves had more then the whole 'praise the spider bitch' culture, that one was both closest to the surface and most well known), and indeed, the leader of this particular expedition of trolls would be female. After all, one may as well try and accommodate potential new partners, and it was hardly trouble at all.

"Greetings to the forces of Xantha'ril Baenrae. We come, as we would know of your interest in this land. We have gathered under Kynshog, and while our oath drives us, we would rather not get involved in a conflict with you and yours. Frankly, while we could step on you, we would have to find you first and we know you lot are a lot more skilled in stealth then we are. Thus, from the fact that your agents have been sighted, we come to the conclusion that you wished to be known."

They would pause, before continuing. "As such, we wish to at the least reach an accommodation, if not work to establish something that would last longer."

2018-05-21, 11:58 PM
The Cursed Kingdom of Clockwork

In a rare moment of quiet form an otherwise endless tedium, Evangelist Baragsen found a perch on the spire of Isalaad's tallest clock tower to watch the sunrise. His 4 armed 8 foot tall body could lay peacfully on the slopes of the spire without falling. From here if even for a moment, the undying curse didn't seem so bad. No matter how many millions of sunrises he saw, each seemed unique and beautiful in its own way. Or perhaps his memories were simply blending the best sunrises together. Baragsen chuckled at the thought, perhaps immortality really was worth it?

Baragsen's moment of weakness immediately passed once he gazed upon the cities near endless porcelain sprawl. Thousand of once proud Gah-ramites have been reduced to mere shadows of their former selves, any sense of purpose they had drowned in a river of time. They didn't deserve this , nobody did. While their bodies are miracles of magic and engineering, they didn't grow, they didn't, they simply persist.The evil gods who cursed us must pay for their crimes, even if we don't succeed, at least it'll keep us busy for an eon or two.

Baragsen's thoughts were interrupted his "young" daughter. Her body was a similar model to his with the exception of possessing two retractable wings capable of gliding instead of an extra pair of arms.

"Idder, have you returned from your travel's. Hopefully you have information that help further the Grand design!"

"I have, and I bring contact from the outside world."

You are more than welcome to explore the Cursed kingdom to our hearts content. However, monsters are rampant and our cities will not provide food nor water. Not because we are hostile, but because our bodies no longer require sustenance and water has long since dissipated from our lands.

I find your self assured righteousness disturbing, but if you truly represent higher powers as you claim then we must erase you from creation. You represent everything we despise in this beautiful world. So rest assured, you will be the first to fall to our grand design.

Treasure your last days!

2018-05-22, 11:22 AM
Sure, a flyt sounds good to us. We should choose a good neutral location. A spot between the two territories would be good, it is a long journey to meet. I would have suggested trying to visit Windblown Leaf but that is too close to the warmongers. Is the Clockwork Kingdom ok? We would probably have to bring our own food and drinks but at least it is in neutral ground, about half way between us and they are very unlikely to do anything bad. If that is ok we will ask them. We already have permission to explore their territory but it would be good to check. We would rather if we did this after the adventuring season. Got a large job coming up and we would very much rather to avoid missing it.

I have to say, saying a guild is responsible for everyone who uses that title is strange, though. Only really applies to people who are actually part of the group. Kind of like how the merchants guild isn't responsible if you buy snake oil from a traveling merchant.

Did you edit the post after posting it? I didn't see it until now (if you did, can you please pm me or something if you do it in the future).

Going on an adventure. Chemosh is going to try to find an outdoorsy type of adventure in my territory so the Windblown Leaf can get some leaves and what not (so forest or natural caves). He isn't actually knowledgeable about valuable leaves so he is essentially hoping he picks a good spot.

Sending 15 adventurers, my 3 level 1 adventuring VIP and 1 magic on the adventure. 3 adventurers will set up and guard a base camp for injured adventurers to retreat to. The mages will stay in the camp to heal the injured. Everyone else will try to get as far as possible into the adventure. If for some reason they have to make a choice, they will go for magical items over resources.

(Two other groups, the Windblown Leaf and The Empire of the Fallen Star)

2018-05-22, 02:01 PM
Holy Imirin Empire
Morale 2

There was quite a lot of confusion in Imir on the return of Irglin Eeto,and quite a bit of hurried research in half-scorched histories to figure out what those fine runed band. Then further disorder as several furious arguments broke out about what to do with that information.

Still, the next time a letter arrived from Imir, it was sealed with what was once the symbol of a god of history and ancient knowledge, and was now apparently an Ambassadorial Seal.

The message itself is fairly clearly the fifth or sixth draft, the kobold's script less than beautiful, if still clear.

Trollking Gurg!

The Pyresoul is pleased with your answer. They think-say they will have no want-use for hoard after Ascension, and you seem-are-willbe a better ruler than angels. Hopes you find glory conquering the empty West.

Lady Hedge happy too, also-but curious if the angel's song changes anything.

2018-05-22, 04:15 PM
Empire of the Fallen Star Mor 4

I wish to employ your services, or, barring that, to simply buy various artifacts that you dig up in your delving. A simple and mutually beneficial arrangement.

I offer you a powerful friend. I am unsure as to how secure you are, but a good and reliable ally is always of benefit. All i ask in return is reciprocation of these feelings as well as trade between your new region and my own.

We are honored that you would wish to ally with us, but i am sorry to say that, at this point, we do not know you well enough to enter into so binding an agreement. Would you be partial to a Non Aggression Pact?

Pending the Adventurers Guild getting back to me, Lee Fen will take the Empires 1 Adventurer and 1 Military unit to the location they specify. If this does not happen, he will take the aforementioned units to the nearest Site and begin some rudimentary exploration, going no deeper than floor 2

Lord Athos
2018-05-22, 04:40 PM
The Templars of our Burning Saviour (morale 4)

At daybreak, there was much activity in the Templar's camp near the ancient dark elf ruins. In the weeks and months before, they had incorporated some of the more sturdy ruins into fortifications, and added wooden barricades and watchtowers to make them complete.
5 units of adventurers had gathered here - eager young knights, hot-headed squires, and ambitious warriors. Most were Oracai - but there were a few scattered members of other races as well; elves who prominently bore the burns of initiation, the hatred of their dark elf cousins plainly visible in their eyes, some goblins, even a human. Every last one of them burned with desire to finally begin the exploration of the catacombs below in earnest, after there had only been cautious scouting before, as soon as the massiveness of the underground system was found out.

Now, as the islands off the coast around Saviour's eyrie and the foothold on the island had been secured, the time had come.

One of the younger squires sat at a fireplace, a veteran standing next to her, dragging a scorching hot curved ritual dagger over her forehead and left cheek. The squire kept her calm, trying desperately to suppress the natural shuddering reaction of her body to the pain.

The High Priest had sent1 unit of red-cloaked magic users to the adventurer's camp, who walked along the Templar's ranks, providing prayers and magical blessings of protection. The mages would stay behind in the camp and provide healing to any injured adventurer as soon as they came back to the surface, and the Grand Master had issued strict orders not to uselessly waste any lives in the catacombs.

The attack on the catacombs would begin soon, and the attention of the gathered Templars and allies, all wearing dulled versions of the normally golden armour, turned towards the entrance, where a pyre had been erected.

There was a knight, once promising, now crippled in the invasion of Saviour's eyrie by a particularly strong dark elf warrior. He had been an asset to the crusade once, but not any more. Still, he was honoured. Dressed in but a simple tunic, the Orocai came forward, helped by two others, as he could not walk without assistance, but still proud and unbent in posture, and he climbed the firewood. He declared himself 'the Vigilant', and raised his head and half an arm into the heavens as a sign of worship.
At an invisible signal, the pyre was set alight, and with it, the Vigilant.

And as he burned, he sang Him Praises.

Many more voices joined in, solemnly, severely - it did not stop until the last sound of the Vigilant had been silenced.

The Ardent, Knight-Captain Aio Cenkari, hero of the crusade was the first to step up to the battered gate into the underworld. After her, the others followed in disciplined, orderly ranks, not exactly seeming like what other cultures would consider adventurers - but even now, they were part of the crusade.

They would try to explore as much as possible, taking a slight preference for artifacts over resources. The Templars would get The Ardent back to the surface if she came into grave danger, and losses of more than two units would be deemed inacceptable as well.

2018-05-22, 06:47 PM
The Immaculate Choir of Harmony

Morale 7

He knew that had a long day ahead of him, but Sebastian Corvayne took pleasure in toiling at his vegetable garden all the same. The sun had yet to rise - hints of indigo majesty and burnt orange played with the western hilltops - and the last of the veiled stars above coiled behind the promise of shadowed evening. Such was his custom now. In the rocky soil near Ketek, it was hard to make just anything grow, but he had made sure to find a relatively undisturbed patch of earth. From there, the work was hard but right.

Here, his fruits grew along carefully tended vines, threading in between the plots he had set out before planting season began. Not too close, and not too far apart: he knew exactly where to place the seeds. The Song of a former farmer had inspired him to seek out this place, calling him to calm. As in all things, he never needed to ask for the Mirror's approval. It already knew, and approved, and adored him his activities. What he grew here was not much, but like the other gardens throughout the camps, it would go towards supplementing the Choir's food supplies. Besides, it gave him something to do while he waited for the last of the correspondences.

As it turned out, he did not need to wait too long. The remainder of the replies arrived to the camps before breakfast.

His pavilion - a plain unornamented thing, marked in prestige only through its proximity to the summit of the Angel's Landing - had already been opened to let in some fresh air. His writing desk and papers lay within, the only real furniture beside his bedroll and a few other personal items. "Now," the former criminal said, "let's see what you've got for us..."

Praise be to your ancestors,

We find your offer of non-interference at this time to be more than acceptable to our aims. It is a wise ruler who shows caution, and although we have not practiced such virtues of late, we can empathize with those who do. The Empire of the Fallen Star has nothing to fear from our Choir, provided you do not march south beyond the desert [22 or beyond] at the current time.

In the meantime, it is our hope that communication between our two nations can continue to be cordial. We have respect for the discipline and order of your cause, and your Fallen Star intrigues us greatly. Perhaps he and our Exemplar might well meet face to face one day. Until then, we wish you all the best in your endeavors.

Yours in Song and Prayer,

Empyreal Speaker Corvayne, the Immaculate Choir of Harmony
To the true knights,

We are overjoyed to hear that Harmony is a Song in your hearts. Our two nations could not be more in tune. Our struggles against the chaotic forces of good and evil alike in Hanrui will no doubt turn us against any number of other entities, but we have confidence that your ideals cleave very near our own. To that end, we hope to see our warmth in correspondence transformed into a bonfire of blazing mutual loyalty.

However, we understand well the issues that you face. While we cannot at the moment turn to strike the Brotherhood of Sin, our plans to deal with them should certainly come to fruition soon. When that happens, we hope that you will stand by us as we rid Hanrui of those who would tip the pendulum too far in one direction or another. Harmony is a kind of Balance, after all. We look forward to your reply.

Yours in Song and Prayer,

Empyreal Speaker Corvayne, the Immaculate Choir of Harmony
Glory to those Above,

May we be the first to truly welcome you upon the sands of Hanrui! This continent is full of darkness and monsters alike, and we are pleased to see the presence of those who know the true meaning of righteousness. Your burning crusade is a beautiful work, and we wish to witness it spread across the lands here. Stand with us against the vile pretenders and we will see to it that both of our causes are elevated.

Yours in Song and Prayer,

Empyreal Speaker Corvayne, the Immaculate Choir of Harmony
Blessings to the demi-urge,

In the coming weeks, you may yet get your wish. We ask only that you watch closely and come up with your own opinion of us as events unfold in this theater of the world.

Yours in Song and Prayer,

Empyreal Speaker Corvayne, the Immaculate Choir of Harmony
Dearest devils,

While it amuses us that the notion of our cooperation is a laughing matter, the fact remains that our two causes could well help one another greatly. You have the order and organization to appeal to Harmony's power, no matter what paltry moral labels others might affix to you. We would see our forces march as one on the grounds of Hanrui - and would be happy to at least extend to you an offer of non-aggression until such a time as you are convinced that we are worth allying.

As to the matter outlined in your missive, we will certainly consider it. The fulcrum of law tips in only one direction, and it remains to be seen whether you or the Legion is a more cohesive force. Rest assured that proactive, joint military action would galvanize any potential partnership between our two nations. We hope that you will cast a glance at the clarity and purpose of our intentions, shadow-hamed ones.

Yours in Song and Prayer,

Empyreal Speaker Corvayne, the Immaculate Choir of Harmony

2018-05-22, 09:28 PM
The Holy Imirin Empire

Morale 2

The problem with not having any sort of bureaucracy or formal organization is that it can lead, for example, to the woman who normally handles diplomacy being far more enthused about the upcoming expedition to a dead priest-queen's shattered extradimensional sanctum, and the Dragon with ultimate authority being busy dramatically informing coastal villages they owed retroactive taxes.

Which meant that a surprisingly tall (for a kobold), winged Architect found himself staring at a collection of nervous messengers by default. Understandably nervous, given he was watching them from twenty feet up, sitting on what was going to be a magnificently deadly trapped portcullis door.

Drumming his fingers on the ledge, he just stared at them for several minutes as the experimentally-aquatic pyrodrake at the next site started getting loudly impatient for supper. Eventually, all at once, he began pointing at them, yelling out almost too fast to follow Now, you-you, careful-exact, say exactly this...

He only stopped when one of the couriers ran forward to go deliver her new message. The portcullis worked perfectly! Anyways, it was important to laugh sometimes.

Glory and Blood, elves-shadows!! You seek homes near the sun? Our Grand-Mighty Lord will soon rule the sea! Treasure-land for all! More if you kill-kill the star's manthing slaves with us.

You aren't the only elf-shades here. Kill-kill the right things and there could be a whole kingdom for you!

Fire and Blood, Birdthings! Glory to the sacred flame!

Your word-faith is strange-new to me, but what I hear sounds pure! And your savior is obvious in my Glorious Master, yes-yes? We are so close, we have much to discuss.

Hedge (tier 1 ADV VIP) will lead the entirety of the Seekers (6 adv) into the Hierophant's Sanctum. Push hard and fast, only retreating if major losses (=>2 Adv points) are suffered or she is injured.

2018-05-23, 09:20 AM
The Kynshog

While we do not, the tradition dictates that place some ceremonial blame on the group with the largest collection of adventurers, which, at a few points in the past has even been our previous realms. As much, instead of challenging you to bloody combat, as we are unsure how many of you are have actually done what we say, would be a touch... unfair. This way, there is but a contest between us, and then we may part ways in peace.

And we shall be sending our own request to those of the Clockwork Realm shortly then.

For the moment, we see the coming of the angels song as... disturbing. We will ready ourselves for war, and if need by, we would be rather foolish not to come to our lords war councils. After all, when one is given the option of peace with a dragon, it would seem to be somewhat foolish to stand by, when one declares war on both and refuses to respond to clarification as to why.

So, if we may ask, when doe your lord wish for there to be a meeting, that we may discuss matters of... defense or a counter attack?

Gurg, King of the Armani, Kynshog.

All of the trollish adventurers will be working to reclaim Zul'Aman, alongside 2 ESP as scouts and Gurg himself. The Capital must be reclaimed, however if there is going to be more then 50% losses among the scouts (ESP) or Adventurers, or if Gurg himself is in danger of death, they will retreat. If possible, they would work to minimize their own losses, preferring casualties to fatalities, as they can recover in time.

2018-05-23, 02:57 PM
The Windblown Leaf (MOR: 3)

Mid-turn (Internal)
Sherya of the Kettlefire and 2 ADV are going to be linking up with the adventurer's guild and following their lead in dungeon-delving.

2018-05-23, 10:32 PM
Evangelist Baragsen is sent to The Buried City of Kah-Vena to study the blasphemy these people committed and perhaps to learn of the gods who banished them.

Dear Tzyras Whisperwind, First Herald of Dragonfall

Worry not young ones we mean no harm to you. As to our designs, well, we only have a singular design. We seek only justice against us on those who imprisoned us on this plane for millennia. We have been abused by those in power and we intend to make them suffer for their transgressions. I'm sure you would understand of course. Defeating the Dragon must've been trying and you have my congratulations!

-Idder The Speaker

Dear Brothers of Sin

If your rage is against the higher powers of tis world, then perhaps we could make great allies. if not please stay out of our way.

-Idder The Speaker

Lord Athos
2018-05-24, 04:28 PM
The Templars of our Burning Saviour (morale 4)

To the most esteemed Holy Imirin Empire,

we have heard stories of your master's glory, and we are impressed. Yet, it remains to be seen whether he is touched by the Saviour, or he is just a false prophet. Tell us about your master's creed.

In vigilence, Grand Master Ectis vel Orondra, the Resolute, humble Servant and Templar of Our Burning Saviour

To the most esteemed Empyreal Speaker Corvayne,

you speak the truth. The Holy Land of Hanrui is beset by an untold number of unholy creatures, pests, abominations. We know of the place furthest from the flame, and the corruption and poisonous words spreading from there that taint minds with the perverse personal pursuit of pleasures, unthinkable anarchy and chaos. Anathema.
Know that we welcome your mission to cleanse this lands. As you strive for harmony, we strive for the Creed of Our Burning Saviour, and in the Holy Land, our causes are united, they are one.
The Templars will stand with the Choir, and the Faithless shall tremble, they shall know fear.

His Eminence High Master Verdeq vel Ionlar, the Fervent, humble Servant and Templar of Our Burning Saviour

2018-05-24, 09:20 PM
Midturn Reports Turn 1

Spring starts to warm the lands of Hanrui and adventurers venture forth to clear the land of monsters.

Infested Mine in Bonerock Kingdom

Lady Amber (Tier 1 VIP: Adv) leads the Bonerock adventurers, 5 adv, into the Infested Mine clearing 7 floors before withdrawing. Dungeon Events: Strong Monster is released! Loot: 1 chest of gold (++++), several magical scrolls (++++), and a +1 Keen Battleaxe.

The Balrog is loosed upon the Dwarven lands!

Feral Troll Tribe in Delvers Territory

Binkkins Da Shank(Tier 3 VIP: Adv x3) leads the Delver adventurers, 8 Adv, into the Feral Troll Tribe clearing 12 floors before withdrawing. Dungeon Events: Lost 1 Adv, missed loot on basic floor, Strong Monster is released! Loot: Several magic potions (++++++), A dozen spellbooks (++++++++), +1 Dagger of Bleeding, +1 Short Bow of Chaos, A powerful Troll Youngling joins the adventurers as a trained pet (Tier 1 VIP: Mil x1).

A powerful troll family is loose and rampaging through the Delvers lands.

Minotaurs Labyrinth in Legion Territory

Legion adventurers are sent into the labyrinth, 2 Adv, clearing 2 floors before withdrawing. Dungeon Events: None. Loot: A beautiful silver chalice (++).

Necromantic Palace Ruins in Bortherhood Territory

Several powerful Devils and Demons start to explore the ruins, 3 Adv, clearing 3 floors before withdrawing. Dungeon Events: None. Loot: A small chest of rare arcane ingredients (++++).

The Warped Caves in Pillar of Wisdom Territory

A few experienced mages travel into the caves, 2 Adv, clearing 2 floors before withdrawing. Dungeon Events: None. Loot: None.

Twilight Tower in Adventurer Guild Territory

The forces of The Adventurers Guild, The Windblown Leaf, and The Empire of the Fallen Star, all enter the Twilight Tower to combat the dangerous wily Fey within. They are led by several veterens from the various nations, 5 VIPs, with many more following them, 18 adv/1 Mil/1 Mag, they clear all 20 floors before withdrawing at the sight of the terrible and powerful Fey Lord, Prince Lavorn DayEaster Lord of the Twilight edges, the Dungeon Boss. Dungeon Events: 1 Mil and 1 Mag are lost, Major loot denied on 1 floor, 2 adv loss to guild, Weak monster unleashed, Commander Pyrom and Lee Fen are injured. Loot: Several large gems (++++++++), rare arcane herbs and ingredients (++++++), a beautiful work of lost art (++), a potion (+), a trapped Dragonborn shaman Tuk'Sha the Wingless (Tier 1 VIP: Mag), +1 Composite Longbow of Frost, +1 Rod of metal/gem detection, +2 Philosophers Stone.

A small herd of satyrs escapes the tower into the surrounding lands.

Dark Elf Ruins in Burning Savior Territory

The forces of the Templars of the Burning Savior, 5 Adv, led by Aio Cenkari (Tier 1 VIP: Adv) clear 7 floors and withdraw. Dungeon Events: Strong Monster released! Loot: Assortment of rare metals (++++), two potions (++), +1 Flaming Longsword.

An ancient powerful Drider is unleashed upon your lands!

The Hierophants Sanctum in The Holy Imiran Empire

The Kobold adventurers swarm the sanctum, 6 Adv, led by Lady Seeker Adriana Visconti (Tier 1 VIP: Adv) cleared 8 floors before withdrawing. Dungeon Events: No loot on basic floor, loss of 1 adv. Loot: beautiful crystal (++), divine artifacts (++++), VIP becomes Tier 2, +2 Staff of Divine Might.

Zul'Aman in the territory of the Kynshog

The trolls, 4 Adv, venture into their ancient capital led by Gurg da Great (Tier 4 VIP: Mil x3, Adv x1) and clear 4 floors before exiting. Dungeon Events: Dungeon collapse and exit dungeon early, 1 floor collapses. Loot: Ancient Troll gold (++++), scrolls (++), 1 potion (+).

Djinn Raiders in Clockwork Kingdom territory

The clockwork adventurers, 2 Adv, clear 2 floors of the dungeon before exiting. Dungeon Events: None. Loot: rare metal parts (++)

**Your VIPs do not have specialties so I have no idea what they are specialized at and you did not send any adventurers bit you choose to go adventuring to I assumed you sent the adventurers and I ignored the VIP because it is not finished. Please finish the VIPs and look at the proper way to format a midturn report either by looking at another players older example or the one I have in the OOC under Midturn.

Brotherhood of Sin

Mor 3

You know nothing of our rage clockwork monster but irritate us in any way and you shall feel it firsthand. We cannot wait to see if we can wrench the souls from your clockwork husks.

2018-05-24, 09:37 PM
The Ones we Couldn’t Save

“Death? What would I have to fear from where death puts me? If I die I’ll have already died. So I wont have anything else to fear. And if I’m alive? Well then I’ll be busy living. Simple as that. “
- Ulek Who Remembers, The Altered State’s only Gravedigger

It was a rare sight to see the entirety of The Altered State’s citizenry in one place, but mourning brought a special kind of unity along with its more overt tidings. Oree adjusted her goggles. Several lenses flickered and snapped into place: one, a series of rusted gears on her right eye, cobbled from an outdated model of Hegemonic optics. Another was a golem’s eye, a rotating teal rhombus that refracted light. It cast the whole scene in stain glass. The final one that swiveled about was the one she was looking for: a small glass eye that saw people as abstractions of what they really were. Oree looked through them all, minutely adjusting her viewing rig to compensate for The Three’s arrival. She snuck flagella onto her storage-cube and thumbed the activation rune, withdrawing a small memorizer from the cube’s dimensions.

Oree held out the quartz tablet in front of her eyes and trailed a flagellum along the side. The square slate emitted a few faint sighs and whistles, then scintillated into activation. Oree toggled through various modes, each a different way of embedding the moment that was to come in crystal. She settled on a plain viewing, reasoning that her optics could privately record the Three’s reaction to the news if she wanted more than a picture. Oree swung from a few pieces of vine lashing her block to another, larger one. She needed a better view of the meeting place. She checked her memorizer, stowed it back into the cube. Checked her optics and did the same. Then she began to sucker and shimmy her way up the green-covered hab-prism.

Oree climbed. Her flagella stretched out. She felt vaguely guilty, taking pleasure in an activity on a day like today. But as the Three had decreed as One: every citizen was to try and be happy on this day. Death was not the end. Merely the celebration and culmination of an individual’s life. Of all the good choices they made and the ripples those choices made in the world. That was not something to be feared or loathed, but embraced and celebrated for the positivity it was. Oree stopped as a small hive of Lilly moths swarmed their way into her climbing space. She marveled at their green and black stripes, reflected in a set of six leafy wings. She had a few in her collections at home, but not any so large. The anthropoids ended up just so, in between her and the balcony. Her external lysosomes quivered in response to the sudden rupture of stimuli, but Oree hushed them with a burble and a few caresses from her flagella. All understood that there was to be no lasting violence in The Altered State. The loss of a citizen made the agreement ironclad.

But that still left her no closer to the balcony. And, like anyone else in The Altered State, the Three kept to their own times. Oree’s cytoplast and vestibules contorted in thought. She looked behind her, out across the plaza that had been cleared for the Trio’s arrival. A great square had been made in the center of town. Salamanders and the Forger’s Union had worked till it was done, polishing and licking the masonry of the square to a sheen that perfectly reflected back all those assembled upon it. Oree noted, with as much pleasure as she could allow for, that they’d seen fit to transmute the squares vegetation into the same reflective material. It refracted the light like chandeliers. Many citizens were still filing into the squares space, whether on the ground or into the sky. Some tunneled upwards, breaching the surface only to have the plaza pristinely reseal on itself after they left. True to form, a series of murmurs could be heard emanating from the gathering. The content of the murmurings was conveyed to Oree as the Lilly Moth’s wings buzzed out the sounds below. There must have been a few more hives in the square.

Were it any other time Oree would have loved to have kept watching and listening such a display of unity amongst her people. But with the Lilly Moths in front of her and the balcony still above, there was work to be done before she could participate. She looked around for something the Moths might find tasty. She slurped out a “Hurm.” then conjured her optics array into rotation around her. Each of the visualizers analyzed the environment in it’s own way, feeding data back to Oree’s nucleus. It seemed there were plenty of vines about for climbing on, but none were edible at the moment which ruled them out as bait for the moths. Just as well. It’d not do to have a friend munch through her only real means of getting to the balcony. Her vacuole grumbled in protest at that the cognation of food. Oree cooed at it to quiet down, then rubbed the cytoplast above it with a free flagella. “Hm.” It’d be wrong to ask another person attending to help, and besides, locamoating herself up the vines was half the fu-

Oree smacked at the cytoplasm above her nucleus, a little bit less desperate but somehow more annoyed with herself. She used the same flagella to tap out a code on her cube. The little curio gave a wet shudder, groaned then squatted out a small moist cyst-like object. A leachy. Oree extended the fruit upwards, into the Lily Moth’s airspace. A few of the moth wings hummed with snippets of conversation from the wings of hivemates below:

“Dunno. You think they can?”

“Who was it that died?”

“Why?! No. No. It’s not-it’s not sixing fair, you understand! I- I’m sorry. I’m trying to stay calm but it’s hard.”

“-eed ever feel alone again, understand? It’s going to be ok.”

“All will be well.”

“All will be well.”

“All will be well.”

Oree tried her best to pay them as much mind as she could, then waved the leachy under the nearest pair of Lily Moth mandibles. First one, then the rest of the creatures followed the fruit’s scent with the eyes and antennae. When the smell of the leachy had filled in as much the air as Oree deemed necessary, she let go of it. The Lily Moths darted past her, a blur of green and black stripes and carapace. Their wings hummed with more happy words as they flew down after their prize. Oree was sad to see them go, but was glad that their happiness would find a place further down. As she resumed climbing, the photographer was careful to avoid the Lily Moth’s nest. Her vacuole groaned a little bit more as she climbed up.

She wasn’t surpised to find another citizen on the balcony. It was a warthog with hands instead of hooves, standing upright. Each of their nails was a different color but for the pinkies, each of which was tangerine. The puffed away on a thick cigar that produced fat contrails of lime green smog. The tenant offered Oree a hand up onto the balcony. The cigar smoke smelled vaguely of old books and sunflowers. She breathed some of it in, and made to make an offering of her leachy to the balcony’s residence, only to find herself out. The warthog must have seen the disappointment in her cytoplasms. They waved a hand to forestall any offers of food, then stomped their left hand on the balcony. A marble column of purest white raised itself up from the balcony. It was about the size of a chair when a smaller replica raised itself from the column. This went on till the column was level with Oree’s nucleus. At the top was a small thimble full of Windlbown tea. The warthog gestured for her to drink it.

The warthog’s face was, in spite of their gruff tone, the friendliest thing Oree had seen all week. “Fills ya right up that stuff does. Some wide-eyed brewer pawed it off ta me in search of their master. ‘Course, me being me I had to go and tinker with it. ” Oree smiled as much as the circumstances would allow, then shot back the thimble in one smooth motion. It tasted-Good. Really sixing good. Like Oree’s favorite pastries or vat-steak. Like leachy. The flavor lodged itself in her vacuole and altered itself according to what nutrients came to her mind.

“Six me that’s-that’s amazing.”

The warthog’s smile grew bigger, “Just the thing on a day like today, eh?” Oree smiled a bit at that. Sharing tea with a warthog chymist on a balcony overlooking a reflective plaza filled thronged with sounds of her people. It seemed like a fine way to celebrate a deceased citizen’s life. She was about to ponder more on the subject when the hum of insect wings brought her cognations back into focus. This time the Moths buzzed with the same phrase, repeated over and over and over in a variety of awed howls and chirps: “The Three are come!”

Naturally, Oree and the warthog looked to the sky. She swung her array so that the three lenses she previously selected were in front of her. Oree offered the warthog a view through them as well. They accepted the opportunity while saying: “And I thought the view from up here was good before”.

They arrived together. As always, Apollonia Gnashwells was a squall. Oree flipped through a few more optics and, as she had always seen, the First Godling was the same glut of different inconsistencies across all the planes. Their pace through the air was measured, none of the controlled falling and lolling about that preceded typical appearences. Apollonia Gnashwells led the procession. A wolf padded behind them, following the their wake. It was completely white, though it’s coat and paws were flecked with different colors of ink that fell upon those assembled below. Red-Deliker Fives’ paw prints remained suspended in the air. Occasionally a particularly brave citizen would fly or jump up into the Three’s wake to scoop some of the ink from where it oozed in the sky. Oree wasn’t sure, but the wolf looked to be snuffling along a particular chemtrail by Apollonia Gnashwells. Her optics said was oatmeal. The Middle Sibling did not register in any of Oree’s lenses but the one she used to view the world normally. Tara Nofears brought up the rear. Their hair was black and red licorice with periwinkle shells woven into it. Their eyes were wet with tears. Occasionally one of the older siblings would stray from their path to comfort the youngest of them. Tara nofears gave the wolf a few reassuring pats and strokes. Then the Three descended as one into a space that cleared below them. Not a single citizen spoke. All waited.

<YouarelovedWehavefailedyou> A few protests came from the audience, then were swallowed by the plaza’s silence. The last two words to come from Apollonia Gnashwells reverberated repeated and fought with themselves, filling the minds of every citizen present.

<YouarelovedWewilldobetterNotjustforyouwhodanceands ingandmarktheworldwithyourkindnessButforallwhocall thisHarunitheirhome.> The wolf let out a mournful howl. Tara Nofears shuddered, then they bent down to stroke at the creature’s mane. Their limbs came away wearing a full gamut of pastels.

The Three parted from their configuration on the ground, making room for a structure that inexorably rose from the polished plaza. It was much in the same as the column the warthog had risen for Oree. However, where theirs had been a soft white, the newborn obelisk was a reflective black. That and it was readily growing to be the size of the apartment complex Oree found herself a part of. The pillar shivered as the Three touched it. A wave moved first up the pillar, then down. As the motion passed over the onyx stone, it rippled like disturbed liquid before setting itself into utter smoothness.

<YouarelovedWerememberJotFreemantlewhoselifewastake nfromthemwithouttheirsay-soWehadaskedthemiftheywantedtocomebackfromdeathWet akeheartintheirrefusalforitonlymeanstheyhavefoundp aradiceanewWehonnortheirartMakingdollsforchildrena bsentfriendshaseverrankedamongstourmostnobleprofes sions> A series of great shouts of approval echoed out through the crowd. Apollonia Gnashwells caught the sounds and relayed them through the minds of The Altered State. It made Oree feel a little bit less sad.

It was at that moment that Tara Nofears wove her light and tears into a small plush doll, no bigger than a melon. It had a vulture’s head that smiled good-naturedly, like it had just found out some wonderful news or had discovered that the sun was out after cloudy skies. It had a neat little suit of cloth armour, styled just like that of a Templar. Oree didn’t need her optical array to see it. The Last gave the little toy to the wolf, who held it in their jaws with a tenderness that made Oree’s optics mist over. She no longer wanted to take a picture with her memorizer. It felt wrong. The wolf loped into the air, where it nuzzled at several of Apollonia Gnashwells appendages. The First Godling embraced the wolf, then the doll. A limb rattled out of Apollonia Gnashwells’ form, down to the base of the midnight pylon. They deposited the doll there, sitting upright.

<YouarelovedWeaskthatnonechangethisconstructionthis monumentthisziggarautwehavewroughtuponyouallLetiss erveasamemorialNotjustforJottheFreemantlebut all the others we could not save.>

Thunder rumbled through the backwaters of Oree’s psyche as the wolf addressed the crowd. <Who we cannot save.> The storm in her nucleus was replaced by a child’s voice that, while tinged with much sorrow, promised happiness on it’s periphery.

<Who we will not save. May we suggest: that The Altered State show Haruni a better way> Apollonia Gnashwells seizured and yawned back on themselves in agreement. The wolf nodded sagely.

<YouarelovedmiddlesiblingyoungestsiblingAlteredStat eHarnuiAllWeshallmakearequestofallwhoMotherHarunih oststolaydowntheirweaponsatourmidnightmemorialedif iceThereisabetterwayWewillshowthemallthattheyneedn otpokeandprodandbleedatoneanothertolivetogether>

More peals of thunder now. <Will The Altered State choose to help?>

As one, from the lowliest Hegemon to the fiercest Ratcatcher guildsman, from the racing prisms of the clouds, to the sewer-pythons that rumbled and writhed below ground, The Altered State replied in the affirmative.

Amidst the cheers and whoops of joy to which she added, Oree had never been more proud of her people.

To All 0 Morale

It comes in song, lodging itself in the minds of any that hear it’s words. It brings a feeling of calm with it.

To all who call Holy Hanrui Home,

You are loved.

It is with heavy hearts and cerebrums that we remember for one our own. See for yourselves, the missive sent unto us by the most noble of avian-knights:

There is no response. There are rumours that whoever carried the Altered States' letter to the Oracai Templars was executed on the spot by hanging for suspicion of affiliation with 'the place furthest from the flame'.

To our friends The Templars of our Burning Saviour. We do not presume to tell you how you were created. Yet your origins have always reminded us of the mighty phoenix, who is reborn anew from the ashes of the past. We are saddened to see that you have eschewed a tempering of peace for a future of violence. Who does it help, the death of one of ours? You are no closer to your goal of our annihilation and we know nothing but loss from our interactions with you. It does little to better either of us. We know that our interactions can yield more for both of us. Perhaps your dogma relies on cruelty. Why? We ask again: who does this help? We implore you to rise up from the ashes of violence. Why not instead burn to illuminate all of Hanrui with your goodness, rather than burn it? Please stop cultivating more pain. There’s no need for a great nation such as yours to stoop to such levels.

To all. We grieve. As part of our observances The Altered State will shirk magic for this season. May the glint of our baubles, tinsels and knacks guard you, Holy Hanrui, and steel you against that which we could not protect one of our own from. Jot Freemantle will never feel brick ooze between their digits. Never hear and weave the joy of songs or music in their marrow. Never drink or love or laugh. They will never choose again.

We choose peace.

The Altered State.

Alright everyone so here’s the thing. I have way too much magic. It’s making the Templars uncomfortable and that simply will not do. I’m gonna give [8 Temp Magic] away, before the end of the turn report is due.

It comes with some clauses.

1) An out of character agreement by all who participate in this endeavor that this magic will not be used against The Altered State.
2) Buy in is a minimum of [1 Permanent Military]. If more than one faction buys in we can use a dice roller to select a faction at random. The more military you contribute gets you a higher range on the dice roller. For example if you donate 1 military your number on the dice roller is “1”. If you donate 2 military, your numbers on the dice roller are “1-2” or “1-3” if you donated 3 military. If Somone else donated 2 military in the case of the latter, their range would be "4-5" and I would thenroll 1d5 OOC to determine who got it. And so on.
3) This offer is for every faction, not just PC ones. It includes the Templars of our Burning Savior Saviour.
4) I'll keep it open right up until I send my EoT in.

2018-05-25, 12:33 AM
The Holy Imirin Empire
Morale 2

Lady Seeker Adriana Visconti was giddy as a schoolgirl, drumming her fingers along the grand altar now re-purposed to show off the newest additions to her patron’s hoard. Pacing around the display to view it from every angle with a springing her step, she started mentally composing the list she’d be dramatically reading soon enough

-One unfortunate Dragonshield, now a perfect sculpture of same carved from glittering crystal of unknown make
-An intricately carved golden chalice filled with fine silver dust. Which, when left stationary, begins to form a perfect scale model of the surrounding environment.
-A clear crystal containing what she was quite certain was hellfire, several packets of incense helpfully attached.
-A dozen carefully gathered pages from the Book of Ten Thousand Gods, containing information on several lesser spirits of river and stream.

And, of course, the masterpiece which had left a dozen trapsmith’s left screaming in the aether for the taking. She had to approach it from the right angle-seeing the spiritual essence of things instead of their material forms was all well and good, but it meant that she had to close her new left eye if she didn’t want a migraine from glimpsing the thing.

-A lance of primordial flame, embers and motes carefully gathered and amplified until a spark had caught. Physically speaking, it wasn’t quite so grand-a thin rod of orichalcum encased in amber. Still, the Pyresoul should appreciate having the fires of creation at its command.

Speaking of crippling headaches and terrifying monstrosities, she had some letters to answer. Sighing and running a hand through her hair-well, feathers. So an improvement form fire or lives snakes. By tomorrow she’d get it to stay hair, hopefully-she sank to the ground and leaned against the altar, peeling a sheet of paper off the stone and turned to the far less enjoyable part of her job.

The letter comes with an extra case around it, sealed with the ambassadorial crest. Eeoto’ own comments mostly betray an..incomplete understanding of what an Ambassador is for, being a perfectly exhaustive list or treasures taken and kobolds lost in the recent expedition.

If you have a private summit in mind, my patron may be able to spare his Grand Architect as a plenipotentiary this season-he will be somewhat occupied, as I’m certain you will be, and I’m somewhat metaphysically indisposed at present. A delay into the Summer is possible as well, though it may close certain options.

If discretion isn’t quite so dear-and I’m relatively sanguine about the Exemplar’s spycraft, myself-Eeto can carry our present plans within the week. An aggressive buffer zone if the present dream.

Choosing peace with a fat purse and an empty hand ends poorly, in my experience. But the dream is a tempting one I don’t begrudge. We have wonders of our own in mind that will hopefully obviate the need for true bloodshed, and your aid is certainly worth the dismissal of a few hundred kobolds. Delivered to your borders, I assume?

Glory and Flame Birdthing!

My Great and Powerful Lord sees the truth-glory of the fire; Creation, Purity, Conquest*. The Pyresoul will-is the truest example, and will tear-break a hole in the sky to become our Star when they have clarity-perfection. Fire burn-kills the weak-small and sad, leaves only Glory and Clarity and Wonder. It has-is-will-be itself, no lie-lie of distance or forever. We the same.
-Grand Architect Varrul, Supplicant of the Rising Fire, Chamberlain of Old Imir

*These three words are written in a far more formal and archaic script of Draconic, likely laboriously copied over from some holy book by a different hand

2018-05-26, 11:39 AM
The Windblown Leaf (MOR: 3)


Yes, Nate? What is it? Otto looked up from his stack of papers, taking the opportunity to activate the small relic that always stood on his table. Liquid from the elemental plane of water filled its reservoir, and a conjured flame appeared beneath.

From the Altered State, Sir... Nate trailed off, his normally serene visage showing cracks. Which, Otto knew, meant some truly dreadful must have occurred.

What is it? Quick, boy, please.

Just a letter, Sir. From a merchant who just departed their city.

God, he was still in a state where he could write? Otto rolled his eyes, faintly grinning in memory of many a good night. Give it here, Nate. Thank you, as always.

Sir. Nate handed the letter over, and made to leave.

It comes in song, lodging itself in the minds of any that hear it’s words. It brings a feeling of calm with it.

A silence persists in the tent for one second, two, following the Altered State's message.

Oh. Oh, Nate. Otto's hand went to his face, wiping away the beginnings of tears.

Nate left the tent. Otto opened the missive, eyes scanning it quickly. He read it once, then again. And with that complete, a melody to complement the song still whirling in his head, he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.

On his desk, the kettle came to a boil. And then ceased to boil, as the water slowly cooled. And all the while, Otto sat a foot away, eyes yet closed.

The Altered State
This letter is sealed with a waxen stamp of an ornate leaf, and carries an enclosed teabag that smells like plum. Tears stain the page in places.

Loss is known to all. To all who gamble, all who strive, all who live. To the merest mortals, the greatest gods. Lose and be lost. The Musings of Dado.

Oh, my friends.

My heart goes out to you and yours. I have sent a caravan of our finest teas to your city; they cannot ease the pain, but perhaps will be a source of joy when you are ready for it in the future.

Dado, I know not what to say. Just know my heart goes out to you. Now, and forever.

Your friend, and humble servant,

Ottoch IV
Brewmaster, the Windblown Leaf

P.S. Nate will write soon of a project he has in mind. We hope it might bring many more to your fair city. But this letter is not the time nor the place for its details.

The Templars of Our Burning Saviour

This letter is sealed with a waxen stamp of an ornate leaf, and carries an enclosed teabag that smells like cayenne.

Dear Knight-Captain Aio Cenkari, the Ardent, humble Servant and Templar of Our Burning Saviour,

I am truly delighted to know our tea may meet with approval in the Eyrie's halls. You do us a great honour by extending this generosity, and I hope the blends are delicious.

Is it unreasonable to expect that caravans flying the Windblown Leaf banner will be able to get through your lands without too much trouble, at least, not more than would be reasonable? If so, the caravans might also bring food and water and basic medicines, to ensure that no matter what is happening in Hanrui the normal citizenry still thrive. No matter your plans, I am sure you do not want to see the realm made a wasteland.

Let me know what you think of the tea. And do enjoy.

Your humble servant,

Ottoch IV
Brewmaster, the Windblown Leaf

Fellow Adventurers
From the tongue of Sherya of the Kettlefire,
As transcribed by her assistant, Cheris

A successful delving.

Perhaps we unite to drive out that satyr lord together?

Very happy with the herbs. Ossja would be proud. Bountiful and beautiful brews await.

One other note.

My cousin. The Dragonborn, Tuk'sha.

She was a captive. Terrible fate. No dragon should be chained.

I would invite her to Baracha.

Tea the right restorative for her ills. A draught to soothe and strengthen the soul.

Also close to the Pillar of Wisdom. A place for her magic to flourish.

The best option.

At the bottom of the page, a 4-tined claw has indented the paper, a signature of the letter's authorship.

The Legion of Balance

This letter is sealed with a waxen stamp of an ornate leaf, and carries an enclosed teabag that smells like fresh rain.

Dear [Lord/Lady] [Name of the Legion's Paladin Commander],

I hope all has been well with our latest shipment of tea. I must say, we are lucky to have a people dedicated to balance so close to Baracha, the home of a beverage that strives for balance as well. Perhaps Saladrahal smiled upon us, long ago.

That said, we write with somewhat grimmer tidings. It seems war will be coming to Hanrui sooner rather than later, which brings sorrow to the guilds' hearts despite our understanding for its occasional need.

We would write you asking at the very least for your protection if armies -- particularly those Sinners to the East -- start encroaching on our borders. We shudder to think of Baracha's hills and valleys becoming a staging ground for raids on your territory.

We also would like to invite you to join us in a project we are considering. We plan a great road to the southeast, to link our trade with the city-states of Dragonfall and the Altered State. This would pass through your land -- boosting your economy to be sure, and perhaps aiding your troops as they travel to bring justice to Hanrui.

If you are interested, we would appreciate whatever wealth you could provide. Given the benefit to the people that inhabit your lands, perhaps some of them would also be willing to work as labourers?

I will send another message soon to discuss this further with all interested parties. Thank you for all you have done for Hanrui, both now and in the future.

Your humble servant,

Ottoch IV
Brewmaster, the Windblown Leaf

[[Hoping that my high REP acts passively here to help out?]]

The Pillar of Wisdom
This letter is sealed with a waxen stamp of an ornate leaf, and carries an enclosed teabag that smells like... mystery? How can a tea smell like mystery? You'd have to ask Otto.
To Arcturus, the Lord in Jade,

I hope your research and casting goes well. We have noticed a few odd sights in the skies over Baracha, but of course have full confidence your control and mastery over your magics. Let us know if any particular blends would help focus your mind, and our caravans will quickly be on their way.

We note with some alarm the violence which Hanrui seems to be on the precipice of, but hope at the very least the... experimentation it provides (?) will be of use in your valuable research.

We also would like to invite you to join us in a project we are considering. We plan a great road to the southeast, to link our trade with the city-states of Dragonfall and the Altered State. This could easily connect through to your lands, giving you unfettered access to the magical wares of the Altered State and other useful reagents.

Let us know if you are interested in such an endeavour. I understand your mages are, and should be, dedicated to our research, but if you could give us a sense of that research I'll see if Nate can figure out a way it could be helpful to this project.

Your friend, and humble servant,

Ottoch IV
Brewmaster, the Windblown Leaf

[[Similar hopes re:REP? Also assumed at least a bit of history with the mage given our bordering lands, along with a fancy title, let me know if that's acceptable.]]

The Kynshog
This letter is sealed with a waxen stamp of an ornate leaf, and carries an enclosed teabag that smells like basalt.
Dear Gurg Da Great, Champion of the Trolls, Warlord of Armani and Boss of the Green Horde,

I hope all is well in the lands of the Kynshog. I will get straight to an issue that has been pressing heavily on my mind, and indeed, is mentioned even in the books of my predecessors as Brewmaster of the Windblown Leaf.

Unfortunately, we know little of your ancient and powerful rituals and customs. But there are rumours that in some form or the other, tea serves a large purpose? There are notes of its use in the defeat of enemies, and perhaps the celebration thereof? [[OOC: Something something tea-bagging something something eating dwarves with tea something]]

The idea, admittedly, fascinates us. While the Guild has long lists of tea-based rituals, none seem to have the air or gravity of yours, and few have such a martial context. If it would not offend, we would be honoured to learn more about your ways. Your people are ancient and epic, and we are truly ashamed to not have learned the details of your tea sooner. How can we call ourselves Hanrui's tea-masters with such a gaping hole in our knowledge?

On another curious note, as we plan our trade routes, we do wonder if there is any guidance you can give as to which territory is included in your historical empire? We are planning a cross-continental highway, and if it goes through your De Jure lands, we would not seek to offend by building without asking permission first. We do hope that such a road, which would bring trade and prosperity to all, would meet your approval and that Windblown Caravans will be welcome in your lands.

On a similar note, given the violence -- righteous and otherwise -- which seems soon to come to our lands, the Windblown Leaf plans to strive to give shelter and succor to any innocents unduly affected. Our caravans will continue to bring tea, but they will be accompanied by food and basic medicines and water. I hope you, as I, have no wish to claim territory only to see that it now lies desolate. We will support no side in whatever conflicts are coming but that of the regular citizenry.

If you have issues with such a proclamation of neutrality, please let us know. This is important to us, and we would not wish to offend or be misconstrued.

On a more important note, please also let us know if you have any wish to try some of our blends. I am not sure if we have any teas rooted in the heritage of the Armani Trolls, but certainly there are blends from other Troll clans we might share.

Your humble servant,

Ottoch IV
Brewmaster, the Windblown Leaf

Dragonfall, the Holy Imirin Empire, The Pillar of Wisdom, the Legion of Balance, the Altered State
This letter is sealed with a waxen stamp of an ornate leaf, and carries an enclosed teabag that smells like camomile.

A brief note is sketched at the top of this missive: Forgive Nate's awkward writing style. He is not one to mince words, but knows this project inside out. Let it not deter you from reading on, I implore. -- Otto.

1) Hello,

2) I write about the trans-continental highway.
3) This has been mentioned to many of you all independently
4) But it will require collective action
5) And thus collective deliberation.

6) In detail:
7) Trade and immigration and the flow of commerce depends on roads.
8) Good roads!
9) There is a lack of such roads in Hanrui.

10) Now is the perfect time to build such a road.
11) While materials are cheap
12) And land not torn up by magic duels.

13) It would stretch from [34] to [1 and 5].
14) Connecting the South as never before.

15) I imagine all support would be helpful.
16) [MIL] to guard the routes.
17) [ECO] to build them.
18) [MAG] to enchant the stones against wind and rain.
19) [MOR] and [REP] to encourage our people and local villagers to get involved.

20) I know little about [ESP].
21) Scouting out the best locations?
22) Otto handles that stuff.

23) Sorry.

24) We can decide further details later.
25) Your thoughts?

26) -Nate Bookbinder.

The Holy Imirin Empire
There is no letter, just a note attached to the letter focused on roads.

1) Sorry.
2) Bandits aren't armies.
3) You do the coast a service.
4) But neutrality is neutrality.

5) -Nate

2018-05-27, 06:38 PM
Holy Imirin Empire
Morale 2

While our military will be rather occupied, we can contribute somewhere between [2 and 6 ECO] and [4 and 6 Mag], depending on how other negotiations resolve. On the proviso that the road runs through [36], [39] and [40], and the acknowledgment those lands fall under the Pyresoul's protection.

As well, we'll need a name.

2018-05-27, 11:36 PM
The Kynshog


The phrase and concept of 'tea-bagging' is actually one that originated in the Third Realm, where the Elven Empress of a Thousand Glades and Brooks Bialmyssra gave great offense to the Harchong Yargan. To earn the lesser nobility of Harchong, one had to have passed the Grand Ritual of Teas and Entertainments, a great contest held in the art of the tea ceremony, with Perfection (the second highest grade) ten times consecutively. However, rather strange for a Harchong, Yargan was not a Goauk, having not earned that lesser title of nobility via passing the Grand Ritual of Worldly Composure and Etiquette ten times consecutively with Profound Grace (The third highest grade). Now, it is more then possible to merely attain a grade of Competence (the seventh grade) and win, for while victory counted for much, it was not everything by the lost records.

Still, Bialmyssra had prided herself as an archer, and so Yargan challenged her to a contest of Bow, Blade and Paints. After defeating her soundly, indeed, humiliating her utterly in all three fields in which she prided herself, he proceeded to knock her to the ground and rub his groin in her face, while bellowing, "This is what troll balls smell and taste like bitch!"

To this day, we honor the convention of the ceremony of Mocking Dominance whenever one deals a greatly humiliating defeat to a foe that has not proven honorable or offered us grave insult, by referring to it as that which started it... Harchong Yargan's Teabag.

Incidentally, the Yargan is a tea that is more noted for it's alternate uses in some temples incense sticks, and has been noted that when properly steeped and concentrated the fumes are most capable of lifting coma's and in at least one case involving the smaller races reviving the dead.

However, leaving that particular anecdote aside, we have lost much in the passing centuries, including the means by which most of the lesser nobility is to be judged and earned. This of course, is something troubling to us, speaking in the broader sense of trolldom, as titles are not inherited, but marks of merit, of excellence and ability, instead of marks of inbreeding. We lost the records when both the physical records were destroyed and our bards of the time slaughtered to the troll.

Still, of tea, we shall freely admit that while we do enjoy some strains, indeed records indicate that at least Ya'tam, Nobles of Cultivation, had earned their titles by the development of new plants for that purpose, we tend to enjoy and use more... potent brews when we can. As we do not have to worry about it's carcinogenic properties, we tend to go for exotic blends of alcohol.

But, as for our lands? Our ancient realm stretched southwards and east some distance, as well as along the coast, though it stopped at the deserts edge. [To 46 south, and 33, 36 and 35 east]. Indeed, you sit on the very easternmost edge of our ancient lands, but as we have said to our northern neighbor, while our oaths will call for us to visit the matter in time, at the moment, more peaceful measures may yield all we seek and more.

And as far as neutrality is concerned? We understand, no matter that our kind has the reputation for being a touch happy for a fight, that war is terrible for the people that work the fields and land caught between those seeking to wage war on one another. As such, we could hardly object to one seeking to offer them shelter in these troubled times, when we may not be quite so able.

It is our intentions, if it is agreeable, to work to undercut some of the ability that the chorus has to wage war. After all, they may preach and sing all they wish, but I think we can agree that while a mob without weapons or armor can still be dangerous if they field a great deal of them, but, in the grand scheme of things, may prove to be much more... manageable?

2018-05-28, 01:41 PM
morale 2

That seems prudent, though I'd hazard that an Angel's miracles might make it difficult. Still, consider us willing to back it.

2018-05-29, 06:08 AM
The Windblown Leaf (MOR: 3)

Dragonfall, The Holy Imirin Empire, The Pillar of Wisdom, the Legion of Balance, the Altered State
This letter is sealed with a waxen stamp of an ornate leaf, and carries an enclosed teabag that smells like pear.

1) Wonderful.
2) Truly wonderful.

3) I envision the road splitting at [38] in the north.
4) And [4] in the south.

5) Otto is better at names than I.
6) You and yours may be better as well.
7) He says:
8) "The Pathway of Peace! The Current of Commerce! The Southern Shortcut!"
9) I'm partial to the middle one.
10) Forgive, please, Otto his floweriness.

11)-Nate Bookbinder

The Kynshog
This letter is sealed with a waxen stamp of an ornate leaf, and carries an enclosed teabag that smells like maple.

Dear Gurg Da Great, Champion of the Trolls, Warlord of Armani and Boss of the Green Horde,

Your kindness and generosity reaches far beyond what I would have imagined in my wildest, Altered State-inspired, dreams. My predecessors must be rolling in their graves knowing that such knowledge of such a fascinatingly unique culture was always just a letter away.

Your Yargan blend seems fascinating, and certainly a unique and powerful flavour. I grieve with you for the loss of your more ancient rituals, the tea ceremony is an important one, with the finest details key to the arrangement, and thus difficult to resurrect. If you do come across any ancient tomes with their details or the like, however, please think of us and let us know if it feels relevant.

Your humble servant,

Ottoch IV
Brewmaster, the Windblown Leaf

GM (Internal)
Is it possible to get NPC replies to my earlier messages before the EoT?

2018-05-29, 10:40 AM
Legion of Balance
Mor 4

We are hesitant to commit too much to this venture given the brewing troubles in this land but we can see the benefits of such and trust your great nation Windblown Leaves.

We came into some spoils of war while adventuring and will gladly commit those to the building of this great road. (2 Econ)

Mor 2

We have no desire to seek put da looters of Da Shank but will consider your offer of buying our worthless trinkets we have no need for... if ya gold is good.

Pillar of Wisdom
Mor 3

Hmmm this would be a great boon for your nations if the great wizards of the Pillar of Wisdom were to get involved but you tempt us with your sweet words and promises of greater gonna tion to the world. We will commit for a while to see how this goes.

A few of our mages will join the building of this road for a season or two and lead it through the land with their power and wisdom. (2 Mag)

The Rising Dark

Esp 3 required to read

We come to the surface not as a herald to a rising dark elf kingdom but as a group of sellswords to those with the resources to find us.

We care not for your political squabbles and games only your gold if you have it.

Your Lord and master would be a powerful ally to us and we will consider that along with our other option but we are sellswords first and our loyalty is to those with the money to buy it.

We care not for those enslaved Drow, they were weak to have been made into slave things so easily and are of lesser cities then the great metropolises of the Underdark.

If you want us to fight your enemies great Dragon our blades are for sale for your Dragon gold.

2018-05-29, 06:38 PM
Holy Imirin Empire
Morale 2

Through [39] and [36] then? Tolerable, assuming a connection to Imir can be constructed with too great a delay.

As for names, I had in mind something along "Grand Highway" "Concord" "Transcontinental", the "Via Hanrui". Current isn't terrible either, admittedly.

2018-05-29, 08:36 PM

Morale 7

This is a marvelous idea. We at Dragonfall agree that the south should be connected. May I propose "The Southern Conduit" for a name?

Unfortunately, Dragonfall cannot spare anything this season for this project, as our resources have been committed to several key projects for the past several months. However, we are more than willing to supply [Morale or Reputation] in the future towards this project, or even [Econ] if it still requires financing.

We look forward to seeing the fruits of our joint labour.

Tzyras Whisperwind, First Herald of Dragonfall

Lord Athos
2018-05-30, 10:24 PM
The Templars of our Burning Saviour (morale 4)

To the most esteemed Brewmaster Ottoch IV,

rest assured that any caravan or trading vessel bearing the banner of the Windblown leaf crossing our lands will be safe and under the Protection of the Order of the Templars of Our Burning Saviour. You a boon to this lands, and we will not stand idly while there is harm done to you. Please extend the same courtesy to ours when they meet, and the trade will surely be profitable for both of us and the citizenry.

In Vigilance, The High Council of The Order of the Templars of Our Burning Saviour

There is no response again. There are some rumours amongst traders that the Order of the Templars of Our Burning Saviour have declared the altered state "Anathema", whatever that means.

To the most esteemed Holy Imirin Empire, represented by Grand Architect Varrul, Supplicant of the Rising Fire, Chamberlain of Old Imir,

There is truth in your words. There is Purity in Fire, a Clarity of Being, Strength and Sacrifice. There was much discussion in the Halls of the High Council, and we believe your Glorious Master may indeed be touched by Our Saviour. We are close, thus, and we are willing to cooperate, if it is your Master's wish.

In Vigilance, Grand Master Ectis vel Orondra, the Resolute, humble Servant and Templar of Our Burning Saviour

2018-05-31, 12:39 PM
The Windblown Leaf (MOR: 3)

The Civic Planning Committee
This letter is sealed with a waxen stamp of an ornate leaf, and carries an enclosed teabag that smells like Pu'erh.

My Friends,

I am delighted to hear that Nate's brainchild has found such widespread appreciation throughout Hanrui. Taste in beverages aside, his ideas have brought prosperity to the Guild and now seem to do so for all of southern Hanrui.

I accept that "The Southern Conduit" might work better as a name for public consumption, but I will be whispering "The Current of Commerce" into my teacups well into my dying days.

My esteemed lords of the Pillar of Wisdom, and noble Knights of the Legion of Balance, your contributions are greatly appreciated. Hedge -- forgive me the informality, I hope? -- your routing plans seem to concord with Nate's. And my friends at Dragonfall, any support you can offer at any point would be greatly appreciated and certainly would bring benefit to the land. As they say, the fallen city of Urk-Mortak wasn't built, nor broken, in a day!

Ah, I can picture it already. Perhaps Nate will fear his creation when he sees just what I plan to do with the incoming influx of Altered State ingredients and Dragonfall teaware!

Your humble servant,

Ottoch IV
Brewmaster, the Windblown Leaf

The Templars of our Burning Saviour
My Lords and Ladies,

We are truly thankful to hear of your kind words and beneficence towards our humble selves. Please, if you or yours ever have a craving for a cup of tea, ask any caravan and I am sure they will be happy to oblige.

Your humble servant,

Ottoch IV
Brewmaster, the Windblown leaf

2018-05-31, 08:06 PM
Mor 4

I am glad that we can be frank with one another. Let us open negotiations as to your price, as i would be interested in hiring you.

2018-06-01, 05:44 PM
Turn 2

"War's one of those things, don't you think, where everyone always thinks they're in the right have you noticed that? Nobody ever says we're the bad guys, we're going to beat **** out of the good guys." – Caryl Churchill.

The Balance Tips

War erupts between the Legion of Balance and thr Brotherhood of Sin. Convoys of Paladins amd Knights march to meet Legion Devils and Undead in a brutal Battle as the forces of the Brotherhood move to take the land and villages between the two nations (9).

The Brotherhood manages to squeeve out a victory, largely in thanks to the magical traps that the devils had hidden through the battlefield that devestated one of the Legions charges against the weak flank of the Brotherhood.

The Legion retreats back to their Fortresses and fortify their lands with the remainimg forces they have as the devils revel in their victory.

Road to the Future

A massive undertaking led by the Windblown Leaf has started under way, a road that connects much of the land and has people from many nations picking up tools to contribute to this marvelbof engineering.

It has started and though has stsrted strong needs more investment to complete.


The city of angels goes quiet and less then a month later the unthinkable happens. From miles around a booming voice was heard echoing through the lands saying one word.


The city was obliterated by this word and what many mages are speculating was the voice of a god calling back the archangel. The next people tp get to yhe city to explore the occurance thay had takem place all they found was a city full of destroyed buildings and no people except for thousands of burn marks throughout the city.

The event caused large raw amounts of divine magic roiling through the lands causimg nstural phenomena all over. No one knows why but everyone agrees that it doesn't bode well when the gods abandon Hanrui...

Expansion is Key

Nations all over have been growing their lands. In one end of the continent Fire spreads as the forces of the Pyresoul and Templars march into lamds and taking whats theirs by right of might.

In the other the city state of Dtagonfall combines diplomacy with force of arms as they spread through the land.

Follow the Light

Divine magics have wracked the land and in the place of the Black Charged Woods where it revealed the growing nation of Wisps led by the powerful awakened Willow Lord Alcon the Ascendant Spark.

The nations of Hanrui have taken notice of the growing nation and have recognized them which has placed them in the eye of the world and on a dangerous place on the political stage.

Refugees Spread

The conquering of lands and devestation of Angelfall has left many bereft of homes and support. Many of these new homless have found there home among the Windblown Leaf and their tent city but others found their way to the wonderful world of the Altered State.

Many of the refugees are taking advantage of the aid that the Windblown Leaf is flooding the land with in order to better themselves and survive.

The Darkness Bows to Flame

Drow have now been seen in the employ of the Pyresoul led by their Baenrae leader. Responses have withered to dust from the Drow as the bidding war for there services ends.

The Trade Wars Fade

The massive boom of trade and new resources flowing through has dropped as merchants realize their opportunities have faded as the more lucrative contracts are snapped up. Many by the exploding economic powerhouse of Dragonfall.

2018-06-01, 07:27 PM
The WIllow, Morale 5

The message comes with a small retinue of Willow that are carrying large packages. They leave the packages with the highest up people they can get to. The packages contain equipment from adventurers that were lost in the Black Charge Woods 

Dear Neighbours, Slayers of Dragons.

The wind whispers tales of your great feats. The dread dragon that fell to your blade has left you fantastic riches. As we rise we are glad to have a nation as prosperous and beautiful as your near our borders.

I am the Lord of the Willow, Lord Alcon. We would like you to be aware that we need room for our growing population and as such would appreciate if your current expansion lefts us slight room to breath. Even though in a past lives, the spirits we came from might have been in conflict with your leaders as they grew as adventurers, we would like to assure you that we are past those days, our haunt is over, there is no bad blood between us.

We do not have memories of our time before our life as Willow, but if any of this equipment is familiar we are sorry for your loss.

Dearest Siblings of the Altered State:

The package comes with a single Willow dressed in fine robes bought from the market. Though its eyes are barely visible, the light between them speaks the wonder they feel at the city they’ve seen.

I am Lord Alcon, Royal Leader of the Willow

We seem to be direct neighbour to your glorious, if interesting, state. Where your glorious city ends our mysterious woods begin. 

We are invested in the magics that you have. Our people are still rising from our lives as spirits and despite our best efforts we are coming up a nation that is in need of magic to bring ourselves up from our previous lives. Though we cannot imagine the miracles we would need to bring you in order to show you things that you haven’t seen, but we are willing to trade our friendship and much more for help understanding the wonders you’ve made. 

Trust us as friends, we will not approach you as our previous selves might have done. Our light is of friendship and a new alliance to grace the Southern edge of Hanrui. Together we can bring a new age.

To switch to statecraft, we will keep you notified of any messages sent between nations that involve our corner of the world, we are together in location and we will share our talents for secrecy with you, we hope that you see the benefit and offer your talents in the arcane with us.

Reverently and worshipfully, Lord Alcon of the Willow.

Please keep this Willow that I have sent for a short while, we are offering them to help you understanding of our species.

Pardon the lack of messages to everyone, I need to go out tonight and I wanted to post but there will be posts for all soon.

2018-06-01, 08:44 PM
The Windblown Leaf (MOR: 4)

The Highway of Humans, The Pathway of Peace, The Current of Commerce, The Road of Relationships, The Travelroute of Tea

Nate let out a long sigh.

He missed his tent. He missed his ledgers. He knew things were bad because he even found himself missing Otto; the man's effusive emotions, the way he pursed his lips whenever he saw Nate drinking something that was not tea, the company in his bed at night. The only thing he really didn't miss was his coffee, but that was only because he had brought sack upon sack of beans along with him.

And, Dado's dice, was he ever going through them.

But such was the price of progress.

Nate sighed again, finishing his latest cup, before turning back towards the plans in front of him.

"Davos, can you check these wards over? The latest stretch of construction is complete, and we'll want the rain-proofing enchantments on before the next storm comes."

Davos the Blue looked up from his latest letter to the Pillar of Wisdom, finishing it with his flowing signature and sending it off through the air with a muttered word and flash of green light.

"Yes yes, give it here. Your mages do alright work, but they just have no appreciation for theory. That last one you had me working with didn't even know what the runes meant, he just copied what had been told to him by his father! At the Pillar he'd be thrown out -- from a few stories up!"

Nate sighed again, handing over the sheets laden with sketched-out runes.

"They're merchants, Davos, not mages. But that is why we are thankful you are here."

Davos snorted, his attention turning fully to the planned wards, and Nate left the command tent. Stepping outside, he made his way up a nearby hill. From here, he could survey the entire stretch of highway current under construction.

And it was, he admitted, a nice sight. The workers stretching far off into the distance, conversations going in multiple tongues, people of every race and background. Over there was the food stall set up by the nearby town's innkeeper, and -- Dado call it true -- were those Imirin Kobolds playing dice with the few Dragonfall labourers?

Nate shook his head, a faint smile coming to his face.

He still couldn't wait to return to Barracha. But for now, looking at the construction of a landmark that might come to define southern Hanrui, he was content.

And that was all he ever asked for.

The Green Leaf

Zehelv the kobold snuck a glance at his business partner, eyes darting to the side. Jak still had an eerie ability to catch such acts even though he had been blind for -- what, seven years now? -- and the dwarf turned to give Zehelv a grin.

"Stop being so worried, Zee. It's like you're leading your first trade expedition again. What do I always tell you?"

Zehelv rolled his eyes, feeling decades younger. "It's not the blend, it's the steeping" he intoned, repeating the line that had been drilled into his brain over the course of his apprenticeship.

"Precisely. Otto is just another merchant, this is just another tea-run." Jak closed his eyes, leaning back. "Plus, by the sounds back there, he's still recovering from last night."

Zehelv had caught the snores, but... with a figure such as Otto, what if he was just pretending? While in actuality he was keenly listening to Zehelv? Ears craned for a single slip-up?! Zehelv had only been a full guild-member for three and a half years, and the habits of apprenticeship died hard.

"But it's not just another tea-run, Jak! Dado knows, we've almost as many medicines and rations as leaves and teapots in our wagon! And plus, you must have heard the dragonfire in the distance three nights ago, even if you couldn't see it. We were leagues away, and it still seemed to light up the night. A single lick of that, and this caravan would be toast!"

"Oh, Zehelv. When you're as old as I am, you'll realize violence comes and goes. Fires flare and dim, even dragons fade in time. But as a young dwarf, I drunk and sold Windblown Leaf tea; as a middle-age dwarf, I drunk and sold Windblown Leaf tea; and now in my later years, well, I still drink and sell Windblown Leaf tea. And it tastes all the better knowing my apprentice will be drinking and selling Windblown Leaf tea well after I am gone."

"Don't talk like that, Jak." Zehelv bit his lip, with one of his molars, not one of his fangs. "You'll be still selling tea for many years yet."

"Ah, I hope so Zee. And given my history, it's not too bad to be adding some diversity to our wares! That beautiful feeling when someone finally discovers their favourite blend, it must have been written on the face of every inhabitant of that last village when we distributed our blankets and food and water."

"It was, Jak. You know it was."


A comfortable silence spread between the two men, and Zehelv closed his eyes, leaning back to think through what his today's next cup of tea would be. He would trust the horses to guide themselves a while.

And in the caravan's back, Otto slept on.

The Pillar of Wisdom
To Arcturus, the Lord in Jade,

Thank you for the mighty mages you lent us for last season's work on the road. We hope magic tomes and ritual reagants are already finding their way more easily to your tower.

We have noted with some alarm the rumours stemming from the south, [32]. You undoubtedly know the effects of that Angelic conjuring far beyond my mind can grasp, but we fear its proximity may have effects on some of our more sensitive plants -- and perhaps would as well mess with your experiments?

Would you be interested in co-operating to determine what the lingering effects will be? Perhaps we can make use of them, perhaps we must merely ameliorate the damage they do. Either way, knowledge is undoubtedly power.

Your Humble Servant,

Ottoch IV
Brewmaster, the Windblown Leaf

The Civic Planning Council
My Friends,

Nate writes that the road is "functional, with minimal issues." From him that is high praise, and I will not belabour your eyes with the effusive comments that would be my interpretation of his missive.

Progress is progress. The Southwest is now connected as never before, the highway complete in [35/34/36/38/43/39]. Now it is time to bring her East, to the Altered State, Dragonfall, and perhaps this impressive new nation arisen in the woods of [2].

Let us know what support you plan to give so Nate can best plan the allocation of resources. We look forward to this project's completion and I truly believe it will stand as monument to trade and cooperation in Hanrui.

Your friend, and humble servant,

Ottoch IV
Brewmaster, the Windblown Leaf

The Willow
Dear Lord Alcon the Ascendant Spark,

Tales of your wonder and the glory you have brought to the Blackcharged Woods have already spread across the continent. I know the tales must pale in comparison to the truth, and hope to one day see the glory of your Woods myself.

I write because while I know your ascendance has already revitalized the Woods, I imagine the roads may still be in some disrepair due to centuries of neglect before your beneficent reign. The Windblown Leaf, joined by many other nations and figures in Southern Hanrui, have been cooperating on a great highway that would connect the south -- and with you as one of our peers, we would invite you to join the project.

Let us know if you are in any way interested. I look forward to seeing what your glorious rule does to the Woods.

Your humble servant,

Ottoch IV
Brewmaster, the Windblown Leaf

Lord Athos
2018-06-02, 08:58 AM
The Templars of our Burning Saviour (morale 4)

For a moment, there was absolute silence on the battlefield.

The two conflicting factions gathered here couldn't have been more vastly different - one the one side, the disciplined forces of the Oracai Templars, clad in golden armour, red banners flowing in the wind, on the other side, a wild assortment of the remainders of the many militias the inhabitants of these lands had called together in response to the Templar's incursion, as well as some foolhardy mercenaries. A patchwork of troops in browns and greys, faded blue tunics, torn robes of a scholar, dirty breeches of a farmer.
The mercenaries were the ones who bore actually well-crafted weapons and armour, most of the others only fought with farming equipment and woodsmen's axes, with the odd old sword, mace or damaged mail shirt strewn into the masses.

Nevertheless, this was hardy folk, and they had seen what had happened to the other towns and villages of the Lying Coast and the Honest Plains, as the locals called their land. They had gathered under the command of an old Orc veteran, Krumgresh Bloodfist, who had actually managed several successful raids on Templar outposts. He was strong, and he was vicious, but he wasn't prudent. The fact that the survivors of other militias who hadn't fled or surrendered had joined up with him had gone to his head, and so he had made the mistake to face the Templars on the open battlefield.


The Templars had errected multiple small wooden pyres in front of their host, and at once, several Oracai came forth, dressed only in loose, red vestments, but subtly adorned. Old, venerated warriors and knights, and invalids, whose time of fighting had passed.

At once, they stepped on the pyres, which were subsequently lighted.

They burned, and as they burned, they sang the Saviour praises. Their voices grew loud, and high, took on an unnatural tone, a sacred hymn, that in the past alone had sufficed for the untrained militia to break formation and flee.

Krumgresh though knew exactly what to do. Bare-chested and covered in red war-paint, he ran along the line of his troops, screaming in their faces and pounding on their shields, which they soon adapted, making noise to drown out the Templar's song of sacrifice.

Turning around with a snarl, Krumgresh brandished an ancient two-handed sword and charged towards the Oracai and their auxiliaries, his men soon following him with the courage of despair.
Their jagged line was first met with a heavy rain of countless arrows, felling dozens of men and women of the militia; ironically, their loose lack of any sensible formation made the Templar's archers a lot less effective.

When the Grand Master finally sounded the signal, the Templars acted quickly and decisively.
Riding on Dregai, their reptilian steeds, muscular creatures with scales of dark green, the Knights and squires charged, taking the scattered infantry attack directly from the front with sharp lances.
They hit the militia from three directions, two other units of Templar warriors riding by on both sides, harassing the militia with arrows.
It was fast and bloody, and in the end, only few of the defenders were left standing in small pockets, each beset by Oracai Templars who drew their curved swords and went in for the kill.

Krumgresh himself stood, on the corpse of a Dregai he had cut down, multiple arrows sticking out from his body, letting out a ferocious warcry.

"Krumgresh." a harsh, cold voice called out to him. When Krumgresh whipped around, his left eye blind from streams of blood running down his forehead, he found himself faced with the Grand Master, dismounted from his steed. Just like their forces, the two commanders coundn't be more different in appearance. Similar to his knights, the Grandmaster wore a suit of golden full plate armour, but with its elaborate carvings and insignia denoting his status as Grand Master, he attracted attention even amindst the Templars. While Krumgesh's wore his battle scars on his body, the Grand Master wore his on his armour.

"Kumgresh the Bloodfist." The Grand Master repeated as he came closer, each step deliberately placed. "You are one that has sacrificed much. For this I salute you." He opened his golden visor in the form of a beak, revealing his own, equally gold-plated beak below, and his flamescarred face. "Still, you are a wild beast, and you have to be cut down." He drew his sword, with a fluid, elegant movement from beneath his deep red cape. Sacrifice. The holy blade lit up with fire, as the Grand Master pointed it towards his foe. The heat reached the Orc warrior's face, but he was unfazed.

Krumgresh didn't bother with a response, but threw himself at the Grand Master with a roar - a powerful strike with his sword was parried, but barely, and the force made the Oracai take several steps back.
Their swords met, again and again, Krumgresh screaming in pain and anger whenever the Grand Master managed to cut him and burn his green flesh. All that was heard from the Grand Master was a gruff grunt, whenever he was hit.

Both had known war, and were masters of the blade, but they used vastly different styles - Krumgesh attacked fast and wild, not caring much about defence, using his unpredicability to his advantage, while the Grand Master's movements were clear, precise and deliberate, never exerting more energy than needed.
With time, and due to his wounds, Krumgresh's hands and body grew heavy, his strikes sloppy and less powerful, and in the end, it was pure exhaustion that brought the Orc down. He was defiant to the end, spitting out curses even as the Grand Master finally hacked off his left arm with a mighty cut, leaving him defenseless and letting the Orc collapse onto the blood-splattered battlefield, where the Resolute finally sliced off his head. Krumgresh was a strong, ferocious warrior, but in the end, wildness couldn't beat discipline, just as it was written in the Saviour's teachings.

The Crusade had been victorious again. The Lying Coast and the Honest Plains belonged to the Templars.

To the most esteemed Gurg Da Great, Champion of the Trolls, Warlord of Armani and Boss of the Green Horde,

The Templars of Our Burning Saviour have heard about who you are and where you wish to go. Know that we sympathise. The Old Empire of the Oracai people has also been lost, just as the Empire of the Trolls. The Old Empire was lost to decadence, not to barbarians and adventurers like the Empire of the Trolls, and every loss of home is different, but it is similar, and we feel your pain. Pain brings strength, though, so we hope you find the strength needed for your endeavour in your pain.

His Eminence High Master Verdeq vel Ionlar, the Fervent, humble Servant and Templar of Our Burning Saviour

To the most esteemed Arcturus The Jade Wizard,

The Saviour has truly blessed us with our arrival near your magnificent tower. We understand you are not only mages, but scholars as well, and thus we turn to you in search of Knowledge and Wisdom. Know that the Order of the Templars of Our Burning Saviour came here to the Holy Land to find the Origin of Our Saviour, the City of Gold, and any relics he might have left for us to find.

If you have some information in your tomes that could help us in our search, we would be very grateful.

His Eminence High Master Verdeq vel Ionlar, the Fervent, humble Servant and Templar of Our Burning Saviour

2018-06-02, 11:59 AM
Morale 8

Reports were coming in and it seems that the parties were finally starting to die down. Chemosh smiles reading through all the shenanigans in the damage reports. He might not have been able to go to the bigger parties on the mountain but the city party had still been great. His happiness is short lived however and he frowns slightly as he reread the reports. Not a single guest from the adventuring sites had shown up to join the party. How disappointing, would have been a good experience for the others to have partied with those they would have to eventually kill. Maybe there would have even been surrenders or a switching of sides. It is just too bad that no one seems to enjoy a good party now a days. Maybe it was too intimidating?

We are interested in working together to kill the Fey Lord, though we still owe Windblown Leaf some more herbs particulary after you chose to stick around to finish off those satyrs with us. It's too bad they refused my offer. I'm sure they would have loved our parties. Anyways even if you choose to not come we will still give you most of if not all of the herbs we find. We also want to note, we call dibs on any artifacts we find. An artifact being defined as an item with a unique effect and we will attempt to divide the loot fairly taking into account we called dibs on artifacts even if it involves offering our own magic items to make up the deficit.


PS: Tuk'sha, will answer for herself.

The following letter written in a much more practiced hand than previously.
I'm quite sorry, I would usually love to come to visit and I'm sure a more magical land would be better for my learning but at the same time these people seem like they need my help. Did you know, there is no longer any dedicated mages here? The last of the healing hand died when the satyrs broke out past their camp.

What is more, I was investigating some things up here when I got trapped. Something is wrong with these mountains, the monster numbers are absurd and there are tears to multiple different planes. I was investigating the earth one but the Delvers have one too. They really need help with all these magical issues...not to mention all their economical issues and their terrible reputation. They kind of need a good leader. No offence to Chemosh but all he has got is a weird sort of charisma. He can certainly lead an adventuring party but a nation? He clearly doesn't know the first thing.

So for now, I wish to stay here. These people are actively trying to make the land a safer place at great risk to themselves and I feel it is my duty to make their land a bit less of a hell hole for them. Besides it isn't every day you get to look at planar tears. I wonder if it will stay around even when the feylord dies.

Is it ok if we come visiting to have a flyt in your land? The trolls challenged us and we figured your land would be a perfect place to hold it as it was between our territories and is relatively neutral.

2018-06-02, 12:17 PM
Lord Alcon sat in his twisted throne of thorns. Sure, thorns might have hurt any creature that wasn't a Willow, but Lord Alcon didn't feel the spines cutting into any skin, to him the throne just reminded him of home. The Black Charge Woods, or Sparkhome (Which was the Willow's personal but less accepted name)wasn't a friendly place to be anything other than a spirit, and even with Willow guides, some who'd come to seek the consul of Lord Alcon had been lost to the twisting branches.

The usual light of puttering Willow was missing from the Grand Hall, all of them had been sent away by Lord Alcon as soon as he'd called one of his most trusted members of the court into the room. "You may approach," Lord Alcon announced.

From the far right of the room the darkness turned into a slight shimmering light as the First Whisper broke his invisibility. "A job Lord Alcon?" the First Whisper asked, "something sensitive?"

Lord Alcon motioned to the letters that were stacked on the armrest of the throne and then drew two blank pieces of paper from the bottom of the pile, "A letter."

"To be delivered?" The First Whisper asked.

"I think we have some friends that you should be writing to," Lord Alcon pointed out, "the one's who are going to read anything we send either way."


Half a dozen Willow show up at the latest campfire where adventures are discussing their haul. The Willow quickly explain where the letter needs to go as well as present a wooden shield. They explain that it's made of hardened Willow Wood and that it will offer better protection to those who refuse to use steel in their armour. Once they've done their explaining, they sit down to join the adventurers for the night, but only listen to the stories instead of telling theirs.

To Guild Master Chemosh

Good evening esteemed members of the guild, I am Lord Alcon of the ascendant Willow.

Though we may have come in conflict in the past, the only way I can picture you now is by imagining the great deeds that we hear about in stories, the tales of heroic adventurers who do so much beyond just helping their people. I wish to see the Willow rise to such heights one day.

I reach out to you in a time of instability for my people, as more of the Willow rise and our numbers grow we continue to search for purpose within Hanrui. We are the youngest of the groups here, and as such I turn to the most heroic of the groups in a time when we need guidance. I wish for my people to be able to preform heroic feats like so many of you do. To be able to delve into dungeons and speak of the horrors they saw within while carrying the treasures they won. That's the future I imagine for a successful Willow, and thus I have a humble question to ask:

Could you show us how to be adventurers? Please write back to let us know what we would need to give in return for such sacred knowledge.

Reverently, Lord Alcon of the Willow.

A ship with light blue sails ports in the city of the Templar. Stacks of perfect tinder, dead trees from the Black Charge Woods ripe for burning, are unloaded along with a letter by the Willow onboard. They await permission before daring to spend any more time in the city of the saviour.

Grand Master "Resolute" Ectis vel Orondra, I am Lord Alcon, leader of the Willow.

When I heard of your Crusade and your arrival on Hanrui I was alight with the flame of excitement. Even though I have not fully understood the power and light of your saviour yet, I know that any people coming onto Hanrui with a divine purpose are going to be a boon to our nation. Additionally it is nice to have someone as new to the continent as we are.

I have gotten news that you have spread your lands wide, crushing barbarians at your feet as you cleave through their hordes. Good, those who are not willing to join us on the stage of proper nations should be pushed out of our way and moved to lands our great states don't need for our people.

We understand that your people lack a proper spy network at this point, perhaps we could be of assistance? Our Willow are talented agents of espionage naturally and we would be grateful to you for allowing us to opportunity to figure out a trade, information for something a little more concrete.

Please let us know how we can help your crusade and your divine purpose.

Lord Alcon, Ascendant Fire of the Willow.

A full trade caravan comes in along the parts of the road that have been finished. The wagons are piled high with small herbs and plants with a thin layer of dirt to keep them healthy. The Willow bringing them refuse payment and only ask for a letter to be delivered to the Brewmaster. Upon sitting down for tea the Willow speak excitedly of bringing this back to the Woods.

Ottoch IV, Brewmaster, I am Lord Alcon of the WIllow

I sit on my throne embarrassed by your astonishing turnaround for welcoming us to the stage of Hanrui. As I drafted letter after letter trying to figure how to best do justice to the Royal heads that dot the land, I was caught with my roots in the ground by a letter that reached me first. As a humble apology for making you reach out first, please accept these herbs from the Black Charge woods, they are only found within our borders and hopefully some of the teas they make will be new to you.

We would be humbled by a visit from your great guild, though any trade you send would best wait for us on the outside of the woods, as people do tend to still get lost within the trees even with a WIllow holding their hand.

That same issue of loss is what puzzles me about the great road you propose. I do not know if we could even truly bring it within our borders while there are still some of the Willow unascended and within their haunt. I fear too much for the people of other nations that might be lost to our mazes of trees. Despite my worry, your involvement in the project (as well as the involvement of others, pardon us following the rumors) makes me want to be part of the endeavour. There may not be a better time for the Willow to make their first mark on a peaceful history.

I believe that we could both benefit greatly from opening proper trade with one another. I would like to open discussions of a trade deal to come along with the road, an investment in one another.

Lord Alcon, Ascendant of the Willow

Once the Brewmaster has finished the letter one of the Willow produces a small package from their personal bag, a wooden kettle with a small note attached.

Good evening Brewmaster, I am the Rising Spark, head mage of the Black Charge Woods.

I wish to purchase some of your favorite teas. Us Willow do not burn as other creatures do, and I've heard that tea can be incredibly relaxing during a night working with arcane puzzles. I've sent a tea kettle based off the few that I've had access to. The wood has been made fire resistant by my natural affinity as a spirit, I hope you find it endearing if not impressive. Perhaps the oaks of the woods will change the taste of the tea?

Ala Vas Hal,
The Rising Spark,

Good evening Gurg Da Great, I am Lord Alcon, Ascendant Spark of the Willow.

We are glad to see another nation with lives similar to ours. We too have been seen as monsters in the past, but rise now, Ascendant and ready to take on the Hanrui and all of the world. I do not have memories of my past life, but if I could remember I'd wish to have seen your old empire in all it's glory.

We are your neighbours to the South and perhaps even residents of part of the world that used to be your people's, which is why we reach out as allies. Both of our numbers are low compared to the other nations that surround us, and neither of us can afford to be nipping at one another's heels. We look forward to a prosperous relationship.

Lord Alcon, Ascendent of the Willow.

A second letter arrives with the symbol of the willow, though there seems to be confusion as to how it got there.

Royal Gurg Da Great, I am The First Whisper, spymaster of the Willow.

Upon keeping track of the letters that we've been sending, I found a stunning trend, we aren't the only set of prying eyes on Hanrui. You've been reading.

Don't worry, we don't take offence to such things, we are trying to preserve growing nations and knowledge is power. I am reaching out to mention the reality. You can ignore the pleasant statecraft of my leader Lord Alcon, he is always going to be the voice of friendliness and joy that we have as the face of the Willow nation, but you and I? We know what's going on in the background, the contradictions between what nations say to one another.

We're nations, this is politics, we're going to contradict ourselves over and over to those who don't know enough to read the letters not meant for them, but I'm extending a humble invitation Gurg, let's have our diplomacy to one another be straight and honest, there's not point in working the spies harder than we have to.

A humble request for a pleasant relationship,

The First Whisper.

2018-06-02, 05:40 PM

Barrin Sunheart sat on the edge of the battlement and watched the line of soldiers slowly wind their way into the valley. Dragonfall was nestled between three mountains, the largest of which had been the home of Anthyryx not so long ago. Just thinking the name sent goosebumps rippling across his skin, even eleven months after he had helped slay the Tyrant of the Vales. While the magic granted to him by the Gods had healed his wounds, the black drake’s acid breath had eaten straight through the muscles in his left leg. I’ll likely have this limp until the end of my days. Looking at the thriving metropolis that he had helped create – and all the safe and happy people it contained – Barrin knew that it was a small price to pay.

He’d be woken this morning by a pair of hawks on his windowsill, an evident omen from those above of the safe return of their troops. Barrin had been sitting here for hours, enjoying the beautiful summer mornings. Now that he had a cathedral – and, to a lesser extent, a city – to run, there were so few moments of peace and quiet.

The army had finally reached the gates; though many soldiers were battered or sported minor injuries, they seemed to be in high spirits. Barrin sighed in relief. Good. He’d been against the expedition – it seemed so early for expansion. Elendra had argued fiercely for it, though, and the council had ruled in her favour in the end.

Ah, there she was now. Though she was less burly than many of the soldiers she commanded, she had a lean strength that few of them could match. She was tall, with auburn shoulder-length hair, and she was clad in sapphire armour. Elendra was undoubtedly beautiful, with an otherworldly cast to her features. She looked like a woman in her mid-thirties; only her slightly pointed ears belied her heritage. In truth, she was old enough to be Barrin’s great-great-grandmother. He waved down at her, and she raised her shield in greeting. It was dragonbone, specially carved from one of Anthyryx’s vertebrae. A trophy of their greatest accomplishment.

He paused, looking back at the city behind him, already bustling with commerce.

Well, their second-greatest accomplishment.

As he watched, Elendra spoke a few words to one of her lieutenants and slung her shield across her back. With an inhuman agility, she leaped upwards and scaled the wall in moments.

Barrin jumped to attention, a serious expression on his face. “Dragonslayer, my apologies. I did not expect you so soon. Shall I send for someone to carry your equipment? Does you armour need polishing?” Elendra scowled, and he couldn’t keep the grin of his face.

“Oh, f**k off Barrin. I’ve been marching for weeks. Don’t give me that hero worship crap.” He laughed and hugged her. “You’ve been missed, Elendra. It’s good to have you back. How did the, ah, expedition go?”

She pried herself from his grasp. “Yes, well, it’s good to be back. The Khimbre Steppes have sworn to Dragonfall. We lost some good men and women, and left some behind to ensure that no one rises to take the place of the warlords we slew, but our army performed well in the field.”

Elendra paused, taking a moment to take in the city. “It’s changed over the past few months. What have you and Samuel been up to?”

Barrin grinned again. “Eir helped too. We’ve helped start a trading company owned an operated by the people of Dragonfall. The economy is booming, we’ve secured exceedingly lucrative contracts all across Hanrui, and the city is thriving.”

“Excellent. I heard whispers of the Harathis Grasslands pledging themselves to Dragonfall, too. Tzyras’ work, I presume?”

Barrin smirked in response. “Yes, he’s been insufferable the past few weeks. ‘Oh, Elendra conquered a province with 3000 people? That’s great. I did the same with 87.’ He’ll be lording that over you for months, I swear.”

Elendra snorted. “When is he not insufferable? I’m glad he was able to do so bloodlessly. Wouldn’t have worked in the Steppes. Too many aspiring tyrants. Besides, I have something for him to do that’ll keep him busy for a good little while.” She smiled, and there was a viciousness to it that worried Barrin. He made a mental note to stay on her good side.

“Well, I’m sure you’re worn out. Here, let me walk you to your new residence. There’s a few things I’d like to show you along the way…”

Morale 7

Greetings, Lord Alcon.

We appreciate your gift, but there is no need to be concerned - we have no particular ties to any of the adventurers who may have fallen in your woods in ages past. You have shown no hostility towards us, and we harbor no ill will towards your people.

To be truthful, we were caught off guard by your recent ascension. We had planned to expand further south, but perhaps our nations can come to arrangement concerning the division of territory.

We look forward to developing closer ties with your nation and hope that we can co-exist in peace in the future.

Tzyras Whisperwind, First Herald of Dragonfall

Greetings. Dragonfall hopes that this has been a prosperous summer for all.

We are prepared to commit [3 morale], [1 adventuring], and [1 magic] this turn to ensure the great road's completion. We are anxious for this project to be completed, as we look forward to our nations being able to trade and move amongst ourselves with greater ease.

The South will be connected as never before.

Tzyras Whisperwind, First Herald of Dragonfall

2018-06-02, 06:22 PM
Morale 5

Tzyras Whisperwind,

I am Timothy J Brathwait, Head Economist of The Willow.

Yes I understand my name might seem strange compare to 'The First Whisper' or 'The Rising Spark,' but you get used to the titles within the Black Charge woods quite quickly. Lord Alcon has assigned me to help with the negotiations involving the areas surrounding the Black Charged Woods (Though it's worth noting that we can only speak about OUR attempts on any surrounding lands. Our neighbours aren't beholden to us after-all.)

Armsland (45) to our North is the least pressing of the lands to discuss. It lies between us and the Kynshog Empire who we have, regrettably, not heard from since our welcome. We have little intent to take over this land without their express blessing, and if you are able to get that blessing from them instead, well, we won't stop you.

The BrookMire Swamp (3) directly between us and above the Altered State is the real reason we're writing this letter. The swamp is home to a population of Will-o-Wisps (from which the Willow ascend) as the Black Change Woods. Letting these spirits go isn't something our people can do. We would be interested in a healthy discussion about these lands.

The Victory of Vreywind (46) to the North of your new territory would be a fantastic addition to our growing empire, but we understand that we can't lay claim to everything around us just because it's there. Perhaps an agreement that would allow us to have the swamp and you the plains would be something we can work on.

I don't know directly, ideas.

Have a pleasant day,

Timothy J. Brathwait

The letter is delivered by a small group of Willow. They seem to walk through the normal, spread, fires as if they weren't there, but they give the dragonfire a wide berth. Whether that's out of reverence or fear is hard to tell. They deliver a small collection of wooden planks with the letter.

Glorious Pyresoul of the Imiran Empire, I am Lord Alcon of the Willow.

It's stunning to imaging a creature as powerful as you exists in the same world that we Willow do. The fact that fire breathed from your divine form has been burning longer than my nation has existed is almost as stunning as you.

Though we are not yet close enough to engage in true diplomacy, we would like to offer these strengthened planks as a gift to the Pyresoul, I doubt the fire resistance we've granted it will be enough to let the Pyresoul hold it, but we hope the Pyresoul may get closer to this wood than he can with usual trees.

Lord Alcon of the Willow

Dear Legion,

Pardon our informality in the opening, we weren't sure of who to address this letter to, information about your righteous legion's ranks is difficult to find. We hope this letter finds you well after your unfortunate conflict with the Brotherhood of Sin.

We are writing to offer our assistance as a nation recently rises on the side of light. We understand that you might have previously seen the Black Charge Woods as a place of evil, but let me assure that this is no longer the case. We are here to stand by your side in the challenge of balancing the lands of Hanrui.

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you on your mission.

Lord Alcon of the Willow.

2018-06-03, 08:08 PM
The Holy Imirin Empire
Morale 2

The field now being used for the ceremony had until quite recently been full of a bumper crop of green wheat-reduced to cinders in an instant when its new ruler landed. Now it was audience to a an assembly of seemingly every notable in Khemvult, herded and corralled by unsmiling Drow mercenaries as they faced their new God and abased themselves.

Zytharos filled nearly a third of the field, radiant and resplendent, red-black scales baking the soil wherever they touched as it twisted its serpentine head to take the measure of the assembled bandit chiefs and petty aristocrats. Its spoke softly, and so its hissing command neither echoed nor deafened, and none were ignited by the gust of scorching breath.

By Right of Conquest I claim this land and all within it. Your lives are mine, to spend as I will. But rejoice, for you are not beyond hope. Pledge yourselves to me- now and forever, body and soul, kith and kin-and you hall be exulted by my mercy.

There was resistance, as pride was ever the most deadly sin. Margraff Dietrich was once a paladin before forsaking spiritual fulfillment for the material. Maybe that’s why he pointed his sword towards the Pyresoul as he stepped forward and began to bellow a challenge.

Younger dragons are forced to debase themselves in dispatching annoyances, resorting to tooth and claw for the most pitiful opposition. Zytharos was not so crippled. Against one man-not ten yards away, free of wards or blessings, without a shred of true significance-a mere expression of will was enough. He burnt quickly, though not as quickly as those listening to his screams might wish.

The assembled lordlings found a great deal of piety for their new god as they did.


Hedge had done quite a lot-running away from home at 14, spending several years pretending to illiterate, throwing away more safe, comfortable jobs than she could remember in favour of poking things that wanted to eat her-to avoid ever spending her days keeping accounts and balance expenses. So maybe she played up her current affliction a bit, and the quill that had turned back into a bird when she touched it wasn’t entirely ambient magic. Some eager kobold with an automated abacus or something got to keep exact track of what every tiny village and glorified fisherman’s hut brought as tribute to the ever-so-radiant Rising Fire while she got to sit in the nicest chair and sample the cider one hill clan had been so proud of-surprisingly good, really.

The Emerald coast had been more-or-less nominal Imirin territory before the Conquest, and no one had really put up too much of a fight when her Seekers had gone ranging to every three-hut fishing villages and upjumped goatherd to tell them the good news. Of the half-dozen actual towns dotting the coast, one had a patrician had earned himself a very large funeral pyre, and the rest now had a shiny new highway running between them. It wasn’t a bad trade, really-instead of making a big show of pretending to be pious whenever an inquisitor when on rounds, now they jut had to make a big show of paying taxes when they saw a dragon on the horizon.

This little expedition was as much about collecting all her Seekers as it was about receiving tribute, but riding along the elevated scar of pavement with roaring statues to mark every mile made it novel, at least. And there were enough foreign traders on the roads to keep her from getting bored even after that wore off. Even if watching a lizard-rat who could talk count carefully record every copper at each stop on the Conduit was enough to make her start writing letters in her head.

The Conduit’s surprisingly pleasant to travel along and refreshingly free of lethally idiotic bandits, if you’d like corroborating testimonies. An excellent investment.

Most of our public works investment will be towards building a spur towards Imir this season, as previously agreed, and the greater portion of our military will be, ah, verifying the angelic threat is truly gone. Still, [3 mil] can be provided for security, and perhapse [2 of either econ or magic] for construction?

Glory-Truth! My Great Lord does not kill-kill when it isn’t needed. Accept their obvious divinity, and helpt their Ascension and all is well-good!

-Fire and Conquest, birdthing!
-Grand Architect Varrul of the Holy Imirin Empire, Chamberlain to the Divine, Blessed Servant of the Pyre, Wielder of Miracles

The wisps are grace with a public audience with Zytharos-not a difficult feat for anyone who comes bearing gifts, admittedly. The wyrm looks fondly on the small group of ethereal creatures, responding as several kobold craftsmen dart forward to retrieve the planks

You are pleasing to behold, and your works show no insult. Walk freely with my friendship, and eek me out when my shadow falls over your grand desires.

2018-06-03, 09:37 PM
Morale 8

Sure, we are willing to try. There are two ways to do this. If you want you can send some people in with us for the upcoming attack to get some experience but the fatalities would be high. For our previous job we brought some military and magic not trained for adventuring. Even with adventuring guards those not trained specifically for adventuring had a 100% fatality rate. Despite the untrained only making up a tenth of our forces, they made up 50% of our casualties. Unsurprisingly, this is not suggested.

Personalized training is the suggested method, you would miss out on the chance of seeing the fight with the Feylord but it is much safer. As for payment, we don't really need any. More adventurers in this world is its own reward. Of course you have to supply the people and pay for them but we will send some adventurers to train them. If you really want to help us, try to convince the Delvers to not kill each other. They are just like us but they live in fear of each other and they don't seem to interact with others much. They really need more stability in their lives,but as competitors and neighbors it would be inappropriate for us to try to manipulate their government or people.

I will give you 3 temp adventurers if nothing happens for free to train your adventurers.

2018-06-04, 01:52 PM

Morale 7

Greetings, Timothy Brathwait.

I am certainly more accustomed to dealing with humans, I will admit. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Alas, we cannot relinquish our claims on either territory. While we do not desire conflict with your people, taking either the Brookmire Swamp (3) or the Vreywind’s Triumph (46) will not be well received by the people of Dragonfall. While I can certainly accept your benign intentions, our citizens would be, not unreasonably, concerned with a nation of ‘formerly’ hostile spirits so close to us. Taking either area would drastically worsen relations between our nations.

In addition, Dragonfall cannot abandon the people of the Brookmire Swamp to live as second-class citizens under the Willow. You seem to have a position of great significance among the Will-o-Wisps, but we believe you to be an exception to the rule.

I apologize that I cannot give you better news, but the will of the council is quite firm in this matter.

Tzyras Whisperwind, First Herald of Dragonfall

Greetings, champions of balance.

I admire your order’s commitment to keeping both good and evil in check. I believe that the “Holy” Imiran Empire and the Templars of Our Burning Saviour both represent terrible threats to Hanrui as a whole, despite their respective morality. Dragonfall does not wish for either side to emerge triumphant; the cost to Hanrui would be grave. In this, I believe we share common ground.

Your loss to the Brotherhood of Sin is regrettable; we at Dragonfall believe that the devils pose too great a threat to the continent to be given a foothold. Had we known you were to engage them on the field of battle, we would have given you our support over the previous months. Alas, that particular ship has sailed.

However, we believe that we could potentially be of aid in the future. Please let us know if there is any way we could assist you in your noble quest.

Tzyras Whisperwind, First Herald of Dragonfall.

Greetings, King Oscar Minebreaker.

Months ago, Dragonfall sent you a missive, offering friendship and wishing for good relations. While you were not interested in an alliance, you did mention that you would be open to mutually beneficial arrangements between our two nations.

The Council of Dragonfall has what we believe to be a proposal that would interest you and which would benefit your people. If you would still be interested in such an arrangement, we would send a representative to travel north and visit your court.

With the utmost respect,

Tzyras Whisperwind, First Herald of Dragonfall

Lord Athos
2018-06-04, 04:39 PM
The Templars of our Burning Saviour (morale 4)

Under the watchful eyes of Oracai Templars in resplendent golden armour, Drow slaves help unload the Willow's present of perfect tinder.
The harbourmaster, Uios vel Karmar, also a Master of the Order, meets with the captain and promises to deliver Lord Alcon's letter personally to the Grandmaster. In the meantime, the crew of the light blue-sailed ship are allowed on the Eyrie.
Soon, the harbourmaster returns with a reply, and with a present of a long banner adorned with the insignia of the Grandmaster and his noble family; it had been a tradition in the Old Empire, it is explained to the Captain.

To the most esteemed Lord Alcon, Ascendant Fire of the Willow,

your gift and offer to aid in our Holy Crusade please and honour the Order of the Templars of Our Burning Saviour.
Your information is truthful, the Order may have need for your assistance in the future, and we are confident a trade will be mutually beneficial.

We must offer you a word of warning though. We gather the Willow have only risen recently, so you might not have come into contact with the place furthest from the flame yet, or the altered state, as the abomination calls itself; its territory is unfortunately close to your woods.
They are a pit of perverse pleasure and self-interest, more a chaotic collection of disparate declinations, and Anathema to the Saviour's words. They know nothing about Nobility of Birth and Spirit, and thus will never rise above what they are, an Amalgamation of Sin, of Broken Restraint and Spreading Corruption. Be on your guard when their flattering whispers reach you and yours, they only seek to infect.
Hold fast to the Strength of your Spirit of Nobility; you chose a Wise Path to Walk. Please accept this present of my personal banner, as a sign of recognition.
If you need assistance, we would be honoured if you called on us.

The Templars of Our Burning Saviour are looking forward to a fruitful cooperation between our peoples.

In Vigilance, Grand Master Ectis vel Orondra, the Resolute, humble Servant and Templar of Our Burning Saviour

To the most esteemed Holy Imirin Empire, represented by Grand Architect Varrul, Supplicant of the Rising Fire, Chamberlain of Old Imir,

Glory to the Flame! The Templars of Our Burning Saviour likewise do not see any need for bloodshed between us. Fire is to be spread, not fought with other Fire. Your cause is Holy. We trust in your Glorious Lord's divine nature, and are sure his Ascension will please Our Saviour.
There is noone to challenge the Fire's claim to the coast, so let us spread our holy Flames to the East - the lands of Holy Hanrui will be inflamed with Power and Glory.
When you call on us, the Templars will come.

His Eminence High Master Verdeq vel Ionlar, the Fervent, humble Servant and Templar of Our Burning Saviour

2018-06-04, 05:43 PM
The Windblown Leaf (MOR: 4)

Fellow Adventurers
From the tongue of Sherya of the Kettlefire,
As transcribed by her assistant, Cheris

Satyrs are odd. Fools. With pipes and a knife.

Happy to take down their Lord. Pipes and a knife are little before flame and blade.

Artifacts brew no tea. Unless they are magical pots. But then their brews are.

Odd. Very odd.

At the bottom of the page, a 4-tined claw has indented the paper, a signature of the letter's authorship.

In a note stuffed into the same letter, a more flowery hand has written:

I normally leave this sort of stuff to Sherya, but my Lords, I must raise one point. In the event of an artifact's discovery, we would at least ask two favours:

1) You share the artifact's nature and uses with us, so

2) You promise to consider, on at least one occasion, a request from each of us if the artifact seems to dovetail with one of our projects. Not committing you to its use in this regards, but a fair and painstaking consideration thereof.

Is this agreeable?


Tuk'sha the Wingless, c/o The Adventurer's Guild
From the tongue of Sherya of the Kettlefire,
As transcribed by her assistant, Cheris



I understand.

I persist with the Windblown Leaf for much the same reasons.

Otto is wise. But pales compared to Ossja. Oh, my love, Ossja.

And he knows little of finding new blends. Someone must keep them on track.

Planar tears sound astonishing. Alarming.

What is going on. Here, in Hanrui?

Hope to see you soon, Cousin.

Will you find revenge? Will you find it sweet?

At the bottom of the page, a 4-tined claw has indented the paper, a signature of the letter's authorship.

Not actually claiming a relationship, but I think a drake writing to a dragonborn would claim some kinship.

The Willow
Dear Lord Alcon the Ascendant Spark,

Ah, my friend, truly you are wise. Already, you put us uncountably deep in your debt. In return for a mere letter, ink on parchment, you have gifted me with treasures unimaginable! New leaves, new blends? There is nothing more precious to the Windblown Leaf.

It is that debt which makes me wonder of your dillemma, and whether it may not be overcome. The Pillar of Wisdom is supporting this project, and I believe the Altered State is too. The Lord in Jade and the ascendant Three, Hanrui's most magically adept inhabitants. If anyone could enchant a road such that those on the road -- and only those on the road -- would be unaffected by the Woods' hauntings, it would be them. My hope would that be this would allow caravans access to your lands, without detracting from their wonderous and unique nature. I know the Altered State is always in the mood for some miracles, and I doubt Arcturus could resist his curiosity at this unique project. Would you be open to me broaching this issue with them?

We are of course always open to trade, and I can make sure my merchants remain on the edge of the woods if not accompanied by Willow citizens. I look forward to a long and enduring partnership.

Your friend, and humble servant,

Ottoch IV
Brewmaster, the Windblown Leaf

P.S. Give all my best to Ala Vas Hal, the Rising Spark -- having finished this letter, I am boiling water to test his fascinating tea kettle. As I have said, you truly have presented the Guild with treasures beyond our worth.

The Civic Planning Committee

1) Hello.

2) Glad to hear you are enjoying the road.
3) I hope to finish it soon.
4) Preferably by [next turn].

5) Any assistance would be appreciated, of course.
6) Let me know your contributions so I can apportion as necessary.
7) [ECO] is perhaps the priority.
8) Men and brick and mortar all require funds.

9) -Nate Bookson

This note is tucked into the above message from Nate
My Friends,

Is it not possible for you to contribute some of your burgeoning treasury to seeing this project through? Trying to repurpose adventurers as labourers will not be nearly as efficient as using the craftsmen we could hire with a mere fraction of your funds.


The Holy Imirin Empire
Dear Hedge,

I hope all is well in your roamings. I imagine your Lord has done much to pacify the coast, but well, we both know it is ruling and not merely conquering which represents the greatest challenge. When you have the chance, please stop by Barracha to rest your legs and sample some of our newest blends. Those Forests to the East, Dado's granted them some amazing leaves.

I also note your comment on the departure of our Angelic visitors. We noted the same to some alarm, and if you would not mind, I might send a few Windblown Leaf representatives with you when you visit their territory. I had written the Pillar of Wisdom about much the same -- we worry what their magical after-effects might bring to the Western coast.

Your friend and humble servant,

Ottoch IV
Brewmaster, the Windblown Leaf

2018-06-04, 10:44 PM
The Holy Imirin Empire

Morale 2

It seems our mutual problem dealt with itself neatly-unless I should be thanking you for that?

As well, this shouldn't endanger out present peace, I hope?

As well, is there yet a plan for ensuring the roads security through [46]? We've enough drow and kobolds to protect the road during construction, but trusting a sliver of purpose to maintain itself seems imprudent. Especially with the meddlesome devils so close.

If necessary, my patron has expressed a willingness to personally pacify the region.

The response comes inscribed on heavy slabs of basalt, the archaic draconic runes deeply engraved and filled with red gold. A proclamation from the Pyresoul, divine write throughout Imir.
Then your beaks shall find Blood and Conquest. Purpose guide your blades. And when you fall upon a fitting nemesis, call upon me as your radiant Guardian.
attached in a small note of parchment covered in far more human-scale writing.

Practically speaking, my patron aims to conquer [37] and [33] this coming season, and absolutely ensure no trace of the Empyrean remains in [32]-though others are already providing observers there if your elders wish to join. Anything to the North my patron is content to regard as yours.

As well, I understand you've a modus vivendi with the Leaves. Has something similar been arranged with the Pillar?

Certainly, if nothing else more eyes to catch any eldritch curse before we trigger it are always welcome. And if it' as calm as it seems, I'm sure there will be no lack of colonists to fill all those conveniently empty fields.

As well, if there is something worth deconstructing, I'm told you've some experts in the field of exploring cosmological anomalies in your company.

2018-06-04, 11:13 PM
The Kynshog


After a time, physical pain begins to fade and not mean as much. For the most part, while we do not particularly see the wisdom in your path, that likely has more to do with physiological differences. Still, to loose ones home, it's like having your head ripped off. It aches and is uncomfortable, even a few months after it grows back. Still, now that we are here, we can rebuild. My kind seems to do a lot of that, besides fighting.

Not going to wish you peace, half figure you lot would take that as some sort of subtle insult or backhanded compliment, but if a few of your lot ever want to participate in a Clag'kara or a Phyikjt, just send a letter, and we'll try and see your boys make it back with their vital organs and most of their limbs.

Gurg, King of the Armani, Kynshog.

To Lord Alcon, Ascendent of the Willow

As it happens, you lay just beyond the borders of our ancient realm, even if we would be somewhat remiss to avoid talking about that. From what we can tell, our ancient realm is still being carved up, even as we seek to reclaim it, as the nations around us seek to grow and expand. This is the way of the world, as the seasons pass. Still, for the moment, we have an agreement with the dragon to our north. After all, for the better part, while I would hardly deny my kind enjoys a fight, for the moment, as we are sure you can agree, simple words can win more then cleaving them in two.

As it stands, we look to the vales and the woods to our south and your north. We do not see a reason to sound the call to battle as of yet, though in the fullness of time, the matter may become more pressing. The oaths we took demand it.

As it may stand, we cannot yet call you ally, for that is a sign of a deep bond, and we have but introduced ourselves to each other. Still, in the times ahead, it is better to have more on ones side of the table and the battlefield. Speak, and we shall give matters raised the full measure of our thought.

Gurg, King of the Armani, Kynshog

To The First Whisper

For the greater part, when I decided to launch my bid to reclaim the homeland, I was a bit torn to be honest. The traditional way was to have a great big horde and to just wade in and butcher everything that came close. Frankly, seeing as we are still rebuilding from ruins, that hasn't worked out so well. Still, for the best part, I see no reason to launch attacks from the shadow, or even be overly deceitful.

I may be a king, but I was a Warlord first. After all, there is a reason why all of the six thousand and four hundred and forty two words for politician are also strings of insults.

Gurg, King of the Armani, Kynshog

As we have no idea who their patron or creator was in the first place, nor the ability to send a request to recall their angel? Can't say it was us. That was pretty much divine intervention, and over here, we are just glad that it wasn't sending in reinforcements.

All of the trollish adventurers will be working to reclaim Zul'Aman, alongside 2 ESP as scouts, 2 MIL as support and Gurg himself. The Capital must be reclaimed, however if there is going to be more then 50% losses among the scouts (ESP), Warriors or Adventurers, or if Gurg himself is in danger of death, they will retreat. If possible, they would work to minimize their own losses, preferring casualties to fatalities, as they can recover in time. However, slow and steady wins the race here as far as the trolls are concerned.

2018-06-04, 11:29 PM
Holy Imirin Empire

All the Seekers, led by Hedge (5 Adv and Tier 2 Adv VIP) will see just how far they can get into the central areas of the Hierophant's Sanctum, retreating if they suffer 2 or more points of losses or Hedge is seriously injured.

2018-06-05, 12:10 AM
Adventurer's Guild Morale 8

Of course, that seems more than fair.

Seeing it is closing in on the time, I wish to remind everyone to take this seriously. We will outnumber them significantly but they tend to be surprisingly strong. We won't be bringing our full numbers as we want to get started on a second job but the vast majority is still going to be here.

It is strange. I'm still wondering if it was done on purpose. A security system of sorts? There is a lot of interplanar creatures around here and it plausible some of the monsters are imports.

Legion Devils, The Immaculate Choir, the tear to the earth plane, the tear to the shadow plane and the mind flayers are all interplanar with possibly others not reported.

Plausibly the leaders of the Altered State are interplanar as well though the Immaculate Choir's war suggests they are not actually angels.

The death of some of the fey were satisfying, I admit. It is dangerous to take too much joy in another's death though. So yes, it will probably be sweet though I will try my best to make it as bitter as possible.

10 adventurers and Chemosh are going into finish the Feylord with everyone else who wants to. Chemosh is going to be using the frost bow to help with the fight. The adventurers will make sure to include ear plugs and blind folds in their gear in case the Feylord uses vocal enchantment or sight only based illusions. If he has to choose between magic items and regular equipment, he will choose the magic items.

Arryn and 3 adventurers are going to go to a different dungeon (I don't have any specific theme in mind) with the potion. They will retreat when they have to use the potion (+) or when it looks like Arryn will get hurt.

Pyrom skips as they have to rest up to recover from their injury.

Lord Athos
2018-06-05, 12:53 AM
The Templars of our Burning Saviour (morale 4)

The Ardent, Knight-Captain Aio Cenkari, hero of the crusade (Tier1, 1 ADV) wielding Sacrifice, +1 flaming Longsword , accompanied by Lord Zin’Thio the Forsaken(Tier 2, 1 ADV/1Mil) and 5 units of adventurers will enter the Dark Elf Ruins again. They carry two potions with them.

They will try to explore as much as possible. They will retreat if either the Ardent or Lord Zin'Thio are in danger of dying, or if there are losses of two units of adventurers.

2018-06-05, 01:42 AM
Cursed Kingdom of Clockwork (Mor 3)

The catastrophe at Angelfall...intrigues many within the cursed kingdom. The fickle actions of gods have once again doomed a people. Even if they weren't allies they didn't deserve that fate.

Send Speaker Idder (Adv 2)and Mechanist Gwafa (Econ 7 mil 6) on a journey to investigate the Buried City of Kah-Vena. Hopefully they can find materials imbued with divine magic.

2018-06-05, 06:12 AM

Morale 7

Greetings, nations of the south.

Concerning the matter of Vreywind's Triumph (Territory 46), Dragonfall would be exceedingly uncomfortable with the Holy Imiran Empire taking ownership of it, for what we hope are rather obvious reasons. Hedge, we know little of you, but we would sincerely appreciate it if you could... dissuade your master from looking to the East.

However, I do have two solutions. Dragonfall is not looking to expand any further to the West, especially not into ancestral Armani lands. We would welcome the Kynshog in taking control of Vreywind's Triumph, conditional on them maintaining the Conduit and keeping it safe. After all, they have the strongest claim on the area.

Alternatively, Dragonfall would suggest that we have a neutral party administer the road in (46) - quite literally. We would be prepared to permanently donate (1 Adv.) to the Legion of Balance so that they could maintain the sanctity of the road through 46. Naturally, this area would remain unclaimed by any of our nations.

Please, friends, let me know what you think of these proposals.

Barrin Sunheart, Sacrosanct of Dragonfall.

My dear friends,

Of course, you are correct. We could do much more with currency towards constructing the road than we could with volunteer labour and a bit of magic. However, with Imir's eye turning towards the west, Dragonfall cannot leave itself vulnerable.

Sharing as friends, we sent a representative to the Altered State several months ago and secretly formulated a plan that guarantees our safety over the next few months, and the utter destruction of any armies that enter territory claimed by Dragonfall. The magics of the Altered State are terrifyingly powerful, especially in concert with my friend Eir. We are not concerned with this season, but rather with our vulnerability in the future. Dragonfall must use our [Econ] to fortify, as we cannot rely on the Altered State's rituals forever. Especially since we are incurring a substantial long-term cost for their aid.

Do not think, however, that we are not committed to the completion of the Southern Conduit. It will be done. But I will not have my people build a road that will bring us only ruin. Dragonfall will survive.

We look forward to hearing from you in the future.

Barrin Sunheart, Sacrosanct of Dragonfall

2018-06-05, 01:03 PM

Dear Those in the City Planning Committee,

I am Timothy Brathwait, treasurer of the Willow. Lord Alcon has told me to allocate funds to the road this season in order to help them get underway. As he put it, "We can worry about our personal use of the road once it's built". He's an interesting creature.

Sending (3 ECON) to put toward the future of the road in hopes that we can see it's light sooner and all gain from it.

Timothy J. Brathwait.

Dearest of Dragonfall, I am Lord Alcon

I find it hard to believe that you don't trust other empires like ours to be as good as you are you your citizens, but no matter. The Willow need room to grow and I am eager to avoid bloodshed in the South. An agreement must be made, it's paramount.

I will be arriving in the Altered State in the coming days, please meet me there so we may discuss terms. The wonders of the siblings are something I wish to behold myself either way.

Lord Athos
2018-06-05, 03:27 PM
The Templars of our Burning Saviour (morale 4)

To the most esteemed divine Zytharos Pyresoul, The Rising Fire,

You honour us with your personal adress. I, too, foresee much Blood, Conquest and Fire in Hanrui's future, and we will revel in the Honour and Glory of standing side by side with the Holy Imirin Empire against our common foes.

Glory to the Flame.

In Vigilance, Grand Master Ectis vel Orondra, the Resolute, humble Servant and Templar of Our Burning Saviour


To the most esteemed Holy Imirin Empire, represented by Lady Seeker Hedge,

Glory to the Flame. The High Council was already planning to send an expedition to the former lands of the "Angel" in [32]. I will personally join your endeavour with some experts of the Order, to ascertain the situation and to see if something can be gained for our Sacred Cause.

There has been no agreement with the so-called Pillar of Wisdom. It remains to be seen whether they are help or hindrance to our Crusade. They have yet to respond to our initiation of contact, and thus we suspect the latter.

His Eminence High Master Verdeq vel Ionlar, the Fervent, humble Servant and Templar of Our Burning Saviour

2018-06-05, 05:19 PM
The Windblown Leaf (MOR: 4)

The Holy Imirin Empire
Dear Hedge,

Wonderful. Well, not the eldritch curse part, but all the rest!


The Civic Planning Commitee
My Lords and Ladies,

You have a good eye for the map, Hedge. I understand Lord Sunheart's point; even the bravest merchant can grow pale at the sight of dragonfire.

I do wonder whether the Windblown Leaf might step in here. The Legion of Balance are friends of ours, but given their current struggles with the Brotherhood of Sin I am not confident they could govern a province in addition to waging their war.

But Lord Sunheart, the proposal Lord Whisperwind and Lady Barathiel made now many moons ago has been long-steeping in my mind, and I do wonder whether that kettle has finally come to the perfect boil. Given the road's construction and the arrival of countless refugees, Barracha has been growing full, tents packed ever-closer. Indeed, Nate's command tent has already become some sort of Windblown Leaf rest-station.

I plan to relocate it to [46] -- the conduit's central spot -- and establish a large trading post there. A place for Dragonfall merchants to grab a cup of tea before they proceed on to the Western Coast, a place for revelers to rest their legs and brains following a weekend in the Altered State, and all the rest.

Your friend, and humble servant,

Ottoch IV
Brewmaster, the Windblown Leaf

Sherya and my ADV will be accompanying the Adventurer's Guild to defeat the Fey Lord.

The letter is written in something of a hurried hand, as if Otto's poise was not quite at hand

Dear Lord Sunheart,

Ah. Oh my. I greatly appreciate the trust you show to share that. I will not speak further across letter, who knows how they may be intercepted, but we should talk in person. Sometime soon. Might your, or one of your colleagues, be stopping in Barracha for a cup of tea sometime soon?

Your friend, and humble servant,

Ottoch IV
Brewmaster, the Windblown Leaf

2018-06-05, 07:33 PM
Empire of the Fallen Star Mor 4

Since Lee Fen is injured, he shall remain in recovery until he feels fit to venture forth again.

It has come to our attention that you are attempting to build abroad across the continent. We would be happy to assist in this endeavor if you require it.

2018-06-05, 07:47 PM
The Windblown Leaf (MOR: 4)

The Empire of the Fallen Star
1) Hello,

2) We are indeed building a road.
3) A "conduit," to be precise.

4) Greatly appreciate your interest.
5) We've been focused on the South of Hanrui.
6) And much work remains to be done.

7) Any extensions to the North remain a long way off.
8) But it is certainly something to consider.
9) More commerce and trade can only be a good thing.

10) -Nate Bookson

2018-06-05, 09:24 PM
Holy Imirin Empire
Morale 2

The lack of hospitality is noted, but we have no objection to the Leaves administering the region. I'm sure there will another occasion for my patron to fly West in the future.

Something to rectify soon, then. If need be, the land is yours-though my patron's Work will require certain of the spoils. Next season, say. Once we ascertain if Angelfall deserves the name.

As well, some experts from the Leaves and the Pillar will be joining Varrul and my Seekers on the expedition. Researchers rather than occupiers, so it shouldn't be an issue.

Lord Athos
2018-06-06, 04:32 PM
The Templars of our Burning Saviour (morale 4)

To the most esteemed Holy Imirin Empire, represented by Lady Seeker Hedge,

Very well. We shall share the spoils of course, and make sure the Angel's remnants further the cause of the Flame.

His Eminence High Master Verdeq vel Ionlar, the Fervent, humble Servant and Templar of Our Burning Saviour

2018-06-06, 04:55 PM
Pillar of Wisdom
Mor 4

Greetings Ottoch IV, Brewmaster, the Windblown Leaf

Our mage scholars havebeen documenting the phenomena released and are veru intrigued. We will agree to a joint expedition to the ruins of angelfall to determine possible dangers and treasures. Our Seeress will ve joined by some of our other scriers/illusionists as well as some of our battle mages. (VIP/2 Esp/2 Mag)

The Jade Wizard

Honor to you Templars

I am sorry to say that we have nothing of your religion or peoples history in our records. Our records and reaserch is more focused on a magical theme then amything else, we find regular histories and religions tend to be lesser to the majesty of magic.

The Jade Wizard

Legion of Balance
Mor 4

Greetings Tzyras Whisperwind, First Herald of Dragonfall,

We are not particuarly happy ourselves at falling prey to the devils cowardly traps. On an open field untouched our knights would have destroyed the evil plaguing our land. It is not too late to commit to the fight against evil. We welcome any and all support you can give us, right now we are in need of fighting men and scouts to make ready our lands against invasion.

Lady Lightcleaver

Greetings Lord Alcon of the Willow

We are always pleased to see new beings rise to conciousness and especially benevolent ones such as you. We hope that as your people continue down the road of conciousness they continue to see the side of good. We would be open to amy support you could give us in our struggle but at this moment militarypower is by far the most needed.

Lady Lightcleaver

Bonerock Kingdom
Mor 5

Greetings Tzyras Whisperwind, First Herald of Dragonfall,

We would be interested in your proposals, if you would feel that your proposal would be best submitted through a formal representative coming to court then ao be it. We wait to greet them foundly.

King Oskar Minebreaker

2018-06-08, 02:04 PM
Midturn Reports Turn 2

Summer burns the lands before begining to fade into a crisp fall in Hanrui and adventurers venture forth to clear the land of monsters once more. Adventurers draw closer tp the Heart of Hanrui.

Infested Mine in Bonerock Kingdom

Lady Amber (Tier 1 VIP: Adv) with her new Battleaxe leads the Bonerock adventurers, 3 adv, into the Infested Mine clearing 6 floors before withdrawing. Dungeon Events: No loot basic floor, 2 floor collapse Loot: Great Work of art (++), Piece of an Ancient Portal, +1 Rod of Metals.

Feral Troll Tribe/Acid Pits in Delvers Territory

Binkkins Da Shank(Tier 3 VIP: Adv x3), with his new +1 Weapons, leads the Delver adventurers, 2 Adv, into the Feral Troll Tribe clearing 8 floors before withdrawing as they encounter the Alpha Dire Troll Lord of the Dungeon Events: Lose 1 item. Loot: Ancient Troll coins (++++), Troll Poems (++), Troll Scroll (++), +2 Bow of Hunting.

The remaining Delver adventurers, 6 adv, with their loot of potions make their way deep into the Acid Pits, 6 Temp Adv. They clear 12 floors. Dungeon Events: Strong Monster Unleashed! 1 Adv loss. Loot: Ancient Spellbooks (++++), gold jewelry (++), +2 Glass of Trueseeing, +2 Arcane Wand, Ancient Platinum Crown (++++).

Huge Earth Elemental Unleashed!

Minotaurs Labyrinth in Legion Territory

Legion adventurers are sent into the labyrinth, 2 Adv, clearing 2 floors before withdrawing. Dungeon Events: None. Loot: 4 Mag.

Necromantic Palace Ruins in Bortherhood Territory

Several powerful Devils and Demons start to explore the ruins, 3 Adv, clearing 3 floors before withdrawing. Dungeon Events: 1 floor of the dungeon collapses Loot: +1 Chaos Mace, and 2 Mag.

The Warped Caves in Pillar of Wisdom Territory

A few experienced mages travel into the caves, 2 Adv, clearing 2 floors before withdrawing. Dungeon Events: None. Loot: +1 Thundering Lance.

Twilight Tower/Were-Rat Sewers in Adventurer Guild Territory

The forces of The Adventurers Guild, The Windblown Leaf, and The Empire of the Fallen Star, all enter the Twilight Tower to combat the dangerous wily Fey within. They are led by several veterens from the various nations, 2 VIPs, with many more following them, 11 adv, they defeat the terrible and powerful Fey Lord, Prince Lavorn DayEaster Lord of the Twilight edges, the Dungeon Boss, clearing the final floor. Dungeon Events: Weak Monster unleashed! Hanrui Heart (Will PM) Loot: +1 Brass Knuckles of Pain, +2 Harp of Soothing, Fey Gold (++++), +2 Mirror of Locating, Piece of an Ancient demigod Idol (Artifact).

The remaining forces of the Adventurers guild and their leader, 1 VIP, make their way into the sewers of their city to hunt the mighty and many Were-Rats within, 4 adv. They clear 6 floors before retreating. Dungeon Events: 1 Adv loss. Loot: A small satchel of potions (++), a rare potion (+), a chest of platinum (++++), and a large golden crown (++).

The Fey magic unleashed upon the lords death animates some trees who start rampaging mindlessly.

Upon leaving the dungeon the Harp and Mirror somehow vanish from the convoy...

Dark Elf Ruins in Burning Savior Territory

The forces of the Templars of the Burning Savior, 5 Adv, led by Aio Cenkari (Tier 1 VIP: Adv), and Lord Zin’Thio the Forsaken(Tier 2, 1 ADV/1Mil) with some potions, 2 temp adv, clear 12 floors and withdraw upon seeing the Dungeon boss, a divinely mutated Huge Spider. Dungeon Events: Lose 1 Adv, loss of loot on floor, 1 floor collapse. Loot: Piece of an Ancient Demigod Idol (Artifact), +1 Rod of Gem Detection, small chest of reagents (++++), + 2 Trumpet of Support, +2 Divine Body Armor.

The Hierophants Sanctum in The Holy Imiran Empire

The Kobold adventurers swarm the sanctum, 5 Adv, led by Lady Seeker Adriana Visconti (Tier 2 VIP: x2 Adv) cleared 8 floors before withdrawing. Dungeon Events: 2 Floors Collapsed. Loot: Some divinely powered potion (+), +2 Ring of Mindblank, +1 Wand of Arcane Might.

Zul'Aman in the territory of the Kynshog

The trolls, 4 Adv, 2 Esp, 2 Mil, venture into their ancient capital led by Gurg da Great (Tier 4 VIP: Mil x3, Adv x1) and clear 9 floors before exiting. Dungeon Events: 1 adv loss, Strong Monster Released! 1 Esp Loss. Loot: +3 All Seeing Eye, Beuatiful Troll Statue (++), Ancient Teoll Spellbooks (++++), +1 Frost Warhammer.

Undead Swarm is unleashed on the Troll lands!

2018-06-08, 02:16 PM
Morale 12

A small candle arrives, almost white except for a slight rose hew. It sputters when burnt, with each splash of wax spelling put a new word in a different color.

First Among Alcons,

You are loved.

May your light illuminate the dark forest.

You offer is most gracious, we would be honored to align ourselves with such a great lineage. Have you heard of the coin clutchers and Dragonfellers that share in the peaceful south? Some say Three is a crowd, but we of The Altered State have always been quite comfortable with the music such an integer brings. There is much we could do, working together in such a manner.

Apollonia Gnashwells
Translator’s credit: Marius MASON, scholar, surveyor, and purveyor of bricks

Morale 0

You are loved.

We make unto you a gift of peace.

Another midterm another raffle. The prize is [8 temp magic]. The rules are a bit different this time.

1)An out of character agreement by all who participate in this endeavor that this magic will not be used against The Altered State.
2)Buy in is a minimum of [1 Temporary or Permanent Stat]. If more than one faction buys in we can use a dice roller to select a faction at random. The more military you contribute gets you a higher range on the dice roller. For example if you donate 1 military your number on the dice roller is “1”. If you donate 1 military 1 temp econ , your numbers on the dice roller are “1-2” or “1-3” if you donated 2 military 1 temp esp. And so on.
3)This offer is for every faction, not just PC ones.
4)I’ll be publically updating the bids with a morale 0 message to everyone every time a new one is sent.

2018-06-09, 01:10 PM
It should be morale 8 right to read the adventures right? I got 1 more point from last turn.

Morale 8

I think we should meet up directly to talk about what we found. We want there to be no chance of anyone listening in on what was found.

2018-06-09, 04:23 PM
The Windblown Leaf (MOR: 4)

The Adventurer's Guild, the Empire of the Fallen Star, GM
From the tongue of Sherya of the Kettlefire,
As transcribed by her assistant, Cheris,

Triumphant victory. Alarming aftermath.

Understandable. I will remain in your lands. And talk with my cousin. And talk with you.

Please let Cheris know where a goat or two can be procured. Or cow. Or chicken.

At the bottom of the page, a 4-tined claw has indented the paper, a signature of the letter's authorship.

I thought we were adventuring into the portal to the elemental plane of earth? That was where we went last time, if I recall correctly.

The Willow
My friends,

Did you get my last message (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23125766&postcount=72)? I fear it may have been waylaid on the routes to your woods.


The Altered State
My friends,

It seems it has been many moons since I visited your city, or even heard from you. Nate is bugging me -- will you be contributing to the Southern Conduit this season? We would love to have your city a part, and I for one would delight in my first voyage along the Conduit being to your city.

Your friend, and humble servant,

Ottoch IV

2018-06-09, 05:54 PM
The Holy Imirin Empire
Morale 2

To the esteemed Grandmaster of the Fraternity of Adventurers

Some time ago you wrote with regard to offering a fair price for any mystical trinkets Lady Visconti's Seekers' came across which the Pyresoul had no use for. If the offer still holds, we have come into possession of an arcane wand we'd very much be interested in trading for an item of more direct military use.

Please do write back if you've anything fitting to trade.

-Arch-Chancellor Xantha'rill Baenrae

The same contribution as last season still suffice? My patron has more kobolds than magic.

2018-06-11, 08:04 PM
Empire of the Fallen Star Mor 4

Agreed, choose a location and a representative will be sent.

2018-06-12, 03:32 PM
The WIllow, Morale 5

Good evening, I am the first Whisper of the Willow. Pardon Lord Alcon himself not writing, but he has been busy with negotiations as of late. Part of which refers to your previous letter. He wanted to wait for a solid answer, but given your worry it felt prudent to write early.

As was mentioned in a separate letter we are happy to commit gold to the process of creating the road and have spoken to the altered state about applying your solution to the issue of our un-ascended. Given the current circumstances and their want to grant wishes, it seems like the best thing for us to do would be to hold a bid for their magic offering and, if we win, put the winnings toward this road.

After all I would love to learn to gamble!

The First Whisper

Greetings Adventurers! I am The First Whisper of the Willow and I would like to write on behalf of Lord Alcon thanking you dearly for your offer of friendship. If you would still be so accommodating lending us the 3ADV That you offered to teach us the ways of heroics would be a wonderful gift. The Willow have been watching you clear through the dungeons with terrible efficiency and wish we could join you on that sort of hunt. Please reach out to confirm so we can arrange safe passage,

The First Whisper.

It saddens me that our summit went as poorly as it did and that we won't be able to follow up on the land splitting suggestions that we offered. As neighbours it would be ignorant of us to bicker forever about it, but for the time being we will not be supporting your projects and endeavours. We simply can't have a friend who doesn't treat us like one. If we are the ones to take the land discussed we will still offer safe passage to those who wish to leave as a sign of good faith.

Lord Alcon of the Willow.

Greetings, I am The First Whisper of the Willow,

Lord Alcon asked me to write to you to inform that we've had communications with the Altered State. Though you politely warned us about them we still do need to speak to our neighbours. We hope this doesn't damage our relationship.

The First Whisper

Thank you for your kind consideration. If you are in need of something specific we can reach out and help. You are right that we cannot quite call ourselves allies, but we as Willow would like to make the first tentative steps toward being yours.

Congrats on your great success in the dungeons this past season. It seems like you brought home more than we might have expected, even for someone as formidable as Gurg Da Great. Perhaps sharing your strategies would mean we could offer some help in the clearing process or whatever special you do to walk away with so much loot.

Have a calm evening,

Lord Alcon of the Willow.

Lord Athos
2018-06-13, 03:21 AM
The Templars of our Burning Saviour


They all had been brought here, to this chamber deep within the Grand Citadel. Carefully placed on heavy wooden tables. There lay Sacrifice, the Grand Master's holy sword, blessed by Our Saviour, of that the Templars had no doubt. A golden trumpet, hard to use for someone with a beak, but it obviously radiated power. Even as the red-robed Oracai mages entered the chamber, their confidence grew, and the feeling only rose the closer they came to the musical instrument.

It was dark, and the high walls and arches were only insufficiently illuminated by torches. Still, while most of the hall lay in darkness, golden candlestands had been placed around the central tables and their contents, drawing the mages undivided attention to them and giving the scenery something sacramental.

There lay a small rod, simple and fairly inconspicuous, but the mages knew better than to judge an object by its appearance.

One of them, the youngesr shuddered when his eyes fell upon the next object - a thing of heresy, to allow it within the Citadel. A silver breastplate, adorned with engraved cobwebs, black depictions of spiders, and a black cloak of fine materials. Still, the High Priest had ordered it to be brought here, as it nevertheless was a conduit of divine power... and he believed it could be cleansed.

Then there was this other thing, hidden beneath a heavy red cloth, an item nit much was known about. It had been instantly brought here after the Ardent's men had carried it out from the catacombs.

The mages put up their equipment, and began their examination.
For the order to put the artifacts they had found to good use, they had to know all about their nature. And maybe, the armour could be cleansed and dedicated to Our Saviour. Only time would tell.

A small group of Templar Mages (1 Mag) use 1 reagent (+) to identify all the items and artifacts the Templars have gathered as of yet.

2018-06-15, 09:49 PM
Morale 8

We are still good for the adventurers to train you but due to a recent theft of a lot of valuable magic items we would like for you to come to us. We are worried we are about to be targeted by another faction so we have to have all our fighting forces in our region.

The meeting takes place in the insanity that is the main city of the Adventurer's Guild known as Dungeon Home. It seems everything was built at random. Long thin corridors abound and the sky is often blocked by random walk ways the inhabitants have made to cross the roofs. The building style is extremely inconsistent and it seems like the materials might have been taken from random dungeons the adventurers have cleared. More than a few stores and public buildings have massive metal doors with complex puzzles and strange locks on them that must have come from dungeons. Children play with these locks while giggling as they try to figure out the puzzles to get into the various stores. Most adults either just immediately solve the puzzles or knock when they want to enter.

It isn't just the buildings that seem random though. The citizens are also strangely inconsistent. Armor and weapons are extremely common but they vary from overly ornate and garish pieces to miniscule pieces of armor and over sized swords that clearly aren't useful for anything to extremely plain pieces of equipment scratched and dented from years of work. The clothing itself is also inconsistent with no real sense of style beyond cloaks seemingly being in season and bright colors being well liked.

Arriving at the main government building, it is just as eclectic as the rest. It kind of looks like someone started to build a tower made out of black stone and then decided to make a completely white castle but got bored so decided to make part of it living plants. Then someone went back after deciding the castle was too plain and started doing a painting of Chemosh combined with an ape for no known reason? All the construction and painting is of obviously excellent work but the complete disunity severely hurts any effect it might have.

The front door is a massive affair made of strange metal absolutely covered with the most complex puzzle seen and a complex appears to have been welded on. The door has been left slightly ajar for the visitors.

A dwarf leads the visitors to the meeting room. The walls are absolutely covered in trophies. Bones, strange musical instruments, idols and pieces of clothing line the wall.

Hello, I hope you didn't have much trouble getting here. There are many important things to talk about. Let's start with the most important. Tak'Sha and Chemosh here will cover that. I'm mostly here to try to make sure nothing is missed.
Arryn says smiling from her seat.

So, after the dungeon a portal appeared and we were allowed to enter. There was a temple and when we got deep enough we found the heart of an earth primordial. It was so cool. There was runes everywhere. We could either piss the primordial off or make it friendly. Either make it rip apart about two factions worth of land or bless one faction's land. I of course chose to bless our lands this time but I would like to spread them out as much as possible. Chemosh says walking around the room looking at the random items on the wall.

So I did some research. Most of this is can be confirmed somewhat though some of it is just conjecture. First what we know. Something will happen if it gets triggered enough. We believe six times by the same people will cause it to be released as the magic around the heart receded. Possibly under the control of the people who triggered it or possibly just doing what it has always been doing but unsure. The exact effects of the blessing should be seen shortly. Analysis of the deactivated portal and it's description seems to suggest it is based on a variety of things. Essentially, adventuring with a high enough number of people killing a strong enough creature will call the portal to you. Only one person can ever enter when it triggers and the choice is not made by anyone there.

Our guess is that there used to be an empire like the guild who loved adventure that specialized in planar travel before they either collapsed or ascended. This is an automated system to reward those they deemed worthy. Their control of this primordial would also explain the mountainous region. It is an extremely convenient range and after seeing an earth primordial it seems plausible it is not natural. Tak'Sha says looking at some notes.

This also means the Delvers just became a threat. It is likely they will find one as well. Hopefully, they will choose to bless but it possible they will just choose to curse those around them. We do have an idea to deal with it, though it is important this does not get out.

If that does not work they may have to be dealt with through the terrible art of kill stealing and hope that works. We can't allow the primordial to be forced into violence.

We should also talk about, how we would like future relations to go. We would like to continue working on a better future for all of Hanrui with your factions but we understand if you don't wish to get involved with the primordial.
Arryn says.

Lord Athos
2018-06-16, 07:10 PM
The Templars of our Burning Saviour (morale 4)

To the most esteemed Holy Imirin Empire, represented by Lady Seeker Hedge,

Blessed be the Flame. I was told you were the one to adress. I have the honour to be the leader of the Order's expedition troops, and as you, Lady Seeker Hedge, have a similar position in the Holy Imirin Empire, I was wondering if we could help each other. There are some Dark Elf Catacombs in our territory, which we managed to almost clear out recently, save for a very large spider on the last level. I doubt we are in a position to take it right now, so I would offer to help you with your dungeon of creatures with my men, so that we might take the spider together at a later point in time. What do you say?

In Vigilance, Knight-Captain Aio Cenkari, the Ardent, humble Servant and Templar of Our Burning Saviour

To the most esteemed Lord Alcon, Ascendant Fire of the Willow,

You are walking down a dangerous path. The so called "Altered State" is treacherous, subtly altering and perverting anything that comes in contact with it. Your physical form, or lack thereof, may make their influences weaker, but I sadly doubt you and yours are immune. Tread carefully, for we would loathe to lose a promising partner to the whirling chaos of mindless self-interest and perverse pleasure. Hold on to your Nobility and order, and you will prevail.

In Vigilance, Grand Master Ectis vel Orondra, the Resolute, humble Servant and Templar of Our Burning Saviour

2018-06-19, 02:50 PM
Turn 3

At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst."- Aristotle

Expansion is Key Con't

Once more this months have seen various forces; dragons forces darkening the skies, Templars burning through forests, trade posts being built, and deals being cut in back rooms.

Lands have come under new ownership and kingdoms are spreading even more.

Time Runs Out


Silence reigns in the Clockwork Kingdom, messages stoped coming out and as travelers found their way into the Kingdom they found the clockwork bodies of the peoplebut none seemed to be working at all, empty and lifeless like their kingdom.

Deep within their most hidden inner sanctums everything is the same no matter how important the person had been, none were spared and none left any message behind.

What was the cause of this? No one knows. There was no grand proclimation from the heavens, no massive battle, no horrifuing disease. Just... silence.

A Soldier is a Commodity

A good soldier takes time to train, equip, and season with experience. Soldiers throughout the land are being snapped up and takem imto armies. Even just basic men and women with the possible characteristics of being a soldier have been taken.

The remaining mercenaries and recruiting pools have determined their worth and are now callimg for even greater prices now that the demand is so high.

Costs more to raise Mil.

The Pillar... Calls Dibs

Arcturus the Jade Wizard has sent out a message to all following the expedition that had been undertaken.

Greetings Unenlightened

Given the outcomes of our expedition we are going to cordon off the lands of Angelfall for everyones safety. We will be purifying the land and settling some villages to test the effects of the ambient magic on them after we destroy the monster.

For your safety stay away from the land, we will be conducting our experiments and don't want anyome to be caught in the magical effects. This is more important then a few mortal lives.

Arcturus the Jade Wizard, Lord of the Pillar of Wisdom

Road to the Future Con't

The massive undertaking that the Windblown Leaf started has taken on a momentum of it's own. Nations all over contributing and building with the goal to see this massive highway complete.

The Balance Abandoned

The past few months saw a few skirmishes between the Legion and the Brotherhood but for the most part it's died down. The Legion is more occupied with rebuilding their military forces and the Brotherhood is occupied with consolidating their control over the new lands and dealimg with thefts that are occuring in their lands.

Don't let it be thought that the hostilities are over though, the teo nations are very much at odds and the conflict has just become more subtle.

The Land Gives...

Nature flourishes in the Adventurers lands; bountiful harvests abound, clean water flows through the rivers clearing out pollution, animals flock to the land, and the birth rate was the highest ever seen.

Tales of this bounty and good fortune have abounded through the land.

Lord Athos
2018-06-20, 04:19 PM
The Templars of our Burning Saviour (morale 4)

Little flakes of ash were dancing in the air, here, in the ruins of the wood elf capital of Adu'Alash. The fires all over the city hadn't died down completely, yet.
Some parts of the city were but blackened husks, some has ceased to exist.
Only little had been left untouched by the fires of Our Saviour's crusade.

Most of the city had been built on top of vast, ancient trees, but there were parts that reached down, even to the forest floor.
The northern market place, for example.
Formerly a peaceful place of commerce and craftsmanship, today it was the place where the inhabitants of the city were kneeling, in chains.
Templar forces were keeping watch over them. Most of the Templars were Oracai, still, but many others had joined the Crusade recently, mostly those who had formerly heard the song of the Choir.
There were human knights, clad in silver armour, bearing on their faces the burn marks of dedication to Our Saviour, standing amongst their Oracai brothers and sisters. Still, most were found in the ranks of the warriors; refugees of many races seeking a new purpose in their life.
The High Priest's preachers had found them, and reached them.

All of the Templars cheered and sang Our Saviour praises when the Grand Master finally appeared on the wooden platform that had been erected on one side of the market place.

Clad in the Sacred Relics the Order had discovered in the Holy Land of Hanrui, the Grand Master had become more than the Knight chosen by the High Council for his strategic mind and fighting prowess. He had become a symbol, the Avatar of Our Saviour's will.

He carried Sacrifice at his side, the burning holy sword of the order, and he was clad head to claw in the Cuirass of Faith, an impressive Suit of heavy golden Full Plate, that seemed to glow brightly from within itself, adorned with a pair of golden Saviour's wings on its breastplate, and all over finely engraved with elegantly curved depictions of flames. He wore a closed beaked (as was necessary, for him and every Oracai), similarly decorated full helm, and a fiery light shone out from his eye slit. When he stood before his followers, two massive wings made from flame appeared spreading from his back.

The appearance of the Grand Master had been greatly feared by the Wood Elves during the Templar's campaign. The holy armour had made him invincible to the Elves' weapons, or so it had seemed, and he had slewn masses of their warriors all on his own with Sacrifice.

Now, it would be him who broke all hope of resistance of the Wood Elves. The last six leaders of the Wood Elves knelt in chains before him. They had led guerilla troops, who had killed the Templar's scouting parties to a man, with arrows seemingly coming from nowhere.
With the Grand Master ordering to put their hideouts to the torch, they had had nowhere to run any more.

The Grand Master drew his sword; slowly, almost ceremoniously. The six leaders, four women and two men, had fought well, so he honoured them with a quick death by decapitation. Sacrifice cut their necks, one after the other, without spilling any blood, as the wounds were instantly cauterised. The tribal leaders accepted their fate stoically, while there was much wailing and lamentation amongst the slaves.
The Templars watched in silence, until the last head fell.

At dawn, the march would begin. And they would put their slaves to good use.

Here, there wasn't anything left for them - in the Forest of Ash.

2018-06-20, 08:12 PM
The meeting takes place in the insanity that is the main city of the Adventurer's Guild known as Dungeon Home. It seems everything was built at random. Long thin corridors abound and the sky is often blocked by random walk ways the inhabitants have made to cross the roofs. The building style is extremely inconsistent and it seems like the materials might have been taken from random dungeons the adventurers have cleared. More than a few stores and public buildings have massive metal doors with complex puzzles and strange locks on them that must have come from dungeons. Children play with these locks while giggling as they try to figure out the puzzles to get into the various stores. Most adults either just immediately solve the puzzles or knock when they want to enter.

It isn't just the buildings that seem random though. The citizens are also strangely inconsistent. Armor and weapons are extremely common but they vary from overly ornate and garish pieces to miniscule pieces of armor and over sized swords that clearly aren't useful for anything to extremely plain pieces of equipment scratched and dented from years of work. The clothing itself is also inconsistent with no real sense of style beyond cloaks seemingly being in season and bright colors being well liked.

Arriving at the main government building, it is just as eclectic as the rest. It kind of looks like someone started to build a tower made out of black stone and then decided to make a completely white castle but got bored so decided to make part of it living plants. Then someone went back after deciding the castle was too plain and started doing a painting of Chemosh combined with an ape for no known reason? All the construction and painting is of obviously excellent work but the complete disunity severely hurts any effect it might have.

The front door is a massive affair made of strange metal absolutely covered with the most complex puzzle seen and a complex appears to have been welded on. The door has been left slightly ajar for the visitors.

A dwarf leads the visitors to the meeting room. The walls are absolutely covered in trophies. Bones, strange musical instruments, idols and pieces of clothing line the wall.

Hello, I hope you didn't have much trouble getting here. There are many important things to talk about. Let's start with the most important. Tak'Sha and Chemosh here will cover that. I'm mostly here to try to make sure nothing is missed.
Arryn says smiling from her seat.

So, after the dungeon a portal appeared and we were allowed to enter. There was a temple and when we got deep enough we found the heart of an earth primordial. It was so cool. There was runes everywhere. We could either piss the primordial off or make it friendly. Either make it rip apart about two factions worth of land or bless one faction's land. I of course chose to bless our lands this time but I would like to spread them out as much as possible. Chemosh says walking around the room looking at the random items on the wall.

So I did some research. Most of this is can be confirmed somewhat though some of it is just conjecture. First what we know. Something will happen if it gets triggered enough. We believe six times by the same people will cause it to be released as the magic around the heart receded. Possibly under the control of the people who triggered it or possibly just doing what it has always been doing but unsure. The exact effects of the blessing should be seen shortly. Analysis of the deactivated portal and it's description seems to suggest it is based on a variety of things. Essentially, adventuring with a high enough number of people killing a strong enough creature will call the portal to you. Only one person can ever enter when it triggers and the choice is not made by anyone there.

Our guess is that there used to be an empire like the guild who loved adventure that specialized in planar travel before they either collapsed or ascended. This is an automated system to reward those they deemed worthy. Their control of this primordial would also explain the mountainous region. It is an extremely convenient range and after seeing an earth primordial it seems plausible it is not natural. Tak'Sha says looking at some notes.

This also means the Delvers just became a threat. It is likely they will find one as well. Hopefully, they will choose to bless but it possible they will just choose to curse those around them. We do have an idea to deal with it, though it is important this does not get out.

If that does not work they may have to be dealt with through the terrible art of kill stealing and hope that works. We can't allow the primordial to be forced into violence.

We should also talk about, how we would like future relations to go. We would like to continue working on a better future for all of Hanrui with your factions but we understand if you don't wish to get involved with the primordial.
Arryn says.

Lee Fen: You are fortunate, my lord has designs upon the Delvers and he assures me that they will not be a problem in the near future. As for a prolonged relationship, my lord says he is amenable to continued friendly relations.

2018-06-20, 09:50 PM
The Holy Imirin Empire
Morale 2

The armies had been superfluous, really-a few kobold clans carelessly thrown at the hill tribes too remote to attract the Pyresoul's attention. The painted barbarians enjoyed some success, defending their homes with all the fervor one might expect. But when numbers didn't tell, alchemy and trickery proved adequate to flooding their homes and fields with boiling mud.

The great stone forts and sacred hills received more personal attention, and their warrior would make do with less valiant deaths. Zytharos' court of Pyreshades and Elementals filled the sky with ash and flame, and those without the wit to promptly surrender were not given a chance to fight-whole towns were consumed by the wyrm's breath, stone melting and running as unlucky villagers suffocated in the firestorm. It was not an example requiring much repetition.

To the esteemed Grandmaster of the Fraternity of Adventurers

Some time ago you wrote with regard to offering a fair price for any mystical trinkets Lady Visconti's Seekers' came across which the Pyresoul had no use for. If the offer still holds, we have come into possession of an arcane wand we'd very much be interested in trading for an item of more direct military use.

Please do write back if you've anything fitting to trade.

-Arch-Chancellor Xantha'rill Baenrae

That seems expedient, Imir will be ready to receive you and yours.

As well, bring an ambassador? Or strategist, or etc. Regarding our discussion last season. Varrul has details that trusting to couriers seems imprudent.

2018-06-26, 12:24 PM
Hedge (tier 2 Adv VIP) and 5 points of adv, drinking the + of potions as needed, will journey into the Hierophant's Sanctum, accompanied by the aid provided by the Templars

Lord Athos
2018-06-26, 12:55 PM
The Templars of our Burning Saviour (morale 4)

Lord Zin’Thio the Forsaken(Tier 2, 1 ADV/1Mil) wielding Sacrifice, +1 flaming Longsword , accompanied by 4 units of adventurers will enter the Hierophant's Sanctum with Hedge and the Imiran adventurer forces

As usual, they will retreat if Lord Zin'Thio is in danger of dying, or if the Imirin forces retreat.

2018-06-26, 05:46 PM
Adventurer's Guild

Sending 15 adventurers, Pyrom, Chemosh, Arryn,3 pluses of potions and a plus 1 composite bow of Frost to a dungeon I haven't started yet. If Pyrom, Chemosh or Arryn seem like they will get injured they will leave.

2018-06-26, 05:56 PM
Empire of the Fallen Star

Sending Lee Fen (am i wrong in assuming hes fully healed now?) and my Adventurer 1 to tag along with the Adventurers Guild, leaving when they do or if Lee Fen is injured or he loses his Adventurers.

2018-06-26, 08:39 PM

All of the trollish adventurers will be working to reclaim Zul'Aman, alongside 2 ESP as scouts, 2 MIL as support and Gurg (+1 Frost warhammer and +3 Allseeing Eye) himself. The Capital must be reclaimed, however if there is going to be more then 50% losses among the scouts (ESP), Warriors or Adventurers, or if Gurg himself is in danger of death, they will retreat. If possible, they would work to minimize their own losses, preferring casualties to fatalities, as they can recover in time. However, slow and steady wins the race here as far as the trolls are concerned.

2018-06-27, 11:16 AM
The Willow: Mor 5

The people were out again. Which meant more guards had to be summoned

Lord Alcon had been in charge of the Brookmire Swamp fr some time now. The mages were flitting about and trying to get every willow ascended but it was a losing battle at this point, spirits were restless and it made for long work, but the Willow were willing, they were going to hold.

The population of Brookmire swamp was appreciative of the Willow as far as Lord Alcon could tell. Many of the issues that had plagued the swamp for years had gone with the arrival of the sentient spirits. One of those issues had been the noble Falcoli who had been taxing the region into oblivion. Alcon had yet to issue taxes, as a show of good faith, but the day was coming when he was going to have to start taxing the people and Alcon was hopeful that the people would understand that even spirits needed coin.

In fact, the need for coin was getting worse. The First Whisper had been around the continent, looking for troops and trying to leverage prices against one another, but to no end. Sellswords now knew how much they were worth and how dangerous Hanrui was looking, but more mercenaries, or equipment to arm his people there had to be a way to get the current people to lend him troops.

and there was.

Dearest Peoples of Hanrui,

With the recent games played by the Altered State it seemed only appropriate that we made it a Southern tradition. The rules of this game are simple. You enter the lottery similarly to how you did before with the altered state. The victor (decided by draw) will receive full access to our network of spies for a defined contract. Our information network is strong and we know many of you will be interested in hearing these messages.

What's up for grabs is two turns where my 10 ESP reading powers will be forwarding all items to you. I have to do it manually within the game but any letter that I could read (so anyone but the altered states) will be send to you, by me, regardless of your ESP. Have fun

2018-06-28, 06:15 PM
Midturn Report Turn 3

The heat of summer and fall starts to fade and coldness sweeps over the land. The cold does not stop the monsters throughout the land though, they continue to roam through their territories hungrier then ever.

Infested Mine in Bonerock Kingdom

Lady Amber (Tier 1 VIP: Adv) with her Battleaxe leads the Bonerock adventurers, 5 adv, into the Infested Mine clearing 6 floors before withdrawing. Dungeon Events: Strong Monster Unleashed!, Loot: 4 Potions (++++), The Dwarves find the mad Battlerager Thibbledwarf Pwent lost in the Mine (Tier 1 Mil).

A Deep Wyrm busts out of the Mine into the surrounding lands.

Feral Troll Tribe/Acid Pits in Delvers Territory

Binkkins Da Shank(Tier 3 VIP: Adv x3) goes to fight Alpha Dire Troll Lord alone... with his hoard of weaponry, +1 Dagger of Bleeding, +1 Short Bow of Chaos, +2 Bow of Hunting, +2 Glass of Trueseeing, +2 Arcane Wand. Dungeon Events: -- Loot: +2 Rod of Gem Creation, Troll Poetry (++).

The Delver adventurers, 9 adv clear out the remaining areas. They clear 8 floors. Dungeon Events: 1 Adv loss. Loot: Potions (++), Silver bars (++), +1 Gem of Summoning, +1 Throwing Axe of Returning.

Minotaurs Labyrinth in Legion Territory

Legion adventurers are sent into the labyrinth, 2 Adv, clearing 2 floors before withdrawing. Dungeon Events: Strong Monster Unleashed!. Loot: +2 Long sword of Law.

Necromantic Palace Ruins in Bortherhood Territory

Several powerful Devils and Demons start to explore the ruins, 3 Adv, clearing 3 floors before withdrawing. Dungeon Events: Weak Monster Unleashed! Loot: Ancient Demonic Statue (++), 2 Potions (++), and some rare metals (++).

Enraged demonic monster unleashed.

The Warped Caves in Pillar of Wisdom Territory

A few experienced mages travel into the caves, 2 Adv, clearing 2 floors before withdrawing. Dungeon Events: None. Loot: Some rare scroll (++).

Ruins of Zul'Aman in Kynshog Territory

The trolls, 4 Adv, 2 Esp, 2 Mil, venture into their ancient capital led by Gurg da Great (Tier 4 VIP: Mil x3, Adv x1) with +1 Frost warhammer and +3 Allseeing Eye and clear 6 floors before being driven out by an Ancient Troll Lich. Dungeon Events: Warhammer is broken during fighting. Loot: Gurg is 3/4 to next Tier, Small chest of ancient platinum coins (++++), +1 Arcane Wand.

Mummy's Tomb in Adventurer Guild Territory

The forces of The Adventurers Guild, and The Empire of the Fallen Star, all enter the Mummy's Tomb to combat the dangerous unwavering Undead within. They are led by several veterens from the various nations, 4 VIPs, with many more following them, 16 adv, and magical items. Dungeon Events: Adventurers lose 2 Adv, Weak Monster! Revenant Swarm unleashed, Arryn is wounded for a round. Loot: An ancient potion (+), Ancient Ruby Necklace (++), Pyrom becomes Tier 2, Chest of ancient coins (++++), Piece of Ancient Portal (Artifact), Piece of Ancient Demigod Idol, Small pile of gold bars (++++), Ancient Tapestry (++), Small book of Spells (++), +3 Javelin of Smiting.

Revenant Swarm unleashed in surrounding area!

Hierophants Sanctum in Imirin Empire Territory

The Kobold and Templar adventurers swarm the sanctum, 9 Adv, led by Lady Seeker Adriana Visconti (Tier 2 VIP: x2 Adv) and Lord Zin’Thio the Forsaken(Tier 2, 1 ADV/1Mil) with some magical items clear 6 floors before withdrawing at the reveal of the powerful Demigod. Dungeon Events: No basic loot on 1 table. Loot: Hedge is 3/4 to Tier 3, Divine scrolls (++), Lord Zin'Thio is 3/4 to Tier 3, Golden pendents (++).

2018-07-02, 11:42 AM
Morale 8

We hear that people have been releasing a lot of monsters into wildernesses. If you find that there are too many monsters in your lands, send us an offer with what you are willing to pay, the number of adventurers you need and what you are fighting. If we deem the offer acceptable we will send the adventurers to clean it up. Additional expenses may charged in the event of adventurer death due to negligence or under estimation of difficulty.

If you happen to have a piece of an idol or portal we may be willing to work for them if they meet our criteria.

Areyou interested in combining forces for the adventuring service? Seems like a good way to make money and combining forces will make us close to a monopoly.

How did the adventurer training go? Was it very helpful?

We have a frost composite longbow, deemed to be +1 as well as a +3 javelin of utter evisceration (please note, the technical term is smiting according to the mages but I prefer utter evisceration). Both seem like they could be useful for war. If you happen to have come across a piece of an idol or portal that fits ours we are willing to trade the longbow for that as well. You could also try the Windblown leaf. They got some knuckles of pain from the adventurering season awhile ago.

Ok, so doing the math, I valued artifact pieces at 15 (there is 3 of them for the idol to be a whole artifact...and no clue what they are worth so complete guess) and the smiting weapon as 27. With the math done you can get up to 9 resources worth of stuff (you put in 1 adv and 1 VIP, I put in 15 adv and 3 VIP so you have a 1/10th share, the math values the loot at 86 + worth). Magic items and consumables were not factored in for the 1/10th share as I didn't know if you put any in. You may pick any combination you want (paying extra if it is an item worth more than) with the exception of the piece of idol as I already have a piece.

2018-07-03, 11:06 PM
Dear Adventurers:

We write to you with a dedicated pardon. Due to a logistical mistake in resource allocation your beautiful gifts weren't able to get the backup they needed. Due to this the training you generously offered was uneventful for the Willow. We were left without solid progress while funds and bodies the training needed were dedicated elsewhere. Thank you for your generous gift and we apologize that it wasn't more effective.

The First Whisper,

Yeah I wasn't aware at the time that 3 ADV from you was going to need backup or how it was going to be put in the EOT so I ended up making an EOT on the expectation that nothing was happening that turn. The 3 ADV wasn't enough to make anything and it was kinda an awkward whoops. Thanks :)

Your Ally,

Jackson :)

2018-07-04, 02:35 PM
We'll take the Gold Bars, the Chest of Coins and the book of spells and owe you 1.

2018-07-04, 04:02 PM

Mor 3

Binkkins da Shiv and his mighty Delvers don't need no help from you pansy adventure wannabes. Da Delvers of the Deep have treasure to spare and don't need you to get more sweet golds from the deep.